8a ct tK* Attacf Flashes of Ypsilanti Daily with The Press War Bonds Late News VOL. XXXVIII,No. 124 Six Ypsilanti, Michigan, Wednesday, August 4, UNITRD PRKOS. ASSOCIATED PKF*tift 1Q43 INTERNATIONA!, Cent; THE WEATHER: Tonight: Pa^es NEWS BHRVICK Four Warmer Slightly Stony Creek Plans NEW V RK—lNS—ltalian work- I Sales to Consideration today urged “cripple Tax era were to , Community Picnic and destroy" the Nazi war ma Last Defenses in Sicily help Ger- chine and to drive the be Issue With The Stony Creek Community pic- May be Given mans from Italian soil by Presi- nic will be Saturday, Aug. 14. at dent Sidney Hillman of the Amal- the school outside, if the weather gamated Clothing of Workers 'Congressmen permits. Sports will start at 4 Claim his Miners’ Reported America. Hillman broadcast Collapse; p m. 7pm Near and continue until plea to Italian workers in a short when the picnic supper will be wave speech through the Office of Administration served. Guesta are to bring their WLB Attitude War Information. own sandwiches, sugar, table ser- Favors Excess vice and a dish to pass. Coffee and Reported to be —INS— Roger Touhy. Russians Approach 1 Orel ice cream will be served. After who resents reflections on his civic j Profit Lew supper there will be a ball game Softening; today was the Hamburg Ground to Dust by Allies character, winner of 1 sports, prizes and more with being ’ ' at first round In his fight to prevent i j Washington. Aug. 4—INS —Sharp Washington, Aug. 4—INS—A la- ' Americans Century-Fox ' given. The sports and contests are T the Twentieth Film j clashes between the Admlnlstra- bor member of tba War Labor Corporation from exhibiting or ad- in charge of Loyal Wilson. Rev. based j tlon and Congress over new tax leg- Board today intimated that the vertising Its motion picture i Joseph Parker, Whittaker, is In Edge of Jap on Judge William islation were seen today as the board's attitude baa grown “more his life. Federal I charge of the ball game. Holly signed a temporary order re- , i Treasury was disclosed to be stu- . lenient" toward John L. Lewis company, ' straining th* film Bryan dying an Individual excess profits and his 450.000 United Work director, and Joseph E. Ragen, I Mine Air Base i tax and taking a firm stand against era after warden of Statevllle Prison, from ; j they presented their case displaying or advertising the Pic i I enactment of sales taxes. Midwest Will ¦ for underground travel time pay tnre which, unflatterlngly, is titled [ Chairman Robert Doughton (D), | to tbe WLB. The WLB member said he be Air War Against ' Roger Touhy—." C, of the House Ways and It ¦ jN. ; lieved that the legal argument pre- jr fJi^ff^^Ky&P Means Committee, also disclosed '* .* —lNS—Discovery , ¦ Fight Cut in sented by the miners was such Axis Europe MADISON. Wis after a conference with Secretary Michigan of ! i that the board would have to give In Lake the parachute the Treasury Morgenthau that Hulse, Jr., jof further consideration to the vital Continues of Lieut. Col. William j 516,000,000,000 additional taxes missing since July 29 on a flight “portal to portal” pay issue. i should be levied. Gas Supplies hearing Throughout tbe on the Bar, to Selfridge Field. Mich., led Truax | The a