Making an American Dance
Making an American Dance: Billy the Kid, Rodeo, and Appalachian Spring LYNN GARAFOLA Few American composers had a longer or more intimate association with dance than Aaron Copland. He discovered it as an exciting form of thea ter art in Paris during his student years, which coincided with the heyday of Serge Diaghilev's Ballets Russes and Rolf de Mare's Ballets Suedois. In the Paris of the early 1920s new music and ballet were synonymous. Stravinsky, Prokofiev, and Falla were stars of the "Russian" troupe; Satie, Milhaud, and Honegger of the "Swedish" one. In 1923, like so many other young composers, Copland attended the revival of Stravinsky'S Rite of Spring and the first performance of his Les Noces, as well as the premiere of Milhaud's La Creation du Monde. Copland's first orchestral score, which he began in Paris, was a ballet. Although it was never produced, he recy cled parts of it in his 1929 Dance Symphony, an independent orchestral work, and his 1934 ballet for Ruth Page, Hear lef Hear lef. "Ballet was the big thing in Paris during the 1920s," he told Phillip Ramey in 1980. "One of the first things I did upon arriving in Paris in 1921 was to go to the Ballets Suedois, where I saw Milhaud's £Homme et son Desir."] Copland discovered ballet in the aftermath ofDiaghilev's modernist revo lution. Through his successive choreographers-Michel Fokine and Vaslav Nijinsky before World War I, Uonide Massine, Bronislava Nijinska, and George Balanchine during and after the war-Diaghilev transformed not only what ballet looked lil(e but also how it sounded.
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