International Revîëw of Poultry Science
TOME IX. 1936. No. 1/2 INTERNATIONAL REVÎËW OF POULTRY SCIENCE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE WORLD'S POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION ¡f73S EDITOR: Dr. B. J. C. TE HENNEPE ROTTERDAM (Holland) This Review is free fo all members of the World's Poultry Science Association. AH subscriptions should be sent to the Editor: Dr. B. J. C. te Hennepe, Rotterdam, or to the Secretary- Treasurer: Dr. G. F. Heuser, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.y., U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTIONS. $5.00 annually in advance. The personal membership of the W.P.S.A. per amounts to $5.00 year For affiliated societies „ „ $25.00 ADVERTISEMENT RATES. One page, per issue $12.00 Half page, per issue $7.00 NATIONAL POULTRY COUNCIL LAYING TRIALS REGISTER Vol. IX Containing Official Records obtained at RECOGNISED LAYING TRIALS Now on sale: Price 6d., postage paid. Copies of Vols. I-VIII are also on sale, price 6d. each, postage paid. Apply to: THE SECRETARY, National Poultry Council Avenue Chambers, 4, Vernon Place, London W. C. 1 ENGLAND Sir Edward Brown Above: Reidisminisfer for Agriculture and ßeidisbauernführer R. Walther Darré, President of the VI fh World's Poultry Congress. Left: Mr. Karl Vetter, Inspector General of the „Reichsnährstand" and President of the National Union of German Small Stock Breeders, Acting President of the VI th World's Poultry Congress. Below: Dr.Walther Kupsdi, ¡Secretary General of theVIfh World's Poultry Congress. Äf the reception of the Press in connection with the VI th World's Poultry Congress. The managing President of the Congress, Karl Vetter, explains to the Honorary President of the W.P.S.A., Sir Edward Brown, as well as to Ministerialdirektor Dr.
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