The British Astronom ical Association




ISSN 0267-9272 Office: Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1V 9AG SECTION OFFICERS Director J.E. Isles, PO Box 6322, Limassol, Cyprus Tel: Limassol (010 357 51) 23166

Eclipsing binary charts are available from, and bulky material should be sent to: Mrs Elizabeth Isles, 20 Berkeley Square, London W1X 6DT NB: for routine enquiries contact M.D. Taylor

Assistant Director S.R. Dunlop, 140 Stocks Lane, East Wittering, & Circulars Editor Chichester, West Sussex PO20 8NT Tel: Bracklesham Bay (0243) 670354 Email: Microlink: MAG100665 JANET: MAFD5 @UK.AC.SUSSEX.CLUSTER

Secretary M.D. Taylor, 17 Cross Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF2 8DA Tel: Wakefield (0924) 374651 Chart Secretary J. Toone, 2 Hilton Crescent, Boothstown, Worsley, Manchester M28 4FY Tel: 061 702 8619 Noval G.M Hurst, 16 Westminster Close, Kempshott Secretary Rise, Basingstoke, Hants. RG22 4PP Tel: Basingstoke (0256) 471074 Email: Microlink: MAG60138 JANET: GUYH @ UK.AC.SUSSEX.CLUSTER P rof J Am. Liason Roger Pickard, 28 Appletons, Hadlow, Comm. Secretary Kent TNI 1 0DT Tel: Tonbridge (0732) 850663 Email: Microlink: MAG70304 Computerization D. McAdam, 33 Wrekin View, Madeley, Telford, Secretary Shropshire TF7 5 HZ Tel: Telford (0952) 452048 Email: Microlink: MAG 11851 Telephone Alert Numbers

The following numbers may be called at any time up to 23:00 UT (or BST when in operation) to report variable-star activity, or at any time during the night for possible novae only:

Guy Hurst 0256 471074 Graham Keitch 0934 862924 Denis Buczynski 0524 68530

For subcription rates and charges for charts and other publications see inside back cover. BRITISH ASTRONOMICAL ASSOCIATION ' SECTION

INDEX to CIRCULARS Nos. 12 to 70


Circulars were issued in the early o f the Variable Star Section by Col. E.E. Markwick (Director 1900-10), but there are no copies of these in the Section’s archives. The present series is numbered from VSS Circular 1 of 1922 March 31, produced by Dr F. de Roy (Director 1922-39). Ten more appeared over the next 13 years, discussing changes in charts and comparison star sequences, Section appoint­ ments, meetings and various administrative matters. They were printed by letterpress and ranged from one to four sides of octavo.

The VSS Circulars were revived in 1972 May by the writer during a previous incarnation as Director. No 12 comprised ten quarto sides o f which five were (ominously?) devoted to a new project on eclipsing binaries. Until 1982, the Circulars were duplicated from stencils cut on a typewriter, a job Storm Dunlop did from No. 13 o f 1972 July. In 1975 he also took on their distribution, and about five years later, though this was not announced at the time, he became their Editor.

Several improvements in the format of the Circulars were master-minded by Storm. No 53 o f 1983 March/April was the first to appear in the form of an A5 booklet in the now familiar yellow cover. The printing was by offset litho, so that illustrations could now be included more easily. The text was set up using a word processor and die appearance of typescript was finally eliminated with issue 68 of 1989 January, for which the masters were produced on a laser printer. Meanwhile, the Circulars have grown to around 36 inside pages per issue, and have become an important journal of variable-star astronomy.

For many years we have felt the need for an index to VSS Circulars, and Peter Wheeler has now provided one, to which this issue is devoted. We decided not to include Circulars 1 -11, which are only of historical interest I am sure all readers will wish to join me in thanking Peter for this magnificent and valuable work.

John Isles Director Please note that page numbers in Roman numerals indicate pages of P^LC Newsletter, published in Circulars 68,69, & 70 '

Administrative changes - 70,1 Alert arrangements for the VSS - 6 6 ,6-7; 67,1 (Beta Per) - 61,13 Algols and Amateurs - Dave Wonnacott - 70,34-35 Amateur Variable Star Directory - 4 3 ,2 American Association of variable Star Observers (AAVSO) Circulars - reports and subscription - 12,3 European Meeting in Brussels 1990 July 24-28 - 6 9 ,29; 70,36-40, iv ANDROMEDA [M31] J. Bryan - 62, 8-13 R - 13,1; 17,2; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 23, 5; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 32, 3; 1977 - 3 7 ,2; 1978 - 4 2 ,2; chart 4 9 ,6; 1983 - 5 7 ,2; 1986 - 66, 24; 69, 19 S - 61,12 W - 3 0 ,4; 1977 - 3 7 ,2; 1978 - 42, 2; 1983 - 5 7 ,2; 1986 - 66,24 Z - 7 0 ,6 RS - sequence 3 8 ,1-2; 1986 - 6 5 ,6; 68,37 RT - 60,18; 63,21; 66,33; 70,18 RW - 3 0 ,4; 1977 - 3 7 ,2; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 4 2 ,2; chart 4 4 ,1; 1983 - 5 7 ,2; 1986 - 66,24 RX - 13,1; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 23,5; 1975 - 30,1; 1976 - 32,3; 1977 - 37,2; 1978 - 42,2; 1983 - 57,2; 60,11; 63,11; 1986 - 66,24; 69,19 SS - 59,12 SU - sequence 3 8 ,1-2; 1986 - 6 5 ,6; 70,6 TW -60,17-18 TZ - sequence 3 8 ,1-2; 1986 - 6 5 ,6; 68,37 VX - 5 9 ,10-11; 68,2-4, chart 5 ,7-8; 70,9-10 WW - 5 9 ,1 5 ,15; 60,17-18 WZ - 5 9 ,16; 6 0 ,18; 6 1 ,16; 6 3 ,20-21; 66,33 AB - 6 0 ,18; 6 1 ,16; 6 3 ,21; 6 6 ,33; 70,17-18 A D -60,17-18; 61,16;63,21 AQ - chart, 2 6 ,2; sequence 5 1 ,4; 6 6 ,4; 6 8 ,37; 7 0 ,8 AR - 25,1 BX - 5 8 ,13; 5 9 ,16; 6 3 ,21; 6 6 ,33; 70,18 BZ - sequence 51,4; 6 0 ,17-18; 66,4; 70, 3 CD - 63,20-21 C N -64,12-13 DS - 5 1 ,6; 5 9 ,16; 6 1 ,16; 70,18 D X - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,6

2 Andromeda (cont.) DZ - 1 7 ,2; 2 2 ,3; 1974 - 2 3 ,5; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 3 4 ,1; Chart, 3 5 ,3; 1977 - 3 7 ,2; 1978 - 4 2 ,2; 1983 - 5 7 ,3; 1984 - 6 2 ,13; dropped 6 6 ,5; 1986 - 66,24 EG - 6 5 ,18; 70,6 EU - 68,2-4, chart 5 ,7-8; 70,9 FN - 69, 2; 7 0 ,6 FO - 57,15 HP - 69,2; 70,6 KK - 65, 18 KY - 65,18 LL - 6 9 ,2; 70 ,6 LO - 63,21 LS - 69,2; 70,6 O S -7 0 ,6 Kappa - 65,14 Omicron - 65,18 1986 - 66,29 NSV 895 - 69,2 BS551 [SAO 037607] - 59,1; 61,9; 65,4; 67,26-29 ANTLIA T - 65,24 Apertures recommended - 18,6 APUS S - 56 ,9 AQUARIUS RY - 63,21 ST - 63,21; 66,33,34 SU - 60,18 VY - 1 7 ,2; 52, 3; 1983 - 57, 3; 1984 - 6 2 ,13; 65, 32; chart 6 6 ,1 1; 1986 - 66,24,67,1,69,3 AE - 7 0 ,6 DX - 66, 34 EG - 6 9 ,3; 70,6 Omicron - 65,18 Pi - 65,18 R - sequence 1 3 ,1-2; 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 18,4; 2 2 ,3; 1974 - 2 3 ,5; 2 5 ,2; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 32,3; 1977 - 37,2-3; 1978 - 42,2; 1983 - 57,3; 1986 - 66,24 U - 65,24 V - 3 4 ,2; 1986 - 6 5 ,6; 6 8 ,3 7 ,43; 70,8

3 Aquila (cont.) SZ - 65.26 ΤΓ - 65,26 UU - 1 3 ,1; chart, 1 5 ,3; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,5; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 32, 3; 1977 - 37,3; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 4 2 ,2; 1983 - 57, 3; 1986 - 6 6 ,24; 69,19 UW - 1 3 ,1; sequence 1 8 ,2; 1973 - 2 1 ,2; 1974 - 23, 5; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 32, 3; 1977 - 37, 3; 1978 - 42,2; 1983 - 57, 3; 1984 - 6 2 ,13; 1986 - 66,25 CI - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,6 FM - 65,24 FN - 65,24 KO - 6 1 ,15-16; 70,18 K P-63,21; 70,18 OO - 59, 16; 6 0 ,18; 6 1 ,16; 6 3 ,21; 66, 34; 70,18 QY - 66,34 V342 - 7 0 ,18 V346 - 6 1 ,16; 6 3 ,21; 70,18 V450 - chart 2 6 ,2; 68,26, chart 27, 37 V496 - 65,24 V603 - 44, 8; 4 7 ,2; 1984 - 6 2 ,13; 1986 - 6 6 ,25; 70,3 V725 - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,6 V794 - 55,1 V822 - 1 4 ,2; 26, 3; 5 8 ,1 2 ,13; 59,14-16 V889 - 60,17-18 V923 - 65,18 VI162-65,24 V1229 [Nova 1970] 69,19 V1293 [CSV 1011855] - 22, 3; chart, 2 6 ,2; 68,26, chart 27, 37 V1294 - 5 4 ,5; 6 5 ,18; 68,26, chart 27 V1295 - 65,18 V1339-65,18 V1344 - 65,22 V1370 [Nova 1982] - 56, 10; 58,8 NSV 12088 [CSV 101849] - 26,2 Eta - 5 3 ,12; 66,1 CSV 101849 - 26,2 ARA V340 - 65,26,27 Argelander’s Method - 2 2 ,1; 51,7-8 ARIES R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 17,2; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; 1974 - 23, 5; 69, 21

4 Aries (cont.) V - chart 2 6 ,2; 6 6 ,4; 68, 37; 69,29, chart 30 RR - 68,12 RX - 63,21 SS - 6 0 ,18; 6 1 ,16; 6 3 ,20-21; 66, 33,34 SV - 6 9 ,2; 70 ,6 TT - 70, 3 Astronomer, The, Rates and services - 66,6-7 Atlases for Variable Star Observers - Part 1 - 54,12 R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; 1974 - 23, 5; 69,21 X - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; 1974 - 23, 5; 69,21 RT - 65,24 RW - 1974 - 24,4; 25,2; 1975 - 30,1; 1976 - 32, 3; 1977 - 37, 3; 1978 - 4 2 ,2; dropped 48 ,6 SS - 13,1; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 23, 5; 2 5,1; 1975 - 30,1, 3; 1976 - 3 2 ,3; 1977 - 3 7 ,3; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 4 2 ,2; 1983 - 5 7 ,3; 1986 - 66,25; 69,19 SU - 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 2 5 ,2; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 32, 3; 1977 - 3 7 ,3; 1978 - 4 2 ,3; dropped 48 ,6 SX - 59,16; 6 1 ,16; 63,20-21; 70,18 TT - 58,13; 63,20-21; 66,34; 70,18 UU - 3 4 ,2; 4 4 ,7 ,12; 70,8 UV - 70,13-14, chart 15 WW - 2 6 ,2; 5 8 ,13; 5 9 ,16; 6 1 ,8; 6 3 ,21; 66,34 AB - 2 2 ,3; 2 6 ,1; 70 ,8 A M - 5 1 ,6; 60,17-18 AR - 5 6 ,5-6; 5 8 ,13; 6 0 ,18; 6 1 ,16; 6 3 ,22; 70,18 BF - 5 9 ,16; 6 3 ,2 0 ,22; 66, 34 CO - 1 7 ,1; 1974 - 2 3 ,5; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 3 4 ,2; 5 4 ,5-6; 5 7 ,15; dropped 59,1 EO - 66,34 HL - 6 0 ,18; 6 1 ,16; 63,22 IM - 5 8 ,13; 5 9 ,16; 6 0 ,18; 6 3 ,2 0 ,22; 6 5 ,14; 66, 34; 70, 18 IU - 6 3 ,22; 66, 34; 70,18 L V -5 9 , 16 LY - 5 8 ,13; 6 3 ,2 0 ,22; 66, 34; 70,1 7 ,1 9 NO - 22, 3; chart, 2 6 ,2; dropped 67,1 Epsilon - 5 1 ,10; 55, 1; 5 7 ,1 ,15; 63, 13; 65, 31; 69, 19 Zeta - 63,20,22; 69,23-25 BD +31°1O48 [NSV 02537] chart, 2 6 ,2; 4 5 ,7-8; 5 2 ,1; 6 1 ,9-10; dropped 66,4

5 BAA Journal: Papers on variable - 6 8 ,1; 69,19-21 Be stars - 64,13 Bias - 21,6 Binocular Group (VSS) - 19,1-4 Group Coordinator - 1 4 ,2; LPV Project - 1 2 ,2; charts, 1 4 ,2; charts, 42 ,8 Programme - 1 2 ,2; 1 9 ,2; Priority List - 1 9 ,3; 1988 - 67,1-6 Priority List - 70,7-8 Uncertain variations - 50,5-7 ‘The Binocular Programme’, M.D. Taylor - 44,11-12 Summary: 1986, M.D. Taylor - 65,2-5 Changes: 1 988-66,4-5 Binocular Sky Society & VSS 18,1-2 Binocular variables, Miscellaneous 1986, M.D. Taylor - 65,6-11; 66,29 Binocular Variable Star Charts, V ol.l - 5 8 ,3; 6 1 ,5; 6 2 ,8; 63,1 Booklist - 6 3 ,2 Bodes on variable Stars - Storm Dunlop - 69,17-19 Books for sale and wanted - 53,16 BOOTES R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 69,21 S - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 69,21 U - 13,1; 1973 - 18,4; 22,3; 1974 - 23,6; 1975 - 3 0,1; 1976 - 32,3; 1977 - 3 7 ,3; 1978 - 4 2 ,3; 1983 - 5 7 ,5; 1986 - 6 6 ,25; 69,19 V - 13,1; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 23,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 3 2 ,3; 1977 - 3 7 ,3; 1978 - 4 2 ,3; 1983 - 5 7 ,5; 1986 - 66,25 W - 4 7 ,2 RW - 68,37; 70,8 RX - 2 5 ,2-3; 3 0 ,3; 3 4 ,2; 4 7 ,8; 6 6 ,2; 6 9 ,19; 70,8 SS - 16,17-18 T Y - 6 1 ,16 TZ - 6 1 ,16; 63,22 UV - 2 2 ,3; 3 4 ,2; dropped 65,4 UW - 60,17-19 UZ - 3 8 ,4; 6 9 ,2; 70 ,6 ZZ - 2 6 ,3; 5 8 ,13; 61 ,8 AC - 5 8 ,1 2 ,13; 6 0 ,19; 6 1 ,16; 63,22 AD - 6 3 ,22; 70 ,1 7 ,1 9 CR - 6 9 ,2; 7 0 ,6 44i - 61,16 Nova 1962 - 6 9 ,2; 70 ,6

6 CAMELOPARDALIS R-66,8^9 U - 1986-65,6; 68, 37; 70,8 V - 13,1'17, 2; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 23,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 32,2; 1976- 32,4! 1977 - 37,3; 1978 - 42,3; 1983 - 57,5; 1986-66,25 X - 13, V 17,2; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 23,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 34,2,4; 1977- 37 ,3; 1978 - 42,3; 1983 - 57,5; 1986 - 66,25 Z - 1 3 ,1; 1 4 ,1; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 23,6; 2 5 ,1; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 32,4; 1977 - 37,3; 40,2; sequence 42,1; 1978 - 42,3; 1983 <57,5; 6 3 ,11; 1986 - 66,25; 68,19; 69,19 R U -65,47 RYk68,38 ST -sequeoce38,1-2; 68,38,43 SV x 60,47,19; 6 1 ,16; 63,22; 66,34; 70,19 TW - 17, Γ; 22,3; 1974 - 23,6; dropped 24,2; 1975 - 31,9 UVX68.36 XXX 12,2; 17,2;; 1974 - 23,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 32,4,35,2; 1977- 37,3; 1978 - 42,3; 1983 - 57,5; 1984 - 6 2 ,13; 1986 - 66,25; 70,8 XZ X 51,6; 60,17,19; 63,20,22; 66,33,34 TL >68,38; 70,3 AF 13, L 1 4 ,1; 1973 - 18,4; dropped 18,5 AL <60,49; 61.16; 63,22; 66,34 AN 431,6160,1-7,19; 61,15-16 AO a 66,34 j A S-63,22 AWV*58,13; 5 9 ,16; 63,22; 66,34 ΑΥΛ60.49 AZ-6 1 ,46; 63,20,22 BKR65.48 > +61^06686652, T, 5 9 ,1; dropped 66,4 CariddinlfefaMing on study of Variables with small telescopes - 60,1 CANCER!< X -34,2# 70,8 RTP68,38 > RS <34,2449,1-2 SUS7O.30 SYX 35,1; 63.11 TW'-^, 17 Utr- 58,13; 60,46,19; 63,20-22 WY-«3,20,23 XZ <63,20-23; 70,19 ZZ -63,20,23

7 Cancer (coni.) AK - 6 9 ,2; 7 0 ,6 AT - 49,6; 58, 8 EG - 6 9 ,2; 70 ,6 45 - 69,23-25 CANES VENATICI U - 59,4; 1986-66,25 V - 2 2 ,3; 3 4 ,2; sequence 3 8 ,2; graph 4 9 ,5; 70,8 V - sequence 38,2; 68,38 RS - 2 6 ,3; 5 8 ,13; 5 9 ,15-16; 69,25 R T -59,4; 70, 3 TU - 34,2; sequence 38,2 TX - 70,3 VZ - 63,23; 70,19 N G C 4 1 5 1 -6 0 ,13; 66,16-20 BD+49°2165 - 61,9 CANIS MAJOR R - 60,19 W - 65,6; 68,38; 70,6 RY - 65,24 SS - 65,26,27 UW - 6 0 ,1 6 ,19; 6 1 ,1 5 ,16; 62 ,2 VZ - 65,24 FS - 7 0 ,6 HI - 7 0 ,6 CANIS MINOR SV - 4 9 ,6 YY - 6 0 ,19; 66,34-35 AK - 60,19 Canterbury H p stars - 2 5 ,2; 3 0 ,3; 32 ,2 CAPRICORNUS AD - 63, chart 15-18 Epsilon - 65,18 Carbon star R For - 60,14 Carbon Stars, Project on Unusual - John Isles - 6 8 ,2 Four peculiar red giants - Ian Griffin - 6 8 ,7-8; 70,9-12 CARINA U - 65,26 V - 65,24 SX - 65,24 UX - 65,24 UY - 65,24

8 Carina (coni.) UZ - 65,24 WZ - 65,24 XX - 65,26 XY - 6 5 ,2 6 ,2 7 XZ - 6 5 ,2 6 ,2 7 YZ - 65,26 AQ - 65,24 ER - 65,24 GI - 65,24 HW - 65,24 IT - 65,24 O Y - 6 3 ,13 Carlsberg Automatic Transit Circle - 65,12, photo 13 CASSIOPEIA R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; 66,8-9 S - 1 3 ,1; 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 3 2 ,4; 1977 -3 7 ,4; 1978 - 4 2 ,3; chart 5 3 ,3; 1983 - 5 7 ,4; 1986 - 6 6 ,25; 70,4 T - 1 3 ,1; max, 1 4 ,1; chart, 14,2; dropped 17,2; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; 1974 - 23,6; 1977 - 37,4; 1978 - 42, 3; 1983 - 57,4; 1986 - 66,25 W - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 66,8-9 RS - 59,15 RX - 5 9 ,1 4 ,16; 6 0 ,1 6 ,1 9 RZ - 26, 3; 5 8 ,12-14; 5 9 ,16; 6 0 ,19; 6 1 ,17; 6 3 ,2 0 ,23; 6 6 ,3 3 ,35; 70 ,1 7 ,1 9 TV - 58,14; 59,16; 6l, 17; 63,20-23; 66, 33,35; 70,17,19 TW - 5 8 ,14; 5 9 ,16; 6 0 ,19; 6 3 ,23; 66,35 TX - 6 0 ,1 7 ,19; 6 3 ,13; 66 ,3 3 ,3 5 TZ - 1 3 ,1; 59,10-11, chart 13; 70,26-27 UV - 1 7 ,2; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 3 2 ,4; 3 4 ,1; chart, 3 5 ,3; 1977 - 3 7 ,4; 1978,42, 3; chart 53, 3; 1983 - 5 7 ,4; 1986 - 66,25 VX - 69,22 WZ - 34,2; 4 7 ,16; sequence 51,5; 1984 - 6 2 ,13; 70,8 YZ - 70,19 AB - 6 1,17; 63,23; 66, 35; 70,19 A M -6 0 ,1 1 AO - 68, iii BM - 60 ,1 6 ,1 9 C R -66, 33,35 DO - 5 8 ,14; 5 9 ,16; 66, 35 EQ - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2 HT - 1 3 ,1; 1 4 ,1; chart 1 5 ,3; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; dropped 1 8 ,5; 59, back cover, 6 0 ,5; chart 6 1 ,10-11; 69 ,2

9 Cassiopeia (cont.) IR - 66.35 KR - 63,23 OR - 63,23; 66,35 PV - 63,23; 66,35 PZ - 13,1 V358 - 13,1; 22,3 V368 - 6 3 ,23; 66,35 V377 - 3 4 ,2; dropped 65,4 V391 - 68,38 V393 - 68,38 V452 - 6 9 ,2; 70 ,6 V465 - 30, 3; 3 4 ,2; 70, 8 V509 - 65,14,18 V523 - 5 9 ,1 4 ,16; 6 0 ,1 6 ,19-20; 6 1 ,1 5 ,17; 6 3 ,23-24; 65, 31; 66, 35-36; V566 - 65,18 V630 - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,6 V635 [2S 0114+650] - chart 3 6 ,6 Alpha - 61,9-10 Gamma - 13,1; sequence 13,3; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 23,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 32,4; 1977 - 37,4; 1978 - 42, 3; 1983 - 57,4; 1984 - 6 2 ,13; 1986 - 6 6 ,25; 6 9 ,20; 70 ,8 Kappa - 65,18 Omicron - 6 5 ,18; 1986 - 66,25 Rho - 1 3 ,1; chart, 1 5 ,3; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,1; 1976 - 3 2 ,4; sequence 33, 5 and 34, 3; 1977,37,4; 1978 - 42, 3; 6 1 ,1; 1984 - 6 2 ,13; 6 3 ,13; 6 5 ,2 , chart 2; 1986 - 6 6 ,25; 70, 8 T a u -2 6 ,1 ;6 1 ,9; 6 4 ,1 ;6 5 ,16 BD +49°4329 [NSV 00021] - 5 2 ,1; dropped 6 5 ,4; 66,4 BD +57°0257 [HD7927c] - 26,4 Wr 162 - 3 4 ,2; [NSV 00436] 5 2 ,1; dropped 66,4 CSV 171 [NSV 00650] - 5 2 ,1; dropped 66 ,4 SAO 021020 - 59,1 Cataclysmic Binaries, orbital periods - 5 5 ,1; 5 8 ,9 Cataclysmic variables (see individual classes) CENTAURUS V - 65,24 UW - 56,9 AY - 65,24 AZ - 65,24,27 V339 - 65,24 V 4 1 9 -6 5 ,24

10 Centaurus (coni.) V553 - 65,24 V659 - 65,24 V737 - 65,24 V744 - chart 62,3 V767 - chart 62, 3 Centenary of the Society Astronomique de France - Storm Dunlop - 65,28, photo 29 CEPHEUS S - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 18,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 66,8-9 T - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 1 8 ,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 66,8-9 U - 2 6 ,3; 5 8 ,14; 6 4 ,11; 6 6 ,36; 69,10 V - 61,9-10 W - 3 4 ,2; chart and sequence 3 8 ,2; 6 8 ,39; 70 ,8 RW - 34,2; sequence 38,2; 68,39 SS - 3 4 ,2; 68,39 ST - 59,10-11; 7 0 ,2 6 ,2 8 , chart 32 SV - 69,22 SW - 13,1 W - 4 7 ,2; 69,23-25 VW - 2 6 ,3; 5 7 ,15; 5 8 ,8 ,14-15; 5 9 ,16-17; 6 0 ,20; 6 1 ,17; 6 3 ,24; 6 6 ,36; 70,19 XX - 6 0 ,2 0 XZ - 60,17,20 ZZ - 66,36; 70,19 AI - 60,16,20 AN - 59,12 AR - 34,2; 70,8 CQ - 60,17,20; 68,15-16, iii; 70,19 CW - 6 3 ,24; chart 6 4 ,19; 66,36 DM - 47,2; 1983 - 57,4,1984 - 6 2 ,13; 68,39 DO - 3 2 ,3 EG - 60,20; 61,17; 63,24; 66,36 E l- 2 6 ,3; 5 8 ,16; 59 ,1 5 ,1 7 EK - 5 8 ,1 6 ,5 9 ,17; 6 0 ,20; 66,36 FZ - 68,39; 70,6 GK - 5 8 ,1 2 ,16; 5 9 ,17; 6 0 ,20; 6 3 ,24; 7 0 ,1 7 ,1 9 GP - 68, iii GT - 59,17 IV [Nova 1971] - 69,20 K Y -2 2 ,4 NN [CSV 8815] - 2 2 ,3; sequence 3 8 ,2; 4 7 ,16; 59,14-15,17

11 Cepheus (cont.) OV [CSV 927] - 51, 7; 5 2 ,2; 59,1 V337 - 65, 18 V338 - 66, 36 V351 -65,24 Delta - 5 3 ,12; 66,1 Mu - 70, 8 Omicron - 70,8 +60°2217 [NSV 13656] - 5 2 ,1; dropped 6 6 ,4 +59°2383 [NSV 13729] - 5 2 ,1; dropped 66,4 +84°536 [NSV 14680] - 5 2 ,1; dropped 66,4 SAO 19521 - 61,9 CETUS SS - 63,24; 66,33,36 UV - 1 3 ,2; 14,2 VV - 6 0 ,17,20 XY - 5 9 ,1 4 ,17; 63,24 WX - 6 9 ,2; 7 0 ,6 AY - 65,14 33 [CSV 5895] - dropped 59,1 Omicron (Mira) - 1 3 ,1; 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 18, 5; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,2; 1976 - 32,4; 1977 - 37,4; 1978 - 42, 3; 5 1 ,10; 1983 - 57,4; 70,23 CHAMAELEON Z - 63,16 Charting Southern Hemisphere Binocular variables - Colin Henshaw: Part 1 - 61,1-2 Part 2 - 62,1-2, chart 3 Charts Binocular Catalogue, all programmes - 15,5; 17,3-4; 18, appendix; 22,4; 2 4 ,5; 2 3 ,9; 25, appendix; 2 6 ,1; 4 7 ,9-11; 4 8 ,1-8; 67,2-6 Charts - 2 6 ,2; 3 8 ,1-3; 3 8 ,3; 4 7 ,9-13; 54,5 Binocular Programme - 67,1-6 Binocular Chart booklet - 58,3 Charges - 18,1; 48,1;66,11 Eclipsing binaries - 5 9 ,8-9; 6 3 ,10; 6 6 ,8-9; 6 0 ,10; 6 4 ,19-20; 66 ,9 Errors - 1 3 ,2; New charts & Sequences - 4 2 ,1; 4 4 ,1; 47,9-13; 4 9 ,1; 53,3 New booklets - 67,32 Nova/supemova patrol - 5 9 ,12; 6 6 ,14-15; 67,14-21 Revised for RV and SX Mon - 66,30-31 Revision and improvement - 68,26 Revisions since Circular 48,1981 December - 53,3 Scandinavian Binocular, John Parkinson - 59,4

12 Charts (cont.) Sequences - 32,2 Supemova/Nova Catalogue - 59,12 ‘TA’ - 3 6 ,6; 45,1 Telescopic programme - 6 6 ,11; 67,1-6 CIRCINUS AV - 65,24,27 AX - 65,24 BP - 65,24,27 Circulars, - 5 8 ,1; charges 6 6 ,11; index 66,11 Classification and Cataloguing of variable Stars - 6 0 ,24; 62,1 Classification of V.S., Information Sheet 3 - 27,9 COMA BERENICES R-59,4;70,4 RW - 6 1 ,17; 63,24 RZ - 6 1 ,17; 63,24 SS-61, 17:63,24 A L - 6 9 ,2; 70,4 CC - 6 1 ,17; 63,24 GO - 6 9 ,2; 70 ,6 Alpha - Tristram Brelstaff - 69,4-6 SN NGC 4414 - 18, PE supplement 2; 2 0 ,2 ,5 Comet Halley 1985 -6 - 5 4 ,9 , Chart 10-11 Comparison stars - 37,1 Photoelectric and visual Sequences; I - 69,21; Π - 69,21 Computerization - 3 6 ,6; 4 7 ,18; 4 9 ,5; 5 0 ,7-8; 58,1 Appeal for Organizer - 70,2 Computer Programs - 50,7-8; 53,9-11 Computer Program for storage and display of observations using ZX81 Basic 53,9-11 Contribution of Amateur Astronomers to Astronomy, (IAU Colloquium 98, Paris) Storm Dunlop - 65,28 photos 29; 67,30; Proceedings 67,32 Contributions to Circulars on disk 62,20 CORONA AUSTRALIS Gamma - 61,8 CORONA BOREALIS: R - 12,2; sequence 2-3; 13,1; 17,1; 1973 - 18,5; 1974 - 23,6; 2 5 ,1; 1975 - 30,2; 1976 - 32,4; 1977 - 37,4; 39,2; 1978 - 42,3; 53,3; 54,7; 5 7 ,15-16; 1983 - 5 7 ,6 ,15; 60,11; 1986 - 66,25; 68,44; 69,20; 7 0 ,8 ,2 3

13 Corona Borealis (cont.) S - 13,1; sequence 13,2; 17,2; 1973 - 20,4; 1974 - 23,6; 25,3; 1975 -31,7; 1976 - 32,4; 1977 - 37,4; 1978 - 42,3-4; 1983 - 57,6; 1986 - 66,25 T - 12,2; 13,1; 1973 - 20,4; 1974 - 23,6; 29,2; 1975 - 30,2; 1976 - 4 2 ,4; R.F. Webbink, 3 2 ,1-2; 1977 - 3 7 ,4; 1978 - 4 2 ,4; 4 5 ,4; 53,3; 54,7; 57,1; 1983 - 57,4; 1984 - 62,18-19; 1986 - 66,25; 69,2,20; 70,13 U - 5 8 ,16; 5 9 ,1 5 ,17; 61,17 V - 3 2 ,2; 1977 - 3 7 ,4; 1978 - 4 2 ,4; chart 5 3 ,3; 1983 - 5 7 ,6; 5 8 ,12; 1986 - 66,25 W - 13,1; 17,2; 1973 - 20,4; 1974 - 23,6; 1975 - 30,2; 1976 - 32,4; 1977 -37,4; 1978 - 42,4; 1983 - 57,6; 1986 - 66,25 RS - 59,10-11 SS - 69,20 CI - 69,20 V1500 - 69,20 CSV [Catalogue of Suspected Variables] - 5 2 ,1; now NSV - 52 2 CRUX S - 65,24 BG - 65,24 CYGNUS R - 13,1; 17,2; 1973 - 20,4; 1974 - 23,6; 1975 - 30,2; 1977 - 37,4; 1978 - 42,4; 1983 - 57,7; 6 3,12; 1986 - 66,26 S - 1 3 ,1; chart, 1 5 ,3; 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6; 1975 - 3 0 ,2; 1977 - 37,5; 1978 - 42,4; 1983 - 57,7; 1986 - 66,26 T - 5 4 ,8; dropped 66 ,4 U - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 2 3 ,6 V - 30,4; 1977 - 37,5; 1978 - 42,4; 1983 - 57,7; 1986 - 66,26 W - 13,1; 14,1; 1973 - 18,5; 1974 - 23,7; 26,1; 1975 - 30,2; 1977 - 37,5; chart 3 8 ,2-3; 1978 - 4 2 ,4; chart 5 3 ,3; 1983 - 5 7 ,7; 6 2 ,2-8; 6 5 ,36; 1986 - 66,26; 70,8,14 X - 65,26-27 V - 2 6 ,3; 5 8 ,16; 5 9 ,17; 64,19 chart; 64,22 RU-65,6; 68,39,43; 70,6 RW - 13,1; 18,6; 59,10-11 RX - 61 ,9 SS - 13,1; sequence 13,2; 14,1; 16,2; 1973 - 20,4; 1974 - 23,7; 1975 - 30,2; 1976 - 32,4-5; 3 5,1; 3 6,1; 1977 - 37,5; 39,3; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 42,4; sequence 4 4 ,1; 1983 - 57,7; 1986 - 66,26; 68,19 SV-59,4,10-11 SW - 6 0 ,1 7 ,20; 6 1 ,1 5 ,17; 64,22

14 Cygnus (cont.) TT - 68,39; 70,4 V W -5 9 ,1 5 ,17; 6 0 ,1 7 ,2 0 WZ - 6 0 ,20; 6 1 ,17; 6 4 ,22; 67 ,8 AF - 3 4 ,2; graph 4 9 ,5; 7 0 ,8 AW-59,10-11 AZ - 13,1 BC - 13,1; sequence 18,2; 1973 - 21,2; 1974 - 23,7; 1975 - 30,2; 1976 - 3 2 ,5; 1977 - 3 7 ,5; 1978 - 4 2 ,4; 1983 - 5 7 ,8; 6 2 ,14; 1986 - 6 6 ,26; B F -7 0 ,6 BI - 13,1; sequence 18,2; 1973 - 21,2; 1974 - 23,7; 1975 - 30,2; 1976 - 3 2 ,5; 1977 - 3 7 ,5; 1978 - 4 2 ,4; 1983 - 5 7 ,8; 1986 - 66,26 B R -60,20; 64,22-23 CD - 65,26,27 C G -6 7 ,8 CH - 2 2 ,3; chart 2 6 ,2; 3 4 ,2; chart 4 9 ,1; 5 8 ,8; 6 0 ,9; 6 2 ,8-9; 62,19-20; 63,16; 67,31; 68,44; 70,8,13,24-25 CI - 1 7 ,2; 2 2 ,3; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 3 0 ,2; 1976 - 3 2 ,5; 3 5 ,2; 1977 - 37,5; sequence 42,1978 - 42,4; 54,7-8; 1983 - 5 7 ,8 ,16; 58,8-9; 60,9; 62,13,18; 1986 - 66,26; 70,13 DF - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 31 ,9 DT - 65,24,27 EY - 6 9 ,3; 70 ,6 GO - 64,23; 67,8 HN - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,6 KU - 60,17,20 MR - 6 7 ,8; 70,19 V360 - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 3 1 ,9 V367 - 60,16,20; 64,19 chart; 67,8; 70,17,19-20 V388 - 56,9-10 V441 - 13,1 V444 - 68, iii V448 - 5 9 ,1 4 ,17; 6 0 ,1 6 ,2 0 V460 - 22, 3; 3 4 ,2; 68,39 V466 - 5 1 ,6; 6 0 ,1 7 ,20-21; 6 1 ,17; 6 4 ,2 2 ,23; 6 7 ,8 V477 - 2 2 ,3; 5 8 ,16; 5 9 ,17; 67,8-9 V 4 8 2 -2 2 ,4 V 5 0 3 -6 8 ,8, chart 9 V542 - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,6 V568 - 65,18 V632 - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,6 V748 - 5 1 ,6; 60,21 V778 - 68,1-4, chart 5 ,7 -8 ,21; 70,9-12 15 Cygnus (cont.) V795 - 6 9 ,3; 70,6 V832 - 65,18 V836 - 5 9 ,17; 6 4 ,23; 67,9 V973 - 2 1 ,4; 22, 3 V1016-37, 1 V1O28 - 69, 3; 7 0 ,6 V1057-36,1; 70,6 V1060 - 69, 3; 7 0 ,6 V I1 1 3 -6 9 ,2; 7 0 ,6 V I143 - 5 8 ,16; 5 9 ,1 5 ,17; 6 1 ,17; 6 4 ,2 2 ,23; 6 7 ,9 V1251 -69,3;70,6 V1351 - dropped 66,4 V1425 - 5 8 ,16; 64, 23; 67,9 V1454 - 69, 3; 70, 7 V1500 [Nova 1975] - 2 4 ,2; chart 2 5 ,1; 29, 1; 1975 - 3 0 ,2; 1976 - 32, 5; 1977 - 37, 5; 1978 - 42,4 V1624 [28] - 5 4 ,8; 6 1 ,9; 6 4 ,1; 6 5 ,15; dropped 66 ,4 V1644 [29] - 54,8 V1668 [Nova 1978] - 3 7 ,6; 38, 3-4; 39, 3 V1760 [Nova 1980 & Honda’s variable] - 4 5 ,4; 4 7 ,2 V1819 [Nova 1986] -66,29 Chi - sequence 1 2 ,2; 13, 1; 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 23, 7; 1975 - 30, 2; 1976 - 32, 5; 1977 - 37, 5; 1978 - 4 2 ,4; 1983 - 57, 8 P -2 1 ,7 ; 2 2,3:54, 8; 65, 15 Beta1 - 69,23 9 - 69,25 31-69,23-25 32 - 69,23-25 BD +32°3848 - 13, 3; 17, 5 BD +47°2801 - 5 2 ,2; 5 9 ,1; dropped 66,4 CVS8232 - chart 38, 3; [NSV 12247] 5 2 ,1; 61,9, 10; dropped 6 6 ,4 CSV 8307 [NSV 12439] - 5 2 ,1; 6 1 ,9 ,10; dropped 66,4 CSV 8683 [NSV 13857] - 52, 1; dropped 6 6 ,4 CSV 103049 [NSV 13784] - 6 1 ,9; dropped 66,4 Honda’s variable - see V I760 Scovil 21 - 69, 3; 70, 7

Dark-Adaption, Rapid, A New Method ? - 6 5 ,15-16; 66, 30 Data Protection Act, members’ particulars held - 65, 12 Decimal Day Conversion Device - 17,5; 38,9; 45,9 Decline Rates of dwarf novae, Mantle & Bath - 56, 7

16 S 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 24,4 U - 3 0 ,3; 3 4 ,2; chart 5 0 ,8; 70,8 W - 6 1 ,17 RR - 6 0 ,17; 6 1 ,1 5 ,18; 6 2 ,20; 64,22,23 TY ■- 70,20 BI - 60,17,21 CM - 55,1 DM - 70,17,20 EU - chart 5 0 ,8; 7 0 ,8 HR - 13,1; 14,1; sequence, 15,3; 1973 - 20,4; 1974 - 24,4; 1975 - 31,7; 1976 - 3 3 ,4; 1977 - 3 7 ,5; 3 9 ,3; 1978 - 4 2 ,4; 5 2 ,3; 1983 - 5 7 ,8 ,16; 5 8 ,9; 6 2 ,14; 6 5 ,12; 1986 - 6 6 ,26; 69,20 +19°4450 [NSV 13150] - 5 2 ,1; 6 1 ,9 ,10; dropped 66,4; 6 7 ,12-14; ‘Does this star vary?’ -John Isles - 67,12-14 DORADO Beta - 65,25 DRACO R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 67,11 S - 5 9 ,10-11; 7 0 ,2 6 ,2 9 , chart 32 T - 30,4; 1977 - 37,5; 1978 - 42,4; 1983 - 57,8; 1986 - 66,26; Z - 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,23; 67,9 RY - 34,2; 54,5-6; 70,8 TW - 5 8 ,16; 5 9 ,1 5 ,17; 60 ,1 3 -1 4 ,21; 6 7 ,9 TX - graph 4 9 ,5; 7 0 ,8 U W -6 5 ,6; 6 8 ,39; 70,4 U X - 2 1 ,5; 6 8 ,11; 7 0 ,4 WW - 59,15,18 AB - 1 3 ,1; chart, 1 6 ,5; 1973 - 1 8 ,5; 1974 - 2 3 ,7; 1975 - 3 1 ,7; 1976 - 33 ,4 1977 - 3 7 ,5; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 4 2 ,5; sequence 4 4 ,1; 1983 - 5 7 ,8; 1986 - 66,26; 69,20 AG - 6 6 ,5 AH-68,39,43; 70,8 AI - 5 8 ,17; 5 9 ,18; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,2 2 ,23; 67 ,9 AT - 68,39 BH - 2 1 ,4; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,23; 6 7 ,9; 70,20 BS - 67 ,9 BV - 5 3 ,8; 58,17 BW - 53, 8 BY - 69,25 CU - 65,18 DO - 6 9 ,2

17 Draco (con/.) Kappa - 61,8 4 - 65,15 FI 69 - 59, 1; dropped- 66,4 Dutch Astronomical Satellite - 2 2 ,1; 25,1 Dwarf Novae: Decline rates - Mantle V J. and Bath G.T. - 56, 7-8 In outburst: VY Aquarii - 53, 15; RX And, AH Her, and UZ Ser spectra 60,11-12 Light-curves of - Bath, Edwards and Mantle - 56,10 Quasi-periodic variations in - Robinson & Nather 41,7 UV Spectrophotometry of - Bath et al., 42, 7-8 Where is V5O3 Cygni ? 68,8 X rays from - 35,1

Eclipsing Binaries: Project - 1 2 ,1; Programme, Appendix to 12; 4 7 ,16-17; 59,6-7 Charts, new - 5 9 ,8-9; 6 0 ,9-10; 6 3 ,10; 6 4 ,19-20; 66 ,8 Correction RR Del - 62,20 Determining minima from visual observations, a comparison of Algorithms - J.E. Isles - 58, 3-7 Disagreement with GCVS - 51, 5 Handbook 1986 - 6 3 ,1; 6 8 ,23; 70, 35 1987 - 65, inside back cover 1988 - 6 6 ,8 ,10; price - 67,12 Journal Reports 1972 - 69,21 1973-74 - 69,21 1975 - 69,21 1972-1983 - And to Cam - 69,21 1972-1984 - Cnc to CrB - 69,21 1972-1985 - Cyg to Hya - 66, 8; 69,21 1969-1986 - Lac to Ori - 6 6 ,9; 6 7 ,11; 69,21 Lists A B C D E - 44, 8; 55,2-16 List E, very short or unknown periods - 53, 8 Minima - John Isles 1976-78 58,11-20 1979-81 59, 14-20 1982-83 60,15-23 1984 - 61, 14-20

18 Eclipsing binaries (conf) Minima (cont.) 1985 - (1) And to Com - 63,19-24 (2) Cyg to Ori - 64,21-24 (3) Pav to Vul held over - 66, 8 1986 - (1) And to Cet - 66,32-36 1986 - (2) Cyg to Ori - 67,7-11 1985-86 (3) Peg to Vul - 68, 30-36; 69, 8 1987 - 6 9 ,8; 70,16-22 Observations - 2 7 ,7; 44,8-9 Observations of BH virand SW Lac - 60,12 Period of B V Tauri - 59,3 Predictions - 1 4 ,3; 56,4 Programme, Lists A, B, C, and D - 55,2-16; correction 56,4; 59,6-8; 68,23-24 Programme and Observations up to 1983 Feb 17 - 53,5-7 Unstable light-curves, (SW Lac) - 60,12 EQUULEUS S - 5 8 ,17; 59 ,1 5 ,1 8 Alpha - 69,23 ERIDANUS YY - 5 9 ,18; 67 ,9 BM - 53, 8 C U -5 3 ,8 Errata: VSSC 67 - 68,1 Eruptive variables, R Lyon - 2 4 ,4 Eruptive variable, Goranskij’s - 1 4 ,1; 15,2 Eta Geminorum - John Toone - 6 1 ,5; 66,12, chart 1 3 ,6 7 ,1 2 European Cooperation - 47,2 European Federation of variable Star Observers (EFVSO) - 4 8 ,1; 50,2; 53,4-5 European Results - 49,4-5 Exhibition Organiser: volunteer wanted - 66,29

Fadars, Dr David Pike - 69,22-23 Faintest Variable Star - 2 9 ,2 Filter experiment - 68,2-4 suppliers - 68,3-4 Final Decline in Novae - 69,21 Flare Star Patrols - 1 3 ,2; 1 5 ,1; 16,6 Programme - 44,6 Flare Stars - Shaun Albrighton - 45,7-8 Forms, filling in - 33,1-3

19 Forthcoming VSS Reports - 66, 8-9; 6 7 ,11; 70, 14 Future Objectives for the VSS - John Isles - 66,1-3 FORNAX R - 60,14

Galaxies, Catalogue of - UK Nova/Supemova Patrol - 67,14-21 Andromeda - 62, 8-13 NGC4151 -60,13 3C 390.3 - 60,13 Gamma Cas stars - 22,2 GEMINI R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 67,11 U - 1 3 ,1; 1 4 ,1; 18, 3; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 2 5 ,1; 1975 - 31, 7; 3 3 ,4; 1976 - 33,4; 3 5 ,1; 1977 - 37, 5-6; sequence 42,11978 - 42,5; sequence 4 4 ,2; 4 8 ,1; 1983 - 5 7 ,9; 6 4 ,4-9; 1986 - 6 6 ,26; 6 8 ,19; 69,20 RW - 61,15, 18 RY - 60, 17,21 SS - 17, 1, dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 3 1 ,9 SU - 1 7 ,1; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 31, 9 TU - 6 6 ,4; 68,40 YY - 68,18 BM - 68,1-4, chart 6 ,7 -8 ,21; 70,9-10 BN - 66, 5 BQ - 68,40; 70,4 DW - 65, 8,10-11 Chart; 66,29-30; 68,40; 70,4 GW-60,17,21; 64,23; 70,20 IR - 30, 3; 1983 - 5 7 ,9; 1986 - 66,26 IS - 70, 7 NQ [+24°1686] - 22, 3; chart, 26, 3; dropped 59,1 Eta - sequence 12, 3; 5 3 ,12; 61, 5; 65, 31; 6 6 ,1 ,12-13; 67,12 Zeta - 5 3 ,12; 66,1 Lambda - 68, 11 X i-6 8 , 11 +23° 1192 - 5 9 ,1; dropped 66,4 General Catalogue of Variable Stars (1969) 1st Supplement (1971) - 14, 1-2 2nd Supplement (1974) - 21, 7; 22, 2-5

Halley’s Comet 1985 - 6 - 54,9-11 Hartha Observatory, H. Busch - 67,23-26 Hatfield Programme - 3 0 ,3-4; 32,2

20 HERCULES S - 6 7 , 11 T - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 67,11 U - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,4; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 2 5 ,2-3; 1977 - 3 7 ,6; sequence 42,1 X - 34,2; sequence 4 9 ,1; 70,8 Z - 2 6 ,3; 5 8 ,17; 59,15,18 RR-59,11-12 RU - 3 0 ,4; 1977 - 3 7 ,6; 1978 - 4 2 ,5; chart 5 3 ,3; 1983 - 5 7 ,9; 1986 - 66,26 RX - 5 8 ,17; 5 9 ,18; 6 4 ,23; 6 7 ,9; 70,20 SS - 1 3 ,1; chart, 1 4 ,2; 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,5; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 3 1 ,7; 1976 - 33,4; 1977 - 37,6; 1978 - 42,5; 1983 - 57,9; 1986 - 66,26; ST - 7 0 ,7 SX - 6 5 ,6 ,8 , chart 9; 6 8 ,4 0 ,43; 7 0 ,8 TT - 70,17,19 TX - 5 8 ,17; 59,18 UW - graph 4 9 ,5; 6 5 ,7; 6 8 ,40; 70 ,8 U X -7 0 ,2 0 YY - 7 0 ,7 AC - 17,1; 1974 - 24,4; 1975 - 31,9; 1976 - 33,4; 1977 - 37,6; 1978 - 42, 5; graph 4 9 ,5; 1983 - 5 7 ,9; 6 5 ,27; 1986 - 6 6 ,26-27; 70 ,8 AH - chart, 1 6 ,5; 1973 - 2 0 ,5; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 2 5 ,1; 1975 - 3 1 ,7; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; 3 5 ,1; 1977 - 38,4-5; sequence 4 4 ,1; 1983 - 57,9; 60,11; 63,14 AK - 6 4 ,23; 6 7 ,8 ,9; 70,20 AM - chart, 6 6 ,6; 7 0 ,7 DI - 70,20 DQ - 6 7 ,9 HZ - 23, 8-9 IQ - 2 2 ,4; 3 4 ,2; 6 5 ,7; 6 8 ,40; 7 0 ,7 ,8 M M -7 0 ,2 0 NQ - 5 3 ,8 OP - chart 3 4 ,2; 3 8 ,3; 6 8 ,40; 70,8 PR - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,7 V443 - 70,7 V450 - 51,6; 59,15,18; 60,21; 61,18 V 566-chart 3 8 ,3; 68,40 V592 - 69, 3; 70,3 V652 - 6 8 ,17; 69,11-12 V771 - 65,18 Alpha - 53,12,66,1 Omicron - 65,18 g - 3 4 ,2; sequence 4 9 ,1; 51,8-10, graph 9;

21 Hercules (cont.) u [68] - 58,12,17; 59,18; 60,21; 64,22,23; 67,8,9; 70,17,20 88 - 65,15 Nova 1987 - 70,7 HR2554 - 69,23-25 HR6902 - 69,23-25 Hoffmeister, Richter and Wenzel, Variable Stars - 6 3 ,1-2; 6 5 ,1; 6 6 ,16; 67,11 ‘Humps and Superhumps’, Bath, Edwards & Mantle - 56,10

HYDRA R - 1 3 ,1; 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,5; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 31, 7; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; 1977 - 3 8 ,5; 1978 - 4 2 ,5; chart 4 9 ,6; 1983 - 5 7 ,10; 1986 - 6 6 ,27; U - 6 5 ,7; 68,40 RX - 64,22,23 TT - 64,19 chart WX - 63, 12 DI - 64,22,23 GK - 64, 22,23 Chi2 - 64,19 chart HYDRUS VW - 34, 1; 56,10; 6 3 ,12; 68,19

IAPPP - 4 5 ,4; 4 9 ,6 Meeting, Herstmonceux, 1984 - 56,4 IAU Colloquium 98, Paris 1987 June - 65,28,29; Photo - 67, 30 IAU Flare Star Patrol - 69,21 Index - 2 6 ,2 Indexing ofCirculars - 67, 32 Infra-red observations of TW Vir 61, 13 Infrared studies of Nova and Pulsating stars, Dr M.F. Bode - 4 5 ,5; International Amateur and Professional Photoelectric Photometry, IAPPP - 4 5 ,4 International classification of V.S. - 2 6 ,2 International collaboration - 1 6 ,2-3; New Zealand - 2 3 ,9; AAVSO - 2 3 ,9; 4 3 ,2; 4 5 ,8; 5 0 ,7; Toronto - 60,1

Julian Day Table, 1978 - 3 8 ,9; 1979 - 4 2 ,2; 1980/84-45,9 Modified Julian Day - 44,7

LACERTA U - 5 9 ,1 1-12; 7 0,26,30, chart 33 SU - 1 7 ,2; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1976 - 33, 5; 3 4 ,1; chart, 3 5 ,3; 1977 - 38, 5; 1978 - 42, 5; 1983 - 5 7 ,10; 1986 - 66,27

22 Lacerta (cont.) SW - 5 9 ,18; 6 0 ,1 2 ,21; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,23-24; chart 6 6 ,9; 6 7 ,8 ,9-10; 70,20 S X - 2 2 ,4; 6 8 ,41; 70,7 VX - 6 0 ,21; 6 4 ,24; chart 66 ,9 AR - 5 8 ,17; 5 9 ,18; 6 4 ,24; 67,10 AW - 6 0 ,2 1 ,6 1 ,18; chart 6 6 ,9; 67,10 BL - 63,12 CM - 6 0 ,21; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,24; chart 6 6 ,9; 67,10 CP [Nova 1936] - 69,20 DK - 4 7 ,2 DX - 70,7 EV - 1 3 ,2; 15,1-2 EW - 65,18 CSV 8775 - 3 8 ,2; [NSV 14213] 5 2 ,1; 6 1 ,9 ,10; dropped 66, 5 CSV 102195 - 3 8 ,2; [NSV 14260] 5 2 ,1; 6 1 ,9 ,10; dropped 66,5 LEO R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 1 ,2; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 67,11 T - 65, 32 X - 1 3 ,1; 1973 - 2 0 ,5; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 3 1 ,7; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; 1977 - 38, 5; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 42, 5; 1983 - 5 7 ,10; 1986 - 66,27; 69,20 Z - 59,12 chart R S-59,4; 70,4 RT - 6 0 ,1 7 ,21; 6 4 ,2 2 ,24; chart 66,9 RY - 59,4; 1986 - 66, 27 R Z - 5 9 ,14; 6 9 ,2; 70,4 TU - 6 9 ,2; 70,7 UV - 5 8 ,17; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,24; chart 6 6 ,9; 67,10 VZ - 6 4 ,24;; chart 66 ,9 W Z-51,6,67,11 AD - 15,1-2 AM - 5 9 ,18; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,2 2 ,24; 67,10 AP - 61, 18; 64,24; 66,9 Beta - 60,13 LEO MINOR R - 2 5 ,2-3; 1975 - 3 1 ,8; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; dropped 33, app; 1977 - 3 8 ,5; U - 59,4; 1986-66,27; 70,4 W -59,4; 70,7 LEPUS R X -2 2 ,4; 6 5 ,7; 6 8 ,41; 7 0 ,7 ,8 LIBRA Delta-64,22,24; 66,9 (Journal of NWAVSO) - 47,1

23 Light Curves, 1982 - 54,2; 56,11-16 1983 - 57,1-14 1984 - published separately in 1985; 6 1 ,5 Light-time effect in TW Dra - 60,13-14 Limiting Magnitudes - 30,4 LPV Memoir - 26,1 predictions - 1972 - 73,14,4; 16,5; LUPUS GG - chart 66 ,9 GH - 65,25 LYNX R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,5; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 69 ,4 W - 1986 - 66,27; 70,7 X -59,4; 70,5 Y - 3 4 ,2; 6 2 ,2-8; 6 5 ,7; 70,8 S V - 4 7 ,13 CSV 100869 [NSV 03597] - 5 2 ,1; 65,4; dropped 66,5 CSV 101849 [NSV 12088] - 52,1 NSV 4031-66,9 LYRA R - 6 5 ,7; 70,4 W - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,5; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 6 9 ,4 X - 59,12 TT - 6 0 ,1 7 ,21; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,2 2 ,24; chart 66 ,9 TZ - 6 0 ,21; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,24; chart 6 6 ,9 UZ - 6 0 ,21; 6 1 ,18; chart 66 ,9 AY - 13,1; sequence 17,3; 1973 - 21,2; 1974 - 24,4; 1975 - 31,7; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; 1977 - 3 8 ,5; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 4 2 ,5; 1983 - 5 7 ,10; 1986 - 66,27; 69,20 DM - 6 9 ,3; 70 ,7 EG - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 24 ,4 EP - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 24,4 H K -59,11-12 HP - 5 1 ,6; 5 9 ,1 4 ,18; 6 0 ,1 6 ,21; 6 4 ,1 3 -1 7 ,2 2 ,24; chart 6 6 ,9; 6 7 ,11; KP - 59,12 MV - 70,7 V473 - 65,25,27 Beta - 58,17; 59,14,18; 60,22; 61,15,18; 64,22,24; 6 6,1; 67,8,10; 70 ,1 7 ,2 1 Delta2 - 2 2 ,4; dropped 66,5 Theta - 61,9 Markarian 421 - 4 7 ,2; 6 2 ,14; 6 6 ,5 ,16-22; 1986 - 6 6 ,29; 7 0 ,7

24 Members List - 34,3, appended MENSA TY - chart 66,9 TZ - chart 66 ,9 ‘Methods of the variable Star Section’, F.M. Holbom - 47, 8 Meteors, telescopic - 12, 3-4; 15,4; Malcolm Currie - 3 7 ,1-2; 38, 8 Microcomputer Users’ Group - 53, 1 Minima of Eclipsing Binaries - John Isles -see Eclipsing Binaries Minor Planets, VESTA, 1985, - 6 0 ,1 , chart 2; Visual photometry of, - Newsnote 1980, June Mira stars - 16,2 J.E. Isles and D.R.B. Saw - I - R Ari, R Aur, X Aur, R Boo, & S Boo - 6 6 ,8; 69,21 II- R Cam, R Cas, W Cas, S Cep, U Cyg & S Del - 66, 8 III - R Dra, R Gem, S Her, T Her, U Her & R Leo - 67,11 IV - R Lyn, W Lyr, RY Oph, R Peg, X Peg & R Per - 69,4 Modified Julian Day - 44,7 MONOCEROS S - 2 2 ,4; dropped 66, 5 T - 65,26,27 U - 1 3 ,1; 1973 - 18, 5; 1974 - 2 4 ,4; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1976 - 33, 5; 1977 - 38, 5; 1978 - 42, 5; 1982 - 5 6 ,11; 1983 - 5 7 ,10; 62,14-15 chart; 1986 - 66, 27; 6 9 ,20; 7 0 ,8 RU - 63, 14 RV - 2 2 ,4; chart 66, 30-31; 68,41 SV - 65,26 SX-chart 66, 30-31; 68,41 UY - 65,25 BX - 65,15; 70,7 HI - 70,17,21 MX - 67,10 V448 - 70,21 V493 - 21, 3 V505 - 21, 5; 53, 8; 5 9 ,1 4 ,18; 6 0 ,1 6 ,22; 64, 2-3; chart 66, 30-31; 67,10 V536 - 53, 8 V578 - 53, 8 V616 - 69, 2;70, 7 V651 - 64,22,24 Beta - 60,13

25 Monthly Notices of the RAS, Notes from - compiled by John Isles RX And, Z Cam, SY Cnc 63,11; RU Peg, TZ Per 6 3,11; U Ori 6 3 ,11; VY Hyi, WX Hyi 6 3 ,12; GK Per 6 3 ,12; BL Lac 6 3 ,12; R Cyg 6 3 ,12; OY Car 6 3 ,13; EK TrA 6 3 ,13; Epsilon Aur, Rho Cas 6 3 ,13; TX Cas 6 3 ,13; RU Mon 6 3 ,14; RS Oph 6 3 ,14; RY Sgr, MV Sgr 6 3 ,14; RR Pic 6 3 ,14; AH Her 6 3 ,14; CH Cyg 6 3 ,16; Z Cha 63,16 Multiple Period Red variables: Y Lyn and W Cyg - Karoly Szatmary, Attila Mizser, Gabor Domeny - 62,2-8, graphs 5 ,7 MUSCA R - 65,25 S - 65,25 RT- 65,25,27 UU - 65,26 Nova 1983 - 60,14

Naked Eye variables - 53,11-12 NGC 4151 - 4 7 ,2; 6 0 ,13; 6 2 ,14; 6 6 ,5 ,16-22; 1986 - 6 6 ,29; 7 0 ,6 New Members - 53-58,60-63,65-70, inside back covers Nomogram for fractional estimates - 16,8 NORMA U - 65,26 North Western Area Variable Star Observers - 2 6 ,1; 2 7 ,7-8; 47,1 Notes from other journals: Explosions of Novae, G.T. Bath - 3 9 ,1-2; R CrB - 3 9 ,2; ‘Superhumps’ - Papaloizou & Pringle - 3 9 ,2; U Geminorum, X—rays from - 39,2-3 SS Cygni - 39,3 Nova Cygni 1978 - 39, 3; HR Delphini - 39,3 Novae versus Dwarf Novae, Mallama & Trimble - 41,5-7 Quasi-periodic variations in dwarf novae, Robinson & Nather - 4 1 ,7; Information Bulletin of Variable Stars: FO And; CO Aur, epsilon Aur; VW Cep; R CrB; CI Cyg; HR Del (Nova Del 1967); AG Peg - 57,15-16 Monthly Notices of the RAS J.E.- Isles: Decline rates of dwarf novae - Mantle & Bath - 56,7-8 Theoretical light-curves of novae - Sun Kwok - 56,9 Southern R CrB Stars - Kilkenny & Flanagan 5 6 ,9 V388 Cyg - Milano & Russo - 56,9 Establishing the period of a variable star - Dworetsky - 5 6 ,10; ‘Humps and superhumps* Bath, Edwards & Mantle - 5 6 ,10; Nova Aql 1982 - Rosino, Ljima & Ortolani - 56,10

26 Notes from other journals (com .) IBVS and Monthly Notices RAS: Nova Aquilae 1982 - 58, 8; AT Cancri - 58, 8; VW Cephei - 58, 8 CH Cygni - 58, 8; CI Cygni - 58, 8-9; HR Del (Nova Del 1967) 5 8 ,9; AG Pegasi 5 8 ,9; Cataclysmic variables 58 ,9 IBVS, Monthly Notices RAS, and Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific AM Cas; R CrB; SUUM a Stars, Dwarf novae in outburst; Nova vulpeculae 1984 (No.l); Eclipsing Binaries; Stellar variability over 21 centuries; NGC 4151; Light-time effect in TW Dra; The carbon star R For; Nova Mus 1983 - 60,11-14, S And; IP Peg, Beta Per; TW Vir 6 1 ,12-13; GK Per; CH Cyg 62,19-20 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific - (compiled by Dick Chambers) U Sge; Photometry in the UVgr system; Supernova 1983G and the distance to NGC 4753; The 1983 outburst of GK Persei; Photoelectric observations of CN Andromedae 64,11-13 From the Literature - Tristram Brelstaff - IM Aur; V509 Cas; RS CVn-type variables; P Cyg; 4 Dra; 88 Her; BX Mon 65,14-15 Nova, v u l N o.l (1984) and Chart 6 0 ,3; 60,12 v u l No.2 (1984) photograph 6 0 ,4-5; 61,4 Nova Patrol - 1 2 ,2; 1 5 ,4; 16,6 Nova Search Meeting, 1980 - 4 4 ,5-6; 1981 - 46,1 Nova Search Programme, BAA and The Astronomer -31,6-7; 36,5-6; 40,3; 45,1; 1973-74-69,21 Nova/Supemova Search Programme (see UK Nova/Supemova Patrol) Novae: 16,2 Novae: in the , a Photographic Search - James Bryan - 62,8-13 The explosions of, G.T. Bath, Summary - 39,1-2 Theoretical Light Curves of, Sun Kwok - 56,9 ‘The Search for Novae’, Guy Hurst - 44,9-11 Novae, long period dwarf novae and symbiotic stars - 68,24 variation in cataclysmic variables - 69,13 Novae versus Dwarf Novae:Energy Sources and Systematics’, Mallama & Trimble - 41,5-6 Nova-like variables - 68,24-25

Obituary notices: Jack Ells - 70,1 Professor Boris Kukarkin - 33,1 W.M. Lindley - 15,1

27 Obituary notices (cont.) Gordon Patson - 70,1 W.E. Pennell - 32,1 Doug Saw - 70,1 Reg Shinkfield - 59,1 Observations: Annual totals - 1972 - 16,3-4; 1973 - 20,2-4; 1974 - 2 3 ,1-5; 24,3; 1975 - 2 7 ,1-6; 1976 - 3 1 ,1-4; 3 4 ,3; 1977 - 3 6 ,2-5; 1978 - 4 1 ,2-5; 1979 - 4 4 ,1-5; 1880-47,2-8; 1981 - 5 0 ,2-4; 5 1 ,1-5; 1982 - 5 1 ,5; 53,2-3; 54,2-5; 1983 - 59,2-3; 1984 - 6 2 ,13-14; T CrB and CI Cyg - 6 2 ,18-19; 1986 - 65,2-8, summary - D.R.B. Saw - 66,23-29 Binocular Programme: 1982 - 54,2-5 1983 - 59,1-3 Binocular variables, 1987 - Melvyn Taylor - 68,37-44 Bright Eruptive variables - Tony Markham - 65,17-18 Methods and reduction - B J. Beesley - 26,5-6; 27,8-9 Publication - 1 3 ,1-2; 4 5 ,2 Results - 1973 - 18,3-5; 20,4-5; 2 1 ,1-3; 1974 - 23,5-7; 24,4-5; 25,3-4; 1975 - 3 0 ,1-2; 31,7-9; 1976 - 32,3-5; 33,4-6; 1977 - 37,2-6; 38,4-9; 1978 - 42,2-7; 1986 - 66,24-29 Light-curves published separately - 1979 - 43,2; 44,5; 45,2; 1980 with 46; 4 9 ,6; 1981 with 50 and 52; 1982 - 5 4 ,2; 5 6 ,1 1-16; 1983 - 5 7 ,1-14; 1984 - 6 1 ,5 and booklet; 6 2 ,1 3 ,18; 1985 - 63,2-5 ‘Practical V.S. Observing’ Andy Hollis - 45,6-7 Period of HP Lyrae - Tristram Belstaff 64,13-17 chart 14 Red Variable Stars - 65,8-11, Charts: SX Her 9, DW Gem 10-11 Report forms revised - 66,11-12 Required: epsilon Aurigae - 57,1 - 65,2, Chart 3 - 57,1 eta Geminorum 1964-84, - 61,5 Storage and display, computer program - 53,9-11 Submissions - 12,4; 4 2 ,1; 45,2; 60,1; 62,20; 6 6 ,1; 66,11-12; 67, 32; 70,2 Submission on computer disks - 6 2 ,20; 66,11-12 Submission to John Isles, Cyprus - 66,1 Underobserved stars 1989 - Melvyn Taylor - 70,3-7 U Geminorum 1985 - 86 - John Toone = 64,4-9 V 505 Monocerotis - Tristram Brelstaff - 64,2-3 RS Oph, PW vul, and Nova V1111984 N o .2 ,1985 - 6 3 ,2 ,3 -5 Telescopic - D.R.B. Saw - 1987 - 69, 31-32

28 Observing Suspected variables - Tristram Brelstaff - 68,10-13 OPHIUCHUS U - 26, 3; 5 8 ,17-18; 59,15, 18 X -6 5 , 7; 6 8 ,4 1 ,43; 70, 8 Y - 65, 26,27 RS - 1 2 ,2; 1 3 ,1; 1973 - 20, 5; 1974 - 24, 5; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 33, 5; 1977 - 38, 5; 1978 - 42, 5; 51, 10; chart 53, 3; 1982 - 5 6 ,11; 1983 - 5 7 ,10; 6 2 ,16-17; 1985 - 63,2-3,14; 1986 - 66,27; 69, 3 ,20; 70,13 RY - 69,4 TT - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 24, 5,1975 - 31, 9 TX - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 2 4 ,5; 1975 - 31 ,9 UZ - 1 7 ,1; dropped 24, 2; 1974 - 24, 5; 1975 - 31 ,9 BF - 65, 25 V360 - 55,1 V 3 8 9 -6 7 ,11 V451 - 5 8 ,18; 59, 15,18-19; 64,24; 70,21 V533 - Tristram Brelstaff - 63,6-7 V564 - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 24, 5; 1975 - 31 ,9 V566 - 2 3 ,8; 5 8 ,1 2 ,18; 5 9 ,1 5 ,19; 6 0 ,22; 67, 8,10 V839 - 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,24; 67, 8 , 10-11; 70,21 V1010-67, 8 ,11; 70, 17,21 V2048 [66] - 2 2 ,4; 45, 7-8; 66, 5; 70, 5 Chi - 6 5 ,18; 70 ,7 Kappa - 66,1 ORION T - 2 0 ,1; 1974 - 24, 5; dropped 30, 3; 1977 - 38, 5 U - 13, 1; 1 7 ,2; sequence 1 8 ,2; 1973 - 18, 5; 1974 - 24, 5; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 33, 5; 1977 - 38, 5; 1978 - 42, 5; chart 53, 3; 1982 - 5 6 ,1 1; 1983 - 57,11; 63,11; 1986 - 66,27 W -6 8 ,4 1 RS - 65, 25 RT - 59,12 chart U W - 6 7 ,11 VV - 70,17,21 AK-68,41 seeGK B L -6 8 ,4 1 B Q - 3 4 ,2; 65, 7; 68,41 C K -68,41; 69, 8 CN - 1 3 ,1; chart, 16, 5; 1973 - 2 1 ,2; 1974 - 24, 5; 1975 - 31, 8; sequence, 32,2; 1976 - 33, 5; 1977 - 38, 5; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 42,6; 1982 - 5 6 ,12; 1983 - 57, 10; 1986 - 66,27; 68,20; 69,14-15, 20 CT - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 24, 5; 1975 - 31 ,9

29 Orion (cont.) CZ - 13,1; 1973 - 21,2; 1974 - 24,5; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 33, 5; 1977 - 38,5 sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 42,6; 1982 - 5 6 ,12; 1983 - 5 7 ,11; 1986 - 66,27; 69,20 D N - 6 0 ,17,22; chart 66 ,9 DY - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 2 4 ,5; 1975 - 3 1 ,9 ER - 5 8 ,18; 6 1 ,18; 6 4 ,24; chart 6 6 ,9 E Y -chart 66 ,9 FO -chart 6 6 ,9; 6 7 ,8 ,1 1 F T -6 7 ,1 1 FU - 7 0 ,5 FZ - 60,22; 64,24 GQ-65,25,27 GW - 1974 - 2 4 ,5; 2 5 ,2; dropped 3 0 ,3; 1977 - 3 8 ,6 IU - 2 0 ,1; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 5 3 ,8; 67,22 KS - 2 0 ,1; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6 KX - 2 0 ,1; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 3 1 ,3; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6; 65,18 LP - 2 0 ,1; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 3 1 ,5; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6; MX - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6 NU - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 3 1 ,5; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6; 65,18 NV - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 25, 3; dropped 30, 3; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6 V359 - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 3 1 ,5; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6 V361 - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 3 1 ,5; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6 V372 - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 3 1 ,5; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6; 65,18 V392 - 60,22 V430 - 5 9 ,12 chart V451 - 70,5 V529 - 1 2 ,2; 1 7 ,2; sequence 1 8 ,2; chart 2 1 ,3; 1977 - 3 8 ,6; 1978 - 4 2 ,6 V530 - 6 0 ,1 7 ,22; chart 6 6 ,9; 67,11 V566 - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6 V640 - 61,18 V643 - 6 0 ,1 7 ,22; chart 6 6 ,9; 67,11 Alpha - 5 3 ,12; 66,1 Omega - 65,18 NSV 2271 [CSV 100567] - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 3 1 ,5; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6 var.No.2 - 2 0 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; dropped 3 0 ,3; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1977 - 3 8 ,6; +14°1247 [NSV 02917] - 5 2 ,1; dropped 66 ,5 Orion Variables - 2 0 ,1-2; 2 1 ,3; 2 2 ,4; 2 5 ,3; 30,2-3

30 Orion Nebula variables (cont.) variables and Comparison Stars - G. Kirby - 31,5-6

PALC-VS (Professional/Amateur Liaison Committee - variable Stars) - 67,31 AAVSO Meeting, Brussels, 1990 July 24-28 - 70, iv Availability of Visual Data - John Isles - 70, ii BAA VSS, resources of; observer network; database of observations - 68, iii-iv Formation and membership of the Committee - 68, i-ii Hewitt Satellite Camera archive, Roger Pickard - 69, iii Meeting on Photoelectric Photometry (PEP) - Malcolm Gough - 70, iii-iv NZ PEP Meeting - 68, iv Newsletter No.l - 68, centre pages, i-iv Newsletter No.2 - 69, centre pages, i-iii Newsletter No.3 - 70, centre pages, i-iv Observations o f P Cygni, Zeta Aurigae binaries, PEP - 70, i Observing with Amateurs’ Telescopes - Roger Pickard - 70, i-ii Photometry of Bright Massive Binaries - David Stickland - 68, ii-iii Response to Questionnaire - 69, i-ii; 70, i PEGASUS R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,5; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; 69,4 U - 60,22; 61,18; 68,32 X - 69 ,4 RU - 1 3 ,1; 1973 - 1 8 ,5; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; 1975 - 3 1 ,8; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; 1977 - 3 8 ,6; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 42,6; 1982 - 5 6 ,12; 1983 - 5 7 ,11; 6 3 ,11; 1986 - 66,28:69,20 VW - 53 ,8 AG - 3 4 ,2; 5 4 ,8-9; 5 7 ,16; 5 8 ,9; 7 0 ,8 ,1 3 AT - 60,22; 68,32 AW - 5 8 ,18; 59,19 BG - 68,32 BX - 5 9 ,19; 6 0 ,22; 6 1 ,19; 68,33 DF - 60,17,22 DI - 5 9 , 19 EE - 5 8 ,18; 68,33 E F - 6 9 ,3; 70,7 E Z -2 2 ,4 FE - 59,19 G H -7 0 ,2 1 GO - 6 5 ,7; 6 8 ,41-42; 7 0 ,8 IP-61,12-13 Beta-5 3 ,11-12; 66,1

31 Pegasus (cont.) Epsilon-5 3 .11-12; 61,9-10 Period-Amplitude Relationships for Individual Dwarf Novae - 69,21 Period Search - M.D. Houchen - 65,19-27 - Patrick Wils - 66,10 - Dworetsky M.M., A computer method - 56,10 R - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 0 ,5; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; 69 ,4 S - 1 3 ,1; 1973 - 1 8 ,5; 23, 8; 2 5 ,3; 3 0 ,3; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; 1977 - 3 8 ,6; 1978 - 4 2 ,6; 1982 - 5 6 ,12; 1983 - 5 7 ,1 1; 1986 - 6 6 ,28; 69,20 X [2ASE 0352+30] - 2 0 ,1; 2 1 ,6; 3 4 ,1 ,2; 4 0 ,1-2; 5 2 ,2; 70,8 Z - 68,32-33 RS - 13,1; sequence 18,3; 1973 - 20,5; 22,4; 1974 - 25,3; 1975 - 31,8; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; 1977,38,6; 1978 - 4 2 ,6; 1982 - 5 6 ,13; 1983 - 5 7 ,11; 6 2 ,14; 1986 - 66,28 ST - 6 0 ,22; 6 1 ,19; 68,33 S U -22,4; 66,4; 68,42; 70,5 SV - 65,26 SW -chart 59,12 TT - chart 59,12 TX - 2 2 ,5; dropped 2 4 ,2; sequence 42,1 TZ - 1 3 ,1; 1 6 ,2; 1973 - 1 8 ,5; 1974 - 2 5 ,3; 1975 - 3 1 ,8; 1976 - 3 3 ,5 1977 - 38,6-7; 1978 - 42,6; sequence 4 4 ,1; 1982 - 5 6 ,13; 1983 - 57,11; 63,11; 1986 - 66,28; 69,20 UV - 13,1; 1973 - 21,2; 1974 - 25,4; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 33,5; 1977 - 38,7; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 42,6; sequence 4 4 ,1; 1982 - 5 6 ,13; 1983 - 5 7 ,12; 1986 - 66,28; 69,2,20 UW - 69,2; 70,5 VX - 65,26 AB-51,6; 60,17,22; 68,31-33 AD-22,4; 66,4; 68,42 A X -7 0 ,7 ,1 3 -1 4 , chart 15 AY - 59,19; 60,17,22; 68,32-33 BU - 1 3 ,1; seq. 1 8 ,3; 1973 - 2 1 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,4; 1975 - 3 1 ,8; 1976 - 3 3 ,5; 1977 - 38,7; 1978 - 42,6; 1982 - 56,13; 1983 - 5 7 ,12; 1986 - 66,28 DM - 2 6 ,3; 5 8 ,18; 68,33 F O -3 0 ,3 GK - 1 7 ,2; 2 2 ,4; 1974 - 2 5 ,4; 1975 - 3 1 ,8; chart 3 2 ,2; 3 6 ,1-2; 1977 - 3 8 ,7; 1978 - 4 2 ,6; 5 4 ,9; 1982 - 5 6 ,13; 1983 - 5 7 ,12; 6 2 ,1 4 ,19; 6 3 ,12; 6 4 ,12; 1986 - 66,28; 69,2 IQ - 1 4 ,1; 5 8 ,1 2 ,18; 5 9 ,1 5 ,19; 6 0 ,1 6 ,22; 6 1 ,3 -4 ,1 5 ,19; 6 8 ,33; 6 9 ,8 IU - 59,19; 60,22; 6 1 ,19; 68,32-33

32 Perseus (cont.) IZ - 26. 3; 5 8 ,18; 59,19 K K -68,42; 70, 5 LS - 6 0 ,1 6 ,1 7 ,22; 6 1 ,1 5 ,19; 68, 31-33 LX - 68, 33 MX - 65,18 PR-66,4; 68,42; 70, 5 V400 [Nova 1974] - 2 1 ,1 ,7; 1974 - 2 5 ,4; 1975 - 31, 8; 65, 33 V440 - 65,24 Beta - 58,12,18-19; 59,19; 60,17,22-23; 61,13,15,19; 68,31-34; 70,17,21 Gamma - 69,23 R ho-53,11-12; 66,1; 67,23 Psi - 65,18 Tau - 69,23-25 NSV 895 - 70,7 PHOENIX SX - 5 0 ,5; graph 5 Photoelectric and visual Comparison Star Sequences: I - 6 9 ,21; II - 69,21 Photoelectric Observations of; CN And-64,12-13 AR Aur - Richard Miles - 56,5-6 IQ Per-6 1 ,3 -4 Photoelectric photometry - M. Page - 15,7-8; E.G. Moore - 16,6-8 4 5 ,1 ,4; 5 1 ,6-7; Roger Pickard - 53,12-14 Journal References - PEPS N o.3,20 Supplement PEPS - N o.l, 17; N o .2 ,18; N o .3 ,20; 21 ,7 IAPPP Meeting, Herstmonceux 1984 - 56,4 Photoelectric Photometry, Crayford Manor House A.S. meeting, 1989 November 11 - Malcolm Gough - 70, iii-iv Photographic sky patrol - 15,6 Photographs of Star Fields - 4 5 ,1; 52,3-5 Required - 53,15 Photography - 47,13-14 with Tri-X - W.E. Pennell - 23,7-8 Photometer, Circuit for stable DC - A.J. Hollis - 56,5-8 Photometry of stars in the UVgr system - 64,11 PICTOR RR - 63,14 PISCES T - 6 9 ,2 0 Y - 60,17,23 Z - 70, 7

33 Pisces (cont.) RV - 6 1 ,1 5 ,19; 6 3 ,20; 68, 34 SU -68,31, 34 SZ - 26, 3; 5 8 ,19; 59,19 TV - 2 2 ,4; chart, 2 6 ,3; 70,7 TX - 70,7 UV - 59,19; 60,23; 61,19 XY - 6 9 ,2 Possible New variable in Perseus - 69,21 Predictions of Maxima and Minima for LPV stars 1985- 86 - 60,8 1986- 87 - 64,10 Preliminary light-curves and reports - Melvyn Taylor - 70,22-25 Professional-Amateur Collaboration - 67,31 Professional-Amateur Coordinating Committee - 67,31 Professional-Amateur Exchanges 1988 June-Dec. Guy Hurst - 69,26-8 Professional-Amateur Liaison Committee (PALC-VS) formation and membership - 68,20-22 Professional-Amateur Meeting, London, 1988 May 7 - 68,13-22 Cataclysmic variables - Constanze la Dous - 68,18-20 69,13-15 corrected figs. Mechanism of star evolution - David Stickland -68,15-16 69,9-10 corrected figs. 1,2 The visual variable star observer - Guy Hurst - 68,13 Organisation of Professional Amateur Cooperation - 68,20-22 Photoelectric photometry - Jack Ells - 68,14 PEP - Richard Miles - 68,15 Photograph - 69,16 Pulsating variables - Phil Hill - 6 8 ,17-18; 69,11-12 corrected figs. Programme(s) Additions - 1 3 ,1; 1 7 ,2; 1 8 ,6; 21,4 Possible - 70,3-6 Letter - Norman Kiernan - 6 9 ,7 Binocular - 1 2 ,1-2; 1 4 ,2; 1 9 ,2-3; 3 8 ,3; 4 4 ,1 1-12; 48,2-4 Chart Booklet - 56,1 Priorities - 3 4 ,2; 7 0 ,7 changes for 1988 - 66,4-5 revised charts - RV & SX Mon - 66,30-31 Binocular and Telescopic - 1988,67,1-6 - John Isles - 68,24-29 Deletions - 1 7 ,2; 1 8 ,5-6; 24 ,2

34 Programme(s) (cont.) Eclipsing Binary - 26, 3-4; 48,7-8; 53, 5-6, 8; 55,2-16; 59,6-8; 66 8 V SS-45,1; 47,2; 48,1-8 for 1984 - 56,1 for 1988 - 66,4-6 Programme Stars, Notes on: V1294 Aql; CO Aur; R CrB; T CrB; CI Cyg; 28 Cyg, P Cyg, T Cyg; AG Peg; GK Per; SW UMa - 54,5-9 Telescopic: 13,1, Appendix; 16,1 Addition of NGC 4151, Markarian 421 and 3C-273, John Toone - 66,16-22 Full list with chart numbers - 1984 5 6 ,1-3; 1986 6 3 ,8-10; 1988 67,1-6 Possible Additions - 59,4 Proposed revision, M. Poxon - 14,2-3; 15,4; J. Bailey - 2 3 ,8; B J. Beesley - 2 4 ,3; I. Middlcmist - 2 4 ,3; 3 0 ,2-3; 31 ,4 Revised 1974 - 1 7 ,2; 18,6, appendix; 25, appendix; 33, appendix; 36, appendix; 48,5-6 Changes for 1988 - 66,5 UK Nova/Supemova search - 45,1-2 Publications - 1 3 ,1-2; 1 6 ,2; 47,1 Charges - 4 7 ,18; 48,1 PUPPIS V - 61 ,1 5 ,1 9 X - 65,26,27 RS - 65,26 VZ - 65,26,27 AD - 65,26 AQ - 65,25 AT - 65,26 CP - 56,10 MY - 65,25 HR 2874 - 60,13 HR 2906-60,13 HR 3080 - 60,13 Puzzle Stars: RU Sextantis - John Isles - 60, 5-7 Chart; 63,17 AD Capricomi - John Isles 63,16-17, Chart 15,18 PYXIS T - 6 9 ,2; 70,7

RCB stars - 1 2 ,2; 1 5 ,1; 1 6 ,2-3; 3 5 ,2; 47,14 Dr P. Andrews - 47,14-15 Rate of Decline from Outbursts (J. Bailey) - 69,21

35 Recurrent Objects: Catalogue - 69,1 Charts - 69,1 List 1988 Jan 1 - 66,14-15 Patrol - 69, 1 Programme - 68,2-3; 70,3-7 Recurrent Novae - 35,2 Red giants, Four important peculiar - Ian Griffin - 68,7-8 Red variables, Some Medium Brightness, Ian Middlemist - 5 9 ,10-13; charts - TZ Cas and X Sge - 59,13 Report Forms - 16,4-5; 24,1; 33,1-4; 38,9-10; 40,1; 4 2 ,1; 43,4; 45,2-3,9; 4 7 ,15; 4 9 ,2-4; 50,1 Reports of Unusual activity in programme stars - 67,1 RR Lyrae stars - 2 2 ,1; 24,2-3 RV Tauri stars - 1 6 ,1 ,2; 1 7 ,1; Charts, 2 0 ,1; 2 4 ,2; 1975-31,9 Reviews: Advances in Photoelectric Photometry V0I.I, Wolpert, R.C. and Genet R.M. (editors), Fairborn Obs’y 1983 - 58,10 Les Etoiles Variables - Michel Petit, Masson S.A., Paris, 1982 - 57,14-15 Sky Catalogue 2000.0 Volume 2: Double Stars, Variable Stars and Nonstellar Objects, CUP 1985 - 61,6-8 Solar System Photometry Handbook, Genet R.M. (editor), Willmann-Bell, Richmond (Virginia), 1983, pp.220 60,14-15 Variable Stars, C. Hoffmeister, G. Richter and W. Wenzel, Springer-verlag, Berlin 1985, pp xv + 328 6 4 ,18-19; special price - 6 5 ,1; 66,16 RS C vn variables - 65,14

SAGITTA R - 1 7 ,1; dropped 2 4 ,2; 1974 - 2 5 ,4; 1975 - 3 1 ,9 T - 59, 12 U - 5 8 , 12; 5 9 ,19; 6 4 ,11; 70,21 V - 23, 8; 5 8 ,19; 6 0 ,23; 6 1 ,19; 68, 34; 70 ,7 X - chart 59,13 SV - 68,26,27-28 chart; 70, 5 SY - 6 1 ,1 5 ,19; 68, 32, 34 TU - 68, 34 WZ - 1 2 ,2; chart, 1 6 ,5; 1973 - 2 1 ,2; 2 2 ,4; 1974 - 2 5 ,4; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 3 3 ,6; 1977 - 3 8 ,7; 3 9 ,1; 1982 - 5 6 ,16; 1983 - 5 7 ,12; 1986 - 6 6 ,28; 69,3 AW - 6 9 ,3; 70,7 EL - 5 1 ,6; 59,19 FG - 70 ,5

36 Sagitta (coni.) GN - 6 0 .1 6 ,1 7 ,2 3 HM - 37,1 HS [Nova 1977] - 2 9 ,1; 3 6 ,1-2; chart, 3 6 ,6; 1977 - 3 8 ,7; 1978 - 4 2 ,6 Delta - 6 0 ,13; 69,23 SAGITTARIUS U - 65,25 X - 65,25 Y - 65,25 R Y - 4 7 ,14-15; 6 3 ,14; 69,20 WZ - 65,26 YZ - 65,25 AP - 65,25 BB - 65,25 MV - 63,14 V348 - 70,7 V35O - 65,25 V505 - 59,19 V526 - 69,9 V1017 - 34,1; 35,29; 69,3; 70,7 V 1 2 1 6 -1 5 ,2 V3876 [Nova 1978] - chart, 3 6 ,6; 1978 - 4 2 ,6 V3888 [Nova 1974] - 2 1 ,1; 1974 - 25,4 V4021 [Nova 1977] - 1978 - 42,6 V4065 [Nova 1980] - 45,3-4 Psi - 61 ,8 Scandinavian Union of Amateur Astronomers, VSS - 5 0 ,2 Cooperation with VSS, Gunnar Rynefors - 50 ,7 SCORPIUS U - 69, 3; 70 ,7 RV - 65,25 KQ - 65,26 V449 - 62,2 V450 - 61,15 V453 - 6 1 ,19; 6 2 ,2 V482 - 65,25 V500 - 65,25 V636 - 65,25 V861 - 68,31, 34 SCULPTOR VY - 68,19

37 SCUTUM - R - sequencel2, 2; 13,I? 1973- 18,5; 1974 - 25,4; 2 61; , 1975 > 31,9; 1976 - 33,6; 1977-38,7% 1978-42,6; graph 4 9 ,5; 1982 - 56,14; 1983*57,12; 65,35; 1986*66,38; 70,8,24-25 S -34,2145,4 Z -6 5 ,3 6 RS -68,32,34 R U -65,36 * RZR68,88,34 SS *65,35 ?: U Y -13,1 V368 1970} 22, i*69, S© V373-’1975*31,8' NoV»1981*69,3; 70, ? BraficheHi’gobject-47, Τ ' ' S Dior atarsai22,22 * Section MeMngsi(see lOTde/r Variable Star Section Meetings) Seeing « . t i edaridarfS, 45; 66,30 SemiregelaiiiVariahies, 1974987, Five - Ian Middlemist - 70,26-33 SerOirt^Hfeni'tariaiiaesin'RS Qphifcdii, 1972-1984, LtgosSzantbo, Betfyfi9tfifaantiAttiteiM&^*62,16, graph 17 Seqheocei€h£lra^irT.-ffieBtafft«41,1-2 SEHMEMENS R - -13,1?17,27,1975*21,2J 22,4; 1974-24,5; 1975 o jl, g· 1976-33,6; 1977*38,3« 1978*42,6» 1982-56,14; 1983*57,12; 1986*66,38; UZ*60,4¾ 65,82 ?? FHiNctfa»i970J*56,9669.3» LX-69,37 70,70 ? No9a 19789-789789-742,6. SEXTANS NS Z - Γ7,1722.4?dloppefli2< 2* 1974 - 25,4; 1975 - 31,9 RUR 60 ,607fhhi«6·, 46 ,23; 63,17; 69,20 SeyfertigdaxilNGG <4151 (-^0,43 Slc)>Gattiiagite3000iJ^‘l3M&8AOS'accuiacies of magnitudes - 61,2 . reviewi61,6186-8 SoiflhemRiOffl SBifs*Killfceilhy,&Flajiagan - 56,9 SpebtrophopdwntfryOfIM-hlfNevae, UV - 42,7-8 ' Spebtroscr^)y,'iVisijal-RJJLivesey - 16,8; 35,2-3 SR$4tarstal6, £6, 2 SRb>artd&R6itarst-46, £6 ’ S taf,Ailaselsv*6l·, 31 StabCathloghegpehl, £ .

38 U Stars south of the Equator - ¢ 8 ,25-26 Statistical test for variation - 5 1 ,8; 52,5 Stellar variability over 21 centuries - 60,12-13 Subscriptions to VSS Circulars - 5 4 ,1; 5 5 ,1; 70,26 Subscriptions, coding on address labels - 54 ,2 Supemova/Nova Chart Catalogue - 59,12 SUPERNOVAE SN 1974 in NGC 4414 - 3 0 ,3; 69,21 SN in NGC 4321 -40,2 SN 1980K in NGC 6946 - 45,3; 69,21 ZWG 505.032 [UGC 02156] 52, 5 S And, new observations of - 61,12 1983G and the distance to NGC 4753 - 64,12 Search programme - 4 5 ,1; 53,14 Suspected Variable Stars - 52,1-2 Suspected Variables: need for photographic or photoelectric photometry equipment, Andy Hollis, 6 5 ,16; RU Cam 65,17 Observations of some, T.Markham - 61,9-10 Tau Cassiopeiae, Professor J. Percy - 6 4 ,1; 65,16 28 Cygni (V1624 Cyg) - 64,1 SUUMa Stars-60,11 SVS 1851 - 1 4 ,1; 1 5 ,2; 16,5 - see CH UMa Symbiotic Stars, Two - John Isles - 70,13-14 Symposium, variables with Small Telescopes, Toronto - 60,1

‘TA’, The Astronomer, Charts - 3 6 ,6; 4 5 ,1; Publications - 47,1 Use by VSS, announcements and reporting - 66,6-7 TAURUS T - 1 3 ,1; 15,2; 1973 & sequence 2 1 ,2; 2 5 ,2; 1975 - 3 1 ,8; 1977 - 3 8 ,7; 1978 - 4 2 ,7; dropped 4 8 ,6 Y - 3 4 ,2; 70, 8 RV - 13,1; 17,1; sequence 17,2; 1973 - 21,2; 1974 - 25.4; 1975 - 31,9; 1976 - 33.6; 1977 - 3 8 ,7; 1978 - 4 2 ,7; chart 53, 3; 1982 - 56, 15; 1983 - 5 7 ,13; 1986 - 66,28; 69,20; 70,6 RW - 1 5 ,4; 2 6 ,3 :6 1 ,19; 68,34 RY - 2 5 ,2; dropped 3 0 ,1; 1975 - 3 1 ,8; 1977 - 38,7 SU - 12,2; 13,1; 15,1; 1973 - 18, 5; 1974 - 25,4; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 33,6; 1977 - 3 8 ,7; sequence 42, 1; 1978 - 4 2 ,7; sequence 44, 1; 52, 5; 1982 - 5 6 ,15; 1983 - 57, 13; 6 2 ,14; 1986 - 66,28; 69,20 TT - 6 8 ,42; 70 ,6 TU - chart 59,12

39 Taurus (cont.) UX - 2 5 ,2 BU - 34 ,2 BV - 51,6; 59, 3; 60,16,23; 61,19; 63,20; 68,34; 69,20 BW - 1 7 ,2; 2 2 ,4; 1974 - 2 5 ,4; dropped 30,1 CD - 5 8 ,19; 5 9 ,19; 60, 23; 6 8 ,35; 70,21 CE - 68,42 CF - 60,17,23; 61,19; 68, 32,35 GR - 51,6; 59,20; 60,16,23; 61,15,19; 63,20; 68, 35; 69,20; 70,22 HU - 5 8 ,19; 5 9 ,20; 6 8 ,35; 70,1 7 ,2 2 HW - 6 9 ,2; 70,7 V781 [SAO 77615] - 59,15,20; 68, 35 17 - 60,13 eta - 60,13 lambda - 68,24; 70,17,22 CSV 6048 [NSV 01280] - 5 2 ,1; 66, 5 CSV 6110-69,21 +22°0743 [NSV 01702] - 5 2 ,1; 66, 5 Telephone Alert Numbers - 68, front cover; 70,1 ‘Telescope, The Origin o f , Colin Ronan - 4 5 ,6 Telescopic Meteors, reporting - 13,3 Telescopic Programme, 1986 - 63,8-10; 1988 changes - 66,5-6; 1988 - 67,1-6 NGC 4151, Markarian 421 & 3C-273 - 66,16-22 TELESCOPIUM BL - 6 2 ,2; 68, 31, 35 Test for variation in stars - John Isles - 67,12-14 Three Associations, The -Storm Dunlop - 65,28-2 Time: Hour/Decimal JD, Conversion table - 3 3 ,4 UT and MJD in Reports - 4 4 ,7 Transit Circles, a New Use - 65,12 TRIANGULUM R - 1 3 ,1; max, 16.5; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 2 1 ,2; 1974 - 25,4 X - 59,20; 60,23; 61,19; 68,35 W -66,4; 68,42; 70,6, 8 TRIANGULUM AUSTRALE R - 65,25 S - 65,25 RT - 65,25 EK - 63, 13 T Tauri stars - 2 0 ,1; 2 1 ,4; 2 4 ,2; 25,2 UK Nova/Supemova Patrol Catalogue of - Guy Hurst - 67,14-21

40 UK Nova/Supemova Patrol (cont.) Programme - 4 5 ,1-2; 56,1 Recurrent Objects List - 1988 - 66,14-15 Reports - Guy Hurst - 59, 8 ,1 2 ,14; 6 6 ,14-15; 68,1-3 URSA MAJOR R - sequence 1 2 ,2-3; 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 21, 3; 1974 - 2 5 ,4; S - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 21, 3; 1974 - 25 ,4 T - 1 3 ,1; chart, 14, 2; 1 7 ,2; 1973 - 21, 3; 1974 - 24, 5; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 33,6; 1977 - 38,7-8; 1978 - 42,7; 1982 - 5 6 ,15; 1983 - 5 7 ,13; 1986 - 66,28 V - 69,21 W - 2 1 ,4; 2 5 ,1; 2 6 ,3; 5 8 ,19; 5 9 ,20; 6 1 ,19-20; 68, 31,35 Y - 5 9 , 12; 7 0 ,2 6 ,3 1 , chart 33 Z - 3 4 ,2; graph 49, 5; 70, 8 RY - 3 4 ,2 ST - 7 0 ,8 SU - 1 3 ,1; 1973 - 21, 3; 1974 - 25,4; 1975 - 31, 8; 1976 - 33,6; 1977 - 38, 8; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 42,7; 44,7; 5 1 ,10; 5 6 ,10; 1982 - 56,16; 1983 - 5 7 ,13; 6 0 ,11; 1986 - 66,28; 69,21 SW - 13,1; 1973 - 21,3; 1974 - 25,4; 1975 - 31,9,1976 - 33,6; 1977 - 38, 8; sequence 4 2 ,1; 1978 - 4 2 ,7; 5 4 ,9; 1982 - 5 6 ,16; 1983 - 5 7 ,13; 1986 - 6 6 ,28; 6 9 ,2 ,2 0 TV - sequence 51,4; 70,6 TX - 58,19; 68,32,35; 70,22 UX - 70 ,7 VV - 68,36 VW - chart 3 8 ,3; chart 5 4 ,5-6; 68,42 VY - chart 3 8 ,3; chart 5 4 ,5-6; 6 8 ,42; 70,8 XY - 60,23; 68, 36 ZZ - 60,23; 61, 20; 68, 36 BC - 6 9 ,2; 70,7 BZ - 6 9 ,2 CH [SVS 1851]- 1973 - 21, 3; 22,4; 1974 - 25,4; 1975 - 31,9; 1976 - 33,6; 1977 - 38, 8; sequence 42, 1; 1978 - 4 2 ,7; 1982 - 5 6 ,16; 1983 - 5 7 ,14; 65, 32; 1986 - 6 6 ,29; 69,21 CY - 6 9 ,2; 70, 7 DV - 6 9 ,2; 70,7 70 - 61,9-10 Psi - 67,23 URSA MINOR S - 13, 1; dropped 17, 2; 1973 - 21, 3; 1974 - 25 ,4 V - 4 7 ,13; graph 49, 5; 68,42

41 Ursa Minor {cont.) W - 58,12,20; 59, 20; 68, 36 RR - 4 7 ,2; dropped 6 7 ,1; 68,44 RS - 61,20 RT - 51,6; 59,20; 60,17,23; 61,20; 68, 32,36 RU - 59,20; 60,23; 61,20; 68,36; 70,17,22 SS - 6 9 ,2; 7 0 ,7 Gamma - 60,13 UV Spectrophotometry of Dwarf Novae - 42,7-8

Variable Star Observing Groups - 47,9 Variable Star papers and letters in BAA Journal - 68,1 Variable Star Section Circulars 1 -1 1 and present plans - 12,1 1 7 ,5; 2 4 ,1; 4 5 ,3; 4 7 ,1 ;5 3 ,1; back numbers - 50,1 electronic submission of material - 6 8 ,1; 69,1 index - 68,1 subscriptions - 5 4 ,1-2; 5 5 ,1; 5 8 ,1; 66,11 Variable Star Section Meetings: Chester - 1975 September 20 - 2 2 ,1; 23,1 Lincoln - 1980 July 5-6 - 42, 8; 43, 3-4; Binocular Programme - M.D.Taylor - 44, 11-12 Eclipsing Binaries - J.E.Isles - 47,16-17 Flare Stars - Shaun Albrighton - 45,7-8 Infrared studies of Novae and Pulsating Stars - Dr M.F. Bode - 4 5 ,5 NN Cephei and other stars - T. Brelstaff - 47,16 Origin of the Telescope - Colin Ronan - 45,6 Practical V.S. Observing - Andy Hollis - 45,6-7 R Coronae Stars - Dr P.Andrews - 47,14-15 Report Forms - Storm Dunlop - 47,15 Searching for Novae - Guy Hurst - 44,9-11 Chelmsley - 1983 July 16, 53, 1 Swansea-1987 Sept 11 - Shaun Albrighton - 65,30 Aspects of Photoelectric Photometry - Roger Pickard 65,31-32 Eclipsing Binaries - Tristram Brelstaff - 65, 30-31 Future Objectives for the VSS - John Isles - 66, 1-3 General Discussion - 65, 36 Nova & Supernova Search Programme - Storm Dunlop - 65,33-34 Observing Programme for Amateur Astronomers, An - Stephen Lubbock 65,32-33 Section’s Programme - Melvyn Taylor - 65, 30

42 variable Star Section Meetings (cont.) Swansea (coni.) Using IUE to study variable stars - Dr D.Stickland - 65,35-36 VSS Data Processing - Storm Dunlop - 65, 33, 35 Variable Stars - Hoffmeister, Richter, Wenzel - 55,1; 6 4 ,18-19; 6 5 ,1; 6 6 ,16; 67, 11 variables, Naked Eye - 53,11-12 variability over 21 centuries - 60,12-13 variation in stars, Test for, John Isles - 5 1 ,8; 5 2 ,5; 67,12-14 VELA T - 65,25 V - 65,25 RY - 65,26,27 ST - 65,25 SV - 65,25 AI - 50, 5 DR - 65,26 HU [PSR 0833-45] - 2 9 ,2 Vesta in 1985 - 6 0 ,1 , chart 2 VIRGO S - 1 3 ,1; dropped 1 7 ,2; 1973-21, 3; 1974-25.4 V - 1977 - 38,8 X - 68,10 RS - 2 5 ,2-3; 1975 - 3 1 ,9; 1976 - 3 3 ,6; dropped 33, app; 1977 - 38, 8; RT - 3 2 ,2; dropped 33, app; 1977 - 3 8 ,8 RW -chart 4 9 ,1; 6 5 ,8; 70 ,7 RX-chart 49,1;66,4 SS - 65, 8; 6 8 ,44; 70, 8 SW -22,4; 70,7,8 TW -55,1:61,13 AG - 6 8 ,36; 70,22 AH - 61, 8; 7 0 ,1 7 ,2 2 BH - 60,12; 68,36 BK - 65,8 FH - 22, 5 HV - 6 9 ,2; 70 ,7 SN1983G [NGC 4753] - 64,12 Visual Observations of Alpha Comae Berenices in 1989 February - Tristram Brelstaff - 69,4-6 VSS Observations and Cyg X2 - 4 4 ,6; and Sco XI - 4 4,6-7,12 VULPECULA T - 65,25

43 vulpecula (coni.) V - 17,1; 1974 - 25,4; 1975 - 31,9; 1976 - 33,6; 1977 - 38,8; chart 53,3; 1983 - 5 7 ,14; 1986 - 6 6 ,29 W - 5 9 ,1 2 Z - 2 6 ,3; 1978 - 4 2 ,7; 5 8 ,20; 59,20 R S-58,12,20; 59,20; 70,22 S V -6 5 ,2 7 TY - 6 9 ,3; 70,7 UY - 6 9 ,3; 7 0 ,7 UZ - 6 9 ,3; 70,7 VW - 55,1 BE - 70,22 BP - 6 1 ,20; 68, 32, 36 DR - 68,36; 70,22 GP - 60,23; 61,15,20; 68,32,36 LV [Nova 1968 No.l] - 69,21 NQ [Nova 1976] - chart, 2 8 ,1; 2 9 ,1; 1976 - 3 3 ,6; 3 6 ,6; sequence 3 7 ,1; 1978 - 4 2 ,7; chart 66,11 PU [Kuwano’s] - 4 6 ,1; 47,2; 1983 - 5 7 ,14; 1986 - 66,29; 70,13 PV - 62,14 PW [Nova 1984 N o.l] - 6 0 ,3 ,12; 6 3 ,2 ,4; chart 6 6 ,11; 1986 - 6 6 ,29; 70 ,7 QU [Nova 1984 No.2] - 60,4-5; 63,2,5; 1986 - 66,29; 70,7 Nova 1987 - chart 66,11 Nova-like object - 40,2; 41,7 Zeta Auriga Stars - Dr R.F. Griffin - 69,23-25 ZZ Ceti stars - 22,1 3C 273 - 47,2; 6 2 ,14; 66, 5 ,16-22; 1986 - 66,29; 70,7

44 Corrections,additions and amendments to the Index Circularsto VSS 12 to 70

ANDROMEDA: OS and Nova 1986 are the same object AQUARIUS: VY - add 53,15 Binocular Group: Programme: please read as follows: Priority list - 19, 3; 70, 7-8 Programme - 12,2; 19,2; 1988 - 67,1-6 CARINA: add entry: V415 [HR 2554] - 69,23-25 CASSIOPEIA: rho: 65, chart page number should read 2 CYGNUS: U: add 66, 8 Add entry: V1341 [Cyg-X2]44, 6- V I624 should be combined with 28 31 isV695 Cyg 32 is V1488 Cyg P: add 70, 1 For ‘Scovil 21’ read ‘Scovil’ DELPHINUS: S: add 66, 8 HR: read‘1983-57, 8; 57, 16’ GEMINI: U: add39, 2-3 HERCULES: U: add 67,11 88 is V744 Her Nova 1987 is V827 Her HR 2554 is V415 Carinae [sic] HR 6902 is in Ophiuchus Monthly Notices o f the RAS, Notes from - This entry should be combined with entry for: Notes from other journals:Monthly Notices o f the RAS also, for ‘VY Hyi’ read‘VW Hyi’ Nova, Vul No.l (1984) and 60,Chart 3; 60, 12 - delete entry Vul No.2 (1984) photograph60, 4-5; 61, 4 - delete entry Obituary: for ‘Patson’ read ‘Patston’ OPHIUCHUS: RS: read ‘198563, - 2-3; 6 3 ,14’ add entry: HR 690269, - 23-25 RCB stars: add 56, 9 SCORPIUS: add entry: Sco XI - 44,6-7,12 SCUTUM: Nova 1981 and Branchett’s object are the same star SERPENS: Nova 1978 is LW Ser TAURUS: Entry for 17 should come after that for lambda CSV 6110 is V718Tau URSA MAJOR: CH: add 14,1; 15,2; 16, 5 Entry for 70 should come after that for psi VSS Observations and Cyg-X2, etc. - delete entry VULPECULA: QU: add 61,4 ADDRESS CORRECTION E.J. Handford 109 Winchelsea Road, Rye, East Sussex TN31 7EL


Charges: U.K. & Eire - £4 for Circulars and light-curves (4 issues) Other countries - £5

Payments (made out to the BAA) and material for inclusion should be sent to Storm Dunlop.

CHARTS: Eclipsing - Order from Mrs E. Isles All others - John Toone

Charges: Telescopic - SAE plus 30p per star Eclipsing - SAE plus 6p per star (1 sheet) Binocular - SAE plus 8p per star (1 sheet)

NB: SAEs should preferably be A4 size


Direct sale prices apply to material collected from the Office at Burlington House or pur­ chases at BAA Meetings.

Binocular Variable Star Charts: Vol.l

£1.25 (U.K) or £1.50 (Overseas) each, including postage (Direct sale price £1.00)

Eclipsing Binary Programme Handbook: 1988

£1.25 (U.K.) or £1.50 (Overseas) each, including postage (Direct sale price £1.00)

Available from Storm Dunlop or BAA Office at Burlington House VARIABLE STAR SECTION CIRCULAR 71



Castle Printers of Wittering