Cryocooler Fundamentals and Space Applications
Cryocooler Fundamentals and Space Applications Ray Radebaugh R. G. Ross, Jr. National Institute of Standards and Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory Boulder, Colorado 80305 California Institute of Technology (303) 497-3710; Pasadena, California 91109 Sponsored by Short Course Lecturers: Cryogenic Engineering Conference Ray Radebaugh, NIST Tucson, Arizona R. G. Ross, Jr., JPL June 28, 2015 CSA-CEC2015.ppt Cryocooler Fundamentals and Space Applications Contents Morning (8:00 – 12:00): One 15 min. break Session 1: Information sources, definitions, history, applications, thermodynamics, cryocooler types, Joule-Thomson (JT) coolers, Brayton cryocoolers, Claude systems, heat exchangers Session 2: Regenerative cycles, Stirling cryocoolers, Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocoolers, 4 K regenerators, pulse tube cryocoolers, types, examples, modeling, cryocooler comparisons, new research Afternoon (1:00 – 5:00): One 15 min. break Session 3: Space cryocoolers, history, applications, long life, Stirling coolers, Ron Ross pulse tube coolers, JT systems, Brayton coolers, system design, qualification, vacuum, conduction and radiation thermal loads Session 4: Performance requirements, thermal measurements, orientation, Ron Ross generated vibration and supression, launch vibration, EMI, AIRS example, sizing, temperature stability, integration 6/28/2015 CSA Short Course, Cryocoolers and Space Applications 2 Course Goals • Provide information to a variety of students • Learn about various types of cryocoolers •
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