ABSTRACTS OP CONTRACTS WITH INDIAN RAILWAY ,.' CO MP ANIES • . ··(sEd~rION.) PuBLIC WOIUtS DEPAlll'llBlfT, I!mlA OnxCL 1Ia1190j. TABLE 0 F GON'fE N 'fS. Contract with- No. Ahmedaba<l·Dholka Railway Company 1 Ahmedabad.P.... ntej Railway Company 2 Assam Rail ..;',. and Tmding Company 3 A ....m.Bong.1 Railway Company 4 Barsi Ligh~ Railway Company 5 Bengal Rnd North·Western Railway Company 6 Do. do. do. (as to Tirhoot State Railway) 7 Bengal Central Railway Company 8 Bengal Dooars Railway Company (.. to original line) 9. Do. do. (as to extensions) 10 Bengal.Nagpur Railway Company • 11 Bombay, Baroda and Cent.. l India Railway (Jompany 12 Do. do. do. do. (as to State lines) 13 Brahmaputra-Sultanpur Railway Company 14 Burma Railways Compony 15 Datjeeling Himalayan Railway Company 16 Delhi·UmbaUa·Kalka Raihvay Company 17 Do. do. do. (as to Kalka·Simla Railway) 18 Deoghur Railway Compauy 19 East Indian Railway Company ·20 • Great Indian Penillsula Roilway Company 21 Hardwar·Dehra Railway Company 2Z Indian GeneraJ Steam Navigation and Railway Company (Mymensing.Jamaipur. J agannathgBnj Railway) • 2~ Indian Midland Railway Compouy • 24 14087. I. 1e8. Ino.-$/1804. {;ontract with- .~ No• Madras Railway Company ,- 2ii Do. do. (as to CaJicnt-AzikhBl Railway) 26 Do. do. (as to East Coast Railway, SontherD Section, and Azikbal. MaDgolore Railway) 27 Nizam'. Guaranteed Stole Railway Company .• 28 Do. do. do. In. to Hyderabad.Godnvari VaUey Railway) 29 N oakhali (Bengal) Railway CompaDY 311 Rohilkund and Kuru""n Railway Company 81 Do. do. do. (as to Lucknow-Bareilly Stat. Raihmy) 311 Segowlie-Raksll.ul Railway Company - 38 South Bebar Railway Company South Indian Railway Company 36 Do. do. (as to Travancore Branch) 36 Southern Mahratto Railway Company 37 Do. do. do. (as 10 Mysore Railway) 38 Southern Punjab Railway Company • 39 Tapti VaUey Railway Company 40 Tark.. sur Railway Company 41 Weet of India Portngue.. Railway Company • 42 List of Railways purchased by Ihe Government of India from Companies - Appendix AHMEDAB AD· D H 0 LKA RAI L WAY COMPANY. 14027. A AHMEDABAD-DHOLKA RAILWAY COMPANY. DATES OF CONTRACTS.-25th Ma.rch 1902 and 17th September 1902. The Ahmedabad-Dholka Railway Company's line (metre gauge) is a branch of the Rajputana-Malwa Railway, extending from Sabamlllti (3i miles nort·h of Ahmedabad. on the Rajputana Section of the latter railway) to Dholka in Gujerat. 'The necessary capital was ra.ised, in India, by the Ahmedaba.d-Dholka Railwa.y Company, but the construction of the railway was carried out by the Bombay. Bal'oda and Central India Railway Company, which a.180 works it, In agent of the Secretary of Stete, under an a.greement dated 18th July 1902. The terms of the Contract are based on the Resolution of the Government of India as to branch railways, da.ted 15th September 1893. The pa.yment out of capital during construction of interest at. 4 per cent. per annum, and of Rs. 5,000 per annum towards management a.nd office expenses, is provided for. By the Contract dated 17th September 1002, the Secretary of State agrees to take fully-paid shares in the Company to the nominal value of Re. 59,900 in part payment of the cost of earthwork constructed by fnmine labour and of surveys carried out prior to the formation of the Company. The Ahmedabad-Dholka Company is domiciled in India. AHMEDABAD-DHOLKA RAILWAY COMPANY. MAIN PROVlSIOS"S OF CONTRACT. 1. LAlCD. To be provided by the Government free of cost to Company. 2. GoVBRNlIEIIT AID (RBBATB)'} 3. DISTRIBUTION OP' PROFITS. • The Govemment undertake. to constru", the line (from fouds supplied by the Company). and to work and mRintain it., through Stnte or other ag@Dcy, the necessary rolling-stock being 8upplied by the working agency. (The agency employed, in the lirst instance, i. the Bombay, Baroda ond Central India. Railway Compa.ny, with which 8n agreement for the po"pose wa. entered inro by the Government on the 18th July 1902.) Durin/( the continuance of thE' working agreement with the Bombay. Baroda and Central India. Railway Company, the charge to the Ahmedabad·Dholka Company for the provision of rolling-stock and the working and mainteollnce of the line is to be the ahare of the general working f'xpenses of the whole system nf the broad anel metre gauge Jines worked by the Bomb.y, Burodo nnd Central India Railway Company "'hich i. attributable to the Abme· da.bnd-Dholkn Railway in proportion to its' gro~s earDin~!t, provided that the cbarge is not to exc('ec1 .,4 per eent. of the gross ('arnin~ in any year. In the event of the working agreempnt with the Bornhay, Uarodu. and Central IndiA. Rllilway Company terminating before the contract with the Ahmedabad·Dholko Railway Company, Ih. charge for working the latter Comptmy's line is to be such percentage of the gross earnings 8S may be pro\"ided ill any other working agreement thnt may be entered into, or, if the line is worked by State allener, Buch pel'centage 88 the Secretary of State may consider just or I"f'BsoIlQ.ble; but it ;s not: in either CI1se to exceed t.he percentage or working exptnses on gross earnings obtaining on the Rajputann.-lfalwR Uailway, 01' 50 per cent. in any yP.nr. The residue ot tbe gl'OSS f"fLI'Dings, after deduction of the chllrge for working, &c., is payable to the Ahmedabad·Dholk~ Company. By ugreement with the Bombay, Baroda aoel Central India R&ihvay Company, the Govern.. ment will allow to the Ahmedabad·Dholkn. CompAny in respect of each calenJar year, by wuy of rehute, flinch 0. sum not exceedin~ 10 per ('eut. of the combined shares attributable to tho Bombay, B31·0tlIL nod Centrullndia nnd Rajputana-Malwa Railways of the g:ross earnings from traffic interchanged betwt'E'11 those railwnYfI, or t:ither of them, and the Ahmedabarl-Dholka Railwuy, as will, together with the net earnings of the Ahmedabad· Dholka Compony, make up an amount eCJlml to intere~t for the ye.'1r at the rate of 4 per cent. rer annum on the actual cDpital expenditure. The Government is also to allow the Comlmny the sum of Rs . .;),000 per o.lIuum towards its office expenses and expenses of mlloAgement, hut. when the Company's net earningtl in nny year ex.ceed 4 per cent. on the capital expenditure, the excess is to be applied towards the reducti(ln of t.his allowance. 4. RATES AND F ,mBS, Rates and fares are to he such as may f!"Om time to time be arranged between the GClvern .. ment nnd the workin~ agency, but it is provided that they shall be within the maximum and minimum rates Bnd JOfes tor the time being in foroo on the &jpUlana.-Malwa Hallway. The classilication af good. i. to ba in conformity with that in forc. on the Rajputana,Malwa Railway. 5. SPECIA.L OBLIGATIONS OF COMPANY IN lI:ltSPECT OF CONVEyANCE OF­ (a) M .. ILO; (6) TROOPS, OFFICIALS, AIID GOVERNMBNT STORES. (Nil.) 6. POWER OF GOVERNMENT TO DET.t:.RHINE CONTRACT (BY PURCHASB A.ND OTHERWJSE). The Government may determine tbe CODlfnet if, before the line is open for traffic, the Company fail on demand to supply th. funds required fo,' its completion. In case of such determinBtion the Comp&Dy is to give up to the Government possession of tbe ruilwaYt worke, Bnd stores, and the Government Us to pay the Comp:my in rupe.as the fair value of the property so given up. The Government may also, by giving 12 months' notice, determine the Contract and acquire tbe I'ailwayon the 30th .June 192~ 01' at the end of any.ubsequent period of 10 yeor.. In this ease the Go"el'nment undertakes to pay to the Company in rupet'8 a sum equal to 25 time. the average yearly net earning. of the Company during the laat preceding three y ....... provided that .oeb .um .ban not exceed by more than 20 per cent. the total capitol expenditure of tbe Company, nor be less than such capitnl expenditure. ' 7. POWER OF COMP.A..NY TO SURRENDER CONTRACT. • (Nil.) 8. TRIlu OF COl<TRAC1' (IF NOT DETERmllED UNDER 6 OR 7). (None specified.) AHMEDABAD-PRANTEJ RAILWAY COMPANY. 14027. B AHMEDABAD-PRANTEJ RAILWAY COMPANY. DATES OF CONTRAc'fs-l:)th March 1896 and 29th January 1902. The Ahmeelabnd.Prantej Company's Railway (metre gauge) is a branch of the Bombay, Baroela and Central India Railway, e> tending from Ahmedabad (the junction of the latter line with the Ru.jputann·Malwa Railwe.y) to Prant.j anel Ahmednagar. The necessary capitul was raised in India by the Ahmedubad-Pl'Ilntej Company, but the construction of' the railway 'tHS cafl'ieJ out by the Bombuy, Baroda and Central India Railway Company, which also works it, as agent of the Secl'etary of State, undcr agreements dated 4th June 1896 and 1st February 1001. The terms of the Contract are based on the RCRolution of the Government of Inelia as to branch railways, dated 15th Sept~mber 1893. The payment out of capital during construction of interest at 4 per cent. per annum, and of Rs. 5,000 per annum owards management and ollice expenses, is provided fur. The Contract dated 29th J nnuary 1902 modifies the provisions of the Contract of 1896 so far as regards the charge to be made against the Company for the working and maintenance of tbe line during the continuance of the Contracts between ti,e Secretary of State and tbe Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway Company relating to the working of State branches (Abstril.et No.
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