
Page 1 www.jfschmidt.com [email protected] Redbud (Cercis) Information Chart ©2021 All Rights Reserved


Cercis canadensis Multi-stem or Reddish Eastern Redbud low branching 25' 30' 5 Medium in bud, rosy- The profuse that bloom in April or May before the develop make this a spring . Somewhat favorite. It is attractive as a tree for naturalized garden areas or as a graceful addition to a when open small yard. flat-topped

Cercis canadensis ‘Appalachian ’ Bright pink Appalachian Red Redbud Multi-stem or flowers emerge This has the brightest flowers we have seen in a Eastern Redbud. buds 20' 25' 5 low branched, Dark green Yellow from magenta open to shockingly bright pink blooms, often described as neon pink or hot pink, quite spreading different from the tinted soft pink more typically seen in the speccies. It flowers buds heavily and has excellent dark green summer foliage.

Upright Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ Deep purple spreading Forest Pansy Redbud 20' 25' 5 paling to - Yellow Magenta branches, A highly prized red-leaved selection of Eastern Redbud. Delicate magenta rose flowers green appear before the foliage. New growth is exceptionally glossy. rounded

Cercis canadensis ‘UMN7101’ Heart’s Desire™ Redbud Rounded, Blooming beautifully for more than 40 years in the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, this 15' 20' 4 Medium green Yellow Lavender pink time-tested, exceptionally hardy introduction of the University of Minnesota welcomes spreading spring with a profusion of lavender pink blooms. The stunning display of flowers is a wel- come sight after the long, dark days of winter.

Cercis canadensis ‘Morton’ Joy’s Pride™ Redbud Green, heart- Bright lavender 15' 20' 5 Oval to spreading Yellow Bright blooms bring joy to Morton Arboretum visitors, where Joy’s Pride™ was discovered shaped pink and named for the arboretum’s founder, Joy Sterling Morton. Proven reliably cold hardy by Chicagoland winters in which temperatures have plunged as low as -34 °F.

Cercis canadensis ‘Covey’ Lavender Twist® Redbud Magenta buds 7' 8' 5 Weeping Medium green Yellow Elegant and graceful, weeping and compact, this creates a great feature in a small open rosy pink garden. Springtime’s tight clusters of bright magenta buds open to reveal rosy pink flowers. Slightly zigzagging branches cascade to form lattice work curtains of heart-shaped foliage. Page 2 www.jfschmidt.com [email protected] Redbud (Cercis) Information Chart ©2021 All Rights Reserved


Cercis canadensis ‘Merlot’ PP22297 Merlot Redbud Upright Glossy, deep Compact form and glossier, more heat resistant leaves than those of Forest Pansy suggest 18' 20' 6 spreading, purple becoming Yellow Magenta rose better performance in warm climates. Selected from the second generation of a cross of rounded bronze purple ‘Texas ’ x ‘Forest Pansy’ by Dennis Werner of NCSU.

Cercis canadensis ‘Pink Trim’ Northern Herald® Redbud Dark green, Bright magenta 20' 20' 4 Rounded Yellow This extremely cold hardy selection discovered in central South Dakota brings bright pink leathery pink, profuse blooms to prairie and mountain landscapes. Introduced by North Dakota State University, its dark green, leathery leaves are heat resistant and wind tolerant.

Cercis texensis ‘Oklahoma’ Upright Reddish-pink buds Oklahoma Redbud Glossy, thick, 20' 25' 6 spreading to Yellow open to bright Heat resistant foliage is deep green, bright and glossy. One of the moset impressive redbuds bright green in flower, it is more colorful than the as its intense reddish pink buds open to a rounded magenta-pink slightly brighter shade of magenta-pink.

Cercis canadensis ‘Pink Heartbreaker’ PP23043 Pink Heartbreaker Redbud Weeping, 12' 8' 5 Dark green Yellow Lavender pink Lavender pink flower clusters cling tightly to the weeping branches of this vigorous, heat spreading and drought tolerant cultivar. Spring growth flushes red and matures to dark green. Form is wider spreading and more irregular in branch habit than Lavender Twist®.

Cercis canadensis ‘Pink Pom Poms’ PP27630 Pink Pom Poms Redbud Reddish purple, 20' 15' 6b Rounded Glossy green Yellow Uniquely double-petaled flowers are borne in dense, pendulous clusters along bare branch- double es in early spring. This hybrid of double-flowered C. canadensis ‘Flame’ and C. texensis ‘Oklahoma’ was developed at North Carolina State University by Dr. Dennis Werner.

Cercis canadensis ‘ Falls’ PP22097 Ruby Falls Redbud Deep purple, Pendulous branches laden with clusters of rose purple blooms tumble from the trunk of this 8' 6' 5 Weeping Yellow-bronze Rose purple petite weeping tree in early spring. Glossy, deep purple, heart-shaped leaves soon follow. glossy This NCSU creation blends the best features of its popular parents, Lavender Twist® and Forest Pansy. Page 3 www.jfschmidt.com [email protected] Redbud (Cercis) Information Chart ©2021 All Rights Reserved

SIZE NAME H W ZONE SHAPE FOLIAGE FALL COLOR FLOWER Cercis canadensis ‘ Twist’ PP22744 Vanilla Twist Redbud Pure white, pea-like flowers smother the twisting, cascading branches of this hybrid of 8' 6' 5 Weeping green Yellow White Lavender Twist® and Royal White Redbuds in springtime. Foliage soon follows, emerging and maturing to light green, heart shaped leaves that turn yellow in autumn. Observed to have good resistance to drought and cold.