March 02, 1995 Cable, US Embassy
Digital Archive International History Declassified March 02, 1995 Cable, U.S. Embassy Bucharest to the Secretary of State, 'EUR Assistant Secretary A/S Holbrooke's Meeting with President Iliescu' Citation: “Cable, U.S. Embassy Bucharest to the Secretary of State, 'EUR Assistant Secretary A/S Holbrooke's Meeting with President Iliescu',” March 02, 1995, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, "Declassified Documents Concerning NATO Expansion," Mandatory Declassification Review Case Number 2015-0771-M, William J. Clinton Presidential Library & Museum, originally accessed at Summary: Richard Holbrooke and Romanian President Ion Iliescu discuss US-Romania relations and the possibilities for NATO enlargement. Credits: This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY). Original Language: English Contents: Scan of Original Document F:\Cable\Data Soiirce\Cables\CD012\MAR95\MSGS\M1542369.html Page 1 of 10 Cable PREC IMMEDIATE CLASS .CONFIDENT'IAfe DECLASSIFIED E.0.13525, Sec. 3i(b) LINEl OAACZYUW RUEHBMA22I8 0611426-CCCC--RHEHAAX. While House Guidelines, September 11,2006 LINE2 ZNY CCCCC ZZH ByJtL^NARA, DateliliJ LINES 0 021426Z MAR 95 LINE4 FM AMEMBASSY BUCHAREST OSRI RUEHBM DTG 021426Z MAR 95 ORIG AMEMBASSY BUCHAREST TO RUEHC/SECSTATE WASHDC IMMEDIATE 4418 INFO RUEHZL/EUROPEAN POLITICAL COLLECTIVE SUBJ EUR ASSISTANT SECRETARY A/S HOLBROOKE'S MEETING WITH PRESIDENT ILIESCU TEXT: •CON FIDE NTIAIr SECTION 01 OF 0 5 BUCHAREST 002218 E.O. 12356: DECL: OADR TAGS: PGOV, PREL, ECON, EINV, PHUM, NATO, HU, RO SUBJECT: EUR ASSISTANT SECRETARY A/S HOLBROOKE'S MEETING WITH PRESIDENT ILIESCU REF: BUCHAREST 2010 1 .
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