New Models for Universal Access to Telecommunications Services in Latin America
NEW MODELS FOR UNIVERSAL ACCESS TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES IN LATIN AMERICA: LESSONS FROM THE PAST AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A NEW GENERATION OF UNIVERSAL ACCESS PROGRAMS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY PRINCIPAL AUTHORS PETER A. STERN, PH.D, LEAD CONSULTANT DAVID N. TOWNSEND, SPECIALIST CONSULTANT, ECONOMIC AND POLICY ANALYSIS WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF JOSÉ MONEDERO, SPECIALIST CONSULTANT, POLICY AND TRADE CAIO BONILHA RODRIGUES, TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST ROBERT STEPHENS, CONSULTANT VIET TRAN, EXPERT, FORECASTING AND MARKET DEMAND ANALYSIS LOCAL CONSULTANTS JULY 2007 LATIN AMERICAN FORUM OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS REGULATORS Ceferino Alberto Namuncurá President, REGULATEL 2006-2007 Auditor, CNC Argentina COMITE DE GESTION Ceferino Alberto Namuncurá Auditor, CNC Argentina Oscar Stuardo Chinchilla Superintendent, SIT Guatemala Héctor Guillermo Osuna Jaime President, COFETEL Mexico José Rafael Vargas President, INDOTEL, Secretary of State Dominican Republic Pedro Jaime Ziller Adviser, ANATEL Brazil Guillermo Thornberry Villarán President, OSIPTEL Peru Gustavo Peña-Quiñones Secretary General Printed in Bogota, Colombia by Ochoa Impresores Ltda ISBN: 978-958-44-1291-1 All rights of publication of the report and related document in any language are reserved. No part of this report or related document can be reproduced, recorded or stored by any means or transmitted in any form or process, be it in electronic, mechanical, magnetic or any other form without the express, written permission obtained from the organizations who initiated and financed the study. The views and information presented in this report are the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views, opinions, conclusions of findings of the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (Regulatel), the World Bank through its trust funds PPIAF and GPOBA, the European Commission and the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC).
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