TRANSACTIONS 2018 PART A ANNUAL SESSIONS 2018 ANNUAL REPORTS 2017/2018 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 2017/2018 “To promote the acquisition and interchange of technical knowledge, advance the science and practice of engineering in all its branches and regulate professional activities in Sri Lanka.” THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS, SRI LANKA 120/15, Wijerama Mawatha Colombo 7. Tel : 2698426, 2685490, 2699210 Fax : 2699202 E-mail :
[email protected] Web page : 1 2 CONTENTS Photograph of the Council for the Session 2017/2018 5 Council for the Session 2017/2018 6 Committees of the Session 2017/2018 8 Report of the President 22 Report of the Council for the Session 2017/2018 28 Report of the Auditors for the Financial year ending December 31, 2017 55 Reports of the Committees - Standing Committees 85 - Sectional Committees 110 - Provincial Chapters 136 - Overseas Chapters 177 - Young Members’ Section 200 - JIY Committee 203 - Women Engineers’ Forum 206 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on October 28, 2017 209 Resolutions proposed to be taken up at the Annual General Meeting on October 27, 2018 244 Programme of the Annual Sessions 2017/2018 245 Past Office Bearers of IESL 259 3 4 COUNCIL FOR THE SESSION 2017/2018 Left to Right : Seated – Eng. Mangala Silva, Eng. J A G R Jayalath, Eng. K P I U Dharmapala, Eng.(Prof.) A K W Jayawardane – Chairman, BoT, Eng. Jayavilal Meegoda, Eng.(Prof.) Mrs. Niranjanie Ratnayake - President, Eng.(Dr.) Ananda Ranasinghe, Eng.(Prof.) T M Pallewatta, Eng. A Manamperi, Eng. M G Hemachandra, Eng. Neil Abeysekera – CEO/ Executive Secretary.