Kelly, Shaheerah From: Kelly, Shaheerah Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 1:27 PM To: Chad Smith; Harrilene Yazzie Cc: Nystedt, John; Kelly, Shaheerah; Tressia Contreras Subject: FW: ESA Compliance for Window Rock Airport Project Attachments: FNF Construction CBP GP Application 6-15-2020.pdf; Maps for Window Rock Airport.pdf; Categorical Exclusion of Airport Projects.pdf; FNF Construction FWS Correspondence 3-19-2018.pdf Please see the message below. Thank you. From: Kelly, Shaheerah Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 12:34 PM To: Nystedt, John <
[email protected]>; Sonja Detsoi <
[email protected]>; Pam Kyselka <
[email protected]>; Nora Talkington <
[email protected]>; Leanna Begay <
[email protected]> Cc: Hedwall, Shaula <
[email protected]>; Tressia Contreras <
[email protected]>; Kelly, Shaheerah <
[email protected]> Subject: ESA Compliance for Window Rock Airport Project Good Afternoon, The Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9 Office, received an application for the temporary operation of a small concrete batch plant project at the Window Rock Airport in Apache County, Arizona, located on the Navajo Nation tribal land. The EPA granted approval for Phase I of this project on April 18, 2018 for a period of 30 days. Phase I included a cement production of 8,200 cubic yards per year. The applicant, FNF Construction, Inc., is requesting approval for Phase II of this project for a period of 45 days. Phase II of this project includes a cement production of 7,000 cubic yards per year. All project activities, including equipment staging, will be limited to existing paved surfaces within the subject parcel. There will be no surface disturbance of previously undisturbed ground associated with the construction of the project.