Eeeptaeae Reizoirt
• 1111111,11111111,0,111111 Ulu Mimi! nira1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111■111111111.111111111111111111111,31111111. I Eeeptaeae Reizoirt of the State of Oregon 1955 I I•11 1111111111•11111.11111.1.i-irimni.ii ii• 1111111111.,111.1111111011111111111111111111114111. 00.r 0.;wp.); $ 7474 cgrmiscoN4 SILVER SALMON LIBERATION-TRIBUTARY YAMHILL RIVER I I II [1111,,11111•11111111 1111111111.111. II III 11111,,,,I111 .1111,,I1111 III BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE FISH COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OREGON TO THE Governor and the Forty-eighth Legislative Assembly 1955 FISH COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OREGON Hon. John C. Veatch, Chairman, Portland Hon. Robert L. Jones, Clifton Hon. Don C. Ellis, Garibaldi M. T. Hoy, State Fisheries Director REPORT OF THE FISH COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OREGON 3 Letters of Transmittal Portland, Oregon, July 1, 1954 TO HIS EXCELLENCY, the GOVERNOR, and the MEMBERS of the FORTY-EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Gentlemen: Herewith is transmitted the biennial report of the Fish Commission of the State of Oregon for the period from July 1, 1952 to June 30, 1954. FISH COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OREGON John C. Veatch, Chairman. 19.1111.11111111.1 lllllllllll 1/1■1111t1l1111.11111111.11111.11.1.11101 lllll 111.11,111.111.■1■111.11.1 lllll 11.11/11111111110111 lllll 1111.1. lllll 110011111U lllllll 111.011111111.1110./1/l11141111I.01.11.1111.11.11111■1. Portland, Oregon, July 1, 1954 FISH COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OREGON, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions of statute, I herewith submit for your consideration the report of the operation of the department together with financial statement for the biennial period July 1, 1952 to June 30, 1954.
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