Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA ICAO Action Plan on CO2 Emission Reduction of Switzerland June 2012 Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) ICAO Action Plan on CO2 Emission Reduction of Switzerland Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA Division Aviation Policy and Strategy CH-3003 Bern Principal Contacts Alice Suri Urs Ziegler Scientific Advisor Head of Environment T +41 (0)31 325 09 22 T +41 (0)31 325 91 10 F +41 (0)31 325 92 12 F +41 (0)31 325 92 12
[email protected] [email protected] FOCA June 2012 ©Photo FOCA 2009 2 ICAO Action Plan on CO2 Emission Reduction of Switzerland Table of Contents Introduction I Introduction 5 II Current State of Aviation in Switzerland 7 2.1 Legal basis 7 2.2 Aviation Policy in Switzerland 8 2.3 Sustainability 9 2.4 Structure of Civil Aviation Sector 10 2.5 Swiss Aircraft Register 12 2.6 Operations 12 2.7 Traffic Performance 16 III Historical Emissions and Prognoses 20 3.1 Historical Emissions 20 3.2 Forecast 22 Section 1 – Supranational Measures IV Supranational Measures 24 4.1 Aircraft related technology development 24 4.2 Alternative Fuels 26 4.3 Improved Air Traffic Management and Infrastructure Use 28 4.4 Economic / Market-Based Measures 31 4.5 Support to Voluntary Actions: ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation 33 Section 2 – National Measures V National Measures 36 5.1 Aircraft related technology development 36 5.2 Alternative Fuels 36 5.3 Improved Air Traffic Management and Infrastructure Use 36 5.4 More efficient operators 38 5.5 Economic / Market-Based Measures 39 5.6 Regulatory Measures / Other 39 Conclusion VI Conclusion 41 Appendix Appendix 42 3 ICAO Action Plan on CO2 Emission Reduction of Switzerland INTRODUCTION 4 ICAO Action Plan on CO2 Emission Reduction of Switzerland I Introduction a) Switzerland is a member of the European free trade association EFTA and of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).