THURSDAY,Newfound JULY 21, 2016 FREE IN PRINT, FREE ON-LINE • WWW.NEWFOUNDLANDING.COM Landing COMPLIMENTARY Newfound's Class of 2020 takes part in Bridge Academy BY DONNA RHODES Yeakel said last
[email protected] week that the acad- BRISTOL — A to- emy was begun sev- tal of 60 members of eral years go to help Newfound Regional at-risk students cross High School’s incom- the bridge into high ing freshman Class of school but was soon 2020 chose to take a broadened to include few days out of their all freshmen. summer vacation to “It just made sense prepare themselves for to open Bridge Acade- the transition to high my up to all of them. It school by participat- lasts for four days, and ing in one of the two in that time, they be- available sessions of come oriented with the Bridge Academy, a fun layout of the school, and informational pro- see their schedules and gram offered through learn the bell system the school and led by they’ll need to know Extended Learning Op- when going from class DONNA RHODES portunities Coordina- to class,” explained Members of Newfound Regional High School’s Class of 2020 enjoyed four days of participation in the school’s Bridge Academy, tor Amy Yeakel. Yeakel. where a part of the experience included a field trip to Wellington State Beach for teambuilding challenges and a bit of fun. Not only that, the other. of adulthood now and students learn team- “They build a lot of all of this is will be work in a fun, interac- soft-skills along the important in their fu- tive way that develops way that are in de- ture,” she said.