Honoring the heroism and courage displayed by airline flight attendants on a daily basis.


MAY 13 (legislative day, MAY 9), 2002 Mrs. FEINSTEIN (for herself, Mrs. HUTCHISON, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. DASCHLE, Ms. CANTWELL, Ms. COLLINS, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. REID, Mr. WARNER, Mr. BAYH, Mr. BINGAMAN, Mr. MURKOWSKI, Mr. TORRICELLI, Mr. DUR- BIN, Mr. GRAHAM, Mr. STEVENS, Mr. DAYTON, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. EN- SIGN, Mr. REED, Mr. SPECTER, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. BOND, Mr. CRAIG, Mr. HUTCHINSON, Mr. KERRY, Mr. DODD, Mr. CORZINE, Mr. WELLSTONE, Ms. LANDRIEU, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. WYDEN, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. HATCH, Mr. NELSON of Florida, Mr. BUNNING, Mr. SANTORUM, Mr. FEINGOLD, Mr. ALLEN, Mr. HOLLINGS, Mr. DEWINE, Mrs. CLINTON, Mrs. LINCOLN, Mr. SMITH of New Hampshire, Mr. SCHUMER, Ms. SNOWE, Mr. CLELAND, Mr. BREAUX, Mrs. CARNAHAN, Mr. DOMENICI, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. JOHNSON, and Mr. LIEBERMAN) sub- mitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Honoring the heroism and courage displayed by airline flight attendants on a daily basis.

Whereas over 100,000 men and women in the United States serve as flight attendants; Whereas flight attendants dedicate themselves to serving and protecting their passengers; 2 Whereas flight attendants react to dangerous situations as the first line of defense of airline passengers; Whereas safety and security are the primary concerns of flight attendants; Whereas flight attendants evacuate passengers from an air- plane in emergency situations; Whereas flight attendants defend passengers against hijack- ers, terrorists, and abusive passengers; Whereas flight attendants handle in-flight medical emer- gencies; Whereas flight attendants perform routine safety and service duties on board the aircraft; Whereas 25 flight attendants lost their lives aboard 4 hi- jacked flights on September 11, 2001; Whereas 5 flight attendants helped to prevent United Flight 93 from reaching its intended target on September 11, 2001; Whereas flight attendants provided assistance to passengers across the United States who had their flights diverted on September 11, 2001; Whereas flight attendants on Flight 63 helped to subdue Richard Reid on December 22, 2001, thereby preventing him from detonating an de- vice in his shoe intended to bring down the airplane and kill all 185 passengers and 12 crew members on board; and Whereas flight attendants helped to prevent Pablo Moreira, a Uruguayan citizen, from breaking into the cockpit on February 7, 2002, during United Flight 855 from Miami to Buenos Aires: Now therefore be it

•SCON 110 IS 3 1 Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives 2 concurring), That Congress— 3 (1) expresses its profound gratitude for the 4 faithful service provided by flight attendants to 5 make air travel safe; 6 (2) honors the courage and dedication of flight 7 attendants; 8 (3) supports all the flight attendants who con- 9 tinue to display heroism on a daily basis, as they 10 had been doing before, during, and after September 11 11, 2001; and 12 (4) shall send a copy of this resolution to a 13 family member of each of the flight attendants killed 14 on September 11, 2001. Æ

•SCON 110 IS