The Ledger and Times, March 28, 1964
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 3-28-1964 The Ledger and Times, March 28, 1964 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, March 28, 1964" (1964). The Ledger & Times. 4469. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - P' • 41,1 1 27, 1964 .1•••••• ead of the regular • • ce several council- ted by school being week in Apra, and from the regular 9 IN • • aticeseu Asia Li cieat NeWepaper ur Line The Afternoon Daily Newspaper :1st For Murray and Calloway County Ales [ Miited Press international In Our 85th Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afirrnoon, March 28, 1964 Murray Population 10,100 Vol. LXXXV No. 75 kCKER ,RUSHES . •EARTHOUAKE, TIDAL WAVES HIT ALASKA 1,0LORS Murrayans Active Byron Furgerson Of 300 Miss Peden In Fraternity Life Finishes Training Hardin Girl Estimates Dead 50 To At Murray State FUrgerson NOELS - AHTNCI -- Pvt. Byron IR May Seek Post Jr., whose parents live in Dexter, Injured When Fires Blaze In Many Cities Local students are tweet in fra- completed eight weeks of mai- ternity life at Murray State College. !miry police training at the U.S. • FAIRBANKS. Alaska VII -- Fire The streets are rippling hke an Included among those installed in Army Tratimag Center. Fort Gor- "lit By Car In Congress Sigma and tidal waves teemed Alaskan ocean wave Cars sre rolling " Lambda Iota. honorary busi- n, Ga . March 19. During the Cities in Then the voice faded. ness fraternity are Billy Estes. soph- received instruc- today the wake of Friday e Furgerson front of the J C. Penney otnore of Murray. Steve Foust, sen- Trouble hit the Benton Mullins night's violent earthkuake one of The PRANICFORT. Ky - in such subjects as civil and 11N5SEIS ION The family of near Herdin again yes- the most nowerful ever recorded, store, five stories high and half a ior of Murray: Bob Harry. junior law, traffic control. map .tudicial bunch of state govern- 'mitten block long, collapsed into the street. of Murray and Roy Riley, senior of and terday wheo their eight year old The office of Gov William A. is housed on the second floor reading, prisoner-of-war control daughter Bonny Ftamona Mullins Egan in Juneau said estimates of The store was still open when the of Capitol Murray. self-defense. The '42-wear old soldier the where 43 tentraita was struck by an automobile. 50 300 quake struck and it was feared Regular members installed by entered the Army 111 November 1963 read ranged from to MIMS of former members of the Court of was mashed to the new Mar-* victims would tie found in the Sigma Pi Saguia, honorary. physics and ccaipleted baste training at She Apiseake are hung along the hall- County Hesntal for emerg- The rumbling temblor jolted the debris fratentity included Larry Bingham, Fort Polk. La. Furgeraon is a 1969 shall wars ency treatment, then brought to state at 5.45 pm (10-45 pm EST) junior, Murray. Michael Morgan, graduate of Almo High School and Normal communications with Al- These portraits were presented in Murray Hoetal. She suffered cutsthepi , while shopners still crowded An- junior, Murrey. Stanley Parker. attended Murray State College. aska were knocked out but military honor of the &mediate judges by over her body. a fracture of the4 chorage stores. 1LOR KITS junior. Murray and Charles Rob- authorities reported necessary chon- Mende or members of their fami- right leg and a fracture of the collar In Anchorage streets rippled like ertson, sophomore. Murray. nels open. and said their air raid lies. but few tourists ere able to dis- bone ocean wives business buildings and Associate members installed in- warrung defense systems ere oper- tiriguish one jurist from the other The accident occurred about 3:30. homes collapsed and thousands of cluded Donald Oliver. freshman. a t mg Only five of the portraits etill Of after school and she was persons fled outside in freezing , Murray. Louis Parker. sophomore, Mother shortly bear nameplates The dther austere 0 LOURS Murray, John Winter, sophomore, admitted here at 4:50. Flight Turned Back gentlemen are anonymous to any Murray The family lost their home In visitor other then relatives or those The only Murrayans In Alaska at The Air Force and civilian disas- Judy Thomas. sophomore. Murray Albert Tracy the March 4 tornado and another Who knew the Judges during their this time, as far as can be deter- ter agencies. including t he Red win elected president of the Alpha , tenell daughter was injured at that service on the bench years ago mined. are It, and Mrs. Dan Thom- Crow moved swiftly to the stricken Omicron Pi sorority. I 11:)i time. ' The lock of identification is the as MA/MILS!, and their Ian. Victor state but the first flight from Jun- The local Pi Kappa Alpha fra- es Thursday Linn Funeral Home. ambulance Lon Mills result of all-toonmeave souvenir col- Marshall, Lt. Marshall Is with the eau was turned back because of tenuty ranked first in scholarehip • brought Bonny to Murray. lectors. for the most part Most of Adjutant General's Department of weather conditions at Anchorage In 1962-63 among chapters at col- the portraits bare the mines of the the Arms Is Anchorage. Alaska. Lt.. The Tactical Air Command raid leges and unaernties with enroll- judgiss on snail metal plates which Marshall is the son of Mr. and Mrs 162 doctors, nurses and medical ments of more than 2500 This is were attached to the eirture frames Mrs Rita Booth Tracy. mother af Carl Marehall of Murray route one technicians with portable hospital the second straight year the chap- Murray Hospital Inlaid metal chains Tracy of Murrst, Mn, Marshall is the former by narrow Professor Albert and facilities would be flown to Elinen- ter won the honor. diemPtieared over the away at the hone of a Olivia Sarnett, daughter of Mr. and AFB from Pope APB. Fayette- Thete dates - pawed Census - Adult 66 doil years and the court decided it would Washington. DC She Mrs 011ie Barnett of Murray route Slaughter in Cerwas - Nursey 8 ville, NC w as not be wortbirldle to replace thent Would have been 90 years old on1 one. Adult Beds 65 Interna- for future 'vandals" Alvie Galloway The Kober at Anchorage Nay 30 New Cassette 0 ~dog seams *range that por- Mrs. Ramat 1 taphal airport'"pilahed a,nd It was Suffers Painful Mrs. Tracy was barn in IMarielea. Patients admitted from Wednesday treks hum to honor distingutshed 'reputed Mx were killed. Ohio on May 30. 1874 of pioneer 111.30 a.m. to Friday 9:641 a.m. that !bey reseived se word jurirac do not curry Me identifica- Accident Tuesday Only 3.000 feet of the main runway parents Hem father was a drinruner Mae Suzette &sole en South from their daughter, bet that the tion of the men they represent was unable Civilian air traffic was Urns la new hat tini• tor the ladies, but boy in the Civil Wax and was cap- 12th: Mrs. Albert Tracy. 1704 Ryan, military bad tamed a statement in- Hay TIME-Any - Alvie Galloway. Murray rout e diverted to nearby Elmendorf where In Easter macs Here actress Carol Charming tured at Harper's Ferry at the age Allison. 304ts South dicating that no mUltars personnel especially three. suffered a painful injury Mrs Birdie runways were undamaged in New Yore. Edward T Breathitt return- their dependents had suffered peeps around an array ot French imports of 14_ 11th, Eluford Brown. Box 401; Mrs. or sent a company of military ed home Thursday night from a Tuesday about 2 30 little digging determin- Reeves ,29 had been living in recent Harold Irvan. Rt. 5. Mayfield; Char- Injury as far as could be She Post-legialative vacation to be with post holes With a power driven poet policemen and other military per- years with her daughter Mrs. Helen les Johnson. RI 1: Mrs. Dorsey Hen- e* at this time, patrol his family for Easter He plans an- hole digger The incident occurred sonnel into Anchorage for Allen of Washington. DC. Mr. don and baby boy. Rt 5, Mrs. Emma I. yd. Atomic Cutback To other within a short time-thie time near Shiloh F. and rescue duty Allen is a.ssociated with the office Peters. Rt 6, Thomas D. Taylor, Choirs, And his wife will soromparty him -ear- Mr Galloway stepped up on an weather. Ilinelier shocks continued Affect Paducah .: Mrs. Conrad Outside Anchorage the hardest down of aril Defense in Washington 1157 College 8th ly next year arm to "ride" the augur into to wade fires blazed in coastal Kodiak. Profeanor Tracy Jones, 1314 Wells Blvd N W11- Alaskan cities were Valdez. the ground and • nail in the power She is arrived by ankh by tidal waves. Tidal WASHINGTON UPI --The Atomic borne, 417 8 9th, Gregory Edison, cities Seward. and Oordovaall on t he Li Om' and Mra Harry Lee takeoff caught his left pants leg of Murray, the daughter Mrs Allen sped thousands of miles Instrumentals Energy Commission today announc- College Court travel alto coast. and another daugh- 415 and a Water-field will Vend Easter week- arid began to twist it In snow way of Washington, to Haerek and Japan.