Medical News. Regulations for the M.B
605 interested in the welfare of Epsom College, which he did so Smith, M.B. Liverp., Liverpool University; Frank Harold much to Stephens, St. Mary’s Hospital; Hugh Stott, Guy’s Hospital; Gilbert promote. Francis Syms, Guy’s Hospital; Wilfrid Reginald Taylor, St. Mary’s Dr. Galton leaves a widow and five daughters. The funeral Hospital; Ernest William Toulmin, St. Mary’s Hospital; took place at Shirley cemetery on Feb. llth. The ceremony Nusserwanji Hormasji Vakeel, Bombay University and St. Bar- attended old friends and and tholomew’s Hospital; Cuthbert Ferguson Walker, B.A., Royal was largely by patients many University of Ireland. Galway, Belfast, and St. Mary’s Hospital; medical men from London and his neighbourhood, amongst Alan Geoffrpy Wells, St. Mary’s Hospital; Ernest Godfrey Wheat, those present being Mr. Edmund Owen, Mr. Frederic Cambridge University and King’s College Hospital; James Norman Durham, Dr. Henry Hetley, Mr. J. B. Lamb (secretary of Wheeler, B.A. Cantab., Cambridge University and St. Thomas’s Mr. and Hospital; Edward Barton Cartwright White, London Hospital ; Epsom College), G. C. Parnell, Mr. J. Sidney Turner, William Cecil Wigan, Oxford University and St. Bartholomew’s Mr. E. Oswald Oxford Williams, St. Bartholomew’s Hos- Reynolds Ray. - Hospital; Cyril pital ; Rajaiya Robert Williams, L.R.C.P. & S. Edin., Edinburgh, Madras, and University College Hospital; John Samuel Williamson, DEATHS OF EMINENT FOREIGN MEDICAL MEN.-The deaths St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; and William Louis Rene Wood, L.S.A. of the following eminent foreign medical men are announced : Leeds University. - Dr. Martin Bloch, formerly assistant to the late Professor Diplomas of M.R.C.S.
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