August 2017 West Seattle Petroglyphs Page 1 Volume 52, Number 7

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August 2017 West Seattle Petroglyphs Page 1 Volume 52, Number 7 August 2017 West Seattle Petroglyphs Page 1 Volume 52, Number 7 Monthly Bulletin of the West Seattle Rock Club, Inc. Seattle, Washington Website: Our Club: Practices the Rockhound Code of Ethics Meetings: Visitors are always welcome! WEST SEATTLE PETROGLYPHS Mike Wall, Editor P.O. Box 16145 Seattle, WA 98116 email: [email protected] August 2017 Aqua Aura Quartz August 2017 West Seattle Petroglyphs Page 2 WEST SEATTLE ROCK CLUB, INC. Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 16145, Seattle, WA 98116 The purpose of this Club is to promote the study and enjoyment of the Lapidary Arts with good Rock- hounding and good fellowship; and to further education and lapidary skills for all; to conduct field trips for exploration and collection of minerals, gems, rocks and fossils; to promote shows and displays; to publish a monthly periodical known as West Seattle PETROGLY PHS relating to club activities. **************************************************************************************** OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS (2017): President Diane Christensen (206) 582-2267 Vice President Hannah Roberts (206) 412-5498 Secretary Sue Fox (206) 835-0774 Treasurer Audrey Vogelpohl (206) 932-3292 Federation Director Audrey Vogelpohl (206) 932-3292 Director at Large Ken Schmidt (206) 932-3626 Mineral Council Reps Katherine Koch (425) 765-5408 Seattle Regional Reps Lyle Vogelpohl (206) 932-3292 Newsletter - Editor Mike Wall (206) 476-6471 Current Past President Rich Babcock (206) 326-8951 **************************************************************************************** COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS (2017): Show Chair (2018) Diane Christensen (206) 582-2267 Programs <Vice President> <Vice President> Refreshments/Hospitality Sue Fox (206) 835-0774 Membership Mary Bentler (206) 932-6108 Historian Annette Nelson (206) 379-3677 Library Chair Jim Ewins (206) 283-6914 Field Trips <Open> <Open> Webmaster Donn Ullery (206) 550-1318 **************************************************************************************** AFFILIATED WITH: Northwest Federation & American Federation of Mineralogical Societies Seattle Regional Gem and Mineral Show Committee Washington State Mineral Council ALAA – American Lands Access Association **************************************************************************************** Meetings are held on the Fourth Wednesday of each month, except for November which is the THIRD Wednesday and no meetings in July and December The meetings are held in Adams Hall of the Tibbetts United Methodist Church 3940 41st S.W. (corner of 41st S.W. and S.W. Andover Street) Seattle, WA 6:00 PM – Junior Meeting 7:00 PM – Adult Meeting Dues are: $20.00 first year (including name badge), then: $10.00 per adult member per year or $15.00 for 2 adults in same family, $3.00 per junior member per year VISITORS ARE INVITED AND ARE ALWAYS WELCOME TO ALL MEETINGS All material in this Bulletin may be reprinted if properly credited - Exchange Bulletins are most welcome. August 2017 West Seattle Petroglyphs Page 3 CLUB CALENDAR about enhanced stones, and be sure to bring an enhanced stone for show and tell. August 23, 2017 Rock on, Junior Meeting (6:15 pm) Diane Christensen Program: Maps—Annette Nelson General Meeting (7:00 pm) WHAT’S INSIDE Program: Enhanced Rocks — YouTube Videos Club Calendar 3 Show & Tell: Enhanced Rocks President’s Message 3 What’s Inside 3 8/21/17 3 PRESIDENT’S WSRC June General Meeting Minutes 4 MESSAGE 2017 Refreshments 5 Hello fellow rockhounds - The Fukang Meteorite...And Pallasites 5 Largest Oriented Pallasite 6 The July picnic was a success. The weather was great, and we were able to get a spot in the WSRC July Fieldtrip–Garnets 7 shade. A big thank-you goes out to Ken Schmidt for grilling all the burgers and hot Having Fun: Junior Activities 8 dogs. The members brought a great variety of food. Thanks also goes out to Russ Thom, Peter Working With Faulty Electrical Equipment and Carole Jennings and Mary Bentler for do- Can Make You Become A Real Live Wire! 9 nating items to the auction. A total of $167 was collected from sales at the auction. Auqa Aura Quartz 9 The field trip to collect garnets had a great turn 2017 Field Trips 10 out. There were 16 members, friends and fami- ly total. Again, thanks Ken Schmidt for making 2017 Shows 10 sure everyone had garnets to bring home. If you were not able to make this trip, sorry but you 8/21/17 will have to wait until July 2018. (You can only collect garnets near Heather Lake in the month of July). The program this month will be on enhanced rocks. We will be watching you-tube vide- os. Enhanced stones can be heated treated or infused to alter the color and clarity. It can be infused or filled with an oil, wax, glass, resin or other material (colored or colorless) to improve the stones appearance. Stones could also be bleached or dyed. Some stones like opals are Only humans could make this much fuss coated to alter surface consistency and durabil- over a shadow. ity. Come to the meeting (August 23rd) to learn August 2017 West Seattle Petroglyphs Page 4 WEST SEATTLE ROCK CLUB – GENERAL MEETING MINUTES June 28, 2017 Business: The meeting was called to order by President Diane Christensen. Sue Fox announced there were 13 adult members, 2 junior members and 1 guest present. The door prizes were won by Emily Brune, Mike Wall, Na- taly Quevedo, Lola Smith, and Irwin Shenker Committees: Junior Advisor Coordinator (Audrey Vogelpohl): Annette Nelson was the junior program presenter – topic: “How to Prep for a Field Trip”. Tonight’s program was the 3rd requirement for the field trip badge. Seattle Regional (Lyle Vogelpohl): no update, Lyle not in attendance. Northwest Federation (Audrey Vogelpohl): no update, Audrey not in attendance. Treasurer Report (Audrey Vogelpohl): Audrey not in attendance; Irwin Shenker became a member (Welcome to the club, Irwin!) Editor's report (Mike Wall): The next Petroglyphs will be published in August. Washington Mineral Council (Kat Koch): no update, Kat not in attendance. Librarian (Jim Ewins): no update, Jim not in attendance. Refreshments for the meetings (Sue Fox): August meeting: Joe Moushey and Herb Vail will bring snacks, Brooke Wagner will bring drinks. Historian (Annette Nelson): no update Field Trips and Shows: 5 spots are still available at the NW Rockhound Retreat, West of Fossil OR, September 7-14 July fieldtrip for garnets (Heather Lake Trailhead #1526) Surveying club members for the date that works for most. Diane has driving directions available and will tag roads signs to help guide Will need a NW Forest pass ($5 per day or $30 per year, available at Big5 in Westwood Village) or there is a day pass machine at the trailhead parking lot. Mandatory to have a copy of the WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife “Gold and Fish” rules for Mineral Prospecting and Placer Mining. Meet in the parking lot at 11:00am (so plan on leaving Seattle around 8am) 3 hour drive each way, 50-minute hike No cell service available If you can’t make this trip, the NW Federation has a trip planned August 5 New Business: Board meeting: The next board meeting will be on August 2nd, location TBD. JULY PICNIC, July 26th, start around 5pm Location: Me-Kwa-Mooks Park (4503 Beach Drive SW, Seattle, 98116) Club to provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns Seating limited – may want to bring a chair Auction at the picnic (if you have rocks to donate, please bring them) (Continued on page 5) August 2017 West Seattle Petroglyphs Page 5 (Continued from page 4) THE FUKANG Show and Tell: What is your favorite METEORITE...AND rockhounding tool? Dave Clausen and Diane Christensen had their PALLASITES entire backpacks on display Lola Smith: garnets from last year’s field trip fukang-meteorite.html inspired by the July/August 2016 Franklin County Rockhounder. And, yes, these Annette Nelson: hammer, rock bucket, agates can be found at the Tucson show. and garnets that she has collected Amy Prehm: wet wipes, collapsible shovel (with a serrated edge to cut roots), carnelian, jasper, petrified wood Lola Smith won the “show and tell” raffle Program: Field trips – tools and planning Dave Clausen gave a fantastic presentation showing his rockhounding tools and everything in his back- pack. Diane Christensen gave us the “girl version” backpack. The meeting was adjourned; Refreshments were served. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Fox, WSRC Secretary 2017 The Fukang meteorite, believed to be some 4.5 billion years old, which is as ancient as Earth itself, was un- REFRESHMENTS earthed near a town of the same name in China, in 2000. It is a pallasite, a type of meteorite with translu- cent golden crystals of a mineral called olivine em- Note: The sign-up sheet is available at our meetings. bedded in a silvery honeycomb of nickel-iron. It’s a Please signup. Note: All the spaces are full for this gorgeous meteorite, and possibly the most stunning year. Thanks to everyone for bringing refreshments! extraterrestrial piece of rock man has ever seen. If you were not able t support this year, you will have another chance next year. The Fukang meteorite was found by a hiker. The man had often stopped and had lunch on this giant rock, This Month — and he always wondered what the metal and crystals were. He finally took a hammer and chisel and broke August some pieces off, which he sent to the USA to confirm that it was a meteorite. Snacks: Joe Moushey (15-20) Herb Vail (15-20) The original meteorite weighed just over a thousand Drinks: Brooke Wagner (30-40) kilograms, but the rock was so brilliant that every- body wanted a ——————————————————- piece of it. Since Follow-on month reminders: then it has been divided into September dozens of thin slices and auc- Snacks: Amy Prehm (15-20) tioned or distrib- Diane Christensen (15-20) uted around the Drinks: Sue Fox (30-40) world.
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