T ry t h e w e a t h e r crallv"fv “I"' sh“wcrs today; sen- THE HILLSIDE TIM ES ra,,y ^air tomorrow. For Your Next Order Of PRINTING OL. XIII, No. 697 HILLSIDE, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1938 OFFICIAL NFWSPAPI. OF TilK TOWNN1111* OF INI PRICE FIVE CENTS Don’t Renamed Judge Carey Speak Child Council Av aiversary I t’s Here Again: Daylight Saving Bobertz Mention It At Anniversary Dinner Powers Sought Slogan Chosen Making it official, the Township To Place elected after .Hillside seceded from Several residents were up in arms First Township Committee- Union hi 1913. Definition of Duties Will Committee voted Daylight Saving- Returns this week at the road department Raymond Wolf Wins IVizc Time for Hillside Wednesday night. men Will Be Present Official greetings will be' extended’ Clocks must be turned ahead one Men working on the new road re­ by Township Committee Chairman Be Requested ol County With ‘Hillside’s Grow­ pair project came through several hour at 2 a. m. Sunday, meaning On Board Former Judge Robert Carey, of Harry R. Vogel, who expects to re­ Juvenile Commission ing—Keep II Going’ the lass of an hour until the last streets put in good shape last year, Jersey City, well known throughout turn from a Southern vacation in and1 began to sweep up the dust and Sunday in September when the extra To Post the state for his addresses at patri­ time for the dinner. Entertainment Definition of the powers and duties hour will be returned. small particles of stone. otic affairs and gatherings such as will be provided by local talent, in­ of the local Juvenile' Delinquency “Hillside's Growing Keep It Go­ Accused practically of “stealing" Frank E. Hockenbury Gets the township’s twenty-fifth anni­ cluding solos by Miss Lois Mae- Council will be asked of the Union ing" is the slogan for the township the street, the road department suf­ Mahon, now a student at the Juil- County Council for the Prevention as it prepares to celebrate Its twenty- Another Term on Assess­ versary dinner, will be the chief rive years of progress. Blmnbinjr Inspector Who fered in silence until residents who speaker for the event next Thurs­ liard School of Music; Miss Arlene of Crime in Youth by the Township Will Resume complained were advised that the ment Commission day night. Althenn, who lias won widespread Committee. The slogan was selected Monday Had Boon Seriously sweeping up is to prepare for the approval for her whistling and sing­ The action was voted Wednesday night by a committee ‘‘oT* judges III Is Welcomed The dinner will be held at the from ' among 1,600 submitted by completion of last year's repairs. ACCEPT OFFER FOR Winfield Scott Hotel in Elizabeth. ing; Miss Eleanor Otto, tap dancer, night by the officials, who created Streets on which new surfaces were According to reports of sales so far and Seymour Lowy, young accordion the body last, year at the urging of junior and senior high school pupils. WPA Classes laid last year will be “sealed’1 this LONG AVE. REPAIRS soloist. the county eounCil. The request will ’The winner of the $25 watch of­ CLEANUP WEEK SET to the ticket committee, it appears fered by David Uonzei, ol the (vi­ year, preventing rapid deterioration, probable the maximum- of 285 will Numerous invitations to old time, be sent to Mrs. Anita S. Qunrle.s. Reg is I ration lor Mu- new term ■ a FOR MAY !) TO 14 and will ljeep them in good condition Frank E. Hockenbury was renamed residents of Hillside issued by the secretary of the council, for ihat bration romn\il/t<v. as a prize, is Ha\ have been reached before Thurs­ mond Woll .Jiv -tJl'tJltU) Salem ave­ the W.l’A Adult Education Program for four or five years before they for a three year term on the General day. As soon as the committee finds Old Timers Night committee of Mrs. body’s views, and Judge Henry s. will cmninciii.- -next Monday, April Plumbing Insi^ctor Hugo W. need serious attention. Emmet T. White, have been accepted, Waldmtui. of the Juvenile and Do­ nue. Bober!./, was welcomed back to duty Board of Improvement Assessment the limit reached, all remaining Several other slogans werecited 25. and will continue -throughout Commissioners Wednesday night by tickets will be called in. she reported at Wednesday’s meet­ mestic Relations Court, will also be 1 hi W< < k ... follow , accord in to an Wednesday night, by the Bqjird of Harry Vogel began to figure this the Township Committee. ing. In addition to other features asked for his ideas. for honorable mention, including Health. He returned lo his desk the Township Engineer Henry Kreh ‘Hillside, tin- Town ol Today-and announcement by Robert Kirsh. week that by taking a vacation for In contrast to many of the ap­ Jr., who has long been engineer for of the program for this affair, Mon­ The officials pointed out this week principaj I liinlrn-Lookcr S pool, aim- day. and will resume his nor­ the next few days he will avoid more day evening May 2 will be a talk by the local board has tried to be help­ the City of Tomorrow," "Grow With mal work outside of whuteyer the pointments to the board in the past, Union Township as well, and who Hillside," "Hillside for Industry ami any day from 7 to 9:30 p. m.; Calvin *than the average number of "ap­ the appointment was made harm on­ has been identified with many activ­ Dr. William R. Ward on “Reminis­ ful in curbing juvenile delinquency Goolidge School, for sewing o n l,. weak condition of his legs prevents pearances’’ after healing his col­ cences of Old Lyons Farms*’’ by handling delicately minor infrac­ Industry for Hillside." for some lime Lo come. iously by a unanimous vote. Hock- ities here during the last quarter, Others which won comment, either Monday, Wednesday and Friday leagues report their schedule of enbury’s name was proposed by century, will be the toastmaster. Costume Ball tions of laws by children where from 1 to 3 p. m.;“George Washing­ George W. Herlieh, president of activities for the next few days. warnings and advice were felt, more because they were facetious or be­ the Board of Health, expressed the Committeeman Harry Schnabel, and First Officials Miss Dorothy Utter, chairman of cause tlu-y had possible value.* in ton School," for literacy only, Mon Committeeman Robert O. Thompson Roscoe W. Parks, dinner chairman, the costume ball which will close proper than formal actions faking day. Wednesday anil Thursday from gratitude of the officials in seeing Charlie Grant is hearing plenty the children before the county eluded "The Toothpaste and Win- Bobertz able to resume his, duties. seconded the nomination. announced at the meeting of the the week’s celebration on Wednes­ City," “Twenty Two Thousand Can t 3:30 to 4:30 p. m about his cat. Last Saturday night By resolution the committee voted general committee in charge of the day evening May 4. announced Mrs. juvenile court Several new courses have boon Bobertz replied with deep apprecia­ firemen were called to get it down lineroaoftes On Court Bo Wrong,’’ “Swing and Sway the tion of the generous and helpful to accept a compromise offer from celebration, at the home of Mrs. George M. Disbrow Jr., will be in llillsid'e Way,." “Eii.slside, We.Vsuie, added, Including elementary photo­ from a telephone pole, to Which it the surety company which provided Nettie C. Estabrook, 1500’ North charge of entertainment; Mrs. Erie At the samoVlime. it, was declared, graphy, fioin the pin hole camera spirit of the officials during his long had fled before realizing the dis­ apparently ySfur of the board’s ac­ I'll take Hillside," "Hillside Is Like illn e ss from typhoid fever and num­ the maintenance bond on the pav­ Broad street, that he has been as­ Johnson, decorations, and Miss a Haystack, II Has Its Points," and through Hie'enlarging stage; speed tance back to the ground. Plenty ing of Long avenue, which has been sured by Frank H; Baker, first Evelyn C. Jacobi, prizes. Tickets will tions wen* / considered within the writing, or simple shorthand; modern erous complications. of people thought there was a serious province^! the' Juvenile court, As “Hillside, the Forgotten Town." Acting Plumbing Inspector Leslie a matter of dispute for some time chairman of the Township ^Commit­ be available at tin1 door. The Judges life literature, reading of books by. fire, with the hook and ladder en­ between the officials and the com ­ tee, and J. Elliott Hall, 'secnjMtochair- The final meeting of the general a resuJTor this, the Juvenile Delia and si inly of modern authors. H Tichenor Jr., who has performed gine proceeding on its way, but they qmWy Council last month ri'qiicMed The judges were Township C *. in - Bohcrlzs duties since October, when pany. The township wifi receive $750 man, th at, they will, be iPjpmit. at committee before the opening of mitlee 'Chairman Harry K Vogel Tin consumers' (-duration course couldn't figure out why it went so from the surety company for repairs the dinner. They, with' the late a definition of its powers and duties will lx- continued During _tln- Ihc latter was stricken, expressed his slowly. the celebration will be held Tues­ Arthur G. Woodlield, supervising necessary to overcome natural de­ Harry R. Tindall, made up the day, evening at'M rs. Estabrook \s by the Township Commijtec or ob­ previous term those taking the pleasure on having been- able to taining the definition from the principal of .schools;b Miss Sue M s i i and offered Ins services to fects which showed up in the pave­ original three man governing body home.
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