PL-ISSN0015-5497(print),ISSN1734-9168(online) FoliaBiologica(Kraków),vol.61(2013),No3-4 Ó InstituteofSystematicsandEvolutionofAnimals,PAS,Kraków,2013 doi:10.3409/fb61_3-4.193

AChromosomalAnalysisofTwelveSpeciesoftheSubfamily (Coleoptera,Chrysomelidae)



PETITPIERRE E.,MIKHAILOV Y. E. 2013. A chromosomal analysis of twelve species of the subfamily Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Folia Biologica (Kraków) 61: 193-198.

Twelve species of chrysomelines, all but one from the Palaearctic region, have been cytogenetically analyzed, mostly through their male meiotic metaphases I. Ambrostoma superbum has 2n = 40 (Xyp), colasi, Oreina fairmairiana and the Neotropical Platyphora spectabilis have2n=24(Xyp), Chrysolina gebleri 2n = 26 (XYp), Colaspidema barbarum 2n = 28 (Xyp), Crosita altaica and C. rugulosa 2n = 30 (Xyp), Phratora polaris, Ph. vitellinae and Ph. vulgatissima 2n = 34 (Xyp), and the karyotype of Chrysolina marginata, consisting of 40 chromosomes, is also described. These results are discussed with those previously obtained in related genera and congeneric species, giving further support and extending the high chromosomal variability so far found in this subfamily of leaf .

Key words: Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, karyotypes, sex-chromosome systems, cytotaxonomy, evolution.

Eduard PETITPIERRE, Lab. of Genetics, Dept. of Biology, University of Balearic Islands, 07122 Palma de Mallorca, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Yuri E. MIKHAILOV, Dept.ofEcology,UralFederalUniversity,620083Ekaterinburg, Russia / Dept. of Botany and Forest Protection, Ural State Forest Engineering University, 620100 Ekaterinburg, Russia. E-mail: [email protected]

ThesubfamilyChrysomelinaeisalargegroupof Material and Methods leaf beetles consisting of roughly 3000 species (REID et al. 2009)in175genera(DACCORDI 1982) Collection sites which were later reduced to 133 (DACCORDI 1994). The number of tribes and subtribes is vari- The list of examined species and their geo- able depending on the particular opinions of the graphical sources are given in Table I. different authors, but the majority consider two tribes, Timarchini and Chrysomelini, the former The number of analyzed adult male specimens with only one subtribe and the latter with five, En- was as follows: Ambrostoma superbum (1), tomoscelina (= Phyllocharitina), Chrysolinina, Chrysolina marginata (1), Chrysolina gebleri (1), Doryphorina (sometimes included within the pre- Chrysolina colasi (3), Oreina fairmairiana (3), vious one), Gonioctenina (= Paropsina), and Chry- Colaspidema barbarum (2), Crosita altaica (1), somelina (DACCORDI 1994; RILEY et al. 2002; Crosita rugulosa (1), Phratora polaris (1), Phra- REID 2002; PETITPIERRE 2011). tora vitellinae (2), Phratora vulgatissima (1), Platyphora spectabilis (1). The Chrysomelinae are relatively well-known cytogenetically, with 180 surveyed taxa 25 years Chromosome preparations ago (PETITPIERRE et al. 1988), a figure updated to 260 taxa recently (PETITPIERRE 2011), that is The cytogenetic data were obtained by testis dis- 8.7% of the total described species in 41 genera or section of adult male specimens which were fixed 23.3%to30.8%ofallknowngenera,dependingon in45%aceticacid,lateronteasedintosmallpieces how many are recognized. Herein we have ana- for five minutes, squashed under a coverslip, im- lyzed ten new species, and we have augmented cy- mediately frozen in liquid nitrogen to remove the togenetic data in two further species either by coverslip, and finally treated using conventional meiotic or by mitotic metaphase analyses. Giemsa staining procedures. Most examined cells 194 E.PETITPIERRE,Y.E.MIKHAILOV

Table I Cytogenetically analysed species of leaf-beetles and their geographical sources Ambrostomasuperbum (Thunberg,1787) BadalingatGreatWall,50kmnorthBeijing(China) Chrysolina (Chalcoidea) marginata (Linnaeus,1758) LaSagra,Granada,Andalucia(SoutheastSpain) Chrysolina (Pleurosticha) gebleri L.Medvedev,1979 Charyshdistr.,AltaiProvince(Russia) Chrysolina (Stichoptera) colasi (Cobos,1952) PicoVeleta,around3000malt.,Granada(Spain) Colaspidemabarbarum (Fabricius,1792) LaSagra,Granada,Andalucia(SoutheastSpain) Crositaaltaica (Gebler,1823) Mugojarymts.,Aktyubinskreg.(WestKazakhstan) Crositarugulosa (Gebler,1841) South-Chuyamt.range,RepublicofAltai(Russia) Oreina (Chrysochloa) fairmairiana (Gozis,1882) Gausac,Vald’Aran,PyreneesofLleida,Catalonia(Spain) Phratora (Phyllodecta) vitellinae (Linnaeus,1758) Kevo(NorthFinland) Phratora (Phratora) vulgatissima (Linnaeus,1758) Alpthal(Switzerland) Platyphoraspectabilis (Baly,1858) P.N.Brenes(CostaRica) were in meiotic metaphases I, providing the male Therefore, the number of large chromosome arms meioformulas, thus the number of autosomal biva- or “fundamental number” (FN) in Ch. marginata, lents plus male sex-chromosome systems. Three is FN = 74. among the twelve surveyed species gave sper- matogonial meta- or prometaphase cells, from Chrysolina gebleri which we obtained results on their chromosomal architecture. This species exhibits a 12 + XYp meioformula (Fig. 5), that is 2n = 26 chromosomes. The autoso- mal bivalents are relatively small and the male Results sex-chromosome system is a “parachute-type” XYp, constituted by two elements, the X and Y chromosomes of similar sizes. Subtribe Chrysolinina

Ambrostoma superbum Chrysolina colasi Several metaphase I cells were screened in this The mitotic metaphases of Ch. colasi, with 2n = 24 species showing a 19 + Xyp meioformula, composed chromosomes, have been studied before (PETITPIERRE of similar medium sized autosomal bivalents and 1981). Herein, we provide a metaphase I showing the Xyp (“parachute-type”) sex-chromosome sys- a 11 + Xyp meioformula (2n = 24), with four large tem, with a large X and a small y-chromosome bichiasmate autosomal bivalents, seven medium (Fig. 1). A spermatogonial mitotic prometaphase sized unichiasmate ones, and the Xyp sex-chromosome displays mostly meta- and submetacentric me- system (Fig. 6). dium or small chromosomes out of a large autoso- mal pair (Fig. 2). Oreina fairmairiana Chrysolina marginata Similar to the former species, this one has meta- The meioformula of this species, 19 + Xyp, was phases I with a 11 + Xyp meioformula (2n = 24) studied previously (PETITPIERRE 1981),butnotits that consists of similar medium sized and mostly karyotype comprised of 2n = 40 chromosomes round autosomal bivalents out of the Xyp sex- from spermatogonial metaphases. This karyotype chromosome system (Fig. 7). has two pairs of large metacentric autosomes, seven pairs of medium sized ones of which three Colaspidema barbarum are acrocentrics (3th., 4th and 9th) and the remaining are metacentrics, and ten other pairs of medium- Meiotic metaphases I showing a 13 + Xyp meio- small, four of them clearly smaller than the other formula (2n = 28) with similar small bivalents three, plus a rather large submetacentric X-chromo- including the “parachute” Xyp sex-chromosomes some and a tiny y-chromosome (Figs 3 and 4). have been found in this species (Fig. 8). ChromosomalAnalysisofChrysomelinae 195

1 2 3


Figs 1-4. Fig. 1. Metaphase I of Ambrostoma superbum with 19 + Xyp, the Xyp is arrowheaded. Scale = 5 Fm. Fig. 2. Spermatogonial mitotic prometaphase of A. superbum with 2n = 40 chromosomes, the pair of largest autosomes are arrowheaded.. Scale = 5 Fm. Figs 3 and 4. Spermatogonial mitotic metaphase (3) and karyogram (4) of Chrysolina marginata showing2n=40chromosomes,theX-andy-chromosomesareatthelowerrighthandofthekaryogram.Scale=5 Fm.

5 6 7

8 9 10

Figs 5-10. Fig. 5. Metaphase I of Chrysolina gebleri with 12 + XYp, the symmetric XYp is arrowheaded. Scale = 5 Fm. Fig. 6. Metaphase I of Chrysolina colasi with 11 + Xyp, the lumen of distended Xyp is arrowheaded. Note also the four large bichiasmate autosome bivalents. Scale = 5 Fm. Fig. 7. Metaphase I of Oreina fairmairiana with 11 + Xyp, the Xyp is arrowheaded. Scale = 5 Fm. Fig. 8. Metaphase I of Colaspidema barbarum with 13 + Xyp, the Xyp is arrowheaded. Scale = 5 Fm. Fig. 9. Metaphase I of Crosita altaica with 14 + Xyp, the Xyp is arrowheaded. Scale = 5 Fm. Figs. 10. Interpretative drawingfromametaphaseIof Crositarugulosa with14+Xyp,theXyp isarrowheaded.Scale=5 Fm.

11 12 13 14

Figs. 11-14. Figs. 11 and 12. Metaphases I of Phratora polaris (11) and Ph. vitellinae (12) with 16 + Xyp, the Xyp are arrowheaded. Scale = 5 Fm. Fig. 13. Spermatogonial mitotic metaphase of Phratora vulgatissima showing 2n = 34 chromosomes. Scale = 5 Fm. Fig. 14. Metaphase I of Platyphora spectabilis with 11 + Xyp, the Xyp is arrowheaded. Note that sixautosomepairsareoverlappedinthreepairgroups.Scale=5 Fm. 196 E.PETITPIERRE,Y.E.MIKHAILOV

Crosita altaica (PETITPIERRE &SEGARRA 1985; PETITPIERRE 2011), is here represented by three among the A meiotic formula of 14 + Xyp (2n = 30) com- prised of large autosomal bivalents and the small twelve sampled taxa. And third, all of our sampled species show the “parachute-like”, Xyp or XYp, Xyp sex-chromosome system characterizes the metaphases I of C. altaica (Fig. 9). sex-chromosome systems, matching well with the 79% figure so far found for all chrysomelines Crosita rugulosa (PETITPIERRE 2011). The same karyotype meioformula of 14 + Xyp The 2n = 40 (Xyp) observed in Ambrostoma su- (2n = 30), with similar large autosomal bivalents perbum is the first cytogenetic finding for the ge- as in the former and a small Xyp, have also been nus Ambrostoma, constituted by 13 species from found in metaphases I of this congeneric species East Asia (KIPPENBERG 2010). Since this genus (Fig. 10). seems to be taxonomically related to Chrysolina (DACCORDI 1994), it is not surprising that nearly Subtribe Chrysomelina 20% of the 70 examined species in the latter have 2n = 40 chromosomes. In addition, the meta- or Phratora polaris submetacentric chromosome shape of its karyo- Metaphases I include sixteen medium sized and type agrees with the prevalent chromosome struc- small unichiasmate autosomal bivalents and a ture found in chrysomelines (PETITPIERRE 2011), “parachute” male sex-chromosome, thus a meio- and also in the remaining beetles (SMITH & formula of 16 + Xyp, 2n = 34 chromosomes (Fig. 11). VIRKKI 1978; VIRKKI 1984). The genus Crosita was also unworked to date Phratora vitellinae from chromosomal grounds. As in Ambrostoma, This species has the same meioformula as the Crosita with ten described species (KIPPENBERG previous one, 16 + Xyp, (2n = 34), from which it 2010), is also taxonomically related to Chrysolina differs by having a lower number of medium sized (DACCORDI 1994). However, contrary to the autosomal bivalents, since most of them are small former genus, the 2n = 30 (Xyp) karyotype ob- (Fig. 12). served in the two examined species of Crosita is only found in one taxon of Chrysolina, Ch. lucidi- Phratora vulgatissima collis grossepunctata (quoted as Ch. gypsophilae in PETITPIERRE 1982), a species which is not mor- The spermatogonial mitotic metaphases display phologically close to Crosita. Therefore assuming 2n = 34 chromosomes, mostly of small size, but 2n = 30 (Xyp) is the putative modal number and whose shapes are not easily identified (Fig. 13). A sex-chromosome system for Crosita, the data do meioformulaof16+Xyp hasalsobeenobservedin not indicate any relationship with the species of this species (not shown). Chrysolina studied to date sharing these karyo- typic characteristics. Subtribe Doryphorina We have analyzed three species in the genus Platyphora spectabilis Chrysolina, one of them Ch. marginata was previ- ously cytogenetically studied, 19 + Xyp One individual from this species exhibited a (PETITPIERRE 1981), though not in its karyotypic meioformula of 11 + Xyp,(2n=24),madeofeight architecture as reported herein. The karyotype of medium and three small autosomal bivalents, plus Ch. marginata is composed of 40 chromosomes of the “parachute” sex-chromosome pair (Fig. 14). gradually decreasing size, most of them biarmed, so its fundamental arm number is FN = 74. Con- versely, other species belonging to the same sub- Discussion and Conclusions genus Chalcoidea, such as Ch. carnifex and Ch. interstincta,alsosharewith Ch. marginata 2n = 40 The chromosomal results obtained in these twelve (Xyp) chromosomes, but all are acrocentrics and are speciesofChrysomelinaeleafbeetlesareinaclose similar in size except for the tiny y-chromosome agreement with those reported before and recently (PETITPIERRE 1981; PETITPIERRE et al. 2004), and reviewed elsewhere, based on nearly 260 taxa a much lower fundamental number of FN = 40. (PETITPIERRE 2011). First, the wide range of dip- These differences in their karyotype architecture loid numbers from 2n = 24 to 2n = 40 chromo- are also congruent with molecular phylogenetics somes fits well within the even wider range from based on two mitochondrial gene markers. Ch. 2n = 12 to 2n = 50 currently known for the whole marginata is more distantly related within the subfamily. Second, the modal chromosome number same clade, in respect to Ch. carnifex and another for Chrysomelinae, 2n = 24, displayed in nearly species of the subgenus Chalcoidea, than the latter one third of the total checked species are to each other (GARIN et al. 1999). ChromosomalAnalysisofChrysomelinae 197

The meioformula of Chrysolina gebleri, 12 + but differs in the sex-chromosome system, XO in- XYp (2n=26)iscoincident bothindiploidnumber stead of Xyp. Although KIPPENBERG (2010) in- and symmetric “parachute” sex-chromosome sys- cludes both genera in his tribe Entomoscelini, an temwiththoseof Ch. lagunovi (in the same subge- opinion which is not shared by other authors nus Pleurosticha) and those of Ch. poretzkyi and (DACCORDI 1994; PETITPIERRE 2011), the only Ch. tundralis, in the closely related subgenus Arc- examined Palaearctic genus in this group, Ento- tolina. Morphological similarity of the two sub- moscelis, with two studied species, has a different genera Pleurosticha and Arctolina and problems diploid number of 2n = 26 (Xyp) (PETITPIERRE et al. with their recognition have been previously dis- 1988). cussed (MIKHAILOV 2007a, 2008). The cytoge- The three studied species of the genus Phratora: netic resemblance provides further support for Ph. polaris, Ph. vitellinae and Ph. vulgatissima, their close interrelationship. While Ch. lagunovi, share the same meioformula of 16 + Xyp (2n = 34) Ch. poretzkyi and Ch. tundralis are all from the in agreement with two previously analyzed conge- Ural mountain range, Ch. gebleri is from the Altai neric species, Ph. tibialis and Ph. laticollis mountains and presumably represents a relict species (PETITPIERRE 1982; PETITPIERRE &SEGARRA of the subgenus Pleurosticha (MIKHAILOV 2007b), 1985). These species seem to differ only in the although it shares the same meioformula. This number of medium and small chromosomes, XYp sex-chromosome “parachute” system, with thereby in their chromosomal architecture, a fea- both elements of similar size, may be a synapo- ture that should be more accurately investigated. morphic character for the two subgenera, but it has As stated before (PETITPIERRE &SEGARRA 1985; also been detected in Ch. umbratilis (PETITPIERRE PETITPIERRE 2011), the subtribe Chrysomelina to et al. 2004), which belongs to the subgenus which Phratora, Chrysomela, Phaedon, Praso- Sphaerochrysolina (KIPPENBERG 2010), therefore curis, Hydrothassa and Plagiosterna belong to a distinct and presumably distantly related taxon. along with some other genera, show the 2n = 34 Chrysolina colasi has a meioformula of 11 + Xyp (Xyp) karyotype as the modal and presumably the which agrees with the karyotype of 2n = 24 chro- ancestral state for this higher taxon. mosomes reported and illustrated by PETITPIERRE (1981, as Oreina colasi). The four large autosomal The Neotropical Platyphora spectabilis has a bivalents observed correspond to the four large diploid chromosome number of 2n = 24 (Xyp), autosomal pairs we found in spermatogonial meta- which was also reported in the congeneric P. au- phases. Moreover, the karyotype of Ch. colasi is lica (PETITPIERRE et al. 1988), and in three addi- clearly asymmetric with two striking groups dif- tional genera of Doryphorina, the subtribe in fering in chromosome size: one group of large ele- which they are placed, but it is not yet clear ments and another of small elements, a common whether this value can be considered as the most characteristic shared with the other seven sur- plesiomorphous for this group (PETITPIERRE 2011). veyed species in the subgenus Stichoptera. This remarkablefeatureisconservedinspiteofthehigh variation in diploid numbers, from 2n = 22 to 2n = 34 Acknowledgements in the eight examined species of Stichoptera (PETITPIERRE 1999, 2000; PETITPIERRE et al. 2004). We are greatly indebted to J. A. JURADO-RIVERA The meioformula of Oreina fairmairiana, 11 + (Esporles, Mallorca) for collecting the specimen Xyp (2n = 24), is also found in all but one of the of Platyphora spectabilis andtoDr.NathanRANK twelve studied species of Oreina (PETITPIERRE (Sonoma State Univ., California) for specimens of 1981, 1999). Since these sampled species repre- thethreeexaminedspeciesof Phratora. Drs. M. A. sent five of the six established subgenera CONESA and A. MOLINS (Palma de Mallorca) are (KIPPENBERG 2010), the 11 + Xyp meioformula also acknowledged for their valuable help in the could be taken not only as modal but also as the process of scanning and improving our micro- most plesiomorphous for the genus Oreina. In this graphs. sense, we emphasize again that this formula is mo- dal and maybe ancestral for the closely related ge- nus Chrysolina, although it is much more hetero- geneous cytogenetically than Oreina (PETITPIERRE References 1981, 1999; PETITPIERRE et al. 2004; PETITPIERRE DACCORDI M. 1982. Chrysomelinae. (In: Leaf Genera &MIKHAILOV 2009). (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). T.N. Seeno and J. A. Wilcox Colaspidema barbarum displays a meioformula eds).Entomography 1:75-95. of 13 + Xyp (2n = 28), constituted by small autoso- DACCORDI M. 1994. Notes for phylogenetic study of Chry- somelinae, with descriptions of new taxa and a list of all the mal bivalents and the Xyp. A related species, Co- known genera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomeli- laphus sophiae, has a similar formula in males nae). Proc. Third Int. Sympos. Chrysomelidae, Beijing 1992, with 13 + X (2n = 27) (LACHOWSKA et al. 1996) BackhuysPubl.,Leiden,TheNetherlands.Pp.60-84. 198 E.PETITPIERRE,Y.E.MIKHAILOV

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