Salticidae (Arachnida : Araneae) of the Orientalo Australian and Pacific

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Salticidae (Arachnida : Araneae) of the Orientalo Australian and Pacific InvertebrateTaxonomy, 2000, 14, 695-704 Salticidae(Arachnida : Araneae) of the orientalo Australian and Pacific regions,XIII: the genusSandulodes Keyserling Marek Zabka AustralianMuseum, 6 CollegeStreet, Sydney, NSW 2000,Australia. Presentaddress: Katedra Zoologii AP, 08-110,Siedlce, poland. Email: [email protected] Abstract. The genusSandalodes Keyserling, 1883 is revisedto include four speciesfromAustralia and papua New Guinea: S. bipenicillatus (Keyserling), S.joannae, sp. nov., S. scopifer (Karsch) and S. superbas (Karsch). Sandalodesalbobarbatus (Keyserling) is synonymisedwith S. scopifer (Karsch).Alcmena superba Karsch, 1878 is includedin Sandalodes.The Australianspecies, S. albovittatus(Keyserling, 1883) andS. calvus Simon, 1902, togetherwith all of the non-Australianspecies hitherto listed in Sandalodes,are excluded. These species were mis- placedin Sandalodes.The genusKarschiolina Brignoli, 1985is synonymisedwithsanclalodes. Remarks on rela- tionships,biology and distributionof Sandalodesare given. Introduction five randomlyselected individuals ofeach sex,unless indicated other- wise.Details of morphologyand terminology are presented in Fig. l. The nomenclatural history of Sandalodeshas been long and rather complicated.It beganin 1878when Karschdescribed Collectionsstudied the genus Ligurinus for L. scopifer. The generic name, AM AustralianMuseum, Sydney however,being preoccupied,was replacedwith Karschiola CBM Privatecollection of Dr BarbaraBaehr, Mtlnchen b1,Strand (1932). Unfortunately, the latter was also preoccu- MCZ Museumof ComparativeZoology, Harvard University, pied and was replaced with Karschiolina by Brignoli Cambridge,Massachusetts MNHN (1985)-with Ligurinus scopifer still as a type species,as MuseumNational d'Histoire Naturelle,Paris BMNH The Natural History Museum,London proposedby Karsch. Here, finally, the story seemsto have QM QueenslandMuseum, Brisbane found a happy end. The study of the relevant type specimens WAM WesternAustralian Museum, Perth has proved thal Karschiolina scopifera (Karsch) is con- ZMB Museurnflir Naturkundeder HumboldtUniversitat. Berlin generic with Sandalodesbipenicillalzzs (Keyserling), thus all ZMH ZoologischesInstitut und Zoologisches Museum, Universit?it the genericnames proposed by Karsch,Strand and Brignoli Hamburg are here placed as synonyms of Sandalodes. Other obbreviations Sandalodesitself was erectedby Keyserling in 1883 for AEW, anterioreyes width; AL, abdomenlength; CH, cephalothorax Mopsusbipenicillatus. During subsequentyears, however, it height; CL, cephalothoraxlength; CW, cephalothoraxwidth; EFL, eye has 'dump becomea taxon' with 21 speciesdescribed from field length; NSW, New South Wales;NT, Norlhern Territory; PEW, Australia, India, Celebes,Polynesia, Marquesasand Hawaii posterioreyes width; PNG,Papua New Guinea;Q, Queensland;Tas., (Keyserling1882; Simon 1885, 1900, 1902;Merian l91l; Tasmania:WA. WesternAustralia. Berland1933,1934; Bonnet 1958).A studyof the type mate- rial ofall Sandalodesspecies listed by Bonnet(1958) showed that 19 of thesespecies were misplacedin Sandalodes. These G enus S an d aI o de s Key serling are not covered here, being the subject of separatestudy (J. Pr6szyriskiin preparation). SandalodesKeyserling, 1883: 1476. Simon,1903:703; Roewer, 1954:1066; Bomet, 1958:3929; Davies & Zabka,1989:252: Material and methods Zabka,1991a:51;Platnick, I 993:806, 1997:932. LigurinusKarsch, 1878: 27 Bonnet,1957: 2480; The present study is based on fresh and type material from the collec- [preoccupied]. Pr6szyriski1984: 160. tions listed below. To verif, the current list of species, all available KarschiolaStrand, I 932: 140 - Roewer,1954: 1057 . material of'Sandalodes'from the Pacific areawas studied from the col- [preoccupied]. KarschiolinaBrignoli, 1885:380, syn. nov. Platnick,198q: 584, lections of the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris,the Natural 1993:132. History Museum, London, and the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Methods of specimen examination are as described Typespecies of Sandalodes:Mopsus bipenicillatus Keyserling, I 883, earlier (Zabka 1991&). Measurements (in mm) are given as means of by subsequentdesignation. O CSIRO 2OOO l 0.107 1/rT99006 081 8-0 1 64 t00t050695 M.Zabka AEW Eye field occupies about40Yooftotal cephalothoraxlength. Cheliceraeof unidentatepattern, with one posterior and two cheliceral lnctslon anteriorteeth. In males,cheliceral fangs with more or less distinctiveprotrusions or incisions.Abdomen dark, elongate, \/'- unidentate A{.,28!fil',iffftr with central light pattern.Legs long and strong, coveredwith hairs (more numerouson ventral femora, patellaeand tibiae). {V Tibiae and metatarsi with three (sometimes four) and two rct pairs of ventral spines,respectively. First legs the longest. Palpalorgan massive, bulb bag-like,spermophore not mean- dering, embolus rather shot1, tibial apophysis single. Epigyne strongly sclerotised,with one or two oval or round depressions,insemination ducts thick-walled, sclerotised, coiled, spermathecaesmall. Relationships MopsusKarsch, 1878 and MopsolodesZabka, 1991are the closestrelatives of Sandalodes(Zabka l99la, 1991c).All three genera share similarities in male palps but differ in embolus body ratios, hairiness, chelicerae and female genitalia fenilisation spermophore duct (Fig.2, Table1). spermatheca Mopsus is known for its body shape,extravagant colours and hairiness. It differs from Sandalodesinhaving a much higher and wider cephalothorax and relatively shorler eye B field. Also, the epigyne and internal genitalia are weakly Simon (1903) included both generain separate inse.mination sclerotised. tegulum ouct groups: Thyeneaeand Hylleae, respectively,but this was basedon speciesthat, in fact, comprisedspecies unrelated copulatory with Sandalodessensu stricto. openlng Mopsolodes seemscloser to Sandalodes(Zabka 1991c). Fig. 1. Morphological characters of Sandalodes'. l, general appear- The general appearance, leg structure and palpal organ ance; B, palpal organ; C D, chelicerae; E, female internal genitalia. (especiallythe shapeof tibial apophysisand embolus)are similar to S. bipenicillatus (Keyserling) but also to some Mopsus. However, the epigyne and female internal genitalia are quite different. The insemination ducts are very long and Generic diagnosis (Fig 1) membranous,like those of the Oriental klamonia Thorell, Large and robust spiders,ranging up to 15 mm in body 1887 (Zabka 1985) and spermathecaeare thick-walled and length and showing wide range of dimensions. Male multichambered. cephalothorax usually with a fringe or crest of dense pro- Within the genusSandalodes, S. bipenicillafz.rsis the most truding hairs resembling an extravagant punk-like haircut. divergentspecies and sharessome characteristics with Mopszs Table 1. Comparison between character states of Mapsas, Mosolodes and Sandalodes *, character state present; -, character state missing; t, character state may be present or absenl Character state Mopsus Mopsolodes Sandalodes RatioCH:CL 0.63 0.46 0.37,0.50 RatioEFL:CL 0.35 0.49 0.40-0.50 RatioPEW:CW 0.50-0.60 0.74 0.73-0.80 Male cephalothoraxwith a fringe + First tibia with four pairs ofventral spines +Q I First tibia with threepairs of ventral spines +d + Male cheliceralspur with protrusion(incision) Embolusthin and long, 'wavy' + Embolusmassive or needle-like + Spermathecaelong, multichambered Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae): the genusSandalodes Keyserling 697 both phylogenetic and biogeographicalconsiderations diffi- cult and speculative.The distributionalpattern, which seems to support the relationships basedon morphology, may well be found less supporlive when new records are available. G{Ann Distribution Sandalodesoccurs all over Australia and in southem Papua -V/H^YWE[[-J F clJ New Guinea (Figs 5, 8, l l and 14), though the currentdata L-/ HL----t-{ I on its distributionprobably reflectsthe result of collecting Sandalodes Sandslodes Sandalodes activity rather than real geographical ranges.To my knowl- ;{ii:::ir' edge, and despitemuch researchon the salticidsof neigh- ;fa#:$tr s,ffir^i',x*y';ryft' bouring regions,no specieshas ever been recordedin any otherarea. Sandalodes bipenicillatus has a limited distribution pattern in easternparts of Queenslandand New South Wales. Sandalodes scopifer has a much wider range, although Mopsolodes flusftalensis R apparently disjunct rather than continuous: from southern S Papua, NT, Papua New Guinea through eastern Queensland and New N-NE Qld South Wales to WesternAustralia. Sandalodessuperbus is known from many localities all over the continent and in southernPapuaNew Guinea, whereas S.7 oannae only occurs in limited localitiesin WestemAustralia. ,Y Beadle (1981), and many other authors,hypothesise that the genus Eucalyptus is derived from rainforest ancestor(s) and began to differentiate and expand at the rainforest margins during the middle and late Tertiary as a result of an Mopsus mormon increasein aridity and nutrient deficiency. Ifthis hypothesis PNG, NT, NQId n w is correct, the evolution of Sandalodesand its distribution may have followed a similar pattern in similar circumstances. Thus, norlheasternAustralia would be the areaof the origin of "U the genus and its relatives: Mopsus is primarily adaptedto rainforest Fig. 2. Comparison of selected character states of Mopsus, habitats and Mopsolodes andSandalodes are open Mopsolodes and Sandalodes (see text): A, B, Mopsus mormon; C, D, forestdwellers. Mopsolodes australensis; E, Sandalodes bipenicillatus; F, Sandalodes scopifer;
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