GIS Business ISSN: 1430-3663 Vol-15-Issue-6-June-2020 Abdulla Qodiriy’s “Bygone Days” – The Insistent Light of World Recognition Qodiriy Mahzuna Shavkataliyevna Uzbekistan State University of World Languages English Teacher Tashkent, Uzbekistan
[email protected] Annotation: This article discusses the possibility of achieving effective results on the contribution of a work to world literature by studying issues of advanced creative psychology, a creative concept, aesthetic taste, beliefs in world literature using the example of Abdulla Qodiriy.One of the most important issues is the study of the life and work of AbdullaQodiriy, who covered the criteria of literature in his works and contributed to our national literature. In addition, the fact that the work of Abdulla Qodiriy “Bygone Days” has not lost its relevance today and is gaining popularity in world literature is a reflection of the fact that our national traditions are spread all over the world. Key words: jadidism, classical literature, intellectuals, enlightenment, women in society, andisha (humility from Uzb.), methodological approach. One excellent feature of the historical novel is that it, in one respect, gives the reader an interest in the form of an artistic work, in the second, slightly challenges the reader’s world view with historical events... Abdulla Qodiriy. With the relatively recent establishment of a sovereign Uzbekistan,a wide range of opportunities have been created to study, promote and perfect the profound cultural and spiritual heritage of our great ancestors, who have contributed to the achievements of the world culture.The independence of a people and the subsequent formation of their worldview are inherent conditions for the formation of democracy and the primary animus towards a nation’s spiritual development.