ORIGINAL WILEY, REIN & FIELDING ': ("Fy'\.' :""L!T'll~!O\ I 1776 K STREET, N
ORIGINAL WILEY, REIN & FIELDING ': ("Fy'\.' :""l!t'll~!o\ I 1776 K STREET, N. W. , '\.,;.:;:: 'ilit WASHINGTON, O. C. 20006 (202) 429-7000 June 26, 1997 DONNA COLEMAN GREGG (202) 429-7260 Mr. William F. Caton, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street, Northwest Washington, D.C. 20554 Rc: Notification ofPermitted Ex Parte Presentation in MM Docket No. 93-25 Dear Mr. Caton: [jfdime Television ("Lifetime"), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section 1.206(a)(1) of the Commission's rules, hereby submits an original and one copy of a notification of ex parte contact in MM Docket No. 93-25. Nancy R. Alpert, Senior Vice President ofBusiness and Legal Affairs and Deputy General Counsel at ljfetime, G\\iynne McConkey, Vice President ofNetwork Operations at Lifetime, along with Donn,) C. Gregg of Wiley, Rein & Fielding, met with Gretchen C. Rubin, Chief Counsel to the Cbai rman, to discuss issues related to the above-cited docket and summarized in the written materials attached hereto. In a separate meeting, Nancy Alpert, Gwynne McConkey and Donna Gregg also met with William H. .lohnson, Deputy Chief (Policy), Merril Icove, Legal Advisor, Marcia Glauberman, Economist. Policy and Rules Division, Alexis D. Jones, Attorney, Policy and Rules Division, John K. Adams, Attorney, and Jason Friedrick, Summer Intern, ofthe Cable Services Bureau. They also discussed issues related to MM Docket No. 93-25 which are summarized in the same attached materials. Kindly direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned counsel. Respectfully submitted, /)~ 0_/ Donna C. Gregg Counsel for Lifetime Television Enclosures . Cj~\ '" .., .~.. rJC'd~.'.
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