Barker/Karpis Gang Federal Bureau of Investigation
FOIPA COVER SHEET FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: BARKER/KARPIS GANG BREMER KIDNAPPING FILE NUMBER: 7-576 SECTION : 170 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIF F ICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. susJa@ Fne n_UmE1¬R__..7;£z@____.___ L 5¬C'@iOI1 numE>eR__LZL_____ %RiALS Z5OZ§79292_ D192§¬5 'p;92g¢5 g§L¬A56O pages w1©DDeLO_"____.P=__________ ¬X¬mpZ§>iOD! use0 J , 5- >'1 P gfrheral giurrau nf gllxcsiigzziinn :11. §, gzynrinxenf nf Eusrc Post Office Box 4907 Jacksonville , Florida, February 25, 1936. _92'a.."'2 .1 w ,_/ as Director i_.r Federal Bureau of Investigation - ' :3 Washington, D. C. RE: BREICED. A Dear Sir: /92 Further refere e is made to recent correspondence concerning the confiscate Ford sedan, motor number 18-1,190/702, V-42; turned over to George C. ampbell, 818 South Rockford Avenue, fl. §J;¢ ~'.- 1". Tulsa, Oklahoma. -.-.-=, . V ' I .1_ ' This office has received a communication frcm B. 2 F. liizell, Commissioner of Liotor Vehicles, Tallahassee, Flor- ~~ w ., ..'; ida, a copy of which is attached to each copy of this letter. ,,v.."92. _ _, . .1-92. 92 92 >.|..._ ,.'-.* ,' Will the Bureau please advise me as to its wishes v K l1 .'-.1,/."r7? concerning the request made by Mr. Mizell.
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