Ecología de la dispersión de plantas en los bosques secos del suroccidente Ecuatoriano

Tesis Doctoral Andrea Jara Guerrero 2014

Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos

Tesis Doctoral

Ecología de la dispersión de plantas en los bosques secos del suroccidente Ecuatoriano

Autor: Andrea Katherine Jara Guerrero1

Directores: Dr. Marcelino de la Cruz Rot2, Dr. Marcos Méndez Iglesias3

1Departamento de Ciencias Naturales. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja.

2Departamento de Biología Vegetal, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

3Área de Biodiversidad y Conservación. Departamento de Biología y Geología, ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Madrid, 2014

Marcelino de la Cruz Rot, Profesor Titular de Universidad del Departamento de Biología

Vegetal de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Marcos Méndez Iglesias, Profesor

Titular de Universidad del Departamento de Biología y Geología de la Universidad Rey

Juan Carlos


Que los trabajos de investigación desarrollados en la memoria de tesis doctoral:

“Ecología de la dispersión de plantas en los bosques secos del suroccidente

Ecuatoriano”, son aptos para ser presentados por Andrea Katherine Jara Guerrero ante el

Tribunal que en su día se consigne, para aspirar al Grado de Doctor por la Universidad

Politécnica de Madrid.

VºBº Director Tesis VºBº Director de Tesis

Dr. Marcelino de la Cruz Rot Dr. Marcos Méndez Iglesias


A mi familia, mi madre y mi hermana, por su apoyo incondicional en todo momento.



A mi familia, por su paciencia y respaldo incondicional desde siempre. Principalmente a mi

Madre, por toda su ayuda y el tiempo invertido en elaborar trampas de semillas, sembrar mis muestras, regar plantas, etc.

A mis profesores, Marcelino y Marcos, no solo por el apoyo científico, sino también por el entusiasmo transmitido durante todo este proceso. Igualmente a Adrián Escudero, por su disponibilidad para colaborar en mi proceso de aprendizaje y por sus aportes que sin duda han contribuido a mejorar este trabajo.

Un agradecimiento especial a mi equipo de trabajo en la UTPL, principalmente.a Carlos

Iván, que informalmente ha sido mi tutor en Ecuador y un gran respaldo. A Jorge, Dalton,

Elizabeth, Ángel, Diego, Pablo y a todos mis compañeros de trabajo que en algún momento sacrificaron parte de su tiempo para auxiliarme con el trabajo de campo y con el análisis de datos. Igualmente a los miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas del destacamento Pintag Nuevo por su importante colaboración logística durante las etapas más duras del trabajo de campo.

Finalmente, a la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, por el aporte financiero para el desarrollo de esta investigación, pero principalmente por permitir e incentivar mi formación como investigadora.



RESUMEN ...... 1 ABSTRACT ...... 4 INTRODUCCIÓN ...... 7 OBJETIVOS: ...... 13 METODOLOGÍA GENERAL Y ÁREA DE ESTUDIO ...... 16 CAPÍTULO 1 ...... 28 Seed Dispersal Spectrum of Woody Species in South Ecuadorian Dry Forests: environmental correlates and the effect of considering species abundance...... 28 CAPÍTULO 2 ...... 80 Does spatial heterogeneity blur the signature of dispersal syndromes on spatial patterns of woody species? A test for a tropical dry forest ...... 80 CAPÍTULO 3 ...... 112 Seed rain and seed bank contribution to regeneration of woody species with different dispersal syndrome in an ecuadorian tropical dry forest ...... 112 CAPÍTULO 4 ...... 142 Legitimidad de los cérvidos como dispersores de semillas de especies leñosas en un bosque seco tropical ...... 142 CONCLUSIONES GENERALES ...... 165



La importancia del proceso de dispersión de semillas en la estructura y dinámica de los ecosistemas es ampliamente reconocida. Sin embargo, para los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos los estudios relacionados con este proceso son aún escasos y dispersos en comparación con los bosques tropicales lluviosos. En este trabajo se estudió la importancia de los síndromes de dispersión de semillas en la estructuración de comunidades, mediante el análisis de los patrones de dispersión de semillas en el espacio y tiempo para comunidades de leñosas en los bosques secos del suroccidente Ecuatoriano.

Esta área forma parte de la región Tumbesina, una de las áreas de endemismo más importantes del mundo, pero también uno de los hotspots más amenazados. El clima se caracteriza por una estación seca que va de mayo a noviembre y una estación lluviosa que se extiende desde diciembre a abril. Para toda esta zona se estima una temperatura promedio anual entre 20° y 26°C y una precipitación promedio anual entre 300 y 700 mm.

El trabajo de campo se desarrolló entre febrero de 2009 y septiembre de 2012. El primer paso fue la recopilación de información sobre las especies leñosas nativas de los bosques secos del suroccidente de Ecuador, que permitiera asignar a cada especie a un síndrome de dispersión para determinar el espectro de síndromes de dispersión de semillas. Luego, utilizando la información disponible de 109 parcelas establecidas previamente a lo largo de cuatro cantones de la provincia de Loja que conservan bosques secos en buen estado, se analizó la relación entre el síndrome de dispersión y condiciones ambientales.

La relación de los síndromes de dispersión con los patrones espaciales de las especies y con los patrones de la lluvia y banco de semillas se estudió dentro de una parcela permanente de


9 ha, en la Reserva Ecológica Arenillas. Dentro de esta parcela se estableció un transecto de aproximadamente 3,4 km, que se recorrió mensualmente para colectar excretas de cérvidos y analizar el rol de este grupo como dispersor de semillas.

Una gran variedad de plantas en los bosques secos tropicales del suroccidente de Ecuador requirió la asistencia de animales para la dispersión de semillas. Sin embargo, un análisis del espectro de dispersión considerando no solo la riqueza, sino también la abundancia relativa de especies, permitió determinar que a pesar de la alta variedad de especies zoócoras, la mayor parte de la comunidad correspondía a individuos anemócoros, que no proveen ninguna recompensa para la dispersión por animales. Este patrón puede deberse a la abundancia relativa de hábitats adecuados para especies con diferente síndrome de dispersión. Las condiciones ambientales afectaron la estructura del espectro de dispersión en la comunidad de bosque seco neotropical estudiada.

El análisis de la importancia relativa del síndrome de dispersión y de la heterogeneidad espacial en la formación de patrones espaciales de árboles adultos permitió determinar que la heterogeneidad ambiental ejercía un efecto adicional (y en algunos el único) en la formación de patrones agregados de la mayoría de especies estudiadas. Los resultados señalaron diferencias en los patrones espaciales de las especies dependiendo del síndrome de dispersión, pero también una gran variación en los patrones espaciales incluso entre especies del mismo síndrome de dispersión.

El análisis simultáneo de los patrones de la lluvia de semillas y banco de semillas de una comunidad de leñosas y su relación con la vegetación establecida indicaron que la lluvia de semillas era temporalmente variable en número de especies y abundancia de semillas, y


dependía del síndrome de dispersión. El síndrome de dispersión también influyó en la formación de bancos de semillas, siendo las especies con capacidad de dispersión limitada

(autócoras) las de mayor riqueza de especies y abundancia de semillas.

Los cérvidos también se consideraron como un elemento clave en el proceso de dispersión de semillas. Al menos ocho especies leñosas fueron dispersadas legítimamente vía endozoócora. La mayoría de las especies dispersadas presentaron diásporas sin adaptaciones obvias para la dispersión, por lo que la ingestión de semillas por cérvidos se constituye en una vía potencial para la dispersión de sus semillas a largas distancias y, con ello, mejora la posibilidad de colonizar nuevos sitios y mantener el flujo genético.

Los resultados de este estudio aportan nuevas evidencias para el entendimiento de la importancia de los procesos de dispersión de semillas en la estructura de los bosques secos neotropicales. Uno de los principales hallazgos a partir de estos cuatro capítulos es que los patrones espaciales de las especies, así como las estrategias que utilizan para dispersarse y hacer frente a las condiciones adversas (es decir, lluvia o banco de semillas) llevan consigo un efecto del síndrome de dispersión, y que la intensidad ese efecto depende a la vez de las condiciones ambientales del lugar.



The importance of seed dispersal process in the estructuring and ecosystem dynamic is widely recongnized. However, for seasonally tropical dry forest studies related to this process are still scarce and scattered compared to tropical rain forests. The present research deals with the importance of seed dispersal syndromes as a driver in the community structure, focusing its attention to temporal and spatial patterns of seed dispersal in woody communities of seasonally dry forest at Southwestern Ecuador. This area is part of the

Tumbesian region, one of the most important areas of endemism, but also one of the most threatened areas around the world. Climate is characterized by a dry season from May to

November, and a rainy season from December to April. For the whole area an average temperature between 20 ° and 26 ° C, and an average annual rainfall between 300 and 700 mm are estimated.

Fieldwork was carried out between February 2009 and September 2012. During a first step information about native woody species of dry forests of southwestern Ecuador was gathered, enabling to assign a dispersal syndrome to each species to determine the seed dispersal spectrum. In a second step, available information from 109 established plots along four municipalities in Loja province, which hold the highest and best conserved dry forest remanants, was analyzed to establish the relationship between dispersal syndromes and environmental conditions.

The relationships between dispersal syndromes and species spatial patterns; and between dispersal syndromes and seed rain and seed bank patterns, were studied within a permanent plot of 9 ha, in the Arenillas Ecological Reserve. Within this plot one transect of


approximately 3.4 km was set to collect monthly deer droppings, which were used to latter analyze the rol of this group as seed dispersers.

The results showed that a large variety of in tropical dry forest of Southwestern

Ecuador require animal assistance to dispers their seeds. However, an analysis of seed dispersal spectrum considering not only species richness, but also the relative abundance of species, allowed to determine that despite the high variety of zoochorous species, most individuals in the community corresponds to anemochoruos species. This shift may be due to the relative abundance of habitats that are suitable for species with different dispersal syndromes. Moreover, quantitative data analysis showed that environmental conditions affect the structure of seed dispersal spectrum in the studied community.

The analysis of relative importance of dispersal syndrome, and the environmental heterogeneity on formation of adult trees spatial patterns, indicated that environmental heterogeneity exert an additional (or was the only) effect limiting the distribution of most species in this forest. The findings showed differences in spatial patterns related to dispersal syndrome, but also showed a large variation in spatial patterns even among species sharing the same dispersal syndrome.

Simultaneous analysis of seed rain and seed bank patterns of a woody community, and their relationship with established vegetation, suggested that seed rain is temporally variable in species number and seeds abundance, and that variation is related to the dispersal syndrome. Dispersal syndrome also influenced on the formation of seed banks, being species with limited dispersal abilities (autochorous) the ones with highest species richness and seed abundance.


Deer were found as a key element in the seed dispersal process. At least to eight woody species were dispersed legitimately by ingestion. Diaspores of most dispersed species had no obvious adaptations to seed dispersal, therefore, seed ingestion by deer represents a potential pathway for long-distance dispersal, and hence, improves the chances to colonizing new sites and to maintain gene flow.

Overall, these results provide new evidence for understanding the importance of seed dispersal processes in the structure of Neotropical dry forests. One of the major findings from these four chapters is that spatial patterns of species, and the strategies used to disperse their seeds and to deal with the adverse conditions (i.e. seed rain or seed bank) are related with dispersal syndromes, and the intensity of that relation depends in turn, on environmental conditions.



El proceso de dispersión de semillas implica el movimiento de semillas lejos de la planta madre, permitiendo a las plantas colonizar nuevos sitios, reducir la presión por competencia y predación, y alcanzar sitios que favorezcan la regeneración (Howe y Smallwood 1982,

Wenny 2001, Herrera y Pellmyr 2002). Es así que desde hace algunas décadas la dispersión de semillas ha sido considerada como un proceso clave en la estructuración y dinámica de las comunidades vegetales (Howe y Smallwood 1982, Hubbell 1979, Gentry 1982, Willson et al. 1990, Bullock et al. 1995). La concepción de la dispersión de semillas como la plataforma sobre la cual se desarrollan los procesos subsecuentes de reclutamiento (Schupp y Fuentes 1995, Nathan y Muller-Landau 2000) ha dado paso al estudio de este tema desde varios enfoques, como la capacidad de las especies para colonizar nuevos sitios (Howe y

Smallwood 1982, Willson et al. 1990, Willson 1993, Schupp et al. 2002, Martínez-Garza et al. 2011), adaptaciones a ciertas condiciones ambientales (Howe y Smallwood 1982,

Willson et al. 1990, Bullock et al. 1995) e interacciones planta-animal (Howe 1987,

Jordano 2001).

Las ventajas que una especie puede obtener de la dispersión de semillas están relacionadas estrechamente con adaptaciones de las diásporas para aprovechar diferentes agentes dispersores. La modificación de tejidos a alas para aprovechar el viento, el desarrollo de estructuras comestibles sobre el fruto o la semilla para atraer animales, o estructuras balísticas para la expulsión mecánica de las semillas, son algunas de las estrategias que usan las plantas para dispersar sus semillas (Van der Pijl 1969, Howe y Smallwood 1982,

Cousens et al. 2008). El conjunto de estas características es conocido por los ecólogos


como “síndromes de dispersión” (van der Pijl 1969, Gottsberger y Silberbauer-Gottsberger

1983, Howe y Westley 1988, Cousens et al. 2008).

Para los bosques tropicales en particular, el conocimiento de los procesos de dispersión de semillas, así como de otros procesos relacionados con el mantenimiento de la diversidad, se ha desarrollado principalmente en torno a los bosques lluviosos, mientras que los bosques secos han recibido poca atención (Bullock et al. 1995, Sánchez-Azofeifa et al. 2005, Miles et al. 2006, Balvanera et al. 2011, Espinosa et al. 2012). Uno de los trabajos más conocidos con respecto a los patrones de diversidad en bosques secos es el de Hubbell (1979), que ha sido fundamental para esclarecer las diferencias en los patrones de distribución espacial de las especies de bosques secos con respecto a los bosques lluviosos. La composición de especies en los bosques secos y la estructura de las comunidades responden a condiciones ambientales distintas de las que dominan en los bosques lluviosos. La marcada estacionalidad en la disponibilidad de agua en los bosques secos es considerado uno de los principales factores limitantes para los procesos de desarrollo y establecimiento de las plantas, y por ende de su distribución dentro del ecosistema (Balvanera et al. 2011). La topografía también está relacionada con la estructura de las comunidades de bosque seco porque controla la disponibilidad de agua y nutrientes (Balvanera et al. 2011, Espinosa et al. 2011, 2012). De esta manera, la variación de estos factores en el espacio genera un mosaico de condiciones ambientales y disponibilidad de recursos (López-Martínez et al.

2013) que favorece el establecimiento de especies con características específicas. Por ejemplo, en el contexto de dispersión de semillas, el espectro de síndromes de dispersión puede cambiar entre comunidades de bosque seco en respuesta a la disponibilidad de agua


(López-Martínez et al. 2013); así, semillas dispersadas por el viento (anemocoria) tienden a ser más frecuentes en árboles de los bosques más secos (Bullock et al. 1995).

El estudio de la dispersión de semillas como un control importante sobre la diversidad de especies ha tomado fuerza en los últimos años (Levine y Murrell 2003, López-Martínez et al. 2013). Trabajos como los de Hubbell (1979), Condit et al. (2000) y Seidler y Plotkin

(2006), plantean que los patrones de distribución no aleatorios están relacionados con la eficiencia en la dispersión de semillas. Así, especies con síndromes de dispersión más eficientes para la dispersión a largas distancias muestran patrones menos agregados que las especies con síndromes menos eficientes. Si bien existen muchos otros factores postdispersión que pueden restringir el reclutamiento de nuevos individuos (Nathan y

Muller-Landau 2000, Dalling et al. 2002), los efectos de los patrones de dispersión y postdispersión han mostrado ser variables entre especies, e incluso dentro de una misma especie a lo largo de gradientes ambientales (Nathan y Muller-Landau 2000).

Consecuentemente, la importancia de los patrones de dispersión de semillas en la estructura de una comunidad particular no puede ser asumida a priori (Levine y Murell 2003).

En ecosistemas marcadamente estacionales, como los bosques secos, otro factor que interviene en el éxito del evento de dispersión, así como en el desarrollo y sobrevivencia del individuo en etapas posteriores, es el momento de dispersión de semillas (Khurana y

Singh 2001). Sin embargo, en muchas especies los requerimientos del individuo en la etapa de dispersión difieren de los requerimientos para el desarrollo y establecimiento de la plántula (Schupp y Fuentes 1995). Para sobrellevar estas diferencias una estrategia alternativa luego de la dispersión es la formación de bancos de semillas en el suelo, el cual


puede atenuar las consecuencias de la dispersión de semillas en periodos desfavorables para la germinación. Inclusive las desventajas de la alta densidad de semillas dispersadas cerca de la planta madre pueden ser limitadas cuando hay un banco de semillas, debido a que los eventos de germinación se extienden en el tiempo, reduciendo la competencia o predación

(Nathan y Muller-Landau 2000). En este sentido, tanto la dispersión a larga distancia como la capacidad de formar bancos de semillas constituyen estrategias alternativas para evitar el riesgo, una excesiva densidad y la competencia (Venable y Brown 1988, Bakker et al.

1996). Al ser estrategias alternativas se espera que la formación de bancos de semillas sea limitada en especies con capacidad de dispersión a larga distancia, a diferencia de especies con dispersión reducida, como las autócoras (Bakker et al. 1996), en las cuales la dispersión en el tiempo puede compensar la pobre dispersión espacial (Willson 1993), mediante la formación de bancos de semillas (Uhl et al. 1981, Putz y Appanah 1987, Alvarez-Buylla y

Martínez Ramos 1990, Moles y Drake 1999).

Para los bosques tropicales en general se señala que el síndrome de dispersión de mayor importancia es posiblemente la zoocoria, y en particular la endozoocoria (dispersión por ingestión). Las ventajas de la dispersión zoócora están relacionadas principalmente con la capacidad de dispersión a largas distancias y con la dispersión dirigida a microhábitats adecuados para el desarrollo de la plántula (Howe y Smallwood 1982). Incluso en los bosques secos neotropicales, donde la disponibilidad de frutos está restringida en el tiempo, se ha registrado en promedio un 46,2% (27 – 58,7%) de especies con dispersión endozoocora (Jordando 2000). Sin embargo, y a pesar de que la información sobre animales dispersores es limitada, estudios realizados en ecosistemas secos neotropicales mencionan la influencia, tanto a nivel local como regional, que el comportamiento y abundancia de 10

vertebrados dispersores de semillas podría tener sobre la frecuencia de especies que dispersan (Bullock et al. 1995, Griz y Machado 2001, Tabarelli et al. 2003).

Los grupos más estudiados desde el punto de vista de agentes dispersores de semillas han sido las aves y los murciélagos (Nassar et al. 2014), mientras que la información disponible acerca del rol de otros grupos animales en este proceso es dispersa. En el caso particular de los cérvidos, los pocos estudios existentes en América se han centrado en Odocoileus virginianus, y se han restringido a ecosistemas de Norteamerica (González-Espinosa y

Quintana-Ascencio 1986, Mandujano et al. 1997, Williams et al. 2008). En esos estudios se ha registrado una gran variedad de semillas viables luego del paso por el tracto digestivo de

O. virginianus. En los bosques secos neotropicales los cérvidos conforman uno de los grupos de mamíferos grandes y relativamente abundantes (Tirira 2007). Su rango de movimiento, de varias hectáreas por día, implica que los cérvidos podrían jugar un papel importante en el movimiento de semillas a largas distancias, y contribuir así al mantenimiento del flujo genético, regeneración y colonización de nuevos sitios (Willson y

Traveset 2000, Traveset et al. 2007). A pesar de ello, han sido pocos los esfuerzos por estudiar su legitimidad como dispersores de semillas en ecosistemas neotropicales (Bodmer


El presente estudio nace como una necesidad por incrementar el conocimiento de los procesos que controlan el funcionamiento de los bosques secos de la región tumbensina y aportar con información que permita la aplicación de medidas de manejo y conservación adecuadas.


La importancia de incrementar el conocimiento de los procesos de dispersión de semillas y su relación con el funcionamiento de los bosques secos neotropicales se debe a que estos ecosistemas se puede plantear desde varios puntos de vista. Primero, por los elevados niveles de endemismo que sostiene (Gentry 1995, Sánchez-Azofeifa et al. 2014), principalmente en plantas leñosas (Portillo-Quintero y Sánchez-Azofeifa 2010) y aves (Best y Kessler 1995), aunque para otros grupos se cuenta con poca información. Segundo, los bosques secos tropicales ocupan el 42% de los bosques tropicales (Murphy y Lugo 1995,

Miles et al. 2006, Espinosa et al. 2012) y han sido históricamente más utilizados por el ser humano que los bosques lluviosos (Bullock et al.1995). Tercero, a pesar de que en los

últimos años se ha incrementado el esfuerzo por estudiar los ecosistemas de bosque seco, el

área conservada sigue siendo poco perceptible, mientras que los problemas de fragmentación y cambio de uso del suelo se intensifican (Best y Kessler 1995, Bullock et al. 1995, Linares-Palomino et al. 2010, Espinosa et al. 2012).



Objetivo general:

La presente tesis tiene como objetivo general analizar la importancia de los síndromes de dispersión de semillas en la estructuración de comunidades leñosas de bosques secos tropicales.

Objetivos específicos:

1) Estudiar el espectro de dispersión de semillas y la relación del síndrome de dispersión

con la forma de crecimiento de la planta, abundancia de la especie y condiciones


A nivel de comunidad pueden presentarse diferentes síndromes de dispersión

influenciados por los atributos del ecosistema, circunstancias ambientales, estructura y

composición florística. El capítulo 1 “Seed dispersal spectrum of tree and shrub species

in Ecuadorian dry forests”, se centra en el análisis de la distribución de los síndromes

de dispersión en comunidades locales de vegetación leñosa para determinar si

síndromes de dispersión particulares están asociados con las formas de crecimiento de

las plantas, abundancia de las especies y condiciones ambientales. Además, se analiza

la fenología de la fructificación de cada síndrome de dispersión.

2) Examinar la importancia relativa del síndrome de dispersión y de la heterogeneidad

espacial sobre la realización del patrón espacial de árboles adultos en un bosque seco

tropical ecuatoriano.


El capítulo 2, “Does spatial heterogeneity blur the signature of dispersal syndromes on

spatial patterns of woody species? A test for a tropical dry forest”, contribuye al

entendimiento de los procesos funcionales y la coexistencia a través del análisis del rol

de la dispersión de semillas en la distribución espacial de especies a escalas pequeñas.

Específicamente se plantea conocer si la señal espacial esperada para especies con un

síndrome de dispersión particular es modificada por la heterogeneidad espacial y de qué

manera. Si bien estudios previos sugieren que los síndromes de dispersión dan lugar a

patrones específicos de distribución espacial (Hubbell 1979, Seidler y Plotkin 2006), en

este trabajo se propone que aquellos patrones podrían ser modificados por procesos

subsecuentes ligados a la heterogeneidad espacial.

3) Analizar en qué medida la lluvia de semillas y el banco de semillas están determinando

la composición de la vegetación leñosa.

En el capítulo 3, “Seed rain and seed bank contribution to regeneration of woody

species with different dispersal syndrome in an Ecuadorian tropical dry forest”, se

analiza si los patrones temporales en la dispersión de semillas y/o el síndrome de

dispersión controlan la relación entre la vegetación establecida y los compartimentos de

semillas (la lluvia de semillas o el banco de semillas) en un bosque seco del sur de

Ecuador. Lo que se espera es que en especies autocoras la composición de la vegetación

establecida muestre una mayor similitud con el banco de semillas, mientras que para

especies zoocoras y anemocoras se espera una mayor similitud entre la vegetación

establecida y la lluvia de semillas.


4) Analizar el rol que los cérvidos tienen en la regeneración de especies leñosas de un

bosque seco del suroccidente Ecuatoriano. Este objetivo se desarrolló en el capítulo 4,

titulado “Legitimidad de los cérvidos como dispersores de semillas de especies leñosas

en un bosque seco tropical”. El interés en este estudio se debe a que los resultados

obtenidos en los capítulos anteriores indican que algunas especies con características

típicas de plantas autocoras presentan patrones espaciales diferentes a los esperados

para este síndrome de dispersión. Estudios previos sugieren que los ungulados pueden

consumir frutos secos fibrosos, como algunos de los registrados en especies autocoras

del área de estudio.



Área de estudio

El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo en los bosques estacionalmente secos del suroccidente de

Ecuador, ubicados en la región Pacífico Ecuatorial (Espinosa et al. 2012). Estos bosques forman parte de la región biogeográfica Tumbesina, que abarca territorios del suroeste de

Ecuador y noroeste de Perú, en un rango altitudinal que va desde el nivel del mar hasta los

2000 m s.n.m., aproximadamente (Best y Kessler 1995, Espinosa et al. 2011). La región

Tumbesina abarca una gran variedad de climas, como resultado de la posición geográfica y la topografía variada (Best y Kessler 1995). La precipitación es el factor climático más variable, y por ende, el más importante para la definición de la vegetación a lo largo de la región (Best y Kessler 1995). Esta región es reconocida como un centro de endemismo para diferentes taxones (Best y Kessler 1995), así como por ser uno de los hotspots más amenazados del mundo (Dinerstein et al. 1995, Espinosa et al. 2012).

Particularmente, los ecosistemas de bosque seco del suroccidente de Ecuador ocupan territorios de tierras bajas, estribaciones occidentales bajas de la cordillera de los Andes y los valles secos interandinos (Aguirre y Kvist 2005, Espinosa et al. 2012). El clima se caracteriza por una estación seca que va de mayo a noviembre y una estación lluviosa que se extiende desde diciembre a abril (Aguirre & Kvist 2005). Para toda esta zona se estima una temperatura promedio anual entre 20° y 26°C y una precipitación promedio anual entre

300 y 700 mm (Aguirre y Kvist 2005).


Esta área comprende algunos de los remanentes de bosque seco tropical más grandes y mejor conservados de la región Tumbesina, y una de las áreas de endemismo más importantes del mundo (Best y Kessler 1995). Sin embargo, también representa una las

áreas más amenazadas del mundo debido a la presión antrópica, que ha reducido al bosque seco a un mosaico de remanentes intercalados con grandes espacios dedicados a la agricultura y ganadería (Best y Kessler 1995).

En el capítulo 1 del presente trabajo se abarcó la vegetación leñosa de toda el área de bosques secos de la región suroccidente de Ecuador, que comprende las provincias de Loja y El Oro, entre las latitudes 3°3’11’’ y 4°37’28’’ S, y entre las longitudes 79°14’37’’ y

80°25’46’’ O. Los capítulos 2, 3 y 4 se desarrollaron dentro de la Reserva Ecológica

Arenillas (REA), localizada en la provincia de El Oro (03° 34’ 15,44’’S; 80° 08’ 46,15’’E, altitud 30 m). La REA fue incluida dentro del Patrimonio de Áreas Naturales del Estado

(PANE) en el año 2001 y ha estado protegida de actividades de extracción por aproximadamente 60 años (BirdLife International 2014).

Metodología general

El presente trabajo inició con una recopilación de información sobre las especies leñosas nativas de los bosques secos del suroccidente de Ecuador. Se obtuvo una lista de 203 especies a partir de los inventarios de Aguirre y Kvist (2005) y Aguirre et al. (2006a,

2006b). Las especies fueron clasificadas de acuerdo a la forma de crecimiento en árboles, arbolitos y arbustos siguiendo la clasificación de Harling y Anderson (1977–2007),

Jørgensen y León-Yánez (1999) y Pennington et al. (2004). La revisión de especímenes de herbario y la revisión de literatura permitió asignar un síndrome de dispersión a 160


especies de esa lista. Los síndromes de dispersión fueron asignados siguiendo la clasificación de Van der Pijl (1969). Esta información se utilizó en el capítulo 1 para determinar el espectro de síndromes de dispersión de semillas en los bosques secos del suroccidente de Ecuador, y para determinar la relación del síndrome de dispersión con la forma de crecimiento de la planta y con la fenología de la fructificación. Con un subconjunto de especies se determinó el espectro de dispersión en base a la abundancia de cada especie y se analizó la relación entre el síndrome de dispersión y condiciones ambientales. Para esto se trabajó en 109 parcelas previamente establecidas en el sur del área de estudio. Estas parcelas estuvieron establecidas en 48 parches de bosque seco con un diseño estratificado, tratando de cubrir el rango total de condiciones físicas del área

(Espinosa et al. 2011).

Para cumplir con los objetivos planteados en los capítulos 2, 3 y 4, se estableció una parcela permanente de 9 ha en la Reserva Ecológica Arenillas (REA). Esta parcela se ubicó en una de las zonas mejor conservadas de la REA, que posee una formación vegetal de transición entre bosque tropical seco y matorral seco de tierras bajas. Todas las plantas leñosas con

DAP > 5 cm han sido inventariadas y georreferenciadas desde el año 2009.

Adicionalmente, en la hectárea central de la parcela se registraron todos los individuos a partir de 1cm de DAP de especies leñosas subarbustivas. El muestreo de la lluvia de semillas y banco de semillas se realizó en las cinco hectáreas centrales de la parcela. En ambos casos el muestreo se realizó de forma sistemática a partir de 265 puntos separados

14 m. Para la lluvia de semillas se utilizaron trampas de 0,64 m2, cubriendo un área total de

169,6 m2. Para el banco de semillas se tomaron muestras de 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.03 m, cubriendo un área total de 16.56 m2. 18


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Andrea Jara-Guerrero1, Marcelino De la Cruz2, Marcos Méndez3

1Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, CP.: 11-01-608, Loja, Ecuador

2Departamento de Biología Vegetal, E.U.I.T. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

3Área de Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain

Manuscrito publicado en:

BIOTROPICA 43(6): 722–730



This study examines the seed dispersal spectrum of the tropical dry forests of Southern

Ecuador, in an effort to contribute to the knowledge of the complex dynamics of tropical dry forests. Seed dispersal spectrum was described for a total number of 160 species.

Relationships of dispersal syndromes with plant growth form and climatic seasonality were explored. For a subset of 97 species, we determined whether dispersal spectrum changes when species abundance, in addition to species number, is taken into account. The same subset was used to relate dispersal syndromes with the environmental conditions.

Zoochorous species dominated in the studied community. However, when considering the individual abundance of each species, anemochory was the prevalent dispersal syndrome.

We found a significant difference in the frequency of dispersal syndromes among plant growth forms, with epizoochory only occurring in shrub species. The dispersal spectrum was dependent on climatic seasonality. The largest proportion of anemochorous species fructified during the dry season, while zoochorous diaspores dominated during the rainy season. A fourth-corner analysis indicated that the seed dispersal spectrum of southern

Ecuador dry forests is controlled by environmental conditions such as annual precipitation, annual temperature range or topography. Our results suggest that spatio-temporal changes in the environmental conditions may affect important ecological processes for dispersal.

Thus, the predominance of one syndrome or another may depend on the spatial variation of environmental conditions.

Key words: dispersal syndromes; growth forms; Neotropical dry forest; fruiting phenology.



Este estudio examina el espectro de dispersión de semillas de los bosques secos del Sur de

Ecuador, como un aporte al conocimiento de la dinámica de los bosques secos tropicales.

Con información sobre 160 especies leñosas se describió el espectro de dispersión y se exploró su relación con el hábito de las plantas y la estacionalidad climática. Con un subconjunto de 97 especies se analizó si el espectro de dispersión cambia cuando es estimado en base a abundancia de individuos en lugar de especies. Se usó ese mismo subconjunto para relacionar los síndromes de dispersión con las condiciones ambientales.

Las especies zoocoras prevalecieron dentro de la comunidad estudiada. Sin embargo, cuando se consideró la abundancia de individuos por especie, el síndrome dominante fue la anemocoria. Se encontró una diferencia significativa en la frecuencia de síndromes de dispersión entre los hábitos de las plantas, con una presencia de la epizoocoria únicamente en especies arbustivas. El espectro de dispersión estuvo influenciado por la estacionalidad climática. La mayor proporción de especies anemócoras fructificó durante la estación seca, mientras que en la estación lluviosa dominó la zoocoria. Además, un análisis de la cuarta esquina indicó que el espectro de dispersión está controlado por condiciones ambientales como precipitación anual, rango de temperatura anual o topografía. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los cambios espacio–temporales del ambiente pueden estar relacionados con factores importantes para la dispersión. Así, la predominancia de un síndrome de dispersión podría depender de la heterogeneidad espacial en las condiciones ambientales.



Seed dispersal plays a fundamental role in the colonization of new habitats, population dynamics as well as in species interactions, community structure and diversity (Van der Pijl

1969, Howe & Smallwood 1982, Willson et al. 1990, Hughes et al. 1994, Morales & Carlo

2006). Because of this, it is a key factor in conservation biology and restoration management (Strykstra et al. 2002, Navarro et al. 2009).

The diaspores of many plant species have developed specialized morphological structures which enable them to make use of biotic and abiotic dispersal vectors (Van der Pijl 1969,

Wenny 2001, Schulze et al. 2002). These morphological structures, as well as diaspore color, chemical characteristics of the pulp and phenological events of plants associated with a particular dispersal mode, are known as "dispersal syndromes" (Van der Pijl 1969,

Gottsberger & Silberbauer-Gottsberger 1983, Howe & Westley 1988). The proportion of dispersal syndromes in a particular vegetation type is known as the “dispersal spectrum”

(Howe & Smallwood 1982, Hughes et al. 1994, Arbeláez & Parrado-Rosselli 2005). The study of dispersal spectra has interested researchers for several decades (Van der Pijl 1969,

Frankie et al. 1974, Gentry 1982, Howe & Smallwood 1982, Howe & Westley 1988). It is seen as a way of documenting fundamental aspects of the functional diversity in ecosystems.

The dispersal spectrum of a plant community can be influenced by several factors. First, dispersal syndromes are related to plant growth form. For example, zoochory and autochory are widely distributed among shrubs and treelets of the understory, whereas anemochory is more frequent among canopy trees (Wikander 1984, Justiniano & Fredericksen 2000, Griz


& Machado 2001, Butler et al. 2007). In general, this pattern is explained by the reduction of wind speed in the forest understory (Wikander 1984, Justiniano & Fredericksen 2000,

Griz & Machado 2001). However, in some tropical dry forests there is a great proportion of anemochory among shrubs, favored possibly by plant deciduousness, which allows a higher wind circulation in the forest understory (Griz & Machado 2001).

Second, physical conditions influence the dispersal spectrum. There is a broad consensus that anemochorous plants are relatively common in dry habitats, while those adapted for zoochory dominate in wet habitats (Howe & Smallwood 1982, Jordano 2000, Herrera &

Pellmyr 2002). Quantitative correlations between physical conditions and dispersal spectrum have, however, rarely been established (see, however, Butler et al. 2007). Some studies have found that certain environmental conditions, such as precipitation, temperature, soil nutrient status or canopy closure influence the relative presence of a dispersal syndrome in a particular site (Willson et al. 1990, Bullock 1995). For example, an association of zoochory and those sites with greater moisture and soil fertility has been suggested (Gentry 1982, Willson et al. 1990). At a local level, this pattern could be related with topography (Wikander 1984, Bullock 1995).

Third, for tropical dry forests, several authors report a seasonal pattern in dispersal spectra.

Anemochorous species fruited during the dry season, while zoochorous species fruited throughout the rainy season (Frankie et al. 1974, Gottsberger & Silberbauer-Gottsberger

1983, Ibarra-Manríquez et al. 1991, Oliveira & Moreira 1992, Bullock 1995, Justiniano &

Fredericksen 2000, Batalha & Mantovani 2000, Griz & Machado 2001).


Variation in the dispersal spectrum in relation to spatio-temporal variation of environmental conditions could indicate important ecological factors for dispersal. For example, dry seasons lead to leaf shedding which favours anemochory (Wikander 1984, Ibarra-

Manríquez et al. 1991, Griz & Machado 2001), while zoochorous fleshy fruits require water and suitable temperature to mature which occur in rainy seasons or wetter sites

(Herrera & Pellmyr 2002). Nevertheless, these relationships between dispersal syndromes and physical conditions are empirically based and causality is difficult to disentangle. For instance, Hughes et al. (1994) and Butler et al. (2007) argue that a relationship between physical conditions and the frequency of dispersal syndromes has lesser importance, and rather results from the indirect influence on plant growth form and seed size. Spatio- temporal changes in dispersal syndromes can also be causally related to physical conditions or be a by-product of species turnover. Statistical tools such as the fourth-corner analysis currently allow relating dispersal syndromes and environmental conditions with a robust and simple statistical procedure, and permit disentangling some of the effects usually confounded in traditional regression approaches. Such techniques can shed light on the issues raised above.

As in other analyses of functional diversity, a potential limitation of current generalizations about dispersal spectra is that they usually ignore the relative abundance of each species

(Wikander 1984, Justiniano & Fredericksen 2000, Batalha & Mantovani 2000, Griz &

Machado 2001, Ragusa-Netto & Silva 2007). For example, in a semideciduous cerrado of

Brazil zoochory was the dominant dispersal syndrome at the species level, but the anemochorous species had a higher number of individuals (Gottsberger & Silberbauer-

Gottsberger 1983). Such mismatches suggest that different causal factors could determine 33

species richness and the success of species with certain syndromes, and consequently, dominance and species richness in plant communities.

In general, seed dispersal in tropical dry forests has received little attention compared to rain forests. Although some studies exist on dispersal spectra for Neotropical dry forests, data are very superficial and scattered, which is worrying considering that they hold several of the most endangered ecosystems in the world (Best & Kessler 1995, Vázquez et al.

2001, Espinosa et al. 2010). In order to enhance our knowledge about the functional diversity of these forests, the present study examined the seed dispersal spectrum of woody species in tropical dry forests of Southern Ecuador. We answered the following questions:

(1) Do dispersal syndromes vary among plant growth forms (tree, treelet and shrub)? (2)

Does the relative frequency of dispersal syndromes differ between the rainy and dry seasons? (3) Does the dominance of dispersal syndromes change if species abundance, in addition to species number, is taken into account? (4) Are dispersal syndromes related to environmental conditions? We also summarize the existing data on dispersal spectra for other Neotropical dry forests, and compare them with the results obtained in this study, in an effort to improve the generality of the knowledge of dispersal in tropical dry forests.


STUDY AREA.— The studied dry forests are located in Loja and El Oro Provinces, between latitudes 3°3’11” and 4°37’28” S and between longitudes 79°14’37” and 80°25’46” O

(Fig.S1). This area comprises some of the largest and best preserved remnants of tropical dry forest of the Tumbesian biogeographic region, one of the most important areas of endemism in the world, but at the same time, one of the most threatened (Best & Kessler


1995). Nowadays, anthropogenic pressure has led to this area being dominated by agricultural patches interspersed with forest remnants. The climate is characterized by a dry season extending from May to November and a rainy season extending from December to

April (Aguirre & Kvist 2005). Mean annual temperature is between 20-26° C, and the annual precipitation is between 300-700 mm (Aguirre & Kvist 2005). Elevation ranges between 50 and 800 m asl (Vázquez et al. 2001).For the studied area, Aguirre et al. (2006a) found 238 of the 275 woody species recorded for dry vegetation types of Ecuador.

DATA SAMPLING.— We obtained a list of 203 woody native species of southern Ecuador from the inventories of Aguirre and Kvist (2005) and Aguirre et al. (2006a, 2006b). The species were classified according to growth form into trees, treelets or shrubs, following

Harling and Anderson (1977-2007), Jørgensen and León-Yánez (1999) and Pennington et al. (2004) (Table 1).

A literature revision (see Appendix 1) as well as field observations and examination of herbarium specimens (Herbario de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Herbario

Loja and Herbario Nacional del Ecuador), allowed us to assign a dispersal syndrome to 160 species of this list (which represent 121 genera and 50 families). Dispersal syndromes were assigned to each species based on diaspore traits such as fruit type, morphology and color of the diaspore and, for diaspores with fleshy structures, we also registered the existence or not of protective structures that might hinder consumption by animals (Janson 1983, Link

& Stevenson 2004) (Table 1).

The species were classified into four general dispersal syndromes (Van der Pijl 1969): autochory, anemochory, zoochory and polychory. Autochory was further divided into


active or passive. Active autochory includes diaspores propelled explosively, while passive autochory refers to the so-called passive ballists, triggered by passing animals, wind or raindrops. So-called barochorous (diaspores simply released and falling to the ground) were also included in the latter group (Gottsberger & Silberbauer-Gottsberger 1983).

TABLE 1. Growth forms and diaspore traits considered in this study.

Parameter Category

Growth form Tree, treelet, or shrub (Harling and Anderson 1977-2007, Jørgensen and León-

Yánez 1999, Pennington et al. 2004).

Fruit type Dry indehiscent: achene, achenetum, capsule, legume or mericarp; dry dehiscent:

capsule, follicle, legume or craspedium; fleshy: berry, baccarium, drupe,

pseudodrupe, syconium or sorosis (Spjut 1994).

Diaspore type Fruit or seed.

Diaspore Sticky anthocarp, hooked spines, arists, stiff hairs, plumed, samara, woolly,

morphology pappus, caruncle, sarcotesta, aril, mucilage, fleshy periant, fleshy pulp, explosive

dehiscence or without structures (van der Pijl 1969).

Diaspore Green, brown, yellow, orange, red, white, black, blue/purple or mixed (Janson

color 1983, Wheelwright & Janson 1985, Link & Stevenson 2004, Chen et al. 2004).

Diaspore Protected (mature pulp covered by a husk, distinct hard, non-nutritious layer as a

protectiona barrier to feeding or digestion) or unprotected (fruits with a soft, flexible skin,

with a thickness less than 10% of the thickness of the smallest fruit dimension)

(Janson 1983, Link & Stevenson 2004). aThe diaspore protection was determined only for endozoochorus and sinzoochorus species. 36

Following Augspurger (1986), anemochorous diaspores were further divided into six morphological groups, according to their aerodynamic structures: undulator, floater, autogyro, rolling-autogyro, helicopter or tumbler.

TABLE 2 Variables describing environmental conditions in 109 plots of dry forest of Macará and

Zapotillo (Loja province) (for details, see Espinosa et al.2010).

Statistic used in the Environmental variables Scale Range of values fourth-corner analysis

Inclination Continuous 0 - 45° Pseudo F

Annual temperature range Continuous 13.80 - 16.60°C Pseudo F

Annual Precipitation Continuous 270 - 1284 mm Pseudo F

Rainfall in the driest month Continuous 0 - 4 mm Pseudo F

Soil moisture Continuous 1.05 - 28.7% Pseudo F

Soil organic matter Continuous 0.03 - 13.02 % Pseudo F

Topography Categorical Valley, slope or ridge Pearson 2

Intervention grade Ordinal 1: low; 2: medium; 3: high Pseudo F

Zoochorous species were divided into four subcategories (Van der Pijl 1969): (a) epizoochory, defined as the passive transport through the adhesion of diaspores to feathers or hair of animals; (b) sinzoochory, assigned to diaspores collected and stored in caches by rodents, as well as diaspores actively transported by animals which feed on parts of them


but do not ingest the seeds; (c) endozoochory, when the diaspore is actively ingested and seeds are usually evacuated intact; and (d) myrmecochory, assigned to diaspores with elaiosomes or those actively transported by ants.

Some species have seeds that are polymorphic for dispersal structures, or have two dispersal modes which could operate sequentially (Willson et al. 1990, Griz & Machado

2001). Diaspores of this type were assigned to a separate category called “polychory” (Van der Pijl 1969, Cousens et al. 2008).

Furthermore, we assigned each species to one of three fruit types: fleshy, dry-dehiscent and dry-indehiscent, as the proportion of species in these simple categories has been suggested to correlate with environmental variables (Knight 1986, Willson et al. 1989, Tabarelli et al.

2003). To determine the relationship among dispersal syndromes and climatic seasonality, we collected data about fruiting phenology both from field observations and from labels of herbarium specimen collected in dry forest localities.

In addition, we assigned dispersal syndromes to all (97) woody species recorded in 109 plots of dry forest located in the south of our study area (Fig.S1). These plots were established on 48 forest stands with a stratified sampling design, trying to encompass the whole range of physical conditions present in the tropical dry forests of southern Ecuador

(Espinosa et al. 2010). Two or three plots of 20 x 20 m were sampled per forest stand. The total area sampled was 5.45 ha (for further details, see Espinosa et al. 2010). In each plot, eight variables describing environmental conditions were also recorded (Table 2). These variables were selected based on its documented relationship with the existence of some dispersal syndromes (Knight 1986, Willson et al. 1990, Bullock 1995, Tabarelli et al.


2003), and on its relevance to other ecological patterns, such as richness and species composition in different plant communities (Espinosa et al. 2010). These data were used to analyze the relationship among dispersal traits and environmental conditions. In each plot, we also recorded the number of individuals of each species in order to calculate the seed dispersal spectrum based on individual abundance, i.e. as the percentage of individuals having each dispersal syndrome over the total number of individuals recorded in all the plots.

STATISTICAL ANALYSES.— Differences in the frequency of major dispersal syndromes among categories of growth form (tree, treelet and shrub) and among climatic seasons

(rainy and dry) were analyzed by means of contingency tables (G-test). We used also G- tests to analyze the frequency of major dispersal syndromes in the 109 plots of dry forest, taking into account the number of individuals of each species.

We used the set of floristic abundances and the environmental data from the 109 dry forest plots to analyze the relationship between two dispersal traits (dispersal syndromes and type of fruit) and environmental conditions. For this, we used the new version of the fourth- corner analysis (Legendre et al. 1997, Dray & Legendre 2008). Fourth-corner analysis directly relates an R matrix of environmental variables (Table 2) to a Q matrix of species traits (dispersal syndromes and fruit types), by means of an L matrix of species abundance measured in the field (Dray & Legendre 2008, Aubin et al. 2009). A statistic is computed for each pair of species traits and environmental variables. Depending on the type of variable, this statistic is a Pearson 2 (for two qualitative variables); or a Pseudo-F and a correlation ratio η2 (for one quantitative and other qualitative variable) (Legendre et al.


1997, Dray & Legendre 2008). Moreover, SRLQ, a global multivariate statistic that links the complete matrices R and Q is computed as the sum of all 2 and η2 values in the fourth- corner matrix. For computing this statistic, quantitative variables are standardized to mean

0 and variance 1 and qualitative variables are coded using dummy variables (Dray &

Legendre 2008).

The significance of all fourth-corner statistics can be tested using different permutation models (Dray and Legendre 2008). In this study we used a model where cell values in the L matrix are permuted within each column. This model tests the null hypothesis that the species are randomly distributed with respect to abiotic environmental conditions (Aubin et al. 2009). This analysis was carried out using the ade4 package (Dray et al. 2007) in the R software (R environment Core Team 2010).


DESCRIPTION OF DISPERSAL SYNDROMES.— Our description of dispersal syndromes is based on the total data set (n = 160). Zoochory was the dominant dispersal syndrome in the studied community (54%, 87 species) followed by anemochory (28%, 44 species) and autochory (15%, 24 species). The remaining species were assigned to the polychory category.

Fleshy fruits represented the 44% percent (70 species) of all the species, followed by dehiscent fruits (33%, 53 species) and indehiscent fruits (23%, 37 species). Fruits were the dominant dispersal units (69.4%, 111 species), while seeds with specialized dispersal structures occurred in 30.6% of all species, mainly the anemochorous ones.


Among zoochorous species, 88% (76 species) were endozoochorous, while epizoochorous, sinzoochorous and myrmecochorous species were found in very low percentages (5%, 5% and 2%, respectively). Fruits with fleshy pulp were the most common between endozoochorous species, especially drupes (42%) and berries (30%).

We found nine different colors among the diaspores of 80 endozoochorous and sinzoochorous species. Brightly colored diaspores were clearly dominant. Only 9% of these species presented some physical protection against feeding (Table 1). This attribute was most evident in dull colored diaspores (brown, yellow and orange).

Most anemochorous species (52.3%) presented dry dehiscent fruits, and used seed structures for dispersal. A second group (47.7%) presented fruits with structures modified for dispersal, which reduce rates of descent. The six morphological groups of anemochorous diaspores were present. The rolling-autogyro structures were prevalent

(31.8%, 14 species), followed by those with helicopter structures (18.2%, 8 species), autogyro and undulator structures (both 15.9%, 7 species) and floater and tumbler structures (both 6.8%, 3 species).

Among autochorous species, passive autochory was dominant and only seven species

(29.2%) had an active dispersal favored by fruits with explosive dehiscence.

We registered five polychorous species. Three of these species (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius,

Croton menthodorus and Croton wagneri) presented fruits with explosive dehiscence, which is characteristic to active autochorous diaspores, and seeds with elaiosome, characteristic of myrmecochorous diaspores. The other two species (Erythrina spp.) exhibited characteristics of both autochory and zoochory. 41

GROWTH FORM AND DISPERSAL SYNDROMES.— The G-test revealed significant differences in the frequency of dispersal syndromes among growth forms (G2 = 24.526, P = 0.006).

Zoochory was the dominant dispersal syndrome in the three studied growth forms, mainly represented by endozoochorous species (35.6% trees, 18.9% treelet and 30% shrubs).

TABLE 3 Number of species showing different dispersal syndromes and growth forms among 160 woody species in the tropical dry forests of southern Ecuador.

Growth form

Dispersal syndromea Tree Treelet Shrub

Zoochory 36 19 35

Endozoochory 32 17 27

Myrmecochory 1 1 3

Sinzoochory 3 1 0

Epizoochory 0 0 5

Anemochory 28 3 13

Autogyro 5 1 1

rolling autogyro 6 1 9

Floater 7 0 0

Helicopter 5 1 2

Undulator 3 0 0

Tumbler 2 0 1

Autochory 13 3 13

Active 3 0 7

Pasive 10 3 6 a Polychorous species have been separated in the corresponding syndromes, contributing one case to each dispersal syndrome implied.


Endozoochorous, sinzoochorous and myrmecochorous species were also present in the three categories, while epizoochory occurred only in shrub species (Table 3).

Trees presented the greatest variety of anemochorous diaspores (Table 3), with a dominance of floater diaspores (25%), followed by rolling-autogyro diaspores (21.4%), autogyro (17.9%) and helicopter (17.9%). By contrast, rolling-autogyro diaspores were dominant among treelet and shrub species. Floater and undulator diaspores were found only among tree species (Table 3).

Autochorous diaspores were registered in the three growth forms. The greatest frequency of active autochory was found among shrub species corresponding to Euphorbiaceae,

Fabaceae and Mimosaceae families.

CLIMATIC SEASONALITY AND DISPERSAL SYNDROMES.— We collected phenological information for 54 species. In general, fruiting phenology differed among dispersal syndromes (G2 = 12.626, P = 0.002). The largest proportion of anemochorous species fructified during the dry season, while zoochorous diaspores fructified during the rainy season (Fig.1). Autochorous species also had a marked peak of fruiting during this season

(Fig.1). No polychorous species were recorded in this group.


250 14 Anemochory

Zoochory 12

Autochory 200







Number of speciesfruiting of Number




0 0




Jan Jun



Dec Aug Sep Nov May Months

FIGURE 1. Monthly variation in the number of fruiting species belonging to the main dispersal syndromes in the tropical dry forests of southern Ecuador (n = 54 species). Average monthly rainfall is represented with a continuous line. Rainfall data was obtained from the Worldclim 1.4 database (Hijmans et al. 2005).


(corresponding to 97 species) were recorded in the 109 forest plots. Another 132 individuals could not be identified to species and therefore were not included in the analysis. Zoochorous species were prevalent among the 97 species recorded (55%, 54 species) followed by anemochorous (28%, 28 species), autochorous (15%, 15 species) and polychorous species (1%, 1 species). However, when the frequency of dispersal syndromes was analyzed based on individual abundance, the dispersal spectrum changed (G2= 20.512,

P = 0.0001). The greatest proportion of individuals corresponded to anemochorous species

(51.56%, 1749 individuals), while zoochory represented only the 34.6% (1174 individuals) followed by autochory (11.5%, 391 individuals) and polychory (2.3% 78 individuals).


In terms of individual abundance, endozoochory remained as the dominant strategy within zoochory (29.4% of total individuals), while sinzoochory and epizoochory were underrepresented (3.3 % and 1.9%, respectively).

ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND DISPERSAL TRAITS.— The fourth-corner analysis revealed a significant relationship among dispersal traits and all environmental variables considered with the exception of soil organic matter (SRLQ = 0.438, P = 0.001, Table S1).

Twenty two statistics in the fourth-corner matrix were significant (Fig. 2, Table S2).

According to this analysis, both anemochory and epizoochory were associated with sites that showed special homogeneity with respect to the range of annual temperature. The correlation ratio showed that both were negatively correlated with this range (2 = -0.187 and -0.04, respectively), i.e., they were favored in sites with small variation in annual temperature. Both syndromes were associated to annual precipitation but in this case responded in opposite ways: anemochory was associated with high values (wetter sites) and epizoochory with low values (dryer sites, 2 = 0.124 and -0.022, respectively). Epizoochory was also associated with the sites that get the smallest rainfall during the driest month (2 =


A positive relation was found between endozoochorous species and slope sites while epizoochorous species had a major presence on ridge sites. Sinzoochorous and autochorous species were not significantly related to any environmental variables studied.

Dry dehiscent and indehiscent fruits are mostly related to anemochorous and autochorous dispersal (Appendix 1), and showed a similar pattern with respect to environmental


conditions, being present mainly in sites with lower soil moisture (dry indehiscent fruits, 2

= -0.073) and having lower precipitation during the driest month and lower annual temperature range (dehiscent fruits 2 = -0.097 and -0.089, respectively). Dry dehiscent and fleshy fruits were more frequent than expected by the permutation model in slopes while dry dehiscent fruits were more frequently associated to valley sites.


The seed dispersal spectrum of the studied southern Ecuador dry forests was characterized by the dominance of zoochory, followed by anemochory, and small percentages of autochorous and polychorous species. These results are consistent with those reported for other Neotropical dry forests (Table 4). Among zoochorous species, endozoochory was the prevalent strategy, while for anemochory, six morphological groups with similar percentages were found. Thus, functional diversity was higher for anemochorous compared to zoochorous species.

Among zoochorous species, the high proportion of unprotected diaspores with bright colors could suggest that bird dispersal was prevalent (Van der Pijl 1969, Janson 1983, Link &

Stevenson 2004, Cousens et al. 2008), in contrast with the low proportion of protected diaspores with dull colors, which are preferentially consumed by mammals (Van der Pijl

1969, Janson 1983, Link & Stevenson 2004, Cousens et al. 2008). Nevertheless, the scarcity of fleshy fruits that is usually observed during the dry season in this type of vegetation could force a wide range of animals to feed on any type of fruit that is available

(Griz & Machado 2001).


Surprisingly, when we examined the individual abundance of each species, we found a shift in dominance from zoochory to anemochory. This means that, although there is a high variety of zoochorous species, most of the studied community corresponds to individuals which do not provide any reward for dispersing animals. Therefore, from a functional perspective of dispersal interactions, we must consider not only the proportion of species by dispersal syndrome, but also the abundance of each species. This shift, together with the existing relationships between environmental conditions and dispersal syndromes (see below) may be due to the relative abundance of habitats that are suitable for species with different dispersal syndromes. In this particular case, it is possible that relative abundance of suitable habitats for anemochorous species is higher than relative abundance of suitable habitats for zoochorous species. Hence the predominance of one syndrome or another may depend on the spatial heterogeneity in environmental conditions. In addition, consideration of the phylogenetic signal in the study of dispersal syndromes also deserves future attention in elucidating the relative frequency of dispersal syndromes using species or individual abundances.

Dispersal syndromes showed an association with growth form, as shown in previous studies

(Van der Pijl 1969, Wikander 1984, Willson et al. 1990, Justiniano & Fredericksen 2000,

Griz & Machado 2001). In particular, epizoochory was found only among shrubs. This is consistent with the need for contact between hooked or sticky diaspores with the body of passing animals, which constrains the growth form of the species having this dispersal syndrome (Willson et al. 1990). Contrary to what has been reported for other tropical dry forest sites, endozoochory was not restricted to treelets and shrubs but was equitably


present in all growth forms (Wikander 1984, Justiniano & Fredericksen 2000). Further research is needed to explain this finding.

Anemochory was observed mainly among tree species, but contrary to what has been reported for other communities, it also occurred among treelets and shrubs. According to

Griz and Machado (2001), this is related to the loss of foliage that affects both trees and shrubs in dry forests, which allows wind circulation not only at the canopy, but also through the understory. However, there was a difference in the types of anemochorous strategies among growth forms. Floater and undulator diaspores were prevalent among tree species, which may be related to their rapid rates of fall (Augspurger 1986, Ibarra-

Manríquez et al. 1991, Cousens et al. 2008), so their release from greater heights would allow better use of horizontal wind force and reaching longer distances (Cousens et al.

2008). Conversely, diaspores with rolling autogyro structures were more common among shrub and treelet species. These diaspores have slow rates of fall that allow dispersing the seeds away from the mother plant even when released from a moderate height (Augspurger

1986, Cousens et al. 2008).

Despite being a rare syndrome in the community, autochory was found in the three growth forms considered. Hughes et al. (1994) note that distances achieved by autochory are constrained by the physical mechanism itself and rarely exceed a few meters. So, effective escape from competition in the immediate vicinity will only be achieved if the parent plant is small. We, and other researchers before (Griz & Machado 2001), found some exceptions to this pattern. One possible explanation for the presence of autochory between taller plants may be that secondary dispersal agents that are not considered in this study, (e.g. water,


ingestion by herbivores, or handling rodents or insects) act to move seeds at farther distances (Wenny 2005). Another possibility is that tall trees can disperse seeds at greater distances. For example, Hura crepitans has explosive capsules that can release the seeds up

to 14 m away (Van der Pijl 1969).

inclination range temperature month rainfall driest precipitation intervention soilmoisture soilorganicmatter ridge slope valley







dry dehiscent fruit

dry indehiscent fruit

fleshy fruit

FIGURE 2. Results of fourth-corner test comparing environmental variables with dispersal syndromes and fruit type. White cells: non-significant results, soft gray: significantly negative deviations from the permutational null model; dark gray: significantly positive deviations. First seven columns (slope to soil organic matter): normalized measures of within-group homogeneity

(within group sum of squares divided by the total sum of squares). Three last columns (ridge to valley): cell values of the contingency table analyses.


Our results demonstrate with quantitative data, and through a direct relation, that environmental conditions affect the structure of seed dispersal spectrum in a Neotropical dry forest community. Thus, anemochory was associated with sites that had higher annual precipitation and lesser variation in the annual temperature range. This trend is contrary to what has been reported for other Neotropical dry forests (Daubenmire 1972, Gentry 1982,

Howe & Smallwood 1982, Tabarelli et al. 2003, Ragusa-Netto & Silva 2007). For example,

Howe and Smallwood (1982) found a significant negative correlation between the percentages of wind dispersed species and annual precipitation in six different communities. This discrepancy could be due to those studies considering only frequency of dispersal syndromes at the species level without accounting for individual species abundance, in opposition to our four corner statistics.

The exclusive association of endozoochorous species with slope sites is difficult to rationalize. A relationship between dispersal by vertebrates and increasing moisture and soil fertility has been reported for temperate plant communities (Milewski 1986, Willson et al. 1989, 1990, Bronstein et al. 2007). Similarly, some researchers have shown a possible association between the proportion of zoochorous species and the quantity and actual duration of rainfall (Frankie et al. 1974, Griz & Machado 2001, Tabarelli et al. 2003,

Ragusa-Netto & Silva 2007). According to Bullock (1995) sites that are drier and moister because of local topography, support lower and higher frequencies of zoochorous tree species, respectively. Within our study area, the soils in slope sites vary largely in the ranges of moisture, soil organic matter, carbon and nitrogen, whereas soils in ridge sites are more homogeneous and, on average, have lower values for these parameters. This could explain the observed pattern. 50

Despite being an uncommon strategy in the studied community, epizoochory showed an association with sites of lower precipitation and lower annual temperature range. Other studies have shown a tendency of epizoochorous species to associate with open and dry habitats (Gottsberger & Silberbauer–Gottsberger 1983, Sørensen 1986, Willson et al. 1990,

Mori & Brown 1998). This trend, together with the association found between these species and ridge sites may partially reflect the availability of dispersal agents in those areas

(Gottsberger & Silberbauer–Gottsberger 1983, Willson & Traveset 2000) and possibly indicate a better adhesion ability under dry conditions.

We found an association between dispersal syndromes and fruiting phenology, which is consistent with those reported in other Neotropical dry forests (Frankie et al. 1974, Bullock

1995, Justiniano & Fredericksen 2000, Batalha & Mantovani 2000, Griz & Machado 2001)

(Table 4). In anemochorous species, the peak of fruiting was observed during the dry season, whereas in zoochorous species it was observed in the rainy season. This phenological segregation of dispersal syndromes mirrored the environmental correlates described above. This suggests that spatio-temporal changes in physical conditions may be related to important ecological factors for dispersal. The loss of leaves of most species during the dry season allows a higher wind circulation, even in the understory, thereby facilitating anemochory (Wikander 1984, Ibarra-Manríquez et al. 1991, Griz & Machado

2001). Moreover, for other Neotropical dry forest the dominance of zoochory during the rainy season has been linked to seasonality in temperature and water availability, which set limits on development time and maturation of fruits (Herrera & Pellmyr 2002). It is also worth considering that in these ecosystems, animal dispersal agents are more active during


the rainy season. These patterns can influence the evolution of fruiting seasons

(Wheelwright & Janson 1985, Griz & Machado 2001, Herrera & Pellmyr 2002).

TABLE 4 Seed dispersal spectrum for other seasonally Neotropical dry forests. Dispersal syndrome

(ane = anemochory; aut = autochory; zoo = zoochory; pas= passive autochory). Growth form (T= tree; S= shrub; CL= climber; CT= cactus; H= herb; P= phanerophytes; CH= chamaephytes; G= geophytes).

Dominant syndrome by Dispersal syndrome season (%)

Altitude Rainy period Mean annual Anemochory Zoochory Autochory Dry Ref. Locality (m a.s.l.) (months) rainfall (mm) Growth form (%) (%) (%) n season Rainy season 1 Pernambuco (Brazil) - 7 549 T, S, CL, CT, H 33 36 314 42 ane (47) zoo (38)

Guanacaste 2 - 4 1533 T 31 512 18 104 ane (43) zoo (90) (Costa Rica)

3 N Venezuela 200 7 957 P, CH, G, CL 42 30 284 167 - -

Planalto da Ibiapaba 4 700-900 - 668-1289 T, S 6 52 424 38 - zoo (Brazil) Foothills of Urucum 5 150-200 6 1400 Canopy T 27 53 20 56 ane-aut zoo (Brazil)

6 Caatinga (Brazil) 500 5 803 - 32 26 42 19 ane zoo

7 Cerrado (Brazil) - 6 1300 - 30 52 18 271 ane zoo

Canopy and 8 Santa Cruz (Bolivia) - 7 1100 44 561 - (-) 39 ane (59) zoo-pas (581) subcanopy T

9 Cerrado (Brazil) 660-730 9 1499 P 26 62 12 108 ane zoo

10 Caatinga (Brazil) - 3-7 240-900 T, S - (-) 39.83 - (-) 103 - -

11 S Ecuador 160-800 5 300 - 700 T, S 28 54 184,5 160 ane (59) zoo (68)

1Dispersal by zoochory and passive autochory; 2Fleshy fruits; 3Dispersal by vertebrates; 4Including passive autochory; 5Including polychory.

References: 1. Griz and Machado (2001); 2. Frankie et al. (1974); 3. Wikander (1984); 4.

Vasconcelos (2006); 5. Ragusa-Netto and Silva (2007); 6. Machado and Barros (1997); 7.

Gottsberger and Silberbauer-Gottsberger (1983); 8. Justiniano and Fredericksen (2000); 9. Batalha and Mantovani (2000); 10. Oliveira and Moreira (1992); 11. This study.


However, our results on fruiting phenology should be considered with caution because data for some species were obtained only from herbarium specimens, and this does not guarantee that the recorded data would cover the actual fruiting period for all species

(Borchert 1996).

Summarizing, the observed patterns suggest that the seed dispersal spectrum of dry forests of southern Ecuador is strongly affected by spatio-temporal changes in environmental conditions. Moreover, these forests hold a large variety of plants requiring animal assistance to seed dispersal. However, fruit availability is limited by fruiting seasonality and a low frequency of individuals of zoochorous species. In altered habitats, like those studied here, maintaining seed dispersal processes is important to preserve the connectivity among patches and foster the recolonization of degraded zones. Our identification of general patterns will help to understand the ecology of this ecosystem, to determine which species are more susceptible to environmental changes and to inform restoration projects.


This research was financed by the AECID project A/024796/09, REMEDINAL2 and

Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL). The authors wish to thank C.I. Espinosa and O. Cabrera for access to floristic composition and environmental data. Thanks to the staff of Herbarium UTPL and thanks Bolivar Merino for their help in species determinations and to Paul Cahén for the English language revision. Thanks to three anonymous referees whose constructive criticism improved a previous version of the manuscript.



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FIGURE S1. Location of study area. Gray shade represents the area of distribution of dry forest in southern Ecuador. Black dots locate the 48 forest stands (109 plots) studied. See text for details.


APPENDIX 1 Growth forms and diaspore traits for 160 species in South Ecuadorian Dry Forests.

Dispersal unit (F= fruit; S= seed). Diaspore morphology (1Protected diaspore; 2Flower persistent structures which operate on dispersal). Dispersal syndrome (Z= zoochroy; AN= anemochory; AU= autochory; P= autochory/zoochory; end=endozoochory; sin= sinzoochory; mir= mirmecochory; epi= epizoochory; a/m= active autochory/mirmechory; p/e= passive autochory/endozoochory; ac= active autochory; pas= pasive autochory; aut= autogyro; roll= rolling-autogyro; flo= floaters; und= undulator; hel= helicopter; tum= tumbler).

Growth Fruit Dispersal Diaspore diapore dispersal Species References form type Unit morphology color syndrome


Achatocarpus shrub berry F fleshy pulp green Z - end 13, 26 pubescens


Loxopterygium tree samara F samara brown AN - roll 13, 14 huasango

Mauria tree drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end 13, 14, 44 heterophylla

Mauria tree drupe F fleshy pulp orange Z - end 13, 41 membranifolia

Mauria suaveolens tree drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end 14, 44


Aspidosperma sp tree follicle S samara brown AN - und 13, 14, 33

Rauvolfia 14, 33, Obs. shrub drupe F fleshy pulp black Z - end tetraphylla Pers.


Fulcaldea laurifolia tree achene F pappus brown AN - hel 43

Verbesina shrub achene F pappus brown AN - flo 44, 29 pentantha


Vernonanthura tree achene F pappus brown AN - hel 45 patens

Wedelia grandiflora shrub achene F pappus brown AN - hel 33, 43


Delostoma tree capsule S samara brown AN - roll 13, 14 integrifolium

Jacaranda sparrii tree capsule S samara brown AN - roll 13, 14

Tabebuia bilbergii treelet capsule S samara brown AN - roll 14

Tabebuia tree capsule S samara brown AN - roll 14 chrysantha

Tecoma castanifolia shrub capsule S samara brown AN - roll 14

Tecoma stans shrub capsule S samara brown AN - roll 14

Tecoma shrub capsule S samara brown AN - roll 14 weberbaueriana


Cochlospermum tree capsule S plumed brown AN - flo 33, Obs. Pers. vitifolium


Cavanillesia tree samara F samara brown AN - tum 31 platanifolia

Ceiba trichistandra tree capsule S woolly brown AN - flo 5, 13, 14, 33

Eriotheca ruizii tree capsule S woolly brown AN - flo 33, Obs. Pers.

Ochroma tree capsule S woolly brown AN - flo 14, 33 pyramidale

Pachira rupicola tree capsule S woolly brown AN - flo 13, 33, 44

Pseudobombax tree capsule S woolly brown AN - flo 13, 14, 33 millei


Cordia alliodora tree capsule F samara 2 brown AN - hel 27, Obs. Pers.

Cordia lantanoides shrub drupe F fleshy pulp orange Z - end 8, 43, 44


Cordia lutea shrub drupe F fleshy pulp withe Z - end 4, 13

Cordia shrub drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end 5, 43 cylindrostachya

Cordia hebeclada tree drupe F fleshy pulp black Z - end 8, 26, 33

Cordia macrantha treelet capsule F samara 2 brown AN - hel 43, 44

Cordia shrub drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end Obs. Pers. macrocephala

Tournefortia treelet drupe F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end 26, 33, 41, 44 polystachya


Bursera graveolens tree drupe F fleshy pulp mixed Z - end 33, Obs. Pers.


Armatocereus treelet berry F fleshy pulp green Z - end 14, 33 brevispinus

Armatocereus tree berry F fleshy pulp red Z - end 14, 33 cartwrightianus

Armatocereus treelet berry F fleshy pulp green Z - end 14, 33 godingianus

Armatocereus treelet berry F fleshy pulp green Z - end 14, 33 matucanensis

Cereus diffusus treelet berry F fleshy pulp mixed Z - end 14, 33

Espostoa lanata shrub berry F fleshy pulp red Z - end 14, 33

Opuntia quitensis shrub berry F fleshy pulp green Z - end 14, 33

Opuntia shrub berry F fleshy pulp red Z - end 14, 33 soederstromiana


Caesalpinia without tree legume F brown AU - pas 40, Obs. Pers. glabrata structures

without Cercidium praecox treelet legume F brown AU - pas 13, 26, 40 structures

Cynometra without tree legume F brown AU - pas 13, 26, 33 bauhiniifolia structures


without Senna incarnata shrub legume F brown AU - pas 33, 35, 40 structures

without Senna pistaciifolia shrub legume F brown AU - pas 21, 33, 35 structures

without Senna spectabilis shrub legume F brown AU - pas 27, 33, 35, 41 structures


Capparis flexuosa treelet berry S sarcotesta brown Z - mir 18, 20, 40

Capparis scabrida shrub berry S fleshy pulp brown Z - end 30, 37, 44


13, 28, 30, 41, Carica parviflora shrub berry F fleshy pulp orange 1 Z - end 44

Carica microcarpa treelet berry F fleshy pulp red 1 Z - end 13, 28, 33, 41


Cecropia litoralis tree achenetum F fleshy pulp brown Z - end 16, 26, 33, 43


13, 21, 28, 41, Maytenus octogona tree capsule S aril mixed Z - end 44


Terminalia tree samara F samara brown AN - roll 13, 33, 44 valverdeae


Ipomoea carnea shrub capsule S plumed brown AN - 13, 24, 28, 33

Ipomoea 13, 24, 26, 28, shrub capsule S plumed brown AN - wolcottiana 33, 44


Erythroxylum tree drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end 14, Obs. Pers glaucum


Acalypha explosive 5, 33, 38, 43, shrub capsule S brown AU - ac diversifolia dehiscence Obs. Pers.


explosive Cnidoscolus 20, 25, 26, 32, tree capsule S dehiscence mixed P - a/m aconitifolius 38 /caruncle

explosive Croton shrub capsule S dehiscence mixed P - a/m 13, 20, 32, 33 menthodorus /caruncle

explosive Croton wagneri shrub capsule S dehiscence mixed P - a/m 13, 20, 28 /caruncle

explosive Hura crepitans tree capsule S brown AU - ac 13, 27, 31 dehiscence

18, 26, 33, 41, Jatropha curcas shrub capsule F caruncle black Z - mir Obs. Pers.

explosive 2, 26, 33, Obs. Phyllantus sp. shrub capsule S brown AU - ac dehiscence Pers.


Centrolobium tree samara F samara brown AN - aut 31, Obs. Pers. ochroxylum

Clitoria without treelet legume F brown AU - pas 2, 10, 26, 33 brachystegia structures

without Coursetia caribaea shrub legume S brown AU - ac 26, 29 structures

Coursetia without shrub legume S brown AU - ac 26, 29, 40 grandiflora structures

Cyathostegia without tree legume S mixed AU - pas 26, 40 mathewsii structures

without Erythrina smithiana tree legume S mixed P - p/e 33, Obs. Pers. structures

without Erythrina velutina tree legume S mixed P - p/e 20, 33 structures

Geoffroea spinosa tree drupe F fleshy pulp green Z - sin 13, Obs. Pers.

without Gliricidia breningii tree legume S brown AU - ac 13, 26, 40 structures

Lonchocarpus without tree legume F brown AU - pas 33, 43 atrourpureus structures


13, 33, Obs. Machaerium millei tree samara F samara mixed AN - aut Pers.

Myroxylon tree samara F samara yellow AN - aut 14, 31, 33 peruiferum

Piscidia tree legume F samara brown AN - tum 26, 31 carthagenensis

5, 13, 26, 33, Pterocarpus sp. tree samara F samara brown AN - und 35, 44


4, 13, 27, 33, Muntingia calabura tree berry F fleshy pulp red Z - end 44, Obs. Pers.

26, 44, Obs. Prockia crucis shrub berry F fleshy pulp2 mixed Z - end Pers.


Nectandra tree drupe F fleshy pulp mixed Z - end 29, 44 acutifolia


Adenaria floribunda treelet capsule F blue/purple Z - end 26, 33, 44

Lafoensia tree capsule S samara yellow AN - roll 33, Obs. Pers. acuminata


Bunchosia deflexa tree drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end 13, 26, 30, 33

Bunchosia shrub drupe F fleshy pulp orange Z - end 13, 26, 33, 43 pseudonitida

Malpighia treelet drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end 30, 44 emarginata

1, 13, 26, 38, Malpighia glabra treelet drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end 41, 44


Bastardia bivalvis shrub mericarp F arists brown Z - epi 20, 43

Pavonia sepium shrub mericarp S arists green Z - epi 9, 13, 33, 44



Cedrela odorata tree capsule S samara brown AN - aut 33

Schmardaea treelet capsule S samara brown AN - aut 29, 44 microphylla

8, 13, 28, 33, Trichilia hirta tree capsule S aril mixed Z - end 35


Acacia without tree legume F brown AU - pas 40, 41 macracantha structures

without Acacia riparia shrub legume F brown AU - pas 40, 41 structures

without Albizia multiflora shrub legume S brown AU - pas 33, 40, 45 structures

without Leucaena trichodes tree legume S brown AU - pas 13, 26, 40, 41 structures

Mimosa without shrub craspedium F brown AU - pas 26, 28, 33, 40 acantholoba structures

without 20, 26, 28, 33, Mimosa caduca treelet legume S brown AU - pas structures 40, Obs. Pers.

without Piptadenia flava tree legume S brown AU - pas 26, 28, 33 structures

Pithecellobium shrub legume S aril mixed Z - end 8, 26, 28 excelsum

Prosopis juliflora treelet legume F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end 4, Obs. Pers.

Prosopis pallida treelet legume F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end 26, 37

Pseudosamanea without tree legume S brown AU - pas 10, 26 guachapele structures

Zapoteca without shrub legume S brown AU - ac 29, 40 caracasana structures


Siparuna eggersii treelet drupe F fleshy pulp mixed Z - end 14, 33


tree drupe F fleshy pulp yellow Z - sin Brosimum 12, 13, 14, 27,


alicastrum 33, 41

2, 14, 28, 41, Ficus citrifolia tree syconium F fleshy pulp green Z - end 43

Ficus insipida tree syconium F fleshy pulp green Z - end 35, 43

Ficus jacobii tree syconium F fleshy pulp green Z - end 14, 43

Ficus maxima tree syconium F fleshy pulp green Z - end 14, 43

Ficus tonduzii tree syconium F fleshy pulp mixed Z - end 33, 43

Maclura tinctoria tree sorosis F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end 10, 14, 26, 41

Sorocea sprucei treelet drupe F fleshy pulp mixed Z - end 13, 14, 45

Sorocea trophoides tree drupe F fleshy pulp mixed Z - end 13, 14, 43


Psidium guajava shrub berry F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end 14, 33

Psidium guineense tree berry F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end 26, 30, 33


Bougainvillea shrub achene F samara 2 brown AN - roll Obs. Pers. peruviana

Bougainvillea shrub achene F samara 2 brown AN - roll spectabilis

sticky Pisonia aculeata shrub achene F brown Z - epi 13, 14, 38, 43 anthocarp


Agonandra excelsa tree drupe F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end 33, 43


Gallesia integrifolia tree samara F samara brown AN - aut 26, Obs. Pers.

Phytolacca dioica tree baccarium F fleshy pulp black Z - end 11, 28, 33, 41


Cantua quercifolia shrub capsule S samara brown AN - roll 29, 44


Coccoloba mollis tree pseudodrupe F fleshy periant2 blue/purple Z - end 14, 19, 33


Coccoloba ruiziana treelet pseudodrupe F fleshy periant2 blue/purple Z - end 4, 14, 33

Ruprechtia tree achene F samara 2 brown AN - hel 13, 14, 40 jamesonii

Triplaris tree achene F samara 2 brown AN - hel 13 cumingiana


Scutia spicata shrub drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - end 8, 26, 43

8, 41, Obs. Ziziphus thyrsiflora treelet drupe F fleshy pulp yellow Z - sin Pers.


Prunus tree drupe F fleshy pulp red Z - sin 3, 26, 43 subcorymbosa


Randia sp shrub berry F fleshy pulp brown 1 Z - end 8, 26, 33, 41

Simira ecuadorensis shrub capsule S samara yellow AN - aut 33, Obs. Pers.


7, 26, 28, 41, Zanthoxylum fagara treelet follicle F mixed Z - end 44


Salix humboldtiana tree capsule S plumed brown AN - flo 33


5, 8, 19, 33, Cupania cinerea tree capsule S aril mixed Z - end 35

Cupania latifolia tree capsule S aril mixed Z - end 26, 33, 35

Dodonea viscosa shrub samara F samara brown AN - tum 26, Obs. Pers.

Sapindus saponaria tree drupe F fleshy pulp orange Z - end 14, 41


Pradosia montana tree drupe F fleshy pulp brown 1 Z - end 26, 33, 43



Buddleja americana shrub capsule S samara brown AN - roll 23, 29, 33


Acnistus shrub berry F fleshy pulp orange Z - end 8, 29, 30, 43 arborescens

Cestrum 26, 33, Obs. shrub berry F fleshy pulp blue/purple Z - end auriculatum Pers.

Lycianthes lycioides shrub berry F fleshy pulp orange Z - end 42, 33

Solanum shrub berry F fleshy pulp green Z - end 8, 33, 39 confertiseriatum


13, 15, 33, Guazuma ulmifolia tree capsule F mucilage brown Z - end Obs. Pers.

Byttneria parviflora shrub capsule F hooked spines brown Z - epi 2, 26, 33, 43


Clavija euerganea shrub berry F fleshy pulp orange 1 Z - end 14, 17, 30, 33

8, 14, 17, 26, Clavija pungens shrub berry F fleshy pulp orange 1 Z - end 30, 33


Heliocarpus tree capsule F stiff hairs brown AN - und 26, Obs. Pers. americanus

Triumfetta shrub capsule F hooked spines brown Z - epi 21, 26, 33, 38 semitriloba


33, 43, Obs. Celtis iguanaea shrub drupe F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end Pers.

Celtis loxensis shrub drupe F fleshy pulp yellow Z - end 43, Obs. Pers.

11, 12, 13, 26, Trema micrantha tree drupe F fleshy pulp red 1 Z - end 33, 41


6, 12, 19, 21, Urera caracasana treelet achene F fleshy periant 2 orange Z - end 26, 36, 44



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Cornutia treelet drupe F fleshy pulp 2 green Z - end 26, 43 pyramidata

Lantana trifolia shrub drupe F fleshy pulp blue/purple Z - end 17, 26, 33


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35. VOZZO, J. A. (ED.). 2002. Tropical Tree seed manual. United States Department of

Agriculture, Forest Service. Washinton DC, U.S.A.

36. WIGGINS, I. L., AND D. M. PORTER. 1971. Flora of the Galapagos Islands. Stanford

University Press, Stanford, California, U.S.A.




Especies arbóreas y arbustivas para las zonas áridas y semiáridas de América

Latina. Red Latinoamericana de Cooperación Técnica en Sistemas Agroforestales.

Santiago, Chile. Accesss to: January 30, 2008. Available from:

38. GONZÁLEZ, J. 2007. Flora digital de Palo Verde. Organización para Estudios

Tropicales (OTS). Access to: January 9, 2009. Available from:

39. KNAPP, S. 2004. Description based on taxon concept. Natural History Museum.

Accesss to: January 9, 2009. Available from:



40. MACBRIDE, F. 1943. Flora of Peru. Field Museum of Natural History. Vol. XIII, Part

3, Num. 1, Chicago, U.S.A. Access to: June 17, 2008. Available from:

41. SÁNCHEZ, J.M. Guía de plantas ornamentales. Access to: november 13, 2008.

Available from:

42. THE FIELD MUSEUM. Neotropical Herbarium Specimens. Access to: october 17,

2008. Available from:



43. Herbario Nacional del Ecuador

44. Herbario Loja

45. Herbario UTPL

Obs. Pers. (Observaciones personales)




Andrea Jara-Guerrero1, 4; Marcelino De la Cruz2, 3; Carlos I. Espinosa1; Marcos Méndez3;

Adrián Escudero3

1Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, CP.: 11-01-

608, Loja, Ecuador.

2Departamento de Biología Vegetal, E.U.I.T. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040

Madrid, Spain.

3Área de Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, E-28933 Móstoles,


Manuscrito remitido a:




Spatial patterns of adult plants are a consequence of several ecological processes related to seed dispersal and recruitment. Dispersal limitation, mediated by dispersal syndrome, is considered a key factor in the formation of adult plant spatial patterns. Although this initial pattern determined by dispersal has been large studied, the subsequently modification by the effect of additional ecological factors, such as habitat heterogeneity is less understood.

We explored the relative importance of dispersal syndrome and spatial heterogeneity on the realization of spatial patterns of adult trees in an Ecuadorian tropical dry forest. The spatial distribution of 28 species was modeled with four different spatial point processes each: homogeneous Poisson (HPP), inhomogeneous Poisson (IPP), homogeneous Poisson cluster

(HPCP), and inhomogeneous Poisson cluster process (IPCP). These models allowed us to discern between effects of random processes, habitat heterogeneity, limited dispersal, and joint effects of habitat heterogeneity and limited dispersal. We employed Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) to select the model which best fitted the spatial pattern of each species. The best model of each species was used to analyze differences in cluster size and degree of aggregation, between dispersal syndromes. Aggregate patterns prevailed in the studied community, however, the effect of limited dispersal, as has been proposed for rainforests, was not enough to explain aggregation patterns in this tropical dry forest. IPCP yielded the best fit for the spatial distribution of 50% of the species in the studied forest and was the prevalent model for zoochorous, anemochorous and autochorous dispersal syndromes. The effect of spatial heterogeneity was prevalent in the distribution of most species in this dry tropical forest (75 % species showed inhomogeneous patterns). In the three dispersal syndromes, spatial aggregation was stronger at shorter distances, and 81

decreased from autochorous, through zoochorous, to anemochorous species. Our approach, selecting the best model for each species, can give new insights on the process that determine coexistence at fine and middle spatial scales in these megadiverse forests.


Seed dispersal is a critical life process determining not only persistence but also the spatial structure of populations and communities (Wang and Smith 2002, Cousens et al. 2008).

Initial dispersal pattern sets the scene for subsequent ecological processes, such as depredation, germination, growth modulated by plant-plant interactions and herbivory, that lead to the realized distribution of seedlings and adults (Schupp and Fuentes 1995, Nathan and Muller-Landau 2000, Jansen et al. 2008). Several recent studies have advanced our understanding about how seed dispersal processes are affecting spatial patterns of plants

(Hubbell 1979, Condit et al. 2000, Schupp and Fuentes 1995, Nathan and Muller-Landau

2000, Seidler and Plotkin 2006), and determined that dispersal syndromes are important attributes in the formation of those patterns (Hubbell 1979, Condit et al. 2000, Seidler and

Plotkin 2006).

Other abiotic and biotic processes could distort the initial dispersal pattern, such as environmental heterogeneity, the existence of facilitative interactions on early life stages

(Callaway and Walker 1997), or perch effects (Herrera et al. 1994, Schupp and Fuentes

1995, Gómez 2003), meaning a higher density of seeds in habitats preferred by dispersal agents, beneath perches, along travel routes, etc. (Schupp et al. 2002). For instance, negative density-dependent processes (Janzen 1970, Hirsch et al. 2012) lead to higher survival and germination of those seeds falling further away from the parent plant.


Nevertheless, even after those processes, a concordance usually remains between the spatial patterns of seed arrival and those of seedlings (emergence) and adults (recruitment)

(Schupp and Fuentes 1995, Seidler and Plotkin 2006). In particular, in tropical rain and dry forests the spatial aggregation of conspecific adults at different spatial scales has been related to limited seed dispersal (Hubbell 1979, Condit et al. 2000, Nathan and Muller-

Landau 2000, Hardesty and Parker 2002, Seidler and Plotkin 2006, Wiegand et al. 2009). If this relationship between dispersal and realized recruitment were universal, it could be thought that, ahead of other ecological processes, dispersal syndrome would be the main determinant of the adult realized distribution at fine spatial scales. Hubbell (1979) pioneered this idea by showing such a relationship between dispersal syndromes and the spatial pattern of adult tree species in tropical dry forests, and this evidence contributed to develop his neutral theory (Hubbell 2001). More recently, Seidler and Plotkin (2006) also found a strong correlation among seed dispersal syndromes and spatial patterns of trees in two tropical rainforests. They showed that the adults of zoochorous or anemochorous species, capable of relatively long-distance dispersal, appeared in larger clusters than those of autochorous species with more limited dispersal.

Although there is an almost general consensus that dispersal is critical for explaining the realized distribution of adults (Hubbell 1979, Condit et al. 2000, Seidler and Plotkin 2006,

Wiegand et al. 2009, Jara-Guerrero et al. 2011), a number of mechanisms can blur such relationships (Schupp and Fuentes 1995, Seidler and Plotkin 2006). For instance, landscapes are typically heterogeneous, with continuous variation in topography, aspect or soil properties, which can influence not only seed shadows but germination and recruitment of dispersed seeds (Grubb 1977, Schupp and Fuentes 1995). This environmental 83

heterogeneity could lead to a mismatch between the spatial patterns of dispersed seeds and that of recruited seedlings or adults (Comita et al. 2007, Cousens et al. 2008). Furthermore, even if dispersal were not limited, environmental heterogeneity could generate virtual aggregation (Schiffers et al. 2008), i.e., spatial patterns indistinguishable from those resulting from limited dispersal (Wiegand et al. 2007a). This fact raises doubts on the inferences that can be extracted, for example, from the relationships between the spatial pattern of adult plants and dispersal syndromes (Seidler and Plotkin 2006).

We explored the relative importance of both dispersal syndrome and spatial heterogeneity on the realization of the spatial pattern of adult trees in an Ecuadorian tropical dry forest.

Our working hypothesis is that the realized pattern is the result of a two-step process where dispersal syndrome (Hubbell 1979, Seidler and Plotkin 2006) first sets the initial spatial template and later ecological processes linked to environmental heterogeneity (Webb and

Peart 2000) blur the original pattern of seed dispersal and determine the realized pattern of adult trees. As we work in a dry tropical forest, we expect that the tight relationship between dispersal syndrome and spatial pattern of adult trees found in tropical rainforests

(Seidler and Plotkin 2006) would be less evident because of the stronger filter exerted by harsher environmental conditions. We used spatial point pattern analysis, and a set of a priori hypotheses to discern those processes responsible for the realized pattern of trees

(McIntire and Fajardo 2009). Specifically, we fitted four kinds of spatial point process models that can be easily interpreted in terms of biological processes and environmental conditions (Shen et al. 2009, Lin et al. 2011, Sánchez-Pescador et al. 2014). The processes tested consider purely random processes (homogeneous Poisson process), random processes in heterogeneous habitat (inhomogeneous Poisson process), limited dispersal 84

(Poisson cluster process), and the joint effect of habitat heterogeneity and limited dispersal

(inhomogeneous Poisson cluster processes). Thus, if the final distribution of adults is the consequence of dispersal alone we would expect; i) zoochorous plants to show patterns compatible with a homogeneous Poisson process, because seeds are carried by very mobile dispersers and can reach any point in the territory; ii) autochorous plants to show patterns compatible with a homogeneous Poisson cluster process, in which adults are sources for other recruits in a nested process (Cousens et al. 2008), because seeds are dispersed in the vicinity of mature plants, and iii) anemochorous species, depending on dispersal efficiency

(i.e. plant architecture, aerodynamic properties of diaspores (Muller-Landau et al. 2008), to show patterns compatible with either homogeneous Poisson in more efficiently dispersed species, or homogeneous Poisson cluster processes (but with larger clusters than autochorous species) in those of more limited dispersal. On the contrary, if environmental heterogeneity matters, we would expect most adult patterns to be adequately described by inhomogeneous processes as a consequence of the environmental filter exerted on the seed pattern after primary dispersal (i.e., inhomogeneous Poisson or inhomogeneous Poisson cluster, depending on the relative importance of dispersal limitation).


Study area—The study was conducted in the Arenillas Ecological Reserve (REA, from its

Spanish name), located in southwestern Ecuador (03° 34’ 15.44’’S; 80° 08’ 46.15’’E, 30 m. a.s.l.). This area belongs to the Tumbesian biogeographic region, one of the most important areas of endemism in the world, but at the same time, one of the most threatened by increasing agriculture and livestock activities, which are leading to a decrease in forest


remnants in this region (Best and Kessler 1995). Climate is characterized by a rainy season extending from January to May and a dry season extending from June to December. Annual mean precipitation at REA is 667 mm, and annual mean temperature is 25°C (Huaquillas weather station, with 45 years record period). Vegetation corresponds to a seasonal tropical dry forest. The REA is inhabited by a high diversity of vertebrates (Best and Kessler 1995), some of which are potential seed dispersers, such as birds, bats and deer. Although the role of these species as seed dispersers has been poorly studied in the Tumbesian region, some species are defined as frugivorous; for example, at least three bat species (i.e. Artibeus fraterculus, Carollia brevicauda, Sturnira lilium) (Tirira et al. 2007) and six bird species reported for the REA are frugivorous, and at least other ten bird species are omnivorous

(Tinoco 2009). The two deer species reported for the REA have been also reported feeding fruits (Tirira et al. 2007).

Data collection—Between January 2010 and September 2011, we located a 9-ha (300 x

300 m) permanent forest plot in a well conserved area of this forest. Topography in the plot is relatively flat. Altitud varied between 30.9 to 38.6 m a.s.l., with an average of 35.4 m.

The plot is traversed by a seasonal stream, with water only for very short periods during intense rainfalls. All trees and shrubs exceeding 5 cm diameter at breast height were mapped, measured, and identified to species. Individuals with multiple stems were counted as a single individual (Condit et al. 2000). Coordinates (x, y) and elevation (z) were measured using a computerized total surveying station (Leica TS02-5 Power) with a resolution of 5 cm.


Score of dispersal syndromes—We collected diaspores for all species in the REA forest during 2010 and 2011. Following Van der Pijl (1969), species were classified into three major dispersal syndromes: zoochory, anemochory and autochory. Zoochory was defined by the presence of fleshy and edible structures that promote the ingestion and transport of seeds by animals. Species having diaspores with membranous wings, or other aerodynamic structures that affect the rate of fall, were scored as anemochorous. Autochory group included species with diaspores propelled explosively, passive ballists (triggered by passing animals, wind or raindrops), and those so-called barochorous (released and falling to the ground).

Statistical models—We employed Ripley's K function to characterize the spatial pattern of each species (Ripley 1976, Illian et al. 2008). For a homogeneous point pattern where λ is pattern intensity (i.e., density), λK(r) is the expected number of points within a circle of radius r around an arbitrary point.

We compared the spatial pattern of each species (as characterized by the K-function) and the expected pattern for four different spatial point processes (Shen 2009, Lin et al. 2011;

Table 1): (1) a homogeneous Poisson process (HPP), which assumes that the spatial location of points (i.e., standing individuals) is independent from each other and their intensity is constant in the whole area: it is the simplest process and considers the pattern as the result of purely random processes (Shen et al. 2009, Lin et al. 2011); (2) an inhomogeneous Poisson process (IPP), which still assumes independence between points but recognizes the existence of variations in intensity throughout the study area; it is usually assumed that this variation is related to habitat heterogeneity (Wiegand et al. 2007b); (3) a


homogeneous Poisson cluster process (HPCP) assumes constant intensity and considers aggregation of points as a result of limited dispersal (Shen et al. 2009); it assumes that the aggregated pattern is generated in a two-step process: first, a HPP of cluster centers (i.e., parent points) with intensity  is created and, afterwards, each parent produces a number of offspring according to a Poisson distribution which are located around the parents according to a radially symmetric Gaussian distribution with mean zero and standard deviation σ (Seidler and Plotkin 2006, Shen et al. 2009, Lin et al. 2011); (4) an inhomogeneous Poisson cluster process (IPCP), which assumes that the spatial pattern is created by dispersal limitation (i.e., like a HPCP), but with intensity varying in response to habitat heterogeneity (Wiegand and Moloney 2013). We employed Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) based on the sum of residuals and the number of parameters in different models (Webster and McBratney 1989, Shen et al. 2009) to select the model which best fitted the spatial pattern of each species. Mathematical details about the fitted models are provided in Supplementary Material Appendix 1.

We tested differences in the frequency of spatial patterns (HPP, IPP, HPCP and IPCP) among the three dispersal syndromes by means of an extension of the Fisher’s exact test for larger than 2 x 2 tables (function fisher.test in R package stats). The p value for this extension was obtained by Monte Carlo simulation using the simulate.p.value option in the package "stats" of R.

Additionally, for those species which where best described by an HPCP or IPCP, we tested the existence of differences in the parameter σ among syndromes. This parameter is related to the average cluster size of each species (Seidler and Plotkin 2006). For this, we used


Kruskal-Wallis tests. All statistical analyses were carried out with R (R Core Team 2013).

Model fitting and K functions were computed using the R packages spatstat (Baddeley and

Turner 2005) and ecespa (De la Cruz 2008).


In the period from July 2010 to November 2011 a total of 5.296 individuals with DBH > 5 cm were tagged and georeferenced in the 9 ha plot. These individuals accounted for a total of 37 species but we only considered 28 species with more than 10 individuals, belonging to 19 families. The most common families were Mimosaceae (4 species), Caesalpiniaceae and Fabaceae (3 species respectively). Zoochory was the dominant syndrome (50%, 14 species), followed by autochory (36%, 10 species) and anemochory (14%, 4 species) (Table

1). Most individuals in the plot belonged to zoochorous species (43.7%, 2.300 individuals), while autochory represented 30.8% (1.621 individuals), and anemochory 25.5% (1.345 individuals) of the total.

Table 1. Percentage of species (and number of species) in each dispersal syndrome described by each of the four point pattern processes considered. HPP: homogeneous Poisson process; IPP: inhomogeneous Poisson process; HPCP: homogeneous Poisson cluster process; IPCP: inhomogeneous Poisson cluster process.


Zoochory 7% (1) 36% (5) 14% (2) 43% (6)

Anemochory 0 25% (1) 25% (1) 50% (2)

Autochory 0 10% (1) 30% (3) 60% (6)

Total 4% (1) 25% (7) 21% (6) 50% (14)


Spatial patterns and their relationship to dispersal syndrome—Inhomogeneous Poisson cluster process yielded the best fit for the spatial distribution of 50% of the species in the studied forest (Table 1). Inhomogeneous Poisson process was the best model for 25% of species, while other 21% of species was best fitted by homogeneous Poisson cluster process (Table 1). Only the spatial distribution of one species, the zoochorous shrub

Vasconcellea parviflora, was best fitted by a homogeneous Poisson process (Table 1).

There was no significant association between dispersal syndrome and the process that yielded the best fit (4 x 3 Fisher’s exact test, p = 0.739). Inhomogeneous Poisson cluster process was the prevalent model for the three dispersal syndromes (Table 1).

Spatial signature of dispersal syndromes—The K(r) functions for the three dispersal syndromes showed clear spatial aggregation within the range of the studied distances, between 1 and 75 m (Fig. 1). Aggregation was stronger at short scales and decreased with distance. Aggregation patterns decreased from autochorous, through zoochorous, to anemochorous species (Fig. 1), but aggregation varied with the scale considered. At short scales (1-30 m) zoochorous and autochorous were more aggregated than anemochorous, and at medium scales (31-75 m) only autochorous species showed aggregation, while zoochorous and anemochorous spatial patterns did not differ from that of a random process

(Figure 1).


Figure 1. The function K(r) evaluated at a range of distances r for tree species in the three dispersal syndromes. Curves represent the average K(r) function value + standard error for each considered r distance. For a clearer interpretation, we show K(r)/πr2. Values > 1 indicate spatial aggregation.

Grey lines represent confidence envelopes for a homogeneous Poisson pattern.

We failed to detect a significant relationship between spatial cluster size and dispersal syndromes for the 28 studied species (Kruskal-Wallis, 2 = 2.674, df = 2, p = 0.263), although a tendency to increase the size of the cluster from autochory to zoochory was evident (Fig. 2).


20 (m)

15 cluster parameter parameter cluster



autochory anemochory zoochory

Figure 2. Relationship between dispersal syndrome and spatial aggregation of 20 woody species fitted by homogeneous or inhomogeneous Poisson cluster models. Figure shows the mean spatial cluster size (σ) obtained from the best fitted model to each species. Thick lines indicate the median value of cluster size for each dispersal syndrome (anemochory, n = 3; autochory, n = 9; zoochory, n

= 8).


Aggregated patterns are prevalent among species—Our results confirmed the prevalence of aggregated patterns among tree and shrub species at the dry tropical REA forest, however, the effect of limited dispersal in the formation of those patterns, as has been proposed for rainforests (Plotkin et al. 2002, Seidler and Plotkin 2006) was not enough to explain the aggregation patterns in our forest. Our results, obtained with a new methodological approach which allow discerning between "pure" and virtually aggregated


patterns (Wiegand and Moloney 2004), suggest that environmental heterogeneity exerted an additional (or was the only) effect limiting the distribution of most species in this forest

(75 % species showed inhomogeneous patterns). This effect was prevalent irrespective of their dispersal syndrome, and even Senna mollissima, an autochorous species which should show a clustered pattern, was in fact best described by an IPP.

The joint effects of habitat heterogeneity and dispersal limitation have been reported as dominant also for other tropical (Comita et al. 2007, Wiegand et al. 2009) and subtropical forests (Shen et al. 2009, Lin et al. 2011), suggesting that both are critical factors in structuring a wide array of megadiverse forest communities. Shen et al. (2009) and Lin et al. (2011) proposed that these two factors act sequentially. First, seed dispersal generates the basal template pattern on which seedlings will develop. Afterwards, this pattern is altered by the effects of habitat heterogeneity on survival rates and growth of seedlings. We propose that the effects of environmental heterogeneity on spatial patterns may be especially important in tropical dry forests, where water availability has been shown to strongly affect the performance at different life stages of many trees (Espinosa et al. 2010,

2012). As seen here, heterogeneity effects could modify the original dispersal pattern in opposite directions: either diluting the (theoretically) clustered pattern of autochorous species (as in the case of Senna mollissima) to generate virtual aggregation, or restricting the (theoretically) wider dispersal of zoochorous and anemochorous species.

Spatial patterns and their relationship to dispersal syndrome—The observed spatial patterns partially matched our expectations in relation to each dispersal syndrome, and reveal the great variation in spatial patterns, even among species with the same dispersal


syndrome (Table 1). Nine out of ten autochorous species showed aggregated spatial patterns related to either limited dispersal or joint effects of limited dispersal and environmental heterogeneity. This was consistent with our hypothesis about autochorous species in which adult individuals are the sources for new recruits in a nested process. In addition, 43 % of zoochorous species did not show or showed only virtual aggregation correctly described by IPP's, which is compatible with the existence of unlimited dispersal.

Nevertheless, we found some departure from the expected results, especially in the case of zoochorous species. A large proportion of them (57%) showed spatial patterns compatible with limited dispersal (HPCP or IPCP). This could be explained by effects of other processes not explicitly considered here, such as perch effects mediated by non-random movement of dispersers (Herrera et al. 1994, Schupp and Fuentes 1995). Previous studies have suggested perch effect as a cause of aggregated spatial patterns of some particular zoochorous species (Godoy and Jordano 2001, Muller-Landau et al. 2008). Moreover, it has been suggested that, in many cases, movements of dispersers occur over short distances from the parent plant (Godoy and Jordano 2001, Muller-Landau et al. 2008), which could explain this discrepancy in the results for some zoochorous species. Additionally, in seasonal ecosystems like our study area, dispersal distances of zoochorous species can be influenced by the fruit time. Dispersal distances, and quantity of dispersed seeds, are expected to be larger in species fruiting in times of relative fruit scarcity, because of dispersers tend to move greater distances searching for food (Muller-Landau et al. 2008). In the study area, a large proportion of zoochorous species overlapping in fruiting time, restricted to the short period of rains (Jara-Guerrero, pers. obs.).


We also found significant deviations from expected patterns in the case of anemochorous species. The two species of Tabebuia, and Eriotheca ruizii showed patterns compatible with limited dispersal (IPCP and HPCP, respectively) while Cochlospermum vitifolium showed a pattern compatible with virtual aggregation (IPP). These patterns seem contradictory with dispersal potential based on aerodynamic considerations (Augspurger

1986) because winged propagules of Tabebuia are expected to show higher dispersal potential than floater propagules (C. vitifolium and E. ruizii). Thus, pure aerodynamic considerations seem to be poor predictors of spatial patterns for these anemochorous species. Instead, there has been proposed additional effects of other plant attributes in the dispersal capacity, such as plant height, seed mass (Muller-Landau et al. 2008, Thomson et al. 2011) and wind velocity during fruit time (Muller-Landau et al. 2008). Dispersal phenology could provide further insights into the realized patterns of Tabebuia trees, which are expected to have low dispersal efficiency because they fruit early in the rainy season

(A. Jara-Guerrero, pers. obs.), when wind circulation is lower. In the case of E. ruizii, limited dispersal may be due to the fact that seeds are released in groups, which reduces propagule aerodynamic performance (Linares-Palomino 2005).

Signature of dispersal syndromes in spatial aggregation patterns—All the species showed spatial aggregation, with an increase of this spatial signal at short distances and independently of the dispersal syndrome type (Fig. 1). According to our expectations, autochorous species showed the greater aggregation, which is consistent with previous studies (Condit et al. 2000, Seidler and Plotkin 2006). By contrast, the lower aggregation for anemochory than zoochory did not match our expectations. This result could be probably a spurious effect due to the small number of anemochorous species in our sample 95

(4 species); however, similar results have been obtained by Muller-Landau et al. (2008) for the lowland moist tropical forest of BCI, with anemochorous species showing less clumping that zoochorous species. In this context, this finding support the proposal that other attributes of plant life history, as discussed below, can be interacting in the spatial patterns formation (Muller-Landau et al. 2008, Thomson et al. 2011).

The variation of cluster sizes among dispersal syndromes, with zoochorous species showing larger cluster sizes than anemochorous and autochorous species (Fig. 2) is consistent with previous studies (Seidler and Plotkin 2006). However we did not detect statistically significant differences among syndromes. This result may be explained by the large variation within each dispersal syndrome. For instance, the large cluster size variation in zoochorous species could be explained by the different behavior of dispersers (Muller-

Landau et al. 2008). According to Howe (1989), zoochory may result in two contrasting seed deposition patterns depending on disperser. Birds and bats deposit single seeds, resulting in isolated recruits, while large frugivores, such as mammals, usually defecate masses of seeds and may cause aggregated spatial patterns (Howe 1989, Wiegand et al.

2009). In fact, Seidler and Plokin (2006) distinguished several types of animal dispersed species in tropical forests and found significant differences among them. In anemochorous species, dispersal distance depends on the rate of fall, given by the interaction between diaspore morphology (which affects aerodynamics) and the structure of the patch (which affects air currents) (Schupp and Fuentes 1995, Muller-Landau et al. 2008). Thus, although some species can disperse their seeds far away from the parent plant, other species can only attain a few meters. In general, autochorous species had the smaller cluster sizes, which is consistent with their limited dispersal, and as has also been reported in other studies 96

(Seidler and Plotkin 2006, Muller-Landau et al. 2008). However, we found the largest variation in cluster size within this group, with some species such as Pithecellobium excelsum and Mimosa acantholoba showing cluster sizes even larger than all the zoochorous species. These outlier species could be caused by of accidental dispersal events, or secondary dispersal events. For example, in M. acantholoba, although it lacks specialized dispersal mechanisms, mature pods may become stiffly papery and often densely hispid-setose, which may promote dispersal away from the parent plant by wind or ectozoochory respectively (Barneby 1991). It has also been suggested that their lustrous seeds might be taken up by birds and dispersed undamaged (Barneby 1991). In fact, M. acantholoba is considered a pioneer species (Lebrija-Trejos and Bongers 2008) which suggests that these ´accidental´ or secondary events should be usual in the species. In the case of P. excelsum, seeds do not fall from the pod immediately after dehiscence but instead remain suspended from a colored spongy aril, attractive to birds (Barneby and

Grimes 1997), which might disperse them away. On the other hand, spatial scale considered here is the same for all species, however, as there is proposed by Thomson et al (2011), maximum dispersal distances are dependent of individual species, thus, spatial scale should influence the detected patterns.

In summary, predictions about spatial patters of tree species and relations to dispersal syndrome can be improved by selecting the best model for each species from a set of models with well known biological links, instead of using a fixed model for all species. Our study found that spatial heterogeneity, and not only dispersal limitation, affected species realized spatial patterns in the studied dry tropical forest. Thus, ignoring habitat heterogeneity could bias the analysis of relationships between dispersal syndrome and 97

species patterns. Our findings also support the hypothesis that local spatial patterns are not independent of the biological attributes of plant species (Seidler and Plotkin 2006, Shen et al. 2009, Lin et al. 2011). Differences in seed dispersal abilities, which are related to morphological attributes but also to phenological differences within a dispersal syndrome, may contribute to structuring and maintain the assemblage of species in the studied tropical dry forest. Therefore, the use of models reproducing processes with biologically sound properties can be valuable in the interpretation of realized individual patterns and the structure of a community as a whole and can give new insights on the process that determine coexistence at fine and medium spatial scales. Our work also enlightens the academic debate about the prevalence of different mechanisms in the formation of realized assemblages in tropical dry forests (Hubbell 1979, Leibold 1995, López-Martínez et al.

2013). Thus, although we hypothesized that dispersal would not suffice for explaining spatial patterns and that stressful conditions should give prominence to environmental heterogeneity, we found that spatial patterns for 21% of species studied were compatible with random mechanisms associated to dispersal around mother sources (i.e. neutrality sensu Hubbell 2001).


This study was partially supported by projects CGL2009-13190-C03-02 (ISLAS


PROY_IECOLOGIA_ 0018 and PROY_IECOLOGIA_0035 funded by Universidad

Técnica Particular de Loja. The authors wish to thank Ministerio del Ambiente del Ecuador


and Ministerio de Defensa del Ecuador for facilities and operational support during field work.


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Appendix 1. Mathematical details about the fitted models

Spatial analysis

To characterize and fit point process models, we used Ripley’s K-function (Ripley 1976,

Illian et al. 2008). Then, we compared (using AIC, see below) the observed K-function for each of the studied species with the expected K function for each of the fitted models.

Homogeneous Poisson Process (HPP)

For a homogeneous point pattern where λ is pattern intensity (i.e., density), and λK(r) is the expected number of points within a circle of radius λ around an arbitrary point, the K function is estimated as:

n  1 wij K(r)   2 I(dij  r) A i1 ji 

Where A and n are respectively the area and the number of points in the plot, wij is an edge-correction factor, and I is the indicator function. Homogeneous Poisson processes

(HPP) have constant intensity throughout the study area and the distribution of points is independent so the expected K(r) = πr2 (Illian et al. 2008: 80).

Inhomogeneous Poisson Process (IPP)

Inhomogeneous Poisson processes share with HPP the independence of points but their intensity is not constant; instead intensity varies from place to place according to an intensity function λ(u) which, in ecological studies, it is assumed to depend on


environmental heterogeneity (e.g., Wiegand et al. 2007, Getzin et al. 2008, Wiegand and

Moloney 2014). To characterize IPP's we employed the inhomogeneous K-function

(Baddeley et al. 2000). It is estimated as:

n  1 wij KI (r)   I(dij  r) A i1 ji (xi )(x j )

The expected value of the inhomogeneous K-function for an IPP is:

 2 KI (r)  r

The intensity function can be estimated in different ways. We used kernel smoothing (Baddeley 2010), which estimates the intensity at location u as

 n (u)  e(u)(u  xi ) where κ(u) is an arbitrary kernel function and e(u) is an edge i1 correction term. We employed the Gaussian kernel as smoothing function.

Homogeneous Poisson cluster processes (PCP)

Poisson cluster processes generate non-independent (clustered) points in a two-step process. First, an HPP of "parent" points is generated with intensity ρ. Then, each parent point produces "offspring". The number of offspring per parent follows a Poisson distribution, and their locations are independent and isotropically normally distributed around the parent tree, with mean zero and standard deviation σ. The expected K function for a PCP is:

r2 ( )  1 e 4 2 K(r)  r 2   107

Inhomogeneous Poisson cluster processes (IPCP)

Inhomogeneous Poisson cluster processes are an extension of the PCPs, where it is assumed that the distribution of points, in addition to clustered, is inhomogeneous. Thus, expectation for the K-function of an IPCP is the same than for PCP, but the intensity is estimated by a spatially inhomogeneous function.

Both homogeneous and inhomogeneous K-functions were estimated using Ripley’s isotropic edge correction (Ripley 1978). All the functions were estimated up to 75 m (i.e., rmax = 75 m), with steps of 1 m.

Estimation of intensity functions for IPP and IPCP models

In the case of IPP and IPCP, the intensity functions were estimated with spatstat function density.ppp(). This function implements kernel smoothing of a point pattern based on a

Gaussian kernel. In ecological studies, choosing the bandwidth of the kernel for estimation of an intensity surface is based on biological criteria, i.e., selecting a bandwidth larger than the scale at which second order effects (i.e., spatial structures derived from individuals interactions or short scale dispersal) show up (Wiegand et al. 2007, Getzin et al. 2008).

With this in mind, we estimated for each species a set of 13 different intensity surfaces, using Gaussian kernels varying from σ =15 to σ=75 m in 5 m steps (these are equivalents to

"bandwidths" from 30 to 150 m; Bivand et al. 2008: 168).

Model fitting and selection


Models were fitted with the R packages spatstat (Baddeley & Turner 2005) and ecespa (De la Cruz 2008). For each species, we fitted a total of 28 models (1 HPP + 13 IPP + 1 HPCP

+ 13 IPCP). To identify the most parsimonious model we used Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) based on the sum of residuals and the number of parameters in each model

(Shen et al. 2009, Wang et al. 2013). For each species, we selected the model which rendered the smaller AIC.


Baddeley, A.J. et al. 2000. Non- and semiparametric estimation of interaction in

inhomogeneous point patterns. - Statistica Neerlandica 54: 329–350.

Baddeley, A. 2010. Analysing spatial point patterns in R. Workshop notes. Version 4.1. –

CSIRO online technical publication. URL:

Baddeley, A. and Turner, R. 2005. Spatstat: an R package for analyzing spatial point

patterns. – J. Stat. Softw. 12: 1–42.

Bivand, R.S. et al. 2008. Applied spatial data analysis with R. - Springer.

De la Cruz, M. 2008. Métodos para analizar datos puntuales. - In: Maestre, F. T., Escudero,

A. y Bonet, A. (eds.), Introducción al análisis espacial de datos en ecología y

ciencias ambientales: métodos y aplicaciones. Asociación Española de Ecología

Terrestre, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos y Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo, pp. 76-



Getzin, G. et al. 2008. Heterogeneity influences spatial patterns and demographics in forest

stands. - J. Ecol. 96: 807-820.

Illian, J. et al. 2008. Statistical analysis and modelling of spatial point patterns. - Wiley.

Ripley, B.D. 1976. The second-order analysis of stationary point processes. - J. Appl.

Prob.13: 255-266.

Ripley, B.D., 1978. Spectral analysis and the analysis of pattern in plant communities. - J.

Ecol. 66: 965-981.

Shen, G. et al. 2009. Species–area relationships explained by the joint effects of dispersal

limitation and habitat heterogeneity. - Ecology 90: 3033-3041.

Wang, X. et al. 2013. Phylogenetic and functional diversity area relationships in two

temperate forests. - Ecography 36: 001-011

Wiegand, T. et al. 2007. How individual species structure diversity in tropical forests. -

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 19029-19033.

Wiegand, T. and Moloney, K. 2014. Handbook of Spatial Point-Pattern Analysis in

Ecology. - CRC Press.





Andrea Jara-Guerrero1, Marcos Méndez2, Carlos I. Espinosa1, Marcelino De la Cruz3

1Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, CP.: 11-01-

608, Loja, Ecuador.

2Área de Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, E-28933 Móstoles,


3Departamento de Biología Vegetal, E.U.I.T. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040

Madrid, Spain.



Long-distance seed dispersal and the ability to form seed banks are alternative strategies to plant regeneration. Simultaneous analysis of both strategies can provide valuable information about the extent to which seed rain and seed bank are determining the vegetation composition. We explored whether temporal patterns of seed dispersal and / or dispersal syndrome control the relationship between vegetation and seed compartments

(seed rain or seed bank) in a seasonally tropical dry forest at Southern Ecuador. Within a 9 ha plot we recorded stablished woody plants. In the central 4.8 ha we sampled seed rain and seed bank from 265 points. We analyzed monthly and seasonal variation in seed abundance in the seed rain, for all species and by dispersal syndrome. We also examined similarity in species composition and abundance between the three compartments - established plants, seed rain and seed bank-, for all species and for each dispersal syndrome. Species with different dispersal syndrome showed differences in temporal patterns of seed dispersal. This result can be explained as adjustment of different dispersal syndromes to particular environmental conditions for an efficient dispersal.

Species richness of each dispersal syndrome did not show significant differences among compartments –established plants, seed rain or seed bank–. By contrast, each dispersal syndromes showed a significantly differedence in the distribution of abundance of individuals among compartments. Consideration of dispersal syndromes revealed significant differences in the match in species richness and seed abundance between compartments. In particular, few zoochorous and anemochorous species formed seed banks; however, it can be an effective supply of seeds for some species of plants, mainly for autochorous species.



Seed dispersal is a key process for the regeneration of plant communities (Howe and

Smallwood 1982), because it is the basis for the recruitment of new individuals (Schupp and Fuentes 1995, Nathan and Muller-Landau 2000). Recruitment may occur inmediately upon the arrival of seeds to the ground after the seed rain, or be delayed in time due to the formation of seed banks (Uhl et al. 1981, Putz and Appanah 1987, Alvarez-Buylla and

Martínez Ramos 1990, Moles and Drake 1999). Different plant species rely to a different extent on direct recruitment from the seed rain or permanence in the seed bank, as part of its regeneration strategy (Brown and Venable 1986, Dungan et al., 2001).

In species relying directly on the seed rain for regeneration, dispersal events can be timed to certain environmental conditions. In seasonal ecosystems, zoochorous species ripen their fruits during the rainy season, when dispersers and water for immediate germination are readily available (Howe and Smallwood 1982, Bullock 1995, Jara-Guerrero et al. 2011).

Autochorous and anemochorous species have dry fruits which usually ripen during the dry season, when lower canopy density, and higher wind circulation allow greater dispersal distances (Howe and Smallwood 1982, Bullock 1995, Jara-Guerrero et al. 2011).

Furthermore, seed dispersal in this season reduces predation risk, because insect and fungal activity is higher in moist periods (Maza-Villalobos et al. 2010). These seasonal patterns are highly predictable and have been documented in several studies of seasonally dry tropical forests (sDTF) (Janzen 1967, Garwood 1983, Singh and Singh 1992, Bullock 1995,

Justiniano and Fredericksen 2000, Griz and Machado 2001, Jara-Guerrero et al. 2011).


Both long-distance dispersal and the ability to form seed banks are alternative strategies to avoid risk, excessive density and competition (Venable and Brown 1988, Bakker et al.

1996). Thus, many species with potential long-distance dispersal (zoochorous and anemochorous) do not form seed banks, unlike species with reduced dispersion (i.e. autochorous species) (Bakker et al. 1996). Long-distance dispersal is an advantage when conditions near to the mother plant are unfavorable and recruitment probabilities improve farther away from the seed source. In spatially homogeneous and temporally predictable environments, seed dispersal provides no advantage for the individual, and kin selection can instead favor dormancy and formation of seed banks that ensure a greater dispersal in time (Venable and Brown 1988, Bakker et al. 1996) and to reduce the risk of germination in adverse periods (Garwood 1983, Reubens et al., 2007). Thus, it is expected that in communities hosting species with different dispersal strategies, the match between seed rain and seed bank will be limited and will play an important role to understand the different regeneration strategies of species and the dynamics of community structure (Rico-

Gray and García-Franco 1992, Drake 1998, Drake and Moles 1999).

Most studies examining the role of seed bank and seed rain in regeneration have been carried out in areas of secondary vegetation, in order to determine the regenerative capacity of the vegetation after disturbances (Hopkins and Graham 1984, Moles and Drake 1999).

The few studies carried out in areas of mature vegetation show a decline in the importance of the seed bank (Guevara and Gomez-Pompa 1972, Hall and Swaine 1980, Hopkins and

Graham 1984, Saulei and Swaine 1988, Teketay and Granström 1995, Drake 1998) and an increase in the importance of seed rain for regeneration compared to secondary vegetation

(Dungan et al. 2001). Other studies have shown the importance of seed banks for 115

regeneration after disturbance events in sTDF (Garwood 1989); however, most studies have focused only on the seed bank (Rico-Gray and García-Franco 1992, Teketay and Granström

1995, Fornara and Dalling 1995, Reubens et al. 2007, Uasuf et al. 2009). This approach may underestimate the role of seeds recently dispersed and that do not form seed banks

(Dungan et al. 2001).

Simultaneous analysis of patterns of seed rain and seed bank of a community, as well as the similarity of species between these two components and established vegetation, can provide valuable information about the extent to which seed rain and seed bank are determining the vegetation composition (Henderson et al. 1988, Hopfensperger 2007). In this work we addressed whether temporal patterns of seed dispersal and / or dispersal syndrome control the relationship between vegetation and seed compartments (seed rain or seed bank) in a sTDF at southern Ecuador. To address this objective, we raised the following questions: (1) how the overall pattern of seed rain does change along the year and how does this pattern differ between dispersal syndromes? (2) What is the species richness and abundance in the different compartments and different dispersal syndromes? (3) To what extent is richness, abundance and identity of species consistent across the three compartments -seed rain, seed bank and established plants-? (4) Can the dispersal syndrome explain the degree of similarity between the established plant community and seed rain or seed bank?


Study site—The study was conducted in the Arenillas Ecological Reserve (REA for its acronym in Spanish), located in southwestern Ecuador (03° 34’ 15.44’’S; 80° 08’ 46.15’’E,

30 m a.s.l.). Annual mean precipitation is 667 mm, with a dry season (< 40 mm) extending


from June to December and a rainy season extending from January to May, and annual mean temperature is 25°C (Huaquillas weather station, n = 45 years). The REA holds one of the last remnants of sTDF in the Ecuadorian Pacific coast, as well as lowland dry scrub communities and mangroves in the lowest areas (Sierra 1999). It was included within the

Patrimony of the State Natural Areas (PANE) in 2001 (BirdLife International 2013) and has been protected from extractive activities for about 60 years.

Sampling of the established vegetation—A 9 ha plot was set in the center of REA, in one of the best conserved areas, consisting of transitional vegetation between dry deciduous forest and lowland scrub. In this plot, all woody plants > 5 cm diameter at breast height

(DBH) have been recorded since 2009. Additionally, in the 1 ha central subplot all individuals of sub-shrubby woody species with DBH > 1 cm were recorded. In total, 3780 individuals from 41 species have been recorded (Appendix 1). According to fruit and seed traits, and direct observation in the field, species were classified into three dispersal syndromes: zoochory, anemochory and autochory. These data on the established woody species were used as benchmarkfor comparison with the seed rain and the seed bank.

Sampling of the seed rain—To sample the seed rain, seed traps were used. Traps were made of fabric < 0.5 mm mesh light to allow water runoff while preventing seed loss. The fabric was placed on a square metal frame 80 cm long (0.64 m2) located 80 cm above the ground (Stevenson and Vargas 2008). A heavy object was placed in the center of each trap to prevent seed loss by wind.

A total of 265 traps were placed in a regular grid in an area of 4.8 ha of forest, in the center of the 9 ha plot. Traps were 14 m apart. Seed rain was collected monthly for 13 months


between July 2011 and July 2012. All seeds falling into the traps were identified (see below) and counted. When the dispersal units were whole fruits or its parts, the number of seeds contained in them was counted.

Sampling of the soil seed bank—The soil seed bank was sampled once in November-

December 2011, at the end of the dry season, when most seeds had been dispersed and before the germination that occurs in the rainy season. As in the case of the seed rain, 265 soil samples were collected in 0.25 x 0.25 x 0.03 m squares located next to the seed traps, for a total sampled area of 16.56 m2.

Seed bank composition was assessed using the germination method, which allows estimating viable seeds in the soil (Bigwood & Inouye 1988, Holzapfel et al. 1993). Soil samples were placed in trays with a basal layer of pumice to control the moisture. Trays were kept under controlled watering for six months and emerging seedlings were identified, counted and removed at 3-4 day intervals.

Species identification in the seed rain and bank—Taxonomic identity of seeds and seedlings was verified by using specimens collected in the area or, in some cases, literature.

When possible, seeds and seedlings were identified to species; otherwise to genus or family. Unidentified seeds in the seed rain were planted for subsequent identification. All non-woody species recorded in the seed rain and bank were excluded from analysis.

Statistical analyses—Monthly variation in seed abundance in the seed rain for all species and by dispersal syndrome was analyzed by using generalized linear models (GLMs). An a posteriori Duncan test (Duncan 1955) was performed to determine which monthly averages


were significantly different. Differences between dry and rainy seasons in species richness and abundance in the seed rain were also compared by using GLMs. Depending on the season of highest seed abundance, seed rain of each species was assigned to either the dry or the rainy season.

Association between dispersal syndrome and compartment -established plants, seed rain and seed bank- in species richness and abundance was tested using an extension of the

Fisher exact test for > 2 x 2 contingency tables. Significance was obtained by Monte Carlo simulations (R Core Team 2012).

Similarity in species composition between the three compartments -established plants, seed rain and seed bank- was assessed using the Sørensen similarity index (Oksanen et al. 2012), with presence-absence data. Sørensen similarity index ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 indicates identical composition. Similarity was analyzed both for all species together and for each dispersal syndrome separately. Furthermore, we evaluated the similarity in abundance between the three compartments, for all species and for each dispersal syndrome, using

Pearson correlation. For established plants we considered only their abundance in the central 1 ha plot, where data for trees, shrubs and sub-shrubs were available. For tree species were considered only individuals with DBH > 5 cm. Only five species present in the 9 ha plot were not present in the 1 ha plot used for this analysis.

All statistical analyses were carried out with the programming environment R, version




Seasonal variation in the seed rain—Species richness in the seed rain ranged 4-17 species per month (Fig. 1). The highest species richness was recorded at the beginning of the dry season, between May and July, and the lowest in December, just before the beginning of the rains. Autochorous species were present in the seed rain all the year round, with a richness peak between May and July (Fig. 1). The richness of zoochorous species was high during rainy months and the first months of the dry season (Fig. 1). All anemochorous species dispersed seeds in the dry season, and only two continued their dispersal process once the rains started (Fig. 1).

Figure1. Temporal patterns of woody species number in the seed rain by dispersal syndrome. The gray area indicates the rainy season. 120

In the overall seed rain, seed abundance showed significant differences between months (R2

= 0.016, p < 0,001). The Duncan a posteriori test revealed that February, March and July were months with a significantly higher abundance than the other months, with a maximum in February (Fig. 2a). For each dispersal syndrome, seed abundance in the seed rain also was significantly different among months (p < 0.001 in all three cases). For anemochory, seed abundance reached a maximum in October, during the dry season (Fig. 2b). Autochory showed two peaks in seed abundance, one in February due mainly to Croton spp., at the beginning of rainy season, and a second in July, at the beginning of the dry season (Fig.

2c). Zoochory showed a maximum of seed abundance in March, at the middle of the rainy season (Fig. 2d). From May to January zoochorous seed abundance remained low (Fig. 2d).

We did not find significant differences in total species richness in the seed rain between dry and rainy seasons (Fig. 3a). However, the number of anemochorous species in the seed rain was significantly higher in the dry season compared to the rainy season, while for autochorous and zoochorous species; we did not find significant differences between seasons (Fig. 3a). Regarding seed abundance, the overall seed rain was significantly higher in the rainy season (Fig. 3b). Significant differences between dry and rainy seasons in seed abundances were found for anemochorous and zoochorous species (Fig. 3b). Ninety eight percent of anemochorous seeds was dispersed during the dry season and 88% of zoochorous seeds was dispersed during the rainy season. For autochory there was no significant difference in seed abundance between seasons (Fig. 3b).


Figure 2. Monthly average seed abundance per trap in the whole data set (a) and for each dispersal syndrome (b-d). Segments indicate the standard error. Within each panel, means with different letters were significantly different according to Duncan test. The gray area indicates the rainy season.


Figure 3. Monthly mean of (a) species number and (b) seed abundance in the seed rain for dry and rainy seasons. Segments on the bars indicate the standard error. n.s.: not significant, m.s.: marginally significant (p < 0.1); *: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01; ***: p < 0.001.

Species richness and seed abundance in the seed rain and the seed bank—A total of 51 species were recorded among the three studied compartments: established plants, seed rain and seed bank (Appendix 1). In the seed rain we collected 15546 seeds (91.7 seeds m-2) from 38 woody species, with a mean density (standard error) by species of 2.4 (+ 0.76) 123

seeds m-2 (Appendix 1). The main contribution to the seed rain came from Croton spp. and

Erythroxylum glaucum (Appendix 1). In the seed bank we recorded a total of 891 seeds

(53.4 seeds m-2) from 20 woody species, with a mean density (standard error) of 2.7 + 0.79 seeds m-2 (Appendix 1). The main contribution to the seed bank came from Alternanthera brasiliana y Croton rivinifolius (Appendix 1). The only taxa that showed a high abundance in the three compartments (established plants, seed rain, seed bank) were two autochorous shrubs from genus Croton.

Table 1. Number of species or individuals (percentage) of each dispersal syndrome in each compartment studied: established plants, seed rain and seed bank.

Species no. Abundance

Seed Established Seed Syndrome Established plants Seed rain Seed rain bank plants bank

Anemochory 12 (29) 8 (21) 4 (21) 737 (19) 1568 (10) 284 (34)

Autochory 13 (31) 16 (42) 12 (63) 1720 (46) 7250 (47) 465 (56)

Zoochory 16 (40) 14 (37) 3 (16) 1323 (35) 6728 (43) 80 (10)

Species richness of each dispersal syndrome did not show significant differences among compartments –established plants, seed rain or seed bank– (Table 1, Fisher’s exact test, p =

0.195). By contrast, dispersal syndromes significantly differed in abundance among compartments (Table 1, Fisher’s exact test, p < 0.001). Autochory was the dispersal syndrome with greatest abundance of individuals in the three compartments (Table 1). 124

Anemochory showed the lowest abundance of individuals both in established plants as in the seed rain, while zoochory showed the lowest abundance in the seed bank (Table 1,

Appendix 1).

Similarity among established plants, seed rain and seed bank—From 41 woody species present as established plants, 13 species were recorded both in the seed rain and the seed bank, 17 species were recorded only in the seed rain and two species (Piptadenia flava and

Alternanthera brasiliana) only in the seed bank. Nine species of established plants were absent in both the seed rain and the seed bank, including three dominant tree species; the two Tabebuia spp. and Cynophalla mollis.

Ten species registered in the seed rain or seed bank were absent as established plants. Of these, three species were found both in the seed rain and the seed bank, five species were found only in the seed rain and two species only in the seed bank.

In general, Sørensen similarity index was equal to or above 0.5 among compartments, and decreased in the sense established plants–seed rain > seed rain–seed bank > established plants–seed bank (Fig. 4). Similarity between established plants and seed bank, as well as between seed rain and seed bank was lower than 0.4 only for zoochorous species.

Fig. 4. Sørensen’s similarity index for species composition between established plant community

(EP), seed rain (SR) and seed bank (SB) considering all species and each dispersal syndrome.


Table 2. Pearson correlation coefficient (R), significance (P) and sample size (n) of the relationship between the abundance of species in the three compartments studied: established plants, seed rain and seed bank.

n R P

All species

Established plants vs. Seed rain 42 0.425 0.005

Established plants vs. Seed bank 41 0.521 <0.001

Seed rain vs. Seed bank 33 0.295 0.058


Established plants vs. Seed rain 12 -0.124 0.485

Established plants vs. Seed bank 12 0.420 0.174

Seed rain vs. Seed bank 9 -0.207 0.520


Established plants vs. Seed rain 13 0.809 <0.001

Established plants vs. Seed bank 13 0.797 <0.001

Seed rain vs. Seed bank 12 0.941 <0.001


Established plants vs. Seed rain 17 -0.206 0.427

Established plants vs. Seed bank 16 0.206 0.428

Seed rain vs. Seed bank 12 -0.167 0.522

Pearson correlation coefficient applied to the whole data set revealed that seed abundance of a given species in the seed rain or in the seed bank significantly increased with its abundance in the established vegetation (Table 2). However, when the correlation in


abundance between compartments was analyzed separately for each dispersal syndrome, we only found a significant positive correlation for autochorous species (Table 2).


Seasonal variation in the seed rain—Species with different dispersal syndrome showed differences in temporal patterns of seed dispersal. This result is consistent with reports for other Neotropical dry forests (Justiniano and Fredericksen 2000, Griz and Machado 2001,

Ragusa-Netto and Silva 2007) and can be explained as adjustment of different dispersal syndromes to particular environmental conditions for an efficient dispersal. Restriction of anemochorous seed rain to dry season could be related to the greater wind circulation in the canopy and lower strata of vegetation by the absence of foliage, which facilitates the movement of anemochorous seeds at greater distances (Howe and Smallwood 1982 Griz and Machado 2001, Jara-Guerrero et al., 2011). A higher presence and abundance of zoochorous species in the rainy season has been suggested as a strategy to take advantage of high humidity and germinate immediately after dispersal (Howe and Smallwood 1982,

Bullock 1995, Jara-Guerrero et al. 2011). No clear seasonal pattern was found in the seed rain of autochorous species, suggesting a high tolerance to the characteristic environmental variations of highly seasonal environments (Jara-Guerrero et al., 2011).

Seed dispersal of zoochorous species early in the dry season has also been reported in other dry ecosystems (Garwood 1983, Justiniano and Fredericksen 2000, Griz and Machado

2001, Ragusa-Netto and Silva 2007). Two potential explanations could be the shortness of the rainy season in these sites (Ragusa-Netto and Silva 2007), or the occurrence of rainfall events during the beginning of the dry season (Garwood 1983). There are two potential


ecological consequences of zoochorous seed dispersal in the dry season. The first one is a lower predation and fungal attack (Garwood, 1983), although this advantage can also apply to other dispersal syndromes (Ragusa-Netto and Smith 2007). The second is the formation of seed banks (see below) in some zoochorous species of hard seed coat, such as Bursera graveolens and Cordia spp., as a strategy to survive the dry season (Garwood 1983, Baskin and Baskin 1998).

The pattern of higher species richness during the dry season coincides with that reported for other sTDF (Griz and Machado 2004 Ceccon and Hernández 2009, Jara-Guerrero et al.,

2011, Martinez-Garza et al., 2011). However, while other studies report also a higher abundance of seeds during the dry season (Ceccon and Hernández 2009, Martínez-Garza et al. 2011), we found a significantly higher seed abundance during the rainy season, despite its short duration. This difference in the temporal pattern of abundance can be explained by the high richness (37%) and abundance (43%) of zoochorous species compared to other sTDF (13% of species and <1% of seed density in the seed rain: Ceccon and Hernández


Similarity among established plants, seed rain and seed bank—Consideration of dispersal syndromes revealed significant differences in the match in species richness and seed abundance between compartments. In particular, few zoochorous and anemochorous species formed seed banks. This is because a significant proportion of species synchronized their dispersal and/or germination events with rainfalls, which allows maximizing the chances of seedling establishment (Garwood 1983, Espinosa et al. 2012), but reduces the stay in the soil seed bank. For example, Garwood (1983) reported for a sDTF of Panama


that germination of anemochorous species occurs in the rainy season inmediatly following seed dispersal, while for zoochorous species, germination occurs during the same period of showers that are dispersed. This result supports the idea that zoochorous and anemochorous species depend mainly on seed rain for regeneration (Bakker et al. 1996, Thompson 2000).

Thus, as reported for other forest ecosystems (Teketay & Granström 1995, Quintana-

Ascencio et al. 1996, Clark et al. 1999, Thompson 2000, Uasuf et al. 2009), in our study area the seed bank had a limited role in regeneration of woody species.

Autochory was the only dominant syndrome in the three studied compartments.

Furthermore, this was the only dispersal syndrome that showed a correlation in abundance between those three compartments. This result suggests that limited capacity of dispersal, characteristic of autochorous species, could be compensated by a large influx of seeds from the established vegetation and by the ability to form seed banks. By contrast, in zoochorous and anemochorous species abundance of seeds in the seed rain may be altered by the entry and exit of seeds from surrounding areas, because of their high dispersal ability. This could explain the presence of some species in the rain or the seed bank not present as established plants.

The high similarity in species composition between established plants and seed rain is consistent with that reported in other studies (Drake 1998). However, the similarity of the seed bank with the other two compartments was higher in this study compared to findings in previous studies (Drake 1998, Uasuf et al. 2009). This difference is probably due differences across studies in the influx of species from outside the study area. In our study are, all species in the seed rain and seed bank were present in the established vegetation,


while in the study of Drake (1998) 67% of the seed bank corresponds to species that were not present in the established vegetation. Furthermore, our study area is a mature forest, and relatively homogeneous regarding species composition. Those few species found in seed rain or seed bank, but absent in the established plant community, were mainly small autochorous subshrubs established in the study site that, due to their very small stem diameter, have not been considered in the inventory of established vegetation. Other three species were zoochorous climbers, which were present only in the seed rain, therefore, their seeds contribution could come from individuals in the surrounding areas to the plot.

In conclusion, our results suggest that the seed rain of woody species in the dry forest studied shows a seasonal variation in species number and seed abundance. The higher seed abundance was restricted to dry season in anemochorous species, and to rainy season in zoochorous species. In autochorous species seed rain showed maximums in the both seasons. Formation of seed banks was dependent on dispersal syndrome, being those species with limited dispersal abilities (autochorous) the ones with highest species richness and seed abundance in the seed bank. Simultaneous consideration of seed rain and seed bank allows us to suggest that while most woody species depended on seed rain for regeneration, as proposed in general for forest communities in advanced successional stage, seed bank can be an effective supply of seeds for some species of plants, mainly for autochorous species.


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APPENDIX 1. Woody species present in the established plant community, seed rain and/or soil seed bank. Relative abundance (RA), mean + standard error basal area (BA) and DBH, total number of seeds, seed density seed /m2 (s/m2), dispersal season (Season), growth form (GF.: T, tree;

S, shrub; C, climber) and dispersal syndrome (Zo, zoochory; An, anemochory; Au, autochory). NP: not present.

Established plant community Seed rain Seed bank Species RA BA DBH No. seeds s/m-2 No. seeds s/m-2 Season GF Syndrome Achatocarpaceae Achatocarpus pubescens 1.0 13.7 + 2.9 3.6 + 0.4 639 3.77 NP NP Rainy T Zo Amaranthaceae Alternanthera brasiliana 2.5 2.0 + 0.1 1.5 + 0.0 NP NP 210 12.58 S An Amaranthaceae 2979 17.56 Continuous S Au Iresine sp. 0.03 4.8 + 0.0 2.5 + 0.0 3 0.02 NP NP Dry S An Asteraceae Asteraceae sp. 0.1 2.6 + 1.4 1.7 + 0.4 10 0.06 NP NP Dry S An Verbesina sp. 0.7 3.2 + 0.9 1.8 + 0.2 133 0.78 NP NP Dry S An Viguiera sp. 1.4 1.1 + 0.0 1.2 + 0.0 NP NP NP NP S An Boraginaceae Cordia macrocephala 3.9 2.9 + 0.3 1.8 + 0.1 50 0.29 15.0 0.90 Rainy S Zo Cordia rosei 3.7 4.5 + 0.5 2.1 + 0.1 885 5.22 NP NP Rainy S Zo Bignoniaceae Tabebuia billbergii 2.1 674.4 + 71.2 25.1 + 1.6 NP NP NP NP T An


APPENDIX 1. Continuation.

Established plant community Seed rain Seed bank Species RA BA DBH No. seeds s/m-2 No. seeds s/m-2 Season GF Syndrome Bignoniaceae (continuation) Tabebuia chrysantha 1.2 357.6 + 92.2 14.6 + 2.3 NP NP NP NP T An Bixaceae Cochlospermum vitifolium 1.3 353.5 + 65.8 16.6 + 1.8 345 2.03 2 0.12 Dry T An Burseraceae Bursera graveolens 0.3 16.7 + 303.8 23.4 + 5.8 131 0.77 8.0 0.48 Rainy T Zo Cactaceae Armatocereus sp. 7.0 24.2 + 0.3 5.5 + 0.0 49 0.29 NP NP Rainy S Zo Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinia glabrata 0.7 236.9 + 67.5 13.9 + 2.0 10 0.06 NP NP Dry T Au Senna bicapsularis 0.8 1.9 + 0.2 1.5 + 0.1 NP NP NP NP S Au Senna mollisima 0.1 8.3 + 3.8 2.9 + 0.8 116 0.68 2.0 0.12 Dry T Au Capparaceae Colicodendron scabridum 1.0 159.2 + 51.9 9.5 + 1.7 NP NP NP NP T Zo Cynophalla mollis 4.0 63.1 + 8.2 6.9 + 0.5 NP NP NP NP T Zo Caricaceae Vasconcellea parviflora 0.6 9.3 + 2.7 2.8 + 0.4 NP NP NP NP S Zo Convolvulaceae Ipomoea carnea 6.7 2.3 + 0.1 1.6 + 0.0 19 0.11 63 3.78 Dry C An Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum glaucum 0.9 188.6 + 63.4 11.0 + 1.8 2851 16.81 NP NP Rainy T Zo Euphorbiaceae Croton rivinifolius 19.1 1.9 + 0.1 1.5 + 0.0 2919 17.21 170 10.18 Rainy S Au Croton micans 6.5 19.2 + 1.3 4.3 + 0.2 27 0.16 10 0.60 Rainy S Au


APPENDIX 1. Continuation.

Established plant community Seed rain Seed bank Species RA BA DBH No. seeds s/m-2 No. seeds s/m-2 Season GF Syndrome Fabaceae Aeschynomene scoparia 1.1 2.3 + 0.4 1.6 + 0.1 41 0.24 9 0.54 Dry S An Canavalia ensiformis 11 0.06 43 2.58 Dry C Au Chloroleucon mangense 2.0 136.5 + 22.2 11.4 + 0.8 259 1.53 8 0.48 Dry T Au Cyathostegia sp. NP NP 116 6.95 S Au Erythrina velutina 0.2 288.6 + 91.4 17.5 + 2.8 19 0.11 3 0.18 Dry T Au Geoffroea spinosa 1.0 46.9 + 14.3 5.9 + 0.8 NP NP NP NP T Zo Leucaena trichodes 2.3 12.3 + 3.3 3.0 + 0.3 56 0.33 52 3.12 Dry T Au Mimosa acantholoba 0.1 10.9 + 7.7 3.0 + 1.3 1 0.01 NP NP Dry T Au Piptadenia flava 1.1 7.8 + 1.8 2.6 + 0.3 NP NP 1 0.06 T Au Pithecellobium excelsum 0.7 33.9 + 10.0 5.1 + 0.7 24 0.14 NP NP Dry T Zo Lamiaceae Hyptis sp. 1.2 3.7 + 0.4 2.0 + 0.1 852 5.02 NP NP Dry S An Malpighiaceae Malpighia emarginata 4.7 21.9 + 1.7 4.6 + 0.2 140 0.83 NP NP Rainy S Zo Malvaceae Briquetia spicata NP NP NP 5 0.03 54 3.25 Dry S Au Byttneria flexuosa 11.7 2.4 + 0.1 1.6 + 0.0 150 0.88 3 0.18 Dry S Au Eriotheca ruizii 1.0 190.6 + 35.0 12.4 + 1.5 165 0.97 NP NP Dry T An Malvaceae sp. 1 0.8 1.2 + 0.1 1.2 + 0.0 7 0.04 NP NP Dry S Au Malvaceae sp. 4 NP NP NP 255 1.50 NP NP Rainy S Au Pavonia mutisii NP NP NP 16 0.09 3 0.18 Dry S Au Urena sp. 0.03 0.9 + 0 1.1 + 0 420 2.48 NP NP Dry S Au Moraceae Ficus sp. NP NP NP 1200 7.08 NP NP Rainy C Zo 140

APPENDIX 1. Continuation.

Established plant community Seed rain Seed bank Species RA BA DBH No. seeds s/m-2 No. seeds s/m-2 Season GF Syndrome Polygonaceae Coccoloba ruiziana 1.0 15.3 + 3.0 3.8 + 0.4 202 1.19 NP NP Dry T Zo Rubiaceae Randia aurantiaca 1.5 5.1 + 1.1 2.1 + 0.2 118 0.70 NP NP Dry S Zo Primulaceae Jacquinia sprucei 0.5 20.9 + 8.1 4.1 + 0.7 NP NP NP NP T Zo Verbenaceae Lantana sp. 3.4 1.7 + 0.1 1.4 + 0.0 8 0.05 57 3.41 Rainy S Zo Vitaceae Cissus sp. NP NP NP 207 1.22 NP NP Dry C Zo Cissus syscioides NP NP NP 224 1.32 NP NP Dry C Zo Indeterminate NP NP NP NP NP 62 3.71 S NA Total 15546 91.66 891 53.37




Andrea Jara-Guerrero1, Marcos Méndez2, Carlos I. Espinosa1, Marcelino de la Cruz3

1Departamento de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, CP.: 11-01-

608, Loja, Ecuador.

2Área de Biodiversidad y Conservación, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, E-28933 Móstoles,


3Departamento de Biología Vegetal, E.U.I.T. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040

Madrid, Spain.



La dispersión de semillas por animales es una de las estrategias predominantes en los bosques tropicales (Howe & Smallwood 1982, Jordano 2000, Link & Stevenson 2004). La zoocoria puede ser el medio de dispersión de hasta el 90% de especies de plantas en algunos bosques tropicales lluviosos (Link & Stevenson 2004). Incluso en ecosistemas secos, donde la disponibilidad de frutos es restringida en el tiempo (Bullock 1995), se ha registrado hasta un 58,7% de especies dispersadas por endozoocoria (Jordano 2000).

Dentro del estudio de dispersión de semillas por animales, probablemente el grupo que mayor atención ha recibido es el de las aves (Link y Stevenson 2004, Stiles 2000), seguido por los mamíferos, ambos considerados como los dispersores de semillas más importantes en los trópicos (Fleming 1986, Howe y Smallwood 1982, Jordano 2000, Stiles 2000, Link y

Stevenson 2004).

La dispersión de semillas por cérvidos, y por ungulados en general, ha sido relacionada a plantas con frutos de color verde o café, con pulpa fibrosa seca, una fuerte protección de la semilla y con un peso mayor a 50 g (Gauthier-Hion et al. 1984). El consumo de frutos pesados puede estar relacionado con sus necesidades energéticas. Dada la fuerte asociación entre el peso de la fruta y contenido de fibra, la elección de frutos grandes es indispensable para la dieta de ungulados (Gauthier-Hion et al. 1984). Sin embargo, el papel de dispersores de los cérvidos ha recibido poca atención (González-Espinosa y Quintana-Ascencio 1986,

Malo y Suárez 1996, Mandujano et al. 1997). La importancia de los cérvidos como dispersores ha sido estudiada en algunos ecosistemas considerando dos atributos; la legitimidad y la eficiencia. La legitimidad está relacionada con su capacidad de dispersar


semillas viables (Herrera 1989, Silva et al. 2005). Myers et al. (2004), en un estudio realizado en el Este de Norteamérica, encontraron que el venado de cola blanca

(Odocoileus virginianus) dispersó vía endozoócora semillas de más de 70 especies en un período de un año, entre ellas muchas especies de semillas pequeñas sin adaptaciones obvias para dispersión. Igualmente, en ecosistemas áridos de Norteamérica se ha demostrado la dispersión de semillas viables de algunas especies de cactáceas luego del paso por el tracto digestivo de O. virginianus (González-Espinosa y Quintana-Ascencio

1986, Mandujano et al. 1997). Por otro lado, la eficiencia del dispersor, relacionada con la capacidad de mover las semillas lejos de la planta madre y depositarlas en sitios adecuados para su desarrollo (Reid 1989, Silva et al. 2005), ha sido evaluada también para O. virginianus en el noroeste de Norteamérica. Modelos generados a partir de los patrones de movimiento de O. virginianus, y los tiempos de retención de semillas en el intestino, indican que el 95% de semillas que son exitosamente dispersadas podrían ser llevadas a una distancia de más de 100 m y que el 30% podría ser llevada a más de un kilómetro (Vellend et al. 2003). La importancia de esta especie para llevar semillas a largas distancias es esencial, mucho más si no hay fuentes de semillas cerca (Cain et al. 2000), incluso si el número de semillas viables dispersadas es pequeño (Myers et al. 2004).

La función de cérvidos en la dispersión de semillas, sin embargo, está prácticamente restringida al estudio de O. virginianus en Norteamérica (González-Espinosa y Quintana-

Ascencio 1986, Mandujano et al. 1997, Vellend et al. 2003, Myers et al. 2004), a la dispersión de semillas de algunas especies puntuales en Europa (Malo y Suárez 1996, 2000) y a algunos otros ungulados de ecosistemas tropicales del viejo mundo (Gauthier-Hion et al. 1984). La atención que ha recibido este tema en los bosques del neotrópico es todavía 144

muy escasa (pero ver: Bodmer 1991). En los bosques secos del suroccidente de Ecuador se han reportado dos especies de cérvidos Mazama americana y Odocoileus peruvianus

(Tirira 2007). El interés en estudiar procesos de dispersión por cérvidos en los bosques secos se debe a que estos ecosistemas han sido altamente degradados desde hace varias décadas por actividades antrópicas, lo que ha transformado al ecosistema en pequeños fragmentos de bosque dentro de una matriz de tierras degradadas (Aguirre & Kvist 2005,

Jara-Guerrero et al. 2011, Espinosa et al. 2012). Los bosques secos han experimentado transformaciones de hasta un 70%, convirtiéndose en uno de los casos más dramáticos de extinción masiva de especies de plantas a causa de la deforestación (PNUMA 2010). La pérdida de animales que desempeñan un papel clave en la dispersión de semillas tendrá efectos negativos en la situación de numerosas especies de plantas y esta disminución, a su vez, puede tener efectos ecosistémicos diversos (Bennett 2004). Al ser estas dos especies de cérvidos relativamente abundantes en los bosques secos (Tirira 2007), y considerando el amplio rango de movimiento que tienen, podrían ser una pieza clave en la regeneración de estos ecosistemas.

El presente trabajo analiza el rol que un grupo de mamíferos comunes en los bosques secos de Ecuador, los cérvidos, tienen en la regeneración de especies leñosas de un bosque seco del suroccidente Ecuatoriano. Específicamente se plantean las siguientes cuestiones: (1) su importancia como dispersores de semillas en términos de cantidad y riqueza de semillas dispersadas. (2) Cuál es el efecto que la ingestión por cérvidos tiene sobre la capacidad germinativa de las semillas. En muchos casos el paso por el tracto digestivo puede acelerar la germinación o incrementar el porcentaje de germinación final (Howe y Smallwood 1982,

Traveset 1998). Estos efectos pueden ser el resultado de dos procesos; la remoción de la 145

pulpa, que puede contener inhibidores para la germinación, o del efecto abrasivo sobre la testa de la semilla, haciéndola más permeable (Traveset 1998). (3) Si la legitimidad del venado como dispersor es dependiente de la especie de semilla dispersada.


Área de estudio- Este estudio tuvo lugar en la Reserva Ecológica Arenillas (REA). Esta reserva se localiza al suroccidente de Ecuador (17059485 N, 9605347 E). La reserva ha estado protegida de actividades de extracción por aproximadamente 60 años, aunque fue incluida dentro del Patrimonio de Áreas Naturales del Estado recién en el año 2001

(BirdLife International 2013). El clima se caracteriza por una estación seca marcada, que va de junio a diciembre. La media anual de precipitación varía entre 500 y 1000 mm y se da principalmente entre enero y mayo. La temperatura media anual es de 25°C. La REA sostiene uno de los últimos relictos de bosque tropical estacionalmente seco en la costa pacífico ecuatoriana. Incluye, además, formaciones de matorral seco de tierras bajas y manglar en las zonas más bajas (Sierra 1999).

En el centro de la reserva, en una de las zonas mejor conservadas, se encuentra una formación vegetal de transición entre bosque tropical seco y matorral seco de tierras bajas.

En esta zona se estableció una parcela de nueve hectáreas, en la que se han inventariado desde el año 2009 todas las plantas leñosas con DAP > 5 cm.

Historia natural de los cérvidos- Al igual que el resto de cérvidos, las dos especies que habitan los bosques secos del suroccidente de Ecuador, Mazama americana y Odocoileus peruvianus son clasificados como herbívoros y considerados como verdaderos rumiantes

(Eisenberg y Redford 1999, Tirira 2007). Mazama americana es de tamaño mediano 146

(Eisenberg y Redford 1999). Es un animal solitario, prefiere habitar áreas de bosque y puede moverse fácilmente en la vegetación densa, por lo que es difícil de observar en áreas abiertas. El área de campeo puede alcanzar hasta 100 ha en un macho adulto (Tirira 2007).

Odocoileus peruvianus es de tamaño grande y suele ser solitario, aunque también puede vivir en grupos pequeños. Debido a su cuerpo robusto y cuernos ramificados es más común en espacios abiertos. Ambas especies se caracterizan por alimentarse principalmente del ramoneo (hojas, ramas y brotes tiernos de árboles y arbustos), aunque también consumen frutos durante la estación seca (Tirira 2007).

Muestreo de excretas- En las cinco hectáreas centrales de la parcela permanente se estableció un transecto de aproximadamente 3,4 km con un ancho de 2 m. Este transecto fue recorrido mensualmente entre octubre de 2011 y septiembre de 2013. Durante los recorridos se recolectaron todas las excretas de venado observadas. Las excretas de los venados son múltiples, por lo que cada muestra estuvo compuesta por un grupo de excretas depositadas de forma agregada en un mismo sitio. Cada muestra fue etiquetada y colocada en fundas plásticas para su transporte. Debido a la falta de información morfométrica no fue posible distinguir entre excretas de O. peruvianus y M. americana. Por tanto, las muestras se analizaron en conjunto.

Registro de semillas y germinación- Todas las semillas presentes en las excretas fueron extraídas por trituración de la muestra. Se registró la identidad de la semilla, abundancia y el estado, es decir, si la semilla presentaba algún tipo de daño que pudiera afectar la germinación (como semillas incompletas o con presencia de hongos o bacterias).


Las semillas encontradas en las excretas fueron sembradas en bandejas de plástico llenas de turba humedecida. Los restos de la excreta también se colocaron en la bandeja con el fin de registrar la presencia de otras semillas que no pudieran observarse con la trituración. La germinación fue controlada por un período de 90 días, en el cual se registró la identidad de la plántula, abundancia y porcentaje de germinación por excreta.

Efectos de la ingestión de semillas por venado sobre el proceso de germinación- La capacidad germinativa de semillas luego del paso por el tracto digestivo del venado se analizó en semillas de cuatro especies: Chloroleucon mangense, Caesalpinia glabrata,

Leucaena trichodes y Senna mollissima. Semillas de estas cuatro especies fueron colectadas directamente de las plantas y sembradas bajo las mismas condiciones que las semillas procedentes de las excretas. Por cada especie se sembraron 100 semillas, separadas en cuatro bandejas de 25 semillas cada una. Para este análisis se consideraron únicamente las semillas procedentes de las excretas colectadas entre junio y septiembre de 2013, y los testigos fueron colectados y sembrados durante el mismo período. Con estos datos se analizó además, el efecto del paso por el tracto digestivo del venado sobre el tiempo de germinación de las semillas.

La viabilidad de las semillas no germinadas dentro de los 90 primeros días de siembra fue evaluada con un segundo período de siembra para el cual se utilizó un tratamiento de escarificación de la testa. Considerando el tipo de semilla de las especies registradas, que en general presentan una testa dura e impermeable indicadora de dormancia física, la escarificación consistió en un lijado de la testa que facilite la imbibición del embrión.


Los análisis de germinación y viabilidad de semillas se utilizaron como referencia de la legitimidad del venado como dispersor de semillas.

Análisis Estadísticos- La importancia de los venados como agentes dispersores se estimó adaptando el índice de importancia del dispersor (IID) (Galindo-González et al. 2000):

IID= B*S / 1000

Donde, B es la abundancia relativa de la especie, que en este caso está representada por la abundancia de excretas, y S es el porcentaje de excretas con semillas. B se calculó dividiendo el número de excretas de cada mes entre el número total de excretas registradas durante todo el período de muestreo y multiplicado por 100. S se calculó dividiendo el número de excretas con presencia de semillas, entre B y multiplicado por 100. El índice IID tiene un rango entre 0 y 10, donde cero indica ausencia total de excretas con semillas y 10 indica la presencia de todas las semillas registradas (Galindo-González et al. 2000). Este

índice proporciona un valor de importancia del dispersor para cada mes. En agosto de 2012 no se pudo realizar el muestreo de excretas, por tanto, para este análisis se excluyeron los datos de septiembre de 2012, que tenían registros acumulados de dos meses.

Para evaluar la diferencia en el patrón de germinación entre semillas procedentes de las excretas y semillas testigo se utilizó un test de supervivencia, el cual comprueba si hay una diferencia entre dos o más curvas de supervivencia (en este caso, germinación a partir de excretas vs. testigo) desarrolladas mediante un análisis Kaplan-Meier. Esta función implementa la familia G-rho de Harrington y Fleming (1982), con los pesos en cada germinación de S (t) ^ rho, donde S es la estimación de Kaplan-Meier de supervivencia en el tiempo t (Harrington y Fleming 1982). 149

Las diferencias en la viabilidad de las semillas presentes en las excretas y el testigo, se analizó mediante un test ANOVA (Sokal y Rohlf 1981). La viabilidad se calculó para cada especie como la suma del número de semillas germinadas durante los primeros 90 días, más el número de semillas germinadas luego de la escarificación.


Durante los 23 meses de muestreo se registraron en total 386 excretas de venado. La presencia de excretas se observó desde finales de la estación lluviosa hasta finales de la estación seca, con abundancias de entre cuatro y 87 excretas por mes. En los meses lluviosos la presencia de excretas fue nula (Tabla 1).

Riqueza de especies y abundancia de semillas dispersadas por venado- De las 386 excretas de venado registradas, el 65,3% contenían semillas. El número de semillas por excreta varió de una a 54 semillas, con un promedio de 7,8 ± 0,62 semillas/excreta (Tabla

1). Todas las semillas registradas estuvieron completas y sin daño aparente en la testa.

En total se identificaron semillas de 11 especies leñosas, correspondientes al menos a siete familias (Tabla 2). La especie más abundante en las excretas fue Chloroleucon mangense.

Otras tres especies abundantes fueron Caesalpinia glabrata, Senna mollisima y Piptadenia flava (Tabla 2). Estas cuatro especies tienen frutos tipo legumbre y presentan una pulpa seca fibrosa. Otras especies menos frecuentes en las excretas de venado comparten estas características (Leucaena trichodes y Vigna sp.), aunque también se registraron semillas de una Convolvulaceae, con una cápsula seca y dehiscente y tres bayas (Cactaceae, Randia aurantiaca y Jacquinia sprucei).


Tabla 1. Registro mensual de semillas presentes en las excretas de venado.

Promedio N° N° excretas Riqueza de N° total de Mes semillas / excreta excretas con semillas especies semillas ± error típico oct-11 13 9 4 34 3,78 ± 1,30

nov-11 40 30 5 398 13,27 ± 2,76

dic-11 24 24 4 291 12,13 ± 2,92

ene-12 4 4 3 76 19,00 ± 9,60

feb-12 0

mar-12 0

abr-12 0 may-12 0

jun-12 8 6 6 13 2,17 ± 0,31

jul-12 19 6 5 12 2,00 ± 0,63

sep-12 87 72 7 641 8,90 ± 1,01

oct-12 36 31 4 135 4,35 ± 0,84

nov-12 24 21 4 138 6,57 ± 1,99

dic-12 11 8 5 44 5,50 ± 2,05

ene-13 9 5 2 24 4,80 ± 3,07

feb-13 0

mar-13 0

abr-13 0 may-13 18 3 2 3 1,00 ± 0,00

jun-13 26 2 2 3 1,50 ± 0,50

jul-13 30 13 3 62 4,77 ± 1,60

ago-13 16 9 1 39 4,33 ± 0,67

sep-13 21 9 4 48 5,33 ± 1,45

Total 386 252 11 1961 7,78 ± 0,62


La importancia del venado como dispersor de semillas de las 11 especies de leñosas fue variable a lo largo del año (Fig. 1). El número de excretas con semillas más bajo se registró durante la estación lluviosa, entre enero y mayo. A partir de junio el número de semillas por excreta aumentó hasta alcanzar un máximo entre octubre y noviembre (Fig. 1).

Figura 1. Índice de importancia del dispersor estimado mensualmente. Las áreas grises señalan los meses de la estación lluviosa.

Germinación de semillas- De las once especies encontradas en las excretas de venado ocho especies germinaron a partir de 67 de las 252 excretas que presentaron semillas. En total germinaron 172 semillas (8,8% de las semillas presentes), de las cuales el 79% correspondió a C. mangense. El número de semillas germinadas por excreta varió entre cero y 14 semillas (promedio de 0,7 + 0,1 semillas/excreta), procedentes de una a cinco especies.


Tabla 2. Especies de plantas presentes en las excretas de venado, porcentaje de germinación total y porcentaje de germinación medio por excreta ± error típico.

No. Semillas No. Semillas Germinación Germinación Familia Especie presentes germinadas (%) por excreta

Fabaceae Chloroleucon mangense 1183 136 11,5 10 ± 1,66

Vigna sp 16 3 18,8 18 ± 12,20

Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinia glabrata 75 6 8,0 16 ± 6,52

Senna mollissima 544 13 1,8 4 ± 1,81

Mimosacee Piptadenia flava 104 11 10,6 14 ± 6,35

Leucaena trichodes 12 0 0,0 0 ± 0,00

Convolvulaceae Convolvulaceae 10 0 0,0 0 ± 0,00

Rubiaceae Randia aurantiaca 7 0 0 0 ± 0,00

Theophrastaceae Jacquinia sprucei 1 1 100,0 100 ± 0

Cactaceae Cactaceae 1 1 100,0 100 ± 0

Desconocida 8 1 12,5 14 ± 14,29

En general la proporción de semillas germinadas a partir de las excretas fue baja. Los porcentajes de germinación por especie variaron entre 8 y 19%. Solo para dos especies (R. aurantiaca y J. sprucei) que presentaron una sola semilla, el porcentaje de germinación fue

100% (Tabla 2). Por otro lado, mientras que para C. mangense y Vigna sp el promedio de


germinación por excreta fue similar al porcentaje total de germinación, para el resto de especies el mayor porcentaje de germinación estuvo restringido a unas pocas excretas

(Tabla 2).

Efectos de la ingestión de semillas por venado en la germinación- En tres de las cuatro especies evaluadas; C. mangense, S. mollissima y L. trichodes, los porcentajes de germinación a partir de los testigos también fueron bajos. Solo en semillas testigo de C. glabrata se registró un alto porcentaje de germinación en comparación con las semillas procedentes de las excretas (Tabla 3).

Las diferencias en el patrón de germinación entre semillas de las excretas y semillas testigo pudieron testarse solo para C. mangense, que fue la especie más abundante en las excretas.

El resultado del test de sobrevivencia no señaló diferencias significativas en la germinación de los dos grupos de semillas. (2= 0,2; p= 0,667). El porcentaje de germinación de semillas de C. mangense fue 13,6 % ± 4,3 para las semillas procedentes de excretas, y 14 %

± 2 para las semillas testigo.

Tabla 3. Porcentaje total de germinación de semillas a partir de las excretas y del testigo de cuatro especies.


Especie Excretas Testigo

Chloroleucon mangense 11,5 14 + 2

Senna mollissima 2,4 5 + 1,91

Caesalpinia glabrata 8,0 90 + 2,58

Leucaena trichodes 0,0 18 + 2


Luego de los 90 días de siembra, las semillas no germinadas de C. mangense, procedentes tanto de las excretas como del testigo, fueron utilizadas para evaluar el estado de viabilidad.

A los 15 días a partir de la escarificación germinaron 78 semillas. El número de semillas viables por excreta varió entre 0 y 10 semillas, alcanzando en promedio 61,7% ± 6,41 de viabilidad / excreta. Para los testigos se obtuvo un promedio de viabilidad de 81% ± 6. El test ANOVA no indicó diferencias significativas en la viabilidad de semillas entre excretas y testigo (F = 1,294, DF = 33, p = 0,264).


Importancia de los cérvidos como dispersores de semillas- Durante todo el período de muestreo se registró la dispersión de semillas de 11 especies a través de las excretas de venado. Las semillas de estas especies estuvieron presentes en el 65% de las excretas muestreadas. Todas las especies presentaron semillas de características similares; pequeñas y de testa dura, a excepción de las semillas de Cactaceae que poseen una testa blanda. Estas características coinciden con lo propuesto por Janzen (1982) para semillas adaptadas a endozoocoria. Además, las características de los frutos, como la pulpa fibrosa seca, la fuerte protección de la semilla, el color opaco, coinciden con las características propuestas por Gauthier-Hion et al. (1984), para frutos dispersados por ungulados.

Las 10 especies que pudieron identificarse están ampliamente distribuidas en los bosques secos del suroccidente Ecuatoriano (Aguirre et al. 2006). Las semillas de C. mangense fueron las más abundantes. Esto puede deberse a que en julio y agosto, que son los meses de mayor producción de frutos de C. mangense, la abundancia de frutos de las otras especies presentes en las excretas fue baja (Jara-Guerrero datos no publicados). Por otro


lado, el número de semillas por fruto en C. mangense fue mayor que en las otras especies

(unas 20 semillas por vaina) (Obs. Pers.), lo que aumenta las posibilidades de encontrar un mayor número de semillas en una misma excreta.

Las vainas de C. mangense, S. mollissima, C. glabrata y L. trichodes se observaron en gran cantidad, y en buen estado, en el suelo del bosque por periodos mayores a un mes, por lo que constituyen un recurso frecuente durante los meses más secos. Por otro lado, la presencia de semillas de Cactaceae es consistente con lo reportado en zonas áridas de

México, en donde ha determinado la dispersión de semillas viables del género Opuntia luego del paso por el tracto digestivo de O. virginianus (González-Espinosa y Quintana-

Ascencio 1986, Mandujano et al. 1997).

La importancia de los venados como dispersores de semillas varió a lo largo del año, con mayores niveles de importancia durante los meses de la estación seca (Fig. 1). Existe información acerca del cambio en el uso del hábitat por O. virginianus en bosques secos de

México, relacionados en parte con la disponibilidad de alimento (Mandujano et al. 2004,

Mandujano 2006), lo que podría explicar esta variación y la ausencia de registros de excretas en la estación lluviosa. Sin embargo, la falta de información acerca de la biología de los cérvidos en los bosques secos tumbesinos y del uso del hábitat, no permiten tener resultados concluyentes en este caso. Además, hay que tener en cuenta que durante la estación lluviosa la densidad de vegetación dificulta la observación, por lo que podría haber un efecto de muestreo. Además, está la posibilidad de una degradación más rápida de las excretas.


Efectos de la ingestión de semillas por venado sobre la capacidad germinativa- De las once especies presentes en las excretas germinaron ocho especies. A pesar de que todas las semillas presentaron un buen estado, los porcentajes de germinación fueron bajos en todas las especies (< 20%). Sin embargo, hay que considerar que en tres de las cuatro especies para las que sembró un testigo, el porcentaje de germinación del testigo fue igualmente bajo. Para el caso particular de C. mangense se pudo determinar que el paso por el tracto digestivo del venado no afectó de germinación de semillas; incluso luego de aplicar el proceso de escarificación, el tiempo de germinación y el porcentaje de germinación alcanzado en las semillas de las excretas y testigo fueron similares. Estudios previos señalan que los ciervos, particularmente O. virginianus en América, son capaces de dispersar semillas viables en otros ecosistemas, principalmente hierbas y especies exóticas

(Vellend et al. 2003, Mouissie et al. 2005, Williams et al. 2008), pero también de especies nativas (González-Espinosa y Quintana-Ascencio 1986, Mandujano et al. 1997), incluidas leñosas (Janzen 1982, Williams et al. 2008). Nuestros resultados respaldan las observaciones de dichos estudios y demuestran que los cérvidos también son capaces de dispersar por endozoocoria semillas viables de especies leñosas de los bosques secos del suroccidente de Ecuador.

Por otro lado, el hecho de que la ingestión de semillas por venado no tuviera efectos sobre la cubierta de las semillas es una ventaja para estas especies, considerando que son dispersadas durante la estación seca. El conservar una testa dura e impermeable permite a las semillas soportar las condiciones de sequía y mantener la viabilidad hasta el inicio de las lluvias (Mandujano et al. 1997), cuando la disponibilidad de agua es adecuada para la germinación y desarrollo de plántulas (Khurana y Singh 2001). Esto implica que el rol del 157

venado en la dispersión de las semillas se centra en el movimiento de las semillas viables lejos de la planta madre, sin afectar su capacidad germinativa, por tanto, se puede considerar un dispersor legítimo de semillas (Reid 1989, Herrera 1989).

En conclusión, los resultados del presente trabajo ayudan a estimar la habilidad de las plantas leñosas para dispersar sus semillas vía endozoócora a través de los cérvidos. La principal función de los cérvidos se centró en el movimiento de las semillas lejos de la planta madre, sin afectar su capacidad germinativa. La morfología de los frutos y semillas de las especies más abundantes en las excretas las define como especies “autocoras”

(Leguminosas, Tabla 2); esta observación sugiere que los cérvidos pueden ser vectores clave en la dispersión de semillas sin adaptaciones obvias para la dispersión, con las respectivas implicaciones en la colonización de nuevos sitios y en el mantenimiento del flujo genético.

Este trabajo es un primer aporte al conocimiento del rol de cérvidos en la dispersión de semillas de los bosques secos de la región Tumbesina. Las conclusiones de esta investigación emergen del análisis de la diversidad de especies y cantidad de semillas dispersadas, de los efectos de la ingestión de semillas sobre la germinación y del análisis del tiempo en el que se dan los eventos de dispersión. Sin embargo, aún es necesario un trabajo más profundo para mejorar el entendimiento de la importancia de los cérvidos en la regeneración de estas especies. Un análisis de los patrones espaciales de deposición de las semillas y sus posibles efectos sobre la sobrevivencia de las plántulas podría dar nuevas luces este sentido.



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Los resultados obtenidos en la presente investigación han permitido dilucidar algunos patrones de dispersión de semillas de los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos, a partir de los cuales se extraen las siguientes conclusiones generales:

 Los bosques secos tropicales del suroccidente de Ecuador sostienen una gran

variedad de plantas que requieren la asistencia de animales para la dispersión. Si

bien estos resultados son consistentes con lo propuesto para los bosques secos

tropicales, un análisis del espectro de dispersión considerando no solo la riqueza,

sino también la abundancia relativa de especies, permitió determinar que a pesar de

la alta variedad de especies zoocoras, la mayor parte de la comunidad corresponde a

individuos anemócoros, que no proveen ninguna recompensa para la dispersión por

animales. Por otro lado, los resultados demuestran con datos cuantitativos, y a

través de una relación directa, que las condiciones ambientales afectan la estructura

del espectro de dispersión en la comunidad de bosque seco neotropical estudiada.

Estos hallazgos son muy interesantes tanto desde el punto de vista funcional de las

interacciones de dispersión, como para el manejo y conservación de estos bosques.

 Se utilizó un nuevo enfoque metodológico para analizar la importancia relativa del

síndrome de dispersión y de la heterogeneidad espacial en la formación de patrones

espaciales de árboles adultos de un bosque tropical estacionalmente. Este método

permitió sugerir que la heterogeneidad ambiental ejerce un efecto adicional (y en


algunos el único) limitando la distribución de la mayoría de especies de la

comunidad estudiada. Los resultados señalan diferencias en los patrones espaciales

de las especies dependiendo del síndrome de dispersión, pero también revelan una

gran variación en los patrones espaciales incluso entre especies del mismo síndrome

de dispersión. Este enfoque puede dar nuevos indicios acerca de los procesos que

determinan la coexistencia de especies a escalas locales y aporta al debate acerca de

la prevalencia de diferentes mecanismos en la estructuración de comunidades de

bosque tropical estacionalmente seco.

 El análisis simultáneo de los patrones de la lluvia de semillas y banco de semillas de

una comunidad y su relación con la vegetación establecida, sugieren que la lluvia de

semillas de especies leñosas en el bosque seco de la REA es temporalmente variable

en número de especies y abundancia de semillas, y depende del síndrome de

dispersión. El síndrome de dispersión también influyó en la formación de bancos de

semillas, siendo las especies con capacidad de dispersión limitada (autócoras) las de

mayor riqueza de especies y abundancia de semillas. El estudio en conjunto de la

lluvia de semillas y el banco del suelo nos permitió proponer que si bien la mayoría

de especies leñosas dependieron de la lluvia de semillas para su regeneración, como

se propone en general para las comunidades forestales en estado sucesional

avanzado, en el bosque seco estudiado el banco de semillas puede ser un aporte

efectivo para la regeneración de algunas especies, principalmente para aquellas con

dispersión autocora.


 El estudio del rol que cumplen los cérvidos en la regeneración de especies leñosas

del bosque seco permite concluir que estos son capaces de dispersar por

endozoocoria semillas viables, y son dispersores legítimos de al menos ocho

especies. La mayoría de las especies dispersadas presentaron diásporas sin

adaptaciones obvias para la dispersión, por lo que la ingestión de semillas por

cérvidos se constituye en una vía potencial para la dispersión a largas distancias y,

con ello, la posibilidad de colonizar nuevos sitios y mantener el flujo genético.