Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Buyer’s Guide

Includes a Category Overview, Top 10 Questions to Ask, Plus, a Capabilities Reference of the Leading 24 Providers for Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide anagement INTRODUCTION:

Running a can be a pretty tricky situation. With so many dependent business components, from inventory to finances, your organization can easily turn into a serious mess. That’s why most 21st century are utilizing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. With a number of possible symptoms indicating that you might need an ERP solution, it’s important to recognize that each situation is unique and that it’s important to find the ERP solution that’s right for you.

There are a number of reasons why your business may need an ERP solution, and with so many vendors specialization in niche industries, you’re sure to find a solution that fits your needs. A few of the biggest benefits you’ll see from an ERP investment are:

1. One Software for a Number of Processes

A good ERP system condenses a number of different processes into one easy to use application.

2. Easy Access to Information about your Business

The pace of business is faster today than ever before, which means employees across your company need immediate access to key data. With an ERP solution, executives can get a holistic view of business operations at any time, while other staff can get the information they need to do their jobs more effectively.

3. Financial Management

AN ERP system with a strong financial component can ensure that companies meet financial reporting and tax requirements with a single , banking, and payment system.

4. Project Management

An ERP project management module removes the guesswork from project-related activities so that companies can select the best projects, assign the proper resources, streamline delivery efforts and track profitability.

Whether you are a publicly traded corporation, a government institution or even a small to medium-sized business, there is an ERP solution for everyone and our job is to help you get started evaluating vendors.

Our team has spent the hours required to sift through all of information presented by the top 24 vendors and present the highlights in this straight forward summary of each solution. We have also developed a set of 10 questions to ask both yourself and the solution providers you engage as a way to help you move further down the road to selecting the best Enterprise Resource Planning solution possible.

Nathaniel Lewis, Editor Solutions Review

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide


5 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Selecting an ERP Solution

QUESTION #1 What business problems am I trying to solve with this ERP system?

Each ERP solution is designed with a specific type of company in mind and comes equipped with Its own set of functionalities. It’s important for you as the customer to identify the business problems that you’re planning to have addressed with the solution. For smaller businesses, you may only need the core ERP essentials, but as your business grows you may require specific ERP capabilities to manage a larger . There are often some very strong indicators that your organization may need an ERP solution, such as having a difficult time determining how much inventory is in your warehouse, your sales forecast being mostly based on guesswork, and when your company is struggling to keep up to speed with an upsurge of orders or relies heavily on Excel spreadsheets.

QUESTION #2 How will this ERP solution affect my business processes? And what can I do to accommodate the solution?

ERP systems have traditionally been built to serve the needs of large corporations, and it’s only recently that software companies have begun to target mid-tier and smaller organizations. Today, ERP solutions are designed to accommodate any number of quirks a business might have. That’s why it’s important for you to understand how your works at the moment, and what adjustments you would have to make to your processes if you were to purchase an ERP solution. Almost every ERP solution provider boasts the flexibility of their product. It almost gets to the point where it doesn’t really mean anything to the consumer. That’s why it’s important for you as the consumer to be fully educated on the requirements of your potential solution. More often than not, mid-sized businesses require more flexibility from their ERP solution than larger companies due to frequent adjustments in business processes.

QUESTION #3 On the ground or in the cloud? Ah, the great timeless question in IT…. While cloud based systems have become much more popular in recent years, there are a number of reasons why your business may choose to keep your files stored locally on premise. For example, costs, security, and your company’s need for customization may all factor into your decision. On-premise file storage is often considered to be a capital expenditure, which means that it’s essentially one large expense upfront to cover the cost. Cloud based file storage is an operating expenditure giving you an additional expense the longer you keep you subscribe to the service. It’s also true that many ERP solutions providers offer a hybridization of the two to better accommodate the needs of their clients.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide anagement QUESTION #4 Should you get a horizontal or a vertical ERP solution? Basically, horizontal ERP solutions are completely integrated suites that include a module for every business process you may undertake. These solutions are often a bit generic in order to fit a number of company needs. Vertical solutions on the other hand are often what you would refer to as “specialist solutions”. These solutions are designed for one specific industry rather than stretching themselves to cover a number of industries. This is why there is no one ERP vendor that dominates the market; many vendors will try to find a niche market instead.

QUESTION #5 What are you actually buying with the purchase of an ERP solution?

When you’re buying an ERP solution for your business, you’re not simply buying a single product that will simply be implemented and left to its own devices. When you buy an ERP solution, you are essentially buying an ongoing process of maintenance, upgrades, and support which could last decades. Each of these aspects is critical to the success of your ERP system and need to be considered before purchase.

QUESTION #6 Will your company need to implement upgrades and enhancements even if you don’t want to?

While ERP solutions aren’t nearly as pricey as they once were, they can still be a hefty expense for your business. Today, many vendors give customers the option for flexible financing options letting buyers spread payments over 3-5 years. Our biggest advice when buying an ERP solution is to not over-buy. You don’t need to buy more licenses than necessary. Because of the modular nature of ERP solutions, you can always add more modules later as you need them.

QUESTION #7 Does your company have the IT resources available to support an on-premise installation?

Like nearly every software provider, ERP vendors release upgrades and new products pretty much every year. This can be a real headache, as it brings a major invasive change that could turn costly depending on their upgrade pricing. This is why nearly two thirds of mid-sized businesses are running outdated versions of their ERP software. Many companies believe that unless you’re properly prepared to re-implement your locally stored software, it may be wiser to opt for the cloud instead, to ensure that your software stays updated with the least amount of trouble.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide anagement QUESTION #8 What sort of training is made available by this solution? When you finally lay down all that money for your ERP “Ask each solution, you’d at least like your employees to know how to provider if they use it, right? You should ask the provider if they provide effective training for the solution. If they don’t, you may want include training to ask for some information regarding resources that can be or make it provided to make the learning curve less difficult. Without available at an properly preparing your employees for your new ERP solution, it will be very difficult for them to properly operate the new additional cost.” system.

QUESTION #9 What functionalities will my company actually use?

ERP solutions these days have the ability cover essentially every business process you can think of. The question for mid-market organizations is whether or not you need all of those capabilities. Often times, ERP functionalities may be too specialized to be very useful for a company or perhaps a company may have an existing or outsourced feature. The bottom line here is not to pay for features that you’re company doesn’t need or won’t use in the future.

QUESTION #10 Does the solution vendor have a clear long-term product strategy?

After investing a pretty penny in an ERP solution, you’d expect to stay with it for a while, right? Today, the ERP solution market is filled with frequent acquisitions and mergers. You need to be sure that after you put the money and effort, your ERP solution will be around to grow and adapt to your company’s needs, while also staying equipped with the latest technologies.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide


ERP Solution Provider Profiles

ABAS ______7

Acumatica ______8

Aptean ______9

CGS ______10

Deltek ______11

Epicor ______12

Exact ______13

IFS ______14

Infor ______15

Intact ______16

LillyWorks ______17

Microsoft ______18

NetSuite ______19

Oracle ______20

Process Pro ______21

Profit Key ______22

QAD ______23

Ramco ______24

Sage ______25

SAP ______26

Synergy VISUAL ______27

Unit4 ______28

Workwise ______29

24Seven ______30

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement ABAS

Founded in 1980, the Karlsruhe based ABAS Software provides enterprise resource planning and business process management software built on open standards that enable organizations to unlock the power of their abas AG Karlsruhe business-critical content. ABAS presents three main application offerings Gartenstraße 67 including ABAS ERP, ABAS Distribution, and ABAS eB. ABAS’ ERP solution is Germany directed towards small to mid-sized manufacturers and distributors. ABAS +49 (0)721 96 72 30 considers complex manufacturing to be their “sweet spot”, building the product abas-erp.com around make-to-order (MTO) and engineer-to-order (ETO) manufacturing.

From the Company

“abas believes passionately that people, our own and yours, are the heart and soul of business. For 35 years ABAS has consistently and steadily improved processes for our customers. We’ve worked hard to get to know the people we work with and understand their work, their needs, and their vision. This has created strong relationships: 92% of our customers return to us for their ERP requirements. More than 350 companies have been using abas 15+ years.”

Key Features

Financial Accounting – ABAS’ “financial accounting” module gives organizations the information needed to respond to changing market and regulatory requirements; while also ensuring compliance and accountability.

Group Accounting – ABAS’ “group accounting” feature allows organizations the ability to centralize group financials, simplify preparation, and access critical account information from any source,

Service Processing – Customer expectations are higher than ever and extend well beyond initial sales. Follow up sales with reliable, personalized service to keep your business ahead of the competition.

Bottom Line

ABAS’ ERP software is a complete and integrated e-business suite of applications addressing the marketing needs with product data management and web store function. The product is easy to use and functionally strong directed at potential customers in the “complex” manufacturing industries.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Aptean

Aptean was founded in 2012 after a merger between Consola Corporation and CDC Software and offers Enterprise Resource Planning solutions for a number of financial and manufacturing markets. The company builds and acquires 500 S. Kraemer Blvd. solutions to support the evolving operational needs of businesses, helping Brea, CA 92821 nearly 5,000 organizations. Aptean’s ERP solutions include Cimnet ERP, United States Encomprix ERP, Ross ERP, and more, each designed to fit individual needs. +1 (888) 353-7058 www.aptean.com Aptean delivers solutions to more than 9,000 customers in over 100 countries within the manufacturing, distribution, high tech, transportation, retail, government, real estate, financial services, health care, and not-for-profit industries.

From the Company

“Every business has unique processes and needs, but ultimately, every business needs technology with comprehensive business functionality that ties the entire enterprise together, connecting all the moving parts and providing better visibility into operations. Aptean offers integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions that help businesses operate more effectively and see the big picture—so they can make strategic decisions that keep them efficient and profitable.”

Key Features

 Easy Integration – Provide seamless integration of planning, materials management and procurement, manufacturing, financial, and business intelligence processes

 Standardized Business Processes – Make it easy for your employees to do business with each other by standardizing and integrating business processes across the enterprise.

 Multi-Currency Capabilities – Support multi-national manufacturers with multi-language and multi-currency capabilities

Bottom Line

Aptean provides a flexible ERP solution that’s designed to work around your business needs, and not the other way around. It also offers the ability for customers to view a catalog and track orders 24/7 through a secure web-based portal, giving it a leg up in ERP arena for highly regulated industries.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide


Founded in 2008, Acumatica provides cloud and browser based business management software designed for small and mid-sized businesses.

Acumatica’s ERP solution offers a suite of fully-integrated applications 11235 SE 6th Street powered by a flexible platform. It comes as a full suite offering financials, Bellvue, WA 98004 distribution, project accounting, and CRM. Acumatica provides its Studio United States +1(888) 288-8300 feature, which empowers business process changes while enabling software www.acumatica.com customization instead of requiring businesses to change their business processes.

From the Company

“Acumatica ERP delivers adaptable cloud and mobile technology with a unique all-inclusive user licensing model, enabling a complete, real time view of your business anytime, anywhere. Through our worldwide network of partners, Acumatica provides the full suite of integrated business management applications, including Financials, Distribution, Manufacturing, Project Accounting, and CRM. There is only one true Cloud ERP platform designed for mid-sized customers “

Key Features

Financial Management – From on-line accounting for smaller local businesses to feature global applications for larger, complex businesses, these accounting applications are designed to support a number of needs.

Distribution Management – Manage quotes and orders, track inventory, automate purchasing, and improve customer service. Fully Integrated with CRM, financial, manufacturing and project accounting for visibility across the entire organization.

Customer Management – Includes standard CRM functionality for managing leads, contacts, opportunities, etc. In addition, post-sales service and customer portals help improve the total customer experience.

Bottom Line

Acumatica provides a full ERP solution that includes financials, distribution, project accounting and CRM. The solution features a rich user interface, software flexibility, and cloud portability allowing users with the option to store their data locally or in the cloud.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement CGS

NYC based CGS helps customers across industries manage their businesses through its BlueCherry Enterprise Resource Planning solution. The full

BlueCherry suite features solutions such as ERM, PLM, and more. CGS’s ERP system is designed to help managers understand and act on the important 200 Brookfield Place New York, NY 10281 issues, trends, and opportunities in their business. BlueCherry ERP prevents United States users with the transparency, visibility, and control required across the entire +1(212) 408-3800 enterprise and supply chain. www.cgsinc.com

From the Company

“BlueCherry Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a best-in-class solution that provides a comprehensive set of tools to power your fundamental business processes and manage all of your critical business transactions, including everything from customer orders to deliveries, planning to production, raw materials to finished products and everything in between.

Key Features

Reporting Engine – Generate reports with a user-friendly integrated report-building engine to give complete in- house and supply chain visibility.

Concept to Consumer – Manage everything from customer orders to deliveries, planning to production, raw materials to finished product.

Integrated EDI – Fully Integrated and automated EDU capabilities eliminate the need for expensive third party EDI translation software or services.

Bottom Line

CGS’s BlueCherry ERP software is mainly designed for the consumer goods and fashion industry, focusing on retailers’ requirements through the process of concept to consumer. BlueCherry is an efficient system to cover the constantly changing needs of the industry.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement DelTek

Deltek’s ERP solution, Costpoint, has assisted companies in researching and identifying new opportunities, winning new business, recruiting and developing talent, and more. Deltek offers a range of ERP products to fit the 2291 Wood Oak Drive unique demands of clients. Deltek’s ERP solutions are available as cloud- Herndon, VA 20171 based and on-premise systems, priced on a per employee per month basis. United States DelTek is typically used by organizations with over 21 employees in the +1 (800) 456-2009 www.deltek.com system and more than ten users who need access to the software. The solution is used in a number of industries including aerospace and defense, healthcare, non-profits, and education.

From the Company

“Deltek provides software solutions specifically designed to meet the needs of project-driven businesses. Today our software applications and project management solutions help more than 12,000 organizations achieve success worldwide. Deltek’s solutions help you to improve business performance management, streamline operations, optimize compliance processes and win new business. Deltek Costpoint - is the industry-leading enterprise management software solution that tracks, manages and reports on every aspect of a project business: planning, estimating, proposals, budgets, purchasing, billing, , business performance management and project manufacturing.

Key Features

Finance – Deltek’s Costpoint simplifies processes such as billing, revenue recognition, expense management and compliance to maximize profit and revenue, and improve cashflow.

Human Resources– Costpoint provides a single integrated solution that helps automate and simplify the HR Process by streamlining and automating the entire employee life cycle, reducing costs associated with their employee self-service, and ensuring compliance.

Operations – With Costpoint, you can operate more efficiently with more transactional control by eliminating manual processes with electronic billing, automating business processes, and centralizing contract information in one place.

Bottom Line

Deltek’s Costpoint provides users with a single, integrated, and dynamic ERP solution that lets you track, manage, and report on a variety of business processes. Deltek’s mobile compatibility allows users to access the software remotely through a mobile optimized site and through their IOS and Android mobile apps.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 11

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Epicor

Epicor looks to help organizations take advantage of economic changes with its ERP solutions suite. Epicor’s ERP solution is a global resource planning platform that provides choice, flexibility, and agility to promote growth and 804 Las Cimas Parkway opportunity. Epicor distribution solutions are designed to provide visibility Austin, TX 78746 United States across a complex supply chain, primarily working with their customers in a +1(800) 999-1809 Business-to-Business environment. Today, over 20,000 customers in 150 www.epicor.com countries use Epicor’s line-up of solutions. Epicor supports any discrete manufacturer with more than $1 million in annual revenue. Buyer’s looking for a more robust ERP system should take a look at Epicor’s additional modules.

From the Company

“Epicor is dedicated to providing integrated ERP Software with solutions for customer relationship management (CRM), manufacturing operations, (SCM), human capital management (HCM) and more. Leveraging innovative technologies like Web services, Epicor develops end-to-end, industry-specific ERP designed to meet the needs of manufacturing, distribution, retail, services, and hospitality industries.

Key Features

Discover – Reach new markets, expand product lines and grow your business with deep industry and country specific functionality.

Acceleration – Drive improved customer experience and accelerate the digital transformation of your business

Expansion – Expand collaboration within your company and throughout your supply chain with social and commerce solutions.

Quick Response – Respond quickly to changing demands with configurable real-time mobile capabilities.

Bottom Line

Epicor ERP is a highly flexible Resource Planning solution allowing it to be deployed to fit your unique business situations. The solution is true cloud based ERP, giving companies a month-by-month subscription to the service. As a single source for information, it helps to minimize duplicate data entries. Its integrated system allows all operations to be reported in real time.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide


Exact Software offers its Globe Next ERP solution, featuring accounting, inventory management, billing and invoicing, financial reporting, and more.

Globe Next can be deployed in the cloud or on-premise. Exact’s ERP solution works with companies of any size, enhancing visibility and insight into their 3600 American Blvd business processes through a single interface. This ERP solution also notifies W Bloomington, MN 55431 United States users whenever there is an action that needs attention. Exact Globe Next lets +1 (855) 359-9256 team customize their system and adjust team and individual user permissions www.exact.com quickly and easily.

From the Company

“Exact Globe Next proves that we know what your challenges are. As such, Exact Globe Next allows you to bring your operation together, replacing islands of information and uniting them into a single, organization-wide system. And it does so with the modular flexibility that adapts to your requirements and grows with you. Working with Exact Globe Next, you’ll be in a position to improve your existing processes. Your company will operate as one, instead of a set of diverse entities.”

Key Features

Service Management – Exact Service Management provides the insight to empower your service provision, supporting more efficient, customer oriented service delivery

Manufacturing– Integrate manufacturing processes with e-manufacturing, e-calculation, e-quality management, e-MRP, and e-realization.

WMS – Exact Warehouse Management System (e-WMS) automates your physical flow of goods and optimizes your logistical processes.

Bottom Line

Exact’s ERP system is designed to bring all aspects of a business operation together. It does this using modular flexibility that adapts to your requirements. The Globe Next ERP solution is an easy to use program designed for companies of all sizes, especially manufacturers that require high standards of government compliance.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 13

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement IFS

IFS is a globally recognized company founded in 1983 known for their Enterprise Resource Planning Products. IFS’s solutions help bring customers in targeted sectors closer to their business and prepares for changes in their industry. Their ERP application suite is designed to handle four key processes; Teknikringen 5 Box 1545 manufacturing, projects, supply chain management, and service & Linköping, SE-581 15 management. IFS’s ERP solution contains a suite of modules that can be Sweden deployed in full or tailored to be a best of breed solution. The solution is +46 13 460 40 00 www.ifsworld.com especially well-suited for a number of industries including: process manufacturing, construction, oil and gas, and energy and utilities.

From the Company

“The application can be configured for a variety of settings including but not limited to discrete manufacturing, process manufacturing, multi-mode manufacturing, construction and engineering, and esoteric and demanding settings like multi-mode manufacturing, aerospace and defense, engineer, procure construct (EPC) and offshore oil and gas drilling. It is in these demanding settings that combine elements of manufacturing, project management and asset management that IFS Applications is without peer as an ERP solution”

Key Features

Flexible – IFS ERP is designed to be flexible with new developments in technology and with changing business structures.

Manufacturing - IFS Applications helps manufacturers operate in any combination of batch process, engineer-to- order, make-to-order, make-to-stock, configure-to-order, and engineer-procure-construct. Project Management – A single, integrated solution gives you real-time feedback at any stage of the project so you can act proactively to deviations from the plan.

Bottom Line

IFS’s ERP solution is ideal for demanding discrete and process manufacturing environments. The company offers a single, flexible solution that grows and develops with your business, so there’s no need to switch products as your company expands. IFS Applications supports for multiple companies, sites, and currencies – and multiple manufacturing business models – on a single instance of the software and on a single database.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide



Infor is a privately held enterprise software company founded in 2002. Its Adage ERP solution is built to meet the needs of manufacturers and distributors in a wide variety of industries, Infor’s ERP solutions can help to minimize costly customizations and take advantage of continuous innovation. 641 Ave of the Americas New York, NY 10011 Infor Distribution ERP provides customers the freedom of choice with a United States wholesale and distribution solution deployable in the cloud or on premise with +1 (866) 244-5479 additional features such as mobile applications to help increase response www.infor.com times and improve decision making.

From the Company

“Combining the latest technological innovations with a 30-year manufacturing and distribution legacy, these solutions offer the usability and functional depth that can only be achieved through decades of application by over 70,000 customers in 164 countries. That means you can forget expensive customizations and never-ending implementations. You get deep industry functionality built right in. It means you can make rigid technology a thing of the past. You get the flexibility to support whatever direction your business may take. And it means access to innovative new technologies that deliver competitive advantage in a complex and changing world.”

Key Features

Enterprise Asset Management – Designed for companies that need to track financial and maintenance information of assets and buildings. Delivered through 4 products: Inform10 EAM Enterprise, Infor 10 EAM Asset Sustainability, Infor10 EAM Business, and Infro10 EAM (MP2).

Supply Chain Planning – Infor Supply Chain Management combines best in class solutions with industry-specific functionality, giving you the power to plan and execute your supply chain strategies faster and more profitably, from strategic and tactical planning to execution. Financial Management – Get a real-time view of all the moving parts that make your business tick, and turn financial information into profitable action with Infor’s end-to-end financial management solutions.

Bottom Line

Infor specializes in a few specific industries including aerospace & defense, automotive, and distribution. Their ERP solution is a bit more niche than some other options in the market, which means that while their solution may fit a company’s needs to a T, finding partners could prove difficult.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Intact Software

Intact Software was founded in 1992 creating . They are currently known for providing the flexible Intact IQ, their ERP solution directed towards small and medium sized businesses. Intact’s IQ ERP software gives Coes Road users the ability to view all aspects of their business from one platform. The Dundalk, Co. Louth ERP solution can be used across multiple mobile devices through its cloud Ireland capabilities, and includes a built in email platform and SMS messaging +353 (0) 42 933 1712 www.intactsoftware.com functionality.

From the Company

“Our sole focus is on advancing and supplying innovative products to customers who have their own unique ways of running their business. We supply heavily customized solutions that reflect even the most complex of business processes to protect your competitive edge. Using the latest technology, tailoring your system to suit your exact requirements is quicker, easier and more cost effective than has been the case in the past with traditional legacy systems.

Key Features

If This Then That (IfTTT) – Intact’s unique IfTTT agents filter out distracting data to ensure you with the most relevant information for your business.

Simple Interface – Intact IQ easily integrates with third party systems to become the hub of your operation.

Innovation – Intact IQ works directly with you to create the kind of unique features you need to be at your best and differentiate your business in the marketplace.

Predictive Stock Management – With Intact IQ, you benefit from predictive analytics, using your data to make better business decisions. Predictive stock management allows for tighter controls, ensures stock levels reflect demand, and that customer demands are exceeded.

Bottom Line

Intact’s IQ ERP software is a flexible piece of ERP software that allows small and medium sized business to streamline their data in order to make informed and thoughtful business decisions. The system is meant for a wide variety of industries as a horizontal accounting system and is based on the Oracle database.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 16

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement LillyWorks

LillyWorks is the latest offering from Manufacturing software pioneer Dick Lilly, founder of Software International (1960/70’s after his technical education at IBM), ProfitKey (1980’s), and VISUAL Manufacturing 4 Merrill Industrial Drive (1990/2000’s). LillyWorks Manufacturing ERP is a very affordable cloud- Hampton, NH 03842 based, SaaS offering that helps manufacturing companies manage all aspects United States +1 (603) 926-9696 of their manufacturing operations from ‘Quote to Cash’. LillyWorks’ Protected www.lillyworks.com Flow Manufacturing is a unique way to “Schedule” the shop floor so that you can deliver to your customer on-time, in less time, every time. The solution is available as a complete ERP or as a bolt-on to your existing ERP system for Planning & Execution of shop orders.

From the Company

“In spite of advances in technology and continuous improvement methodologies such as LEAN, manufacturers continue to struggle with delivering product to their customers on time. LillyWorks’ Protected Flow Manufacturing allows companies to simplify “Scheduling” – yet greatly improve on-time delivery, reduce quoted lead-times, and make happier customers and more money in the process. Share our excitement for helping North American manufacturing by empowering your company with Protected Flow Manufacturing!”

Key Features

Deep Manufacturing functionality – Quoting & Estimating, Engineering (BOM’s/Routings), Job/WorkOrder Management, Real-time Costing, Planning & Execution, Purchasing, Outside Services, Inventory, Lot/Serial control, Shipping/Receiving, Invoicing, Financials Interface, and more.

Protected Flow Manufacturing – Powerful, yet incredibly simple and easy-to-understand method of controlling, prioritizing, and planning your jobs / work orders. Available as standard functionality in LillyWorks ERP or as an add-on to your current ERP.

Cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service – Secure hosting provided by Amazon Web Services. No on-site server required. Fully accessible and designed to be operated from any web-enabled device – PC, tablet, , etc.

Bottom Line

LillyWorks’ Protected Flow Manufacturing feature is central to the software, helping manufacturers increase their flow and protect deadlines by providing a new approach to execution and production planning. The feature’s navigation system provides drivers with the most efficient route possible beforehand by marking obstacles and road-closures. LillyWorks also provides users with real-time task lists to make sure that all deadlines are met across all positions.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Microsoft

Microsoft provides ERP software to businesses of all sizes through its Dynamics platform which consists of six separate products: Microsoft AX, GP, SL, NAV, CRM, RMS. The Microsoft Dynamics portfolio started in 2001 with the acquisition of Great Plains Software and Soloman, and in 2002 with the One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 acquisition of Navison and Axapta. Together, these four technologies make up United States the Microsoft Business Solutions Group. Dynamics GP, NAV, and SL are +1 (800) 642-7676 typically intended for small and medium enterprises while Dynamics AX is www.microsoft.com typically best suited for larger organizations. This ERP application covers everything from financial management from manufacturing to operations.

From the Company

“Microsoft Dynamics AX is a business solution for global enterprises that supports industry-specific and operational business processes, along with comprehensive, core enterprise resource planning (ERP) functionality for financial and human resources management. It empowers your people to anticipate and embrace change so your business can thrive.”

Key Features

Manufacturing – Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP system can be tailored to support the specific needs of manufacturing businesses while delivering a low total cost of ownership (TCO).

Usability – The user interface is very customizable (with role-based personalization), and is also familiar, for staff that regularly use Microsoft software.

Financial Management – Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP software delivers a range of financial capabilities to help consolidate accounts with subsidiaries or distribution centers worldwide.

Customization – Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP solution can be fully customized to aid in collaborating more effectively with customers, partners, employees, and suppliers.

Bottom Line

Microsoft’s Dynamics GP, NAV, and SL are intended mainly for small to mid-sized businesses whereas Dynamics AX is recommended for businesses with multi-site or multi country operations. Dynamics is an easy to use, cloud ready platform with easy integration with many other Microsoft applications.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement NetSuite

Net Suite is a San Mateo, California based software company founded in

1998. Their ERP solution is designed to address the multinational and multi- company needs of a mid-market organization. NetSuite’s solution allows 2955 Campus Drive consolidation to be done in real time and includes automated intercompany San Mateo, CA 94403 eliminations and foreign currency translation. NetSuite’s ERP system is a United States +1 (650) 627-1000 horizontal package designed for a wide range of industries. The solution is www..com web-based and runs on a range of Internet browsers. NetSuite ensures safety by using its built in security controls and data center.

From the Company

“NetSuite ERP is the world’s most deployed cloud ERP solution. It provides proven financial management and ERP that easily integrates with your broader sales and service processes. NetSuite ERP takes your business beyond traditional accounting software, streamlining back-office processes and equips you with the visibility you need to make better faster decisions.”

Key Features

Powerful Development Platform– Unprecedented flexibility that enables businesses to tailor the system to meet their unique requirements and industry specific needs plus a comprehensive partner ecosystem that can help them scale up, spin off or reinvent business models

Highly Scalable – Net Suite’s ERP solution has a highly scalable system for growth with the ability to quickly and easily add functionality as a business grows, international capabilities including support 190 currencies, 20 languages, and automated tax compliance in over 100 countries to fuel global expansion.

Built in Business Intelligence – Provides real-time insights into key business performance indicators for a unified view of the organization and delivers a single version of truth.

Bottom Line

Compared to other ERP solutions, NetSuite is a bit expensive. However, with the hefty price comes a load of features and benefits offered by the solution. This is a comprehensive ERP solution that permits customers to manage their front office, back office, and web operations from a single information system.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Oracle

Oracle Corporation primarily specializes in developing and marketing database software and technology, cloud engineered systems and enterprise software products. Oracle provides a comprehensive ERP solution 500 Oracle Parkway with its Oracle E-Business Suite offering. It supports a single instance global Redwood Shores, CA 94065 deployment for large multinationals. Oracle has around a dozen enterprise United States software product lines with the core ERP lines including Oracle Fusion +1 (650) 506-7000 Applications, E-Business Suite, and JD Enterprise One. www.oracle.com

From the Company

“With hundreds of cross-industry capabilities spanning enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, and supply chain planning, Oracle E-Business Suite applications help customers manage the complexities of global business environments no matter if the organization is small, medium, or large in size. As part of Oracle’s Applications Unlimited strategy, Oracle E-Business Suite applications will continue to be enhanced, thus protecting and extending the value of your software investment.”

Key Features

Human Capital Management – Oracle's E-Business Suite Human Capital Management delivers set human resources functionality that enables you to increase productivity, accelerate business performance, and lower your cost of ownership.

Project Portfolio Management – The E–Business Suite supports the full life cycle of project and portfolio management with a single, accurate view of all project related activities and industry leading functionality allows users to select the best portfolio of initiatives.

Financial Management– The E-Business Suite Financials allow you to work smarter, increase efficiency and reduce back-office costs with standardized processes for shared services, productivity tools, and integrated performance management.

Bottom Line

Because of the size of E-Business, it can take some time and effort to implement and to maintain. Before implementing, make sure that you understand your business’ needs and have the assistance of Oracle experts and partners. Changes in configuration can be complex after going live, so be sure your solution is well specified.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Process Pro

Founded in 1998, ProcessPro provides an ERP solution designed for the manufacturing industry. In 2016 ProcessPro merged with Open Systems to enable them to access new markets, expand geographically, and extend the rd functionality of their software. Today, ProcessPro is a leading mid-market ERP 3290 33 Street S. Saint Cloud, MN 56301 solution provider that integrates all aspects of plant operation. ProcessPro’s United States Premier ERP solution works for both manufacturers and distributors. Premier is +1 (800) 457-3548 built on , SQL, Server, and .Net architecture. www.processproerp.com

From the Company

“With full manufacturing and financial integration, ProcessPro Premier offers a complete system from beginning sales order entry through the manufacturing and accounting process. Premier is the only software of its kind that is based exclusively on the Microsoft Visual Studio suite. It offers the added advantage of Microsoft’s extensive research, development and testing in every package. Unlike other products that rely on proprietary languages and , Premier delivers a fully tested standard that is accepted around the world - ensuring reliability, consistency, and a solid product future. Premier leverages the proven strength of the Microsoft SQL Server database, and integrates fully with Microsoft Word and Excel.”

Key Features

Inventory Control – Inventory Control automatically tracks inventory balances, serial numbers, lots, and product line information. Plus, it prints extensive reports to analyze and control inventory. Features can be selected individually for each item, and includes unit of measure conversions for stocking, purchasing, selling, and counting in different units.

Physical Inventory – Adds functionality to our base physical inventory system to allow you to perform inventory counts and to recreate inventory transactions that are done during your physical inventory process.

Manufacturing Execution – Pricing Management allows for pricing by customer and/or products, including tiered, volume, and promotional pricing, as well as rebates. Perform a detail margin analysis to easily garner profitability ratios. Incorporate landed costs to ensure accurate management of costs and margins.

Bottom Line

ProcessPro is a fully integrated ERP solution that offers a complete system. The system handles all aspects of your business from sales and receivables, to purchasing and manufacturing. The solution is also developed, sold, installed, and supported by the same ProcessPro team, so you only have a single source to deal with at every phase.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 21

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Profit Key

For over 35 years, ProfitKey has been providing manufacturing ERP for small to mid-sized businesses, specifically in the areas of shop floor scheduling, communications, inventory management, labor reporting, and cost tracking. The company provides Rapid Response Manufacturing (RRM), their ERP and MES 50 Stiles Road, solution, from ten offices worldwide. Profit Key’s accounting module is Salem, NH 03079 United States integrated throughout the whole system, providing the user with financial +1 (603) 898-3100 reporting, a fully customized G/L Report Writer, and much more. Their ERP www.profitkey.com solution provides document management and workflow capabilities, making it the only paperless manufacturing solution.

From the Company

“For over 35 years, ProfitKey International has been a leader in providing manufacturing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software for small to mid-sized companies who are looking to increase efficiency; specifically, in the areas of shop floor scheduling, communications, inventory management, labor reporting, cost tracking, and more. Today, that tradition continues with our new technology, new innovations, and new services. ProfitKey directly implements and supports Rapid Response Manufacturing ® Software from 10 offices nationwide.”

Key Features

Customer Management – Customer management (or order entry) processing enters, tracks, ships, and invoices customer orders. Use it to print pick lists, pack lists, order inquiry, and generate material history for your orders. Accounting – Accounting in ProfitKey ERP completely integrates Receiving, Shipping and Inventory into the financials. You can seamlessly check AP Invoice entry against Purchase Order receipts and generate Invoices directly from shipments. Inventory – The Inventory Management Control module maintains critical inventory data necessary for running your manufacturing business. It records and tracks all inventory transactions for accuracy and convenience.

Bottom Line

Profit Key’s Rapid Response Manufacturing Quality Assurance module sets the product away from many other ERP systems. For discrete manufacturers and job shops hoping to find a comprehensive ERP and MES solution, Profit Key’s Rapid Response Manufacturing system, might be something you’d like to explore.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 22

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement QAD

QAD began in 1979 as a small startup looking to address a large gap in for mid-sized companies within manufacturing, life sciences, consumer products, and food and beverage industries. Today, they offer a flexible and customizable ERP solution for those same customers. 100 Innovation Place Their ERP software is typically recommended for organizations that have six Santa Barbara, CA 93108 or more users accessing the system. Their solution’s security measures are United States +1 (805) 566-6100 notable, meeting SAS 70/ SSAE 16, PCI-DSS, and ISO9001. QAD works to www.qad.com develop products and services that can address the needs of specific industries through collaboration with leading manufacturers and extensive research.

From the Company

“QAD On Demand is the industry’s only full-strength enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution in the cloud, created exclusively for manufacturing companies, like yours. Whether you’re a growing start-up or an established global brand, with QAD On Demand web-based ERP software you can harness all of the power of QAD Enterprise Applications. QAD On Demand web ERP lets you focus on your business, not your software. As a manufacturer, you need to focus on meeting demand. Let QAD focus on keeping your business running … on demand!”

Key Features

Hybrid Cloud – QAD’s cloud ERP service allows you the freedom to move your data entirely to the cloud, keep it stored locally, or have a bit of both.

Enterprise Financials – QAD Financials supports your business with comprehensive controls, budgeting, analysis and reporting tools. With built-in local languages and internationalization, it supports local business practices in more than 44 countries.

Asset Management – QAD Enterprise Asset Management is an integrated plant operation solution that enables companies to operate plants more efficiently by keeping equipment running at the lowest cost.

Bottom Line

QAD strongly specializes in a few industries, including manufacturing for automotive, life sciences, and consumer products. While QAD is a quality ERP solution, they’re not as large as other providers, meaning that there are fewer partners available to connect with.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 23

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Ramco

The India based software company, Ramco, delivers an ERP suite that covers a number of business needs, including finance & accounting, supply chain 64 Sardar Patel Rd. management, and quality management. The solution is built on Ramco Taramani, Chennai VirtualWorks, one of the most advanced application assembly and delivery 600 113 platforms. Its cloud option allows you to get a 360 degree view of your India +91 (44) 2235 4510 business at any time, and from anywhere. You can access each component of www.ramco.com the suite from over the internet from mobile or desktop devices.

From the Company

“In this era of borderless organizations, where business processes extend far beyond the boundaries of the organization, it becomes imperative for you to adopt new-age practices and solutions to ensure 100% business control and transparency at the lowest possible operational costs. Ramco ERP on Cloud helps you achieve this and propel your company far beyond the competition, without burning a hole in your pocket.”

Key Features

Hub it – Ramco’s “Hub” feature offers users clearly visualized, actionable insights pertaining to their role in one single screen. A user with responsibility for procurement will be able to do all his transactions from one screen.

Mail it – Ramco’s ‘Mail It’ feature has brought the Enterprise System to where the user wants and when he wants it. The user can now transact on the ERP by sending a mail to the system to complete their transactions. The system is intelligent enough to understand user’s mail and take appropriate action.

Thumb it – With Ramco, one can complete transactions by following the thumb's natural, sweeping arc. The app senses context and defaults the most probable transaction and lists down other often used transaction.

Bottom Line

Ramco offers the first full-fledged ERP solution to be delivered as a service. It’s a comprehensive ERP solution geared towards a business that’s experiencing rapid growth. Ramco ERP has the ability to be scaled up to accommodate multiple locations, currencies, and business units.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 24

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Sage

Formed in 1981, Sage provides ERP software directed to small and medium sized companies. Sage’s ERP software is available in three different products; X3 for enterprises, 100 for small and mid-sized light manufacturers, and 300 271 17th Street for small and mid-sized businesses with multiple locations. Sage 100 includes Atlanta, GA 30363 modules for core accounting, distribution, manufacturing, business United States intelligence, customer relationship management, and human resources. X3 is +1 (866) 996-7243 www.sage.com web based and browser agnostic and is responsible on mobile devices. It is also configurable to company requirements, user roles, and preferences.

From the Company

“Sage ERP X3 comprises a number of features and functions designed to help manage your business’s sophisticated processes, transactions and relationships. It can manage specific areas such as manufacturing, inventory, warehousing, purchasing, finance, customer relationship and even electronic document systems. We will put together a flexible and cost effective package of features that give you control and confidence.

Key Features

Hybrid Cloud – Sage’s hybrid cloud feature allow you to keep your data on-site while also allowing you to access your information through mobile devices.

Integration – Integrate front to back office processes such as marketing sales, and customer service.

Customizations – Flexible and powerful customizations can be done utilizing Custom Office to add user-defined fields, add programming to follow business rules, and automatically perform tasks. These customizations are very cost-effective as they will survive upgrades to the next release.

Bottom Line

Sage provides a number of ERP solutions, each designed with a specific business need in mind. The ERP solution provider is on the way to cloud, providing a hybrid cloud feature allowing to businesses to store data locally while having mobile access. Sage has been noted for their frequent updates for their ERP and CRM solutions.

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Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement SAP

SAP provides businesses with its Business One Suite ERP software which provides strong functionality across a number of industries including manufacturing, services, retail, wholesale distribution, and more. Within

Business One Suite’s ERP suite, it offers applications covering customer Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 relationship management, financials, human capital management, and product 69190 Walldorf lifecycle management. The software primarily serves small to medium-sized Germany businesses with up to one hundred employees and less than $75 million in +49 (0) 6227 / 7-47474 www.sap.com annual revenue.

From the Company

“Offering role-based access to critical applications. Data and analytical tools, our enterprise resource management software has a proven track record of driving competitiveness and streamlining business processes. With SAP Business Suite, your company can improve the strategic alignment and efficiencies of financial, human capital and operational processes. With enhanced enterprise productivity and insight from the SAP ERP application, you have the power needed to adapt quickly and cost-effectively to changing business, market and industry requirements”

Key Features

Procure to Pay – Manage your purchase orders more efficiently with SAP’s “Procure to Pay” function. This centralized software allows you to reduce costs by optimizing inventory levels, improve supplier management, and simplify basic procure-to-pay processes such as requisitioning and e-invoicing.

Core Finance – With the ‘Core Finance’ function, organizations can automate their financial operations while ensuring regulatory compliance.

Plan to Product – With this function, organizations can accelerate their manufacturing process; from planning and scheduling to monitoring and analysis.

Bottom Line

SAP Business Suite Provides a comprehensive, integrated set of applications for your entire organization. SAP Business One is deployed on-site and runs on Windows operating systems. The system provides a remote support platform that can perform automatic system health checks, upgrade eligibility checks, and more. Business One also allows the ability to interface external application or add additional functionality.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 26

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Synergy VISUAL

VISUAL ERP implemented by Synergy Resources provides manufacturing companies with a complete end-to-end business system focused on helping improve manufacturing operational performance. VISUAL is quick to implement, easy-to-use, yet flexible enough to fit most manufacturing companies of almost 320 Carleton Avenue any type from Engineer to Order, Configure/Assemble to Order, Make-to-Order, Central Islip, NY, 11722 and Make-to-Stock. VISUAL scales from small single-site companies to larger, United States multi-site companies with the ability to deploy using multiple separate or a +1 (866) 896-6347 single enterprise-wide database platform. VISUAL helps your company leverage www.synergyresources.net the resources you have: Many VISUAL users first implemented while under $10 million and were able to grow to over $100 million while adding little overhead.

From the Company

“Synergy Resources is uniquely positioned as the largest and most experienced partner for the most flexible and functionally-rich Manufacturing software in the world - VISUAL ERP. Finding and successfully implementing an ERP is one of the most daunting projects Manufacturing companies face. Synergy works with you upfront to uncover the potential benefits and issues to make sure that your implementation isn’t just ‘going live’ with a new ERP system – it’s truly a Business Performance Improvement project.”

Key Features

Visual ERP – Easy to use, fully integrated, functionally-rich, yet flexible ERP – Core includes: CRM, Quoting/Estimating, Engineering (BOM/Routings), Integrated Quality, Sales, Production Work Orders, Manufacturing Costing, Inventory, MRP, Production Planning and Scheduling, Throughput Management, Labor Reporting, Outside Services, Purchasing, Shipping/Receiving, RMA’s, GL, A/R, AP, Budgeting, Reporting, and more.

Finite Scheduling and Throughput Management– identifies bottlenecks, allows “What if” scheduling, and real-time availability check of quotes, estimates and sales orders in terms of shop floor capacity and material availability. This allows users to find future bottlenecks and fix them now before they make customer orders late. It also allows sales to promise due dates based on actual shop capacity and material availability.

The Synergy Approach – helps you focus on finding opportunities to improve your operational performance. Together, we then create a plan to implement the processes and metrics during or after the initial VISUAL ERP project to achieve the improvement goals and objectives. In this way, you don’t just ‘go-live’ with ERP software; you use ERP as a tool to drive dramatic improvement in your company’s performance!

Bottom Line

Synergy VISUAL is an affordable and easy to use ERP system that monitors supply chain management, human resources, full financials, and more. VISUAL supports many manufacturing modes including MTO, ETO, configure- to-order, make to stock, and assembly-to-order.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 27

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide


Unit4’s ERP solution, BusinessWorld On!, delivers industry focused solutions that include, professional services, education, public services, non-profit, wholesale, and financial services. The solution integrates information, workflow and analytics so each update populates automatically throughout 1000 Elm Street the system. Its in-system memory and predictive capabilities give teams the Manchester, NH 03101 time to focus on other projects. Unit4 modules include core financials, Human United States Resources, budgeting, forecasting, procurement, asset management, and +1 (877) 704-5974 www.unit4.com reporting and analytics.

From the Company

“Developed for a mobile future, these capabilities allow you to tailor Business World to suit your own particular needs. Whether your goal is financial insight or more effective teamwork, Unit4 enables you and your people to achieve it, by collaborating freely and working in any way you want - every day of the month, every month of the year, in the office or on the road.”

Key Features

Planning and Analysis – Business World On! provides organizations (in both the public and commercial sectors) with flexible tools for budget registration, consolidation, and analysis. Transactions Processing – Business World On's! architecture includes a powerful control management framework, tying other modules, manual processes and authorizations into one visible and auditable process flow. Control – The General is at the core of the Financials solution and is used to control and consolidate all the financial and statistical information from other parts of our unified ERP system, providing the financial department with full control and overview at all times. Reporting– Business World On! provides a range of reporting tools that help users report on, model and analyze their business.

Bottom Line

Unit4’s Business World On! is a fully integrated, role focused ERP solution that lets you deploy from a private cloud, public cloud, or on-premises locations. Unit4 Business World integrates information, workflow and analytics so each update populates automatically throughout the system. In-system memory and predictive capabilities help free up teams so they can focus on higher value work.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 28

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement Workwise

Workwise is a developer of ERP and CRM solutions along with implementation and support services. Their ERP solutions allow for full customization.

Workwise calls its philosophy “customer inspired” because of their devotion to N80 W12878 customer service; listening to unique requirements from customers and using Fond du Lac Ave the feedback to create innovative enterprise solutions. Workwise has more Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 United States than forty-five applications that can be used to build a number of roles that +1 (800) 490-9010 companies can deploy at group levels or at the individual user level. www.workwisellc.com

From the Company

“WorkWise ERP software is specifically designed for today’s make-to-order, engineer to order, configure to order, build to stock and mixed mode manufacturers. Our innovative software empowers users to make informed decisions on production processes and business activities by providing proactive, real-time information. This allows you to shorten cycle times and optimize manufacturing information, supply chain management and manufacturing execution and planning. Our unique ERP software solution meets the needs of each user. WorkWise ERP is made up of Role-Based WorkBenches, which are views configured to match each user’s role within the company.”

Key Features

Serial and Warranty Control – Maintain accurate records for each unique warranty and/or serial number purchase and sale. This ERP solution gives you tighter control of business operations and a more effective way to deal with regulatory compliance.

Ecommerce Gateway – Management of all your customer-facing applications, including web collaboration with customers, catalog and content management, credit card processing, inventory management and more.

Customer Order Management – Customer Order Management handles the creation, maintenance, shipping, and invoicing of your customer orders for goods and services.

Bottom Line

Workwise is a flexible on-premise ERP application that allows for the assembly of screens and function required to fit each user’s roles and responsibilities. The solution has over 45 applications that can be used to establish hundreds of roles to be deployed at the group level, or at the individual user level.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 29

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide

anagement 24Seven Office

24Seven is a Norway based web based business system, offering an ERP solution as-a-service. It provides resources needed for daily business operations, such as billing, accounting, project management, file management and more. The whole system runs on an open API that allows for modular Strandpromenaden 9 customization by your own developers or a hired consultant. The 24SevenOffice N-0252 Norway project management module connects all parts of a plan and its phases, +47 21 54 81 00 allowing for online collaboration, task assignments, and rights management. www.24 sevenoffice.com

From the Company

“24SevenOffice is a seamless and fully integrated business system. Everyone in the company is working online and has access to customer data across modules in 24SevenOffice. The system is updated automatically on the web, so you can say goodbye to installations and instead focus on business operations – and focus on marketing and selling your products and services. More efficient processes, lower total costs, scalability, predictable costs and rapid implementation are among the benefits.”

Key Features

Financials – 24Seven’s financial features deal with all formats for incoming and outgoing receipts, with all functions fully integrated; from scanning, EHF, receipt, authentication, invoicing, banking, accounting and ledgers to reporting.

Decision-Making Intelligence – 24SevenOffice CRM provides a complete overview of your customers, contacts and suppliers from a single location. All information about your customers, partners, suppliers and other contacts are linked to your unique customer card in CRM.

Project Management – As a project manager, 24SevenOffice allows you to easily plan project implementation from A to Z, assign tasks, manage rights and invite any number of external participants to take part in the projects.

Bottom Line

24Seven Office is a scalable and fully integrated system allowing companies to pay per user per month, which means that smaller companies will realize the power of the solution more fully. The application is optimized for companies that need a powerful, customizable, project management solution.

© 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA 30

Enterprise Resource Planning

2017 Buyer’s Guide anagement

About Solutions Review:

Solutions Review is a collection of technology news sites that aggregates, curates and creates the best content within leading technology categories. Solutions Review mission is connect buyers of enterprise technology with the best solution sellers.

Over the past three years, Solutions Review has launched ten tech Buyer's Guide sites in categories ranging from Cybersecurity to Wireless 802.11ac as well as Mobility Management and Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Data Integration and Cloud Platforms.

Information for this report was gathered via a meta-analysis of available online materials and reports, conversations with vendor representatives, and examinations of product demonstrations and free trials. Solutions Review does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in this publication and does not advise technology users to base their vendor selection entirely on this research. Solutions Review disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, regarding this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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