Annotated Edition presents the Annotated Popular Edition of THE PICTURE A TRUE HUNGARIAN HISTORY by Philip Massinger Performed 1629 First Published 1630 Featuring complete and easy-to-read annotations. Annotations and notes © Copyright Peter Lukacs and, 2019. This annotated play may be freely copied and distributed. 1 THE PICTURE A True Hungarian History By Philip Massinger Performed 1629 First Published 1630 A Tragecomedie, As it was often presented with good allowance, at the Globe, and Blacke Friers Play-houses, by the Kings Maiesties Servants. DRAMATIS PERSONAE. INTRODUCTION TO THE PLAY The Hungarian Court: The Picture, by Philip Massinger, is a highly entertaining drama-comedy which explores what happens to people who Ladislaus, king of Hungary. are unable or unwilling to control their feelings and Honoria, the queen. affections: unchecked suspicion, embarrassingly Acanthe, maid of honour. unrestrained adoration, and even immoderate lust, all will Sylvia, maid of honour. be repaid. The Picture is likely the only Elizabethan play Ferdinand, general of the army. to take place in Hungary's ancient royal capital, Alba Eubulus, an old counsellor. Regalis, modern Székesfehérvár. Ubaldo, a wild courtier. Ricardo, a wild courtier. NOTES ON THE TEXT Bohemian Characters: The text of The Picture is adopted from Gifford's edition of our play, cited at #16 below, but with some Mathias, a knight of Bohemia. of the 1630 quarto's original spellings restored. Sophia, wife to Mathias. Hilario, servant to Sophia. NOTES ON THE ANNOTATIONS Corisca, Sophia's woman. Julio Baptista, a great scholar. References in the annotations to Gifford refer to the notes supplied by editor W.
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