Nederland High Cheerleaders and Boost
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• t. - ,._ l'... ... "-• ...... MR. TRAHAN PROVES TO BE MOST Early last fall the PILOT Staff decided to spend several months paying particular attention to tho e persons who contributed most to the welfare of the ederland High chool tudent body. Thi spring we selected the per on who ha been an inspiration to all of u , someone whose life touches each one of us every day, omeone who is the admiration of the student body and faculty alike. For his uncomplaining cooperation. absolute dependability, and long, often-thankless working hour , we wish to how our sincere appreciation and offer a grateful thank by dedicating the 1961 PILOT to Mr. Trahan. WORTHY OF PILOT DEDICATION Mr. Trahan ees to it that our school is kept clean. Wanda Corbello presents Mr. Trahan with the PILOT Dedication at the o matter what he is doing, Mr. Trahan has a Honors Day program. smile for everyone. It' all in a day's work to see that every· thing is ordered and kept in order. 5 ADMINISTRATION In the following several page , I the high chool faculty. They work to teach us what they can, Everything from A to Z. The executive and their ecretarie , Toil to build a better chool. Their daily ta k are never-ending; Routine hard work, their main tool. The coache are found on the field of port The mu ic instructor have their clas e . The teacher all work o diligently, Determined to educate the ma se . pon oring duties and the grading of tests, Eliminate free time hour , And eldom are they paid by u , Neither with apple , prai e, nor flowers. POPUL TIO E PLO ION INCREASES SCHOOL PROBLEMS FOR SUPERINTENDENT Orland Strickland, Superintendent of Schools 90A&D or EDCCAnOlt 1')1oor L Ka.---. P....W.•t Nederland Independent School District ..........,..,,. L.. ......a.iot.r ._.._,.,. V.,._l'ru.h~ P. 0. Box 908 °".. " .,__ W'Ul&NW~ PWI W H&Mle7 lll•Yr!.celCMtlealo Oo'luwlll11tlckl.t..MI h,..rt.1•9'••1 f'ai:J(CD'ALI ft&l,...H ft.dseo ..,.,_ita•aa•r J.. n..i.1u, Hi,ti kMol v • ._ R R..•h. J......,. e1n ~ a.... p on... ~ ... pt ....IU••••I ,_ 1-ntd.IM I: --·~w .. _ CHtnl .. i.....u- Els-.lAl'J'c.-u...,. To The Students. Faculty a.nd Friends of Nederland High School This thirty-ei9htb edition of the Pilot ifies the standards of work, play ana creativity vhich charactcriz@' the Nederland Hiqh School. Inside these covers exist the records of many fond memories, many hours of laborious work, as well as a proper amount of play. Thia book should be a treasured possession which will 1t1ake it possible for you to rem.inisce through the years 1 and remembering our school days and school friends i• important. A sch?Ol yearbook i• a livin9 history, and we all need the written word as well as the picture in order to refl'lember. The Staff and Faculty Sponsor of your pu1:f'l 1cntion · are to be com1u!mded tor their long hours and dedicatPd work. It would indeed be interestin9 to take • peek into the future and exu1ine the livea of thoae individual• who arP represPnted between theaP covers. Fvery peraon pict1.:red here haa a •1asion in ..kin9 thia world • better place in which to live. After thirty yeara or ao aome of you will be able to examine theae pa9es and deteraine to what extent various individuals have made use of their God- 9iven Ulents . The challenge is severe and the taska are many. Are you willing to do your part? Sincerely yours, CD~SCH~ Orland Strickland, Superintendent 8 THESE DEVOTE UNSELFISH HOURS TO PROVIDE US THE BEST CHOOL BOARD-FRO T ROW: Harry L. Che ter, Tyler Kirkland, Amidee Morgan. ECO D ROW: W. W. inclair, E. T. mith, Jr., Phil Handley. (not hown) Oyde Brown. The chool hoard member• participate in the TB test· ing program . .;" \('11 l ·: ll .. 111 I \I Claude Gilson, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction 9 BEHIND US ST A D THE THINJ(ERS-OUR PRINCIPALS Joe Fiedler, Principal Oiarles Thomas, Assistant Principal 10 ALL JOBS HAVE IMPORTANCE IN THE EDUCATIONAL WORLD BOWDEN COOK, B.S. HAROLD McGill, B.A. Physical Education Guidance Director .H.S. Coach Baylor Athletic Director Texas Tech ELWOOD KETTLER, B.S. Athletic Director Texas A.&M. EDNA BRADY Secretary BETTY RITCillE Attendance Clerk EVEN VER ATILE WOMEN PERFORM NUMEROUS DUTIES 1r . fary Perryman, ecretary Mrs. Gloria Brown, ecretary to to the uperintendent and Re the As istant uperintendent for cording ecretary to the chool In truction. Board. :Mrs. Roxy Thornell, .H . ., of the Future 'urse . Mrs. Elaine McGaffey, ecretary to the Busi ness Manager, and Mrs. Anne pruill, Book keeper. 12 TEACHERS' ACTIVITIES AWAY FROM SCHOOL ARE VARIED ART MARIE LIVELY, M. Art I, II Arts and Crafts Journali m Bulldog Beat pon or Pre Club pon or Quill and roll ponsor Art Club ponsor East Texa Bapti t BUSI ES In modern art anything goes. AO~H GLEA 0 , A.B., M.A. Bookkeeping I, II Typing F.T.A. ponsor ational Honor ociety Sponsor West Virginia University Breakfast is the best time for enjoying the paper. Evidently the southern breezes don't reach this far north. BILLIE foCLURE, B.B.A. MA VI WILLIAM , B.S. Typing I, II horthand I, II Pep quad Sponsor Typing II Cheerleader Spon or Pep quad ponsor Stephen F. Austin Cheerleader ponsor Stephen F. Au tin 13 TEACHERS GAIN THROUGH DRIVER'S EDUCATION JACK McGAFFEY, B.S., M.Ed. Drivers' Education Health Phy ical Education tudy Hall Lamar Tech, University of Texas I haven't gotten seasick yet. DA VE MITH, M.S. Driver's Education .H .. Coach Texas A. & I. This painting is not easy. ENGLISH ELEA OR ANDERSON, B.S. English II Latin I, II Latin Club ~ponsor orthern tale Teachers College No, I'm not working hard. HAZEL J. CHAMBLE , B.A., M.A. English IV Pilot Sponsor Quill and Scroll Sponsor Press Club Sponsor North Texas State I waded in the water 'ti! I got my feet all wet. 14 IN-SERVICE TRAINING ENGLISH ERNE Tl E FLEM! G, B. ·. Busine s Engli h Secretarial Training Typing I tephen F. Au tin othing so good as food! ELIZABETH GUAR ERE, B.S. English III Abilene Christian College Maiiana PEGGY PENROD, B.A. English Il, III Study Hall Lamar Tech Homework. DELLA S. POOL, B.S. English II Lamar Tech Mirror, Mirror, on the wall ... 15 TEACHERS ST AG FOREIGN LA GUAGE GEORGE W. 1ARTI , B.A. panish I, II tephen F. Au tin What I'd like to know is how they got this road through these moun tains. MATHEMATICS MO TE AARON, B.S. Commercial Math General Math tudy Hall Lamar Tech Which end of this gun does one shoot from? CHARLES B. JORDO , JR., B.A. Senior Math Texas A.&M. There had better not be any film in that camera. J MES C. ROGERS, B. Algebra II Plane Geometry Lamar Tech I can trust you to keep my secret, can't I? 16 NNUAL REVIEW MATHEMATICS W. L. EWELL, B.A. Algebra I Plane Geometry Baylor This is the best cure for a hard day's work. WILLIAM E. TA ERT, B.S. Plane and Solid Geometry Trigonometry Advanced Math Physics tudent Council Sponsor Stephen F. Austin I'm going to be just like my daddy. MUSIC 1AR1L Y HO CHE , B.S. Choral Club Westernaire pon or Lamar Tech Now where is middle C? ORVILLE A. KELLEY, M.Ed. Band East Texa tate The cafeteria i the be t place to be during second period. 17 CONFERENCE PERIODS ARE PHY !CAL EDUCATION 1ARY T. ARM TRO G, B.. Physical Education Baylor hoot, this ain't heavy at all. JOE L. BORING, B. Biology Health Physical Education .H .. Coach Texas A.&M. Should the teacher stand so near? BOBBIE L BU HNELL, B.S. Physical Education Health American History Texas Woman' Univer ity Let's move these bu hes some where el e. JOH DAY, B.S. Physical Education am Houston State 18 But I don't want to smile for the birdie. CONVENIENT COFFEE BREAKS SCIENCE L J. BROUSSARD, B.S. Biology Advanced Biology Univer ity of Houston You should have seen the one that got away! ROBERT L. GO S, M.A. Biology \ Stephen F. Austin . 'I .raw No, sir, I'ln not henpecked! WILLIAM E. VILHA, B.A. Chemistry I, II Study Hall Science Club Sponsor Daniel Baker, Baylor Just coffee and a newspaper keep me happy. 19 TEACHERS PARTICIPATE IN SOCIAL TUDIES DICK BUR ETT, B .., M.Ed. Civics Economics American History Physical Education N.H.S. Coach tephen F. Austin Be ure to put that back when you are throu1th with it. J CK HA WTHOR E, B.S. American History World Hi•tory .H .. Coach Texa A.&.M. It's not o bad once you get the hang of it. BEVERLY MINALDI, B.A. Civics Economics Lamar Tech Per onally, I prefer picnics to cooking at home. JOE PEACO K, B.S. American History Speech Drama Club ponsor Lamar Tech It's amazing what one can do with make· up. 20 CIVIL DEFENSE PROGRAM VOCATIO ALS WILLIA\1 L. COOK, B.. , M.Ed. Vocational Agriculture F.F.A. pon~or Texas A.&M. ee what a green thumb will do for you. YVO E ROWE, B.S. Family Relations Homemaking III F.H.A. ponsor Stephen F.