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Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-00218-0 - The Return of the Gift: European History of a Global Idea Harry Liebersohn Index More information INDEX Allis, Samuel, 79 Bolshevik Revolution, 136, 159–161 American Anthropological Association, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 104 112 Bougainville (Solomon Islands), 105 American Museum of Natural History, 98 Brentano, Lujo, 45 Amphlett Islands, 132 Brulé Dakota, 79 L’Année Sociologique, 141, 144–147 Bücher, Karl, 44–60, 165. Mauss’s reviews in, 144–145 See also Malinowski, Bronislaw post-World War I revival of, 143 anticipation of later thinkers, 45, 53, 58, anthropology, 55, 93, 96, 122, 139. 60, 151 See also ethnography Arbeit und Rhythmus, 125 Aryans, 75–77, 113 critique of neoclassical economics, Athens, 84, 149, 163. See also Greece, 46–49 Socrates economic anthropology, 45, 47–50, 52 Aurora, N. Y., 67 liberalism, 46, 50–51 Awadh, 15 The Origin of National Economies, 46–51, 104–105 Bachofen, Johann Jacob, 81 Burke, Edmund, 10–11, 16–19, 25 Banaros, 104, 111–12, 113–122, 139 charges in parliament against Warren Battle of Plassey, 12, 23 Hastings, 17–18 Bayly, C. A., 9 defends traditional gift, 18–19 Benedict, Ruth, Patterns of Culture, 99 motives for attacking Hastings, 16 Bengal, 10, 12–17, 21, 23–24 Reflections on the French Revolution, 10 Bentham, Jeremy, 20 Berlin, 112–113, 119 Cahen, Maurice, 147 Berlin Ethnological Museum, 99, 105 Calcutta, 13, 17 Berthoud, Gérald, 5 Celts, 87, 93 Bhagavad Gita, 15 civic humanism, 32, 64 Blackfoot tribe, 79–80 civility, 1, 166 Boas, Franz, 55, 97–103, 112, 122,
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