. ··(sEd~rION.)

PuBLIC WOIUtS DEPAlll'llBlfT, I!mlA OnxCL 1Ia1190j. TABLE 0 F GON'fE N 'fS.

Contract with- No. Ahmedaba

Barsi Ligh~ Railway Company 5 Rnd North·Western Railway Company 6 Do. do. do. (as to Tirhoot State Railway) 7 Bengal Central Railway Company 8 Bengal Railway Company (.. to original line) 9. Do. do. (as to extensions) 10 Bengal.Nagpur Railway Company • 11 Bombay, Baroda and Cent.. l Railway (Jompany 12 Do. do. do. do. (as to State lines) 13 Brahmaputra-Sultanpur Railway Company 14 Burma Railways Compony 15

Datjeeling Himalayan Railway Company 16 Delhi·UmbaUa·Kalka Raihvay Company 17 Do. do. do. (as to Kalka·Simla Railway) 18 Deoghur Railway Compauy 19

East Indian Railway Company ·20

• Great Indian Penillsula Roilway Company 21

Hardwar·Dehra Railway Company 2Z

Indian GeneraJ Steam Navigation and Railway Company (Mymensing.Jamaipur. J agannathgBnj Railway) • 2~ Indian Midland Railway Compouy • 24

14087. I. 1e8. Ino.-$/1804. {;ontract with- .~ No• Madras Railway Company ,- 2ii Do. do. (as to CaJicnt-AzikhBl Railway) 26 Do. do. (as to East Coast Railway, SontherD Section, and Azikbal. MaDgolore Railway) 27

Nizam'. Guaranteed Stole Railway Company .• 28 Do. do. do. In. to Hyderabad.Godnvari VaUey Railway) 29 N oakhali (Bengal) Railway CompaDY 311

Rohilkund and Kuru""n Railway Company 81 Do. do. do. (as to Lucknow-Bareilly Stat. Raihmy) 311

Segowlie-Raksll.ul Railway Company - 38 South Bebar Railway Company South Indian Railway Company 36 Do. do. (as to Travancore Branch) 36 Southern Mahratto Railway Company 37 Do. do. do. (as 10 Mysore Railway) 38 Southern Punjab Railway Company • 39

Tapti VaUey Railway Company 40 Tark.. sur Railway Company 41

Weet of India Portngue.. Railway Company • 42

List of Railways purchased by Ihe Government of India from Companies - Appendix AHMEDAB AD· D H 0 LKA RAI L WAY COMPANY.


DATES OF CONTRACTS.-25th Ma.rch 1902 and 17th September 1902.

The Ahmedabad-Dholka Railway Company's line (metre gauge) is a branch of the Rajputana-Malwa Railway, extending from Sabamlllti (3i miles nort·h of Ahmedabad. on the Rajputana Section of the latter railway) to Dholka in Gujerat.

'The necessary capital was ra.ised, in India, by the Ahmedaba.d-Dholka Railwa.y Company, but the construction of the railway was carried out by the Bombay. Bal'oda and Central India Railway Company, which a.180 works it, In agent of the Secretary of Stete, under an a.greement dated 18th July 1902.

The terms of the Contract are based on the Resolution of the Government of India as to branch railways, da.ted 15th September 1893. The pa.yment out of capital during construction of interest at. 4 per cent. per annum, and of Rs. 5,000 per annum towards management a.nd office expenses, is provided for.

By the Contract dated 17th September 1002, the Secretary of State agrees to take fully-paid shares in the Company to the nominal value of Re. 59,900 in part payment of the cost of earthwork constructed by fnmine labour and of surveys carried out prior to the formation of the Company.

The Ahmedabad-Dholka Company is domiciled in India. AHMEDABAD-DHOLKA RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAlCD. To be provided by the Government free of cost to Company.


3. DISTRIBUTION OP' PROFITS. • The Govemment undertake. to constru", the line (from fouds supplied by the Company). and to work and mRintain it., through Stnte or other ag@Dcy, the necessary rolling-stock being 8upplied by the working agency. (The agency employed, in the lirst instance, i. the Bombay, Baroda ond Central India. Railway Compa.ny, with which 8n agreement for the po"pose wa. entered inro by the Government on the 18th July 1902.) Durin/( the continuance of thE' working agreement with the Bombay. Baroda and Central India. Railway Company, the charge to the Ahmedabad·Dholka Company for the provision of rolling-stock and the working and mainteollnce of the line is to be the ahare of the general working f'xpenses of the whole system nf the broad anel metre gauge Jines worked by the Bomb.y, Burodo nnd Central India Railway Company "'hich i. attributable to the Abme· da.bnd-Dholkn Railway in proportion to its' gro~s earDin~!t, provided that the cbarge is not to exc('ec1 .,4 per eent. of the gross ('arnin~ in any year. In the event of the working agreempnt with the Bornhay, Uarodu. and Central IndiA. Rllilway Company terminating before the contract with the Ahmedabad·Dholko Railway Company, Ih. charge for working the latter Comptmy's line is to be such percentage of the gross earnings 8S may be pro\"ided ill any other working agreement thnt may be entered into, or, if the line is worked by State allener, Buch pel'centage 88 the Secretary of State may consider just or I"f'BsoIlQ.ble; but it ;s not: in either CI1se to exceed t.he percentage or working exptnses on gross earnings obtaining on the Rajputann.-lfalwR Uailway, 01' 50 per cent. in any yP.nr. The residue ot tbe gl'OSS f"fLI'Dings, after deduction of the chllrge for working, &c., is payable to the Ahmedabad·Dholk~ Company. By ugreement with the Bombay, Baroda aoel Central India R&ihvay Company, the Govern.. ment will allow to the Ahmedabad·Dholkn. CompAny in respect of each calenJar year, by wuy of rehute, flinch 0. sum not exceedin~ 10 per ('eut. of the combined shares attributable to tho Bombay, B31·0tlIL nod Centrullndia nnd Rajputana-Malwa Railways of the g:ross earnings from traffic interchanged betwt'E'11 those railwnYfI, or t:ither of them, and the Ahmedabarl-Dholka Railwuy, as will, together with the net earnings of the Ahmedabad· Dholka Compony, make up an amount eCJlml to intere~t for the ye.'1r at the rate of 4 per cent. rer annum on the actual cDpital expenditure. The Government is also to allow the Comlmny the sum of Rs . .;),000 per o.lIuum towards its office expenses and expenses of mlloAgement, hut. when the Company's net earningtl in nny year ex.ceed 4 per cent. on the capital expenditure, the excess is to be applied towards the reducti(ln of t.his allowance.

4. RATES AND F ,mBS, Rates and fares are to he such as may f!"Om time to time be arranged between the GClvern .. ment nnd the workin~ agency, but it is provided that they shall be within the maximum and minimum rates Bnd JOfes tor the time being in foroo on the &jpUlana.-Malwa Hallway. The classilication af good. i. to ba in conformity with that in forc. on the Rajputana,Malwa Railway.


6. POWER OF GOVERNMENT TO DET.t:.RHINE CONTRACT (BY PURCHASB A.ND OTHERWJSE). The Government may determine tbe CODlfnet if, before the line is open for traffic, the Company fail on demand to supply th. funds required fo,' its completion. In case of such determinBtion the Comp&Dy is to give up to the Government possession of tbe ruilwaYt worke, Bnd stores, and the Government Us to pay the Comp:my in rupe.as the fair value of the property so given up. The Government may also, by giving 12 months' notice, determine the Contract and acquire tbe I'ailwayon the 30th .June 192~ 01' at the end of any.ubsequent period of 10 yeor.. In this ease the Go"el'nment undertakes to pay to the Company in rupet'8 a sum equal to 25 time. the average yearly net earning. of the Company during the laat preceding three y ...... provided that .oeb .um .ban not exceed by more than 20 per cent. the total capitol expenditure of tbe Company, nor be less than such capitnl expenditure. '


8. TRIlu OF COl


DATES OF CONTRAc'fs-l:)th March 1896 and 29th January 1902.

The Ahmeelabnd.Prantej Company's Railway (metre gauge) is a branch of the Bombay, Baroela and Central India Railway, e> tending from Ahmedabad (the junction of the latter line with the Ru.jputann·Malwa Railwe.y) to Prant.j anel Ahmednagar.

The necessary capitul was raised in India by the Ahmedubad-Pl'Ilntej Company, but the construction of' the railway 'tHS cafl'ieJ out by the Bombuy, Baroda and Central India Railway Company, which also works it, as agent of the Secl'etary of State, undcr agreements dated 4th June 1896 and 1st February 1001.

The terms of the Contract are based on the RCRolution of the Government of Inelia as to branch railways, dated 15th Sept~mber 1893. The payment out of capital during construction of interest at 4 per cent. per annum, and of Rs. 5,000 per annum owards management and ollice expenses, is provided fur.

The Contract dated 29th J nnuary 1902 modifies the provisions of the Contract of 1896 so far as regards the charge to be made against the Company for the working and maintenance of tbe line during the continuance of the Contracts between ti,e Secretary of State and tbe Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway Company relating to the working of State branches (Abstril.et No. 13 in tbis book).

The Ahmedabad-Prantej Railway Company is domiciled in India. AHMEDABAD-PRANTEJ RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. To be provided by the Go\-eroment free of cost to Company.


3. DISTRIBUTION 01' PROfITS. The Governmpnt undertakes to construct the line (Crom funds supplied by thA Company). and 10 work ODd mninluin it, through State or other 8~ellcy. the necc!'sary rolling stock being supplied by the working ogency. (The agency employed is the Bombsy, Baroda and C.entraJ India Railway Company, with which aD n,g'I'~ment for the purpu5e was entered into hy the GOYCl'nmPD t on the 4th June 1896. This agreement was modified in (lOme respects on the 1st February 10(1). During the continuance of the Contracts between tIle Secretary of 8tate an.. t the Bombay, Baroda and Central Iodi;, Hailwuy Comp,my relating to the workiD~ of ,sta:e hranchf's (see Abstract No_ 13 in tbis book) the chul'gt." to the Ahmedaoad-Prnntej R.'lilwR.'[ Company in each half-year for the provision of rolling stock :and the working and ..iutenaDce ot' the lint! is to be the share of the general working expenses of the wholu of the bros:l anel metre gauge sYsU!m or railwoyl5 worked hy the Bombay, Uarodn. ond Centml India Railway Company which is altributR.bl~ to the Ahmedahnd-PN:mtf':i Railway in proportion to its gross f"nrnings" pro\'ided tbat the charge is Dot to exceed 44 per cent. of tho gross em'nings in ooy yeara In the e\'ent of the terminution of the Contl1lcts abo\"e referred to, the charge is to be a percentllf!e of the gross cornin:rs nut ex("cl""ding in any Iialf-year thnt obtaining in the Rajputano-MlIlwu Raih't'lly, nor in nny ~'("nr 5(1 p('r cent, The reMiliuc of the gl'o~s carnings, after deduction of the charge for working. &c" is payable tel the AI:medabml-l>rnnrf>j <':OUlpaUY· By ngl'cement with dw Bombay, BHrod.n and Central India. Ruihvay Company, the Government will al10w to the Ahmedobnd-Prnntej Company in rpspect of each calendar yenr, by way of reoote, stich a sum not exceeding 10 per cent. of the combined shares attributable to the Bombay. Baroda and Centrnlludia and Rajputn.na-Malw8 RailWB.VS of the gro~s earnings from trnllie jl1l~rchan.2ed between those railways, or eithel' of them, anrl the Ahmedabnd-Pranwj Railway, DS will. together with the net earnings of the Ahmedah.ld-Prontej Compony, make up lib amount equal to interest for the year at the rate of '" per cent. per annum 011 the actual capital t,!xpenditun>. Tbe Government is alEo to sHow the Company the ijum of Rs. D,OOO per anllum towards its office c:xpeOl5es and expeD5es of manag~mellt.

4. BATES '&'!'I."D FARES. Rates and fure:!. Rre '0 be such as may from time to time be arranged bt'tween the Government and the workin~ ":;,!e-ncy, but it is provided that t.hey shilll be within the maximum and minimum rates Rnd fares for the time being in fOrce on the RajpuUlna-Malwa Railway. Tbe c1l1ssificn1ion of goods is to be in coofiumity with that in force on the Rajputana­ Malwo. J(uilwoy.


6. POWER OF GOVERNliENT TO DETKRllINE CONTRACT (oy PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). The GOl'ernment may determine the Contract if, before tha line is open for troffic, the­ Company fnil on dpmoDd to supply the fundf; required for its completion. In cose of such determiuatiflo the Company is to gil'e up to the Government posses-l1;ioo oi the rnilway. work!', and stores, aDd the Government is to pay the Company in rupees the fair volue of 1he property so gil"eD up. The GoYr.rnm£'nt may also, by giving 12 months' notice, determine the Contract ,and acquire the railway- (i.) On the 31st December 1917 or at the end of auy 80bsequent period of 10 years. In this c:t.se the GO\'ernmt:'nt undertakes to pay to the Company in rupees a sum equal to 25 times the a,'erage yeurly net earnings or the Company duriD~ the last preceding fil'"e yCR~ provided .'h.at 5u('h sum shall Dot ex('eed by more than 20 per cent, the totul capllnl expeoulture of the Coruplmy, nvr be less than such capital expenditure. Or (ii.) On the 31st December H146. In this eo",e the Go~.rnment wi\l po, to the Compnny in l'UpeP.5 an amount equal to the tabl capitu expenditure.




DATES OF COIlTilAcrs.-26th May 1880 and 25th July 1881.

The Assam Railways and Trading Company's line (metre gauge) is situated in the ·1lxtreme north-east of the Province of Assam, extending from Dibrngarh, on the Brahmaputra River, along the Government road to a point near Sadi,a, with a bran:h to the Ma.kum coa.1fields. The main line was opened throughout on the 5th February 1885, and the Makum Branch on the 2nd May 1884. There is also a colliery branch to Ledo and 'l'ikak Margherita, which was opened for coal traffic only on the 17th February 188+, and for public traffic generally on the 1st January 11:197.

The Assam-Bengal Railway fOI'lOs a junction with the Assam Railways and TI'ading 'Company's line near Makum ..

The Contract dated 25th July 1881 provides, inter alia, that the Company shall have the preferential option of undertaking the Contract with Government for the construction and working of any other line or lines of railway or tramway in the Luckimpol'8 District. 'l'he Company have, however, surrendered this option in consideration of an undertaking by the Secretary of State that the Government right of purchase shall not be exercised before 1915 (P.W. 2193/911). It has since been agreed that the right Qf purchase shall not be exercised before 1921 (8ee 6 on next page).

There is no Government Director on the Board, although under the Contract of 26th May 1880 the Secretary of State has po!"er to appoint two such Directors. It has hitherto been considered preferable to adopt the alternati ve coul'lle permitted by the Contract of exercising Government control through the Cbief or Superintending Engineer in Assam. ASSAM RAILWAYS AND TRADING COMPANY.


1. L&lI'D. To be provided by the Government free of cost to Company •

2. GOYIY).• • Annual subsidy for 20 years from date of opening, not exceeding Rs. 80,000 in anyone year, or such smaller ilium as, ndded to net earnings, will make up 5 per cent. on paid .. up capi.al (e:rclusire of cost of Makum Branch). Annual s"bsidy on Makum Branch for 20 years from date of opening, not exceeding Re. 20,OnO in anyone year, or sllch smaller sum as, added to the net earnings of 'he branch, will make up 5 per cent. on tho c:apilal cost. I The s"bsidie. are subject to deduction if the Comp:my fail to keep the line in good order and properly equipped, and to work it.

3. DISTRIBUTION OJ' PROJilT8. Tho whole to go to the Company.

4. RATES AND FABE8. To be approved by the Government. If after. five years from the date of opeoing the net profits exceed 12 per cent., R reduction in rntes caD be required by Government.

5. SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS oP COIIPANY IN RESPECt OF CONVEYANCE 01'­ (a) MAILS; (6) TROOPS, OPFICIALS. AND GOYErumENT STOBES. The Company to carry mails, &c., for the Government. at rutes to be agreed upon' from time to time, not eJ:ceediug those now paid in the di~trict concerned.

6. POWER OP GOVBRNlII:ENT TO DETBRUINB CONTItACT (BY PURCHAse A....~JJ OTHERWISE). If the Company fail, for a period extending ener six months, to observe its obligo.tions, the Secretary of State may determine the Contract, and call upon the Comp.ny to restore the land, &c., made ov~r to it. Under the Contract the Government has the option of purcbasing tbe railway, and its rolling stock and other equipments and property of the Company, at intervals of live years commencing with the expiration of the first five years from the date of opening, on givinG' ODe year's notice and paying 20 per cent. in excess of the value of tbe pronerty as : dividend-paying investment. It has been agreed, however, that the right of- purchase .hallnot be exercised before 1921, and that the .ub.equent opportunities of purchase shall recu.· at intervals of 10 ;years instead of live (P.W. 2731/01).


8. TEo or CONTR.lOT (II' NOT DilTEBliJIlED UNlJiln 6 OB 7). (None Ipecified.) ASSAM-BENGAL RAILW AY COMPANY.


DATES OF PBL,(CIPAL CONTRACTS.-26th April 1892. 6th December 1899 (Extension of time for completion of railway). 29th April 1903 (Adoption of lB. 4:f. per rupee as the" prescribed" rate of exchange).

The .Assa.m-Bengnl Railway (metre gnuge) runa from Chitta gong. on the B.y of Bengal, to Makum, in Aesam, with branches to Chandpur, Silehar and Gauhati.

The Contract provides that the Company shU raise] ,501l,OOOl., and that any furiher money required shall, at the option of the Secret",ry or State, be either supplied by th.. Government or raised by the Company undor guarantee. The original intention was that the Company should raise the money required for expenditure in England (estimated at three-elevenths of tbe tot.l expenditure), and that the Government should supply' the remainder in India.. Provision was made, however,' to meet possible departures from this intention.

In the original Contract the date for the completion of the railway was fixed at the 1st July 1898. By the Contract dated 6th December 1899 the period allowed for completion was extended to the 31st December 1902, and a further extension to the 31st December 1904 has since been granted (P.W. 1641/02).

f The Company works under a contract '0 H s, • '! I Sha.dated27thMarch 1901, a branch line from Laksam to Noakhali and Ichakali, the capital for which was :raised by the Noakh!ili R..'\ilwny Company. (See Abstract No. 30 in this book).

The Government Director attends the Board. ASSAM·BENGAL RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. L.um. To be provided free of ~.ost to Company• • 2. GOVlORNHKNT AID (GUABAlfTKB). The Government guarantees interest. in stel'ling at 3, per Cltnt. on the Company's shara capital of 1,600,0001. till 30th June 1898, and thereat'ier at 3 per cent.

3. DIBTBlBUTWN or PROFITS. The net earnings to be applied in payment to the Government of (1) the equivalent in rupees of intt'rest pnid OD debenture capital; provided that, if tbe Company's share capital is not les8 than three-elevenths of the total capital expenditure, the rate of interest recovered under thia Rub-hoad (00 dehentures issued previous to 30tb .Tun. 1898) shall Dot exceed the rate for the time being applicable to the Company's share capital; (2) the equivalent in rUl>ees of the g'uaranteed interest paid to the Company in respect of share capital; and, (3) interest on the capillil eontributed 01· deemed to be contributed by the Government, at the n.me I'ate as the guarantee for tbe time being on the Companfs capitnl. But if the Govarnmen~'8 capital exceeit ejght~eleventh.'" of the total capital expenditure fOl' the 1ime being, the rate of' interest on the amount of the excess to be 8ubje.ct to agreement. " Surplus profits," after jnterest char:;tes have been met, to be divided between the Company ond the Secretary of Stat" in the ratio of the respective amounts of .apital expended by them on the underlaking.

4. RATES AIID FAnES. To be approved by the Government.

5. SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS rw CoUPANY IN RESPECT OF CONVBYANCE 0""­ (a) MAILs; (6) TROOPS, OFFICtus, AND GOVERIIJIENT 8TOB"8. To be conveyed on the same general conditions ;as on metre-gauge State railways, and at l'ates to be 3ppro\'l~d by the GoverDluent. Bullion and coin at special mtes.

6. POWER OF GOVEWUIENT TO DETi!RHlNE COIfTBACr (BT PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). The railway and its appurtenances are absolutely the property of the Government, which may determine the Contract OD the 31st December 1921 or at the end of any succeedinlJ' 10th yeo.r by giving 12 months' previous notice. The Government mayalso determin: the Contract at aDY time ou six months' notice, if the Company fail to fulfil its obligations, or if the Jine be worked at a 10M for three consecutive half years. On the determication of the Contract, the Company is to hand over to the Government the railway nnd ~l its bel.ongings of every d ..criptioD, and. the Secretary of State i. to pay to. the Company 10 sterling au amount equal to that which sholl have been paid to him by the Compeny in respect of its share capital or stock.




DATES OF CoNTRA<.TS.-1st August 1895. 26th August 1902. 28th May 1903 (Adoption of 1,. 4d. per rupee as the .. pre.cri bed .. rate of exchange).

The Barsi Railway proper, to which the Contract dated 1st August 1895 relates, i~ a light line, on the 2 ft. 6 in. guage, from the Barsi Road Station of the Great. Indian Peninsula Railway to the town of Barsi. The Company itself carried out the construction of the line, and works it directly.

The Contract dated 26th August 1902 provides for the construction and working by the Company of extensions of the oliginal Barsi Railwnyin both directions, viz., from Barsi Road Station southwards to Pandharpur, and froUl Barsi Town Station north­ eastward to Tadwalla. It also modifies the Contract dated 1st August 189i in Romo particulars.

The Contract dated 26th August 1902 requires the Company to raise the further share capital necessary for the extensions, anel substantially commence their construction within 12 months from that date. The Company failed to mise the capital in the time allowed, and has been granted .. further period of 12 months for the purpose (P,W.1387/03). It has not yet succeeded in securing the ca.pital, and if it is unable to do so by the 26th August 1904, or if it does not c~mplete the extensions within two years from the date of the first allotment of capital, the Contract may be determined by the Secretary of State (in wbich event the modifications made by it in the Contract of 1st Auglls!' 1895 would become of no effect, .. nd the terms of that Contract woulJ be reverted to so far as regards the original Barsi Railway).

Both Contracts provide for the payment of interest at four per cent. per annum out of capital during the construction of the lines to which they rel.. te.

In connection with the Contr.. ct d ..ted 26th August 1902, the Company has received IloSsurances from the Secreta.l"y of St.. te that the stancl ..rd requirements in respect of permanent way, stations, rolling stock, &c., may be relaxed i.n tlte case of the two lines referred to, that so long as the termini remain at Pandharpur and Tad w.. lla re8pectively, the Comp .. ny shan not be required to run more than one tr.. in .. day in either direction on each extension, ..nd that in the event of the construction of any connecting line or lines on the metre gauge: between the Southern Mahr.. tta. R .. i1way system anJ the Hyderabad-Godav.. ri Valley Railway, the Company's legitimate rights will be treated with due ronsideration (P.W. 1319/02).

The Government Director does not attend the Board of the Ea.rsi Light Railway. BARSI LIGHT RAiLWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. With rogard to the original Barsi Railway, th~ Contract dated lst August 19115 providoo that the Company should be allowed to 01., the road betwoen Barsi Town and Bersi Road Station (Great Indian Peninsula Railway) for the constroctiou of a single line of railway, and that any land requiroo outside the road .bould be acquired througb tbe Collector of the District, aU e"po.... heing borne by the Compeny. For tl}e extensions, land is to he provided by the Government free of cost to tbe Company.

2. GOVEBNMENT AID. (Nil). 3. DI8TBlBUTION o:r Pao.lTS. TIlII whole to go to the Company. 4. RATII8 ""D FAREs.! Original line­ Maxima:t- Pal8enger Fares. Good. Rate,. ls~ class, 24 pies per mile. 5th class, 54 pi.. per ton per mile. 2nd claBS, 12 pie. per mile. 4th cl ..., 36 pies per ton per mile. 3 ... class, 8 pies per mile. 3rd class, 24 pies per ton per mile. 4th closs, 3 pies per milel 2nd class, J 8 pies per ton per mile. Lugguge, 4 pies per mauntl per mile. 1st clas~, 12 pies per ton per mile. Hones, each, 2-1: pies per mile. Food grains, 12 pies per too per mile. Carriages ellcb, 4 annas per mile. Coal, 10 pies per tou per mile. Dogs, eacll, 8 annas per 50 miles. A maximum terminal charge of 1 anna. per mOllnd Parcels, under 7 seers, for first .so miles, allowed on all good. traffic, leviable both at 6 aonlls; beyond, 8 pies PCl" seer receiving station or at station of delivery. for every 50 mileR, Trnllic booked tbrough not liable for terminal at junctions. Ezten.ion.- The above maxima apply, except that the maximum pRSsenger fare for the lowest class is not to exceed 3 pies per milp, and tbe maximum rate for food .. graios and salt is Dot '\0. exceed 10 pies per ton per mile. The goods classification in force on the Great Indian. l'eninsula Railway is to be adopted on the extensiolls.

5. SPRCUL OBLIG.a.TIONS 01' COIlPANr IN RESPECT 01' CONVEYANCB OP­ (a) M.m•• ; (6) Tnoops, OFFICIAL. ""D GOVERNMENT STORES. Tho Contract of I ~95 makes no provision under this bead. By the Contract or 1902, howe\'"(>r. the Company is to perform, upon the whole of their syatem, all services for the Postal or nnyother Department, or for high officials or the Government, including the conveyance of troops, police, Btores, &c., at the same rates and Cares snd 6D the aame general conditions as may be in force on State Railways.

6. POWBR OJ' GOVERNMENT TO DBTEIWIN& CONTiU.CT (BY PURCHASE A.ND OTHERWISE). 'rhe Contl'act doted 1st August 1895, contains a provision that it may be determiaed by th.. Government on lst JanuBry 1917, or at the expiration ot any subsequent period oC 10 years by giving 12 months' notice. But by the Contract of 1902 the date mentioned is altered to the 1st January 1924, at which date, or at subsequent intervals of 10 years, the Government may determine both Contracts. If the Contracts are so detp.rmined; the Go\'"cl'nment is to pay to the Company in England in sterling a SUlQ such 8St when adrl.d to any unspent capital, shall amount to the total paid-up capital in sterling so far as such capital (other than unspent capital) shall have heen expended on the under. taking with the autholieation or the Secretary of State. (The sum to b. paid by the Government is defined in the same terms in both Contracts.) The Cont.. act of 1902 may al.o be determined by the Government, at any time before both the extensions are opened ror public traffio throughout, if the Company fails to­ raise t.he -capital required for the extensions within twelve months from the date of the Contract, or if the extensions Are not constructed iu accordance with the Contract and completed and ready and fit for opening for public tratlic throughout witbin two yeara frnm the date of the first allotment of capital. In the event of the determinat.ion of the Controct on either of I.bese grounds, the Go\·ernment is to pay the fair value of the railways IWd works, so flU' as constructed, and of tbe rolling stock, &c. On the determination of either of the Contracts from any cause, the Company is to. relinquish to the Government the Ianli, railw~,y, works, &c., to which the Contract relates.




DATES OF CONTRACTII.-l2th Decem1?er 1882- 22nd February 1886. 19th December 1894r}(For construction of certain 23rd July 1896 - b rane h)es. 15th January 1903- 24th April 1903 - (Adoption of Is. til. pel' rupee as the "prescribed" rate of ex­ change).

The Bengal and North·Western Ra.ilw&Y (metre gauge) extends from Sonepur, on tbe Ganges (opposite Patna), to Nepalganj, with numerous branches.

The Contract dated 19th December 18941 provide$ that the Company shall have running powers over the metre-gauge line between Ramnagar and Cawnpore. by which ihe Compa.ny's system is connected with the Rohilkund and Kumaon and Rajputana-MalwR metre gauge systems.

Apart from the free grant of la.nd. the Company is not directly aasisted by the Government, although indirectly it ha.s received great benefit under the terms on which the working of the Tirhoot State Railway \V .... transferred to it. (See next Abstract).

Under the Contracts dated 19th December 1894 and 23rdJuly 1896 tbe payment oC interest (at 4 and at per cent. per annum respectively) out of capital during the con­ -struction of the branchee to which tbose Contracts relate is allowed.

The Government Director does not a.ttend the Board. BENGAL' AND NORTH·WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY.


J. LUD. To b. providcd free of cost to Company.


3. DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS. Under the original Contract any Borplus above 6 per cellt. was to be div:ided between Government und Ibe Company. bot tbiB provision was rescinded by tbe Contract of 220d February 1886. and the profits were left entirely in tbe hands of tbe Company.

4. nATSS AND F ....ES. To b. approved by Government. wbo may require the charge for Bolt. coal. and food grains for not Ie •• than 100 miles to be reduced to any rate not belowone·fifth pie per mound per mile. Minimum for passengers, 2 pies per mile.


(a) MAILS:- To be conveyed free of charge. (b) TROOPS. OFFICIALS. AND GOVERNMBNT STORES:- To be conveyed on lame general conditions n.'1 those in fOrcA on State Rail \vays, and at rates to be approved by the Secretary of State. Bullion and coin at special rates.

6. POWER 01' GOVBRNMENT TO DBTERMINE CONTRACt' (BY !"URCRASE AND OTHEBWJ:S2). The line and all its appurtenances become tho property of Govflrnment on the termination or the Contm"t. If the Contract terminate by efflux of time the Government i. to pcy to the Company the value of rolling stock, moveable machinery, stor&J, &c. The Government moy determine the Contract "f.er 30 yeors (i.e., Oil 3bt December 1912) or 50 years (i.••• on 31st December 1932) on one year's previous noti~ of intention to purchase, paying 25 times the average Det 81lrnings (after deducting from such net earnings the share of surplus profits over 6 per cent. to which Government tDould have been entitled under the Contract of 12th December IH~2) for the fi.e years preceding the purchase. (These terms of purchase do not apply to the branches constructed under the Contract dated 231'd J DIy 1896. In respect of th•• e branches the Secretary of St.te only underhkes to pay to the Company. in the event of pure h...... sum equal to the capital raised and expended with his sanction, including interest paid ant of capital during construction.) The GOl'ernment may also detto.rmine the Contract at any time, at six months' notice, if tbe Company fail to obStil've its obliglltions, on paying value of rolling stock, stores, &c., and fair value of line, less the value of the same treated as a reversionary sum absolutely payable on 3lat December 1991.


8. TEIUl 01' CONTIU.CT (IF NOT DBTBRIIlNEI> UNDER 6 or 7.) 99 y...". (i.•. , until 31st December 1981). BENGAL AND NORTH·WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Tirhoot State Railway.)

14027. G BENGAL AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Tirhoot State Railway.)

DATES OF CoNTRACTS.-lllth July 1890 and 12th December 18.QS.

The Tirhoot State R .. ilway (metre gauge) runs from Semaria Ghat, on the northern bank of the Ganges, to Bettiab, with branches to Katihar, on the Eastern Bengal State Railway System, to Khanwa Ghat, on the Kosi ~iver, to Bairagnia, and to Hajipur, where there is a connection with the Bengal and North-Western Railway by a bridge over the Gunduk River. Other branches are under construction at the present time.

The line was under direct State management till 1890, when the working was transferred to tbe Bengal and North-Western Railway Company under the Contract dated the 18th July of that year.

The Contract with the Bengal and North-Western Railway Company dated 23rd July 1896 relates to the construction anJ. working of certain branches of the Tirhoot Railway as well es of tbe Company's own line. The Contract, dated 24th April] 903. providing for the adoption of lB. 4d. per rupee as the" prescribed" rate of exchange. also applies to the Tirhoot Railway. BENGAL AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Tirhoot State Railway.)


1. LAND. • Any additional land required to be provided by the Secretary of State.


8. DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS. The Company'. Railway and the Tirhoot Railway to be worked os one concern. A join~ account of working -expenses to be kept, And tho combined net earningR to be applied,­ (I) in payment of aoy further contribution (beYond that chargeable to working expenses) to the State Railway Provident Institution and the Company's Provident Insiitntion" under lohe rules in foren; (2) in payment of interest on any additional capital that may be raised or expended hy the Compnny; (3) in payment of intel'.st on any additional capital that may be snpplied by the Gov('rnment; anti (4) The resid"e to b. divided between Ihe Ho~el"Dment and the Company in the ratio of their respective shares of capital, subject to the further payment to the Company of 5 pel' cent. of the Government's share of the residue.

4. RATIOS AND F .l.nES, The Government to have power to fix maximum and minimum fates. E'or goods, until otherwise fixed, the maximum named is 1 pie, and the minimum is one.. tenth pie, per­ maund per mile.

5. SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS 01' CoMPANY IN BESPECT AND CONVBYANCE OF­ (a) MAns; (6) TROOPS, OFI'ICIALS, AND GOVBrumKNT STORES, To be conveyed on tbe same general conditions, and at the same rates RS may be in force on other metl'e-gauge State railways. Bullion and coin at Bpeciol rates.



~. Tuu 01' CONTRAOT (,~ NOT DBTEDUlNBD WDKE 6 OR 7). 14t yeuro, i.e" from 1st July 1893 to 31st necember 1904. BENGAL CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY.


DATES OF CONTRACTB.-26th JUly 1881 and 5th January 1887. 22nd Apri11903 (Adoption of lB. 4ci per rupee as the "prescribed" rate of exchange).

The Bengal Central Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) runs from Dum DUIQ, on the Eastern Bengal State R ..ilw .. y (41 miles from C.. lcutta), to Khulna, with a branch from llongong to Ranaghat.

Under the original Contract (1881) the Company Wa.' to receive no financial assistance from the Government beyond tho payment of interest on capital during eonstructien (the amount so paid, howe"er, being repayable by the Company. with interest, out of surplus profits after the line had been opened). This Contruct was superseded by that of 1887. of which the main terms are here given.

The nominal share capital of the Company is l,OOO,OOOl., but of this only 500,OOOl. bos been paid up. In place of calling up the balance the Company issued debentures for 500,OOOl. (in two Aepal'ate issues of 250,OOOl. each). TheBe were paid off in 1889. however, by means of an advance of 500,0001. made by the Secretary of State. 'I'hi. advance t, not treated as overdrawn capital, and no interest on it is charged against the Company. although it nominally carries interest at 3t per cent. per annum. The three-fourths share of the net eaminge of the railway taken by the Secretary of State is the only set-off against both the amount paid by him as guaranteed interest and the interest on his advance of 500,OOOl.

The line was worked for the Company by the Eastern Bengal State Railway "Administration until the 1st Japuary 1807, on which date the Company itself took over the working.

The Government Director attends tbe Board. BENGAL CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. To be provided by Government . •

2. GOVB1UI1IENT AID (GUARANTEE). Guarantee of interest on the paid-up share capital at 31 per ClInt. per annum in sterling. and on debenture eapita) at such ,..,te as may be Bg,·.ed upon.

8. DISTRIBUTION all' PROFITS. Net eRrDinga. after providing for payml:nt to the Govel'nment of interest on overdrawn capital ADd on aoy money in excess of the amount of tbe nominal shal'

4. RAT". ANU F All"S. To b. appro.ed by Go,·ernn.cnt.



Same .. 00 State rail ways. Bullion and coin at special rates.

6. POWER 01' GoVERNMENT 10 DETERMINE CoNTRACT (BY PURClUSE AND OTHERWISE). The Government may detel'mine the Contract on six months' notice Ilt any time if the. Company fail to ob.ene it. obligations or if the line be worked at a loss for three consecutive !anlf y~llr9. The Government may also determine the Contraet on the 30th June 1905, or on th•. 80th June in any succeeding tenth year, by giving 12 months' notice. On the determination of the Contract by emUl< of time or by notice, the Government i. tQ pay the Company the amount of the par valne of the share capital paid to Government.


8. TEIIU 01' COIITRACT (II' NOT DETIBMINED UNDER 6 OR 7). lst July 1885 to 31st December 1980. COMPANY. (Contract as to original. line.)

14027. 1 BENGAL DOOARS RAILWAY COMPANY (Contract as to original line).

DATE OF CONTRACT.-27th April 1891.

The original undertaking of the Bengal DooaI'S Railway Company WB8 a line on the metre gauge in the north of Bengal, extending from the eastern bank of the Teesta River, opposite Jalpa.iguri (where the Northern Bengal eeetion of the Eastern Bengal State Railway has a station) vid Mal Bazar to Dam Dim, with a branch from La.tiguri to Ramshai Hat. The Company has under the Contract the sole and exclusive right to eslabli.h and work a ferry acro... the 'feesta between the terminus of the Benga Dooars Railway and the terminus on the river bank of the Northern Bengal Raihvay.

The Contract was drawn up and executed in India, although the Company is domiciled in England, where the capital Was raised.

The payment of interest at 4 per cent. per annum out of capital during construction was provided for in the Contract.

The Company itself carried out the construction of the line, a.nd works it directly.

The Government Director does not attend the Board. BENGAL DOOARS RAILWAY COMPANY (Contract as to original line).


1. LAND. To be provided by Government free of cost.

2. GOVBBI'IMENT AlD (SuBBIDr Br DtBTBlCT BOARD). The District Board of Jalpaiguri is under ag'reement to pay to the Company, out of the District Fund, an annual subsidy of Buch amount, not exceeding Rs. 4,000, as may be required to mako up the net profits in each year to 5 per cont. on the capital .um expended.

3. DISTRIBUTION 0" PBO.ITS. The whole to go to tbe Company.

4. lUTBs AND FABEl!.· Maxima:- PtU.enger Fare •. Goodl Rate•• 1st eIAs,., 4 anDRS pAr mile. Foot! grains, salt, coal, and minerals, 2 pies per 2nd class, 3 annns pPf mile. maund per mile. Intermedint8 cIa"!!, 2 unnns pel' mile. All other descriptions of goods, 3 pies per maund 8rd cl ..., 1 nnna per milo. per mile. Lu~~geJ 8 pies POt' mnund pAr mile. Cllrriages-Single carriage, 84: pies per' )llile. Two or more on one truck, 108 pies per mile. (Minimum charge, Re. 5.) Horses-!siDgle,48 pies per mile. (Minimum charge, Rs. 5.) Parcels:- Not exceediug 5 seers or 1 cubic foot, 6 anDas for first 100 miles. u " 10 " 2 cubic feet, 12 II " "" 20,,4 u 20" " "It 30,,6 tI 26" " " ,. 40 " 8 " 32 " " For every additional 10 ••er. or 2 cubic feet, 8 annas. When once the Ilross receipts in anyone year reach 12 per cent. on capital outlay, tho> above ma.ximum rates and fares Bre to be reduced by 25 per cent. or by luch smaller percentage 8S the Government of Benga.l may from time to time prescribe.

6. SPRCUL OBLIGATIONS OF COMPANY IN RBSPECT 01' CONVBYANCE Oi"­ (a) M ...,L8. To be carried under the same terms Rnd conditions os mails were at the date of the Contract heing clU'ricd ovel' the Eastern Bengal State Railway, the Government having power to. 11", the timing of one train each way daily for the carriage of mails. Postal omcws tmvellin/{ on duty to be given free p ......


6. POWBR 01' GOVKRNIIENT TO DET-KIUUNE CONTRA.CT (BY PURCBASB .&.ND OTHERWISE). If the Com pRny failed to raise the necessary capital and to commence work within six months, the Contract was to lapse. In the event of the railway not being completed within two year. from the dato of tho> CODlrncr, or of the Company failing thel'eafter to work it for six consecutive months, the Contract may be determined by the Government on payment to the Company of the actual 8um c:s:pendl!'d on the railway. Further, the Government't by giving six months' notice (and also the District Board of Jalpaiguri by gh"ing five m~ntb.' notice) may determine the Contract by purch.. e at the e"'pirati"n ani yelll'. (i,e" on the 21 •• April 1912)t or at the end 01' any succeeding Be,'eoth year. ThE'l conlSideration for such purchase is to b8 a CRab payment of one and two·fifth. of the amount of the invested cspital and cspitalliabilities of the Company.


~. TRRM 01' CONTlIo\CT (IF NOT DBTKRMlNED UND"" 6 OR 7). (None opecified.)

• The.. rates haye been modified in lOme 1'e.."peot&. See next Abstract. t 'rhe right of Government to purchue the laoe on the 2ht Apri11911 hu been w.ived. See Dut Abstract. BENGAL DOOARS RAILWAY COMPANY. (Contract as to extensions.)

14027. K BENGAL DOOARS RAILWAY COMPANY. (Contra.ct a.s to extensions).

DATES OF CONTRACTS.-2n.I March 1898. 27th September 1900. (Extension of time fot completion of line to Hontupara.) 7th November 1901. (Exte11llion of time for completion of line to B.grakote.) 16th April 1903. (Adoption of I,. 4d. per rupee as the" prescribed .. mte of exchange.)

The extensions of the Bengal Dooars Rail way to which this Contract relato. are the following :- i. From Mal Bazar to Hantupal'&. ii. From Dam Dim to Bagl'8kote. iii. From Bagrakote to the Dating coalfields. (1'he construction of tbis line is at the option of the Company). iv. From Deomoni Hat to Lalmonir nat (at which place there will be a junction with the system).

This Contract, unlike the original Contract with the Bengal DooMs Railway Company, was drawn up and executed in England.

'fhe payment of interest at 4. per cent. per annum out of capital during construction is allowed.

It is provided by this Contract that, on a request by the Company, the Secretary of State shall take over the original line and the extensions (when completed), and sban work and maintain them through the agency of the Eastern Bengal State Railway, retaining 40 per cent. of the gioss receipts in each half year, and paying the remaining 60 per cent. over to tbe Company. BENGAL DOOARS RAILWAY COMPANY. . (Contract as to extensions).

MAIN PROVISIONS OF CONTRACT. I. L.t.IID. . . '1'0 be provided by Go

2. GovaBJlJlEN ... AlD. o. • • (Nil, but •••. pre.iollS page a. to provISion for working by the Eastern Bengal State Bail ..ay). 8. DJ8TBIBIlTIOJl O. PBOJ'lTS. . The whole to go to &he Company. 4. RATE. AIID FABES. . (1.) 0 .. 1116 uk... io, .. to Hanlllpara, Bagrakote, and the Daling coa{field. re.p.clively, and on the original Ii... from the date of op.ning of aU the e.,tenno,.. or the 30th June 190 I, whichever mart 6e the earlier dote- Tho maximum l'BteS And fares specified in the original Contract with "the Company (see previous Abstract) to apply. wiLh &he exceptioDII n.oted below.· :rbe provisi~n. for ~be reduction of .uch rates and fares i. not to operate until the gro.s recmpta of the onglDal bno and the extension. to Hantupara, B..... arakote. and the Dating coal6e1ds, shall in anyone year have reached 12 per cent. on the capital outlay of tbo original line and sucb extensions. Huimum. Pare• .. ExceptionR :­ Paeleogera. third cl888 • S piel per mile lluimam Rate. :Minimnm Bate.

pjea: J)fD' maund PiN pel'maund pel'mile. per mile. Food lP'3in., salt, and coal for construction, working or maintenaDce - To ConltructioD aDd reveDue storea (excluding coal) -hi Theso exceptional rntes are not subject to reduction. (2.) 0" tl•• ext"";... to Lalmoni. Hat­ Pa8llmger Fares. Good. Ral•• o l1utmum Minimum Hwmum. HinimUln. Piea per mile. Piea per mile. Piet pel'maund Pies per mend 1st class 18 12 per mile. per mile. 6 2nd class- 9 5th clue I ntermediate clast - -1 8 4th clals ani c)W:/s 3 Ii ani class Carriages, single - .a 80 Bnd clus Carrin.gea. two or more lit olaas on ODe truck - 5'. <12* Special clau Horae. (stogie hone) 24 18 Explolives PiN J)OJ" Phil pal' &0 mtlea or GO miles or portion thereof. perUoD thFlreot• Dogs. 96 • 8 • Bale per truck permile. Luggage, parcels IloIld bulliou nt ral •• passed by Traffic Conference of 1893. The ro.te!8, fare~ nnd provisions contained in the 'fhird Schedule to the original Contract wi~ the Company do not apply to this extension. 0. SPECIAL OBI.lGATIOtlS OF COMPANY IN RESPECT Oll' CONVEYANCB OF­ (a) MAILS. As in tbe original Contract witb the Company. (See preceding Abstract.) (6) TRoops. OFFICLU.S, AND GOVERNMENT STORES. (Nil). 6. POWER 011' GOVERNMHNT TO DETERHINB CONTRACT (BY PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). Tbe Secretary of State may determine the Contract if 'he Company fail to commence work or to raise the required capital within six montb. of the date of the Contract, or if they fail at 80y tiUle after the dute fixed for the completion of the extensions to work the original line Bnd the extensioDs fol' six: consecntive months. In the latter case the Secretary or State i. to pay tbe Company a 8um equal to their actual cepitat expenditure. In the event of the extensions, or any of them, not being completed and ready for opening by the 30tb June 1901 (sine" extended to 30th June 1903 in the case of the Hantopara r.nd Bagrakote extensions), 1)18 Secretary of State may take over the extcosions, or such of them as .hall DOt be completed by tbe date specified, on payment to the Company of a 8Um equal to the actual CApital expenditure on the extensioQs taken over, The Secretary 01 State has the right to purchase the original line and the extensions On the 31st Docember 1919. and at the end of any succeeding seventb yeur, by ~iving 12 months' previous notice. (1.'he right to pl1l'CbMe the original line iu 1912 is waived by thill Contract.) In the event of 8uch purcbase the price to be paid for the original line is that stated in the Contract dated 27th April 1891, while the pdce for &he extension. is to be a casb payment in Englund in sterling of a sum equal to 2;5 yt!ard' purchase of the ave~1l'8 of the net earoings of the,exteulJioos durin~ the last prece(ling five years, provided that such sum shall not c.J::ceed by more than 20 per cent., nor be less thRO, the total capilat expendi to'" ond ""I'ital liabilities of tim Company in sterlin~ a. expended on tbe utensionl!l or incurred with the sanction of the ~ecretary of State. 0 7. Pown 01' COMPANY TO SIlBRENDEB CONTRACT. (Nit) 8. TSRK OF CONTRACT (IF II0T DIITEBH'NED IlNnEB 6 OR 7). (N on& 8pecified). BENGAL-NAGPUR RAILWAY COMPA:NY.


DATES OF CoNTRACTS.-9th March 1887. 31st December 18n (Samb&lpur Branch). 27th June 1901 (As to the issue of debentures). 23rd J anu.. ry 1902 (As to the taking over of a sedion of the East Coast Sta.te Rail way, nnd the construction of certain extensions). 28th April 1903 (Adoption of Is. 4£l. per rupee nR the .. prescribed" rute of exchange).

The Bengal-Nagpur Railway 'in it, original form was a line on the 5 ft. Ii ins. gauge from ARansol, on the East Indian Railway, to Nagpur, on th~ Great Indian Peninsula R .. ilway, with a branch from Bilnspur to Katni. on the Ens~ Indion and Indinn Midhmd R ..ilways. The Company tonk over from the State the alreu.dy existing Nag-pur­ Chattisgarh (metre gauge) and Katni-Umaria (5 ft. 6 ill. gmlge) Railways, converting the (ormer to the 5 ft. 6 ins. gauge. The Contract of 31st D.cpmbe,·1891 provided for the construction of a branch from Jhal'suguda to Sambalpur, and more recently the Compan), has carried out a large system of extensiono and hai taken O\'er (as from 1st ,January '1901) the nOl·them section (Cuttack-Waltair) of the East Coast State Railway, which it works as part of it., undertaking. The Company'. system now extends from Nagpul' in the west to Calcutta in the east, and from the Jherriah coalfields (ncar which there will eventually be a junction witll th" line of the East Indian Railway between Mogulserai (Benares) and Sitarampur) in the north, to Waltair (junction with Madras Railway system) in the south. There are numerous branches, of which those from Raipur to Dhamtari and the Satpara lines (Jubbulpore.Gondia an(l connected lines) are on the 2 ft. 6 ins. gauge, the remainder of the Company's lines being on tbe 5 ft. 6 ins. gauge.

The capital expended on the railway.• has only been in part raised by the Company, ... large amount (more than half the total) having been advanced by tbe Secretary of State.

The Contract dated 23rd January 1902 provides that the Company shall, at the expiration of six months' notice from the Secretary of State at any time, retrao.rer to him the whole or aoy portion of tbe Viziaoagram-Waltair section of the East Coast Railway; also that the Company and the administration working the southern section of the E,~,t Coast Rail way .hall have reoiproe.al powers of quoting through rates between the northern section and th.. southem section up to Tadepalli, and between the southem section and the northern section up to Cutto.ck. The Contraet with the Mu.dras R.i1way Company, relating to the working by that Company of the soutbern Hection of the East. Coast Railway, provides that the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Compaoy .hall bave running powers over the Waltair-Vizagapatam Branch of the East Cout Railway.

The Government Director attends the Board. BENGAL-NAGPUR RAILWAY COM;FANY.


1. LAlU>. To be provided b)' the Government.

2. GoVBRNM"NT Am (GUARANTU). Guarantee of intere."Jt ot 4 per cent. per annum in sterling on 3,O:lO,Q())I. shara capital. On fOt,that" capita.l that ma.,r he rtqull'ed, the gllarautee to be 4 pel' coot., or such ot.her rate as may be agreed upon.

3. DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS. Under the Cemtract dated 9th March 1887, the surplus profits for an)' complete ealendar year, after providing for p:tyment to the Government. of interest on ndvances of capital made by it to the Company lin, I rOl' repa.yment ot' the interest poic\ by it to tbe CompHony for that year were to be divided in tbe proportion of three·fourths to the GOl"ernment and one·fourth to tho Company. The Contract dated 2~rd Jannary 1902 provides thai, as from the lstJannary 1901, inter.. ' at 3l per cent. on the capita.! expended by the Govern­ ment on the northern seedon of the Enst Coast Railway shall be a charge against the Det earnings of the CompfLDY's underlnkiog, Rnd that the one-fourth share of surplus profits formArly paynbl. 10 the Coml'a.ny shall be further divided between tbe Government and the Company in the proportion which the gl'O::iS elLrnings of the northern section of the East Const Railway heal' to the gross earDings of the remainder of the Company'!:! undertaking.

4. RATES AND F AilES. The Government to authOl'ise maximum aud mlnlmUm rate::!, nnd to prescribe the classification 'of pn.~euger~ and goods, as \VeU as the exr.ent to which, within the maxima and minima, the Compa.ny may vary the rate~ in respect of distance, weight, or special couditions.

s. SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS 01' COMPANr IN RESPECT OF CONVEYANCE OF­ (a) MAlLS; (6) TROOPS, OFFICIALS, AND 'GOVERNMENT STOEES. To be conveyed on the S&lne general conditions os thotle in force on State Railways, and at rate. to be approved by the Government; also bullion and coin at special rates.

6. POWER or GOVERNMENT TO DRTRRUINIO CONTRACT (BY PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). The railway and its appurtenances are d.c1at·.d to be absolut.ly tb. pr"perty of the Govern­ mont, which may datel'mino the Contraet by giving 12 months' previous notice on the 81.1 Decpmb.r 1913, or 0'0 the 31st December of any su ••••ding tentll year. The Government may also terminate the Contract at any time on six months' notice if the Com pony fail to fulfil its obligatioDs, or the line be work~d at a loss for three consecutive balf-years. On the termination of tba Contract. the Company is to hand over to the Government the railway nnd all its belongings of every description, and the Go"'ernment is to repay the. amount at par of the sbare capital wbich has be.n p"id in by tho Company. Th. Contra.t for the 8amb.lpnr Branch brings this branch within the provision. of the original Contract of 91h Ma.rch 1887, but providea that the Gov.rnment may purchase the branch at aUl time after 1st January 1895, on giving 12 months' notice.




DATES OF CONT)lACTS.-21st November 1855, 2nd Febru ..ry 18S9, ..nd 17th November 1871. 15th July 1508 (Adoption of the" pI'el'cribed" rat. of excha.nge, instead of the contract rate of 1 s. Iud. per rupee, in respect of capital raised subsequently t.o the contract and interest thereon.) 8th May 1903 (Adoption of lB. 4d. per rupee as the ~'pt'e­ scribed" rate of exchange.)

The Bombay, Raroda, and Central India Railway Compa.ny is one of the two old Guaranteed Railway Companies which still survive (the otber being the Madra. Company).

The Company's liDe extends from Bombay 'Ilid Surat and Ahmedabad to Wadhwan, in Gujerat. It is on the 5 ft. 6 in. gauge, except between Viramgam and Wadhwlln, where it is now on the metre gauge (the original 5 ft. 6 in. gauge line in this section having recently been converted tometregaug!l)' In addition to the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India ltailway proper, the Company works an extensive system of State Line.. for the Government of India.(see next Abstract) and the Gaekwar of Baroda's Rail­ ways. Further, the Company constructed and works the Ahmedabad-Dholka, Ahme­ dabad-Prantej, and Tapti Valley Railways, the capital for which has been r4ised by separate Companies (s8e Abstracts of Contracts with Ahmedabad-Dholka, Abmedabad­ Pl'8.ntej, and Tapti Valley Railway Companies).

The Government Director attends the Board. BOMBAY, BARODA, AND CENTRAL INDIA RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. To be provided by the Gov~l'nment free of cost to the Company.

2. GOVIIRNIIBNT AID (GUARANTEE). Guarantee of intere.t in sterling at 5 per cont. for the term of tbe Contl'act. On Bome portion of the almre capitol and on debenturea lower rates of interest are guar&Dteed.

8. D18TJlmUTION OF PROFITS. Surplus profits, after repayment of the gu.ranteed interest of each half-year, to be divided equally between the Government and the Company.

4. RATB. AND F ARBS. Maxima to be approYton by Government, which lOay require them to be redueed '''hen the Det receipts exceed 10 per cent. on tho capital outlay.

5. OBLIGATIONS OF COMPANY IN RESPECT OF CONVEYANCE OF­ (a) MA.ILs:- To be con.eyed fl'ee of charge. (6) TROOPS, OFFJOIALB, AND GOVERNMENT STORES:­ 'ro be cOnveyed at spetill.l rates.

6. POWER 01' GOVERNMENT TO DETEIt)(L.'fK CONTRA.Ol' (BY PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). The lin. reverts to the Government at the expiration of the term of the Contract, but the rolling stock hR. to be paid fol' ot its fair Vlllu.. The Company can always avoid tbis by its power of surrender. The Government may gi'fe notice of its intention to determine the Contract by purchase. within lix months aner t.he (~:x:pirl\tion of 25 or 50 years of the term, at the mean market. value of the shares (ltU'in~ the three preceding yeol'8, possession of the Railway to be taken ot the half.yearly day next but one following the notice. The purchas. money rnay, at the option of the Government, be paid either in cash or by Dn annuity p8yabl~ during the remainder of the term of the Contract (see 8). The Government may also det.rmine the Contract at any time, on giving thre& monthlj' noticE", if the Company fail to observe its obligations. In such case the Government must repay the capital expended, either in cash or in the form of an annuity. N.B.-TheGoveroment relinquished its right to determine the Contract a. the end of 25th year. and the only remaining opportunity of giving notice of purchase will he in 1906 (within six months of 1st M~y).

7. POWER OF COHPANY TO SURRENDER CONTUcr. Tile Company may surrender on six montbs' notice at any time, receiving back tbe capital expended, either in CRsb or by &Dnuity (at the option of the Government).

8. TBBJI OF COIITItACT (IP NOT DETBRMINED UNnER 6 OR 7). 99 years from lst Jlby 1855. BOMBA~ BAROD~ AND CENTRAL IN D I A R A I L WAY COM PAN Y. (As to State Lines.)


DATES OF CONTRACTS.-24th September 1884 (Rajputana-Malwa Railway). 16th March 1888 (Cawnpore-Acbnera Railway). 8th November 1889 (Bindraban Bra.ncb). 5th October 1893 (Godra-Rutlam Railway). 1st October 1897 (Rutlam-Nngda Railway). 1st February 1901 (Revision of Contract of September 18840). 8th May 1903 (Adoption of Is. 4od. per rupee 88 the "prescribed" rate of excbange).

The State lines worked by tbe Bombay, Baroda aDd Celltral India Railway Com pliny for the Government of India are- • 1. The Rajputana-Malwa System (metre gauge) the Jines of which run from Ahmedabad viii Ajmere to Delhi, from Ajmere to Kbandwa (on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway), from 'Rewari to Ferozepore, with a branch to Fazilka, and from Bandikui to Agr&. 2. The Oawnpore-Achnera Railway (metre gauge), with the Bindraban B,·anch. 3. The Godra-Ru.tlam-Nagda Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge).

The term of the Contract dated 24th September 18R4, which embodied the Conditions on which all these lines were taken over for working by the Company, expired on tho 30th June 1900. By the Contract dated 1st Fehruary 1901, bowever, the operation of the Contract of 1884 (with certain important modifications) is prolonged from the 30th June 1900 to the 31st December 1 il05, the next date on which the Goverllment may purchase the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway.

The principal modifications are: (1) That, instead of the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway, and the system of State lincs worked, being each charged with their actual working expenses, tbe tot" I working expenses of tl,e whole system of railways worked by the Company (excluding only branches of a different gauge from tbe parent lille) are to be divided between the different sections in p"oportion to the gross earnings of such sections (tbe system of Stat. lines being treated as a single section); and (2) tbat the Company, instead of receiving one-fifth of the surplus profit. from the State lines, is to take no share of such profits.

The Secretary of State takes power to resume at any time the working of the Cawnpore-Achnera Railway, with the Bindraban Branch. and the BhatiDda.F~rozepore section of the Rewari-1!'erozepore Railway. (In the case of the latter this power bas been exercised. with effect from 1st .lanuary 1901.)

The main tenns on whicb the State lin •• are now worked by the Company are shown on the next page. BOMBAY, BARODA, AND CENTRAL INDIA RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to State Lines.)


1. LAND.


a. DISTRIBUTION OF PRO:FITS. The net earnings, after providing for tile Governmt"Dt. charge for supervision, the contri .. bution to the Provident Fl1nd, and interest on the capital cost of the rolling'stock supplied by the Company for the Gotlra·Rutlam Railway, are to belong to the Secretary of State.

4. RATES AND FARRS. The Government has power to fix aud v8ry mRximum and minimum rates and fal'es. For through booking between the State lin•• and the Bombay, Baroda, nnd Central Indi.. Railway, the mileage rate. on the latter are not to exceed the mileage rates on the former.


To be conveyed on tb~ same general conditions 8S those in force on other State Railways, and at rates to La approved by the Government; bullion and coin at .podol rate9.

6. POWER OP GOVERNMBNT TO DETII:IUlINE CONTRACT (BY PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). Should the Government terminate the Contract with the Bombay, Baroda, and Central Indie. Railway Company .... lating to the Company's own lines, then the Contract relating to the State lines also terminateH. 'rhe Government has power to detormint:o the latter at any time, OD six montbs' notice, lIIhould Ule Company fail to observe its obligations.




DATI! OF CoNTRACT.-22nd FebrulLlY 1897.

The Brahmaputra-Sultanpur Railway Company's line is a branch on the metre gauge from Santahar, on the Eastern Bengal State Railway, to Fulcblmri, on tbe Brahmaputra River_

The terms of the Contract are based on the Reeolution of the Government of India as to branch railways, dated 17th April 1896. The payment out of capital during construction of interest at 3 per cent. per annum, and of Rs. 5,000 per annuln towards management and office eXl'ensee, is provided for.

The line was coDstructed by the State on bebalf of the Company, and i& worked by the Eastern Bengal State Railway administration (Bee 2 1m nea:t page).

The Company is domiciled in India.. BRAHMAPUTRA-SULTANPUR RAILWAY COMPANY.


I. L.um. 'ro be proVided by Government free of cost to the Company.

2. GOVERNMENT AlD (GU.UUNTEE).· Th8 GO"ernmellt undertnke. to construct the line (from funds supplied by the Company), aod to work and ma.intain it through State or other agency, tbe necessary rolling stock being supplied by the working agency. (The agency employed up to the present time baa been the E ••torn Bengaliltate Railway administration.) The chargo to the Company for the provision 01' rolling stock Rnd for tbe working and maintenance of tbe line is fixed at 4. per cont. of the gro.s earnings in each half year. The Government guarantees interest at.3 per cent. per Bonum on the capital expenditure, Bnd also undeJ,tokes to allow the Company, until it receives the minimum dividend of 3 per cent. from the earuings of tbe line, the Bum of R •. 5,000 per annum for or towards management and office expcmset.

a. DISTRIBUTION 01' PROFITS. The surplus profits in each calendar year remaining after the repayment to the GovernmeDt of the amount of the gllamnteed interest for the year are to be divided equally betw.en the Government ann the Company.

4. RATES AND FARBS. To be Buch ... may from time til time be arranged between the Gov.rnment and the working agpncy, bot to be within the maxima and minima in force on the Eastern Bengal Soote Railwoy. Tbe classification of goods to be in contormity with that in force on the Easu..'U Bengal State Railway.


6. POWBR 01' GoVEIINMBNT TO DETERMINE CONTRACT (BY PUBeR... E OR OTHERWISE). ThA Government may de~rmine the Contrac! if, before the line is open for traffic, the Company fan on demand to supply the funds required for its completion. In case of Buch deter­ mination the Government is to pay tbe Company in fllpe.s the fair va.lue of the railway, works Bud stores given up. The Government may a.Iso, by giving 12 months' notice, d.termine the Contract- (i.) on the 31st December 1919, or at the end of nny subsequent p.riod of 10 y...... In tbia case the Government undertakes to pay to tbe Company in rupeea a 8um equaI to 25 tim.s the nverage yeerly net earnings of the Company during the lost preceding five years, provided that such sum shall not .xceed by more tban 20 per cent. tl).e total capital expenditure of the Company, nor be less than Buch capital e.s:pendituro. (li.) on tbe 31st December 1048. In this rase tbe Government will pay to tbe Company in rnpec. an amount equal to the total capital e"'penditure.




DATES OF CONTRACTS.--9th March 1897. 6th February 1902 (Issue of clebenture stock). 5th May 1903 (Adoption of Is. 4d. per rupeo as the .. prescribed" rate of exchange).

The Burma. Railways Company was formed in 1896 for the purpose of taking over the working of the then existing system of Sta.te Rai\wa.ys (metre gauge) in BUlma, and extending it by the construction of other Jines, particularly one from Mandalay to Kuulon.

The rail ways ta.ken over by the Company frow the Government comprised the following lines:...,.. i. Rangoon to Prome, on the Irrawllddy River. ii. Rangoon to Mandalay, and thence to the bank of the Irrawaddy, opposite Sa.ga.ing. iii. Sagaing to Mogoung, with an extension to Myitkyin.. , and a bra.nch to Katha., whence there is communication by river with Bhamo.

The Company has completed the construction of the Mnndalay-Kunlon Railway os far as Lashio (178 miles from Ma.ndalay), beyond which place it h/ls been decided not to carry the Jine a.t present. Several other extensions have been calTied out by the Compa.ny.

The Government reta.ins ils property in the lines Ilande

Th/l Government Director attends the Board.



1. L&lQ). To be provided by the Government, subject, .. regara. land outside British territory, to the condition that il ""n he ""'Iuired on reasoDable lel'lllll.

2. GOVEBIIIIENT Am. The Government undertakes to plly inw.... t at 21 per ceDt. per annom on tbe Company's sbare c'pillll of 2,000,000/., with no additional! per cent. per ..nnam ap to and inclu.ive of Ihe lst July 1901. Fnrther ""pita! raised by the CompaDy to be under such guarantee as may be ngreod IIpon between the Secretary of State and the Company. (In 1902 the Company issued debenture stock for the nominalamoont of 1,250.000/., guaranteed as to priJlcipal ond inter•• t by the Secretary of State. The rate of interest payable on this debenture stock i. 3 per cent. per annum.)

3. DISTRIBUTION 0" PROFITS. The net receipl8 in each hair-yellr to be applied in payment to Government of- i. T,," equivalent of the interest paid for the half-year on any debentures L.. ned by the Company. ii. The o.quiv8lcnt of the guaranteed inte.... t at 21 per cent. per annnm on the Company's capital of 2,000,000/., and of Ibe interest payable on any additional shere capital rais.d by tbe Company. iii. Tbe equivalent of interest at 2i per cent. per ann'lm on the sterling equivalent of the capital expenditure by Government on the railways up to the date of the transfer, and of interest OD BDy additional moneys supplied by Government. Any surplus in a year ending on a 30th June to be divided between the Government and the CompanYt in the proportions of four-fifths to the former and one.fifth to ~he latter, the Company's .bare for Any year up to 30tb June 1901 being reduced by the amount of the additional interest At ! per cent. paid by the Government in respect of the sarno year.

4. RATES AND FARES. To be ApproVed hy the Govern ment.

O. SPEOIAL OBLIGA.TIONS OP COMPANY IN RESPECT OP CONVEYANCR OF­ (a) M.w.s; (6) TROOPS, OpnCIALS, AND GOV""""SNT STORES. To be convey~d on the saMe general conditions as on other metre.gnuge State railways,. and at rate. to be approved by the Government. Bollion and coin at special rAt ....

6. POWER OP GOVBRIIIIEIIT TO DKTEBIIINB CONTRAer (BY PURCHASB AND OTBBRWJSE). The Go\'ernment may determine the Contract, after g-iving six months' notice, if the Company fail to perform its obligations, or if the undertaking be, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, in course of gl'oss mismanagement by the Company, or if it. be worked at a 10M for three consecutive half years. The Government may also determine the Contract, if still subsisting, on the 31st December 1921, or at the end of any su~eeeding tent.h year, by givio~ 12 months' previous notice. On the determination of'the Contl'act fl'om any cause, the Secretary 01 Stnte is to repay to the Company in sterling st pal' the capital rai •• d by the latter, and also to take over the lisbility of tbe Company in respect of lbe debenlure stock.




DATE OJ!' CONTBACT.-8th April 1879.

The D&1:jeeling Himalayan Railway is a 2 ft. 0 in. gauge line from Siliguri, on the Northern Bengal section of the Eastern Bengal State Railway, to Darjeeliog.

The line is l&id for a great part of its length along the cart road between the two plaees named. The Governmp.nt is under obligation to uphold and maintain this rond at. its own expense, subject to its right t.o be repaid the charges incurred in aoy year out of one moiety of the surplus profits earned in tbat year. (See 3. Distribution of Pronts.)

The Company is domiciled in India. There are two Government Directors on the Board. DARJEELING IDMALAYAN RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAlID. Governm-nt land, and the light to use 'he existing cart road, to be granted to the Company free of C08t. Other land necessary, if any, to be acqnired by the Government and transf.rred to the Company at cost price.

2. GoVBRIIItENT AID (GUJ.ttANTEB 01' GROSS RECEIPTS). The Government undertakes to pay the Company any sum required to make up its gross receipts to two lakh. of rupees annually.

8. DISTRIBUTION 01' PROFITS. After t,he lIr.t five ye.. ., half the net profits of any yesr in e.cess of 5 per cent. on the paid-up capitsl to be applied in repayment to the Government of tho amount expended on the maintenance of the cart road during the same yelU" or in making good a deficiency in gro.. receipts. (See 2.)

4. RATBS J.Nl> FARES. The following rates are bod a, maxima :- Palleng..... Go.rh. 1st (upper class), 6 onnas per mile. 1st class, 3 pies per Maund per mile. J~owel· c]ass, 15 pies per mile. 2nd clas':1, 4 pies pel' Maund per mile. 3rd class, 5 pies maund per mile. Parcels nnd excess luggage, I anna. per mBund per mile. (During J u)y, August, and September the rates lor goods may be increas.d by 50 per cent.)

5. SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS OF COMP.AN'f' IN RBSPBCT OF CONVEYA.NCE OF­ (a) MAILS: Mails and Posi. office servants to be carried by the Company in conoideration of .. payment by the Governmeut of Ro. 10,260 yearly. (b) TROOPS, OFFICIAI.S, AND GoVERlrMENT STORES. (Nil,)

6. POWER 0" GoVERNIltINT TO DETERMINE CONTRACT (BY PURCHASB AND OTHERWISE).} 7. POWER 0" OOMPANY TO 8URRBNDEB CONTRACT. If the railway shQuld 1I0t he complete" within HI months, or if at Bny 'period it should not be worked for six consecutive month!!, the Company is to surrender the rond Rnd land acquired from Government, receiving any sum due to it for permanent improvements to the road 01' works connected with it. Af\er the Railway hus been opened for 25 yean, and thereafter at intervals ot' 10 yen~, the Government hus the power, by giving 12 months" previous noti.e, to terminate the Oontract Bnd take over the line on payment to the Company of its value as a dividend.earning investment, with an additional bonus of 20 per cent. over and above such value. (By an arbitration award in 1889 on certain questions thaI bad arisen between the Company and the Government, it was decided that the date of opening of the railway wa. Ihe 4tb May 1884.)



DATES OF COt.'TIUCTS.-12th February 1889. 19th December 1895 (Payment of additional II per cent. of earnings to Company). 2.th July 1896 (Funds for Capital Works). 9th June 1897 (Guarantee of Interest). 27th April 1903 (Adoption of lB.• d. per rupee as the " prescribed· re.te of exche.oge).

The Delbi-Umbe.Ile.-Ke.lke. Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gnuge) ruM from Delhi, on the Ea.st Indian Railway, viti Kamal to Umbe.Jle., on the :North-Western State Railway, and thence to Kalka. The lower section forms a chord to the pOition of the North- Western Ste.te Railway lying between Umbl1lla and Delhi.

The line is worked by the East Indian Railway Compe.ny (see 2. Government Aid).

Interest at 4 per cent. per annum wa.s paid out of capital during construction.

Under a separate Contract (see next Absb'act) the Company has eODstl11cted a line on the 2 ft. 6 in. gnuge from K .. lka to Simla. This line is worked directly by the Company and not through the agency of t·he Ea.st Indie.n Railway Company.

The Government Director does not attend the Board. DELHI-UMBALLA-KALKA RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. To be provided free of cost to Company.

Z. GOVERNIIENT AID (GUARANTEE). '.rhe Government underleke;{througb the agency, in the first iDstaoce, of the East Indian RBilway Company, lee working Contract, dated 24th January 1~89) to supply the necessary rolling stock Rnd to work and maint.ain the line until the 31st December 1916~ leking 60 per cent. of the gross receipts of tbe Railway, the remaining 60 per cent. to go to the Company. By tbe Contract of 19th December 1895 Government conced .. to the Company, with effect from the ht January 1893, a further 2 per cent. of the gross earnings, t.he distribution now being 48 per ctlnt. to the working agency and .52 per cent. to the Uompany. By the Contract of 9th June 1897 it is provided that the Government shall supplement the net e.rnings of the Company for the y ...r 1896 and each succeediDg year by such an annual subsidy as will enable the Comp""y, after payment of debenture interest, t

3. DISTR1BUTION OF PROFITS. Surplus profits in nnv y .... in excess of 3! per cent. per annum aro to be divided equally between the Go'\"ernment and the Compllny until the Government bas been repaid amounts advanced by way of sub,idy, with interest. Thereafter aU surplus profits will belong to the Company.

4. RATER AND FARES. The rate. and fare. to b. luch aa may from timo to time b. agreed upon between the Secretary of Stllte Bod the working agency, but in tlte case of thnt portion of the line between Delhi BDd Umba.lIa to be not more than the maximum, nor less than the minimum, rates and fd.res in forc~ on the East Indian Railwa.y, and in tbe case of that portion between Umballo. lind Kalka to be not more thfLD three times such maximum nur les8 than such minimum.


6. POWBR OF GOVBRNMENT TO DBTBBMINJC CONTRACT (BY PURCHASB AND OTHERWISE). 'l'he CODtrnct determines byeftluxion of timo on 31st December 1916, unless 80me arrange­ ment is effected (or continuing the working agreement. Should Buch arrangements be made, the Government may determine the Contract on the 31st December i926, or on 31st December of any subsequent tenth year. On determination, the Government Ut to receive possession ofthe Railway, and to pay the Company a. SUID equal to 25 times the average yearly profits of the Company during the preceding flye years. Paymeuts by the Government by way of subsidy (under the Contract of 9th June 1897), and also the additional 2 per cent. of grOSR earnings conceded to t.he Company under tbe- Contruct of 19th December 1890, are to b. exclud.d from the profile of the Company in calculuting tbe price to be paid on purchase by th. Goyarnm.nt.


8. TBJIJII 01' CONTRACT (It, NOT DBTERII1NRD UNDBR 6 OR 7). (None opecified.) DELHI-UMBALLA-KALKA RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Kalka-Simla Extension.)

14027. s DELHI-UMBAI.I.A_KAI·KA RATI·WAY COMPANY. (As to Ka.lka-Simla. Extension.)

DATES OF CONTBACTS.-29th June 1898. 15th November 1901 (Modifying some of the provisions in the Contract of 1898). 20th January 1903 (Advances of capita.l hy the Secretary of State). ; 16th Apra 1908 (Adoption of Is. 4£1. per rupee 88 the .. prescribed" rate of exc.hnnge).

The Kalka-Simla Extension of the Delhi-Umballa-Kalka Railway is a line on the 2 ft. 6 ins. gauge. It has been constructed and is worked by the Delhi-Umballa-Kalka Railway Company. (The Company's original lino hom Delhi to Kalka, which is on the 5 ft. 6 ins. gauge, is worked by the East Indian Railway Company. See Abstract of Contract with Delhi-Umballa-Kalka Railway Company! dated 12th Fehrunry 1889.)

Interest at 31 per cent. per annum (4 per cent. per annum from 1st July 1901) is payable out of capital during construction.

By the Contract dated 20th January 1903, the Secretary of State agrees to advance to the Company in Calcutta, from time to time, until the completion of the line, such sums as he may consider necessary to meet its capital requirements. The advances are to carry interest Ilt 4 per cent. per annum, payable out of capital during construction, and thereafter out of net earnings, on which the interest is to be a first charge. After the completion of the line the Secretary of State may at any time, by giving 12 months' notice, require the Company to repay the amount of the advances and interest. On the other hand, the Gompany may at any time, after six month.. notice, payoff the amounts due. to the Secretary of State.

The Government Director does not attend the Board. DELHI-UMBALLA·KAT,KA RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Kalka-Simla Extension).


I. LAND. To be provided by the Government free of cost to the Compsny.

2. GoVZRII.... NT AID. Nil. (But .ee previous page 88 to advances of capital by the Go.erument.)

3. DIsTRIBUTION OF PROFITS. • The whole to go to the Company. 4. RATII8 AND FARES. Maxima :- Pa,.enger Fare •. Goorh Rat•••

Fit·.t Cl.... 3 Rnnns per mil •. First, SOC'»nd, and Third ClaSSeS}3 pies per Second Cluss ...... 2 unua,.. per mile. according to State Rnilwny maund Third Class...... ~) pies p~r mile. classification. per mile. Luggoge--tt pies per maund per mile. Fourth and Fifth Cl ..... { 4 pie. perjJmaund P8rcel~;- Rs. a. perm e. Under 0 seers and Dot c);.ceeding Terminal charges at receiving and fOI'Warding 1 cuhie foot ... 0 9 stations mfly be made. Hubject to sections 45 5 to IU seel'S nnd not. exceecJl~': aud 46 of the Indian Railway. Act of 1890. 2 cubic feet - 1 2 10 to 20 ~eel'8 acd notexc .. ediol? ... cubic ft'et 114 20 to 30 Sfl-ers aud not exceeding 6 cu:;'ic jeet 2 ':' 30 to 40 seers Bod nct exceerliug 8 cubic feet 3 0 ETery atfcJitiooal 10 seers or ~ cubic feet, or fmetion of ditto... 0 12 Minima: To be fixed by Government. (AdditioDal rateR may be levied on nIl traffic, except mailll, if the length of the railw~r is. shortened by tloe construction of tunnel. exceeding 1,000 feet in length. On any section where tho rack or otbe .. special .ystem i. adopted, and wh.re the gradient is st.epel· than 1 in 15, double mileage mles may be charged for 011 traftic, including mails.)

5. SPECIAL ODJ.1GATJQXS or COMPANY IN RESPECT OP CONVBYANCE OJ'-w (a) lIiAILS. The Company .ro bound, if and when required by the Secretory of State, to provide spedal Ilccommo"lntion tor the Postal Department, and to curry mails at rates not exceeding tht'E>e times the rates in force on State railways of the metre gauge. Postal officer~ and Sl'rt'8Dts in cbarge of mails or on inspection duty to travel free of charge.

(6) TROOI·S.• OFFICIALS, AND GOVERNMENT STORBS, &c. ',[0 be conveyed on tbe same gener::a1 cocditioDS as on State Railwnys of the metre­ gange, nnd u.t. 'he tUlme rates and fares 8S are charged to the public. Bullion and coin at speciall'ates. (It is pl"Ovi.l.d by tho Cont.. 8Ct dated 15th November 1901, thRt, subject to ce .. tain sneeified l·ate. of payment, the Govel'nment shall be entitled to take and u ••, either on th.Kalka. :Simi", Hailway 01' fllsewhere, one~balf Qr aDY less nmount of the engines lll1d l'oUing.stock bolooging to tbe railway, whnever the sawe sb.all be required for military purposes.)

(j. POWBR OF GOVERNMKNT TO DKTBlUlINB COllTRAC'l' (RY PURCHASE AND OTHBRWISE). The Government may determine the Contract if the Company fail to raise tbe n ••••sary capital within 12 months, or if the line is not completed by the 31st Docember 1903. In the event ~f suoh determination, the Government undertakes to pay the Company tbe fair value of Ibe railway and works 80 far as constructed, ROd of .tores given up by the Company. The Government moy w.~o, by giving 12 months' notice, determine the Contract on the expiration of 25 years from the date of completion, or on tha 31st DecelDber 1928, which­ e,'er date shall be lbfl enrlier, 01' at the end of any subsequent periud of 10 years calculated from tb. 31at December 1928. In thi. ense the Government is to pay to the Company in India a sum flquallO 25 times the average yearly net earuings during the preceding 1h'e years.. pro"ided thnt such .um shull Dot exceeLl by morp than 50 per cent. aud shRU not he lesS than, tbe e'lui,alollt of tho totol capital of the Company in sterling expended on (he railway with tho eonction of the ~ ..retDl"y of State.




DATE OF CONTRACT.-12th July 1883.

l'he Deoghur Ra.il way is a short branch of 4t mile on the metre gnuge from Ba.idya.na.th, on the East Indian Ra.ilway, to Deoghul'. A bra.nch to Rohini, Ii miles in length, formed part of the original scheme, a.nd was actually constructed, but nfter being worked for 16 months it was closed on the 1st November 1885, in consequence of the insufficiency of traffic.

The construction of the railway was carried out by Messrs. Burn & Co., of Calcutta, the promoters of the Compa.ny, and was completed at the end of 1882. The line is worked by the Company.

The Deoghur Railway Company is domiciled in India. DEOGHUR RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. To be provided by Governm.nt free of cost.

2. GOVBRlIMENT Am. None.

8. DISTIIIBUTION OP PROFITS. The whole to go to the Company.

•• RATES and ]"ARES. Muima:- PalBengw. Gooda. lot cl .... 3 annas pOl' mile. All classel, 2 pies per maund pe.. mile. 2nd c\uo, 1 auna 6 pies pel' mile. 3rd or lowest class, 6 pies per mile. Tbe Company has power to fix a minimnm cbarge to be levied on any consignment of goods, such minimum not to exceed 1 rupee.

6. SPBCIAL OBLIGA.TIONS OJ' COMPANY IN RESPECT OJ' CONVEYANCE 01'- (d) MAILS. Mail. and all persons in cbarge of them to be carried f .. ee of charge. (6) TROOPS, OnICIALS, AND GOVERIlUENT STORBS. None, .xceptas to Post Office Officials (_ (a».

6. POWER 0 .. GOVERNMENT TO DSTRRWNB CONTRAOT (BT PUROHASE AND OTHERWISE). If tho Company fail to perform ill obligation., the Government may determine the Contract by giving six months' notice, and may take over the railway and rolling stock at a valuation, baaed on the earnings for the two preceding years. The Government mRy .lso determine tbe Contract and take over the railway after it has been opened fol' 30 y"'~, or nt the end of any subsequent period of 10 years, on giving 12 month.' notice. In this osse the Government ulldertakes to pay the Company the value of the property calculated at the average market rate of the shares during Ihe previous three years, together with an additional bonus not in excess of 20 per cent. over and above such value.


8. Tan 0" Con'RACT (1" 1II0" DBTlIR>lINBD UNDER 6 OR 7J. 1,000 years (term of leao. of land). EAST INDIAN RAILWAY COMPANY.


DATES OF PRINCIPAL CONTRACTs.-22nd December 18,9. 10th November 1893 (A~ to Str.te br.mches). 26th l<'ebruary 1896 (As to raising of capital by i!l8ue of debentures). 220d November 1897 (As to const"liction and working of line from Mogul Serai to G,YB). 4th April 1899 (.All to creation of debenture stock). 14th November 1899 (Revisiog Contract dated 22nd December 1879). 16th April 1903 (Adopting lB. 4d. per rupee a.a the" prescribed" rate of excbl\ogt» ••

The East Indian Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) extends from Calcutta to Delhi, with a branch from Allahabad to Jubbulpore, on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, and numerous others.

The lines, at that time owned by the Company, Were purchased by thc Sh.te io 1879, and aU the Contracts then Rubsisting bet\veen the Secretary of State ond the 'ComplLDY (except to those relating to debentures or debentl1re stock) were d.termined. (See East Indian Railway Purch88e Act, 1879.) .. Company's sto~k at date of pur- The purchose price was 32,750,0001.,* ond it "bSfl6 • - 26,200,000 °d d Premium of 25 per cent. 6,650,000 WaR prOVl e by the Purchase Act that this --- shoulJ be paid in the form of a terminae& 8:.1.7;\0,000 annuity of the amount of 1,473,7501., payable from the 1st January 1880 to the 14th Februal'y 1953.Une·fifth of the allnltity was deferred. and tbe holders of this portion (representing 1\ capital sum (If 6,550,OOOl. constitute the present East Indian Railway Company, which, siuce the purchase, has worked the railway for the Government unuer the Contract of lR79.' 'I'he deferred annuity holders receive, in lieu of the annuity, interest at 4 per cent. per annum on 6,550,OOOl" and a share of the surplus profits of the railway (see 2 aM 3 on 1'Iwt page). On the determination of th~ Contract of 1879, the portion of tbe annuity that has been deferred will become payable for the period remaining up to tbe 14tb Fehrullry 1953.

The Company works the D.lhi-UmbaU.... Kalka, South Behar, and Tarke!l8ur Rnilways for the Companies which own those lines.

The Contract of 1879 gave each party power to terminate it at the end of 20 years from the 1st January-1880, i.e., on the 31st December 1899. It was agreed before that date, however, that, subject to certain modifications, the Cuntract should r~maio in force for at least 20 years longer. The modifications arc embodied in the Contrnct dated 14tb November 1899. Among other changE>'! it is provided by tbe latter Contract that all capital monies required by the Company for the purposes of the undertaking sbalJ, at tlte option of the Secretary of State, be either provided by him or 1,,.i.ed by the Company by the issue of debentures or debenture stock on ,uch term. as the Secretary of State shall determine; also that the" prescribed" rate of exchange shall be a.ed in the conversion of sterling money to rupees. The mILin conditions on which the Company now work, the ro.ilway aro shown on the next page.

The Government Director attends the Board. EAST INDIAN RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. Cost to be charged in capital account. •


Guarantee of interest in sterling at ~ per cent. per annum on 6,550,000/., the capital snm repre.enting tbe deferred portion (one-tlttb) of tbe annuity payable by Government in 'purchase of tbe ERst Indian Railway. Also guarantee of principle and interest in respect of debentures and debenture stock issued by the Oompany.

3. DrSTRIBtJTIOIf 0 .. PaoFITS. 'lbe enrplus profits in each half·year remaining after payment of interest and annuity charges, and the c,nttibution to tbe Provident Fund, to be divided as follows :-Of the first Us. 26,00,000 of such surplus profits (or of the whole amount when it does not exceed RB. 25,00,000) the Government to receive four-fifths, and tbe Company one­ lifth; of Bny excess beyond &s, 26,00,000 the Government to receive fourteen-lifteenths, and the Company one-fifteenth.

4. RATBS AND FABBIt. M(\][imum and minimum rotes and fares to be autborised by the Secretary of State, and the cl.. sification of passengers and goods to be prescribod by him.


To be COD "eyed on same geneT!.1 conditions, and at rates (to be approved by the Secretary of Stale) not I... tban tbos. in force for the time being for similar E'ervices on State railways of the Ame gauge. Bullion BDd coin at special rates.


7. POWER OF COUl'ANY TO 8UBBIIND&B CONTRACT. By tbe Contract or 14th November 1899 the Secretary of State and the Company mutually agree that they will not determine the Cqntract dated 22nd D.cember 1879 before the 31st December 1919. On that date, or at the end of any succeeding fifth year thereafter, either party may determine the Contmct by giving two years' previous notice. (On the determination of the Oontract the portion of the annuity that has heen deferred will become payable for the period remaining up to the 14th FebruBty 1953).



DATES OF CONTRACTS.-21st December 1900. 24th April 1903. (Adoption of ) B. 4d. per rupee as "prescribed» rate of exchange.)

The Secretary of State exercised bis right, under the Contraet with the Great Indian Peninsnla Railway Company, dated 17th Angust 1849, to purchase the Company'sline on the 30th June 1900. The purchase price, determined ill accordance with the Contract • • Tbis .....be .01 •• of tbe Cowpany'•• tock was 34,I!59,2 I 7l. ) 78 6d.,* and the Secretary (20,000,0001.) .alc.l.ted .t .be mea. market ••1.0 of State decided to poy this by means of an during the threa years ending on tbe 17th AugulI' annuity. Tile rate of interest to he used in 1899. viz., 1 ;4~. per cent. caI cu I'atlDg the annUity. b'aVlDg been ascer. tained by'referencc to th .. Bank of En:,!land, as reqnired by the Contrllct, to be 2l. 178. per cent., the amount of the annuity was fixed at 1,335,563l. 18s. 4d., payable for 41!o years and 48 days, i.e., nntil the 17th August 19~8.

On the purchase of the line all Contmcl s then subsisting between the Seoretary of State and the Company (except those relating to debentnres or debenture .tock) came t,) an end. (See Great Indilln Peninsula Railway Purch... e Act, 1900.) On the 21st December 1900, however, the Secretary of St'lte entered into .. fresh Contract "ith the Company fol' the working of the Great Indilln Peninsnl .. Railway system in RwalgnmMion witi. the Indian Midland Railway, which, by a sepal'lIte Contract of the same date. the Indian Midland Railway Company agreed to hanll ,over to tho Secretary of bt"te 01' the Great. Indian Pellinsula Railway ComplLUY for \Vul'king purpose •.

Under the new Contract the Great Innian Peninsula Railway Company is to create and issue a new share or stoek capital of 2,575,OOOl., l,750,OOOl. to, he issued in exchange for a portion (67,047l. 178. 9d., approximately -t.rth) of the annuity paY/lble by the Secretary of State, and 825,00ill. in exchahge for 750.000l. of stoek of tho Iildian Midland Railway Company, at the rate of 11Ol. of new Great llIdian Peninsula ,Railway stock for 100L of Indian Midland Railway stock. Further share or stoek capital i. to be created and issued by the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company, when required by the Secretary of State, in exchange (at a rate to be agreed upon between the Secretnry of State and Indian Midland Railway Company) for the whole or any part of the remaining stock of the Indian Midland Railwny Company. Al1 capital money. required for expenditure on the undertaking are, at the option of the Secretary of State, to be either provided by him or raised by the Company hy the iasue of debentures or debenture stock.

The Company's undertaking is defined to be the Great Indian Peninsula Railway as it existed on the 30th J une 1~00, with all State lines then or since worked 1;y the Company (except' the branch lines in Berar, v;z., the Khamgaon and Amraoti Railways). and the Indinn Midland R"ilway. with nl1 branches, extensions and subsidiary line.. It is provided, however, that the Secretary of State may at any time require the Company to give up the Wadi-Raichnr section of th" Great Indian Peninsula Railway, without eompeuslltion. The Company continues to work the Berar linos.

The Great Indian Peninsula Rail way proper (i.e., excluding the Indian Midland Railway) extellds from Bomhay IIcross the Western Ghats to Jubbnlpore, where it forms a junction with the East Indian Railway, to N.gpul'. connecting with the Bengal­ 'Nagpnr Railway, and to Raichur, connecting with the Madras Railway. There are also junctions with t.he Ra,jputana-Malwa Railway at Khandwa, with the Indian Midland Railway at Itarsi, with the 80uthe~ M.ahl'lllta Hailway at Poona and Hotgi, with the Tapti Valley Railway at Amalner, and with the Nizam'. Railway at Wadi and Mao mad. There are numerous branch..... The whole system is on tbe jj ft. 6 io. gouge.

,Although the new Contract was not entered into till the 21st Dec;ember 1900, it haa ~fI'.ct as far as possible from the 1st July 19011.

The Government Director attends the Board. GREAT INDIAN PENINSULA RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAJfD.

2. G01'ltB"".NT AID (G'CABANTEE). Guarantee of interest at 3 per cent. on the new capital of the Company.

3. DI8TB1BUTION or PaOFITS. The net earnings of each year ondiog on a 30tb June to b. applied :­ (1) in payment to the Secretary of State of Ibe sum ofRs. 200,00,000. (2) in r.payment to tbe Secretary of State in rupees of the interest payable on mon.y raised after 30th June 19UO by the Company 01' bY' tb. Indian Midland Railway Company (otherwise than by tbe issue of shares or capital stock), or pro,ided by tbe Secretary of Stnle after Ibe same date. Any surplUll to be divided between tbe Government and tb. Company in the proportion of Htbs to the former and "t.th to the latter. If the Compony's share capital i. increased by tho conversion of further Indian MidllUtd Railway stock. the Company'. share of tbe turplns is to be propol'tionately increased, but it is never to exceed bth.

4. RATES AJfD FARES. Maximum and minimum rate. ond fares and classification of passengers and goods to be as authorised by tbe Secretary of State.

6. SPBCIA.L OBLIGA.TIONS 01' COIIPANr IN RBSPBOT or CONVBYANCS OP­ (,,) MAlr.a; (6) TROOPS, OF... CIAL., AND G01'BBll1lllNT STORES. To be coDveyed un the sawe general conditioDs as those in force on State Railways, and at rateo to he approved by tho Secretary of State (not being 10 .. than tbe ratea in force for similar services on State Railways of tbo IllUDe gauge).

6. POWBB or GO\'BIINJf&NT TO DBTB.... INB CONTRACT (BY PURCHASB AJfD OTHERWISB). } 7. POWER 0" CO!lPANY TO SURBBNDEB CONTRACT. OD the 30th JUDe 1925 the Company are to give the Secreta"yof State possessioD of the undertaking, and the Secretary of IState is to pay to the Company the amounts pnid up, 01' credited as paid up, on al~ shll1'e. 0" stock then existing in tbe Company's new c.pital.

8. TslUI 01' CONTnAoT. 25 y ..rs from 1st July 1900. HARDWAR-DEHRA RAILW AY COMPANY.


DATE 01' CONTlU.CT.-26th March 1897.

The Ha.rdwa.r-Dehra Railway is a braneh on the 5 ft. 6 ins. gauge from Hardwar. on the Oudh and Rohilkhand State Railway, to Dehra..

The terms of the Contract are based on the Resolution of the Government of India as to branch railways, dated 17th April 1896. The payment out 01' capital during construction of interest at 3 per cent. per annum, and of Re. 833 per mensem towards management and office expenses, is provided for.

The line was constructed by the Government on behalf of the Company. and is worked by. the Oudh and Rohilkhand State Railway administration (see 2 on next page).

The Company is domiciled in India. • HARDWAR-DEHRA RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. To be proYided by Government fr.. of (lOst to Company.

2. GOVBBN>Il£NT AID (GU.\I ...;'T8E). Tbe Government undertakes to construct the line (from funds supplied by the Company), and to work and maintain it through State or other agency, the necessary rolling stock being suppliod by the working ..,,,"ncy. (The agency employed up to the present time h ... been the Oudh and Robilkhsnd State ,Railway administration,) The cbarge to tbe Company for the provision of rolling stock and tbe working and maintenance of tbe line i. fixed at 50 per cent. of th. gro.. earnings in each half-year. Tbe Government guarantees interest at 3 par cent_ par annum on the capita! expenditure, and also undertakes to allow the Company, in any year in which it does not receive the minimum dividend of S per cellt. from the earnings of the line, the sum of Rs. 3,600 for such ;year for or towards management and office expenses. s. DISTRIBUTION 01' PROFITS. Tbe surplus pro41B in each calendar year remaining aIter the repayment to the Government of tbe amount of th. guaranteed interest for the year are to b. divided equally betwoen the Government and the Company_

4. RATBS AND FAR"S. Rates and far .. are to be such ... may from time to time be arranged between the Govern­ ment and the working agency, but it is provided that they shall be witbin one Bnd a half times the maximum and minimum rates and fares for the time being in force on the Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway. The cl ...si6cstion of goods is to be in conformity with tbat in force on tbe Ondb and Rohilkband Railway.


•• POWER OF GOVERNMENT TO DETEBMlNE CONTRACT (BY PURCHASE AND orBERWlSE). Tbe Government may determine tho Contract if, b.fore tbe line i8 open for traffic, tho Company fail on demBDd to supply the fonds requir.d for its completion. In case of sucb deter­ mination Ihe Government will pay the Company in rnpees the fair value of the railway, works, and stores given up. Tbe Government may also, by giving 12 month.' notice. determine the Contract on tbe S 1st December 1919, or at tbe end of any subsequent period of 10 years. In tbis case the Government undertakes to pay to the (Jompany in rupe.s a sum equal to 26 tim.s the average yearly net earnings of the Company during tb. !a..t preceding tbree years, pruvided tbat such 8um shall not exceed by more than 20 per cent. the total capital expenditure 01' the Company, nor be I... than sucb capita! expeuditure.


8. TEE" OF CONTRACT (IF NOT DETBBIlINED UNDER 6 OR i). (None specified.) INDIA GENERAL NAVIGATION.. AND RAILWAY COMPANY. (Mymensing-Jamalpur-Jagannathganj Railway.) . ~ . .

14017. z INDIA GENERAL NAVIGATION AND RAII,WAY COMPANY. (Contract relating to Mymensing-Jamalpur-Jagannathganj Railway,)

DATES OF Colo"TRACTS.-6th January 1897 and 3rd October 1899 .


The original Contract, dated 6th January 1897, relating to the Mymenaing­ Jamalpur-Jagannathganj Railway, was entered into with the India Gencrnl Steam

Navigation Company, a Company domiciled in India. This Company WBS wound up in 1899, and its business was transferred to a new Company registered in England under the title of the" India General Navigation and Railway Company." By the Contract dated 3rd October 1899 the Government agreed to the transfer to the new Company of the former Company's obligations under the Contract of 1897, Bubjec1. to the condition that the new Company should maintain a branch office in Calcutta to which all Government communicatioas in respect of the Contmct or the railway might be addressed instead of to the registered office in London.

The railway to which the Contract ..elates is an extension, on the metre gauge, of the Dacea-Mymensing State Railway, from its northern terminus at Mymensing to Jagannathganj, on the Jamuna River.

The terms of the Contract ore based OIL the Resolution of the Government of India as to branch railways, dated 17th April 1896. The payment of interest at 3. per cent.. per annum out of capital during construction is provided for.

The line was constructed by the State on behalf of the Company, and it i8 worked by the Eastern Bengal State Railway administration. INDIA GENERAL NAVIGATION AND RAU.WAY COMPANY. (Contract relating to Mymensing-.Tamalpur-.Tagannathganj .Railway.)


1. LAxD. To be provided by eovernment t'ree of cost to Company.


I. DISTRIBUTION OP PSOPlT8. The Government. undertak.s to construct the line (from funds supplied by th. Company} a.nd to work and maintain it througb State or other agency, the necessary rolling stock heing supplied by the working egency. (The agency employed up to the present time has been the Eastern Bengal State Railway administration.) The charge for the provision of rolling stock and tbe working and maintenan,,,, of the line is fixed at 45 per cent. of the gross earnings iD eacb half.year. The residue of gross earnings after deduction of the charge for working, &0., is payable to the Company. The Government agrees to allow the Company, in respect of each calendar year, by way of rebate, such a sum not exceeding in any year the net earnings from traffic interchanged between the Eastern Bengal Railway system and the Company's railway as shall, together with the Company's net earnings for the year, make up 3i per cent. on the actual capital expenditure OD the line. (Mymensing ia to be considered a station on the Eastern Bengal Rsilway system, and through traffic passing ov.r tbe Company's line is Dot to be taken into account in calcnJating rebate).

4. BATII8 AXD FABBs. The rates and fares are to be such 88 may from time to time be arranged between the Government and tho working egency, subject to the conditions that they are to be wit.hin the maximum and minimum rates and fares in force OD the Eastern Bengal State Railway, and that the classification of goods is to be in conformity witb that on the Eastern Bengal State Rsi1way.


6. Pown or GOVBIINMENT TO DETE ....I~.,. CONTBACT (BY PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). The Governm.nt may determine the Contract if, before the line is open, the Company fails to­ supply the fnods required for tbe eompletion of the work. In the .vent of the Contract being terminated from this cause, the Company is to give up to the Government possession of the railway. work!, and stores, and the Governmeut is to pay to the Company in rupees the fair valu. of the property 80 giv.n up. The Government may also, by giving 12 months' notice, determine the Contract aud acquire the railway,_ . (i.) on the 31st December 1919, or at the end of auy subsequent period of \0 years. In this cas. the Government undertakes to pay to the Company in rnpees • sum. equal to 25 times the yearly average of the Company'. share of the net earnings of the railway during the last preceding three yea.... provided that snch sum .haII not .xceed by more than 20 per cent. the total capital ""penditure of the Company in rup.... nor he less than such capital expenditure; or (ii.) on the 31st December 1948. In this case tbe Governme~t undertakes to pay 1<> the Company a sum equal to the total capital expenditure in rupees.


8. Tao or CoNTRACT (w N01 DETEIIKINED tnmEB 6 OR '.). (None specified.) I.N.DIAN MIDLAND RAILW.AY COMPANY.


DA'/'ES OF CONTB.A.CTS.-2nd October 1885. 18th March 1890 (Acquisition of Sindia Railway). 13th June 1896 (As to Se.ugor-Katni Railway). 21st December 1900 (Transfarof Indian Midland Railway system .to Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company for working). 27th April 1903 (Adoption of lB. 4d. per rupee 88 the" pre­ scribed" rate of exchallge).

The Indian Midland Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) extends from Itarsi, on the Great Indian Peninsula. Railway, to Jhansi, where it divides into three branches running to Agra, to Cawnpore, and to Manikpur respectively. At each of these three points there is a connection with the East Indian Railway; also at the first two with the Ra.jputana­ Malwa system, and at Cawnpore with the Qnde and Rohilkhand State Railway. There is a branch from Bina to Saugor and K ..tni, on the E... t Indian and Bengal-Nagpur Railways.

The terms of the original Contract are generally similar to those of the one with the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company. A considerable nmount of capital has been advanced by the Government for the existing system, and in the case of the Se.ugor­ Katni Extension it has been agreed that all money required for expenditure in India shall be supplie<\ by the Government, the Company only raising the amount required for expenditure in Engl.. nd.

By the Contract dated 21st December 1900, the Company agreed to hand over its system of railways (including the Bhopal-Uijain, Bin .... Guna-B.. ran and Gwalior Native State Railways) to be worked by the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Comp ..ny under its Contract with the Secretary of State dated 21st December 1900.

The latter Contract prov;ides that share or stock capital of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company shall from time to time be issued in exchange for a portion or the whole of the stock of the Indian Midland Railway Company, at rates to be agreed upon between the Secretary of State and the Indian Midland Railway Company (in the first instance 750,OOOl. of Indian Midland Railway stock is to be exchanged for 825,000&. of Great Indi ..n Peninsula Railway capital, the rate being 110l. of Great Indian Peninsula Railway capital for 100l. of Indian Midland Railway stock). The Indian Midland Railway stock so exchanged is to be transferred to the Secretary of State,

So far as is compatible with the working of the Indian Midland Railway system by the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company, the Contract between the Secretary of State and the Indi.. n Midland R ..ilway Comp.. ny, dated 2nd October ) 885, remains in force, and the Company retains its right to a guarantee of interest at 4 per cent. per annum on its capital and to one·fourth of the surplus profits of its .ystem. For the purpose (among others) of ascertaining the amount "f such surplus profits, it is provided in the Contract with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company, dated 21st December 1900, that separate accounts of the half-yearly gross receipts of the Great 'Indian .Peninsula and Indian Midiand Railway systems respectively shall be kept, nnd that the working expenses of the whole undertaking shall be divided between the two systems. in proportion to the amounts of their gross receipts.

'The Government Director attends the Board. INDIAN MIDLAND ltAiLWAY COMPANY.


I. LAND. To be provided by the Government.


Guaraotee of Interest at 4 per cent. per annum in sterling 00 8,000,0001. share capital. ('160,0001. of this share capital h .. been transferred to the Secretary of State,-I.e previous page.) On further ...pital that may be required, the goarantee to be 4 per cent. or ...ch other mte .. may be agreed upon.

8. DI8TB.1BUTION OF PEonrs. The ...rplus profits for any-eomplete calendar yeRr, after providing for payment to the GoYerument of interest on advances of capital made by it to the Company, and for repayment of the ioterest paid by it to the Company for that year, to be divided in proportion of three·fourths to the Government lind one·fourth to the Compeny. (The Secretary of State is entitled, in respeut of the 750,OOOl. of share capitol transferred to him, to a proportionate share of the surplus profits paid to the Company.)

4. fu.... s ~D F.uu:s.

{ 6. SPROIAL OBLIGA.TIONS OF COHPA.NY IN RESPEOT 0" CONVEY~CE O~ (a) MAILS I (6) TRoops, OUICULS, AND GOVBIUlMENT STORBS. &. the provisions nuder the.. heads in the Contmct with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway Company. (Abstmct No. 21 in this book.)

6, POWBR 0" GoVBRNMBNY' TO DEYBRlIINB OONTRAOT (BY PllIIC&ASB AND OTBBBWlSE). The railway and its appurtananc.. are absolutely the property of the Government, which may determine the Controct by giving 12 months' previous notice on 31st December 1910, or on the 810t December of any succeeding tenth year. The Government may aIao terminate the Contract at any tim. on six monthe' notice if the Company fail to fulfil its obligations, or if the line b. worked at a lao. for three consecutive half.ye..... On the termination of the Contract the Company is to hand over to. the Government the railway and all its belongings of every description, and the Government is to repay the amount at par of the .here capital which h.. been paid in by the Oompany,



. .


DATES OF PiuNCIPAL CoNTRACTS.-22nd December 1852 (Sendh- Weft Lin.,). 19th December 1855 (South-Weft Lim). 13th August 1858 (Nmh-West Lim). 2nd January 1871 (Amalgamation). 1st Novembtr 1901 (As to Walajah-Ra'llipet Branch).

The Madras Railway Company is one of the two old Guaranteed Companies still surviving (the other being the Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway Company).

The Madras Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) runs from, Madras to Arkonam, where it divides into two brancbes, one proceeding in a north-westerly direction to Raichur, the other in a. Bouth-westerly direction to Calicut and Azikhal. The latter hRII branches to Bangalore, Mettupala.iyam a.nd Palghat. (For the constlUction and working of tbe Calicut-Azikha.l section special terms were arranged; see next Absiract).

The system is in connection with the Great Indisn Peninsula Railway at Rsicbur~ with the Southern Mabmtta Railway a.t Guntakul and Bangalore, and with the South Indian Railway at several pointe.

The Madras Railway Company works the southern (Madras-Vizagapatam) section of the East Coast State Railwa.y (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) under a. contract with the Secretary of Stale dated 31st December 1902 (see Abstra.ct No. 27 in this book). It is constructing for the Gove~nment, and will work when completed, State railwa.y. (1) from Azikha.1 to Mangalore (5 ft. 6 in. gauge), under a Contract dated 30th December 1903. (For the provisions of this Contract a.lso, see Abstract No. 27). (2) from Morappur to Dharmapuri and from Tirupatur to Krishnagiri, both on the 2 ft. 6 in. gauge. (The Contract relating to these two lines has not yet been executed).

The Company also works the Nilgiri Railway (metre gauge) for the Secretary of State, the Kolar Goldfields Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) for the Mysore Government.,. and tbe Shoranur-Cochin Ra.ilway (metre gauge) for the Cochin State.

The Government Director attends the Board. MADRAS RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAIn>. To be provided by the Government.

2. GoVBBNIIElI1' Am (GUAE""TBB). Guarantee or interest in sterling at 5 per cent. for the term of the Contract. On 10m" portion of the share capital and on debentures lower rotes of interest are guaranteed.

3. DISTRtBUTIOII o~ PROprr•. Snrplos profile, after repayment of the guaranteed interest of each half-year, to be divided eqoally between the Government and the Company.

4. RUBS "lID F ABB8. Maxima to be approved by GOTernment, which may require them to be reduced when the net receipts e:c ..ed 10 per oent. 00 the capita! ontlay.

6. SnOIAL OBLIGATIONS 01' COlfPARY IN RESPECT OF CONVEYANCE 01'­ (a) MAIL •• To be conveyed free of charge. (6) TROOPS, OPPICIALS. AIID GOVBS"MEIIT STORKS. 'fo be conveyed at special rales.

6. POWBR OF GoVBRIIMBNT TO DETER""''' COIITBACT (B" PURCII.&SE ....D OTHBRWlSE). The line reverts to the Government at the e:cpiralion of the term of the Contract, but th.. rolling stock has to be paid for at its fair value. The Company can always avoid this by its power of surrender. The Government may give notice of its intention to determine the Contract by purchase within Bi:c month. ofter the expiration of 25 or 50 years of tho term, at tbe mean market value of the .hare. during the three preceding year., pOSliession of the railway to teken at the half.y..... ly day next but one following the notice. The pnrchase money may, at th.. option of the Government, be paid either in cash or by an annuity payable during the remainder of the term of the Contract (see 8). The Government may also determine the Contract at anytime, on giving three months' notice, if the Company fail to observe its obligations. In such case the Government must" repay the copita! expended, either in cash or in the form of an annuity. N.D.-The Governmeot relinquished its l'ight to determine the Contract at end of the 25th year, and the only remaining oppol'lunity of giving DOtice of purchase will be in 1907 (within Bi:c month. of lst April).

7. POWER or COMPA"Y TO SUBRBIIDBR OONTRA.CT. The Company may Burrender on oi:c month.' notice at any time, receiving back the oapita! ""pended, either in cosh or bY.ROnuity (a' the option of the Government).

8. TEall OF CONTRACT (IF NOT DBTBIWIIIBD UNDER 6 OR 7), 89 yean from lot Aprill!l57. MADRAS RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Calicut-Azikhal Railway.)

B\l27. Co MADRAS RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Calicut-Azikhal Railway.)

DATES 01' COIIITBACl'II.-18th January 1901. 1st May 1903 (Adoption of lB. 4d. per rnpee .. the .. prescribed n rate of ezchange).

The Calicut-Azikhal Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) is .. n extension of the MadrM Railway from CaUcut. its former terminus on the west coa..t of India. northwards to Cannanore and AzikhaL

It forms an integral part of the Madra.s Railway Company'. undertaking, and in most respects the provisions of the earlier Contracts with the Complony appl)' to it. There are, however, one or two special features in the present Contract. Of these the most important are the method of dealing with the net earnings of the Extension-sOIl 3 on next page-and the provision that the .. prescribed" rate of exchange shan be used in the conversion of sterling money into rupees and vic~ Vtf'BtI.

The capital for the line is to be raised by an issue of debentures guaranteed as to principal and intereat by the Secretary of State. MADRAS RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Ca1icut-Azikhal Railway.)


I. w.m. To be provided by &he Govemmeut..

2. GovlIBlOlD'I: AID. G ...... tee ofiDterest on debent.re. i... oo for &he porpoae. of the li.e.

3. DI8TRlBOTlO" O. PBOPlTII. S.rpl•• profito iD ."'ceo. of tbe debeDIo18 interest poyable by th. Secretary of Stata to be divided iD tbe proportioD of oD ..fifth to the Compaoy a.d four·fifths to tbe Secretary of Stala. If iD auy half year &he net earning. of tbe Extension &18 Ie .. thaa &he debenture interest, &he defiCiency to be made .p out of the surplus profit. of the remainder of the Company'•• ystem for that or the Dut ••cceediag half year.


5. SPBOIAL OBLIGATIONS OB' CoIIPAIf'I' 1M BBSPBC'l' 01' CONVBYAlfOI: 0"- (a) MAlI":- (b) TROOPS, OFFICUJ.., ""D GOVBB" ..B"" STOBB8 :- As in principal Contract with Madras Railway CompoDy. (See Abstract O. POWER O~ GOVERN>lENT "0 DETBBUINE CoNTRACT No. 25). (BY POBCBA." AND OTBBRWlBB)·. fI 7. POWBB O. COMPANY TO SOBBBNDBB CONTRACT.· I


• It ill apeciaU, pro.ided tha~ for tbe purpose. of the prem.ioDII of the Principal Contract as to determinatiOD or .nrrend"r. DO mODeJ raised under the preaeut Contract shall be CODltroed to be I. Capital expeD,4ed by the -Company," MADRAS RAILWAY COMPANY. . (As to working of Southern Section of East Coast State Railway, and construction and working of Azikhal­ Mangalore State Railway.)

14UI7. Dd MADRAS RAILWAY. COMPANY. (As to working of Southern Section of East Coast State Railway, and construction and working of Azikhal­ Mangalore State Railway.)

DATES OF CONTRACTS.-31Bt Dect'mber 1902. (Working of the Eaat Coaet State Railway.)

1st May 1903. (Adoption of lB. 4d. per rllpee &9 the .. prescribed" rate of exchange.) 30th December 1903. (Conetruction and working of the Azikhal-Maogalore State Railway.)

The Madras Railway Company took over the working of the southern section of the East Coast State Railway (f"om Madras to Waltair Junction, with the We.ltair­ Vizagape.tam Branch) on the 1st January 1901, the northern section I,aving been incorporated with t.he Bengal-Nagpur Railway system on the same date. Under the

Contract dated 31st December 1902, the Secretary of State has power, 011 giving six months' nntice, to require the Company to re-transfer to him. the junction station at Waltair and the branch to Vizagapatam, but after such Te-transfer the Company is to be allowed to use the junction station and hranch for the passage of engines and trains, and for Buch other purposes as the Secretary of State may determine. Prior to such re-tra~sfer, the Company is to allow the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, or uny other railway administration working the northern section of the East COllllt Railway, to use the jUnction station and branch for the passage of engines and trains, &0.

The Contract provides that the Madras Railway Company and the administration working the northern section of the East Coast Railway shall have reciprocal powers of quoting through rates between the southern section and the nortbern section up to Cuttack, and between the nortbern section and the southern section lip to Tadepalli.

Tbe principle on whicb the East Coast Railway i. worked by the Company is that, excluding the cost of engineering maintenance, the genersl working expenses of tbe whole of the Company's system are divided between the State line and the remainder of the system in proportion to the gross earnin~,'s of each. The .actual cost of main­ tenanco i. cbarged against the State line and the remainder of tbe system respectively.

The Company works tbe State line without direct remuneration, the whole of the net earnings of the latter belng take~ by tbe Government.

By the Contract dated 30th December 1903, the C"mpany agrees to construct the Azikbal-Mange.lore Railway for the Government, and to wOl'k it, when completed, on terms similar to those applicable to the working of the southern section of the East Coast State Ra.ilway. MADRAS RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to working of Southern Section of East Coast State Railway. and construction' and working of Azikhal­ Mangalore State Railway.)


1. LAIID. The land required for the Azikhal-Mangalore Railway to be provided by tbe Secretary of Slate.

2. GOVB...... BIIT AID.

8. DISTRIBUTIOII 0" PBOI'IT8. Tbe net earnings of both lines [to belong to tbe Secretary of State. (The working expeoses in eoch case comprise the actual cost of engineering maintenance and a ahare of tbe general working e"penses (other than maintenance) of the whole of the Madras Ruilway CompRny's system proportionate to gross earnings.)

4. RATES AIID FARES. The Secretary of State to Quthorise maximum and minimum rates, and to prescl"ibe the c]R~sifiC8tion of passengers and gOClds, IlS well as the extent to which, within the maxima. a.nd minima, the Company may vary the rates in respect of distance, weight, or~ special conditions.


(a) MAILS; (b) Taoops, OFFIOIALS, AND GoVEBNMENT STOBBS. To be conveyed on the same general conditions and at the same rates as aD State Railways of tbe same gauge. Bullion and coin at special rates.

6. POWBR ow GoVBRNM""T TO DBTEBUIII" CONTUOT (BY PUROBABJI AND OTBBBWISB). The Secretary of State may dete .. mine the Contracts, snd take over the lines from the Compauy on the lot April 1904 (lot April 1905 in the ca.. of the Azikhal.Mangalore Railway), or the 1st April of any suhsequent year, by giving 12 month's previous notice. In the case of the East Coast Railway, if tbe Contract is 80 determined bero.. e the lst April 1907, and if the ratio of working expenses to gross 61tornings on the Company's system shall have been raised, by J'el\SOn of the Company hnving work~ the State Railway under the Contract,. so fL!j to exceed 50 per Ct'llt., then the Compa.ny is to receive suitable com­ pensation for fiuch increase. The Secretary of State way sl.o determine tbe Contracts if the Company fail to observe its obligations uncler tbem. If the Contracts relating to the Company's own lin. terminate, then these Contracts also terminate.

7. POWB£ or COIIPAlIY TO SUBBBIIDBB CONTRAOT. None, except as incidental to tho surrender of the Contracts relating to the Company's own line.

8. TERM 01/ CONT ....QT (IF II0T DBTBWlINBD VIIDBB 6 OB '7). Until 31st December 1907 (the date on which the Secretary of State may next exercise the right of purchasing the Madras Railway). HIS HIGHNESS THE NIZAM'S GUARANTEED STATE· RAILWAY COMPANY. (MAIN LINE). (Contract with His Highness the Nizam's Government.)

14Ot'I: . • ms HIGHNESS THE NlZAM'S GUARANTEED STATE RAILWAY COMPANY•. (Contract with Bis Highness the Niza.m's Government a.s to the Company's main line.)

DATE OF CONTIUCT-2ith Decombor 1883.

The Nizam'. Railway was originally n line on the 5 ft, 6 in •. gauge from Wadi,'on Ih. GTeot Indian Peninsula Railway, to SecunrlPraba

The latter of these t\\.. " extensions, however, WB.!t not to be commenced at once, but at Q date to be subsequently o.g~ed upon betwean the Nizam's Government aud the Company. It bus since been agret"tl that tbe provisions erf tbo Contl'act relating to this extension shall be regarded as cancelled. For the purposes of the Contract of 1883 other than the construction lUld equipment DC tb e­ line from WUI'angal towards Chanda, the capital of the Company w'"" fix.,1 by the COllI met at 3,500,000/., made up of 2,000,000/. in .hares ami 1,500,000/. in redeemable mOI·tguge dubeotures bearing interest at 4 per cent. per annum. Of thiFt r..apital ] ,066,66UJ. was stated to be u the u consideration fOl' tbe purchase of the existing Railway and for the obligations, conce.sionl' and " guarantees of the Government," Bnd was to be applip,d 88 follows :- 841,6661. (500,OOOt. ill fully paid ohor.s aod 341,0661. in cash) to be paid to th.. Nizam's Go,",ernment for its own use; !l25,GOO/. in cash to be paid to the Nizam'. Go~erDment for th. purpo"e of acquiring the interest of the Engliah shareholders of the Niza.m's State Railway COlDpany in the existing Rail way (the amount mentioned rE'presenting the nominal value of the shares held by the English shareholders, 500.0001., plu. a pre'lium of 25 per cellt.) ; 20u,OOOI. to he paill 10 'frustees as n fund out of which tbe inter.. t guaranteed by the Niznw's Government shoulU l~ met in case of default


1. L~. To be provided by the Government free of cost.

2. GOVBRNMBNT AID (GUAR.lNTE~. GlJarantee of interest in sterling at 5 per cent. per annum on the Company's ahare and debenture capital for 20 year., from the date on which such capital i. paid up. (The guarantee ",ill ceBSe on the 25th J une 190~ in the ""se of the share capital, but the date of termina.tion of tbe guarantee in respect of the debenture capitn1 cannot be stated, us the full amount of that capital has not yet been raised. An issne of debentures for 100,000/. was marle .0 recently as 1902).

3. DISTRIBUTION or PROFITS. During the period oftbe guarantee the repayment of the guaranteed interest for each half Y8ar, and thereafter interest for each year at the rate of 0: per cent.. on the share and debenture capital, i8 to be the first charge against the net earnings of such half-year or year. Of any residue, either before or afier the cessation of the guarantee, one half is to be appHed in payment to the Government of gus1'8nteed interest not previously recouped, and in payment of Any other sums owing by the Company to the Government, Rud the other half is to be retained by the Company. When the Government bas been reim­ bursed all sums paid under the guarantee, together with !!Iimple interest thereon at 5 per cont. per annum, tbe Company i. to be entitled to the whole of the net earnings.

4. RATES AND FARE •• Not to exceed those from time to time prevailing on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway,. unless otherwise agreed.

6. SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS OF COMPANY IN RESPECT OF CONVEYANCe: OF­ (0) MAILS • .Mails and Post Office Servants of both the Nizam's Government and the Govern~ ment of India. to be conveyed free of charge.

(6) TROOPS, OFFICIALS, AND GOVERNMENT STORBS. Troops and Officials of both the Niznm's Government and the Government of India to be conveyed at special rates; stores ot the lowest 18tea ordinarily cbargeable j bullion and ~oin at special rates.

O. POWSR OF GOVERNMENT TO DETERMINE THB CONTRACT (BY PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). In the eveut of any breach by tbe Company of any of the provisions of the Contract, the­ Nizam's GO\'ernment may give the Company in London six months' notice of its intentjon to detcrmiue the Contract, and unless the breach shall be remed.ied within the six months, the Go~t!rnment may determine the Contract and assume possession of t.he railway, pnying the Company in London in sterling .0 much. of the cnpital as shall be unredeemed. The Nizam's Government may also terminate the Contract and purchase the railwa.y, . .. oiling stock, &0., on tile lst January J914, 1st JAnuary 1934, or lot January 1954, by Jliving 12 months' notice in London. On the day on which the ruilway is thus- acquired the Nizam's Governnu'int is to pay to the Compnny, in sterling in Loudon, the a.mount of the unredeemed capital, plus a bonus of 25.per cent. At tbe end of the fuJI term of 99 years, if the Contract continues 80 long, the land in the possession of the Compnuy, with the l'oilway, buildings, works, and fixed machinery, will revert to the Government free from all de\lts and charges, but the rolling stock, piGnt, mOTabJe machinery, and stofes must be purchased by the Government at their fair value.


8. TERM OP CONTlU.c·r (IP NOT DETRRlIIIIIED UNDER 6 011 7). 99 yeors from the date on which the extension from Hyderabad towards Bezwad. 'v.. opened throughout, viz., 10th February 181l9. HIS HIGHNESS THE NIZAM'S GUARANTEED STATE RAILWAY COMPANY (HYDERABAD-GODAVARI VALLEY RAILWAY).

(Contract with His Highness the Nizam's Government.)

14U27. Fe BIS HIGHNESS THE NIZAM'S GUARANTEED STATE. RAILWAY COMPANY. (Contract with His Highness the Nizam's Government as to the Hyderabad·Godavari Valley Railwa.y.)

DATE OF CONTRACT-16th March 1897.

The Hyderabad-Godavari Valley Railway is a branch line on the metre gauge from Hyderabad, on the main line of His Highness the Nizam's Guaranteed S~ate Railway -Company's system, to Manmad, on the"Great Indian Peninsula Railway.

The Contract provides that the Company shall raise the capital required for the branch by the issue of redeemable mortgage uebenturps bearing interest at such rate as shall be agreed upon between the Nizam'. Government and the Company, such debentures being a first charge on the branch and a second charge on the main line. and tbe interest on them. after the expiry of the period for which it is guaranteed by the Nizam's Government (8ee 2 on next page), forming a first charge on the net earnings of the branch a.nd a second cbal'ge on the Burplus earnings of the ma.in line after pro,·iding for the interest "nd sinking fund charge in respect of outstanding debenture capital raised under the Contract of 1883. The amount of capital raised up to the p,'eBent time is 1,800,0001., and the rate of interest payable on it is 3l per cent.

The trust fund of 200,0001. provided for in the original Contract between the Nizam's Government and the Company (8ee precentract, to be applicable also to secure the payment of the interest guaranteed on the capital raised fOJ' tbe Hyderabad-Godavari Valley Railway.

The Contract of 1897 contains provisions 8S to the investment and applicatioll of the sinking fund for the redemption of debentures similar to those in the original Contract.

During the construction of the branch the interest on the debentures was paid out of capital.

The Contract provides for the appointment by the Nizam's Govenunent of aD Official Director as a member of the BOIlrd. HIS HIGHNESS THE NIZAM'S GUARANTEED STATE RAILWAY COMPANY. (Contract with His Highness the Nizam's Government as to the Hyderabad·Godavari Valley Railway.)


1. LA"D. To be provided by the Government f.. ee of cost.

2. GOVE""HEIIT AID (GUARANTEE). Guarantee in sterling, for 20 yeais from the date on whioh the line W88 completed and opened for traffic throu.~hout (16th May 1901), of the interest payable on tbe debentare capital (not exceeding 2,500,0001.) raised for the purpo'es of the contract, together with nn additional one per cent. for n. sinking fund. (The amount of capital raised to the presenl time has been 1,800,0001., and the rate of intere,t payable on it i. 3i per cent.)

3. DISTRIBUTION 010' PROFJTS. Durin~ the period of tho gU81'o.ntee the repayment of the guaranteed interest for each halr~1eQ,r, and thereafter the interest payable on the debenture capital for each year, is to he the' first charge against the net earnings for such ba.Ir-yeaf or yelu. Any surplus either before or "fter the ce~sBtion of the guarantee, is to b9 divided eq ao.11y between the Government Bud the Company, the share of· the latter being treated as part of the net eBrnings of the mBin lioe.

4: RATES AND FARES. Not to be in excess of those prevailing on the maio line, uoless other\vise agreed.

5. SPECIA.L OBLIGATIONS or. COlfPANY IN RESPECT Ol" CONVEYANCE OF­ (a) MAIL'; (6) TROOPS, OFFICIALS, AND GOVERN"ENT STORES. (The same a8 in the co.e ofth. main line. See preceding AlislrRct.)

6. POWER OF' GOV.BRNMI£NT TO DK'rERUINE THE CONTRACT (BY PURCHASE AND OTBBRWISK). (The same as in the case of the main line (see preceding Abstract) with the exception that, in t.he event of the line being purchased in 1984 or 1954, the price to be paid i. 10 he the amount of the unredeemed capital only, without the bonus of 25 per cent. in add!tion).


8. TSI'" OF CONTOACT (IF 'lOT DETSRMIIIED UNDER 6 OR 7.) The remainder of the term of the Contract relating to the main line ( ••e preceding Ab8tract) which was unexpired at the dale of the present Contracl. NO A K HAL I (B ENG A L) R A I L WAY COMPANY.


DATES OF CoNTRACTS.-27th March 1901. 1st April 1903 (Adoption of lB. 4<1. per rupee ... the­ " prescribed" rate of exchange).

The Noakbali Railway (metre gauge) is a branch line from Laksam on the Assam­ Bengal Railway, to Noakhali, with an extension to Ichakali to be undertaken if and when required by the Secretary of State. (The Company was ealled upon by the Secretary of State, in a letter dated 17th October 1902, to commence the construction oftbe Ichakali Extension at once).

The line was constructed by the Noakhali Railway Company, and is worked by the Assam-Bengal Railway Company. The two Companies have entered ioto a separate Contract (also dated 27th March 1901) specifying the terms on which the working is to be carried on. In the event of the determination of this Contract during tbe currency of that between the Secretary of State and the Noakhali R,ailway Company, the working of tbe line is to be undertaken by the Secretary of State throngh State or other agency. (Su 3, Distribution of Profits, on next page.)

With regard to the construction of the line, the Noakhali Railway Company entered into an agreement with a Contractor, who undertook to' carry out the work. and also to maintain the railway for 12 months after opening .

.The Contract between the Secretary of Stats and the Noakhali Railway Company­ provides for the payment of interest (at 31 per cent. per annum) out of capital during construction.

The Government Director does not attend the Board. NOAKHAT,I (BENGAL) RAILWAY COMPANY.


I, waD. To be provided by the Goverument free of cost to the Company.

2. GoVBBIf"BIIT Am (REB"TE). 10 any hall year in which the net earnings of the railway do not amount to Rs. 30,000, the deficiency is to be made up, 88 far as possible, by a rebate from the Assam·Bengal Railway not .x.. eding 60 per cent. of the gross ""rnings of the latter from traffic interchanged with the branch.

3. D18TBJBllTIOIf OP PaoFI~8. By the Contract between the Noakhali Railway Comp.ny nnd the Assam·Bengal Railway Oompany, the latter undertake. to maintain the branch (except for the first 12 months after opening, during which period the Noakhali Railway Company is to maintain it) and also to stock and work it, retaining out of the half-yearly gross earnings a sum equal to Rs. 36 per mile open per week, together with any charge by the Government for 8upervision. At the end of three years, and at subsequent intervals of five years, the rate of payment may he revised, but it i. never to be less than Rs. 35 per mile open par week, except during Ibe period of maintenance by the Noakhali Railway Oompany, when it i. to be R.. 26 per mile open per week. If the gross earnings for any hall year fall short of the amount due to the Asssm-Bengal Railway Company, tbe deficiency is '" be made good out of subsequent net receipts in excess of Rs. 30,000 for a half yenr. If the Compan,... Contract with the Assam-Bengal Railway Company i. determined before that with the Secretary of State, the Government is to maintain, .tock, and work the line through Stete or other ogency at a percentage of the gross earnings, such percentage not '" exceed for any half year the percentage of working expenses on grose eerniogs on the Assam-Bengal Railway, nor for any year 50 per cent. of tbe gross earninga. The bBlo.ncB Ot the gross earnings remainiog after meeting the charge for working is payable in full to the Noakhali Railway Compeny.

4. RArB. AND F .. RES. To he fixed by the Sec• ..,tary of State after consultation with the working agency, but to be within the maxima and minima in force on the A.ssa.m-Bengal Railway. The classification of goods ~ b. in conformity wiLh that in force on the Assam-Bengal Railway.

6. SPECIAL OBLIGA.TlONS OF COMP.ANY IN RBSPECT OF CONVBYANCE OP- (a) MA.lL8. (6) TRoOPS, OFFICIALS, "NO GOVBRN ..""r STORES. The rates ana &lTangemenla in force on StaLe Railways of the metre gauge to apply.

6. POWBR 01' GOVEBmIIC.T TO DETBRIIlNE CONTllA.Cr (BY I PURCHASE A.ND OTHBBW18E). If tho Company fail to commence or (having commenced) to proceed with due diligence and eJ:podition to construct the railway, the Secretary of State may determine the Oootroot nnd take pcssession of the line, &c., poying the fair value of the railway and works.o far as they have been constructed, and of the stores, &c., given np by the Compuny. The Secretary of State may also, by giving 12 montbs' notice, determine the Contract und aequire tbe railway on the 3lat DecelDber 1922, or at the end of any subsequent period of 10 years. • Whe~ t!>e Contract i. 80 determined. the tiecretary of State is to pay to the Company .n IndIa lD rupe.. B sum equal to 25 times the average yearly net earnings for the three previous years, provided thnt such sum is not to exceed by morp than 20 per cent. the balunce on tbe Company's capital account, nor to be lese tban such balance.

7. POWBR OF Co.. p ....r ro SURRBNDBR CON1'BA.OT. (Nil.)



DAT8S OF CoIl1'RACTS.-l!th October 1882. 24th April 1903. (Adoption of 11. 4d. per rupee as the .. pl"'.scribed .. rate of exchange.)

The RohilkuDd and Kumaon Railway (metre gauge) .tarte at Bbojeepura, ]I miles from Bareilly on the Luckoow-Bareilly Railway, and runs to Kathgodam. at the foot of the Kumaon Hills. In addition to ite own line the Company work. the Luckoow-Bareilly State Railway. (See next Abstract).

Under the Contract of 1882 the Govemment engaged to construct and maintain a road from the terminus of the railway at Kathgodam to the Naini Tal Brewery, and the Company to provide and work a transport service over the said road. These obligations, ho\vever, have been suspended by mutual consent.

Terms have recently been arranged for the construction by the Company of branch lines from Bareilly to Soron, Moradabad to Ramnagar, and Lalkua to Kashipur, but the Contract has not yet been executed. One of the conditions agreed to is that the Contract of 1882 shall not be terminated before 1932.

The Government Director does not at present attend the Board, but he will do 80 when the Contract relating to the branches mentioned in the preceding paragraph hlB been executed. ROffiLKUND AND KUMAON RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. L.um. To be provided by tbe Government. Bubject to tb. condition that the Company shan. on demAnd. pay to tbe Government the COBt price of land purchased by the latter subsequent to tbe date of the Contract. • 2. GOVBRNMENT AID (SUBSIDY). GuarDntee of inlerest Dt .. per cent. in Blerling on the capital expended up to 200,0001. until the line i. opened for traffic, but not fOI' longer than the first two years of the Contract. Thereafter a .ubRidy of R.. 20.000 balf-yearly for 10 year. from date of opening. but to cease with the balf-year ended 31st December 11l94. .

.8. DISTRIBUTION OJ' PROI'ITS. During the period tba, the Government is liable to pay inter.st. tbe Burpl •• profits. after repayment nf tbe guamntoed inLerest. to go to the Company. Subsequently. half the aurplu. profits, after 5 per ceut. for the year (within a limit nF 5,0001. for each half year). h.. been appropriated to the Company. iB to be applied in repayment to Govern­ ment of ar,'ean of guaranteed interest. and of interest thereon. The other half and any ultimate surplus to belong to tbe Compo.ny. After the year ending 3lBt December 1897 Government is to receive half tbe Burplus profits in exc ... of 6 per cent. NOTB.-lt hM be.u al1reell that, in calculating the surplus profits for division. sum. received by the Company as 'I.• sbare of the surplus profits of the Lucknow-BareiUy Railway (,.. next Abstract) shall not be taken into account.

4. RATES AND FAR... Muima:- PCI88cnger .- Gooa. Ral.8:-. 1st clastl, 3 annas per milfil. Edible grains. f pie per maund per mil •. Lower class, 4l pies par mile. Other goods) 2 pies per ,M8011nn per mile. Luggage. 2 pie. per mllund per mile. Parcels and live stock at rates not exceeding SO per cent. over rates on East Indian Railway . • Modified in lome partioula.rs by Contract dated 8th September 1890, relating to Lucknow-Bareilly Railway ("6e Dut Abstract) .

... SPBCIAL OBLIQATIONS 011' COUPJ..NY IN RESPECT 011' CONY,BYAHOE Or­ (a) MnL8;- To b. conveyed on payment of Ro. 5,000 halF-yearly.

(6) TROOPS. OFFICIALS, ANI> GOVERNMBNT STOR.... llullion and coin to b. ~onvey.d at special rales.

·6. POWER 01' GoVBRNHBNT TO DETEIWINB CONTRACT (BY PuRCHA!lB AND OTHERWISE). Tha Government may terminate the Contract at tba end of the 30th year (i.•.• on 31st necember 1912) tor tbe 50th year (i.•. , on 31st December 1932) by giving 12 montbs' notice. If the Contract terminate by such Dotice or by efflux ot time, the GO\'erDmeDt is to pay 2.5 times the avera.:,ae net earnings (deducting the GoverDment'li share of Burplal profits) dllring the five ye ..s preceding the t.rmination. The Government mny also determine the Contract at IlOY time on six months' notice if the Comp"ny fail to oboe ... its obligations. on pnyment of the value of tbe permapent-way. stock. Rnd plant, or may cnll upon the Company to accept the same in lieu of pavmen&, in which C8Be the Company -(1DUst remove their property within nine months from the tarmination of the Contract, otberwiso it becomes the property of the G-overnmeut. t The SltCretary of State baa agreed to waive hI. right to terminate the COGtract and purchase the Com.. panY'llio8 OD Slit DeeetDber 1919, but he has Nlened the option of paying. whenever he take. oftr the liDO, the prioe that woald hllYe been payable if he had pW'chased. at that date.


8. TERM 01' CONTRACT (IF ROT DB1'EllHIlIBD UNDER 6 OR 7). 99 yalU'" (i.e. until 31st December 1981). ROHILKUND AND KUMAON RAILWAY COMPANY. (Completion and Working .of Lucknow-Bareilly State Railway.)

HU27. I i ROHILKUND AND KUMAON RAIT,WAY OOMPANY, (Oompletion and Working ot Lucknow-Bareilly State Railway,)

DATES OF CoNTRACTS.-8th September 1890. 31st Deeember 1892. (Advnnce~ of Capital by Oovemment.) 5th February 1901. (Revision of Contract dated 8th September 1890.) 24th April 1903. (Adoption of Ie. 4d. per rupee &II the" prescribed" rate of exch~.)

The Lucknow-Bareilly State Railway is a metre-gauge line connecting the two towns named. The route followed is a circuitous one, tbe direct connection being by the Oude and Rohilkund (\;rosd-gauge) State Railway. By meaDS of the metre-gauge line between Cawnpore and Bahram Ghat, 1Iid Lucknow, the LuckDow.Bareilly Railway is linked with the Bengal and North.Western and Rajput&na-Malwa systems on the same gauge. The line was taken over in lin unfinished state by the Company, which raL.ed the sum of 160,B37l. by the issue of debentures for the purpose of completin"it (BU 20n next page). The remainder of the capital expend.d hus been supplied by th.:' Government. The Contract dated 8th September 1890 provid ...s that the railway shall be worked in conjunction with the Company's own line, a joint account of working expenses being kept and the total amount divided half-yeady hetween the State line and the Company's line in proportion to their respective gross earnings. The Contract dated 5th February 19iH modifies in sarno respects those dated 8th September 1890 and 31st December 1892 r .. spectively. The modifications, which have effect f!"Om the 1st January 1901, are ... follows;- (i.) The division of the gross earnings of the whole system between the Com­ pany's own line &Dd the State Rllil way is altered. It is provided by the new Contract that one-eighth, in.tea.d of one-half, of the earnings f"om exclusively local traffic on the joint line, i.e., the Bareilly-Bhojeepura section of the State line, shall be included in the gro"" earnings of the Company's line; also that the earnings from traffic interchanged between the Company's line and the State Railway (excluding the joint line) or nny other line in connection therewith sl",11 he divide. I between th& two in mileage proportion, two miles of the Company's line being taken as equivalent to three miles of the State line. III other respecte the distl'i­ bution of gl'oss earnings is unchanged, that is to say, each line is to be credited with the earnings from its own local traffic (exceptillg. in the case of the State Hanway, the shal'e of the local earuings of the joint line allotted to the Company's line-su above), and also from traffic interchanged between it and the joint line. (ii.) A separate account of the earnings and expenses of the tonga. service between Katbgodam and Naini Tal is to be k"pt, any Det earnings being credited to tbe Company and any net loss being treated as p"1'~ of the working expenses of the Company's liue. (iii.) The Secretary of State's capital in the undert.. king is to he taken to be, in additioll to the value at cost price "f tho l'ailways, I'ollillg stock, &c., handed o\"er to or retained by ti,e Company on the 1st January 1891 (as in the Contract dated 8th ~eptemb.. 1890), the nggregate amount for the time being advanced by the Secl'etary of Stat~ to the COllipany for capital purposeo of the undertaking, other th&D the sums raised by the i.sue of debentures for the nomina! amount of 147,OOlll. by the Company. (The actual amount realised by the issue w... J 60,837l., as stated above.) . (iv.) Capital advanced by the Secretary of State after the 31st December 190() is to bear interest at :Ii per cent., instead of 4 per cent., the rate payable on adV&Dces prior to that date. In a Contract with the Company relating to the construction of the Bareilly-SoroD nnd other branches of their system, which is now in course of "reparation, it will be provided that, if the Secl'etary of State shall con.tru·~t .. line of l'IIilway from Pilibhit (on the Lucknow-Barcilly State Railway) to Barmdeo, the capital expeuditure shall be included in the Secretary of State'. capital for the pUI-pOS'" of the division of the surplus_ profits of the Lucknow-Bareilly State .Hail way. It will also be provided that the Secretary of State shall not determine the Contract as to the working of the Lncknow- . Bareilly State Railway before the 31st Deeember 1932. The maio conditions on which the State line is ~ow worked by the Company are shown on the next page. ROHILKUND AND KUMAON RAILWAY COMPANY. (Completion and Wor1d.ng of Lucknow-Bareilly State Railway.)


L LAIm. Provided by the Government. • 2. Go'l'1lBtmIIHT AID. Guarantee of principal and interest in respect of debentures for the nominal amount of 147,0001. is8ued by the Company, in order to raise the sum of 160,0001. (tbe IUm actually realised was 160,8371.). The Company undertake to reimburse the Government any amount by which interest payable nuder the guarantee may e"ceed Ro. 96,000 in anyone year.

3. DIITBlBDTlOH O. PROPITS. The profits of the State Railway in each half ye ... are to be applied (1) in meeting payment of tbe interest on the debentures for 147,0001. issned by the Company in 1890, and of interest at 4 per cent. per annum on any further capital supplied by the Company or advanced by t,he Government for tbe undertaking (3f per cent. per annnm on Govern­ ment advanc.. subsequent to 30th December 1900); (2) in payment to Government of intereet at 4 per cent. per Rnnum on the value at cost price of the railways, rolling stock, plant, machinery, and land handed over to or retained by the Company on the 1st January 1891; (3) tbe reoidlle to be divided between the Government and the Company in the ratio of tbeir respective sbar.. of capital in the undertakiug.

4. lU.TB8 AND FAR.S. The Secretary of State to authori.e from time to time maximum and minimum rates, IlIld to prescribe the classification of passengers and goods, as wen as the e"tent to which, within &he maxima and minima, the Company may vary the rates in respect of distance, weight) or special conditions. For trafli. between the joint line (Bareilly-Bhojeepura) and the' Company'. own line, the rates in force on the latter may be levied, ezcept in the case of" food grai,," and salt, and fuel carried for distances exceeding 100 miles (for wbicb last th.. maximum rale i. fI"ed at lth pie per maund per mile),

6. SPBOIAL OBLIGATIONS 01' COMPANr IN RBBPBOT 01' CONVBYA.NCB O~ (a) MAlLS; (6) TRoops, OP~ICIAL8, AND GOVJ:BHHEHr STORBS, To be conveyed on tbe same geueral-conditions as may for the time being be in rorce ou other metre-gauge State Railways, and at rat.. to be approved by the Government. ,Bullion and coin at special rates.

6. POWBB 011 GOVlIBHHBHT TO DBTIIRHIHB COHrB.&CT (ay puaCH.. lI AND OTH8IlWISE). If the original Contract with Ihe Company, dated I2tb October 1882, terminate for any reason, tben tbe Contract for the working of tbe Lucknow-Bareilly State Railway ipsr> facto terminates at the same time. 1'he Go.ernment may detel'mine the Contrac' on the 310t December 1907,- or on the 310t December in any subsequent year, by giving 12 montb.' notice. The Government may also determine the Contract on six months' notice if the Oompany fail to ob.erve its obligations, On the determinRtion of tbe Contract the Government will resume possession of the State Railway, Rnd at ito option will eitber repay the capital that has heen received from the Company fOl' tbe purpos.. of tbe undertaking, or will take over the liability of the Oompany in respect of sucll capital. If tbe capital is repaid, tbe payment may, at the Gption of the Government, be made eitber in England or in India. • The Secretary or State haa agreed DOt to esercise hi, right to determine the Contract under this provilion before &he 311t Docember 1981.




DATE 011 CoNTB.t.CT.-3lst October 1896.

The Segowlie-Raksaul Railway is a branch line on the metre gauge from Segowlie, a station on the Tirhoot State Railway, to Raksaul, on the N epa.l frontier.

The Segowlie-Raksaul Railway Company itself carried out the construction of the line, but it is worked by the Bengal and North-Western Railway Company 8.8 agent of the Secretary of State under an agreement dated 5th June 1899. (See 2 on next page.)

The Contract provide.. for the payment out of capital during construction, of interest at 4 per cent. per annum, and of Rs. 10,000 per annum to c... er the Company'. office and management expenses. The cost of maintenance for the first twelve months after the opening of the line for traffic throughout is also to be defrayed out of capital.

The Segowlie-Raksaul Railway Company is domiciled in India.

Arrangements are in progress for the purchase of the Company's line by the Government on special terms. SEGOWLIE-RAKSAUL RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAND. To be pro,·ided by the Government free of cost to Company.


3. D,STRIBUTIOIC 01' PRonTa. The GOVOfnment undertak.. to work the line. and to maintain it after the firot 12 months from the date of opening throughout, through State or other agency. the n.c..... ry rolling stock being oupplied by the working agency. (The agency employed up to the present h •• been the nengal ~nd North·Western Railway Company. with which an agreement for tbe purpose was entered into by the Goverument on the 5th June 1899). The charge for the provision of rolling stock and the working and maintenance of the line i. fixed at 40 per cent. of the gross earningR in each helf·year. The residue of the /tro•• earningo. after deduction of the cherge for working. &c •• is payable to the Segowlie·Raksaul Railway Company. The Company receives no BSsistance in the form of either gn&r~ntee or rebale.

•. RATES AND FARES. Rate. and fares are to be such as may from time to time be armnged between the Government Rnd the working ""... ncy. but it is provided thet they shall be within the maximum andlminimum rates and fares for the time being in force on the Tirhoot State Railway; also that for rice and grain and seed. booked from station. on the Company's line a rate of i of a pie per mauod per mile will be allowed. The classification of goods i. to be in conrormity with tha, in force on the Tirhoot Railway . .. 5. SPECIAL OBLIGA.TIONS OF COMPANY IN RESPECT OF CONVEYANCII OF- (a) MA.lLs; (6) TROOPS. "FnOIALS. AND GOVERNMENT STORES. (Nil.)

-6. POWER OP GOVERNMElIr."T TO DETEQ.)(INK CONTRACT (BY PUROHASE AND OTHERWISB). The Government may determine the Cuntract if the Company rail to have the rail· way ready 10 be upened ror t .. affic throughout by the 31st March 189B. In case of such detel'mination t.he Company is to gil-e up to the Government possession of the railway. works Rnd .to.... and the Government i. to pay the Company in "upees the fair value of the property so given up. The Government may also. by giving 12 months' notice. determine the Contmct and acquire the railway on the 31st December 1917. or .t the end of any subsequent period of 10 y •.ars. In thia cnse the Government undertake. to pay to the Company in rupees a sum equal to 25 times the average yearly net earnings of the Company during the last pl'er.eding three year., provided that euch sum shalt not exceed by more theu 20 per cent. the total capital expenditure of the Company. nor be les. than such capital expenditure.




DATIl: or CONTBACT.-7th August 1895.

The South Behar Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) is a chord line between Lakhil!erai, on the main line of the East Indian Railway, and Gya, the terminus of the Patna-Gya Branch of the same system.

The South Behar Railway Company supplied the nec ....ary funds and materiala, but the actual construction of the line was carried out by the East Indian Railway Company, which also works it, as agent of the Government, under an agreement with • the Secre\.a.ry of State dated 22nd August 1895.

The Contract provided for the payment of interest (at 4r p~. cent. per annum) out of capital during construction.

The Government Director does not attend the Board. SOUTH BEHAR RAILWAY COMPANY.


I. LOD. To be provided by the Governmen"free of cost to the Company.

2. GoVBIUWBIfT Am (RBB ..n).} lI. DISTRlBDTlOX or I'IIon1'tl. The Government undertakes to constroct (from funds supplied by the Company), maintain and work the railway, through State or other agency. (The ...... ncy employed is the East Indian Railway Company, with wbich an ~ement for the purpose was entered into by the Government on the 22nd Augnst 1895.) For the first two years after the opening of any section the cost of maintenance is to be a charge agaiDBt capital. and tbe Government i. to retain only 35 per cent. of the gross eerniage for providnig rolling stock and working the line, the remaining 65 per cent. going to the Compainy. Thereafter the Government i. to retain 45 per eont. of the gross earninga to meet the COlt of maintaining, Btocking, and working the line, the Company taking the remaining 5,5 per cent. By agreement with the E .., Indian Railway Company the Government allow. to the South Behar Uailway Company, in respect of each half year, by way of rebote on the share attributable to tb. ERSt Indian Railway of the receipto from traffic interchanged between the two railways, Buch 8 8um not exceeding 30 per cent. of such share as is necessary, toge~her with the met earnings of the South Behar Company, to make up nD amount equal to intoreot for tho half year nt th. rate of 4 pOl' cent. per annum on the actual capital ex­ penditure on the South Behar Railway. For the purpose uf calculating this rebate the capital expenditure is to be regarded ua not exceeding Ra. 120 Iakhs, and the amount toward. making up which the rebate i. to be allowed is limited to Rs. 2,40,000 in an)' half year•

•• fuTBS ..,.D F .t.BES. The rateo and fares are to be ouch as may from time to time be agreed upon between the Government and the working agency, subject to the conditioDs that they are to be within the maximum and minimum ratel and fares in force on the East Indian Railway. and that. the classification of goods is to be in accordance with thet OD the East Indian Railway.


~. POWER OF GOVERNIIENT TO DIITEBJIllIB CONT.... CT (aT PURCH..... ANn OTBIIBWI ...). The Government may determine the Contract if, before the IiDe i. open, the Company fail 10 supply fuud. or material. for .the completion of the work. In the evellt of the Contl'&C& being terminated from this cause, the Government undertakes to pay to the Company iD rup... the fair value of the railway, work. and stores given up by the Company. The Government also has power to determine the Contract and take possession of the railway on the 10lh June 1919, or at the end of any subsequent period of 10 yesrs tram tbat date. by giving 12 month.' notice. In case of .uch determination the Government will pay 10 the Company in England an amount equal to the total paid-up capital in sterling, so far 118 8uch capital has boon ."ponded on the undertaking with the authorisation of the SocrellUy of State.




DATES OF CoNTRACTS.-240th November 1890. 27th June 1901 (Construction and working of Pamban and Travancore Branches). . 8th April 1903 (Adoption of lB. +do per rapee &II the .. prescribed .. rate of excbang

'j'h. original South Indian Railway Company ceased to exist at the end of 1890, when the railway was purchased by the • Company's Slock at date of purcbft8e - 3.20~,28n State. The purchase W&I! effected by meana Premium 989,277 of a cash payment of 4o.197.557l.· to the 4.197,557 Company. The Secretary of State assumed all liability in connection with the Company's debentures aud debenture stock.

The present Company (practically the old one in a modified form) was constituted with a capital of I,OOO,OOOl. (8ee 2 on next page), as the agency for carrying on the 'Working of the lines lIfter their acquisition by the Government, and fol' completing a system of State lines which was under construction by the former Company at the date of the termination of ite Contract.

The existing South Indian Railway (metre gauge) consist. of lines from Madro.s vid Villupuram to Tuticorin and TinnevelIy, ..nd from Villupuram to Dha.rmavaram, with branches from Madura to M.. ndapam (Pamban). from Tinnevelly to Quilon (the Travancore Branch) and numerous others. It is in connection with the Southern Mahratta Railway at Dharmavaram, and with the Madras Railway at several points.

The Company works brancb Jines to Poudicherry and K arikal for the French Government, and the Mayavaram-Mutupet-Arante.ngi Railway for the Tanjore District Board.

The Contract dated 27th June 1901 provides for the construction and wOI'king of the Pamban and Travancore Branches. The former is to form and to be constructed and worked as part. of the Company's undertaking. With regard to the latter, which lies partly in British telTitory and partly in tbe Native State of Travancore, tbere are some special provisions, w bich are shown separately in the next abstract.

The Government Director attends the Board. SOUTH INDIAN RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAIIID. To be provided by tbe Government.

2. GOVlO"NlIBNT AID (GUAUNTEE)." The Company to raioe 1,000,000/. by shares or stock, 'on which the Secretary of State /ltuarantees 8 per cent. in sterling, with an additional ~ per cent. till 31st December 1893. Guarantee of principal and intersst in respect of debentures or debentore stock issued for the purposes of the Pamban aud Travancore Branches •

.'I. D'STBlBDTION 01' PROnTS. The net receipta (exoluding thoes of tho Travaucore Branch) to be applied in payment to Government of (1) the equivalent in rupees (at exchange of 14 rupees to the pound) of the guaranteed interest on the Company'a .ha.... capital of 1,000,0001.; (2) the equivalent in rupees of inter.. t at 4, per cent. on 425,0001. irredeemable debeDture stock of the old Company (at .. the prescribed rata" of exchange); (2a) the inter.. ! paid by the Secretary of State in respect of debentures or debenture stock issued for t,he purposes of the PambllD Brancb, and interest (a! 3t per cent.) on any capital advauced by the Secretary of State for the pUl'pO'" of th.t branch ; (3) 3 per cent. on the net expenditure ,ho\vn by the co.pittl,l ndvRoce, stores. and capital accounts after deducting the 8um9 of Rs. 1,40,00,000 and Rs. 59,"0,000 (the contract equivalents of the Company's capital and of the irredeemable debenture stock respectively) and the amount of capital advanced by the Secretary of State or raised by debentures or debenture stock for the purposes of the Pamban Branch; the residuo to be divided in the ratio of the respective ca.pital amounts contl'ibuted by 'he Go

4. RATES AND FARES. Maximum 8nd minimum rates to be approved by Gover~ment.

5. SPECIAL OBLlGATIONS OF COMPANY IN BESPEcr OF CONVEYANCE OP­ (a) MAILS; (6) TROOPS, O'.,CIALS, AND GOVERNMENT STORES. To be conveyed on the same general conditions as on other metre-ga.uge State railways. and at rates to be approved by Government. Bullion and coin at special rates .

.6. POWBR 01' GOVBRNUENT TO DB'rERlIlN& CON'TR~CT (BY PURCHASE AND OTHERWISE). The mil way and an its appurtenances are absolutely tbe property of the Government, which may dotermine the Contract on the 310t December 1910, or 8t the end of any succeeding :Bftb year, by giving 12 months' previous notice, or may determine it by giving six months" notice should the Company fail to observe its obli~ation .. or the line be worked at a loss for not Ie •• than three balf-years .ontinuously. On tbe expiration of the Coutrs.t, tbe Government is to take possession of the railway and aU its appliances, repaying the Company at par ite capital of 1,000,000/. and any further capital rai.ed by it and paid to the Government, and reeeiving from the Company any une"pendod balance of C8pital .d~aDcP.d by the Secretary of State for the purpose. of the Pamhan and Travancore Brancbes.


8. TBRM Ill' CONTRAOT (,.. NOT DETERlIlNED UNDEn 6 OB 7). 20 years (i••.• from lst January 1891 to 31st December 1910). SOU T H IN D I A N R A I L WAY COM PAN Y. (As to Travancore Branch.)

141127. No SOUTH INDIAN RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Travancore Branch.)

DATIl: 01' CONTRACT.-27th June 1901.

Tbis Contract relates to the Patnban ns well as to tho Trav.ncore BrBnch of the South Indian Railway. It provides, however, that the former is to form and to be constructed and worked as part of the Company'. undertaking, and tb. special provisions shown on the next page apply only to the Travancore Bmnoh.

~'be Travancore Branch is a line on the metre gauge from Tinnevelly to QuiJon, lying partly in British territory and partly in the Native St.ate of Travancore. The capital required is to be raised by the Company by debentures or debenture stock guaranteed by tbe Secretary of State as to the principal and interest, or is to be advanced by the Secretary of State at Hl per cent. As between the Secretary of State and the Native State of Travancore, the latter has underwritten the guarantee of interest so far as regards the cost of the portion of the line in its territory. It has further been agreed between the Government and the Travancore State that any surplus profits retained by the Secretary of State in accordance with provision No.3 on the next page shall be divided between them in proportion to the respective lengths of the British and Native State sections of the line, and that the share of any deficiency attributable to the Native State section shU be boroe by the Travancore State. SOUTH INDIAN RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Travancore Branch).


I. LAlm. } 2. GOVBB.... B111: Am. (As in previoUl Abstract).

3. DI81:RlBUTIOJl o:r PROFITS. Ariel' deducting from the gross eerningl of each half·year working expenses (calculated at the same percentage of g"oss earning" lIS obtains on the whole of the Company's system for the eame half.year) ond the nau.l Provident Jo'und contribution, the balance is to be applied (i) in payment to the Secretary of State of the interest on debentures or debenture alock issued for the purposes of the Branch, and (ii) in payment of interest due to the S""retary of State on any capital advanced by him for the purposes of the Branch, and any aurplus i. to be divided between the Secretary of State· and the Company in the proportions in which the residue of net receiplll of the remainder of the Company'. oy8l81n is divisibl. ( ••• 3 in previous Abstract,) U the net raoeipta of the Branch fall short 01' the inter.st charge., the deficiency is to be divided between the Native State and British sections of the line in proportion to the capital cost of the sections, and .. between the S""retary of State and the Company so much of the deficiency as is attributable to the Native State section is to be borne by the S""retary of SlIIte, and 80 much as is attributable to the British section is to be bome by the Secretary of State and the Company in the proportions in which any surplus of net receipts over interest charg•• would have been divisible. The Company's share of any ouch deficiency may be deducted by the Secretary of Stale from ita share of any lurplus . profits due under the principal Contract for the same half.year or under this Contract or &he principal Contract for Ihe Doxt Bncceeding half year.

4. RATBS ARD F ARBS, (As in previous Abetraet).

5. SPRCIAL OBLIGATIONS 01' COIIPA.NY IN RESPECT 01' CONVEYANCE OF-­ (0) M=s; (h) TROOPS, OP"'CIALS, AJlD GOVBRNHBIIT SroRES. (As in previon. Abetract, with the addition that all sorvices which the Secretary ot State may require the Company to perform on the Native State section for any Department of the Travancore GOYemment are to be performed on the conditions in force on otber metr.. ga"., .... State Railways, aDd at such rate. as may be approved by the Secretary of State.)


8. TIm .. 01' COJlTB.lOT (II' R01: DBTBIWIKII:D URDBR 6 OB 7), Thi. Contract i. to terminate simultaneously with the principal Conlrect with tbe Company (,.. previous Abst .... ct). SQUTHERN MAHRATTA RAILWAY COMPANY.


DATES OF CONTRAcr5.-lst June 1882. 28th October 1885 (West Deccan Conrract). 31st August 1887 (Rani-Benur to Saribar and Bellary­ Guntakul Sectionl). 27th February 1889 (Guntakul-Kistna Line). 21st August 1898 (Working of British lection of Guntakul-Yesvantpur line). 8th April 1903 (Adoption of lB. 4d. per rupee as the .. prescribed" rate of exchange).

The Southern Mahratta Railway (metre gauge) extends from Castle Rock, on the frontier of Goa, to the bank of the Kistna river opposite Bezwada, with branches to Poona llnd Hotgi, on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, and to Harihar, on the Myso"e frontier.

In addition to ite own line the Company works the Mysore (Native) State Railways (Bee next Ab.tra.ct), the Birur-Shimoga (Native) State Railway (in Mysore), the Kolbapur (Native) State Railway, the Guntakul-Yesvantpur (Bango.lore) State Railway. which lies partly i.n British territory and partly in Mysore, and the West of India Portuguese Railway. The Company is constructing, and will work when completed, State line. from Bellary to Rayadrug, and from Hospet to Kottur, which have been undertaken for famine protective purposes.

The Southern Ma.hratta system is in connection with the West or India Portuguese Railway at Castle Rock, with the Great Indian Peninsula Railway at Poona and Hotgi, with the Madras Railway at Guntakul and Bangalore, with the East Coast Railway at Bezwada, and with the Soutb Indian Railway at Dharmavaram.

Unlike 0.11 the other guaranteed Companies, except the Bengal Central, thia Company in each half-year takes one-quarter of the nd earni1lgB of' the line, in addition to the guaranteed interest.

The Government Director attends the Board. SOUTHERN MAHRATTA RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LAIOl. To b. provided by the Gov • .."m.nt.

2. GOVBBlfH"NT Am (GUABAN"EB). Guarantee of intereet in sterling on share capital at 31 per cent" and an additional i per oent. untillst Jun. 1887 (BubBequently ."tendeu to 310t Decemher 1890),

8. DIBTBIBU'I'IO" OF PROFITS. Up to 31st December 1890 the net receipto belonged to the Government, unle .. one-fourth part of the ...m. exceeded the extra guarantee of ,per cent" in which case the amount of the .".... wao payable to the Company. After 3lot Dec.mb.r 1890 three-fou.tho of the net rer.eiptB go to the Gov.rnment and one-fourth to the Company.

4. RATEI AND F ARBB. To be approved by the Government, which may require the charge for ••It, coal, and food groinB to be r.doced to any rate oot b.low f pi. per maund per mil., Minimom for paoseng ..... 2 piee p.r mil ••

6. SPBOlAL OBLIGA.TION8 OF OOMPANY IN RKSPBOT OP OONVEyANCE OF­ (a) :MAu.B; (6) TBooPs, OJrPIOIALS, AHD GOV""""""T STOBBS, To b. conveyed on the sam. general conditions as Lhose in fore. on State railways of the metr.-gauge, and at rates to b. approved by the Gov.rnment. Ballion and; coin at special rates.

6. POWBR OF GOVBRHHB"T TO DltTBImI"E CO"TBACT (BY PUBCHAS" AND OTHERWISE).- Th. railway and all ito appurtenances ar. absolutely the prop.rty of the Gov.rnment, which may determine the Contract after 25, 35, or 45 years (i.e" on 30th June 1907, 30th Jun.' 1917, or 80th June 1927), on one year's previouB notice, or on six month!' notice given al any time if the Company fail to ob.erve ito obligationB, or if the lin. has be.n worked at a 10.. for three consecativ. half-y.arB.

7. POWER OP COMPANY TO SURRENDBB OONTBACT.- The Company may determine the Contract on 30th June 1888, or on the ..m. day in any .ub~equent year, by giving one year's [JreViOU8 notice.

8. TBIUI 0" CoNTRA.CT (IJr NOT DBTIIBWNBD UNDBR 6 OB '1) •• 60 yean (to 30th June 1932) •

.. Upon tbe determination of tbp. Contract by emU%. of time or by Dotice, the Government is to repa1 to the ComplD1 the atOount of the par ,..lue of the ehare capital paid to Government.


141117. Pp SOUTHERN MAHRATTA RATI,WAY COMPANY, (As to Mysore Sta.te Railwa.y,)

DATES OF CONTllAOTS.-3lst August 1887. 8th April 1903. (Adoption of Is. 4d. per rupee .. the .. preRcribed" rate of exchange.)

The existing Mysore Sta.te R&ilway (metre gauge) is virtually an extension of the Southern Mahratts Railway from Harihar vid Bangalore and Mysore to Nanjaogud. (The short length from Mysore to Nanjangud, the Birur-Shimoga Railway, and the Mysore section of the Gunta.kul-Yesvantpur Railway are not worked under the terms of this Contr.ct.)

The Southern Me.hratte. Railway Company on the 1st July 1886 took over the working of the portion of the Mysore Railway then open (MysOl'e to Gubbi). It baa since extended the line fl'om Gubbi to Harihar, where it joins the Southern Mabratta Railway. To meet the cost of constructing this extension the Company raised l,224,OOOl. by the issue of debenture stock for the nominal amount of 1,200,OOOl., on which the Secretary of State guarantees interest at 4 per cent. per annum (see 2 on next page). The stock is redeemable on or after the 1st March 1936. The capital raised by the Company for the purposes of the Mysore Railway having been exhausted, it has been arranged that further capital .hall be provided out of the revenues of the Myaore Sta.te. (P.W. 265/03.)

In addition to the guaranteed interest the Company ta.kes one quarter of the net. earnings of the railway. SOUTHERN MAHRATTA RAILWAY COMPANY. (As to Mysore Sta.te Ra.ilway.)


1. I..KD. To b. provided by tbe Gov.rnment• • -2. GOVBBNIIBIIT AID (GUAR.. IITBR). Guarantee of interest in sterling at 4 p.r cent. on 1,200,0001. d.benture stock.

a. DISTRIBUTION 011' PROI'ITI. N.t r.ceipts to b. divided in proportion of tbl· ••·fourths to tb. Government And on.·fourth to the Company.

4. RATR8 AND FARKS. To b. apl>roved by tb. Gov.rnment, wbich may require tbe charge for B.It, cool, and food grains to be reduced to any rate not below one·fifth pi. per maund per mile. Minimum for pass.ng.ra, 2 pi •• per mil~.

~. SPBCIAL OBLIG.&.TIONB 01' CoMPANY IN .aSPECT OF CONVBYANCB OV­ (0) MAILB; (6) TROOPS, OnlolnB, "ND GoVBRIIHBNT STOBBS. To be conveyed on the same general conditioDs as those in force on State railways, and at rates to be approved by the Government. Bullion and coin at Apeeial ratel.

6. POWER OF GOVERNMENT TO DET&RMIN& CONTRACT (BY PUROHASB A.ND oTHBBWlsa). As between the Governm.nt and tb. Company, and wiLhout prejudice to the rights of the Maharajah of Mysor •• the railway and all its appurtenances are dAClar.d to b. absolutely tb. propel'ty of the Gov.rnment, which may determine th. Contract at any time, on six monthe' notice, should the Oompany fail to observe its obligations, or the line be worked at a 10 .. _ It is also provided that, shoul


8. TRBU 01' CONTRACT (I,. NOT DIITBBIIlNBD UNDBB 6 OR 7). 46 years from 80th JUDe 1886 (i.e., until 30th June 1932). SOUTHERN PUNJAB RAILWAY COMPANY.

. '


D~TE8 OF CoNTBACTS.-13th August 11195. 4th May 1899. (Narwana-Kaithal Branch.) 4th June 1908. (Adoption of 11. oW. per rupee ae the "prescribed .. rate of exchangtl.)

The Southern Punjab Railway (5 ft. Gins. gauge) rUns from Delhi vid Bhatinda to Samasatn, on the North-Western State Railwny, shortening th.. distance by railway between Delhi and Karachi by 187 miles, 88 compared with the route vid UmbalIa and Labore. It is in connection at Delhi with the Delbi-Umballa-Knlka. the EBllt IndillD • .and the Rajputana-Malwa Railways, and with the last named lit Bhatinda also.

The tenns of the Contract are based generally on the Resolutions of the Government

-of India as to branch railways, dated the 15th September 18!13 and the ~9th MRlch 1895. The payment of interest (at 31 per cent. per annum) out of capital during .r-onstruction is provided for.

The Company itaelf carried out the construction of the line, but it is to be worked by the North-Western State Railway administration (Bee 2 on next page).

Tenns have recently been arranged for the construction by the Company of Ii line from McLeodganj Road to Ferozepore a.nd Ludhia.na, but the Contract has not yet been executed. One of the conditions agreed to is that the purchase clause of Ute ,Contract dated 13tb August 1895 shall be modified by the alteration of the date on which the Secretory of State may first exerciee the right of purchase from the 31at December 1919 to the 31st December 1923. It has also been agreed that a charge of 5,OOOl. per annum on account of the Company's administrative expenses in England and India (to be reduced to 3,7501. during the construction of the Ludhiana ExteDllion) shall be allowed against the surplus profite of the Company's existing lines before the .division of the latter between the Government a.nd the Compa.ny (_ 3 on next page).

The Government Director does not attend the Board. SOUTHERN PUNJAB RAILWAY COMPANY.


1. LD'D. To be p,.ovided by Government free oC cos. 10 the Company.

2. GoVEBllHIINT AID (REBATE). Tbe Government undertakes. to maintain the line (except dnring the first 12 months after opening, for which period the cost of maintenance will be home by the Company), and also to provide rolling stock and work the line. For the.. Bervices the Government is 10 retain 52 per cent. of the gross earnings. . The Government i. to allow to the Company, in respect of each half-year, by _y of rebate on the net earnings of the North-Western Railway from traffic interchlnged with the Southern Pnnjab Railway and from through traffic between stations of the North-Western Railway ..ntover the Soutbern Punjab Railway, such a snm (not e",ceeding tbe RIIlount of snch net earnings DC the North·Western Railway) as will, Iogether witb the Oompany'. net earning., make up an amount "'Iual to interest for the year at tbe ..,.te of 31 per cent. on the actnal expenditure charged in tho capital acconnt.

3. DISTRIBUTION or PROPITS. Surplns profi ts in excess of 31 per cent. per annum on the total capital expenditure in sterling are divi.ible equally at the close of eacb year between tbe Government And the Company. (II bes been agreed, nud will be provided in the Contract relating 10 tbe Lndhiana Ex. tension which is now in conrse of settlement, that from tbe lot July 1903 nntil the completion of the extension, a sum of 3,7 Sol. per anoum, and subsequently a 80m of 5,0001. per annum, .boll be deducted from tbe net receipts of the Coml,ony's exil¢ing line. on account of tb. Company'a administrotive expenses in England and India before the determination of the snrplus profita for division between tbe Government and tbe Company.)

4. R ..TES ..ND F .. RR•• Rates and fares to be witbin the maximum and minimum rates and fares in force on the Nortb-Western Railway.

4. SPEOJAL OBLIGA.TIONS OJ' CoIIPAlJ1' IN BESPBCT 01' CONVXYANCB OF­ (a) MAILS, (6) TROOPS, OFFICIALS, AND GOVERNU"NT STORES. Rates Bnd arrangem.nts in forc. on State Railways to b. applicoble.

6. POWER OF GOTEBIIM"NT TO DETElUIINE CONTRACT (BY PUnCR"'" AND OTBERWIS"). If the railway .hall not b. con.tructed in accordance with the provisions of the Contract and completed and ready and fit for opening by the 31st December 1898, the Government may determine the Contract and toke po••••• ion of the railway, works, materiala, &c., paying the Company in sterling tbe equivalent of the fair ..alue of tbe property. The Government may also, by giving 12 months' notice. determine the Contract and acquire the line- (i.) on the Slot December 1919,· or at the end of auy sllbs_que.t p.riod of ten years. In this CBSe the Government nndertake. 10 pay 10 tbe Company in sterling a sum equal to 25 times tb. yearly average of the Company's- .h.... of the net. earnin,2s of the railway during the last preceding :five years, provided that such Sl1m sball nOI ."ceed by more tban 20 per cent. the total ..pita! expenditure of the Company in sterling, nor b~ less than such capital expendlture; or (ii.) on tbo 31st Uecemb.r 1948. In this case the Government undertakes 10 pay to the Compony in .terling a snm eqnallo the total capital expenditure in .terling• • It has been agreed, and wiD be prO't'ided"ln the Cont1'8.ct relating to the Ludhian& Extension, which iH BoW in coune of lettlement, that chill date shAll be altered to Slit December 1923.




DATES OF CONTR.A.CTS.-l!8th August 1898 and 16th Janu&ry 1902.

The Tapti Valley Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) is a bl'anch of the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway, extending from Sur'at, on that line, to Ama.lner, where it meets the Jalgaon·Amalner Branch of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway.

The necessary capital was raised in India by the Tapti Valley Company, but the construction of the railway was carried out by the Bombay, Baroda and Central Indik Railway Company, which ,also works it, as agent of tile Secretary of State, under agreements dated 30th October 1896 and 1st February 1901.

The terms of the Contract are based on the Resolution of the Government of India as to branch railways, dated 15th September 1893. fhe payment out of capital during construction of interest at 4 per cent. per annum, and. of Re. 10,000 per &DOum toward.~ management and .office explll,lses, is provided for . • The Contract dated 16th• J nnuary 1902 modifies the provisions of the Contract of 1896 80 far as re~ the charge ~ be made against the Company for the working and maintenance of the line during the continuance of the Contracts between the Secretary of State and tile Bombay, BBfOda and Central India Railway Company relating to the • • working of State branches (Abstract No. 13 in this book). •

The Tapti Valley Railway Company is domiciled in Inaia.



1. LAxD. Land in British territory to be provided by the, Government free of C08t to Company. Th.,. Secretory of St.. te to use his influence to obtain the free grant of land in Native States.

2. GOVll1ll

8. DUTBlBtlTIOK o~ PROWITS. The Government undertakes'to construct the line (from funda supplied by the Company),. and to work .. nd maintain it, through State or other &,\lency, the neces.. ry rolling stock being supplied by the ..orking agency. (The agency employed is the Bombay, Baroda and CenlrBl India Rail ....y Company, with which on agt'eement for the purpose was . entered into by the Government on the 4th June 1896. This ..greement was modified in some respects on the 1st February 1901). During the continuance of the Contracta bet.. een the Secretary of State and the Bomb.. y, Baroda ..nd Central India Ra.ilway Company relating to the working of State branches (.ee Abell'sct No. IS in this book). the charge to the T ..pti VnIley Railway Company in each half-year for the provision of rolling .to~ and tbe working and maintenance of the line is to, be the share of the' general worklDg expenses of the whole of the broad and metre gauge syetem or railw.. y. worked hy the Bomb.. y, Baroda snd Central India Rsilw.. y Company which is. ..ttributable to the T"pti V.. lIey Rail way in proportion to its gross earnings,. provided tb.. t the charge i •.not to exceed ~ per cent. of the gross earnings in any year_ In the event of the termination of the Contracts above referred to, the charge is to be a percentage of the gross ..rnings not exceeding in any lIa1f-yoor that obt.. ining on the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway, nor in ..ny year 50 per cent. The residue of the gross earnings, ..fter deduction of the charge for working. &c., is pay.. ble to the T ..pti Valley Comp.. ny. By agreement with tfle Bomb ..y, Baroda and Central India Ra.ilway Company, the Governmeut will allow to the Tapti Valley Company in respect of each calenaar year, by way of rebate, such a sum not exceeding 10 per cent. of the combined shares attributable to Ihe Bomb.. y, Baroda and Ceutrsllndia and Rajputan.... Malw.. Railw.... s of' the gross earnings from traffic intercho.nged between those railways, or eithel' of them, and the Tapti Valley Ra.ilway, as will, together with the net earnings of the T ..pti Valley Comp ..ny, make up an ..mount equol to interest for the yoar at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum on the actual capital expenditure. 'The Government will also allow the Company the sum of as. 6,000 per anuum towards its omce expen.es and expenses of managt:ment.

4. R ..U8 .urn F "BES. Rates and fures ~re ta be such as may from time to time be arronged between the GovernnlOnt . ..nd the working agency, but it i. provided that they shall be within the maximum and minimum rates and fares for the time being in force on the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railw.. y. The classification of goods is to be in conformity with that in foree on. the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Itllilway. • 6. SPBCIAL OBLIG.. TIOKS 01/ COMP.lNY lK BBSPBCT 0" C01lVBYAKOE OF­ (a) MAILS; (6) TROOPS,OFFICU.J.S, .&ND GOVEBIWlIIIT STORBS. (Nil.)

6. POWBB OF GOVBRNlIENT TO DIlTEB"'N", CONTRACT (BY PtlRcaASE AND OTHERW'SE). The Government may determine the Contract if, before tho line is open for traffic, the· Company fail on d.mand to supply .he fund. required for its completion. In case of such determination the Compnny is to give up to the Government posse!l.<:tion of the railway, work.. and slores, and the Governmeut is to pay the Company in rupees the fair "alue of' t.he property 60 gi"en up. . The GO"ernment moy also, by giving 12 months' notice, determine theJJontrnct and Il\;quire the r.Uway- . (i.) On the 31st December 1921 or at the end of any Bubsequent period of 10 ye ..... In this ....e the Government undertakes to pay to the Company in rupee... sum equal to 25 times the average yenrly net earnings of the Company during the last­ preceding Bve years, provided tll"t such sum shnll not exceed by more than 20 per cont. the total capi.al expencj.iture of the Company, nor be Ie •• than such capital expenditure. Or (ii.) On the 31st December .1950. In this case the Government will pay to the­ Company iD rupe... an amount equal to the total capital expenditure.




DATES OF CONTRACTS.-8th September 1883 and 1st March 1888.

'l'he Tarke.sur Railway (5 ft. 6 in. gauge) is a branch of the East Indian Railway running from Seol'Bphuli, on that line, 21 miles north of Howrah, to Tarkeasur.

The Tark6ssur Railway Company constructed the line, but it is worked by the East Indian Railway Company under an agreement with the Secretary of State, dated 15th September 1887. (See a on next page). The line was opened on the 1st January 1885.

The Tarkessur Rail way Company is domiciled in India. ..\/""7'ARKESSUR Ii-. RAILWAY COMPANY.


I. L~. To be leased to the Company for 99 years at a peppercorn rent.

2. GOVERIOlBNT AlD. No direct Government aid. (It was agreed by tbe Contract of 8th September 1883 that the Government shonld oupport tbe conclusion of an arrangement with the East Indian Railway Company for the working of the line by the latter, _ 3.)

3. DISTRIBUTIOII 0 .. PBOi'lT8. Under tbe existing arrangement witb the East Indian Railway Company, that Company supplies tbe necessary rolling stock and work. the line, in consideration of the following half,yearly paymento:- (a) Working ,xl'en... calculated at the same percentage of tbe gross earnings as obtain. on tbe East Indion Railway system as a whole. (6) Five per cent. of tb. jrr0&8 earnings as bire of rolling 8toek. (c) A r.ontribution to tho East Indi.n Railway Provident Fund in accordance witb the rnles of the Fund. . (d) One-fifth cf tbe holance of the gross earnings after deducting (a) (6) and (c). The remoining four-fifth. of tbe holance of tbe gross earnings goes to the Tark... nr Railwoy Company .

•• lUTKS and FAREI. Maxima:- Pauenger•. Goodo. lst cl .... 12 pi.. per mile. 1st clo .., 1 pie per mannd per mile. 2nd cl.... 6 pies per mile. 2nd cl.... i pie per mannd per mile. 3,d claas. 4i pies per mile. 3rd class, 1 pie per mound per mile. 4th cl .... 3 pies per mile .

.,. SPBCIAL OBLIG&TIONS OP COMPANY IN B&SPBCT OF COKVBTAI(CB or- (d) MAILs. To be conveyed fTee of charge.

(6) TBOOP9. O..,ICIALS, AIID GoV&1UlHJlKT STORII•• To be conveyed ..t opecioJ rates.

.e. POW&B OJ' GOVERNIlRNT TO DKTElUlINB CONTRACT (BY PUBCHA..SB AND OTHERWISB). The Secretary of State, by giving 12 months' previons notice, has the power to determine tbe Controct after the railway has been opened fl'r 30 years. and thereafter at intervala of 10 years. In the event of snch determination, tbe Goyernment is to pay the Company ,. sum equal to the aggregate Det profits during the 20 years pr.. ,ecIiDg.



GUARANTEED RAILWAY COMPA~~ (Contracts with Portuguese Government.)


14017. Tt WEST OF INDIA PORTUGUESE GUARANTEED RAILWAY COMPANY. (Contracts with Portuguese Government.)

DATES OF CONTRACTS.-18th April 1881 and 19tb December 1892.

The West of India Portuguese Railway is a line on the metre gauge in tbe Portuguese territory of Goa, running from the port of Mormugao to tbe British frontier at Castle Rock, where it joins the Southern Mabratta Railway. A ~ection of 41 miles was opened on the 17tb January 1887, and the remainder (10 miles) on tbe :lrd February 1888.

The Company's Contracts are with the Portuguese Government. In addition to the railway the original' Contract requires the Company to construct such works, including a breakwatel' ..nd lighthouses, as may be necessary to make a safe and eonvenient harbour at Mormugao, where tbe Company has tbe exclusive right to construct, work, and use wharves, docks, warehouses, &c.

The treaty of 18711,:to which reference is made in tbe Contract of 11181, was denounced by the British Government in 1891, and the Company accordingly gave six months' notice to the Portuguese Government of its intention to make over to the latter the railway and works. The subsidiary Contl'act of 1892 was, however, entered into, and the Company retained the line.

Arrangements have been made for the working of the railway by the Southern· . Mahl'atta Railway Company as from the 1st July 1902.

Tbere is a representative of the Portuguese Government on th.e Board. WEST OF INDIA PORTUGUESE GUARANTEED RAILWAY COMPANY. (Contracts with Portuguese Government.)


I. LAND. To be provided by the Gover.Ment free of cost to the Company.

2. GOV""""RNT A..tD (GIlAIU.NTE"). Guarantee of inter.st in sterling at 5 per cent. per annum on 800,OOOl •• and at 6 per cent. per annum on any additional capital. The interest is secured (1) on the annual subsidy of Rs. 4,00,000 p.yable by the British Government to the Portuguese Government unde,' the Goa Treaty of 1878, or any'subsidy poyable in lieu thereof, and (2) on the Abkari (excise) duties levied in Goa. Any deficiency is, however, to be made up by the Portuguese Government from other sources.

3. DISTRIBIlTIOII 01" PROFITS. The surplus profits in any year, after repayment of the guaranteed interest for that year, to be divided equally between the Government and the Company.

4. RATES A.IID FARES. The maximum rates and fares to be hed with the consent 9f the Government, and not to exceed the maxima on the Great Indian Peninsula Rsilway.

,. SPBOIAL OBLIGATION8 01' OOM.PANY IN BBSPBOT OF CONVBYANCK OF­ (a) MAILS. To be conveyed upon the ·terms of the Treaty of 1878. <') Taoops, OI"I'ICu.r.S, .&.1!I'D GOVERNJlENT STORES. To be conveyed on the same conditions as on Indian State Railways.

6. POWBB 01' GoVltRNIIBNT TO D~BBMINE THB CONTRA.CT (BY PURCHASE AND OTHBRWISE). The Government may purch ••e the railway and all other works­ (i.) At any time by giving six months' notice; (ii.) At any time after the e"piration of the first 30 years from the date of opening of the railway or any section thereof, by giving two years' notice. In the first case the Government mURt poy to the Company in London a .um in sterling not I... than the amount actuaUy expended by the Company on the railway and other works, with 10 per cent. added, and tbe value of tbe rolling stock, machinery, .tation appliances, and stores. In the second case the price to be paid by the Government is a sum in sterling equal to the amount of the valne of all the shares, dehentures, and stock of the Company calculated according to the mean market value in London during the three yoors immediately preceding the expiration of the two yeart/ notice (such sum not to be I... thllll the amount actuaUy expanded hy the Company on the railway and other work.) plu. the value of the rolling stock, machinery, .tation appliances, and stores. At the expiration of the term of the Contract (99 year., .ee 8) the line become. the property of the Portugu.. e Government, bnt the rolling stock, maChinery, .tation appliances, and stor... and 1liiy other movable property or plant, have to b. paid for at their fair valne.

,.. POWBR or COU"ANr TO 8IlRR&NIlEB CONTRACT. The Company may make over the railway and works to the Government- (i.) In the event of f.ilu... on the part of the Government to pay the guaranteed interest in full, by Itiving siz mootbs' notice ; (Ii.) At any time after the e"piration of the ftr.t 30 yoars from the date of opening of any section of the line without renewal of the Treaty of 1878, by giving two years· notice. In the first case the Company would be entitled to receive from the Government, in sterling. the amount actually expendad on the railway and works, with 10 per cent. added, and the value of the rolling stock, machinery, l'tation appliances, and stores; in the second case. the same amount I... the additional 10 per cent. on the expenditure on the railway and works.

8. 1'I11III 0" CONTRACT (I. KOT DETEIUIUlKD IlIlDER 6 OR 7). 99 years from date of openi~g of line. AP PE----. N'n I X.

LIST of Railways purchased.by the Government of India from Companies.

Working Agency after Method of Payment. Railway. ParchanDa.. o! •• ~ Purchase Price.· PurcbBle. ---- I Caloutta and Sooth.Ealltel'D 1868 8~8,5001. 58. 6d. Casb payment State. (SiDce 1884 in.. eluded in Eaatern BeD~ State Railway System. . Nalbatit 1878 80.0001. Cash payment State until 1892; East - - - Indian Railway Com .. panyaince. Rut Ind ian - - 1879 81,760.0001. Annoity (1.478,750/. Ea.st Indian RailWAY Com .. - for 78 ye&r8 and pan)". (S•• Ab8traO-t 45 days from 1st No. 90.) January 1880). East8rn Bengal - 1884 8,891,91al. 11., 5c1. Annuity State. - (189,161/.5,. 8d. for 73 yean and 80 days, from 80th JUDe 1884).

8cinde. Punjab, and Delhi 1886 14,009,1141, II.8d. Annuity State. (Included in North. (571,8281. 14s. for Western State Railwa,. 74 yean from 81&t System.) December 1885). Oudb and Robilkband - 1888 5,086,0481. 16•. sel. Casb payment State. 4 197.5561. 11s. 2d. Raihra.y South IndilUl - 1890 J Casb payment South Indian - Company. (SeeAbltraet No. 35.) Groat Indian Pentn.ula - 1900 \ •••8 •••• 171. 17 ..• d: Annuity I Great Indiao Peoiotlul ... (1,835.5631. 18s. 4d. Railway Company. (See for 48 yeM!' and 4ij Abstract No.2).) I day. from 80th June 1900). Nilgiri . - - 1905 I 185,0001. • Cash payment Madras Railway Compa,.. --_. '" Except in the oases of tbe Nalhati and Nilgiri Railways. the Govemment, in addition to pn.ying the amounts shown in tbitt column, took over all liability in respect of debentures issued by the Companies. t This line WaR oonltructed by. and purchased from, the Indian Branch Rail .... ay Company (afterwards called the Oudb and Rohilkhand Railway Compaoy).

Arrangements are now' in progress for the purchase, on special terms, of the Segowlie-Raksaul and Brahmaputra-Sultanpur Rail way Companies' lines.

u ..