8a ct tK* Attacf Flashes of Ypsilanti Daily with The Press War Bonds Late News VOL. XXXVIII,No. 124 Six Ypsilanti, Michigan, Wednesday, August 4, UNITRD PRKOS. ASSOCIATED PKF*tift 1Q43 INTERNATIONA!, Cent; THE WEATHER: Tonight: Pa^es NEWS BHRVICK Four Warmer Slightly Stony Creek Plans NEW V RK—lNS—ltalian work- I Sales to Consideration today urged “cripple Tax era were to , Community Picnic and destroy" the Nazi war ma Last Defenses in Sicily help Ger- chine and to drive the be Issue With The Stony Creek Community pic- May be Given mans from Italian soil by Presi- nic will be Saturday, Aug. 14. at dent Sidney Hillman of the Amal- the school outside, if the weather gamated Clothing of Workers 'Congressmen permits. Sports will start at 4 Claim his Miners’ Reported America. Hillman broadcast Collapse; p m. 7pm Near and continue until plea to Italian workers in a short when the picnic supper will be wave speech through the Office of Administration served. Guesta are to bring their WLB Attitude War Information. own sandwiches, sugar, table ser- Favors Excess vice and a dish to pass. Coffee and Reported to be CHICAGO—INS— Roger Touhy. Russians Approach 1 Orel ice cream will be served. After who resents reflections on his civic j Profit Lew supper there will be a ball game Softening; today was the Hamburg Ground to Dust by Allies character, winner of 1 sports, prizes and more with being ’ ' at first round In his fight to prevent i j Washington. Aug. 4—INS —Sharp Washington, Aug. 4—INS—A la- ' Americans Century-Fox ' given. The sports and contests are T the Twentieth Film j clashes between the Admlnlstra- bor member of tba War Labor Corporation from exhibiting or ad- in charge of Loyal Wilson. Rev. based j tlon and Congress over new tax leg- Board today intimated that the vertising Its motion picture i Joseph Parker, Whittaker, is In Edge of Jap on Judge William islation were seen today as the board's attitude baa grown “more his life. Federal I charge of the ball game. Holly signed a temporary order re- , i Treasury was disclosed to be stu- . lenient" toward John L. Lewis company, ' straining th* film Bryan dying an Individual excess profits and his 450.000 United Work director, and Joseph E. Ragen, I Mine Air Base i tax and taking a firm stand against era after warden of Statevllle Prison, from ; j they presented their case displaying or advertising the Pic i I enactment of sales taxes. Midwest Will ¦ for underground travel time pay tnre which, unflatterlngly, is titled [ Chairman Robert Doughton (D), | to tbe WLB. The WLB member said he be Air War Against ' Roger Touhy—Gangster." C, of the House Ways and It ¦ jN. ; lieved that the legal argument pre- jr fJi^ff^^Ky&P Means Committee, also disclosed '* .* —lNS—Discovery , ¦ Fight Cut in sented by the miners was such Axis Europe MADISON. Wis after a conference with Secretary Michigan of ! i that the board would have to give In Lake the parachute the Treasury Morgenthau that Hulse, Jr., jof further consideration to the vital Continues of Lieut. Col. William j 516,000,000,000 additional taxes missing since July 29 on a flight “portal to portal” pay issue. i should be levied. Gas Supplies hearing Throughout tbe on the Bar, to Selfridge Field. Mich., led Truax | The a <Bv 1t:»* national Nans r$ , , con- possibility of legislative agreement between the miners end approa’hrd swiftly to- Field authorities today to the over taxes was Climaxes battle emphasized operators, day three widely sept ated and clusion the flier had been forced Vandenberg. 1 Ihe Illinois both Wil- ip|i on when Sen. Arthur H. bitterly contested battlefields of down in the lake and drowned. Michigan, on Politics Seen liam H. Davis and Frank Fraharn. I ranking Republican th* world wide war agalnal the Finance Committe, public members of the board, led i the Senate chal- Axis In Sicily. In Russia and In HEADQUARTERS. Alaska l>e-* lenged the President to propose a in Diversion to labor and Industry members to fens# Command—(Delayed)— INS program. believe that the arguments offer- the South Pacific. concrete lax In Sicily, the last Ana Posthumous award cf the Distin- he ed by Lewis and hia colleagues remaining Declaring that plans must Eastern Coast defenses Hi with col- guished Flying Cross to Lt. Col. industry were sound and steadfast, the la- were eatened made to reconvert war to lapse as onrushlng American tint- James Richard Watt, of Crafton. Inudstry order to ' bor tepresentative said. Speaking pevee-time in Washington, Aug INS—Op- Ish Canadian coops pushed the Pa., who led a flight of fighter warning 4 for himself he said that there an* provide employment and enemy liack town da Mount Etna planes against a superior number against jeopardiz- of Midwest members of was every reason why the board lax legislation from all aide* In Russia, Soviet of Jap planes over Attu. was an- ing economy. Vanden- Congress to the gasoline should approve the miners de- the national "equull- fit* of Ilia nounced today by Lt. Gen. Simon for luxury sales zatiqn” program developed Inday mands and grant tbe per day forces nei* within miles berg called a tax 61.25 pivotal operat base at B. Buckner, Jr.; commanding gen Inflation as it that allowance. Nazi onal Seek Curb was learned Petroleum Orel. In Ihe South Pacific, Amer eral, Alaska Defense Command. with Morgen- is not prepared to The board took up tbe case to- After conferring Chief Ickes yet ban Jungle troops were fighting at thau, Doughton Baid he agreed that fuel day, a decision is not antici- announce the reduction in but Ihe very edge of Hie besieged Im- WASHINGTON—UP— Only three in taxes should be supplies. will be pated for at least week or two heavy increases Midwesterners a portant Japanese air base at Mun- planes, one crew of which was res- to provide money to run to take under One of strongest points in voted both asked the plan, due the da, on New Geo gta Island cued, were lost in the raid on Rome the government and to curb in- to go Into operation about the mid- Lewis’ arguments for his miners bombers and Meanwhile th* Britain based in which 272 heavy flation. of underground travel time was di- dropped dle this month. aerial war on Axis Europe conCn- 249 medium bombers 1.101 “The burden of any tax or anti- Commenting on Ickes’ proposal rected at Wayne L. Morse, public bombs, Depart- lied wltb nlgiil raids on an enemy tons of the War inflation proposal should be as provide an equal gasoline ra- of board and its com- today. to member the abbas# tn Frame and tttarki on ment revealed equitably distributed as possible, tion for motorists in all east pliance officer. Morse has been — areas Nazi off the coast Washington, Aug. 4 —UP The ! not between upper and lower shipping French only of the Rocky Mountains, Sen. one of the strongest advocates in In the night raids, British whirl, War Department today disclosed income groups, but by recognizing Arthur H. Vandenberg (R) Mich., turning dow-n the miners’ demands wind a German- names of two more Michigan men that in any Income groups there horn here smashed declared that the Midwest will under the argument that portal to MOST TERRIFIC FOUNDING ever undergone in history by a single target la bring administered to me ! held flying field at Gutpava* n*»r missing in action. Second Lieut. may he people who need to be pro- fight a reduction in supplies if the portal pay is a disguised "wage once German port and Industrial city of Hamburg. Eight great raids In 10 days by R. A. F. Brest, escorting fighters shot Robert H. Gravelyn, son of Corne- against the full Impact of great ; while tected purpose divert gas to the ’. and S. Flying have sent nearly tons of bombs rrashlng city. lius Gravelyn. 1333 North Ave. NE-. increases.” said Doughton. is to increase bombers V. Fortresses 10.000 Into the • down two Intercepting.Na*l planes. tax East to “political pressure.” in rebuttal, Lewis said: Photo was taken as the Fortresses followed a night R A. F "blanket" raid wtth a daylight damaged a Rapids, is missing in the later a study of the ease above up ; Earlier RAF Typhoon# Grand This means Vandenberg that it has to urging passing of tbe may European theater and Staff Sgt. of the individual excess said “In tbe pin-point attack. Target shown is the Howaldstvverke U-boat shipyard*. Germans fear Allies | amall supply ship and seven escort- principle conclusively that furth- Standards Joseph Cawron. son of John Caw- Under this plan a special be proved Fair Labor Act, I in- treat Berlin aimilarly. Official U. S. Army Air Forces photo. (lnternttionil Soundphoto ) Ing vessels off la* Havre profits. I fighting ron, 986 Howden. Muskegon, is j additional tax would be levied on er Midwest restrictions are essen- cluded portal to portal traveling In the Sicilian the to the effort and that pay, have not pushed is- American Army today hajn- missing in North Africa. a person whose income was swollen tial war but the I Seventh last aland defentea by the war, whether in a war fac- "they are not merely a political sue because the industry has not mered at Nazi pressure.” Ihe en- MEXICO CITY—AP—The news tory or as a war goods manufactur- surrender to eastern been able to financially stand tbe I near I'esaro after pushing are hack on a front, while paper Novedhdes quoted the labor er.
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