Fisher River 44 Fisher Bay Fisher Schedule C: Map NoteP r6ovincial Park Beaver Creek River 44A Provincial Park MMF Night Hunting and Night Lighting Agro-Zone Boundary Lake

Agro-Zone Data Muriel 224 UV Lake Agro-Zone Boundary Note Start/End Point 234 Peguis 1B UV Agro-

Non-Agro Manitoba Hecla/Grindstone Provincial Park Base Map Data *# 325 MMF Local UV GHA 21A VU17 Populated Place

ManitLoebe aLa kHe ighway System Indian Reserve Community Pasture Otter Waterbody Lake ProvinScylivaaln P Dalrek Community Pasture Rural Municipality (R.M.) Game Hunting Area (GHA) UV233 0 2 4 8 12 16 Kilometres Miles 0 2 4 8 12 16 Scale: 1:300,000 Riverton Data Source: MLI, Geogratis (when printed 11" x 17") *# Projection: UTM Zone 14 NAD 83 UV329 UV326 G¯HA 25 Date: April 16, 2019

R.M. of R.M. of Bifrost Fisher Beach Arborg Provincial Park VU68


Elk Island Provincial Park

UV419 VU8 Fish Lake Camp Morton GHA 25A Provincial Park Nacrisse UV504 Community Pasture 324 UV Lake R.M. of Winnipeg Armstrong R.M. of Birch UV231 Landing GHA 34B Snake Gimli Gimli VU11 Lake *# R.M. of

Pauls Grand Beach Alexander Lake Provincial Park Dennis 7 VU59 Lake VU

Jackfish UV519 UV229 Lake

Winnipeg Beach 229 UV416 VU17 Norris Lake UV GHA Provincial Park 500 UV 34 Provincial Park Norris Dunnottar Patricia Beach Lake GHA 25B Provincial Park UV304 225 R.M. of UV Beaconia UV232 Rockwood Lake UV319 Gull St. Peters Fishing Lake R.M. of Station 1A VU12 Hughes *# St. Andrews Lake Parisian VU9 Lake UV415 VU59 DISCLAIMER: This m ap is a ge n e ralize d re pre se n tation of the Man itoba Me tis Fe de ration ’s (the “MMF”) Agro-Zon e Bou n dary for the pu rpose s oPf aNsisgwhat HLauknetin gRamsay McKay Lake Lake an d NRigh.t MLig.h tion gf by Man itoba Me tis Harve ste rs an d Citize n s an d for n o othe r pu rpose . This m ap is for illu strative an d re fe re n ce pu rpose s on ly. It m u st be u sOe da kin Point Swedish addition to the m ate rials available at: http://w w w .m m f.m, w hich m ay be u pdate d from tim e to tim e . It is the re spon sibility of Man itoba Me tis Harve ste rs an dLake Lake WCitioze nos tdo elnasunre d thesy have re vie w e d the se m ate rials an d are actin g in com plian ce w ith the Me tis Law s of the Harve st, an d an y othe r law s that m ay apply, at all Netley Brokenhead 4 tim e s. The m ap is e xclu sive ly ow n e d by the MMF an d prote cte d by copyright law . Re produ ction , alte ration , distribu tion , or disclosu re w ithou t the LMaMkeF’s prior w ritte n con se n t is strictly prohibite d. The MMF m ake s n o w arran ty, e xpre ss or im plie d, as to the accu racy or com ple te n e ss of the m ap an d assu m e s n o re spon sibility R.M. of 322 Netley Creek or liabiliUVty, in clu din g w ith re spe ct to an y crim in al charge , loss, or dam age of an y kin d, in clu din g pe rson al in ju ry or de ath, arisin g from the u se or re lian ce on this Peguis 1D Provincial Park St. Clements m ap or from e rrors, de ficie n cie s, or fau lts the re in , w he the r su ch dam age is cau se d by n e glige n ce or othe rw ise . GHA 34C © Man itoba Me tis Fe de ration In c., 2019. All rights re se rve d. Peguis 1E