Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 8 December 2015 in the Village at 7.30pm.

Present: The Chairman, Cllr David Peart and Cllrs Bridget Culley, Ray Randall, Tony Styles, Colin Henderson, Katie Dixon, Philip Jeffery, Tony Grunsell, co-optee Clem Jones for item 5.2, HCC Cllr Tom Thacker (up to item 5.7) and the clerk, Derek Kane.

Members of the Public in attendance: None

Clem Jones asked if he could address the council regarding Flood prevention / mitigation.

Following on from the recent meetings with HCC and the EA, and with additional input from Sarah Cooney the following points need to be drawn to the attention of the council.

EA flood emergency recommendations:

Their original plan was to put a temporary barrier in the middle of the road to stop the water from Spring Hill crossing the road.

The water that collects in front of the rebuilt cottages comes from three places, river overflow from Spring Hill drive, rainwater run-off from Bourne Hill and ground water from springs in the verges of the road.

A barrier in the middle of the road would divide the water flow and not fix the pooling problem outside the cottages.

The water accumulates because there is a drop in the road and the drain does not function when the river is high, it back floods.

In order to drain away the water needs to be about 18 inches deep to flow past the rise in the road caused by the approach to the bridge.

Left to its own devices the water would flow round the Old Plough and down Bourne Meadow.

During his visit the consultant proposed an alternative solution as follows:-

To continue to install the temporary dam to protect the lodge and to re position the sandbags so that the water is forced back into the river by the end of the new wall that Anette Straker has built on her boundary.

Any water that escaped would be allowed to run down the natural road side flow route to the outside of the cottages.

He also suggested that the existing drain outside 'The House' could be used as a sump to collect all the run off which would then be pumped over the road and below the bridge.


We need to get the EA formally to document this proposal. Before we accept it we should review it with the affected residents.

We are still waiting for the details of the EA's recent survey of river levels. The results will enable us to decide which sections should have the accumulated silt removed.

Chairman’s Initials


HCC discussions:

We are still attending 'talking shop ' meetings with HCC, some interim reports have been produced.

The HCC consultant has produced a draft report based on Google maps and views. I am recommending that he pays a visit to the valley in order to get a better view of what happens on the ground.

Some of his suggested causes and solutions appear to be at variance with known local knowledge.

Viz. he suggests that the bridges and gullies upstream from Stoke may have been deliberately constructed to impede the flow of the river so as to protect Stoke from surges in river flow. This would deliberately create a flood basin above the village. Sarah C, Robin M, and David B do not agree with this and say there is no evidence or awareness of such intentions in the past.

The consultant's suggestion that creating bunds in the fields between the sub-station and Stoke in order to keep the river off the road are unlikely to be effective because of slight field/road/ river levels that are not discernible from Google view.


We should press HCC for a visit from the consultant before any final plan is produced.

It is worth noting that the water table is currently low and still falling at the Summerhaugh.

So now is a good time to get on with fixing these potential flood issues.

You may recall that 25 years ago we had a major drought. The riverbed was dry for two years and the poppies growing there were featured on South Today.

There was serious talk of the river being lined within concrete so that we could pump water upstream to create an amenity river. The following year we had heavy rain and the floods shown in the photographs on the wall in the village hall.

An observation from the meeting:

During the discussion with HCC the subject of the dangerous road verge alongside the river in Gangbridge Lane was raised. It is mentioned in the progress report published by HCC. We all recognise that it is dangerous in times of flood when the river is over the road. The white line on the river side can easily be confused with a possible centre road mark.

However HCC pointed out that the parish had requested that the previous verge markers* be removed because of their appearance.

We might like to reconsider this documented view and request a verge side post and rail barrier much the same as those between Spring Farm and Wurrage.

The chairman thanked Clem for the report. *He asked for the clerk to check on-line from previous minutes the claim that ‘the parish’ had requested for the verge markers be removed. The clerk believes that, if this was correct, it before his time as clerk.

[Clerk’s post meeting note: Minutes on line from 2005/6 to date show no such request from the parish council]

Chairman’s Initials


[Clerk’s post meeting note: BV Action Plan Item 32 needs to be challenged re ‘Verge Markers’ on Gangbridge Lane:

“… Verge Markers were previously used to demarcate the edge of the road but were removed at the request of the Parish because of their appearance …”]

The chairman will chase EA (Ian Miller) and HCC (Simon Chance) regarding survey results of Bourne and also the verge markers for Gangbridge Lane.

The Proper Business of the council commenced.

1. Apologies for Absence: BDBC Cllr Graham Falconer and Cllr Hugo Wurzer.

2. Declarations of Interests: Cllr Jeffery (item 9.3).

3.1 The Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 13 October 2015 (previously circulated).

Having been already circulated, Cllr Randall proposed that they were a true record and should be signed; the proposal was seconded by Cllr Dixon unanimously agreed by the council.

3.2 Matters arising: None.

4. Borough & County Councillor Reports.

4.1 HCC Cllr Tom Thacker gave his report:

Boundary Review:

The local government boundary commission for has published its recommendations for county council boundary changes. Whitchurch and Clere Division is to be enlarges to include Parish, and will lose the Bishop’s Green part of , & Bishops’s Green Parish.

The independent LGBCE is asking residents to provide their views as part of an eight-week public consultation on recommendations, which runs until 11 January 2016. The consultation is open to anyone who wants to have their say on new county council electoral divisions, division boundaries and division names across .

To review the recommendations and respond to the consultation, visit the LGBCE website: https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk//

I wish all in SMB a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The chairman thanked Cllr Thacker for his intervention on matters regarding the drains at Baptist Hill.

The matter of o/s Highways repair matters in the parish was raised with Cllr Thacker. Money is the problem. The priority for HCC on Highways repairs is safety.

4.2 BDBC Cllr Graham Falconer had forwarded a report to the clerk today with his apologies:

1. Bells Field. Hyde’s pull out of the and Deane area and its ultimatum requiring a change to the housing mix and for a contribution from BDBC has created an unexpected crisis as regards the future of Bells Field. [Clerk’s note: see item 5.1].

Chairman’s Initials


2. Council tax. There is likely to be an increase next year which could be £2 per Band D household. HCC’s intentions are unknown.

3. I attended the HCC winter seminar on 11 November: HCC covered the contingency plans for flooding, snow and ice and assured the parish councils that all is under control.

4. Devolution. Ongoing discussions between the 15 councils and the Department for Communities and Local Government.

5. Local Plan. The Inspector has confirmed that all the changes emanating from the examination in November are “minor” and therefore a completion by May 2016 is expected.

6. There is now available a “Leader Fund” which comes via the EU and up to £50,000 is available to a rural business in order to support micro and small businesses and farm diversification:

• boost rural tourism • increase farm productivity • increase forestry productivity • provide rural services • provide cultural and heritage activities

Contact details for each programme are as follows;

North Wessex Downs LEADER Programme Dawn Hamblin, Programme Manager Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01488 680458 http://www.northwessexleader.org.uk/

5. Items for discussion:

5.1 Bell’s Field — Update.

Following various items of correspondence that have been minuted in recent parish and planning meetings regarding the Bell’s Field development with Hyde Housing and BDBC the chairman called on Hyde Housing, Harah and BDBC to meet with him to discuss his and the parish council’s concerns that the development is now moving from 11 Affordable Rent (AR) to 8 AR and 3 Shared Ownership (SO), together with a request for extra funding from BDBC.

The chairman, together with Cllr Culley and the clerk, met with representatives of Hyde Housing, Harah and BDBC, together with BDBC Cllr Graham Falconer earlier today (8/12/15).

Damian Haley of Hyde Housing gave the following statement at the meeting:


Hyde formally submitted a request to BDBC in November to:

Amend the scheme tenue to 8 AR and 3 SO.

Seek additional £subsidy from the Local Authority.

Chairman’s Initials


This was requested due to the impact of:

Central Government Rent Reductions introduced in July 15 to all social housing.

Increased build costs due to planning, ground conditions and services connections.

Hyde has acquired the site but cannot afford to develop out the 11 rented unit scheme without the above changes, because the scheme has become economically unviable to deliver.

Rent Reduction:

Budget announcement in July 15 for 1% reduction in rents every year for next 4 years.

The actual drop in rents is greater than 1% per annum, because previously we had been forecasting rent increases of CPI + 1%.

Impact required Hyde to save £millions through lost rental income included in its Business Plan.

Efficiency savings across organisation and adjust the tenue mix of our development programme to deliver more SO and less ART units going forward.

Increased Build Costs:

March 14: Approvals to exchange ‘subject to planning’ on build cost advise of £1,761m2.

December 14: Tender exercise with 4 contractors completed.

Spring 15: Planning amends, utility provider feedback and detailed ground investigations (very high water table levels) = lowest tender price increased to £2,240m2.

The main items were: foul water works; SSE costs for main service supply; planning extras; increased foundations and groundworks.

September 15: Renegotiated fixed build price of £2,159m2 = an additional £260k or £470m2.

Re-introducing Shared Ownership:

3 x SO units at initial 25% equity share = affordable for local people with connection to SMB.

At least 3 households registered and more will apply through focussed marketing campaign.

Proposed to sell 2 x 2 bed houses and 1 x 3 bed house.

Additional sales income helps offset increased costs borrowing (less rent) and build costs.

Financial Viability:

Critical to Business Plan that new schemes do not negatively impact upon the cost of delivering the wider programme because of additional risk this places on performance.

Additional £subsidy from BDBC and the HCA (Central Government funding).

Hyde inputting more of its own resources into scheme too.


Chairman’s Initials


Assuming BDBC or /and HCA funding is forthcoming and that the PC and BDBC agree to the revised mix of SO/AR preparatory works would start circa January 2016 with construction starting circa April 2016 with PMC Construction.

Hyde Housing are still negotiating with Southern Water as to reducing the amount required for water supply and mains drainage together with SSE costs, as these are still deemed as too high.

It was the PC’s view, considering what the parish has endured over the years from Southern Water, that a reduction in the connections costs could be negotiated.

It is the PC’s majority view, given the circumstances, and the background information given as to why an element of SO has been introduced, that the project should still proceed, as the parish gains eight valuable affordable rental homes (as well as three SOs) rather than nothing.

The three SO homes are the two blocks to the north of the Bowling Club clubhouse.

5.2 Flood and Emergency Group (FEG) — Update.

Update from co-optee Sarah Cooney dated 27 November 2015:

This followed on from Clem Jones’ address to the council during the ‘Time for Public Speaking’:

Notes on Problem Areas in Stoke

Map Ref Notes Silt under bridge and large gravel bank leading to flooding on local land 1 as river breaks its banks 2 Constriction where gravel pits, drains and main river converge River runs very fast and narrow; significant erosion of banks leading to silt going downstream; overall drop in height of water course in this 3 section = 1m 4 River bed not maintained by riparian owner Significant gravel pile which has forced new watercourse either side 5 leading to erosion of the bank by the spring 6 Pool by the bridge/constriction has been filled in with silt Main bridge in Stoke at 1m clearance - heavy silting up and debris under 7 the bridge; concrete drainage system going across the river bed Drain on the Hirst land alongside Summerhayes is silted up with overgrown vegetation; culvert under road silted up with debris; culvert 8 edges damaged; run-off drain (C) partially blocked with verge and silt Drain silted up with overgrown hedge (Bailey Stratton side) and 9 vegetation - whose land is this? (Sovereign Housing or Colin Ponting). Run-off drains in the road - A is underwater, B is clear and C is partially 10 blocked with verge and silt (I've reported to B&DBC) Note: culvert and drains (8&9) were cleared out by Francis Dixon's farmhand in 2001. It is critical that this is regularly maintained to promote maximum flow into the gravel pits.


Chairman’s Initials


A draft SMB Emergency Plan is still in development and is with the Chairman.


Email from Julia James, Senior Emergency Planning Officer, Emergency Planning & Resilience, HCC received 10 November 2015L

“Following a Pre-Winter weather teleconference held with partners this morning, I wanted to share with you the “outlook” from the Met Office and Environment Agency, for the period November through to January.

The EA information is detailed in the attachment. (Clerk has extracted the following);

Rainfall  The last Water Year (Oct 14 to end Sep 15) has recorded fairly average annual rainfall totals with 112% of the Long Term Average recorded in Hampshire and 127% on the IOW.


Hampshire  All sites are below average or at normal levels except for Lopcombe Corner which is marginally above normal.

Forward Look  If normal winter rainfall volumes (100% LTA) are distributed fairly evenly from now to March 2016 then groundwater flooding is not anticipated.  120% of long term average winter rainfall will cause some levels to be above normal or high but county wide flooding would still not be expected (some local impacts only).  The area would need more significant / long duration rainfall for impacts to become extreme.  Statistically up to March 2016, most sites stand a greater than expected chance that levels will remain normal.

Hampshire  Hampshire rivers (including North Hampshire and the Hampshire Avon) – normal compared to long term average Except the River Itchen which is slightly above normal (112%)

Forward Look  Fast responding urban rivers such as Havant, Emsworth, Wallington, Tadburn Lake (Romsey) Freshwater, Lukely Brook, Monktonmead stand a normal chance of flooding as they are impacted by intense rainfall events.  For the larger chalk rivers if we get normal winter rainfall (100%) distributed evenly through to March 2016 then flows should remain normal.  120% of the long term average rainfall distributed evenly up to March 2016 would cause flows to be above normal in most locations or notably high on the Hampshire Avon, but it is unlikely that this would cause significant and widespread flooding through the county.  Up to March 2016, statistically there is a greater than expected chance that flows will remain normal.

Chairman’s Initials


Change to Groundwater Flood Warning Service - Hampshire  Environment Agency Wessex Area have changed their Groundwater Flood Warning Service.  This impacts Hampshire County Council for information relating to Shipton Bellinger.  Shipton Bellinger will now receive a groundwater Flood Alert and a new groundwater Flood Warning.  Now that a Flood Warning has been added to the service, Flood Alerts may be issued more frequently to cover minor impacts (groundwater ponding in ditches and roads). A Flood Warning will only be issued when property flooding is expected.  Contact Guy Parker for further information [email protected] (01258 483460)  There are no other changes in Hampshire. Remaining sites will receive a Groundwater Briefing Note and a Groundwater Flood Alert service only.

Resume Julia James email of 10/11/15:

Met Office have advised us to expect a “warmer but wetter” winter with models suggesting the latter part of the winter will be drier and colder!

There has been a lot in the media about potential snow but there is nothing to indicate this at present. However – conditions are expected to be stormier/windier than normal, so potentially a mixed bag!

I know that this will bring assurance to those of you living in groundwater flood risk areas but we cannot afford to be complacent and will be monitoring this situation throughout the coming months.

As always, we are happy to discuss any issues that you may have in winter preparedness, and we will keep you informed of anything that may have the potential for us to be ramping our response arrangements up!

I have also attached a link to the Met Office “Get Ready for Winter” campaign as there is some really useful information in there. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/learning/get-ready-for-winter/communities “


Bourne stats update (supplied by Clem Jones and Sarah Cooney):

Valley Farm well measurement – 2 December 2015:

Here is the rolling 6-months for Stoke. Level was still dropping on the 2 Dec although it has slowed down now.

2015 Cm Delta Comments 07-Jul 198 -198 Level dropping; river down 04-Aug 244 -46 Level dropping; river down 01-Sep 295 -51 Level dropping; river down 04-Oct 382 -87 Level dropping; river down 01-Nov 438 -56 Level dropping; river down 02-Dec 460 -22 Level still dropping; river down

Chairman’s Initials


St Mary Bourne Flood Risk Summary (as at 1 December 2015)

Date 1/12/15 Status All are still dropping. The bore hole at Vernham appears to be levelling off. The river is just a trickle under the bridge

Note 1. The measures at the Vernham Dean Bore Hole and the gauge at Holdway Cottage are from the ground base and are depth of water.

Note 2. The measure in the Summerhaugh well is the space between the kitchen floor and the top of the water. This is effectively the ground water level at this point in the valley.

1/12 1/11 Comments Location Vernham Dean 177m 97m Bore Well at Valley 460 438 Farm, Stoke Springs at Stoke n/a n/a Gauge at Holdway 0cm 1.5cm Spring at Holdway Dry Dry Well at 177cm 159cm Summerhaugh

5.3 Black Garden – Update:

Clerk had e-mailed agent on 26 November (after a hiatus with the above site being considered an ‘Asset of Community Value’) advising him of Black Garden now being registered as an ‘Asset of Community Value’ with BDBC, but to date had not received any reply. The clerk will contact the agent on a monthly basis from January prior to a Full Council meeting for any update.

Clem Jones then left the meeting.

5.4 Speeding:

5.4.1 Electronic Speed Reminder signs — Update:

No further action taken at present. Clerk to follow-up with BDBC regarding rental of reminder signs.

5.4.2 Community Speed Watch — Update:

A number of both old and new volunteers have now come forward and our registered with the Police. Awaiting confirmation of suggested locations for monitoring (largely similar to previous incarnation of Speedwatch) and for a PCSO/PC to hold a training session.

5.5 Neighbourhood Plan — Update:

Cllr Dixon advised: A redraft of the main plan in ‘an acceptable form’ has been done.

A consultation regarding an SIA is to occur on 10 December.

A consultation of the final plan will take place in February.

Chairman’s Initials


5.7 SMB Village Shop — Update:

Cllr Henderson advised that the shop had recently received a 5* rating from Environmental Health.

Cllr Tom Thacker left the meeting.

6. Finance

6.1 Lloyds Bank Cheque Signing mandate — Update (if any)

No further progress to date (7 of 9 councillors are recognised by bank as signatories).

6.2.1 Report of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 10 November 2015.

6.2.2 Matters arising

(See also item 7.2.1 re planning matter).

6.3 Consider and approve draft Financial Risks assessment:

After discussion of the draft risk assessment it was proposed by Cllr Culley and seconded by Cllr Jeffery that it be accepted and signed off by the chairman and clerk.

6.4 To discuss the Finance Committees Budget Proposals for the 2016/17 Financial Year.

Note: Precept setting for 2016/17 will be discussed and agreed at the Full Council Meeting on 12 January 2016 in the light of BDBC Council Tax Support Scheme and tax base having not yet been decided by the borough, together with referendum principals (HMG still to firmly rule on triggering and scope [all councils, larger councils, council tax collecting councils?]— impact on precept. Borough to advise final tax base, confirmed grant levels and any referendum principals by 11 January 2016. Precept and Grant return deadline to BDBC is 31 January 2016. The clerk has received indications from BDBC officers that it is likely that all grants (maintenance, wicket, limited and litter collection) will remain at 2015/16 levels or with a 1% increase.

Carry over for the 12 January 2016.

6.5 Monthly accounts — December

Account Amount Treasurers Account 613.98 Investment Account 40,47083 #1 Petty Cash Account 12.22 Lloyds TSB Fixed Term Deposit 20,000.00 Less un-presented cheques 587.28 #2 Closing Balance 60,509.75 #1

#1 Balance in Investment Account & Closing Balance includes balance of £4,649.39 of Neighbourhood Plan Funds (drawn from £4,650.00 grant payment from the Groundwork UK grant received in September 2015)) and £6,160.00 of Lengthsman grant from HCC (drawn from £9,960.00) grant payment for 2015/16) held on behalf of 10 associate parish and town councils.

#2 Un-presented cheques (2491, 2492 and 2493) include those signed below on 24 November:

Chairman’s Initials


Payments made since the Finance Committee Meeting on 24 November 2015:

Payee Cheque No Amount Derek Kane (petty cash transfer) #3 2490 10.00 Premier Grounds and Garden Maintenance 2491 200.00 (SMB Grounds Maintenance – undercharge on payment made 10/11/15 B&M Fencing (Purchase of bark for war 2492 287.28 memorial) Ruth Widen (S137 for Dr Stevens talk 2493 100.00 refreshments) TOTAL 597.28

#3 Cheque 2490 (£10.00) cleared on 30 November 2015

Receipts since the Finance Committee Meeting held on 10 November 2015 (into Business Investment Account):

Source Date Amount Bank Interest 9/10/15 1.59 TOTAL 1.59

CDFG for Neighbourhood Plan, as at 30/11/15 held by SMB PC, in Business Investment a/c.

Item Payments Payments Date Balance In Out b/f 4,649.39 c/f 4,649.39

Lengthsman funds, as at 30/11/15 held by SMB PC, in Business Investment a/c, on behalf of the 10 associate town and parish councils.

Item Payments Payments Date Balance In Out b/f 7,000.00 Overton PC 140.00 10/11/15 6,860.00 Longparish PC 160.00 10/11/15 6,700.00 PC 240.00 10/11/15 6,460.00 PC 300.00 10/11/15 6,160.00 c/f 6,160.00

Chairman’s Initials


Payments Due at Meeting:

Payee Cheque No. Amount Derek Kane (salary) 2494 645.76 Derek Kane (expenses) 2495 6.01 Premier Grounds (Grounds 2496 662.50 Maintenance) Premier Grounds (Lengthsman 2497 140.00 Longparish PC) Premier Grounds (Lengthsman 2498 100.00 Newtown PC) Premier Grounds (Lengthsman 2499 100.00 PC) Premier Grounds (Lengthsman 2500 180.00 Highclere PC) Premier Grounds (Lengthsman 2501 80.00 PC)

Eclipse Pest Control (June, Sept 2502 390.00 and Dec payment)

Diane Malley (payroll services) 2503 29.00

Roffey Brothers 2504 274.07

Arien Designs Ltd 2505 23.39 SLCC (membership dues) 2506 131.00 Total 2,761.73

Invoices raised since last Full Council Meeting:

To Inv No. Dated Amount None 0.00 Total 0.00

Provision needs to be made for £515.48 for HMRC (Q3 2015/16) and the usual £500 buffer for any unforeseen expenses this month.

It was agreed to transfer £3,800.00 from the Business Investment account to the Treasurers account.

The acceptance of the reconciled accounts was proposed by Cllr Styles and seconded by Cllr Jeffery and unanimously agreed by the Full Council.

7. Planning:

7.1.1 Report from Planning Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 27 October 2015 (previously circulated).

7.1.2 Matters arising.

7.2.1 A planning matter was considered at the Finance Committee Meeting on 10 November 2015.

7.2.2 Matters arising.

7.3.1 Report from Planning Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 24 November 2015 (previously circulated).

7.3.2 Matters arising.

Chairman’s Initials


7.4 Planning Applications for discussion at meeting:

15/03910/HSE & 03911/LBC — Spring House Farm, SMB, SP11 6AR — Erection of conservatory to rear of property following demolition of existing (HSE & LBC) — Replacement of French windows to rear of property to match existing (LBC)

Decision: No objection

7.5 Trees — Notices of Intent:

7.5.1 — T/00451/15/TCA — Diplands Cottage, SMB — 1 no. Yew — reduce branch length in western canopy by a maximum of 2m by no more than 10m above ground level.

Decision: No objection, but clerk was asked to check with the owner before advising BDBC. The application has been submitted by a neighbour.

[Clerk’s post meeting note: The clerk made contact with the owner of the property who is aware and content with the application]

7.5.2 — T/00466/15/TCA — Trestan Cottage, SMB — Fell 1 no. Yew.

Decision: Object on the grounds of public amenity value. Clearly visible from a public place and adds to the street scene.

7.5.3 — T/00467/15/TCA — Haven Hill, School Lane, SMB — 1 no. Yew – reduce by 25% crown lift and reshape.

Decision: No objection.

7.4 Advice of Planning Applications considered by BDBC:

7.4.1 — 15/02836/LDEU —Stable Cottage, The Black Barn, Stoke Road, SMB, SP11 6EF — Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for letting of annexe known as Stable Cottage as a separate dwelling.

Refused on 21/11/15.

7.4.2 — 15/03205/FUL — Mayfield Farm, Binley Bottom, Binley, SP11 6HA — Erection of detached dwelling with basement including swimming pool, gym, wine cellar and plant area, with 2 no. detached outbuildings forming garaging and ancillary living accommodation. Associated landscaping works. Demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings.

Granted on 17/11/15.

Access suggestion: From A343 /Doiley Bottom. No large or long construction or supplier vehicles to pass through SMB or Stoke.

7.5 Planning applications withdrawn to be noted: None.

7.6 Planning appeals: None.

7.7 Compliance: None.

7.8 Other parish councils’ planning matters:

Consultation of Whitchurch pre-submission Neighbourhood Development Plan — deadline 11/1/16. Noted.

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7.9 Other Planning matters: None.

8. Recreation Ground and Lake:

8.1.1 Multiplay unit – wooden beam split – needs replacing (Stoke). — Update

E-mail received from Vitaplay on 30/11/15:

“I was hoping to have had the new leg installed at Stoke play area this week. However Proludic have sent me the incorrect leg through. They are now trying to track down your leg and re-direct it on to me, I will update you as soon as I know more.”

8.1.2 Overview of latest weekly risk assessment of Play Areas.

All low risk except the above unit in Stoke which is currently taped-off (high risk).

The clerk pointed out that one of the fence posts for the SMB Play Area has been knocked (presumably by a vehicle) and will need attention. The other posts are somewhat old. Will look to sorting this for April. The wire (as with the wire around the MUGA) is of high quality and is still in good condition.

8.2.1 Request from ‘The Lunch’ organiser for parking in MUGA 9/12/15 between 11.30 and 3.30pm. Granted by clerk due to it not impinging on youth / children being able to play on it.

8.2.2 Request from School for parking in MUGA 17/12/15 for an event (church) starting at 6.30pm. The council agreed to this.

8.2.3 (not on agenda) An informal request made via Cllr Randall for use of the MUGA for parking on Saturday 12 December to facilitate a Baptism party was refused.

The parish council asks that any organisers of events in the village who require overflow-parking in the MUGA that they must contact the clerk about eight weeks before their event giving notice of their request. It cannot always be assumed that parking in the MUGA will be granted as the prime purpose of the MUGA is a play / sports area (especially for children and youth) and that normally permission is not granted on weekends (daylight hours), nor after 3pm BST, nor during school holidays (daylight hours).

8.3 Incident with member of public and chain across entrance to Rec (update).

An accident in 21 October involving a member of the public (non-resident) falling over the chain (near the village shop) has been reported to our insurers. The clerk was first informed on 2 November and contacted our insurer’s agent first. No claim to-date has been lodged.

Cllr Henderson suggested that a small opening to the left of the chain post be created sufficient to take a pram’s width. There is already pedestrian access to the left of the shop as well as to the left of the MUGA. The clerk was asked to contact Premier Grounds (who had erected this year the replacement wooden fencing here), to quote for this work.

8.4 (not on agenda) Extra recreation ground cut. It was agreed previously that a cut be made due to the unseasonal grass growth, but that the cut had not occurred yet to date. The clerk advised that Premier Grounds had their machinery in for servicing and repair (during the ‘down’ winter period). As soon as Premier Grounds have the equipment ready they will undertake a cut, subject to conditions of surface.

[Clerk’s post meeting note: Premier have their equipment back and proposes to cut on 18/12/15]

Chairman’s Initials


9. Item of Correspondence to be circulated:

9.1 BDBC: Draft Council Plan 2016-2020 and Medium Term Financial Strategy Consultation — deadline 15/12/15. Noted.

9.2 Police: Whitchurch October & November Newsletter and PCSO A Carpenter October and November Newsletters. Noted.

9.3 HCC: Consultation on draft strategy for the future of Hampshire Library Service — deadline 16/1/16. Noted.

9.4 BDBC: Funding for schemes for rural based businesses — deadline 8/1/16. Noted. Suggested that this be forwarded to the shop committee.

9.5 BDBC: Neighbourhood Management Guide to roles and responsibilities. Useful. Noted and placed on file.

9.6 Boundary Commission: Consultation on electoral arrangements for HCC — deadline 11/1/16. Noted. (See also Cllr Thacker’s report under 4.1).

9.7 HCC: Parish Devolution Workshop 1/3/16 plus November newsletters. Noted.

9.8 BDBC: Community, Heritage and Environment Fund – application deadline 31/1/16. Noted. Suggested that this be forwarded to the shop committee.

9.9 HCC: National Highway and Transport Public Satisfaction Survey – Consultation deadline 18/12/15. Noted.

9.10 NWDAONB: Leader Grant Funding. Noted.

9.11 Dr Steven’s presentation 2/12/15. Thanks from Ruth Widén and repayment of unspent S137 monies.

Thanks noted. A refund of £14.24 (cash) representing unspent monies was sent to the clerk on 3/12/15. These will be entered in for next month’s accounts.

9.12 Request from resident for repair and pollarding to willows along Bourne at Gangbridge Lane. (willows are on private land).

The PC notes that these are on private land and whilst unattractive present no danger to road users.

9.13 (not on agenda) — BDBC: Seasons Greetings from the Mayor of BDBC received 7/12/15. Noted.

10. HALC/BDAPTC/SLCC/Training & Conferences Reports:

10.1 HALC: Press release re Hampshire Village of the Year. Noted.

10.2 SLCC: Branch meeting minutes from 24/9/15. Clerk attended. Noted.

10.3 HALC: Workplace pensions update. Noted.

10.4 HALC: E-update for November. Noted.

10.5 HALC: NALC affiliation levy 2016/17 — update. Noted.

Chairman’s Initials


10.6 HALC: Draft 2015 AGM minutes — comments to HALC by 21/12/15. Noted.

10.7 HALC: End of year message from Steve Lugg. Noted.

11. Footpaths:

11.1.1 HCC: Application for a Map Modification Order to record Rope Yarn Lane as a restricted byway — comments by 14/12/15. The clerk was asked to inform HCC that the PC supports the application.

11.1.2 Update from a representative of some Stoke Residents regarding obstructions on Rope Yarn Lane.

E-mail sent 3 December to chairman from a representative of some Stoke residents:

“When I last contacted you on 9th November I said that I was expecting a full reply from the HCC legal department by 25th November, in time for me to report to you before your December meeting. On that day I received an apology from HCC with a promise to reply before the end of this week, but so far I have heard nothing further.

As the agenda for your meeting next week has to be published by tomorrow I should be grateful if you would put RYL on it for mention and I will let you have a report over the weekend.”

The report was not forthcoming in time for this meeting.

11.1.3 Request from a resident for his view that a new right of way for Rope Yarn Lane is not needed.

E-mail sent by resident via clerk to the chairman of the PC on 24 November:

“It has come to my notice that upgrading Rope Yarn Lane between Binley and Stoke is being considered.

I was aware that a claim had been registered with Hampshire County in the correct manner. Having been on their Access Forum for several years I am know the process and the number of claims waiting for investigation by a very small staff. A few years ago there were over 70 unresolved claims to be checked in order, which was expected to take about 8 years. Since then Mr. Piper, who did this work, has left HCC. Has this claim special attention to be investigated soon? If so I should be pleased to know how it is able to be fast tracked.

As a landowner I am cautious about new Rights of Way, which are poorly maintained by HCC. In this case there is Footpath 6 about 300 metres north of Rope Yarn Lane leading across Heron Down Farm north to access Binley. It joins Footpath 7, which gives easy access to Binley Bottom and then there is the road to which is the same as the bottom of Rope Yarn Lane about 400 metres south. From Binley Footpaths 8 and 9 give ways to Wadwick and Egbury and 16 leads back to St. Mary Bourne. With this considerable adequate access on existing Rights of Way nearby I do not see the need for the creation of a new one.

The closing of Rope Yarn Lane has been caused by the poor use by the public without permission and fly tipping, which HCC and the police are unable to control. It has only been maintained by the landowner and is in a poor state.

Hampshire County Council have a poor record of Rights of Way maintenance and their Countryside Service has been very severely reduced so there is little likelihood of an improvement of them carrying out their statutory duties. To add to their responsibilities at this time with their record would be unproductive.

Chairman’s Initials


I should be grateful if the Parish Council would consider these matters if they debate the creation of a new Right of Way, which is not needed.”

The clerk replied to the resident on 26 November:

The matter has been raised by a small group of Stoke residents on a number of occasions this council year 2015/16.

On the PCs website can be viewed the following minutes which include the topic of 'Rope Yarn Lane'

May 2015: Time for Public Speaking (PS) and Proper Business (PB).

June 2015: PS & PB

July 2015: PS & PB

August 2015: PB

Sept 2015: PS

Nov 2015: PB


The PC notes the resident’s comments.

11.2 Request from a resident for all ‘walks’ are checked against the HCC Definitive Map

A resident wrote to the PC on 5 November:

“Rope Yarn Lane and other Rights of Way:

I am a bit concerned that not all the "Rights of Way", which we currently enjoy, are necessarily included in the HCC "Definitive Map". So far we have had to re-open the footpath outside Riverside Cottages in Stoke a few years back as it was not on the "Definitive Map" and now we have Rope Yarn Lane in a similar situation - and which has yet to be re-opened. I am beginning to wonder what other Rights of Way/Footpaths/Minor Lanes/Bridleways/etc are missing from HCC "Definitive Map"?

Might I suggest that a thorough check of all the Rights of Way/footpaths/Minor Lanes/Roads/Bridleways/etc that are currently "walked "in our Parish is carried out and that any, which are NOT on the "Definitive Map", are submitted to HCC for inclusion as a matter of urgency. All this before we have yet another "Definitive Map" error and all the hassle that results.”

The PC advises that their Footpath Officers monitor all used pathways.

11.3 (not on agenda) HCC: Application for Map Modification Order to record a restricted byway between Binley Farm (Slade Bottom Road) and Lye Farm Road, SMB.

Comments deadline 18 January 2016.

Clerk brought matter to PC’s attention in the light of items 11.1.1 thru to 11.1.3.

Carry over to 12 January meeting.

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12. Highways/Transport/Services:

12.1 Highways – Ongoing Highways issues – lead Cllr Dixon.

The PC discussed the summary report of issues compiled by Cllr Dixon.

The PC will call a meeting with Hants Highways (HH) reps and Cllr Thacker to ensure that o/s issues, where possible, can be included in FY 16/17 budget.

12.2 (not on agenda) Salt Bin on corner of road from SMB to Jamaica Farm is badly damaged and needs replacement. Clerk will advise HH.

12.3 (not on agenda) Street Furniture possible options for The Square to purchase by the PC were shown by the chairman to the council.

Matter to be carried over to the 12 January meeting. The clerk advises that £2.5k was placed in the draft budget for FY 16/17 although it would not be funded by a Precept increase but from reserves. Subject to approval on 12/1/16.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.45pm.

Chairman, St. Mary Bourne Parish Council.

Date ______

Chairman’s Initials