Refere 10/88/37
REFERE 10/88/37 INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS CANONICAL GROUP ACTIONS Jose F. Carinena INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION T IC/88/3T International Atomic Energy Agency and I. LOCALLY HAMILTONIAN DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS United nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization 1. Review of the theory of symplectic manifolds. In these notes (M,(*>) denotes a BYtnpleetic manifold: A/ is a finite-dimensional differen- tiate manifold and u is a nondegenerate 2-form which satiafiei du = 0 (that i&, u» e Zi(M)). INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS The dimension of M is necessarily even. For general resultB, reference textbooks are, for instance, [l] and [2]. The following well-known result characterises these manifolds completely, from the local [joint of view: THEOREM I (DARBOUX). Around each point u e M Acre is a local chart (U:ip) such that if 4 - (»\--.>4w;pi,---,p<v). th™ CANONICAL GHOUP ACTIONS ' A dpi. (1.1) Recall that the nondegeneracy of w is equivalent, by definition, to the property that the maps utu : TVM —*T^M, given by: {wu(v),v') :=r wu(v,v'} (1,2) Jose F. Carinena * have maximal rank. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy. Now, the resulting map w : I'M •—* T' M is a base-presfrving Jibered mrtp, \.t\, the following diagram commutes: TM I- 1- M —^- M Tims it itnlutes a niap]>ing beLwten sections which, with a slight abuse of notation , we will alsrj write w, Now let H £ Cno(Af), the set of infinitoty dilTercntiabl*1 functions on A/, and lot.
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