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WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ... ESTABLISHED 1869 ...... PubheaUon Num.>of usps ~ Vol. 114,No. 33, Three Sections, 28Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1983-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN NTS • '869&ii6f"Iii'.~~~Sl~~rm!~·ml!i.illlEml~ •••• e IISi;;t·'Dl'I.I1~i~•• E§~~~ev~~~::~'~:' ~~~;7£:/~_ .. - Ford fuel tal - / labor agreement • approved at plant

The first fuel tank at Ford Motor work assignments and the capability Company's Northville Water Wheel for workers to acquIre multiple skills. Plant was certified Tuesday. allowing Earlier this month. most production the plant to start production im- job classifications were replaced by a mediately on automotive fuel tanks, J. broader one called "quality techni- William Sherrick. Northville plant cian" that encourages employees to manager. announced in a press con- learn new skills, it was revealed during ference at the plant at 9:30 a.m. yesterday's presentation. • Scheduled to close a little more than a year ago, the former valve plant gained Continued on 12 a new lease on life as production began yesterday on the automotive fuel tanks to service ,1974-77 model LTD II and Cougar station wagons. The plant Four trustees already is repairing steel shipping racks. August, 1983, was targeted in the an- to be elected nouncement as the date for production start up for high-volume production of fuel tanks for current model Ford at college Econoline Vans and F -Series pickups. Announcement also was made that Nominating petitions are avaUable UAW Local 896 under president. Norm now for persons wishing to run for the Fultz. ratified by a 97 percent margin Schoolcraft, College Board of Trustees an agreement that allows flexibUity in this June. , Four seats on the seven-member - board will be up for election. Three are for six-year terms and the fourth Is for Plant events: two years. from handshake Any qualified and registered voter of the college district is eligib~e to run for • the board. to production Petitions, which must be filed by 4 p.m. AprU 26. require signatures of at Yesterday's announcement of least 50 but not more than 200 qualified the start-up of automotive fuel registered voters of the district. Peti- tank production was the latest in tions are avaUable In the college presi- a series of eVeI\ts that followed dent's office. the November. 1981. plant clos- In addition to Northville, the college , Record photo by STEVE FECHT .....\... ~ • • .... .", • J..... • ing. district includes the public school Other highlights in the history of TANKED UF: Getting ready for Ford's new fuel tank produc- m~ager, ~esse Cockerham and productIon manager Dave districts of Clarenceville, Garden City, 'tion are from left Danny McDermott, William Sherrick, plant Keslg. ' the reconsideration of the closing Livonia and Plymouth-eanton, and a were: smaU part of Novi. • February 1982 - After a • new national labor agreement The two-year post is for the balance was reached with the UAW. Ford of the·term vacated by the resignation College and "district to share tax fees President Donald E. Petersen of Nancie Blatt of Livonia last summer. ,.., promised with a handshake that Sharon L. Sarris of Livonia currently Is the company would review the filling the office by appointment of the Northville - City CouncU indicated taxes would be $4.830. the collection fee process. the fee could Mayor Paul R. Vernon said the pro- possibUity of re-opening the board untu the June election. When ap- Monday night it would be willing to col- Walters reported that because of the be in question even if the city accepted posed $4,830 collection fee would be in plant. pointed. she indicated she would be In- lect 1983 school summer taxes for small tax collection involved. 1.1 mills it as sufficient. effect for one year only. "A new agree- for ISD and 1.94 mills for the college. The actual costs resulting from the ment will be reached each year, for • March 1982- Harold A. Pol- terested in running for the remainder of Wayne County Intermediate School ing. executive vice presidnt -. the term. District and Schoolcraft Community the collection costs will exceed the summer school tax, in addition to the postage, labor and preparation. of tax recommended one percent collection normal city costs. include $360 for tax bills. We are not asking them to share North American Automotive The six-year terms to be filled in the • College if the'city can be authorized to Operations, announced thl! plant election are those held by Harry G. deduct the collection fee from the sum- fee. ' '. bill printing; $1;520 in maUing prepara- the' normal expenses of the collection. According to Walters, if 100 percent tions, $480 in postage, $1,140 in reeeip- just the extra costs." would be reopened to buUd fuel Greenleaf, Rosina Raymond and mer tax. tarJts for current and previous CouncU voted to draft a letter and in- of the taxes were collected. only $2,530 ting and distribution and $1,S3ll for CouncU saId there is a need to Leonard E. Wozniak, all Livonia Ford cars and trucks and to residents. form both of the cost to the city of col- would ¥ generated for the one percent posting and return to the County. distinguIsh between city tax bills and collection fee. If less than the full col- "This summer school tax was not the school taxes because of a difference repalr steel shipping racks used Other members of the board of lecting the sUmmer taxes. by Ford plants throughout the In a report introduced at the lection was received, the city would get designed by anybody who knew the tax in the dates that eaCl'l bill Is due. The trustees whose terms are not up are February 21 councU meeting. City less by applying the one percentfee. system," Walters said. "Should tax- school summer taxes are due Michael Burley of Canton. Paul Kadish Continued on 12 Manager Steven Walters indicated that Council expressed concern that payers have to pay an extra tu to per- september 15 and city tax bills are due of Livonia and Laura Toy, board vice the total cost to the city to collect the because of the legal challenge against mit them to pay their taxes early?" August 31. chairperson, of Livonia. ... 'Februarypat~iotskno~ theirhistory

When Marilyn Kaestner's third graders at Amerman decided Sam the Minuteman. Students even tasted homemade peanut to study early American history, there wasn't much they left soup from an old Williamsburg recipe. The little patriots are out. Dressed in Colonial custumes, with their own handmade pictured below left. Erin BelloH, center, talks about the life of hats and bonnets, students took on the guise of sOll1eof the John Hancock. Marilyn Kaestner, at right, stirs peanut soup American Revolution's most remembered participants in- for the hungry revolutionaries. cluding John Hancock, Ethan Allen, General LaFayette and • I

Record photos by JOHN GALLOWAY .~_-_-----_------:---~------J '~ 2.A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. February 23.1983 ____ --....__ .-..r __ -----:~ ,.....--~' - 46th Annual City planners amend PBO regulations Winter Savings Sale Northville City Planning Commission per dwelling unit. the motion and was supported by COm- Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of bulldIngs bas approved a request to amend Tbe gross Door area of eacb dwe1llng missioner Jerry M"lttman. Tbe motion from 1.0to 3.0. • Professional-Business-Office (PBO) (existing or new, not including common carried unanimously. Nino advised the commissIon that the District regulations to allow resldent1al entryways and ballways) shall not be Tbe Planning Commission also FAR should be changed to 2.0 to allow Since 1937 use above the ground Ooor In conjunc- less than 450 square feet. . discussed a change In use of property 200 percent coverage of the lot. tion with commericlal and off1ce uses. In addition, each dwelling unit shall owned by Paul Johnson at 335 North Nino's proposal was upgraded to 3.0 Acting at Its Fel>ruary 1meeting, the not consist of less than two rooms plus a Center. "wben It was felt a 2.0 FAR ratio would· A Beautiful Store with Beautiful Furniture planning commission decided that complete bathroom and shall Include Johnson advised the commission that leave a few buildings nonoConform1ng. leisure space shall be provided for complete Idtcben facUlties. be would like to convert the upstairs In- Commissioner James CUUer, sup- Ameflca's most distinguished tradItional furniture residential occupants based on 200 feet Commissioner Fred Joels initiated to a one-bedroom apartment for his ported by COmmissioner Jay Wendt, mother-In-law wbo will be spending the acted to recommend to City Council Qtolonial1h;oullt summer months with the Johnsons. The that Article 3, SCbedule of Regulations, ~a Is presenUy being used for storage section 3.01 Table-Schedule- of Regula- 20292 Middlebelt Rd. (South of E/ght MIle) City council delays purposes. tlons, be amended to change the FAR Llvoma Planning Consultant Ronald Nino from 1.0to 3.0 In the CBD. " Open Mon ...;!!!'!!!!.. & Fri. 'T119 P_.M_.• __ ... -. 474-6900 stated that the original site plan for the Tbe motion was camed unanimous- l approval of project Johnsons' property, approved several ly. • years ago, showed 11 parking spaces. Minor discussions follOWed by COm- Nino further explained that upon In- missioner Wllllam Demray' about Northville City Councll voted to delay Project Area will not be slgnificanUy vestigatlon, he had discovered 12 whether a mansard roof Is a wall or a Maybe We're Not Ma~icians. approval OQ.the legal descriptions of the affected by the Pl'OJect because the sur- spaces In count, but that 14 are needed roof. Demray advised the commission Northv1lle Laboratory property eligible rounding territory either constitutes before the Johnsons' site revision plan that a sign bad been put on a roof lJ1 for assistance from the Economic vacant land or Is devoted to industrial could be considered.! Northville and that a clear defln1tion of Development COrporation (EDC). or commercial uses; therefore, the Nino did not question Johnson's right the ordInace should be looked Into. At its meeting Monday night, council EDC recommends to the City COuncil of to request a site revision, but a waiver Commissioner Demray also felt that questioned the wording In the resolution the Municipality that It designate a Pr0- for the final two spaces would be need- Northville should act quickly on an or- of Intent to issue revenue bonds, ap- ject District Area (as defined by the ed before approval. dlnace to curb the rapid growth of point additional directors and to Act) bavlng the same description as the Johnson was advised to take the antennae discs (dishes). He suggested designate the project area that bad ProjectArea." original plans and redraw them. He some sort of applicant screening polley been approved by the EDC. DeRusha objected to the word "sur- also was advised that parking would not before "!blngs get out of band and4t rounding" In the resolution. "The be allowed In the front yard and that as every house In Northville bas one." The NorthvUle Laboratory project Is development occurs on the east side being undertaken by The Rural HllI' toward the parklands. Tbere are apart: far as Nino was concerned, there was CurrenUy disbes are being used as no place to add the final two spaces. cable television receptors, both legally Co~pany to Improve and enlarge the ments on the west side. I would like the building, facUlties and site of the EDC to clarify the area wbere the ex- Johnson was bence Informed that he and Illegally. 112 E. \fAIN NORTHVILLE 1l1b?ratory. Tbe cost of the project is panslon Is to occur. I'm In favor of not would have to approach the ZOning At the February 22 meeting of the Board of Appeals for a possible waiver. . planners Site Landscaping and 'Ar- 349-0777 estimated at $750,000, which w1ll be encumbering the project with more In- financed by revenue bonds. put, but It's an Important matter to be The- matter was to be on the next chltectural Approval for the bulldIng PlannlngCommlsslon meeting agenda. addition to the property of James Rea, Council member J. Burton DeRusba dealt with now and not later. I'd be very Other topics discussed were a text 135 North Center and several zoning asked that the resolution be sent back to happy to see this go through once It ts ammendment that would change the amendments were considered. the EDC board for clarification or clear." be said ~~~~~~yyyyyyy~yyyyyyyyyyyyy~yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~( . change. The Northv1lle Laboratory project ts .....------wn DeRusha said be was concerned over expected to employ 11 additional peG- THENORTHVILLERECORD .1 ~ SPECIAL - ~~. the portion of the resolution which pIe, and add to the tax base orthe city PubhshedEachWednesday ByTheN_Ue Record states: "The territory surrounding the and the school district. 1001W.MaIn .~ PURCHASE SWEATERSALE ~ Northville.Michigan ~~ ~ 48167 ::>0 rc Lightweight. very soft. Classic Ie Se<:ond Class PostagePaid loor ([OVfnn~. At Northville.Mletllgan .:::>< "C V-Neck and Crew Neck 0<:: I SubscriptIOn Rates: Pullovers and Cardigans 10 • ~ Inside COuntJes (Uvlngston. \ traditional and updated colors. School board approves Wayne.oakland. Washtenaw.In- Tile·Carpeting·F ormiea gham)$Uoneyear.$22 two yeatS , - 100% Wool & Blends ~ I Any 2 Sliger/Livingston . - by London Fog, Roger Klein. ~ newspapers. $18 one year Koman. and Piermonte. Ie Speclalsenior CiUzenrate 01 $S. 100's.of Samples one yearonty. education philosophy OutskSe Counties (all areas out- J ' side those listed abOve)are W_ ~ea ~ ~ 99 S / perye... prepaid ~~ E / WAS 25 ~ After two years of discussions and • process which provides for the ef- 145 E. Cady Northville 349-4480 ;'~~~iJ~~~~:~~~~or(~ $11 A DIvisionof Subu""," C0m- ~~ ~ redrafts, the NorthvUle Board of fective participation of students, munications Corp. Postmaster. ~L ~ send address chanoes to The Education gave Its{ final approval parents, staff and community. NorthvilleRecord.Posl eox 899. ~" """ February 14 to the district's new polley • process which prov!

Scott Lapham was elected president Tbere had been apprehension ANY ADULT HAIRCUT; B~bf'S1st PLAZA mAll of the Northville Community Cbamber beforehand as some mercbants felt it of Commerce at a board meeting hurt their business In prior years. ~i~~~~3 I _a~rcut West Seven Mile Road • Northville February 17. He succeeds Betty Allen. ~ Other possi~le fund raisers were ... . between Northville Road & Haggerty Road Clancy Ely was named vice president discussed at t.he meeting Thursday, and and Sherry Spaman treasurer. Janice Northville Chamber of Commerce the annual chamber dinner was set for FleaMarket Stevenson was reelected secretary. October. 8 CONVENIENT DENTAL Decision was made to hold the John At this year's annual meeting held In In the Mall Q. Public garage sale again this year on 11 CARE CENTER Antiques, Collectables conjunction with the chamber dinner In ~~J Saturday, May 14. January, chamber members voted to • (lll)07-8111' U.)20 Pontiu T,,,.I Kay Keegan, executive director of cbange their fiscal year to coincide with Dentistry in The Soulh Lyon 1st & 3rd Sat. of Each__Month - Next O_neMarch 5, 1983 the chamber, said that after last year's the calendar one. Tberefore, Keegan sale merchants met and reported they said, the chamber dinner was moved to TRA VEL SPECIALS "all bad done business" during the sale. October. Orlando •••••••• $229 Ireland •••••••• $575 Correction Tampa ••••••••• $199 Mexico •••••••• $333 A story In last week's Record stated The senior Orin Mazzoni began the that Orin Jewelers has purchased H.R. firm 50 years ago In Wlrton, West • Noder's Jewelery business at 101 East Virginia, moving to Garden City 31 New york ••••• $162 Manila •••••• $1,078 Main. Owner Orin Mazzoni said the yearsa~o. Newark Airport Sat. & Sun only $122 firm has purchased the building but not Phoenix•••••••• $299 London•••••••• $593 the business. He said his son Orin Mazzoni Jr., of The business had been purcbased by Farmington Hills, who now operates LosAngeles•••• !269 Rome ••••••••• $646 Gary Jeter wben Noder retired. It clos- the Garden City store, w1ll be operating ;.--'\:;:.J- . ed last year. the business here. ~I>Y"'S~""" ~~;(.~-~ Silverjet Travel ALL DENTAL INSpRANCE PLANS ____ AND MEDICAID ACCEPTED ~ • 349-3100 EMERGENCIES & WALK-IN PATIENTS ~ 'WelCOME ~ ~ DAYS·EVENINGS·SATURDAY HOURS ~ - • Caps.Crowns & Budges • CosmetICDen""ry ("', NA t~!!T • • Dentures & Parllals • Root Canal • Pyorrhea Treated • htraclIons • Cleaning • N,trou. OXIde(Ca.) • FoIllngs • T M J Treatment WE NOW CARRY .Pll.ll.DEA!, • Orthodontics. (Braces) • Or.llm~nrologISI. WhOle Fryers Jesse f. Crimm, D.D.S. INCLUDES FRESH PRODUCE HOMEMADE SS\b. _ (313) 437-8189 Former InllluCIOt . 29 UnIVerSItyof Detro,t • UnIversIty of M,ch,gan • Free Toothbrush ••• c Pork Sausag~ $1 Lb...... nd AhOCl.," • Free Dental Floss • Grapefruit 3/S9 r :IJ'~Ja Homo Gallon 51.79 CLEANING ONLy$21 • Free Oral Hygiene Lettuce 49~e'd (BrushIng and FlOSSing Instructions 2% LoFat 51.69 ••• • ••••••••••••• CLIP & S·VE ••••••••• • 89 , '2500 " ••••• i"tl ,.~~... Bologna $1 lb. 51.49 ~ ~oo .. LoFat ~"lUl $ 89lb. EverydayLow PrlceaWhole Seef Loin Franks 1 • Sirloin. Porterhou18 • r·Sone ClHJKTAll$ I%l~CO'NVENIENT DENTAL 525.00 Off • 49 99 lb. \. ~'CARECINTER DI...... tlc$e""_ • In "",,,, Pork Steaks $1 lb, 45-50 lb. avo wt. $1 lESS! f CRIMM.DDS Indud,n.X-R.Y' • 22320 Ponti.c Tr.1I Cle.n,n•• nd him • M'J-oM1' \ P"r.05 Eftcc.ttve thru i uesodY SouthLvon.MI -Flnt ViII' Only· • 437"1" • .",." II,...... OPEN DA'L Y 9106;. CloSQd Sunday Pill VIlli & M.,tHC ..,d • s.•• " "'" u".n Itif,...... 48IJ W.7 .. ItA. H,ghlftnd Lokos Shoppong Conlor 43133 Soven Milo Rood NorthVille • '. ,.., - "", II1II. • " 348-0370 (We Guarantee everything We Sell!!) •••••••••••• J4.~W.l¥1J:l~iJ.l~W.'lI~XIoILA.lE . ..' .•.. ·.. IIi•••••••••••••• • Wednesday, February 23,1983-THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-3-A

.OL V Math-a-thon Students at Our Lady of Victory School are'putting their math skills to work this week and helping St. Jude's Children's Hospital at the same time. For each correct answer in their math booklets, the students receive pledges for the hospital. At work, from left, are Margie Mellish, Kelly Cavagninl, Robby Roux, Angie Putman and Jonathan Quirk. Record photo by John Galloway..

NEED DIRECTION? Let our personal service bankers show you the way. A Michigan NatiOnal Bank WeslMdro 421-8200 • AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER • MEMBER FDIC

Store Hours Board grants Maple'Hills extension .Mon. thru Sat. 9a.m.-6p.m. \ Closed Sunday The proposed Maple Hills subdivision regarding set-backs and side yards Board ofTrustees. was adopted by the township on June Prices good thru Tues. • on Six Mile Road will be "grand- because ofaction taken at the February Concedingthat legal action which the 18,1982.In R-3 districts, which Include fathered" under a repealed ordinance 10meeting of the Northville Township township is engaged In with its former Maple Hills, the ordinance added five engineer contributed to delay and con- f~t to front footage, 1800feet to total lot fusion In the housing development, the size, five feet to front yards and twofeet board granted Maple Hills a 12-month to total side yardS. Church Women United extensionunder the former ordinance. An amendment to the ordinance Plans for Maple Hills began In JIDle stated that where construction ofpUbllc utilities began prior to the adoption of FRESH SKINLESS FRESH NO KOWALSKI 1979under ordinance 47, the original PIl£SERVATlYES "SUMMER FUN ON A guidelinesfor lot size. Stage 2 approval, ordinance 77 or if tentative approval BUN" , set World Day of Prayer already had been granted, then prior Pork Polish I which is given when the subdivision is Hoi: Dogs In final plat stages, was granted to guidelines would be acceptable In eligi- Steaks Sausage HotDogs Church WomenUnited will celebrate The service for 1983was written by ble housing deVelopments. Christian women from the island coun· Maple Hills by the board In October .. the World Day of Prayer at 10 a.m. 1979. The one-year extention was granted ' .. ,.March 4 at First United Methodist tries of the Caribbean on the theme, to Maple Hills because the board decid- $14~b. $18~b. Church ofNorthville. "New Persons InChrist." Representing Final plans for the development went ed that forcing the developers to comp- $14~b. SO~ach . \ a rich mixture of races and cultures, to the township engineer where revi- ly with the new ordinance would result The speaker of the day will be the sions were made. It was In this stage they are seeking a new Caribbean iden- In additional cost and delay In the con- . • 1063 NOVI RoAD ~ .NORTHVILLE ' .. Reverend Martha Cargo of St. An- tity. The service reflects joy Inthe new- that the township terminated its agree- struction of·the'subdivision. The board drew's Methodist Church In Detroit. foundIndependenceoftheir nations and ment with the engineer, and approval said the developer was not responsible . . . Phone 349-0424 - Her late husband was the former the new opportunities opening up to for Maple Hills was delayed as a result for the confusi,?nIn final approval and minister at the Northville: Methodist women socially, politically and within ofthe action. ' should not be penalized )Viththe new or- Church. their churches. A new zoning ordinance, Number 77, dinance enforcement. Reverend Cargo is a graduate of Church Women United is the Chris- Vanderbilt seminary and the mother of tian movement that brings together • five children. Participating In the more than a half million Protestant, celebration will be Faith Community Roman Catholic an OrthodoxwomenIn· NHS varsity c1e~rleaders Presbyterian Church, Church of the HD- to one Christian "community of car- ly Family and United Methodist Church Ing." make state competition from Novi and First Presbyterian WorldDay of Prayer offerings make Church, First United Methodist Church possible the mission of Church Women and Our Lady of Victory from Nor- United, including the Intercontinental Northville High School's varsity ship January 29 In Northville and has thville. , Grants for Mission program that funds cheerleadlng ..team has qualified. for the entire team buzzing with en- World Day of Prayer is an annuai national and International projects In state championships competition by thusiasum. observance which unites women of support of the empowerment ofwomen, virtue of its high placing at last "This is the first time'Northville has ever qUalified for state competition," t faith In 170countries on six continents human rights, justice and peace. weekend's regional tournament at around the globe. 1983marks the 96th Babysitting is provided during the Dearborn Heights Crestwood. said team member Beth Hennlngson. consecutive year In which untold service. For further Iinformation, con- '~Weare really excited about the trip to Leica Maguire's nine-woman squad Alma for the state competition." I • thousands of women will gather to be tact Mary Jo Mathias at 348-3929or An- part of the celebration. nabell Gotts at 349-1023. finishedInthe upper third ofthe Cla..c:sA In addition to senior Hennlngson, division and will represent Northville's other members of the Mustang chet'r Initial entry Into state final competition team Include senior captains Sue Schoolcraft hosts nursing seminar Inhistory. Bosanko and Tracey Swope, along with State competition will be this Satur- Jody Folino, Suzanne Burst and Lisa Schoolcraft College is available to discuss job in Schoolcraft's main day at Alma College.Alma is located on Luoma. Junior members Include Jill hosting a career op- opportunities. Area col· gymnasium in the U.~.27,onehournorthofLanslngor20 Anger, Jean Dusablon' and Amy portunities day this FrI- leges also will be on band Physical Education m~utes SC?uthof Central Michigan Holland. day for area nursing to provide information Building. Schoolcraft's Umversity m Mt. Pleasant. For more Information on this students and registered about their programs of sophomore nursing class Northville was among the top four weekend's state competition, call Nor· nurses. study for advanced nurs- is sponsoring the event. teams at the regional, a finish that thville High Schoolat 349-3400,or speak • Representatives from Ingdegrees. For further information, came on the heels of its Western Lakes \ to your neighborhood cheerleader who various health agencies The program will be call 591-6400,extension Activities Association team champion- will be wearing a smile all week. . and hospitals wUl. be held from noon to 3 p.m. 562.

Growers of Quality, Shade Trees Award Winning Landscape Design COMMUNITY FEDERAL and Installation Firm NEXT TUESDAY is Police Ap- NORTHVILLE Board of CREDIT UNI~N'S IRA'S.PAY preciation Day at NorllivUIe Education has scheduled the \ Rotary with police represen- superintendent's evaluation for 7 ' \ • 9710P.O.RushtonBox' 178Rd. . tatives of the Northville City and p.m. March 7 in the boarc;-con- ~I~ South Lyon, MI 48178 • Township, Novi and the Nor- ference room at Main Street thville State Police Post being Elementary School. "' 349-1111 or 437-5454 honored after lunch at First SlDcel941 Open Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 4 30 p.m Presbyterian Church. Judge FIRST BUDGET study session for Northville Township's next 10% Richard Dunn, chief judge of Wayne County Circuit Court, is year's bUdget is scheduled from When you can open 'an IRA almost anywhere, why not go to be the speaker. 9 a.m. to noon Saturday by the board of trustees at the township where your money earns the highest interest? hall. .\ SAMPLING OF IRA ACCOU='lTS: YIELDS SPECIAL MEETING of the BARGAIN DAYS will be going full blast at the "Last Blast of Northville Township Board of 18 MOlllh ;~oMonth 18 :\Ionlh Ti'Ustees will be held tonight at 7 Winter" sale at all downtown • Fix('1! Fixed Variahll' p.m. The board is scheduled to stores Thursday. Friday and tH discuss the school summer tax Saturday. The three-day sale ~ tH collection fee, pension plan and wUl include discounts by mer- I Manufacturers National Bank 9.25 9.25 8.467 amubulance service for the chants on new sprillg merchan- Standard Federal S&L 9.25 9.50 8.122 township. dise. See specials on pages 6·7. MEADOWBROOK COUNTRY CLUB Michigan National Bank 9.50 9.70 8.764 Custom designed and hand cralled 10 Ihe mosl exac- ting slandards. This award winning European In- Comerica 9.25 . None 8.622 fluence brick conlemporary residence offers over (24month) 3500 sq. ft. of luxunous hvlng. Three spacious Monday bedrooms, Ihree full and 2 half balhS, wainul paneled 9.25 liYlng room. huge gourmet kitchen with Jenn·alre, sub-zero refrigerator, mIcrowave and more. Liberal City National Bank 9.50 9.25 8.158 Feb. 28 use of imported ceramic tile Ihroughout, Andersen National Bank of Detroit 9.00 9.25 9.000 windows, full wall stone FP In great room. Surround- ed by broad green sprinklered lawns. Exquisite NOTE:Actual yield mayvary depending on howoften interesl is compounded.Ralesare a~oI2/9/S3. at suburban living yet only minulos from everything. Flrsl offenng. call to arrange pnvate shOWing. Call 478-9130 , RYMALSYMES The reasons for opening an IRA are obvious. c9rorlRvil1e What you contribute each year can be deducted from your income tax. You have until April 15, 1983to open or add to your IRA and still deduct that amount from your 1982in- come taxes. eRarleJi's And, interest earned on an IRA - along with the principal- is not taxed until you start withdrawals. By then, you'll probably be in a lower tax bracket. • Showing Final Episode of M.A.S.H. on giant TV screen The place to open an IRA is obvious too. e Late Nile Happy Hour ~ for 1 • alter 10p. m. COMMUNITY Federal Credit Union's IRA's pay 10% interest monthly; compounded e Hospital Gowns given with any B.B.a. Dinner monthly, paid monthly. And COMMUNITY Federal has no minimum time limit deposit e M.A.S.H. Unit decorallons so your funds are not locked up. Plus, there is no penalty charge for withdrawals fo; e Staff Costume Contest rollovers. • Hawkeye Marllnls, 2 for 1 So given a choice, Isn't COMMUNITY Federal Credit Union the best plac~ to have your IRA? e Hot Lips Hol Fudge Sundae PLYMOUTH CANTON 41122 W. 7 Mile Rd. C5iffiiliViTrXin 500S. Harvey KmartiNew Towne Plaza ~ NorthvllJe • 349-9220 2@', 453·1200 NORTHVILLE 455·0400 CALL FOR _ {1Uulf IHm!r i/PJtaturmtJ Main & Sheldon DIVIDEND RATES • All malor credll cards accepted 348·2920 453.5531

" 4-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-WedI'9Sday. February 23.1983 \ Brochures available for historical society workshops

• • I Brochures currently are available for from 9 a.m. to noon March 19. May 14. Hixson, author of "Early Nor- give a lecture on qullts from 1·3 p.m. On May 14, Chris Gazlay will conduct splint Easter baskets In an all-day the Northville Historical Society's Spr· Brugeman also wll1conduct a workshop thVille," wlll point out scenes from the April 30. a "Flshln'" workshop for children six workshop March 26 In New School ing Workshops to be held at Mill Race entitled "Perennial Primer" to be of· book which was pUblished by Northville Don Sober will conduct a chair caning and older. Participants will learn to fish Church. Village beginning March 19. fered from 9 a.m. to noon April 16. Historical Society. workshop the momlngs of April 23 and like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn Kids Calligraphy will be taught by Brochures for the children and adult "The Scented Garden" will be con· workshops are available at IV seasons ducted by Mary Gerathy of Greenfield Parllclpants will make a basket for 30. - with simple, cheap materials. Sharon DeAlexandris from 10 a.m. to 1 Workshops for children include Wanda Huber will conduct a Natural p.m. March 19 In the Wasb-Qak:" and Northville Public Library. Village. The a11-day workshop will be gathering or drying herbs In Helen "Starting with Herbs - Herbs 'Egg Dyeing workshop for children Schoolhouse. Some of the adult workshops to be of· held April 16 at New School Church. sense" Maki's Herb Drying Basket workshop to be conducted by Connie Qualman. April 2 In the Weavers Cottage and fered Include Spring Pruning with hor· "Early Northville - A Walking to be offered In New School Church May The workshop, offered April 30, will be members of the newly· formed Mill Jody Brock and Lucia Danes will ticulturist and histoTlcal society board Tour" will, be conducted by author 7. geared towards the very young and ear· Race Basket Gulld will teach 20 teach children the art of soap making member John Brugeman, to be offered Laura Hixson from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Diane Little of Greenfield Village wlll Iy elementary students. children how to make handwoven, from 9-11: 30 a.m. May 7.

If You Own a Vehicle with More Than Qetzi~ 20,000 Miles You Need a TRANSMISSION BAND c;e~rits ~School Notebool~ ADJUSTMENT & FLUID CHANGE INCLUDES: Fish Fry NElL FITZPATRICK of 18157 received a bachelor's in biology. I Pinebrook was among the 249 • Complete Driveline Analysis 35 Point Check Every Friday Night 4-9 P.M. Adrian College stUdents named to JOHN C. CANNARSA, son of (Where Applicable) OPEN SA TURDAY the Dean's List for the 1982-83 fall Judy and Richard Huston of 18420 • Fluid • Pan Gasket • Filter All You Can Eat 53.95 semester. Donegal Court, was named to the NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FREE TOWING sncludsng French Fries, Cole Slaw & Roll To achieve the honor, a'student Hillsdale College dean's list for ,..,.... ~., TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS Since must maintain a 3.5 grade point the fall semester. - .1- .~~. THE ONLY COMPANY WITH ITS OWN FACTORY 1957 Shrimp Dinners $4.50 average on the basis of at least 12 A senior at Hillsdale, Cannarsa per serving, Includes Cole Slaw,French Fm,:,6. Roll credit hours. is a co-major in English and T.R.I. NORTHVILLE T R.I FARMINGTON LIVONIA TRANSMISSION Fitzpatrick is a freshman ma- business. He earned a 3.8 grade TRANSMISSION I SO~HA~LO I TRANSMISSION ITRANSMISSION N,otl5M",_ 157 E. Main Street • ~orthville joring in electrical engineering. point average for the fall ver PonUc Trallllnd Hegger1y 5MUe4~ 353-8180 30 semester. l14Ob 522:2240 669-2900 PATRICIA LYNN GERRARD, 47 daUghter of Jesse and Vivian ELIZABETH CONLON, an / R:l:rx:J:lca:a::z:a:a-:a- ---j Gerrard of 20423 Woodbill, was advertising-marketing major at I I elected treasurer of Sigma Sigm~ Adrian College, has been elected Anne's Sigma social sorority at Western president of the Mu Zeta Chapter Michigan University. of Chi Omega sorority. A 1980 -'J.~ :C.c.- Fabrics Gerrard, a sophomore, is ma- Northville High School graduate, A. R. KRAMER'S A Special Fabric Store joring in accounting. she is the daughter of Mrs. Judith and Quilt Shoppe Conlon of Farragut Court. Three Northville students were Best Sellers at theYears Best Savings 111 E. Main, Northville among those named to the Dean's Honor Roll for the winter evening ELIZABETH MOSSOIAN, • Quilling Supplies & Materials term at Lawrence Institute of daUghter of Mr. and Mrs. Karnik Mossoian of 21710 Taft, has been • Candlewicking • Ribbons Technology. . Students named to the honor pledged to the Western Michigan • Laces University Chapter of Alpha Phi, • Stenclhng • Buttons roll were KEVIN BLASER, MARTHA GLEICHMAN and one of the Oldest International carpet/VI • Trapunto • Trims CARYPATTEN. sororities. Alpha Phi has 109 To be named to the honor roll a chapters In the United States and student must maintain at least a Canada. LEES ULTRONNYLON LEESANTRON NYLON o CLASSES· REGISTER NOW 3.5 grade point average and be a The, pledge ceremo/lies were • • held at the Alpha Phi House. The full·time student. SAXONY PLUSH.RichlyfashIonedplush styled STYLISH SCULPTURE.An eXCItingmultl-ievel Delta Theta Chapter of Alpha Phi lor your decorating needs In a WIdevanety 01 texture highlightedby nch. smart colors Styled e,- ----:---~----'"-:------Three Northville residents are was founded in 1962. solid shades and earth tones Lees heat-set for easycare DurableAntron" nylon lace fibers among the more than 1,000 Cen- Twenty-seven NorthVille process adds 10 the carpel's ablf,ty10 retain Its add to the valueof thISLees carpel appearance tral Michigan University residents are among the 331 students named to the honors list Schoolcraft College students Reg.$14.95sq.yd. -Laurel---. for the fall semester. named to the dean's list for the Reg.$16.95sq.yd. $1195 FURNITUBE Those named to the honors list fall semester. selected colors $9~~d'sg~r~ sq.yd. Include sophomore MICHELE " To make the dean's list, a stu- PINE CAIN of 19355 Andover, freshman dent must carry at least 12 hours KELLY MORRISON of 44004 during the semester and earn a TV STAND Foothills Court and freshman 3.5 grade point average or better. --4£i~ @-mstrong' --4£iM+- Light or Dark MARJORIE MULLER of 724 Spr· StUdents named to the dean's ingDrive. list include RAYMOND J. Finish Honors students were chosen BAYERL, CARA A. BECH, from the top 10 percent of each WILLIAM W. BOSANKO, AN- Designer S~larian Designer Solarian II academic class. In addition, to NETTE BROWN, STEVEN R. The only no-w811lloor wlIh the Reg.$18.95sq.yd. A remarkable lIoor,otlers two Reg.S 21.95 sq.yd_ qualify for honors, a students had CHlSNELL, MARK E. DAVIS, richness 01 Inlaid color. 0 distinctly dilierent no-wax 12 FRANCINE M. HOLINOTY, Mirabond surlaces. Quantities L,mlled to have completed or more letter-graded hours of on-eampus JOHN C. HOWLEY, ANN M. Stock material Special order Stock material Special order credit during the semester and HURLEY, JUDY L. KLENK, only material only material have a grade point average of no GARY S. KUCHER, MICHAEL Open dally 9 30 6 P.M 584 W. Ann Arbor TraIl 3.5. C. LIDDELL, DONALD W. Thurs. & FrI ',,19 PM. (Bel. LIlley Rd. & MaIO 51 ) lower than LUCAS, DOUGLAS B. LYON, t 4H-4-00 Plymoulh $8~~yd. $13~~. $92~. $17~.~. Two Northville residents were THOMAS C. McCONNELL, among the 2,000 Central LOUIS B. MARRONl, LISA A. Michigan University students MOULDS, ROBERT B. PROM, QualityCarpet Remnants also available at 30-70% off receiving degrees last RITA T. PRYSTASH, GERARD December. R. PRZEKOP, RICHARD P. Earning degrees were SEYMOUR, THERESA Maleflal onlyl A:l{. InstaUahon extra WILLIAM GALLOWAY of 46217 SHAPARDANIS, MARK J. KRAMER Greenrldge, who received a STEC, KATHLEEN T. master's in management and STEPEHENS, SHAWN E. 15986 M,ddlebelt. between 5 and 6 Mile Roads LIVonia Open Monday through Fllday 9 am- 9 pm Soturday 9 a m 6 pm .supervision/personnel manage- STOWELL, KIRK J. Phone 313-522-5300 We accept Visa and Mastercard ment and RUDOLPH HORST, of VANGIESON and MICHELLE • All You Can Eat~ 47040 West Seven Mile, who WALDMAN. (;: Daily Specials! " MONDAY VEAL PARMIGIANA DINNER 3.50 Girl Scouts mark • SAVE eno,ceo ot ~"", 0' souO sa d(j O' slaw spaqrteu. or potato lnC1uOP!> 'O'PQeo13t'1(' ,]1"''' t>rea~ baS~E'l I BATTER DIP'T FIS... & CHIPS 350 PRE SEASON SRECIA~ ChOIce 0' 00"",10' SOuD salad Or sla~ JOo/O ,nCluOCS tread t>__skeT .Thinking Day here TUESDAY on o Sam Bonita tht-uMel"Ch FRIED CLAMS & CHIPS So75 ChOIce of 00",,1 ("f SOup salad or 501.1"'" Girl Scouts in Northville celebrated .Troops attending the dances, ,"c'uaes Or";'" o.aS".E'! Thinking Day February 22 by inviting decorated tables and served snacks ev81lable n send, brown, yellow or new ~ e~ LIVER & ONIONS 3.50 ChOice ot bowl 01 SCuD salad Ot slaw lnclud~s their parents to share in a host of from the country being featured. Dona- Gele pnce on stock ~ only potato veQelab'e anCl Dread baslr.el festivities. tions for these snacks were contributed (Ful Co!Je;::taen Noe Shown) ( WEDNESDAY Thinking Day is the day set aside by to the Juliette Low World Friendship SPAGHETTI 3.50 Girl SCouts all over the world to Fund. C"OIC(' at 00"",1 Of 50lolD Salad 0' slaw recognize world-wide sisterhood. ,nclu(1{"s tHea" baSktot HONEY DIP'T FRIED CHICKEN 3.75 Brownie Scouts from Moraine, Win- Ct'lO ce 0' tUft I 01 sOuP salad 0' sla"" chester, Our Lady of Victory and Silver Concert set ,,..crudes Delilto w("i;('13tle af"\d bf~ ...d ba~"'l"'t Springs Schools Invited their fathers to THURSDAY a square dance last week. Junior Scouts The Novi Chamber Music Society will LIVER & ONIONS 3.50 invited their fathers to a square dance present trombonist Nathaniel Gurln Crool.:e of OOwi O· SOup salol":: or 51,)'I'¥ I"lCluCl('s r,01oltO "'-"G(,labl(' .nd tHe,ad bol .... el yt:5terday with Cadette and Senior and violinist Pat Gurin in concert at 7 SALISBURY STEAK DINNEP 3.50 Scouts also attending. p.m. February 27 at Faith Community C"OIOO of ~ Or ooup ....., 0< ..... tndv(IeI POlliO V"IIQetlble ancI bf'eed bUke1 An evening of International folk danc- United Presbyterian Church. • Ing also was held last evening for Amer- Admission Is $3 for adults and $2 for FRIDAY man Brownie and Junior Scouts and students. A reception will follow. For BATTER DIP'T FISH & CHIPS 3.50 more information, call 349-5666. ChOIce at Cup 01 ClAm ChOwdN salad or ~Ia\llr their parents. ,r'lCIUOf"S. Oread ba'5k.et FROGLEGS DINNER 4.95 ChOICe of cup 01 clam du)wdflr ~Iad or Slaw ,ncl",d~s bread baslr:et SATURDAY & SUNDAY I HONEY D1P'TFRIED CHICKEN SoTS ChOice 0' 00.,.1 ot ':.OuP s;lao or sl • .,.. I Last Call! ,nctuQes. potalo ..ecetable anO breJid ba\ll.c· SALISBURY STEAK DINNER 3.50' • ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT! Chofoe of bOW of IOUP I&Iad or II.... ,. ~ potato vaoe1ab'e and bt.,4 bUIle1 ., i/ ~======--~-'l 1/2 OFF REGULAR PRICE 'jJyr-~ all racked shoes SALE ENDS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 4 Locations To Serve You For Over" 35 yeera J.mmles FkJstaes hove ...- .....,ShOb Ear/y.,.../ ----. been lI'\noval:Clt"8 10 Patio & C811Ul!11 PLYMOUTH & LEVAN· LIVONIA / We are Furnlshangs. Nowl BPRtNQ "83" .. _ ·Wed •• m·IO pm. Sun 7 ...... pm 464-8930 112 off 12n pairs OPEN GREAT VALUES the t·.,.,., to shOp the me;'st ~ Open 2. hOuri TI\urI ,Fri I SI' NATURALIZER THURSDAY ON MEN'S SHOES conectlon or name brend ~ PAPPAGALO & ;In the Ml~e. 34410 FORD RD.· WESTLAND DEXTER - LIFE STRIDE (__ ~"-'Club) 728 1303 FRIDAY SOME GRASSHOPPERS 112 OFF ...... WId. 7 1m·" pm, SUII 7 ...... pm • UNTIL 9 TAopiTo"r, SAMso"in, BROW". JORW, WoodARd at MORL roWER14"BUiLDING. SOUTHFIELD All on Sale ttrougr\ Ml!Il"Ch (_ of ~ ... '- Hwy II.L _Ilftft) ARMBRUSTER _ .WId 7 1m" pm 11.,O .... ·Jpm 552-8350 Bootery E.. , htl<1ftO • GuardA".,. Oft Dutr The Shoe Store for Men and Women 10MILE .nd MEADOWBROOK· NOVI Downtown Plymouth JiMMiES RUSTics IAI" e--) _nws - "17 _. I "'" 349-2885 28500 W. e MaeRd. • Uvcnla ,.17_' to""' .... ,_·."'" 2905. MAIN Plymouth 455·7010 Z!1 HemIJt;On. ~~J

': ", ------,

• Wednesday, February 23,1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-S-A Police Blotter Senior citizen tax deferment .. •• •• • • A senior citizen tax Thieves get auto-parts deferment for those who have not yet received Open Mon.-Frl. their homestead rebates 9 a.m.-8:30 p.m. apartments was reported to pollee mr.Tileco. sat. 9 a.m.-5:30 •..in the township was approved by city TWELVE OAKS MALL REDFORD Closed Sunday February 9. council at Its February 7 27756Novl Rd. •• 1•• The manager reported that two 9300Telegraph Also stores in East meeting. Under the Water Tower at W. Chicago pollee report $8,500 in car p~, ac- master keys were stolen from his of- Detroit & Royal Oak In response to a 348·8850 255-1134 cessories and tools were taken from a fice, The report stated that the keys had memorandlum from Don- rented building Inthe township. been left on a desk in the office. The na Kohs in the city's tax FANCY or PLAIN We Beat All Prices The Incident occurred sometime bet- door had been unlocked at the time of From Kmart. Paneling Unllmlle

" /

Wednesday, February 23,1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORo-7·A 6-~- THE NORT.HVILLERECORO-Wednesday, February 23,.1983 •• " BRAE BURN P1."A-PTSA News Founders Day dinner FLOWE"~ GOLF CLUB PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN scheduled March 17 Council plans Founders Day dinner 149E. Main 453-1900 Continued (rom 6 Northville Entertainment Series, Son Night for (ourth 349·0671 • Permanentteetllnesavailableon Saturday chaired by PTA member through sixth graders. In and Sunday <.ou.1.!!l1!I1-.... EDITOR'S NOTE: Tbe Lawrence writes about all the schools. For fur- special will be a Hat" and after the presentation. and Norma Beemer. This Handyslde, Silver Spr- Patricia Kelley, ·Wln· addition to the square • ThUrsdayladil!Sleaguenow forming monthly NorthvUle PTA- upcoming events at ther Information, call Sock Day scheduled for The program will be open Is our way of letting them Ings PTSA PreSident, chester stUdents will view dance, there wlll be lllrntedto40ladIeS PTSA News, which ap- WUUam Allan Academy. Margie Sievert at March 4. Students should to the pubUc and all are know what a fine job uu·. • 348- parent and super-citizen! a performance by the refreshments and a , JUniorleaguenow formingtostart pears the last Wednesday start searching now for welcome to attend. do for Moraine. 8058. Tickets for this event are SChoolcraft College gym· representative from the InJune. limitedto40players of each month September PTA COORDINATING Linda Handyslde snazzy socks and The annual Amerman Sue Shepard • MorningandevenIngleaguesavailable available from the off~ce. nastlcs team February Detroit Panthers football . through June, is compUed COUNCIL outrageous hats. Book Swap will be held in • Now IS thetllnetobook youi'1983 Join this celebration of 25. team to present an inside for Northville Public AMERMAN Several of the upper early March. Students SILVER SPRINGS golfOUlings Westilihavegood some of the finest people Due to the success of view of their training pro- SChoois by volunteer Lin- The PTA Coordinating elementary classes have who bring in hardbound dales available In Northville's educa- this year's first roller gram. Door prizes will da Handyslde. She is Council will sponsor Its February 11 was had a winter outlng at books, paperbacks and , All morningleaguescan play18 tional community! skating party, another also be awarded. hole responsible for coor- third annual Founders' Western Day at Amer- Kensington Metropark. comic books may swap holes atthe9 rate Many thanks to the evening of fun for Ed Johnson and his .1983Membershipat 1982pncesnow dinating material from Day Dinner at 6:30 p.m. man. Students celebrated The outings were guided for other books of their Mothers' Club for all the stUdents, parents and marionettes will make a throughMarch 1, 1983 the publlclty persons in March 17 at the First by 'wearing their best by a park naturalist who choice. More information work members did in our staff is planned for Tues- return visit to Winchester each elementary and Presbyterian Church of welitern gear. A program . demonstrated that llfe in will be avallable at school For information call library. day, March 1, from 6:30- this year to present a pro- junior high school. Northville. of songs and dances nature continues even at in the near future. Betty Smojver has an- 11:30 p.IJ;l. at the Skatln' gram entitled "En- Chip Chamberlin In addition, Carole Distinguished guest' typical of the west was less than 30 degrees. In The student issue of our nounced a special presen- Station. Admission is $1 chanted Island" March Lltzelman of Our Lady of will be Russell Amerman, presented by several that same light, a school paper, the Am-A- Village Antiques Mgr. & P.G.A. Professional tation for the JES pro- plus $1 skate rental. 28. The students have also Victory's Parent-Teacher and speaker will be classes under the dlrec- naturalist from Huron Gram, will be published and Gift>. Golf Lessons Available gram to be held March 23 Dr. Virginia Rezmler- been enjoying the Art Ap- Organization compUes in- Superintendent George tlon of music teacher San- Metroparks will visit in March. All boys and In a double assembly ski will discuss "Stress" preclatlon program OFFERING ,.~"!!ome of the Monster" formation about OL'V's Bell. dy Craig. Amerman today with an girls are encouraged to featuring a prese:ltatlon at the March 9 Parent chaired by Cathy An- Fine Glassware 'urTil ~ ~ activities and Nancy Tickets are available at The next school splrlt illustrated nature pro- submit their poems, short DAB winners from the Detroit SCience Education program thony which began in gram for all students. stories, jokes and riddles Pewter Center. In 'January, we beginning at 7:30 p.m. February. Tbe final family Roller for publlcatlon. Students The Sarah Ann Cochrane Chapter of the DaUghters pictured with her are Michelle Farmer, a sixth Brass had poet Max Eilison, and Skatlng Party will be held will be receiving more in- Chairman Arlene Frayne Children In Donna of the American Revolution has presented cer- grade student at Moraine Elementary who won se-, Oak last month we received states that the topic will Hicks' room and those March 15 at the SkatlD' formation at school. cond place, Michele Morgano, first place winner, Victoriana Wayne Willingham. Will- tificates of awards for outstanding History Month 46th Station in Canton. Admis- Due to winter break, cover stress children who work with Kathryn and Primitives Panoramic Ingham presented a ter- face, related stress their Devendorf will attend essays to three local students. Making the presen- and Nancy Merrifield, second, both seventh ANNUAL slon is $3 per person and the February PT A Board 124 N. Center WINTER SALE~ rific guitar program for tations, left, is Gladys Scott, American History graders at Cooke Junior High School. Record photo tickets will be sold at meeting has been parents face and stress camp this year, using Northville This handsome solid oak Westminster Chime wall clock is an example of Eggs and the enjoyment of staff which they all face as a $130 raised when students by Steve Fecht. the savings that can be yours during our Winter Sale. Come in and see school the morning of the scheduled for Monday. Month Chairperson for the OAR. Award winners and students. Future of· famlly. paid $1 for a movie and I one of the largest and mo~t unique displays of Grandfather. wall. and event and also at the The March PTA Board ferlngs In the JES pro- Congratulations to Win- snack during a half-day mantle clocks. Sugar door. Rememeber, these' meetlng will be March 21. ~ gram will Include "Poem- parties are open to all PT A Board meetings are chester students for col- break for Parent-Teacher sides" performed lor the UNFINISHED FURMITUI!.~ SHOW OFF. YOUR All on Sale Howl Amerman families. held'in the Amerman lectlng 22,106 Campbell conferences in February. I Reg. '344 Molding entire school by "Other ~ T.V. WITH STYLE Come, join the fun I library at 10 a.m. As Soup labels, earning a Membership chairman EVERY ITEM 20% - 40% OFF • Things and Co." The Amerman PTA will always, all interested make-your-own sundae Pat Howe congratulates Solid Pine Sale We enjoyed ~ great = World's largest selection of quality • be sponsoring a Home parents are welcome to treat for the entire school Winchester parents for T.V. Stand SAVE turn-out for the annual March 11. increasing their PTA Oak, Pine, and Maple • March 2 7P.M. Computer Consumer In- attend. • Ught or Dark Finish Pizza Night Dinner This year's Founders' membership by 25 over II . Exclusive designs In custom sizes • formation program at Chris Williams • Casters $169 February 15. The evening Day Dinner will be held ,last year. This 'ac- • 27'{Wx17"Dx24"H 'March 3 1 & 7P.M. 7:30 p.m. March 22. This I"" • OAK TABLES. OAK HUTCHES • OAK STOO, 30% Included dinner of pizza March 17 at the First compllshment earns Win- Only 30 available program will be a non- MORAINE I'OAK CHAIRS· OAK ROCKERS. OAK STEREOS Reg.S99,95 1 &7P.M. and salad, a bake sale Presbyterian Church and chester a place the at this take with March 4 technical approach to on • VILLAGE WOOD SBOP and more price and cake walk which will honor an outstanding PTA State and National Sale Limit 10 per class Please register early computers and wlll in- February and March L1von!a Ann Arbor quickly became 'Very Winchester faculty Honor Roll. This is a participation class and there will clude a slide presentation are such busy months 5870Mlddlebelt 3330Washtenaw Classic Interiors popular for youngsters! member and a citizen Cheryl Holmberg be a small materials fee (Bring a small box of the things the con- here at Moraine that we 422-3700 '~2133 By Many thanks to Dopna \..:: to carry home what you make) sumer should know about are barely noticing the from the Winchester at- Veil and Nancy Terwin tendance area. COOKE __ COUPON_-T-_COUPON_-- h 0 m e com put e-r s . drab pre-spring weather for another huge success. The Father-DaUghter 0········..••• Take With CUltLOSity Representatives of com- around us. Planning 6 FREE CZfhe gttOP Susan Kupsky CongratUlations to I 1/2 OFF I I puter companies whose already has begun for Sql,lare Dance was such a tolontalj!,)ou5t 127 E. Lake (313) 437-3393 huge success Ahat seventh grader Erin Car- GREEN SHEET WANT ADS EBENEZER-.FURNITURE' , I Ice Cream I DONUTS . I products are most fre- Moraine's annual Spring , 31580Grand Rin"i: ~F_rrmngton ' I Otders. MaximumDiscOuntup 10I WITHDOZENPURCHASE I .HicblglUl's largesr PelJDSylvlUlis House DuJer South Lyon HOURS: Mon.-Sat.10a.m.-8p.m. WINCHESTER mothers and sons will roll and eighth grader '3 50 One coupon per customer LImIt 2 DoL • 1 coupon per Y!sIt • quently purchased for Carnival which Is 348·3022 ' M. Th, F 10-8:30; TU~W, sat.jO-5:30· per _ Cannot be used wtlh any Cannot be used wtlh another 20292 MJddlcbcIt Rosd. U,oois, Sooth or 8 Mile &lid Sun. Noon,S p.m. have their turn'at the 7:30 I c:ou- I home use will be scheduled for March 31. ..- , 477.477'6' ". ... " : I olherollor.EXPIRES3,10·83 Ipon. ExpIres3·10·83 474-6900 Open Sunday 1-5 During Sale - Sale Ends 3-13-83 Visa and Mastercard accepted As part of the Junior p.m. March 24 Mother- Continued on 9 , '~ ~ available for questions PT A Chairperson Is Continued on 7~ • ' ------_._------~ Special Sale 2 For 1Sale 50% OFF on Pentax ME Super -P-E-N--r,-A-X-' SalePnced on Selected Branded Fashions Selected Winter Items ~super N~~aLE / ' thru February t1~ . 51 .5 Over 100 Suits and in Both Stores 89 0 Sport Coats. 70% Reducuons on all Winter Merchandise .. ~", 'M~-- < Many Slacks, Sport 20% Reductions on all Spring Merchandise Shirts and Sweaters f.fi~ Luncheon Fashion Show every Wed, at Northville Charleys AlteratIons at cost on 50% Off Merchandise 349·9020 Men's & Ladies' Wear Mon.-Thurs. 9-5:30 141 E. Cady Friday 9-6 All Sales Final Men's Shop 120 E. Main 349-3677 112 & 118 E. Main Street 349-0777 Northville Saturday 9-5

{ .. I'> .. .; ...... {.. .; ~..'" / "" ~ o"...... ;, .... ---=:. ....) ... ~:.,,"x..... " , Introducing ... Spring is in the Air ... CLOTHING & SHOES Green's Own Line of Top Quality Paints!! 118E1E1~~!~~~;n~:e~HE MAIN So We're Offering You For the Whole Family

10FULL RACKS OF MENS. WOMENS & CHILDRENS SALE! f!tHi~,t~;/::Js::~.{g!: ~ Special Sale Books Foster ~rant Sunglasses ; MENS. WOMENS & CHILDRENS A ' Shoes, Winter Boots .' 00 00 ~ '~~ (~ $2 _$4 OFF pergallon .~" Clothing Western Boots ...~I,~...>...~<, .....v : ... 30% OFF ";.~ t ~:...... ,. $8.98 ~l! $3.98 Y2 OFF 1/.. OFF Moo.. Woo.• Fn.''''' ~ GREEN'S HOME CENTER Nqrthville Phar!I1acf 141 E. Main /2 153 E. Main Tues., Thurs. 8 30-6 107 N. Center (Sheldon Rd ) 134 E, Main Street • 349-0850 Sat 9-5 Northville. Some Items 50% OFF 349-7110' • ~ ...... , I ., ~......

'Jancy !Bath Sandjes-tt~ S1Jopp~ !Bou.tique :l~ 50-75% OFF Selected Items Sunday Morning 25% Off All Sm uris Breakfast Special Shower Curtains SO % Off 2 Jumbo Eggs, 2 pieces of $1 75 Sausage or Bacon. Home ' Fnes. Toast and Coffee Group of Selected Items 25-50 % Off ~ p' Join us each Sunday 'W 1p.m. 133 E. Main Street • 349·8110 190 E. Main Street • 349-0373 124 E. Main • for this special price

Mon.-Thurs. 9-5.30,Fn. 9-9.Sat. 9-5 348-0290 .... ~...... ( .... '< '\.... ::.... ~ We're not reaU~~re if winter has " '< \"~' t COUPON ~een here or no , but our winter's Genitti Does Spaghetti 1 ' Dinner------"TDeal 55.99 Thursday Night WE tJvfAI«tUIS i'!f'!.E~~& PIZZA~ Large Pizza with two items I • end sales are oing full blast. 5-8p.m UP TO OFF I ; 2 quarts of Coke 50% and Every Thursday Due to popular demand we Many stores are also offering 5 me early discounts on their new Balcony Sale.Special Use anytime thru June 1,1983 are adding a Dining Room spring rchandise 'til March 31 All Sweaters $10 _ PlAR~IS ------Storewide Clock Sale ..... T~atrt' Ma in St COUPON All Transitional Slacks $15 In Store Merchandise Only All You Can Eat -Suy2MeXlcanDlnners Wool Skirts, fully lined $20-$25 ~(t GET ONE FREE! Includes spaghetti, antipasto. salad, pasta. p...,e..t., DOW,10WN sausage, garlic toast & dessert OR Buy First at Regular Pri~e NOl,thvillc Watch and Cloel{ Sl}()p Formal & Casual Dresses, etc., etc., etc. 148 Mary Alexander Ct. 348.4100 Adults: V,sa & Maslercharqe accepted Mon,Thurs lla m·11p m ,Fn &SAt11'12aIII Get 2nd at Price 132W. Dunlap 349·4938 V2 -=- • Children (5-14 yrs.) 133 E. Main Street • 349-8110 Sun 'nm·l0Iim _ 'd§!.a.!!>'.!!.m~!!!r:.!!.-!.!!~ 1..Wll._ NORT VILLE

, " Invites you to ta advantage of our PUppy CLOVE .." The Liquor Shoppe • PET CSALON Main Street, Downtown Northville Dog Grooming & Specialty Gifts Thursday, .IC u\4lnd Saturday Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-10, Sun. 12-9 103 E. Main 349·0613 Rain Coats, Jackets and a nice Pop Case Beer Sale Wine Feb. 24, 25, & 26 SPack..... Liter selection of Gold & Silver Choke 50-60% Off All Winter Merchandise * ~~ularorLlle - Inglenook 3Lller Thurs. 9·6 p.m., Fri·t9 p.m., Sat. 9·6 p.m. Cpke S1.79 ~~u:Miller s8.59 Chablis Only Chains, even a Bras~ Bed ... L1glll·Oark s10.89 Rhine 20%, Off Boys & Girls Spring Jackets Sponsored by Northville Retail Merchants ssoc. & the follOWingpartiCipating merchants s1.99 hg~~e~brau Rose $6.59 s1.99 Strohs S2.59 Burgandy , ALL ON SALE Size 2·4 Pluata.&dop 'Except some handmade items Complete New Store - Largest Liquor Selection

______/. f I 1_' _ 6-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. February 23. 1983

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\ Wednesday. February 23.1983- THE NORTHVILLE HECORD-9-A PT A-PTSA News

Continued (rom 7 has been selected by Mrs. gram at Cooke. The pro- That's the spirit Mary Freydl: The team gram will be aired seventh graders! They Mark Bertagnolll (or has begun preparing (or sometime this week. won the contest between their top scores at Cooke the state meet on April 30 A SCience Fair will be the grades during Spirit In the M I cb I g an' at the Unlver~lty 0(. held on March 1, 2 and 3. Week and - for their ef· Mathematics League Michigan. The entire student body forts - (ree admittance ,Contest. Other students Cooke's PTO had will be entering projects to the school dance who will represent Cooke donated. $700. (or video in the fair. Projects will February 16. They en- in the statewide competl· eqUipment (or the school. be judged on Tuesday and thusiastically par- tion with their fine scores These purchases were will be on display ticipated in the Student are seventh graders Erin made possible by the Wednesday evening for Council-ehosen themes of Dun k e r I y, J as 0 n (und-ralsing programs parents. Button and Hat Day, Mereckl, Emily Danes, presented by the PTO. A The third annual Maroon and Gold Day, Patrick Beemer, Michele special thanks to the "Foundersi Day dinner Preppy Day and Dress LOOK FOR THE 'RED TAG' VALUES ON NEW & Morgana and eighth parents and students at will be March 17. T~ Up Day. USED STEINWAY, SOHMER, KRAKAUER, KAWAI, g r a d e r s Deb b i e Cooke who participate in year's honorees (rom Ninety-seven students PIANOS CONN, MASON & HAMLIN AND MANY MORE. DeFrancesco, Ann Grtf- these programs. Cooke will be Mary made the Honor Roll with ( i t h , L u cas Our school had a visit 'Freydl and Dave Lon· a grade point average o( GRANDS· STUDIOS· CONSOLES Kakageorgiou, Chris from Channel 2 last week. d~dge. Tickets can be 3.5 or better! Meads Mill Drew and Matt Mal. A Student Council Presi· purchased at the school can boast a 2.81 grade SAVEUPT050% special congratulations to dent Chris McGowan and office. roint average for first Jan Janig1an, who coor· P r i n c i pal D a v e Sue Hinds semester.' dinated and coached Longridge were inter- Tomorrow, February these students. .viewed about the suc- 24, there will be a bake ORGANS RED TAG VALUES ON NEW & USE;D Cooke's Forensic Team cessful detention pro- MEADS MILL sale at lunch t1nle. March 12 is the date of the Band KAWAI, 90NN, HAMMOND, LESLIE SPEAKERS, PIPES. FestiVal. • The Science Fair will SAVEUPT050O/o • be held March 14, 15 and 16 in the school library. The public Is invited to view the students' pro- • BAND INSTRUMENTS 'jects from noon to 3 p.m. EVERY MAKE, EVERY MODEL IS SALE PRICED or 7-8:30 p.m. March 16. l (LIVONIA STORE ONLY) NEW & USED. Ten people with Ethan Allen ,.-- backgrounds in the sciences have been chosen.to judge their e(- forts March 14. Parents GUITARS are reminded that pro- ON EVERY GUITAR IN STOCK . jects should be taken • STRINGS - BUY 1GET 1 FREE home at 8:30 p.m. March .'~~••-'f:jl"... ::!' J WTnterSale" I I 16.. -----~-:?~ -?.~ ------Our choir sang at both Winchester and Silver Springs Elementary Schools, and the Solo and HAMMELL MUSIC, INC. Ensemble Instrumen- talists competed at 15630 MIDDLEBELT, LIVONIA 331 N. MAIN, PLYMOUTH Franklin High. Third Division awards were given to Shelly Huizing, 427 -0040 525-9220 459-7141 Lori Osborne, Cathy Piner and Janice VanLoke. Second Divi- sion awards went to Cheryl Benstein, Mary Brown, Trlcia Ducker, Traci Earl, Brad Guerro, Shelly Huizing, John Kipl- inger, David Kozler, Lisa Lutz, MaryB.eth McDonOUgh, Mark Or- dowskl (2), and Rose Sapia. The highest First Division awards went to Chris Bowles, Eric Dove, Sue Kilsdonk, John Kipl- inger, Traci Earl, Cralg Ethan Allen Wall Systems Kozler, Russ Rothermel, Functional Beauty With A Built-in Look Scott Turner, Janice VanLoke, Jill Werdell ave... space.time and dollars WIth Ethan Allen's Custom Room Plan. It's and Bill Yant (2). Sthe most complete system of modular furniture avaIlable. Create wall The Beginning Band arrangements to meet your special needs by grouping upper and lower members performed for Units. eacl) perfectly engineered to fIt together for that custom "bullt-tn" family and friends and look. Good looking. fine quallty .... you can't beat our Custom Room Planl played sqngs Over Sixty matching pieces of various sIzesto S

You'll be shocked at the huge savings Rite Carpet I offers on fine quality Lees Carpet. I Even lower prices than, department stores Iand specialty stores claiming to have a sale in I progress. I We've shopped these stores to assure you of .. the ~t prices on high quality Lees Carpets. '1 You'll save on exciting new plushes, saxonies, I textures and bright multi-colors, easy care - I long wear Antron~ and Ultron~ wear dated I nylons. . I Rite Carpet Is An Authorized Lees Dealer I Prices start as low 8S 95 I S8 per square yard Call 476·8360today for a free pre measure date or stop in Isoon and discover why we're known as - ••

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.. 1881, 'or I Editorials I. _

1o-A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. February 23.1983 W~t Nnrtltitillt lltcnril

Our Opinions Off the record.

By Michele McElmurry -- " Lessons of the press

With this being Newspaper in Education Week,it has are a battered notebook and a collection of pens which occurred to me that perhaps this is a goodtime for those seem to disappear in my overstuffed purse. WhileI cer- of us in the print media to sit back and reflect upon our tainly don't mind having students looking through my roles as journalists. It is something we don't do often notebook, I sincerely doubt they can read it. The chicken enough. We always seem to be too busy chasing down scratch'which appears on most pages looks'more like a '. stories, covering meetings and cursing at our VDTs to secret code from Tibet than the material for a news take a goodhard lookat the newspaper business. story. i' Currently, I'm ill the midst of my own soul- What always strikes me as funny is the perception searching. As one of a handful of newspaper reporters in most people have of newspaper reporters. We're often Northville, I've been asked to address a group of junior perceived as being chain smoking, nervous types who high students in a few weeks regarding the nitty-gritty,of seem to live on the run. People imagine us as wearing being a reporter. This isn't the first time I've talked 16 a trench coats and pencils behind our ears with cigarettes ., group of budding writers - and I'm sure it won't be the dangling from from our lips. While some of us may fit last. My colleagues have done the same. It comes with this mold, most ofus do not. the job. I suppose the media itself can be blamed for distor- . ting most people's views of journalists. In the age of While this may see~ like a simple enough task, I Woodward and Bernstein, I suppose it's only natural for often find myself tongue-tied. Like many writers, I ex- people to think that we meet secret sources in dark press myself best through the written word and am not garages and bring down political figures with one fell accustomed to being the interviewee rather than the in- swoop. terviewer. As a reporter, I prefer to remain in the Willis Chapell, Norm Fultz and Carl Kerr inspect fuertank shadows, an observer looking in through a crack in the Yet, for most newspaper reporters, at least for this door. one, there is much more behind the myth than most peo- ple realize. People often wonder why reporters sit like deaf . Beiter idea mutes throu~ meetings of local,governing bodies. The As members of the Fourth Estate, our purpos~ is to fact is that we are not participants in such meetings. We serve as a check on government and the like. We take it Certification and commence- tion of Norman Fultz, president of are there to report on what occurs during the meeting - upon ourselves to defend the underdog,_exposegraft and ment of the production of UAW local 896, that Ephlin was not partake in it. I don't voice my opinions or shake my corruption and stand by our conviction of the "people's ·automotive fuel tanks at the Ford aware of local hopes for the plant's fist at local school board meetings because that is not right to know." The cornerstone 'Ofour existence lies in :water wheel plant Tuesday was continuation. This month the com- what I'm there for. Like the old adage about children, four simple words 7" "freedom of the press." While reporters at public meetings should remain seen and not many contend we have abused that freedom, I would be · another step in a unique spirit of pany and the local agreed upon heard. :teamwork being developed at the what is called an Ability Rate Pro- hard pressed to find anyone whowouldsupport the aboli- tion ofthat constitutitonal guaranfee. ·plant in Northville. It brings the gression, a variable pay scale, for a Another problem I'm confronted with in talking :plant closer to high volume produc- new qUality technician production about my job is that I have few visual aids to help supple- In the newspaper business, our job is not only to :tion scheduled for August of this classification. Under the agree- ment any discussion. Unlike the firefighter with a bright write about those who make the news, but those wholive year. ment, employees so classified red truck, heavy coat and helmet, the tools of my trade it- peoplelike you. qualify for pay increases on a five- It also is continUing evidence level wage scale as they learn and that a handshake can change the become competent in more than direction of events. It was a year one production task. ago this month that FordPresident -After Donald E. Petersen concluded the About Town national labor agreement with the This agreement - even more UAWand, shaking hands with than certification of the first fuel the UAW vice-president Donald tank yesterday - could be the key , I By Steve Fecht . Ephlin, promised the company to the scale of future operations at would review the possibility of re- the plant. The ducks whose plight fact opening the plant, the last of the drew national attention as the plant By water wheel plants begun by the was being closed are eclipsed by PHILIP JEROME first Henry Ford. the union-management coopera- tion here. It's real news. We con- It was because of the convic- gratulate both again. I'm writing this column under protest. What I'd really like to be doing right now is t~. oiling up the old baseball mitt in pr:eparation for a game of catch.

College gap If you've guessed that spring fever has laid claim to my soul, you're right. This is ter- Given the dissimilar popula- filing 'petitions is 4 p.m. April 26. rible. It's Monday afternoon; I still have tion sizes of the communities that They now are available from Presi- several stories plus an editorial to write, not compose the Schoolcraft College dent Richard McDowell's office on to mention my column, and all I can think district, it seems that a Northville campus. about is how nice it would be to go out and resident has little chance of being playa little catch. elected to a seat on the board of We do not mean to imply that trustees. At present, six of the the current board has not acted in Unfortunately, I'm not the only one on U seven board members are Livonia good faith. We believe it has tried my staff afflicted with the disorder. About an' residents. to represent views of the entire hour ago, my staff caught me walking out of district, but we also believe the col- the Winner's Circle, a local watering hole However, four posts are up for lege loses input from the districts it known far and wide for the quality of its Pac- election in June. Three six-year represents by not having residents Man machines. terms now held by Harry G. of Clarenceville, Garden City or Greenleaf, Rosina Raymond and Northville on the board. Of the five "Just trying to clear my mind with a cou- Leonard E. Wozniak, all of Livonia, K-12 school districts that compose ple of games of Pac-Man so I can write my are to be filled. In addition, a two- the college district, Livonia has colwnn," Iexplained sheepishly, embarrass- about half the population, ed at being caught walking out ofa bar during ~ year post for the balance of the prime working hours. term of Nancie Blatt, who resigned Plymouth-Canton and Garden City last summer, is up for election. about 40 percent and Clarenceville Their response bothered me. "We know Sharon L. Sarris of Livonia was ap- and Northville the remaining 10 the feeling," they said. "We just took a walk pointed by the board to fill the percent. around town; we can't get goingeither." vacancy until the election. She agreed to run for the remainder of At presen t, Harry R. Now it's one thing for the bosS to take a the term when appointed. Greenleaf, Rosina Raymond, short break, but Ihave quite a different reac- Leonard E. Wozniak, Sharon Sar- tion when my staff starts taking extended As the board interviewed ap- ris, Paul Kadish and Laura Toy all hikes on Mondayafternoon. plicants for the post last August are from Livonia with Michael (there were three from Northville), Burley from Canton. Initially, Monday afternoons, you see, are prime fl we urged that it consider a Nor- when the college was founded there production time; deadline rolls around mid- thville appointee and were disap- were representatives from the way Tuesday and Monday is the last com- pointed when the appointment of school districts it covers, but voting plete day for writing stOries. When you can't Sarris left the board again with six rules were changed on the premise write Monday, you just know Tuesdays will of the seven members from that there was not "one man-one be difficult. ' Livonia. There has not been a vote" representation by popula- \ . trustee from Northville since R. tion. .Actually, I'm disappointed with myself Robert Geake, now a state senator, for having contracted this seasonal inOiction. Back when I was in school, spring fever used resigned when he was elected a Unfortunately, while the col- lege has been fighting a "Livonia to lay me out and render me useless for the If' state representative more than remainder of the term. I tried to get straight nine years ago. At the time, Blatt institution" image, trustees were A's early in the semester knowing I'd need VIas named to fill out his term and not wUling to give the appointment them to carry me through the warm spring subsequently was elected to two to a non-Livonian. A Northville days when it was a metaphysical impossibUl- terms. resident (as any representative of ty to engage in something so mundane as stu- the districts not now having a dying. I If there is a qualified Nor- board member) would offer a two- \ thville candidate wUling to cam- way communication, bringing col- But I digress. Let's see, where·was 11Ob, paign, perhaps voters can do what lege news to the district and con- \ Pit stop yes - spring fever ... have to write a column the board was not willing to do - tributing input from the communi- ... would rather play catch. I wonder if place a representative of our com- ty. Let us hope there is interest in anyone would notice if I just didn't 'Vrite a ". munity on the board. Deadline for the four posts here. column this week? '.

" . i L \ Wednesday. February 23.~983-THE NORTHVILLE RECORo-l1-~ Re/!-ders Speak Dumas appointed to Civic Concern Committee needs help Slt• on two commlttees• . \- . , Wayne County Commissioner Mary jail, which will open later this year," To the Editor: February 12, as a homeowner and tax- lot. My former tenants, of two years,. by the greec! of the city. I realize the Thank you for the excellent 'article of E. Dumas (R-I0th District including Dumas said. payer of the City of NorthvUle, I visited until that time were allowed two park- racetrack is a great and needed tax Northville Township and the Wayne "Long range goals to improve the our organization (Civic Concern Com- my tenants at 231South Wing Street. At ing permits in the same lot. In fact, base, but I wuld sincerely appreciate mittee). Without your outstanding County portion of the city) has been present correctional system is our only approximately 9 p.m. I parked my car before they moved, they received a let- your consideration to me as a taxpayer named chairperson of the county's hope If we are to reduce our current paper information passed to the public in the NorthvUle Square parking lot in ter from the city regarding their pay- and to the residents of Sout Wing Street at large we could not perform in the public safety and jUdiciary committee, prisoner populaton. the lane next to the fence as there was ment of $2 which was due in order to by at least allowing a parking permit at commission chairman WUliam G. "To accomplish this," she continued, manner we hope to serve the needy nowhere else to park. At 9:20 p.m. when renew thts permit. times when street parking is pro- Suzore announced. "we need a coordinated effort on the families in the Northville area. I went to my car there was a parking Now the city pollee, with apparent hibited. We recognize the real need for Dumas, a strong advocate of alter- part of the commission, the county ex- ticket on the windshield. new jurisdiction over the parking, deny I also wUl appreciate your prompt native correction programs, such as ecutive, courts and particularly the assistance by many and depend upon Doesn't the pollee department of the this privilege. If and when the parking reply to this letter. You may contact me your making the needy families aware community-based restitution, is a communities. Several counties In other City. of NorthvUle have any more im- regulations changed, a written notifica- or write to me. states have developed total correction of our existence and our purposes. We member of the National Association of portant duties to perform? Are they tion should have been sent informing Thank you in advance. programs by offering probation to those are here to serve, and we welcome Counties Crime and Public Safety protecting the homeowners in the other residents and owners of such a change. Sincerely, charged with minor offenses in ex- members from· all the churches and Steering Committee. parts of the city at the same time they The rights of the homeowners and James F. LaPlante She also was an appointee to the change for serving on voluntary pro- civic clubs in the area to become are writing parking tickets in the Nor- residents of the city have been denJed Dearbo!11 governor's Michigan Juvenile Justice grams, and making restitution in one members of the ('ommittee. thvUle Square parking lot? I hope so. Advisory Committee, chairperson for form or another to the victims." We have calls for food and also for This procedure appears to be quite the Youth Outreach Committee of the Commissfoner Dumas said the state financial assistance in .emergencles, discriminatory for the people who live United Community Services in Western is attempting to reduce its own prisoner especially with utility bUls where on South Wing Street as there is ab- Law calls Grant study Wayne County, a volunteer probation burden through a proposed bUl that children are involved. solutely no place to park after 6 p.m. officer for the 16th District courts, would reqUire counties to house Nonperishable food can be dropped dUring track season. When I purchased cbairperson of the Woman's Action prisoners for the full two years of a two- off at the Bruce Roy Realty Office, 150 my home in 1972, Wing Street was a Against Crime Committee and a year term. / North Center, or at C.A. Smith's home on Michigan realistic residential street. It now appears that member of the statewide Crime Task "Present laws only require counties at 43643Nine Mile~ Checks can be mail- the City of Northville respects the Force Committee. to hold prisoners for a maximum of one ed to Civic Concern Committee, 150 ownership of the NorthvUle Downs By GERALD H. LAW ment of Commerce defended In addition, she is a member of the year," she explained, "and passage of North Center. - Raceway without any co~ideration for State Representative Michigan'S business reputation, ex- county's audit committee and-commit- the new bUl would create a serious For more information call Ann Roy the homeowner of the adjacellt plaining that the Grant Company study tee of the whole. back-up of our jall population and 349-8700or C.A. Smith 34!Hl854. Many neighborhood. A study conducted by the Alexander was superficial and based on averages, "We need to seek alternative to just skyrocket the costs of housing and jall thanks for your wonderful assistance. At the time I purchased this property Grant and Company of Chicago rates tossing prisoners into the new county staffing." Civic Concern Committee in 1972 my taxes were approximately Michigan dead last, among the states rather than in-depth analyses of the C.A.Smith $700 per year. I now pay twice that based on 22 factors affecting business state's assets, resources, and skUled Letters Resident charges city amount for half the service and rights climates. Alaska and Hawaii were not labor force. What Commerce Director of ownership. My rights have been included in the ranking. Ralph Gerson calls an "over simplifica- Your denied! Other residents and owners . tion," I call deserving. uses unfair tactics also encounter the same problems,l.. The stUdy, conducted annually, plac- welcome To the Editor: am sure ed Michigan in 45th place last year, but Michigan has got to wake up to th!'l Photos . high taxes, the size of Michigan'S (This is a copy of a letter sent to City realities that are found inthis study. We This newspaper by Wayne Loder My tenants, since January I, 1983, unemployement compensation debt to cannot turn our backs on the facts and welcomes Letters to the Manager-Steven Walters.) have been attempting to obtain one the federal government, maximum I am paying the enclosed parkinlt pretend improvements will occur Editor. We ask, however, parking permit to allow, one vehicle to workers' compensation insurance that they be issue The Magic of ticket ($5) under protest. On Sa!urday, automatically. We must work to ma!te park in the Northville Square parking premiums and rates, and a loss of man- Michigan a better place in which to do oriented, confined to 500 Black and power to the Sunbelt worked together business, and that wUl mean sacrifices words and that they con- White Obituary against Michigan in 1982 to bring us from state goernment. tain the signature, ad- For something different in your picture taking, why back to the bottom. dress and telephone not try something as old as photography itself and yet number of the writer. as new and modern as the next exhibit of the works of We simply must make Michigan outstanding professional photographers? Ranking first, second and third in more attractive to new industries. We Names will be withheld That Is - black and white photography. order were Florida, Texas and North must broaden our economic base by on request, but a brief ex- Black and whits lende itself beautifully to portraits. Helen Sessions dies at 81 Carolina. Rhode Island is 47th and Pen- planation of why the It reveals hidden facets of the subject's character. In becoming less and less dependent on re- landscapes and seascapes. the use of yellow or red nsylvania is 46th. quest is being made Helen M. Sessions, a lifetime resident Livonia. the automobile. We also must stop tax- sky filters for black and while film provides dramatic should accompany the cloud and surf detail. A homemaker, Mrs. Sessions was a ing our businesses, our industries, and , of the area, died February 8 at Cam- Even though the state Legislature letter. Deadiine for sub- Properly cared for. black and white prints and 'member of the ladies auxiliary of our working people to the point where negatives Will last for decades. offermg a more per- , bridge Convalescent Center in Redford reformed many of the factors that have mission is 3:30 Monday American Legion Post 147here. their only refuge is another sU!te. manent record of people or events than color after an illness of several montl1s. She led to Michigan's dubious title as the p.m.. We reserve the photographs. _ was 81 and had made her home at 401 She was born July 14, 1901,in Detroit , "worst state in the nation in which to do right to ed~t letter:> for There's a wide range of black and while film to Barney and Mary (Barton) Girst and The members of the Michigan High Street in Allen Terrace. business," it is evident that the linger- brevity, clanty and hbe!. available. from finest Qrains to highest speed. Black She was the mother of Mrs. Margie married Charles Sessions October 14, Legislature have gotten the message. I, and white photographiC paper is also available in a ing recession has not allowed the number of special flOlshes to enhance your picture. Asher of Northville and Earl of Novi. 1922.He died June 5, 1971. changes to take place. It also points out for one, intend to act in a positive man- Black and while film is less expensive than color Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. In addition to her daughter and son, that there is stUl much, much more to ner to the Grant study to ensure that Purcell moves film. You can load your camera with it when your February 11 at Casterline Funeral she leaves sisters Gladys Bowden of next year's annual report places youngster wants to practice picture taking. ' be done by the Legislature to upgrade We have a complete line of black and white film. Home with the Reverend Robert Mit- Gaylord, Marilyn Eichner of Silver Spr- Michigan's reputation as a center for Michigan higher th~ dead last. And state office developing papers. and fillers to meet your needs at chinson of New Hudson United ings, Florida, and Elsie Anderson of commerce and manufacturing. more state spending on non-essentials, F-Stop. 43220Grand River in Novi. 348-9355. . Methodist Church officiating. Burial Pontiac; five grandchildren and five and increases in our state income tax Bill Kerans, press was in Glen Eden Memorial Park in grea~grandchildren. The director of the Michigan Depart- are not going to get us there. secretary for Con- Final Closeout gressman Carl Pursell, I I "- Second District of Luminos Bromide Michigan, annc'mces that 100sheets 5x7(reg. '12 55) '4.95 ,PT A-PTSA News his Michigan office has 100sheets 8xl0 (reg. '22.95) '8.95 ANN UNCEMENT been moved to 361 West Unicolor Barytonl00SheetS8Xl0l'llll'2195) '6.95 Our third and fourth Eisenhower Parkway, 25sheets8xl0t'llll'795) '1.99 Continued from 9 Mrs. Cynthia Haley, an- class resume practice are - .., . . 10sheetsllX14('1lll'795) '1.99 and Ron McDonald tied nounced that this Thurs- some of the programs grade Academy 'stiiderifs- AriJl Arbor; 48104. ' OFFER planned. just finished an exciting Congressman Pursell's Kodak Ektachrome 2203 for fifth. Eighth grade day and Friday would be 10sheets 8x10 '2.49 " ",- winners were: Mike set aside for OLV's The PTO reminds all Social Stddies Unit on office in Washington still ..••• OLV families to continue Australia with a written is located at 1414 Chiang, first, Kevin Haas Science Fair. Judging of TO PROGRAM' book on their studies, Longworth Building, Tripod Sale - Up to $20Off and Mickey Quint tied for all entries will be on saving their newspapers Washington, D.C., 20515. 1- ..1 CHAIRPERSONS: second, Suzanne Austin, Thursday and viewing by for the April 23-24 PTO map and individual WE OFFER our JerYIcII to ahurch groups fourth, Don Bisdorf, fifth. the pUblic will be Friday Newspaper Drive. research report. The : and clubs for Iecturea and films on T'ae ninth grade basket- during school hours in the Carole Litzelman latest class addition is the aub)eCta88 eatate plinnlng ••• ball team opened its tour- Social Hall of the Church. "News Flash" Board I~ected funeral preopIan- nament with a game Some students involved in wn..LIAM MLAN where students exhibit TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE rilng...furier81 prooedurea and COIt8- against South Lyon the projects have submit- ACADEMY their current events and •••grtet counaellng and the bereave- February·14. ted them for considera- Plans still are in the give and oral and written NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ment pl'OO888. Fifty students showed tion in the Cobo Hall making for our first alI- presentation. an interest in par- SCience Fair in March. school open house The fifth and sixth A proposed use hearing for general revenue sharing pur- TO INDIVIDUA~S: ticipating on the Foren- The varied topics chosen scheduled for 7 p.m. graders are toting ice March 28. Family, skates every other Friday poses will be held on Thursday, March 10, 1983for all interested WE OFFER private conferences at nO sics Team. Practice has include: Computers, Acid begun under the direction R a in, E f fee t s 0 f friends and community as they have started citizens of the Township of Northville. The amount of general . charge or obliaatlon on Inflation-Pro- of Mrs. Wilma Castillo. Detergents on Plants, are welcome. The winter gym activities and revenue sharing funds to be d'iscussed for this fiscal year is ap- tected Funeral"Pre-Plannlng •••funeral Karen Hill Blood Pressure and Solar Academy students will be are taken to the ice proximately $45,907.00. C08t8 and proc::eduree.••veterana' and proUd to exhibit their skating rink in Plymouth. OUR LADY OF Projects. The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. for the .purpose of SocIal SecUrity benefits and other Two important upcom- work, which will They also are gearing UP. discussion of possible uses of general revenue shanng funds at funeral-related ~bjeCt8. . VICTORY ing events at Our Lady of demonstrate the progres- for some other studies ' 41600 Six- Mile Road, Northville, Michigan 48167.All interested ~Z~~ As the month of Victory are: sion of their academics which will take both citizens will have the opportunity to give written and oral com- February advances, Our - In-school registra- through the sixth grade. classes to Camp Ohiyesa. ments on uses of the funds. Senior Citizens are encouraged to at- Lady of Vietory students lion which has been The William Allan This is an all day outdoor tend and comment. ; WIU~1. . have been concentrating scheduled for March 14, Academy kindergartners education experience the on math and science 15 and 16. OLV students are beaming. Along with children don't want to SusanJ. Heintz REDfORD. 25450 Plymouth. 48239 their reading, phonics miss. Trained staff from skUls. will receive ·1983·84 Publish: Feb. 23,1983 Clerk LJVaoIA. 37000 SIllMIle Road. 48152 During the week of registration forms the and sentence formation the camp will be instruc- February 7-11, which had preceding Friday to be they have started their ting the students in pond It 937·36'{O • been designated Catholic returned for the registra- own word packets. study, forest manage- Schools Week throughout tion days. Registration The Academy's. first ment, etc. NOTICE • send for FREE Pamphlets the country, Our Lady of for new students whose graders have entered into Last, but not least, is Victory students par- families are not presently a SCience Energy Unit the wonderful effort of TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE covering nutrition and our Parent Group. Their InflatlOn.Protected__ ~~ _ ticlpated in the St. Jude enrolled at OLV will be o Math-A-Thon. This pro- during the week of March some very informative' latest endeavor Is the BOARD OF REVIEW F~ Pre-Plannlng Name gram was designed to 15-18 IIi the school office and interesting food Third Annual Rummag«; earn money for St. Jude's beginning at 9:30 a.m. energy experiments. Sale from 9:30 a.m. to 7 For the purpose of reviewing and adjusting the assessment o "Finli \YIIhII" Hospital. OLV students - Career Week bas The second graders are p:m. March 18. This sale roll for the Township of Northville, 41600Six Mile Road, Northville Per80naI Record Book Add,... had an opportunity to been scheduled for the really excited about includes an all-school col- Michigan the Board of Review will meet on the following dates: ' working on their Learn- lection of resale Items of help someone else by ob- week of March 21-25.OLV March 8 9a.m.·2p.m. o Ltcturt 'taining sponsors who students in the upper Ing Resource \Jnit which Infant through teen CIty were wUling to pledge a grades have traditionally had led to fact finding in clothin2, children's toys. March 9 2 p.m.-8 p.m. OPtlvate ConfertnOe the encyclopedia. Nancy Lawrence • designated amount of looked forward to this March 14 9a.m.-2 p.m. money for all math pro- event as an opportunity to blems completed by the find out what various March 15 2 p.m.-8 p.m. students in this program. career options require. NOTICE Members of the Board of Review OLV science teacher, Speakers, fUms and in- CITY-OF NOVI Charles George, Dorthy Johnson, Russell Fogg A Resolution was passed by City Council on February 14. 1983waiving 4% penalty between February 15th and Call Northville Township Hall for appointment 348-9000 February 28thon 1982July and December taxes for those persons eligible for deferment of 1982summer taxes, Publish: Feb. 23& March 2, 1983 • SerVing Community who have not received their State Homestead Exemption over 50 years. . checks. For further Information. contact Treasurer's Office. Evelyn I. Natzel• '. Choice lots available • f Assistant Treasurer • Discount to Senior Office Hours: 8:00A.M. to 5.00P.M NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Citizens Monday through Frlday-closed satuarday CLOSED:Monday February 21,1983 NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION • No interest payment Publleh: Feb. 18&23.1983 PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE MASTER PLAN plans • Indoor Crypts Date: Tuesday, March 29,1983 available CITY OF NOVI Time: 7:30 p.m. • Indoor columnbarium for creamation urns NOTIC~ Place: 41600 Six Mile Road • Counselors available for The Northville Township Planning Commission will hold a I~ appointments at your NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a PUBLIC HEARING ON MARCH 29, 1983at 7:30 p.m. to discuss request only vacancy will exist on the. City of Novi the proposed revisions to the Master Plan for NorthVille Library Board, Persons inter~sted in ap- Township. Copies of the proposed revisions to the Master Plan pointment to this Board should contact are available at the Township Office for review. rPar~9 Jlknwrd ~ - the City Clerk's office for an application. All. interested persons are invited to attend. (//ltl. Iltl((.mkw/II Richard Duwel, Chairman Ann··Arbor Northville Township Planning Commission Geraldine Stipp 665·6187' , 3771 Whitmore J-ake Rd. ' Hours: 9am-4: 30p';' weekdays Publish: Feb. 23, 1983 . City Clerk . Publish: 2-23& 3-16,83 9am-12pm Sat. I

) ...... r • ,. b • ~ ......

12.A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. February 23. 1983 • Ford plant produce.s fuel tanks under new agreement

"We suggested that all of the work be Continuedfrom Page 1 The meeting Tuesday included cooperation" at the plant. "What Is six months, Jurosek explained that the employees," Sherrick stated. "For ex· employees. Sherrick noted that such happening here Is unusual in our company was choosing carefully the ample, I'li share with tbem how many done by employees who had been on As employees become competent in employee meetings are held every two busines," he told the employees, lines for the plant, making sure they shipping racks we have to repair in a layoff from the plant. The company more than one task, it was explained, to three weeks, usually in the cafeteria. revealing that the plant Is not expected were labor intenslfled. given day to break even on costs, and bought our idea and saved about they qualify for pay increases Ina five- The meeting was moved to the plant's to make a profit until the first quarter Asked If he believes the plant ever they'll come up with ways to do it, even $250,000.To make it happen, w~ had level wage scale (Ability Rated Pro- main floor, he said, to accommodate of 1984. again will have the maximum of 286 though it means doing work they they assemblers cleaning, cleaners ripping .. gression) without being reclassified. news media and visitors who included He said this Is the only plant with this employees it at one time had, Sherrick weren't asked to do in past times." up cement, stock handlers painting, The plant re-opened last september Mayor Paul Vernon and City Manager degree of employee involvement, said he doubted so as he dldn't believe Fultz testified that the new system is and so on. It was the only way to get the alter a six-month study showed it was Steven Walters. challenging the workers to make quali- there wouldbe three shifts again. working. job doneefficiently." suitable for fuel tank production and Sherrick was frank about costs to ty products. He pointed out the plant's "new "From the day we re-opened, A new spirit of cooperatlon between steel shipping rack repair. It had been date, citing the fact that 35 percent of "We have a long way to go as this Is beginning" Is testimony to the success employees have come up with many management and workers has been closed in November, 1981,as an un- the plant start·up authorization an extremely competitive market to- of the Innovative "people programs" at ideas to save time and money," Fultz cited by Fultz as the big change at the profitable operation after producing ($2,979,000)has been expended but that day. Hopefully,by mid-summer we can the plant that have changed normal said. "Originally, the company had plant. engine valves for more than 60years. the plant is "ahead" with 52percent of announce addtional work - I guarantee work rules and involve all employees in planned to hire outside contractors to "We communicate," he said, "there "We've already begun repairing ship- the work requlred completed. all the business you can handle at this discussions concerning the products, tear down the old valve production Isless 'we and they' in our conversation ping racks and are ready to start mak· MaxJurosek, general manager of the plant," he summed up. new busJness opportunities and better eqUipment, refurbish the buUdlngand these days. We are a team dedicated to ing fuel tanks," said Sherrick in the an- Ford Engine Division, also spoke, Afterward, in response to an ways ofdoingjobs. set up for repairing racks and produc- doing quality work and making. nouncement. praising the "tremendous amount of employee question of why it would take "We talk bottom line with our ing fuel tanks. money."

NEW Restaurant Timetable of plant events .LA-Z-DOY ... Continuedfrom Page 1 training and work on steel rack , "Northville repair. . Detroit area. - Crossing" • July 1982 - Work rule • February 1983- The com- • modifications needed to make the '.';SPECIAl ..· (formerly Mynksl pany and union agreed on an plant competitive were ratified Ability Rate Progression invites you by 97percent of the plant's UAW (variable pay scale) for a new local896. quality technician production to its classification. Under the agree- GRAND • September 1982 - Skilled ment employees in this tradesmen and the first produc- classification qualify for pay in- PURCHASE' OPENING tion .workers were recalled to creases on a five-levelwage scale begin the process of dismantling as they learn and become compe- Wednesday. MarCh 2. 1983 valve production equipment, tent in more than one production refurbishing the plant and install- task. -DURING I.UNCH 11 a.m.·2 p.m. ing newequipment. min. mum meal of 52 • • February 22,1983- Produc- . ··-SALE-·.· ....·· .. . FREE COFFEE or POP • December 1982- The se- tion began on fuel tanks to ser- . .' ~ ~ and PASTY cond wave of production workers vice 1974-77model LTD II and -DURING DINNER 2 p.m •• 8:30 p.m. returned to the plant to begin Coug~ station wagons. minImum meal of 53

Starting Sl!nl!ay, March 6, we will be 2• •• DAYSONl"!'.- • • • > -, open for Sunday Breakfast 7 a.m.·2 p.m. I ~ 18900 Northville Rd. • Northville SALE ENDS FEB. 24th 9 P.M. 'I' . :;z; Symphony to perfQrm TWELVE OAKS TIRE CO. IN at mall Sunday 42990 Grand River I We've Got Some Good Novi 348-9699 News & Some Bad News The Oakway Symphony will perform at 2 p.m. The Good News is - We are now this Sunday at Tel-TwelveMall. Used Tires '. A highlight of the program will be appearances from $10.00~ 95 \ offering DAILY SPECIALS Such as: by twowinners of the "Artists ofTomorrow;' Com- -'~ • Stuffed Pork Chops • Lasagna petition. The competition, which Is sponsored an- nually by the Oakway Symphony, is open to or- • Cabbage Rolls • Cornish Hens Your Goodyear • B.B.O. Ribs • Knockwurst & Kraut chestral instrumentalists and 'pianists under 25 years ofage and vocalists under 30. Dunlop Tire Pro These are just a few of our new The competition winners performing this Sunday Luxurious, genuine homemade dishes. includeTony Cross, a 12-year-oldviolinist, whowill The Bad News is: We aren't a fancy, perform the Finale of the Bruch Violin Concerto, high priced restaurant so you won't and Maria Sattore. whowill sing a Verdi aria in ad- need to dress-up and bring lots of dition to singing "Summertime" from Porgy and LA-Z·DO't money - Sorry Bess. The Oakway Symphony, under the direction of' Reclining chair.s Frank DiBlasi, also will play a variety of concert selections from its recent programs. Admission is Sit, 101lngeor recline away your cares free. in the lap of luxury. Choose from four easy·on·the·eye styles very specially Lisa La uber a~signed priced to go easy 01] your budget! , A. 'Rocker Recliner upholstered in durable Nylon tweed Airman Lisa D. studied the Air Force or Naugahyde vinyl S9'ln95 Lauber, daughter of Ben mission, organization and ·70 units t::JtJtJ' A. Lauber of 20252 customs and received Longwood Court in Nor- special training in human B. ,Rocker Recliner featuring a unique thville and Judith A. relations. combination of Nylon Lauber of 2151Carlmont, In addition, airmen who or Herculon with Belmont, California, has complete basic training Naugahyde vinyl $25995 been assigned to Chanute earn credits toward an ·70 units Air Force Base, Illinois, associate degree in ap- after completing Air plied science through the C. Wall Recliner upholstered in easy Force basic training. Community Collegeof the C.HAROLD care Olefin tW,eeds or She is a 1980graduate Air Force. BLOOM AGENCY Naugahyde vinyls 95 ofNorthville HighSchool. Airman Lauber now $')1'79 ~~},...... ICOmein&SignUPfora Over38 YearsExpenence ·89 units ~I weekly name draWing During her six weeks at will receive specialized Lackland Air Force Base, instruction in the weather 108 W. Main Northville Texas, the airman service field. D. Featured at left-Rocker Recliner 349-1252 covered In wear· tested Nylon velvets $26995 Beforeyou seeyour -78 units AARP meeting today travel agem.seeyour independentAuto· The Northville-Plymouth Chapter of the Ownersagem. For Auto·Owners American Association ofRetired Persons wUlmeet 1ravellnsurance. 10 at 10:30a.m. today (Wednesday) at the Plymouth cover you for up to Cultural Center. In LA-Z-DO't $50.000 aCCIdentpro· The 10:30a.m. board meeting will be followedby tecllon, And prolectyour a brown bag lunch at noon. Coffee and tea wUlb<:! baggageandpersonal Sleep Sofas available. possessionsas well. A guest speaker will dlscuss Livingston Home It's aneasy·lo·apply- Enjoy La·Z·Boy Health Care, a program designed to provide home for policy. thaI could comfort day or makeIhe gOingeas.er. night. la·Z·Boy professional health care for persons with "in sleep sofas home" needs. feature the Reservations for the chicken barbeque luncheon same built·ln comlort and Suzanne Conklu. hke all our tax preparers. takes scheduled for March 23may be made through John vluto-Owners Lynch. Tickets for the luncheon will be $3.50per Insurance quality her Job lIery senously.She enJOYsIhe challengeof L1rt. lIomt. Clr. Bu.I..... prevalent In tax work and would hketo prepareyoul 1982 tax person. One nlme says II Ill. world famous return H~.,.M B A from U of D and background In Members also are reminded to bring canned or 1.1.lt. to tht Aulo-O".tr- La·Z·Boy chairs. taxes and accountmgmakeherextremelyquahl1ed nonperishable foodfor the Salvation Army. Joh. Dortmu. Rldlo Show. Featured full to help you size.style " upholstered In rugged Olefin ...AVERILL TAX,SERVICE. stripo·15 units. Avenll.s a full lime. year round. profeSSionaltax Choose other SCMcenow In .ts 33rd year last yearwe prepared Dental' sizes and styles Oller 2.000 retums al an allerage COSIof only at great $30 $40 In our pnvate olllCes.your return WIllbe savings tool handled by an expenencedlax preparer m a per Dialogue ~onal. conf.denllal ann compelent manner of A. Allen Tuchklaper, D.D.S. We welcome your phone call f("g:udmg our ,~)rv1C(h... 1od Mh" PLAQUE IS GUILTY

348·3348 533-0121 a. What Is the number one cause I of tooth decay? l'-~1In 25974 NOYIRd. 26201 Grand-Rlwr ~ ~~ F.a.~ (01 Grand RJv~r) (n~ar·B~rch Daly) . A. The major cause of decay Is a Mon .. Thurs., 9·8 - Fri, • SOl .• 9·5 sticky, ii1my substance known as In addillon. If you ar~ haVIng difficulty g~tIIng plaque. Because our moulhs har- forms from Ih~ IRS we would be pleas~d 10 supply bor bacteria. almost everyone MI •• them. al no charge suffers from some degree of pla- ~U~~~Ik!!?ke;~... que throughout their lives. The plaque clings to the enamel of the Open Weekdays 10am·9pm - Saturday 10am·6pm - Sunday 12·5pm teelh and when food particles and . ,. . . . sugar are fermented by the bacteria, they form an acid. This WARREN TAYLO·R " . NOVI . 'j~1 acld,lf not removed regularly, will 12.Mile Road. Eureka Rd. across 1·96 at. NOlli Rd,·Exit form a pit. Then more bacteria ac- ·=a" ~ cumulate and eventually there is ~ at'Hoover. from Southland Mall (Adjacent to 12 Oaks) a hole that allows bacteria to in· This column is presented in" o. 574.2440. 287.4750 . . 349.3700 ". __ .. CII.llqC ~r' vade the Interior of a tooth and a the interest of better dental , . cavity Is born. The only way to health. From the offlCe of stop this destruction Is to remove A. Allen Tuchklaper, D.D.S. the vllllan, plaque. 4101 Novl Road, Novl 348-3100 * My Home Town ••• The Only Place to Shop *

,I' '. Want Ads Section GREEN SHEET INSIDE B Sliger/Livingston East Wednesday, February 23,1983

I 1.... 1 South Lyon show open to artists Business Briefs Area artists interested members at 7:30 p.m. in the visual arts, Including in participating in the the Senior Citizen Room, painting, sculpture and Fine Arts Society of South South Lyon Middle ,hotography, are Lyon's aMual Spring Art School, 350 School. For welcome to Join the ex· HAROLD HYLAND of Novi ranked seventh nationally among all Show In mid-April are further information, call hiblt to be held Aprll15, 16 Lutheran Brotherhood district representatives during December. welcome to submit Judith Wright at 437-5404 and 17 in the Centennial This achievement was based on the amount of life and health in· works. between 11 a.m. and 5:30 Middle School cafeteria, surance, annuities and mutual funds he provided Lutherans in his p.m. Tuesday through 62500 Nine Mlle, South However, it is a club re- Saturday. Lyon. Club members will area. Approximately 800 representatives are associated with the na- quirement that members present their works for tional fraternal insurance society. must attend two monthly Artists representing all judging, display and sale. Hyland is associated with Lutheran Brotherhood's Karl Mueller meetings as a prere- Agency, headquartered in Rochester. He joined the society in 1975. quisite to displaying in .... ------1 the show. The next NORTHVILLE RESIDENT Tom Hanson has been appointed meeting dates are March TECH AUTO SERVICE 14and April 11. chairman of the Automotive Parts and Accessories Association's 21001 Pontiac Trail at 8 Mile (AP AA) Market Development Committee for 1983. He is assistant Interested artists advertising manager of the Ford Motor Company's Parts and service shouid meet club Division. AUTO REPAIR APAA, headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area, is an interna- BOB AND HARRY McGEE, from left, tional trade association comprised of manufacturers, retailers, CASH FOR l~HO CONTRACTS & REAL ESTATE lOA,HS 437-0553 representing McGee May tag Home wholesalers, distributors, manufacturers' representatives and others 'Any. type property anywhere Appliance Center at 508North Main in engaged in marketing automotive products and services. in MIChigan. 24 Hours Call Front Oil, Mufflers Milford, were presented service train- "- free t 800292 1550 .First Brakes ing certificates from the Maytag Com- NatiOnal Accept. Co. Filter, HD/Maromont pany for completing its service train- 95 Lube ing school in Newton, Iowa. Eighteen $49 $2995 service technicians from the Unites COMPLETE All Four Installed States and Canada attended the four- CAR $1095 day session. The McGees received $89.95 most systems • CLEANUP welded extra hands-on training in dismantling and COmpletemostcars Most Cars Inlerior& Exterior repairing May tag kitchen and laundry • Polish & Wax appliances. • Shampoo • Steam Cleaning SALEMICHELIN "X" South Lyon HR78x14 549.90 Collision 150 E. McHattle P175 75R13 542.69 Win South Lyon 437-6100 ~/H anew P225 75R15 5$5.04 car in our home game Get your busin~ss DR78x 14 5p9.72 giveaway-no going! Use the purchase necessary! Business Directory; ER78x14 5.62.97 G.me Opponent smart shoppers do. No. DiY Dlte Sun Feb. 27 Montreal Canadiens 32 - 33 Thurs Mar. 3 OU~bec Nordiques 34 Sal. Mar. 5 Minnesota North Stars For IIckels, charge want ToLose Weight Fast? by phone 567·9800. Tlclcel/nformallon I Did I 43 LBS &61J1'ess Sizes. & group dlscounls 557·6000. I Tlckels al a/l eTe oullels. SAYS lNGE SEPP rite Quick Weigltt Loss Program was tlte program tltat worked for me- fast weigltt loss ill Are 'Yon RobbedT a short period of time. '. As a born again believer! FINAL WEEKS 2FOR! Jesus Paid For? RATES What did Jesus pay for on Calvary? Are you getting all that's yours from From a Size 20 God? Why not, it's paid for? It's to a Size 14 yours! Come get the answer out of the bible from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Bible study on a giant 5 • THANK YOU I •• ' • foot screen, South Lyon. For infor- -No Upttnnl p,...,K ... d 00 .yo. .It Dormal'"'Y. d" f.od yoa bay It the .pmnarbt and YODcould I,,, mation: God's House, 437-1890 QUICK 3,.71ln.._k~ WEIGHT -No alone eoaatiat. -No ... raw. -a.. to 0.. prlntl coasult1bODSthroughout yoar pmoaahlld LOSS prot,.m WIttI OIr mff. Jesus is Lord :,=::::.::" WI'( to I~ tHit .xtr. po,adt.

Top carrier fOR MEM CALL OR DROP IN FOR YOUR NEW • WOMEN FREECONSULTATION Dedication paid off for Charles Brown Charles, 15, has been delivering The (above left), who was named as the Herald to over 100 customers in the QUICK WEIGHT LOSS CENTERS FROM STANLEY Colonial Acres area of South Lyon for January Carrier of the Month by ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Sliger-Livingston Publications, In- a little over a year. He also delivers corporated. To recognize his hard about 200 Monday Green Sheets each Replacement BRIGHTON 200 E. Grand River 227-7428 work, Charles was presented with a week. A student at South Lyon High Monday-Friday 9-7/Saturday 9-1 $25 check and a plaque by Jeffrey School, Charles is the son of Ernie and Sockets & Lapinski (above right>, managing Jean Brown of Elm Place, South Lyon. editor of The South Lyon Herald. Photo by John Galloway. Wrenches * * * * * New Hudson Support Early Birds Get The Bargains FREE Lumber Jour .JACOB~!7i~ Mower Sale RedWmgs 56601 Grand River local Compare these prices New Hudson 437.1423 merchants BACR Self Self PACR Propelled Propelled TO THE FIRST 3.500 YOUTHS 14 AND UNDER AnENDING First Time Special THE RED WING GAME Mulching Super • Wallpaper Sale Mower Bagger March 1 thru 15 DETROIT 2 weeks only! I SAVEl I SAVEl vs. / The Greenfield ~ $200 .: $150 MINNESOTA ~. Village Collection Reg. $389.95 818995 Reg. $449.95 $2 9 99 5 Sale Never before at 0 Sale SATURDAY this low price 25 ~ F • 3'Y:zhp Briggs & Stratton engine • The only 3 bushel bagger MARCH 5 PLUS 0 F • Twin blade cutting • 4 hp Briggs & Stratton engine All Schumacher, Blander, Sanitas • ,Power burst throttle .21" Mower 7:30 p.m and Millbrook Books .20" Mower New Hudson Power » MON.'.tr:~:.toS n '8 FAUto' 53535 Grand River at Haas JOIRI 2 miles West of Wixom Road .....___ ..... •"' __..... M7._ M7._ UPHOLSTERY & DECORAnNG SHOPPE !I '- 1lchoo .... CTC __ 844 E. Huron St., Milford e 885·2813 ,(2 BlockS EaSI 01 Malll Street) HOUR~~~:.:trl. 9-6 437-1444 --- 2-B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE-NOVI NEWS-THE MILFORDTIMES-Wednesday, February 23,1983 • One local call places a want ad in over 64,000 homes through the following newspapers: Brighton Argus Sliger/Livingston Publications 313-227-4436 County Argus/Pinckney Post 313-227-4437 GREEN SHEET EAST County Argus/Hartland Herald 313-227-4436 Fowlerville Review 517-548-2570 CLASSIFIED AO"VERTISING Livingston County Press

517-548-2570 001 Absolutely Free 010 SpecIal Notices 013 Card of Thanks 021 Houses For Sale 021 Houses For Sale' abso!utely Walled Lake News NovlNews WHITE naugahyde sofa. Iwould like to thank my son:. BRIGHTONarea. Cape Cod, 3 HAMBURG TownshIp,' By (511)54&-7684. In-law Howard Metcalf of bedroom. 2~ baths. 10acres, owner. Carpeted 3 bedroca 313-669-2121 ONE NIGHT ONLY 313-348-3024 2 Year old Shepherd/- Howell. for all the things he pool, barn. $140,000.terms. ranch with attached 2~ .• FREE TImberwolf, excellent wat· RONCODEN did for me while I was In (33)227-3301. garage. 1~ baths, upstairs Northville Record chdog, loves children. and McPherson Hospital and Liv- BRIGHTON.Custom builder's utility room, fUll basement, (313)698-3089. JOSH WHITEJR. Ingston Care Center. Mom quiet seclusion - on partly 313-348-3022 All llems ol/ered. In this home in prestigIous subdivi- Moore. sion, 2,500sq.ft. Tudor on 1.6 wooded 1Y.! acres off "Absolutely Free" column In concert at Howell High must be exactly that, free THE family of Ellen Wester wooded acres, one mile from blacktop. Reduced to $59.900. South Lyon Herald School Auditorium. Sunday, All reasonable offers con- to those responding. This NOTICES wlsh~s to thank the Hartland downtown. walk to school, 313-437-4133 newspaper makes no March 20. 7:30 pm. For ticket Fire Department and rescue Mall and Interstates nearby. sIdered. After 7 p.m. Monday charge for these listings, Information. call (517)548-2024.squall and friends who ex- Assumption. land contract through saturday. anytime on but restricts use to ~lProceeds go to the Humane pressed their many kind- possible. $116,500. (313)229- Sundays.(313)878-2502. Milford Times residential. Sliger/- Society. (NOT affiliated with nesses during our recent loss. 4160. HIGHLAND. By. owner. 2 the county shelter In Howell). 313-685-8705 Livingston PUblications 010 SpecIal Notices TO THE WESTOAK KROGER BRIGHTON, city of, investor bedroom home. 2 car garage. accepts no responsibility EMPLOYEES,we would like to would like to cash but, utility shed. Large lot off of POlICY Sf AIEMENT All advertl~ng for actions between in- ALCOHOLICS Anonymous t!,¥k you for your sincere assumable mortgage, always Duck Lake. $41,000. (313)887. Published In SlIge, HOMe and Alanon meets Tuesday PSYCHIC- READER 9014evenings. H4w'~s IS S&#bJ6Cf to the COtIdf. dividuals regarding Ab- devotion In the search and rented, 15 years old, 1,200 bons SUled In the aoot.eab&e rale solutely Free ads. (non- and Friday evenings. 8:30 pm, ADVISOR(SPlRTUALlST) find of our daughter's security sq.tt. $43,900.(313)227-3001or HIGHLAND, 3 bedroo~ c;.IIrd. (oPtes 01 -'»th at. aYaJlabte commerCial) accounts on- Our Lady of Victory Catholic 40 Years expericence. All pillow. The Singleton Family. (313)437·9625. ranch, open /loor plan with from the adY.I1ISU~O department Church, W. Main Street. Nor- facets. $bgfH' Home NeWSDolP4tfS 104 W ly. Please cooperate by handsome rock fireplace in thville. (313)348-6675.(313)4~ DIGITS-TEACHING WE want to thank all of our BRIGHTON. 3 bedroom, full MaIn. NOfthwdJ. McNgan 48181. (313- placing your "Absolutely friends around the Brlghton basement, screen porch, 3 car family room. This home is :1411001 Slog« Home Newspa"",S Free" ad no later than 3:30 0098. (313)229-2052. (313)355-4598 reserves the nght not 10 aecec>I an area for their many get well garage, 4.1 acre. 10 year land beautifully decorated and im- advertl$.' s order Shger Home p.m. Monday for same ATTENTION artists: rustic cards and prayers while I was contract. $53,000. (313)231- maculate, features completely Newspaper, .dl.~.rs hay. no week publication. pine frames. custom siZed, In the hospital. Ellden 3268,(313)227-3252. finished and carpeted base- aulhonty to btncl tNS MWf'paper anet less than wholesale. (517)623- ment, 2 garage. large lot, only publeeebon 01 an ad'fertlsetnent QUALIFIED Brookhart. COMMERCETownship. Don't car Shall consbtute fn~t acceptance of '001 Absolutely Free 6951. GENERAL overlook this meticulously lake privileges on Harvey thoacJ~lsor a order 014 In Memoriam Lake...... \(A. FHA appraised. ASTROLOGY charts, con- maintained 3 bedroom quad AKC German Shepherd pup, 8 fidential, And E.S.P.readings. CONTRACTORS Priced to sell quick at $65,000. Eque,lHouIiltJO~_ ... featuring family room with months. male. (313)437-5953 Call L.V. Hiner. Novi, (313)348- to bid St. Augustine's new BAKHAUS - Edward. To my Gentry Real Estate. Jo Ed- ...... 6,800 square feet family fireplace, den. basement. w• .,. ~ to ... '-"* WId after3 pm. 4348. loving husband. a wonderful Vlards,(313)887-3733• IiPtrtl 01 US poky tor the ~ ALERT. affectionate. adorable center. Comers of Faussett father and fabulous grand- oversiZed garage and Proud ...... 01 eo.- hOualng oppottwntty ABORTION Alternatives 24 Lake priveleges. Flexible 1rVOuQhout ... NatIOn w. ~ best discribes Spaniel pup- and Green Roads. Deer/ield father who passed away one MdIilll'PO'1MeIftnfta .... ~ Hours, (313)632-5240.Problem Township, Livingston County. year ago. Today and everyday terms, $71,900. Call Pauline end ~ progrwn 1ft wNd'IlMf. pies. They'lI steal your heart. pregnancy help. free pregnan· ere no twrten 10 ~ hOu8Ing (517)546-5576. Bidding documents available he still lives within our Worz, (313)685-1376.Earl Keim becauM 01 r.c. cok!f'. I'.-oton 01 ~ cy test. confidential. Monday, at St. John's Catholic Church memories. God gave us the of the Lakes,(313)624-7100. Build low· ADULT Golden Lab male, Wednesday, Saturday business office. 600 N. courage to face it, The ~- lriendly. Call between 4 and 12 noon to 3 p.m. 9250 W. A Home At A Price Contract Rates -_T*-._~ Adelaide St., Fenton. (313)629- strength to bear the blow, But 6 pm. (511)546.8499. Highland Road, (M-59), --01 PvtlI.,....~-Noece 2251. Bid and performance WhatIt meant to lose you, No DON'T You Can Afford Available -- ADORABLE German Hartland. West side door of bond required. Bid due March one will ever' know. sadly _.-Aar"'Mta"~in""" Mortgages Available Shepherdl Lab puppies. white house. WAIT UNTIL Want ads may be placed ~1.lIUtlfec:ttotheF.,.,... 16, 1983. Archetecture Con- missed by Hildreth and family. low Down Payments '1M HoutIng Act of 1"wNd'l rnUee (313)669-1992. ANIMAL GrammCracker. Per- struction, Inc. Milan, MI 48160. unt.1 330 Monday. lor that 1l1I&egeI1O~".",~ ....~ MONDAY!' . Monthly payments as low .-nttaUon. or ~ baed Oft BEAUTIFUL registered Pek• sonalized messages with (313)439-8788. 015 Lost week's Edillon Read your reIIgk)n Of ortgIft You can place your ad any day as $350. Show your han- r-oe «::o'or n.doNI costumed characters, that's advertisement the first time 01 ." Wen1lon to IlNU .." IUCh ingese. 7 year blond female. RAWLEIGHProducts available KEESHOND black with grey oj the week. Office hours are dyman's skill by doing as It appears, and report any ~"""""'"-tk:w\OtC»~ • (313)437-6538. us. Ask abour our 15% dis- In LIVingstonCounty. To order count. (313)227-5796. markIngs. fox like face, tatoo Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to much as you desire and error Immediately Sliger """TN.~ ... notknowttlgt)' BEAUTIFUL Setter and call (313)227-9286. ~1Iny~flIftgb'r ...... 10 inside ear. Dog lost vicinity 5:00 p.m. Our phone room save. Build on your land or Home Newspapers Will not wNdl I• .., ¥'OIaUon 01 1M law Our Labrador puppies free to good BIBLEStudy with Kenneth and REMEMBER Our Mother of of M-6!I and Duck Lake Road salespeople will be happy to ours. IssueCredit for errors In ads ,.,..,...... ". Inton'Md ht .. home. (313)685-8168. Gloria Copeland on giant 5 ft. d•• II,nD. .d".rU •• d In ,,,,. Perpetual Help in lost causes. February 15.Reward. (313)674- help you. . Quality and Honesty • after the first Incorrect Inser· ~"'~onM~ BENJIdog. (313)685-9381. screen. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. 4248. tlon...... ,..... South Lyon. For Information. (313}437-4133 We Built Our Reputation IFAOoe n-.-JFuedW1 n 1.4:5 .COLLIE mixed, one year. God's House, (313)437-1~ LOST small female dog. red (313)348-3022 On It ..., lemale, medium sized, all STOP SMOKING collor, gray with black spots, (313~705 shots. (313)231-1037. wltfl one black eye and ear• (313)669-2121 Adler Homes, Inc. .LOSE WEIGHT (313)227-4436 Hartland, MI 313-832~222 CARPET. size 12x14 yellow Answer to "Patches". CIRCULATION with hypnosis theropy. Home (517)546-5939. (517)548-2570 shag. (313)437·5288. BRIGHTONARGUS visits available. INNER. STARTER SPECIAL with 2 CLOTHING. Church 01Christ, CHANGE. (313)855-6087, LOST while moving. 13 year 313-227-4442 old small black female cat, will FOWLERVILLE. Three bedrooms. large living Want A Bigger Ad'? 6026 Rickett Road, Brighlon. 6 (313)683-607424hours. bedroom block ranch, large room with Franklin • t08 p.m. be very scared. Between SPRING Easter Bazaar • Riverside Drive, Canterhlll, rooms, 4.6wooded acres. pav- fireplace, partlat Michigan CONSOLE color lV, needs Howell Armory, Saturday Brlghton Lake Road. Winans, ed road, attached garage, new basement, treed for your garage sale, to sell your home or for any repair. (313)348-1467evenings ' DON'T March 19, 10 to 4. 10 foot Chilson to M-36 by Captain carpet, new well, new septic. backyard. E-Z land con- only. booths, $12. Sponsored by Frosty. (313)231.1654. Low taxes. full dining room, tract terms. $28.500. reason. Ask for a GREENSHEET RATE BUSTER. The Arst Marine Band. To woodburner. $40,600!ull price, 3 Bedroom alumlnlt CLOTHING, Howell Church of WAIT UNTIL MALE liver and white Springer Christ. 1385 W. Grand River. reserve a booth, call (5t7)546- $6,000 down • payments $397 ranch In South Lyon. Go 6547or (511}548-1929. Spaniel, South Sears Lake room sizes, carpeted th Chose from 3 sizes and get. Mondays.7t08:45 p.m. MONDAY! area. (313)685-9738. month or $7,000 down - You can place your ad any day payments $373month or $8,000 out, 2 car garage. Full DALMATION. loveable male. of the week. Office hours are MALE shaggy dog. Ali whlle brick wall and hearth for More Attention Blue tick, female 3 years. Red SENIORCITIZENS down - payments $350 or 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday Men's regular hair cuts $4.00. with pink nose. 8 months old. $9.000 down - payments $327 Franklin wood burner. tick, male, 1 year. (313)887. • Friday. Our phone room Answers to Digger. (313)437- $43,900. More Readers 2293. The Hair Barn, Fowlerville, or $16,000 down - payments salespeople will be happy to (517)223-8014. 0860. $200 month. Immediate oc- 4 Bedroom Cape Cod In More Results FEMALE English Setter, help you. cupancy, owner leaVingstate. South Lyon with family American Field registered, (313)437-4133 016 Found (517)521-4563evenlngs._ room & fireplace. 2 full never been bred. (313)624- (313)346-3022 STOREWIDEsale, 20%to 50% baths, basement, country and a Special Reduced Rate 3294.Tom or Toni. off. DutChTreat Resale Shop, ABANDONED dog. stili trust FOWLERVILLE.10yea- old 1'h (313)68S-8705 story home on 1acre. Wooded kitchen and 2 car garage. 6468 M-36, Hamburg. Now ac- and loves humans. Please $85.900. FREE kittens to good home, (313)669-2121 cepting spring and summer help her live. (313)437-0123. lot 6miles northwest of Howell litter trained. (517)546-9542. (313)227-4436 Acres surrounds thIs 3 consignments. (313)231·9337. BEAGLE, female, Cedar Lake and '4 mile off paved roaJ. 3 2* Style 2 FREEBeagle to good home. 8 (517)548-2570 bedrooms. 1~ baths, cirCUlar bedroom aluminum ranch 'THE FISH' non-financial Road and Spears Road. In Green Oak Twp. 30 foot months old. 1474 Nardeer, emergency assistance 24 (313)878-9853. fireplace, cathedral ceiling, Novi. DONATIONS 01 useable fur- has family room. Asking liVing room, 2 car garage,. hours a day for those In need BLACK female puppy. niture, large and small ap- 6 $45,000. 11% land contract. story barn with electrlclt}lllC; FEMALE, father Black Lab. In the Northvllle-Novi area. weeks, Vicinity Rickett. Fair- $82,500. -13 Letters & live months, housebroken, pliances, household goods. Cail (313)349-4350.All calls $5,000. down, call (517)546-5617 tools. and etc. will be greatly field, Brighton. (313)437-1269. or (313)769-2411. C.entury21 spaces will fit on this shots. (313)348-6846 after confidential. THEGREEN 5:00 pm. appreciated by Unity Univer- BROWN. black puppy, white FOWLERVILLE Schools. 4 Hartford South-West sal Life Church. Free plck-up. TAX preparation In your home feet. German Shepherd type, 437-4111 line. FREE magazines, (313)349- by Michigan Tax Consultants bedroom trl-level on 5.23 Tax receipt furnished. vacinity Farley Road. (313)878- acres. Beautiful country set------13 Letters & 1436. (517)223-9904. Inc. (We make house calls 5686. FREE5 pound bag food With8 because we care). Foran early ting, family room, 2 car HOWELL,(Northeast section). SHEET spaces will fit on this DISC Jockey, excellent per- COCKER, beige female. garage. $55.000. Land Contract week old puppies. (517)223- appointment, call Mark Sharp, roomy, comfortable 4 line sonality, mixed variety music. Found February 14, Milford terms. Call Preston Realty. Classified advertising that reaches 64,000 homes 9524alter 6:30 pm weekdays. (517)546-9600, Sharlene bedroom home features 2 full Letters & (313)348-7369or (517)548-5027(517)546-5903. near Proving Grounds, wear- Inc. (517)548-1668. every Wednesday, rain or shine. The paper to read -188 anytime weekends. nights. $250complete. ~;.t=.;:..:;::::;:::--..,.....--- Ing red collar. (313)437-5225. baths, new furnace, two car if you have something to sell, need help, or have a spaces will fit in this FREE manure. South Lyon TEXAS Instruments • com- FOWLERVILLE.Neat spacious garage, enclosed sunroom, SMALL brown female dog, 4 bedroom farmhouse, nice deck, full basement with of- garage sale. An Ad this size costs. High School. 61526 Nine Mile. puter advantage clubs • found WIxom area, mesh col- space handlkln computer learning big rooms, lots of windows, 2 fice. and more. First tlm~ FREE puppies. Collie 4gerDIESEL lar.(313)669-1782. acres with barn. garage, nice -25 Letters & Shepherd Labrador mix. In basic and logo - courses for advertised. $65,000. • $40 adults and children - begin- SMALL Shepherd Collie, trees, $65,000. Call Nancy spaces will fit on this (313)878-6904alter 2p.m. STOP male, Brighton area near Nug- Bohlen, Preview Properties, IL---- ~Jine OPEN 24 HOURS ners and intermediate classes 3 bedroom home, 1~ baths, FEMALE German Shepherd forming at St. Paul's Lutheran ,.get. Call(517)548-2024. .... (517)546-7550. new roof, flJrnaceand electric. mix. 5 months, to good home. EXIT 49 OFF U5-23 School, Northville. Call toll GREGORY area. Must sell, Full basement, movln-In con- (517)546-nos. '4 MILEWESTONWHITMORE free1~to register. spacious colonial on 1~ dition. $48,000. Style 3 LAKE ROAD. WINTERIZED FRIGIDAIRE washer. needs WHITEHALLHome, a licensed REAL ESTATE ~ acres. 3 bedrooms, 1~ baths, hose outlet. Whirlpool dryer, AND CONDITIONED FUEL. large family room, 2 Call Holly Myers, Preston CONVENIENCESTORE,SER- home for the aged, has vacan- needs belt. (313)669-9556. cies. Pleasant country sur- ; FOR SALE fireplaces, full basement, Realty.(517)548-1668. -15 Letters & VICEAND PARTS. deck. Negotiable terms. roundings. Call between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (313)474-'::======~ $52,500. other ace rage """':7.:==--=-.,.,..,.-..,....--, spaces will fit on this EXPERIENCED professional available. (517l546-8270. line 3442. This Size-$60 OJ for all ocasions, call Tom HOWELL. For big family or -25 Letters & Fogle (517)548-1692. mother-In-law home, 4 FARMINGTON Hills Country bedroom, 2 bath with 2 ;:::::~="..,.- ..,.-_ Place your ad in spaces will fit on this Club membership for sale, separate kitchens. $53,900. line must sell price. (313)349-5585 Financing available. (517)54&- -15 Letters & days. 9791. The Green Sheet spaces will fit on this line Every week the Green Sheet carries adver- tisng messages to over 64,000 homeowners -244 Letters & in Wayne, Oakland and Livingston Counties. spaces will fit in this Ads for help wanted, rentals. farm animals, space household services, automoblle~. real estate, garage sales and much, much more. -15 Letters & CALL US NOW! spaces will fit on this line IS THIS Style 4 DISTIIGUISHED MEDAL

POODLETerrier mix, female, we found. needs good home. DATA YOURS? (517)546-4599. For wounds received during combat -8 Letters & spaces I PROCESSING PUPPIES, registered EngliSh duty overseas for your country. If so $80 will fit on this line Setter, German Shepherd mix, • 8weeks. (313)685-1323. WORD You're Invited to Join the PUPPiES,mother English Set- PROCESSING ter, father unknown. (313)887- Military Order of the Is what it will cost you to place -31 Letters & 1748after 4 p.m. • an ad just like this one in spaces will fit on' HOROSCOPESdone. Frank, Purple Heart each of these lines • honest, confidential. E. S. P. readings. call Nancy Howle. • High In Honor-We have Chapters (511)546-3298. ~CCOUNTING throughout the U"Jted States. To Join, all -15 Letters & • I . you need Is your DIscharge papers showing The Green Sheet spaces will fit on this LOSE WEIGHT NOW date and where Injury occured. ASK ME HOW MANAGEMENT ••• line It's easy, It's fun, It's safe. 100% money baCkguarantee. II MEMBERSHIPIS ONLY I on Wednesday. The paper that tells you I -120 Letters & (3t3)624-8372 NOW ACCEPTING APPL/CA nONS where to go in your local area to find this spaces will fit in this. FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE I s1:oo week's bargains. space . LUCK, success, happlnessl PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE If You Join-by May 30,1983 TWO female cats, 1 year old, Your blorythm chart will tell DAY & NIGHT SCHOOL I.- Interested? Please send your name: address one Tabby, one gray and alii Know In advance and take USE YOUR white, (313)348-18t6. advantage of your. peak PONTIAC' and phone number to -25 Letters &\ TWO puppies, females, Rott- cYe""s. Send nsme and blr- II- BRIGHTON ARGUS MASTER CHARGE or VISA spaces will fit on' i weller and Shepherd mix, thd'i t (monlh. dale, year) wllh BUSINESS INSTITUTE 113 E. Grand River, Box 1385 (3t3)227·1419. $5.00for computer biorhythm I BrIghton, MichIgan 48118 each Qfthese lines THREE small beautiful pup- chart for 1 fUll year. Send to: FARMINGTON 47W145 call today and our friendly ad counselors will Compugraf. P. O. Box 684, be happy to help you. Don't be afraId ••• they pies. (313~. MADISON HEIGHTS 54. 1038 I.- You'll be contacted ImmedIately with appli- Novl, Michigan 48050. -155 letters &, OXFORD . cation blanks and further lnform:ltlon are trained to help you. spaces will fit in thiS! _-41•• I - space PONnAC ~~ NATIONAL REGION II COMMANDER I Albert A. Miller


•021 Houses For Sale 022 Lakefront Houses 0Z7 Acreage, Farms 035 Income Property 061 Houses For Rent 064 Apartments 064 Apartments 064 Apartments 064 Apartments ForS81e For Sale For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent HOWELL. Newly remodeled For Sale HARTLAND.3 bedroom. fami- home In city! Low downpay- """'H"""A"""R="'T=-:-"L..,..A"'"N""'D:-•....."S,..,h-a-r-p..,.l-yNORTHVILLE Township. 1 HAMBURG. Duplex on paved ly room. possible 4th -~T~H:-::E=-=G~L-::E~N~S- HOWELL. 2 bedroom apart-I ':SO="U=TH:-:--""'LY'""O=-=N"'".-s-ec..,.lu-d"'"ed....,..,,2 mentl $38.500.Earl Kelm Real- decorated waterfront ranch, acre building site with trees, road, great cash flow, only bedroom. $385 monthly. $385 ment. $240 a month plus bedroom apartments. all ap- ty. (517)546-6440. built In 1979. fireplace. gas land contract terms. By $39,900.Call Michael SCholtz. security deposit. (313)841- LIveIna wooded erc:. neartown. HOWELL utll/tles. No pets. (517)546-pllances and washer/dryer HAMBURG. Prestigious 4 heat, nice lot, $54,500.England owner. (313)34!}.2810. Preview Properties, (511)546-7441. Ask for Mr. Hamillon. Studio, one, and two bedroom 8930. hookup. Patio or balcony. No 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. only. apa,:menlsstartingat HOLLY HILLS bedroom home. cental air. RealEstate. (3131632·7427. NOVI. 9'h acres, all frontage, 7560. pets. Adults preferred. $355. finished basement, more ex- TYRONE Lakefront. Neat 2 HARTLAND. One bedroom.' (313)437-45n. will hold land contract. 037 Real Estate Wanted $252 PHASE II LEXINGTON MANOR tras! $109,000.Bring all offersl bedroom home, gas heat, (313)34!}'2257. now Interior, $225month plus PER MONTH Large 1 - 2 bedrooms, from 1BEDROOMFROM$245 SOUTH Lyon. Sharp 1 Earl Kelm Realty. (517)546- large lot, $52.500. England PRIVATEbuilding site wanted. security deposit. (313)632- BRIGHTON $256, Includes heat, ap- 2 BEDROOMFROM$295 bedroom apartment. den, 6440. RealEstate, (3131632-7427. Lakefront or otherwlso. 7083. \ 22!}.2727 pliances, secllrlty doors, no Includes heat, pool and fireplace, covered pallo with , HOWELL. 3 bedroom ranch, WILL TRADE oakland or South Uvlngston HOWEll. Very clean 3 pets. Free cable first month carpeting. senlor,dlscounts. barbecue, heat Included. '.'walk-out basement fireplace 024 Condominiums Extremely marketable County. Would consider old bedroom ranch. attached BRIGHTON.One bedroom, air lor new tenants only. 1MONTHFRl:E RENT Reasonable.(313)357-1646. - pole barn, 3 plus acres, war: For Sale 145xl50 ft. lake lot on cham- cottage. (313)363-4869after conditioning, garage, walking . (517)546-7660 BRIGHTON.22!}.7881 SOUTH Lyon for rent. garage, quiet sub, $425. Call distance to town. (313)231- ranted one year. $76.800.Earl =B:R:":IG""'H=TO:CN~-::;T:-:-I--:"""'--=pionship golf course In 7 p.m. after 7 p.m. weekdays. downstairs 2 bedroom apart- Kelm Realty. (511)546-6440. b d ' $1 Lake, 2 SOuthwestFlorida for acreage 1236. :og assumes (517)548-1922. HARTLANDManor.2bedroom ment, 330 Second Street. $260 HOWELL. 1,700 sq. ft .•, 4 l:'h~o":;,ortgage. or home In lIvingston County 039 Cemetery Lots BRIGHTON. New two lEXINGTON MANOR per month. Relerences and (313)381- area. Lot is located In Punta bedroom apartment. Stove, apartment, country selling, bedroom. wood burner. 8427 For Sale US-23 and M-59. $325 per $275MONTH security deposit required. Gorda Isles, 18 miles north of refrigerator. carpetlng, air. No garage, huge lot, $59,500.Earl ==~':-:-::=---:---:..,.....~- month plus utilities and 2 Bedroom garden unit in- Available now, (313)684-7835 Kelm Realty, (511)546-6440. BRIGHTON ranch, Hamilton Ft. Myers. Will alsp trade 1981 pets. $315 month. (313)22!}. cludes heat, carpet, and pool. evenings or (313)557-4111 "- Farms, 2,250 sq. ft.. 2 Porsche 91100Targa wllh only 9021. securities. (3131632-5311. HOWELL 3 bed 2 BRIGHTON 22!}.7881 =da~y:;s=. .,.-,.,=-:---=--:--.,..-_ . room, 1 7Z bedrooms, 2 full baths uP.gas $4,000miles. all optlon. Trade HOWELL.One bedroom, fully BRIGHTON. city. Large apart· :-:-7=...,.-,"'-"....,...... ,..---== SOUTH l YON. 2 bedroom. acres. 28x4Opole barn and fireplace. cathedral beamed 1or both. Art Rlmbold, 705An- ment. Rent negotlable. With carpeted, drapes, appliances, outbuildings, $63.900.$12,000 ceiling, Includes carpeting. talya Ct., Punta Gorda, Florida utilities Included. (5m546- LAKELAND. 2 bedroom, $215 appliances, scenic wooded, good references. (313)437- monthly, first and last. $150 no pets. $355.(313)348-8696. down. land contract. (313)22!}. drapes and GE kitchen. 0820, (313)684-0673. 8437. 6550 days. (313}231-1560even- Designer finished lower tevel 33950. 1-(8131637-G830.! ] HOWELL.Two bedroom apart- secunty. No pets. (313)231-SALEM. Bachelor apartment BRIGHTON. 1-2 bedroom. Ings. (517)546.7260evenings. family or guest' room with ments across from McPher- 1491. In country mansion, seperate • FOR RENT country seltlng. shopping HOWEll. Sharp 3 bedroom walk-out, 3rd full bath, hobby 029 L8keFor SaleProperty ~_Il:J ~v.;:::...... ,._--::-..,....,~-:--_ son Hospital. Stove, MilFORD. One bedroom entrance. 4 rooms, Including ranch. private back yard, room with wet bar. cedar conveniences. decorated. refngerator, carpeting, air apartment, $275 monthly, in- sun porch. large kitchen. ( $215/$295.(313)227·5882. terms available. $52,900.Call closet. tremendous storage conditioning. some with heat cludes utilities. 1 block from Completely furnished. $275 Realty World Cornell (517)546- and many extras. Private All SPORTSLAKE lOTS BRIGHTON. Extra large nice 2 Included. (517)546-3396. Kroger's. $275 deposit ra- per month, }ncluding utlJitles. 2050. association swimming pool. (1) 130 foot frontage, trees, bedroom on Woodland Lake, quired. (313)685-3476. Non-smoker preferred. 6 Mile slopes south, gas. paved 061 Houses For Rent newly decorated, appliances HOWEll. Spacious 2 HOWELL. 3 bedroom ranch, By owner. $79,500. Priced bedroom apartment, stove, NEW Hudson, large' upstairs area. (313)34!}.9026. custom kitchen, 17 x 20 barn. $20,000 below appraisal. road, soft land contract terms, and drapery. $325per month. apartment, 2 bedrooms, sun SOUTH Lyon downtown. Up- $28,900;(2) 120 foot frontage, BRIGHTON. 2 bedroom refngerator, dishwasher,laun- good land contract terms, (313)22!}.2897. house, $325 monthly plus (313)227-3710. dry room, carpeting. Must be porch, washer. dryer, per lIat, newly decorated 1 trees, Slopes south. sandy BRIGHTON area. Furnished 1 dIshwasher, carpet and bedroom, very large. Adults $49,900.Call RealtyWorld Cor- 025 Mobile Homes beach, gas, sewer, paved utilities. No pets. security seen to be appreciated. $450 noll, (517)546-2050. • deposit requIred. Lake bedroom apartment with per roonth. $450 secunty drapes throughout. Heat and preferred, no pets, $225. road, land contract terms. utilities. (3131422-5234. water paid. $350monthly. Call Mariann,(313)437-a507. HOWELL. Immediate 000' ':or Sale $55,000;(3) 75 foot frontage. privileges. (313)227-1945, SOUTH Lyon. 3 or 4 bedroom, deposit. (517)546-7494. cupancy on 3 bedroom ranch, ",B"'R""IG""'H"'T="'O'""'N.,...-14-X""'65.,,-.""'3""'bed-r-oo-m.gas, paved road. sewer com- (5m546-0817. living room, family room, BRIGHTON'S Ore Creek HOWELL.Cheerful 1 bedroom Jan. (313)437-8160. SOUTH Lyon. downtown. one 1.8 acres with stream. Land 1'h baths, furniture. washer. ing, $8,900 land contract or BRIGHTON. New contempory walkout 'bas~ment, Crooked Apartments. The quiet place. upper apartment close to NOVI. 1 bedroom on Grand bedroom. no pets, $230. contract or VA terms, $44,900. dryer, central air, shed and $6,900cash; (4) 50 foot beach home $595. 3 bedrooms, 2'h Lake priVileges. $500. (313)437- Spacious 2 bedroom apart- downtown area, nice River near Novl Road on 2nd (3137.:)43=7:--1.;..:1:::31.:;.--::~....,...-:-__ '~~ Call Realty World Cornell skirting. Excellent condition. plus large lot, gas. seo,yer,pav- baths, beautifUlly decorated, 9225 evenings. ments. 609 Flint Road. neighborhood, $200 per month floor. (313)348-9353evenings. SOUTH Lyon. One bedroom, · -(5171546-2050. $12.500. or unfurnished ed road, $24,900. Call Jerry lake view and access. Must SALEM. 3 bedroom, 4 acres, (313)229-5167.(313)229-4296. nol Including utilil/es. Call NORTHVILLE. One bedroom heat and water paid, enclosed HARTLAND. Superior quality, $11,000.(313)22!}.8433. Brace. (313)629-5376 .or see this one. (313)355-2700. ojJtslde storage. $290. BRIGHTON. Efficiency apart- (517)546-3482afternoons or apartment, near downtown. swimming pool, ceramic tile ranch, full walkout basel)1ent, BRIGHTON. Pine lodge Park (313)629-9812. Bekkerlng- BRIGHTON. Furnlshed 3 (313)349-0603. ment, singles only. $175plus evenings before 7 pm. $250 plus utilities (313)349-fixtures In bath. $275 month. 3738 . No pets, adults only. (313)437- 2'h baths, fireplace, natural 1973Amherst, 12 x 45with ex- Garrow Realtors. bedroom lake front home. SALEM. 1 bedroom. 4 acres, utilltles. (313)227-9973. HARTLAND, Howell area. gas heat, 32x36barn set-up for pando. (313)886-7675. HOWELL Lake. 2 lots on Har- Heat. utll/Iles Included. 2 outside storage. $175. First floor, 2 bedroom. 6 miles NeW HUDSON.Two bedroom "'51.:.,:1::2.;,.....,.=------horses. convenient location BRIGHTON. Sylvan Glen. vard. 5/8 acre. Need filling for miles east of Brighton. No (313)349-0603. from Howell. 4 miles US-23X- apartment, $210plus ytililles, WHITMORELake, East Shore on 10acres. $144,500.England 24 X 60. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, perk. Reliring, must sell. pets. (313)229-6723. CREST MOTEL way, $300 per month, heat In- security deposit required. Apartments. spacious 2 FlealEstate. (313)832-7427. Franklin fireplace, central air, $13,000,offers. (313)978-2814. BRIGHTON. Furnished cot- 4495W. GRANDRIVER cluded. (517)546-9541after (313)437-1800 bedroom unlls from $285 and HOWEll,MI HOWELL.Owner very anxious deck with awning, shed. Must PINCKNEY area. Beautiful tages and apartments. Heat, WHAT IS THE 6 pm. . up. Call Ann Arbor Trust Com- !'tllities included. 2 miles easl (511)548-1220 PINCKNEY.Clean, ~ bedroom pany Realtors. (313)76!}.2800. to 3ell 3 bedroom quad-level. see. (517)548-5073. wooded lots, waterfront and HOWEll, city. Nice 1 apartments now available. Ful- of Brighton. No pets. (313)22!}. BARGAIN Sleeping rooms, apartmeqts bedroom lower, furnished, in nice sub close to t~wn. FOWLERVillE. 1979Skyline, 3 chain of lakes access, priced and efficiencies. $19 double ly carpeted, stove and Many nice featuresincl!-'dmg 2 bedrooms,l'h baths,14 x 70. at less than tax vaulalion. Also 6723. ! utilities. car port. Private en- BARREL? bed. $25 two double beds. refrigerator included. 1 year fireplaces, 2 baths, fmlshed excellent condition (5mm- several choice lots In award BRIGHTON. Country livIng trance. Adults preferred. No lease. no pets. $255 plus • basement, screen porch and 3373 • If you haveall item you wish to Special rates by week. pets. (517)546-1308. winning subidivision with with city conveniences. sell for\$25. or less or a group Carpeted, color lV, laundry security deposit. 1 month free beeutlfully landscaped lawn. =~''------private pond and park. House to share with one per- HOWEll. Furnished or un- rent with 1 year lease. $15,000down on land contract, of Items seiling for no more room, large parking area. FINANCING available, 1980 (313)665.9430. son, energy efficient, quiet than $25.you can now place an fumished apartment, adults (313)878-5785. $80.000. Call Joe Kelly, neighborhood, large yard. For Sylvan 14 x 50, 2 bedrooms, ad in the Green Sheet for 'h preferred, no pets, security PINCKNEY, one bedroom Preview Properties, (517)546- 030 Northern Property further Inquiries, (313)227- depoSIt. (517)541H)474. 7550. carpeted, has fireplace and For Sale price! Ask our ad-taker, to apartment in town. Includes skirting. Very good buy. 6854, 6:00 pm to 10:00pm or place a Bargain Barrel ad for HOWELL. 2 bedroom, $300 (313)227-6535for information. DON'T heat and stove. $100security, HOWELL.Super sharp energy Reducedto $9,649. LAKE Michigan lot for sale, you, (10 words or less) and month plus security. (511)546- $200 per month plus electrici- efficient home, 3 bedrooms 1980 Sylvan 14 x54, 2 100'x 200 near Rap'd River. BRIGHTON area. 2 bedroom she will bill you only $2.25. WAiT UNTIL 4501. (511)546-6440. ty. No pets. (313)878-6823. I with room to complete a home, lake privileges, bedrooms, carpeting and skir- (517)468-3664. (ThIs special is offered to HOWELL. 2 bedroom duplex, PINCKNEY. Baseline Lake, master bedroom suite. Finish- ting, very good condllion, washer. dryer. stove, homeowners only-sorry, no MONDAYI ed basement, woodbumer, 4.5 You can place your ad any day yard, country atmosphere, large 1 bedroom, apartment of ready to movein. Only $7,500. 031 Vacant Property refrigerator. Garden area. commercial accounts. $225.Call alter 5 p.m. (313)227- acres with woods, barn, great Available February 27, $350. of the week. Office hours are house, forest selling. $275In- New 1982 Skyline 12 x 52, 2 For Sale 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday 4273. cludes utilities. (3131878-9518. garden spot, $74,900.Call Bob bedrooms, carpeted, com- per month. (313)227-4538. W. Bloomfield. Cass lake. - Friday., Our phone room HOWELL.Three room furnish- PINCKNEY. Bass Lake. One Johnson, Preview Properties, pletely furnished, priced at BRIGHTONTownship. 2 acre ,BRIGHTON. ,Nice area. 4 canal front 1 bedroom home, (517)546-7550. homesite. private road, land bedroom ranch. family room, salespeople will be happy to ed apartment, lirst floor. Pearl bedroom completely furnish- $10,995for quick sale. private beach, ideal for single help you. Culver, (517)546-4871. (~, HOWEll. Large walkout New 1982 Skyline 14 x 50, 2 contract terms. (313)227-9213. fireplace, office, sewing room, ed apartment including person, no pets. $310a month. (313)437-4133 utilities, luxury bath, studiO =====~-:-:-=----- · ranch with 3 bedrooms, 2 bedrooms, carpeted, com- BYRON.34 lols for sale in tl:e recreation room. $550. Security. (313)683-1574even- HOWELL.One bedroom apart- (313)348-3022 ment, partialfy furnished, ceiling. Adults only, no pels. baths, living area with studio pletely furnished, many op- Myers lake Country Club Sub- >:(3:,:,13::;)227::=:,~,=:.:.79:=.:._ ings. ceilings, full wall brick tions. Only $13,349. (313)669-2121 electric Included. (517)546- Available March 1. $285mon- division off of Silver Lake BRIGHTON. 3 bedroom on (313)227-4436 thly. (313)678-6770. fireplace, 28x29finished lower Road. $11,000. Call (9061635- SChool Lake. available March 062 L8kefront Houses 5454. level, large lot on paved road, (313)685-8705 HOWELL. 2 bedroom upper, SOUTH Lyon. 2 bedroom West Highland Mobile Homes 9211. 1.(313)22!}.7633. For Rent (511)548-2570 $69,900. Call Ron Monette, 2760 S. Hickory Ridge Rd. $235 monthly. Stove. apartment, approximately Fenton, west of. 18.5 acres, BRIGHTON. 4 bedroom BRIGHTON.1 bedroom house 600 sq. ft., air, appliances, · Preview Properties, (517)546- Milford,MI. small lake on the property, house, a month plus refrigerator furnished. $350 $350 near Grand River Avenue,$225 FOWLERVilLE. large 2 he.atand water paid. $295 per 7550. • 313-685-1959 wooded, roiling, paved road security deposit. Pay own (517)548-4352. HARTLAND area. 3 bedroom per month plus security bedroom apartment. all ap- HOWELL. Charming one month. Adults preferred. also 10 acre parcels. After utJJJlles. References. Call deposll. (313}227-6454. ' pUances, carpeted. easy ex- house for sale. $43,900.$5,000 FOWLERVillE. 1978 Bayview 6 p.m. (313)755-4780. (313)437-3060. bedroom apartment located (313)437-4486.(313)851-8219. down, 8% land contract. BRIGHTON.2 bedroom home pressway access.' $240 per close to downtown. $250per 14x70 with 7x22 expando, 3 - GENOA Townshlp,:10 acres, "F:::O::!W=l-=E==R:7V"'I""L"'"l-=E:--a-r-e-a-.--OO3on SChoollake. No pets. $300 month. easy security deposit. (517)5$9330.(313)227-2834. bedr~m, 1'h bath. low lot hilly, wooded. $5,000 down. bedrcom executive home on month piUSutilities. Available month plus security. (313)227- =(5==17):-;.223-8571::==E"::·;-;:-~=--::-:_March 1. Call evenings, rent. 1517)521-4621. $195 per month. Owner. 10 wooded acres. Master 7686. FOWLERVIllE. $255. 2 large HIGHLAND. 1979 Skyline, (517)543-3260. bedroom with fireplace, for- (517)546-6874or (517)543-3775. BRIGHTON area. on Briggs bedrooms. terms available. NEW 14x70.2 bedroom, 2 full baths, HOWEll lake access, perk· mal dining room. family room, HOWEll, Hartland area, Two lake. Large three bedroom ADCwelcome. (517)546-4659. bedroom apartment. Old US- • CONSTRUCTION fireplace. central air, ap- ed, mature trees, 1car garage, I double garage. secluded set- house, finished basement. No HOWELL. HOllY I:IllLS 23 and Bergin Road, close to Brighton, 8 miles west. 3 pllances. shed. Uke new. Ideal solar site. $12,000wllh tlng. $700. per month plus $4.000 down, $191 monthly. terms. 1(517)323-9229. deposit - one year lease. Har- pels. $400 per month. (313)357- APARTMENTS, 1 and 2 expressway. $225per month, ~ NICHOLS~ bedroom Colonial, 1'h baths, 2 5362after7:oo pm. bedrooms. modem units, $250 plus secunty. (3131632-5419. car garage, full basement. Assumable mortgage. HOWELL. 10.49acres, private mon Real Estate,(517223-9193. HOWELL. 3 bedroom, com- up. Fully equipped including HOWELL. Downtown. walk to REALTYJNC. Energy efficient. $49,900.low (313)887-4071' road, stream boarders, FOWLERVilLE. 40 acres. 3 plete appliances on Lake clubhouse and swimming downpayment. (517)546-9791.HOWELL. 12x65, three $22,900. (313)231-2782 alter bedroom ranch home, living, shopping, banking, 1 Chemung. $450. per month. (517)546-9m. bedroom. utilities furnished, €l- 348-3044 bedrooms. porch, extras, ex- 7 pm. family. dining room, l'h baths. Call Diane, (3131471-1310or ~H;:.:O:-:W~E,;l~l;.:..~S:-p-a-c...,.l-o-U-s--=2 cellent. Settling estate. HOWELL'. One acre building 2 garage, full basement. 8 share bath. $190 monthly. NORTHVillE. Completely car (511)548-1408after 5 p.m. bedroom units, central air, NORTHVllLE-3 bedroom, In town, aluminum sid- (517)546-1047. site. 2 miles from town, perk- stable horse barn. $600 month. (313)437-6215. remodeled 3 bedroom, 2 bath. HARTLAND. Yearround lake heat and water inCluded, large ed home. A Best Buy at $36.900. $65,000.(313)348-6681. KENSINGTON Place. 1972 ed, surveyed, negotiable -=(31,=,3~)881===-=.91c:c5::.:1,:...---- HOWEll. 1 bedroom apart- home, 2 bedrooms, alrcondi- outdoor pool. Moving ment, $265 a month includes NEW HOME BUYERS. Now's Marlette, 12x65with 7x14 ex- terms, $8,000. McKay Real FOWlERVIUE. 4 bedroom tlonlng, draperies, carpetinjl, allowance for new tenants. FARMINGTON-Power Rd. 3 bedroom brick pando, fUlly insulated, wood Estate, (517)546-5610. house, has appliances. $350 utilities. No pets. (517)546- the time to build, 11%'\'0 In- ref rig era tor, s t 0 v e, Golden Triangle. Call (511)546- ranch, 1'h baths, fireplace, family room, base- burner. 12x15 room added. I rlty Call II t 8930. terest. Money available. 10x12 wood shed. excellent HOWELL. Wooded building pus secu. co ec , dishwasher. water softener. 1804. ment, large lot. SS3!OOO. • Limited amount. CAll NOW. site. 5 acres, surveyed, perk- ~(3:::1~31544-~~2:::426:::::.._ Fenced. boat dock. Private' Jan Noble, The livingston condition, must see. $15.000. ed. close to town. Negotiable GREGORYarea. Beaulllul col- lake. $375 month, lease. NOVI-Immaculate ranch on 100x200 lot. large IIv- • Group, (313)227-4600. Call after 6 p.m. (313)437-3138. terms. VSA210. McKay Real onial, 3 bedroom. 1'h baths, 8 security deposit. (313)632- Ing room, sunny dining room, 1st fir. laundry, NOVI. Meadowbrook Lake. KENSINGTON Place. 1978 Estate, (517)546-5610. acres, $1.500deposit. $395 per 7263. basement, garage & work shed. Owner going Large 3 bedroom, 2'h bath Riverview 14 x 60,2 bedroom. NOVI. Desirable 'h acre home month. (517)546.8270. North. SS9,900. all appliances. natural WHITE Lake Township. Like ranch, lots of extras. fireplace with wood box. New bUilding site, sewers. (313)34!}. HOWELL.2 bedroom, furnish- to fiSh, home .on lake. Cozy Assumable 6~% mortgage. 8 x 8 wood shed, washer and 0087. .ed. Available immediately thru three bedroom home with NORTHVillE TWP.-2 bedroom homes for rent. James C. Cut'ler Realty $350. up. $95,000.(313)349-4917. d $15000 (313)437-5716 NORTHVillE west. Nice 2 May 31. $300 monthly plus fireplace. $300month, no pets, NOVI. Drastically reduced for (~3e~n-s080.. , acres 2 building site. $18,500 utilities and security. 1697 utilities not' included, security quick sale, three bedroom, 2'h KENSINGTON Place. 19n land contract or $15,500cash. Triangle Lake. (313)841-4971. deposll needed. (313)22!}.2859. 349·40~O bath Tudor colonial. Beautiful Kirkwood, 14x70, 2 bedroom. (3131453-0581. HOWEll area 3 bedroom 064 Apartments 103 Rayson. Northville earthtones, stained wood- f It e hed' $10000 PINCKNEY. 2 acres. land. home In country. $400 per work. Open saturday, Sunday (~;~l33s.s • ,. Contract. Excellent for walk- month. (313)22!}.205O. For Rent GARDNERS DELIGHT-THINK SPRING I Hard to HOUSES FOR SALE ~ 2-5. $81,500,22352Mill Road. LAKE Chemung area. Own out basement. $11.500. HOWELL area 3 bedroom' beat at the price! Clean lines of a 3 bedroom col- ,~ (313)349-3444. BRIGHTON. Heat included, your own lot and 3 bedroom (313)437-&426. home near expressway. $500 pets. 2 bedrooms, lake view. onial. family room. fireplace. Separate heated and PINCKNEY, Howell area. mobile home wllh 2 car PINCKNEY. 2 plus acres. per month. (313)22!}.2050. storage, carport. $325. with electricity studlo-offlce-workshop. Winter BY BANK.. Charming small country home garage, land contract terms, Perked and treed. Beautiful HOWELL,city. 4 bedroom, 1Iv- (313)227-1420or (31314714196.' Don't Worry. paved road. A Must See at $78.900.00. Excellent Terms-No closing c,osts, on 5 plus wooded acres, state OPEN HOUSE FEBRUARY 27, 1983-2 t115p.m. $32,900.Carriage Realty Inc. area for country home. Terms. Ing room, dIning room, parlor, BRIGHTON.2 bedroom apart- land on 2sides, movein condi- (313)887-4107. $12,900.(313)878-6478. dinnette. kitchen. 1'h baths. 14508HUNTINGTON, PLYMOUTH 9% % interest. tion. $23,900buys land con- ments $270,1 bedroom apart- Attractive brIck ranch. 3 bedrooms. country kit- MilFORD, 1971 Vindale. Ex- SOUTH LYON. by owner, 5 full basement, 2,600sq. ft. on ments $235, plus utilities. Howell Area I tract, balance of $13,000.Call chen. attached 2 car garage. well cared for yard. , pando, dishwasher. stove. Iacres on 8 Mlle. approximately Grand River. Excel!e!1tcondi- (313)878-3348. Security deposit required. No Walking distance to school. $62.900.00. refrigerator. shed. Appraised 1 mile west of Pontlac Trail. tlon. Fenced yard With patio. pets. (313)229-8201. 3 bedroom house & barn on 13 acres $99.500,00 PLAINFIELD, presently FHA at $12,000. will sacrifice for Already perked. $29,500. $500 month plus deposit. 3 bedroom house near 96 financed, 3 bedroom home. $8,500. After 6 p.m. (313)685- (313)437-3220after7p.m. ~(5~11)546-O566~=~. _ excellent condition 100.000.00 Asking $35,000.Marshall Real- 3184. WANTED2tol0acreswOOded HIGHLAND, furnished 2 3 bedroom house on 5 acres 85.000.00 ty. (313)878-3182or (313)878- GRAND PLAZA NOVI. 24x52three bedroom, 2 residentlal building parcel. bedroom house, Millord Road COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 3 bedroom ranch. excellent condilion 95.000.00 6072. full baths, carpeted, 8x16 Brighton SChools. No agents. and ~-59, $350 monthly plus APARTMENTS RED Oaks. 2 bedroom home, deck, shed, assumable low In- (313)229-6779. secunty. Call (313)363-0764 IN HOWELL FOR SALE Brighton Area • excellent condition. washer. terest. (313)349-2948. WOODED lot, 105xl72, Red ;da=lY';s_~:--:.,....::..--..,.- _ Large A-Frame Style House with .... dryer. Land contract terms. NOVI. No money down, lake Oaks of Chemung. Well and HOWELL. Hou.se for ~ent. 4 Excellent Terms Call Realty World Cornell 'Rentals from $274. In- separate sauna 135,000.00 over payments on this 1971 sewer in. (517)548-5085. bedroom,lust like new mslde. cludes heat, water, carpet, 5 bedroom home in prestigious (517)546-2050. SChultz 12x68 2 bedroom 1630Tooley Road, ~-59 almost drapes, range. Howell Area-near expressway & Holiday Inn- subdivision SOUTH Lyon. Six bedroom I' i Ca i ft 6'30 ' belore Grand River. Open refrigerator, garbage Pmckney Road, $34,000. 108~00.OO quad-level In good condition. centra a r. I a er • p.m. 033 Industrial, House, Thursday, 1 to 6.' Handyman special on lake 62.500.00 (313)348-7486. I Commercial (313)852-8111. disposal. clubhouse, and Gas hot water heat. large lot, pool. No pets. Opened 9 Howell Area-3 unit commercial building with large Call 229-2050 mature trees. close to ~~od~~fc;g~~"=~~h~~x':it~1 For Sale ~H~A~M;:B;;U;'::R:::G;';':'a-re-a-.""'3-""bed-:-roo-ma.m. to 5 p.m. CloSed schools. $103,900,land con- apartment on Grand River. $170.000.00 appliances, fireplace, awning BRIGHTON. Investment op- ranch, ~ a month. Call Earl Tuesday. tractterms, $21,000down, 10% with deck. shed. Excellent portunity. commercial proper- Kelm Bnghton, Inc.• (313)227- (517)546-m3 interest. 7 year balloon. Oron F. Nelson Realtor, (313)44!}. condition. $18,000negotiable. ty with two existing 1311. Call 229-2050 4466, evenings (313)231-9028,(313)348-3761. businesses that pay rent and days or evenings t.a0G-462-NORTHVilLE. 1974Hillcrest. 2 500ft. of prime road frontage. • 0309. bedroom. 1'h bath, central air. Down payment and assume built-In appliances, new land contract. For further In- SOUTH LYON. Super sharp carpellng. 12x9 shed. $8,000 formation. (313)227-7185. colonial with great room, OLING natural fireplace. Move right negotiable. (313)437-4590. BRIGHTON. For sale and/or 201 E. Grand River REAL ESTATE INC. In. $62,900. For terms and (313)453-5556. lease. Clear span commercial financial Information please PINCKNEY.1964Baron. 12x54. building with 6.000sq. It High Brighton 201 S. lafayett ask for Diane. (3131478-6000of- must be moved. $2.000 ceiling, overhead doors and @ fice or (313)437-3355.century negotiable. Must be seen. secu~lty fenced lot. I;xcellent • (313)878-6829 locatIOn near Brighton with .~ 437·2056 21.Hartford 414. • varied use. $150,000 with BRIGHTON,lnc. 313/227 ..1311 SOUTH Lyon. By owner. char- SOUTH Lyon, Country terms. (CI407)Call Earl Kelm • ming 3 bedroom bungalow. Estates. 2 bedroom mobile Realty (313)227-1311 From Metro Detroit Call: 477·9505 HardWood floors and wood- home with refrigerator and -' • POLL HOUSE ON .9 ACRE ~ ... ?:'~ work. Garage. Spacious living stove. $5.400.(313)431·2046or ~,.-:i·, Make this your country retirement home. room area. Near downtown (313)437-5627. NEED DEVElOPER '_':1' IIreplace,2-cargarage. $37.900 ~ and schools on West Lake. WEBBERVILLE. 12x55 NOVI commercial and In- ~. *t,"''' A dustrial property. 120 acres. ''Y! 437-&22 dayllme. Cali after ParkwOOd, 2 bedroom, very i H ~%jlP c E H 0 M E I 1 P L U S 6 p.m. (313)99S-0410. good Gondition. lot with 2 car zoned. sewer, water. land free _cRLCAR:C9Nt~O · TIPSICO Lake prlveleges, garage. $500 down and take and clear. Principals. Reply LAKEFRONT LIVING ON LAND CONTRACT 3 Bedroom walkout ranch with family room. 2 sharp 3 bedroom ranch, coun- over payment. (51'1)521-4392. Box 505. Novl, MI. 48050. TERMSI This 2 bedroom home Is lust what you fireplaces. newly redecorated. landscaped. try subdivlslon, large family WIXOM.1981Skyline, Elegant- have been looking for. lovely neighborhood. nice blacktop drive, decks. and only one mile from US- room, 2 car garage, sandy ly decorated. must see. SOUTH Lyon office building. beach. good X-way Access. Just $57.800.00, , 23. $179.000 beach. good assumpllon or Assumable mortgage WIth Excellent location. Assume FINISH THIS SHELL AND SAVE. Trl-Ievel. outside VA, $49,900. England Real $8,000down. $25,000.(313)685- 13% financing. Grosses completed and ready for the handyman. Excellent 8% SIMPLE ASSUMPTION or SELLER FINANC- N~W CONSTRUCTION ON 10 ACRe Estate, (313)832-7427. 0440after 5:00 pm and anyllme $22,200. Call Marlann, 2Ot11 terms and only $38.900.00. Lot sIze 1oox250. ING: Spiffy chalet with 3 bedrooms, circular stairs 3edroom bllevel home. 2 full baths. landscaped century Realty, Inc. (33)437- RESTORE THIS OLDER FARM HOME and be the and neutal. tasteful decorating. $58.000. (Rl02) lot. Soller will consider FHA, VA or TEN YEAR VETERAN$200move you Into weekends. • a new home on our lot or .::.:.:....;...... :------4308. envy of hlstorloal home lovers, The acreage alone LAND CONTRACT. $68,500 Is worth far more than the price. 10 acres In South lOVELY ranch on large landscaped lot. Family : yours. Builder will pay all clos- Lyon Area. Just $83,500.00 with land contract room. 3 bedrooms. 2 full baths. central air. 3 car COMMERCIAL/INCOME/BRIGHTON Ing costs. For details call Joe WHATISTHE terms. garage, will consider all offers, $64.900, (R137) Excollent land contract terms on this Older 2-story 1.Iiti.:" Phares. (313)227-4600.The llv- 035 Income Property BARGAIN ForS8le LITTLE OLD SCHOOL HOUSE. Over 3000 Sq, Ft. building with 6-8 offices and/or Income units. Ma- "WI Ingston Group. plus basement on 1.78 corner acres, lust a short BRIGHTON area and Brighton Schools. nIce. neat, lor renovations already done. $125.000 Will trade Florida property or BARREL? BRIGHTON. Zoned commer- distance from the Lakeland Golf & Country Club. 4 bedroom home with 1 bedroom In basement- Porsche. See column 027. If you havean Item you wish to cIal. 4 acres with nice older Juat $65,800.00. finIshed basement. water prlv, $55,500. (R182) o.~PlEXISOUTH LyON sell for $25. or less or a group home. GOO

\ I, ----_.~-- 104 Houaehold Gooda 104 Household Goods 105 Firewood • USED refrigerators, ranges, FIREWOO,D. Hard map;;; washers, dryers, freezers, $41.50delivered. (3131229-8023. beds sofas, dinettes, FIREWOOD. Oak. Ash and dressers. bunks. baby equip- Maple; $40 a face Cord ment. toys, etc. Joyce's Olher (4x8xI61.(3131231-3314. Batn, 7960 Allen Road,Fowler- HARDWOOD4x8x16. season- ville, 2 miles north of trafllc ed, cut, split and delivered. light. Open 12 10 5 except $35. Tree trimming and Wednesdayand Sundayor ap- removal available. (3131231. ~Intment. (5t71223-9212. 9164. MIXEDhardwood. 4x8x16face cords, S35 delivered. (313)878, WHATISTHE 9980. ' ., BARGAIN ---. P. F.INC. FIREWOOD BARREL? 4 x 4 6 $60.00EACH If you havean Item you wish to 10CORDSMINIMUM sell for $25.or less or a group 4 x 8 18CUT,SPLIT of Items selling for no more UNSEASONED$35.EACH than $25 you can now placean 6CORDSMINIMUM ad in the Green Sheet for '12 4 x 8 18CUT, SPLIT price! Ask our ad·taker to SEASONED$45. EACH place a Bargain Barrel ad for 3CORDSMINIMUM you, (10 words or lessl and PLUSTAX, FREEDEL. FULLER BRUSH she WIll bill you only $2.25. /313166.2·7655 WEEKL9SPECIALS (This special IS offered to CATALOGSAVAILABLE homeowners only-sorry, no QUAUTY seasoned 1Yiryeardt (313)685-0556 commercial accounts. 4x8x18, $35. Free delivery 15 mile radius. (517)223-8028. 40 Inch FrlgJdare electric WATERBEO. new, complete, range, good condition, best $145.Call after 5 p.m. (313)227- SEASONED hardwood, $28 offer. (3131~. 6619:...- _ and up. (5171521-4150 or (517)521-4597. 105 Firewood SEASONED •hardwood, $33. Green split hardwood, $30. Green unspllt hardwood, $27. HARTLAND, moving sale. Delivered. (517)548-1371. February26,9t05 p.m. at 2022 ACE SLABWOOD Three face cord, 4x8x4 large WE haul you out the trees, you Hartwick Lane, 3Yirmiles west bundles'. Clean, solid, cured, cut your own firewood. $18per of US-23 off M-59. Furniture, face cord (4x8x161.Brighton/- chlldrens books, games and no splitting. Excellent for fireplace and air-light stoves. Howell area. (517)521-4150or much more. $20 a face cord, delivery (517)521-4597. U, HOWELL. Moving sale, available. Open 7 days. Musical Instruments February 25, 26, 27, 10:0!l am (517)223-9090. 106 to 4:30 pm. Freezer, pool table, snowmobile, dirt bikes, CREMONA violin made in furniture, elc. 1960 Hidden 1654, want at least $1,000. Valley, east of County Farm (3131227-5113. Road between Jewell and LOWREY organ TG98, like new, sacrifice at $1,450. /3131887-1623. SPECIAL sale. Piano-Organs AUCTION new and used. Best deal in Every Saturday night, this area. New from $950. and 6:30 p.m. We buy everything. used from $150.We also buy Auction Arena, 2895 Old US-23 your old pianos, Klmbal. Hartland. MI. /3131632-5218. Sohmer, Tokal, Kabl~ - ... ,6 Gulbransen. Dealers, 209 S. Main Street, Ann Arbor. (313)663-3109. 107 Miscellaneous AIRTIGHT wood stove sale featuring the Squire. Evenings and weekends. (517)548-1089. AIRTIGHT fire brick lined wood stoves and fireplace in- HOUSEHOLD serts. $350. Home Grown Wood Stoves. (3131227-5185. ASHLEY, Briggs, Homellte Kohler, sachs-Dolmar, an. 104 Household Good~ Simplicity parts and service. Howlett Bros, Gregory. AUTOMATICwasher and elec- /3131498-2715. tric dryer. $75 palr. (313)632- 5715. AIRTIGHT Emerald slove MINI-MOTORhome, sleeps 4, demo sale. Must sell now. $329 weekly. No mileage APPUANCES.Refrigerator, 17 (517)548-1089. cu., excellent condition, $300. charged. (517)223-9267. ARGUS slide projector with START your summer early, Matching stove, electric. $225. (313)878-9853. automatic changer, 80 Aire- Hilton Head Island, South quipt maga2lnes, 3 carrying Carolina. 2 bedroom, 2 baths, APPLIANCE SPECIAL Now cases. Good condition. villa on Atlantic Ocean, sleeps tI1ruMarch 31 our service call (3131349-1509. Including diagnosis Is only $12 6, pool, $500 per week, S300 ALL kinds of baskets, also per week until March 26. Also -....,....,~,..,..,...,~~:-:-:=:--- for Howell, Fowlerville and BRAUN & HELMER Webberville areas. No Easter baskets. handmad. available, Marco Island, (3131227-7432. ,. Florida villa. (313)629-1743. AUCTION SERVICE Frigidaire service. Larry's Ap- Farm, Household. An- pliance. (5171223-8106, 088 Storage Space tique, Real Estate, Mis- (517)223-3464. cellaneous. BRIGHTON Township. New For Rent BEDROOMset, 5 piece tradi- Lloyd R. Braun relail and office space in mini- tional, excellent condition. AMANA shopping center. (313)357- CITYof Brighton, lighted, very 665-9646 $425.(313)437-6400. ENERGYCOMMAND 5116. secure, cheap. (3131231-1438Jerry L. Helmer 994-6309 Is the most efficient furnace evenings. BEDROOMset, matche<:l,dou- you can buy. This furnace can PUBLIC auction, abandoned ble bed headboard, nights- reduce your heating bill 089 Wanted To Rent vehicle, 1974 Pmto wagon tand, triple dresser, desk, 2 enough to pay you to replace V.I.N. 4X12Y287532at Mason's bookcases. $300. (313)349- HOBBY vegetable gardener an inefficient furnace KENSINGTON PARK APTS. Mobile, M-52and 1·96 on March 0423. 'regardless of age or condI- wants 10 rent large sunny 3.1983at 9:30 am. BIC turntable with automatic garden spOt wilh water, will tion. changer and dust cover, $55. \ 2 Bedroom Apts. pay $100. (313)4n-1096. HEATYOURWATERTOO' Pioneer 8 track player, $20, NOCHIMNEYSREQUIREDia from $290 WANTED to rent 3 bedroom needs work. Call (3131229-6506. 94%<95% EFFICIENT Q' house in Village of Wolverine CHEST and dresser, original • Carpet • Appliances Lake. Will consider option to cost $2,600, sell $225. • Air • Pool & Clubhouse buy. (517)479-9461. Refrigerator $25. Tools. Many BRIGHTON more items to numerous to HEAT INCLUDED 101 Antiques ~ . MALL 1·96 at Kent Lake EXIt.across Irom Kensington State mention, (511)548.5085. Park. 7minutes from 12Oaks Mall On display now, or call BARGAIN BARN, ~ M-59, ADS COUCH, Colonial, green with (3131227-1050. Howell. (5171546-5995. must be prepaid or plaId cushions, good, $120. 437-6794 Wednesday through saturday, placed on a Master (3131229-2349evenings. 10:00am to 5:00 pm. CONTEMPORARY so~, 2 APPLIANCE SPECIAL. Now 1 Bedroom at $239 thru March 31 our service call BED, beautiful, full size, head, or Visa card. crushed velvet chairs, twin . KAFTAN ENTERPRISES 352·3800 . bed, 2 marble top cocktail including diagnosis is only $12 foot and sideboards. Excellent for Howell, Fowlerville and condition. $165.(313)437-1446. tables and 2 pine tables. (313)437-1903. Webberville areas. No Frigidaire service. Larry's AlA pllance. (5171223-8106'J!l'" (517)223-34§4. ENJOY ANTIQUES, glassware, 011 paintlngs, 1979 Mustang, The Advantages of Ownership at Rental Rates much more. (313)437-&343. BABY announcements, golden and silver anniver- Kensington Heights saries, engagement an- nouncements, and much more. The Milford TImes, 436 TOWNHOUSE CO-OPERATIVE N. Main, Milford. (313)685-1507. BARGAIN BARN, 5640 M-59, HEAT INCLUDED Howell. (5171546-5995. From Wednesday through saturda. $248 10.00am to 5:00 pm. • Beautifully decorated 2' and 3 bedjoom "Quality living you deserve ... townhouses with full basements, appliances, and carpeting. Located at 711 S. Main St. in the at prices you desire" HeIghts of MIlford and within walking distance to town ~1 M/0NTH FREE RENT 1-5p.m. 1 Bedroom Units Only Presented By ~ 685-2400 P.M.C.lnc. , £ Heat Included , " ~ PONTRAIL APARTMENTS " I 'I AT THE ; in South Lyon on Pontiac Trail ,~ EASTLAND MALL FLINT ,~ 1& 2 Bedroom Units Available corner of Court St. I $270 from s240 per month ,~• "Brighton" your Ilfalyle Lakepolnte Apartmente and Center Rd. poe'motIl/l In a laxurloue 1 or 2 8677 Vickie Lyon ~' Bedroom Apartment 112mile south of 1·96 437-3303 ~ .c_t,on Iii Pattern and Cut GJass • Royal Daulton FLEA MARKETS value anyWhere! central air J LMopoInt. tl II' storage room In apartments • Apanmmtl -Art Nouveau - Brass - Orientals - Pain- / Nation's Largest InSide M~rkets pool & clubhouse MoQon 1 tings • Clocks· Dolls· Toys - Postcards Has 2 Big Locations ~ Ann Arl>or PONTIAC FLEA MARKET tennis court -Nostalgia. lake &ont with ftshlng 2045DixIe Hwy. End of Telegraph BRCIDKDALE cable tv available Managed by: Dealer Inquiries Welcomed Has both an Indoor & outdoor market Comer of 9 Mile and Pontiac Trail 24 hour emergency service Woodba"" M.a ••••• at. lac. Phone: 338-7880 l'n'l

107 MIscellaneous 107 Miscellaneous 107 Miscellaneous 107 MIscellaneous 107 Miscellaneous 108 Miscellaneous 111 Farm Products 111 Farm Products 111 Farm Products .-~----BRICK, reclaimed. Excellent Wanted MEN'S ten speed, $7-5.Silver SILK or fresh wedding bou-, WANT to save money? I can ALFALFA hay. first and se- HAY, first CUlling. $1.50bale. QUALlT'( first cutting hay. for homes and fireplaces, $150 trumpet and coronet. Two 14 per 1,000.(3131349-4706. DON'T quets made to order. (511)54,6-help on gas, diesel. propane OLD house. barn or garage to cond cutting. (5171521-3570(517)223-9450. (511)548-4528. Inch radial tires, $25. Three 9581. engines. Also kerosene, fuel take down for wood. Will clean BELL & Howell Sound Star IV fish tanks with fish. Parakeet Webberville. HAY, first cultJn~ $2.second, SWEETfeed, hay, straw. Free movie sound camera. auto WAIT UNTIL SCISSOR sharpening. ~t the 011 burners. No fly by night. I uparea. (313)878-3714. APPLE sale. Winesaps and $3.Straw,$1.(51 546-4265. delivery on quantity orders. ClIge and oxtras. Two steel saw Shop. All type saws. 4524 have lived at this address 40 focus, F1.3 maco zoom lens, MONDAY! lockers, $15each. 100pounds WANTED to buy, color TV's. Jonathons, $4 per bushel. HAY, first CUlling. Alfalfa, Echo Valley Feeds. (313)437- 8.5mm. battery, Including Pinckney Road, Howell. years. caJl(313)878-5995. Working or not. Must be com- (313)629-0536,11347 Hartland Timothy mix. (517)546-9754. 1781. You can place your ad any day weights and bench, $50. (517)546-4636. movie light and case, $175. of the week. Office hours are (5tn548-3016after 3:00 pm. plete. (3131227-7811,, Randy. Road. HAYfor sale. (517)546-0617. SECOND culling AlfrJ1a, no (5tn546-8595. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday Stlhl chain saw 041AV,20 In. ALFALFA hay, first and se- dust, $2.25bale. 100"ale'l or MOHAIR sofa, $125. Brown bar, real good condition. $275. WHAT IS THE HAY. Alfalfa mixed, f,rst cut· BAKEa cake for weddings and - Friday. Our phone room sofa and chair. $150.Bathr()'m WANTEDSTANDING cond cutting, delivered. more $2.00.(517)223-9IjW. (313~ ...=.;7:,,:;63~.,.....,..,...-,-_ ting $1.60, second culling all occasions. call (517)546- salespeople will be happy to vanity, $20. Miscellaneous BARGAIN TIMBER (5171647-6859. $2.60.(517)548-8832. SECOND Culling alfalfa, no help you• SINGER Dlal+Matlc sewing P.F.INC. LOGGING • \ 7966 for more Information. household Items. (313)349-6060 HAYfor sale. First and second rain. $2.50.oat straw, $1.00per (517)546-2570 betwee:'l9 a.m. and 6 p.m. machine In modern walnut BARREL? PAYMENTINADVANCE bale. (517)546-48n. 20,000BTU kerosene heater, If you havean Item you wish to ALL SIZES-ALLGRADES cutl1ng, Evenings, (517)546- used twice. $165or best offer. (313)229-4436 cab!net. Make designs, applI- SUPERMix Sweetcalf Grower MONGOOSEBMX bike. trick- ques, buttonholes. etc. sell for $25.or less or a group (313)662-7655 4415. (517)546-9769•• (313)669-2121 ed out, great condition, $250or 100 lb. $11.25. Carnation - Repossessed. Payoff $54 of Items selling for no more HAY. Good square bales (313)685.8705 best offer. (3131231-2044. Suckle 25 lb. $16.95.Cole's BRUNSWICK pool table, all (313)348-3Va cash or monthly payments. than $25. you can now place an $1.50. Delivery available. accessorIes Included, $550 or N"W ~REDlT CARD. No one (511)546-4606. Elevator, east end of Marlon (313)437-4133 Guaranteed. Universal Sewing ad in the Green Sheet for * Street In Howell. (517)546-2720. best offer. (313)437-9466. refused: Also Information on Coter. (313)334-0905. price! Ask our ad-taker to LAMB Creep Pellets 18%Pro- BUBBLE gum machine, 3 receiving Visa, Mastercard place a Bargain Barrel ad for tein 50 lb. $6.70. Lama Lamb SECOND CUlling alfalfa. no OOES mud have you down? SLAB wood. $48 federal cord. rain. dry barn.(511)223-9720. heads, like new. $250.(517)546- card with no credit check. Wixom Co-op, (313)624-2301. you. (10 words or lessl and MIlk251b.$24.Cole's Elevator, We have a full line of crushed Guaranteed resulls. Calt 2243. aggregates to keep you a she will bill you only $2.25. east end of Marlon Street In WANTEDto rent good produc- (602)949-0276ext. 123. TAX preparation In your home (This special Is offered to float. Immediate delivery. T. T. Howell. (517)546-2720. tive farmland In FOWlerville/- by Michigan Tax Consultants homeowners only-sorry, no Howell area.(517)223-S289. & G. Excavating.(517)548-3146. NEW Deluxe baby stroller - POTATOESNo.1 while, $3.25 WANTED Inc. /We make house calls commercial accounts. carriage. Only used 3 times. because we care). For an ap- for 50Ibs. Also onions and red WOULDlike to rent farm land. 600new 6 volt Exlde batteries, $40. (313)227-3527. STANDING $25 and old battery or $28. pointment, call Brian (313)632- and Russet potatoes. Mahar call collect. (3131544-0049, (313)878-9336,(313)878-3487. 5646 or Tim (517)546-8637WATERsoftener pellets, 50lb. Potatoe Farm, (517)634-5349(5171223-3906. TIMBER (Brighton returns welcomel. bag, $4.00. Wixom Co-op. anytime. WHEAT straw, large clean FRANKLINstyle wood burning (3131624-2301. bales, $1.50 a bale. John • Frank stove with screen, very good ON TV TUFFY'S Premium High Pro- POTATOESfor sale, field run Giese DeereA tractor. (511)546-4n5. condition, $125.(5tn548-3175. INSTALLATION teln Dog Food 50 lb. $13.75, 108 Miscellaneous or graded. (517)546-3888or (313) 878·6106 Evenings (517)546-3998. 600 Gallons '2 fuel oil, you SPECIAL 80% OFF Tuffy's Puppy Mix 20lb. $7.60. Wanted pump. (517)546-2714. If you call now, only $9.95.En- ./Cole's Elevator, ~ast end of QUALITY hay and straw joy mOVies, sports and con- Marlon Street In Howell. ARE you collecting on a land delivered, reasonable. call CIRCULATION certs In the convenience of ;(5c:17);=:r48-~2:7.720=-.----:-----:-_--:-.."..- contract and want to cash out? (313)475-8585evenings. NORTHVILLERECORD HESLIP'SHEARTH If so call (3131229-66n. Save 20% on wood and coal your own home. call anytime, USED office desks, adding 313-349-3627 burning stoves, fireplace In- Bill Young, (3131229-7607. machine, answering machine, BUYING used furniture and serts, furnace add-ons, hot air kafe. can be seen after appliances. (511)223-9212. POWERED UltraLight, twin 12:00noon. Call 9:30 am to COLLECTABLEold items. Any CRAFTSMANwood lathe with or water. Complete line of ac- 5:30 pm, (511)548-4110. motor, $175. Copy.crafter at- cessories. (5171546-112i. engines. pontoons. no license coins, pennies to estates. required. (313)878-9250bet- USED Admiral refrigerator. 12 Baseball cards, comic books. 11'1)achment, $85. Shopsmlth cubic foot. $100.(3131227-5113. 1\.., overarm pin-router, $450. HOT tar kettle. Flat roofing. ween12 noonand9 p.m. military Items, railroad trains, (517)546-6289. -' Good condition. One job will POT bellied stove, antique, USED portable color TVs stamps, dolls, toys, pocket pay for It. Must sell now. First $125;kerosene heater, 11,500 reasonably priced. (313)349- watches. Clocks, some old Bargain COME to carol's for your 5183. guns. (313)437-2901. beautiful custom buIlt $495.(313)227-73n days. BTU,$150;1966Corvette hood, dollhouse. 107 E. Main St., KNAPP Shoe Distributor, $125; 1972 Corvette front VIDEO games for sale. New CASH for wooden duck (upstaIrs), Northville. (313)348- Leonard EIsele, 2473Wallace bumper, $40.(313)498-2126. and used. (313)632-7144,ask decoys. Ice spearing decoys. Barrel bamboo flyrods, old fishing 3750. Road,(517)521-3332. POOL table, good condition, for Dan. I tackle. caJl(517)349-5267. 1972 Clarkllft, 2,600 pound KEROSENE, $1.60 including $350. Dehumidifier, $20. Kit- WEDDING Invitations. 22 Rifle and 410 shotgun. $25 COLLECTABLEold items. Any capacity, propane. overhead tax. Wixom Co-op. (313)624- chen table. $30. (517)546-1029. napkins, thank you notes, both. After 4:00 pm, (517)546- guard. load backrest. $3,000 2361. RUBBER stamps - Mllford matches, everything fot your coins, pennies to estates. 5361. wedding. The Milford BasebaOcards, comic books, (517)546-7684or (313)523-0008. MORTONWater Softener Salt TImes, 436 N. Main, Milford. (313166&-1507. TImes,436 N. Main, Milford, military items, railroad trains, If you havean item you wish to DRIVEWAY culverts. South 80 lb. bags. Pellets $5.65, (313166&-1507. stamps, dolls, toys. pocket Lyon Lumber and Farm Super Pellens $7.25, White 14-2 wire ground Romex, 250 sell for $25.or less or a group WELLPOINTS.Myers Pumps, watches, clocks, some old of Items selling for no more Center, 415 East Lake. Crystals $4.~, Super Iron-Out feet. $16 at Hamburg Hard- guns. (313)437-2901. • (313)437-1751. 5 lb.· box $11.90. Cole's ware, 10596 Hamburg Road, plumbing. heating and elec- than$25.you can now placean Elevator, east end of Marlon Hamburg. (313)231-1155. trical supplies. Use our well I want to buy a refrigerator. :a ad in the Green Sheet for '12 Street in Hewell. (517)546-2720. driver free With purchase. stove, washer and dryer. Must pricel Ask our ad-taker to 25%Discount RABBITS are free, male and be late models and work good. femal~ New Zealands, if you Martin's Hardware, South place a Bargain Barrel ad for Buy Christian books at 25% MAMIYA TWIN LENS, C33Of, Lyon. (313)437-0600. Will pay $50 to $150each. call you, (10 words or lessl and discount. Phone(313)437-0015. 2'A inches. w/std lens, 80/2.8. buy all my cages. like new. WEDDINGband, woman's, 'I.J Mason, Michigan, 1(517)678- she will bill you only $2.25. Like new. Excellent for wed- Two are 24 x 24 x 18, one is 3058. DARKROOM for sale. 36x24x18,one carataiamond. Must sell. Best (This special is offered to Everything you need to get dings, portraits and scenic. homeowners only-sorry, no $320.(313)227-2216. 36 x 30 x 18. $45 cash. offer. (313)669-4529. MAPLE sugar trees. Brighton started right away. (313)878- (3131229-4618. area. Wanted, maple sugar commercialaccounts. 5855. sap, willing to deal, have evaporator. (313)427-2459.


Alarm Service Building & Remodeling Building & Remodeling Carpentry Chimney Cleaning & Handyman Painting & Decorating Roofing & Siding Storm Windows ReDalr ALARM systems. Commer- QUALITY FINISH your basement, all or CARPENTER, 30 years ex- HANDYMAN. Home Improve- Bill's Decorating .A.. STORMS and screens cial, residential, fire, burglar. part. Free estimates. (3131231- perience. Remodeling and ment, carpenter work, pain- Wallpapering CRANE REMODf:L1N~ DAVE'SCHIMNEYSWEEP H repaired. Insulated glass. A. McCardell, 5466loscoRoad, 3517. repairs, A-l work at ting. Call Gary 12 noon to 349-4751 doorwalls, shower doors and Webberville. (5171223-3162. Complete bUilding and re- reasonable prices. (517)223- All wood burners and 9 p.m. (3131437~. ROOFING IIreplaces. A totally clean FEAR BROTHERS tub Inclosures. Mirrors and modeling service. Rough 3146. Painting-Staining and table tops. Mobile service. • Aluminum and finish carpentry. Kit- operatlor.. Call (5tn548-9773 or , Health Care KITCHENS ROUGH or finish, aluminum home (517)548-1863. Interior-Exterior Sheet Free pick-up and delivery. In- ALUMINUM siding, trim, gut- chens and basements our and wOOdsiding, resldenllal MYOMASSOLOGY, Reflex- Drywall Repair SUrllnce claims. Bill's Auto specialty. ONLY ters, all aluminum repairs. Mel and barn roofing, licensed and Clean Up & HaUling ology for your good health Metal glass and Tnm Co., (3131227- O/a,(313)227-5973. 18 years' experience Free Estimate!!. Insured. Free estimates. Call 349-4751 9631. Aller Sp.m., (3131227- Fully Insured. naturally. Alter 5:30 p.m. Free estimates John Pieron. (517)223-9919. ALL-AROUND clean up and 1875. ALUMINUM siding, trim and call Jim, (3131229-7151. MILFORDPAINTING- residen- Licensed REPAIRS, remodeling from hauling. Residential, commer- gulters, sheet metal work. fur- (3131349-n25 STOP • Smoking program. tial and commercial, also tex- Telephone Installation nace work. Call Mike or Leo. JERRY'S basement to attic, inside or cial building debris. Ap- Every Tuesday night. 7 to turing. Experienced In top Shingles, (517)548-9647. out. Kitchens, baths, family ·pllances, light demolillon. 9 p.m. Cost $10each per ses- REPAIR AND KITCHEN 'remodellng, quality work, fully Insured. BUilt-up Tr~e Service rooms. No lob to small. Free Very negollable. (3131229-9638.sion attended. (313)229-4720. James Klepser, (313)685-7130. Appliance Repair MODERNIZATION cabinets and countertops. estimates. Jim, (313)348-2562. One-ply HAULING, trash removal. PAINTING. Interior and ex- ED'S Tree Service. 20 years (313)437 -69ffi References. Tom Nelson. Nothing too big, nothing too Heating & Cooling systems D.R. Eleetric. Appliance ser- (3131632-5135. Carpet Cleaning terior. 15 years experIence, experience, reasonable rates, After 5 p.m. small. Will haul It all. free estimates.(517)546-1390. vice: refrigerators. freezers, LICENSEDBUILDER.Custom Resonablerates. (313)437-1994 free estimates. Work ACE Steam Cleaning Cq. Pro- guaranteed. Dave (313)632- NURTHVILLE microwave ovens, homes built. Remodeling, or (313)459-4673aller 6 p.m. DaveLamb Heating TREE (rimming and removal. dishwashers, ranges, A.P. DeFelice Design and fessional carpet and Service-Installation- 7525. Free estimate. Phone days or Construction Company. decks, siding, garages, trim ask for AI. 349-5582 • washers and dryers. Large work. storm windows. Call upholstery cleaners. (313)437- Parts PAINTING. wallpapering, In- evenings,(517)548-3419. parts inventQry. for do-It- Residential design service 2504,(3131227-2126. High Efficient Furnaces and construction of new Mlngls, (313)231-2580. terior, extenor, residential yourself. Prompt courteous MGB Carpet Cleaning, I HAUL/TALL 409E.carollne,St. and commercial. Licensed TV & Radio Repair homes. additions, media LICENSED builder. FREE Trash, garbage and basement service, low rates. (517)546- ESTIMATES. All types residential and commercial. Fenton (313)629-4946 and insured, free estimates. * * 4000, 116 WllPt Grand River, centers, kitchens. spa- Junk.old furniture, appliances (3131227-1198. FREE estimates on color TV whirlpool baths, finished remodeling. Garages, decks, Living room and hall, $26.95. Howell. Michigan. Furniture available. (313)634- and commercial and residen- Insulation repair, In shop. (3131227-7811. basements. We cater to the addillons, pipe and duct In- llal building debris. Very' PAINTING Colortime TV, 9990 E. Grand particular. Liensed builder. sulating. Ed (313)698-3667, 0680, (313)634-7328,(313)634- Refrigerator Troubles? 5969. reasonable. (3131437-7384, BLOWN-IN or blanket Insula- Interior-Exterior River, Brighton. Tony DeFelice, (3131437-8096. Larry (313)687-2326. (3131328-6745. tion. Licensed and Insured ~ Service ACT now, free estimates on LICENSED builder. Custom PROFESSIONALcarpet, fur- builder. Free estimates. WALLPAPERING ANDSIDING Upholstery . Calls 57 building and remodeling. D. L. niture, wall cleaning. Fire and any home improvement. Drywall References upon request. Reasonable Rates BAGGETI CALL Smiths. All work Davis.(517)223-3842. smoke, water damage. 2 step (3131227-1198. Reg. $14.00 LImited offer. See If your job Call Lou ROOFING AND GUARANTEED!~labor starts qualifies for free dishwasher cleaning, ServiceMaster of DRYWALL,hang finished and QUALITY building at the Howell. (517)546-4560. at; Sofas. $150. Chairs, $75. ArborAire or microwave. Guaranteed lowest prices. Additions, textured. call Jim (517)548-3634 Interior Decorating (313)349-1558 SIDING, HOT QUALITY carpet cleaning. or Frank(517)548-5389. Cushions, $15. Check low ,.,. (517) 546--4503 qualily workmanship. Pioneer garages, repairs, roofing, CUSTOMdraperies by carole. ASPHALT BUILT-UP drapery prices. (313156t-0092. Construction Company. Ask siding, cement and block ReSidential- commercial. Call DRYWALL hanging and (3131348-0274. Cornice boards, Balloons, ROOFS, SHINGLE HAINES IlPholstery. Quality Auto Glass for Matt Raymond. (313)632- work. (313)437-1928. finishing, texturing and Romansand Austrian shades. Photography 5127. repairs. 25 years experience, ROOFS, ALUMINUM upholstering by a skilled cralt- RON FRANCIS licensed Carpet ServIce Shower curtains, bedspreads, sman, low economical prices, AUTO glass Installed. Mobile residential builder. Remodel- Iree estimates. Call Len tableclothes and pillows. PORTRAITSfor all occasions GUTTERS AND service no extra charge. In- (313)229-7350. wide selectIOn.Free In-home BURNSANDSONS ing, addillons, complete or CARPET installed and 13131422-{)231. taken In your home. StUdio5. estimates, pick up and surance claims honored. Also partial bids. (3131678-9369. repaired. 25years experience, DRYWALLtinlshlng and hang- (3131227-2216. DOWN SPOUTS, vinyl tops and convertible tops delivery. (313)687-9223. QUALITYBUILDER RESIDENTIAL, commercial. free estimates. (517)223-3934. Ing, textures done. Free landscapIng YOUR WEDDING PHOTOS ALUMINUM SIDING replaced. Bill's Auto Glass estimates. George (3131227- JODY'S Upholstery, quality REASONABLEPRICES Counter tops, custom CARPET, vlnyl and tlla In- taken by Studio 5. For preview ANDTRIM. workmanship, free estimates. and Trim Co., (313)227-9631.For free estimates on your ad- 6247. CRUSHED stone. mason call (3131227-2216. After6p.m., (313)227-1875. cabinets, experlenced. call staller, 18 years experience. sand, flll sand, flJl dirt, pea 25% off on fabncs and labor. dition, dormer, new home, Ron,(517)723-2137. JOURNEYMANdrywall, taper Also expert on repairs. call stone, shredded bark. Plano Tuning NORTHVILLE (3131455-9719. Bands garage, roof or siding, call: SMALL construction com- Bob. (3131231-3951,(313)687- and texturing. call Wayne (313)229-6935. 7611. • aller 6:00 pm, (3131229-2603. SERRA'S Inte-rlors & (313)231-1964 pany. We do ali types of home PIANOtuning. Any day, some 349-3110 Upholstery, 116N. Lafayette, LIVE music by the Chessmen. repaIr, remodeling and new CARPET work, Instaliallon, LIVINGSTON Plastering/- Locksmith evenings. Reasonable rates. SouthLyon.13131437-2838. Variety band. call Bob Jones, construcllon: garages, dorms. repaIrs, restretchlng and Texture Contractors. Repairs, call George SCott, (313)685- Sandblasting DEADBOLT locks Installed. ~ (313)629-0168. It costs no more' recreation rooms, decks, relays. Reasonable and remodeling, customizing, pro- 80934:30p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wallpapering I ... toget aluminum siding, roofing. gut- dependable. 20 years ex- fessional quality. (3131227- Locks rekeyed and repaired. MOST anything sandblasted! Brick. Block, Cement first crass workmanship • ters, storms, plumbing, elec- perience. call Mack Lynes. 7325. Keys made after 5:30 p.m. Plastering MGF Enterpnses. Call Mike, HAVE problem walls? I have trical, drywall, baths, kit- (313)437-0993. (517)223-3665. remedies! Need help co- BRICK, stone, block work. FIRST PLACE WINNER of (511)548-6716. M. B. Drywall. Quality work. LIVINGSTON Plastering/- Chimney repair and Cleaning. two Nattonal Awards, chens, window replacements. Free esllmates. Roasonable ordinating?I haveIdeas! Total Specialize In old home Ceramic TIle MOVing and Storage Texture Contractors. Repairs, Sawmill wallpaper servIces! Call GOOdwork. Free estimates. HAMILTON has been rates. (313)632-5699. remodeling, customizing, pro- restorallon. (517)54e-0616. Charlene, evenrngs. (3131227- (5171548-4021. satisfying customers ALL ceramic tile expertly TOM T. Drywall, new and DOWNS Moving Company. lesslonal quallly. (3131227- CUSTOMsawing. Your logs or for over 20 years. 2701. Bulldozing or Excavating ~ done. New and repair. Licens- remodeling. Smooth. spray or Local, statewide. Pianos. 7325. ours. Munro's Sawmill You deal directly with the ed. (313)227-n54. (313)474- texture. call (517)548-1945. Reasonable, Independent. (3131349-2359,Novl. owner. All work guaran- WALLPAPERING C& FCEMENT BULLDOZING-Iandscaplng- 0008. (3131422-2268,(3131227-4588. Plumbing Experienced professional teed and competitively private roads, topsoil, sod, Electrical Septic Tank Service CERAMIC tile. Installed and Music Instruct/on union trained full.tlme: ALL TYPES OF priced. gravel, fill. No job too small. A- Starling $7.50 per roll. • FREE ESTIMATES repaired. Complete bath ELECTRICIAN, licensed. PLUMBING SEPTIC tanks, cleaned and CEMENT WORK 1Bulidozlng. (313)685-1741. GUITAR lessons. Beglllnlng, repaired. Ask about our Satisfaction guaranteed. • Designs modernlzallon. (517)54&8921, Residential and commercial. BASEMENT, • Additions • Kitchens BULLDOZING, grading, (313)474-8809. Free esllmates. Reasonable classical and country In my Repair-Replacement ·C.C.L.S. for slow and falling MARK backhoe work, trucking and Plymouth home. $6 'h hour or fields. Free brochure. Eldred GARAGES, • Porch • Enclosures, CERAMICtile, new and repair, rates. (3131227-1550. Modernization THE PAPERHANGER etc. drain fields. Young BuildIng & remodeling, free esllmates. NEED a licensed ele~trlclan $9one hour. (313)455-5045. andSons, /3131229-&57. (313)437-9850 DRIVES, WALKS, Excavating Enterprises. (313)681-3611. ORGAN, plano, guitar Electric Sewer Cleaning (313)878-6342,(3131678-8167. lor that small job around the Sewing ETC. house? If so, please call lessons. Experienced, low LONG HAMILTON C,hlmney Cleaning & Wall Washing RESIDENTIAL BAGGETI /3131229-6044. cost. Norm Keating (313)437- PLUMBING ALTERATIONS.For men and Custom· RepaIr 1113. EXCAVATING women, restyling, cuslom PROFESSIONAL wall , , & COMMERCIAL Remodeling Furniture Re!lnlshlng AND designing, Brighton - Howell washing, painting, carpet and Septic systems, base- MUSIC LESSONS 30years expenence Call 559-5590...24 Hours FURNITURE stripping by FANCY BATH area. call Verna May,(517)548- furniture cleaning. Light ments, bulldozing, The Chimney Piano-Organ Sweep hand. call Jim. (517)546-n64, BOUTIQUE 3700. carpentry work. 18 years ex- (313)348-2710 gravel, driveway cul- perience. Free esllmates. DIs- BILL MURPHYspecIalizing In Strings-Wind Serving the area ALTERATIONS and custom home remodeling, Interior and verts, parking lots and YORE THAN JUST A 'SWEEP !:(5;.::17)548-68:77.':'::75,;'=-====-=-==,-;- sewing by Midge. (313)348- counts to senior citizens. 51"". sa s....~ J.R.'s WOODRESTORATION since 1949 CARRIGANBroMon masonry. exterior. (313)231-1219, sewers. 1014. (517)223-7334. 1•••• ' .. IIo ....,uo. Specializing In woodwork, 349-0580 190 E. Main Street Brick, block, stone. Fireplaces Lakeland. NORTHVILLE sa'.I, "~~~:;;.~I::::.R.II.lngstripping and retlnlshlng. CUSTOM draperies, free • and repairs. Senior citizens Schnuto Music Studio Northvllle-349-0373 Welding FREEESTIMATES E•• rg, Con...... UonCon'ull•• lo. ::(31;;.:3~)43~7-3991~~.:-:-:-_:=_-:-,....-_ esl/mate. /3131348-7352, ~ 4 discount. Low prlc!>s. call 349-0116 NorthVille 7r Mike Vallie licensed builder. '•• ur-.l - PLY MOU TH F u rnllu re LICENSED, honest, depen- (313)422·9143. WELDING,my garage or por- anytime. (517)546-2947. We specialize In complete BULLDOZING and backhoe, BRUNNER Refinishing. Refinishing, dablll, 30 years experience. EXPERT alterations and table. 15 years experIence. home weatherization. New finish grading, hydroseedlng, (313)878-3188 repair, antique restoration, Painting & Decorating Someoneyou can trust to do a repairs. 24 hOur service. Reasonable rates. (517)548- MASONRYBY construction remodeling. large tree mOVing. (3131474- ,J.CERTIFIED caning. Pick up and delivery. good lOb. (517)548-8707, (313)624-4333. 8198. G.GARRETT Senior citizen discounts. A-1 Quallly, sane prices. (517)223-3146. eees. SAFETYSEMINARS :.:(3~13;:.1453-~=.;21;.:;33:.:.._ Jack's Painting, 11 years ex- NEED zipper replaced and Residential and commercial. (3131437-2109,(313)229-8063. your mending done? Also Well Drilling Brick, block, natural stone. POND dredging and develop- AVAILABLE Handyman' perience. (313)231-28n. FINE carpentry. Historic ment. Turn swamp areas Into general sewing. (517)22U154. ISAAC Well Drilling and Rumford fireplaces. QuaJlly renovation, additions. solar Inl _ EXPERIENCED family man Pole Buildings craftsman, reasonable prices. usefUl Irrigation or decorative VfS,4' ANY fix up jobs around house. RepaIr.2, 4, and 8 Inch wells. design, post and beam. QualI- needs work! Painting. patch Snowplowlng 24 hour emergency service. (3131687-4923. ponds. Equipped for fast effl- Plumbing, electl1cal, small plastering. Light carpentry. ty experience In many areas. clent work. Ron Sweet, CHIMNEYS, fireplaces, carpentry. Prompt and POLEBUILDINGS (313)8~. Licensed. Louis Tenenbaum, Super reasonable! Work o & H Snowplowlng, (313)437-1n7. repaired or built new, cleaned. reasonable.(313143NI548. Bob Smithers, Stockbridge, reasonable rates. 24hour ser- 2 Inch well specialist, ex- POURED basement walls. (313'459-6433, guaranteed I Calf nowl (511)851-8479.AUlhorlzod Wick Business (313)474-5566. SEPTIC repair, site work, Wood stove Installation. State BRICK MASON/HANDYMAN, (517)223-7334. vice. (517)546-3117. perlnced, licensed, Insured. drives, back hoe and grading. licensed, Insured. Northville experienced In all areas 01 Dealer. Low cost repairs. cain Drill- , ~ Residence (313)689-2850.Ask EXPERIENCED painter, In- FISHHatchery Snow Plowing. (3131227-2300,(313)855-0008. Construction. Free estimates. masonary, rough and finished Northville area. Call Jim, Ing, 210 Atwater Street, ..,; for Keith. tel10rand exterior, very cheap Durand.(517)288-6324. ROGER FOSS& (3131348-1036. carpentry, electrtcal. prices, very good work. (313)349-ms, YOUNGBuilding & Excavating CabInetry PONCH's Chimney Sweeps, Fireplaces, patios, brIck work Enterprises. Block work, bl1ck COMPANY (3131471-7928. SNOWPLOWING, residential HANDCRAFTED WOQo- free estimates and satlsfao- for wood burners, 1/2 Inch Roofing" Siding work, fireplaces and addl- FORthe finest In professional and commercial. Reasonable ROBERTS WORKS,custom cabinets, fur- tlon guarsnteed. Call (313)449- brick, additions, finished ROOFING. Experienced, tlonll. (313187&6067,(3131878-• RemOdeling/Repair painting service, commercial rates. call Larry, (511)54&6974. COMPANY 8342. nlture novelty Items. also 8344. basements, any remodeling reasonable, guaranteed. 4 Inch water system; Well, • New Homes repalr8 and rellnlshlng call lob. Free estimates. Jerry, or residential, new construc- SNOWPLOWING. Call Jim. tion or re-do. Also wallpaper- Licensed. Call after 5 p.m., (3131437-5935. pump, tank and lostallallon, • Additions/Garages for estl'!'lates, Bill M~rphY,,~ OLDE ENGLAND (517)548-2409or (3131437-1215. (313)227-3328. Ing, drywall, and plaster SNOWPLOWINGservice. call complete,$1,800. Building & Remodeling • Basements Lakelanll,l3t31231-1219. HANDYMAN. Painting, • Kitchens/Baths CHIMNEY repairs. cabinet and wood T.D. Bjorllng and Company. anytime, 24 hours. Hartland REPAIR WORK ADDITIONS, remodeling, kll' ' drywall, carpentry, paneling Roofing and sheet motal. ROGER FOSS Carpentry SWEEP 1and home repairs. Free refiniShing and sprayed ares. (313)632~. SAME DAY I chens, basements, new Licensed/Insured finishes. Insured and Shingles, flat roofs, tearoOffs, (313)437-7502 SERVICE estimates. Call Loren. repairs. Reasonable,licensed SNOWPLOWING.Residential homeS.Licensed builder. call (313)437-1194 CARPENTRY work by Ivel FI d (313)349-2248.11no answer call references. 15 years ex- (3131878-3e65 and Insured. South Lyon and and commercial. Loader and RichardKrause (3131229-6155., °1will be glad to show you Farmer Good work at a ue caps an bef sa f 5 30 ' perience. Call Mike Gregory, trucks available. 24 hour ser- •bl rl /3131231- other accessories ore mor a ter : pm. (313)68NI245. area.(3131437-9388,Terry. my work. References ~~.ona e p co. (313)231-1189 Vice. (511)223-8289,(511)223- ,~------given. 3618 , - 6oB-SOUTH lYON HERALD-NORTHVillE RECORD-WAllED LAKE·NOVI NEWS-THE MilFORD TIMES-Wednesday. February 23. 1983 _----'i; 210 Boats & Equipment 112 Farm Equipment 152 Horses & 175 Business & Equipment Professional Services 16 Foot aluminum wlt.'11981 25 AS we lack work and turn back EM PlOYM ENT ij HP Johnson electric/manual to the soli, we at Symons re- GETIING out of horses. AOHA start. steering console. runn- mind you we have equipment black gelding, 15.2 hands. TYPING SERVICE Ing lights. board with 2 ready to match the job. Buy, $2.500. Sorrel mare. 4 socks. ":======:::;=~ downriggers. fish locater. tilt rent. lease or we can repair 16 hands. $3.250. Show saddle 165 Help Wanted General Fast. accurate and reasonable trailer. spare, tarp. $2.600 what you presently have. complete. $1.200. Hunt saddle see (15 years experience). Ruth·s. negotiable. (313)231-1197. us now and plan early. complete, $425. New English AMBITIOUS (313)231-3079. Symons Tractor and Equip- boots. size 6'12, $100. Sliver Star-Pak Solar Systems Ther- 26 Ft. Contessa. good blue ment Company. your Ford show halter. $175. Two horse ma Shade Division. an energy- water sailboat and trailer. dealer. (51n271-8445. Gains trailer. $1.500. (517)548-1567. saving product, has part and 180 Income Tax (517)223-8491. Mich. HORSES boarded. English: full-time openings. Sales. Service GLASTRON V·l53 with conver· 14x50 Cement stave silo. 3760 Western lessons. training drapery. sewing or teaching llble top. 65 Johnson. 2 tanks.1;) Bull Run Road. Gregory. available. Veterinary approv- experlenco helpful. Op- ACCOUNTING. Income tax. 2 props. trailer. $2.195. portunity to advance. We bookkeeping. done by CPA. DAVID Bradley 8 ton Ilat bed ed. exceptional care. Indoor (313)632·7870. specialize in ambillous high- reasonable rates. (313)348- ~~~~'=-=-';--:-":'-;-:~ wlth hay and grain racks. $450. arona. must see to appreciate. 1973 sea Sprite. 16 foot, 6 Inch energy achievers who haven't (517)223-3955. Renaissance Arabians, 2982. open bow trl-hull. 115 hp (517)548-1473. necessarlty sold before. EMPLOYMENT NOW ACCOUNTING and taxes by Johnson, trailer. convertible FORO 600 tractor. Hammer Phono Carol. (313)348-0990 for HORSESHOEING and lrimm- No trickle down complex CPA. (313)348-7390. top. Good condilion. 52,750. 01111. Stainless steel tank. 3x12 Interview appointment. l'let. (313)437-80n alter 5 p.m. Ing. reliable. reasonable. Call pyramid money scheme. You ATTRACTIVE RATES. One day (313)229-8044. Don GIllis (313)437·2956. ARTIST. experienced. FUll- buy whol~sale. you set the quality service. 2 blocks off ~~==:..------JOHN Deere 2010 with loader. time position with growing retail. you keep the prollts, 215 Campers. Trailers Hoof trlmmlng- shoeing Grand River. (517)546-8718. Ford 8N reconditioned. Ford publication. Position requires you select the items you want & Equipment (horse and pony). Rick Morse. (517)546-2141. 5000 With loader $4.750. case a very creative Individual with to sell. Excellent prollt op- blacksmith. (517)223-9305. 885 diesel. New llres and proven abilities In the areas of tions. no previous experience 21 Ft. Chateau travel trailer. paint. A-l $3,500. 20 others. HORSE lovers: a pole barn In advertising design, publica- needed. Apply In person or good condition. self- 3pt. scraper blades $185. 3pt. your fulure? Call Ron for tion lay-out. and graphics pro- call evenings and weekends: contained. sleeps 6, Reese.- disks. plows. 3pt. rototlller. 3 material costs, (313)941-3131or duction. Must be neat. Vlst our showrooms at FEDERAL and stale income hitch. refrigerator. stove. acres 01 new and used equip- (313)437-3166alter6:00 pm. energetic. and well organized. Prestige House. 341 East tax returns prepared in your shower. radio, waler com- ment. Parts for Ford and M.F. HARTLAND Equestrian College training. technical il- Main. Northville. (313)348-2169. home. Day and evening hours. pressor and furnace. more. Hodges Farm Equipment, Center. Erogllsh riding lustrallon. darkroom ex- (313)349-9182. $2.650. (517)546-8108. (313)629-Wl. SIOce 1946. lessons. special YJ off first perience helpful. Call Mr. Far- FRIENDLY and neighborly tax 16 Ft. travol trailer, OLIVER 3 - 16's trailer plow. lesson. Boarding. Indoor rell. between ~.m. and 5p.m. service. I will come to your stove. refrigerator, furnace. hydraulic. S3OO. (5ln22J.3955. arena. Personal Care. Horses (Novl area). (313)478-8229. home or you are welcome to Very good condition. POLE barn matenals. we stock for sale. Appaloosa stud ser- come to mine If you prefer. Reasonable. (517)546-4781. a lull line. BUild It yoursell and vice. Open daily. Kathy's Tack Call L. R. Nelson. (517)546-5575 28 Ft. Avion travel trailer. sell- save, we cal) tell you how. Shop. (313)632·5336. AVAILABLE NOW for an appointment. contained. excellent shape. South Lyon Lumber and Farm Expanding company has Im- INCOME tax preparation. your (517)223-8491. mediate openings for 10 sharp Center, 415 East Lake. home or mine. Janet Dodson, 17 foot travel trailer. self- workers. full-time permanent (313)437-1751. (517)521-3035. contained. Must sell. $1.595 or poslllons. Ranging from INCOME taxes and accounllng best offer. (517)521-4889. - manager trainees, stock YANMAR for horse farms. small PALOMINO pop-up trUCk" diesel tractors. Pre-season display and service. Excellent businesses and Individuals. opportunitoes with rapid ad- camper for half ton pickup. prices. 2 and 4 wheel dnve. 16 (313)632-5670. vancement. Call for appoint- 1982 model. like new. $3,000. to 33 hp. Some used with war- ~~::::.:.~::::..::::=c;.:,---- ment INCOME tax services - effi- (517)546-1959. ranty. All models in slock cient and Inexpensive. Dis- ~~==:;----.,..-- sale pnced at Hodges Farm 1969 Starcralt camper. sleeps 453-2940 count lor returns before Apnl 6. $500. or best offer. (313)685- EqUipment. (313)629-6481. 1. Call us for an appointment, 0654 alter 4 p.m. Since 1946. UL fRA-AIR INDUSTRIES (313)227-7952 after 6 p.m. Family Credit Centers. 1981 Shanadoah Park model. sliding glass doors. air. awn- Michigan Tax Consultants Inc. Ing. $7.200. (313)437·5058 after the company thaI makes 5 pm. house calls. Reasonable rales. for tax appointment call UTILITY trailers. new. 4x8 Mike. (517)223-8441 Annette. $375. 5x8 $450. 5xl2 tandem Wood hauling trailers.&. REGISTERED Appaloosa (517)546-8267 Dan. (313)632- $GOO! mare. adult leenage horse, 7271. • (313)229-6475. '. sound and flashy, $375. MIKE'S TAX SERVICE. ex- WELLS Cargo 4 x 8 enclosed (517)223-9090. perienced and qualified con- trailer. excellent. $595. REGISTERED Morgan 'mare, sultant. Associate of Michigan {517)223-9090. $1500. 2 Western saddles. Tax Consultanls. call Mike assortmenl 01 English and Vincenl. (517)223-8441. Western clothing and tack. PERSONAL tax preparations PETS (3131629-3934. Times are tough done In my home. South Lyon. 220 Auto Parts REGISTERED Appy mare, 9 But nollor us Walied Lake areas. Special & Service years, 15 hands. $700. we'reAVON rates for low income and call Palomino gelding, 10 years. 16 unemployed. (313)669-9718, AUTOMATIC transmission and hands. $500. Both go English (313)437-19n (313)437-5500. 151 Household Pets (313)557-1595 transfer case from 1979 Chevy and Western. (313)498-2437. TAX preparation. 10 years ex- 4x4. (313)632-7681. AMERICAN Eskimo UKC SAWDUST. Truckloads perience. Short form $1O. Joan ATTENTION. Help clear my. registered. $125, male. Live in delivered. Pick up -smaller Maass (313)227·1579. I garage. Complete chasis ('53 South Lyon. but call1-(313)697- amounts. Howell. Bernie TAX preparation done In your Ford F100). * Ion Chevy 5163. Kuhns, (517)546-2942. home. Associated with pickup ~rts, 383 motor and AKC registered Doberman SOUTH Oak Training Stable Michigan Tax Consultants. push bullon transmission. pups. 10 weeks old. all shots show season's around the Brighton area welcome. call 12 in. wide wagon wheels (6 and ready to go. (517)223-8533. corner. Have your horses lun- Timothy Ewald. (517)546-6637. lug). 15 in. keyslone mags. ed up. Indoor arena - slalls hub cap sets. (313)227-4440. AKC registered Shi-Tzu pup- TAX returns prepared. Law 01- available. Breaking - training - pies, show quality, priced fice of Dennis N. Powers. 2324 from $350. (313)685-1313. lessons. Northville, (313)437- East Hillhland Road, COMPLETE AUTO 4883. Manager, Trainer Jim Highland, MI. 48031. (313)887- SERVICE AKC Miniature Doberman. Davidson. Assislant Manager, 8333. Golden Retnever mix puppies. Brakes. lune-ups. major and Sue Haigh1. minor engine repair. elec- $15 each. (313)887-6957. SUPER Mix Sweel Ho,se Feed trical. certified mechanic. Call AKC female Golden 100 lb. $9.25. Cole's Elevator. TRANSPORTATION Mike. (517)223-9249. Retnevers. $125. (313)229-4519. east end 01 Manon Street in BLACK Lab pup, male. AKC, Howell. (517)546-2720. 167 Business CHEVETTE parts. 1979/81, excellent bloodline, $100. STUD service, introducing J. Opportunities ~ front clip. engines, radiators, (313)227·7371, (517)546-7587. C. Roni Bask, 4 year old. batterjes. floor pans. Cham- BIRDS. Parakeets, fancy and Shadozon. 2 year old. BRIGHTON business, bet- pion Parts. (313)437-4105. English. finch. canaries. Reasonable fees. (313)685- ween Brighlon and Hartland. Take over contents with low 351 Cleveland with automatic cockatiels. Sale Ilrices! 8753. (313~19, (517)468- transmission. Ford 6 cylinder (517)223-9200, (517)54lHl831. 3991. rent sltualion. This Is your op- portunity 10 go Into business With rebuilt 3 speed. $175 COLLIES AKC pups, sable, SIX year old Appaloosa mare. without lhe new business each. (517)548-2963. trls. eyes and health checked, Vandy Leo and Top Deck hassles. For further informa- CYLINDER HEADS RECONDI- shots, raised in home. lines. Excellent disposition. tion, (313)227-7185. TIONED. Hot tank degreaslng. (517)546-6816. Smooth-galted Western and CARPET Cleaning Company. flywheels, blocks. heads COMMU""N"'I:'::::TY"'.--=S""p-ay--"N:-e-ut:-erEnglish. (313)227-6096 alter resurfaced. One day service 7:00 pm. one of lhe larges!. Livingston Clinic. low cost. Call (313)971· CIRCULATION and' Oakland Counties. on most jobs. CAll 8n4. MILFORD TIMES 153 Fanm Animals established 7 years. Good for MECHANICS AUTO SUPPLY. FOR low cost spay. neuter in- 313-685-7546 full or part·time income. Call and Machine Shop. Brighton. formation, call Humane Socie- 7 Bred sows. due end of Apnl, alter 6 p.m •• (313)437-2504. (313)229-9520. Hartla'1d. ty, (517)548-2024. average 8 per Iiller last 1313)632-0710. • CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Great in- NEEDED; 5 enthusiast.lc. September, $350 each. GOLDEN Retriever male pup, come polential. All occupa- health oriented people to help (517)223-3955. 9 weeks. AKC. Sire and dam tions. For Information call: promole a revolutionary new available lor inspection. FEEDER callie for sale. (602)998-0426 ext. 342. product line. Call (313)437-3164 Wormed and shots. $125. (517)548-3888or (517)546-3998. CARE needed for elderly in- for personal inlerview. (313)685-2590. STEVENSON'S GOLDEN Cornel laying hens. valid. my home. five days, OWNER operated resale shop HARWICK House Cat1ery! In $2.25 each. (313)449-2270. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, or possi- In Hamburg. low overhead, home boarding and grooming. 2 Holstein feeder steers, 7 ble live-in. send replies 10 p. fun type business. DRIVEWAYS and privale roads (313)227-9584. months old. (313)878.5686. O. Box 261. Milford, MI. 48042. Reasonable. (313)231·9337. graded. Also rototllllng. Now upto NORWEGIAN Elkhound pup- (313)227-7562. JERSEY steer, 10 months old, CARRIERS wanted 10 deliver ~:;!;:~=:;.... _ SALON for sale. 10 hair $50.00 cash paid pies, no papers, purebred. 5250 or besl offer. (517)223- the Monday Green Sheet and dryers. 7 hydraulic chairs. 5 EXPERT heating. cooling and $75. (313)437-3756alter 5 'p.m. WANTED for junk'cars 3488. Wednesday Brighlon Argus. Motivated people who aren't dressers. 4 shampoo chairs. refrigeration work by ex- PET mice. (517)468.3395. Routes open In the areas of (313)632-5364. perienced workman. Done 1978 Honda CR-l25. good, Hi9b prices afraid of working to achieve a $450. 1973 TS Suzuki 50, $125. 10 Monlh old Hamp Boar, 5250. Island Lake and Superior. Call reasonably. Also custom POODLE puppies. Rich dark (517)223-3955. satisfying career with (517)223-9975alter 3 pm. for • brown. AKC. (313)231-2127. Circulation. (313)227-4442. unlimited opportunities with 170 Situations Wanted sheet metal. call Randy. 1966 Honda 150 cc. $300. MinI late model wrecks NEW slock. Rhode Island Red CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Michigan's largest real estate Brighton, (313)227-3514. condition. collector's item. layers. Price negotlble. Great income potenlial. All 00- company. Call Irene at ALL general or weekly clean- Howell, FOWlerville. (517)223- (313)449-8370. Ing beautifully done by an ex· 7235. (313)632-n60. 152 Horses& cupations. For information (313)227·5005 for a confidential NEUBIAN mixed goats, call: (312)741-9780 ext. 2627. perlenced woman Home 1981 Honda 650. only 3,000 Equipment Interview. EXcellent training (313)887-1482 milkers and kids. $25 and up. CARRIERS wanted 10 deliver provided. Real Estate One. Economist (in professional KWIK TYPE miles. perfect condition., $1,850. (313)227-3034. Always bUying horses, lame. (517)546-2721. lhe Monday Green Sheet and Inc. maids uniform) for homes and buslnessos. Also full service Typing and secretarial ser- sound, picking up ponies. Wednesday South Lyon HARLEY 1982 Electra Glide housekeeping skills expertly vice. (313)632-5303. 1974 Chevy Luv truck for parts. Tack shop open (313)878-9221 154 Pet Supplies Herald. Roules open In the Classic. bell drive. showroom performed: laundry. meal' $125. (313)437-9466. A beautiful Palomino gelding, area of Pheasant Lake. 10 Mile WHATISTHE condl:ion. 3.948 miles. 56,850 preparation, child supervl- ""M""Y=-=D-ee'":j-ay'":·-s.-=O,...u""'al""lty-e(1-,.te-r-firm. (313)878-6219 alter FOUR Chevy Rally rims, five 12 years old, weslern Ka-Lyn's in History Town now Road. and Hagadorn. call Cir- BARGAIN sion, etc .• elc. (517)548-1439. talnment made to order at an pleasure, S650. (313)449-4530. has horse feed at 58.95 for 100 culation (313)349-3627. 5:30 p.m. boll. $60. Four Uniroyal w~~~e., ALTERATIONS and sowing. unbeatable price for any occa· wall radial tires. $40. (517)~ BUYING - Registered and pounds. Hooded rats. $4. 1978 Honda 750, fairing. lug- BARREL? For fil. for restyling. for com- slon. All types of music. $150. 3189 or (517)548-1~. Grade horses and ponies for Wayne 50 pound dog food If you have an ilem you wish to gage rack. good condition. fort, for value. Call Carmen. (517)546-5468. (313)35H687. Academy. (517)223-7316 • $4.50 off regular price with in· DON'T sell for $25. or less or a group $1.100. (313)887-2649. FOUR lactory rims and hub- (313)437-8071. MATH Tutor. experienced and caps for Chevy Luv trUCk. BREED your good mares 10an bag coupon. Everything lor of items selling for no more 1975 KZ900 Kawasaki, full WAIT UNTIL Make offer. (517)546-2010. own son of Sugar Bars your furry or feathered pets. lhan $25. you can now place an ALL day care for your pre- certified math teacher. dress and eXlras, $1,000. Leading sire of show and per: Hours 10 to 5'30 Tuesday ad in the Green Sheot for 'h schooler. Openings available (517)223-8457. (313)229-2981or (517)546-4170. MONDAYI for full week care. $50 per "M==E;:S'=S=.:E~N':G==E:::R-a-n'":d-d,...e';;"lIv-e-ry formance. Cut1lng and reining through Saturday. Closed You can place your ad any day price! Ask our ad-taker 10 1981 KTM 125. waler cooled. prospecls and broodmares for Sunday and Monday. (517)546- of the week. Office hours are place a Bargain Barrel ad for week Includes hot lunch. service. Fast and confidenllal. good condition, KX 125. FREE TOWING S9OO. WE BUY. SELL OR TRADE you, (10 words or less) and Lucky Duck NUf'sery. (313)227- Reasonable rates. (313)229- 1980 bought In 1981. new. good :l\ale. Steve Barr Quarter n68. 8.30 a.m. 105:00 p m. Monday lE~:':""==~-..,...-.,.,.-----: AUTOMOBILE PARTS - Fnday. Our phone room she will bill you only $2.25. 5500. 5753. condition, S5OO. (313)231·2044. Horses, (313)632-7308. NEW AND USED RADIATORS salespeople will be happy to (This special Is offered to A·l cleaning ladies. general or ;N=-=E:::W'=--::c-o-v-en-a-n""'t:-"':D::"'r-y-w-'a"::-II. ,CRYSTAL Valley Farm. 155 Animal Services 19n Maico 400. alrfork and help you. homeowllers only-sorry. no parties. Mrs.' Hoban. (313)363- residential to repairs. And tex- GRAND HAGGERTY . Horses boarded. bought, work shocks. excellent condi· (517)548-2570 commercial accounls. 5740, (313)887-6330. turing. (313)229-9352, (517)546- sold. English and western ALL breed boarding and per- lion. $600 or best offer. AUTO PARTS (313)437-4133 lessons. Indoor arena. New sonalized grooming. Servmg AMBITIOUS hlghschool 4843. (313)437-1296. the community lor 25 years. (313)227-4436 WANTED Lay-out Inspector senior. Has machine drawing (313)474-3825 and used tack. (313)227-6563. =~------SUZUKI 1981 GS850L. With fair- Tamara Konnels. (313)229- (313)34&-3022 lamiliar With the operation of experience. will also do ar· Ing. low mileage. excellent 4339. (313)685-8705 Coordinate Measuring chltectural drawing. 1972one ton Ford window van.• 10% OFF condition. $2,200. (313)878-6219 (313)669-2121 Machine wilh measurement References. (517)546-1673. 12 passenger. all or parts. DOG Grooming. Special: alter5:3O p.m. CALL ME WIGGY pre-processor (BendiX Model REMODELING Rebuilt automatic transmis- 1978 Paint stalllon standing at Poodles. Cock-a·poos and BABY care available, 2 weeks 1980 XS-ll00 Yamaha, fUll sion; 4 new tires, 950x16.5; Crystal Valley Farm In Schnauzers. $10 unless heavi- 3000) for dimensional tests 01 and up. References. Lucky OFFER GOOD UNTIL cast and machined aluminum dress. maintenance record. rebuilt 302 heads. (313)887- Brighton. managed by H Bar Z ly mallod. (313)231-1523. Duck Nursery. (313)227-5500. MARCH 15, 1983 die castings. Contacl Ms. J. best offer. (517)546-n59. 1856. Paint Horses specializing In DENTAL Health facllltalor and BABY-SITTER will set for O'DOHERTY CONS. Vince. Personnel Manager. 1981 Yamaha 650 Special. Ex- training, breeding, and trealment asslstan1. Flexible 19n 440 Interceptor engine Cast Forge Company. (517)546- children 3 and up weekdays. (517)546-3724 tras. must sell. $1.650. lessons. Call (313)227-6563 or EVIE'S position in Brighton available and heavy duty 727 transmis- 3441. excellent references. clean (313)229-70~ (313)525-9191. (313)887-9014. All breed dog grooming. Novi for mature Individual who en- ~~~~~==~__ home. How~1I (517)548-1317. sion, can hear run. S500 or (313)349-0731. Brighton joys helping people help WANTED: part-lime teller. Ex- 1982 Yamaha Maxim 650 cc. best. (313)231·1662. perienced prelorred. Apply at BABY-silling. noar Kens- PERSONALIZED AL TERA- stili under warranly. 1.200 DO you have a horse and (313)227-2129. themselves. Dental ex- perience will be considered, Security Bank 01 Novi, corner Ington. just off 1-96, TlONS and clolhlng restora- miles. extras. $2.200 firm. would like to nde the trails MAGNETIC signs for youl but, creativity. enthusiasm :::::::.:..l::=:::":'=~::':::':'::': __ reasonable rates, nutritious tion for men and women. sew- around Michigan? The PUPPIEPAD of Novi Road and Ten Mile (313)632·n60. truck or car. Ail slzos. CustOIf-' and a healthfullifeslyle are all Road. Equal Opportunity meals. acllvitles, (313)437· Ing for fit. re-styllng. comfort Shlawassee Trail Riders are Professional all breed dog 1981 Yamaha XS 400. Low designed for your needs. call~ necessities. Submit resume Employer. 8310. and value. Efficient. reliable now having a membership grooming. 17 years ex· PRODUCT miles. clean, Rooster fairing. (313)685-1507 or come Into the to: Box 1389 C/O Brighton BABY-sit1lng. mother of 3.12 and reasonablol (313)878-9216. drive. For Information call or perlence. Reasonable. stereo. greal mpg. $1,250. Milford TImes, 436 N. Main Argus. 113 East Grand River. Mile and Milford Road area, come over to The Hltchlng Satisfaction guaranteed. DEMONTRATORS PIANO lessons available for 13131629-1787. Street. Milford. Brighton. MI. 48116. New Hudson. (313)437-52.20. Post Tack Shop, 3901 Lovejoy. (517)546-1459:::=::-.:-:-;--:- _ 166 Help Wanted Sales children and adults. MUSTANG parts. 302 onglne. Must have prior experience. BABY silting, Fowlervlllo. Byron. (313)266-5574. PROFESSIONAL dog groom- Graduated from Royal new -transmission. much Includes weekends. For ap- AVON has an opportunity Howell area. Days or even- Ing, 12 years experlonce. In- Academy. London. England. 205 Snowmobiles more. (313)227-9248. DENTAL Assistant. part-time, polntmont or Information call established to earn money Im- Ings. (517)223-7100. Arrowhoad Subdivision. cludes ears. nalls, glands. (313)227-2034 betweon 9 a.m. mediately. Brighton, Howoli. NEEDED 1972 Monte Carlo experience preferred. CLEANING women needs (313)231·2173. 1973 Arctic Cat EI Tlgro. real ECHO VALLEY bath. $10. Brighton area. and3 p.m. Deerlleld Township. Call parts. (517)223-3967. (313)437-4110. work. l.V. Hiner. (313)346- good condillon. $500 firm. (313)231-1572. anyllme for appointment R. and W. Excavallng. FEED STORE Basements. septic systoms. (313)227~19altor3 p:m. STUD service. Inlroducing J. EXECUTIVE man or woman. 25 (313)227-1426 or (313)735-4536 4348. ~~==;-;:--:-~ KELLY SERVICES driveways. land clearing. 1979 440 Exclter. Mint condi- C. Ronl Bask, 4 year old. or over. Interested In develop- leave message. CLEANING WOMEN, 2 woman WHATISTHE Custom mado Swoet Feed, BRIGHTON, MI. team seeking housecleaning. backhoe work and bUlldozing. tion, low miles. Best offer. Tnumph and Wayno products, Shadozon. 2 yoar old. Ing lucrative new career with A limited opportunity. free Reasonable lees. (313)685- M/F/H/EOE Experienced. (313)437·2213. (517)546-4739. (517)548=1309. (3131629-9084alter 6:00 pm. BARGAIN .- hay and straw. Free delivery our recession proof business. classes available for a Roal 8753. (313)684.()919, (517)48&- TAX proparallon In your home 1972 Skl-doo Olymplque ~E. wlth quantlty ordors. Car mandatClry. day hours Estato career. Call Darleno CLEANING done profosslonal· PHONE survey. livingston by Michigan Tax Consultants 1974 Yamaha EL-433-B, 1972 BARREL? 3991. flexlblo. One evening 7 p.m. Shemanski. (313)348-6430 Real Iy. fast and efficient. If you have an l1em you wish to County. 4 hours per day. 4 to Inc. (We make houso calls trailer. GOOd condltion. S800 or 27022 S. Hili Road to 10 p,m. required, Start part· Estate One. References available, sell for 525, or less or a group 8 p.m. call from your homo, because wo care). For an ap- best offor. (313)227-5572 after l'A miles south of Grand time. would develop Into (313)437-3087ask for Chris. of Itoms seiling for no more no exporlence necessary. AVON seiling but not here, pointment. call Galo (313)227- 3 p.m. River. Now Hudson fulltlme. Professional training EXCHANGE student wants than 525. you can now place an MILFORD tenlor's .welcome. Mr. representatives neoded. 1532. Barb (313)632-5622. (313)437-1781 available at no cost. Income babysmlng or house cleaning, 1968 Skl-Doo Bombardier 370, ad In the Green Sheet for 'h Gondek. (313)349-2352. (313)887-1312or (313)887-1960. DOG GROOMING commensurate~ with per· Northville. (313)34S-M75. TYPING/WORD PROCESS- runs good. dependable. Best price! Ask our ad-taker to formanco. For confldontlal In- (313)968.6400. DUE to tremendous success ING. Profes\llonaJ. offer. Alter 2 p.m. (313)231- FOUR yoar old Appaloose EX·Art teacher/mother will place a Bargain Barrel ad for tervlow. (517)546-1781. PHARMACIST. Immediate of now Fullor Brush sales pro- Reasonable. Resumos. mail- 3153. Ask for Dennis. gelding. Grandson 01 Vandy 222S. Main gram, we sro rocrultlng baby-sit. Well equipped loving you. (10 words or less) and EXPERIENCED hair stylist for oponlng part·tlmo. Friendly ing labels.lettors. documonts. 1976 Yamaha 440. (517)223-7182 she will bill you only Leo. Excellent English. sevoral rosponslble poople. homo. (313)349-13;1. 52.25. 685-7100 The Town Shoppe salon, South lyon Pharmacy. etc. M. 'Anlta Brody. days. aftor4 pm. Dressago, Huntor-Jumpor Work own part-time hours. ex· EXPERIENCED reliable (ThIs special Is offered to (517)548-2838. (313)437·2071. evenings. weekends. (313)661- prospect. Llko riding on air. ALLBR~EDS cellent potential. Call Carol for mother will care for you young homeowners only-sorry, no 0488. commorclal accounts. (313)227-6096 after 7:00 pm, Interview. (313)685-0556. ones anytime. (517)223-8662. -----_.•


Automobiles 240 Automobiles 241 Automobiles 241 Automobiles 241 Automobiles 225 Autos Wanted U8 Recreational 240 Automobiles 240 Automobiles 240 Under Under $1000. Under $1000. VehIcles 1979Mustang Turbo. stereo/· $1000. BUYING Junk cars IIn':! late 1980Datson 2OOSX,excellent 19n lincoln Continental, col· model wrecks. We sell ne.. cassette, sun rool, Mags, SOUTHLYON 1975AMC Pacer. $600 or offer. 1974 Datsun wagon. $600 or '73 Omega. Hurst 3 speed, ~uWERED UltraLight, twin shape, call lor appointment. lector's Item, loaded. ex- rallials. Exceltent. Priced MOTORS mags. runs good. $350. and used parts at reasonable engines. pontoons, nq license (313)887-7083. ' best offer. (313)227-2798. $4,000 firm. 47,000 miles. cellent condition. 1969 Ford below BOOK. $2.995.(517)546- (313)227-9245. prices. Mlechlels Auto required. (313)878-9250bet· (313)227-6572. custom van. original owner. 1974AMC Hornet hatchback, 1975Dart Swinger Coupe. Hit Salvage.(517)546-.4111. 7589. WEPAYCASH 37,000miles, levl Interior. air, on passenger door area. 1975Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser. ween12 noonand9 p.m. 19n Dodge Monico. Power runs good, body needs work. MUSTANG, 1979 Ghla. FORCLEANUSED am-1m stereo, Michelin steel Repairable, low miles. 318. Hitch. $400, some repair. steering, brakes. air. $1500or $350. Call al1er 5 pm, (517)546- 228 Construction 240 Automobiles sunroof, turbo, Ziebart. 4 VEHICLES belted radial tires. complete drlvoable, $550. (313)227·7647. (517)223-3263. WESELLUSEDCARS Equipment best oller. (313)437-2925. ;:.01~39=.__ =::-:';""7'--::=7.::: speed. $3,000.(313)231-2998. maintenance record. $1,000. 1973 Oldsmobile Toronado. 1981AMC Spirit. automatic, 6 and RUSTLERHORSE 1976 Duster. Possible 1981 Dodge Omnl, 4 door. LIKE new 1978 Pinto. 49,000 1973 Mercury station wagon. Alter 6 p.m. (511)546-3063. Everything works good, good HOT tar kettle. Flat roollng. cylinder, power steering, automatic, 2.2 engine. Poly- miles. am-1m stereo. under· TRAILERS transportation or parts. $150, runs like O. J. Simpson. looks WESERVICETRAILERS 1971 Buick Skylark, 85.000 best offer. (313)878-5949. transportation. (313)227-4643. Good condition. One job will power brakes. air. rear glaZed 2 tone paint. TuffcoaV coated. radial tires. new snow like Phyllis Oilier. 429engine, ANDINSTALLHITCHES miles. rusty. $250. (313)349- 1972 Dodge Dart. new cctrb, 1970 Plymouth. 383. $150. pay lor It. Must sell now. First delrost, tilt. 2 tone. Excellont rear window delroster. deluxe tires with rims. new exhaust. C-8. $250. (313)629-1726. $495. (313)227-73n days. conditIOn. Must sell. $3,800or and TRAILERHOOK-UPS 0062. new tires. Runs good. $495. (517)546-5381alter 4.00 pm. Interior, tinted glass, ex· $1.800.(517)223-3270. 1969 Nova, totally restored, makeoffer. (313)887·7073. cellent condition. $4.195. 1980 Mustang Ghla. Four (3'i3)437-11n 1974 Chevy Impala, 4 door. (313)231-9034. PINTO 1976 station wagon, must see to appreciate. $I,n5 230 Trucks 1978 Audi Fox. Good condi- (517)546-1867. cylinder. lour 'speed, turbo. good transportation. $500. 1970EI Camino Malibu. needs runs and looks good, must cash talks. (517)543-1029. (5tn223-8222. $850 tion, runs good, great mpg. 1974 Datsun 260-Z. stereo/ $4.100.(313)629-9862. 1976 Thunderbird: Custom minor repair, $300 or best of- see. or best offer. OLDSMOBILE Cutlass (517)223-3662.\ ALL NICETRUCKS (517)546-7619after 8:00 pm casselle. Mechanically ex· 1979 Monte Carlo. Air. painted, loaded, 70,000miles, '73 Cadillac. $500. (313)632- fer. (517)546-1836. persistently. Supreme 1981. Diesel, radio. excellent condition. $3,300. 7349. 1976 Ford LTD wagon, good 1975 Plymouth Road Runner. At4DVANSWANTED cellent, body good. SI,995. automatic. AM-FM stereo air. power brakes and win- BUYING lunk cars and late (5171546-7589. tape, no rust, one owner. (517)223-3497. 1967 Chevelle, built 396 4 buy at S995. Excellent 318 automatic. $475.(313)231- dows. Any reasonable offer speed. needs work. $900 or 01· transportation. Northville. 1560alter3 pm. Guaranteed highest oller. model wrecks. We sell new 1982 EXP. red. 29,000 miles, $4,450.(313)360-0247. considered. (313)349-3443. 1982 Toronado Brougham 313-540-4707,542-7777 and used parts at reasonable fer. (517)543-1749. (313)349-4496. 1973 Pinto, 4 cylinder. stereo, rear delog. $5.000firm. 1978 Malibu Classic, extra 1980 Olds Delta 88 Royale. Supreme diesel, fully'loaded, prices. Mlechiels Auto (313)632-6893. clean, air. am-fm stereo, $11,000.(511)546-3703. 1974 Chevrolet Caprice 1971Ford Galaxle 500,4 door, automatic, lillie rust, needs Salvage.(517)546-4111. Diesel, power steering, power tune-up. $250 or best offer. BLUE1968Ford 1ton stake, tilt 1982 Ford EXP. 22,000miles. $2,100.(313)229-2136. 'n Trans Am. All options, Classic. good c6ndltion. $650. great mechanically. body rus- brakes, cruise. air. tilt. (313)878-9453,call after 6 pm. ty. $350.(517)521-3517. (517)548-2566. bed. western snow plow, 1981Bonneville diesel. Load- am-fm stereo. amfpliller, rear 1981 Mustang hatchback. 4 (517)634-5242. $,000 miles. $3,400.(313)437- $1.095.(517)223-9090. ed, rust-proofed, excellent 6510after5 p.m. 1969Chevelle SS, fair condI- 1972 Gran Torino, runs ex- 1974 Renault R12 wagon, 30 defog. Excellent condition. cylinder. 5 speed, am. 19n Oldsmobile 88. 4 door 1980 Chevy Luv lour wheel condition. $4,800. (313)227- $6,000or best offer. Must sell. defroster. low miles. (313)420- 1978T-Blrd, am-fm stereo, air, tion, $700or best offer. Must cellent, Ziebarted, needs mpg, good conditIOn. $875. 5410. sedan, good condition. New sell. (517)851-8144.Gregory minor repair. $475. (313)227- (313)887-2649. drive. Air-conditIOning, AM· (517)546-2381. ::.:4091~.="=,=:=-:~=-"""",_ tires. brakes, radiator and 2 tone paint, Just repainted. FM. $5,500 or best oller. 19n Buick Regal, low mileage. 1980Ford Fiesta. Front wheel 1982MERCURYLYNX, 4 door. aluminum wheels. $3,000 or area. 7647. 1976Toyota wagon, good con- suspension system. SI.250. 19i·~t~C""he-VY--'N""o-v-a.""$4"""""OO""o-r"'b-e-st dition, $900 or best offer. (313)349-0741alter 5.00 pm. $2,000 or best offer. Alter drive, 35 mpg, $3.500.(517)546- fawn, peppy 4 speed. 35 mpg. (313)684-6635 weekdays best offer. Must sell this 1969 LTD 2 door, 351 CHEVYtrUCk.1976.'h ton, 350 4 p.m. (313)437-6079. 1550,after 7p.m. excellent condition. 22,000 8:30 am. to 4:30 pm. only. week. (313)632·7144. offer. (313)437-6304. Cleveland, runs good. 1969 (517)546-7940. miles. Air conditioning, power GMC 3/4 ton pickup, runs 1975Vega hatchback. $500 or . V-8. Stick, power steering, BOSS needs cash. Buy his 1982 Olds Cutlass Ciera 1980VW Rabbit diesel, air con- 1975 :;hrysler Cordova. Fully power brakes, air, am-1m, cars. 19n Buick 225. 1978 1976Ford Country ~ulre LTD steering and brakes, am-fm ditioning. stereo. new tires. eqUipped. sun-rool. Best 01· good. $200 each. (313)878-6344best offer. (517)543-1226after wagon. Good condition. $1.400 casselle. premium sound, Brougham sedan, low miles, al1er1:30 pm. overloads, good tires, cap, Plymouth Fury. No reasonable $8,250.(517)546-7226. $3.200. Before 5 p.m. fer. (313)437-8241. 4 p.m. good condition.' $1,500. offer refused. 124 W. Grand or offer. (313)887·7083. cruise control and more. weekdays (517)546-1410,Ex- 1973 Mercury station wagon, 1976 Olds Della 86 Royale. 1975Cadillac Eldorado. Load· (313)878-3419. River. Webberville. (517)521· FORD Escort, 1982. Four $6,100.(313)227-2216. tension 250. Al1er 5 p.m. and ed. sunroof. $999. (313)624- runs like O. J. Simpson. looks 4889. speed, excellent condition, 19n Monza. Good condition, SI.300 or best offer. (517)546-weekends (517)543-3786. like Phyllis OIlier. 429engine, 1973Chevy 'h ton, Custom 10. 3209alter 6:00 pm. 8573. AM-FM stereo. multl-trac six 13,000miles. $4.595.(313)348- new tires and battery. stereo. C-8 $250.13131629-1726. 0551. $1,550.(313)348-2425. 1976 Olds Cutlass Supreme, PONTIAC,1977 ply tires. Good condition. S850 CATALINA or best oller. (517)223-3837. CIRCULATION '65 Fo~dMustang Coupe. good 19n Malibu Classic, excellent very good condition, $1,095. LIVINGSTONCOUNTY V (313)685-2278,(313)887-7269. Air conditioned. am-fm. y; 1981 Chevy Luv. Mikado conditl?n,. 289, 4: • standard running condition. new tires, 1981aids Cutlass wagon. ex- Very Clean. Only S2,985. package. cloth interior. 7 foot 517-546-4809 t~~~s7mlsslon.Pn~ed to sell. extras. $2.995.(313)229-9151. JACK CAULEY box, radio, black with red pin ( ) 69-9280alter p.m. 1976 Mercury Monarch. Ex- cellent condition. $5,695. (517)546-2027. -CHEVROLET- striping. fiberglas top to 1979 Fo~d Granada, loaded. cellent condition. many ex- ORCHARD LAKE RD. 1981 Concord DL. AMC. air. 1976 Plymouth Ouster. 43.000 match. Very good condition. back window defogger, am-fm 3;3,000miles. excellent candl- tras, 58,000miles. Very depen- Between 14 & 15 Mile Rds. $4.850.(313)878-9430.(313)878- tlon. $3.950.(313)348-7858. dable. $1.800.(313)669-3057. miles. no rust. $2,000or best 855-9700 stereo. good condition, 25.000 offer. (313)878-3704. 2460. miles. $5.600. Call (313)227-1978Fiesta Ghla. Air. mint con- 1981 Chevy 6 cylinder. 3 7246. dition. S2,550 negotiable. MALIBU. 1982 1981Plymouth Horizon TC3. 4 Local Auto speed. am-fm casselle, good (313)227-1816. CLASSIC WAGON cylinder. AM/FM stereo, sun Broker gas mileage. excellent condi- CAMAR01982 1980Ford Fiesta. air condition- Air conditioning. am-fm. roof. rear sun screen. rear needs tion. $5,250.(517)546-5637. V-6. air conditioned. ed. am-fm, $8.00 fills tank. tilt, cruise. rear defogger. spoiler. 35,000 miles. $5,500. all makes & model automatic transmission. $3.350.(517)546-8367. low mileage. factory of- (313)437-5716. (313)4n-6080. cars for 19n Chevy Crewcab. 350 V-8, ficial. 11.9% approximate automatic, steering and am-fm stereo. rear defog- 1976 Ford Torino Squire SUNBIRD 1979 hatchback. 4 out-of-state buyers ger. low mileage, only available. Savel call "Bill Saunders" brakes. new tires. First $2.500 wagon, top original condition. JACK CAULEY _ cylinder. 4 speed. power • takes. (313)878-6351. S8.485. Best offer. (517)546-2714. steering and brakes. am-fm 313-684-3691 JACK CAULEY -CHEVROI-ET- stereo tape, runs good. $2,450 ./ 1973 Dodge. runs excellent, GRANADA.1978.52.000miles, ORCHARD LAKE RD. -CHEVROLET- 6 cylinder. automatic or best offer. (313)685-3171. 1982 Z-26, loaded, 8 months many new parts. $750. ORCHARD LAKE RD. Between 14 & 15 Mile Rds .. (313)227-7647. transmission, air. vinyl roof. 2 855-9700 1982 TC3. Clean. must sell. old. (313)685-5485 during Between 14 & 15 Mile Rds. door. excellent condition. $4.750.13131525-9191. business hours. (313)887·7116 1976Datsun pickup. fiberglass 855-9700 after5 p.m. cap. $1.495.(313)685-7472. S2.500.(313)231-1197. FORD '78 F250. 3A ton super- 1979 Chevy Monza 4 speed. 1974 Grand Torino Elite. Ex· cab with cap. Automatic. vinyl top. luggage rack. am- cellent condition. SI.195. WE BUY - WE SELL - WE TRADE power steering. power fm, radials, excellent shape. (313)229-5064. brakes, radio. burns regular $2.695or best offer. (313)449-1981Honda Civic. 1300OX, 5 gas, $3,000.(517)546-2181. ~4208~.,---:::----:-:-_-=-__ = speed, am-fm casselle. ex- Brighton Auto Sales '71 Ford pickup. Power 1982 Cavalier Chevy CL cellent condition. $3,650. (313)685-3083. ;-~\ brakes, power steering. 3A wagon. 4 speed, air. power ~=-'7'=:;:-----:-::-=- ton. $575.(313)227-4157. steering, power brakes. locks, 1977 Impala wagon. V·8, '''ANNOU,NCING'~ E~.:'/ I 1973Ford pickup. $500 or best am-fm stereo. gauge package. automatic. power steering. power brakes. air- "J.- , offer. Alter 4:00 pm. (517)546- Rear window washer. wiper. 12 month or 12.000 miles of 5361. • defroster. Intermlttant wipers. conditioning. $1.475.(313)632- \. 1979Ford F-l00. 6 cylinder. 3 Low miles. Evening. S7.300or n52. TROUBLE FR'EE DRIVING speed. $3.500.(313)227.2012. best offer. (313)229-2338. 1982LN·7 with am-fm stereo. included witb the purchase sunrool. best offer. (517)546- 1972 Ford pickUp. V8 stick, CHEVROLET. 1982-83 6706alter6 pm. of any vehicle at NO COST. ) $550 or best offer. (313)878- CAPRICE CLASSIC 3057after 4'30 p.m. 9 passenger wagons. load- LATE model 1981Capri. load- With This Ad 1976 Ford F-250 3A ton., ed. low milage. factory of- ed. sunroof. 4 speed, stick. ::;{ (313)229-8996. flclal. 11.9% appro.xlmately low mileage. wiles car. COME IN FOR ~ S:==;:=-,::;::=,,=,--.,-. ---::--c-- available. Save. (313)728-4180,(313)632-5696.

condition. 16 mpg. new paint. 1977 cadillac Sedan deVille. 50% converted with dlnette/· bed, paneled walls. captain'S All extras Including ~ chairs. (313)437.1629. way front seat. First $3,500 1973Ford Econollne van. S450 takes. (313)878-8351. '7\u""-9253 1976 Chrysler New Yorker. orbesto fler. (51,,,,....,. • loaded. (517)223.7182 alter 238 Recreational ~4-"p~m:.:...=-:-:=-_-...,,_--;:- VehIcles CAMARa 1978. good condi· tlon. stereo. must see. best BROOKLINE camper trailer. offer. (313)227·7319. $700.(313)231·2528. 1980 Chevy Citation. V-6. 4 CUSTOM 26 11. motorhome. speed. air. all options. asking New stove, furnace, hot water $3,600.Milford (313)685-1214. heater. electric toilet. Shag 1980 Chevette. 37.000 miles, carpet. sleops four. extras. automatic. stereo/ cassette. $3.500. Ofllce (313)227-1399,Excellent. Priced below home (313)229-5218. BOOK.$2.995.(517)546-7589. Your Trade Is DUNE buggy home made 1978camaro. Must sell. Call ::~~ff~~(g:7)=n~~o~~alter5 p.m. (517)548:0389. Worth More 2 p.m. (313)832.5546 after 1981Citation hatchback. Four 2 p m cylinder. four speed. 24.000 Here •.• MINI 'racer motorcycle. top miles. $4,800.(313)227-5753. condition, like new. hardly us· 1981 Cutlass Brougham. Air- We Will Pay ed. $350 or best offer. (313)349-conditioning, AM-fM stereo, 5479 power steering. power You Top $$$! . brakes, cruise control. wire whoels. $6,500.(313)685-n45.


/ Buying in Livingston County Saves Dollars and M'akes~ense! The Livingston County Auto Dealer's Association has over 2000 new & used cars & trucks to choose from

THE 1983


A7ifi/tf{velU~( 11,688 0./J~~1TI0N./ list Price $12,774 Plus frelqht. sales tax & license On any Due to demand Chrysler Corporation will not accept orders • 01 Off List Price after March 12, 1983 at this special low price. Sedan DeVille -Special Rebates from $300-$600 to our Cash Buyers!- SO /0 On All Options Livingston County's Largest Inventory of Dodge Cars & Trucks! in stock "Just a little out of the way from high prices"

~.__ ...._------_._ ..._. __ ._ ... •• -.:Windshield Service Vli\\'" Special Let Uncle Sam Make Your Downpayment : v.Je * Replace Wiper Inserts On Your New Underwood Chevrolet . : * Add Bottle Windshield Washer Fluid • : :11 for only $62~usTa. 10%Down - • ~utlass Supreme - Delta 88 - • Olds 98 - Toronado .I Offer good to 3-4-83 or until Supply Lasts SUPERIOR - OLDS-CflDILLfiC . $137.34PerMo. Im~~1II 8282W. GRAND RIVER, BRIGHTON ;''''-ifflld, .. A_• < __ ._._ 227-1100__ __ In:- ." 1. Buying in 4 fiiPDr .4 spd .. AM Radio Clcth Interior SUPERIDR • IITEl #3-019· IN STOCK PREVIOUSLY-OWNED CARS Luxurious Caprice ONL Y THE BEST ~ET TO BE ISUPERIOR' Livingston $255.85 PerMo.

1981TORONADO 19S0TOYOTA '78 CUTLASS 19 CADILLAC ~ Beautiful car. SUPREME NlceCar leather trim. load- Drives nice SEDAN DE VILLE • BROUGHAM Cruise. leather. lilt, ~'e To Many Options ed. Must see. Low p S •P b ale till. cruise reo. p seats. P WindOws. Miles plOCk. U328" County To List - Must Seei U37P U397A 54795 U'6A 58295 113·102 -- IN STOCK

1979CHEVY IMPALA 1983FIRENZA 81 DELTA 81 BUICK • 2 dr .• nicest '79 Factory Ofhclal, 88 SKYLARK you'll hnd Come in 4dr.,IOdded .s fir IIm,fl'd p S pI) and drive thiS one. 1111 b SAVES & (JOOr IOlk U385" U'SA UJ7P a/c 56595 U13A 5559500 U6A 80 PONTIAC LeMANS '81 CUTLASS 19 OMHl '80 CADILLAC SUPREME STATION WAGON DOLLARS 024 HATCHBACK COUPE DE VILLE AI C p., pl>. BROUGHAM Redleatherpower seals ~.\ Greatcar 'IU cruise. one owner, like One Owner U392/\ new GMAC U17A $269500 U406P . 57895 58995 55395 FINANCING & AVAILABLE 1976 Buick U.3W\ •••••••••••••••• Best Offer OPENSATURDAYS 1979Camero 228 ....•...... ~3~1~..••.....••..... Best Offer FOR 1977 Monte Carlo U.4~~~ Best Offer Makes [~ll~11I1 Your Convenience 1980 Chevette .u.4~~~ Best Offer < GENERAL MOl"ORS PARI'S DIVISION .!------I -- Cash for Nice Used Cars SUPERIOR Olds-Cadillac: Sense! •. , " ", ,. 8282 W. Grand Biver, Brighton (at 196) 8.11145 "Ill f •• " I'll f.\lI..,,, ~~ st~~ M OPEN Mond.yl'. Thund.y9109 Phone 227-1100 ~ KYI'..c ..... ,. II!!II Tun. Wtd I'. F"day 9 to 6 Wednesday, February 23, 1983-S0UTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE-NOVI NEWS-THE MILFORDTIMES-9-B

Buying in Livingston County Saves Dollars and Makes Sense!- The Livingston County Auto Dealer's Association has over 2000 new & used cars & trucks to choose from

C. B~IGHTON , 0 We have the fuel-efficient, space-efficient MERCURY LYNX L CHRYSLER·PL YMOUTH·DODGE Mercury Lynx you want. At prices you want. • 1.6 liter 2-V engine • Four·speed manual . Brighton, Mich.. . / Hurry in! transaxle • Front·wheel drive EST. ~4-7-J' *~~~. ~ Four-wheel fully LAST CHANCE ••• 3 3 MPG · Independent suspension Hwy.I_~ FOR ORDERING A NEW CAR OR TRUCK with FINANCING or FACTORY 11.9% REBATES Come in today! Order that new Chrysler Car or Truck! Get 11.9% FINANCING PLUS OUR LOW LOW PRICE! 'Your mileage may differ dependIng on speed. dl~!3'lCe. and wealhpr Actual hIghway mileage lower "Title. taxes. dest,natlon charges extra

..nlln~11.It Brighton Chrysler MERCURY Wilso DFord & Mercury Em Plymouth Dodge Dealer 9827 E. Grand River Phone: 229-4100 8704 W. Grand niver Brighton 313-227-1171 L1NtOLN Dodge Truchs HOURS: Mon. & Thurs. 8-9; Tues., Wed .. Fri. 8-6 IIBiI Saturdays 8-3 .;:.~Ii/ll.------.9% Financing '-I.".;;.,~.~: $7666* ~

1983 RAMCHARGER 2 X 4 Standard Items Include: • 318 V8 • AM Radio eAuto • 35 Gal Fuel Tank • High Back • Power Steering • Tinted Glass • Bucket Seats

• Price Includes $1.000 Rebate Sales lax. destonatoon charge totle and plates not Included In price Speci'al Ret)cites" o~n-Truck'Slrom$30O:f1000- Livingston County's largest inventory of Dodge ears & Trucks ImIIII "Just a little out of the way from high prices" iJodge Twelss John Colone Dodge " 145 E. Main Pinckney 878-3341-878-3151

Hours: Sales 9-8. Mon_-Fri. - Sat. 9:30-2 Parts & Service 8·8. Mon,-Fri. - Sat. 9:30·Noon

STACHLER Chevrolet - Olds Fowlerville

1979 FORD 1976 FORD 1977 PINTO LTD PLYMOUTH HATCHBACK 2 dr., 46,000 miles, 4 speed, AM/FM 2dr.,alr, PIS, P/B cruise. PIS, P/B, radio slereo. va. vinyl top

TRANSPORTAnON 1978 FORD SPECIAL 1977 BUICK T-Bird LaSabre I 1970 NOVA Auto, PIS, P/B, air, brown. air. PIS. P/B. 'so PLYMOUTH 'so AMC SPIRIT stereo, vinyl, tinted, va, stereo. tape. rear ARROW PICK UP sport wheels window defogger 2 door, 4 cyl, 4 speed, 4cyl.,4 speed stereo, casselle. Low mlleaRe. extra sharp. $3995 52,895 $2995 '77 JEEPCJ ,SO FORD ,81BONNVILLE auto, PIS, P/B, radio, Fiesta Ghia Renegade brown 4 door, one owner:full Soft top, FUN CAR AM·FM stereo, rear power, stereo defroster. 2 sun roofs...... COUPON •• , ••• I COUPON I •••• I SENIOR CITIZENS • '$1295 I 53,995 Priced To Sell! $2,395 IIIncludeslubrication,011 change,011 liller, : : 100~I( OFF! change up to 5 qts. 01 oll, Iree brakeIn· 'S2 AMC Concords SPORTCARSI I of all labor and parts I spectlon, check ell Ilulds, lube all door I 'Sl GRAND PRIX I (except specials) andhoodhinges. ExpiresFeb.28. 1m I 2&4doors • Firebirds every Frio thru I s"1••• a.Aadd,honalpo,I ••• ,,a 2 tone paint, 1 owner, Factory official cars· • TransAms I February 28th 0.••• 1. AllqhlTru<~ •• ,u. I automatic, power. air con- Loaded • Camaros ditioning, wire wheel ·Z·28 ...... covers, stereo YOUR CHOICE Several to choose Irom t1 GM QUAUTY II Keep that great G M feeling SSlVICI PARTS with geniune GM parts Priced To Sell! GIINIRAI. MOTORS PAJlTS IlIVISION HOURS: Mon. & Thurs. 8:3()"9 p.m. Tues .• Wed .• Fri. 8:3()"6 p.m. Sat. 8:30-2 p.m. STACHLER Chevrolet - Olds Fowlerville 223·9129

)\ ...;.;..------_ . \ 1o-B-SOUTH LYON HERALD-NORTHVILLE RECORD-WALLED LAKE-NOVI NEWS-THE MILFORDTIMES-Wednesday, February 23,1983 • ~7~~!C~'J~'\...... Love Letters The Song Love You Mom

Of my Heart's Desire Your birthday is so far away There is a box of old love letters Yet I would like to give you something special Somewhere on a closet shelf (An Invocation I know they are there because Just for a token of appreciation I hid them away myself To the Spirit of Romance) So how about a card? How you've always been there The box is tied with a piece of ribbon WhenI'm sick or sad It may look faded and old WhenI'm happy or bad ., But the words that are tied within Swiftly, swiftly come to me, WhenI'm weird or fllad. Are worth more to me than gold Spirit of Romance! You've su~ported me through many events TODAY'S Whykeep from me thine ecstasy RollerskatIng They speak to me of beauty and youth whenI am soentranced? Horses SPECIAL Ofyearning and longing young hearts oLove long-sought, wilt thoil not I Playing the trumpet 1980RENAULT They speak ofjoys that made our day bestow thy graci0f:lSglance? All those competitions LECAR Of meeting, and time topart From grade school 21.000 miles, air, sun rool, Thenectar's ready for thy cup, And now sooncollege. AM/FM radio. very I wish I could say thank you economical They tell me how pretty I looked back then the hearth is filled with fire; And speak of my long dark hair the nowers sup; I softly plUck In a real special way 52295 And remind me of a certain dress I wore thy long-forgotten lyre. But I know I can give you a good report card J. Just turning out 1981CHEVETTE Of dancing with never a care Is all for nought? Will thou not share my heart's des!Te? And succeeding in the world 4 speed, 4 cylinder, 4 Sainted Solace Yesthings were a lot different then Thesedays that's a lot. dr., dark green. I have changed with passing time Onceupon a tender time How much you don't know $3495 That's why now and then I read them my heart wasleakingjoy: But your the best friend I have Thoseheartwarming letters of mine a fount of leaping laughter, I know just being with you 1977COMET Valentine. And helping you out says a lot. Prick of violet leaves soaring, buoyantly aware; I S.Arnold 4 Dr.• You Golla see It! One Outside his window.,. Theloving young smile they speak of a Spirit spilling crystaline owner excellent condition. auto. air. p.S • P b Sent words- Is different. teeth have been crowned delight upon the air. "REMEMBER YOUR VALENTINE" And wrinkles aren't only from smiling s1795 'By a friendly dove Somedays have caused me to frown I then was friends with Reverence, with Wonder wandered long; 1982GMC PICKUP To a loved one...' 'h TON4x4 Imprisoned My hair isn't dark now it's silver I sensed a gentle Presence People Are People Automahc, power steer- For his faith And I seldom dance or run hidingjust behind our song- Ing, power brakes, V-8, He sent out Just stay home on cold winter nights an Essencepure andpowerful, eight loot bed, dark blue Only love. Let the young onesgo out, have fun which spoke ... but then wasgone. 59495 Babies are people, children are too! F .A. Hasenau ' And people don't always do things they should 1980MONZA SPIDER Just once in a while I get lonely Ah! Truly, truly, it was Thee, And want to hear words of praise Spirit of Romance! do. . 31.000 miles. air. auto. Daddies will spank, Mom's will scold. p.S .• V-G, sport wheels. I get down the box from my closet Whyplunge me in such misery Read love letters from bygone days yet keep so entranced? Thepeople remember, when they grow old. midnight blue/blue cloth me They remember the times; when parents gave trim. Excellent condition Submit poems to The Poet's Corner, care of: Agnes Caldwell oBeloved! Wilt thou not The Northville Record, 104 W. Main, Nor- embrace me with thy glance? Love. $4495 thville 48167; The South Lyon Herald, 101 N. And the spiritual light that shines from above. ',. Lafayette, South Lyon 48178; The NovilWall- The candle burns impatiently, How well they receive their well-earned advice, . COMPANY CAR Will make a difference in their type of vice. 1982CHEVETTE ed Lake News, 104 W. Main, Northville 48167; perfumillg empty air, or The Milford Times, 436 N. Main, Milford the incense curls enticingly,' 4 dr., auto. tinted glass. Night The character is important, In this world of defroster. H.D. battery. 48042. unplnioned like thy hair. wilt thou nestle in my arms, ours, white sidewalllires. only o If we are to survive to complete our chores. 5.000 miles. extended The dark holds frightful creepy things Mi Love extraordinaire? Wehave to be weak so that we can be strong, warranty. 11.9% fmanc- That wait in shadows deep. Inhonor of St. Valentine's Day. ing available. Thesenighttime goblins run and play Excerpted from a longer work: Wehave to be right to beproven wrong, Wehave to be blunt so that we can beheard, $4995 Whileyou are fast asleep. by, Raghudas

~ ~Count on,the r.C1assifieds ~ to Do the Job,.~

'-, I ( to J ~r--..,..------Wednesday, February 23, 1983

OurTown Cburchnews 2 In Our Town 3 ijJ1}t Nort1}uJllt 1RttOrll Basketball starts playoffs t .lIlt Gymnasts lose first meet :C MOT sends musical theatre on the road in Mich-igan i By MARYSPRY DiChlera gently led the audience tinues to develop throughout the distinction between a musical, an opera die school students, and "Gallantry" the presentation ofthe opera. ~ through portions of "La Boheme" and opera." and an operetta. wUlbe performed for junior and senior The company has developed pro- f. Karen DiChiera told her audience Verdi's "MacBeth" with recordings, MOT was formed 13 years ago by "We want to get people involved in high schoolstudents. grams to interact with the elderly, the . how to understand the opening of Puc- supplying translations of the Italian David and Karen DiChiera. It bas the arts because part of what the arts Master classes in opera production young and handicapped. A MOT pro- cini's "La Boheme" - "imagine guys passages, and throwingout enough one- become one of the top 14largest profes- do is a service and we are here to and in opera theater wUlbe offered to gram book is available on tapes for the liners to keep her audience laUghingas slonal opera companies in the United glve" ' advanced senior high students. blind. , in a fraternity who are 20 or 21 sitting >- around the house with nothing to do." well as learning. . ' ·States. . "Figaro" will be staged with MOT MOT's 1983·84 opera season is , singers in the principal roles and local scheduled to includeJoan Sutherland in \ As director of education for the The internationally renowned MOT Just what MOT can glve has been Michigan Opera Theatre (MOT), "You can say, 'I like "Evita," but I was threatened with another name residents wUl serve as chortster and her Michigan Opera Theatre debut in limited by bUdgetcutbacks in both the technical aides. her first Anna Bolena. "La Traviata" DiChlera used music, laUghter and don't know if I like opera'.... but when it was being formed. "I thought public and private sector. "Right now Italian to explain the upcoming season "Evita" is an opera. 'Dave's Opera Company' soundedgood, MOToffers opera forums to schools with Benita Valente, "Faust" with we are struggling just to offer our ser- throughout Michigan. For a fee, the Welhelmenia Fernandez and an of MOTto members and guests of Nor- "Opera is a piece of music using but nobodyelse liked it," DiChierasaid. vices." thville Woman's Club at the February 4 musical themes. They pertain to moods "We chose the name Michigan Opera company willstage a production for the American musical theater masterpiece III meeting at First Presbyterian Church. and speaking. The same music con- Theatre because we don't see any MOT receives funding from the school with students playing a role in wUlround out the season. ..."~!l Michigan Council for the Arts, the Na- I-----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:------;---~ tional Endowment for tbe Arts, a federal agency, and through private funding. Sehrader's DiChiera said the entire community can be involved in the arts with a pro- gram like MOT because it can offer a 75th Annual diverse selection of musical. theater. I "We need everyone. We peed creators, performers, consumers and sup- porters. The 'arts don't have a man- Winter datory retirement age or a set starting up age; so there is a place for everybody somewhere in the com- pany." Home Furnishi~gs

'Opera is a piece of music using musical themes. They pertain to moods and speaking. The same music continues ·to develop throughout the opera.' - Karen DeChiera

The schedule this season reflects MOT's potpourri philosophy. "The Soundof Music" currently is in prodUC- tion, with "The Marriage of Figaro" Off and "Rumpelsti!tskin" slated for 60% presentation in five communities later in the season. • All Merchandise in Store on Sale MOT's continuing commitment tG • Special'Oraers at Sale Prices personal interaction with people has meant an innovative and dramatic • Prompt & Courteous Delivery change for music in Michigan. The company puts on the guise of a travel- ing show and brings musical theater to Partial Listing individual communities. "Opera in Residence," a program SampleListing of Our Regular Closeout that features a week-longresidency of One of a Kind Closeouts p'rice Price the company in a community, has been in existence for 12years. This year the 1. Harden Solid Cherry Tables tour includes a full production of 30% Off Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro," Stock ~os. 519. 573. 531, 540. 526. 528 in stock performed in English. 2. Recliners "Rumpelstiltskin," written by David La-Z-Boy & Flexsteel, over 100 in stock News photo by STEVE FECHT and Karen DiChiera with Joan HUl,will be performed for elementary and mid- 3. Visit Our Bargain Basement Whe.re everything 1V:2 Off Karen DeChiera with Woman's Clubprogram chairman SUeAnger IS at least

t " 4.·Simmons Hide-A·Beds Manyat 500/0 Off Youth symphony performs in concert Saturday & All our sleepers, 19 to choose from 5. Sofas More than Special groups of twelve from Harden, Flexsteel& 500/0 Off The Metropolitan Youth Symphony, conduct the Symphony Orchestra com- Judith Culler will lea.d the More than 200 young music students Brookwood, includes traditional, cc:mtry & modern prised ofhigh schoolstudents. elementary-age String Orchestra in from the fifth through 12thgrades meet which includes NorthvUle students 6. Flexsteel Sofa & Loveseat $1930 $1250 Biset's "March' from Carmen," every Saturday morning and rehearse Lifetime warranty among its members, will present its , winter concert at 7:30p.m. February 26 The Concert Orchestra conducted by Mozart's "Eine Kleine Natchtmusik" inSouthfield. at the!Southfield-Lathrup High School Douglas Bianchi wUlpresent Handel's and SchUbert's "Ballet from Tickets wUlbe available at the door. "Water Music," Ravel's "Pavane" and Individual tickets are $2 and family ''!l:rAuditorium. Rosamunde." Saint-Saens' "Dance Macabre." The tickets are $7. The concert will feature the Ravel ar- Concert Orchestra is made up of mostly The Metropolitan Youth Symphony A Spring Pops Concert is scheduled Solid Cherry Bedroom rangement of Mussorgsky's "Pictures middle and junior high school musi- represents 37 communities in the tri- for April 3fJ. For information, call 477· Triple Dresser, Beveled Glass Mirror, at an Exhibition." LeU Bjaland wUl cians. county area and Windsor, Ontario: 2894. Chest on Chest, Queen Headboard Complete as Hsted -$995 Free delivery &Set up

S .s" 7. Flexsteel Loose Pillow back Sofa $1399 $699 .. ' 1,&9 I . "'b Lifetime warranty s-"c,e'I ",,"'~ ..~..,·I···t·~·r::...•.'"., .....-.-,.."7i··~~~~T4\..., 8. Flexsteel 72" Sofa Quilted $1100 $495 ~.. • ...~...... }!'"t Lifetime wattanty THRIFT CAKE BAKERY' ." 9. Flexsteel80" Velvet Sofa $999 $699 EVERY WEDNESDAY Lifetime warranty is ~ 10. Solid Cherry Tables $249 $169 PRICE DAY Recl. end, Oval end, oval Cocktail 11. Merimont Cont~mporary Sofa & Loveseat $1608 s899 Loose pillow

12. Ortho-Rest Bedding Twin Set Full Set Queen Set Handmade in Grand Rapids $260 5179 $340 5199 $390 5289

Above lIems are subject to prior sale and delivery charge All Sales Final Schrader's HOME FURNISHINGS

"FamJly OWlJed alJd operated £ocsted at silJce 1907" ",,'.,"" I VIS4. r 13280 Newburgh Rd. " k....-c ." Ih Blk. South 01 Schoolcralt/I·96 III N. Center (Sheldon Rd.) Livonia to • \ HOURS: OPEN 7 DAYS I. •. Northville Mon.-Tues.-Sal. 9-6 Thurs. & Fri. 9-9 MON•.thru SAT. 8-6 SUNDAY 9-3 349·1838 Closod Wednesday ~-e-THE NORTHVILLERECORD-Wednesday, February 23.1983 Betty Flanders . , Women's caucus meets

Gospel singer creates mUSIC with love Gastronomlque restaurant at The Second District Chapter of the Michigan Women's Political SChoolcraft College and prepared Caucus will hold its annual by the Culinary Arts stUdents. By MARY SPRY recording where the soldiers could sent The meeting Is open to the public. Lord has given me." She is a deeply Involved member of meeting and dinner Friday at messages or songs back to wives and SChoolcraft College. Dinner is $9 for members and $10 Betty Flanders' stage name was Betty and her husband went to the Grand River Baptist Church In for non-members. sweethearts and mothers. There was Florida In 1977 when he was diagnosed Livonia and is on the board of Christian Sue Carter, Press Secretary for chosen because her manager heard her one soldier who really got me, he was A brief business meeting and to as having bone cancer. "We were there education In addition to being mlSSlon Governor James Blanchard, will voice and thought she sang like an so sad. It was then that I developed a be the featured speaker. She will election of officers also will be angel. three years, because he needed the chairperson and starting a musical trio held. The Michigan Women's bond with these people. warmth to be comfortable. But, after he for the church. discuss her rfew position In the "So I became Betty Angel because of Governor's office, her role as a Political Caucus is a multi· died, I decided it just w~sn't home and I "~j congregation is so beautiful; it • that and also because I loved WUlIe "I also realized that this is the way journalist and WXYZ talk show partisan organIzation whose came back this area. was like I never left my home church Nelson's song, "Angel Flying Too Close you pay rent for another day by helping to host, the last election and the main purpose is to Increase ' Betty. has put hundreds of volunteer There is such a feeling of warmth and to the Gmuntl," the gospel singer said. people. If I can h~jn some way, then "gender gap" in American women's involvement In appoin- The NorthvUle-based singer recently hours mto entertaining at varioJ.lS love there" she said. tive and elective office, as well as that's the way Ipay my rent. .. veterans' hospitals In the state. She has ' politics. has released her second fllbum, "The other areas of public life. She credits her compassion for people received voluntary service awards "That's why Imade my two albums, I Dinner will be- held" iJrthe Le Lighthouse, Betty Angel Sings Gospel," to her father. "My daddy was one or the a collection of music which she arrang- from the Veterltns' Administration In feel there is so much love I could get best neighbors I've ever known. It's recognition of her active participation across to people. I don't want to become ed. just a desire I have to share what the Her first album, "Introduclng ... Betty In their programs. rich and famous, I just want to share." Angel," Is a blend of ballads and love songs. Heart to God, Serving the Nort:'ville, Novi and "I've known nothing but music since I Hand taMan was five years old. My paternal grand- Wixom area for 3 generations For oVer 100 years, The " parents gave me a plano when I was Salvation 'Army has helped that age, and I've been playing for 55 needy persons and famlUes. years now," she recalled. Offering its "hand to man" Is Betty and her parents moved from the Army way of g1v1t1g Its South Dakota to Ann Arbor In 1941. "heart to God: "When I graduated from high school, mom and dad wanted me to go the University of Michigan's Music School, but that was postponed when war clouds came on the scene. "I met my husband when he was In the Civilian Conservation Corps and , they were working across the road from my house In South Dakota. I tell you,I made sure we had the cleanest porch In town. For some reason, he followed us Casterline Funeral to Michigan." t Home, Inc. They were married soon after his ar- rival In Ann Arbor, and with war just a Ray J. Casterline Ray J. Casterline II few months away, her husband enlisted 1893-1959 In the Army. He was sent to Fort RUey, Kansas, and Betty joined a usa troop Fred A. Casterline that was scheduled to follow his unit. "We werc there for two years, and Phone 349-0611 when his unit was being traru;ferred to Europe, and our troop was being sent along, I was five months pregnant, and they told me Icouldn't go along because I would have had a foxhole baby." After the war, Betry and her husband CHURCH DIRECTORY came back to Ann Arbor, and she began singing and playing piano with local groups. "It was In the 1950s I started my own For information regarding rates FIRST APOSTOLIC LUTHERAN'CHURCH group, Betty Flanders and the Alley 26325 HalsteadRd.at 11Mile Cats." for church listings call The FarmingtonHills,Michigan Betty also began entertaining Services:11.00a.m. EverySun. Northville Record 349-1700, 7.00p.m 1st&3rdSun. ofeach month veterans' groups at the same time. SundaySChool9:30a m. As part of her usa duties during the Walled Lake/News 624-8100 BibleClass 7:45p.m.Tues. war, Betty would help soldiers send Son Services 7:00 .m.lastSun. 01 month home messages. "I used to accompany these kids who were so homesick and FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH WALLEDLAKEFIRST BAPTISTCHURCH dying inside. I worked on a dlsc- 200 E. Main St., NOr1hville 309Market St.-624-2483 Gospel singer Betty Flanders at the piano 349-0911 Wendell L. Baglow. Pastor Worship-9:30& 11:00a.m. Sunday, 9:45Study. 11:00a.m. Worship Church School·9.30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Service Dr. Lawrence Chamberlain-Pastor Wed.; 6-8:00p.m. Family Night John Mishler-Associate Pastor Workshops scheduled Ask US for LIVINGLORD LUTHERAN ST. JOHN AMERICANLUTHERAN counseling CHURCH Schoolcraft College Is offering a Assertiveness Training for American Lutheran Church 23225Gill Rd., Farmington series of upcoming workshops and Managers, a one-day seminar planned Your Wide Lapel to 33,4" 40700Ten Mile, Novi prior to need Pastors Charles Fox & Marl: Radloff seminars that include assertiveness to Increase competence In effective In- Sunday School 9 a.m. Children & Adults Worship, 10:30wlth Nursery Church,474-0584 Rectory, 474-4499 training to hunter safety Instruction. tepersonal communication, will be of- Pastor Oliver Kirkeby - 477-6296 SllndayWorship, 8:30a.m. & 11a.m. Paranormal Venturing is a tip-of-the- fered by Schoolcraft College at 9 a.m. Fanners can insure yourhom~ iceberg exploration of the various February 26 in B415 of the Liberal Arts OUR LADYOF VICTORY aspects of ESP, learning to Interpret Building. The fee is $30. or aparbnent for less Many people today are CATHOLIC CHURCH ORCHARD HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH one's own dreams, the logic of rein- interested in making Participants will be guided In in- For yea". Farme" ha, been 770 Thayer, Nor1hville 2345!JNovi Rd. (between 9-10 Mile) carnation and karma and aspects of the funeral arrangements WEEKENDLITURGIES Sun. S.S. 9:45 a.m. & Ch. Tr. 6 p.m. creasing their ability to communicate helping non',maker, 'Ove simultaneous existence In material and money on hfe and auto prior to need. We offer Saturday, 5:00&6:30 p.m. Worship Services at 11 a.m. &7 p.m. thoughts, opinions and feelings In a per:- msurance. With special Sunday, 8, 9:30, 11a.m. &12:00p.m. Wed., Mid-Week Prayer Ser'l., 7 p.m. non-material worlds. complete information Church 349-2621,School 349-3610 Bob Green, Pastor 349-5665 sonally satisfying and professionally ef- pohClC' thaI glvc bencr on pre-arrangements "'k, a bellcr deal Rell ious Education 349-2559 Paranormal Venturing is being fective manner. The seminar wUl be and pre-financing plans facUitated by Becky Dolan, M.A. Now non-smoke" can save presented at Schoolcraft College as a (including trust agree- ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Register by Visa Of Mastercard by call- on completc Homeowne" Friday evening lecture series by ments). available now High & Elm Streets. NOr1hville. SCIENTIST Ing 591-6400, exte...;ion 409, between 8:30 packagesor on fife cover. Delavan Sipes. Quality Work agcs alonc - avallablc without cost or obliga. C. Boerger, Pastor 1100W. Ann Arbor Trail a.m. and 5 p.m. or at the Registrar's Of- K. Cobb. Assist. Pastor Plymouth. Michigan whcther you Own a house .\on. Feel free to ask u! Sunday WorShip, 10:30a.m. Sipes served two years as president fice on campus between 1\ a.m. and 4:30 For over 25 Years or condomlOlum or rcni. Church & School 349-3140 p.m. for assistance at your Sunday Worship, 8:00&10:30a.m. SundaySchool,10:30a.m. of the Detroit Council of the Association PROMPT SERVICE It no one," your home has ~onvenience. It may Sunday School & Bible Classes 9:15 a.m. Wednesday Meeting. 8.00 p.m. for Research and Enlightenment smOked," two years. you tase your family's con- Custom Made may qualIfy. (Edgar Cayce Foundation). His special Hunter safety instruction for youths cern tomorrow. HOPE LUTHERANCHURCH Suits (dst .. CHRISTIAN COMMUNITYCHURCH Interest in the paranormal is In the area between the ages of 12 and 16, as re- Fmd out from a fair and frlcndly Farme" A~ent. 12 Mile Easl of Haggerty (Assemblies 01 GOd) of phenomena that have an impact on qUired by the Michigan Department of from $300 Farmington Hills 41355Six Mile Rd.• NortlivllJe ~aily living. Saturai Resources, wUl be offered by Other A1terabons also avaIlable Sunday School. 9:15 Rev. Irving M. Mitchell-348-9030 Schoolcraft College beginning March 3. lor Meo & Women Jim Storm SundayWorship,10:30a.m. Sunday School, 9:45a.m. The Friday series begins February 25 Personal FIULOql 43320 w. 7 Mile Ross B. Northrop V.H. Mesenbring, Pastor Sun. Worship,11 a.m. & 6:30p.m. and will continue through March 11, Phone: 553-7170 Wed. "Body Life" Serv., 7:30p.m. Classes will meet from 7-9 p.m. for (across IromLittleCaesar's. March 25 and April 8. Each session wUl five Thursday evenings, plus one Satur- & Son LAPHAM'S FUNERALDIRECTORS be from 7-9:30 p.m. In Room F530 of the day field trip. The free workshop will be 120 e. Main Street Northville FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH BUSHNelL CONGREGATIONAL SINCE1910 OF NORTHVILLE CHURCH Forum Building. directed by Richard Genik. Classes will 349-3617 Meets at MillRace Historical Village. Charge for the series is $50. For meet in Room F530 of the Forum Northville 349·6810 19091 Northville Rd. 8 Mile &Taft Roads Griswold near Main, NOr1hville registration Information, call 591-6400, BuUding. To register, call 591-6400, ex- Open Thurs & Fro Northville Rev. Guenther Branstner, Minister Morning Worship. 9:00a.m. extension 409. tension 409. 9am·9pm 348-1233 WorShip Services &Church SchOOl, Church School, 9:00a.m. Mon ·Tues -Wed·sat ~ 10:ooa.m. Or.. Robin R. Meyers, Pastor-272-3550 22401 Grand River Coffee &Fellowship following service Redford 531-0537 ST. ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, NOVI 430 E. Nicholet 4530111 Mile at Taft Rd. Widowed volunteers needed Walled Lake 48088 Home of Novi Christian School (K-121 Phone: 624-3817 Sun. SchOOl,9:45a.m. • & Church Service. 10:00a.m. Worship, 11:00a.m. 6:00p.m. The WISER (Widowed In SERvice) a.m. March 2 at the Women's Resource Church SChool, 10:00a.m. , Prayer Meeting, Wed .•7:30p.m. Program, sponsored by the Women's Rev. Leslie Harding Richard Burgess. Pastor Center. Trai ••ing will be held for four 349-3477 349-3647 Resource Center at Schoolcraft Col- weeks from 7-10 p.m. beginning March lege, is looking for widowed persons 4 In Room B170 of the Liberal Arts NOVI UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FAITHCOMMUNITYUNITED willing to give their time to helping Building. There is no lee. 41671W. Ten MileiMeadowbrook PRESBYTERIANCHURCH other widowed persons throUgh the 349-2652 / 44400W. 10 Mile, Novi grief process. . Those Interested should call 591-6400, 9:00a.m. WOrShip &Nursery Y, mile west 01 Novl Rd. 9:50 a.m. Church School Worship &Church School, 10:00a.m. A group Interview wlll be held at 11 extenSion 430. P.O. Box 1 349-5666 l1:ooa.m. Worship &Nursery Richard J. Henderson. 'Pastor 24 HOUR EMERGENCY CARE CENTER R. Grillith K. Kfrkb Pastors FREEDOM LUTHERANCHURCH OF 471·0300 NOVI FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF One call does Meets at Novi Woods Elementary School NORTHVILLE Talt Rd. between 10&11 Mile 217N.Wing 349-1020 PEDIATRICS Worship, 10:ooa.m. with Nursery Dr. James H. Luther, Pastor . Manny Aqah. M.D. John Romamk.M.D. Jeromo FInck, M.D. Colfee& Fellowship, 11:ooa.m. SundayWorship,11 a.m. &6:30p.m. Yanl Calmldls. M.D. 478.8040 Donna OpIO, M D. StUdy Hour (AllAges) 11:30a.m. Wed., 7:30AWANA,7:30Prayer Service itall... PastorT. Scherger-478-9265 Sunday School 9:45a.m. To sell "anything or everything" INTERNAL MEDICINE quickly easily and al a cost as low James LIVermore.M.D. James Crowl, MD. CHURCH'HOLY CROSS EPISCOPAL OAKLANDBAPTISTCHURCH as 10words for '4.50! Phone the 478·8044 10Mile between Talt & Beck, Novi 23893 BeCk Road, Novl classified department today. saleS Phone 349-1175 South olTen Mile 349-4259 are often made the same day the ad ALLERGY Pastor Barry W. Jones Service, 8:00 a.m. & 10:00a.m. SundaySchool,10:ooa.m. IS run. Everybod.y reads the I Robert E. Wemstoin, M.D., P.C. Worship and School Morning Worship, 11:ooa.m. classifleds-Iet It sell for you. 478·8044 The Rev. Leslie F. Harding Evening Service, 6:30p.m. Phone today. sell tomorrow. AMILY DENTISTRY '? 0000 SHEPHERD LUTHERANCHURCH FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH OF WIXOM& Alan Kouler. D.D.S.• P.C::. 471.0345 Terry Nielsen, D.D.S.•P.C. Wisconsin tv. Lutheran Synod WIXOMCHRISTIANSCHOOL (K.12) Mark ADqelocCl,D.D.S. Marie Clair, D.D.S. Worship Service 10:00a.m. Wixom & W. Maple Rds. Sunday School &Bible Class 11:15a.m. Family Bible SchOOl,9:45a.m. ORTHODONTICS MYOFUNCTIONAL THERAPY Family Worship, 10:45a.m. & 6:30p.m. Donald M. Wayne, D.D.S., M.S. Novl Community Center Family Night Program (Wed.), 8:45 p.m. Donna Mllthillk,R.M.T. 471·0345 Novl Rd. Just S. of 1·96 Robert V. Warren, Pastor Gene E Jahnke, Pastor-349-0565 624-3623 (Awana& Pro-Teens) 624-5434 ORTHOPEDICS Jerry H. Rosenberq, M.D. Sliger/Livingston 471·2890 Classified Ad? Call Publications, Inc. CLINICAL LABORATORY DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND < ~-- ..71· 348·3022

~ '.' ( • wednesday'. February 23.1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-3-C In Our Town North ville Historical Society plans progressive dinner

\ ByJEANDAY making plans to complete the Wash-Oak Schoolhouse counterpart. .. '.~\ , restoration in the village. Proceeds {rom the dinner will be Owner Battista Locatelli did better - he gave the Ver- Northville Historical Society is repeating a fund-raising used for this purpose. Harriet and Bob Welland, who are in nons huge posters as well as records for themselves and the success: a progressive dinner will be held Saturday, April charge of furnishing the school, have drawn up detailed Genittis. Host Battista, Mrs. Vernon learned, opened the 16, beginning with hors d'oeuvres at the Yerkes House in plans for an authentic restoration of the 1873 building. restaurant in Nevada in 1970 with $17. With endorsements of Mill Race Historical Village. . people like Ed Sullivan, it grew to the present five rooms in Heading arrangements again this year will be Sonja . Newcomers are planning progressive luncheon which 300 diners are served a night. Accompariied by an ac- Lane, who says she~s "going by last year's notes" and ex- cordianist, Battista is famous for breaking into song. His pects another sellout. Reservations will be limited to 120 the 'We suspect part of the appeal of progressive meals is album, Mrs. Vernon adds, notes that he has been vocalist at capacity of the Victorian house in the village. She adds'that that- participants are dining in local homes, rather than in many funerals of the famous, including funerals of Betty she's signing up homes in Edenderry and Shadbrook for the restaurant atmosphere, as well as doing so less expensively . Grable and Mario Lanza. .. Northville Newcomers Ladies activity for March will be dinner but has not finalized arrangements for the dessert • location. 11:30 2:30 a progressive luncheon scheduled from a.m. to 'Making Your Money Grow' is Woman's C!ub topic D0I!ation.will be $1~ a ~erson and a passing dish. The p.m. March 9. Appetizer, main course and dessert are on the money IS a gift to the historical society and tax deductible, menu. Reservations at $4.50 may be made by calling Judi John K. Triller, senior vice president of Thomson Invest- Mrs. Lane mentions. This event is open to the public as well Amatangelo, 348-3746 through March 4. menloSerVices, a division of Thomson McKinnon Securities, as to society members. Reservations may be made with Newcomer couples are off to Farmington for a "Rac- with offices in Worthington, Ohio, near Columbus, will be Mrs. Lane at 348-0628. quet and Wally Ball" party March 19. Experienced racquet- guest speaker at the next meeting of Northville Woman's ball players or learners are welcome to play while meeting Date for the progressive dinner was set at the January Club at 1:30 p.m. March 4. He will be introduced by William new friends, expla'ins Newcomer President Sharon C. Sliger, program chairman Margie Davis announces. board meeting of the society. The spring auction date will be Valrance. Wally Ball, a game similar to valleyball, is played April 30 with Bob Daniel in charge. ' . Triller has been in financial planning for 18 years; his on the racquetball court, she adds, encouraging members to specialty is tax shelters. . Membership chairman Kay Otton's records showed the "grap your tennis shoes and have some fun." society has a total of 424paid members the beginning of this Reservations at $14 a couple, plus an appetizer, may be year. President Fran Gazlay, however, would like to have made with Laurie Slagter, 348-1213, through March 9. Beer, Phyllis Sl~ttery's presiding at state WNFGA meet more and invites anyone interested to call him. In addition to wine and pop will be provided. craft classes and workshops in the spring, the society is An old-fashioned town hall format has been chosen for , the business session of the winter council meeting of the Verno'Dsbring souvenirs for Genittis Woman's National Farm and Garden Association this Thursday at Sheraton-Oaks in Novi. Phyllis Slattery of Nor- Family welcomes newborn When Wayor and Mrs. Paul Vernon returne~ from attending thville, Michigan Division president, will preside as the National Automobile Dealers' 'Association convention members ask specific questions of division chairmen at the • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hosbach of Mid- brother Timothy, 2'h. last Wednesday in Las Vegas, they had with them some 9:30 a.m. business session. dleburg, Ohio, announce the birth of Grandparents are Northville special souvenirs from Battista's Hole-in-the-Wall ~here for • their son Christopher Michael January residents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Singleton Following luncheon, Rita Kirschler, a member of the 27. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hosbach. the Genittis of Northville's Hole-in-the Wall. . Pennsylvania Division and recipient of the Frysinger He weighed nine pounds, nine ounces. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Because the restaurant in Las ~egas was located near Fellowship, will talk on her experiences as the guest of the He is welcomed at home by his Charles Elch of Tawas City. the MGM Gr~nd Hotel where they were staying, Norma Ver- Danish Housewife Association in Denmark last fall. non explains, 'they ate there a couple of times during the Five bran~hes hostessing the meeting are Apple Run, week. As they prepared to leave after a dinner, she mention- Lake Pointe Village, Livonia, Tonquish Creek and Community Calendar ed she would like to buy a postcard for the Northville Trailwood.

TODAY,FEBRUARY23 STOOGES MOVIE: The Northville High School Tennis Team will present a 1 Entertainment Consultants of America, Inc., presents 1_ AARP TAX COUNSELING: full-length Three Stooges movie at 7 Showcase of Bands • Northville-Plymouth AARP Tax .p.m. in the NHS Auditorium. Tickets for your . Counselors for the Elderly will be at are $1 and can be purchased at the door I] Plymouth Cultural Center from 9:30- or by calling Bill Harmon at 348-9869. Wedding . . 11:30 a.m. There is no charge, and ap- Serving Metropolitan Detroit pointments are not necessary. SCHOOL BOARD MEETS: Nor- For ... few dollars more than the Thurs., Feb. 24, 7-10 pm cost of lust p~rklng at the .J:uport, thville Board of Education will meet at you'll get a beautiful room and Mayflower Meeting HOUSe-Plymouth OMPAREl free HBO. plu. enjoy rhe pool. NORTHVILLE JAYCEES: Nor- 7:30p.m. at Old Village School. Re.lful Hilton game room, restaurant .tnd lounge across from Mayflower Hotel room for the night, thville Jaycees will meet at 8 p.m. at o Country Style GIfts T~"'e off for the sun ~fter a restful Last Chance to audition pool, ""u~. HBO. night at the Hilton Airport Inn American Legion Hall. MASONS MEET: Northville Masonic & Goods restaur~nt ~nd 535- Parking IS free during your triP, o Homemade Candy 4 fREE p~rking. Organization meets at 7:30 p.m. at Bands in One Night ..nd w~U shuttle you 10 and .. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Nor- Masoiilc Temple. o Fresh Roasted from the airport Admission $2 Hectic, last·minute CoHee Beans dash to the airport thville Knights of Columbus will meet Cash Bar Available -FrI-Sat·Sun US funds.. 455 Main St. flghhng traffiC and at 8 p.m. in the Our Lady of Victory Ad- TOPS MEETS: Northville TOPS o Tea & Sp,ces w. wiD be lUlDI ~ts III ...... ba!lds. o Anhques Doe III !be 1lP IlooilDc nfe ~ It At ~:~,~:~~~::f:;r. $27 HILTON AIRPORT INN ministration Building. meets at 7:30 p.m. at First "" prior ~ tit' slml&Ir ad"'" thai 31500 Wick Rd o1t Merriman Presbyterian Church. For information, botll1xide aod r;room 1t1a>l. AnuArbor 7 doys. ] [ +--======-~~~DetrOit Metropolitan AHport call 420-2438. Call 459-17'16 for directions Trail ... (313)292-3400 ----t--, THURSDAY,FEBRUARY24 or 981-0338 Plymouth TOPS MEETS: Daytime TOPS meets JUNIOR BASEBALL: Junior at 9 a.m. at First Presbyterian Church. Baseball Board of Directors meets at 8 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church. BPW AUCTION: Northville Business and Professional Women's Club will TUESDAY,MARCH1 host Its Martha Washington Tea and Silent Auction from 7-9:30 p.m. at First RO:rARIANS MEET: Northville • .' Presbyterian Church. Each person Rotary Club meets at noon at First· must have a ticket for admittance and Presbyterian Church fellowship hall. . must be present for the drawings. Dessert and beverage will be served. KING'S DAUGHTERS AND SONS: Tickets are free and are available at Mizpah Circle of King's Daughters and Bookstall on the Main and Bookstop or Sons will hold its first-meeting of the by contacting any Northville BPW new year at 12:30 p.m. at First United member . Methodist Church.

~: NORTHVILLE ULTREYA: Nor- .CIVIL AIR PATROL: Slxgate .. thville Ultreya will meet at 8 p.m. in the Squadron Civil Air Patrol meets at 7 Our Lady of Victory Administration p.m. at Novi Middle School South. Building. SEALARKS: Seal arks meets at 7:30 FRIDAY,FEBRUARY25 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.

OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS: PLANNERS MEET: Northville City Overeaters Anonymous will meet at Planning Commission will meet at 8 7:30 p.m. at Providence Hospital. For p.m. in the council chamber. information, call Tova Dahlberg at 624- 5604• SALEM TOWNSHIP BOARD: Salem • - . Township Board meets at 8 p.m. at " ." SATURDAY,FE~RUARY26 Town Hall. VFW AUXILIARY: VFW Auxiliary, . PAPER DRIVE: S1. Paul's Lutheran Post 4012 will meet at 8 p.m. in VFW Church School will host a paper drive Hall. J from 11 a.m. to noon In the church park- inglot. WEDNESDAY,MARCH2 MONDAY,FEBRUARY28 MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION: Nor- BUSINESSWOMEN MEET: Nor- thville Downtown Merchants' Associa- • thville Business and Professional tion meets at 8 a.m. at Manufacturers Women's Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Bank. the Mayflower Hotel. WEIGHT WATCHERS: Northville KIWANIANS MEET: Northville Weight Watchers meets at 10 a.m. at Kiwanis meets at 6:30 p.m. at Henry's the Community building and at 6 p.m. Place. atVFWHail.

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'. - I .. -

4-C- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. February 23. 1983 Sports

Mustangs surprise Churchill, 43-40 .,.

Northville survived its first scoreless will play hlilges on the outcome of last ' quarter of basketball since 1m with a night's pivotal game at Farmington furious fourth quarter rally, and the ....If we had played a more inspired first quarter against Harrislon. Mustangs scrambled past lethargic (Livonia) Bentley, we could have won tbat game and Patience on behalf of Northville Livonia Churchill, 43-40. tied for tbe Western Division (title).' allowed the home team to take a 23-20 Churchill approached the February lead into the lockerroom at intermis- 15 dogfight having clinched first place . - Tim Lutes, sion. in the Western Division of the Western Northville basketball coach Then the nightmar~ began for Nor- Lakes Activities Association. thville, as Churchill resorted to hard Despite those lofty credentials and nosed defense and grind-It-out offense Northville's pointless thIrd period (the to outscore the Mustangs 9-0 for a 29-23 Mustangs first such stanza since Wall- that if they had played just a little bit Northville lost to Livonia Bentley, the bulge after three periods. _ H , ed Lake Central played shutout defense better during'the middle of the season; last-place team in the Lakes Division, Surprisingly, Lutes did not feel that in the 1979 district tournaments), Chur- that we could have, and should have 41-37, after falling behind 14-4 in an Ice- his team was severely handicapped by chill did not look the part of a champion won the division championship. cold first quarter shootlpg per- the scoring draught. and left thoughts of what "might have "If we had played a more inspired formance. . "I did not reaIJze we had not scored in been" in the heads of Northville first quarter against (Livonia) Regardless of the "ifs," "JI1ights" that period until &Omeone told me," faithful. Bentley," cited LUtes, "we could have and "maybes," the Mustangs have said Lutes. "We took good shots and "Our players were a little upset at won that game and tied for the Western qUalified for the WUAA' championship played sound defense, we just didq't themselves after the game," said Division. But that's water over the playoffs that begin Friday. Exactly Mustang mentor Tim Lutes. "They felt dam." who Northville (7-5 WLAA, 8-8 overall) Continued on 6 I What Is It? ..------.,~! Western Lakes The ml'st accurate diamond- T-I\£\ LL - SOFTHA LL microscope made. For accurate grading o( diamonds (or color, League Registration clarity and cut. Only at 0 & D playoffs 'begin , P_ BushJewelers. at " \ I 1/&&:llJ L I V () N I A 'F,I\ V\ I L Y The Western Lakes Activities Association 14255 Stark (WLAA) Is in its first year of existence, and one of ,~~ the experiments adopted by the fledgling con- 261-2161 I ference is a two-game guaranteed basketball tour- nament. ~ REGISTER • :1 I Scheduled to begin Friday at five Lakes Divi- GemologISts. Goldsmiths :SATURDAY, FE8. 26-10 a.m.-2 p.m. -I sion sites around the league, only two games were Diamond Sencrs 481 W. Ann Arbor Trail set pending the final game of the conference season Plymouth' 455·3030 last night and a coin flip among the Lakes Division DEADLINE: APRIL 1 co-champlons. BOYS & GIRLS Walled Lake Western (0-13. 0-17)' is set for a 5 to 11 Record ohoto by'STEVE FECHT visit to Livonia Bentley (4-9, 6-10) 'and Western Dlvi· YEARS OLD. Bob Pegrum displays defensive prowess last week against Walled sion champion Livonia Churchill (9-4, 10-6) will travel to Walled Lake Central (5-8,6-10). Lake Central Neither Western or Bentley is eligible for the tournament championship since they finished last in their respective Western and Lakes Divisions. .', Northville's final WLAA contest at Farmington Detroit Lions 'Silver Rush' Harrison last night (after press time) had a direct REGISTRATiON FEE bearing on where the Mustangs would open the eight-team championship tourney. INCLUDED basketball invades N'ville Currently in second place of the Western Divi- FOR MORE THAN sion, a victory would send the Mustangs (7-5, 8-8) to FOR MORE ONE CHILD The Detroit Lions' "Silver Rush" basketball team will invade Northville High play red-hot Farmington (5-8, 7-10) Friday. A loss INFO CALL School Saturday, February 26, for a showdown against a faculty and administra- $12.00 MEMBER . would leave Northville tied with Plymouth Canton 261-2161 tion "all-star" team. (7-6,9-8) and force the second coin Dip tiebreaker. $21.00 NON-MEMBER Northville's Athetic Booster Club wiIJ sponsor the 8 p.m. event for which The winner of that coin flip between Northville tickets can be purchased at Schrader's Home Furnishings, 111 North Center. Ad- and Canton would journey to Farmington, while the vance tickets can be purchased at $3 for adults and $2 for children under 18 years loser would visit the loser of the coin toss between of age. • Plymouth Salem 02-1, 15-2) and Livonia Stevenson Tickets will be availible at the door, but will cost an additional 50 cents per (12-1,15-2). The winner of the S~em-Stevenson flip person. would host Farmington Harrison. Simply stating a confusing situation, if Nor- thville won Tuesday evening, the Mustangs play Farmington, a matchup head coach Tim Lutes covets. "We are playing our best pasketball of the season right now," Lutes said confidently. "We are once again in control of our own destiny against <. Harrison. 1would love to win and go to Farmington new arrivals 4x7' <' in the first round instead of having to play Salem or . Stevenson, That would be tough, especially with our oak medicine' cabinets record on the road." & bath accessories georgia Northville is a very respectable 7-1 at home this 25" 19" sycamore season, but just 1-7 on foreign hardwood. __ill _ x _.....>' . <.:2>,: 3 drawer paneling Ironically, one of the few predetermined aspe.cts of this season's tournament are the odds ~~ _./ ~..:> $12988 against the Mustangs playing another home game. To qualify for that luxury, Northville will have to t»t . :m::: . -- -r '164"list ij':'-:I'~-:::::::: "4 __ - win its first round game and have a better record $7!~49 ".. than lts second round competition. Unfortunately, " :::::::- ~ in pecan and wtute in medium that will probably be Salem or Stevenson, baiTing tan color an upset. ~;; \\\mi Hf~price Includes 5/32" print on ';, :mw. Giiijjjiit. f~~tured marble lauan plywood faucetss21ae

H, ~ " < , ,, pre-formed , "og" pin~mouldings Up to $35Worth counter tops • of Class Ring Options ..~g:~i'~~

Choose from these custom optlons and others: ,"'. stop@2O' lin. ft. r;' 1%" chair rail @ 22'lin. ft. '~t.~" 5W' base @ 45' lin. ft. 9 select your own rom ~ our In-storo bins

ottler Lengths WHITE GOLD 11'1 Stock to 10' AHYYEAR DATE Detroit Lions Visit our new bath white .( UPT03 & vanity shoppe Il-~--~VED ':' vs toilets ~;~---~ INSIDE Northville Faculty Plus Free Grad~ation Key Chain with any Gold Lance Close Ring purehaso and Administration Bringthis ad to our store to qualify! Februa-ry26,8 P.M. • Northviile High ScJ'ool Gym corner ot Center St. & 8 Mile Ad. A GRADE seat extra Tickets: 18& under$2,OOadv~lnce . > '$2.50 door cap and Gown Company :" :f,'" Adults $3.00 advance J Willsie .;' ,,' " ,-, ' "< 34525 Glendale. Livonia. 421-8810 ,$3.59 door , , «()(l St.ork /WId • Ikl ..._ J."rleI Fwy aDd Plymoulll /WI4) , " J'lckeb; avalJabl1' ~ ~hred$r'$ Home FurnishIngs, 1I0urs. 8 30 • 4.00 Mon.·FrI. \.,,\\f"" ,",,', ., 111N,CGnJent49-,838 f' 11" '" Gold La~ CI... Ring tlNdquarten f; , 1,. '< " 2-4 W.. k OM''''" • Full LlfetllM W8IT8rltJ ,! eaadMated to> . r...~~==~..e.~"-lh

, t , , Wednesday. February 23,1983- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-5-C Northville gymnasts lose first,

Allgoodthings must come to an end. the Mustangs nothing but headaches our last team qualifying score for the Sad logic, but true In the case of Nor- despite an outstanding one woman state t9urnament. So overall, I'd say we thville's previously undefeated gym- showby Northville's Kathy Heltert. did what weset out to do." nastics team that found Itself on the Heltert, as she has all season, For the record, Marianne Rothermel short end of a 121.1$-117.1dUalmeet tal- dominated the meet and wonall four In- and Julie Cass were bitten by the Ou ly to Hartland. dlvldual events and the all-around title bug, but, despite those casualties, Nor- Northville had won eight straight withan Impressive 33.45. thville will now send five gymnasts meets prior to the February 16trip to Hartland's balance paid dividends as ts tough, They are a very good Eagles. team and were state champions two Top In the floor exercise, Heltert claimed years ago. At least we will have a her highest individUalscore of the meet chance to compete on the same equlp- with an 8.65.The outstanding Mustang ment as the (Western Lakes Activities of the Key junior also hit winning scores In the Association) league championships are vault (8.4),' uneven bars (8.3) and on. There was qUite a bit of bouncing balance beam (8.15). North Farmington / will host the around last week behind leader Chris "We had a lot of problems tonight," WLAAchampionship meet Wednesday, King, who remains the number one said Mustang coach Debby Heck after March 2. It willbe an afternoon affair. scorer in the Sliger-Livingston Publica- the meet. "It was a troubled night with Prior to that, Northville will face Far- tions' East Area. some girls out with the flu, but even mlngton Harrison Friday In the final Positions two through five In the Top thoughwe lost, we did really well to get home meet ofthe year. of the Key were shuffled, wJthMllford's ;y ~/ ...:... .-..11/ #~;I"'/f::fY-.{1J1;:/:/; ...r'/7> /L ...J: 2ti.9?,J/"/·,d ...; ... ~:: Y/ ,/ y/ :;; /~:::" /" // ... ; Scott Goodpaster, a 6-0 forward, break- Y'f (.~~ ~}%".I¢~7.0~... H"'j/~'I.?'«kl /' .40rS:f-: , ~V~';I.f/-":ftS¢ "«~:I/I'''' { ... ~; r...;"'~ /'1 /' ."WQ ;,4 /~.-.: >, «1//' ing out of a third-place tie to take se- V~/t;4 ...y A.Q ~~ ~ok/ ~h ~)~'-';'''7 • ..-'1<,.- ... f/' cond temporarily, after scoring 38 v/t /~//...../ ...{ ..."...,.;// " "...... / j:/ ...... /"::. ....J ...:(X~.J-.7./!1:~; / 1'-;~~ "';MYf:;p/>::~f/>'" /... ..v<...«~ points Intwo games. ./f [;-:.,..:.-....'j ~3/.../ .o" .... ;. 'f( ...... /A ...=... "I',~{ ...///.p , ';"';:'>,'" 1- 1. CHRIS KING, Novl, senior (16 games, 291 ~, J'~m&b: /;:$~?;t 4)/ "1'... : ... / ... , '~ points) average 18.2. .-:J/, /'Jf...Z.t //1/~ / ...<::: -::...,( 2. SCOTT GOODPASTER, MUCord, senior (16 games, 266 points) average 16.6. .HJghSCboOl h '" ~ '{ 3. HANK LINTON, South Lyon, senior (16' > .... 24- .-"': "''''~'''/.- : .-f.. ' .-./ /.; • ~ '"u':::...... __ ::~: < n' w <, games. 258 points) average 16.1. - 4. MIKE CARANO. South Lyon. senior (16 ", {~1:;}:t;l)lN'~fBtsl'i:;:SdiOol ; games, 257 points) average 16.1. /wY- t.->.1?4f:1;~;%:;~/ft...-t:h/7~;I;;Y"'/-;{:r r( ...~.-/..--; ~'-.-h, -'Yo M (~.( F..... >/h;",/./ <:;; H"'Q:;?" >rj.-j~; Y ; ...,,~ > 5. JIM ST. JOHN. Lakeland, senior (16 games, ....f/ //' .: )..1;;. .,.~25~"'#7:~";"'~..:i;> v~~*~::f:w'"'/f'" "'/"" <- ..... £ ..~ -..:-J>~ ... ,d""-,,,,.',,7/vj..,p.f;//f¢}0;!f""A +{ ~ 1';> ~;:'/"'~;-k-»x1(??- / },~ Diane Hale has the necessary balance for her beam routine February 16at Hartland. 202 points) average 11.9. .. "';..." > ,:<.:': .:.+~f: ..:-' ~ ,/~/-.£f< ~"'.4'Z / /s-:: //,,/:,"y ,~/ ... "j , i/"//"';>'~ r./' Hale has qualified for state regional competition March 11-12in Coldwater along with 9. STEVE SCHRADER, NorthvUle, junior (16 F~28 games, 188 points) average 11.8. , ;I••• fedN~{i~wtoi four teammates. Against Hartland, Hale took a fourth on the uneven bars. 10. RICK GORDON, MUford. senior (14 games, :jg1~tmlK~/-;-/}/;::'-~...![':,~~~1:1~',"}f}~i ':::<:f:;~ ~~/.'f...;f'Y~'"...... / ...-.-~ ~>~;xv.: '" ,; 147 points) average 10.5. ...-"::}Y+~~~~~#",~~~~rnl'iXd'7'NW'f'#-:""'<.""P~'*1f://.:».-i;.~q~j.~ ::::s .~ Film Sale- • Save on Kodak Film

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Every athletic team needs a breather once in Pete Talbot designated to give his normal awhile, but Northville's swimming team may have workhorses a rest. absorbed too much of Ule easy life in its 79-48 con- Walker led off the 2OG-yard individual medley quest of Novi February 15. I relay team of Nader, John Gass and Dave Wayne Plymouth Canton took advantage of a less than that won in 2:01.58 to open the meet. par Mustang performance two days later and Burchard, Ron Johnston, Jeff Bainbridge and escaped with a 72-55Victory. Adam Swallow combined for a 3:45.33 triumph in • Northville is now 5-6 overall and 2-4 in the the 400-yard freestyle relay. Western Lakes Activities Association heading into In between relays, Johnston C200-yard tomorrow's meet at Livonia Stevenson. \ freestyle), ,Burchard C50-yard fr~style), Jeff Yesterday the Mustangs swam against rated Pawlowski (diving), Swallow (500-yard freestyle), Class B powerho:JSe Inkster Cherry Hill. Seniors Walker (lOG-yard backstroke) and Behlen (lOG-yard Mickey Nader, Chris Behlen,' Jon Burchard and breastroke) all won individual races: Tim Walker were honored for their Mustang pool Mustang winners were scarce against Cantop, days. with diver Jeff Metz taking his event on a personal Record photo by CHRIS BOYD John Gass gasps for air during his butterfly event Northville's relay teams paced tile triumph high 183.40 and Doug Buell grabbing top honorS in over crosstown rival Novi in a meet Mustang coach the lOQ-yard butterfly (59.8). N'ville spikers

3-5 in tourney PLASTIC GALLON

Wayne Memorial, Michigan's top rated Class A \ HOMOGENIZED volleyball team, gained another admirer Saturday at the Schoolcraft Invitational as it powered past " MILI( Northville, 15-1and 15-3. NAME BRAND QUAlITY "They are just a good team," said Mustang coach Steve McDonald, offering no excuses. "They wrrnOUT NAME BRAND deserve to be 'right where they are. Wayne Is by far 68 the best team we have played this season. It was a PRICE! I MILK)' good learning experience for the girls." • QUAUTY - GENERIC $1 Northville's tournament wasn't all for naught, however. The Mustangs split with three other teams CIGARETTES ~ __ ../ Limit 2·Good thru Feb. 27,1983 in their five-team pool and finished a hard day's AVAILABLE IN KING Of l00's FILTERS work with a 3·5 record. REGULAR OR MENTHOL In opening round action, Ida gained a split with a 15-9second game score after the Mustangs had won the initial game by an identical score. Northville also drew with Hazel Park, 3-15, 15-9, 8-PACI< and Redford Union, 15-8, 3-15, to finish in a third place tie within the pool. /' '7-UP Earlier in the week, Northville had lost a key Western Lakes Activities Association battle with REG.OR DIET Walled Lake Western, 15-3, 13-15and 9-15. With that loss, the Mustangs dropped to 3-3 in the WLAA LIKE (third in the Western Division) and 4-6 overall in the PERRY4O-COUNT REG. or SUGAR FREE league. Northville is 5-8in all games. TRASH BAGS Oak Park provided the Mustangs with their fourth 100'5 160l. 5159 ..u.cto11'of the season February 16, falling victim to a WARNING: BOTILES PLUS THE SURGEON GENERAL 99 DEPOSIT stronA'Northville attack,l5-5 and 1t10. HAS DETERMINED THAT $5 \ CIGARElTE SMOKING IS A quartet of seldom-used players gave McDonald DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH CARTON a moment of pleasure as Northville cleaned up on PLUS TAX visitmg Oak Park. Heather Davis, Christina Sjoberg, Connie Fogel and Maria Schroder delighted their coach with inspired play. Against Western, McDonald's veterans gave good accounts of themselves, led by Judy Morgan's outstanding all-around performance. Tracey Wil1g}son (ll good hits, eight of nine serves), Kris Petit (20-20serves, four aces, 10 of 13 hits) and Kim Petit (eight of nine hits, seven of eight serves) and Cheryl Berryman (l0-11 serves) were given special mention by their coach. Northville began a busy week last Monday by hosting "rapidly improving" Walled Lake Central. Western Division leader Livonia Churchill will challenge the Mustangs tonight at 7 p.m. February 28, Northville will close out its WLAA season with a match at Farmington Harrison and finish the regular season at home March 2 against (VIDAL SASSOON> Southfield. SHAMPOO or Livonia Churchill FINISHING RINSE REGULAR or EXTRA GENTLE· 8 oz. ambushed, 43-40

Continued from 4

score. It didn't bother me, and I know It didn't bother the kids. We felt we were stili in the game." How perceptively correct Lutes appeared when his Mustangs, behind Mike Weber's six-point fourth quarter, rallied for the victory. ' Weber's three-point play with just under two XPURINA minutes remaining knotted the game at 37-37.Twen- ty seconds later, the 6-foot-3 junior forward canned Tender another field goal to put Northville on top for good. VIttles Ironically. Weber's fourth period output was his THE MOIST entire point total for the evening. Steve Schrader led CAT FOOD Northville in scoring with 12 points, followed by a career high 11from point guard Dave Longrldge. "I think it's time It happened," Lutes said en- thusiastically over the play of Longridge. "Dave is WOODGRAIN TUNA or GOURMET a good kid and aftrr a whole season of varsity ex- STORAGE CHEST perience, he. seems to finally be coming Into his WHOPPERS t t QT. POUR. own. But I think that Is true of the entire team. We MALTED MILK SPOUT PAIL 00 are a junior-laden club, and It has taken us almost $1 the whole season to jell. I think we are just starting I BALLS 00 to play our game." $1 Dave Riley led Churchill with 16points, but 6-foot- \111 $11100 :!t-'1$], . I CARTON 6 skyscraper John Merner was held to 14 points SWEET ~~ . "~ before joining two teammates on the Livonia bench HEART " JUMBO TRASH with five fouls. GAS LINE BAR I I CAN with LID Farmington Harrison closed out the Mustangs' SOAP regular season last night and Northville may not get 3 oz. ANTI-FREEZE another chance to view Its team at home this season. 00 00 The only possibility of the Mustangs returning FOR home would arise if Harrison could defeat either 3 51 r----~-L ----.-55 Livonia Stevenson or Plymouth Salem in the first , - round of the playoffs. ...----~-, DOUBQ -----, ULTRA BAN Recreation Briefs ROLL-ON I we~~~PON DAts I REG. OR UNSCENTED , MANUFACTUR~R~OUBlE SAVINGS 0 ' OPEN GYM I on Items carried' "CENTS'OFF" N All , dir , E«'Plon 8.. , VI In our deDartmenr COupons , The Community Center, 303 West Main, wl1l open PEANUT BUmR Regular or Extra Crunchy , ".11... Co,,';' '~•. llquo, Cog S. , Its gymnasium to the public (rom 3 to 5 p.m., Mon- 51~~. r,'~'~ O·',e, ""lIe~~ty c:U~pOn \t' day thru Friday. , CoW"r50' ~s. Ina ""0 c~s , SOCCER REGISTRATION saUD ANTI. I ".", Cou"':'~ On. COUPonP.: , PERSPIRANT $159 Wllu. 0' .n~ it.~nno. ·.etted Ih. Spring soccer registrations still are being taken at -. Cln be rfl'undf>d No 'elua, cas,., , the Community Center. Rosters currently are fl1led, 20z...... --__ Jf"\ .- ! but names will be accepted (or a waiting llsl. So sign ~-~ hd I' --- () , I' Neo·Synep no - - - - - _ :J up now I I t· I D!I!!l!,UIfCD ' JUNIOR BASEBALL REGISTRIl:ll0N There Is no waiting list for junior baseball and registrations are being accepted at the Community SElSUN U~ ~J. (Qo"'",~.. ", I center. NE().SYNEPHRINOL ,I • -:,. 89 BLUpEOO~NT. $1 [11•~t SHAM rco~ie:i*M,n ' "'"-''=-- .. - 12 HOUR SPRAY $199. Of I· ...... (<-11 *"'.. NORMAL or J .,(,...,- I •• DRY·7oz. SCOI"E L --J' PERRY50 COUNT .-Sfo/hW~ BOOK MATCHES nft MOUTH CONGESPIRIN TABS Save a 30 CT. MAXII'ADS 5 l life. 77 .-..... ~ WASH 36REG.or $1 II 24 ASPIRIN 19 00 'SUPER'REGULAR $2"".... ., $2 'DEODORANT 80XE~ 2 @ ~~ FREE FOR 1 t LeamCPR. 3 30 CT. MINI PADS .. $14. I.. "'Ii American '. + Redero. CAll. (3 t 3) 344-1300 FOR THE PERlV DRUG ST'ORE NEAREsT'VOUI ' ,I. _:..---=:..------. .. . .


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