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Discontinuance of Publication To our readers, First and foremost, I, as the president of Yonhap News Agency, would like to give our readers many thanks for the deep interest shown in our Vantage Point magazine for many years. With your great interest and encouragement, Yonhap has done its utmost to make Vantage Point, South Korea's sole North Korea-only monthly in English, a quality magazine over the years. However, Yonhap has very regrettably decided to discontinue the publication of the maga- zine, making the January issue in 2016 its last. This discontinuance, however, will never mean weakening Yonhap’s North Korea news ser- vice. On the contrary, Yonhap, as a leading news agency in South Korea, has the grave obligation to play a part in helping materialize the Korean people’s ardent wish for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula by providing our readers at home and abroad with accurate news on the reality of the communist North and the South Korean government’s North Korea policy. Hence, Yonhap promises to continuously meet our Vantage Point readers’ keen interest in and high demand for stories on Korean Peninsula issues by providing you with a quicker, fairer, more accurate and stronger North Korean news service via its Web page (www.yonhapnews.co.kr). I would like to express my deep appreciation to our faithful readers once again, and hope you will continuously maintain interest in Korean issues down the road. Best regards, Park No-hwang President-publisher Yonhap News Agency 폐간사 독자여러분들에게, 우선 그동안 연합뉴스 Vantage Point를 애독해주신 독자 여러분들에게 깊은 감사의 말씀을 드립니다 그동안 연합뉴스는 독자 여러분들의 높은 관심과 격려 속에서 한국의 유일한 북한 전문 영문월간지인 Vantage Point를 품격있는 잡지로 만들기 위해 최선 을 다해왔습니다.
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