T ry t h e w e a t h e r crallv"fv “I"' sh“wcrs today; sen- THE HILLSIDE TIMES ra,,y ^air tomorrow. For Your Next Order Of PRINTING

OL. XIII, No. 697 HILLSIDE, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1938 OFFICIAL NFWSPAPI. OF TilK TOWNN1111* OF INI PRICE FIVE CENTS Don’t Renamed Judge Carey Speak Child Council Av aiversary I t’s Here Again: Daylight Saving Bobertz Mention It At Anniversary Dinner Powers Sought Slogan Chosen Making it official, the Township To Place elected after .Hillside seceded from Several residents were up in arms First Township Committee- Union hi 1913. Definition of Duties Will Committee voted Daylight Saving- Returns this week at the road department Raymond Wolf Wins IVizc Time for Hillside Wednesday night. men Will Be Present Official greetings will be' extended’ Clocks must be turned ahead one Men working on the new road re­ by Township Committee Chairman Be Requested ol County With ‘Hillside’s Grow­ pair project came through several hour at 2 a. m. Sunday, meaning On Board Former Judge Robert Carey, of Harry R. Vogel, who expects to re­ Juvenile Commission ing—Keep II Going’ the lass of an hour until the last streets put in good shape last year, Jersey City, well known throughout turn from a Southern vacation in and1 began to sweep up the dust and Sunday in September when the extra To Post the state for his addresses at patri­ time for the dinner. Entertainment Definition of the powers and duties hour will be returned. small particles of stone. otic affairs and gatherings such as will be provided by local talent, in­ of the local Juvenile' Delinquency “Hillside's Growing Keep It Go­ Accused practically of “stealing" Frank E. Hockenbury Gets the township’s twenty-fifth anni­ cluding solos by Miss Lois Mae- Council will be asked of the Union ing" is the slogan for the township the street, the road department suf­ Mahon, now a student at the Juil- County Council for the Prevention as it prepares to celebrate Its twenty- Another Term on Assess­ versary dinner, will be the chief rive years of progress. Blmnbinjr Inspector Who fered in silence until residents who speaker for the event next Thurs­ liard School of Music; Miss Arlene of Crime in Youth by the Township Will Resume complained were advised that the ment Commission day night. Althenn, who lias won widespread Committee. The slogan was selected Monday Had Boon Seriously sweeping up is to prepare for the approval for her whistling and sing­ The action was voted Wednesday night by a committee ‘‘oT* judges III Is Welcomed The dinner will be held at the from ' among 1,600 submitted by completion of last year's repairs. ACCEPT OFFER FOR Winfield Scott Hotel in Elizabeth. ing; Miss Eleanor Otto, tap dancer, night by the officials, who created Streets on which new surfaces were According to reports of sales so far and Seymour Lowy, young accordion the body last, year at the urging of junior and senior high school pupils. WPA Classes laid last year will be “sealed’1 this LONG AVE. REPAIRS soloist. the county eounCil. The request will ’The winner of the $25 watch of­ CLEANUP WEEK SET to the ticket committee, it appears fered by David Uonzei, ol the (vi­ year, preventing rapid deterioration, probable the maximum- of 285 will Numerous invitations to old time, be sent to Mrs. Anita S. Qunrle.s. Reg is I ration lor Mu- new term ■ a FOR MAY !) TO 14 and will ljeep them in good condition Frank E. Hockenbury was renamed residents of Hillside issued by the secretary of the council, for ihat bration romn\il/t

rx, THE HIEESIDK.TIMES,x fc j] FRIJDAY, APRIL 22, 1038 Page Three

“Informed public opinion In (lie nnmt po­ "A fre«> p i nIj ii h Ih iih one o f (he greatest tent of nil rf-H(mJ,nt8 upon miHjfovernmont.” Interpreters between the government and the — I’. S. Ouprenifl Court; plMtple. T'« allow It 10 ue lettered Is to fetter HILLSIDE TIMES EDITORIAL PACE oiirNrU i‘n.rV N. Supreme Court.

OUT THE WINDOW! menus also have’ |een made for Moscu enter race fori Republican The car was driven by Arthur Contest For .separate performances • for women Township Committeeec iihumiliations, Eisner, 30, of 275 Oakland terrace. ®lj? lijiUsaiiv (Hiutfs only, and men only. following former Gommittoeman She was treated a t the office of Dr. Printed and Published every Friday at The first 250 women inline at the Harry Schnabel. Milton M. Lilien, township physician. 1443 N orth Broad Street, Hillside, New Jersey Hoy Scouts box office at 11 a. m. Friday and Committeeman James A. Dowd de­ Detective Thomas Duffy investigated. by th e Saturday will be aiimittocj five. No clines toy for second term on The girl apparently ran into the HILLSIDE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY adult man or woman should miss Towhshlp Committee, entering As­ street from behind a parked car. Sidney Silverstein...... Business Manager A contest among Boy Scouts ol the this picture th a t has awakened a sembly fight. Former Judge Samuel ja Robert Kaplan ...... Editor township on their own views ol the nation, where the simple truth is 13. Gould also enters Assembly scrap. CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Telephone WAverly 3-24C5 value ol fiisi. aid training Was an presented In a clean, moral and in­ James H. Purcell and John R. "Probation After Death” Ik the lioumvu for ijio week ol May 15 telligent m anner. The sponsors have Heine named as Unopposed Demo­ Lesson-Sermon subject for Sunday, SUBSCRIPTION RATES I to 21 Monday night at a meeting ol arranged to have nurses in attend­ cratic candidates, for Township April 24, in all CJirislian Science e TIMES will be sent to any p art of the United States for the lhe iiilisiue Boy Seoul ltound Table ance at all shows. Committee. Churches and Societies throughout subscription price of $2.00 a year, single copies 5 cents. Postage at the Boy. Scout cabin m Race George H. Rutman Jr . member the world. ada and foreign countries m ust be added to these rates. street,. of -General Board of Improvement The Golden Text i.s: "Verily, ver­ i It was announced an award ol a Assessment Commissioners dies of ily l -say unto you, The hour is com- COMMUNICATIONS | .-Tillable fir si aid kn will be made Looking Hack bronchial pneumonia. ing. and now is, wnon the dead shall le TIMES is always pleased to publish letters and other items of by Julius Miller, local druggist, to hear the voice /ol the Son of God: t to readers, and invites such communications. The name and j iUe umnei in t .a ll troop heie. ON I)KAN’S LIST and they Tlillt hear shall live.” s of the writer must be given in every#case, n(^necessarily for | f.ssays oil the .uiujeol, 2l)i) words en Years Ago HACKET TSTOWN M u , Louise (John 5:25). ition, but as an evidence of good faith. Anonymous communications in length, will b< submitted a week Bownc, a junior al Centenary Junior Among the Lesson-Scrm'on cita­ >t be published. | previous. Township Committee decides to College, i.s oil the Dean's list for tions is the following from the Bible: Benjamin llah , chairman of the rezone only northern and southern (he midsemester as announced re­ "1 shall not die, but live, and de- j Kuuiiu f Table, named a committee parts of Maple avenue for business, cently by President JL. J Ti;,morrow clare the works of the Lord.” JOB KILLER! oj^ judges' as lollows: J. Leeds after stormy hearing. Miss* Bow iV is lie daughter ol Mr i P.-mlnis 118:17). | Brown. Arnold li. MeCloW and Dr. Lincoln Republican Club giv mil Mrs. George E. How in . of 711 The Lesson.-Sermon also includes he Number 1 job killer! j Henry J. Konzclmann. support to Janies E. Stem lor Towb .William.--on avenue. Hus passage lrom the Christian j Dim i iei CTniiinis.sioner Brown an- ship Committee; Ezra Woodrnll lor ea nee textbook, "Science and hat is the way the Businessmen’s Tax Advisofy j hounccvi lii.ii 1 ;uop 71, of which Tax Collector, and LeRoy (i. Hoe.-dy <1111 I) I I I ! B Y ( M l Health will) Key to'the Scriptures" mittee characterizes the Federal Tax on Capital [Fred Ihi.seiiian is .scoutmaster, by for Freeholder Bel l \ Rosner. 7. ol 151 1 la • \ • Mary Baker. Eddy: "In the illu- s. twinning its tilth Red Star rating Deadline loi .filing ol nominal ibn.. line, received loeeriiiioiu. on lu-i ii ol draili mortals wake to the at the animal inspection last month, lor primaries sees Committeeman and bruise;; iy the left wrist knowledge ol two facts: (1) that he reason for that is clear. Jobs depend on invest-’ ; is entitled io Golu Siar rating, lied John E. Trousdell, William A. Swivt- both legs l.isi Friday win n she Ibe\ are not dead; (2) that they I Star liilin i.. gained on 85 per t ent laml and Jam es E: Stem m Republi­ struck 1\\ ear In Bailey avenue have bin passed the portals of a t. And the capital gains levy, because it prevents average oil e u-ii siiujeet eoiL.ideieu. can rat e for Township Commit ice; near Maple avenue. buliel" (p. 251). * n8 savings to work, by exacting excessive tax pen- ■ Troop 71 won ns rating in 1932, Koben i ). Race, Ezra Woodrnll and ! l u j ; id;,, end ill.;;;, li had a Charles Weidegieen lor'lax Culler s from those who are fortunate enough to make a t'UctjI • iVvvi a ,i« ol Up. 1 this year for, and Freeholder 1). Leeds Al fij, , t on a business or investment venture, retards and compared Willi 1)0.2 last year Jr. anil LeRoy (g Hoe.sly for ’ Free­ lit* also announced Troop 73 had holders; Democrat's. .Samuel Allcorn 3 investment—the source of all jobs and all pro- won. iLs four Red Stars, with a gen­ lor Township Committee; William KOPPfilt’S ('OKU or ive wealth. eral average- <>t BUG. a jump lrom JJ. Howland l’ftr Tax Colleeior, and Harry A. Jordan for Freeholder, HA ZEt. tCOAL his organization also points out ar fact that is 00.8 to which ii lull last .war. Troop i 73 won J\Vd .Star laling previously Harry Schnabel, president ol Hill­ | in 1034, 1935 and 1938. A good jump side Trust Company, announces pm- OltltKK NOW AT ling and is not widely known. According to U. S. eliu.se ol land aU Hillside and Liberty LOW PRICES isury data, for the year 1935, the capital gains levy atrical work but the be. I their agiiil jin the average for Troop 7.2, was ‘Sally, Irene Fred Allen, can do is to gel ihem j also aimouin JToop 74, which avenues as future site of bank build­ Use our Summer Hudgcl Plan soak the little fellow tax. In that typical year, jobs as manicurists in a swanky did'not*-participate tills year, is now ing. hotel. progressing, slowly in retn.ganimation. l i v e Years Ago for Your Next Winter’s Supply. ■egate capital gains were much larger in the lower Brown said. Benjamin Hide, Committeeman me than in the higher income brackets. And the Mary’To Open Associate Feature Edward W. Earle, cubbing chair­ Shin ley H- Weston and Ilerberl A ) of capital loss (for vvhieh little credit is given in Debonair William Powell . . man, announced that Walter li. Lee lovely Annabella1 will a.ssunu; the respun.-ubililies ol vik jam Hal e Coal Co. •ing tax returns) t f capital gains was highest in There are stars enough, lauglf.s, cub music; lor lis new cub; pack tunes and gags enough tor a dozen He’s the perfcel bull.”.' and lie for boys from 9 lb 12 to be sixmsored 137 1 Liberty Ave. Phone Unionville 2-2244 Hillside, N. J. lower income brackets. It’s the “little man” who big musicals, plus a screenful of the perfect lady. by the Hillside Avenue School stuck hardest! romance and that extra zing and They’re perfectly sensational, co- Parent-Teacher Association. WELSH EACH LOAD DELIVERED IS CAREFULLY WEIGHED sparkle that make it Darryl F. starred together in "The Barones1; The' Round Tabic accepted an in­ Businessmen aren t the only ones who are fighting Zanuck’s top-hit show, in "Sally, and the Butler,” Darryl F. Zanuck ., vitation to become a member of . the Beauty Academy capital gains measure. An army of distinguished Irene and Mary,” 20th Century-Fox newest 20th Century-Fox hit pro­ Council of Social Agencies of the picture coining Saturday to the May- duction which opens Satin : area of Elisa,,t ill, Lindt n. Hillside. lomists are fighting it. Publicists by the score are fair Theatre. I t’s Bill Powell at his best', .un­ Roselle.and Roselle Park. BioWll The El,IZABETH-WELSH sys­ Gibing its’dangers. Thus, Mark Sullivan recently Alice Faye and Tony Martin sing lovely Annabella . . . in her lit.si was named b,v Chairman ilale as the. tem of teaching Beauty Culture the tunefullest songs you’ve ever Is recognized in the Profession as American-made picture . . . the most official deleg.ue to- Council : meet­ te: It America is to be kept a going concern, the heard, as only they know how. With ings. ' being of the highest quality. Fred Allen of radio’s "Town Hall glamorously exciting personally ever ital gains tax must be repealed or greatly modified." to, grace the screen. , Our Instructors lire practical Tonight,” twice as funny face-to- ‘FORBIDDEN’ CLAYING opernl ■ >i s with not less than TEN it is a strong statement—but no stronger than the face, they lead a whole "who’s-who” "The Baroness and the Bmler” ject justifies. What sane man will take a chance on of pepper-uppers frolicking to town. provides a gay situation witlnn a AT MOSQUE THEATRE YEARS of teaching experience. mcing a new endeavor, whether it be a grocery store Joan Davis, the knee-action ga­ few seconds of the opening of the JrkJSIT OUR SCHOOL and com­ zelle, learns some new Durantics picture and carries the light tempo "Forbidden,” the mo.11 talked about pare the work oi our students i steel mill—knowing that if he loses his investment, from the famous "Schnozzola.” through the entire story. picture in the world today, is now with Hie work of the students in must bear the entire loss—but that if he makes a Marjorie Weaver, sensation of "Sec­ Powell is so proper (even ns a playing at the Mosque Theatre, New­ any other school. We assure you ond Honeymoon,” and Louise Hovick butler) and yet he outrages the ark, having opened yesterday for an Lhe^fe is no comparison. fit, a large parfof it will be taken from him by this do things to Gregory Ratoff’s blood- Count’s family and friends by a sur­ indefinite engmTmrnl. pressure, who has a champagne prising breach of conduct. This is the sani film that has been Your Nearest Hair D resser bankroll and a gleam in his eye. The For tonight the feature playing to capacity houses through­ Is Our Best Recommendation All the evidence can be summed up in one sentence: cast also includes Barnett Parker program consists of Jane Withers in out the country and comes here di­ and J. Edward Bromberg. must change the capital gains tax if we are to en­ “Checkers” and Mary As tor in "No rect from a sensational ten week run FREE Employment Service UNION COUNTY BUICK CO. Three1 sirens of swing in search Time to Marry.” at Camden, where over 98,000 people Positions Are Guaranteed gage recovery and progress in this country. of social security, "Sally, Irene and Beginning Wednesday, an excel­ saw and applauded this stirring’pro­ Mary” find themselves sidetracked duction. which , actually shows lor TerniH o f pnynienl may he ELIZABETH, N. .). by love, laughter and song in this lent double feature presentation—is Hie first lime on any screen in New­ SPRING’S A GOOD TIME TO STAY ALIVE! uproarious rhythm romance. The offered. Walter Huston appears in ark. a birth of a baby. Due to the 41 C en tral Ave. Mitchell 2-1433 BraiTcfi Branch lovely trio, played respectively by “Of Huipan Hearts" and "Paradise delicate nature of many of the Bet. Ilttlney tb Wiiflliliitflon HIh. EL 2-3801) Alice Faye, Joan Davis and Mar­ for Three", will be seen with Frank scenes, no children under 18 years Railway Westfield Spring is a happy season, with old mother nature NKWARK, N. J. wakening. You can add to the joy by making a jorie Weaver, are looking for the­ Morgan and Edna May Oliver. of age will be admitted. Arrange- itribution to safety in your own home. There is‘a real need for this after the long winter nths, when many dangerous conditions develop. Now- lie time to clear, out all accumulations of papers ana ibish from attics and cellars, before they capsc a ious fire. WHEN PROF. QUIZ IS Rjxu& Yi'V or X'hen burning trash and papers outside, an incin- Jiar should always .he used. Field grass and papers )uld not be burned on windy days, and never witiiou se supervision. Now is also a good time to make a complete check- AYON wears well and launders'well, su c h of anything else that might causrfire. Look for R why ho m any spoils made <>f it. WIN A NASH FREE I Five lucky sards as defective electrical equipment, frayed and owners ol 1934 to 1937 aatomotllrican win I he Thor in ho g en its was! method that Radio’s famous “ Never-wrong” Man in «M7 conlut. See yeui Nub dealer! rn wiring, pennies behind blown fuses, defective any material, which-snap and I not in jure, compares 1938 car values . .. ating plants and chimneys, fireplaces without screens m ay he washed w ith safely in th e I h on rayon d hot ashes in wooden ash containers. Gleaning with frankly admits “ How you can price w ith a-cool iron. fl lie Tlior l-alih* iroi soline is very dangerous. n Nash so low is a mystery to me!” Aftep pointing jobs; which many do in tT^pritfg/ be pperaled hv (deelrieily, gives three inlensilies -e-to dispose of oH or paint soaked rags and clothing, “TJ igjking a new cacJjiike competipg h en L ’Srl il .-d^low" for niton good*. If yon use a n A fin "our weekly Battle of W its,” ex­ « leelrie. hand iron, make sure it has atiUiWatie heat warning-from the NationaLBoard of Fire Undo- plains Prof. Quiz. You hayoiosknowthe -f-nntnd. The \ *m aienn dieaut s /(.isym HHU^i.a J,]^_ iters states that many homes are burned by spontan- FACTS to win! ■ts ignition fires from paint rags left in a heap. “Make this comparison. Almost no w ide range ol b-mperalure, 22-> to 525 degrees. difference in delivered prices, but LOOK at the difference in value! Thor electric washers are pr. A BRIGHT FUTURE I npn S lD.Br> up. Thor iroiiers from NASH VS. One of the most encouraging auguries for rhe fulurc S20. Table ironer i 1111 *1 ratimI i- ^79.95. agriculture lies in the loyalty with which farmers1 \hfc'Pie;i'li Ib'anhv niiteirnffin oleelry: ve supported their farm cooperative marketing as- iron is SfJ.B.T. 8 7 .‘>5 if you trade in an WHEElBASe 117" WHEELBASE 112' :iations. old iron’. Small carrying charge i( you This movement shows a steady growth in member- “Or, put it this way: to matektbis Nash value in 5 lubrication, and 7- and 9-bearing crankshafts, pnridutse any appliance on (lie divided other cars m eanspaying an averageof$125 more! are exclusive with Nash and America's most p, influence and results. The sailing hasn’t always payment plan. ;n smooth. Farm co-ops haven’t always been able to “And that’s just th e‘starter’. Nash alone offers expensive cars. the 12% gasoline savings of the new simplified “I tell you, 1 don’t sec how Nash can put such :ure a fair price for their members’ produce, or to ‘super-thrift’ engine. low prices on such outstandingly superior cars!” ve vexatious production and distribution problems. “No car anywhere near Nash’s low price offers flllP ANQU/PP- Nash knows the ohly way _ It they have werHard-TraTtF-an-d-efficientiy—aod-theus -you the famous Nash Controlled Air System* . . UUVl H liO il L i t . to wjn against Jong-estab­ .imbers have backed them, up. the Automatic Cruising Gear* . . Vacuum Gear lished rivals is to build St ? MUCH MOKE VALUE - 4 movement with a history like this can’t help but Shifting* .. ‘Dancing Sand’ sound-proofing . .. into its cars that the public can immediately SEE it! ve a bright future. Political experiments have been or the ‘ bed-in-a-car’ feature. See the Nash X-Ray System which gives you “ Such finer features as complete full-pressure ed and discarded, current problems change, new the inside story on 193H cars. Ask your dealei! oblems arise—but year in and year out the farm mar- ting cooperatives carry on their work, and always on e same economic philosophy—efficient production, You Conf Beat A icient distribution. v m \ i Additional electric outlets c a n be, installed by Buy Your Bottled Goods Here THE CHEAT INDEPENDENT Your Favorite Brand Always on Hand —yimr local electrical dealer at small vast. PINTS OR QUARTS Always buy your Liquors in Hillside S* Call WA 3-0659 for Free quick delivery ('Optionat— tligh t extra utti) SZARKO’S LIQUOR STORE PV B L IC sy SERVICE 1315 Liberty Ave. Hillside 1424 No. Broad St. H ILLSIDE N A SH , Inc. Waverly 3-8462 T Page Four THE HILLSIDE TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1938

Real Estate :: Insurance Heating :; Furnishings Painting :: Decorating THE HOME PAGE. Modernization

work donq by supporting player dur­ ■a point; thence (2) South nine degrees of fieri facias to m e directed I shall expose fieri facias to me directed I shall expose still N orthw esterly eighteen feet und ‘IN OLD CHICAGO’ fty-nine one-hundredths of a foot (18.59) ing th.e past year. llfty-sl.x minutes West fifty-eight feet for sale by public vendue, in the District for sale by public vendue, in the District Otto And Bauer Seeking and fifty-eight hundredths of it foot to Court Room, In the Court Bouse, In tho Court Room, In the Court House, in tlie to a point in tlie aforesaid line of P enn­ NOW AT PROCTOR’S In "Old Chicago” Alice Faye is u point; thence (3) south eighty degrees city of Elizabeth, N. J., on oily of Elizabeth, Nv J.', on sylvania Avenue dlsttwvl four feet (4') given her first opportunity to play four minutes East eighty-llve feet to a WEDNESDAY, THE 27TH DAY OF W EDNESDAY, T H E 27TII DAY OF Northeasterly from the place ol’ Begin­ a dramatic role. Miss Faye also point in the westerly line of North A PR IL , A. D., 1938, A PRIL, A. D., 1938, ning; thence (G) Southwesterly along said Darryl F. Zanqck’s production, “In Droad Street; them e (4) along the west­ a t one o’clock Standard (two .o ’clock nt one o'clock Standard (two o'clock lino of P ennsylvania Avenue four feet Return To Their Offices sings four new songs written in the (•!') to the place of Beginning. QJd Chicago,” is now playing, a(, erly line of North Droad Street north D aylight Saving) Time, in tlie afternoon Daylight Saving) Time, in tlie afternoon old Chicago style: "In Old Chicago” twenty-four degrees eighteen minutes of said day. of said day. Being part of lots 322 and 323 on the Proctor’s Theatre, Newark. Tyrone • by Gordon & Revel and "I've Taken East sixty feet and forty-elglU ‘hun­ All the following tract or parcel of All the following tract or parcel of aforesaid map*. •Power, Alice Faye and Don Ameche a fancy to You." "I’ll Never Let dred th s of a foot to the point or place land and premises hereinafter particular­ land and premises Hereinafter particular­ 2nd tract— B eginning in tho Southeast­ of DEU INN I NO. ly described, aituatc, lying and being In ly described, situate, lying and being in erly line of Pennsylvania Avenue at a are starred in the picture. The You Cry,” and "Take a Dip in the Known as No. 1313 North Droad Street, the Township of Hillside, in tho County the Township of Hillside, in the County point d istan t ono hundred and three leet Sea” by/Pollack and Mitchell. Hillside, N. J., and are to he sold sub­ of Union and State of New Jersey. of Union and State of New Jersey. and tw enty-one hundredths of a foot featured cast includes Alice Bracly, ject to balance of 1937 taxes and the BEGINNING at a point In the south- 1st tract— B EG IN N IN G in tin- S o u th ­ (11)3.21)') Southwesterly from lunds o'-< i Andy Devine, Brian Don-levy, Phyllis During the showing “In Olcl Chi­ first .q u arter of -the 1938 taxes, water eily line of Yale Avenue therein distant easterly line of Pennsylvania Avenue »at Lehigh Valley Railroad, if measured I Brooks, Tom Brown. June Storey, cago," Proctor’s will open its doors arreni.s. restrictions of record, il Six Hundred and Thirty-seven feet east­ its Intersection witli the line dividing along said line of Pennsylvania Avenue; at 9 a. in. daily except Sunday. right of tenants or occupants, and to erly from the Intersection of the easterly lots 323 and 324 on Block 8 on m ap running thence (1) Southwesterly - along Sidney Blackmer and Berton such state of facts as an accurate sur­ line of Bloy Street and the southerly entitled "Map of North Addition to Holly­ said line of Pennsylvania Avenue forty I Churchill. vey would disclose. line of Yale A venue; thence (1) south wood Heights, New Jersey dated March feet (4O') ; thence (2) Southeasterly at I It was more than two years ago T here Is due approxim ately $07,159.73 seven degrees thirty-one minutes west 7, 1913, marie by Henry Kreh, Jr., Civil right angles to said line of Pennsylvania Sheriff’s Sale with interest from Eehruury 14, 1938. and eighty feet; thence (2) south eighty-two Engineer" running thence (I) South­ Avenue one hundred feet (100') to lino that work on the picture started. costs. degrees twenty-nine minutes .east thirty- easterly along said lijio dividing lots of lands of Lehigh Valley Railroad; LEE S. BIG BY. Sheriff. 323 and 324. .one hundred Je e t ( loo') I Old files of the Chicago Library si'iiouh o t s s a i . i : two feet and fifty one hundredths feet; thence (3) N ortheasterly along th at lino ‘’it1"' " '® "( A R T H U R T. VANDEUDILT, Sol'r. to tlie right of w ay of the Lehigh Valley .* '• ‘"'iwi-nn isiivinjfH I nvesi iih thence (3) north seven degrees thirty- forty feet (40'); thence (4) Northwesterly | were studied, so the production would fees $23.3(1 EDJ&IIT ('X- 1730 apr 8-41 Railroad Com pany; thence (2) alo n g said be authentic in every detail. Trust (.'oinpuny, a corporal urn of one minutes east eighty feet to said lino parallel w ith -th e second course one hun­ Jersey, «iiMiplainant, ami Atlantic of Yalo Avenue; thonco (-1) ulontf the right of way North sixty-one degrees dred feet (10()') to tho said lino of Penn­ S H E R IF F 'S SALE In Chaneory of Now same north eighty-two degrees twenty- llfty-fwo m inutes ,(51° 52') East three sylvania Avenue and the place of Be­ Following the fortunes-- of the leet and thirty-threeXone-hunrireriths of .D V.sry. ami Altaic.- It. ally Cm.. a . yr eraey. Delween Hollywood Building nine minutes west thirty-two feet am ginning. „ O'Leary’s, "In Old Chicago,” shows ami Goan Association of East Urange, fifty-one hundredths feet to the point a foot (3.33') ; thence (3) still along said Lion of New Jersey. rit*l't*nrihnIs. K Being lots 324 and 325 on m ap en­ tlie town before the fire. Ma N- J ■ complaiah^, .and Marie Humar and place of BEGINNING. right of way N orth sixteen degrees fifty for sain ol m ortgngrri promises.' titled "M ap of N orth Addition to .Holly­ Davidson tmt4-*T\ Donald Duviilson, her Being all o f-d o ts'50 and 51 ai\d the minutes (16° 50') East -thirty-eight feet O'Leary 'Miss Brady» has three sons, Hy Virtue of/tln- al.ovc stah-.l wi wood H eights. New Jersey, surveyed hifshand. ^iltdjtitdnala. EL fa. Jo r saje of westerly one-half of lot 52 on Block 2 and .seventy-nine -one-hundredths of ft I Dion (Power). Jack (Ameche) and i'-ri facias to no- ilirccb-J J .shall . March 7th, 1913 by H enry Kreli, Jr., Civil "i- sale hy p.uhin- vPiiriuo, in the I >i looitgagm l jm-inisi-.s. Map No. 1 West .Lyons Farms, Town- foot ( 38.79') to a point; thence (.4) n o rth ­ I Bob 'Brown). Dion is a playboy My virtue of the above-stated writ iti slUfPvf Hillside, Union County, New J e r­ westerly lllty-ono feet and sixty-seven Engineer, Elizabeth, New Jersey. "Urt Room, in the Vourl Mouse, 11 Tlyero is due approxim ately $4,184.64 j and is in love with Belie FaWeett ily of Elizabeth, N. J., on hen facias to mu diruetod I shall ex pose sey. one-hundredths of a foot (51.67') to n point In tho dlvidjng lino betw een' lots with interest from M arch 4, 1938, u.ad . j (Miss Faye), queen of the cabarets. W EDNESDAY. T H E ITJI d a y lor sale, hy public vendue, in the District There Is due approximately $5,523.18 MA V. A. I)., m s . Lourt Room, in the Court House, in the with interest from March 1. 1937, a 322 and, 323, distant tw enty-tw o feet s. L E E S. RIGBY. Sheriff. Jack is a hard-working and honest SI a city of Elizabeth, N. J., on costs. and twelve one-hundredths of a foot JOSEPH M. FEIN BERG, jSol’r. lawyer and Bob is a quiet young Daylight Sa m g) Tin I lie WEDNESDAY. THE 27TII DAY OF L E E 8. RIGBY, Sheriff. (22. 12') from Pennsylvania Avenue mea­ man. Dion secures control of Chi- APRIL, A. D., 1938, H. EDW ARD W OLF, Sol'r. sured along said dividing line; thence (5) s $35.70 E D J& IIT — CX-1724 A pr l-4t cagy's political machine to elect his AUL that t-oi-t in at one o'clock Standard (two o'clock Fees $20«68 Et>J&HT—CX-1730 A pr 1-lt 1 llt'l Daylight Saving) Time, in tho afternoon brother Jack mayor. Tv ilcst'iilit'il si t ti it-. of said day. S H E R IF F 'S SA L E In ('hanopry of Now The Chicago fire plays a large llit- Townsh l> of I ill In 1 lie All the following tract or parcel of Jersey. •> Between The Home Owners’ <»l Union in St.-i u ol No bind and premises hereinafter particular­ Loan (Corporation, a corporate body of CHTRLES A. OTTO part in the film. U Eli INN I .\'< J. a I the ..... ly described, situate, lying and being in EDWARD 15 A IT! R -et ion the United Slates of America, complain­ For her performance as Ma westerly line of North Mm tlie Tow nship of Hillside, in the County ant, and M arth a C. Miller, et als., de­ Surrogate Charles A. Otto Jr., who III- Southerly line op Ridgeway Av.-nu of Union ami State of New Jersey. fendants. Fi. fa. for sale of m ortgaged Grassmasi & Kreh this year will complete his lirst live Register. Edward Bauer last night O’Leary Alice Brady was presented ■"'m e i i i along the southerly' fine BEG IN N IN G in "the N ortherly line of premises. year term in that office, will again announced liis condidacy for re- Ridgeway A venue norkji eighty degre Sanford Avenue at a point distant East­ By virtue of the above-stated writ of the Academy Award for the finest our minutes W est one hunrirefl feel erly 040 feet from the corner formed by seek the Republican nomination, ana election in the following .statement: flu- intersection of the said Northerly election at the hands of Union Tt, has been generally known for line ih' Sanford Avenue with the Easterly Engineers lor Hillside County voters, he announced las. some time that. I will be a candidate line of Leland Place; thence running (Ij North 2K degrees and !l minutes West at 433 N. Broad St., Elizabeth night a a meeting of the influential for re-election l,o I he-office of lieges GEORGE COMPTON HARRY SCHNABEL right angles to Sanford Avenue 100 feet; C had a n y h e a d a c h e s Tenth Ward Republican Club at! lor 01 1>c'ccLs and Mortgages for President Sec'y-Treas. thence (2) Easterly parallel with Sanford -----p, LATELY? * Phone EL 2-3770 Elizabeth. Mr. otto is a resident I Union County; but at the rcqiie.a ol Avenue 40 feet; thence- (3) Southerly parallel with tho IIrut course luo feet of the ward and a charter memoei | llu‘ leader.-, of the Tenth Ward Re HILLSIDE SUPPLY COMPANY to the said Northerly line of Sa n ho i d of tile club. Petitions are being cn-1 publican Club, 1 agreed to make my A venue; them e (4) along the sam e line ciliated hi behalf of the candidacy, announcement at the family galli- LO-ASII COAL South 01 degrees 51 minutes West 40 feet to the point and place of BEG1N- whicli has tlie united' hidorSenieiu ol Hi Tudli Ward Club on Koppers Coke J Fuel Oil NTNti. of all party leaders in the county. Thursday night, April 21'. ’and in B eing krfown and designated as lots SOLONDZ BROS. CO., Inc. A former Assemblyman and Speak-1 ,llLS WilV I ’ announce myself as a Lumber *Mason Materials No. 55 & 5(1 in Block 3 as laid down on er of the House at the time of Ins candidate for nomination and elec- d certain map entitled "Hollywood Park.” 100 Route 29 Phone WA. 3-9212 made June 0. 11127 hy Busier and Lush i. Lumber - Millwork - Screens election as Surrogate in 1933. Mr., lion to the office of Register ol t\ E., Elizabeth, N. «J. Otto brought to his office the Gene- Deeds and Mortgages for Union P rem ises known as No. 329 Sanford Paint and Hardware fits of a wide acquaintanceship County. Avenue, Hillside, New Jersey. "Upon the resignation of the late T here Is due approxim ately $5,475.35 throughout the county and state, with interest from March I, 1938, and Storm Sash {? Weather Strip thorough familiarity with Hie re­ Frank H. Smith from the Register's osts. Nurse Thanks Friend sponsibilities ol public office, and a office to become banking commis­ Visit Our New Completely Equipped LEE S. RIGBY, Sheriff. Phone WA 3-4000 471-481 Lyons Ave., Irvington sioner of the State' of New Jersey, STTL'KEL '& STICK EE, Sol i s fur Recommendinq background of legal training, lie Basement for, your Home Needs F e e s '$21.00 EDJ&llT'— CX-1727 A pr 1 -41 has devoted liis full time to the in April 1917, I was appointed by Surrogate's office, has insisted on Governor Edge to succeed Mr. Smith. S H E R I F F ’S SALE— In Chancery of New dr.miles nervine holding sessions of record m all Previous to' Hits' appointment I had Shop at SOLOMON’S Jersey. Between Astor Building and Surrogate's Court cases coming be­ been deputy register. During these Loan Association of Newark, New Jer- A nurse writes that she 24 HOUIt SERVICE Phone: ELIZABETH 2-3193 "ONE OF HILLSIDE'S GOOD STORES'! , a corporation, complainant, and fore him and has otherwise systema­ years I devoted my entire time To uithy Yowpa and Rose Yowpa, his suffered from frequent tized the work of the office. In ad­ the duties of the office and will con­ e, et als., defendants. Alias . Fi. fa. headaches. Nothing stop­ dition to his duties ‘at the Court tinue to do so. Probably the* best 1299 Liberty Ave. Hillside for sale of mortgaged premises. Vincent’s Refrigeration House, he lias given considerable argument I can make in support of By virtue of the above-staled alias writ ped them until a friend re­ time to educational talks before my candidacy is to invite an ex­ commended DR. MILES and OIL BURNER SERVICE amination of the records and the NERVINE. She says Nerv­ civic and fraternal groups in the All Makes are the sam e to us — WORK GUARANTEED county and elsewhere, on technical conduct of Hie office. To the best ine stops headaches before and popular phases of the making of my ability I have conducted the they get a good start of wills and their execution. office for the benefit df the public, 207 Ryan Street Hillside, N. J. Began As Journal Clerk realizing thp proper recording of Three generations -have Surrogate Otto is a native of deeds and mortgages and other WINSOME BEAUTY SHOP Insurance found DR. MILES NERV­ Elizabeth, a product of its school papers effecting th e ’ title to real Nestle Permanent Waves $5 up INE effective for system and an alumnus of Dickin-1 estate is a matter of utmost impor- Nervousness, Sleepless­ son College, Carlisle, Pa. He was tance to the people of the county Mon., Tues., Wed. SPECIALS ness due to Nervous Ir­ active in football and other sports in which shall be my aim in the future ritability, Nervous In­ his youth. He began the practice of as it has been my practice in the 3 Items $1.00 Call El 3-7247 digestion, Headache, law in 1909. His first, political post past. 150 FAIRBANKS STREET HILLSIDE, N. J. GEORGE COMPTON Travel Sickness. RENT ^ TYPEWRITER was as journal clerk in the Assem­ Big Change Since bly. He later- was elected to a term "Since my occupancy of this of­ Get DR. MILES NERV­ ANY MAKE as judge of the Elizaheth Police fice there has been considerable AN D SO N INE at your drug store in , Court, and was elected to the Assem­ change in real—estate activity liquid or effervescent tab­ 3 Months for $5— bly for seven successive years, be­ throughout the county. There has CANTON CHINESE RESTAURANT REAL ESTATE let form. been tremendous growth in this of- I INSURANCE’ ginning with 1926, leading his tidket DELICIOUS CHOW MEIN GUARANTEED Small bottle or package 25 cents Rental Fee Applied in marfy of the annual elections. fice brought about by the real estate Also Chinese and American Dishes Served in our Dining Room Large bottle or package $1.00 He was majority^leader in 193J, lead boom which started shortly after Established 1910 in Case of Purchase the war. ORDERS PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Appraisals Mad. er of . -the minority in 1932, and With Rice and Sauce, 50c qt. Without Rice and Sauce, 40c qt. speakef in 1933. The Register's Office outlived I Next Door to Fire House near Lehigh Avc. Opposite Park Theatre • 441 North Broad Street REPAIRS - SALES He is a past president of the Eliza- most the systems, methods of 1026 BERGEN fjTREET NEWARK N J Wavtrly 3 8891 beth Chamber of Commerce which ' recording and indexing that were in he served for many years as a d i-; vogue when the office was created Price 29.50 rector; past president of the Eliza- so that it was necessary to prac- beth Kiwanis Club; and Is a mem-1 tically change the entire system and r~ < - ber of the Union County Council! we now have one of the most up to $ m '•p 1 Slifei Typewriter Co. Boy Scouts of America, having a son : clate recording offices' in the State I f % 3 J F I who has attained the -.rating. of Eagle, °f Ncw Jel'-sey- 237 CLINTON AVE. NEWARK Scout. His fraternal affiliations arel “NoW when ihole Attention than CLOW the Masonic Fraternity, Elks, Odd ever before is given to the cast of Bigelow 3-4919 Fellows, Junior O. U. A. M„ and! running .governmental* departments, Delta Chi Legal Fraternity. 1 am happy to‘be able to point out In politics an ardent Republican, that under my direction, the regis­ he has maintained an independent ter’s office has always been operated ■ p n c e o course during the factional disputes within its budget,, has paid all its of the past decade in Union County, expenses a,nd returned to the county and more than once lias been called $ handsome profit. on to serve in the role of peace­ "I* again submit my record of con­ maker,' to tl;ie satisfaction of both ducting the office of register to the IP A N A plm M A S S A G E parties to the matter's in dispute. voters oi Union County for their He pledges a continuance of the approval.” dignified yet friendly regime<”which for White, Bright Teeth J*iWY'rfnarked-his first* term. As' Sur­ IN SYRACUSE CHORUS * rogate of Union County.'' SretaACUSE * Y*.—Mi.NS Anna: L. | Minchin, of Munn avenue, Hillside, for Firm, Healthy Gums PATRONIZE N. J.. sing second alto with the Syracuse University phorus in the OUR second annual spring concert April ADVERTISERS 28 in Crouse College auditorium. ______S i_____

Communion VEILS Made to Order Very Reasonable

[I ATP to top off that new outfit, made of the V3DAY youoweyoi r l # \ I O finest material. and gums a doubt N ut only should you THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING ON WHEELS Baku - Ballibuntl - Rough Straw - A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE your teeth regularly; now, Pedalines - Sisol Felts and Crepes dentist will tell you, you f you’v e e v e r raced through ONLY LOW-PRICED C A R Pontiac is one of the world’s great exercise your gums—with rr Trimmed with gay spring flowers that will delight WITH SAFETY SHIFT I the gears with Safety Shift*/. . . cars. You may not know that it is — m order to combat theefi our modern soft-food diet, Madame. touched into action that whispering one of the lowest-priced cars as well! der to keep gums firm and h giant of an engine . . . and felt the T hat’s the low down. What do y o u -ALL HEAD SIZES — ALL COLORS Start now with Ipana pit roughest road* become level as a think —isn’t Pontiac’s new six, the sage. Each time you cleat ballroom floor — you know that low-priced car to buy? teeth with Ipana, rub a littl IPANA Ipana into your gums. For Sel Fast Hat Co. NEW LOW-PRICED PONTIAC SIX is especially designed to he TOOTH PASTE massage firm the gum walls, 1004 Elizabeth Ave. up circulation, keep gums I Made in Hillside by as welt as to keep teeth spa TEL. ELIZ. 2-3614 ELIZABETH U \XO\ MOTORS Bristol-Myers Company white and clean. . 1 Averly 3-2832—2833 1444 NORTH BROAD ST. HILLSIDE, N. J. Open Evenings and Sundays -t: i THE HILLSIDE TIMES, FRIDAY. APRIL 22, 1938 Hillside Meets New Brunswick Nine In Opener Toda

Mulligan. Art Upper and Johnny A.B.C. Splits Wilson. Listed as a with P Ceremony To Inaugurate All Nines l ake the Leafs is Waller Klimczak. North Ends To former, Yale College infielder. HowJ*y contends, in the Yale boy he Home Season On Tuesday Double Header Aim At Bears has the find of the year. Hold Practice Following the departure of the By ARNOLD JIcCLOYV during the last few weeks of train­ With the barrier having gone sky­ Leafs next Wednesday night, the Opening ol the high school baseball season today with a game t | Pennant Will Be Raised ai ing under Weiner’s tutelage, despite Locals Take First Game, , headed by Rabbit Tlie Hillside North End Club will ward the race for the 1938 Interna­ again be represented on the diamond New Brunswick brings to mind the fact th a t the school almost aiwa> < m Game w ith Weequahic the inexperience of three of the tional League pennant is on. All Maranville will come in for four has had a better than average team, and the majority in the last fer four. Defensively the infield has 6-1, But D rop Second, 9-1, days. Baseball experts are almost by a fast semi-pro nine this sea­ eight managers in the race believe son, which will be the sixth. years have been outstanding. Yet many of those of former days have , Today , sets oil the baseball sea­ looked equal to most of those Hill­ As Infield Coes to Pieces they hflvc a chance >Lo •cop the gon­ unanimous in the belief, the Royals been more or less forgotten. son so far as the average rooter in side has had in the past, although will give the Bears the stillest op­ Francis Farrell was chosen as falon. Seven, however, admit the held manager, Carroll Maguire p o k ­ Ten year.-, ago one of the,first outstanding teams representing Hill- Hillside Ls concerned, with Coach batting has not shown up partic- The Hillside* A. B? C. spilt a double team lo be stopped is one that position. The Royals this year, ap­ Mdc was causing consternation among county rivals. It went through Albert "Red" Weiner’s Hillside High ularlji* by the infield as a whole. In pear to bo stronger than last year ing manager and Bill Kobin ‘busi­ header Sunday afternoon with the Manager Johnny Noun of the Beam ness manager. ihe season with eight victories and tour defeats, according to the records School nine opening this afternoon reserve for infield positions are Newark Indians a t Eagles Field. T he when they finished second. One has moulded together. Neun admits Sunday afternoon at the North available.til pie.mi. Captain Joe Betz was the outstanding star of th a t at 3 o’clock in Bigelow Park, New Everest Finch, Claude Courian,, Ed local nine won the opener, 6-1, b e­ he has a powerrul club, both on the whom Maranville Ls counting on in leant, winning ihe eight vie!ones, losing the final game of the season Brunswick, against the powerful Morris, Alex*Callendriello and John hind the three h it pitching of Haley. keeping the Royals in the race is End Field a practice session will be defense and offen.se but Ls making held. Anyone wishing a chance to wiilt it lough break in the final inning. He won wide publicity over Central New Jersey team. Rab. They then went on lo lose the sec­ * y Norman 'Kies, former Bear catcher, no pennant claims. play, with the North Ends should re going through 26 consecutive .scoreless innings, Betz went oil to Albright According Lo all reports, a large The outfield'will see Russell “Red ’ ond game, 9-1, with Jacinski pitch­ who appears to be in the best con­ Collrgp/ making a name lor himself as Johnny Muller has in the last delegation of Hillsiders was all set Hill, Ed Butler and either Curtis or The Bruins have plenty of powci dition of liis career. port at the field for practice. There ing good ball b u t with the A. B. C. with the bats, and the new hands are several positions open. rounn* ol years ai the same iiisLilulioii. He pitched for a while in the . to make the trip to Middlesex County McEntce in charge; the latter Lwb jafield going to pieces, giving the cou/ity league a! let ward, but never made a career of baseball. to help pry ofl the lid. New Bruns­ alternating. In reserve are Charlie have done exceedingly well. Los Babe Thuro and Mike Mars)tick Indians m any unearned runs. Di Scarsella at first. Ilam Schulte at k wick, despite the loss of several Winnicki and Bob Popola. Bona, limiting the A. B. C. to four will again be back in the roles of While plenty id people still (alk of (I * athletic achievements One feature lo the beginning of second and Buddy Blair, all new Hillside Academy pitcher_niul catcher respectively. °J Graham Winter. "I’oJJsy" to everyone, feu remember nowadays spark plugs . and valuable cogs in hits and striking out 10 was in good comers are expected to be the big the machinery of its.strong team of the 1938 season is the erection of form for his club. The lineups thdi he tried his skill its a pitcher in 1928, although he never wire protecting fences a t first and guns, along with Jimmy Gleeson, Victors This Week made mil well, and seldom look the mound in later years. Poltsy’s last year, is- expected to be a tough F irs t Game Bob Seeds, Charles Keller and Buddy pitching record for 1928 was three of the four defeats. opponent, regardless ol the m ost op­ third bases to separate spectators If illside A. B. C. on the bleachers from foul balls. Rosar, members of last year’s Won­ Taverii (Juh Ends, timistic visions of local bleacher AB RH E der Team. Scarsella, has an eye Hillside Academy. Hucky’s and ONE BAD SEASON goaches. There have been ‘several mishaps in Issler, 2b 2 1 0 0 past years because there was no such on a big league job for next sea­ Popola Bros, were the victors in \ssii red Of Second Whh I lie lo. s ol Bel. and Will lei ami several other important cogs Tuesday afternoon will see the Scheler, If 3 1 1 0 son, Me hopes to earn it by it great Tuesday night’s matches of the Hill­ real opening for Hillside, when the protection, with the result that the Ratkiewicz, ss in the machinery, Coach Sam Dubow: 1929 team went along disastrously, 4 2 1 0 year with the Bears. Schulte has side Academy. Five Mail League. wain.n.- bin I line garni and losing <«ighl. according to the meagre diamond in back ol the high school Board of Education this year pro­ Atkinson, c 3 1 3 0 The scores: vided the fences. done well and so has Blair. The The Tavern Chib ended its Holly­ ri'ci»rcI.*, on hand However, iln. ham saw ihe beginning of play for in Coe avenue is ‘the. scene of the Adamchak, 3b . 3 1 1 0 latter, once he settles down should Hilside Academy wood Thred Man League schedule traditional opening day exercises, Yarotsky, cf 4 ■sell i)., . ha a pla.s.’i ol Im me: ycai.- ach as Johnny Enzabella, Billy 0 0 0 be one of the most valuable men on Ronko 211 149 assured of no worse than a lie lor Wright. Albert "Bill Ha elnr.tn and Jimmy Intrabartolo. The following Starting the ceremonies will be the Jasciruski, rf 1 0 1 ,0 the team. May, at third, is really R easier 224 209 second place when they 'twice do* raising of the American flag and Haley, p. 4 0 0 W;|1 1930. saw ilie more experienced learn make out with a record of H.S. Relay Team 0 cific Coast. The sour form the fiom which i( has not fallen since. The team finished second in Spangled Banner” by the school N ew ark Indians standout infield of the league. Totals 990 904 to 7. the county league, giving Linden a good chase. band. Tomorrow Hillside’s crack mile re­ AB R H E Nasi■a Trucking Vitolo, £>. All of the other positions are. well In posting the victories the 'Tavern Airiving at 19..2. Hillside won icn games and lost three, with the Officials to Participate lay team journeys to Long Branch 4 6 0 0 covered. The outfield Ls the saihe Nalsta 225 170 Club broke a pair of long staiHliiu ■ Girl ol ihe baseball ear*, eis ol John Thuro, Johnny Muller and Randy The first ball will be throw n out to participate in the one mile relay Novak, lb. 4 0* 0 0 as last year. Keller, Seeds and Glec- Trnscnte ■168 147 by Herbert R. Otto, president of. the Carp, If. league records in shooting a smooth Campbell. among oilier., which continued in 1933, when a record of lor Group 2 and 3 high schools, an 4 0 0 0 son. Buddy Rosar, another vet isl Truppo 150 124 689 score in winning the first gann eleven victories and but two setbacks is listed. Board of Education, if he is able event of the sixth annual Long Wackers, 2b. •4 0 0 , 0 the first string catcher and his Casale 160 181 The winners were hard pressed all The w ar 193-1 saw Hillside win the Greater Newark tourna- tp be on h an d for the game, or by Branch Relays. Peters, rf. 4' 0 >S1 0 assistant will be Clyde McCullough. McCarthy 171 259 Raymond R. King, vice president and Uzzolino, 3b. 4 0 0 the way as Momnis rolled 592.. John m rnl, open (o the school for the first time. The record for the The winner of this race auto 0 While the Bears have a good pitch­ Popola paced that attack., with a 245 chairman of ithe board's lit hie he matically becomes the state cham­ Such, cf. 3 0 1 0 .'ear was 11 In 3, with Thuro and Muller making all-state base­ ing stall, some changes may be made ,Tota Ls 874 881 being closely followed by Stan Mai ball teams, the first time Hillside had won the recognition it committee, if otto is unable to be pion ol the one mile relay in Group Serico, c. 3 1 1 0 m it. Maybe before Sunday, for Costello, p. 1 o Charles Motors lack’s 236 aiid Ted Beigliiiuls .’(ill. has continued lo hold. Paul Hubei and Era nil Sleinctz, playing .•< present. T he opening home game 2 and 3 classification. 0 0 help has been promised from the Miilkiek led the attack m the see Will bring Weequahic High School Holler, p. 2 0 0 0 RodLs 174 167. 179 regularly finished with perfect fielding records. The (cam’s halting The Hillside qyartet, in their ol­ New York Yankees. With one or Mikolas 181 178 152 end game with a 21-1 muni lhal en­ a\ci age was .357. of Newark, a traditional rival pi der of running, will lx: Frank Win- two more seasoned hurlers the abled I lie Taverners In win. !v73 to Hillside, b u t still untested, against Totals 33 1 3 0 Russamano 177 152 203 .. , , ^ - nicki, James Dwyer, Hugh Short, Bears would be set for a gruelling Saxon 174 191. 173 501 Mtimm’s Dairy won the llnal BEST RECORD IN 1935 the local team . The team will have. Charles Williams. Newark Indians 001 000 000 1 campaign. game as. Tipp Mazillo clashed tlx Hillside A. B. C. Slionlidge 167 178 168 Ihe l111 h i \\ ii>: ...i a Hill..ai. lo), l lie’ ( in .i! er Newark olmmpion- no time to rest, lor the followup Of the many schools running in 100 000 23x -6 maples for 231 the final olnvkup day Perth Amboy, another Group 4 Second Qtac Toronto On Sunday ini' -ii ii,. in,...... Ill nil. hi; it;.; *a... one ol only two defeats this race Coach Walter Krumbiegel " Totals 871 866 btdlig 587-542. The payoff game, school, will come Lo Hillside to col­ expects Ridgewood and Westfield Lo Hillside A. B.c. Tie are winding up h'l >he sea mi v.lm li ranked a. tie he I Hillside had, twelve victories their initial stay at Ruppert Stadium however, was 'tinned in bv Popola...... h\" del. 11 l’.\ iln. lime Wall. . 'Bsh.-" Win ieziek. Howie Anderson lide in a-b attle of pitching and bat­ present the biggest threats, although AB R H E Lucky’s whose 214 score enabled Ih - Tav ting power. The week’s activity will Cfanl'ord and Ocean City are not to Issler. 2b. 3 0 1 3 Saturday afternoon. Then on Sun Rupplc 143 . 136 i111 tJ L'>u lidlabailolo were making name lor themselves, assisted by day, the Toronto Maple Leafs headed erners to break the old three name much DHicr Ilian average fellow, players. be closed n e x t Friday afternoon when be disregarded. Scheier, If. 3 0 1 0 J Myers 165 197 team total of 1.799 with 1,809. Hillside travels to Cranford to ‘clash The first^dual meet, of the season Ratkiewicz, ss. 3 1 1 7 by Manager -Dan Howley come in Jim Barna 204 169 ■ 223 Wild tin; arrival of 1936, almost the same players started off with another traditional but weak­ A 1 If i n enn n Jq n u u for a three game stay, Howley has John Barna 182 190 190 The third place Three Pals will with a line record, until a four game losing streak developed which will be held Monday with Linden, Wind ip) i heir season this week, ened opponent. away. Hillside’s track and field men Adamchak, 3b. "2 0 Q,_.„ 2 a young team and thinks it is go Porga 211 181 109 almost cu' l Hillside its chance to become eligible for a tourna­ v The first four games will undoubt­ Yarotsky, cf. 2 0 0 0 ing to be one of the surprises 01 rolling Momjn’s Daily and Tlie ment invitation. Snapping out of it, another Greater Newark are out to avenge the 54-45 setback Farmers. edly see P a t McEnlee *and Harlow they suffered Ja-sl year a t the hands rialey, rf. 2 0 0 0 the campaign. With the Leafs Ls Totals 905 873 title was taken, with a season-’s record of twelve victories and IMomm’s Dairy lour defeats. Anderson won a trip around the International ” Curtis alternating on. the mound, for of the Linden- squad. Hollis, lb. 2 ■o 0 0 Bill Urban.ski, the Perth Amboy ton- Hillside B. B. C. Jacinski, p. sorial artist. Bill is no stranger in Gray 102 142 174 League circuit the outstanding player, and .Lou Intrabartolo both have been tested In the past, 2 0 0 0 Fishtfr 180 171 202 and Weiner probably will take no the league, for he is coming back Schmidt 163 201 182 was signed up for after the close of the sea­ after a five year stay with the Bos­ Anderson 170 184 197 Mazillo 237 158 231 son. Such players as Alard Hanover and the Steuerwald hoys, chances on games at the s ta rt of the Totals 22 1 4 12 H. Capro, 170 159 158 season. He has John , Intrabartolo, Cory, Sacco Tied Newark Indians ton Bees in the National League Boh and George, along with W’ariczick. made names for them­ Skarl 190 170 173 Totals 592 » 5 (LI' .787 veteran who saw considerable action AB RHE In former days, Urban.ski was al­ ITaselman 173 168 178 selves, and a pitcher named I’at McEntce broke into the lineup. last year, in reserve, as well as Bar­ Vitolo, ss. 3 1 1 0 ways poison to the Bears. Howley Tavern Club Last ycai i., too recent lor description, outside of tin' fact that a third For Sweeps Prize expects to make some changes in Mai lack '236 214 158 Greater Newark title was woh. Waricziek and others won'’recognition ton Lewis, Dan Kochan and Harry Novak, lb. 5 1 1 0 Totals 883 Rab. C arm en Fcrrigno, h ard hitting Carp, If. 4 0 2 0 his club and Ls hoping for help from Berglund 208 201 170 throughout North Jersey. Johnny Cory, local pinner and a Blake, rf. 5 0 0 0 the Detroit, Tigers, before theseries, Popolas Popola 245 163 542 and experienced backstop, probably F. Heffner WARK'ZK’K STILL ON TIIE MARKET will receive the pitches in these member of Van’s Five in the Holly­ Peters, 2b. 4 0 0 0 with the Bears commences. The 160 190 games, w ith his return from last wood Bowling League, finished in a Uzzolino, 3b. 2 0 0 0 Toronto skipper believes his outfield Kloiise 148 146 Totals 689 578 Waricziek had the opportunity, with Athletic Director Sam year’s forced inactivity because of tie w ith George Sacco in the Holly­ Such, cf. 1 1 1 0 of Fred Petoskey, Bobby Porter and T. Popola 177 157 178 Dubow, last Saturday afternoon of silting on the bench with ^ an ankle injury suffered early last wood Recreation weekly sweepstake. Wackers, cf. . 2 2 0 0 Edward is as good as F. Popola 236 158 225 PATRONIZE Connie Mack, m anager of the Philadelphia Athletics, during on-" Borky, c. the Bears’. On his hurling staff J. Friedman 194 181 161 exhibition game with the Jersey City team at Jersey City. season. Ih reserve'are Dean Steward Cory, rolling Saturday night, tipped 4 2 1 0 OUR and Bill Gill. the maples lor a neat 635 score that Di Bona, p. 4 2 0 0 he has such veterans as John Berly, 'Flic two were invited by Mack to attend the game, for an interview. Probable Infield was climaxed with a 215 game. Earl Caldwell, Emil Meola, Joe Totals 915 ADVERTISERS While “Babe" lias Mcncd no prole.*,sional contract yet. he has several The infield probably will go on I Johnny's other scores were 210 and Totals 34 9 6 0 oilers from major leapuc clubs, all compel ini; for his services. Cincinnati as it has looked for the last week 210. Newark Indians 0 11 3 3 1 0—9 appears to ho one ol Lhe most probable choices, for this club has been or more. Frank Intrabartolo at On the other hand Sacco, rolling more attentive to him than the oilier. , having had him make a special first, Mickey Sente at second, Ebbie late Sunday night, was off to a poor trip out We.si for an interview and burning up' telephone and telegraph Ellam a t shortstop and Mike De- start with scores of 182 and 176, but HANOVER AWARDED wires at considerable ex]x*n.M* over him. The next week probably will Dominick at third. They have in his final ■ game George started see a final and definite decision by Waricziek. He has been working out worked in to ' a good defensive group with nine consecutive strikes before BASKETBALL LETTER during the Inst week with Dubow. being stopped with a spare in the Who Does Your Printing? tenth. Incidentally, the 'teli pin HIGHTSTOWN-George W. Wecdl stoofi* alone on his tenth attempt, Chairman of the Faculty Athletic and his tdtal for the game was 277. Committee of The Peddie School, Both men, however, will receive today announced the awarding of a Hillside Bowling & Billiard Academy $15 for their efforts, since first and letter to Alard Hanover, son of Mr LIBERTY AVENUE Open daily 10 A. M UN 2-31S5 John J.Growney second prizes were guaranteed $15 and Mrs. A lard L. Hanover, of 1546 OPEN ALLEYS MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS for each. The third prize of $5 was Maple avonue, for Ills participation Bowling 15c game afternoons to 8 1*. M., Monday to Friday won by Stiles, whose 627 total was in varsity basketball this w inter Sunday morning bowling 15c to 1 P. M. nipped in the bud. Fourth prize of Billiards, Monday to Friday—Days 20c hr., Nights 30c hr. Director of Funerals $2.25 went to Luttgens with 620. O N EASTER TRIP High score out of money was taken Mrs. W illiam H/ Gawlik, ad! 158 Whenever you have a Printing Joh (o be by Christianson with a 259 score Frances place, and’ her sister and while $3 for high total Saturday was brother-in-law, Mr! and Mrs. John 7 NEWARK woh by Cory’s prize winning 635. C. Castle a n d son Jack, of Gillette, done ... however small------consider three The Holly woods will wind up the spent the Easter week-end in Wash­ M 0 * 4 1 1 1 1 \ THEATRE 1478 Maple Ave. sweepstake this Saturday and Sun­ ington, D. C., and M|;. Vernon, Va. things: Quality, Service and Price — and Near Clark St. day with another $40 guarantee .with a $1.25 entry fee then, these things being equal, consider that Take Your NOW SHOWING Sacco 182 176 277-635 SHERIFF’S SALE All This Week Cory 210 210 216—635 SH ERIFF'S SALK—In Cliun.eiy i.l Net WA 3-1799 Hillside Stiles 216 224 187-627 Jersey. lietw een Home O w n e r s ’ . Loan the newspapers — Your Newspaper main­ Luttgens 212 205 203-620 C orp o ral io n , a -corporate body o f the Printing To a Christianson 259 161 166-586 United S tates of America, complitinnift, an d John W i n n icki, id ill., d efen d an (s. Ki. tains, a completely equipped Printing De­ la. I'm s a le id morlgftHml pi i-misi-M' ' Hy v ir tu e o f the uhuve-sluteil w rit of ) lieFl t'uehih -To mu directed I slm ll exixiiic Newspaper for sale by public vendue, in tin- District partment manned hy Reasoned Printers and Court Itoim i, In the ('min H ouse, in .tin; \ TRAINED 'H ty of hlrza-Jietli/«tVk-:..l,, mi W-EI/IX l-:s] >A V. THK .1 STII 'D A V ^ i K (hat Joh Printing is an mtegial part of their NURSES IN ATTENDANCE FUN ON SATURDAY NIGHT M A Y , A. D„ 1938, AT All SHOWS at one o'clock Stand aril (two o'clock Daylight Saving) Time, in the afternoon business. of said ..lay. MATIN';',? M ' A L L t h a t certain tract or parcel of f nights 65**£0jjrm i land and premiseH hereinafter p a r t h-i^lar? Where Good Fellows Get Together ly d e s c rib e d , situate, lying a m t l.cing 'n the Township of Hillside, in "Iho ! WOMEN IJADIILTSW iviE\ PHONE UNIONVILLE 2-3041 C ounty oil Union and the S la te 01 New J ersey. j Spaghetti and Games Every Saturday Night itf-Ttil.X.'s l.NU ill lift; cornel -Dirmcd (it ONLY I O N L V J o /Vl y the inters.-. | inn of (lie Southerly line of Albert Street with tile Easterly line of L ehigh P l a c e ; thonco running (1) North E ig h ty - f o u r degreus thirty s e c o n d s (XI0 Remember that this Newspaper is Uncle Tom s Tavern 30") East along the said Southerly line of A lbert • Street lifty-eight feet and Take Your I 310 HILLSIDE AVENUE HILLSIDE, N. J. fo rty -th re e li u n.l red I Its of a foot. (.'.8.43';; then.-e ( 3 ) Southerly at right antflea to always willing to provide publicity Albert Si r e e l and parallel with I., high HI rice -one hundred ..fw! ( luu'.) ihcnn; (3) W esterly parallel with Alle-rt St...... Printing To a to further an event sponsored hy Hfty-oitcfi t feet 4jn.r T o n y -tllif-e hyn- d re d th s ..I a foot to the s a id Easterly line of L o h i k Ii Place; thence (4) North­ O u r Aim Is To Serve Appetizing Food erly along the same one hundred feet,, your organization, (or which no FRIDAY, APRIL 22 — ( 10(H) to t h e said Southerly lin e o f Albert Newspaper Street a n d (Tie 'poTnl and p la c e nf ]le- JoinTHe TTTTtsidrr^ vatTTnr hrrr rtnrttlttrk. 7H—nnintf. — — ------—------JANE WITHERS in “CHECKERS” Iteinir known and designated as lota -charge K made Reciprocity is fair. We know you will enjoy it. No 1 No. u In Block N o. 9 us laid low n on a. rerlnln'mnp e n title d "Map • f tirfindvicw" made hy Luster & Luster, Mary Amof in “No Time To Marry” Civil E n g in e e rs. Klbilieth. N e w .IcfsVW i nd by eonveyod s u b j e c t to the SAT., SIJN., MON., TUKS., A P ltll, 23, 24, 25, 26 — SUPER DINER,Route 29 Bl°ys‘ restrictions that no buildIng shall lie erected th e re o n having w h a t is known in t h <• b u ild in g trade aa a Hat roof. ALICE FAY and TONY M A R T IN in EXCEPTING. HOWEVER. from the above described premises a strip of land twenty-five feet (26') hy (irty-elgld feet and forty three hundredths of n foot ‘S a lly , Irene and Mary* 58.43'j will<-h was conveyed h y the sold — also — KEEP THE TEMPERATURE UP Jo h n W in n ic k i* and Anna W in n ic k i. his wife, to the Stnle of New Jersey by The Hillside Times deed d a t e d December 20. 3 930. and WILLIAM POWELL and ANNABELLA in recorded January .1, 1931 In Deed Hook 1221 f o r Union County p a g e 285 Re., And. Fuel Bills Down! which p re m ise s am known n s Parcel No The Baroness and the f.2 on a c e rta in plan or m a p (He'd In the B utler' More heat for your money if you BURN WAGNER’S Union U idinty R’PTrlTtTT*?—O ff t.-r- wlw.di- 1113 North Broad Street Hillside, N. J. plan Is entitled , ‘.‘New Jersey S ta te High­ WED., TilIJRS., FK1., APRIL 27, 28, 29 — PREMIUM QUALITY PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL way Department, General property Key Map, R o u t e 29, Section 1, T’.S.E . Hallway Waller Huston In------to M o rris Avenue, showing e x is tin g right of way and parcels to he acquired In the T n-w nship of HHIside a n d . Union., Phone, Waverly 3-2465 “OF HUMAN HEARTS” Wagner Coal Company Union C oijnty, New Jersey, A p ril. 1928. There l’s due kpproxlriiately $-1,580.89 FRANK MORGAN and EDNA MAY OLIVER in 1344 Liberty Ave. Hillside, N. J. w ith interest from March 21. 1938. and COStB. P hones: WA. 3-2489, 3-8116; UN/»2-2332 LEE S. RTCJRY, Sheriff. Paradise for Three” D A V ID S. FEINSWOG, Sol’r. Fe«s $30.66 EDJ&HT—CX-1767 Apr 22-4t

i Page Six THE HILLSIDE TIMES. FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1938 All I lie following tract or parcel of Theodore L. Marantz, of 261 Conklin ml and premises hereinafter particular­ Miss Anita Mistretta and Miss ly* described, situate, lying He was born in Sandy Spring, avenue, will be confirmed. The pre­ Gospel Messages Calvary Food Show Maryland, and was a direct descend­ Frances Mistretta, of Newark; Miss Church Services T ow n sh ip of Hillside,' In the County Edith Hyland, of Nutley; Mrs. sensation will be made by Benjamin of Uni m am State of New J Brsey. Classified Ads. ant of Roger Brooks, one of the early S. Berkowitz, president of the con­ I EG NN 1 NG m the Intersect! >n formed colonial governors of Maryland. He Charles Leonard, Miss Marjorie Calvary Lutheran Church, Rev. C. by the ■.11si el ly line of Long A enue and For Mission Here To Be Held Tonight gregation. lino of Pennsylv WINDOW SllADES and his family moved to Hillside Leonard and Miss Ruth Leonard, of Morgan Wagjar, pastor. 9:45 a. m. the soul herly m la Ave- about' five years ago from Jersey Chatham; Mrs. Walter Hoffman, of nup its said 1 nes are practically occupied, CONGRATULATED ON Sunday School. 11 a. m. church the ice ru n idi g Easterly along he South- SPECIAL___Holland side hemmed shades The food show sponsored by Cal­ City. Whitehouse. worship, sermon, "The -Doors Were erly 11 le of Pennsylvania Ave nue 29,8.) 46c: Venetian blinds m ad e to order. Another series of Gospel messages will be given at the Lighthouse vary Lutheran Church will lie held Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Mary The regular meeting of Omega fee to a div Idlng line betweei lota No. B. B. B. Window Shade Co.. lu!S Clin­ 36 YEARS AT WORK Shut.’’ , • 176 an 1 177 Block 7 on ,Mn entitled ton Ave., Irvington, N. J . ; tel E3 3-2882. Gospel Mission, 402 Long avenue, be­ in the-Sunday School rooms of the Murdock. Lea; a daughter, Mrs. Chapter of Chi Beta Chi Sorority Monday at 8 p. nr. Men :s Club was held this week at the home of “M tii- of Hh> brook, Union <’m nty, New I ginning tonight at 8 o'clock, when church tills evening. The doors will Thomas Burleigh Davidson, and a Congratulations were given last5 social at the..parsonage, 1482 Maple J 61Rev. A ugi st 1892"; thence running SALESMEN WANTED William Schmidt, leader of the open open at 7 p. m. and remain open grandson, Thomas Lea Davidson. Miss Pbylis Jones, of Union. After week at the Hillside Lions Club to avenue. All are invited. Sou the ly alo ng said division 11ne and at a business meeting, refreshments Pig it a nglos ii Pennsylvania A venue 1 ou NEARBY Kawlelgh R oute now up. forum of the Clinton Hill Baptist until 10:30. Every purchaser of a member James F. McCarthy who on were served. fee to line >[ Lehigh Valley Railroad ; Real opportunity lor m an who wai Church will be heard. $1 ticket will receive from 18 to 24 that day started hLs thirty-seventh Hillside Presbyterian Church, Geo. tin ice W est erly klong the ame and permanent, profitable Work. Sales w Tuesday at> 8 p. m. Rev. Elmo standard products whose retail value Will Break Ground yqar with the New Jersey Bell Tele­ M. Runner, pastor. Bible School pal ■ lie w ith Pennsylvania Avt nue 96.8 1 up this year. Start promptly. Wi is about $1.75, in addition to a laun­ :45 a. m. Men’s Bible Class 9:45 foe t< said Easterly line of I ong Ave- A awlelgh's, Dept. N J I >-1 :u-K. flu Bateman, radio evangelist of Irving­ phone Co. McCarthy, who lives at lence Northerly along. the sam e Jer, Pa.' / , ton, will be in charge, and Wednes­ dry ticket. Tliere will be no samples Riding Academy 69 Mertz avenue, is supervisor of a. m. Sermon, "After the Resur­ 94 the place of BE' 1 INNING. day-evening Rev. Dr. George Mc- all full-size products. Tickets may For Model Home subway construction in the northern rection," 11 a. m.. Sermon, “Doubt­ T here is . tie approximately $3,771.62 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT from March 10, 1938. and Neeley, pastor of the Elizabeth Ave­ be secured frojrn members of the section of the state. ing Thomas," 8 p. m .. Childrens wit tcrest church. They may also be purchased Suit Dismissed . OH TWO LARGE front rot nue Baptist Church, will deliver the The Township Committee will sermon, "Salt,’’ LEE S. R IG BY Sheriff. housekeeping, $.! 25 at the door tonight. ELECTED BY COUNTY G.O.P Men’s Club Jollification on Tues­ AN m u K E CON LI N, Sol’r. message. participate tomorrow afternoon in AU 21 Race St., Hillside. Countersuits were dismissed yes­ Anton A. Vit Jr., Republican day night. All men invited. s $ 9.3 2 1’ DJ&HT—CX-J775 A pr 22-41 the ground breaking ceremonies for county committeeman for the tenth Sunday morning there will be or­ TENNIS COURTS VOGELS LEAVE FOR the annual model home of Ihe Own terday by a jury before Judge Frank SI-IEli I F F ’S SALE—In Chancer y of New district, was elected a trustee of the ween The Pruden lal Insur- Former Leader 01 VACATION IN SOUTH Your Home Show of the Elizabeth L. Cleary in Elizabeth, in which Mrs. dination and installation of officers. J erst y. Be ATTENTION TENNIS l,LAVi:it> Mona Lowe, of 1465 Center street Young Men’s Republican Club of America, a /corporation W estm inster Tennis Courts, tf.h.ni Chamber of Commerce. Union County Tuesday night at Elizabeth Avenue Presbyterian of Now Jersey, complainant, and NelUe claimed damages for injuries when K, nickel, et ala., defendants. FI. fa. St., Hillside, now open. R ackets restrunt VFW Women Dies Township Committee Chairman The house to be erected is on American Legion Hall, Plainfield. Church, Rev. Arthur Northwood, 12 to $8.00. . and Mrs Harry R. Vogel, of 36 she rode a horse owned by George for salt* of mortgaged premises. Trotter's lane, not far from the Hill­ C. Woodruff, proprietor of a riding pastor. 9:30 a. m. Church School By v irtu e of the above-stated writ of Looker street, left yesterday morning side line. Several model homes in Subscribe Ut and Men’s Bible Class. 10:45 a. m. fieri facias ^o me directed I shall expose Business Directory Mrs. Lillian M. Wernicke, 39, oi for a trip to the South, intending the past have actually been In Hill­ academy at 446 Conant. street, and worship with sermon, ‘'Children of for sale hy public vendue, in the District Beauty Parlors 240 Fitzpatrick street, former presi­ to vacation in Virginia or North side instead of Elizabeth, by a"mar­ the latter charged she caused dam­ THE HILLSIDE TIMES Court Room , in the Court House, In the ages to the saddle and the horse. Royalty.” 7 p. m. Senior and Inter city of Elizabeth, N. J., on dent oi ihe Ladies Auxiliary of Hill­ Carolina for a week. gin of a few feet." Jl.50 Per Year mediate ChrisUattJJndeavor^ 8"p. in. WEDNESDAY. THE 4TH DAY OF PERSONALITY Permanent Wave $ J. Y 0. Mrs. Lowe asked for $5,000, charg­ side Post 1722, V. F. W., dic,d yes­ Mr. Vogel this week resigned his worship with sermon, "Running MAY, A. D., 1938. Wide, narrow waves, ringlets, curls. terday after a short illness. Funeral position to accept another one which ing the horse, "Major Dill," threw at one o’clock Standard (two o'clock For best results we use nationally a d ­ from Life.” D aylight Saving) Time, In the afternoon vertised products. Wood's Barber and ‘services will be conducted Monday he will actively assume at the be­ her April 19, 19315,. causing a fracture Beauty Shop, Maple Ave. of an arm and concussion of the of said day. afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home ginning of May, continuing in an DEMOCRATS WILL M EET All th e following tract or parcel of "by the Rev. C. Morgan Wagner, pas­ executive capacity in the woolen in­ brain. Woodruff filed suit for $1,000, Verified ESSO A regular meeting of the Roose­ land and premises hereinafter particular­ Beverages claiming the woman alone was re­ ly described, situate, lying and being In tor of Calvary Lutheran Church, and dustry, with which he has been af­ Social Items LUBRICATION is a velt Democratic Club will be held, the T ow nship of Hillside. In the County the V. F. W. Auxiliary will hold filiated for years. sponsible for the mishap, and that next Wednesday evening a t the R U PPE R T 'S BEER $2 Case. Delivered By SALLY M tGHEE afterwards the horse was of little of Union and State of New Jersey. tree. Also other popular brands, yuul. services Sunday evening at 7 o'clock Tills Is his first vacation in many V. F. W. Hall. B E G IN N IN G In the E asterly line of service. H enry Rech, L iberty ami Bloy. at the home. Interment will be in years, Vogel said this week, as he use, causing its sale for one-tenth Salem A venue at a point therein distant EL. S-S62B. A surprise miscellaneous shower of the value he formerly had placed NOTICE three hun d red and firty two feel and Oraccland Memorial Park, Kenil- has not had* the opportunity for a was- given for Miss Doris Heisley yes­ TAKE NOTICE that application v eighty six hundredths of a foot North­ work. long time to get away for rests ex­ on it. erly from the corner formed by the In­ ‘'grists terday by Mrs. George Krug and Woodruff introduced evidence that be made to the. .Uunicipa^ Hoard Mrs. Wernicke is survived by her cept over week-ends. Golfing prob Mrs. William Sonntag. Decorations Alcoholic Beverage Control of llillsi' tersection of the Northerly line of North husband. Charles Wernicke, a son, ably will be his major recreatipn. boys made noises which annoyed N. J., to trunnier to C harles Maaiu Avenue with sahl Easterly line of Salem FLO W ER S leave nothing unsaid When were carried out in white. Miss the horse when it was taken on an lor premises located U>f>5 Sunn Avenue; from thence running at right the occasion Is serious, or otherwise Charles F Jr., a daughter, Lorraine, Avenue, Hillside, N. J., the P le n a ry I angles to Salem Avenue, North sixty ■end flowers. Cut flowers In season. Just ALBERT GILPIN LEA Heisley will be married to Robert unaccustomed trail. Mrs. Lowe de­ tail Consumption license h eretofore issi four deg rees fifty four m inutes E ast one reach for your phone. EL. 2-8561, Jacobi. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hag- Sonntag, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ clared the horse could not be con­ to Carl Jorgensen, for pre hundred and fifty feet to a point; thence Florist, 1202-16 North B road St. mann, of Newark; a sister, Mrs. Rose Services were held at his home, We Service Hypoid Gears Williams, and a brother, Edward 902 Salem avenue, Monday after­ liam Sonntag, of 1435 Maple avenue, trolled. the latter part of May. Objections, if any, should be m a d e Im­ minutes W est one hundred and ten feet Home Repairing, Remodeling Hagmann, of Newark. noon for Albert Gilpin Lea, 65, who Cut Your Tire Costs In Half mediately in writing to H ow ard J. Bloy, to a point; thence running South sixty The deceased had been active in died last Saturday after an illness Those present were Mrs. Elizabeth TO DELIVER SERMON Commercial Custom Built Treads Township Clerk, of the T ow nship of Hill­ four deg rees fifty four m inutes W est EXPERT In every branch of Horn** Re­ the V. F_ W. Auxiliary and was also since eafly in February. Gerndt, Mrs. John Gemdt Jr., Mrs. on your own tires are guaranteed. side, N. J. one h u n d re d and fifty feX*t to a point modeling. Mason, Plastering, Carpentry, He retired about fifteen years ago. ON PASSOVER HERE (Signed) CHARLES MASloNIS. in the said side of Saletp A venue; thence Painting, Papering, Hoofing, l’urui En­ a member of Daughters of -Liberty Jacob Noll. Mrs. William Sommer, SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK ONLY closures; estimates carefully, given. Council 79, of Newark. She was a He was president of Lea-Courtney Mrs. Charles Steets, Mrs. Fred Sonn­ This A dv. is worth SI Apr 22-29. nue. S outh twenty five degrees six m in­ Joseph Cheben, 271 Fitzpatrick St., Hill­ native oi Newark and had lived in Co., of Newark, manufacturers of tag, Mrs. Harold Deisler, Miss Grace Rabbi Horace L. Zemel, of New­ on each tire rebuilt. utes E ast one hundred and ten feet side. W e will loan you tires while your CARD OF THANKS to (he point M r place or B E G IN N IN G . Hillside about 18 years. land and marine pumps. He also Gerndt, Miss Edith G em dt and Mrs. ark, will deliver a Passover sermon tires a re being done. had been a consulting engineer of To our neighbors and friendh of Looker Know n asMGlS Salem Avenue. Music George Krug, of Irvington; Miss entitled, "Have We Forgotten?” to­ Street: There is due approximately $2 1,898.23 the Clark Door Co., of Newark. Mr Dorothy Sonntag, Miss Ruth Finn, morrow morning -at the Sinai Con­ Macdonalds garage Being impossible lo th ank each one with interest from Murch 9, 1938, arid Lea was a graduate of Case School Miss Eleanor Finn and Mrs. Wil­ gregation, Maple avenue. The costs. THE RIGHT wXY to learn musu is by Amateur’s Picture I4 BO No BROAD ST. appreciation of your thoughtfulness -in LEE S. IUGBY, Sheriff. private lessons. . Crowell School ut of Applied Sciences, in Cleveland. liam Sonntag, of Hillside; Mrs. Elven memorial services at 10:30 a. m. will 6 0034 Music, 363 Princeton Aye. George < mw By profession he was a mechanical Heisley. Miss Lillie Fischer. Miss be in charge of Cantor Binnerman. TEL WAVERLY , HILLSIDE.N J. .MRS N F IMTiNAM fi DAUGHTERS. Fc.cn $20.68 EDJ&HT <’X 1735 ap r 8-41 well-Joe Pollack, Station WNKW Sun­ engineer'.' Tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock days 6 P. M. Instrum ents free to take Entered lu Exhibit Ruth Aitken, Mrs. Ralph Rogers, home. C ARD OF THANKS To the Coe Avenue Merchants: NEWARK AMUSEMENTS Painting and Decorating M. Reese Davis, a junior in Hill­ Being ini possible lo thank «*u side High School, is exhibiting an personally, we wish'to express oi THOMAS LOMBARD! inl.-rioi- and ••• oil painting this week in the seventh terior decorating and painting. Tmu- Spring exhibition in the New Jer­ .MItS. N. l-\ PUTNAM A- 1>AUC ■SiCTMIsmCTM payments on work ovei $5u. 159 Yllgiiiia St.; EL 2-8866. sey Gallery at the Kresge Depart­ ment Store, Newark. SHERIFF’S SALE I P R O C T O R S Painting and Paper Hanging This is quite an honor for young Davis since he has never had any SHERIFF'S SALE T he Great American WHEN THINKING of painting or paper instruction in oil painting, going into icy. Hetw 11 ii hanging call A. A rtke, J1U6 North Loan Corporation-, a corporate Motion Picture Broad St., EL. 2-3296. it as a hobby. Only artists whose the United States of America, work measures up to the standard ant, and Ludwig Koenig, widow, defendants. Fi. fa. for sale of i irl gage Plumbing and Heating set by veteran professional exhibitors e m I NO are asked to exhibit. Reese is the By virtue of (lie above-stated writ o PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. fieri facias to inn direr toil I s h a ll ox pus —Oil burners, gas appliances; easy Davis, of 1522 Center street. for sale b y public vendue, in th e Distrie payments. William Billnsky, 1196 Liberty Court Room, in the Court H ouse, in th Ave., Hillside, N. J. city of Elizabeth; N. J.. on Tyrone AIU* PLAN NOW WEDNESDAY, THE 18TH D A Y OF ALFRED A. LA.MPE MAY, A. D.7 1938. Plumbing, Heating and Repair \\ La Tora Chosen As at o n e 'o ’clock Standard (tw o o’clock POWER- FAYE • AMECHE * 1230 Robert St. Daylight Saving) Time, in the aflerm Estimates Cheerfully Given of said d ay. CALL EL1Z. 2-9820 Drum Major Again Porch Inclosures The drum and bugle corps of Hill­ ..JLPENS, CARPENTER AND MILL side Post No. 50, American Legion, WORK. JOHN KO PP, took steps Tuesday night at the 4S2 S. 9th St.; BI 3-2630; ev- W.i 3-0813. Hillside Avenue- School to increase Make Your Old interest in ius work by the selection Tailoring of Frank J. La Tora as drum major Fashioned House Look again, after an absence of some J. M ERTEL, Merchant Tailor, Cleaning. time. At present the corps consists Pressing, Dyeing ami Repairing. VVA. like an up-to-date modern home. 3-0206. 1423 No. Broad St. opp. M i z Av. of twenty men, but uniforms are To Increase Your available for 40. Those interested Finance the cost of necessary repairs Upholstering should report at the Hillside Avenue School Tuesdays at 8 p. m. and alterations with an SLIP COVERS, cabinet work, upliolsii-i Election of officers took place at lng, H erm an Rupp, Upholsterer, 123 the meeting. Thomas Purchase was Woodruff Ave.,-Hillside, N J., EL .. g •! made president, Albert Maculey, vice F.H. A. Modernization Loan. president; George Klug, secretary ELIZA GALLAGHER and Fred Martin, treasurer. Mrs. Eliza Gallagher, of 1228 Salem The HILLSIDE NATIONAL BANK avenue, died April 9 at her home BLAZE DESTROYS following a week's illness. Despite her 86 years, she had been unusually GASOLINE PUMI A $250 gasoline pump at the service MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM active until recently. She had re­ station of. H W. Adams a t Route Business Hl'1 HU DEPOSIT INSURANCE CCRP sided here for the- last two years' 29 and Bloy street Was destroyed with her daughter, Mrs. Otto Open M onday Evenings, 7-8 P. M. Dubusshere, and a granddaughter., by fire Wednesday morning. The fiye was believed tQ have been caused Mrs. - Fred .Qrlof^of-the- "Salem • ave­ by a short'circuit in-the motor'of nue address. the pump. The.pump had just been The funeral was from here. A repaired. requiem high mass was offered at Fire Companies 1, 2 and 3 re­ St. Mary’s Church, Rcfecbank, Staten sponded to the fire call, and quickly Island, of which she had’ been a extinguished the blaze -wi-tb tanks communicant all her life. Burial,.wags of foam. A safety shut-off valve We Supply ■ Buy & Repair in St. .Mary’s Cemetery, Grasmere, stopped the spread of the fire to.,the 3 . I . . gasoline tank, and avoided an ex­ Electric Motors Powei*& Light Mrs. Gallagher was bom m Ire­ plosion. ■ ii ■ During 1938 New & Used land, being brought to . this, country The pump flared- up when a re­ Wiring as a baby. She lived in Rosebank pairman turned on a switch after Air Comfjjessors Motor Repaired until two .years ago. Shq..„was the returning the repaired motor into Beer'Pumps widow of William M. Gallagher, a the pump. The flames just missed Parts & Service Clvi^ Wa£ Veterans*who died in. 1904. the repairman and several other Exhaust Fans In additl Eon to her daughter, she * Used-Equipment leaves three sons, John, of New persons nearby. Power Plant Bought & Sold York; James, of Staten Island, and RETURNING FROM ENGLAND Joseph of Jersey City; also' fourteen Miss Nancy Winter, of Kilsythe grandchildren, including Mrs. Orloff, road, Elizabeth, who has been on a W. A. JADOS > and twelve great grandchildren. visit to London. England, since Christmas, will return on the Quern 86 EDISON PLAGE ROSARY SOCIETY MEETING Mary May 1. Her mother arrived By ADVERTISING The Rosary Society of the .Church two weeks ago from London. Nancy Phone MArket 3-1792 Newark, N. J. of Christ the King will meet at is the youngest daughter of the late the church next Wednesday eve­ Graham B. Winter, formerly of ning. * Salem avenue, Hillside. UNionville 2-1957 ,. . ^ ^ 35 Years Experience ACME ROOFING i Slate Tile Asbestos SPRING’S MOST IMPORTANT EVENT! AU, KINDS OF SHINGLES, SIDING AND REPAIRS Cheapest in the State—See m e for Prices 320 Ft nRtNny AVE TERMS 13 '1Tt" HILLSIDE, N. J. irand COKE in Prices Have Been Reduced! THE HILLSIDE TIMES We suggest that you order your next / Shore Deliveries Daily Winter’s supply NOW. Inquire about our Budget Plan. Theodore Fitterer

WA 3-1938 EXPRESS and MOVING EL 2-7123 REGULARLY 585 Route29 UNionville 2-0986 Hillside, N. J.

Eu1abf!’!a,,Cth Ave,,ue Presbyterian Church Awnue at Wi.bnr Arthur Northwood. Past,

10-45 a m S T m 8011001 and Men's B‘Wc Class 7:00 n m X Sh P Wlth s®1®00*' “Children of Royalty.” ' 8:00 p' m WorshiDanwithnt^ rmediate Christian Endeavor. ‘ P w th sermon, “Running Away from Life.”