Investment officek’ names ‘magnificent seven’ stocks

As Steve KroU sees the stock market, there’s a time in '85. He figures the stock, about $119 at press time shellacking tecause of the recession. K-Mart’s to play and a time to stay away... and now’s the time and selling at only about nine times estimated '84 ^earnings peaked in ’79 at $2.84 a share, but Kroll sees to pljiy. earnings, will be a $180 number over the next two. 'that number being exceeded by more than $$.60 a So. the 36-year-old chief investment officer of years. ^ share this year (vs. $3.06 in.’Sk) and over $4.50 In ’$4. Hutton Asset Management — which n^anages $8.7 Dan Dorfman General Motors: It’s one of the most dynamic His stock projection: $55 to $60 in two years, compared billion of funds (mostly mutual fund money) underthe growth stories around, says Kroll, who Ijelieves GM with the current $34 price. Showers tonight; E.F. Hutton banner—bought about $100 million worth Syndicated has the potential to earn $30 a share in '85. (This year’s Champion Home Builders: Reflecting the tremend­ of stocks the other week. And if the bond market holds net is projected at $10 to $11 a share). Kroll sees a ous pent-up demand (or low-cost housing, CHB, as cloudy Thursday up well —.a closely watched indicator of the vigor of Columnist renew^ consumer love affair with auto^, given the Kroll sees it, should experience ballooning earnings— — See page 2 the stock market — Kroll will soon buy another $25 fact the current U.S. car fleet is the oldest In 10 to 12 20 cents a share this year, vs. 12 cents in '62, and $1 a million of equities. years. Another big plus: Heavy GM cost-chopping share in two years. CHB’s big emphasis is on the “I don’t .want the party to start without me,’*’ he across the board. If the company wasn’t called GM — low-eqd of manufactured housing (the $15,000 to says. which is considered stodgy by many investors — the $25,000 range). Kroll believes the stock, now about $5, . This is a sharp turnabout from his investment Kroll thinks the stock market may flounder a bit, stock, says Kroll, would sell at twice the price. And wilt at least double within two years. strategy of mid-July, when in a two-week period he but he says time is running out on bears. ”It looks like that’s precisely what he’s forecasting — a'doubling to sold over $200 million worth of stocks as he boosted the 1160 (in the Dow) is the floor and the next stop is 1400 around $140 in two years. Holiday Inns: The gaming business (estimated at 40 , cash reserves in the equity accounts ($1.3 billion all by June of ’84,” he says. AMR (formerly American Airlines): The airline percent of this year’s profits) is the big attraction to told) from 4 to 26. percent. Given his expectations bf an improving ’83 and ’84 business seems to be emerging from such past Kroll, who sees the company becoming the most Teachers At that time, Kroil was bothered by a sluggish bond economy, a leveling off of interest rates later this problems as Increased fuel prices and price wars, and successful^gaming operator in Atlantic City. In the If . ' Mstirre. Israelis market, the excessive runup in many new issues and year, a continuing low level of inflation and rising AMR, one of the industry’s best m anage cqmpanies, spring of ‘84. HI will open Jts second Atlantic City the overwhelmMg^preponderance of bullish senti­ consumer income, Kroll believes the time is closed has .a dynamic profit growth outlook over the next casino, makihg-Jt^ th^first Icompany to have two map out ment. “I felt that stocks had gotten ahead of the hand ”to sit back, relax and enjoy the second leg of the three years, says Kroll. He sees peak earnings of casinos there. More importantly, Kroll says, he’s very fundamentals," he says. bull market.” about $7 a share over the next two years — profits are impressed with Hi’s extensive management controls But since then, he observes, the market has Kroll, who has consistently been among the top 20 currently running at about a $2 annual rate — and be and systems analysis ih the gaming field (vs. a ‘revival’ 2 undergone a correction — with big stocks down about percent in money-management performance since expects the stock, around $31 at press time, to balloon number of rivals which/lack sophistication In this * put Sham ir 7 percent and high-fliers (mostly technology) off 15 to 1975 — initially at Morgan Guaranty Trust and now at to the-high $50^. area). By Sarah E. Hall 30 percent. Hutton — favors seven st^ks he expects to far U niro^: One of the building blocks-of the economy Kroll figures HI will derive 60 percent of its ’84 iterald. Reporter In addition, the new-issue market has cooled off, outdistance the general mawet over the next year. — the'^m pany’s big businesses are tires and profits from gaming operations next year and he sees . there’s an increasing number of bears, and the bond He characterizes them a ^ is “magnificent seven,” chemicals — Uniroyal, is in the throes of a dynamic market, as Kroll sees it, looks like it has made a earnings turnaround, observes Kroll. He sees $6 a share in earnings in ’85. vs. an estimated $3.50 this The air in the Manchester High and here are the names/Md a bit of his thinking on year. He projects a $90 stock price in two years, an 80 School library Tuesday was stuffy bottom. t each: earnings of over $2 a Hhare this year (vs. 76 cents in percent rise from its current price of about $50. in cha^rge and still; the talk was not. As 128 More importantly, he says, auto, housing and retail IBM: “Hercules unchained” is KroH’s view of the ’81) and projects over $3 a share in ’84. Kroll looks for l y sales are not continuing ablhe same blistering levels computer kingpin now that its problems have been the company to reinstate its dividend (eliminated in On the negative side, Kroll would shun both the teachers crowded in the room, as during the spring surge. So we’re getting a quality resolved with the Justice Department. He sees IBM as ’79) and sees the stock, presently around $14, doubling personal computer stocks (because of sharply rising administrators kicked off — with recovery in the economy — not too slow and not too a much tougher competitor in virtually every phase of over the next two years. competition) and the international oils (reflecting his more than usual pep — a semester- JERUSALEM (UPl) - Foreign within a short time span,” Herzog hyper . . . which is the best of both worlds. The its business and p r^ c ts an accelerated 20 percent- K-Mart: A strong earnings turnaround story is how view that a hefty world-wide production increase In long series of talks on how to Minister Yitzhak Shamir was said. excesses of a recession or hyper-inflation won’t be plus growth rate over the next three years, with IBM Kroll views K-Mart, which went through three bad the face of an improving world economy should put "revive” the love of learning and picked today to succeed Mena- "Therefore, I invited Knesset there. earning $9.20 a share this year, $11.25 next and $13.50 years as its major market, the Midwest, took a the lid on future petroleum price hikes) "revitalize” the curriculum. chem Begin as prime minister and member and Foreign Minister form a new government, virtually Yitzhak Shamir to a meeting. I "I’m charging you to start a assuring continuation of Israel's asked him il he would be ready to renaissance at Manchester High hardline polices on Lebanon and accept the task of putting together Business Watching the Fed: 1 M 2 IMS 1 9 9 0 School, which v^ill spread to the the Palestinians. a new government in Israel,” Moan (amly Incom* state, and on to the nation,” said President Chaim Herzog told Herzog said. t2 6 ,6 S 1 8 2 7 ,8 1 2 8 3 1 ,4 6 2 of luxury car buyers vice principal Gwen H. Brooks. Shamir he had chosen him as "Mr. Shamir informed me on the in Brief Then, to the amusement of many prime minister-designate during a spot that he agrees,” the president clues and cautions No. of affluent famlNet 6.3 7.2 10.7 teachers, she said: "MaybewewlH meeting at the president's official said. Technicom names chief eamtig over $60,000 m iio n mMon miOon succeed in being on the front p/ges UPl photo residence. Shamir. 68, has 21 days Shamir has vowed to continue to present a new government to Begin’s tough stand on leaving Share of total fam let 8.6% t1.1% 16 .6% ' long after Ronald Reagan is no all approaches to the Malacanang DARIEN — Gerald A. Poch Monday has been longer president in 1984.” “You're' Tens of thousands of protesters parliament for approval. Lebanon only when the Syrians named president and chief operating officer of marched toward the Presidential Palace Palace as the crowd abandoned the and Palestine Liberation Organi­ Technicom International Inc., a telecommunica­ for iiiferpretation Minimum luxury car price 8 1 2 .6 0 0 8 1 4 .1 3 0 8 1 9 ,0 3 6 all Democrats,' aren't you?,” she "I am deeply convinced that the zation do and expanding Jewish 1.4 1.8 added, as an afterthought. in Manilla today screaming “Revolution, Square where they had rallied for a situation in the nation and among tions company. Total luxury car talee settlement in the West Bank and Poch, a senior vice president, general counsel 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 m66on m iio n The rest of her talk centered on Revolution.” More than 1,(XK) riot ’’National Day of Sorrow.” the people makes it incumbent to Gaza. By Mary Tobin factors;' the rise in de- ach less importance to and secretary of Tie-Communications Inc., BoiMcm Ch«t« Eeonomttric* the specific task ahead of the troops, some Jn full battle gear, blocked establish a government that will The move was a blow to the UPl Business Writer malid for currency be­ customer operations. include all the Zionist elements in Labor Party, which hoped its parent company of Technicom, replaces Daryl A. Morgan economists, how­ teachers in general, and the Ferguson, who will become vice chairman, tween Thanksgiving and 13-member curriculum committee the country,” Shamir said at a leader, Shimon Peres, would be directing new acquisitions and business NEW YORK — Fed Christmas drains bank ever, say the Fed in public ceremony with Herzog at called on to lead the nation. watching is again a preoc­ reserves; strong eco­ general uses customer in particular. The spirit of her his side. developments. rhetoric borrowed from three "Our way differs from theirs,” Technicom was established by Tie in No­ cupation of financial nomic growth may call for money for moderate-sized Philippine police open fire Shamir said he telephoned Begin Peres told Israel radio in rejecting vember 1981 to market telephone systems to the markets, but interpreting permanent additions to operations and system recent national reports — "A to inform him of his decision and to a Shamir's offer to include Labor small business and residential amrkets. It has the Federal Reserve’s ac­ reserves; a decision to RPs for larger reserve Nation at Risk: The Report of the ask for his advice in the future. in a unity government. since diversified into other segments of the tions is an inexact science rein in money growth may tasks. National Commission on Excel­ "He promised to stand by me, “Labor will continue to serve in telecommunications industry. at best, even forthose who prompt a permanent "There are- so many lence in Education,” "Action for whenever I ask him to.” Shamir the opposition.” Hq told Israel s on rock-throwing crowds devote full time to it and draining. Fed watchers now, Excellence” from the Education said. radio he would speak with Shamir, Firm to woo investors indeed for the Fed itself. there’s a temptation to Commission of the States, and the Begin. 70, resigned last Thurs­ but his position would not change The Federal Reserve LONG-TERM objec­ find a simple way to MANILA, Philippines (UPl) — ing the assassination of opposition charged out from behind their day. reportedly in ill healtjt'and unless government policy guid- HARTFORD — A new company formed by a Board’s ultimate policy tives usually are achieved determine what the Fed is most recent Carnegie Foundation subsidiary of The Travelers Corp. and a British report — which focus on the Riot poliee opened fired today on leader Benigno Aquiaain a "Na­ barriaadoS in force, sending pro­ despondent. He. will remain as lines do. goal is stable, noninfla- by outright operations in doing,” Ms. Katz said. thousands of protesters who tional Day of Sorrow." caretaker prime minister until real estate firm will woo foreign institutions for tionary economic growth. “But there’s no foolproof so-called crisis in American educa­ testers fleeing from the area and Labor favors a unilateral Israeli investment in the United States. Treasury bills, coupon, marched on the presidential pa­ More than 1,000 riot police, some clearing the streets within Shamir's new government is con­ withdrawal from Lebanon and Since the 1970s it has tried and agency issues known way of reading the Fed’s tion and how to rally from the lace screaming "revolution! revo­ in full battle gear and others minutes. firmed by the Knesset. The London & Hartford Corp. will invest in to achieve this by in­ mind.” ' doldrums. restricting Jewish settlement in office’ buildings, shopping centers and other as system purchases and lution!” and hurling rocks. Mo­ backed by armored cars, blocked Before beginning the march Shamir said he would ask the the occupied territories. E fluencing money growth. sales. The Treasury bill As a New York Fed lotov cocktails and homemade all approaches to the Malacanang toward the palace, the protesters Labor party to join in a national Labor’s hopes were dashed by commerical real estate projects. Travelers “The Fed does not con­ official cautioned: “Fed UPl griphlc announced. The London & Hartford Corp. expects market is the “natural EARLIER in the meeting, MHS bombs. Palace and -met the crowd as it burned effigies of Marcos and unity government, but Labor party astute political maneuvering by trol the money supply — habitat” for such opera­ watchers have to be on faculty member, curricujjim com­ Witnesses said at least two marched from Bonifacio square in President Reagan and set an chairman Shimon Peres imme­ to Approve its first project at a meeting planned money is created in the guard against overesti­ Begin, who delayed his formal for Oct. 17 in London, said company President M. tions because its huge size Luxury car sales mittee chairmanr'-and national people were shot dead and another downtown Manila. American flag on fire. diately rejected the offer. resignation for two weeks, buying private sector by the and short maturity gives mating the certainty of six wounded by gunfire after police The line of marchers stretched Shamir, who heads the Herut Eldmonds Hunt. interaction of banking the desk’s own knowledge Teacher of the Year Leroy Hay Shamir time to rally a fractious the flexibility. Luxury car sales will grow substantially faster than the rest of summarized those three reports fired into a hugh crowd that surged Chanting "Marcos Resign, Mar­ for a mile, bringing traffic to a party, will now seek the votes he six-party coalition and gain Investors will be sought by Travelers’ Asset system, corporate bor­ If he wishes to operate of reserves and money . Management International Corp. and Guinness the car market in the next five years and will double by 1990, and urged teachers to redefine past police lines guarding Presi­ cos Resign,” and "Marcos: Hitler, . standstill on a four-lane highway. needs from five smaller parties pledges to join a new rowers and consumers,” behind the scenes he may supply growth at the time dent Ferdinand Marcos' official Dictator, Dog,” the protestors lit a All shops along the main boule­ that signed a written pledge of administration. Peat Properties, the U.S. subsidiary of The said Evelyn Katz, econo­ it operates.” Chase Econdmetrics said Monday. basic competencies in education. London Financial Services Group, Guinness Peat let securities run off as Malacanang Palace. bonfire in the - road and pelted vard to the palace swiftly closed, support two weeks ago. Begin, in seclusion for the three P mist at Morgan Guaranty they mature or sell bills He gleaned some disturbing fig­ police with rocks, Molotov cock­ Barring last-minute develop­ Group, PLC. Trust. pulling down their shutters as,^e weeks since he announced he was directly to foreign official ures from those reports: that 20 to . Demonstrators said they saw tails and "pillbox” bombs — small protesters streamed past, 'many ments. a Shamir-led coalition is resigning, officially will remain a The company is aiming for projects in the $20 to ■ "The Fed does have a 30 per cent of all students in the $40 million range, with Travelers and the outside accounts rather than in truncheon swinging police beat homemade grenades packed with yelling "revolution, revolution.” assured of 64 seats, a majority of member of Knesset. Begin “has tremendous influence on the open market. U.S. today, at all grade levels, are down another protester and shoot nails. ''We are - trying to avoid four in the 120-member Knesset. partner splitting the investment. Travelers has the availability of bank Weeds costly on farmers’ PIK land not decided yet'' whether to give up real estate investments exceeding $8 billion. Temporary operations "just marking time; ” that an him point blank before dragging When the police did not respond, bloodshed, we arejtrying to avoid a "Consultations I held made it his seat and retire from politics, reserves and this affects are more common and him behind police barricades three the demonstrators stormed across revolution but Marcos won't listen clear that Yitzhak Shamir has the the supply and cost of overwhelming majority of employ­ his spokesman Uri Porath said Million shares sold these are often “defen­ Bv Alice Noble “We want to continue to eradicate the weeds. In row ers believe students are not blocks from the palace. They said a bridge the riot squad was using to us,” said opposition leader best chances to form a government Tuesday. money and credit. That is sive” to smooth out fluc­ United Press International crops, they reduce the yield and sap the soil of mpre than 20 people were wounded BOSTON — The Stop and Shop Co. Inc. has adequately prepared for the work­ as a first line of defense and set two Salvador Laurel. a wedge to influence our tuations caused by ran­ moisture and nutrients. We certainly wouldn’t want to by gunfire. buses and a crane ablaze. The "National Day of Sorrow” announced the sale of 1 million shares of common behavior. dom events; - if, for DES MOINES — Having black nightshade, jimson be part of anything that would re-initiate a w e^ force when they graduate from The skirmishes broke out as stock at $52 per share through a nationwide high school. The police retreated turning fire was called to mark the 11th ”We as individuals example, a blizzard closes weed or other weeds' on acreage set aside in the problem.” more than 100.000 people pressed hoses onto the throng, firingltear anniversary of the 1972 imposition syndicate of underwriters managed by Lehman probably have the grea- airports and impedes federal payment-in-kind program could cost farmers Other ASCS officials added that weed control Hay encouraged teachers to act toward the palace demanding gas and finally opening fii^X of martial law by Marcos and the Bros. Huhn Loeb Inc. ^ test influence on money shipments of checks. more money this year than if the weeds were on cash prevents the PIK acres from infesting neighboring while education is still a hot issue. Marcos' resignation and protest­ Police swinging truncheons first month after Aquino's death. Peace efforts The underwriters have also been granted an "supply when we decide These day-to-day objec­ crop lands. land where a non-PIK farmer might be trying to raise “We'll go right back to before the option to purchase up to 150,000 additional shares, collectively whether to tives are met with repur­ Officials of the Agriculture Stabilization and crops. comics” after the 1984 elections, he solely to cover over-allotments. keep m on^ in a checking chase agreements (RPs), Conservation Service have begun spot checks of PIK Johnson said random spot checks already had been The net proceeds from the sale of the shares of said. account, borrow to buy an the purchase of securities acres to make sure participating farmers comply made on a small number of farms and spot checks Dr. Brooks stressed the time common stock are expected to be used to expand automobile, or open an on a self-reversing, tem­ with the program’s weed control requirements. shortly would begin on a widespread basis. are deadlocked the company’s operation, principally through the IRA (Individual Retire­ element, too. Calling the' $5.5-. porary basis, which supp­ “If a farm is spot-checked and is determined to have ”I hope we don’t determine any major problems,” million high school renovation acquisition of selected retail sites or groups of ment Account), which is lies reserves, or by weeds, it could reduce a portion of the farmer’s Johnson said. “The weeds are now going to seed and retail sites for its gehieral merchandise business. not counted in any of the matched sale-purchase program benefits,” said Gene Johnson of the ASCS this is a time we don’t want to get involved with "the first step," she said, “pray BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPl) - U.S. nese and Syrian terms to end the The Stop and Shop Co. Inc. is a diversified M’s (categories which transactions (MSPs), also office in Des Moines. somebody with a lot of weeds.” God, the next step doesn't take as Ambassador Robert Dillon re­ fighting. retailer operating 119 supermarkets, 123 Brad-'' Fed reports on),” Ms. called “reverse RPs,” He said there is no set penalty for violations of the ' long, or we'll all ^ thrown back in ■ ^ ■ turned today to his residence after "Lebanon cannot accept such lees’ department stores, 51 Medimart drug Katz said. which drain reserves. weed control rule, but farmers with severe cases of the dark 'ages.” (The renovation ^^merican warships silenced a Syrian terms,-which are nothing stores, 52 Charles E. Perkins tobacco shops and 67 project is still uncompleted, al­ threatening rebel artillery bar­ but an attempt to prolong the OfLThe-Rax women’s specialty shops. untended weeds could even be thrown out of the UNDERSTANDING op­ THE FED’S decisions program. Independent though officials had targeted the rage, but a nightlong "inferno” of fighting and make more time for Koala Inns plans hotel erating techniques the are complicated by its “This depends on the county committee’s determi­ start of school as a finishing date.) shelling kept many Lebanese its allies to make military gains on Fed uses to implement transactions for invest­ nation of the weed problem,” Johnson said. “It could In su r^c e To get teachers moving, she laid huddled in shelters. the ground.” a government official WEST HAVEN — Koala Inns expects to build a policy is crucial to inter­ ment accounts of foreign be a flagrant case or maybe a fellow has executed out the following timetable: Police and civil defense officials said. $3.5 million hotel in West Haven providing zoning preting its actions. The central banks, govern­ some weed control but it hasn’t been adequate.” Center, Inc. Sept.27 — volunteer group reported at least two civilians State-run Beirut radio said Tues­ 2 variances are granted. latest Morgan Guaranty ments and international Johnson said weed control is important not only for leaders to plan small group killed and 19 others wounded in the day's rocket and artillery attack Mayor Lawrence Minichino and officials of the Survey explains those institutions. These tran­ the aesthetic value of the conservation land, but to meetings. greater Beirut area-^and said 23 by Druze Moslem rebels sparked Boston-based company said the complex will be procedures and outlines sactions, known as “cus­ maintain the quality of PIK-idled fallow land for • Oct.4 — faculty will, meet to fires burned out of control./dwing about 20 -fires throughout the biiilt adjacent to Valle’s Steak House on Saw Mill “hazards” in trying to tomer RPs” usually have future farming. formulate list of objectives and the night. eastern Beirut suburbs of Yarze Road. Valle’s, based in Wellesley, Mass., is a interpret the-Fed’s Open the same effect on re­ “Primarily, weed control is important in PIK just basic competencies, using as a The shelling began Tuesday and Baabda, killing one person and co-applicant in the proposal. It intends to link its Market Committee deci­ serves as “system RPs.” as it is important in any other part of a farmer’s J starting plan a list summarized Ju. hours after U.S. Marines increased wounding 15. operation with the hotel's. sions from them. Sdine Fed watchers att­ operation,” Johnson said. from the three reports. their involvement in Lebanon’s It said the shelling was part of a Koala Inns operates 10 motel-hotels in New The FOMC relies on the • Oct.5 to Nov.l>— curriculum civil war by sending four to six new Druze assault on Lebanese England. It plans a seven-story building of 103 manager of jts System committee will compile master “observers” in full combat gear to army positions at Souk el Gharb, a rooms, an enclosed pool, spa, and business suites Open Market Account at list. the front with government troops key Shouf mountain village consi­ at the West Haven site. the Federal Reserve Bank • sometime in November — battling Syrian-backed rebels. dered the gateway to Beirut. The of New York to achieve its "The shelling was from the Housing starts up 8.4% LOST OUR LEASE individual teachers will analyze town is 3 miles east of Yarze and 8 objectives. the courses they teach and submit Druze, Syrian and Palcstinan-held miles southeast of Beirut. WASHINGTON — New housing construction The manager of the a report to the curriculum mountains (east of Beirut), and not jumped 8.4 percent in August to reach the highest $150-billion portfolio of we've committee. -many neighborhoods in the level in more than 4‘A years, a reassuring government and agency EVERYTHING ON SAIE • by end of first semester — government-controlled greater issues makes day-to-day Beirut area or the countryside indication the economic recovery is still healthy, go t your curricum committee will look for were spared from the inferno of the government says. decisions whether to pro­ “cracks” in teacher reports, syn­ Inside Today The Commerce Deparment said Monday vide reserves by buying thesize those reports and make artillery, rocket and mortar bar­ housing starts were running at an annual rate of securities or to drain by V2 PRICE!! rage,” a government official said. 24 panes, 4 sections^. some recommendations. Frightened Lebanese took to 1 advertising supplement 1.94 million units in August, the highest level since selling them. Other key num ber • second semester — faculty will December 1978. considerations: Should he basement shelters and many re­ Today thru Saturday review and revise curriculum mained there today. Advice ...... 14 The figures were welcomed by the White inject or absorb on a committee report. A rea...... 20 temporary or permanent Thank you for chopping Goodwill during our Mancheiter yean. ‘The ' You v m t auto,honwownefa Insurance thafs oomprahen- The barrage coincided with yet House, especially since most leading analysts slve. fcpm a company and an agency you can count on "If any changes are called for, another reported deadlock in Saudi Business...... 21 had expected a tapering off. ’ ‘This is encouraging basis? Should he operate Mtore it cloBing on Saturday. ITatch for our new store opening. We*U they will be gradual,” said Dr. Classified...... 22-23 “behind the scenes” or when vnu have a claim. And you want all this at a reaaon- Arabian efforts to mediate a Cam ics...... It news that the recovery continues on course,” aUe price. Brooks. Possible changes Include Entertainment...... 16 deputy press secretary Peter Roussel said. openly to signal policy continue to service the Manchester area for donations and home adding, dropping, or revamping cease-fire between Lebanon and intent? Syria, and between the Lebanese Lottery...... 2 “The slight increase of mortgage rates during pick-up. Call Hartford 278-6236. All of us at Goodwill thank you for We can fill the bill by placing your In­ courses. Hftftld photo by Pinto Obituaries...... t Sometimes the decision government and the pro-Syrian Opinion...... 4 the summer months hasn’t dampened the housing your patronage. surance with Greet American. .. So we’re ”We intend to be not only one of Druze militiamen fighting for market as we might have expected,” said James is related to seasonal giving you our number. the largest high schools in Connec­ Peopletalk ...... 2 control of the mountains east of Sports...... 9-12 Wooten, president of the Mortgage Bankers ticut, we intend to be one of the First In line Beirut. Television...... It Association. “This is good news for housing and best,” she added. The fighting erupted after Is­ W eolher...... 2 good news for economy in general.” SalLUB.. High school Principal Jacob School has started... this william and Virginia Rice, who live at Stephen T. Penny looks on. The town raeli occupation forces withdrew Housing industry lobbyists have been warning GOODWILL STORE ’ Ludes said he expects to “create from the mountains. SAMPLES TODAY Capitol Hill that the continuing high levels of Is a good tim e to adver­ some controversy” with the ac­ 190 Chestnut St., sign the first applica­ ^eld a dedication ceremony outside the The Manchester Herald today con­ tise that desk you no Saudi mediator Prince Bandar tinues Its sampling program to bring mortgage Interest rates could hurt builders and 1095 Main Streat, Manchester eas'^soso tions taken to shape up the tion for residence In the Bennet lower Main Street building Tuesday Bin Sultan returned home from copies ot the newspaper to non- buyers as well as the entire economy later this longer use. Let a Clossl- curriculum, and hopes that contov- tled od find a cosh buyer Shop dally 0-6 I I apartment complex for the elderly and night. Story on page 3. Damascus lute Tuesday after his subscribers In Manchester. year. for vou^43-27n. ersy will stimulate community apparent failure to reconcile Leba­ Involvement. handicapped while Manchester Mayor t - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday. Sepl. 21. 1983 MANCHESTEK HERALD, Wednenday. Ser'. 2i. 1M3 - » . \ Scorching summer of ’83 M an ch ester Town officials celebrate Bennet project political parties. By JoRiat P. Sacks / In B rief Harold Raporter "I don’t know what you call the shows no signs of easing Today inauguration of a rehabilitation pro­ In hMory W«l99 tayt h<»’9 fine William P. Rice’s signing of the first ject," said Mayor Penny. "I suppose a application for the Bennet housing nail-pounding.” Bv United Press^nternatlonal records began being kept in 1872. Vermont alter her course. Town general Manager Robert B. Weiss, complex for the elderly capped a Penny, who has supported the Bennet The mercury soared to 93 in The state Development and discharged from Manchester Memorial Hospital dcdicqtion ceremony held outside the conversion since its inception in 1981. Temperature records have Providence, R.I., topping the-re­ Community Affairs Agency said Tuesday after several days of tests, says doctors On S«pt. 21, 1977, former school building Tuesday night. went on to describe to the audience of fallen like the autumn leaves cord of 88 degrees set in 1946, while early ’ stages of fall color were ’'told him the chest pains he experienced on President Jimmy Cdr- After speeches by politicians and about SO people how the project came across New England as the scorch­ in Hartford, Conn., thethermome- evident in the northern part of the Saturday were clearly not symptoms of a heart into being. ing summer of 1983 shows no signs 'ter hit 95 degrees, obliterating the state, signaling the beginning of ter announced the re­ attack. ' officials who praised the project. Rice and his wife, Virginia, approached the Faced .with an empty building that of easing its sweltering' grip old mark of 87 also set in 1946. the foliage season. signation of Budget Weiss, who attended an open house Tqesday podium, received a pen from Mayor cost $45,000 per year to heat. Penny told despite the impending arrival of The broilingv- temperatures Vermont National Weather Ser­ night at the Bennet building, said one doctor told Director Bert Lance Stephen T. Penny and signed an the crowd, town officials "could not fall. which sent New Englanders in vice spokesman James Mansfield him his heart was as healthy as that of a and at the same time application for residence in Bennet. forsee its utility for commercial Boston reached 9t degrees Tues­ search of ice cream cones and air said the 87 degree reading was the 30-year-old fnan. Weiss never has experienced ' "This gives the people in this town purposes. Yet we had a facility here day, sending children into wading conditioners comes just days be­ highest in nearly four decades, defended Lance's ho­ any heart trouble, he said. the chance to stay here,"-Rice said with a replacement value of $1 million ponds in Boston Common and fore the official start of fall. The missing the old standard of 89 set in nor and integrity. Car­ Weiss said he feels fine now. after,filling out the fonp. more.” meteorologists to the record books autumnal equinox will arrive 1946. ter appointee Lance, to discover four new season Friday morning and Boston Na­ But he said Vermont tempera­ Kleirischmidt has new job The ceremony was followed by a tour ' Saying the 45 apartments wou Id meet records. tional Weather Service forecaster tures have rqrely reached the high shown here with Carter of the building conducted by architect a pressing need for housing in Man­ The high reading shattered the Frank Coppola says the weather 80s this, late ill the year since the . at an August 1977 press Arnold M. "Ike” Kleinschmidt will begin his Richard S. Lawrence, who designed the chester, Penny went on to praise the old mark of 87 degrees set 101 years may finally reflect the season. Weather . Service began keeping conference, had been new job in the personnel department of conversion of the fornaer school build­ "complicated, sophisticated financial Multi-Circuits op Oct. 3, he said Tuesday. ing to 45 market-rate apartments for technique” which made the apart­ earlier, and also broke the record "Indications are it should be records of such things a century accused of a series of for the hottest day so late in the more fallish, at least to start off ago. The Democratic member of the .town Board of the elderly and handicapped. The ments available at no cost to the town. season. That record, %, was set on with, Coppola said of the forecast "You can count on the fingers of illegal banking acts. Directors has' Worked for many years with ceremony marked the end of two years Sept. 23, 1895. calling for possible showers and- one hand the number of times it has Cheney Brothers. The company revealed re­ . of preliminary work by pollticans and DEMOCRATIC Director Cassano, In addition, Tuesday marked the high temperatures in the 60s. been 87 or 88 (degrees)," he said. UPI photo cently that it would be going out of business. officials on the coHtroversial project. also a longtime supporter of Bennet, sixth time in September and the Tuesday’s hot weather was not That sentiment was echoed in Kleinschmidt, 57, said he was delighted that he elaborated un the mayor's remarks, 30th time this year that the confined to southern New England Hartford, where NWS forecaster was able to find a new job so quickly, and that the THE TOWN itself is a general pointing out that no federal, state o/ mercury topped 90 degrees, the although Mother Nature did not let Bob Woodard said September has job was In Manchester. He said he also had offers partner in the limited partnership town funds had been used in the most in each category since the steamy 87 degree high in been a bizarre month for weather. from two Hartford-area insurance companies, which controls the development. The project. He said Manchester has but that those jobs would have required method used to finance the conversion, received a number of inquiries from commuting. ^ which involved using municipal tax other municipalities interested in in­ benefits for bonds sold to private itiating similar projects. Filing deadline Oct. 1 investors, is widely considered uuiique. "All we can do is benefit,” said W ea th er Bennet passed the Board of Directors Cassano. The town assessor wants to remind low-income by a slim one-vote margin in May. Five Referring to the political and techni­ wartime veterans to apply for an extra $1,000 Democratic directors, including the cal problems which surrounded the P e o p le t a lk exemption from property taxes by Oct. 1. Connecticut today 10.24 y iqOO mayor, supported the project, while all project, Cassano ^^alled Bennet "uni­ To qualify, wartime veterans inust, if single, three Republicans and Democratic que — and because it is th^ first time Today a mixture of sun and have earned less than $12,000 in 1982. If the Deputy Mayor Barbara B. Weinberg there are going to be growing pains." clouds warm and windy with a 60 veteran Is married, his or her income must have voted against it. Several snags, including the necessity percent chance of afternoon and been under $14,000. Speakers at the ceremony, held in to re-hold a Redevelopment Agency evening showers and thunder­ Veterans must bring a copy of their 1982 federal view of holes cut into the side of each of public hearing because it was improp- . Herald photo by Pinto storms. High 85 to 90. Southwest income tax returns and supporting documents to Bennet’s four floors for an elevator erly noticed and a holdup in the sale of wind IS to 25 mph. Tonight showers the assessor’s office to prove their income levels. shaft, included Mayor Penny, Chair­ bonds backing the project, occurred Architect Richard S. Lawrence of The Lawrence Associates, and thunderstorms. Low near 60. They should also bring their armed forces DD man John R. FitzGerald of the Bennet during the planning stages. which designed the Bennet conversion, puts a hardhat on his I Southwest wind IS to 25 mph 214 form or the equivalent. Qualified veterans are Non-profit Housing Corporation, Chair­ FitzGerald, the local attorney who five-yea{jpld son, David, before leading a tour of the Bennet becoming west 10 to ?0 mph by late those who served on active duty in the U.S. armed man Amy Burns of the town Redevelop­ chairs Bennet’s" parent corporation, at night. Thursday, considerable forces for at least 90 days during wars and ment Agency, Democratic Director called the conversion "a brave and building^ihe town held a dedication ceremony for Bennet cloudiness breezy and cooler with in flicts defined by Section 27-103 of the Stephen T. Cassano ahd James Brodt of imaginative plan," which will be a Tuesday. a 30 percent chance of showers. Connecticut statutes. E.F. Hutton & Co., which issu4d the "definite plus' ’ for the town. During his 'High 65 to 70. Winds northwest 10 to Any veteran who has not applied by Oct, 1 $1.8-million in bonds, for the project. brief remarks, he stressed that the IS mph. forfeits this year’s exemption, according to Others who attended the ceremony building — a landmark from the •MOwfNt ^ now Assessor J. Richard Vincent. For more informa­ ED' included Town General Manag^' Ro­ Cheney era — will be historically Air quality un Wf ATMCM FOTOCAtT « tion call 647-3013. bert B. Weiss, Board of Directors ■^preserved during the conversion. , , 260 NO MAIN S T minority leader Peter DiRosa, Steven Calling the method of financing the ANDY'S ^ MANCHESTER Cf The state Department of Envir­ Tax payment to be sought Erie of Community Development Cor­ conversion a vehicle which was "in­ , NORTHWAV onmental Protection forecast mod­ National foracaat' poration, and a number of town The Eighth District will press Charles vented, if you will," FitzGerald said ■' PL A/A erate air quality levels across directors, administration officials, and Ponticelli for payment of the sewer tax on the criticism of the project was to be AUTUMN Connecticut for Wednesday and for period ending 7 a m. ES T Thursday. Wednesday nlghl will (IfKl candidates in the fall election from both expected. reported unhealthy levels state­ showers across parts of the north Atlantic slates and sections of Charles Apartments on East Middle Turnpike wide Tuesday. Arizona. Elsewhere, mostly fair weather should prevail. Minimum opposite Brookfield Strc:et. temperalure$*include: (approx, maximum readings in parenthesis) District directors Monday night expressed PEOPIE ^mndy! Atlanta 47(73), Boston 60(67), Chicago 41(57), Cleveland 43(60), impatience over Ponticelli’s delay in the paying New England of the sewer bill. The district and Ponticelli Dallas 57(79), Denver 33(67), Duluth 31(46), Houslon 46(79), Governors’ voteA. means • * " I HOMt 01 IH( disagree over how the charges should be Massachusetts and Rhode Is­ Jacksonvilte 62(77), Kansas City 38(60), Little Rock 48(73), Los j PIQPtI PltAStHS calculated. PLEASERS land: A mixture of sun and clouds Angeles 66(73), Miami 75(87), Minneapolis 33(51), New Orleans warm and windy today with the The apartments arc not in the district. Their 57(77), New York 56(65), P h o ^lx 74(96), San Francisco 57(70), chance of afternoon or evening fire protection comes from the Town of $48 higher M C C tuition II you didn't recolve our circular MOMOAV THRU MTUROAY ■AM-tRM Seattle 52(61), St. Louis 41(64)/Washington 54(70). tUNDATSMIMRII showers and thunderstorms. Highs Manchester Fire D^artment. But they are loaded with valuea, see our , , „ , ..j. am 85 to 90 except mid 70s over the sewered through thq Eighth District because of store for copies. Silc ttiss Aniltkk nli. 9/Zi tbl Sit 9/Z4 HARTFORD — Despite protests trustees at least another month to islands. Tonight showers and thun­ the slope of the land. consider the policy. derstorms. Lows in the 50s in- the Gordon Lassow. district president, says from students, college administrators, and others, the Board of Governors for But the fear of some trustees — that western hills to the mid 60s along Ponticelli feels he should pay sewer charges on Higher Education adopted Tuesday a the policy might lock colleges into a Hillshire's LAND '0 LAKES the coast. Thursday considerable the basis of property tax as district members do. long-term plan with dubious merit — cloudiness breezy and much cooler The district argues that he should pay on the basis statewide tuition policy which will raise all'public college tuitions in seems tp have been sidestepped. The with a chance of showers. Highs 65 of his water use as do other npn-members of the governors’ board approved the-policy POLSKA to 70. district who'are connected to district sewers. 1984-85. Students at Manchester Community just for the coming school year, and Maine: Mostly sunny followed For an apasrtment house, the water use base will reconsider it next May. CHEESEl for sewer charges is more costly. College will end up paying $48, or 12 KIELBASA UPI photo by increasing clouds during the Vincent, howvever, fears the interim Thedlstrict directors Monday said they feel the percent more, for tuition next year than afternoon, a chance of a .thunder­ policy may establish a pattern of district should make an effort to collect the they do now. "The immediate impact shower in the mountains. Highs in will probably be minimal, but the ever-rising tuitions. "And I’m not sure Giddy up Nancy the 70s and 80s. Rain spreading charges. \ long-term impact could be alarming," what ‘reconsideration’ means." he from west to east tonight. Lows 55 Lassow said Tuesday Ponticelli has not said. responded to district letters on the the subjeijt. said William E. Vincent, MCC to 65. Rain ending from west to east Constance Zak, the Board of Gover­ . . . . California during an interview and 179 1 89 Nancy Beagan reclines on an over­ president. Thursday. Cooler with highs 60'to photo session with Life magazine. The new policy bases tuition rates at nors’ assistant director for public stuffed rocking horse on the porch of 70 except in the SOs in the M HA will review letters a fixed percentage of actual educa­ information, said "the board felt the the Reagan’s “Rancho del Cielo” in mountains. tional costk — 20 per cent for resident policy allows for a more rational and New Hampshire: Clouding up The Manchester Housing Authority will review SWEET LIFE undergraduates, and considerably ■ predictable tuition-setting process.” this afternoon with a chance of a several letters from the federal Department of The state legislature charged the board Housing and Urban Development when it meets more for graduate students and non­ APPLE JUICE 64 0 . . shower or thundershower away residents. with developing such a policy when it < Whither Baryshnikov?' Here comes cinema 89 from the coast. Highs in the mid 70s tonight. established the board last March.^ The authority will also hear updates on its The governors’ board took a vote on Mikhail Baryshnikov, artistic director of the French televison produceer Andre Hallml is in to mid 80s. Rain developing the policy Tuesday even though the Also at the meeting Tuesdayr the financially ailing American Ballet Theater, New Orleans to organize a film festival along the tonight. Lows 55 to 65. Rain ending Acquisition With Substantial Rehabilitation . governors approved a $42.7-million program and on work being planned at the Board of Trustees of Regional Com­ seems to be ina bit of a quandry about his future. lines of the Deauville’ Festival du Cinema Thursday followed by clearing in SaMllte ¥law munity Colleges had requested, the day operating budget and a $l.S-millien Baked Fresh in our ovens... Last week he offered to resign from his post but Americain in France, perhaps as early as 1984. the afternoon. Cooler with highs in Mayfair Gardens apartment complex. capital budget for all community' ^ 1 0 0 — The meeting will be held at- the housing before, that the vote be delayed. was persuaded to hang in there by the baliet Halimi, co-director of the Deauville event, said the 50s and 60s. Commerce Department satellite photo taken at 4 a.m. E D T shows Vincent called the refusal to grant an colleges. The budgets will now be ITALIAN BREAD O f o r 1 company's board. But on Tuesday, ABT general Meridien, the Air France hotel chain, would Vermont: Today windy and authority headquarters, 24 Bluefield Drive, passed on to the governor, and later to clouds associated with an intense cold front extending from southern beginning at 7:30 p.m. extension "unfortunate,” and said he or 4 9 C e a . manager Charlesam admitted Baryshnikovk has sponsor the New Orleans event as a showcase for warm. High in the 80s. Sunshine Texas to the Great Lakes. Clouds causing scattered showers and had hoped the governors would give the the state legislature for approval. this morning then clouds moving in not signed a new contract with the company. French films in the United States. He said the first thunderstorms are over the Southeast while heavy thunderstorms are The dancer-director seemed in good spirits at a year would honor a major French figure such as this afternoon followed by heavy showers and thunderstorms in the visible over the western Gulf of Mexico, southern Texas and Mexico. party at the French Embassy in New York at Francois Truffaut, Brigitte Bardot, Yves Mon­ A few broken clouds cover the Northern Plains. SWEET LIFE which a $200,000 contribution from the Dom tand, or Catherine Deneuve. late afternoon. Tonight periods of CO/ Perignon champagne interests to underwrite hik rain, breezy and much cooler. Low F ire C alls new production of Prokofiev’s "Cinderella" was 50 to 55. Thursday quite cool with a PREMIUM TUNA announced. He said he’d be dancing with ABT at chance of rain or showers in the CHUNK LIGHT o i . can least through the spring season and may do a morning then a bit of 'sunshine in Alm anac movie sometime next year. the afternoon. High 55 to 60. Manchester M///1/ HU (.A! A Monday, 12:'19 a.m. — Extended outlook medical call, 313 New Today is Wednesday, Sept. 21, and Frank Duryea. State Road (Paramedics) I S ni RSI I I S Extend^ outlook for New Eng­ the 264th day of 1983 with 101 to In 1938, an estimated 600 people Monday, 7:32 a.m. — land Friday through Sunday: follow. were killed by"a hurricane that medlcai call, 12 Overlook l \ I R) ()M ! Connectirat, Massachusetts and The moon is approaching its full battered the coast of New England. FRITOS Drive (Town and Rhode Island: Fair Friday. phase. In 1976, former Chilean foreign Paramedics) Chance of a shower Saturday. Fair The morning stars are Mercury, minister Orlando Letelier was Tuesday, 7:32 a.m. — \ t .‘ r > I a I I I m is l . ; i i Y ( ’ l Sunday. Highs in the low to mid 60s Venus and Mars. killed when a bomb exploded in his medical call, 12 Overlook Friday and Saturday and in the The evening stars are Jupiter car as he drove along a street in 8 oz. mid to upper 60s Sunday. Lows in and Saturn. Drive (Town and Washington: D-C. Paramedics) ( vm I R the mid 40s to low SOs through the Those bom on this date are under In 1977, President Carter an­ period. the sign of Virgo. They include Tuesday, 9:33 a.m. — nounced the resignation of Budget smoke alarm, 62 Pascal Vermont: Dry and quite cool author and historiap H.G. Wells, in Director Bert Lance and at the through the period. A few showers 1866, composer Gustav Holst, in Lane (Town and same time defended Lance’s honor. Paramedics) in tne northern mountains. Highs 1874 and actors Larry Hagman, in and integrity. Lance, a Carter 99< Tuesday, 11:31 — in the SOs. Lows in the 30s and 40s. 1931 (age 52), and Heiiry Gibson, in appointee, had been accused of a stove fire, 616 Spring St. Maine: Fair Friday. Chance of 1935 (age 48). series of illegal acts in banking. showers Saturday. Fair Sunday. (Towiuand Paramedics) DRESSES On this date in history: Cool with highs from the mid 50s In 1893, the first si|cce8sful Tuesday, 11:56 a.m. — A thought for the day: British stove fire, 842 Center GROUND BEEF north to the 60s south. Lows in the American-made, gasoline- author H.G. Wells said: "Human Ground many times dally lb. 30s north to near.40 along the coast. Street (Town) < operated motor car appeared on 98 history becomes more and more a Tuesday, 12:16 p.m. — New Hampshire: Fair Friday. the streets of Springfield, Mass. It race between education and, medical call, 70-A Pascal Chance of showers Saturday. Fair was designed and built byXharles catastrophe." " ^^TrUothroom ^ Old friends meet at benefit Sunday. Cool with highs from the Lane (Town and $ 1 0 9 9 ^ ! Sweet Life Sugar mid SOs north to the 60s south. Lows Paramedics) Tissue Frank Sinatra belts out a rang while Dean In the 30s north to near 40 along the Tuesday, 3:11 p.m. —’ Marlin gives him a hug during the Retinitis coast. Manchester Herald motor vehicle accident ■ $1.49 f w. Me 3 rolls n .O P with injuries. 1-86 at exit Whha as An B rtstf ' To o eariy to tell? Pigmentosa Foundation blindness prevention I with coupon and $10 purchasg leeosMew dinner-dance late Tuesday at the Waldorf-Astoria 94 (District, Paramedics c o m p . ‘’6 0 I Excluding Baar, ClgergMat and with coupon and $10 purchase Princess Diana, Princess of Wales meets a Richard M. Diamond, Publisher and State Police) Hotel in New York. More than $600,000 was raised I Limit Ona Par Cutlomar Excluding Beer, CIgaretleo and curious little girl in Westoning, England Tuesday. at the benefit. L o ttery Thomas'j. Hooper, General Manager Tuesday, 4:26 p.m. — Amid speculation that the Princess is pregnant, tree fire, 138 Cooper St. W m u III IA IASI! I Valid 8apL 21 to Sapt. 24 *** LlmH One Per Cutlomar Valid Sopl. 21 to Sept. 24 the girl touches the Princess’s stomach. USPS 327-500 VOL. Clh No. 299 (Town) Princess Diana was on a walk-about at [ ^Tuesday, 5:07 p.m. — Conn^ticut daily MacIntyre Communities for Mentally Handi­ Publlthtd dolly except Sunday Suggested carrier rotes ore $1.20 alarm, Cheney Technical capped Children at Westoning Manor in and certain holldoys by' tk the Mon- weekly, $5.13 for one month, $1$.3S High School (To\vn and Bedfordshire. All In the family Tuesday: 693 Chester Publishing Co;, 16 arolnord for three months, 130.70 for six raramedlcs) Norvattvest Froib East I are Sbaro Ploce. Manchester, 6onh. 06040. Play Four: 8132 months and 161.40 forone year. Mall 'Tuesday, 6:27 p.m. — I Jell-0 Gelatin US He. 1 r Louis Auchlncloss, America’s foremost nove­ Second class postage paid at Man­ rates are ovallable on request. IKIQ list of manners, didn't have to look far for the chester, Cann. POSTMASTER: motor vehicle accident, ■ V / ATOES Send address changes to the Man­ To place a classified or display 4 3 2 Broad St. subject of his latest book, "Maverick in Mauve," chester Herald, P.O. Box 591, 4 for $1.00 other numbers drawn Tuesday odyertlsement, or to report a news (Paramedics) the edited diaries of Florence Adele Sloane. . in New England: Manchester, Conn. 06040. Item, story or picture Idea, coll ■ Aseertee Plavers 89 < Miss Sloane, a Fifth Avenue furnishings store 643-2711. Office hours ore 8:30 o.m. Tuesday, 8:01 p.m. — m With coupon and $10 purchase le e. Me Vermont daily: 813. Ta subscribe, or to report a to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. odor of gas, 85 E. Center f '.\r ^ , II ■ !( .. I .\j i| with coupon and $10 purcheae heiress whose mother was a Vanderbilt, was a delivery problem, call 647-9946. I Excluding Boer, Clgarallea and Now you know Maine daily: $93. S t . (Town and Excluding Baar. CIgarattaa and debutante at the gilded turning of the century for Rhode Island daily: 8455. "4-47 Oftlce hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 The Manchester Herald is a 1 *•* Limit One Per Cuslomor The tenfperature fell 100 degrees — from 44 whom life was truly a bowl of cherries without p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 subscriber to United Press Interqa- Paramedics) ***'Llmll One Per Customer Jackpot" numbers: 38-24-18-20: to 10 a.m. Saturday. Oellvery tlonql news services and Is a ;Wedne$day, 8:59 a.m. Valid Sept. 21 to Sept. 24 degrees to 56 degrees beldW zero — in Browning, pits. She also happened to be the grandmother of jackpot $45,528. should be made by 5 p.m. Monday member of the Audit aureou of Mont., on Jan. 23-24, 1916. Auchincloss’s wife, Adele. through Friday and by 7:30 a.m. Circulations. motor vehicle accident, New Hampshire daily: 5884. Saturdoy. TiB Summit St. I______*NDr$______J ! . Massachusetts daily: 3205. (Paramedics)

■ • - ’ 4 ------c 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 21. I9M MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sc t. 21, 1983 - 5 U .S ./W o M ^ U.S. committed to act as world policemen State panel backs higher pay for teachers In B rief Connecticut War powars accord neai^ In B rief By Mark A. Dupuis The 31-n\vmber task iorce, named a $23,000 in civil engineering, the report review toe recommendations at its Pentagon plans for battles In space UPI Capitol Reporter year $go to study ways to attract and said, adding that the general level of October meeting and decide which ones WASHINGTON - The administration and retain quality teachers, said the state math and English skills for new should be sent to the governor and Legislature for consideration. Congress, with the only resistance coming from Summar hottaat on racord WEST HARTFORD - A ‘ study has many excellent teachers and a teachers were “well below” other By Rlthord C. Gross Education Commissioner Gerald N. Senate Democrats, are working quickiy to made the documents availahle to Mediterranean, the Pacific and the It Instructed^ the Air Force to group, saying the state’s education reputation for excellence in education professions. United Press International WINDSOR LOCKS — With only three days to Tirozzi said the Legislature should give complete action on a compromise on the war United Press International Tuesday. Indian Ocean. The papers did not say “ procure and preposition load, launch system is in “ serious trouble” , recom­ that . has attracted business and “ It is one thing to ask people to make go, toe Summer of INS continued it s torrid, serious consideration to the work of the powers act that would keep U.S. Marines in Called “ program decision memoran­ where the fourth group would operate. and recovery equipment to support record eettlng pace os the hottest summer on mended paying teachers more. Includ­ industry. a contribution of some portion of their Lebanon for 18 more months. WASHINGTON - The Defense De­ dums,” the documents earmark spend­ A fourth Army division — the Sth seven tactical fighter wings in Southw­ “ At the same time, the task force’s economic potential because of some­ task force, the first of several working partment plans to expand U.S. fighting record. ing merit pay to award good teaching. on recommendations for improving The Senate and House foreign affairs commit­ ing of $1.9 trillion for that five-year Mechanized Division at Fort Polk, La. est Asia” and budgeted $Ml million to In a report to toe State Board of deliberations made it clear that toe thing they believe in,” said University potential in the Persian Gulf and The temperature reached W at 2:05 p.m. education in Connecticut. tees swiftly scheduled hearings today to take up period, within the framework of the — was added to the Infantry, paratroop develop the Civil Reserve Air Fleet to Education Tuesday, the Distinguished state'x educational system is in serious of Hartford President Stephen- Joel prepare for battles in space by buying Tuoiday at Bradley International Airport, “ If in fact we’re going to continue to the compromise resoiution. Secretary of State policy guidance outlined in the spring and air mobile divisions now assigned enhance airlift capabilities. Citizens Task Force on (Quality Teach­ trouble — in ways that are bound to Trachtenberg, chairman of the task 58 anti-satellite missiles through the surpassing the S7-degiee record for the date, set improve the quality of education in this George Shuitz was set to testify in morning and by Defense Secretary Caspar Wein­ to the RDF for meeting crises^ln the All three services plus the Joint In 194$. ing also recommended letting teachers impact on Connecticut’s economic force. end of the decade, secret Pentagon state then this report deserves serious afternoon hearings to outiine administration berger. But Thayer was forced to Persian Gulf. ^ Chiefs of Staff and the National work part-time and take on other jobs health and growth,” toe-report said. “ It’s another thing to ask that they documents say. On Monday, temperatures reached 93 degrees, consideration and funding support,” poiicy and goais in Lebanon. eliminate or defer many weapons To hack up the Sth Division’s role as a Security Agency were told to “ fund breaking the 92 mark set for toe date way back in .through cooperative efforts with The report said starting pay for sacrifice the welfare of their families The five documents dated Aug. 22 Tirozzi said. The compromise under which Congress is programs to meet that target. reinforcement for NATO troops in improvements In U.S. Southern Com­ 19M. businesses. teachers in Connecticut in toe 1982-83 and frankly themselves, and what and signed by Deputy Defense Secre­ He said the improvement of teaching expected to approve the Marines’ stay in Lebanon Reflecting the growing U.S. commit­ Europe, the documents ord er^ an mand capabilities” in Panama and to At Sikorsky Memorial Airport in Stratford, toe The task force said low pay reduced school year -averaged between $11,000 we’ve got now is a situation where that tary Paul Thayer culminate five quality definitely wouldn’t be cheap, was agreed to reluctantly by President Reagan ment to act as a world policeman, the upgrading of readiness of the 49th study "force structure and basing toe number of people going into and $12,000 everywhere but in Fairfield kind of choice is being forced upon months of budget planning by the temperature reached 87 degrees at 8:15 p.m. noting it would cost $34 million to give and House Democratic ieaders. It was announced Pentagon documents ordered a boost in Army Rational Guard Armored requirements” there, “ including the Tuesday, breaking theeecord for the date of 82 set teaching and made it difficult to attract County, where the average was $12,980. people,” he said at a news conference services for liscal years 1985-89 and each of the state’s teachers a $1,000 a Tuesday by House Speaker Thomas O'Neiii and the capabilities of the Rapid Deploy­ Division. distribution of fiscal 1985 funds to and keep quality teachers inthe state's By comparison, entry level salaries at toe university in West Hartford. were submitted for review to the Office in 19W. lal£C at the White House. ment Forqe and improvements to U.S. On the ground in the Middle East, the specific projects.” classrooms. stood at $18,540 Jn accounting and The State Board of Education will year pay raise. of Management and Budget at the force structures in Central America. Pentagon earmarked $35 million for a Murder neighbors scared White House. The RDF is known officially as the U.S. brigade staging facility at Oman; $58 The documents do not specify the The final version of the proposed Central Command. million for “ en route support” facilities 'projects, but the command is head­ Bank rob proba criticized * FORT WAYNE, Ind. — Residents are “ scared budget for fiscal year 1985, .which Further, they ordered the permanent in Moroceo; $145 million for medical quarters for U.S. operations in all of WEST HAR’TFORD - Friends, neighbors and to death” that recent break-ins, thefts and a begins Oct, 1, 1984, will bi^ sent to forward deployment of a fourth air­ and storage facilities in Oman and $9- Central America — including U.S. casual acquaintances of Wells Fargo robbery Engineer refutes earlier bridge testimony stabbing are connected to the weekend biudgeon- Congress in January. craft carrier battle group in addition to million for weapons storage on the advisers based in El Salvador and suspect Victor Gerena say the intense police ing deaths,of^ couple and their son. Sources familiar with defense issues 4hc task forces now operating in the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. Honduras. investigation of the $7 million heist has disrupted Police increased patrols in the neighborhood would have eaten away the original their lives and caused emotional stress on them. By Dennis d. MllewskI He also said state bridge inspectors alert us to its condition,” Wakeland where the slayings occurred and residents paint on the bridge. “ I can’t believe people that are innocent can be United Press International could not have been expected to predict said. The bridge’s expansion joints increased household security. AssistantyPolice He said the combination of rust and so victimized,” said Elia Vega, a resident of the the collapse of the Mianus River should not have been touching, he said. Chief David J. Racine said there were no ice the failure.of the pin-and- Soviets continue same Hartford apartment building Gerena and GREENWICH - An engineer hired bridge. The inspectors “ had no reason suspects, motives or hard leads in the slayings of by the state Transportation Depart­ or motivation” to suspect the failure of Michael J. O’Rourke, a private hanger assembly, and the lateral iV, bis fiancee lived. engineer hired by the Cigna Corp., movement of the assembly started 2 Dan Osborne, 35, editorial page editor of the Fort Ms. Vega, a community organizer for the ment refuted statements rust caused the bridge’s pin-and-hanger assembly, Wayne News-Sentinel, his wife, Jane, 34, and testified earlier Tuesday his inspection three to five years after the bridge was Hispanic Health Council in Hartford, saidshe has the failure of the Mianus River bridge, he said, their son, Ben, 11. scouring sea for after the collapse indicated corrosion finished. become nervous and paranoid since the ^ p t. 12 ‘ which had wailed a., warning of Other engineers, testified Monday They were discovered in their blood-stained problems could have begun as early as O’Rourke said bridge inspectors robbery at the Wells Fargo office in West imminent collapse. ^ rust and ice led to the failure of the home Monday morning and had been killed by three years after the bridge was built in should have noticed something was Hartford the second largest robbery In U.S. Lev Zetlin told the National Trans­ bridge’s pin-and-hanger assembly. blows to the head. sunken black box portation Safety Board Tuesday the ‘ ‘Under another set of conditions, the the mid-1950s, when road salts and rust wrong three to four years ago. A daughter, Caroline, 2, roamed the house history. Other friends and acquaintances of Gerena and major cause of the. collapse was the bridge would have stood for another 50 alone in a bloody nightgown for more than two By Mark Kuramltsu his family also said they have been victimized by constant force of the bridge’s own years,” said Zetlin, responding to those days after the killings last weekend. She was in United Press International the ^ i c e and the FBI. massive weight pushing down on the comments. (• satisfactory condition after surgery to repair structure over the years. ” My opinion is that this corrosion Attantion All Hoopars! M u lti-U sd injuries from a sexual assault, doctors said. With the U.S. Navy certain a downed Korean - Heavy truck and car traffic passing has, if anything, delayed the collapse,” W* have on* of lha largaal aalac* EXTRA BUUnr YARN airliner’s flight recorder is submerged nearby, Soviet over the bridge "continuously added he said. “ The corrosion actually results Ideal fop # Central Plains freezing ships today scoured a section of the Sea of Japan for Kiaainger'a berries saved movement of the pin,” he said, in almost equivalent to welding.” tiona of woodan ambroidary referring to the steel pin-and-hanger Henry H. Wakeland, a board engi­ hoopa in Naw England. The record-setting summer of 1983 showed no the black box that could hold key answers about the KENT — A dispute over blueberry bushes that assembly which has be> be afraid. act as DeWild’s financial have been transferred. Wild’s property. opposed by the administration, now goes to the said. "ACTION SLACK" full House. The Senate has not yet acted. But now that toe jewels Levi'S The original House proposal would have are formally ms and are MF NSWf AR Solicj colors sizes 30 to 42 extended federal jobless benefits for nine months. safe in a bank, the 16-year- FREE DEMONSTRATIONS - Sept. 22 . 28.00 But the Democratic-dominated panel voted to old boy is expedt^ to reduce the extension to 45 days. return to school and re­ jde BARBARA for her sume a normal life, attor­ 3RD OPEN HOUSE at ^ u s it "GALLERY SLACKS " Tri-blend flannels 30 to 38 $989® LOST OUR LEASE PANCAKE BREAKFAST Bentley School'Gym ' Nrag. 32.00 HelHttsr Street - 3-5 | i ■ - SHi WORKS FOR TOO! n t t i e s s EVERYTHING ON SAIE • Come See Aerobic Slimnastics "WOOL BLEND SLACKS " 8KW a.M. te IdM p.m. ePro-Notal Exordto Program Your one gift this y i supports both V2 PRICE!! HAGGAR Washable & belted sizes 32 to 42 Sunday Supt. 25, 1983 eMon’s Program - A Tough, Safa Workout the United Way of the Capital Area 35.00 and the Combined Health Appeal. A Today thru Saturday Elks C tu t - Bissell SL Thank y o u /o r §hopping Goodwill during our Mancheater yean. The Maechester, Ceea. Classes Begin October 3 - Bentley Gym onoe^a^year fund raising that’s the Free Alterations Tuoa, tnura. 12-12:50 Pro-Natal Claaa lifeline for over 100 health and com­ store ia closing on Saturday. ITatch /o r our new store opening. fTe*ll (hehyelMine available) continue to service the Manchester area /or donations and home Adelta $1.75 Swiiers t ChMrai $1.00 Mon, Wad. 6:30-7:20 Mon*a Claaa m unis services. We’re making your pick’up. Call Hart/ord 278*6236. Ali o/ us at Goodwill thank ^au/or AUYOUCANEATI •Try a claaa with no obliga­ doliars work harder— and eveiyone your patronage. tion 7 benefits! REGAL’S m GIveGenemusly! CommlltM to Ro-«toct "Vowr Ovality Men's Shop" GOODWILL STORE Bariiara Wolnborg tweof o w w w weevem voww eeeeeae DOWNTOWN MANCHRSTER VRRNON MaMtww Morloirty, Traias. with bebyaHKna 1095 Main Street, Manchester 903 MAIN ST. TRI-OTV PLAZA Shop dally 9-S SUMNASnCS 1-226-3163 OpM> Dolly 9>30-5i30 Thun '61 9,00 Opm Wod.. Thun, t Fri. 'til 9:00

i /

MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesdayp Sept. 21. 1983 - 7 i — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sent. 21. 19»3

Richard M. XMimond. Publlahar Oan Rtta, Editor Chewing tobacco Is as bad as smoking It AIok dlraUI, City Editor OPINION BOSTON (O l. — People who thought not in the tobacco or snuff, that can be used Some, he said, "like fobacco, make a they could avoid the chances of getting in basic research. distinct difference. Capeer is a multi-stage cancer by chewing tobacco instead of ’The meetbig of the National Foundation affair. There are jsome very potent smoking it are just fooling themselves, for Cancer Research was hel.d to honor chemical carcinogens,” he said. cancer specialists say. >> Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Gydrgi and let The experts met in a special syposium the specialists discuss each otber’s findings Reagelson said "most cancers we see in J a c k Tuesdify and one said they have identified and theories about Cancer causes and man are very slow. They may take 20 to 30 Andenioil some potent cancer-causing agents In snuff research. years in incubation.” But he said others are Unaffiliated voters not so deprived and chewing tobacco that almost imme­ Dr. William Reagelson of the Medical potent and said snuff and chewing tobacco Washington diately make normal cells cancerous. College of Virginia said one of the findings is "can produce a rapid Oppearance of But more than ISO cancer specialists said that there are environmental agents that malignancy and can almost immediately Republicans are expected to candidates will benefit, even II Bristol included Republicans in Msrry-Qo-Round they’ve also found other anti-cancer agents. can increase the risk of cancer. transform a cell.” take a big step next week only temporarUy, ,by the added the survey he began this week. toward turning their magnifi­ numbers. THE NEWEST Republican in cent obsession of the moment Capitol Comments the House, Ted Gagne of into reality. FORMER STATE Rep. Nick Thompson, is aboard the survey In a pinch to pick a pair? . The GOP State Central Com­ Bob Conrad DeMerrell of Essex suspects project. So are representatives mittee is all set to ask for a this is a put-up Job by Weicker, William Wollenberg of Far­ Assad’s Ours are priceless! special convention to act on U.S. Syndicated Columnist D’Amore and their allies in the mington, Elinor Wilber of Fair- Senator Lowell W eifker’s prop­ new GOP State Central Com­ field, John Rowland of Water- osal to open party primaries to mittee to enhance the senator’s bury, John Savage of Eastford, no asset unaffiliated voters. chances of success at th^ polls, Frank Esposito of South Nor­ • The party chairman, Tom especially if he runs for gover­ walk, Frank Turek of Stoning-' D’Amore, is with Weicker on nor in 19M. ton, Frank O’Neill of Guilford, to U .S . this one. So are Republicans important,” says state Sen. Ted chised” about the half million But House Minority Leader Rosalind Berman of New UPt photo who sniff greater success at the Lovegrove of Fairfield, "that registered voters who choose to Ralph Van Norstrand of Daripn Haven, Peter Fusscas of Marl­ WASHINGTON - Syrian Presi­ FREE pair of dent Hafez Assad has been running polls if this change is made and Republicans make the inde­ steer clear of involvement with wants to stay cool and do his borough, Peggy Beckett-Rinker J. Larry Brown of the Harvard School of Public Health, chairs a D * li our diplomats in circles as they the unaffiiiated voters start pendents feel welcome.” either political party. They are homework before he decides of Branford, and Maureen Baro- public hearing at the state Capitol Tuesday of the Citizens flocking their way. Surprisingly, Republicans not disqualified, or languishing whether he likes the plan. Van nian of West Hartford. scramble with growing frustration Commision bn Hunger in New England. Other Commission to bring peace to Lebanon. Once In recent weeks, cries for have been so busy buzzing in some imaginary stockade. wants to know more about those Their districts cover parts of, members are Ricardo Millett (center); president of the Black revising the rules and state law among themselves they haven't unaffiiiated voters. In a memo again an American administration They can ’^affiliate” with a or all of 30 towns. That means a Political Task Force and JoAnn Eccher (right) of Project Bread 2 is being humiliated by a second- have mingled with expressions asked the most obvious question party whenever they feel the to House Republicans, he sug­ sampling of unaffiiiated voter rate strong man. and Hunger Hotline. of caution by Republicans who of all. They haven’t bothered to urge. All it takes is a trot down gested that they may have attitudes In as many towns. The MEN'S PANTS Two months ago, largely to are less than enthusiastic, the check with the unaffiliated to town hall to sign a card. ' similar curiosity. GOP legislators hope to have at (values to $30) please Assad, the White House-;;' more they think about it. “ What voters to see whether they are Lew Rome of. Bloomfield, And when Van also mentioned least preliminary information withdrew special envoyPhilip';;- proof do we have that it wilt interested, or whether they feel chairman of a special commit­ in- his memo that surveys in available for the statewide Habib and turned his thankless job **' . with purchase of any work?” asks GOP National left out under current practice. tee pursuing the plan, agrees legislative districts would be policy committee next week. Re-emerging hunger over to the president’s deputy Committeeman John Alsop of "How deprived are they?” with Lovegrove that the essence considered as a legitimate The information probably national security adviser, Ro^rt^-^ Avon, who notes tl^at Demo­ asks Alsop. “ I don’t believe they of Weicker’s plan is to afford expense, some House members won’t have Impact on the vote, McFarlane. But the ex-M arlne'^ MEN'S NEW FALl crats have operated under feel deprived at all.” Alsop these unaffiliated voters the^ took the hint. They got busy because the momentum is rol­ colonel has had no better luck with ' a problem in region similar rules over the past 30 hopes the convention will scut­ opportunity of joining Republi-' preparing to poll Voters in their ling for a convention in De­ the Syrian prima donna. years and have managed to beat tle the idea. cans in voting at primaries. The districts. Some even sounded cember. But the surveys will There were a few meetings,... the Republicans most of that Meanwhile, though. Republi­ Republicans hope further that out Republicans on how they shed light on whether unaffii­ By Mark A. Dupuis kjtchens. BLAZER or SPORTCOAT which accomplished nothing. Then time. cans have come on heavily in unaffiiiated voters, having tip­ react to the idea. iated voters in this state really UPl Capitol Reporter "Programs are seeing a shift in Assad simply refused to see the media with this pose as toed into the waters of partisan Rep. Loren Dickinson of Ber­ want to get into the partisan clientele, where it was once mainly (reg. $85-$135) McFarlane again. At press time, HAR’TFORD — Longer lines at soup street people It is now families, ” H arris' BUT THE majority is ready, liberators of the "disenfran­ action, will like the experience lin mailed about 400 post cards primary action, or are happy to kitchens and food banks and signs of said, speaking on behalf' of Gov. as some put it, to "try anything" chised" voters. so much they will plunge in for a to the so-called “ independents” despite the effoHs of our Damas­ stay on the sideline for that part undernourished children point to a William O’Neill. that will give the GOP enough That is pretentious nonsense. real swim, i.e., sign up. But in in his town and part of Southing­ cus embassy to arrange another ' of the process. (Syndicated by re-emergIng hunger crisis in the United Citizen commission Chairman Larry clout to win once in a while. “ It’s There is nothing "disenfran­ meeting, the Syrian leader hasn’t,” , the meantime, the GOP and its ton. Rep. Edward Krawiecki of The Herald of New Britain.) States, a group studying the problem in budged. Brown said the hearing testimony and New England was told. other information collected by the ’THE REASON that is given Clergymen, social service workers commission pointed to a renewed shows calculated contempt; Assad and others who help feed the poor told hunger crisis in the United States. An editorial is at the beach, the embassy was the Citizens’ Commission on Hunger in " I t is not at all inappropriate to told. American Marines are being' New England ’Tuesday that cuts in characterize hunger as a crisis again in killed: Lebanon is being tom apart federal programs and other (actors America,” said Brown, who is on the by factional violence; the whole have left a growing number of people faculty of the School of Public Health at without enough food. Middle East is about to blow up — Harvard University in Cambridge, Paris Treaty Witnesses at the commission’s first Mass. CANYOUMME 'THE and the man who has been inciting public bearing cited examples of He said the commission hadn’t found ' the insurrection is enjoying the people who paid bills before buying evidence so far that the plight of the sunshine and surf at Syria’s food or relied on soup kitchens or hungry is as severe as in the 1960s, but worth recalling W E N llM X M n C Mediterranean resort of Latakia. government programs for food as said hunger instead was showing itself State Department sources told examples of the re-emerging problems in more subtle ways, such as in with hunger. undernourished children. If you’ve noticed that the able of further effort, and that my associate Lucette Lagnado that U.S. Ambassador Robert "Hunger is a growing problem in our Brown said it was apparent federal flags are flying up and down the British navy had reco­ CMMDAIES? region,” said the Rev. Dr. Alvan cutt>acks in assistance programs had Paganelll begged the Syrian for­ S Johnson Jr., of the Bethel A.M.E. Main Street, there’s a reason. vered command of the sea, it eign minister, Abdel Halim Khad- increased hunger but said more Church in Hartford, who said his own information was needed to show a It’s Constitution Week. The is surprising what wide boun­ dam, to set up another meeting church received three emergency food direct cause-and-effect relationship. week, which is procl proclaimed daries and favorable terms between McFarlane and Assad. requests a week. "When we go out in any American each year by the Uu .y .S . presi- the United States obtained.’’ The foreign minister refused, Johnson was one of about two dozen city and see lines and soup kitchens like dent, is meant to remind There was good reason why explaining that the president was witnesses to appear before the citizens’ we haven’t seen since the Great people to re-read and study the British were anxious to resting at Latakia. commission, which was created to Depression ... I don’t see how anyone According to a classified report. determine the extent of hunger in New can hide his or her head in the sand and the Constitution. get out. The U.S., remarked Ambassador Paganelll protested' ’ England, document the problem and say it’s not a problem,” he said. But the Constitution never one historian recently, had propose ways to address it. Brown said the commission planned E that surely, at a time of such crisis, ’ ’ ‘Whaf was once crisis intervention is to send doctors in ^ parts of New would have been written if become Britain’s Viet Nam; Assad could make himself availa­ now an ongoing life support system,” England to collellect^nformation docu- another document hadn’t ble to the American envoy. Khad- the country was anxious to said state Human Resources Commis­ menting the health effects of hunger been framed. extricate itself from an un­ dam was unmoved. He offered to sioner James G. Harris, citing a survey and poor nutrition on the region’s The Treaty of Paris — happy situation. meet with McFarlane himself, his agency did of the state’s soup children. perhaps one of the most The spoils for the U.S. were O Beny,Doc,(3n jn ijj5 which of .course would have accomplished nothing. Assad under-rated pieces of paper great. The team won uncondi­ alone makes the decisions. ^ in American history — gua­ JA I Steez^, tional independence for the The affront is deliberate, of Interferon tried on humans P ranteed an end to the Ameri­ United States, including mil­ Bashful and Depe/ course. The crafty Syrian dictator can Revolution. lions of acres of territory that is playing a waiting game. He laboratory experiments than alpha It was Sept. 3, 1783, to be already has the Reagan adminis­ CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (U P I) - A had not even been contested genetic research company says it has interferon.” tration kowtowing ignominiously; ’ ■! exact, when the British and in the war. That territory now begun the first reported tests on human Interferon is an anti-viral agent that the Americans signed it. This includes part or all of states Israel has pulled back its troops; ~ ^ cancer patients of a laboratory- is produced during the interaction of Lebanese President Amin Ge- , month marks the 200th anni­ such as Alabama, Georgia, produced drug that occurs naturally in animal cells with viruses and gives mayel, the last faint hope for a the body. fresh cells resistance to infection. versary of the document’s Mississippi, Kentucky, Ten­ Open forum / Readers' views peaceful, independent L«banon, Officials at Biogen said Tuesday they Gilbert said “ the purpose of the first signing. nessee, Ohio, Michigan, Illi­ tests are to show how gamma inter­ Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 has one foot on a banana peel. Just - injected recombinant DNA-produced Though the anniversary nois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and a little longer and Lebanon will fall gamma interferon into a cancer patient feron is given and what the dosage limits are. It’s a new and exciting has been largely ignored by into Assad’s hand like a ripe fig. ; on Sept. IS in a hospital in the Minnesota. approach to cancer therapy.” The White House is desperate, ' Netherlands. They said other trials will Americans, historians ha­ It was a dazzling end to a follow in Europe and the United States. He said unlike chemotherapy drugs, Inasmuch as the Board of The injustice is apparent as and Assad knows it. President ven’t totally overlooked it. dreary war, a war that had Gamma interferon is the first human interferons ” kHI cancer cells as part of Education was unsuccessful this follows: If one sells one’s home, After all; thingS could have Unforgettable Reagan is under congressional , drug the company says it was able to their natural functioning.” seriously weakened the econ­ past spring in restoring more than with or without an agent, he must pressure to pull the Marines out. develop from initial cloning through "M any o f the drugs currently in use turned out a lot worse for the omies of both England and that amount cut by the Board of pay a tax on money he did not attack rapidly growing tumor cells. To the Editor: He is Improvising policy day to day ' testing to production and marketing. negotiating team of John the new young nation in the Directors, it seems clear that receive. As an example, let us Unfortunately, they do not discrimi­ / My husband and I would like to. as his tUscomfort grows. Assad In a release. Biogen Chairman Dr. Adams, Benjamin Franklin, New World. additional funding will not be suppose one sold one’s house for Walter Gilbert said gamma.interferon nate between malignant cells and express our heartfelt thanks to all figures a few more American ’ John Jay and Henry Laurens. So this week — Constitution available to meet that expense. $80,000, but still had- a mortgage casualties — which he can easily “ has demonstrated simificantly rapidly growing normal cells,” and the citizens of the town of Manches­ cause many side effects. That means that the Board of due the bank of $30,000. The owner arrange — will raise such an greater activity against cancers in As one U.S. historian put it: Week — reflect a few mo­ ter for supporting the paraihedic Education, if it chooses the more would only receive $50,000, but “Considering that the British ments on another document. program. "outcry in the United States that expensive' option, will have to cut would pay a tax on the full amount Reagan will have no choice but to still held New York, Charles­ Though the Treaty of Paris Thanks to this program and to existing programs bv that amount. of $80,000, while only realizing, a pull out of Lebanon. Dan Huppe, P.M. and Rudy ton, Savannah, Detroit and has never gotten the play that profit of $50,000. Kissman, EMT-l,ourson, whowqs Susan Perkins, candidate for AN EMBARRASSING reflection Yearbook several other posts in the the Constitution has, it de­ In other words, one would pay involved in a car accident in your re-election to the Board of Educa­ 'o f U.S. impotence in Damascus is Northwest, that Washing­ serves more than a passing this tax on the $30,000 wMCh he did town on Sept. 3, is alive today. tion, was responsile for the crea­ the fact that Paganelll has consi- 2 not receive, as it went tdth) the bank PORTRAIT SPECIAlT ton’s army was almost incap­ glance. When they came upon the scene, tion and selection of the citizens dered'asklng the Saudis to use their to liquidate the mortgage. our son had no heartbeat and no committee. She made known her influence to arrange a meeting This is grossly ^infair and illegal, pulse. These two gentlemen liter­ support of the 6-8 structure even between Assad and McFarlane. for it forces, us to pay taxes on ally brought him back to life. We before the committee acted. Unfortunately, the Saudis have Berry's World money not' received. I for one, will never be able to thank theili no real influence with the Syrian Mrs. Perkins, as a' responsible would refuse to pay and would enough for saving his life and you, dictator. Though they continue to candidate, should now spell out for institute court action to challenge the townspeople, for voting this provide him with millions in aid, the voters in detail exactly how she this travesty. program into your town. the Saudis are really terrified of would cut the present educational I urge the Legislature to rescind J Again, thank you from^ the Assad. They know he could foment program by $200,000, to meet the this unjustifiable "mpney grab,” bottoms of our hearts. We will serious trouble (or the shaky l^audl 'i cost of a 6-8 structure. Only then and to reimburse with interest never forget all of you. regime through one or more of the can voters discern whether the such money (tax) as has been Palestinian terrorist groups under damage such cuts cause is suffi­ collected to date. In view of a Leo and Josephine L4Page Jr. his thumb. The effort to use the cient to reject her candidacy. projected $60 million dollar sur­ East Hartford Saudis as mediators with Assad plus (or fiscal 1983-84, such a tax is N was described by a State Depart­ Choose from expertly tailored classic wool James Harvey i not only unnecessary, it is ment official In one word; blazers or traditional herringbone, tweed or 19 Grove ^t. ’ reprehensible. Balancing act “ pathetic.” ' plaid sport coats by John Peei, J.S. Richards, With the Syrian president frol­ Edward J. Wilson and authentic Harris Tweeds. Regular, short icking in the Mediterranean surf, 17’Falknor Drive and long sizes. With your purchase, get a pair there’s a growing feeling at Foggy To the Editor: of pants absolutely FREEI Choose from our Injustice Bottom that McFarlane’s peace In the near future, the Board of 1 8x10 mission is doomed, just a« Habib’s reat selection of belted styles by Haggar, Education will be asked to set on a 4 5x7 To the Editor: ^ was before him. $4350* Parah, W right and Levi’s, all in new fall colors citizens’ copimittee recommenda­ The 198$ General Assembly, in Letters policy Footnote: Even when Assad 18 Wallets and fabrics. tion that Manchester adopt a 6-8 its headlong dash to impose new •’The Manchester makes himself available, he gives grade structure, rather than the 7-8 Herald taxes .on the citizens of Connecti­ welcomes letters to the U.S. peace seekers the runaround. Only until October 6 alternative favored by many D&L Men’s Shops, all stores except New Lerhdon cut, has, in my .opinion, instituted a editor. For the past year, he has "been parents. massive and totaliy unconsciona- Letters should bb brief and playing coy while rebuilding and A m ajor factor in making that bie injustice to those who sold or to the point. They should be s.ik III ndssif t bolstering bis power in Lebanon. OPEN MON. THRU SAT. OPEN DAILY ’TIL 6 P.M. OPEN MON. THRU FBI. ’TIL decision will be the fact that the 6-8 typed or neatly hand-written, OPEN MON. THRU SAT. are planning to sell their homes. When I first reported this a year ’TIL 9 P.M. 9 P.M.; SAT. ’TIL 6 P.M. structure will cost at least $200,000 and, for ease in editing, >t I K lio ’TIL 9:30 P.M. . THURS. NIGHT ’TIL 6:45 I am of course referring to the ago, Assad bad bran devastated by “ The Soviet military leaders create fear more per year to operate than the should be double-spaced. one half percent conveyance tax the Israelis, the Palestine Libera­ •CorMns Corner •Mortdon Square *New BiRein •Avon • Vernon • Qrbton find loathing the old-fashioned way — THEY 7-8 arrangement. (The figure The' Herald reserves the I'il 1,1 111)' • p n r l I'.n ( • > m ; u n iT v which directs'that the state be paid tion OrgMization had been driven •N«w London •Manchester • Bristol .E A R N IT." comes from the committee’s fi­ right to edit letters in the ^1 m.iin. m.iMi lu’Mt i , t nnn. o-l * Wi'J this one half percent on the selling out of Beirut and a pro-U.S. nance subcommittee, and is proba­ interests of brevity, clarity ALL D&L STORES OPEN SUNDAYS 12 TO 5 ... except New Britain closed Sundays price of the house, and to he paid by and taste. government had been InsUllMl in. *pluM Billing dc tmx bly conservative). the seller (owner). Lebanon. . * I- 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Sept. 21. 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Seo. 21, 1983 — »_ Teacher of the year says / Ai siifpars SAYS... he’s living ‘Cinderella life’ WHY PAY MORE? SPORTS______By Sarah E. Hall emphasize the bungles and laughs Commission. Herald Reporter along the way. How his futuristics He said yes, but then the woman class clammed up when a Good on the phone told him his appoint­ Norwich’s Cubanski keeps Cheney at bay Leroy Hay is getting used to Housekeeping reporter came to ment was tentative until he filed a limousines, TV talk shows, and observe, and he had to change his financial disclosure form. "Oh, but speaking engagements nation­ fine-tuned lesson plans to discus­ yoo’re a teacher, aren't you,” she Bv Barry Peters Tech defenders and unleashed a mostly on some good passing from wide. “ It’s an absolute Cinderalla sion of a TV special on the nuclear added. “ Then you'll have nothing Herald Sportswrlter drive to the left of helpless goalie forwards Dan Wright and Ray life — something new every day," holocaust. to worry about.” John Cyr to give Norwich (l-l-l) Brooks. Each set the other up, but said the Manchester High School How, in front of the same WAREHOUSE When Norwich Tech goalkeeper the win and Cheney (0-2) the loss. neither could put Cheney on the teacher who was appointed Na­ reporter, he asked his honors H A Y ’S T A LK turned more se­ EkI Cubanski began to resemble a "All three goals were on mis­ board. tional Teacher of the Year last English class to name one of rious as he discussed the two major bullseye for the last five minutes of takes," said Cheney Coach Paul Cheney’s frustration finally spring. Shakespeare's plays — and re­ problems of schools today; televi­ Tuesday's soccer contest with Soucy afterwards. "Sure, we had came to a boil early in the second He made that statement at a ceived as an answer "The Texas. sion addiction and the breakdown Cheney Tech, he knew he’d have to plenty of chances, but we have to half as Soucy received three Kiwanis Club luncheon Tuesday, Chain Saw Massacre." of the family. do somMhing about it. ' ' leam that when we get a chance to unsportsmanlike penalties for yel­ at which members presented $700 The day he was named teacher of "Kids come to school,today not SALE Without any defensive help in the shoot, shoot.” 1 ling at the officials. A fourth to the Manchester Scholarship the year, high schooi Principal just to learn, but to learn while they crucial stages, Cubanski re­ Cheney pressurediCubanski nu­ unsportsmanlike was called on the Foundation in his name. "W e Jacob Ludes called him out of class are being entertained,” he said. FREE sponded alternately like a flyswat­ merous times and raenty over the bench after the Cheney fans loudly thought of getting him a plaque to relate the news. With Ludes "The only activity children in ter and a vacuum, preserving final minutes. Ray Brooks blasted joined Soucy's criticisms. that he could put in his closet with blushing in the audience, Hay grades K through 12 spend more •lOCAl DEIIVEIY LONC TERM SAVINGS Norwich’s tenuous 2-1 win over a liner f/om 20 yards out, but it was Wright did have the prettiest his 785 others, but..." said Kiwan- recailed the principal's words:. “ If time in than sleeping is TV. We •AEMOVAL OlD APPIIANCE Cheney. right at Cubanski. Tol Vongsara- opportunity of the half, chipping iian Raymond E. Juleson. there weren’t people in this hal­ (the schools) don't even come a sinh fed Pho Tung with a nifty pass f rom 30 yards out on the left side as •SERVICE RANK In an afternoon when one ex­ As Hay related the story behind lway, Lee, I'd give you a big kiss." close second.” , UP TO pected to see tumbleweeds instead in front, but Tung couldn't get a Rafala charged in alone down the his appointment, attending Hay used another funny story to But Hay claimed there’s little •NORMAL INSTALLATION of soccer balls blowing across the shot off quick enough. Finally, with right side. The ball got caught up in members and their guests wej’e illustrate a sad situation — the hope teachers can change that, and (Except Built Ins) IINANCINC dry, dusty, windy Cheney field, under twp minutes left, Sal Rafala the wind, however, and clanked off obviously impressed. “ Why, I piddling salaries school teachers "the teacher standing up and Bruce Pitman knocked home both charged the right side and shot the top of the crossbar. think you have a more glamorous make. Just after learning "bf hi^ lecturing is going to be a thing of TYPICAL BUYS.. AVAILARLE 40% OFF goals for Norwich, the winner with from close range, but Cubanski thing than Miss Am erica," one national award, he said, he got a the past pretty soon.” only 5:58 remaining. But Cheney knocked the ball over the goal, Still, Soucy wouldn’t have any woman told him after his speech. cali from the White House asking if Teachers have it harder now On selected items had its chances to tie it, only they ending Cheney's chances. excuses, even with the heat and the But rather than focusing on his he would accept an appointmenntJ^ than before, he added. “ The couldn't sneak one home in five Cheney had .44 shots on goal to absence of sweeper Eric Gauvin. accomplishments. H ay' chose to the Presidential Scholar's parent, that partner we used to ZENITH 'Vlilrlpool good chances over the final Norwich’s 6, and Cubanski ended “ We did play a good 80 minutes, rely on, is not always around minutes. up with 10 saves-to Cyr’s three. not just 40 like last time (in their 25" CONSOLE opening 3-0 loss at East Windsor),” anymore,” he said. He compared Classic Cabinet Cheney had tied the count once Both teams seemed to be pacing the "starter homes” of the past NO-FROST after it appeared their offensive themselves throughout much of said Soucy. " I t wasn’t the heat. Teenage suspect with the "starter marriages” of domination would produce only a the game so they’d have enough W e've got a young backfield, and today. REFRIGERATOR goose egg on the board. Asa steam to counteract the 95-degree we're gonna' make mistakes. But .His advice to busy parents is to 100% Christiana rolled a grounder off a heat at the end. Norwich had a we've got to know when to shoot.” schedule "active communication defender and past Cubanski with strong headwind at its backs Then, as a smiling afterthought cleared in arson time” with their children^ every Solid 9:10 left to make it 1-1, and the throughout the first half and finally as he walked up the hill toward the day, even if they can't bake feeling was Cheney would convert scored as Pitman headed a loose gym, "And we've got to get some WEST HARTFORD (UPI) - A Meanwhile, police and munici­ cupcakes for the PTA. State tr* ii»H SMig m n caua n a game-winner before Norwich. ball and kicked it home from in breaks.” WITH «gT8M«TtC F M f T tM M • 17.0 cu. It. Including teenage suspect in the recent arson pal officials Tuesday refused to Cheney’s next game is Friday at “ My own family (a wife and two 4.73 cu. ft. freezer Suddenly, however. Pitman close to put Norwich up 1-0 at 16:35. fires which have terrorized the say why they believe the teenager children) will be cheated this year, broke down the right side past two Cheney had plenty of chances. Cromwell High at 3:15 p.m. town's Jewish community has was no longer a suspect. I know that, absolutely," he said. been cleared, police said. However, police did explain why Although he will be on the road for Police Chief Francis Reynolds a pair of sneakers were brought to much of this year, he plans to Herald photo by Pinto said Tuesday the Pilgrim Road the scene of Saturday's fire at the return to teaching at MHS the next. »5 3 7 -$2 V9 »A09 I teenager was cleared of any Kemler home. Surprisingly, he said he didn't Cheney Tech’s Jim Outfield (13) ^raws upfield in non-conference soccer action W hll^MlInohoiif^" involvement in the fires late Police said the sneakers be­ like teaching for his first four years RCA XL-100 T.V. 1 9 " * back his foot and gets ready to bootDSII against Norwich Tech. Monday. He said there are still longed to tbe boy and he voluntar­ and was a poor instructor. As “ a 1 9 " COLOR several other suspects under ily gave them to police so the soles small town guy" from a large Deluxe investigation. of the sneakers could be compared family in upstate New York, he 100% Solid State SUF Also Tuesday police said a with footprints left in the driveway married his high school swee­ Elecironk Color CLEANING fingerprint had been found on one next to the Kemler home. theart and "was Mr. Straight.” " I of the two liter-sized piastic botties OVEN The Hartford Courant today acted like I knew all the answers,” TRINITRON that contained a flammable sub­ quoted sources as saying the prints he said. stance that started Saturday's and the sneakers matched almost But he claimed his attitude arson fire at the home of Rep. Joan exactly, including the size and the H97 changed because of Manchester Kemler. particular trend of the shoe. High School. "It encourages and •2 liroi HfrtU Police said the fingerprint would Police though refused to explain •2 8mll ufiltt fosters diversity in teaching •LItt-ON Ovan be analyzed and possibly sent to the significance of the sneakers, style,” he said, "And the kids QOff __ the FBI for comparison with the footprints and if the footprints today are different too, from 18 •AuiMniiic Black Qiaas fingerprints the federal agency matched the prints why the tee­ years ago — they’re, always TIniIno Cintir Door has on file. nager was no longer a suspect. asking, 'w hy?'” *277

d 1 Obituaries Sanyo AM/FM Automatic Stereo Walkman LITTON Dryer Charles G. Hill employed at the Talcottville Spin­ Microwova Ovan Mrs. Helen E. Gregoire of East .C- Charles G. Hill, 67, of Somers ning Mills for 35 years. He was a Hartford; seven grandchildren: died Monday. He was the husband member and elder of Zion Evan­ and 14 great-grandchildren. of Marjorie H. (McQuitty) Hill and gelical Lutheran Church of Funeral services will be Friday •3 Drying Twnpt the father of Mrs. Judith A. Manchester, at 11 a.m. at the Holmes Funeral Belcher of Manchester and Gary He is survived by two brothers, Home, 400 Main St.. Burial will be •Psrmanint Pron W. Hill of Allison Park, Pa. Michael Gallschneider of Bolton in East Cemetery. Friends may ghtwelght •Lirga CapMity He also leaves a sister, Mrs and John Gaily of Manchester, and call at the funeral home Thursday Stereo headphortee Marion Kerr of Welland, Ontario; several nieces and nephews. from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. and five grandchildren. Funeral services are Friday at Private graveside services will 9:30 a.m. from Holmes Funeral Josephine T. Zahrobsky MOW be conducted at Hillcrest Park $188 Home, 400 Main St. Burial will be in Josephine (Tuma) Zahrobsky, *Frea Cooking School Cemetery, Springfield, Mass. Byr­ East Cemetery. Calling hours are 98, formerly of East Hartford, died $297 ons Funeral Home, 684 State St., Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday at a Vernon convalescent Springfield, has charge of arrange­ Memorial contributions may be home. She was the wife of the late ments. There are no calling hours. made to Zion Evangelical Luthe­ Bohumil Zahrobsky. Memorial donations may be ran Church. She leaves two sons, George C. Quality Performance..N^lue Priced! made to the Mary Lyon Nursing Bennett of South Windsor and Home, 34 Main St., Hampden, Esther J. Hogan Joseph Cadek of Long Island, Mass., 01036. Esther Jane (McCormick) Ho­ N.Y.: a daughter, Mrs. Helen Herald photo by Pinto Herald photo by Pinto gan, 88, of 65 Mill St. died early this Tordik of Glen Rock, N.J.; three George Gallschneider morning at Manchester Memorial grandchildren: and three great­ CUSTOM I Cheney Tech’s Ray Brooks (right) has Cheney’s Scott Talbot (5 in white) and possession in soccer action at George Gallschneider, 74, of 72 Hospital. She was the wife of the Norwich’s Erik Nuendorf (18) in their grandchildren. Norwich Tech’s Scott Rutherford battle Cheney field Tuesday afternoon. Summer St. died Tuesday at late Edward D. Hogan. . Funeral services will be Thurs­ control and gets set to get past non-league tilt Tuesday. Manchester Memorial Hospital. She was born in Manchester on day at 10 a.m. from the Watkins F He was born in Austria March 14, April 13, 1895, and lived in town Funeral Home, 142 E. Center St. 1909, and had been a resident of most of her life. Burial will be in Wapping Ceme­ ^COMPACT COLOR TV Phllly 6-5 overtime winner Manchester for 35 years. Before She leaves two daughters, Mrs. tery. Friends may call at the retiring 12 years ago he was Nella C. Leister of Manchester and funeral home today from7to9p.m. ^Q" Deluxe Zenith Victory Hearing satisfies charter rule 40 minute Whaler showing / ““ CCXjORTV needed with 157 CHANNEL ELECTRONIC Few talk on sewage plan TUNING CAPABIUTY not enough versus Flyers ■ Precision Electronic Tuning Includes 101 Cable channel capacity^ in Bowi ■ Dependable 100% modular Z -l Chassis. Only four persons spoke at a to resolve the water problem with General Manager Robert B. ■ Zenith Chromasharp 90 Picture Tube for outstanding public hearing Tuesday night on an By Len Auster the help of a consulting engineer, Weiss has said those same propor­ s b a rp n e s a allocation of $20 million for modifi­ Herald Sportswrlter By Len Auster Stanley Cup, simply wore down Stoyanovich's goals were shots Weston and Sampson. tions would hojd even if the plant ■ Chromatic Orw-Button Color Control... Electronic Power cations and expansion of the town’s Herald Sportswrlter Hartford. from long range between the pads "Who are the engineers, what were redesigned from scratch. ONLY Sentry... moral sewage treatment plant. Three of NEW HAVEN - /The 35th Goals by Len Hachborn, Paul of shaky Flyer keeper Bob Froese, are the plans? ” he asked. Sierakowski insisted there may Simulated Spartan Walnut cabinet. them have spoken before in revival between UCoWand Yale in HARTFORD — You can keep on Evans and Brad McCrimmon in a whose glittering performance He said the people of Manchester be other engineering options open opposition to going forward with football is upcomifig Saturday telling yourself that it was only an six-minute span narrowed the should earn him a ticket to the are being asked to act with too little to the town. He charged that the $3SS^^ Philadelphia deficit to 5-4. ' 4he question now. The newcomer information. afternoon at 70,896-seat Yale Bowl exhibition game, only an exhibi­ minors. manager is using scare tactics McCrimmon's goal was on a was Republican director candi­ OTHER SPEAKERS also said Keyboard Channel Selecdonl In New Haven. tion, but could what happened to Ron Flochart put Philadelphia when he says the state will impose powerplay, a slapper from the blue dal' Harry Reinhorn, who said the the time was too short and the And for at least one of the the Hartford Whalers Tuesday on the board in the middle session a moratorium on further sewage line. citizens of Manchester need more information insufficient. combatants, a reawakening is night be taken as an omen? before recently-acquired defense- hookups,."It is not true that there The Flyers drew even with 1:52 information before being asked to Eugene Sierakowski of 101 19" Zenith COLOR TV hoped. Building a 5-1 lead after two man Richie Dunn and Risto will be a moratorium,” he said. left in regulation. Defenseman vote. Strawvberry Lane reiterated his UConn goes in at 0-2, coming off a periods, the Whalers saw the Siltanen scored power play goals Sierkow8ki said the board would Doug C^ossman along the right The question of whether to spend ’ arguments that the town has not ■ Electronic Keyboard Tuning with computer woeful 28-7 loss to Northeastern. UPI photo grind-it-out P)iiladelphia Flyers for Hartford for the 5-1 lead. be wise to put it off the ballot. side near the faceoff circle fed a the $20 million, $9million of it to be explored what it would cost to do quartz accuracy. Yale, 0-1, fell by a 20-24 count to Ivy score five unanswered goals, in­ Velsor, who worked until 11:45 paid by the town, will be on the IF IT IS not voted on this year, it ■ Zenith Chromasharp 90 Picture Tube for superb ONLY _ League rival Brown in its '83 cluding the game-winner 4:20 into breaking Paul Holmgren coming remained in the middle period, what he calls the “ bare bones” would have to wait until 1987. performance. ballot Nov. 8. opener. Yale football coach Carm Cozza (left) and UConn head overtime, to take home a 6-5 down the slot area. He simply beat was sharp in goal. He kicked out 16 minimum to satisfy the require­ If the town does wait until then, ■ Dependable 100% modular Z-1 Chassis. The Board of Directors held the $348001 The Huskies, still looking for man Tom Jackson get together at luncheon Tuesday In verdict before an announced Whaler keeper Greg Millen, who of 17 shots faced. ments of the Department of ■ Auto-Control Color SyatBm and more) hearing Tuesday night to satisfy a Weiss has estimated the original their f ii^ win under Head Coach crowd of 8,194 at the Hartford Civic was left with little help. Environmental Protection for wa cost to the town will increase from ■ Simulated American Walnut cabinet Modal Z1920W Hartford. Someone will be left smijing as Saturday as charter requirement. ter purity. Tom Jackson, will try to do Center. Philadelphia had an overwhelm­ WHALER NOTES- Whalers $9 million to $9.6 million and that intrastate rivals meet Saturday at Yale Bowl. ing 16-5 edge in shots in the third Reinhorn was chairman of a ■The town administration Famous Zenith PIcturb Quality something the school has never continue action on Civic Center ice has the added $600,000 will actually A five-minute overtime for all period to pull even. committee that studied the town’s said that 85 percent of the $20 done before. tonight against the 1984 U.S. mean an increase of $L2 million regular season games will be "They (Philadelphia) take a plans for improvements to the million would go toward meeting Win two' In a row over Carm Olympic Team at 7 p.m... Whaler over the 20-year life of the bonds. instituted in 1983-84 and that was piece of the body all the time," said water system before the^yoters those requirement and 15 percent Cozza's Bulldogs. probably start,” Cozza'said. who had a big day a year ago in the '83 No. 2 draft pick Dave Jensen is Sierakowski said the figures 1 ? " Zenith COLOR TV the way the clubs went Tuesday Evans. "Our guys were doing it, were asked to approve '^a $20- / toward expanding the capacity of Connecticut was a 17-7 winner UConn is in need of some offense, Bowl. He was 16 of 27 for 233 yards in town. He is currently on the involved keep changing. night. too. There was a lot of grabbing million expenditure for them. the plant to meet the town’s growth • Super video Range Umlng with Pam u-Sal Flne-lbnlng control. over a year ago in the annual period. It has scored a dozen points and 1 TD. Another possibility is Olympians' No. 2 line with Pat Robert Samuelson of 108 Hem­ " I thought we played well for and clutching away from the puck. He said it took two and half years needs. ■ Zenith Chrom aeharp 90 PIctura Tbba. intrastate battle. That still left the in the two losses, far from enough freshman Chris Riley, who was LaFontaine and Paul Guay- lock St. said it appears the 40-45 minutes,” grim-faced first- But we have to play them. They are ■ Dependable 100% modular Z-1 Chasale. Elis with a commanding 30-4 edge production. "W e're having trouble Impressive in a short stint against ... Whalers were without defense- shopping centers must be putting year Whaler Coach Jack Evans in our league. We just have to play ■ Simulated Amartcan Walnut cabinet in the series, Cozza's mark against with our skilled people except for Northeastern. man Ed Hospodar for the final 30 pressure on Weiss to increase the UConn is 14-4. at fullback with Mike Harkins," 'Yale fell behind against Brown, said.' 'Then we got contained in ou r 60 minutes. We’ll be alright.” minutes. He received a game- capacity of the plant. . Bridge bids due Oct 12 “ Although both teams are with­ Jackson said. 17-0, before rallying behind Curtin. own end and started to run around. Philadelphia got the game- misconduct for sucker-punching He said the manager made that out a 'W , there will be exciting " I ’ve alwayus said the quarter­ “ We had some stage fright early,” We seemed to run out of gas. I was winner with 40 seconds showing on Philadelphia's Taras Zytynsky in clear when he “ ran to the Realtors ONLY $ 9 9 9 ® ® pleased for 45 minutes. Bids will be opened Oct. 12 for Modeingoaw ■ " " players on both sides,” Cozza said back position gets too much of the Cozza said. "The defense tightened the Civic Center clock. Brian front of the Flyer goal midway construction of it is at least three and the Chamber of Commerce for “ Maybe we werO tired from the temporary repairs to Union Street Tuesday afternoon at a luncheon at credit when you win and too much up in the end and that showed me Propp split the defense and got the through the second period... Three years away.^ support.” heavy workload we’ve been giving bridge. Valle’s in Hartford. of the blame when you lose. You something." initial drive off on Millen. There star selections were Siltanen, Samuelson repeated his argu­ them. We’ve doing an awful lot of was 'going to be a delayed penalty The Board of Directors autho­ The temporary repair will make Both coaches have a quarter­ need all eleven to perform. We've The Bulldogs are at less than full Sutter and Veisor... Whalers and ment that the town should expore skating. But you can’t afford but Ron Sutter picked up the loose rized stopgap repairs to the bridge the bridge available for use of back dilemma^ Cozza must decide had our inconsistencies in our strength. Senior tailback Paul free agent defenseman Chris Kot- the use of packaged* satellite breakdowns like we had in the disk and whisked it into the cage, with a cost estimate of $28,500. vehicles of less than four tons. between junior starter Mike Luzzi, execution," he understated. Andrie, expected to be a driving sopoulos are at an impasse. treatment plants in outlying areas 647-9887' third period." sending what little of the crowd Bid documents were being dupli­ The status of bridge repair was banged up with bruised ribs UConn will continue to open with force in the '83 season after rushing They’ve agreed on a three-year of town. Going into the final period, the that remained home wondering cated today and will be available at questioned at at meeting of the •47-8988 against Brown, and third-string junior Larry Com at quarterback. for 976 yards a year ago, suffered a deal, but Kotsopoulos wants no He said payments are still being Whalers appeared safe with the what happened. town hall 'Thursday. directors of the Eighth District sophomore Mike Curtin. All Curtin His two-game stats read j2-for-30 broken arm in a pre-season scrim­ part p t« two-way deal for the third made on bonds for previous four-goal bulge. That was built on Hartford came out flying in the The bridge was closed after the Monday. Gordon Lassow, district did last weekend was connect on 10 passing for 188 yards, no TDs and mage versus New Hampshire. He year’of the pact. Both sides app ear treatment plant work. some good skating, forechecking first period and scored three times. unwilling to budge... Goals f om Mianus bridge collapse. president, said that if the town is At Mwi 'tt • of 15 passes and two TDs. He was two interceptions. had five carries for minus two Vincent Kelly of 34 S. Adams St. Si named ECAC rookie of the week " I f he, like any other position, Is yards infhe opener. "He obviously and superb goaltending from vete- Ray Neufeld, No. I draft pick Neufeld,. Turgeon, Stoyanovich The town has also gotten propos­ 445 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER not moving forward on bridge said, "W e’ re getting a snow job.” Tin ., IM, k tll S ' ran Mike Velsor. But the Flyers, Sylvain Turgeon and Steve Stoya- als from engineering firms to repair, the district should press for l-M EXIT TO KEENEY 8T. for his performance. stmgglihg we'll go to another is not up to 100 percent. I ’m not and Siltanen were each his second He said the project Is "a ll for the Mm ,Thwi.« • ; Frt. M I known as the 'Broadway Bullies' in novich lit the lamp for the design a replacement bridge, but action. EXTENDtP IRNK TCWRS W R IU IU ^ "L u izl's ribs are not broken, but player,” said Jackson. Back-up sure how much he’ll play Satur- in the pre-season. Whalers are 1-1 benefit of the the developers.” they are sore. If he can play, he'll signal caller is senior Rob Trivella, > day,” Cozza said. their heyday when they won the advantage. Both Turgeon and in exhibition play. Flyers are 2-1. le - MANCHESTEH HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 21, 1983 Cross country roundup NL roundup Sports in Brief MHS runners win no sweat T6wn tennis begins Morgan keeps Phils at top oi charts Manchester Recreation Department’s Town V Tenitls Tournament will begin Saturday. Due to ' It may have been 93 degrees at Dern (SB) 15:40; 5. Tim Howard 20:08. Insufficient registration, the men’s master S t Bernard’s beats EC (E ) 15; 49; 6. Combier (SB) 15; 54; By Frod McMogo Wickham Park Tuesday after­ singles and women’s singles have been cancelled. UPI Sports Writer noon, but Vinnie Liscomb likes to UNCASVILLE - As expected. 7. Pepin (SB) 15:55; 8. Hayes (SB) EC victorious The men’s singles will mn, however. 15:59; 10. Bert Howard (E) 16:04. Registration will be taken until Thursday at 5 run in sunimer weather. East Catholic had no problems ’s familiar rendition of “ September UNCASVILLE - East Catholic p.m. Starting times will be announced at 8 p.m. Liscomb jumped ahead at the with New London, 15-48, but ran Song" is keeping the Philadelphia Phillies at the top of girls jumped to 24) with wins over Thursday. start and built a lead of 60 yards for into difficulty with St. Bernard’s, MHS girls triuibph the chart. St. Bernard's , 24-32, and New The fee is 83 for a Rec member and 810 for a a wire-to-wire win, pacing the falling 20-41 n its first triangular The 40-year-old Morgan, a disappointment (or most Debbie Dussault and Becky Lon don, 15-47 T u e s d a y lii non-member. A new can of tennis balls must be Manchester High cross country nieet at the winner’s course of the season, has always been a torrid hitter in Castagna each came home in 16; 50 Uncasville. supplied by each participant. Call 647-3166 after 3 team to wins over Rockville,- 21-34, Tuesday in Uncasvilte. September under the pressures of a pennant i(Bce and to run Manchester (1-0) by Rock­ "W e had a good meet on a hot p.m. for Information and registration. and Hartford Public, 23-45. "W e've had a few key injuries this year Is no exception. For the second straight ville (0-1), 19-40, Tuesday at day,” said Coach Sal Mangiafico. “ We ran well even in the which has weakened the squhd game, Morgan went 4- for-5 and drove in three runs Wickham Park. "A ll the girls did a good Job.” extreme heat,"'said Manchester somewhat," said East Coach JaciS>, Tuesday night to spark the Phillies to an 8-5 victory 'They ran well despite torrid Teresa Kittredge and Carole No. 13 UConn meets BU Coach George Suitor, of his team’s Hull as the Eagles’ record goes to over the Chicago Cubs for their fifth straight triumph. weather conditions," said Man­ Colliton finished 1-2 for the Eagles, first triangular meet. "Chip Blod­ 1-1. “ St. Bernard’s appears to be BOSTON — University of Connecticut soccer 'The victory enabled the Phillies, who completed chester Coach Phil Blanchette. with Patty Doyle not far behind in gett (9th) and Peter Allyn (14th) our strongest competition In Class teanri, rqnked 13th in the latest National Coaches their home stand with an 8-2 record, to maintain their "Heidi Sullivan continues to im­ fourth. had excellent performances." L. I feel we’ll be very competitive Soccer Foil, meets Boston University tonight at 7 two-game lead in the National League East over the prove and captain Meg Harvey Results: 1. Kittredge (E) 15:59 / Paul Toland and John Comeau with them by the end of the p.m. at Nickerson Field in Boston. Pittsburgh Pirates and the Montreai Expos. Pitts­ also ran a good race." over the 2.65 mile course; 2. ran in the fifth and sixth spots, with season." Connecticut, 3-3 and the top-ranked'team in burgh shut out the 4-0 and Montreal Dussault and Castagna led the Colliton (E) 16; 16; 3. Pallot (SB) Ed Lynch coming in eighth, 21 New England, is led by Thoukis Stavrianidis (2 routed St. Louis 10-1. East's Ron Adams fipished entire race as Manchester put six 16:31; 4. Doyle (E) 16:41; 5. Joyce seconds ahead of Blodgett for the goals, 5 assists), E.J. Raftery (3 assists, 1 goal) Morgan, who had two homers and four RBI Monday second but was preceded by St. in the top ten finishers. (SB.) 16:57; 6. Faulkner (SB) Silk Towners, 2-0 for the season. and Jim D’Orsaneo (2 goals. 2 assists). BU, 0-1-1, night, cracked a two-run single to highlight a Bernard’s Don Sikorski and fol­ Results: 1. Dussault (M ) 16:50 17:29; 7. Spicer (SB) 17:39; 8. Results: 1. Liscomb (M ) 17:20 is sixth in New England. three-run fourth inning and later doubled home a vital lowed by Adrian Pelchat and Dan over the 2.62 mile course; 2. Cathy Evans (E) 18:01; 9. Eileen over 3.0 mile course; 2. Rivera (H) Looking ahead, nationally-ranked Syracuse insurance run in a two- run eighth. Castagna (M) 16:50; 3. Oeser (R) 17:40; 3. Burrowes (H) 17:57; 4. Dem, also of St. Bernard's. The Byrne (E) 18:02; 10. Kathy Burke (20th) travels to Storrs to play the Huskies "Personally I ’ve had success in clutch situations, 17:43; 4. Sullivan (M) 18:00; 5. Turkington (R) 18:02; 5. Paul winners placed seven in the top 10 (E ) 18:04. Sunday at 2 p.m. especially in September, my whole career,” Morgan slots. Falkowski (M) 18; IS; 6. Margotta Toland (M) 18; 14; 6. John Comeau ( All teams travel to the Westlake said. "W ith the Reds, last year with the Giants and Results; 1. Sikorski (SB) 15:05 (R ) 17:46; 7. Harvey (M ) 19:08; 8. (M ) 18:25; 7. Strauss (R) 18:41; 8. Invitational in Peekskill, New with the Astros I seem to have had a gopd month of over the 2.85 mile course; 2. Adams Laura Bottone (M) 19:13; 9. 2 Ed Lynch (M) 19:03; 10. Woolacott York, Saturday for their liext Butler remains for now September. I’m able to pick myself up and (R) 19:28. (E) 15:21; 3. Pelchat (SB) 15:33; 4. Cayward (R) 19:55; 10. Poppe (R) meet.) 2 concentrate harder. Concentration is the key.” ATLANTA — Brett Butler will remain an Although he is batting only .219 on the season, Atlanta Brave the rest of the season but owner Morgan is hitting .327 with 14 RBI in September. Ted Turner's ho­ " I think they (his teammates) all are tickled to Scholastic soccer roundup nesty is going to cost death (or him,” said Phillies’ manager Paul Owens. him $25,000. v s “ Even early when he wasn’t hitting well, he was UPI pholo Baseball Com­ swinging the bat well but not getting any breaks. It missioner Bowie makes you (eel good to see a guy battUng and starting UPi photo Kuhn announced to carry you.” Dodgers’ third baseman Pedro Guer­ Dickie Thon in their game Tuesday in Bolton moves up to .500 level Tuesday - he would Morgan delivered his two-mn single in the fourth rero reaches out with his glove but can't Los Angeles. Thon got a double and two Australia II (bottom) and America's Cup defender permit Butler to re- after the Phillies loaded the bases on a single by Garry. reach base hit by ’ RBI on hit. Liberty jockey for position prior to start"of race in.their CHAPLAIN - A little relaxing indirect kick, then Dave Olender front of the Hall net after a Eagles went flat early in the maln with the Maddox, a walk to Ivan De Jesus and a single by Von best of seven series off Newport. Liberty won Tuesday and a lot of hustle gave Bolton High ran from fullback to hit John Hohenthal com er kick at 2:35 of secopd half. Aileen O’Neill and braves through the Hayes. Hayes scored on a sacrifice fly by Pete Rose. season and possible for 3-1 lead. its first soccer win of the year Furey, who clanked one off the post the second half. Hohenthal then Beth Sherry had the goals for Morgan, who singled and scored a mn in the first McWilliams, who raised his record to 15-6, stmck out a the first inning started the Giants on their way to Tuesday, a 2-1 non-league win over as East went ahead 3-0 at the half. converted a 30-yard direct kick Tolland. post-season play, inning, delivered an RBI double in the eighth. season-high 11 batters and got home run support from victory. Rookie Mark Calvert and Andy McGaffigan Parish HHill. Masse and Dan'Gardiner as­ into the upper left corner 52 "Again, we bounced right back," but he fined Atlanta Willie Hernandez, 8-4, the second of four Philadel­ Dave Parker. con^bined on an eight- hitter with Calvert, who gave "W e settled down much earlier sisted Lonergan for the fourth seconds later to give Manchester said Fay. "With the exceptiion of $25,000 for violating phia pitchers, worked three innings to gain the victory Expos 10, Cardinals 1 up five hits in six innings, notching his first (than in their opening 7-1 loss to goal, while Brian Feshler got the the tie. the last few.mlnutes, we controlled the "player- to-be- and Ron Reed pitched the ninth for his seventh save. At Montreal, Bill Gullickson coasted to his 16th major-league victory in four decisions. Tom O’Malley East Granby)," said Bolton Coach fifth and freshman Lewis Luster Linda Berry and Terri McGowan much of the last 20 minutes.” named-later” mie. Reggie Patterson took the loss in his first 1983 victory and drove in two mns with his first homered for the Giants. Liberty one win “ Not knowing the Ray Boyd. "W e hustled well. We the sixth as Coach Tom Malin scored for Hall. Hall outshot Kelly Cahill, Stacey Simmons decision. major-league homer and a single to lead the Expos to Astros 15, Dodgers 2 got our share of the 50-50 balls, the cleared his bench. Manchester 19-8, but goalie Lucy and Chris Raffiil all played well for rules cost me Elsewhere in the NL, Houston walloped Los Angeles their fourth victory in a row. Gullickson, 16-11, At Los Angeles, Jose Cmz drove in six mns with a ones anybody can get. It was "Another ^arly-season victory Vernal i had nine saves to keep the the Eagles, who journey to West $25,000,” said and San Francisco whipped San Diego 8-1. Cincinnati scattered six hits, walked one and stmck out five in grand slam and a single and Denny Walling added a probably more like 60-40." for a very young team is sure to Indians alive. Vemali also re­ Hartford Saturday to tangle with ■rurner. at Atlanta was rained out. going the distance for the 10th time. He homered down three-mn double to propel the Astros to victory. The away from Cup Butler, Atlanta’s All the scoring came in the give us confidence,” said Malin. ceived fine defensive help from Northwest Catholic at 1 p.m. Pirates 4, Mels 0 the left field line in the third inning off loser Bob loss reduced the Dodgers’ lead in the N L West to 3>A- second half as Mai Ferguson The defense once again came up Sandy Wilson and Teri Callahan. starting leftfielder, At- New York, Larry McWilliams pitched a Forsch, 8-12, to give the Expos a 1-0 lead. games over Atlanta. Nolan Ryan, 14-8, went six knocked home the fikat goal for Coventry blanks Tech was one of three NEWPORT, R.I. (UPI) — The need," said Australia II Syndicate with a big shutout. Brihn Feshler, The Indians host Conard Friday two-hitter and Mike Easier drove in two mns with a Giants 8, Padres 1 . innings to get the victory. Pedro Guerrero hit his 30th Bolton on a penalty kick and Arnie players dealt to the Brett Butler American defender splashed the Chairman Alan Bond. “ A 12-meter Todd Pineo, Olender, Carl Skoog at 3:30 p.m. ^ ■ COVENTRY - Mark Berkowitz double and a triple in leading the Pirates to victory. At San Francisco, Darrell Evans’ two-mn single in homer for Los Angeles. Bogan slammed home the winner. and Jim Berak all played well on Cleveland Indians myth of Australian ^hpremacy in has to go in all conditions.” i and Vincente Navas scored the West German exchange student the defensive line.” Aug, 28 for pitcher Leb Barker. The three were light winds, but skipper Dennis Conner, never trailing, said part goals as Coventry upped its record Ron Meyer tallied Parish’s goal. East travels to Windsor for its EC, Tolland draw to 2-1 with a 2-0, non-league officiaily iisted as "players to be named later,” Conner predicted a “ tough battle" of his strategy was “ tacking as but it was widely reported they were' Butler, “ We were much more relaxed,” next contest Friday afternoon. Junior Julie Zbyk bounded a goal blanking of Windham Tech. today to secure the treasured little as possible,” knowing from minor ieague pitcher Rick Behenna and minor said Boyd, whose .team is 1-1. "B y off a Tolland defender 21 minutes "W e didn’t finish off quite as well BC, West Virginia showdown appetizing America's Cup for the United experience tacking duels are an the second half, we were getting to league third baseman Brook Jacoby. States. Australian stronghold. MHS knots Hall into the second half to lift the East as we’d like,” said Coventry Coach more balls than they were.” Bob Plaster. “ But we did control Behenna already has been delivered to the Conner’s Liberty, the 25th guard­ girls’ team to a 2-2 draw with which will earn each cmcial one, although I they may have the best shoulder separation and Penn State when he Boyd also complimented Mike Tracy Johnson and Heather the gam e." Indians and Jacoby has joined the Braves (or the Bv P eter AAav ian of the silver trophy America But Bertrand said “ a judgmen­ Tolland. UPI Sports Writer school about $300,000 and don’t know what you tell team in the East this year. should play, though the couldn’t beat out Todd Daly and Bill Sheetz, as well as Hohenthal scored goals a minute Steve Lewis and Sean Fowler stretch run. The Braves have not confirmefi he has cornered for 132 years, led 3-1 tal error on. my part” before the East was outshotpo-15 but goalie be beamed to 35 percent of the kids. Well, my scout already injury could re-occur. Blackledge and is hitting goalkeeper Don Halaburto. apart early in the second half as collected assists for Coventry, who will be going in the deal. in the best-of-seven series, only one starting line was the major reason Martha Barter had 21 saves and \ CHESTNUT HILL, the country, including all “ If we win this one, we has told me, ‘I guarantee “ We’re banged up. but nearly 60 percent of his S Bolton travels to Middletown the Manchester girls, managed a also had fine defensive play from victory away from preserving the Australia II lost. was “ superb in goal,” according to of the football-crazy you Boston College is S Mass. — Both teams are have a chance to be really so is everyone else,” passes with five TDs. Thursday to meet Vinal Tech in 2-2 tie with Hall. Jimmy Jacobs and four saves from longest winning streak in sports' “ I was late to hit the starting Coach Don Fay. NCAA wants frosh ban undefeated, they feature South. dangerous," he said. better than Maryland,’” Bicknell said. West Virginia also has their COC opener. "Hall controlled the entire first goalie Peter Palmer. history. line,” Bertrand said. “ Dennis “ Even though we were outshot, exciting quarterbacks "It should be a great West Virginia coach Nehlen said. Flutie, a 5-foot-10 jun­ the edge in the kicking hair," said Indian Coach Joe KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Freshmen, whjrTiave “ Things just worked out well for made the right choice at exactly we didn’t give up,” said Fay. and each jumped in the one," said BC coach Jack Don Nehlen, 27-12 since Boston College quarter­ ior, is hitting 58 percent of game with Paul Wood- Erardi. "W e came out in the “ Tolland dominate the first half, MHS JVs lose dotted varsity basketball and-football r o ^ r s (or us," Conner said, claiming only the right time.” East romps 11 seasons, would no longer be eligible for varsity polls this week which Bicknell, whose IStb- taking over the Mountai­ back Doug Flutie, who left his passes, has thrown side, who is 5-for-6 on field second half much more aggres­ but we had some brilliant spots, “ routine maintenance work" was Conner, who successfully de­ Hall blanked Manchester, 6-0, in competition if the NCAA follows the suggestions makes Saturday’s West ranked Eagles, 3-0, are neers in 1980, thinks his the Rutgers game with a five TDs, and already is goals (28-for-31 last year) Senior Bill Masse had three sive. Hall is one of the top five clubs like (Christy) Bearse’s goal." performed on the red-hulled yacht feated the Australians 4-1 in 1980, the junior varsity girls’ opener at of one of its select committees. Virginia-Boston College coming off a 42-22 pound­ team won’t suffer for lack concussion, is expected to Boston College’s all time and has made his last 37 assists as East Catholic (2-0) in the area. This is a real East is now 1-1-1 and Tolland after Australia II clobbered Lib­ grabbed the crucial six-second Martin School. Laurel Lanesa and John P. Schaefer, acting chairman dl the Select showdown appetizing to ing of Rutgers. “ West of competition after their be 100 percent but the leading passer. PATs. BC’s kicking game squashed Northwest Catholic (0- confidence-builder for us. If we 2- 0- 1. erty in almost identical breezes lead at the gun after the Aussies Betty Maher played well in goal for Committee on Athletics Problems and Concerns more than just the East. Virginia is a fine, fine big 31-21 win over pre­ same cannot be said for West Virginia moved to has been erratic "and' E 3), 6-0, at MCC’s Cougar Field. continue at this pace, we’ re going Bearse volleyed the ball off a Manchester, who had good defen­ team. We’re both unde­ Sunday.' sailed too far below the line ABC-TV will have its viously ranked Maryland the rest of the team. the No. 8 spot in the polls we’ve got to work on it,” E in Higher Education, said that the 16-member Junior Pat Lonergan overlapped to have a successful season." Karen Kaufhold comer to give Aussie skipper John-Bertrand, enabling Liberty to cross her bow .. sive support from Amy Cain and group decided against freshman participation No. 1 broadcast lineup for feated and it’s an impor­ last weekend. Co-captain fullback Bob by virtue of its win over Bicknell said. from stopper to receive the first Manchester is now 1-1-1 and Hall East a 1-0 advantage nine minutes blaming himself for the 43-second But Conner minimized the im­ newcomer Maura Fogarty. Jen­ because the sports can “ place an undue burden" the 12:35 EDT game. tant game, but not a “ I see where they think Biesteck is out with a Maryland. The Mountai­ The Mountaineers are loss, said, “ It was the worst start portance of his flawless start. assist from Masse and put East up 2- 0- 1. - into the contest. Tolland scored nifer Dunfield and Lauren Giles broken arm, linebacker neers, who committed averaging 44.7 pointi a 1-0. Masse also fed John King on an JohnMn’s goal came from in on the students. we’ve had.” ’T v e never seen a race won at two straight, however, as the also played well on offense. Schaefer- admitted Tuesday that this was one Andy Hemmer, a substi­ their only three turnovers game but Bicknell also is Bertrand, still hopeful the wing- the starting line when you’ve got 24 point that his committee, whose members include tute starter last week, is of the season against impressed with West Vir­ keeled Australia II can yank miles to go,” Conner said. “ We university chancellors and athletic coaches, had Gossage has some fun out with a broken thigh Maryland, boast a bal­ ginia’s defense, which has' sailing’s most prestigious trophy weren’t opening the champagne a hard time in reaching a consensus. bone. Co-captian Steve anced offense guided by not allowed a point so far away from the New York Yacht when we had a one- boatlength DeOssie is coming off a Jeff Hostetler, who left this year - P Club, said, ’’-.We’ll te approaching lead.” Detroit Fame BOSTON (UPI) - The Yankees get together third inning and P today’s race with'a vengeance. Conner played the windshifts Vikings acquire Manning game may not have me­ there is always excite­ Bobby Meacham drove in Nothing has changed. We still have and trimmed a new medium-air ant much in the standings, ment in the air. * • EDEN PR A IR IE . Minn. - The Minnesota the eventual winning run to win three races.” mainsail to outpoint the formida- but when the Boston Red “ 1 love pitching here. Vikings, trying to stay in the NFC Central in the seventh to give John Although the Australians had the ' ble challenger and cross the finish gives O’s Sox and the New York It’s the atmosphere," said Division race after losing starting quarterback Montefusco his third option of asking for a day off with line first to the blast of a chorus of Yankee reliever Goose Tommy Kramer to injury, traded two draft American League win 15 to 20 knot winds predicted, they boat horns from the spectator Gossage after picking up choices to Houston for quarterback Archie Nylund out without a loss. decided to compete again on the fleet. his 21st save in New Friday Manning and tight end Dave Casper. Brian Dayett led off the 24.3-mile course in the strong air “ We still have a tough battle to big bath York’s 3-2 win over Boston < ^ , '1 “ We’re not giving up,” Viking general Indefinitely Yankee third with a walk considered Liberty’s domain. go,” Conner said. “ The Austral­ Tuesday night. “ There’s a manager Mike Lynn said Tuesday after day-long and went to second on “ We really can’t dial up God and ians had us scared throughout the TORONTO (UPI) - lot of electricity in the The stage is set for the fourth negotiations withh the Oilers for the veteran Meacham’s infield single, get assurances of the winds we race.” Bv Stewart Scharf Defenceman Gary Ny­ stands." annual induction dinner of the players. his first of three hits. UPI Sports Writer lund, one of the most “ It’s always a rivalry Manchester Spocts Hall of "W e’re tied for the top in our league," Lynn highly-touted acquisitions Dayett scored on Grif­ when we play the Yan­ Fame Friday night at the Army said. “ We want to stren^hen our team any time fey’s two-out single to At least Mother Nature had by the Toronto Maple kees," added Red Sox 4 Navy Club. we can and this was a way to do it. We’ll know by center and Baylor fol­ mercy for the Orioles. The Tigers Leafs in recent years, will third baseman Wade Entering the sports shrine the end of December or January if the decision we be out of the club’s lineup lowed with a double to GUARANTEED' certainly didn’t. Boggs, who raised his MHS girl tankers will be Dick Cobb, Ernie Dowd, made was a correct one." indefinitely because he right, scoring Meacham While Detroit can be thankful the major league leading av­ the late Bill Madden, Gene Kramer tore the inside ligaments in his right for a 2-0 New York lead. rains didn’t arrive until the fifth h a s contracted erage to .364 by going \ Johnson and the late Pat knee in Minnesota’s 19-16 overtime victory mononucleosis. inning Tuesday night, Baltimore is 2-for-4 on the night. “ It Bolduc. Sunday over Tampa Bay and underwent surgery just glad the downpour came when Nylund, 19, the Leafs doesn’t matter how many CALDWEU set to make plunge Monday. He will be lost for the season. third pick overall in the it did. Guest ’speaker will be Jim games out either (team) 1982 entry draft, sat out OIL After second place Detroit O’Leary, one of the finest is." (Mm 1 i i > | i b i to ChMai) By Barry Peters had the second best pre-season opened up their scheduled double- all-around athletes ever pro­ Lendl whips De Vries most of the 1982- 83 season Ken Griffey and Don Herald Sportswriter time in the 100-yard freestyle, header with an 11-run first inning duced at Manchester High and with two serious knee Baylor provided the Yan­ 9 8 . * C.OJ8. while Tomkiel “ is very versatile,” against American League East­ Wesleyan University and one of SAN FRANCISCO — Ivan Lendl of Czechoslo­ injuries. kees’ scoring punch in the " I ’ve gpt to keep a For good reason, Dave Frost and according to Frost. leading Baltimore, the skies the country’s leading econo­ vakia hopes that his 6-2, 6-1 thrashing of college per axle 2 the Manchester girls’ swimming Back from last year’s squad are opened up in the fifth to save the mists with headquarters in New freshman Steve De Vries in a $200,000 men’s positive outlook,” Nylund team are anxious for Friday to Kris Noone (50 and 100 free, 100 Orioles further embarrassment York City. tennis tournament will spur his opponent on to a said Tuesday after tests (most cars) arrive. back) and junior Jeanne Lemieux from a 14-1 bombardment, A special Unsung Award will successful career. confirmed he had the Lendl said after Tuesday’s victory that he infectious disease. 2 The Indians have been practic­ and sophomore Mary Ann Troy, Baltimore’s only regret was that go to the late Jeff Koelsch for his ing for three weeks under Frost, both of whom Frost will use in the rain halted the game after five many acts of charity and played his first big mbtch against Jimmy DISC BRAKES DRUM BRAKES Connors. (Front Axle) (Front or Rear Axle) and they’re anticipating good different events throughout the innings, an inning too late for a contributions to sports in Man­ MODERN AUTO fortune and good competition this year. Frost also has a first-year postponement. chester for the last 30 years. " I was just a junior out of my country, and it AUTO REPAIRS • Free 4-Wheel Brake Inspection • Free 4-Wheel Brake Inspection year beginning with Friday's junior, Erin Sherman, who shows The second game also was called All five inductees first made was good for my confidence that I could play with RADIATOR • Replace Pad with New • Replace Shoes with New Queranteed Disc Pads. opening meet at home at 3:30 p.m. promise. off and will be made up as part of a headlines in sports in Manches­ somebody like that," the No. 2 seed said after the INTRODUCES Guaranteed Linings • Resurface Rotors. “ It’s difficult to tell what the 50- minute match. " I hope it will build confidence th« 90-mlnut« • Resurface Drums. with Windsor Locks. j double-header Wednesday night. ter while in high school, except • Replace Grease Seals. other teams have picked up," said for him (De V ries).” WE SERVICE ALL • Inspect Wheel Cylinder. “ We’ve been pretty* hard­ Lou Whitaker hit a three-run for Bolduc. The latter made his driv««ln and • Inspect and Repack Wheel Frost. “ We lost a lot of people, for 'Noms of Mr. Goodwroncfi' GENERAL MOTOR • Inspect Hold Down Spring. working, and we have a good homer and Larry Herndon added a first appearance following drivaaway solutioni Bearings. example, but we should be better." • Lubricate Backing Plate. positive attitude,” said Frost, two-run blast to cap the record- World War II as a baseball and CARS AND TRUCKS • Inspect Calipers. Frost hopes' to crack the top FOR: • Inspect Hydraulic System. whose swimmers were 5-5 a year tying 10 straight hits in the first. (■ UPI photo football player and later starred • Inspect Hydraulic System. three squads in the CCIL — Hall, Carlton remains silent • ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS • Readjust Brakes. ago. "W e’re looking to improve on The 10 hits in a row had been in softball, attaining national • Lubricate Caliper Anchors. • Road Test. ■.500.” Windham and Wethersfield, “ the accomplished only once before in For the the cliche "when it rains it recognition wit|i the World PHILADELPHIA - Philadelphia Phillies $ COMPLETE COUISION REPAIRS • Inspect Fluid Levels. The Indians are a young squad top team with everybody back,” A L history when in 1901, the Boston Champion Raybestos pitcher Steve Carlton has changed his mind, and pours" was"apropos Tuesday night, O’s pitching Coach »RESUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS • Add Fluid if Required. With only four seniors on the 28-girl said Frost. Red Sox accomplished the feat in Cardinals. will continue to maintain his policy of not • Road Test. roster. Depending on how quickly The Indians should find a good the ninth inning against the Mil­ Ray Miller (31) walks through flooded tunnel back to speaking to the news media even if he wins his laU-fritM daaE8$i • AUTO PAINTINO Cobb is the only man still the youngsters develop. Frost measuring stick in Windsor Locks waukee Brewers. It was the , clubhouse after teann was pelted by homestanding 300th career game.- c i g g n l i ^ 88^ active, serving as director of • CHAROE W ITH MASTER CHAROE could see a top three CCIL finish. normally a “ weak sister," accord­ Brewers’ only year in the league Larry Shenk, the Phillies’ vice president for Tigprs. athletics at his alma mater, We have found that *MIDAS GUARANTEE "The question is how long it ing to Frost, but who’ll offer good until 1970. public relations, said Tuesday night that Carlton > 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE •eOASWwa «Hoa and omc i m k i m o s a m v m a Manchester High. most of our customers R*«n»D WR AS LONS AS vow OVUM VOUR AMSMCAN takes people to geji used to competition this season. The decision kept the Orioles’ decided against fielding questions from the GUARANTEED ^ CAR. VAN OR UOMT TRMDt tUNOSR warn ta s ^ * GUARANTEED 'I'wilight baseball buffs like to problems can be solved competitive swimming,” said “ I told them they had to have a magic number for clinching the AL media through broadcaster Harry Kalas if he recall the days when Cobb, within this time frame. UNINGS ____ iT M t m m iT o o PADS Frost. - positive attitude, and there’d be no East at seven. Baltimore leads drove in two rans each to lead the followed with a two-mn pinch were to win his 300th game Friday night against RA MOM MAY OSCUMS TO aW ORH FAimAl SRAM JOBS Dowd and Bolduc were playing The problem part is MOM amoaiasiii that A a o m n S i The Indian divers will be led by missing practice," Frost said of Detroit by 6>A games. Blue Jays. Dave Stieb, 16-12, double to pace a 20-hit attack that the St. Louis Cardinals. W M O Msfoao FOR VOUR SRAM SVSTtU ro PU H C tSi offer expires 10/22/03 in the circuit that operated at sophomore Shelley Factora, who his final week's preparations. pitched his 13th "complete game. helped the Brewers snap a 10-game removed, promptly (»RTER However, Baltimore manager the West Side Oval. Dowd later repaired on our ^ p p R o v e o set a school record for total points Though they’re young, don’t is more concerned Mike Moore, 5-8, absorbed the loss. losing streak. met the same success he had as as a freshman and ranked llth in think the Indians will be in over' with Detroit. Yankees 3, Red Sox 2 Angels 8, Royals 4 ■premises and rein- a player by guiding Manager- the state. She’ll have plenty of help their heads for too long, even if it "No, I ’m not interested in that, ’ ’ At Boston, Ken Griffey antj Don At Kansas City, Doug DeCinces Tose to pay $1.75 million ■stalled. Sponsor Billy Paganl’s West off the board from senior Ginger takes them a meet or two to get Altobelli said, referring to the Baylor each drove in a mn in the doubled home two mns in a cameo, iReplacements are Sides to the championship. PH ILAD ELPH IA — Leonard Tose has agreed Emerson and junior Kelly Wynn. their sea legs. It may be ifjfficultto magic number. "W e ’ve got two third inning to lead the Yankees. first-inning appearance to propel i available from our dis­ 582-7983 ND61H0NN 3471)00 While the above trio did iu to pay $1.75 million to a group of investors to INRIIKION 412-7647 Frost’s two senior captains, Beth tell about the other sctiiols, but . games to play tomorrow (Wednes­ John Montefusco, 3-0, scattered the Angels. Tommy John im­ tributor size inventory. m iN FN D baseball playing locally, John­ retain his owfCership the National Football 1220 MAIN ST. 48t-23tt NEW NUNN 2241137 NM lNNnOO 26SflS3 Fournier and Tracy O’Brien, will ' Fropt knows he’s got a ydungteam day). We lost the ballgame. It eight hits in 6 1-3 innings for the proved his record to 11-12 with his Relax ii) our waiting AUTO REPAIR son, following his graduation League franchise, ending two months of legal LHAinHIIlD 2 8 9 « t 5 NEW HAVEN 8651111 be trying to rally a group of that could' turn promise into meant a lot." victory. Rich Gossage finished for 10th complete game. The loser was r o o m , while our MANCHESTER NATERONY 7571339 from high school, jumped right wrangling for control of the National Football ENFEID youngsters together early, includ­ results. his 21st save. Bostop starter Bmce Paul Splittorff, 11-8. knowledgeable special­ it & m NEW IDNUN 447-1711 N.HAR1FNR 5221171 into the pro ranks. ' League franchise. TEL. 646-6464 nOTON ing a pair of promising freshmen Schedule: Sept.: 23 Windsor Blue Jays 7, Mariners 3 Hurst fell to 12-11. Rangers 3, A ’s 2 In a settlement announced Tuesday in the ists get you moving 4451129 NOBNOI 8891433 NEST HAVEN 934-2626 who could make waves in CCIL Locks H, 30 Hall H, Oct.: 7Conard At Toronto, Willie Upshaw Brewers 11, Indians 7 At Arlington, Texas, pinch hitter A roast beef dinner will be courtroom of Delaware County Judge Howard again. HMNKN 248-6327 ROCKY------MU ----563-1507 H, 14 Wethersfield A, 18 East drilled a two-run single to become At Cleveland, Ted Simmons’ OMOUAUTY NIUM ANne 456-1766 pools. Bobby Jones belted a two-mn served at 7 p.m. following a Reed Jr., Tose, 68, also agreed to return to the 64t-m a MMNHESra 6464«I6 S89TIB(1!TI)H 621-!033 Stacey Tomkiel and Cathy Top­ Catholic H, 21 Enfield A, 25 Fermi the first player in Toronto history eightk-inning infield hit scored homer with one out In the ninth happy hourv Tickets wil be group the $100,000 they paid when he agreed to sdll SaVICE MRTS ping are the freshmen whom Frost A, 28 Penney A, Nov. 1 East to reach the.lOO-RBI plateau and Robin Yount from third base with inning to cap a three- mn rally and available ut the door. them the tOam in June. jODinALjaojragB^m BRAKES ARE IMPORTANT TRUST THE MIDAS TOUCH labels as "outstanding.” Topping Hartford A, 3 Windham H. Jorge Orta and Lloyd Moseby also the go-ahead mn and Ben Oglivle. give the Rangers their victory. Batthnor* DMrott N«w York Toronto Mlhvoukoo Boston Clovoland x-Ctilcogo . Kansas City Ttxos Oakland CoHtomlo Mhinssota Soottlo x-ctkiclMd division tins Tussdov's Rssults Ostrolt 14. Baltimore 1.5 Inn., rain Baltimore ot Detroit, 2nd gome, ppd., rain - Minnesota atChlcogo.ppd., rain Toronto 7, Seattle 3 Milwaukee 11, aevelond 7 New York 3, Boston 2 Yinkees3,RedSox2 California i, Kansas City 4 Texas 3, Oakland 2 YORK Wednesday's Oomes cG rh M (All Tftnes EOT) Rndlph 2b 5 0 2 0 Remy 2b 2 Baltimore (Swooaerty 14) and Boddlck- Grlftev 1b 5 0 11 Boggs 3b er 14-7) at Detroit (Abbott 7-4 and Morris Baylor rf 5 0 2 1 Rice If 19-11), X 5:30 p.m. Moreno rf 0 0 0 0 Armas ct Seattle (Clark 7-7) at Toronto (Alexond- Winfield of 3 0 0 0 Evans dh er (4d), 7:30 p.m. Bolbonl dh 4 0 1 0 Stopletn 10 4 0 10 Milwaukee (Sutton 7-13) at Cleve- Nettles 3b 4 1 2 0 Miller rf 3 0 10 and Dovett If 2 10 0 Hoffmn ss 3 0 0 0 (Heaton 10^5), 7:35 p.m. Mottngly It O 0 0 0 Gedmn ph 10 0 0 Stay York (Rowley 14-12) ot Boston Cwone c 4 0 0 0 Jurok ss 0 0 0 0 (Oleda 10-7), 7;3S p.m. Mechm ss 4 13 1 Allenson c 3 1 2 0 Minnesota (Williams 10-13 and Schrom _ ■ Nichols ph 1 0 0 0 13-7) at Chloogo (Hoyt 21-10 and T o t * 34 3 11 3 Totals 34 2 10 2 DIEMolley abrhM abrhM Lubrtch 2b 3 0 0 0 Motley rf 4 0 11 Bosley If 2 11 0 Morgan X 5 1 4 3 redheaded charmer as she pulled at the hem children in the lunchroom who passed up the Houston 15, Los AngHes 2 Schoflld ss 3 0 1 0 Cncpcn 3b 4 0 1 0 (n^^ SB— Youngblood (7), Venable Son Francisco 8, Son Diego 1 Woods If 3 112 Sanchez pr 0 l 0 0 Totals 33 4 7 5 Totals 37 4 )l> 4 SF— Gwvnn. Sondbrg X 5 1 1 1 Gordo X 0 0 0 0 of my skirt. , cookie in favor of the fruit. Adeline Lee, Wednesday's Games Colllomla 1)0 001001— 4 NFL atandinga (All Times EOT) IP H R ER B B SO Bucknr 1b 4 1 1 1 Rose 1b 3 0 0 1 I looked down, just as she slowly opened her cafeteria manager, said fresh fruit is offered Kansas City 0)0 000 012— 4 San Dlogo BordI p 0 0 0 0 Stone pr Pittsburgh (DeLeon 7-2) at Chicago Gome-Winning RBI— None. 0 000 Baltimore — Signed Frank Verdi to a (Rainey 14-11), 2:20 p.m. Show (L 14-11) 1-3 2 2 2 2 0 Hroshmr pOOOO Reed p 0 000 l-yeor contract to manage Rochester of hand to reveal a shiny quarter. “ See?” she every day and many children choose it. _5an Diego (Lollor 7-11) at San Rasmussen 2 2-3 2 2 0 3 3 Hall cf 2 0 0 0 Smith X 4 , 111. , . the International LeothM. E— Motley, Schofield, Concepdon 2, Morflru lb 1 0 0 0 Lezeono rf 4 1 2 1 W L T Pel. PP PA said. Then she squared her shoulders proudly Crystal’s favorite cafeteria food? Francisco (Krukow 10-9),3:05p.m. Slought, Ro. Johnson, Hood. DP— Booker 144410 Philadelphia— Assign^ minor league Miami 2 ) 0 447 X 51 New. York (Torrez 9-14) at St. Louis Kansas FIrevold 2 0 0 0 1 0 Cev X 4 0 3 0 Lefebvr rf 1 0 0 0 pitchers Mortv Decker, Ed Wolno, Buffalo 2 1 0 447 X 41 and marched over to the lunchroom table. ’’Apples and oranges,” she said. “ Andllike ( S t ^ r 10-10), 8:35 p.m. Decker 2 1 0 0 1 2 Moreind rf 4 0 0 0 AAotthws If 4 0 0 0 Darren Burroughs and Lance McCullers s NY Jets City 3. LOB— Californio 4, Kansas City 8. Son Francisco Dovto c 3 0 0 0 Andersn p 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 833 44 69 chicken and macaroni and cheese,” she Philodelphia (Hudson 7-7) at Montreal 2B— DeCInces. 3B— Dovls. SB— Pettis to San Diego to complete the trade for Baltimore 1 2 0 833 42 68 "Can you open this for me?” asked a young (Lea 159), 7:35 p.m. Calvert (W 1-3) 4 5 1 0 0 1 Bowo ss 3 0 0 0 Motszk 1b 10 0 0 outfielder SIxto Lezeono. New Enalond (3), Rohn ph 10 10 Maddox cf 4 1 3 1 1 2 0 .3X 70 74 man at my elbow who was struggling with the added. She was hard put to think of any yucky andnnotl (Postore 8-12, Puleo 5-10) at Ro. Jackson (2). S— Lubrotlch. SF— MeCkrtfloon (S 2) 3 3 0 0 0 1 Control Atlanta (NIekro 10-9, McMurtrv 139), Z Valentine, Alkens. ^ W P— FIrevold, Decker. T — 2:34. A— Trout p 1 0 0 0 Diaz c 4 0 11 Cleveland — Signed forward Phil...... Pittsburgh 2 1 0 447 75 43 / spout of a paper milk carton. foocj, though. Given a few choice examples, 5:40 p.m. Pottersn p 1 o 0 0 Dejesus ss 2 1 0 0 Hubbard fo a mulfl-v4iar confrotf; Clovetana 2 1 0 447 M X ' IP H R ER B B SO Dotson p 0 0 0 0 KCkoSs p 10 0 0 waived the right of first refusal for free I turned to oblige. Just as a small girl with she finally settled on cafeteria peas. ” I only Houston (Madden 8-4) ot Los Angeles CoUfomlo Carter If Cincinnati 0 3 0 .OX X 47 1 (Valenzuela 13)0), 10:35 p.m. 1110 Haves ph ) l l o . cnent guard James Silas. Houston 0 3 0 John (W 11-12) 81*3 11 4 4 1 1 Astros IS, Dodgers.2 Grant ph 1 0 0 0 Hernndz p 1 O 0 0 .OX 72 101 1 very big eyes sidled up to me. “ I didn’t get a like my mama’s kind, the way she makes _ Thursdoy's Games Witt (S 5) 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 ^ Football West Phllodelphlo at Montreal Kansas City GGross If 0 0 0 0 .^lo o g o — WolvedwIderecelverOllver LA Raiders 3 0 0 1.0X 47 30 1 straw,” she whispered. them,” said Crystal. Pittsburgh at Chicago HOUSTON LOS ANGELES Dernier If 0 10 0 Mflllloms from the Inlured reserve list; Denver 2 1 0 447 41 E Spittrff (L 11-8) 1 2-3 3 4 3 3 0 Tetqis X 5 9 4 Totals X 8 12 8 31 1 New York at St. Louis Creel 5 1-3 4 1 0 1 1 a b rh M abs h M Moced RevI Sorev and Jerry Mucken- Seattle 2 1 0 447 44 » 1 Altogether, I opened four milk cartons, Next customers were the fifth graders. Clndnnotl at Atlanta Doran 2b 5 3 2 1 Sox CMCOfO X I 888 188-5 sturm on Inlured reserve; signed Son Diego 833 Hood 2 0 1 0 0 0 X 4 0 0 0 Phllodeli-;.-_ „ ..J a 288 310 8211— 8 1 2 0 77 ■9 I retrieved a fork, wandered around looking for They were a little more ciifficult to please WP— John. T— 2:44. A— 15J)03. Puhl rf 3 3 2 0 Toveros X 0 0 0 0 linebackers David Simmons and Kel­ Konsos City 1 2 0 833 43 57 1 Hefhcdt p 1 0 0 0 Russell ss 2 0 0 0 Gome-wlnnlna RBI— Morgan (7). vin Nrtlonol Conference two straws, and talked to about 40 children — Friday. Almost without exception, they Amirican Lugue Then ss 5 2 11 White p 0 0 0 0 . DP— Phlladelphta). Atkins. Bast Briwers 11. Indians 7 BPena ss 0 0 0 0 Bream ph 1 0 1 1 LOB— Chicago 4, Philodelphia 9. 2B— Green Bay— Released linebacker Chet W L T Pet. PP PA 1 the customers in Verplanck School's busy “ hated” the same cole slaw that the first Cruz If 3 2 2 4 Fernndz p 0 0 0 0 ^ c o n o . Carter, Morgan. 3B— Bosley. Porlavecchlo and signed free Dallas 3 0 0 I.0X 93 X 1 Tigers 14, Orioles 1(5) Scott If _ 0 0 0 0 Brock ph 10 0 0 agent Washington 2 1 0 447 X lunchroom. graders had gobbled down only minutes — Buckner (14), Woods (3). SB— linebacker Mike Curclo. ' 54- ,5 MILWAUKEE CLEVELAND Walling 1b 5 2 3 3 Hershlsr p 0 0 jondb0f 0 u 0 PhlloMphlo 2 1 0 447 48 X 4 The motive? before. _abrhM abrhbl Garner X 2 0 0 1 Baker If 4 0 0 0 Minnesota — Acquired quarter­ NY Giants 1 2 0 833 X 47 1 Molltor 3b 5 I 0 0 Franco ss 5 0 2 0 First Gome CRvnId X 2 0 0 0 Moldond If 0 0 0 t^-l***" 01). 0 Altoddox (7), Dernier back St. Louis 0 3 0 .OX 41 ” It’s just gross. It tastes awful,” said Traci Yount ss 4 2 3 1 Horroh 3b 5 1 2 1 (Second GomePostponed, Rain) Mmphry cf 5 1 1 0 Guerrer X 2 1 (34). 2 SF— Rose. 1 Archie AAonnlng and tight end (Xve Central BALTIMORE DETROIT ' IP H R ER B B SO Casper from Houston for two draft TO CHECK OUT a typical lunch time in a Egan. Had she tasted it? P Cooper. 1b 4 14 3 Thorntn 1b 4 1 2 1 Loucks cf 0 0 0 0 Rivera X 1 0 1 0 CMcsaa Green Bov 2 1 0 .447 84 n Simmons c 5 2 3 1 Thomas cf 3 0 0 0 abrhM abrhM Ashby c 5 1 2 1 Lon dr ex cf 3 0 1 0 choices. Minnesota 2 1 0 .447 43' u 1 Howell dh 3 1 1 0 Tobler If 5 0 10 Bumbry ct 2 0 0 0 Whitakr 2bRyan 3 2 1 3 p 3 0 11 Esty cf 10 0 0 Trojrt 1 18 3 2 2 2 0 ~ Placed safety Eric Chicago typical elementary school. To find out what “ Yes and I spit it out. I didn’t like it.” Shelby cf 1 0 0 0 Castillo 3b 0 0 0 0 Poffrsn (L 0-1) 318 5 4 4 1 0 1 2 0 -833 45 M Romero dh 1 0 0 0 McBrId dh 4 1 1 0 Boss rf 11)0 Morshll 1b 4 0 0 0 Williams on four-week Injured re- Detroit 1 2 0 .333 51 01 L’ the kids ate and what they threw away. To get Ogllvie ph 1 0 1 2 Castillo rf 3 2 2 1 Ford rt 2 0 0 0 Trmmll ss 4 2 3 1 RRynIds rf 3 0 0 0 Johnson 1 18 1 0 0 0 0 MTV#* Tompo Bov 0 3 0 .OX X 47 e James dh 1 0 00 Vukovch rfOOOO Londrm rf 1 0 0 0 Herndon If 3 2 2 3 Yeager c 3 0 10 BordI 1 18 3 2 2 2 3 signed rookie safety Greg Best. West a first hand definition of “ yucky.” THE AVERSION was so strong, in fact, that Ripken ss 2 0 10 Jones If 0 0 0 0 Horgeshelmer 28 0 0 0 0 2 Son Diego— Signed veteran free ogent Brouhrd It 5 2 3 1 Hossev c 3 12 0 Reyes c 0 0 0 0 PhllodelgMo Son Frondsco 2 1 0 .447 107 04 I AAannng cf 4 1 0 0 FIschlln 2b 3 1 1 4 Murray 1b 2 1 2 0 Parrish c 1111 Morals ph 1 0 0 0 defensive end Leroy Jones. Atlanta 2 1 0 447 43 47 Lunch Friday was breaded haddock on a the offending slaw had been removed from Gontner 2b 5 0 2 1 Pogel ph 0 0 0 0 Lownstn If 2 0 0 0 Wocknfss c 2 0 0 0 K. Gron 4 4 3 3 1 2 Winnipeg (CFL) — Traded quarter- New Orleans Young If 0 0 0 0 Gibson dh 4 111 APena p 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 447 X X sesame seed roll with French fries, cole slaw, Traci’s plate, and set to the side of her tray. AAoore rf 5 13 2 Bonnstr ph 1 0-1 0 Hooten p 0 0 0 0 Hernandez (W 84) 3 3 2 2 0 2 back LA Roms 2 1 0 447 7D X 'Percent 2b 0 0 0 0 SIngletn dh 2 0 0 1 Cabell 1b 2 2 2 1 Zochry p 0 0 0 0 Andersen 1 1 0 0 1 0 D< 2J; Los Angeles (3), Sept. 4 1 2 )3-10) V*''® Williams 151 French fries were a 10. So were the cookies. Gormon 1 18 2 ( 0 1 1 D yny, PlilI lM ) Oullickson, Mtl 14-11; ' Crese Cbinitrv **'( HI Team single— Village Stylist Golf X , 24, X ; Son Francisco (2), Sept. X, Holman 1 3 ( Cheney Tech at Suffleld, 3:15 494 Purdy Coro. 472; Team triple— 0 0 0 So‘o, Cln 14-13; McWlllloms, Pitt 154; OIrto Volleyball The older kids were very enthusiastic about •••gggggggggggggggggg# yHBP— by McWilliams (G ile s ). Lm , Mtl 159; Welch, LA 1511 *'Tl99 1321, Coleman Bros. _ ^ e r lcqn .LMijue — Hoyt, Chi 21-10; Simsbury at Manchester, 3 ;X the homemade beef stew. “ They put a lot of ••••••g,gggeiggg#ggggggg McWilliams. T — 2:10. A-8,11Z , GIrb Swimming Guidry, NY 109; Windsor Locks at Manchester, 3;U meat into it, too,” said Matthew Roman, a Tallweed (Morris, Dot 19-11; Petry, DM 109. __ Field Hockey S*' fW)*® 4-2, •bbbbbbbgggggGggggggga „ BenedRynAveroie Enfield at Manchester, 3:U fifth grader. The kids at his table agreed. Wemen't Club — 18 holes-4 worst to Hockey ««"*!?!!?* ~ Hommoker, SF THi vHid* sR ifs ffirS iS i'f^ ^ ^ por-Oross-Flo Ramsey 8X Net-Eleonor 2.25; Denny. Pblj, jJO ) LA 288; Aufman 9385-58, Elaine Bednorz 87-28- ••••••••••Gggggggggggg Soto, cm 244; Welch, SATURDAY ?i2 jn 5 ;fTu b ““2!i,'^^^ 59, Estelle Mulvev 101-4081, 9 holes-2 Radio, T V Peelboli Bros. 24, K M S1-5, The Civic P u b j T WHATl'DON’T THEY LIKE? Creamed worst to por-Gross-Kothy Olmlow 45, 141' Rockville at East Catholic, 1:X Net-Anna Koval 51-22-29, Morion Foote NHLexhIbitlenreaulls ••••bbbbbgbbbbbbbbbbbg 101;*liai,iE=aira»s,’is McGregor, Bott 3.07; Morrb, Del Simsbury at Manchester, 1;X chicken on rice. Peas. Spinach. “ I hate their 55-24-29, Martha Kokoszko 49-28-31, 18 UConn at Yale, 1 p.m. No Name creations,” said Tom Provencal, grade 5. holee-(}ross-Marle Johnson 88, Net- SMkeeuts Quebec 3, Montreal 1 TONIGHT wee rt Becker, 2 p.m, Ro m Ooorot YTIy Flortnct Dault Eleonor Autmon 103-35-48. Crazy 8's- N.Y. Rangers 5, New Jersey 3 NotlMol LMBue — Carlton, Phil 254; 1l1-4«3s Holon Oullint “ Like when they make Irish stew.” Betty Dzlodus 4, 9 holes-Gross-Loulse 7 fillie s vs. Expos, USA Cable Soto, cm 2X; McWilliams, Pitt 190; ^"♦''9"' "♦ Northwest Catholic N.Y. Islanders 8, Buffalo 3 (girls), 1 p.m. fS IlS r.1 2 ' **"" McAllister » 4 , Phil Muzin 54, Net-Dorls Roy54-22-34, Crazy Phlladelphta 4. Hartford 5 Ryan, Hou 174; Valenzuela, LA 147. Dupont 531 8's-Sharron Caruso 3, Eleanor Gilbert iL2!Sr'w^5pVT'i£'‘*'*'‘='’"""*'* Amerlcon JLm w w — Morrb, Del 213; .. .CreuCennliy Adeline, Lee manages the Verplanck Vancouver 4, Winnipeg 3 •iMMiNs vs. Cardinals, SportsChan- (tanchestrt and East (fathollc boys Bdller's Note: League St. Louis S, Los Angeles 2 n/t cup bread crumbs Stuffed salad compliments a heavy holiday meal. Thesalad is ■A cup evaporated milk served in several restaurants on Nantucket and it’s in ■A cup catsup or chili sauce onions all of the Nantucket cookbooks. 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce A recipe for baked cranberries was courtesy of a- 1 teaspoon salt and pepper lady Mrs. Malone met in Ireland. Mrs. Malone has no Sauce recipe flavorful idea, however, if cranberries are grown in Ireland. Mix all ingredients in bowl. With wet hands shape . By Alleen Claire The dish tastes good on a nice cold night. meatball mixture into 36 small meatballs using about; NEA Food Editor Mrs. Malone has had plenty of people to please — a teaspoon for each. Place in 13x9x2 pan. Bake at 400 the Malones have six children. degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. Onion fanciers appre­ itmcslBci) They’re grown up now but when they were younger 1 TDIir^l^T OAF ciate the special flavor OII/J l j F jV j L e s s Ihan L a s t Year! Mrs. Malone says she didn’t have time to make fussy that comes when onions I Retails ill A-cs! IKUl^IVLUAL/ ^i\ 1 H«rald photo bv Richmond Sauce for Meatballs things. She says most of the things she cooks are are baked. SEEFROUNO-tONELESt-MlD a ROAST ONLY . g M simple but she does like to make unusual things. 8 ounce can tomato sauce Stuffed onions are espe­ MSF NOUND-aaNDXtS-ntAKI Z.n LI. HEF CHUCK 4 JO LESSER QUANTTriES-IJS LB. 44h.Pk Following are some of her favorites, including those Mrs. Malone puts the finishing touches she's been told, was made at Christmas ■A Clip catsup cially appetizing. A differ­ Sirloin Tip Roasts Boneless Chuck Roasts » ! Lean Ground Beef « . r Bottom Round Roasts ib.1 mentioned: KffAOUNP-MNGiSS-CaiTBICl/TrSTEAKSIJIlE -fTM on a dish of baked apricots. The recipe, time by the Cheney family. 2 tablespoons brown sugar ent stuffing combines K iF NM-fOlMDtLV Oe. MOMCO KEFCHUCK FOneSLY OnOUNO ROUND 2 tablespoons finely cut onion chopped walnuts, bread Boneless Rib Eye Steaks Boneless Shoulder Roasts »> 1 Extra Lean Ground Beef Bottom Round Swiss Roasts rfI \ BEEFROUNO >|g9 Nantucket Cranberry Salad 2 tablespoons pickle relish, drained crumbs, grated lemon HOU^W NOtI-11 TO aOLM. WEFCNUCK " l Y O SE ff CHUCK-LEAN-iONELESS oranges and save the liquid. Mix a small amount of the Baked Cranberries 2 tablespoons water peel and raisins. Boneless Top Rounds 'Boneless Cube Steaks ib^l B e r f f o r ^ e w Boneless Rump Roasts ibi 4 cups fresh cranberries orange liquid with mayonnaise and mix with the 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce BKF WOUNO-DONH PH- IS. •OFCMUCK ^O O KEFNBSBOHELESS>HALVE5}.99LB. K E F ROUHO-aONBLEtS STEAKS-Z*R*. 1 cup diced celery cranberries, celery and oranges. Serve on lettuce leaf 1 pound cranberies, washed and cleaned 1 tablespoon vinegar Beef Kb Eyes ..rsi. » Eye Round Roasts r>^2 - 1 cup Mandarin orange slices with chopped walnut meats on top. This is a very tart 2>/« cups sugar Mix all sauce ingredients in 2 quart sauce pan and Walnut Top Round Roasts Boneless Top Blade Steaks »1 3 FRESH SCROO OR i^JO Chop the cranberries slightly in blender. Drain the Put in baking dish and cover tightly with foil. Bake Lessen OUAMTIriCS^ Li. FUUV COOKEO-WATEN A00ED>M 10S LEES SALT-lONi M ^ FUUY COOKED-WATEA AOOEO-33 1/3S USS SALT-SONE M ^ 2 9 salad. heat until steaming. Add meatballs. Stuffed Onions Agar Hambassador-Ham Steak u.. L * Cod Fillet t J r Fresh Chicken Legs Agv Hainb»$ador-Sli^ Portion •AVAEAILE wtp -9AT ffi tfflF ptAVlCI FUM oenT. 4 Iarg6 yellow onions I cup finely chopped 1 hi I rir/i r wAlnuts Try this turkey-vegetable stuffed cabbage DELUXE, CANADIAN BACON-EEt OK PCPPEROM OR SAUSAGE ^ q q 2/3 cup fine, dry bread ortAE FARiu r D IE T X crumbs Fleischniann’s S t ^ ’sFraicIi Bread Pizza Sale A version of stuffed sauce bowl; mix in turkey, \ tablespoons butter or suoARzwttT- FerFreslwees48aefiise MEAT SSHRB». LOBSTER. CMCKEN OR cabbage, with a distinc­ ■A pound fresh ground bread crumbs and cooked vCENTERJ nthrgarlne, melted Margarine GoMm Yams LaChoy Shrimp Egg Roll ir9 9 ^ tive chicken broth-based turkey (uncooked turkey) vegetable mixture. Place f teaspoons finely QUARTERS-REQUCAR OR LIGHT FARM PRESILSOLJO MEATY sauce, is a delectable ■A cup fresh bread ■A of the turkey mixture in gMted lemon peel Egg Plant Louise Meat RavioH crumbs WITH CHEESE OR CHtVE entree for two. center of each cabbage Vt teaspoon salt HEALTHFUL Serve this with boiled 3 tablespoons butter or leaf towards center over % teaspoon rosemary Tender Carrots BeKast Potatoes 2 ;^ 8 9 ' potatoes or rice. margarine filling, then fold and over­ ■t/t cup seedless raisins SPECIAL!! FRESH CRISP 3 tablespoons flour lap ends to make a small ~6 teaspoons butler or iiashbrown Potatoes 2 ^ * 1 1 cup chicken broth Pascal Celery Turkey- bundle. Fasten with margarine OREATFORTNEKlOf 6 Weeks of Dieting for the Price of 5 FIRM-TUK freshly sqeezed lemon wooden picks. Place in a ■1 chicken boulllion cube Hood C h o a te Chip Sandwich 2i^97 Cabbage Rolls juice lO-by-8-1 >A inch baking J/i cup hot water Salad Tomatoes Lose 17 to 25 lbs. and go into the Fall Season 1 111' I);iir \ 4 large cabbage leaves 1 teaspoon grated lemon dish. X u t a thin slice from the JUICY-SWEET U.S. NO. VY ELLO W O N IO N S R EO POTATO ES OR ^ Good Humor Cookie Sandwich ^ 2 ^’ 1 tablespoon vegetable rind To prepare sauce, melt feeling and looking better t(^ of each onion and suuN.c»flve.sTiuwiCMiv.NnNEAmeonAFfLe ^ Bose or Bartlett Pears oil 2 tablespoons chopped butter in small saucepan. remove outer brown skin. U5. NO. 1-2W* ION.-JUtCV CRISP Russet Potatoes 3»>. o 9 parsley Dave Lefkowitz, Ph.D. Pog Kellogg Hood CfittageOi^ Cabo’s 3.1^” HUBSARMUTTEnCUPaUTTERNUT OR (A cup chopped fresh Blend in flour; gradually m M^sin St. New and Old Dieters 1 13 Mam st. CkK>k onions in boiling cabbage add chicken broth. Cook water for 20 minutes; McIntosh Manchester Welcome Nuform Plain Yogurt Acorn ■A cup finely chopped Cook cabbage leaves 6 over low heat; stirring drain. Using a sharp knife Apples fresh onion minutes in boiling water constantly, until thick­ and a small spoon, re­ Seakest Sour Cream Squash ■A cup finely grated to cover. Drain, pat dry, ened. Add lemon juice, move centers, leaving a set aside. Heat oil in small lemon rind and remaining shell about '/i-inch thick. I’ riiii'i’ I ;imil\ of l•(l(Kls carrot MU' ■ II ...... iiiiiiwimiAiiii ii ite skillet; add chopped cab­ >A teaspoon dill. Pour (Centers can be saved for B i^en’s Cheese Food Sfices'^ 2 tablespoons finely THM SPAGHETTI. ELBOWS. MEDIUM SHELLS Oft , bage, onion, carrot, clery, (A DIVISKNI OP C AR PB T FACTORY OUTLRTB)^ use in another dish.) Com­ chopped celery sauce over cabbage rolls. a 1 ^ Grapefruit Juice ^ 1 ” Del Monte l^ c e ^aghetti (A teaspoon dried dill salt and >A teaspoon dill. Cover. Bake in 375degree bine walnuts, bread weed, divided Cook until vegetables are oven 40 minutes. Remove crumbs, butter, lemon Vegetable Sale THIN SPAGHETTI OR 1 egg tender. Beat egg and hot picks before serving. SURPLUS CARPET CENTER peel, salt, rosemary and Pittsbury Crescent Rolls ^ 99^ REGULAR OR NO SALT ADDED Prince Superoni Spaghetti 'A teaspoon hot pepper pepper sauce in medium Sprinkle with parsley. raisins; stuff each onion I liLilllu'i Hi ;iiil\ \i(lv t-iOHT ^ poyoorfallv cavity with this mixture. w h A t Top each onion with 1 P i ^ Thin Spaghetti 2 ^ 7 9 Cabbage rolls stuufed with a turkey- A Step in the Right Direction ^Be l ie v e f t h e w i n d o w Excedrin Tablets . SIGNS ATTHF teaspoon butter and place YHOE OR BROAD vegetable combination involve no lef­ Register and Dance THEY SAY? them in a shallow baking rSORF>LUS CNEPCT CENTER. Dutch Maid Noodles i!S69' PURINA tovers and are a budget-wise dish. The at the dish. Combine boulllion Bufferin Tablets , IN MANCMESrCE ? cube with hot water: pour S H E LLS a CH ED D AR, TW ISTS & CH ED D AR ^ sauce, with its hearty seasonings, is far Ban Roll On Deodorant ’IIT] Praise around onions. Bake at 360 R|QUUUIORN08ALTAOOCO a Prince Macaroni 4 from bland. degrees, about 20 minutes KiV ONi OCT ONC Fnee^NOMUL € i EXTRA iOOY DelMonte Tomato Sauce 4!^. Dog Food £ , WELL... THE PAD or until crumbs brown. AqinmirineSInn^&Gmii(i(iner CREAM Y OR KRUNCHY fCOULARORNOSALTADOCO & Oieese Dinner X W D INSTALLATION This kitchen-tested recipe Ann Page Peanut Butter Dei Monte Stewed Tomatoes can ^ A R E O N L Y IR o i^ O O M t makes six servings. 69 Renaissance Upholstery M N U m E AND ORAPEFRUrr ORBBt OR Gulden’s Brown Mustard WOW/ Del Monte Pineapple Juice •S ' “Old World Craftmanship” Dance Studio *1.00 Students 99 Kellogg’s Com Flakes I that's GREAT f P late AUTOMATIC / Fab Laundry Detergent 1159 Main St. (Rt. 31) W IT H a n y BROADLOO^^ wnHA-s-oor Coventry A CARPET DEAL need thett 04 SPIUNO W A T E M E A S O N E D M (X L Master Blend Coffee ^ . i n t h e ir . ^ Super Coupon ENRICHEO "A Complete. Professional Dance Program taught by a JCANTBtSSUP. Plan Early far Your Holidays STO CK...FRETTY MUCH.-..' protection Oiideenofthe^ Softasilk Cake Flour lntWr«8WWi0iH D.M. of A. Certified Teacher, Specializing in Dance UPTON call tor all your Decorating Naeda" I'MOKI lim a ® 'cS;-' “OiM Education for boysand girls for over twenty-five years.” NEW YORK (UPI) - Lo Cal Iced Tea Mix ^ Cooked Ham IPff W A Y I D 5.00 OFF” WITH LEMON ^ OONVTORGEr...THEY HAVE The college student needs Big G Bugles Snacks Classes in burglar protection as WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OP ANY Lipton Iced Tea Mix ^ . Torino Cooked Salami 2 5 % OFF A SUPEfUflNANClHG d eal.. much as the homeowner Stoneware Completer Piece Borden’s Cracker Jacks SINGLE PLY-JUMBO ROLL ^ ^ when personal belongings LMH.MIP C om 9411 Ppr CwHompr. V p M StmKpy Scott Paper Towels ’ ',5? 6 Genoa Salami Tap • Ballet • Jazz • Acrobatics qO PAY^ SAM E AS CASH« YMpL 1WK. I>t> SPpt- »Nli. 19M « U SIRVICES AND FABRICS include a TV set, typewri­ Nabisco Chips Ahoy Cookies REQUUR OR LIGHTS ^ SALAMI Kinder-dance for preschool children ter, stereo and maybe a •CustBHi Reepholsttry ind Rsitoratlon eg- O f TO 3YBARS Tb W Cf Wise Potato Chips Fritos Com Chips New Yorker Provokme starting at three years of age ■> personal computer. ^vM w nn VALUEPACKS: DEVIL DOOS>24 -local •Free Pick up and Dsllviry Friday, Sept. 16 police department can FULL ROLLS, provide. If property is •Custom Made FurnHuri and Accsuorlst dance for boya. 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. •Co-ed and male classes Saturday, Sept. 17 SURPUfSOMIMr V DROP COLORS, stoleA, the police can enter the ipformatlon in Caldor Shopping Plaza Burr Corners, Manchester U t M take tlw put of your Re-decaratiug •All classes graded to 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. cfN fn i many the National Crime Infor­ ^ e and ability OR CALL... aas BROAD STRUT INSTAUAT10N mation Computer, which Manchester Office •F^miiy and 742-6886 (residence) MANCHBSTIR,CT. traces recovered prop­ 74^9768 (studio) 2 doors from Manchoalar AAA 643-2056 multiple clas5 rates 649-9199 iP A D F O R erty to its owners. If local police do not HOURS: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M.; Mon.>Fri. Pam to Ppm — Pat. Pam to 4pm SUN. 12-8 • UAT. 10-8 • WEIN0AV8 18-8 ONLY ^1.00 participate In the NCIC, — — About your teacher I t tR. yS. fRtoMFWMW tWtkBtBMpR B R t fsM E b s t . UMtoOi kuUa TOM nMNITIIII PUZA 44 Mr. Risley is the newly-elected president of the engrave property with S A TU R D A Y 8:00 A; M. T O 10:00 P.M.; S U N D A Y 9:00 A.M. T O 5:00 P.M. ^ M r Ir n n r FI|lRBRA pound) guys until my 16th birth­ Edward M. Kenney, executive director of the occupy your son’s guest towel. hoepiUl, will speak on "60 years of MMH Auxiliary Hearty stews and casse­ 1 cup cblcken broth utes. Add apples. Cover, Steam potatoes in 1-inch day last April, so this is a room. Please don’t cast a “3. You will feed your roles are a boon to a busy 1 cup apple Juice simmer IS to 20 minutes boiling water 30 to 40 new problem to me. Who Service,” A free lunch will be served, courtesy of the Dear Abby cloud over- this Joyous child at home before he hospital. A tour of the new pediatric wing will be person. Make these in 2 tablespoons lemon longer until potatoes and minutes, until tender. should pay for the date? occasion by expressing comes to swim. No eating 'given. quantity and freeze leftov- juice apples are tender; stir Slice, unpeeled, into ‘A- All the guys I've gone Abigail Van Buren your disappointment. here! Reservations must be made for lunch by Sept. 19 by e rs in serving-size teaspoon salt occasionally. This tbick slices. In large out with insist on paying ‘'4. When the pool is portions. '/< teaspoon caraway kiteben-tested recipe skillet, cook bacon until for everything. I’ve of­ calling Ruth Monaix), 25 Richards Road. For more ' DEAR ABBY: This is open for guests, you will information call Gloria Weiss, 647-1515. If you are defrosting a seeds makes 4 servings. crisp; set aside. Pour off fered to pay for my own for the lady who had the see a flag in my front dish for dinner, leave it on V / t pound Idaho pota­ all but 2 tablespoons pizza, movie or to contrib­ swimming pool dilemma. yard. If you do not see the your refrigerator’s lowest toes, unpeeled, cut in bacon fat. In some skillet, ute for whatever it costs, flag, that means the pool large chunks The neighborhood kids Perennial Planters to meet level in the morning, P D ia to Cabbag*I saute onion until golden; but I ’m not allowed to. climbed over her fence to is close to visitors.” unless you plan to defrost 1 poundi^ked ham, cut stir in flour, thyme and Some even take my offer Feeling as you do (and I they would put me up in a use her pool. She couldn’t Needless to say, my The Perennl^ Planters Garden Club of Manchester it in a microwave oven. in large cubes CasaerolD salt. Gradually add beer as an insult. think it’s a great idea), if hotel because the parents afford to feed the whole friend had made herself will meet Monday at 0; 30 p.m. at the home of Bernice . Reheat in the oven for 30 ■A pound pitied prunes 1!A pounds Idaho pota­ and milk; stir over low If a girlfriend asks me you want to treat a guy in of the groom will be neighborhood, and she clear. The kids in the Manning, 220 Mountain Road. to 60 minutes, depending 2 red apples, cored, cut toes (3 large), unpeeled heat, until mixture boils to eat out or to see a movie return for his treating you occupying their guest didn’t have time to play neighborhood loved swim­ The program will be on African violets. Hostesses upon quantitv, at 300 in wedges ■A pound bacon cut into and thickens. In 3-quart with her, I would automat­ — ask him to be your room. lifeguard every day. ming in her pool, and she will be Liz Johnson and Marie Maxim. Flowers for the degrees. ' 2-inch strips casserole, lay wer half the ically assume we will go guest. Abby, I am a 73-year-old Years ago I had a friend was never pestered by Whiton Memorial Library for September are being A German potato apple 1 cup flioed onion cabbage, potatoes, bacon, Dutch, right? Why should You’re not “crazy,” woman and not in the best who had the only pool in ringing doorbells or tele­ furnished by Dorothy Lord. stew and a potato cabbage In Dutch oven or large, 2 taUespoons floor cheese and sauce. Repeat it be any difference with a you’re just ahead of^your of health. The parents of the neighborhood. This phone calls asking If “we” casserole are meal- covered saucepot, melt ‘A teaspoon dried with remaining ingre­ Make your own fresh prune plum gelato and Florentine ribbons leaf guy? My parents and time. the groom are piuch friend called a neighbor­ can come over to swim. stretchers for family. butter; saute onion until thyme, crumbled dients. Cover. Bake in a — fancy treats from Italy that require no special equipment or friends say I ’m crazy — younger and in better hood meeting and invited I think she handled the • SO-SO Club reunion golden. Stir in flour; grad­ ‘A teaspoon salt 375-degree oven 30 min­ ingredients. the guy always pays. Why DEAR A BBY : My health than I am. Just all the children and their situation beautifully. ually add broth, apple I'A cups (12-onncecan) utes longer until cabbage St. Mary’s 30-50 Club will have a reunion meeting German Potato German apple potato stew is a boon to should he? I have a job, granddaughter, whose fa­ what is the protocol iq this parents in the block — on Print this if you think it juice, lemon juice, salt beer is tender. This kitchen- too, and can pay my own ther is my son, is being situation? Don’t you think Oct. 7 at 7 p.m. in Neill Hall. There wilt be a pot luck Apple Stew career mothers with no time for.the both sides of the street. will help others with this and caraway seeds; stir Vi cup milk tested recipe makes 4 2 way. married soon, and I am I am more entitled to stay Everyone who wanted to dilemma. supper and entertainment. This event is sponsored by tiablespoons butter or until slightly thickened. 6 cups finely shredded servings. kitchen. Go Italian! Try this gelato MONEY MATTERS IN making the trip from at my son’s home than the use her pool showed up. P.M St. Paul's Guild. IOWA several states away to parents of the groom? This is what she told An effort is being made to contact all past members, couples and singles. Anyone interest^ who has not attend the wedding. I have Should I ■ express my them: DEAR P.M.: I think it’s DEAR MONEY: When always stayed with my disappointment? a great idea, though a tad been contacted should call Madeline Detierle, 649-4338 served with ribbon cookies “ 1. If you want your or Joyce Lindsey, 649-8989. M enus a guy asks a girl for-a son and his wife, who have JUST WONDERING child to use our pool, you tardy for some this year. date, he is asking her to be a lovely home, but I was But there’s alWays next By Alleen Claire make 2 cups. Combine '/t teaspoon baking will abcompany your his guest — so he pays. Informed that this time d e a r ; JUST: There is child. year. Tuesday: Hamburg gravy on whipped potato, Andover Elementary NEA Food Editor puree and water in sauce- powder Cancer Society outing Senior Citizen buttered green beans, bread and butter, chilled mixed pan: boil, then simmer S Vk teaspoon salt The following lunches will be served at the Andover These lunches will be served at Mayfair Gardens fruit. Elementary School the week of Sept. 26 through 30: minutes. Press through it 1 egg white, beaten The American Cancer Society, Manchester Unit, is and Westfield Gardens the week of Sept. 26-30, to Wednesday: Chicken patty on roll, sliced tomato Make your own gelato of coarse sieve. Add sugar, ■A cup slivered almonds sponsoring a special evening Thursday at Berenson’s and lettuce, com chips, buttered mixed vegetables, Monday: Cheeseburger, french fries, peas and Sweaty dilemma embarrasses teen Manchester residents who are 60 or older; carrots, applesauce. pureed fresh purple prune corn syrup and salt; add Powdered sugar Hartford Jal-Alai, for the benefit of the cancer fund. Monday: Chicken cutlet with cream gravy, diced vanilla pudding. plums now at the height of lemon juice. Pour into Cream butter and There will be a London broil dinner and program, a turnip, okra-corn-tomato medley, biscuit, chilled Thur^ay: Salami grinder, applesauce, ice cream. Tuesday: Grinders, com chips, carrot sticks, fmit. their season. You do not 8-inch square metal pan; sugar; add egg and al­ reserved seat for the games and a lucky horoscope Friday: Batter dipped fish on roll, french fries, cole Wednesday: Salisbury steaks, mashed potatoes, freeze 1 hour or until DEAR DR, LAMB: I husband disagrees. limiting saturated fat number, for IIS. Or there; will be $4 tickets for applesauce. com, cheese wedged cake with frosting, rolls. need an ice cream mixer mond extract and beat foods, including coconuts Tuesday: Liver with creole sauce, mashed slaw, oatmeal cookies. Milk is served with all meals. partially frozen. Spoon until light and fluffy. am a 16-year-old boy who Please help settle our reserved seat and lucky horoscope number. Thursday: Hamburg pizza, salad, fmit. for this — only your home has a problem with dispute. and palm oil, qnd using potatoes, green beans with pimientos, rye bread, freezer. into chilled bowl and beat Combine flour, baking Checks should b^ made payable to the American Coventry schools Friday: Tuna boats, potato rounds, choice of sweaty palms. My hands more unsaturated fats. chilled peaches. vegetable, choice of dessert. Serve with homemade with electric mixer until ' powder and salt; stir into Cancer ^ ie t y , 237 E. Center St. For more ^OVednesday: Homestyle vegetable soup, tuna salad light and fluffy. Freeze, begin to sweat when I play DEAR READER; You About 21 percent of the information call the cancer office, 643-2168. The following lunches will be served the week of Florentine ribbons. butter mixture. Knead Your Health fat in peanuts is saturated sandwich; lettuce and tomato, roll, chocolate Bolton Elementary-Center stirring occasionally, until smooth and pliable. sports, when I drive, even both lose or gain, depend­ Sept. 26 through 30 at the Coventry schools: when I make a fist or hold ing on how you look at it. fat. That is before roast­ pudding. Monday: Hot dog on roll, baked beans, buttered These lunches will be served at Bolton Elementary- Italian Prune about 3 hours or untjl Cover and let stand 30 Lawrence Lamb, M.D. Thursday: Pork chop with gravy, sweet potatoes, firm. This kitchen-tested my hands together. I don’t Nuts do not contain any ing. About 17 percent of Ico cream social at Lutz carrots, applesauce. Center schools the week of Sept. 26 to 30; minutes. Force through even hold hands with my peas, cornbread square, cherry tart. Plum Gelato recipe makes about 6 ribbon disk of cookie press cholesterol. Cholesterol is the fat in c a s h ^ nuts is Tuesday: Turkey dinner “with the works,” roll and Monday: Tomato soup, grilled ham and cheese, girlfriend very often. It is saturated fat. Only 7 per­ Lutz Children's Museum plans an ice cream social Friday: Tomato juice, macaroni and cheese, mixed servings. onto ungreased cookie found only in animal butter, pudding sundae. french fries, pudding with peaches. IW pounds Northwest an embarrassment and a products. cent of the fat in pecans is Thursday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the museum. vegetables, wheal bread, fresh fruit. Tuesday: Tacos, hot sauce, com chips, lettuce and sheets 2 inches apart. The event will promote the museum’s new free Wednesday: Salad bar at Nathan Hale. Spaghetti purple prune plums real problem for me; However, nuts — in­ saturated fat. and meatballs, juice, green beans, hot roll and butter tomato, fmit wedges. 2/3 cup water Florentine Brush with egg white: Is there something thqt admission' policy on Thursday evenings. It will also sprinkle with almonds. cluding peanuts — are The nuts that contain Manchester schools and frosted cake. Wednesday: Oven fried chicken, corn niblets, hot 1/3 cup sugar can be done to correct this sion. Coffee, tea, soft to consider that unless it is kick off the museum’s yearlong list of activities. Ribbons Bake at 425 degree 5 to 7 high-fat foods. In general, the least saturated fat Thursday: Cheese dream, french fries, broccoli, roll, fmit cocktail. Vt cup corn syrup problem? I would be drinks and any source of really bad aiid cannot be consider that 70 percent to while containing the most Friendly’s Ice Cream will be serving the ice cream; The following lunches will be served in the Thursday: Juice, lasagna, garlic bread, vegeta­ 1 cup butter, softened/' minutes or until slightly Manchester public schools the week of Sept. 26 cookies. Dash salt grateful if you could help caffeine may make mat­ managed adequately 85 percent of the calories polyunsaturated fat are ice cream is $i for non-members and 75 cents for Friday: Juice, pizza or hot doe on roll, tossed salad, bles, cinnamon applesauce. . Vt cup sugar browned along thq edges. members. through 30: 1 teaspoon lemon juice me. ters worse. So will smok­ otherwise. in nuts are from fat. Some the walnuts. English wal­ fru its gelatin with topping. Milk is served with all Friday: Fmit juice, meat and cheese pizza, tossed Quarter plums, remov­ 1 egg Sprinkle with powdered The event is open to the public. Monday: Hot dog on roll, potato sticks, buttered ing for some people. To give you a better nuts, such as coconuts, nuts are 6 percent satu­ meals. salad, choice of dressing, fruited gelatin with topping. ing pits. Puree in food 2 teaspoon almond ex­ sugar. This kitchen-tested These promote the re­ appreciation of the prob­ broccoli or peas, chilled pears. recipe makes 6 to 7 dozen. DEAR READER: It is a have as much as 80 rated fat and 62 percent Milk is served with all meals. processor or blender to tr a s difficult problem to man­ lease of adrenaline in your lem, I am sending you The percent of their fat as polyunsaturated fat. Raising funds for dialysis age. I presume from your body. Health Letter 18-2, Sweat­ saturated fat. Since satu­ Black walnuts are 7 per­ brief letter that you are Some individuals are ing, Anti-perspirants and rated fat stimulates the cent saturated fat and 48 HOSPITAl OFFERS Year-round coleslaw dish healthy and are not taking helped with Inderal, a Deodorants. Others who body to form cholesterol, percent polyunsaturated ^ O ^ e a s te m Connecticut Regional Kidney Dialy­ any medicines. medicine that neutralizes want this issue can send 75 we usually recommend fat. sis Center is conducting a raffle to raise $25,000 to The problem of exces­ the adrenaline effect. ce n ts with a long, operate a patient-transport van to accommodate SOUVENIR BRICKS s sive sweating of the hands Still others are helped stamped, self-addressed Animals have nutritional adga patients using the dyalysis center at Rockville In response to requests from members of the community, Manchester features rice, sour cream is often associated with with Pro-Banthlne or re­ envelope for it to me, in ' General Hospital. Memorial Hospital is making available souvenir bricks from its original 1019 some degree of anxiety. If lated medicines. They care of this newspaper, ITHACA, N.Y. (UPI) — Domesticated and farm The center and the van would serve patients from building which was demolished as part of the Hospital’s expansion project. By Alleen Claire block the nerve fibers to P.O. Box 1551, Radio City animals may have a nutritional edge over most Coventry and Manchester and several other area According to Executive Director Edward M. Kenney, a number of individuals We at H. L. Jdmes NEA Food Editor a person calms down the problem may disappear. the sweat glands that Station, New York, N.Y. humans, although both humans and pets tend to eat towns. The raffle prize is a 1984 Cadillac Cimarron, have Indicated an interest In obtaining one of the bricks as a keepsake of the continue to offer you It is interesting that stimulate sweating. 10019. too much, Cornell University scientists say. . ’n e more than 40 patients who depend on the center 1919 building, as the health care facility that took care of them or their families It’s time to add a new sweating of the palms In really serious prob­ Pets that eat commercial pet foods regularly have to depend on relatives or taxis for transportation over the years. Couturiere Clothing at coleslaw recipe to your usually does not occur at lems that cannot be man­ DEAR DR. LAMB: My have all their nutritional needs met,” says Katherine for their visit three times a week. Hospital officials have explained that only a limited number of bricks are working file. 'This version Houpt, associate professor of veterinary physiology. The van is expected to reduce the costs of available. Therefore, requests for bricks are limited to one per person and will 20% off and more. E night. But when you are aged otherwise it is some-"^ 'jiUsband and I are very includes carrots, onions times helpful to have the fond of nuts and peanuts. But people often eat too much fat, sugar, transporting patients by 50 percent. The costs, now be filled in order of receipt of the request. Each brick is available fora donation sleeping you are not under of $5.00 to the Manchester Memorial Hospital Development Fund (to help de­ and rice. nervous tension. nerve libers (thoracic We would like to know if cholesterol, salt and* alcohol and, in general, not paid for by patients or by the state, are as much as This is a year-round enough iron and calcium, Cornell nutritionist $15,000 a year for a patient who must use a taxi. fray the cost of salvaging, cleaning, storing and distributing the bricks). Indi­ Try to eliminate all the chain) that supply the they are high in choles^ viduals ordering bricks will be notified concerning distribution. slaw dish that goes to things that cause you to be sweat glands in the hands terol. I say cashew nuts Christina Stark says. Raffle tickets are $25 each. Other prizes include a { plus Additional church suppers, family anxious or increase ten- cut. But you are too young are the highest, but my cruise for two to Nassau and the Virgin Islands or a gatherings and on picnics- $500 travel gift certificate. The drawing is scheduled for-two as a special side for Thanksgiving eve. n g ( I 2 0 % discount dish. Call 872-0501, ext. 263 during business hours. Tickets Chester Memorial Hospital. I have enclosed my $5.00 do­ I Prssant thl4 coupon and Cinema are also available in the main lobby of Rockville nation to the Manchester Memorial Hospital Development I sava an additional 20% off P Hospital. Fund. I understand that upon notification it will be my res­ I any single Item of your Superb coleslaw ponsibility to pick up my brick. Dickens' classic becomss an enchant­ ■ choice. 1 quart shredded cab­ Hartford Manchottsr 7:10, 9:15. — Mr. Mom (P G ) ing musical — Fagln, the Artful Dodger I One coupon per customer. bage (1 medium head) Altimnim Clntmo— Reop­ UA Thsalirf East — Easy Name . 7:10,9:15. and Oliver Twist bring Old London I Expires Sept. 28th ens Thursday. Money (R) 7:30, 9:20. — Windsor 1 cup grated carrots Cinema City — Liquid Skv Floshdance (R ) 7:40, 9:30. — Vi cup chopped onions Plaza — Staying Alive thrlllingly to life In this sward-wlnnlng Street. (R ) 7:15, 9:25. — The Man Return of the JedI (P G ) 7, (P G ) 7:15. Rolls will pep up Who Fell to Earth (R ) 7:10 9:30. Broadway troasurel 3 cups cooked rice, Drive-lns City _ State Z ip . with Eroserheod 9:15. — Mansfield East Hartford — reopens cooled Bobv It's You (R) 7, 9. — Trans-Lux College Twin — 1 tablespoon sugar Frldoy. Thursday, September 29— 8:00 p.m. Rulino Class (P G ) 7:05,9:40. Getting It On (R ) 7:15, 9. — Manchester — reopens your grill staples Phone No. (days). (evenings). 1 teaspoon each celery Clnestudlo — Eating Raoul Rocky (P G ) 6:30 with Rocky Frldoy. (R ) 7:30 with Britannia Hos­ II (P G ) 8:40 with Rocky III Please return to Public Relations and Development Office. Man­ seed and seasoned pepper East Windsor — reopens On Sale Now! pital (R ) 9:15. (P G ) 10:45. Friday. chester Memorial Hospital, 71 Haynes Street, Manchester, C T '/t cup sour cream C o lo n ia l — Schedule Vernon M a n sfie ld — reopens O ur opening event In a very full 06040. Please make checks payable to MMH Development Fund. Combine cabbage, car­ unavailable. Friday. Bv Allegn Clairg brown. These rolls/ham- East Hartford Cine I A 2 — Staying Alive season rots, onions and rice in Eastwood Pub A Cinema— (P G ) 7,9:10. — Culo (R ) 7:15, NEA Food Editor burger buns freeze well. mixing bowl. Blend re­ This slaw has a zesty flavor enhanced Staving Alive (PG)7:15,9. 9:30. Poor Richard's Pub A Ci­ West Hartford Tickets: StO.IX), $9.00, $7.00 maining ingredients. Add by rice, carrots, onions and sour nema — Staving Alive (PG) E Lm 1 A 2 — Culo (R) 7, Homemade roils or to rice mixture. Toss UConn students: $5.00, $4.50, $4,00 cream. Serve it up along side your 7:30,9:30. 9:15. — Staying Alive (P G ) 7, buns pep up hot dogs and THE TRIP DUNKIN’ DONUTS IT’S WORTH THE TRIP DUNKIN’ Og lightly. Chill. This Showcase Cinemas — Mr. 9:15. Sr. citizens: $9.00, $8.00, $6.00 hamburgers, those kitchen-tested recipe favorite soup and sandwich Mom (P G ) 1:2S, 7:25,9:30. — The Movies — Floshdance summer-time grill National Lampoon's Vaca­ (R ) 1Z 1:50, 3:40, 5:35, 7:30, 6 4 6 -9 5 0 0 - makes 6 to 8 servings. combination. tion (R ) 1:15, 7:30, 9:50. — 9:30. — Return of the JedI Complete schedules available staples. Mon. Tue. Sat 10-6 Trading Places (R ) 1:30,7:35, (P G ) 12,2:25,4:45,7:10,9:30. yagtsa; $ FREE at the Box Office. Ruthanne Field, home 591 Waft Middia Tpka. Wad. Thur. Frt. 10-9 9:45. — Risky Business (R ) 1, — Easy Money (R ) 12, 1:55, Sun. 12 - 4:00 7:30, 9:45. — Rosemary's 3:45,5:30, 7:30,9:30. baking consultant for a Killer (R ) 1:45, 7:45, 10. — Wllllmantic gourmet bakeware com­ Thoughts Nightmares (R ) 1:20,7:45,10. Jlllsen Square Cinema — :tiseti pany, likes to combine OONUTHOUTNIArt — RevenaeottheNlnla(R) 1, Revenge of the NInIa (R ) 7, 7:15,9:30.— Getting It On (R ) 9:10. — Getting It On (R ) 7, Cheddar cheese and onion “One Christian" continues a series of 1:40,7:20,9:40. 9:10. — Risky Business (R ) soup mix with hot roll mix . IC E C R E A M Mdftorium for her spedal hamburger Observations on Anti-Semitism. anti-Semites throughout the ages. But •The UniversMy of Connecticule Stoffp Jews symbolize the demands of the more as precipitating, than as suffi­ IEVEN6E0F buns. at 2 These freeze well and FREE Ticli- Donut Hole Treats. 4 tabietpoona dry onion Wkeu yea key aajr cake ua aisglRy, 4arlas In cream sauce; or e g ^ shirred with ■enpmix tkU salUi at aar rusular law grin. Something Different.. Wish Someone A ------— n artichoke, or poached wBh^eggplant; NIONTMANES Bciy Scallops 1 teaspoon dry mallard W t w ill Siva yaa a caupaa wklek yaa and other delights. Choose d compli­ ■ay rtSaaa lar yaar Itaa cika, al Happy Birthday Diaaolve yeast from roll aqual aba aaS Iwnu. aayUaM wfUria mentary drink. Start with riotlve anti­ 20 MUNCHKINS* $ 1 A O ! 14 € Utr/ottRlOytUa MMOiSmi double in aixe (^ M 40 DONUTS 335 CENTER STREET 7 days B week IttB worth the trip. FRESHIST ICE CREAM OPEN EVERY DAY 45 E. Center St., Manchester, CT minutes). , — ^ \ MANCHESTER 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 -SHowmvi— FISH M A R K ir ir Bake at i78 degreeA In ______Lavish Saaday Baflei Braach Ask for.... 643-2751 "MTAURANT ^ (mwrai BUSMHi's 6 lOB urn oiBsaoiui l'J6-7:3M-Ag U-nwp 4V4-by-ivk O m ^ S IT’S WORTH THE TRIP DUNKIN’ DONUTS IT’S WORTH ZCeUbrating Our 50th Yea ■dniM or until golden 4 |g - M ANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1983 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Sept. 21, 1983 - l »

Supermarket Shopper Wednesday T V Feeding 6,000 hungry mouths victims by the roll of the dice. Story' Baaaball pHchar Monty - Tic Tec Dough entertainment. 5:00 P.M. CD Stava RallibMk, Sam Groom. StrattonrafusaatolatairagiGao- How to farm out those fl)-Newenlght ® > Vlc*s Vacant Lot CD - ABC News RatadR. cMammatkthaandofhla oaraar. 'Programming for Children.' CD'VegaS (B - MOVIE: 'Hot T-Shirta' A Jamat Sttwart, Juna ANyton, 0 - Togathar Alona Tonight'a •meK-town bar owner fihde that program axamlnas a problam that Frank Morgan. & - M OVIE: 'TIckat to (S) 0 - News Wednesday wet T*aNrt conteata drum up hot a week is hardiy chiid’s piay Haavan* An unhappy man it sed- ona out of Hv» Amarican couplet soon-to-expire coupons - SportaCenter buainesa. Corinna Alphen. 1979. 0-OaapadMa ucad into thinking tlut member­ 02 hava-concalving a chUd. - HBO Rock: Neil Your>g in Rated R. 1:45 A.M. ship in a rekgioua cult will be his 02 0 - 2 4 H o n w 'ticket to heaven.' Nick Mancuao. Concert Taped in West Berlin. 0 - M OVIE: Thay All Klaaad 0 - BportaCantar routines. > The gullt-rldden Dr. FIscus By Martin Sloane month I always seem to how you (eel. It’s like By Susan Plete schools IV/t cents for each lunch Mag Foster. Saul Rubinek. 1981. Neil perfo^^s his past and pre­ Network tha Bilda’ A man who la arrattad At Verplanck, principal Walter Roth sent hits. ' (Howie Mendel, r.) hopes that for kitting t bridt tt t wadding, United Faotur# have a lot' of coupons throwing money away. Herald Reporter served. Even so, Mrs. Uppling says it Rated PG. 2:00 A.M. has staggered lunch periods so that the - Major League Baseba^: his current romantic Interest. bringt t $30,000 llbai tuit Svndlacte neither I nor'lny friends You get the feeling that costs an average of $1.03 or $1.04 to feed 5:30 P.M. 02 11:00P.M. C D -C B B N a w a cafeteria is never more than half full. Teams to be Announced ' Nurse Daniels (Ellen Bry) does agalntl tha brida’t aitttr. Joan can use. Do you have any someone, somewhere, She’s in charge of serving more each child each day. m - Soccer In America This 3 ) QD CD0 0 0 - NaiMa Crawford, Maivyn Douglaa, Ro­ - MOVIE: 'Caught' Whan a Children are iiermitted to stay as long ® - Hogen'a Heroes not detect the odor ol embalm­ CD D E AR MARTIN: I hate suggestions? — Mary could use that coupon. meals in a week than the average Lunches in the elementary schools show features weekly highlights CD - M*A-8*H land Young. 1942 young gM laamt that tha h ta . as it takes for them to finish eating. of professKHMl and amateur soc­ (S ) - Moneyline ing fluid on his person In the throwing away coupons. Creacy, Havelock, N.C. Here are a few of the ways mother will serve in a year. cost 85 cents, hut approximately 1,400 C D - In Saarch of... 12:30 A.M. marriad a ptychopath, romanca At Verplanck, also, lunch tickets are cer. O ® ** Business Report "Addiction" episode of N B C ’s turns Into tarror. Jamat Mtaon, But around the end of the DEAR M ARY: I know you can put those Soon-to- Since Sept. 1, about 1,272 children a town children are eligible for free or to be 0 -O d d Coupla CD - All In tha Family Barbara Bal Gaddat, Robtrt Ryan. . sold each day. Some schools prefer to 0 * 8cm Legends: James ( 9 ~ Soledad Serie dramatics. ST. ELSEWHERE, expire coupons to good day have walked through the town’s 10 reduced price lunches under the 0 - BportaCantar 1949. have children buy all tickets for the Stewart Libertad Lamarque. rebroadcast Wednesday. Sept. CD - NIghtllna use: elementary school hot lupch lines. That National School Lunch Program. 0 - Standtng Room Only: ® - Entertainment Tonight 2 1 . CD - CN N Haadllna N a w i CD - dot FrankHn Show means Mary Uppling, cafeteria direc­ Guidelines specify that a family of week at the same time. At Verplanck, 6:00P.M. Kanny Rogara In Concart This 1. Drop them off at a CHECK LISTINOS FOH EXACT TIME 0 - Major Laagua Baaaball: 0 - Emorgatwy Clip file refunds four, for instance, may make$18,315 to hee cream is sold only three times a CD CD (X ) ® S ® - News ® - Alice Grammy award winner performs senior citizens center in tor, is responsible for more than 6,000 Toema to be Announoed week. 5 • Three's Company Ns rep^oire of hits songs. 0 - ESPN'a Horta Raoing your urea. ap|>etites a week. be considered for subsidy. Reduced 7:30 P.IS^ B IS I - Late Night wtth David Wkly. Beverages (File No. 8) price lunches are sold for 40 cents. Children are not forced to "clean - 8 .W .A .T. 9 - Alfred HItchoock Hour 2. Look around for The most popular meal — a choice CD GD - PM Magazine N Lattarman 0 r. Our MIta Brooka Clip out this file and keep it with similar 0 - Banny HW Show coupon-exchange boxes echoed by the children themselves — is The government also specifies what their plates," though Roth and the (0 ) - Barney MHIer CD ~ All In the Family 0 - M OVIE. Rich and cash-off coupons — beverage refund offers with cafeteria staff often encourage a child 0 - Bpona Tonfght and drop them in while pizza, Mrs. Uppling says. Least foods must be on the lunch menu. ( 9 - Play Your Bast Tennis This (D 0D ® ' Major League Famoue' Tw o women go 2:30 A.M. beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting to try something new, ortotakeataste. show features 'Variations of the through many ctunges during a there are at least a few popular? Cafeterias must serve V» cup of fruit Baseball; New York Yartkees at ( ^ - Trampa Para un Sonador ' UBA Host Don Drysdala takas a 0 - M OVIE: 'F M t Tim m at ^ - CBS Nawt Nlghtwaloh Groundstroke.' ^ 2 ( 9 - Rsal Psopis Today's RIdgemont High' Teenegers dis­ twenty-year friar^shlp. Jacque­ the needed proofs of purchase while looking for "Meatloaf, probably," she says, and or vegetable from two different Children are permitted to talk in the Boston Un hombre se er>cuentra entre el look behind the scenes ol Amari- days left before program features a tour of Nia­ cover booze, sex and them­ line Biaset. Candice Bergen. the required forms at the su|>ermarket, in lunchroom. “ 1 don’t believe in total Gft - USA Cartoon Express - Family Feud amor de dos mujeres. Antonio ca's national paitime. expiration. though the )>opularlty of meals often sources: a half pint of milk; a serving CD gara Falls, a look at a stripper selves. Seen Penn. Phoebe 1991 Rated R. d Z - PKA FuU Contact Karata who is a theology student and a Grimau, Cristina Alberto, Dora newspapers and magazines, and when trading varies by school. "T w o or three schools of bread or other starch such as silence," says Roth. The children, (9 ** Programming To Be 02 - World Sportsman 0 - Muy Eapedal Cates. Ray Walston. Rated R. 0 - CnMtfIra 3. Call your local or Announced reenactment of the Boston Tea Prince. 1:00 A.M. with friends. Offers may not be available in all love the stew: other schools won’t touch macaroni, and two ounces of protein. assisted by cafeteria aide Janet ® (8> - m*A*s«H 10:00 P.M. 0 - Twilight Zona 0 - Bawitehad county office of social ® - CHIPS Party. (60 min.) CD - Lavama & BMilay & Co. areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive it. Some of the children are very Children who go through the line are Fellows, are expected to clean up after ® ) - Crossfire 9:00 P.M. QD-News - MOVIE: 'Juat Bafora services and ask if they ® - MOVIE: 'Csnrwry Row' 0 - Buainma Raport - Hogan'a Haram 0 each refund. required to take at least three of the themselves. 6 - MOVIE: 'The Stratton C£ - MOVIE: 'CmtI. Anni. wid CD Down' A group of campers dis­ can give the coupons to picky," she says. Story' Baseball pitcher Monty (22 - Whales That- Wouldn't Along Monterey's decrepit wat­ C D - GraatMt Sports Lagonda The following refund offers are worth $15.68. Dio Jack Lord narrates this look Little Britehee* Tough guys artd — x l 1:15P.M. CD - MOVIE: 'A Killing Affair' covers that the fun ends end the people who need help in items offered. The only hard and fast rule in the Stratton refuses to let a tragic ac­ erfront, a marine biologist tries to CC-TBA This week's refund offers have a total value of at the Pacific gray whales. (R) forget his past while a young run­ bandits ride the range in pursuit of 0 - Abto RacM CART Tw o detectives find themselves terror begins Just before dawn. stretching their food THE SCHOOL LUNCH program is Verplanck lunch room: no throwing cident mark the end of his career. banks to rob and lawmen to fight. 0 - Indapandant Natwork Datrait \Nawa) ZOO from caught up in a love affair wNIe George Kennedy. Chria Lemmon. $28.82. Jannes Stewart, June Allyson, (22 “ Veronica. El Rostro del away drifts into life in a bordello. dollars. managed under the watchful eye of the NOT ALL SCHOOLS serve lunch at food. There seems to be no trouble Nick Nolte, Debra Winger. Rated Burt Lancaster, John Savage, , M l ^ ' working on • series of crimes. Eli­ Mike KeHin. 1 9 ^ . Rated R. Thete offers require refund forms; Frank Morgan. Amor Rod Steiger. 1981. zabeth Montgomery. O.J. Simp­ federal government, which pays the same time, or have the same lunch enforcing that rule, howevefr. PG. 0 - Countdown to'84 Today ’a 0 - Raportar 41 4. M rt out the pet food (9 ) - Wheel of Fortune son, Rosalind Cash. 1977. BRIGHT Si e a r l y Good Morning Savings. 0 IBl - MKN.iI/L.hrer CD - The Merv Show program presents weekly prev­ 3:00 A.M. and )>et care cou|x>ns and Newohour (22 (B ) - In Performance at the 11:30 P.M. Receive a coupon for the same size Bright Si ® - People's Court - Arthur Heley’e 'Hotel' iews and profiles of the 1984 CD - Sally Stnrthara World of CD - MOVIE: 'Tha World In Hla drop them off at a local White House In celebration of C E 0 Early as your proofs of purchase. Send the 0 - Reporter 41 (S ) - Dr. Who the Metropolitan Opera's 100th (PREMIERE) Olympics. CD - HawaU Flva-O Love Arme' A see captain romances e animal .shelter or dog > Twilight Zone Russian princees amid eecepee, required refund form and the register tape(s) 0 - MOVIE: ‘F « Chwica' Two season, soprano Leontyrte Price (9 - MOVIE: Between 0 - TwWflht Zona CD 0 0 - TMcka of tha pound. 8:00 P.M. and maestro James Levine pre­ Night reecues end brewit during the lortely overweight penpals plan to FrierKls' Tw o suburban divor­ 0 - Fraaman Rapotta __ - MOVIE: 'Counteee from with the purchase prices circled from five cans Super cheeseburgers will thrill kids lawless period when fur traders Readers who have meet in New York, but each CD “ Archie Bunker's Place Ar­ sent young singers from the cees try to pull themselves to­ C D - Banny HHI Show Hong Kong' An American dl- (either size) of Bright Si Early, and write the sends a substitute. Farnham chie, Barney and Har^ hit the Mat's apprentice program. (60 0 0 - 8 t . EtaawfiaraDr. Mor- plomet finds himself comprom­ brought cargos to Sen Francisco. found other ways to put gether. Elizabeth Taylor. Carol C D - Rockford FHad Universal Product Code numbers from the five Scott. January Stevens. Jack Aa­ town to celebrate their 20-year min.) Burr>ett. 1963. rison's wife goes into labor and ised when 8 woman becomes a Gregory Peck. Ann Blyth. An­ unwanted cou|X)ns to good friendship. (R) Dr. white's career ia threatened thony Quinn. 1962. cans on the form. Expires Nov. 30, 1983. tomato sauce: set remain­ 2 tablespoons chopped ron. 1981. Rated PG. 0 - MOVIE: 'Princ. of th . C D -S a in t stowaway in his stateroom. Mar­ use, are invited to write By Aileen-Clalre iS l ( 9 - Facts of Ufa Mrs. Gar­ •by drug problems. (R) (60 min.) ing sauce aside. Stir in parsley 0 - M-A-S-H CD ~ PM Magazine City' A double-agent exposes rett departs Eastland to open a d o - Honayirtoonara lon Brando. Sophia Loren. J967. 0 - MOVIE: 'Enchantad FIVE ALIVE Refund Offer. Receive six 2S-cent NEA Food Editor ® - Album Flash lelend' An Amertcen whaling and tell me about them. cheese, '/i cup of the bread CD 0 - F.II Guy corruption in his department and gourmet shop and leaves in her 0 - Croaafim 0-NlghtHna ' coupons. Send the required refund form and six I'/Y teaspoons salt 6:30 P.M. becomes the number one target vessel drops anchor off a South Write to me in care of this C D - MOVIE: T h . Big Sky' Cs- wake rHimerous housing prob­ ® - Carter Country Universal Product Code symbols from chilled or crumbs. 1 egg„ and '/■ 5 to 6 slices (J^ounce QD - Tttii of the mob. Treat Williams, Jerry 0 0 - Tonight Show 1:15A.M. Sea island and fights a heroic newspaper. A super cheeseburger, maraderie and conflict occur as a lems for the girls. (60 min.) ( B ' Money end Modidrw Louis frozen Five Alive — any size or flavor. Expires teas))oon Worcestershire each) processeOAmeri- -C B S N e w . Orbach. 1981. Rated R. ® > Pelicule: 'La Lempera de 0 - ESPN'a SportaForum clash with cannibal headhunters. about 5'A inches round, CD fur trapper leads an expedition up Q 2 Great Performencee Rufceyser heeds e discussion fo­ Dene Andrews. Jane Powell. Don Nov. 30. 1983. sauce; mix well and set can cheese ' Aledino' DEAR M ARTIN: When .certainly will get the (S)-/UI g. the Missouri River bound for 8:30 P.M. Brideshead Revisited.' Lord cusing on increasing health care 1:30 A.M. Dubbins. 1958. aside. In large howl, place About cup sweet Blackfoot Indian territory. Kirk Marchmain returns to Brideshead costs and solutions to the prob­ 0 - Bob Nawhart Show KOOL-AID $I Refund, General Foods Corp. youngsters' attention. It is Vi 02 - ESPN'. Horu RKing G D - Gloria Gloria discovers that CD - Sanford atwl Son a refund offer states beef, onion, salt and re­ Douglas, Dewey Martin. 1952. and Charles and Julia face a final lem. (60 min.) B - Women's Qymneetica: Send the required refund form and the proof of a novel, tasty way’to serve pickle relish Wkly. her struggles are only beginning 12:00A.M. "Limit 3 refunds per maining tomato sauce, '/i - Not Necessarily The crisis. (R) (90 min.) (Cbsed Cap­ CD - Chico and tha Man U8AIOC purchase iioints from two 10-quart canisters (30 5 to 6 hamburger buns, 0 0 - NBC Nmn 02 now that her marriage is officially 10:30 P.M. C D - Potlca Story fam ily,” can I send in all a group of school children News This show promises to be over. (R) tioned) ( 0 - IndapaiMlant Natwork B - Froemen Reporte points) or the proof of purchase points from one cup bread crumbs, 1 egg split and toasted IKI - NotIciKO NKlonal SIN CD - Benny HW Show 0 ) - Saturday Night Uva the'proofs-of-purchase for — with less work than everything the current news is CD ' Carol Bumatt ai>d FriarKis ( B - Hezerdoue Weete: A B ' Ounemoke 15-quart canister (25 )>oints total) or the proof of and I'/i teaspoons Worces­ In large bowl, lightly Noticias nacionales con Guillermo not. CD - Meet the Meyora 0 - MOVIE: 'Voufrg Doctor# all three refunds with one usual. In fac^, this is one Search for SolutkMie The efforts 0 - MOVIE: 'Firat Monday In purchase points from six 2-quart envelopes (12 tershire sauce: mix well. mix beef, onion, parsley, Restrepo. 02 - 2nd Annual Laqartdary of citizens' groups fighting B - N a w a In Love' City Hospital becomes a Octobar' Tha firti lamale U S. refund form? — Randi they can do themselves, 0 - MOVIE: T h . Philadelphia Pocket Billiardt Stars This 3:15A.M. points). Expires Dec. 31, 1983. Place 2'/4 cups of the beef salt and 2 teasjioons Wor­ 0 - Jeffersorts Story'. A society girl yearns for a against the dumping of toxic haven for the lovesick in tNs par­ Supreme Court Justice engages Swenson, Seattle, Wash. with a little supervision show features Irving Crane vs. 02 - PJck the Proa Sportswri- ody of medical soap operas. B - MOVIE: 'Blood Retotivee' mixture on a jelly roll pan cestershire sauce. Shape ® - ABC News down-to-earth romance on the chemicals are examined. (60 ters preview key games and in a battle-of-tha-sexes with an­ A detective uncovers unconven- MOTT’S Favorite Food, Receive a $2 cou|H>n with the oven. Jimmy Caras. (60 min.) min.) Garry Marshall, Michael McKean, or shallow baking pan. eve of her second wedding. Ka­ viewers compete for prizes. other member of the court. JiH tionai sexual ralationahips whMe for ground beef, franks, chicken or tuna: and/or a DEAR RANDI: Com­ into 10 or 12 flat patties. - Stopwatch 'Thirty Se­ Sean Young. 1982. Rated R. They'll also like the 7:00P.M. tharine Hepburn. James Stewart. 02 Clayburgh, Walter Matthau, Ber­ investigating a rrNirdar. Donald panies that allow multiple Pat into a 7'/4-inch circle. Arrange a folded cheese conds of Investigative Ticking.' 9:30 P.M. ® - Alfred Hitchcock $1 cou|)on for popcorn, pretzels, potato chips or changing flavors Of CD - CBS News Cary Grant. 1940 9 ■ Radio 1990 Today's pro­ nard Hughes. 1981. Rated R. Sutherland, David Hemminga, refund requests will usu­ Spoon reserved cheese slice and 2 teas|)oons This comedy special urtcovers 0 - PKA Full Contact Karat# O - M O V I E : 'Deadly Oemes* A gram looks at the hottest tre ^s cookies. Send the required refund form and four stuffed savory burgers, CD ® - M*A*S*H B - NBC News Overnight Donald PloesarKe. 1978. Rated ally allow you to use one mixture on top: pat into a (S )' P^me News fraud and explores the irregular. 0 - 0 . Dryadala'a Baaaball deranged murderer chooses his and performers in the world of Universal Product Code symbols from the seasoned differently each sweet pickle relish on half B - M OVIE: 'The Stratton R. S'/Y-inch circle. Place re­ 64-ounce Mott's Apple Juice for a $2 coupon refund form to make more time they are prepared. of the patties. Top with you GOOP-FOR*NOTHIK)6 and/or five Universal Product Code symbols than one request, as long maining beef mixture on remaining patties: press BRBCTCR 06T WITH A BOOB from Mott’s 32, 40 or 48-oz. Apple Juice for a $1 as they are mailed in the S u p e r top of cheese; pat down, edge lightly together to TUBB ATTACHeP... BRIDGE ASTRO coupon. Expires Oct. 31. 1983. same envelope. It's a good sealing in cheese. Com­ seal. Brush both sides NESTEA Tune-Up With Fratianne Offer, idea to circle the words on Cheeseburger bine ketchup and remain­ with Worcestershire the form which allow the ing '/2 teas)>oon Worces­ sauce. Place on a rack GRAPH Receive a record or cassette of Linda Fratianne: 1 can (8 ounces) tomato multiple request . . . and tershire sauce; brush on under a preheated hot Tune.Up with the Hits — Aerobic Dance recorder sauce divided be sure to |X)int out in big, meat. Bake until cooked broiler until cooked as Grab the attention of your youngsters cassetes — a retail value of $8.95, plus a 25-cent 1 cup shredded Cheddar coupon for Nestea Low Calorie. Send the required capital letters that you through. 35 to 40 minute^. desired, turning once. with this super, savory cheeseburger A difficult slam cheese q b u r refund form and the proofs of purchase from are entitled to more than Sprinkle with shreddetj Serve on toasted buns. that’s always a winner. the single refund amount. 1 cup dry bread crumbs Cheddar , cheese, if de­ discusiea his love of the ^Birthday Nestea Low Calorie Iced Tea Mix. Send three (unseasoned), divided game and shows many banda sired. This kitchen-tested proofs of purchase and $1.49. or two proofs of 2 eggs played by world txftrtM and purchase and $3.49 or one proof of purchase and Smart Shopper Award: recipe makes 6 portions. NORTH M l - U S eptember Z2,1IS3 Z'/< teaspoons Worces­ a few hand! of his own. $4.99. The U niversal Product Code symbol for any The Smart Shopper Pereont with whom you there tershire sauce, divided V J7 4 North's four no-trump was size Nestea Low Calorie constitutes the proof of -Award goes to Steve a request for South to Did a common Ideelt will prove to be Roser of Rockford, III.: I'/t pounds ground beef ♦ AQ83 hicfcy for you this coming yeer. purchase. Indicate your choice of record or S tu ffe d suit — preferably a minor "I had 10 Fluorigated Vt cup chopped onion 4 A J9 8 4 4 Strengthen reletlonthipe with cassette on the form. Expires Oct. 31, 1983. ^Birthday' — but Omar felt that aeven 35-cent coupons and when IVt teaspoons salt Savory Burgers W E S T E A S T ihoee whoee phHoeophy le In ORANGE PLUS Refund Offer, General Foods V( cup ketchup hearts to the A-K was sub­ hermony with youre. Corp. Receive four 25-cent coupons for any size itiy supermarket had a ♦ Aillt7l411 4K stantial enough to warrant Preheat oven to 350 1 '/t pounds ground beef AN' IS THAT A CAN OF S A S | ^ ^ YEP.'THATS ▼ --- VQ102 vmoo (Aug. as-sept zz) Orange Plus. Send the required refund form and double-coupon day, I used X SEE OVER THERE T b id d in g a heart slam. degrees. In medium bowj, >/i cup finely chopped 47S42 9 K J Inltlelly, condKIona mey eppeer two tear strips from any size Orange Plus Frozen them to purchase the But YOU get >. '•rfif 19*' I West opened the ace of to be working egeinet you place 3 tablespoons of onion ^^^FULL.-fOO.*^ 4 - - - 4K41I7S1I Concentrate. Expires Dec. 31, 1983. special 79-cent “ Try-Me" spadea. Omar ruffed in dum­ todey but don't let thie discon­ tubes for Just 9 cents each SOUTH my and led the seven of cert you. Your luck Improves T E T L E Y Free Offer. Receive a coupon for a — 90 cents for 10 pack­ a ^ the treats!!! - 4 0 8 6 trumps. Shut played the neer the finish line. Order now; free box of Tetley lOOTea Bags. Send the required VAKtIISI deuce and Omar let the lev- The NEW Mttchmeker wheel refund form and three official forms from ages. I then sent in two ♦ 1098 en ride. It held and now be end booklet which reveelt specially marked packages of Tetley Tea Bags. labels for a $1.25 refund, 4 - - - romentic competibllltlee for ell traded two more labels iB^fiymKESHOP drew trumpa, played the 10 Look for the form on the package. ExpiresJune 1, aigne, lella how to get along Vulnerable: Both of diamonds and let it ride. 1984. with a neighbor for Eve-, wtth others, finds rising aigne, Jain for her ECast took hit Jack and led ready display cards that BARBARA Dealer West hidden qualltiee. Phit more. Here’s a refund form to write for: $1 or $2 in On SEPT. 22 we'll be celebrating the end of our 2nd year. the club king. Omar discard­ • coupons. Score When You Buy Wisk, P.O. Box brought me a $1.99 refund, Wett Nartfc Eoit Saeth Sand Sg^o Astro-Qraph, Box ed a d ia m ^ on the club 9258, Maple Plains, MN 55348. Send a self- and used another three YOU'RE INVITED to take advantage of our many in-store 44 4 NT Pan «V 489, Radio City Station. N.Y. ace, ruffed a club and 10019. Mall an additional St addressed, stamped envelope for this form. This labels to get a Colgate y 3RD P a n P a n Dbl. P a n claimed hU contract. towel and cup. Not only specials. ...And while you're deciding— 't m P a n P a n lor your Virgo Aatro-Qraph offer expires Oct. 31, 1983. (Save the Scrabble Have a piece of our The opponents made him predictions for the year ahead. game board spells "Wisk is Number One," you did I make a “ Home Run’’ play the band out so be ran Be sure to give your zodiac will receive $2 in couixms. If it spells “ Wisk,’’ you profit, but my wife is all PAIICAKE BREAKFAST the rest of his trumps and sign. BIRTHDAY CAKE will receive $1 in coupons). smiles and her teeth are Thanks for making it a great the queen of spades to come LIBRA (BapL ZS-Oet Z3) Situ­ Fluorigard-white! ’ ’ Opening lead: 4 A down to a two-card ending. ations you try to promote today SHE WORKS FOR YOU! West bad to bold a mgh to benellt others equally, as 2 YEARS!! uMde and Just one diamond. well aa yourself, have excellent chances lor aucoeas. By Oswald Jacoby Because East had been dealt 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 658 Center Street Manchester Just two diamonds, each BCORRIO (Ool. Z4-NOV. ZZ) aad Jamci Jacoby Diligently pursue matters which Manchester Sheltered Workshep Bakery defender was down to one NOTICE Sunday Sept. 25, 1983 otter the potential ol large Probate (kHirt is open Anotber new book U diamond. The king was sure ' financial rewards. You're In a 57 Hollister SIt m I (Bwtltoy School) "Omar Sharif’s Life in to drop wherever ft was. cycle where something big will for conferences with the Elks Club - Bissell SL B rid g e," in which he (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) eventually happen. Judge from 6:30 P.M. to SAOnTARIUS (Nov. ZS-Ooc. 8 P.M . on Thursday Open for Solos to tho Public! Manchester, Conn. Z1) Don’t hesitate today to nights. Appointments aatume command of things suggested. Night WED., THURS. and FRI, which are more than othera are telephone number: 647- Adult$ $2.7S SMiier$ 8 Children $2.00 CROSSWORD . able to handle. Challengea enhance your performance. 3227. 9:00 AJS. ta 1:00 PJS. CAPRICORN (Doe. ZZ-Jan. I t ) William E. FlUGerald 10% Dheount — Sr. CHizons All YOU CAN EAT! Answer to Previous Punia Normally you like to make your .liidpe of Probate ACROSS 2 Extrema latr evaluatlona predicated upon For Furthor Inlormatlon — Call 646-5718 gOTH So 3 Diitinctly - n c j L ] cold, hard facte, but today your COAT SALE 1 Flying taucart 4 Expreii E 3 ID D Intuition may reveal more valu­ Committee to Re-elect (abbr.) I CAN'T PfCipP RFT w E R V T H F 5 Baahiva State D C I D able information than will your Barbara Weinberg 5 01 liquid 6 Ham ol gotilp n u D □ □ [ ] ] logic. waiM Matthew Morlarty, Trees. ONB w i t h rW E StiA/Bfi POUL/K^S 7 Nigerian tribe □ D O D G a n AQUARIUS (Jan. ZO-Peb. IS) 9 Stain 8 Ctating □ Q n D D E lG The times tend to favor you 12 Souaaphone x n c ts a y Fill Your Freezer Now While Prices Are Low! 9 Normandy □ □ □ D dEl now regarding something X S u T t o NS O p t H F o N P w i t h 13 Duct invaalon day □ a n n ciD Important you've been hoping GLASTONBURY. •USDA CHOICE MEATS CUT TO ORDER* 14 Woman't 10 Southern n n a a n o B to pull oft. Don't allow yoursell GLEN LOCHEN MALL T h F 2 i R p E p t h a t R l A Y ; ^ patriotic "you" p i t Q I3E] nciDi:) to loae faith In your endeavor. lociaty (abbr.) 11 Panntylvanla D D C l C 3 C 3 D PISCBS (Feb. ZO-Msreh SO) If 15 Bagrudge The Fashion Store For C O W > o u T S l P B " port your work record warrants It, The fFoman Who Knows SIRLOIN TIPS U.S9. 16 Prophat 19 Man's this Is a good day to open dis­ 17 Son-in-law ol o g B d i d g d g o Fashion Before It Becomes ANNE'S PLACE y/s/H&Nyou CUo$B I T . nickname cussions with your superiors Mohammad 21 Exploilva about a raise or advancement Fashionable. SIRLOIN HIPS 1M4 LB. AVC. * 2 . 4 9 : e is n »V M A . . fM Has U S R « S TM OM T h N * S 1 -1 1 18 Snow runnar 38 Ego SI Exittance — perhaps both. Unisex Styling Salon | 19 Giaak letter (abbr.) 23 DIviiion ol 39 Bring into A R «S (March ZI-AprS I t ) Be in 18 US. 20 Cut hair play (Let) BULK 22 Poverty-war geologic time sensible regarding your mode GROUND BEEF * 1 .2 9 . 25 Amid 41 Grain for 53 City in Iowa of operation today. By the SCO'VE 60TTD LEAPW TO VEe8L£F&5mP ------> VOU fCR agency (abbr.) whliksy 24 PrKiphation 26 Muck (pi.) same token, also aaaume a Come To Our Speciol OOMMERGML 43 Juice drink "nothing ventured, nothing PEOPLE^? IT'$ 'WtW^ISNAAAE''!V7/-7 [5 SEARS 26 Sorrowa 27 City in Utah 54 City on the MANCHESTER MALL 28 African land 4B Inclint gained" attitude. Play to win. Fall Sale this weekond. CDUXRieJHT T'ilAAAAAza?1HAT SbO 29 Parent Arno 611 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER BEEF TENDERLOINS ‘A?' *2 .7 9 ^ 33 Bear (Let.) 30 Certain ael't 47 Woodworking TAURUS (AprH ZO-May ZO) Your luck could take a dramat­ Pop a Balloon and Savo RBiueMaeRAiiiB! 34 Above quality Now Has Two Stylists To 36 ______31 Advantageto'Joy 48 Abal't brother Conjunction ic change lor the better today. EYE ROUNDS 5-7 u s . ’2.19 u . 37 01 the (Sp.) 32 Organ pipe 49 Advartlllng gg color In areas Where things have 10% -40% off Serve You 38 Scandinavian 36 JumbM type (al.) gone against you, you might 18-22 U . AV6. 18. J) reap unexpected gains. OKN Aime would Ilka to TOP ROUNDS ’ 1.99 o i n n n n . god 1 2 2 4 t S 7 s S 10 11 39 Prod . aCM M (May Sl-June at) You THUNO. 0 FRI. TIL 0 I f introduce Sharon to have made several valuable •AT. 10-0, SUN. '^ S BOTTOM ROUNDS 28-24 U . AVC. ’ 1.69 U 40 Izmir 12 13 14 42 Aaphyxialed allies, and these epecial frienda her Salen. J O D D U a W 44 Longa (al.) IS ts 17 may do lavore for you at this We welceme her SHOULD CLODS 18-U U . AVC. ’ i.7 9 U 46 01 God (Lat) time which thay would not do friends te cnine In 47 Palm IS 3. 21 for your aaeodetee. HAMBURG PATTIES 18U .M X ’ 1.49 LB. SO Shaltarad aide ■ CANCIR (Juna ai-July sS) and visit nr call fnr B2 Short alaap » 13 Aim for lottler objeotlvos than an appointment. 55 Tima divialon 1 usual today, especially whets SHORT RIBS of BEEF 54 U . AVC. ’ 1.59 18. T A<5REE WITH 56 Adam't 2S 27 SI 32 your work or career la grandion ■ *• concerned. There's a chance THE RR Sr IS n - SS 643-1442 14-18 HAL4=, EXCEPT 'BS Half (grallx) ■ ■ you might pull oft eomathlng S h a r o n B9 Whiz 27 spectacular. PORK LOINS LBS. * 1 . 2 9 . DUR/NGF 60 Hawa away L IO (July aS-Aug. at) Beino THUNDEBSnOpMS •• ■ , able to organize vsnturpe or 61 Putt to work 40 41 ”0L0 FASHIONED PRICES ” Z wa/nry Pnmtitmt rlnti "MttAt Pwtmcn Quality comes 62 Compaif ■ ** sntsrprisss on ■ rather grand point 44 , ecala should come easy lor you First at 63 At no coat ■ today. Don't be Intimidaled by HAIRCUTS PERMS JSStk anchester packing 64 Former 47 41 4S .0 II 13- IT" wttthtr ■ 1" Tuea company inc.B46-5000 bureau SS IS 17 SS thru r Sat We accept SS SO i. a Pioneering for the 'SOe: HOUHS: 349 WETHERELL ST DOWN V $5aOo$20#oo Food Stamps, Turning the air condlUoiMr Specials M O N -FRI. 7:00 e.fn. lo S p.m MANCHESTER. CONN 06040 sa SS S4 Walk-lna Welcome but Appolnlmenls Have Priority SAT. 7:00 e.m. lo 13 noon (NtKT TO lACC MANOibHCUI MatltrCharge, Vita 1 Shoahonatm on becauae your modal t a t A i t thermoatat-eqnlpiMd. to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1983

✓ A r ^ towns BUSINESS You may be able to arrange lower payments Business Bonding considered ‘Sallie Mae’ an option for student loans In B rie f Ames names president “Sallie Mae” may lound like she came out of average terrm most borrowers elect to pay off their for Bolton projects loans. For $12,500, the maximum term is 192 months ROCKY H ILL — Gerald Kanter has been Dogpatch and that wondrous comic world of " L ’ll Abner," created by the late Al Capp. But far from it. (16 years), the average term turns out to be 180 elected president, chief operating officer and a Sallie Mae is headquartered in Washington and I* of Y o u r months (15 years). director of Ames Department Stores Inc. the fire chief himself, who was BOL'rON - The Board of vital importance to you, if you're a student facing In Option 1, payments remain at $113 for the entire Kanter, 48. executive vice president of unhappy with the site selected by Selectmen met in executive ses­ repayment of college loans. For through this agency, N o n e y 'f i 180 months. In pption 2, the ipUial payments start at merchandising of the Target Stores division of UPI photo the Board of Selectmen and town sion Monday night in another of you. the student, can consolidate some or all of your $84 and increase every two years so that during the Dayton-Hudson Corp., a Minneapolis-based retail fire commissioners, Cheney said. many efforts to decide how. where loans at lower mohthly payments on extended terms W o r t h last 24 months, payments will be $175. In Option 3, chain, succeeds Morris Crosky, who is retiring A Jot more efficient It is generally agreed among fire and when to begin three major at 7 percent Interest. Sylvia Porter payments also start at $84 but rise more quickly to after 20 years with the company. Kanter will and town officials that the present construction projects in town. Borrowers who now participate can take up to 20 reach $227 for the last five payments. During the last assume his duties at Ames’ Rocky Hill Charles Sherman of Dayton, Maine, makes late summer lot more efficient" with the use of his "kicker" machine, property is too small to accommo­ If all goes well residents may'be years to repay. And you may be able to slash monthly full two-year cycle under Option 3, monthly payments headquarters on Oct. 3. ^ hay while the afternoon sun shines. He says his task is “a which shoots each bale into the wagon automatically. date renovations to the existing presented by next July with a payments by as much as SO percent. will be $192. Herbert Gilman, Ames chairman and chief request to approve a bond issue for building. Do you qualify? Total up your outstanding, eligible executive officer, said it was decided to go outside Selectmen would not offer Tues­ all three projects, according to HUS FLEXIBLE PROGRAM, called Options,'is One consideration will be that 7 percent interest loans. If your total loan debt is more than $7,500, you the company for Crosky’s successor because day an estimate or even a range of Coventry budget decision members of the board The pro­ sponsored by the Student Loan Marketing Association rate, for it’s lower than the charge on almost any loan can owe money to more than one lender. By extending “ with our tremendous growth patterns we have jects include building a new town the possible cost of the projects, — Sallie Mae. If you owe on Guaranteed Student you could get (although above what you might be your loans, you’ll eventually pay more interest. felt we needed additional professional either individually or collectively. garage and a new firehouse and Loans (GSLs), National Direct Student Loans ‘ paying on some older student loans). Also if you’re paying a low rate on an old NDSL, it management.” renovating the community hull, Bond issues currently cost a (NDSLs) or on Federally Insured Student Loans The goal of Options is to' make repayment easier for might not be worth tampering with it even to extend Ames reported a 56 percent increase in where town officials have their town 9 to 9'/i percent interest, (FISLs), you can take advantage of the program if you, and therefore you need not pay an origination fee your repayment schedule. earnings to $$.8 million for the first half ended McGee says basic issue unresolved offices and most board and com­ according to town Administrative But you can apply for an option loan at any time as you meet three conditions: 1) You have a certain level nor are you subjeqt to any prepayment penalty. You July 30, as sales rose 33 percent to $242 millioq, mittee meetings are held. Assistant Karen Levine. Short­ of indebtedness. 2) Your loans are in good standing. 3) can choose from three options the option that most long as you are no longer a full-time student or in a Ames operates in 10 states from Maine^ to 2 The discussion centered on the term notes, which the town could recognized deferment period. Bv Kathv Gormus budget to a referendum. duled to be heard July 18, but did director and general counsel of the Your first payment Is coming due. closely fits yoiir budget, the length of time you want to Maryland and has 16 smaller general merchan­ proposal to build a new, use to start construction on a For additional information, call Sallie Mae, Herald Correspondent not go to court until Aug. 8, when Elections Commission. “ We have Sallie Mae pays off your outstanding loans and repay your loan, and your income expectations. dise stores in Florida and three wholesale according to Selectman Carl project before the bonding process toll-free: (800) 446-4000; or write to Sallie Mae, McGEE SAID THAT although Kelly heard arguments concerning had jurisdiction in the past' to creates a new single GSL. You can elect a longer With Option 1, payments remain the same for the distributors. Preuss, The board worked on a is complete, cost about 11 percent Student Loan Consolidation Center, 1050 Thomas COVENTRY - A Tolland Kelly was not required to rule on a defense motion for dismissal. investigate violations relating to repayment period than on your previous loans. entire term of the loan. With Option 2. payments start wish list of possible sites for a new in today's market, she said. Jefferson St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007. Investi­ County Superior Court judge’s the basic issue, his ruling “ is a step McGee sought dismissal of the referenda." This summer, about 22,000 people were holding low and increase gradually. With Option 3, payments Short potato crop seen building. Any site will have to be The board has not decided which gate this fully. decision to uphold Coventry’s in the right direction” in protecting case on the grounds that the While the ruling implied a option loans totaling approximately $273 million. To start at the same level as under Option 2, but two to three acres in size, accord­ of the three projects ought to be PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Growers in Maine’s 1983-84 budget does not resolve the the Home Rule Act. which allows Elections Commission did not have reversal of Kelly’s position in two date, the default rate is less than ^Aliof 1 percent, an accelerate more rapidly, so you can retire your loan (“ Sylvia Port«tt’s New Money Book for the 80s,’’ ing to Deputy First Selectman •undertaken first. Members agree largest potato-producing county this week basic issue wbicb has brought the municipalities to adopt their own jurisdiction over a matter decided previous cases that the town outstanding achievement at a time of great concern with fewer payments. With each option, you decide, 1,328 pages of down-to-earth advice on personal Douglas Cheney. that all three cannot be under way predicted a short crop of their traditional favorite budget to court three the charters. at a town meeting. charter did not preclude budget over student loan defaults. The first loans were made within certain limits, how long you want to money management, is now available through her The present firehouse stands on at once. — the Katahdin variety potato. ^pflSt two years, the attorney who “ I think it (the ruling) is helpful Kelly agreed, ruling that in referenda, the point was not at the end of 1981. repay the entire loan. column. Send $8.95 plus $1 for mailing and handling to not much more than a quarter acre The advantage of bonding all Spot checks showed production of Katahdins represented the town in the case in the sense that town- meetings finding as it did. the Elections significant because the present The Options program was scheduled to terminate “ Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s,” in care on Notch Road. The town has tried three projects at once, members was off by. about 60 to 65 barrels per acre as said Tuesday. should be determined by the Commission would have had to ruling dealt only with a jurisdic­ on Aug. 1 ,1983, but It has been extended by Congress THE AVERAGE DEBT of current borrowers is of this newspaper. 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, Kan. to get approval for a new building have said, is that the larger the compared. to previous years, according to municipality, not by the state or resolve “ the relationship” be­ tional matter, Garfield said. through Oct. 31. Congress will now reconsider the $12,500. The following illustration of how the Options 66205. Make checks payable to Universal Press Defense attorney Palmer several times in the last 10 years, bond proposal, the mure likely a Aroostook County growers. Meanwhile, superiors the courts," he said. tween section 7-7 of the state “ Kelly’s decision is basyd on entire program but probably it will be continued. program works is based on that amount and the actual Syndicate.) McOee said that because Judge Cheney .said. • Each time the bank will approve it. and the better and russets are holding their own. Eugene T. Kelly was required only The state, acting on a finding by statutes, which permits budget jurisdiction,” he said. “ 1 wouldn’t, The Katahdin is favored as a “ keeper’' for the state Elections Commission, proposals were shot down, once by the terms a bank will offer. to rule on whether the state referenda, and provisions of the read into it any more than it says." winter storage and it accounts for 30 percent of all Elections Commission had the filed suit against the town in June, town charter, which the town Garfield said an appeal is potatoes planted by Aroostook farmers. authority to investigate a town seeking to have the budget sent to a claimed prohibited such refer­ possible depending upon the out­ SNET news tube Debut of Adam Heavy rains in early spring followed by budget procedure, he did not have referendum. The commission had enda. The commission did not have come of further study by the Field at Indian Notch near-drought conditions in June and a relatively determined that the $7.2-million to determine whether Coventry’s the authority to make such a commission. dry summer, caused worry among growers that budget was adopted illegally at a determination, Kelly said in his charter prohibits budget “ We’re going to see what impact to be investigated postponed again the entire crop would be severely reduced, but referenda. May 13 meeting when voters decision. still waiting for clay those concerns now appear unfounded. overruled a petition calling for a it has on the commission's jurisdic­ tion and powers,” he said. “ This doesn’t answer the under­ budget referendum, which was KELLY’S RULING, however, BOLTON - The softball field at Assistant Attorney General field was crowned a little too well. NEW BRITAIN (UPI) - The Department of Public Rowley propmoted at bank lying, fundamental question,” presented in accordance with state may not be the end of the present Indian Notch Park, slated for for ‘perfection’ Henry Cohn, who handled the case The resulting curve in the surface Utility Control agreed to investigate Southern New McGee said. “ The old question still law. controversy. The state Elections improvements during budget NEW BRITAIN — Former Manchetser resi­ for the state, said the attorney obstructs a player’s clear view of England Telephone Co. activity in electronic remains.” After the Town Council then Commission will decide next week hearings last year, still awaits the the .whole field, she said. dent David B. Rowley has been promoted to general’s office could not appeal publishing. However, that question could be adopted the budget based on that whether to appeal the decision, a installation of clay along the WEST HARTFORD (U P I) — Coleco Industries Inc. assistant vice president at the New Britain Kelly’s ruling unless it is requested The Recreation Commission de­ Responding to motions filed by a group of resolved, he said, if voters approve vote, the Coventry Taxpayers commission official said Tuesday. lines, members of the Board of has delayed shipment of its Adam home computer to National Bank. He will continue to work in to do so by the Elections cided to hold off on the clay Connecticut newspapers, DPUC commissioners a proposed charter revision, in Association filed a complaint^with “ We are extremely disappointed Selectmen said Tuesday night... retailers until mid-October — marking the second finance management. Commission. installation because the spring agreed Tuesday to hold a full hearing on the issue ' November which would clearly the Elections Commission. ■ in Judge Kelly’s decision,” said Board members were respond­ time the much publicized Adam’s debut has been Rowley joined the bank in 1980 as an assistant months were so wet, .selectman early next year, and barred SNET from starting up allow voters to submit the town The case was originally sche-sche­ Jeffrey B. Garfield, executiveexecuti “ Whether they want to devote ing to the Board of Finance’s postponed. cashier and financial section manager. He had Carl Preuss said. news or information services before the hearing. the effort to appealing is up to recently expressed concern over Coleco said Tuesday it was delaying the latest previously worked in management at Central In finalizing a draft opinion, the commissioners them,” he said. the lack of progress on several The soccer field is still in the shipment because it wants to be sure the computer is Connecticut Teachers’ Federal Credit Union, agreed with the newspapers that the DPUC can In a similar case brought against projects: the softball field, the planning stages, which are cur­ perfect when it is finally delivered. Jefferson Federal Savings and Loan, and at the regulate SNET Involvement in news and information. the town by the Coventry Taxpay­ soccer field at Herrick Park, and rently under the jurisdiction of the The company had announced earlier the $600 former Hartford Federal Savings and Loan. Residents, angry about rate hike, ' services. S ers Association last year. Kelly replacement of windows and re­ Public Buildings Copimission. The computer would begin appearing on store shelves by Rowley is a 1965 graduate of Manchester High The newspapers are interested in SNET’s entry into seemed to favor the CTA but pair of lights at Herrick Park. The commission has met regularly to the end of the month. Adam previously missed an Aug, School. He has a bachelor’s degree from the electronic publishing — piping news and information refused to overturn the town’s town set aside $33,000 in federal discuss the project. The commis­ 31 shipment date announced by Coleco. University of Connecticut and did graduate work to television or personal computer screens — from may seek new hearing on water budget in the middle of its fiscal sion has also requested bids for Adam, with a letter-quality printer and a at the UConn School of Business. He also is a 1983 revenue-sharing funds for the both self-interest and public policy concerns, said year because it would have been work. construction of a soccer field at tape-memory system capable of storing information graduate of the New England School of Banking attorney Milton Sorokin, who is representing the COVENTRY — Re.<;idpnt<; anpprpd hv fhp stjitp Thp nPITP ulon allnu/oH (rim too disruptive. The field was smoothed and Bolton High School. for 250 typewritten pages, is state-of-the-art in home at Wittiams College. COVENTRY — Residents angered by the state The DPUC also allowed Elm Water Co. to impose a newspapers before the DPUC. Department of Public Utility Control’s Sept. 13 In another case prior to that, “ crowned" last spring, according Windows have been installed in computers. $4 monthly surcharge on all customers until the Aqua “ Some of them are thinking of going into electronic The computer is now in the hands of the Federal approval of another rate increase for the Elm Water 'K elly had ruled that no conflict to Deputy First Selectman Dou­ the recreation building at Herrick Linde gets four contracts Treatment debtt is paid off. Kaplan said residents are publishing, and there is a strong feeling that Communications Commission, which is testing to see Co. will most likely petition for a reopening of the existed between section 7-7 of the glas T. Cheney. Administrative Park, according to the selectmen. particularly angered about the surcharge because companies with monopolies on the means of if it meets the agency’s standards for radio frequency DANBURY — Union Carbide Corp. says its E statutes and the town charter. case) one of the group’s organizers said Tuesday. there is no way of knowing what portion of the debt Assistant Karen Ix'vine noted the The lights still need repair. transmission should not be in competition with those Linde division has received four majo,r industrial Saying that the DPUC has “ to be taken to task” for radiation. was due to work on the Pilgrim Hills water system. who would provide the information,” said Sorokin. The FCC expects to complete tests this week. gas contracts which promise a total of $225 its actions. Pilgrim Hills resident Martin Kaplan said “ If we do owe money because of work on our Two named “ There’s also a concern with the First Amendment Without FCC approval, Adam cannot be shipped to million in new business over 15 years. neighborhood residents will be meeting next week to system, then we have no problem,” he said. By principle of encouragement of antagonistic and UPI Linde President John R. MacLean said the decide on a course of action. Although the group will by selectmen consumers. reopening the case, the group hopes to establish the diverse voices — that you can’t have free expression The West Hartford-based Coleco conceded its largest of the contracts is a 15-yeav agreement be considering all of its options, including legal action, exact costs for work on the Pilgrim Hills system, BOLTON - The Board if, in effect, you’ re competing with the guy controling credibility might suffer because of the new delay and with AMOCO Oil Co. for Linde to provide oxygen a request to have the case reopened is almost a Kaplan said. the printing press.” there are indication that retailers are anxious about and nitrogen via pipeline to the petroleum certainty, Kaplan said. of Selectmen Tuesday Personal Income Inches night appointed Joseph S. The DPUC hearing will be held after the first of the whether they will have Adam stocked on their store company’s Texas City, Texas refinery. If the case is reopened and again goes before a HE ALSO SAID it was ironic that when Licitra of 92 School Road year, probably in February or March, said Sorokin. The personal income of Americans rose shelves in time for the Christmas shopping season. Another contract is for five years and will serve public hearing, the DPUC will be forced to explain P Wittenzellner requested annual revenues of about The DPUC also ordered SNET to supply informa­ an ARCO petroleum products refinery in as its representative on just 0.2 percent in August, the weakest The J.C. Penny Christmas catalog shows Adam, but “ what justified the rate increase,” he said. The $60,000 in May. he was turned down by the DPUC, but tion — requested by the newspapers — on its Houston, providing an average of 200 tons a day of the Capitai Region Pur­ Ames Department Stores, a 118-discount store based DPUC’s most recent decision did not include an now the DPUC granted him revenues of over $60,000. preparations and abilities to enter the electronic overall growth since February, the oxygen. chasing Council, an arm in Rocky Hill, Conn., has not advertised Adam yet adequate breakdown of expenses incurred by the “ It’s like my going into a bank and asking to publishing field. * Commerce Department said Tuesday. The other two contracts are in Hurley, N.M., of the Capital Region because of the uncertainty over when it will receive company, he said. withdraw $100 and they give me $110,” he said. where Linde is building an on-site air separation Councii of Governments. the computer. While the current increase is not that large for plant to supply up to 425 tons of oxygen per day, W HILE THE supplemental decision issued by the Pilgrim Hills customers, they fear that “ if the DPUC The board also ap­ A word to wise Investors The delay of the shipment also means Adam sales and a $32 million, five-year contract for a plant DPUC breaks down expenses into the categories of is so blind in allocating dollars.’’ then future increases pointed resident Bette will not be counted in results for the company’s third and pipeline to supply nitrogen to Vandenberg Air operation and maintenance, depreciation, and taxes, might become commonplace, Kaplan said. Martin to the town Senior quarter, which closes Sept. 30 and that could hurt its Force Base in California. it does not break down the costs for improvements He said that while the group is considering hiring an Citizens Committee. Joan stock prices. made to the two neighborhoods served by Elm Water Converse, wife of select­ attorney to represent it in future hearings, such action On Tuesday the company’s stock prices were not Co. — Coventry Hills and Pilgrim Hills. man Lawrence A. Con­ Beware the pyramid scam might only lead to further rate increases because affected by the news because the announcement of the verse, was appointed to PIBIJCNOTICK! In addition to other expenses incurred by Elm Wittenzellner would probably do the same and then delay was made after the stock market closed at 4 Water Co. since it was granted a rate increase in May, the Jury Committee. difficult to detect because starter kit since it wants request rate hikes based on additional legal expenses. By Jan Zverina the large numbers of p.m. FREE!! FREEH the company’s court-appointed receiver, John UPI Business Writer losers. they are disguised to to make it easy for you to Wittenzellner, said at an Aug. 16 hearing that Pyramid schemes are resemble multi-level start selling. To become a Coleco has said it expects to produce 500,000 Adams BLOOD ■s by the end of the year. At a Sept. 6 demonstration of revenues were inadequate to cover the $26,419 owed wOMumi ST. u m n NEW YORK - A friend illegal because they are companies that sell consu­ distributor for a pyramid the computer, President Arnold C. Greenburg said he Aqua Treatment & Service Co., of which Wittenzellner calls asking you to attend deceptive. Because par­ mer products through in­ is expensive since most PRESSURE profit is made on signups. had firm orders for 400,000 Adams. is president, for chemical treatment and other repairs a meeting that could ticipants who, knowingly dependent salespeople. ■ TAKEN BV made to the two systems. change your life by earn­ or unknowingly, deceive However, Levering Pyramids often disguise Coleco Executive Vice President Morton E. Handel CLINIC A However, chemical treatment of the water has been ing you big money in a their recruits are subject said, the scams generally entry fees as charges for acknowledged Coleco may suffer'because of the REQISTERCD NUH8E restricted to Coventry Hills, where the water has been short time on a small to fines and possible ar­ are marked by merchan­ training or supplemental shipping delay to mid-October w w ^ o M o n o services or product plagued for years by iron deposits. For that reason. investment. rest, it is hard to uncover dise that is cheap to "It would have suffered more if the product that inventory. Pilgrim Hills residents believe they are being forced Irresistible though it many schemes, according produce, often of the cure- came to the market wasn’t all that we thought it could • Can unsold inventory AT: LI66ETT PHARMACY and to bear a disproportionate share of the costs for the may seem, such an invita­ to the DSEF. all or “ miracle” variety. be,” he said. Handel insisted Coleco wasn’t having two systems. be returned? Legitimate PARKADE HEALTH SHOPPE tion could be the Introduc­ About 25 states have The DSEF, in a pam­ any problems producing the computer but wanted to “ The total problem has been related to Coventry MUMS tion to a “ pyramid,” a adequate laws against phlet about pyramids and multi-levels buy back un­ TIME: E ii. Y THURSDAY 5 add time to the testing. sold inventory. Pyramids Hills,” Kaplan said. “ We’ve never had a problem with Colorful Fall scam which requires a pyramids. Levering said. how to distinguish them C 0 $ot’>''6<‘'' *d COMMUNITY St RViCt b» our water.” from legitimate business may leave you stuck with-/ “ Adam is not a Christmas product,” he said. “ We steady flow of new partici­ Arizona, -Idaho, Illinois, “CfTT PARKADE PHARMACY PARKADf h e a l t h ft 2 are likely to sell more products in the first quarter of In its Sept. 13 decision, the DPUC granted Elm pants making cash invest­ and Utah — once consi­ opportunities, advises loads of unsold, and unsal­ ’ ME PARK AOt NUTRITION CENTER CHRYSANTHEMUMS 1984 than in the end of 1983.” Water Co. annual revenues of $65,796, which means an ments to benefit a few dered spawning grounds asking three questions able, products. increase for Pilgrim Hills customers from $19.50 to $21 Vibrant Colors for Auhiinn Individuals at the top. for such schemes — b e fo r e making any • Is consumer selling a month. Rates in Coventry Hills will go from $22.50to The ancient if not honor­ passed state-of-the-art investment: involved? If not, stay ,$29 a month. Decorating-yellow, white, rust, purple able scheme resurfaces laws this year. > • How much initial in­ away. Legitimate firms ■ “Coventry Hills is definitely bearing the bigger REGAL WALL SATIN from time to time and is Many pyramids today, vestment is required? A rely on it, which means dollar amount, but not the percentage," Kaplan said. Beautiful, Long Lasting current in many forlhs, according to DSEF, in­ multi-Ievel marketing quality products, compet­ says Bob Levering, direc­ volve the sale of consumer firm usually requires a itive prices, and repeat Velvety Flat Finish small investment for a custom ers. tor of government and products and may be FREEZE WALK For Walls & Ceiling^ consumer affairs for the .Direct Selling Education wBoeooo ooeoopor TAKE THE FIRST STEP THE NRmE TO REmEmBER Foundation in Washing­ There is something w e e a n d o to slo p the nuclear arms race — The FREEZE WALK CROCUS 10/ 1.49 This (all, thousands o( Americans throughout the country will join the lirst national REGAL AQUAVELVET ton, D.C., a non-profit research and information FREEZE WALK. The money raised will help finance a nationwide campaign to DRESS SHOP Durable, Washable service. GRAND OPENING achieve a mutual, verifiable Nuclear Weapons Freeze — the first step towards nu­ TU U P S 10/ 2.45 Whatever its variation clear arms reductions. Also; Daffodils, Hyacinth, and Many More Low Sheen Finish — from the simple chain ■t Pieceiitti Sfiou For Walls & Trim. letter to the sham product Allstate Business Msshines Route 83. Talcollville, Cl schemes which require SATURDAY, OCYOBER 1, 1983 EXTRA EXTRA SPECIAL investment in merchan­ M on Tv«$ Wod 10 S 30 Thur» . f r i 10 9 Soi 9 30 S 30 Euonymous, Rhododendron* - all color* 41 Purnell Place, Manchester Oppoftil* Ouohly Inn Motol 643-9016 Juniper*, Boxwood, Azalea*, Evergreen, Sale Price dise at questionable market value — one thing 643-6156 Register 9:00 A.M. Foreythia, Holly, Jap Yew* Aquavalvet am new $13*5 is basic to a pyramid: it Moore rqlall 1 9 » requires a growing base of calculetor or Food & SMd Your Lawn Now! "Investors.” Since, typi­ TOWN HML PARKING lOT— MANCHESTER cally, half the initial pay- 2 5 % OFF cash registet Special Fail 2 gal. CUSTOM COLORS HIGHER IN PRICE HOCKANUM SCHOOL EAST HARTFORD/GLASTONBURY THE SEWING ROOM ipent required goes to the pots operator of the schem^, WINTERGREEN or half to the recruiter, each Salas & Sarvlca ' Classes For All Ages Sale valid thru Oct. 8 5.000 sq. ft|lQ C new participant has to Quality Desk-Top Sponsored by: Freeze Campaign/Greater Hartford “Sewing with Knits" workshops reg. 11.45 Fall recruit two others Just to recoup his money. Calculators For Information call 525-8298 being heid in Coventry & Manchester Because it becomes in- 10.000 sq. ft. creaaingly difficult to re­ from cruit the necessary large Call Sue Cloutman 16 number* of willing inves­ PAUL'S PAINT tors, pyramid schemes vicnMi* Spaciof Fall Fartil Izar' EARN PRIZES TREES«SHmiBS 615 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER collapse. Only the opera­ 742-9343 tAWN8«BULBS Used Calculators and Cash Registers T-SHIRTS 15000 tors and a relatively few ir ir ir 649-0300 early participants make J em ** Colla, owner any money — provided by \ W — M a n c h e s t e r h e r a l d , Wednesday, Sept. 21, 1983 M A N CH ES TER H ER A LD . Wednesday. Sept. 21, 1983 — a 643-2711 Classified....Business Opportunities .. .22 Store/oifice Space Household Goods______62 Notices For advertisements to be Situation W a n te d ...... 23 Resort P ro p e rty ...... 45 MIsc. for Sale ...... 63 Rates published Monday, the dead­ Lost/Foond...... 01 Employment Info...... 24 MIsc. for Rent...... 46 Home and Garden ...... 64 Minimum Charge: TAG SALE SIGNS line Is 2:30 p.m . on Friday. $2.25 for one day Personals...... 02 Instruction...... 25 Wanted to R ent...... 47 P e ts ...... 65 e Are things piling up? Then why not have a TA G SALE? The best way to a n ­ Announcem ents...... 03 Roommates Wanted...... 48 Musical Items ...... 66 P er W o rd : Auctions...... 04 Real Estate Recreational Item s ...... 67 1-2 d a y s ...... 15« Read Your Ad nounce It, is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. When you piace your ad, ^ Services Antiques...... 68 3-5 d a y s ...... 14c Classified advertisements you’ll receive TWO TAG SALE SIGNS FREE, compliments of The Herald. Homes for Sale ...... 31 Ta g Sales...... 69 6 d a y s ...... 13< ore taken by telephone os a Financial C on dom inium s...... 32 Services Offered...... 51 Wanted to Buy ...... 70 26 d o v s ...... 12« convenience. FREE Painting/Papering...... 52 M ortgages...... 11 Lots/Land for Sale ...... 33 Happy Ads: The Manchester Herald Is Bullding/Contracting...... 53 Personal Loans...... 12 Investment Property ...... 34 S3.00 per column Inch responsible only for one Incor­ RoofIng/SIdIng...... 54 Insurance...... 13 Business P ro p e rty ...... 35 rect Insertion and then only CALL 643-2711 OR STOP IN A T OUR OFFICE 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER Heating/Plumbing...... 55 Automotive Deadlines Wanted to Borrow ...... 14 Resort P ro p e rty ...... 36 for the size of the original Flo o rin g ...... 56 Cars/Trucks for Sale ...... 71 For classified advertise­ Insertion. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Rentals Income Tax Service ...... 57 MotorcvcIes/BIcycles___ 72 ments to be published Tues­ E rro rs which do not lessen Employment Services W anted...... 58 Rec Vehicles...... 73 day through Saturday, the the value of the advertisement Apartments ter Rent 42 services Ottered 51 Bulldint/Coiitracting SI MIsc. for Sale MIsc tor Sole 61 Cors/rrucHs for Seta 71 & Education Rooms for Rent ...... 41 For Sale Auto Services...... 74 deadline Is noon on the day will not be corrected by an Apartments for Rent ...... 42 Autos for Rent/Lease...... 75 before publication. additional Insertion. Help Wanted ...... 21 Homes for Rent ...... 43 Hollday/Seasonal...... 61 MIsc. Automotive ...... 76 M AN CHESTER — One CUSTOM BEIGE RUG, 10' X 21', bedroom apartment REMOOELING- $30, green rug 12' X 12', available. Immediate oc­ U U M M IB a N fn Bothrooms, kitchen, rec $20. Coll 649-2320. RepassoMimH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• . cupancy. Access to bus­ . 8IB4BB8 IB VtfMUnOB ttwl « • BriN 6B rooms, roofing, siding, QUALITY SEASONED line, school and shopping movlBO to BfiBw intf lor0Br faeilty OK house repairs. Licensed HARDWOOD — 4' Help Wanted Si Help wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Help Wanted 21 Homes for Sole » Jw id w v 18.1884. W b BrBWBWBBOiFl FOI SAIE Notices centers. Appliances In­ tna B NfHNBd nulfWBr of BnroNmBnti and experienced. Call Lengths. $75/cord. Min­ Heme and Garden 64 cluded. $300 plus utilities. lor WiNdroft sfho are 8 mdha to M Gory 646-4743 or 649-8516. imum two cords. Coll 1^7t PomUtc Tmna Am MSOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' •■••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• aaaaasaaasaassaaaaaaaaa montfw by iBABory 18,1884. LF N In aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Please coll 647-1933. Infant room. BloBirte broBBl nNRp. 8F 6464838 anytime. 1976 Ponilac Formula «XM B SECRETARY FOR •peroprovtdod ito 4 re ilo RooBone- ARBDR ACRES FARM DESIGN KITCHENS by Lost/Found 01 SMALL BUSINESS — Mb ratOB Oonvantsnby locBtBd on RED RASPBERRIES — The above can be seen seeks full time general IMnchiMBr/fBBl Hortlord Hno. CBM J. P. Lewis. Cabinets, FIVE ALUMINUM Pick your own. Hill raOOUCTION SUPERVISION Bookkeeping and payroll IB fBBBrve B BpBBB or tor BddWOOBi ■ at SIM poulty form worker. Homes for Rent 43 vanities, formica, Wilson STORM WINDOWS with OPENING FOR experience. Fringe be­ NORTH COVENTRY — ,lormBt>Bn 848>4884. Farm, 113 Addison Rood, 913 Main SI. Agricultural background Rogers Corp. has opportunity lor a Production Super­ art, Corlan counter tops, screens. Three size 32 X visor, responsible lor direct employee supervision. In­ nefits. Apply In person Six room energy efficient asaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Glastonbury. We supply desireable, but not essen­ kitchen cabinet fronts, 50, two size 32 X 38, $8.00 containers. Open 9am to suring quality work atandarda are mat In a timely, cost to: Mr. Ortitelli, Royal Spilt Level, alternative 1979 AUDI FOX — Two IMPOUNDED Male, A CUSTODIAN tial. Paid health and re­ heating source, mature MANCHESTER — Two EXPERIENCED complete woodworking each. Call 649-4152. 6pm. Closed Sundays. one year old Shephard. tirement plan. Coll Jim elfactive, and sale manner. High school diploma plus 5 Ice Cream, 27 Warren service, custom made door, regular gas, Blau- Street between 8:30am- landscaping, 12X20deck. bedroom Cope. Nice, re­ PAINTER-Quallty work. 633-0056. Black and tan. Found on Fracchlo, Glastonbury years experience required. Must be willing to work any Reasonable rates. Fully furniture, colonial repro­ punkt stereo, air condi­ thin. Sand resume and salary rbtMiramant to PERSON­ 5:30pm; or coll 649-5358 Move-In condition. sidential area. No pets. Wilfred Rood. Coll 646- McDonald's* at 46 W. Center St.. 633-4681 tor an appoint­ Tree shoded yard. Patio. Insured. Free estimates. ductions In wood, 9 varie­ VERY LARGE Angel tioning, automotic trans­ NEL MIPERVIBOR: for appointment. $68,900. Call 742-5415. mission, low mileage. 4555. Manchester, Ct.,has an opening for a cus­ ment. EDE. References. Security. 643-9237, ask for Jerry. ties of hardwood and 'Wing Begonia. Large $475 monthly. Haves veneers NOW IN STOCK SURDIAC COAL STOVE cluster of red blossoms. Excellent condition. todian. Responsibilities wili include BOLTON — Children $5000 or best offer. Coll M A TU R E PERSON be­ ROGERS CORP. needed to fill this spra­ Corp. 6460131. ODD JOBS, Trucking. Coll 649-9658 or evenings, — Three years old. Excel­ $8.00 Call 649-3869. floors, walls, windows and outside clean­ tween ages 25 and 33 P.O. Sox SSO Home repairs. You name 2*9-7010. lent condition. Gothic after 7pm, 528-4752 or Personals 02 wling 8 room, 4 bedroom 6462218. ing. ^ who's not afraid of light' MoncliMtM’, CT BOLTON/HOUSE FOR It, we do it. Fret esti­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa style. $800. Coll 643-9877 ■01 HAIRSTYLIST — Full Cope, on two acres. 2'/> BOni'S raUIT FMM housework, vacuuming, baths, 2 cor garage. R E N T — Four bedrooms. mates. Insured. 643-0304. after Spm. SMeaaNMinaaa dusting, preparing two time, guaranteed salary, ReofMo/SidiM S« 1974 FOUR DOOR Applicant must be 18 yrs. or older. Green House Realty, 646- Private location. $600 CAMBRIDGE DIET meals a day. 8:30am til plus commission. Expe­ C O M ET — $300, 6465700. 4655. monthry. Coll 649-2871. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa OLD FASHIONED heavy ftiB, Met Nrim fwta, C E N TER — Information 7pm. Free to travel. If rience necessary. Coll WILLING TO DO ODD fireplace andirons, $30. Apply in person. Command Performance, JOBS, Housecleonlnp, h n at iffiB. Classified Ads.. meetings Mondays and possible. Valid - license aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MANCHESTER — Three BIDWELL HOME Im­ Coll 643-5336. DATSUN B210, 1975 — Thursdays 7:30pm. 150 preferred. Prior nursing DYER osk tor Manager. 643- painting or wood work­ provement Company — Standard, new motor ; with textile dying experience for our first 8339. bedroom duplex. Refer­ ing. Hove own transpor­ J Beys e weali-9 te 6 North Main Street, Man­ experience helpful but Rentals ences, one month secur­ Roofing, siding, altera­ with 30,000 miles. Excel­ chester. 646-3994. McDonald’i not necessary. Start Oc­ I shift. Good wages and working conditions. tation. Coll 643-0197. TOILET AND SEAT, 12" lent running. Some rot. 46 W. Center SL ity. Available October tion, additions. Some rough, white. Crone tober 3rd. Include phone ! Complete company paid benefit program. W OODWORKER — One number for over 30 years. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Call Jackie 6464822, 667- Mancheater, CT. Profit sharing. year experience to work' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1st. $475plus utilities. Coll Brand. Works and looks number and address In 646-5606. LAWN, HEDGES, TREE 649-6495. Pets . 65 2603. $65P or best otter. reply. Send replies to: in cabinet shop In Man­ Rooms tor Rent 4i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa good. $20. Coll 875-6736. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa WORK. Leaves. Paint­ Box AA c/o The Herald. chester. Coll 649-3161. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1973 BUICK REGAL — AMERICAN VELVET CO. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ing. Garages, etc. clea­ Household Goods *2 Stors/Office Space 44 nup. Light trucking. STEREOPHONIC PHO­ AT, PS, PB, Air. $500 or 22 Bayview AveniM FREE GOLDEN RE­ ^ M c y o n a ^ ’t HELP WANTED, REAL GENTLEMAN PRE­ Handyman. Ray Hardy. NOGRAPHIC SYSTEM - best offer. Coll 6466113. TR IE V E R and also part StoRinftON, CT ESTATE — Modern, pro­ FERRED. $50.00 weekly. 6467973. Solid State. G. Emerson. gressive Real Estate of­ USED REFRIGERA­ Husky/Newfoundland An Equ»l Opportunity Employer M/F 203-U5-1050 646-2000. EXCELLENT OFFICE $50. 647-M23 oHer 7PM. SEWING/HANOWORK An Iqu .! Oppoctunlly Employw fice looking to hire ener- LICENSED MOTHER TORS, WASHERS, dog. Only a good home MIsc Automotive 76 MAI N S TR E E T— 500/1000 please. Call 649-6960 f — Glastonbury toy fac­ getlc salesperson. CENTRAL LOCATION — will core for your child In Ranges - clean, guaran­ Keep Smiling Interested In high Income sq. ft., heat, lonitor, park­ teed, ports and service. FOR SALE: Salton anytime. tory needs sewers/finlsh- Free parking. On busline. ing, air. Reasonable. 649- loving environment. Coll Be Hnppy ASSEMBLERS AND ers for quality plush line. The preetlgloue and pleasant working Kitchen privileges. Se­ 6464890. Low prices. B.D. Pearl 8i Yogurt Maker. Like new. TWO SNOW TIRES on CLEANING PERSON conditions. For confiden­ 5334, 643-7175, 643-1393. Son, 649 Main Street, Call 742-9708 evenings and ADORABLE KITTENS CDIL WINDERS — Fin­ Full time or part time. W A N TED — Three hours curity and references re­ ' chev wheels A-7613.,Llke “COL JOSEPH TMICMIl tial Interview, coll Mr. 643-2171. weekends. Asking $5.00. looking for good homes. ger dexterity necessary. A COLLEGE Sewing experience ne­ per night. Daycare cen­ quired. Call 643-2693. GENERAL CLEANING: new. $40. Call 6464829. Experience not needed. cessary. Call: The Velvet PUTOOr Strano, Strano Real Est­ Residentlal/Commerclal One tiger, others tiger to all home WITHOUT ter. $3.37 per hour. Call MANCMESTEII H U TC H - $600, Colonial and white. Call 649-6480 Will train. Four day Stable, Inc. Call 659-0204 O f t h e ate, 646-2(X)0. ROOMS FOR RENT — Pointing, Paperhanging. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUITION? 646-7090. NOW lENTING couch and chair - $500, RUG FOR SALE, green, otter 11am. tl«GF1liy/IW»IS week, 10 hour day: 7am- for appointment. CONNECTICUT Coll 643-0694 between 5 Own Equipment, Fully size 9 X 10% wide, 14 X 6 5:30pm. Apply at Able The Community and 7pm. Insured. Free Estimates. Bureau, two twin beds subscribers who C A R P EN TER or expe­ 832 MAIN n . and end table, $700, long. Sell for $25. Coll so5»rj«Suf\SuB SWEETIKINS Coil, Howard Road, College of the Air CARPENTER — Expe­ ARMY rienced carpenter helper Coll 647-3741/742-8203. 6463179. HCO£ie,PERIO^... Bolton. rienced in remodeling. HELP WAmED oriental rug, $500 and f Force grants NATIONAL eUARD for residential remodel­ Full charge SOOUIlML VERY NICE ROOM-Full other furniture and Musical Items 66 BUT NOW T»vcr have something Love, Call Robert Jarvis, 643- ing. Call 649-8365. kitchen and both privi­ MATURE EXPE­ VICTORIAN Gone With 53E, O O V D U V iM tr associate degrees hea openlnoa now for Experienced in automo­ 3 CTORT 8LDG. Items. Call 742-5000. 6712. leges. Big yard.Centrally 9bp m i Bw w H b b RIENCED NURSES The Wind lamp (red), aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Marianne^^ tive helpful: Excellent Me . i d in 80 career areas. HOUSEWIVES, STU­ located. $60 weekly. 643- AIR CONOITIONEO AID E — Excellent refer­ electrified. $75. Call 643- FULLY SPRINKLERED STUDIO COUCH — Used. Y o u r l An w i? to sell for less T O D A Y IS a good day Start out by earn­ P RESS PERSON — Expe­ D EN TS — Dairy Queen benefits. Full paid insu/- 2659. ences. Desires to core for 6526. DAVENPORT-TREACY to place an ad in classi­ MFANTIIYMEN DOVER ELEVATOR Excellent condition. ing college credit rienced on AB Dick has counter clerk and ance. Salary commen­ PARKING PRIVILEGES Individuql person. Their Player Plano — Antique fied to sell those idle ress. Full time, 8:30-. ALTER TO SUIT home, days. Will cook Price: $80. Call 649-8494. white. Plono works, for Air Force train­ shift supervisor openinos surate with experience. ROOM WITH KITCHEN SLIDING GLASS than $99.00 items you've been stor­ '4:30. Immediate opening. Depart lor training this days, nights, weekends. Apply in person to Privileges. Security and 1.000 to 8.000 8/F and Cleon. Call 649-4721 DOORS, 6' X 6'8" alumi­ plover needs repair. $300. ing. A quick call to P in FLO O R ROUND KITCHEN TA­ ing. Then register Call 643-2189. October and msM the Homematcers need work Diana: l apirlar Rt. references required. $50 OFFICE SUITES after 9om. num frame, double insu­ Call 6461499. 643-2711 will put your ad M e , BLE with four chairs. for off-duty col­ challenge of aoldiaringt only while children are In 6, Columbia. Call for ap­ weekly. Call 646-7647 af­ FIRST FLOOR RETAIL lated gloss with screens, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa In print. OR OFFICES Good condition. $75. Coll Announcements 03 lege courses. Con­ HOUSECLEANING PER­ school. College students pointment, 646-0563. ter 2pm. two Sets, both $99. Call SONNEL — Part tlme- rrs UP TO Youi DAYCAR E — Full time 649-8944. Antiques 68 tact an Air Force can work part time 647-5003 after 4:30pm, 643-5257. /tu II time. Must have own LARGE ROOM — Private only. Three years and up. NEWSPAPER around their academic WHITE CANOPY BED recruiter for car. Top wages paid for Ths schdule. Apply In person: home. All privileges, util­ Call 646-0262. APP LIAN CE SALE IN TIRED? HUNGRY? CARRIER NEEDED professional service. with accessories. Twin details. 242 Broad Street, BOOKKEEPER — Full ities. Female. $65 week. size. $99. Coll 647-9028 PROGRESS — All ap­ ATWATER KENT RA­ OVERWEIGHT? Why IN MANCHESTER ISgt 8«a Barmi Apply: Riverbend Indus­ CONNECTICUT Manchester. October 1st. References. pliances reduced plus In­ DIO 1920 era, 8 tube. Suffer? Non starvation, time position. South end NEWLY DECORATED otter 6pm. ' M6-J44a trial Park, 540 C North ARMY of Hartford. Immediate Security. 646-2439. OFFICE SPACE In Man­ LOVING AND CREA­ stant rebates on many Excellent condition. $99, 100% guaranteed natural CALL ffSOHalt-Ba Main Street, Manchester call 643-4829. NATIONAL 6UARD F U L L T IM E Real Estate opening for Individual to chester. Centrally lo­ TIVE DAYCARE pro­ PINK DO UBLE kitchen ' Items. 19" televisions and nutritional program. Call (Behind MAACO). Agents, must be licensed. ROOM FOR RENT — vided full time. Ages 18 6-cvcle automatic 742-6173 for information. 647-9946 also o/ handle diversified re­ cated with ample park­ sink, $15; two aluminum aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa There Is no limit to what sponsibilities Including: Central location. Bus ing. Call 649-2891. months-S years. Meals storm doors with screens washers, only $299 each. USHI you can earn, with room Cosh disbursements, line. $165 monthly. Call provided. Bowers School 6'8" by 35'/^", $20 each. Pick up free sale bro­ Tog Sales 69 643-1171 days. a l for advancement. We cosh receipts, purchase SOUTH WINDSOR — 250 area. Coll 6461311. Call 643-2516. chure and sign up for HAIRCUHERS BURGER KING ofteoon attractive com- lournol, % tax returns, Sq. Ft. $130 monthly. appliance drawing. Visa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SEWERS — Established mmm mistnon plus a Bonus and MANCHESTER — With and Mastercard ac­ y X l'L L R N D LO TS o r We will run your ad nationwide pillow manu­ Opening soon light secretarial skills Modern, air conditioned, BEDROOM VAN ITY with TA G SALE — September Join hundreds of happy halrcutters im m n m a chance to win a tree and enloy working with kitchen privileges. Utili­ WOMAN WITH REFER­ cepted. Montgomery U\WN BOUIPMeHT facturer has Immediate in Vernon ample parking. 236-6021, mirrors and matching 24th and 25th. 10am to LlSTCP eVMffV for 6 days free of charge. pin vacation too. Full train­ the public. Apply In per­ ties Included. $70 per 644-3977. ENCES and own tron6 chest of drawers. Good Ward Catalog Store, 269 3pm. 35 Greenwood full time openings. Expe­ Now hiring for all portatlon wishes to ing program given, by the son Monday through Fri­ week. Call 643-5682. condition. Telephone 649- West Middle Turnpike, Drive. Boat, Motorcycle, We’re building a national rience preferred. Day shifts. Full and part SINIj HI HNNRS MY 39 largest REAL E S TA TE housecleon. Reasonable Manchester, 643-2185. Fill out the coupon below shift. Five day week. Full day, 9om to Spm, to: MANCHESTER — Fur­ 2558. Miscellaneous. reputation a? the friendly time positions avail­ Bps ndi ps pat-te iAn COMPANY IN THE NA­ Mark Anthony', 1000 We- nished office In desirable rotes. Call 649-7131 after and either mail it or benefit program. Includ­ TIO N , "C E N TU R Y 21" 8am. able. Above average h x T i thersfleld Avenue, locoflon. Utilities in­ DISHWASHER — Blue FURNITURE, DRAPES, Court of Probate, place for a haircut. ing sewing Incentive. JOIN NOW. "Be «1 IN Hartford. Apartments for Rent 42 MIsc for Sole 63 carpet. Cabinet with bring it to the Manchester Apply at Plllowtex Corp., starting pay and cluded. $125 monthly. ' DISHES, Much More! District of Coventry CALL NOW THE REAL ESTATE Call 64641505 or 646-1960. counter top. Coll 643-2719 Saturday, September N otice OP HCMUNQ 49 Regent Street, Man­ other benefits. Flexi­ PROFESSION" Call WILL DO TYPING In my otter 5pm. E S TA TE OF Herald Office. So we try our best to make work chester, Connecticut. 24th, 9am to 3pm. Sunday, BLANCHE M. CARBERRY fun. ble schedules can 649-9454 Norma at 647-9914 or 423- MANCHESTER-One, two MANCHESTER — home. Reasonable. Coll END ROLLS— 27 L hinges, E S TA TE O F DENTAL ASSISTANT — trlal Interviews ar­ ings 649-4431. LOAM - 5 yards, $60.00 glasses compartment. * Excellent Starling Salary Gerry for an Interview at School, 11:30 to 1:15. TV RENTAL COLLEC­ ces. Working single tow-bar. "Something For MICHAEL J. CARBERRY Herald Light typing and business ranged. Green House adult. No children, pets. N M tilBntl. plus tax. Washed sand, Never used. Mint condi­ Everyone!" Saturday, Pursuont lo on order ot Hon. * Frequent Wage Reviews 643-271 1 , M onday- Minimum wage. Contact TOR — Permanent part INTERIOR — EXTE­ David C. Roppe, Judge, skills helpful. Call 649- Realty, 646-4655. Coll 643-2880. Icsim i NSMBi Msma stone, trap rock, and tion. From Watkins. $250, September 24th, 9am- * Paid Vacations, Holidays Wednesday evenings be­ M r. Freeman, 647-3371. 9287. time position in hospital. IMI/IIUI RIOR Painting — Wal­ neootlable. Call 6462439. doted September 19, 1903 a Name. Hartford area. For week­ gravel. 643-9504. 5pm, 12 - 20 Bruce Road, heorlne will be held on on op- * Clientele and Equipment Provided tween 6:30 and 7:30. Will RECEPTIONIST ...Just 18.000 BQ. R. worBhouBB or B$B#m> lpapering and drvwall pllcotlon proving for author­ train qualified Individu­ HAIRDRESSER — Full days and weekends. Hon­ THREE ROOMS FOR Ibty buHtHng. LoBdfngdoch. 3ovor« Installation. .Quality pro­ Manchester (Off Lbk6 Address. * Management Opportunities to thank, you all for the R EN T — With heat and IhOBd dooro. Fonood porklng. PLAYPEN, Good Condi­ wood Circle). ity to sell and convey a cer- als to earn $67.00 to or part time. Ann's Place, super response to our ad. est, responsible, mature llW laaHy______MZ-SMS fessional work. Reasona­ tion. Wooden, sturdy. t45. toln piece or parcel ot real Individual. Coll 488-8915, hot water. For more In­ property os In sold applica­ $120.00 weekly. C A L L downtown, 811 Main You were all great. ble prices. Free esti­ Call 649-2071. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Phone SUPERCUTS NOW I! Mrs. Battles. Leave formation coll 563-4438, tion on tile more fully oo- Street, Manchester. Call FULL DR PART TIME SUPERCUTS. mates. G .L . McHugh, ALUMINUM SHEETS peors, at the Court of Pro­ 643-1442. name and phone number, or 529-7858. Phone 649-2411 SALES — Start your own 643-9321. used as printing plates — T W O BATHROOM Automotive bate on September 30,1983 ot waa^aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa STORE FOR RENT — 829 9:30 a.m. . business with our help. LIVE-IN COMPANION .007” thick, 23 X 24". sot SINKS, porcelain with Bertha E. Roppe, Clerk 10 am - 3 pm Work out of your home, MANCHESTER — One Main Street, Prime loca­ GEORGE N. CONVERSE fixtures, $60 or best offer. for self care, elderly Situation Wonted 23 bedroom Including heat, each, or 5 for $2.00. Phone •••••••••OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 03S09______■ODY SHOP set your own hours. $50 woman who needs friend­ tion. 1,200 sq. ft. with — Painting, Paperhong- Call 644-0304. $60 for two. PAINTERS HELPER — hot water and electricity. 643-2711. They M U ST be Cort/Truefct for Solo 71 One word per Blank HUIUGII Investment. We give full ship. Salary negotiable. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa heat. $600. Available Oc­ Ing. 30 Years Experience. picked up before NO TICt TO CRIOrrOII* KIT 'NJJARLYLE' by Larry Wright Some experience helpful. PersonablD managtmDnt orl> $365. Avail. October 1. ESTATE OF PETER G. training and will back Call 633-8635. tober 1st. Lease and se­ Coll 643-2804 otter Spm. 11:00a.m. only. SEASONED OAK — Cut Include price cf item. Reliable, neat. Good pay 0nt«d person to manage 10 HOUSEWORK WANTED 649-4800. curity deposit. Call 646 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa M EYERS, man shop, most modem up to you til you are off the 18", split, delivered. Two late ot Mondiesler for hard work. Coll be­ ground. Excellent In­ — Manchester. Expe­ 7690. cord load-$180, one cord- 1979 CHEVY MALIBU date fscIMties. Full benefits, LOVING 50MEONE TO MANCHESTER — Three The Hon. Wlinom E. Flti- tween 8:30 and 4:30 week­ wages commensurate with coma potential. Call after rienced, reliable. Refer­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• raonssioNU PMHntta $95. Call 2263246. CLASSIC — Four doors, Gerold. Judge, of the Court CARE for my 2 year, 3 bedrooms In three family FIREWOOD SALE — 10 ot Probqte, District of Man­ days, 246-7101. experience. Call for appoint* 6pm to reserve a place at month old son In my ences. Own transporta­ olr conditioned, FM ste­ ment for an interview with home. Quiet street, near 0 CsMMrclil - RtsMsoUil to 12 pord trailer load. 16 chester at g hearing held on Seminar In Vernon, 871- tion. Call 649-5007. wantGd to Root GOLF BALLS — Quality reo, split seats, cruise September 16, 1983 ordered Jene Naumec. home Spm to 9:30pm, park. $475 plus utilities. Cillini Tixturt hmlillsL footers hardwood, now GOVERNMENT JOBS — 1646. brands, Titlelst, Topfllte, control. Very good condi­ that dll claims mutt be pre­ HALU, < ^ l 2 f i ! [ 3 Monday, Tuesday, Wed­ Avail. Immediately. 649- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hstis N umt Wi i Mi i i $595, regular $650.20 mile Thousands of vacancies aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Maxfil, Pro Staff, Hogan, tion. $3500. Call 6463411. sented to the fiduciary on or M<5r5ic,Tiie CAT, cF N.c. -sef nesday, Thursday and 4800. radius. Call 87^2879,8am before December 16 1983 or must be tllfed Imme­ every other Saturday Instruction 25 R E TIR ED LAD Y — Four r m n i M A m to 5pm. Tourney, Roms, Aviator. be barred os by low provided. supmoR AUTO PART TIM E Medical Se­ rooni apartment. Here, $3.50 per dozen. Phone A New RecogD BY iNT<> THe diately. $17,634 to $50,112. Roiilat morning. Also do light EAST HARTFORD — Co­ 1972 BUICK LA SABRE— Dionne E. Yusinos, Call 716-842-6000, Includ­ Columbia. Conn cretary — Mature per­ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa four months a year, but 6463163. For parts. A lot of new Ass't Clerk IA?5 o f 7 z 3 c a t ll A T e l^ ifi o(He DAY TMJRIftC, housekeeping. Must have lumbus Street. Duplex, The nduclorv Is: ing Sunday, Ext. 31029. son, good telephone cor. Call 649-3455, leave pays all year. Reasona­ parts. $200. Call 6465520 PIANO LESSONS — All 5'/i rooms. Appliances, saaaaaasssaosssaasaaaas (Jail B. Meyers A CpNYeKHoN of TRe AM€R;imoii.pwHftpwl MACHINIST — All cation degrees. Sharon MANCHESTER — Two WOOD — Oak - Maple - Court of Probate, ■ nil iM m w M rm » .€ ia iirU w dt lor mwiwr. ntkg'eegitcleQutno. hours. Respond to P.O. around machinist with Hickory. $85/cord. Two Call 6466794. mission. Excellent District of Manchester Jackson, 646-8748. bedrooms, central loca­ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee LEON CIESZYNSKI NOTICa OF HIARINO by CONNIE WIENER Box 551, Manchester, CT, minimum 5 years expe­ cord minimum. Cut, split condition. Must Be Seen. 06040. tion. Heat, hot water and B U ILD E R — New homes, ANDERSON THERMO­ Make on offer. Call 742- E S T A T E O F rience, capable of work­ ••••••••••••••••••••••• appliances. $440. Lease, |«rvl€n OffMTMl 51 additions, rtmodtllng, and delivered. Call 649- PETER G. MEYERS, “BRQCQ’N DA DHIEQAJQ KLC ing from prints. Apply In 1831 anytime. PANE Window Wall 7710. late of Monditster, Ceferences and security. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rec rooms, parages, kit­ rough opening 10' X S' deceased. C LER IC A L — Good fig­ person: S 8<.S Precision Real Estate No pets. Call 74^8855 chens remodtied, ceil­ Pursuant to an order ot Hon. ILMFREAN LA FUN. EB’N RDCI BL Machine, Vernon Indus­ with (3) 38" X 33" picture 1973 MERCURY MON­ ure aptitude. Light typ­ evenings. REWEAVINO BURN ings, bath tilt, dormtrs, 12” G .E. T V — Black and William E. FltiOerold, trial Place, Vernon, CT. white. AC/DC with a ligh­ windows and (3) 38" X TE G O — Some rust. $150. Judge, doted September 19, ing. Some phone work. aaasasaaaaaaaasaaasaaaa HOLES — zippers, um­ roofing. Rtsldtntlal or 16" tilt out windows with For ports or drive. 646 1983 d hearing will be held on UBMEBDO ILJHPQABDCEQN QLA’B Own transportation ne­ MANCHESTER — Six brellas repaired. Window commtrclal. 649-4291. ter cord. Bought 11/82. fllRALP Horntt for Sot* 21 Retails tor over $100, will screens and iVt clomshel I 1615 otter 4:30pm. on oopllcatlon proving the cessary. Full time. Com­ room house to share with shades, Venetian blinds. trim for Interior. $250. authority tocompromleeand KEAI D PDCSOB LA AQBQLCSN." pany paid benefits. Call landlord. Call 649-7911. FARRAND REMODEL­ sell for $60 Firm. 6467473. settle a doubtful onddlsputed C k M f i f i B d aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Keys. T V FOR RENT. Call 649-0700. 1972 C H E V E L LE 327 — claim In favor of told estate 633-5211, after 9am. Marlow's, 867 Main ING — Cabintts, roofing, For parts. $400 or best agolntt Doggett Enterprises BAIT CLLAQT. WAREHOUSE PERSON - MANCHESTER — Four MANCHESTER — Six Street. 649-5221. gutttrs, room additions, LIVINGROOM/DEN SHOVEL'S, $4 & $2. Rake, otter. Coll 6465280. at In sold application on tile SUPERINTENDENT'S To do shipping and re­ fgmilv, good condition, room duplex. Available docks, all typos of romo- CHAIR; slip covered $6. Hoe, $6. Icechopper, more fully oppeors. at the PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "The world exists by beeting people six cor parking area, Court ot Probate on October down and the world survivas by people fighting back.” — Rota HELPER — 32 Hours per ceiving. Knowledge of October 15th. $450 per BRICKS, BLOCKS, doling and ropairs. FR EE (green, orange, yellow). $2. Vacuum, $10. Lamps, CHEVY 1976 CAPRICE — 3, 1983 at 10:30 o'clock In the Kennedy. week. Starting $3.75 Inventory control with quiet neighborhood. Ed month plus utilities. No STONE — Concrete. ostlmatos. Fully Insurod. Good condition. $35. Two no shades, $10. Gate, $20. AT, AC, PS. Good run- forenoon. hourly. Call 646-8435 be­ good driving record. Coll Ward & Friends. 236-4581 dogs. Lease and security. Chimney repoirs. No lob Toiophone 643-6017, aftor sets of encyclopedia's, nlno condition. Best Dionne E. Yusinos, ©19D3 United Feature Syndicate. Inc. • 1M3 byNEA.Im). Spreader, $6. Call 646 Ass't Clerk tween 9am and Spm. 643-0013 otter 10am. or 523-5525. Coll 647-1027. toe amoll. Coll 644-8356. 6pm, 647-8509. $10 each. Coll 6464995. 7562. offer. Coll 644-8883. 6 4 3 3 7 1 1 V , 03369 Manchester, Conn. Homs of ih* WMk is ftponsorsd by th« ManchMlcr Hsrsld^ Clear, cool tonight; Blue Trails Estates cloudy late Friday Thursday. Sept. 22, 1983 (Off Birch Mt. Rd.) NMltod In Ih* woodo, ttilo 7 roodi contemporary It — See page 2 Single copy: 25$ raady lor decorating. Wrap around decli, amall deck off matter bedroom, two oar garage, walkout baaement, aedualon, are featurea qn the ealerlor. Inalde thia gor- HOME SNEAK gaoua home featurea aunken tiving room with formal dining room, aunken famHy room wHh tireplaee auid PREVIEW ‘ allcNng doora to deck, three generoua alied badraama,; matter bedroom wHh two huge walk-out Indeeetband THIS SATURDAYI fuH bath. Alao full bath aervicing the other 2 bedrooma, Diiize assault stopped; kitchen hat plenty of caMneta, atorage, dithwaaher 1-3 PM and atova. Oood abe laundry facllHlaa on tat floor. OF THE Center ataircaaa to bedroom, with open rallinga ex- poaed to family room. AAuat be aeeni flop by— U.S. F-14s check fight HERM FRECHETTE OFFICE 644-3481 H.M. FRECHETTE By Scott AAocleod reconnaisance mission streaked meet with Druze militia leader United Preas International over Souk el Gharb, a strategic Walid Jumblatt, the radio said. IB ------REAL ESTATE, INC. Late Wednesday, a barrage of WEEK SEAltOR* hilltop town overlooking Beirut Now Being Built — Lot #13 497 BUCKLAND ROAD, P.O. BOX 623. SOUTH WINDSOR. CT 06074 BEIRUT, Lebanon — Govern­ and considered the gateway to the shells crashed around the ambas­ ment troops fought back a new capital. sador's residence in suburban Druze Moslem assault on a stra­ “They take off however often Yarze prompting Navy gunpers to r tegic Shouf mountain town today they're needed. I am not going to return fire early today in and U.S. F-14 fighters flew over the keep track," Marine spokesman,, retaliation. battlefield east of Beirut just hours warrant officer Charles Rowe “ I can hear shells around here,” after Navy warships bombarded said, declining to comment on the U.S. Ambassador Robert Dillon the mountains. flights. said at the peak of the attack. American warships off Leban­ As fighting for Souk el Gharb Rebel shelling Tuesday night on's coast shelled the rebel forces raged for a seventh day, shells forced Dillon and other American in the mountains overlooking Bei­ crashed in Christian neighbor­ officials to flee his residence in rut early today in retaliation for hoods in east Beirut as well as in Yarze, a suburb east of Beirut. another artillery barrage near the the western Moslem sector. Beirut radio said President NEW LISTING AAANCHE8TER $59.^ “11.8 QORQEOU8 ACRE8” U.S. ambassador's residence. Six French soldiers were Amin Gemayef visited the battle- Not one stitch of worK is needed on this immaculate 3 Charming starter homa In excellent corKlition. Living IN COVENTRY It was the fifth U.S. naval wounded when two Soviet-made front Wednesday for the first time bedroom Colonial. Formal dining room, fireplaced room, bath and front bedroom newly redor>e with since civil war erupted Sept. 4 after Hving room, lovely, sunny Florida room right off the S room Antiqua Colonial, wide floor boarda. tiva bombardment in three days amid Grad missiles hit one of their new insulation, wallboard and windows. Quiet resi­ Israeli occupation forces withdrew Wtcheo^-Aluminum sided exterior and attached gar­ working flraplajaa. on# with Dutch oven, atanclled growing concern in Washington positions near the Frepch ambas­ dential area. to more secure lines in southern age. ^ e it today! $65,000. walla. 1 at floor utility room. Lota o» road frontage loo. over the American military role in sador's residence in the middle of Asking Lebanon. No U.S. casualties were Beirut. Other shells hit an Italian Lebanon. reported. ammunition depot in suburban An army communique said Backed by tanks and armored Hazmiyeh, setting off a chain of U.S.-backed Lebanese forces Wed­ personnel carriers, Druze Moslem explosions but causing no nesday afternoon repulsed a 3>/i- DESIRABLE AREA and Palestinian forces assaulted casualties. hour pincer-type attack on Souk el UPl photo Souk el Gharb from the Druze In Syria, U.S. envoy Robert Gharb, launched from Aley to the stronghold of Aley but the Leba­ McFarlane met Foreign Minister north and from the Keyfoun area to A U.S. Navy officer plots out details fired sevemljl^ounds Tuesday at Druze nese army said its troops fought off Abdel Halim Khaddam for “ an the south. Extremely large lot on quiet At one point, Lebanon's air force TEENS MANCHESTER $81,900 aboard the LJSS Virginia off the coast of and Palesfinian positions after the U.S. the attackers, killing 25. The army exchange of views on an agree­ As well as Mom and Oad will love this attractiveCape and said'it knocked out a tank and four of three aging Hawker Hunter Cod. The whole family will love the convenience, New Listing! 6-6 Duplex in good condition. 3 street. Aluminum sided Capei Ambassador's residence was shelled. ment between Lebanese factions," ’PRETTY AS CAN BE, Six room Cape with 2 car Lebanon Wednesday. The Virginia, a personnel carriers. state Saudi Arabian radio said. walk to school, shopping and bus. Three b^room a, bedrooms each, dining room, large living den. fireplaced living room, formal dining room, two garage, too. 3 bedrooms, formal dining room, with 2 full baths, appliances nuclear powered guided missile cruiser American F-14 fighters on a McFarlane also was expected to Please turn to page 10 full bathe, screened porch and attached garage room, aeparate utilities. Gather up the klddiee and come see — but please fireplaced living room, all large rooms, sits and air conditioner to stay. call-first. $72,500. □ acroM street from state forest. Asking Large rooms. Priced to sell at m can help you bocomo a $69,900. Cobb lone exception nice $ 7 2 ,9 0 0 . "REALE PROFESSIONAL! UARKCT TEDFOID Call 646.4525. and aak lor Oan. SENTRY aVAUlATION RmI Estate Services ik SEAL ESTATE, INC. D.F. REALE, INC. 223 East Center SL. Manchaeiar 413 1661 STRANO REAL ESTATE Am / Efiato 644 Hartford Tpks, ma. M Vamon 64 7-9914 111 Bda II.. (I. 156 EAST CENTER STREET Teachers union mainly backing Democrats 2S Connacttcul 6 M ., Caat Hartford, 64A-4S2S 60 Poquonock Am ., Windtor I Rt. 44A Bolton MANCHESTER. CT. 646-2000 By Sarah E. Hall crats, for the Board of Directors. Guaranteed Tax Base grant than funds back. " W HATEVER THE reasons for impropriety had taken place. Hard Herald Reporter For the Board of Education, the was anticipated in the town Democratic Town Committee the MEA endorsements, both feelings between the teachers’ union supports Democratic incum­ budget, Diana and DiRosa both Chairman Theodore R. Cummings Republicans and Democrats are union and the M EA ensued The Manchester Eklucation As­ bents Richard W. Dyer, Susan L. wanted $250,000 of it restored to the agreed. “ Of course, it was a members of the union. “ Nationally nonetheless. sociation voted Wednesday to Perkins, and Leonard E. Seader, schools. TheDemocratiemajority, political m ove," he said. “ They speaking, the Democratic party endorse a total of eight Democrats as well as Mrs. Cobb. however, voted to give only $50,000 made noise, but they didn't act in just happens to be more supportive This year, the M EA stopped and just one Republican — school of the money for edcuation. And substance.” of education than the Republican short of endorsing James F. board candidate and retired TEACHERS’ association Presi­ this past spring, the three Republi­ “ The endorsement shows that party seems to be," Tognalli said. Fogarty, Democratic incumbent teacher Bernice Cobb — in the dent Peter B. Tognalli said the cans on the board opposed school education . got its fair share of for Board of Directors, and Peter November general elections. union endorsement of five out of six budget cuts that the Democrats limited funds," Cummings added. Two years ago. the MEA en­ A. Crombie, Democratic incum­ “ It's so predictable," said Re­ Democratic candidates running eventually voted in. In response, GOP leader Smith dorsed three Democrats and one bent for school board. According to publican Town Committee Chair­ for the Board of Directors is indeed claimed his party's support of the Republican for school board, and Tognalli, Fogarty never responded man Curtis M. Smith this morning. “ somewhat significant." He added But Tognalli said some associa­ school budget was “ not just lip one candidate from each party for to th^ union questionnaire or “ Of course we are disappointed; that although Republican incum­ tion members think the motions service,” and thavtte cuts eventu­ the Board of Directors, “ Some showed ^ p for the interview however, we weren't surprised bents William J. Diana aifU Peter made by the Republican minority ally made werergrossly unfair" to people yelled ‘fix' last time, said' session. Crombie, Tognalli said, because it's very rare in Manches­ DiRosa Jr. have “ looked like" were “just political moves." the schools. v ” Cummings, who openly expressed “ was not endorsed ... because the ter that the ME A supports Republi­ they’ve been more supportive of “ We need them to do more than DiRosa said “ iTPeterTognalli or his anger in 1981 that the MEA had representative counscil only can candidates. school funding than the Demo­ just make a motion: we need them anyone else suggests that my not endorsed more Democratic wanted to endorse two candidates MANCHESTER Endorsements include incum­ cratic incumbents, the teachers' to back it up with articulate support of the school budget is candidates. for each slot (1983 and 1984 bents Stephen T. Penny. Barbara union was “ not convinced" that reasons," he added. “ The Demo­ politically motivated, then they Republican Anne Gauvin. who openings). We went with Seader MANCHESTER B. Weinberg, Kenneth N. Tedford, support was actually there. crats gave much more logical • Just the right price MANCHESTER are absolutely off-base," DiafflT was president of the M EA at th e. because he is the chairman, and • Great starter home 2,000 DOWN Stephen T. Cassano. and chal­ When the town received in July reasons for cutting the budget than was not available for comment this time and is now a member of the with “ Bunny" Cobb because she is Desirable investment property. 2 — EAST HARTFORD $49,000 lenger EleanorColtman, all Demo­ about $285,000 more in the state the Republicans gave for putting morning. GOP Town Committee, denied any a former teacher." • 2 bedrooms Looking (or your first home? This Is two family homes, situated In one of • Wood stove priced especially for you! 3 bedrma., • Low heat costs Manchester's finest locations, 32-34 Secondary financing available — FHA kitchen with pantry, living room, dining • Nicely treed lot approved — living room, dining room. room, with hardwood floors. Alum, sided, Marcos threatens • Aluminum tided . Linden St., 5-7 Chestnut St. Drive by, State seeks court order 3 bedrooms, completely renovated fenced yard. Call Althea Roberts, 872- • Fenced yard and call ue for appointment to In­ with new counter, sink, bathroom and • Convenient location 7777/649-4324. he may reimpose • SS9.S00 spect. Asking $145,000. w/w carpeting. Plus, screened porch, garage, treed lot. Asking $62,900. to protect Coventry Lake ED GORMAN _ harsh martial law H. M.FRECHETTE ^ Merrill Lynch By Kathy Garmus also decide whether the town The town, however, failed to jissociales US ^ U&R REALTY CO. Herald Reporter should be fined for 'violating appeal the order after it was n ^ Real Estate, Inc. MANILA, Philippines (UPI)’ — President Ferdi­ l l O 643-2692 rVv Realty pollution control laws in the case. modified by t(ie DEP in 1975. In its 604 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST ^ 407 BucMand Road, nand Marcos, shaken by the worst anti-government HARTFORD — The state attor­ The-motion is the most recent response to the suit, Coventry Robert D. Murdock, Realtor Lou HowlOfNl rioting of his 18-year rule, threatened today to 646-4040 South Windsor, Ct. 644-3481 Offico Mtoogor 872-7777 development in an ongoing con­ admitted it failed to meet the ney general’s office has requested reimpose harsh martial law restrictions to prevent V«m oo,ct. 06066 ' a summary judgment against the flict, now over 10 years old. modified abatement order. further outbreaks of the violence that killed 11 people town of Coventry in a case which between Coventry and the state The abatement order required and wounded 2if. seeks to force the town to stop raw Department of Environmental the town to install sewage treat­ “WE’RE SELLING HOUSES”! Marcos went before the nation in a televised sewage from entering Coventry Protection. It seeks to force ment facilities around the lake, but address as the Philippine capital smoldered from a Lake, an assistant attorney gen­ Coventry to comply with a 1971 voters have rejected three separ­ D.W . FISH REALTY CO. night of burning, rock-throwing and bloody clashes eral said today. DEP abatement order that the ate sewer plans put forth by the between angry protesters and government security Assistant Attorney General Ro­ town did not meet. Coventry town in referendums. forces. 2<13 Main St. Manchesteg Vernon Circle, Vernon bert Whitehead said he filed the appealed the initial order. “ I c a n ^ allow anarchy to rule the country again," motion because “ no material 643-1591 872-9153 Marcos salB. “ I warn the opposition. Do not force my issues are-involved between the hand. Do not compel moves that you already know of. two parties” in the lawsuit, which 7^ If necessary, I will do so." was filed in Hartford Superior The warning was a clear reference to the martial Court earlier this summer. If the Packman seen likely law Marcos decreed in 1972. He formally lifted it in summary judgment against Cov­ 1981 but retained all his emergency powers along with entry is issued, there will be no some restrictions on civil liberties. trial on the case and the town will to get post in Boiton JUST LI8TEDI 70’s NEW CAPIS CHFA $64,900. The 66-year-old president said “ the government Immaculetto, full dormerod Cape, wHh 1'/»bathe, flre- Beautiful artlacally daaignaa numaa that allow you to, be required to raise $1.8-million to place and garage. ModernizedH finish the second floor yourselll Save lo|s of c m l holds the opposition and its leaders responsible” (or build sewers to stop the flow of raw BOLTON - Richard Packman, job with Xerox publications in Wednesday night's violence — the worst since Marcos acting superintendent of the Bolton Middletown, publishers of My came to power in 1965. Whitehead said the court will public schools, apparently is the Weekly Reader, a periodical for Opposition leader Salvador Laurel responded school board's choice for the schoolchildren. saying, “ Marcos is like the boy who-cried wolf — He later taught at the Noble nobody believes him this time, his credibility is zero.” * * * * * * The Bolton Board of Education School, based at Eastern Connecti­ Cardinal Jaime Sin, the outspoken leader of the I n a l H A informally agreed Tuesday night cut State College, and served on country's Roman Catholics, charged “ the travesty of i n S K I C I U U S y on a replacement for the late the Board of Education in Marlbo­ the electoral process that we have had to endure over superintendent Raymond Allen, rough. Packman has since moved the past 11 years” was one reason for the widespread 20 pages. 2 sections who died last December. Packman to Tolland. anger. „ was one of three finalists for the In 1981 elections, which the opposition boycotted PAOMMUINE NEW UNfQUE 2 FAMILY ...... 9 job, and sources indicated today he He left the Noble School for a charging they were rigged, Marcos was re-elected ?? 0«r«* ind 7 gor.‘ Completely modernUedl All lorge attractive roomo. 2 . . . ■ ■ . . . three-year stinlMs principal of a overwhelmingly to a new six-year term. e*ou> roomil A b tc ilfu l home lo • e'**< oar garaoe. and ERA Buvera Prataellon Plan. CiatsilM. iB-io was the top candidate. Comics...!!!...... B The formal selection will be public school in Warren, Mass., At least 11 people were killed and 247 wounded in M ANCHESTER $98,900 BO LTO N 187.900 Entertainment...... 12 made at a regular board meeting grades K-6, and then came to pitched battles between government forces. and This 6 plus room Colonial Ja In Immacu­ ...... tonight. Bolton. President Ferdinand E. Marcos in a 2 bedroom Ranch on cul-da-aao In Bol­ militant protesters at the gates of Marcos's BLANCHARO & ROSSinO, INC. late condition. Florida room, nice back Opinion ...... 4 Packman has been employed by The Bolton school board in nationwide speech today threatens to Malacanang Palace. The day had begun as a REALTORS ton- 1st floor family room with allders Poopletoik ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!2 Bolton public schools as K-8 August narrowed the search for “ National Day of Sorrow" to mourn slain opposition J O X g .T L yard, low heat costs. Lovely home, ‘ impose martial law measures to prevent 89 WEST CENTER STREET leading to a private wooded lot. Wood Sporti...... 15-17 principal since 1976. He started in Allen’s replacement to three men. a repetition, of the rioting that left 11 leader Benigno Aquino and protest against the neat as a pinl Television...... 6 education in 1967 in New Jersey as (Comar of MeKae) T B r atova In family room, and a Fuago flra- Including Packman. Board people dead in the worst outbreak of regime. 646-2482 plaoa Insert In livino room flraplaOa. Weather...... 2 g fourth-grade teacher. He moved members have said the final • • • # # • # • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . to Connecticut originally to take a choice was difficult to make. violence in the capital in 18 years. " Please turn to page 10 *

? , 4. .