eTillerscope edWeibstitei: ohnttp-://1www.australiJanhuarltleyts162.or0g.a1u/ 9 Facebook: Official Magazine of the Hartley TS16 Association of N.S.W. & A.C.T.Editor:Paul Pritchard email:
[email protected] Privacy Act - This publication is for the use of members of the Hartley TS16 association of NSW & ACT, and information contained cannot be used for commercial or other purposes. EDITORIAL: NOTE: Please copy, attach and email all of your friends who can then email the editor to receive their free monthly eTillerscope newsletter. Hello there, Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Paul Pritchard, I’ve recently returned to the TS16 class after an absence of 16years, sailing from Saratoga with my partner Judith. There have been some significant changes to fleets and TS16 management in that time and at the recent National and NSW State Annual General Meetings I was asked to take up the positions of NSW Race Secretary and new Tillerscope editor taking over from Barrie Heath, Paul Foster and Richard Luckhurst. I would like to particularly acknowledge Barrie and his late wife Pam for their significant contributions to the TS16 Class as it is only through volunteers like this that an Association can exist. At the ripe old age of 83, I met with Barrie at his retirement Village last week and he still has his witty edge. He is still interested in whats going on in the TS world and after going over a few fond memories, Barrie transferred all of the photos and Tillerscope information collected and published from 1999 through to the last edition in 2013.