Parent Entity: IPA SA, Bucharest, Romania, 167 bis, Calea Floreasca, e-mail: [email protected];Fax: + 4021 316 16 20 Authors: Mariana Bistran, Principal Researcher, IPA SA, Bucharest, Romania, 167 bis, Calea Floreasca, Fax: + 4021 318 00 51 Professor Gheorghe Mincu Sandulescu, PhD, IPA SA, Bucharest, Romania, 167 bis, Calea Floreasca, e-mail: [email protected]; Fax: + 4021 318 00 51, Consultations: Every working day from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m..

After studying this lesson, you will acquire the following knowledge: To achieve the communication via the Internet between mobiles and computers by the XHTML standard language


LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After covering the lesson you will acquire knowledge about: The resemblances of the XHTML standard language destined for mobile devices with the HTML language. The base structure and the resemblance between the XHTML language and WML language. The creation, testing and validation of XHTML pages of the mobiles. The insertion of picture images, lists with menus of the table in XHTML pages of the mobiles. The creation of text files with style sheet in XHTML pages of mobiles. The mechanism for the introduction of WMLScript into mobile xHTML pages


The activity of electronic publishers on the Internet is based on the communication of different intelligent devices connected to the Web world such as the PC, small dimension devices as the portable devices PDA, WAP mobile phones, etc.

The study of XHTML MP language (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language-Mobile Profile) is important for the creation of web pages for mobile devices using the standardized languages, complying with the recent standards in the field of navigation technologies on the web, allowing the communication on the Internet both for classical computers, laptops, and for mobile devices, PDA, headphones, pagers, etc.

The Basic XHTML language is present in the most spread language of communication of the mobiles and it achieves the compatibility between the web contents developed for the classical browsers Web and the content developed for micro- browser destined to the mobile devices, with small capacities of display and reduced memory dimensions.

The WAP2.0 Specification contains the definitions of the XHTML, WML and WML Script languages and allows the insertion inside the XHTML MP language of modules developed of WML and WML Script language.

XHTML Basic Standard is very close to HTML MP language and is an application of the XML language (Extensible Markup Language), having the following main features: XHTML Basic is the most spread language of communication with mobile devices (mobile, Televisions, PDA, Vending machines, Pagers, Car navigation systems, Mobile game machines, Digital book readers, Smart watches). XHTML Basic was realized on the initiative of the Consortium: World Wide Web’s Consortium’s (W3C). The language is based on common tags for WiFi radio mobile devices and small devices with limited memory. WAP 2.0 Standard allows introducing directly of WML and WML Script language into XHTML MP programmes. Performing the extension of XHTML Basic language with modules, elements and attributes for the enrichment of the contents for mobile devices. The standard XHTML MP language is an extension for mobile devices of the XHTML Basic language, and it brings supplementary functions as: 179 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006

• To use the text files named internal style sheets for the display formatted on mobile display. • It contains an insertion mechanism of script in content pages.


The XHTML Basic language contains the following marking /label modules which are familiar to us from HTML language: ƒ Structure: , , , ƒ Text: <br>,<div>,<em>,<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6>,<kbd>,<p>,<pre>,<span>,<strong>,<var> ƒ Hypertext: <a> ƒ List: <dl>, <dt>, <dd>, <ol>, <ul>, <li> ƒ Form: <form>, <input>, <label>, <select>, <option>, <textarea> ƒ Tables: <caption>, <table>, <td>, <th>, <tr> ƒ Image: <img> ƒ Link: <link>. </p><p>� What are the most advanced features? </p><p>The following supplementary modules of marking are introduced by XHTML MP language over XHTML Basic language: ƒ Form : <fieldset>, <optgroup> ƒ Links lists : attribute “start” for ordered lists -> <ol>, attribute “value” for element from list -> <li> ƒ Text Presentation: bold -> <b>, uppercase -> <big>, table header -> <hr>, italic-> <i>, lowercase -> <small> ƒ Scripts: <noscript>, <script> ƒ Attributes and style sheets: element <style>. </p><p>3. DIFFERENCES AND RESEMBLANCES BETWEEN XHTML AND WML LANGUAGES </p><p>In XHTML MP Language, along the modification from the classic HTML language, the following new declarations are introduced: � XML Declaration which informs the browser on the application type XML, version “1.0”, whose standard is applied to the markings from the respective document and to characters’ encoding. � Definition of the new type of document file (DTD) as XHTML text source file; the definition files *.DTD are used to the syntax analysis of the delimiting tags as in HTML and XHTML languages and also in XML, and they are inserted automatically by the mobile pages editors, inside the respective pages files. </p><p>Three types of definition files DTD are known: a. transnational: and which is used in web pages with the marking <font> and will be accessible to the browsers which do not work with the files “style sheet “; b. strict: all the displaying mobile pages are introduced by formatted files, of the type “style sheet“ ; c. Frameset: to the division of the mobile screen in more frames, displayed simultaneously on the same screen. </p><p>The root marking: different from WML language, <a href="/tags/HTML/" rel="tag">html</a> must be used in XHTML language <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.1//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/xhtml-mobile11.dtd"> </p><p>The <HTML> tag, previously used only for the web page formatting, now controls the following features of the contents: ƒ Information about the file type *.<a href="/tags/XHTML/" rel="tag">xhtml</a> of the respective web page, ƒ The attribute xmlns through which we define the value of the document “namespace” which is the URL address of the mobile XHTML definitions, ƒ It declares the document file in the language by lang= “en“. Differently from WML language, in XHTML mobile pages it is not necessary to manage the card markings. </p><p>Similarly to WML language, which accepts comments, inside XHTML mobile pages it is permitted to use the comments having the form <!- - …… - - >. </p><p>Inside XHTML and WML mobile pages the same tags can be used: <p>, <i>, <b>, <a>, <li>, <ol>, <ul>, <td>, <th>, <tr>, <td>, <br/>, <form>, <input>, <option>, etc. which are familiar from the HTML language. </p><p>180 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006 4. SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR WRITING, TESTING AND PERFORMING THE XHTML BASIC PAGES FOR MOBILES DEVICES </p><p>In XHTML language, the creation and validation of the programs and displaying on the mobile screen devices are achieved based on the NOKIA Mobile Simulator, the program Micro-browser from Nokia named NOKIA <a href="/tags/Mobile_browser/" rel="tag">Mobile Browser</a> 4.0 and which can be obtained free from the Forum Nokia site : http://www.forum.nokia.com/. </p><p>To install the micro-browser of mobile from Nokia you will proceed similarly as in the lesson G(7P1_EN): Programming Languages For Work on the Internet. WML Language. </p><p>The Mobile Simulator NOKIA-SDK works with the Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit 4.1.(NMIT4.1) application of NOKIA (NMIT 4.1.) which is obtained also free from the Nokia Forum server, www.forum.nokia.com . </p><p>To obtain the NMIT 4.1 application to create and validate the content for mobile devices the procedure is similar as for the NMIT4.0 simulator and following the authentication on Forum Nokia site we obtain by e-mail the activation number of the product NMIT4.1. We will proceed similarly for the kit download and its installation on the computer. </p><p>NMIT4.1 is a tool for authorizing / creating pages of content for work on Internet of the mobiles in language: XHTML, WML and WML Script and achieves the picture images edited WBMP, GIF and which can be previewed and tested on the simulator of Nokia SDK mobile. </p><p>The browsing program OPERA Internet Browser can be used as micro-browser for surfing and validation of the mobile pages achieved in XHTML language. </p><p>5. HOW TO BUILD A SIMPLE MOBILE PAGE IN XHTML MP? </p><p>The starting element of the mobile page in XHTML language must be obligatorily <html>, and the name for XML namespace: xmlns must be compulsorily the following: xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml” </p><p>Similarly to the known elements from HTML language, each XHTML page must contain at the root as main element, the labels <html> …</html>. The only difference is that the root label <html> must be necessarily followed by the declaration: <html xmlns=www.w3.org/1999/xhtml> </p><p>The text file *.xhtml of the XHTML page must have the header delimited of labels <head> …</head> and a title introduced between the labels <title>…; in the case of a text contained, this will appear on the top side of the mobile screen. The body of the XHTML page is bordered between the labels and .

The building of a simple XHTML page which displays a text line on the mobile screen is illustrated in the fig.5.1.

The files documents XHTML must have an extension *.xhtml and they must compulsorily include, in front of the root element , the following declaration, as in fig.5.1.:


c Fig. 5.1. Building a web page for mobile in XHTML language c The file with the source program of the XHTML page d Displaying the XHTML page on mobile screen NOTE: Lesson content developed by the author on the NOKIA Simulator

How to build the style sheet for the display formatted from mobile pages 181 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006

The XHTML standard language, destined for mobiles, is an application of the XML language.

Similarly to the XML language pattern files are inserted into XHTML applications, named also templates or style sheets, *., containing a lot of presentation modes for: picture images, texts, lists, menus, jump anchors tables etc., used inside the pages.

The template file is a simple text file, having the extension *.css and is called directly from the mobile pages xhtml by the linking instruction named :

In the paragraphs from the contents of the mobile page xhtml the presentation attribute of the displaying mode on mobile screen is defined, named class=”value”, with different values, similar to defined values inside the style sheet file *.css.

Similar to the known element from HTML language, also in the case of the style sheets met in the XHTML pages we distinguish three types of style sheets: 1. external, 2. internal, 3. in row.

1. The template files with “style sheets” external are text files with extension *.CSS and they are inserted in XHTML pages with the marking introduced in the header of the XHTML page, as in fig.5.2.:

……….. …………

2. The template with “style sheet” internal is placed only internally to the XHTML mobile page, into the page heading, with the help of the marking named ……….. …………

3. The template with the style sheet file in line is placed into the paragraphs of the XHTML page in the place where the formatting of a text is desired with the paragraph marking

which is followed by the style attribute:

The obligatory declaration placed in front of the root element html Learning XHTML-MP The file using declaration template template.css which formats the text and picture images displaying on the

mobile display

S E R V I C E S To display picture image *.wbmp on

the mobile display with the attribute

from the file template to class ima Transports

Buying To display text box on the mobile

display with the attributes from the

file template of the class box Entertainment

Back Stop To display hyperlinks on the mobile Next display, with the attributes from file

template of class jumps c

The file template.css achieves the display formatted for the presentation on mobile display of the texts and picture images from pages *.XHTML: img { padding-top: 4px } .i { font-style: italic} .jumps {margin-top: 60px; margin-left: 20px ; padding-left: 20px } .ima { font-size: bold ; text-align: center} .box { margin: 1px ; padding: 1px ; border-width: 1px ; border-style: solid ; border-color: black ; background-color:#ccaaff ; e text-align: center } d

Fig.5.2. Building of the selection menu for mobile browsing into XHTML pages with CSS file external c The page with selection menu in XHTML language d The text file of the style sheet for page formatted on the display mobile e Displaying on the mobile screen of XHTM page for navigation with menus and browsing buttons NOTE: Lesson content developed by the author on the NOKIA Simulator

183 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006 Introduction of colour images into the XHTML page from a small WBMP and GIF file

In XHTML pages of mobiles colour images of small dimensions, files *.GIF (coloured) and *.WBMP (monochrome) can be inserted, with the help of the tag marking , modified comparatively to HTML language, ending compulsorily with the labels or , as in fig.5.3. .



c Fig. 5.3. Introduction of picture image of small dimension *.GIF into XHTML pages of mobile c The source program with the XHTML page d Displaying the picture image *.GIF on mobile screen NOTE: Lesson content developed by the author on the NOKIA Simulator

The creation of tables in XHTML

The tables from XHTML pages of mobile are created with the same type of known labels from HTML language, fig.5.4.:

• The definition of the table is inserted by: …

• The definition of the row in a table is inserted by: …

• The definition of table header is inserted by: …

• The definition of table cell is inserted by: …

• The table title is inserted by: …

• The merging of table cells on columns is inserted by: colspan=”number”

• The merging of table cells on rows is inserted by: rowspan=”number”.

Into the header of XHTML page the text file with the style sheet of table formatted can be inserted in which we can insert the attribute for cell markings or of the header table by which the following can be formatted:

• width of the table borders -> border-width : 2px;

• table colour -> border-colour : red;

• style of the table lines -> border-style : solid;

• text table alignment -> text-align : centre;

184 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006



Fig.5.4. To insert the tables in XHTML pages of mobiles c Source program with XHTML page d To display table in XHTML language on mobile screen e The text file with style sheet for formatted table NOTE: Lesson content developed by the author on the NOKIA Simulator


To insert a multimedia file in the XHTML of mobiles

Inserting and playing of the multimedia files with audio content can be performed directly in XHTML page of the mobile by using the marking as the following, fig.5.5:

Where: • The attribute src has the value of audio file nume.WAV, which can be created with the audio blaster interfaced with PC and saved in format *.WAV, or it can be any other melody existent inside the computer also in standardized format *.WAV. • The attribute auto start has default the false value, representing the stopped situation. • The attributes width and height are displaying the represented 6 values of the buttons of the audio player (Play/Stop/ Previous/ Fast Reverse/Fast Forward / Next).

185 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006


Play Stop Previous Next Fast Fast Reverse Forward d Fig.5.5.Inserting multimedia files with audio clips in XHTML page c To display XHTML page with audio player audio on display mobile d Source Programmer with XHTML page

Insertion and playing of multimedia files with video clips can be performed directly from the XHTML page of the mobile by using the marking as the following, fig.5.6.:

where : • The attribute src has the audio file value name.MPG, which can be all video clip on computer in standard form *.MPG , (Moving Picture Experts Group – MPEG), which is the used standard for transmitted video clip and for video conference. • The attribute type is initiated with the video value /quick time, or all other video players which are installed on the Computer , • The attribute width and height has the displaying representing value with button of the video player (Play/Stop/ Previous/ Test Reverse/Test Forward / Next).

c d

Fig.5.6. Displaying multimedia files - a video clip in the XHTML pages of a mobile device c To display on mobile screen the file with video clip d The XHTML source page for inserting multimedia video clip on the mobile screen


The modules of WML programs, containing WMLScripts, can be introduced directly into the pages of XHTML programmes with the help of the marking

and of the anchor , which perform jumps to the respective WML page.

186 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006 The WML program modules with the WML Script, existent in WML pages, can be inserted into XHTML mobile page containing style sheets as the following, fig.6.1: • Firstly the internal style sheet from the contents XHTML page must be defined in the header of XHTML page. • Secondly a class of the type text, named clasa1, must be defined, having the attribute of the formatted text • In the body of XHTML page at the position where it is desired to perform the jump to WML page a marking by the element span or the element div is inserted and is assigned to the attribute class the value class1 defined into the header of XHTML page followed by the insertion of the hyperlink anchor to the file of the WML page desired to be inserted.

c d e

Fig.6.1. To insert in XHTML pages of the mobile the WML pages and WML Script functions cTo display the XHTML page on mobile screen dTo display the WML page on mobile screen eThe sources file with XHTML MP page which has called the WML page fThe sources file with WML page which performs WML Script function and returns back in XHTML page gThe source files with WML Script function. NOTE: Lesson content developed by the author on the NOKIA Simulator

f g

187 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006

Introduction of WML mobile page into XHTML mobile page with style sheet must proceed as the following:

< head> ……………………………………….. ………………………………………..

Routine WML


To create a site in XHTML for mobile devices we use interactive, simple electronic forms, created in XHTML Basic language.

The electronics forms are structured on informative screens of the mobile devices, which allow users to input and to edit information in some special fields, named editing boxes.

The electronic form assists the user in sending and receiving information, from and to the web server, on the following modes: • E-mail address; • Key Words for finding; • URL address for browsing on the site.

The user data introduced into the electronic form will be sent to the server by a simple press of the screen button named “Submit” of the electronic form; this operation will send all the data to the program interface, named CGI Computer Graphics Interface (CGI), usually realized in C++, Perl, Java, or the other scripting languages.

The scripting program will process the data and will return the result to the browser for displaying in the mobile screen under the same form, or in another XHTML Basic form.

The electronic form in XHTML Basic language from the figure 7.1. requests by an input field type “text” the insertion of data information referring to the user name and e-mail address.

The buttons down the mobile screen having the functions “submit” and “reset” are allocated for sending the content inputs of the electronic form to the server application program and respectively to reset the information introduced into the form.

The visible components of the electronic form are the push-button and the graphic interface components for the interaction with the user. The invisible components of the electronic form store the data into the hidden files to the user and send them to the CGI program on the server.

188 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006



Fig.7.1 Building electronic form in XHTML c Displaying electronic form on mobile d Source file in XHTML language to build electronic form for mobile NOTE: Lesson content developed by the author on the NOKIA Simulator

To achieve the XHTML sites for mobile devices formatting template files are used, named style sheets which allow to modify easily the whole site by the easy modification of the template, while saving writing time and the easiness of writing of the web site application programs.

Browsing into the mobile pages in XHTML is achieved by introducing hypertexts or buttons into the mobile page.

Key Point Summary Conclusions and Recommendations 1. Owing to the Network Radio Communications development, based on mobile devices, with capacities of connecting to Internet, the necessity to customize the classic web contents has been imposed, for their accessing with the mobile devices Wifi, PDAs or mobiles phones with WAP. To this purpose the XHTM Mobile Profile standard language was elaborated for building of XHTML pages of the web mobile customers, with reduced displaying and storage possibilities. 2. XHTML standard language of mobile devices is like HTML classic language, and allows the using of style sheets for the unitary formatting of the site pages on mobile display, diminishing the writing effort and site modification. 3. Into XHTML pages of mobile devices WML program modules can be inserted easily with the WML Script functions met in WML pages, making it possible to use the content and the libraries of developed standard scripts for mobiles with WAP capacity.

Study Guide ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO EVALUATE THE ACQUIRED KNOWLEDGE 1. Why was it necessary to develop the XHTML MP language? 2. How must a previously developed HTML page be modified to be displayed on the mobile screen with the XHTML language? 3. How to make the verification of the correctness of the content modifying from HTML page in XHTML with Micro Browser Nokia? 4. What type of formatted templates of displaying from mobile screen do you know? 5. How can you insert the picture images in XHTML pages of mobiles? 6. How can you insert WML page into XHTML page? 7. How to create electronic forms in XHTML? 8. How can you insert the fields of input texts and the buttons from the mobile screen in XHTML language?

BIBLIOGRAPHY. REFERENCES. [1 ] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic - ”XHTML Basic” [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-xhtml-modularization-20001020/ abstract_modules.html - ”XHTMLMOD - Standards on Modularization of XHTML” [3] Chris Bates – “Web Programming. Building Internet Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., USA, 2002, ISBN 0-470-84371-3 [4] http://www.openmobilealliance.org/ - ”XHTML Mobile Profile 1.1Version 4-September-2002”-OMA-WAP-XHTMLMP-v1_1-20020904-C [5] http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xhtml11-20010531/ - “XHTML1.1 - Module-based XHTML”, W3C Recommendation 31 May 2001, Murry Altheim, Shane McCarron, editors [6] http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml-basic-20001219 - “XHTMLBasic”, W3C Recommendation 19 December 2000, Mark Baker et al., editors. [7] http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xhtml-modularization-20010410 - “Modularization of XHTML”, W3C Recommendation 10 April 2001, M. Altheim et al., editors, [8] http://www.forum.nokia.com/ - “Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit Version 4.0- Installation Guide, May 2003 “,Copyright 2001-2003 Nokia Corporation [9] http://www.forum.nokia.com/ - “Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit Version 4.1- Installation Guide, February 2004”, Copyright © Nokia 1999-2004. [10] http://www.forum.nokia.com/ - “Nokia Mobile Browser 4.0 SDK, Version 4.0 User’s Guide, April 16, 2003”, Copyright © Nokia 2002-2003. 189 Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Project RO/03/B/P/PP175006 [11]http://www.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/docs/CopyrightClick.asp?pck=Browsing&file=V2_2-20040609-C/OMA-ERELD-Browsing-V2_2- 20040609-C.pdf –“Enabler Release Definition for Browsing”, Candidate Version 2.2 – 09 Jun 2004 [12]http://www.openmobilealliance.org/release_program/docs/CopyrightClick.asp?pck=Browsing&file=V2_2-20040609-C/OMA-WAP-WAESpec-V2_2- 20040609-C.pdf-“Wireless Application Environnent Specification“, Candidate Version 2.2 [13] http://www.althosbooks.com/intoxh.html - “Introduction to xHTML, Scripting and Programming using xHTML”, Author: Bill Routt, Althos Publishing, 2004 [14] http://www.livestoryboard.com/Benefits/CMS-standards-compliant.html-“Live Story Board, web content management” [15] http://www.zvon.org/xxl/xhtmlBasicReference/Output/ - "XHTML Basic reference with examples”, Miloslav Nic [ [email protected] ], Copyright (c) 2000 Systinet [15] Dreamtech Software Team – “WAP, Bluetooth, and 3G Programming”, Hungry Minds, Inc., NY, 2002, ISBN: 0-7645-4905-7 [16] Jason Cranfort Teague- “DHTML si CSS”, Ed.TEORA, Bucharest, 2002, ISBN: 973-20-0415-0

IMPORTANT SUPPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY. REFERENCES. (www). [SUP.1] http://www.w3.org/TR/html4, W3C, HTML 4.01 Specification W3C Recommendation, 24 December 1999 Editors: Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors, W3C, Ian Jacobs, W3C Copyright ©1997-1999 W3C® (MIT, INRIA, Keio) [SUP.2]


ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 1. To create the compatibility between the developer Web contents for computers and device mobiles , PDA etc 2. In XHTML language it is obligatory to insert the next declaration at the beginning of the XHTML page : , as the marking modification as : Finally the source file of the HTML page modified is saved with the extension *.XHTML. 3. We verify the existence of an obligatory declaration for the XHTML-MOBILE 1.1language, followed by the modification of the marking declaration and the execution micro-browser NOKIA Mobile Browser 4.0 is initiated and the file of the XHTML page is opened with the command : File->Open File-> FileName.XHTML. On the mobile display the HTML page previously created for the WEB browsing appears. 4. The 3 type of templates for the formatted displaying on the mobile display are external, internal and in line style sheets. 5. …… 6. It is inserted a formatted internal template of a class in the XHTML page header with the marking:, and in the position from XHTML page where you want to insert WML page a marking is inserted by the element span or element div and an attribute class is assigned and it has the value class1 defined in the XHTML page header followed by the insertion of anchor of hyperlinks to the WML page file desired for insertion. 7. The marking

is used and the value “post” is assigned to the variable method for the transmissions of a block of values and to the attribute action the address is assigned on the server where the application which processes the data from the electronic forms is hosted. 8. The fields for the text input into the electronic form are inserted by marking , and the fields for the insertion of button on the mobile screen are inserted by .

WORDS TO THE LEARNER: “Do not wait for opportunities. Create them.” (After Bernard Shaw)

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