September 2013

Community News for Coltishall, Horstead with Stanninghall Great & Little Hautbois and Badersfield Our local Representatives

[Member of Parliament ] Keith Simpson, The Stable, Church Farm, Attlebridge, NR9 5ST Tel: 865763 [Member of Parliament ] Norman Lamb, Unit 4, The Garden Centre, Nursery Drive, Nth Walsham, NR28 0DR T el: 01692 403752 [Norfolk County Councillor] Thomas Garrod, 32a Station Road, Ormesby St Margaret, NR29 3NH Tel: 07515 356821 [Broadland District Councillor] Alan S Mallett, The Cabinet, High Street, Coltishall, NR12 7AA Tel: 738577

Coltishall Parish Councillors [Chairman] Robert Watson, 12 Westbourne Road, Coltishall, NR12 7HT T el: 738857 [Vice Chairman] Mike Warren, 39 College Close, Coltishall, NR12 7DT Tel: 738332 [Parish Clerk] Barbara Elvy, 1 Drovers Rest, Kirstead Green, Brooke, NR15 1EW T el: 01508 558761 John Harding, 2 Church Street, Coltishall, NR12 7DJ Tel: 737721 Doreen Snelling, Red House, Church Street, Coltishall, NR12 7DJ Tel: 737955 Michael Spinks, Alan’s View, 11 Frogge Lane, Great Hautbois, NR12 7JT T el: 737332 Rischmiller, 36 Ling Way, Coltishall, NR12 7HX T el: 737748 Keith Childerhouse, 9 Kings Road, Coltishall, NR12 7DX Tel: 737797 Sue Brodie, 15 Kings Road, Coltishall, NR12 7DX Tel: 738561 Mike Kirkham, 20 College Close, Coltishall, NR12 7DT T el: 739117 Penny Loiez, 19 White Lion Road, Coltishall, NR12 7AS Tel: 926428 Horstead with Stanninghall Parish Councillors [Chairman] Mrs M Gurney, Heggatt Hall, Horstead, NR127AY [Vice Chairman] Kate Lawrance, Mancroft, Church Close, Horstead, NR12 7ET Tel: 737562 [Parish Clerk] Philippa Weightman, 1 Stanninghall Cottages, Horstead, NR12 7LY T el: 736725 Barry Benton, Beverley Farm, Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EH Tel: 737279 Michael Blackburn, Sunny Croft, 24 Rectory Road, Horstead, NR12 7EP Tel: 737495 Caroline Fleming, Horstead House, Mill Road, Horstead, NR12 7AU Tel 737686 Paul Skippings, 112 Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EQ Tel: 736054 Dr . Bernard Watts, Thatch Cottage, Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EF Tel: 737245 Diane Williams, 5 Robert Norgate Close, Horstead, NR12 7BT Tel: 737719 Robert Jennings, 3 Rectory Road, Horstead, NR12 7EP Tel: 738335 ‘All correspondence and queries should be sent to the Parish Clerk’ Directory of Clubs and Associations 1st Buxton Lamas Sea Scout Group: Vereen Marcer 279457 Hautbois Rangers: Emma Brown 898983 1st Hoveton & Wroxham Sea Scout Group:T Hughes 01962 Horning Amateur Theatrical Society: Pauline Gedge 01692 630554 630699 Horstead Bowls Club: [Secretary] Peter Cobb Tel: 737600 Badminton Club: Carl Tipple 738399 Horstead Tree Warden: Barry Benton Tel:737279, Broadland Chess Club: Paul Badger 737572 Tony Codling T el: 737093 Broadland Tots2Teens Club: Maria Alborough 430538 Horstead Trust: [Clerk] Brian Lloyd 737632 Coltishall & Horstead Youth Forum: Mike Warren 738332 Horstead Tithe Barn Community Assoc.’n: Coltishall & Horsted Womens Institiute: Lesley Vaughan 720629 Chairman Luke Blackburn: 078170 61324; Ian Hall Sec. 736097 Coltishall Activities & Sports T rust [CAST]: [Chairman] John Hoveton Wroxham & District Gardening Club: Pam Culley: Harding Tel: 737721, [Vice Chairman] Doreen Snelling Tel: 782041 737955 Jubilee Players: Ros Chamberlin 736287 Coltishall Allotments Association: Chairman 737644 Lions Club, Wroxham & Hoveton Lions Club: David Barnett Coltishall Bridge Club: Peter Cobb 737600 782002 1st Coltishall Brownies & Guides: Faye Jones 736987 Mardler [North Norfolk Talking Newspaper]: Daphne Davy T el: Coltishall Church Bell Ringers: Tony Weston 737269 01263 732933 Coltishall Commons Management T rust: [Clerk] Barbara Elvy Rotary Club of Broadlands: Richard Mayer 715796 Tel: 01508 558761 Rotary Club of Wroxham & Bure Valley : Stewart Kemp 738555 Coltishall Cricket Club: Mark Scott 624561 Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes [Llamas KC Lodge]: Bob Coltishall Jags Running Club: Alan Groves 737262 Jennings Tel: 738335 Coltishall Jags Football Club: Royal British Legion: Mr B Jordan 738325 [Chairman] Steve Frost Tel: 07540 303313 Spirit of Coltishall Association: Secretary Jeff Ayling [Secretary] Sarah Nice Tel: 07771 545771 [email protected] Coltishall PF Bowls Club: [Captain] Barry Simper Tel: 783087, Wellington Dance [Ballroom Dancing]: Dave Cox 737907 Secretary Linda James T el: 890905 Wroxham Flower Club: Pat Barnes 720466 Coltishall Tree Warden: Peter Croot 737427 Wroxham Folk Dance Club: Mick Wade 01692 404447 Community Lunch Club: Joan Milligan 737270 Wroxham, Hoveton & Belaugh Twinning Association: Jane Monks Create & Share Craft: Sylvia Coward 737915 Tel: 782496 Friends of Coltishall & Spixworth Surgeries: June Grey 890877 Wroxham United Reform Church: Rev Matt Stone 781623 Friends of Coltishall Church: Henry Bradshaw 738009 Secretary: Mrs Liz Haines 736081 Please inform the editor if any of the above is incorrect, out of date , no longer valid and for the inclusion of a new club, society or association

4 Plus ça change...... Plus c’est la même chose. (The more things change the more they remain the same) could almost be the motto of The Marlpit. Over the last year or so, you may have noticed some changes to your local magazine, yet we hope it has in essence remained the same source of information entertainment and local news put together by local people for local people. September 2013 Like every healthy organisation, however, The Marlpit has striven to improve the service it gives and has sought to expand the Community Magazine for Coltishall, editorial team to bring in a wide variety of new talents. Horstead with Stanninghall, Great & Inevitably, though, as time passes the longer serving members of Little Hautbois and Badersfield. the team start to dream of pastures new or of that chair by the fireside and they decide to move on. Volunteer Editorial Team Thus it is we had to say, ‘Thank you and Goodbye’ , first to Eric Johnson who has undertaken two key roles in the team: first as Secretary: Philippa Weightman distribution manager ensuring that the magazine reaches you via 737 962 a stalwart team of deliverers. After the sad loss of our then [email protected] Treasurer, Michael Blackburn, Eric stepped into the breach for a while before reverting to his original role. Hefting all those magazines around is physically tiring, however, and when Eric Treasurer: Anne Gilbert decided to call it a day we were pleased to welcome Mike Hewitt 737 577 in his place. [email protected] Now we have the sad task of saying another, 'Thank you and Compilation: David Pye Good bye’, this time to Mel Douglass who has been part of the magazine for a long while and whose articles over the years have 738 599 by turns amused, entertained, cajoled and, dare I say, [email protected] scandalised our readers. Mel has never been afraid of courting controversy, which has made for a lively magazine and some Advertising: Position Vacant lively editors’ meetings too. Since the departure of Sid Parkin, [Contact Derek Allday as below] Mel had also taken on the role of Advertising Manager, without [email protected] whom the magazine could not exist for it is the advertising which pays for the printing and other costs. Advert/Copy: Derek Allday Another development has been the recent re-launch of our 738 032 website in an entirely new format. These are exciting times with [email protected] the magazine circulation also possibly increasing to include Scottow, and many of those who have left the area still opting to Distribution: Mike Hewitt keep in touch by purchasing a copy of The Marlpit either 738 470 electronically or by post. [email protected] The magazine is now looking for someone to fill Mel’s shoes as advertising manager. The advertising manager will be responsible Sub Editors: for selling advertising space, liasing with existing advertisers, Susan Bunn - 739 215 collecting advertising revenue and passing it on to the Treasurer Gemma Carter - 736 976. each month. [email protected] If you think you can fill the exacting but rewarding role of advertising manager, please contact one of the editorial team. Webmaster: Position Vacant The editors would very much like to hear from you and will offer you every support in fitting in to your new role. In the meantime thanks are due to Derek Allday and Anne Gilbert who are temporarily filling the role of advertising manager. Front Cover Picture from: Philippa Weightman The Editors “Delphiniums and Heggatt Hall ” Your photos can be sent to [email protected] for consideration as a future front page

Printed by ECO Colour Print 01603 633 804 COPY FOR THE NEXT ISSUE CAN BE LEFT AT THE POST [email protected] OFFICE, PHARMACY OR FARM TO FORK & FISH BY THE 13th OF THE MONTH, COPY BY EMAIL WILL BE INSERTED IF THERE IS SPACE & IF RECEIVED BY 15th NB: For January Issues 6th and 9th of December to be printed before Christmas

5 What’s on in September Date Time Event Tue 3 rd 6.30 pm Ex RAF Coltishall Public Consultation, the DIPLOMAT, Badersfield Wed 4 th 12.30 - 1.45 pm Community Lunch Club, Coltishall Church Room, Reservations 737270 7.15 pm Good Neighbours Scheme, Coltishall Village Hall Fri 6th 7.30 pm Hoveton, Wroxham & District Gardening Club, Autumn Show, Hoveton VH Sat 7th 10.30 am The Children’s Creepy House Summer Reading Challenge Medal Ceremony 10.30 am Rainbow Festival Fete, Alpington and Yelverton VH Sun 8th 10 am - 4 pm Lions Craft Fair, Broadland Youth and Community Centre, Hoveton 10:30:00 Rainbow Festival Dog Show, Alpington and Yelverton VH Mon 9th 19:30 pm Horstead with Stanninghall Parish Council Meeting, All Saints Church Wed 11th 12:30 - 1:45 pm Community Lunch Club, Coltishall Church Room, Reservations 737270 19:15:00 Badminton [New Term] Broadland High School, Tunstead Rd, Hoveton

Sat 14th 2 - 4 pm Secondhand book Sale, 1 st H& W Sea Scouts, Scout HQ, Nobel Cres., Wroxham

Sun 15 th 3-5 pm Messy Church , Tithe Barn Horstead Tue 17 th 2 pm Wiltshire Farm Foods Taster , Coltishall Village Hall Wed 18 th 12:30 - 1:45 pm Community Lunch Club, Coltishall Church Room, Reservations 737270 7:30 pm Coltishall & Horstead WI, Church Room Coltishall Sat 21 st 10 am Horstead Trust, Trip to Wells, meet at Tithe Barn 10 am - 4 pm Rotary Craft Fair, Chapelfield Gdns, Norwich

Tue 24 th 11 am - 1 pm Fred Olsen Open Day, The Greens Hotel, Aylsham

Wed 25 th 12:30 - 1:45 pm Community Lunch Club, Coltishall Church Room, Reservations 737270 Thu 26th 2.30 & 7 pm “Song for Marion” Cinema in Wroxham, Wroxham VH, Norwich Rd, Wroxham Fri 27 th 10 am - 2pm Macmillan Big Coffee Morning, Rotary Club, Wroxham VH, Norwich Rd, Wroxham 10.30 am or pop in Macmillan Big Coffee Morning, St Mary’s Care Home, Crostwick 6.45 for 7.30 pm “The Great Gatsby” Frettenham Big Screen, Frettenham Village Hall. nb - What’s On is a snapshot of more details to be found in the magazine [The editors will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions in this summary or the printed article, everything is processed in good faith by volunteers and as in the Telegraph mistakes may occur] Church Service details can be found with Church reports - too many to list here!. A full programme of Library events is also featured . MATEYGRAM The Last month we said it would be the last MATEYGRAM but there was a Marlpit problem with the printing of the L A port Matey visited, if anyone worked out that it was needs RI S E Immingham, well done, this month they are off in a southerly E L direction, don’t forget Matey’s legs You make up as a letter M. No prizes for working it out . Ports with M We have a and 9 letters are few and far between so we will be going back position for a to MARLEYGRAMS next month - it would be nice to hear from anyone who does try to work these out and if anyone can Volunteer Advertising Editor remember and looked out for Marley when he was hidden in to join our Team Please contact us at: the magazine, if we do hear that it is appreciated Marley will be back too. We hope this Naval theme has encouraged anyone to contact HMS Ganges, if so please let us know. [email protected] HMS Ganges Website is

6 YOUR LETTERS ; The editors publish but do not necessarily share any views raised in the correspondence. All addresses are withheld replies can be forwarded via the Editor Young people make funding decision for Summer projects: Three youth projects have benefited from Broadland Youth Advisory Board funding this Thank You summer, with the panel making the final decisions made up of Many thanks to everyone who sent me cards, notes o r young people. telephoned w hen Ronnie unexpectedly passed a way: th e people who stopped for a chat, the biscuits and books and ENYP (Equipping and Nurturing Young People) will hold two offers of help. youth cafés for high school aged people in the summer Those who came to the funeral who I never got to speak to, holidays, one in Thorpe St Andrew and one in Sprowston. sorry. All these kindnesses have meant so much. Wherry Housing Association will hold a future focus activity day My boys and their families have been a bsolutely brilliant, for the YELL project for social housing residents, which aims to handling everything, our Thai girls so kind. Ann and Geraldin e show how great our young people are. for being there. OMG, a Youth Group from Badersfield (the former RAF Thank you all Coltishall) will be running a club for one evening a week, for 4 Peggy Bunn weeks covering crafts, arts, music, outdoor activities and quality food, to teach about nurturing the body and mind. “It is important that these young people decided on the projects as they fully understand the thinking of young people, R.A.O.B Lammas KC Lodge and what they want to be spending their time doing this summer,” said Councillor Ben McGilvray, Member Champion for Young People. All of the projects were felt to more than deserve the funding The Brethren of the LAMMAS KC LODGE of the ROYAL they had applied for, and it is enlightening to see these projects ANTIDILUVIAN ORDER of BUFFALOES, under the GRAND receive the funding they requested but there is still money LODGE of ENGLAND, wish to invite all BROTHERS, either available. compliant or lapsed, to the new Lodge meeting place at the If you have an idea for a project for the October half term or KINGS,S HEAD, COLTISHALL. Christmas holidays, get in touch now and apply for funding, The Lodge meets in the upstairs room on Tuesday nights at and get your project off the ground. 8.15pm. “It is always nice to see young people using their holiday time For further information please contact the Secretary to get together and do something interesting, so make use of Bro Bob Jennings ROH, this funding which is available and organise something now.” Continued Councillor McGilvray. Lammas KC Lodge, No 1704 There is a maximum of £1000 available per group and all 01603 738335 activities must be delivered in Broadland to young people aged or [email protected] 11-25. Email [email protected] or call/text 07894 566615 for more details and an application form. KKKKKKKK FIT TOGETHER WALKS - September 2013 KKKKK KKK

BUXTON Tuesday Bure Valley Railway Car Park, Lovely rural walk along the Bure 4.2 miles, 40% rd Stracey Road Valley Railway and via Oxnead 3 September soft, one stile 10-30am Map OL40: TG233228 Church and Mill. NR10 5ET

BLICKLING 2.4 or 3.5 miles, Thursday Pleasant and quiet country and Blickling Hall 90% soft, 26 th September woodland walks around the Pay and Display Car Park moderate/steep historic estate of Blickling. 10-30am Map 238 TG176285 gradient

Peter Neave, Broadland & South Norfolk Coordinator 01603 897193

These are only two of Broadland , South Norfolk and City walks arranged by this Active Norfolk, Walking for Health accredited Scheme. Their webpage at explains everything, there are down loads available as well as a FREE 36 page programme for those without computer access. Just contact Peter, mention the Marlpit and perhaps he will provide you with one at one of the walk locations, get out and meet new friends….

7 passer-bys are asked to be mindful as to 7th to 13 th August where and how they dispose of lighted cigarettes and matches as the hedgerows This has been a very busy period for the continue to be tinder dry. police as you might expect with the amount of tourists who come into the area Cycle thefts have been on the increase this time of year. Fortunately this is not across the areas, in particular Broadland. due to a significant increase in crime, Cyclists are asked to secure their cycles mainly helping people when needed. when left, even for the shortest periods and where possible secure them to a solid During the past couple of weeks we have item. had several sheds broken into in Weekly crime summary 10 - 16 July allotments and gardens in North Norfolk, This week we have seen a high number of On a positive note, a male arrested for a especially around Sheringham, Cromer thefts from cars in Broadland district series of theft from motor vehicles in the areas. around the northern part of Norwich. Hellesdon area is currently serving 12 weeks imprisonment for his crimes. We have also had thefts from cars in These have been opportunist thefts where these areas and in Holt, Wells and windows have been smashed to steal Inspector Futter Fakenham. These have generally been bags/purses/phones etc left on display, 33952/13 Theft If Not Classified Elsewhere opportunist in nature due to people especially around school run time. Key CHURCH ROAD FRETTENHAM Person leaving items on display in the car, and times are noon until evening. unknown has stolen 100m length of yellow leaving the window open or door In North Norfolk we have had some ride and black plastic chain and 13 steel posts. unlocked. Please don’t leave items on on lawn mowers stolen from display, close your windows and lock car 30 July to 6 August sheds/garages and Overall crime is lower doors when not with them. We have and than of late and we have made some Good news to start with! North Norfolk will continue to give public car parks and good arrests which have helped to make officers have arrested and charged to other vulnerable areas lots of policing that happen. court a burglar who was caught breaking attention. in to a store in Potter Heigham. After Most crime is opportunistic so please be Broadland has generally seen a reduction searching his home and using old fashion vigilant around the safety of your property in all crimes during the past week, detective work property was found from and contact us if you see anything although we have had some attempted previous burglaries around the county. suspicious. burglaries. The attempted method of entry This was a really important arrest for us has been to try and force a UPVC back Supt Stuart Gunn and will hopefully keep more premises door. We have also had one opportunist crime free and your property safe. 31366/13Theft From A Motor Vehicle burglary where the thief walked in to a Vigilance is still required in regards to AYLSHAM Items stolen from vehicle. house through an open door and stole a open windows as there are still a number laptop computer and some other items. 30828/13 Theft If Not Classified Elsewhere of reports of opportunist offenders who Please be very vigilant about your house FORSTER WAY AYLSHAM A small conifer help themselves to items within reach. tree and potted shrub removed from security to prevent walk in burglars during garden. Potted shrub later recovered Sheds and garages are particularly the warm weather – we sometimes see nearby. vulnerable at this time of year as people professional burglars walking the streets often leave expensive gardening for hours to find an opportunity to enter 27 July – 02 August equipment in them. Please remember to and steal from an open house with no There’s been an increase in the number of securely lock your out buildings and visible occupant. walk in/reach through type thefts across secure any expensive items. As always, most of the offences in the the Broadland area. The offences tend to A few months ago we had a number of area are not sophisticated, but committed be committed by the opportunist thief and shop premises broken into overnight with by thieves who take advantage of although the warm weather spell tills being taken. (Which is generally a insecurity. Please lock your house, your encourages us to open all the windows, waste of time as cash is rarely stored garden sheds and garage and your car to leave the doors open and spend time in overnight) By making good use of put an obstacle in the way of the thief, the garden, we should be mindful of home intelligence, two persons have been and keep valuables out of sight. Please security. Just small steps can prevent arrested for these offences and are call the police on the 101 non emergency these intrusive incidents; if you are in the currently serving long prison sentences. number if you see anything suspicious or garden make sure the front of the house However, it appears a new crew have on 999 if an offence is in progress, or is secure by closing windows and locking started to target garden centres and Crimestoppers if you have information access doors. If you leave your home for beauty / hair premises. Please pay about offences or offenders. any length of time make sure all windows attention to anyone snooping locations in Superintendent Stuart Gunn and doors are secure. An insecure your area and report on the 101 number. window illustrates an open invitation to an 36065/13 Other Criminal Damage To A Superintendent Stuart Gunn opportunist thief to help themselves at Vehicle PARK ROAD WROXHAM HOVETON your expense. 34677/13 Other Criminal Damage To A Whilst vehicle parked on side of road, With the harvesting season well on the Building Other Than A Dwelling NORTH person(s) unknown have poured green way, the bales and haystacks become WALSHAM ROAD COLTISHALL Damage coloured matt paint over windscreen easy target for mindless vandalism and has been caused to front of range shed. drivers’ side fire-starting. Farmers are encouraged to Wooden slatted panels have been broken and completely leave firebreaks between stacks to prevent off. ripped off mass spreading and the community are 34840/13 Theft Of Pedal Cycle GRANGE windscreen arm asked to be vigilant for signs of fire in ROAD HAINFORD Bike stolen. these vulnerable locations. Motorists and Useful Contacts Norfolk Police – Non-emergency 101 Emergency 999 [email protected] Crimestoppers 0800 111 555 NC Council 0844 800 8020 BD Council 01603 431133

8 Have your say on future of former RAF Coltishall Residents have until Tuesday 17 September to fill in the consultation online. The feedback received will be used to help form the finalised ‘Development Vision’ which will be adopted this autumn following further consideration by County Councillors. The public consultation is also being supported by a number of public exhibitions held in villages close to the former base. In addition, the Development Vision will be on display for viewing only until 17 September. The boards will be available to see in the site's Guardhouse (near the entrance) Monday to Saturday between 10am and 2pm. Developments for preserving the site’s heritage Last month (July 24) we launched our Work on maintaining the site’s heritage and discovering public consultation which will be new heritage assets continues. A second Pickett-Hamilton running for eight weeks. We very much fort was discovered at the south end of the site in July. The welcome feedback from local residents about our draft fort discovered in June and filled with water has now been plans for the future of the former base. pumped out so that the internal fittings could be seen. We want to gather people’s views on our ‘Development We continue to receive a great deal of interest from Vision’ which outlines strategies for a number of key heritage interest groups and individuals. One of those was themes such as employment, & investment, Rosie Snell, Senior Lecturer in Fine Art at Bath Spa accessibility, heritage and green infrastructure. There is University who visited the site on 2 July. She photographed also the chance to make suggestions about what further the key heritage assets on the site which may be used as opportunities should be considered. inspiration for some producing art. The Vision includes concept maps and illustrations of what What happens next? the site might look like if plans come to fruition over a After the success of the Agents Liaison Day in July, we aim number of years and details how the site's important site's to hold a Business Open Day later in the year for rich heritage could be brought back to life. businesses that we hope will be considering taking space, Possible opportunities to generate income which include to see the site first hand and gain a greater understanding reusing a number of the existing buildings for commercial of the unique business opportunities the site has to offer. use, returning some of the land for agriculture, creation of By that time we will have clear marketing material and a a large scale solar farm and areas for camping and framework that we can use to determine the types of caravanning with links potential links to the Bure Valley businesses we want to attract. Railway. Providing new locations for business, some For businesses interested in attending this day please housing and the possibility of removing surplus hard contact Jenn Fuller, Economic Projects Officer at Norfolk standing areas for aggregate are also included. County Council [email protected] The Council anticipates that the main runway would be How do I stay informed about the site’s progress? retained and we are clear that commercial aviation will not feature in future plans. Proposed plans to extract some In addition to the formal public consultation, we continue to aggregate would be mainly from the Cold War runway receive suggestions from local residents and businesses extensions and a number of options are being explored about future uses for the site by other means. such as the route the aggregate lorries could take to We will continue to provide information via the local media minimise disruption to surrounding villages, if planning and newsletters, but for the most up to date situation visit permission is granted. our website The Development Vision and consultation is now available Neil Smith, online at Coltishall Team Manager lopment There is also a link to the online survey from the RAF Coltishall page

INVITATION - Ex RAF Coltishall Public Consultation Tuesday 3rd September 2013 There will be a public meeting organised by Skeyton Residents Company Ltd. Norfolk County Council`s draft “Development Vision” display boards will be on show at the DIPLOMAT, Ormesby Road, Badersfield from noon on Tuesday 3 rd September for interested individuals to view. At 6.30pm there will be a presentation by council representatives to outline their proposals. After this there will be the opportunity for members of the public to present any ideas/comments to the council for consideration. Eric Hewitt


Gorleston and Norwich Park Runs, which were followed by that most A big summery hello from the Coltishall Jaguars! It is hard now to think special of races the London back to the cold wet days that started 2013 as we bathe in the balmy rays of the Norfolk sunshine, however here I go with a Jaguar year! Marathon on April 21st. A beautiful sunny day saw 37,000 runners including seven Jaguars tread the streets of London. For everyone a big st On January 1 the Orange Army was off with Jaguars involved in both well done and to Jenny, whom I saw at the 18 mile point, well done for the Hangover 5 at Wirksworth and the Reepham Cross Country. Take a achieving a half marathon and full marathon within one year of joining look at the website and see Alan Bushell as he performs the Best Jump! the club. In February the Bushell family took part in the final race of the Horsford May saw 14 Jaguars in the 5 mile Great Yarmouth series and another X\C series and all won prizes. George won the under first time runner for the club, Sarah Stubbs taking second place in her 11s and Dad was 1st in the men’s 40-44 age group, while Adele took category. May 5th was another good day for the Jags at the Gear 10, second in the ladies’ 45-49 age group. February also brought a run at while nine runners took part in the Dereham 10, with Clare Hicks the new course at Easton College where 10 members took part, 5 completing the distance for the Jaguars for the first time. Back at home achieving PBs, and Ken Bowman, Sarah Jay and Jackie Bye won their Jag success continued with PBs and prizes in the Wroxham 5 series. Ellie age groups. The Norwich Park runs prove ever popular and Jaguars Bye took part in and enjoyed the St Neots Triathlon despite a 3.30 start! were also to be found at Fritton Lake Duathlon. On the same day Mark Two Jags took part in the Norfolk Half: Paul Groves, who ran a 2.04.06 and Charlotte Harmer represented the Jaguars on an unusually hot after a long lay-off, and Clare Owen, who ran while chatting with her February day in the Brighton half marathon. This was Charlotte’s first sister in a time of 2.17.06. May also brought the Cape Wrath challenge, half marathon and she overcame race nerves to achieve a time of a range of running events held over a week. With varying distances and 2.09.59. Also on this most popular of days, and just one year after terrain eight Jaguars travelled the 700 miles to Durness, the most north- joining the club, Jenny Walsh and Annette Yeomanson travelled to westerly settlement in mainland Britain. A shout out to Mark Haynes Barcelona to take part in their first half marathon. Annette finished in who took on the full challenge and despite injury completed his first 2.39.05 and Jenny in 2.45.15, and both ladies are now training for the marathon in harsh weather conditions and 2,600 feet of ascent in 3 Amsterdam half with a slight detour for Jenny to the streets of London hours and 43 minutes! 16 Jaguars took part in the Gt. Yarmouth 5 mile for a full marathon – more on this later! February 23rd saw Ellie Bye in series on May 22nd. the Park Run determined to get the club record back after it was taken June and the Norwich Park Run saw Matt Stone placed 5th overall in a away from her when the Norwich course was measured short, and she field of 366 runners. Henry Neal also ran well and mini Jag Maggie Mayo ran a GoldStandard time of 20.32. ran a 30.30 time with our very own Shirley close behind in her first ever March brought another Park Run and another PB for Lisa Symon. On Park Run. Two Jaguars went to the Bungay Black Dogs 10K, a new March 3rd Jaguars were represented in the Wymondham 20, an course with a bumpy start and finish but a nice flat middle. In Warwick unusual course distance that seven out of the 10 runners were taking the Two Castles Run saw Ian Cleminson run a silver time in this uphill part in for the first time. Ben Letzer, fresh from the Poppy Line Ultra, course, which starts at Warwick Castle and finishes at Kenilworth Castle, sprinted round in a time of 2.06.31 and was placed 13th overall. Richard while back in Norwich Lisa Symon ran a PB at the Park Run. We also Collyer took part in the first Swavesey Village College Half Marathon, a had three runners in the Lord Mayor’s City Centre Classic. The Norwich flat course with only 34 feet of elevation, which proved a perfect course Sprint Triathlon saw three Jaguars take part and Jaguars also competed for Richard to achieve a PB of 1.40.13! At Warwick Castle Ian in Hancock’s 5 miles. This year’s Snowdonia Fell race recorded the Cleminson, one of our newest members, ran in the British Heart hottest conditions since 1976 for the area. Jaguar Richard Collyer’s Foundation Half Marathon and finished in a time of 1.44.28. Back in team, despite losing a member through dehydration, finished in the top Norfolk 12 Jaguars ran in the Broadland Half, despite some challenging half and he has vowed to return. Three teams entered the Ekiden Relay weather. March also saw Jaguars in the Freethorpe 10, the Roger Wing near Ipswich, an inter-club competition with six members sharing the Good Friday 10K and the Trowse 10K, where Becky Durrant came marathon distance over a 2k lap course. With good results in the second in her category. Wroxham 5, the Victory Triathlon, the Grafham Water Duathlon, the Dereham 5K and Aylsham 10K, and the Fairlands Valley Challenge in In April, nine Jaguars were involved in the Diss Duathlon, a 30K cycle Hertfordshire, the Worstead Festival saw 42 Jaguars competing. The sandwiched by two 5k runs, and Lawrence represented the Jaguars in orange army are firm supporters of this race and with Richard Bateson the Rochdale-based Lottie Wilcocks 5K. Jackie Bye was the only lady coming in a fabulous second overall we also had three members win Jaguar to take the Diss challenge and she thoroughly enjoyed it, while their age categories. We could also celebrate our very own William Ken Bowman finished first in his age category. April also saw Andy Robinson being the first resident home. All of this is something to Mulligan and his friend Josh Brighty from the Norwich Road Runners join celebrate and with over 100 members the club goes from strength to forces to raise funds for the East Anglian Air Ambulance by taking part in strength. the Paris Marathon. However, they did not get there by sea or sky but by cycling the 350 miles to the start line! I am sure you would all join me in A club always relies heavily on those who put in so much effort and free congratulating them on this amazing achievement and for raising funds time into organising, coaching and administration – the volunteers in a club who give so freely of their time to support races and social for such a great charity. 13th April saw the 136th Park Run with PBs functions. It is all of this that makes a great team and club. from Mark Harmer and Orla Cobb. Ben and Sarah Letzer and daughter Lily ran together until Lily decided to make a break for it leaving Ben and If you feel you would like to join us take a look at the website and come Sarah trying to keep up – sign that girl for the Jaguars, quickly! Henry along to a session that suits, we will welcome you! Enjoy the rest of the Neal, who started with the beginners’ sessions only earlier this year, took beautiful weather, from all at the Coltishall Jaguars. four minutes off his previous time. The Brighton Marathon on April 14th Why not come along and join the Jolly Jaguars 10K on 29th saw a record number of entries with our very own Jaguar Sze-Ming September at Frettenham Village Hall – there will be cake! Cheung crossing the line in an impressive 3.12.49, his first marathon Pauline Robinson representing the club. On April 20th Jaguars put in good results at the

NB: This article is far too long for normal insertion , all clubs and organisations should endeavour to keep articles to a maximum of 750 words or less and we will print in full if space is available. The Editors reserve the right to reduce drastically or to exclude

10 Wroxham Bure Valley By the time you read this we will hopefully Rotary Club have completed our contribution to tidying We recently celebrated our up Granary Staithe in Hoveton – a bit of Charter night, a black tie fence painting remains to be done after our evening’s work earlier in the year, but overall event held each year to mark the founding of the club. Now in our it is already looking much better and has eighth year we had a great night at certainly been much enjoyed by residents Wroxham Barns with Pimms and canapés to and visitors alike during the recent good start while we played crazy golf, followed by summer. an excellent meal. A very convivial evening Our most recent social event was our beach enjoyed by all and we were able to boost our barbeque in August for members, friends charity funds by £170 with a successful raffle. and guests – as usual a well attended and Our most recent charity donation was a enjoyable evening out. We also recently donation of £250 towards the Wroxham, enjoyed a wine tasting evening at Waitrose Hoveton and Belaugh Community Care in North Walsham for which we thank the Council which these days provides a vital staff at Waitrose for a well organised and service in those communities providing extremely pleasant evening. transport for those with no other options to Our forward Monday night programme assist with visits to doctors, chiropodists, (which can be found on our web site) has a dentists and so on. great variety of activities planned including During the school holidays we were pleased interesting speakers and great outside visits, to be able to organise some activity days at so, as ever there is a lot going on as we the Norman Centre in Norwich for pupils of continue to implement the Rotary motto of Mile Cross school. These offered painting; “service above self”, and if our lively social pottery and five-a-side football and all group sounds good to you we are looking to activities were well supported. Next summer build our membership for 2013/14. We we are already planning ways to extend our welcome both men and women from all help to schools with high numbers of under walks of life, so if you are interested in privileged children to include some of the joining us please come along to one of our Wroxham & Hoveton Lions Club local rural schools in our area meetings where guests are always welcome, we meet Monday evenings from 7pm. are holding a Craft Fair at the Broadland We are already well on with planning and Youth & Community Centre, Stalham preparing for our major winter fund raising – Our meetings take place at our permanent Road, Hoveton on Sunday 8th our Christmas collections. Father Christmas home at Wroxham Barns. Visit our web-site September from 10am - 4pm. on for more has promised to come and help us so we are Admission free. busy painting and tidying up his house so information, or contact our new president, that he can travel in style. Simon Gorton on 01692 538582. Refreshments available .

Blast from thePast

Who are these guys?. This is a family photo of children visiting grand parents and friends in Coltishall, taken during the war when young evacuees were billeted outside the big cities. If you know anyone in the picture, where it was taken, please let one of the editorial team know or fill the blanks on the copy we have posted in the High Street Chemist.

Do you have any similar photographs of “olden times” as our grandchildren say. The Marlpit is active in archiving such photographs that may well be destined for the skip and lost forever. Sadly not everyone is sentimental over these things and many are simply destroyed. Derek Allday is compiling a collection of photographic memorabilia for the Marlpit and ultimately for the villages to be displayed on the website and at exhibitions we hope to hold at local fetes in the future. Please let us copy yours and return unharmed to keep or destroy so be it.

11 HORSTEAD TRUST – TRIP TO WELLS REMINDER! Horstead Pensioners trip to Wells leaves the Tithe Barn at 10 o’clock on Saturday 21 st September. Come and have a day out. Any queries to Brian Lloyd, 737632

[Photo shows the happy trippers in Ely last year, a great day out, Thanks to the Trust]

THE PURPOSE OF THE HORSTEAD TRUST. constraints of the Charity Commissioners, and must abide by the terms of the charity, which are these: With all the new housing in the village, it may well be that not everyone is aware of the Horstead Trust. "T he t rus tees s ha l l a ppl y the i nco m e o f t he C ha ri ty t o gi v e assistance to It is a charitable trust, the full title of which is the persons resident in the Parish of Horstead Horstead Poor's Land Trust. with Stanninghall who are in conditions of It was first registered as a charity in the late 1800's need, hardship or distress, and to apply when certain areas of land were bequeathed to the any funds not needed for this purpose for village. That land was given over to allotments, and for a charitable purposes for the general benefit of time the allotment rents were the only income of the charity. the inhabitants of the said Parish." More recently, the Charity Commissioners allowed the Trust to The trustees for the time being are: Brian Lloyd (chairman) sell some land for building purposes, and the Trust now has an 737632; Gillian Bunn 737515; John Neville 738687; Margot investment income of about £7,500 a year. Miller 727176; Michael Blackburn 737495; Gordon Boulter There are seven trustees. Although they are appointed by 737852; and Christine Roe 738804. They meet routinely in the parish council, they are entirely independent, and form no alternate months, and can of course be contacted in the strictest part of that council. The Trust is go verned only by the confidence at any time.

The Probus Club of Broadlands nationalities, several thousand Olympic Officials and many thousands of volunteers and security staff to control the games. The Probus Club of Broadlands is a club for All of these were entitled to free medical and dental attention those who have worked in a professional or while the games were on and Bim was part of the Team which business capacity and who are retired, semi- provided it. retired, or approaching retirement. The principal purpose of the Club is to provide an All the officials, volunteers and medical staff etc had to wear environment for socialising between Members who share accreditation tags and the Olympic “uniform”, identified with the common interests and to enable them to increase their social Olympic Logo. This required them to attend a large warehouse contacts. The Club is non-political and non-sectarian. to be kitted out. Items had to be tried, returned, and reissued until a suitable fit was accomplished. At our meeting in August there was a presentation by Bim Sahney entitled “Dentist at the Olympics”. Bim qualified as a A four storey mini hospital had been built on the site with dentist at Guys Hospital in London in 2004 and worked there for operating rooms, all ancillary wards and facilities. Half of the top five years before coming to Norfolk for a short time, following floor was a complete dental unit able to carry out any Procedure. which he moved to Kent. He had fond memories of Norfolk so in This unit was staffed from 7am until 11pm in two shifts by 2011 he came back here and opened a practice in Riverside volunteer dentists. They were kept busy all the time with queues Norwich. waiting outside. They dealt with many emergencies resulting from either accidents or toothache. However, most of their time While working at Guys he applied to help with dental work at the was taken up with athletes from poor and developing countries Games, was accepted and subsequently called for on-site which had little or no dental facilities and who were taking training in late 2011 and early 2012. He had always been advantage of complete check ups and treatment that would not interested in all kinds of sport, played many and suffered all be available to them until the next games. They performed types of injury as a result. If he had not decided on a dental extractions, fillings, teeth straightening procedures and even career he felt sure he would have been a Sports Physiotherapist. crowned teeth. Bim’s presentation included photos of the Olympic site, showing Bim had volunteered to give 10 days to the unit, so had to close the way each nationality had decorated their part of the village his own Norwich practice. Unassisted, he had to find this own to indicate their country and its various features. There were accommodation and travel every day to the Games. Whilst some also photos to illustrate the aims of the Olympic Committee empty seats were allocated to members of the Forces none of which are to leave a legacy to encourage youth to take part in the volunteers were included. In order to see some of the more sports in the future. Games, Bim had to enter a ballot with other members of the Over ten thousand athletes took part with a further twenty five public and only saw those few games for which he won, and thousand support staff, comprising trainers and families etc. paid for, a ticket. There were also twenty thousand media personnel of all

FOR SALE Farmhouse style pine table (5’ x 3’) and six chairs. £150.00 Tel: 737024

FOR SALE Chocolate brown suede effect sofa bed bought from Argos, would suit teenage/child’s bedroom. Excellent condition £50.00 o-n-o. Tel: 737637


In June we asked Marlpit Rainbows is all about developing self- What do girls say about confidence, building friendships, learning Readers for a volunteer to save new things and having fun. Girls get their Rainbows? the Coltishall Rainbows from closure - hands dirty with arts and crafts, trying out 'We play games, we celebrate things, we Unfortunately no one came forward so the cooking and playing games. Rainbows is write in our books, we play on the compu- unit had what may have been their last all about learning by doing. ter, we do painting…' meeting at the end of July. (Donna who Fareeha, 6 has been running the unit for nearly 2 years, has moved to South Walsham so 'We're a little bit the same and a little bit will be running a Rainbow Unit closer to different to other girls. I think Rainbows her home). learn more things. I think it's easier than “Providing we can find at school because there are no boys.' a volunteer to run the Isha, 6 unit, it’s not too late to 'The best bit was the party for my Promise save it” because we all ate chocolate cake!' Louise, 5 It would certainly make 10 Rainbows very happy. Rainbows are girls aged 5 [Photo and quotes from Rainbows website] – 7 years and from the age of 7 they Please Please don’t let this unit close and can move up into Brownies. The Rainbows follow a programme called the contact Kate now at:- assistant leader is happy to continue Rainbow Jigsaw, through which they can to help who ever takes on the role so take part in lots of different activities with [email protected] she would not be alone.. and it is girls their own age. fun!

Rotary Club of Broadlands The Rotary organisation organises a Rotary Friendship exchange We are again this year supporting where Rotarians from other parts Macmillan nurses by running our Come of the world stay in the homes of for Coffee Day at the Church Hall, Rotarians in another country. We Norwich Road, Wroxham on Friday, have just been very lucky to have had 5 couples 20 th September 2013 , 10am to from Victoria in Southern Australia visit this area 2pm . There will be coffee and cakes, and stay firstly in Watton, then in Beccles and Bric a Brac and a cake sale. Entry £2 finally in Norwich and surrounding villages. We which includes refreshments. have shown them around the area including Sandringham, Blickling, Cromer ,Wroxham and For more information about Rotary ring the Broads, Norwich and of course the local Richard Mayer on 01603 715795 or visit Churches. The visit follows a trip by our Rotarians to Australia last year. The fellowship has been really great and we have made many new friends. The scheme is open to all Rotarians.

SECONDHAND BOOK SALE Saturday 14th September 2.00pm – 4.00pm HOVETON & WROXHAM SCOUTS Scout HQ , Nobel Crescent Wroxham JUMBLE SALE

Large selection, all categories, fiction and non- Saturday 12th October fiction including children's titles. Good value, 11am - 1pm HOVETON & WROXH refreshments available. In aid of Scout funds. AM SEA SCOUTS The Avenues Hoveton Village Hall, Stalham Road Refreshments available Norwich Road Entry 30p In aid of Scout Funds Scout HQ Nobel Crescent

13 Ashmanhaugh & Barton Wanderers Cricket Club Ashamanhaugh and Barton Wanderers Cricket Club: Provide youth cricket coaching with qualified coaches Monday evenings at Barton Turf 6.15 - 7.45pm.

We are also keen to hear from any senior players who are interested in joining our cricket club we run four Saturday teams and one Sunday team. Ladies cricket - a new way to keep fit! Why not join us, beginners welcome - coaching takes place each Wednesday evening from 6pm. (Including girls from age 13). For more information please contact youth cricket: Darren Marrable on 07931723396, senior cricket: Scott Hayes on 07917532955 or ladies cricket: Paula Mayes on 01603 781848.


Wanted Volunteer Seal Wardens Friends of Horsey Seals, a voluntary WHB Twinning Association wildlife organisation, are looking for new volunteers to train as wardens to We had an excellent social evening and pre-trip briefing on 2 nd help with conservation work this August at Sheila and Peter’s in Wroxham, a delicious buffet Autumn/Winter . supplied by everyone, a lovely summer evening out in their Volunteers will be trained as seal garden, good company and good wine: very convivial. We are wardens to help reduce disturbance now looking forward to our trip to La Pommeraye and Mont- to a grey seal colony on the Norfolk Coast during the breeding Jean-sur-Loire, 14-20 th August, our fun-packed programme, season. As a volunteer seal warden you will be asked: maybe not our 5am start from Broadland School but I’m sure • To advise visitors about suitable behaviour around seals. we’ll be able to snooze on the coach and soon recover. We are • To engage with visitors to the grey seal colony. taking, as our 20 th visit present for our hosts, a specially • To promote the conservation group. commissioned signpost, kindly donated by one of our If you are enthusiastic about Norfolk’s wildlife and its conservation, enjoy talking to people and can spare some time members, showing the distance from Wroxham Bridge to Mont- between November and February, please do get in touch. Jean Bridge over the Loire. Our French friends have already Training will be given locally. expressed their delight with this gift, an excellent memento of For more details of the role and further information the links between our communities. We must thank Gill Hood please call Peter Ansell 01493 748516 for the fantastic work she has done in organising this trip: it has not been easy at times. Two of our members from Coltishall, Sue and Stewart, would also like to thank the Twinning volunteers and those from the Bure Valley Rotary Club who helped recently in their garden and did loads of chopping, weeding etc-and we would like to thank Sue for her delicious Pims, sausage rolls and cake-we’ll help again any time, Sue! The Book Club met at the end of July at Aileen’s in Ashmanaugh and gave mostly favourable reviews for her choice of book, “The Earth hums in B Flat” by Mari Strachan, very reminiscent of many of our childhoods. Pat has chosen our August book, “Before I go to Sleep” by S J Watson and we’ll meet at her house in Wroxham on 28 th August. French Conversation will start again on 11 th September at Maggie’s in Belaugh, hopefully with renewed enthusiasm and confidence after our Twinning visit. Ruth would still like to hear from anyone, as soon as possible, interested in a French Beginners Class at her house and you can contact her on 01603 781405 or [email protected] Our Quiz and Supper evening on 12 th October in Wroxham Church Hall draws closer, teams of six, £9 for a two course supper and quiz entertainment, Loire wine prizes and some tastings too: be getting your teams ready. Also our AGM is planned for 7 th November this year. For any more information on any of our activities please contact Gill on 01603 270397 or [email protected]

Colitishall Rainbows need a leader now, please if you can help, contact [email protected]

14 Jubilee Players This year's October production is the play "Murdered to Death" by Peter Gordon. It is an hilarious spoof in the best Agatha Christie tradition: a country manor house in the 1930's; an odd butler; a stiff upper lipped retired Colonel; a shady French art dealer and his moll; a bumbling local police inspector; and a well4meaning local sleuth who just happens to be called Miss Maple. There is, of course, a mysterious death, and it becomes clear there may be more to follow. Dedication of New Branch Standard Can the murderer be unmasked before everyone 24th July else has met their doom? On behalf of the members of the Coltishall & District Branch, I would like to thank all those who supported the Branch in the purchase and Or, with any luck, will be audience die laughing Dedication of our new Branch Standard. first? Our sincere thanks go to our Padre, Chris Engelsen for his conduct of the service and help in organising. Many thanks also go to the Red lion Performances: 30 th,31 st October & 1 st for looking after us all after the service. November 2013 Nightly at 7.30 pm at the Tithe Barn, Horstead.

Box office: Carol White, The Forge, Horstead 737665

Hoveton,Wroxham and District Gardening Club

New standards are not cheep and without the help and support of the Friday September 6th village and its residents, it would not have been possible for us to raise Hoveton VIllage Hall, the required money. So once again, the members of the Branch thank 7.30.p.m. you all. Autumn Show. Bob Jennings Exhibits accepted between 6.00 - 7.15p.m. please bring your exhibits however small in number to help make this show Alpington & Yelverton Village Hall successful. Talk by Mr Ian RAINBOW FESTIVAL Roofe whilst judging ☺Saturday 7 th Sep - Fete to be opened at 10.30 am by Helen taking place PLANTS of McDermott TV & Radio Presenter Various produce & craft stalls, the MOMENT . He will bring along flowers etc Classic cars, Meet the Alpacas, Car boot and Bric-a-Brac sales, available at this time of the year from his Tombola, Raffle, Loddon Brass Band, Fete games for all ages,Children’s vegetable decoration & Fancy dress competitions. garden. Nine out of Ten Cats in the evening from 1900 hours in the evening on the field next to The Wheel PH,Wheel Road, Please return any cups from the show last Alpington year. ☺Sunday 8 th Sep - Dog show -0930 to 1400 hours, to include an ability demonstration. Concluding concert in the Church @ 4.30 New members always welcome either contact pm Pam 01603782041 Throughout the weekend there will be an Art exhibition in the Hall. For further information contact 01508 493570

15 WROXHAM LIBRARY “Not Just Books” WROXHAM & HOVETON LIONS CLUB There are rather a lot of tired but elated Club members, slowly recovering from their exertions in staging this Coffee Mornings every Monday, years Norwich Charity Motor Show and Family Fun 10am-12pm – All welcome Event. Afternoon Tea on Thursday Once again it was an overwhelming success and despite afternoons, 3pm-4pm – All welcome to join us at the library for afternoon tea and coffee Bounce and Rhyme Time at the library on alternate Tuesdays 1.30pm-2pm during term time only. Songs and rhymes for babies, toddlers, parents and carers. The next dates are 10 September, 24 September, 8 October, 22 October . Get online with The Learn My Way website is designed to help people take their first steps with computers and the Internet. Free 1 hour sessions – book yours now for help with getting started and online. the additional space available at the showground, we still could not Happy Hours 2 for 1 on DVDs and CDs. Monday 10am-1pm, accommodate all those stall holders who wished to attend. Also, for the Wednesday 2pm-5pm, Friday 4.30pm-7.30pm first time ever, we had to disappoint some classic car owners as all the Sunday allocated spaces had been filled, with over 250 vehicles of all Jigsaw Swap. Swap your jigsaws at Wroxham Library – bring ages attending. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, was a great draw for all age in a complete one that you have finished and swap it with one groups, as were the ever popular Star Wars and Daleks. The attendance of the jigsaws we have here. Available whenever we are open. exceeded all our expectations and we will announce the final figure in The Scrabble Club meets on the last Thursday of each month next month’s report once the final accounts have been agreed. from 2pm-4pm. All welcome. Refreshments provided. We will now be taking a well deserved break from the motor Discover six great new books as part of the ‘Summer Reads’ show for a couple of months, before starting all over again in promotion – brought to you in partnership with Norwich planning the 2014 event. Writers’ Centre at Wroxham Library. Many thanks to all of you who supported us by attending and The Children’s Creepy House Summer Reading we hope you enjoyed your time there. Challenge comes to an end with the Medal Ceremony The Charity Shop has continued to see an upturn in trade, but presented by Tom Garrod, County Councillor, from 10.30am- we are still short of good quality bric-a-brac, so any donations 11am on Saturday 7 th September . you have will be very welcome. The ‘Afternoon Tea Concert’ with the Jazz Annie , in June Surf’s Up Reunion. If you have attended a computer course raised a total of £217, with £117 being donated to the at the library, then we want to hear from you! Come along for Worstead Day Centre and £100 to our general charity funds. coffee and let us know how you are getting along on Thursday 3 rd October from 10am-12pm. For further Our next event will be a Craft Fair on Sunday 8 th September information or to book a place, please call Wroxham Library on at the Broadland Youth and Community Centre, Stalham Road, 01603 782560. Hoveton 10am to 4pm. Admission is free and refreshments, including our delicious bacon rolls, are available. On the social front members had a very enjoyable evening boat WROXHAM LIBRARY - NORWICH ROAD - WROXHAM - NR12 trip and picnic on the Broads, with the weather being as good 8RX - 01603 782560 as it could be. As is now tradition, we rounded off the Motor Show with a meal to help us unwind. This months £100 Charity Shop draw goes to the Children’s Friends of Bure Valley Railway. Society, who were nominated by Elaine Bell of Ashmanaugh, who donated items to the shop. RECENTLY OPENED We will always welcome new members, so if you like what we Book Shop do, have a few hours to spare occasionally and would like to Wroxham Station make a difference in your local community, whist at the same time having some fun, why not give our President, Lion Ros Approx 4000 previously owned books for sale. Clipston a ring on 01603429380, or alternatively contact our Membership Chairperson Lion Suzanne Barnett on 01603 Come and Browse - Come and Buy - Come and Bring 782002. If you prefer, feel free to come along to one of Come and Help - the Friends are passionate about the BVR our meetings, which are held in the Broadland Youth and and welcome any support you can give , contact John Community Centre, at 8pm on 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each Hutchin, Friends co-ordinator, 01263 733858 month. We are a friendly bunch and you will be made very welcome. NB. The Marlpit is looking forward to running a feature of the Friends Ros Clipston, President and their work for the Bure Valley Railway possibly in the October issue.

16 Then & Now The editors are creating a gallery of pictures of the Marlpit area. Here we have two postcards kindly sent to us from Mrs Grout of Sprowston.

Below we have a picture of Horstead Hall, Coltishall, we believe it is from the 1950’s as the exact date is not known. Please notice the well manicured lawns. If any reader can give dates for these pictures please contact the editors.

Above we have a picture of Lower Common, the exact date is not known but could be the 1950’s. Please notice the Island covered with trees. The large Oak tree in the centre was called The Salvation Oak

We would be pleased to receive your pictures of “Then and Now” of your own homes or local area - Not just views but people around the area too. It would be helpful if you could include a date and a little detail of were the picture was taken. Please send your photographs to [email protected] . Alternatively post (with return address) in the Marlpit boxes at the Post Office, Chemist or Farm to Fork and Fish.

this is at 10-30 on 27th September, St Marys care Home all welcome just pop in. Crostwick, we are still looking for volunteers to We would like to say thank you to all help run events at st Marys, or if you those who came along to the fete we have a talent or can give a talk please held on 27th July, we have raised so far contact Georgina Archer - Activities or £604 for the residents funds for Deborah Johnson Manager -01603 entertainment and social activities. 898277 Our next event is to raise money for Thank you again for all your support at Macmillan with the Big Coffee Morning, the fete


We opened our meeting on a lovely RHUBARB STIRABOUT July evening by singing Jerusalem and those celebrating their birthday this month received posies. 4oz Plain flour There was praise for the efforts of the WI catering team at 2oz Margarine Heggatt Hall open garden where the wonderful cakes served for 2oz Castor sugar tea helped to raise £1,037 for Horstead church. 1 egg and 5 tablespoons milk Plans are being finalised for our “Cakes on the Common” stall 8 to 12oz Rhubarb in August when we hope a fine day will encourage you to come along and buy a treat for tea. Golden syrup There is no meeting in August. Instead we shall be having the annual Summer garden party which will be held at our Rub fat into flour until like breadcrumbs, Stir in sugar, Add President`s home. beaten egg & milk to make stiff batter, Cut fruit into 1 inch Mrs. Helen Hoyte gave us a real treat when she spoke on the pieces and stir in. Pour into greased pie dish & bake about 30 history of Norwich shawls and brought a selection from her own minutes, Gas 7, 220C collection. The shawls gave wealth to Norwich and were initially Cover with syrup while hot & eat at once! made from Worstead (the weft) and silk (the warp).The earliest Why not try other fruit, such as gooseberries, cherries or plums we saw was from 1810 but the fashion started at the beginning instead of rhubarb. of the 18 th century in order to cover the thin cotton gowns of that era. Claudette

17 C o m p u t e r FRETTENHAM BIG SCREEN PRESENTS O ‘The Great Gatsby’ An adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's Long R Island-set novel, where Midwesterner Nick Carraway is lured into the lavish world of No Grandma you wont his neighbour, Jay Gatsby. Soon enough, N need a wetsuit it’s not however, Carraway will see through the that ki nd of Surfing cracks of Gatsby's nouveau riche existence, Love you lots xxx where obsession, madness, and tragedy E await. Frettenham Village Hall, R Computer Power Tips Computer components, i.e. Hard Drives and Motherboards do th not like the unit being shut down by power cuts or switching Friday 27 September off at the plug socket when not responding. 7.30pm If violent Thunderstorms are overhead shut down the unit, if possible, to avoid damage. [doors open 6.45pm] While using your Computer, it freezes or does not respond, just Press and Hold the Power on button and count slowly to six. The Computer will power down normally and avoid any £4.00 damage. To restart just press the Power button, Start Windows Bar, tea and coffee, raffle normally. The same advice applies if Computer or Laptop refuses to wake from Sleep or Hibernation. On some Laptops, you may have to remove the Power Adaptor and Battery for a few seconds, to totally power down. In a few instances Routers have been "Spiked" by a pulse down the Telephone Line, cause by Thunderstorms. This not only destroys the Router but can take out the Ethernet Port on the Computer, we have had two instances in the past, also one Motherboard destroyed. To avoid this, if possible just remove the Modem lead from Router until the threat passes. CRAFT SALE Happy Surfing, keep safe. 14th July Silver Surfers Course, Hautbois The Course is on October 28/29/30th, apologies for the The grand sum of £200 was raised. Contact details being omitted in July, they are EMail: [email protected] or To everyone who came and bought crafts Telephone : 737357 and select option 2. and plants, and those who gave donations - Please send your Questions by Email to many, many thanks. [email protected] and we will pass you on to our experts, and publish Question and Answer next month. Janice Pound, 16 Patricia Avenue, Horstead

BADMINTON. Come and join a friendly group of people who play for exercise and fun on Wednesday evenings at Broadland High School in Hoveton. The next term starts on 11th September at 7.15p.m. and we hope that new players and current members will come and support this local club. Please

18 But with football – I'm talking about proper football now, not the American game – slow periods can happen at any time, often unexpectedly. The back four decide to knock the ball around, slowing the game down. A back pass to the keeper can slow things down. Even a headed clearance can slow the game down. Letter from America. Marlpit Editor Susie Bunn The problem for Americans? These slower passages of a match aren't expected. received this from one of her former students. From an American sports perspective, if the clock is still running, then action We though it would be good to share with the should be happening. When the action slows down, the clock stops. This is the Marlpit Readers…. same exact reason that 60-minute American football games take upwards of three hours to play: when the action stops, so does the clock. Pace of the games aside, there's an even more intangible reason why football – particularly the European game – holds something that American can't get a firm grasp on: pageantry. No one around the ground saw it coming. Seemingly Sure, American sports have drama, but it's not the same as the theatre-like out of nowhere, Wayne Rooney clipped a pristine 50-yard ball over performances football clubs exist in. And just like a theatre performance, there are the top of the defense with -guided accuracy. Robin van Persie main plots and sub plots, for the league as a whole and on a club level. was away from his marker and only had to take it down for a clear For instance, American football has one goal: win the Super Bowl. Outside of that chance on goal. goal, an American football team doesn't have any secondary goals. Except he didn't take it down. With what can only be called superhuman Now take a look at an English football team. Tottenham play for the Premier concentration and sublime skill, Van Persie took the 50-yard flighted ball first-time, League trophy, the league cup, the FA Cup and Europa League. There are so exquisitely driving it into the side netting past a stunned Brad Guzan and sending many different issues to manage, goals to focus on and possible areas of gain and Old Trafford into euphoria. loss that it's enough to rival a Shakespearean play. Beyond being one of the best goals of the Premier League season and his second There's also the threat of relegation, which isn't something any American sports of his first-half hat trick, the goal assured Manchester United command of the match that would clinch their 20th Premier League trophy. teams deal with. The American sports model focuses on stability in major markets, so no matter how awful a team is every year, they continue playing at the top Like any United supporter, I watched the match with unbridled fervor, smile level. beaming for the match's duration. Unlike most supporters, however, when the Football clubs don't have that luxury. A losing season can mean relegation, and match ended, I didn't have anyone to share my joy with. relegation can lead to crippling financial consequences. That's not because I lack friends or family – far from it in fact. The reason I didn't But perhaps the most thrilling aspect of football isn't the actual game itself, but have anyone to share in my jubilant celebration is because in my home of rather the atmosphere supporters create. In America, fans are passionate about Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the words 'Manchester United' are as likely to conjure a their teams, of that there's no doubt. perplexed glance as they are an affirmative nod. Football supporters take passion to a new level, though. Supporting a team is That's not to say all people in and around Pittsburgh are ignorant of football; there almost like a badge of exclusivity, an identity of its own. Even the nomenclature are plenty of sports fans intrepid enough to venture out of the 'American sports surrounding the idea differs. In America, they're called 'fans', a simple, ambiguous bubble' long enough to at least get a taste of the beautiful game. The problem for word. most, unfortunately, is that the 'America sports bubble' is a tough barrier to pop. But football is different. There are no football 'fans' anywhere; they're 'supporters', Like most American children, 'soccer' – and yes, I'm well-aware of the a much stronger, clearly defined word. It's not simply about going to watch a Americanism, hence the quotes – was one of the many sports I could have played match for entertainment value. A supporter goes to a match with as much fervent as a child. After dabbling with it for several years, I wound up choosing to play the loyalty – and oftentimes more – than the players donning the club's jersey. game known as America's pastime: baseball. I'm not saying there's something missing from American sports. But when it But after 10 years of playing baseball, the game had lost its lustre. The speed of comes to the heart of the issue, football does it right, and there's no finer sport on the game seemed to have picked up exponentially from one year to the next. I the planet. was 16-years old, and the game I played for fun and enjoyment had suddenly So, from one ardent football supporter to my friends across the Pond, I say good become stressful and trite. on you! It truly is a beautiful game, and your rich history of sport makes it all the I needed a change. brighter. It wouldn't even be a year before I got that change, and it came in the most Although I still can't understand cricket for the life of me. unexpected form. For the first time in memory, the 2006 World Cup was set to receive unprecedented coverage in the United States – even more than when the country hosted it in 1994. The coverage was such that every match was being Matt broadcast live. Pittsburgh Curious as to why the game was so popular globally, I sat down in front of my Pennsylvania television – and became hooked instantly. The game was so elegant, fast, fluid and open that it was impossible for me to Susie said take my eyes away from it. The game – which I, like so many other Americans “Matt has never lived here, but he has somehow dismissed as boring and uneventful – had a rhythm and cadence to it that seemed gained a better understanding of the passion for to be sporting perfection. Every movement, pass and attempt on goal had a football than I have in almost a decade of living purpose. here! I'm hoping that his articles might spark How could I have simply dismissed this game for the first 17 years of my life? some letters to the editors ” Now 24, I've had the past seven years to ask myself that question. Along the way, I've consumed every piece of knowledge I can about the game, becoming an ardent Manchester United supporter in the process. Cricket: As explained to a foreigner... You have two As an aside, I didn't simply pick Manchester United because they always win. In sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man fact, the first team I learned anything about was AC Milan. I became a United that's in the side that's in goes out, and when he's supporter after watching them play a Champions League group stage match. out he comes in and the next man goes in until he's Without realizing it, I caught myself hanging on every pass they made, every run, out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes every shot on goal. I wasn't just a football fan anymore; I was a Manchester in and the side thats been in goes out and tries to United supporter. get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get men That anecdote perfectly highlights one of the key problems with Americans being still in and not out. so slow to embrace football. The free-flowing, open nature of a football match When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out stands counter to what are known in the US as the 'Big Four': American football, try to get him out, and when he is out he goes in baseball, basketball and ice hockey. and the next man in goes out and goes in. There are In each of these sports, the clock stops frequently and fairly regularly, or in the two men called umpires who stay all out all the time case of baseball, there is no clock. What you get are bursts of action-packed play, and they decide when the men who are in are out. followed by a sudden stop, and then another shot of action. People here expect When both sides have been in and all the men have that, so when there's a slow period, it's because that's how it's supposed to be. out, and both sides have been out twice after all the Even hockey, which has a violent pace to it, gets slowed down so the major men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game! networks can air commercial breaks for their sponsors. There are actually scheduled stoppages, so the next time play halts, the action stops for two or three There ya go, dew yew all keep a troshin. minutes.

19 By Derek Allday

BOATS OF THE NORFOLK BROADS The Norfolk Punt The Norfolk Punt was derived from the flat4bottomed gun punts that roamed the Broadland waters in the mid4to4late 19th century. However, at the turn of the 20 th Century, in order to get to and from the hunting grounds more efficiently, the punters developed their highly unstable craft to carry a basic mast and sail for travelling with the wind. It is from these humble beginnings that one of the country’s most exciting and powerful racing dinghy classes was born. In the eight years immediately after WWII only one boat was built, and it became apparent that the post4WWII economy meant that a new breed of boat needed to be designed, if the class was not to disappear into ignominy. Dick Wyche of Wyche and Coppock designed a 22’ boat made of plywood that proved far cheaper to build and far lighter and faster to sail. This design hustled the class into a new era, with the next 25 boats being built to Dick Wyche’s plans, and with the class incorporating the trapeze in the 1960's and offering a fibreglass alternative in the 70’s. To this day, the ‘hard chine’ Punt is a favourite of many, possibly because of its exceptional performance in light to medium conditions, and is still as much in production as ever; of the nine Punts built since 2000, four have been to this design. However, once again owners’ preferences have caused rig configurations to vary, from aluminium to carbon spars, single or twin trapezes and symmetric or asymmetric spinnakers. The two images show members of The Norfolk Punt Club on Barton Broad.

JUBILEE PLAYERS 1st Hoveton and Wroxham Sea Scout Group CALENDAR GIRLS For their summer production, Jubilee Players took on the challenge of Tim Firth’s ‘Calendar Girls’. Not only is it a challenging piece for the cast, but the majority of the audience will already have had their preconceptions formed by Helen Mirren and Julie Walters. However, no-one will have left Horstead Tithe Barn in any way disappointed by the quality of the production, as not only ‘the girls’ but the supporting characters responded enthusiastically to Neil Phillips sharp direction. Perhaps the key to the success was the casting. Cara (Sue Brooks), Chris (Rosalind Chamberlin), Annie (Sue Phillips), Jessie (Cynthia Gosling), Celia (Sue Brodie) and Ruth (Hannah Groves) established their characters in a wholly convincing manner, their differing responses to the ‘naughtiness’ of the proposal to pose for the calendar setting the On Sunday 21 st July 2013 the Group held their 10 th Classic Car and Bike scene for the development of the plot. Their deception of the pompous Show at St Johns Community Primary School field. Whilst the Group had WI chairwoman, Marie (Jane Risebrow), unites them in their planned to make this event bigger and better than before, the success determination to see through the apparently crazy project. of this year’s show exceeded all our expectations. Over 260 Classic Cars The first half of the play in which the death of Annie’s husband, John and Bikes attended. BBC Radio Norfolk’s Treasure Quest visited the (Neil Phillips) from leukaemia - which provides the justification for show first thing in the morning and MP Norman Lamb presented the substituting middle-aged glamour for jam and Jerusalem - is sensitively trophies and drew the raffle at the end of the day. The middle of the day treated, as is the emerging tension of the second half that arises was filled with looking at the cars, live music from the Den Barrie Duo, between Annie and Chris as celebrity opportunities arrive in sleepy BBQ, refreshments, bar and other attractions included a visit by the fire Knapely. The understated humour of the piece is equally well handled, brigade, first aid demonstrations, car boot stalls, china smashing and the dialogue providing the characters with the opportunity to hone their kiddies corner, all of which were well attended. timing of one-liners. The Group would like to thank all those people who made the show The central photography scene was excellent, the apparent chaos such as success-too disguising a skilfully structured piece of stagecraft, while the speech many to mention scene at the WI conference struck just the right note of anxiety and personally but thank you stridency. The emotional ending on ‘John’s hill’, as the sunflowers turn, to the car and bike provided a ‘feel good’ conclusion to a production which would have owners for attending, pleased not only the Tithe Barn audiences but the ‘Leukaemia Research’ the public for visiting and charity that will benefit from the ticket sales. all the helpers on the Those holding the performing rights to the play have opened an 18- day. Next years show is month window for amateur groups to stage ‘Calendar Girls’, with the on Sunday 20 th July proviso that some of the profits are donated to a cancer charity and, 2014, so put it in your unsurprisingly, there has been a proliferation of productions across the diary now. country. Few will have bettered this one.

20 News from The Bell Tower It really is a pleasure to be able to ring the wedding bells for a young lady who used to go to the Sunday School at St.John The Baptist Church and was very much a part of the village life in Coltishall, and so on August 9 th great preparations had been in hand for the special day of Sarah Hill being married to James Myers, and Sarah is of course the daughter of Sue & Christopher Hill, who used to ring the bells with us and was the Deputy Tower Captain for many years.

Only a little late, but better late than never. Good things are worth waiting for and the residents of Horstead are no exception to this well-worn phrase as they now have a brand new circular resting place on the green opposite The Tithe Barn in Rectory Road. Funded by the Coltishall & Horstead WI and Horstead with Stanninghall Parish Council who decided where it would go. As it is in Horstead and to aid the design it reads Horstead Coltishall WI 2012. Blacksmith Rob Turner fabricated the seat in his Stalham workshops and said “The hot zinc plated finish will mellow For the Entrance of the Bride, a Prelude from Te Deum by but not rust or require any maintenance for many years Marc-Antoine Charpentier was played. Wearing an ivory satin and then only to insert a gusset when the oak matures”. full length dress which was gathered into folds meeting at the In the picture, Sylvia Coward WI President [left], Margaret back, so very elegant, and a short veil edged in satin, (which Gurney Parish Chair and Clerk Philippa Weightman [Right] could we understand was the (“Something Borrowed”) and had been touch but not sit as the concrete pads were still soft. In the worn by Sue, the brides mother at her wedding, following short term, daily watering is required and both Sylvia and close behind came two little Bridesmaids in cream dresses with Margaret are planning this to ensure the trees have the best pale blue sashes tied in a big bow at the back, and wearing possible start. Sylvia said “Our Diamond Jubilee seat is a little cream satin ballet shoes, the third Bridesmaid wore a little late as we had to wait for the trees, and have NCC lovely short blue dress, and they carried posies of , blue Highways do a utilities check for drains and cables, but and cream flowers, they all looked absolutely beautiful. it is lovely and well worth it." After the first hymn we heard a reading by Alice Moore, then the Reverend Neville Khambatta gave the address. The Marriage ceremony was followed by an extract from The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci read by Jim Connolly. A Operation Christmas Child favourite hymn of many people is “One more Step Along The World I Go” and the large congregation sang out with gusto. This year the Christmas Shoe Boxes will be After The Lord's Prayer, The Blessing, and signing of the going to KOSOVA, the reason for this is register the bride and groom walked back down the isle to the that last year they received fewer boxes strains of Hornpipe from The Water Music by Handel . Then of than any other country. course those Wedding Bells rang out loud and clear as NO Chocolate or stuffed hand knitted toys. everyone gathered round to take photographs of the happy couple . Were complimented on how great the bells sounded Please leave filled boxes in my porch at Jasmine Cottage or and we would like to say many thanks for the lovely box of with Sue Edmondson at 14 St John’s Close after 1 st week in chocolates which had been given to the bell ringers and were October and before the 3 rd week in November. greatly appreciated. As always we wish Sarah and James As last year the leaflets will be available from my porch and the many happy years together as they start on their new High Street Chemist. adventure. Jill Blackburn 737442 So until next time, enjoy your ringing especially if it is for a wedding! Audrey (Secretary)

21 Wiltshire Farm Foods taking care of mealtimes Your Demonstration Find out about our tasty, nutritious meals - at your local demonstration ....

WHERE: Coltishall Village Hall Lounge

FOR: Coltishall & Horstead Good Neighbour Scheme WHEN: Tuesday 17 September 2pm

As Good Neighbour Scheme volunteers we are kept busy assisting the residents of GN Coltishall and Horstead. July has been our S busiest month so far with 40 requests in total all of which we were able to accommodate. Yes, this service is needed and greatly appreciated by the clients we assist. 07799277455 Date for your diary Wiltshire Farm Foods will be coming to Coltishall village hall lounge on Tuesday 17 th September at 2pm to demonstrate and give you an opportunity to taste their tasty nutritious meals. Why not come and try them and have a cup to tea afterwards. If you would like to attend and require transport please telephone the Good Neighbour Scheme on 07799 277455. Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service Free home fire safety visit. Would you like a fire safety check in your home. These are generally free to most people. Please telephone 0800 917 8137 to book and appointment. Smoke detectors are fitted free of charge. Lunch club Coltishall church rooms hold a lunch club on Wednesdays from 12.30 – 1.45pm. Why not come and have a chat and enjoy a home cooked hot meal. Transport provided if needed. For more information telephone 01603 737270.

23 24 MONEY MATTERS… A regular report for Marlpit readers

One clear conclusion is that future volatility A Question of Timing needs to be accepted. As a general view, holding all of your investments in shares is a When is a good time to buy shares ? And once owning them, higher risk strategy when compared to using when’s the best time to “get off the bus ?” If only we had a crystal a range of different asset classes. A typical diversified investment ball ….. I for one wish I had made better use of my cheque book portfolio for a cautiously minded investor seeking capital growth, out at the start of 2009 ! may well consist of 30% in shares, perhaps 5% in property and 65% in fixed interest stocks (gilts and corporate bonds.) The graph shows us how the FTSE 100 share index has moved over the last 10 years. Please draw your own conclusions on the If you do hold investments of any kind, you may feel that now is a direction the graph may take in the future. wise time to take a fresh look at precisely where your money is being invested. What level of risk are you currently taking ? How well diversified are your investments ? Are you protected against the effects of a falling market ?

Feel free to contact me if you would like to review your own investments.

This short article in no way should be taken by readers as advice. Unless you feel at ease in making your own decisions, independent advice is always recommended. We have access to plenty of information to help you make the right choices. Whatever option you take, it’s sensible to spend a little time getting quality professional advice before committing yourself.

Martin Smith IFA can be contacted on 01263 732720 or 07584 030071

Martin Smith Independent Financial Adviser Limited is an appointed representative of Financial Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FCA Number 552843

Community Lunch Club Tom came to the lunch club late in his full and busy life, he made an immediate impact with his wonderful outlook. His prayer in the Order of Service shows his love of life. The club appreciates the thoughts given by the family to ask for donations in Memory of Tom. This will be used to provide those little extras to make the visits to to Church Room on Wednesdays that little bit more special

We are starting back after our Summer break during August and look forward to old and new faces. Please contact Joan Milligan on 737270 if you would like to join us

25 United Reform Church

If you were in crisis - where would you turn? Many of us have friends and family to turn to when the going gets tough. But what if your family could no longer help and you had nowhere else to go? What if the kids were hungry, the cupboards bare and you’re not sure where the next meal is coming from? A sudden crisis such as an illness, family breakup, death, benefit delay or redundancy can leave people unable to feed themselves and their families. Such situations can quickly deteriorate sometimes leading to relationship breakdown, housing loss, crime and health problems. Norwich foodbank supports local individuals and families who find themselves on the edge of disaster through the provision of emergency food supplies. These supplies take the form of nutritionally balanced emergency foodboxes to cover an individual or family’s basic needs for 72 hours: the critical time gap before the Social Services safety net “kicks in.” We work closely with local care organisations whose professional care-workers identify people in crisis and give them a food voucher and refer them to one of our Distribution Centres. Here they are given a warm welcome, a hot drink and a foodbox and if they wish, a listening ear and help in finding other professionals who can assist them with the underlying problems that is causing their crisis. Just by giving food and/or money to Norwich Foodbank - you can be a vital part of the community that’s providing emergency food to local people in crisis. We are pleased to announce that Roys will soon have a foodbank collection point in Hoveton. Please consider buying a few extra items in with your weekly shop to donate to families in need. We are also pleased to announce that a new foodbank Rev Kenneth Lynch cuts the ribbon to officially open distribution centre will be opening at The Wroxham Hub, project he initiated.. staffed by members of the local community and local churches. Thank you for helping your neighbour in need. Foodbank Shopping List Please help local people in crisis by buying items from the list below and leaving them at the Norwich Foodbank collection point in Roys or in The Wroxham Hub, 114 Norwich Rd. Thank you!

� Milk (UHT Long Life) �� Sugar (500g) �� Fruit Juice (Long Life Carton) �� Rice Pudding (Tinned) �� Sponge Pudding (Tinned) �� Instant Custard (Packets) �� Tomatoes (Tinned) �� Instant Mash Potato �� Tinned Meat �� Tinned Fish �� Tinned Vegetables �� Tinned Fruit � Instant Coffee (small jar) �� Snack Bars Open House Every �� Tea Bags (pack of 40) �� Pasta Sauce Thursday, 10am-1pm

�� Jam at The Wroxham Hub, 114 Norwich Rd. Thank you for your support ! All are welcome!

26 From the Reverend Christopher Engelsen

Dear Friends Strawless Churches. Our local businesses do a great job, “Be an angel!” Have you asked someone to be one, or have been one for and Coltishall Church is grateful for others? We call someone an angel when they give much needed help. We their help in donating lovely prizes of can all be angels, not necessarily with wings and halo, but, we can shine a vouchers or goods for our Grand Draw light. Angels in the bible often bring good news or encouragement such th as the angels news of Christ’s birth. They also show the power that God which will be drawn on October 26 . and goodness have to overcome evil, as when St. Michael casts down the Tickets on sale at Sunday services, dragon aka the devil in the Book of Revelation. Powers of love and all that village locations, or by phoning me on 737255. Some members of the is holy and good are there to help us and give hope as we face whatever congregation will also be selling them. Its £2.50 for 5. A full list of prizes is bad and destructive. will be available soon. Did you know that each year there is a special day to give thanks for The popular Horstead Church Quiz takes place this month-come and test your knowledge! Details in magazine. Come and enjoy a Harvest Tea for angels? It is St. Michael and All Angels day on Sunday 29 th September. Is th there someone or even something that has been an angel for you? If so, all the family on Sunday October 13 at Horstead Church at 3pm. th let’s thank God for them on Sunday 29 th at 10.00am at Gt. Hautbois Coltishall Church Concert is on Saturday 19 October at 3pm in Church Church. Children-and grow ups too-are invited to bring a picture they followed by Tea. have made (or a readymade one) to put on the altar at the service. You May all we do together bring us closer to the angels and most of all, to might like to put your name on it, but you don’t have to. This can be a God’s love thank you for your particular angel. If you can’t come to the service, but Christopher want to give a picture-you can drop it off at the Rectory, Coltishall. And, if you wish, the pictures will be on display in Coltishall Church and Stratton

UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Minister: Rev Matt Stone, Tel: 01603 781623. [email protected] Wroxham & Hoveton United Reformed Church is an informal and friendly church meeting in different venues around the village whilst our own church building is constructed on the Norwich Road opposite The Avenue in Wroxham. We love to welcome new members – why not come along and give us a try?

Services & Events in September Sun 1 st Sept, 11am Worship led by Bruno Boldrini Sun 8 th Sept, 11am Communion & Christening Service led by Matt Stone Thurs 12 th Sept, 7.30pm Fresh Ground Discussion: The problem of evil Sun 15 th Sept, 11am Family Service led by Ian Fosten Sat 21 st Sept, 7pm Quiz & Chips Sun 22 nd Sept, 11am Worship led by Bruno Boldrini Sun 29 th Sept, 11am Harvest Celebration Service led by Matt Stone

Coffee is served after each service. Please do join us! Rev Matt Stone

Matt’s Musings Our new building, The Wroxham Hub, is now open. If you are interested in using our new building, please contact our Bookings Co-ordinator, Lyn Murray, on 07765 352311 or at [email protected]. Our Fresh Ground discussion this month looks at the problem of evil. We start at 7.30pm on Thurs 12 th Sept with coffee and cake, and all are welcome to join us as we explore this difficult issue. We are hosting a Quiz and Chips on Saturday 21 September from 7-9pm. It’s £10 per person, including a Fish and Chips supper, and teams of up to 8 are welcome (you can join a team on the night). Please contact Corrie Mould (01603 782755) or Matt Stone (01603 781623) to buy your tickets.

We are really excited to be taking part in Back to Church Sunday on 29 September! Whether you are a lapsed churchgoer, or have never set foot in a church, we invite you to join us for our Harvest Celebration Service at 11am. We are an informal and welcoming church who believes it should be enjoyable and rewarding to follow Jesus. Why not come and find out more?

27 St John the All Saints Baptist, Horstead Coltishall


Sunday 1 st September 14th Sunday after Trinity Readings; Hebrews 13 vv 18,15-16 & Luke 14 vv 1,7-14 08.00am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Horstead 09.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints’, Hainford 10.00am Family Service at St John the Baptist, Coltishall. 11.00am Holy Communion at St Swithin’s, Frettenham

Wednesday 4 th September Readings; Colossians 1 vv 1-8 & Luke 4 vv 38-end 10.00am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Coltishall

Sunday 8 th September 15th Sunday after Trinity Readings; Philemon vv 1-21 & Luke 14 vv 25-33 08.00am Holy Communion, Holy Trinity, Gt Hautbois 09.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Hainford 09.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints’, Horstead 10.00am Sunday School, Church Room, Rectory Rd, Coltishall 11.00am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Coltishall 11.00am Morning Prayer at St Swithin’s, Frettenham

Thursday 12 th September Readings; Mark 6 vv 24-34 10.00am Informal Holy Communion at Mereworth, Parish Rd, Stratton Strawless.

Sunday 15 th September 16th Sunday after Trinity Readings; 1 Timothy 1 vv 12-17 & Luke 15 vv 1-10 09.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Horstead 09.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints', Hainford 10.00am Sunday School, Church Room, Rectory Rd, Coltishall 11.00am Morning Prayer at St John the Baptist, Coltishall. 11.00am Holy Communion at St Swithin’s, Frettenham 3.00-5.00pm Family Fun Church and Tea at Tithe Barn, Horstead. All Welcome!

Sunday 22 nd September 17th Sunday after Trinity Readings; 1 Timothy 2 vv 1-7 & Luke 16 vv 1-13 09.30am Holy Communion at All Saints’, Hainford 09.30am Morning Prayer at All Saints’, Horstead 10.00am Sunday School, Church Room, Rectory Rd, Coltishall 10.30am Harvest Festival Family Service at St Swithin’s, Frettenham 11.00am Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Coltishall 6.00pm Evensong at St Margaret’s Church, Stratton Strawless.

Sunday 29 th September Michael and All Angels Readings; Genesis 28 vv 10-17, Revelation 12 vv 7-12 & John 1 vv47-end 10.00am Benefice Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Gt Hautbois

SUNDAY SCHOOLS Coltishall and Horstead We meet each Sunday in term time from 10.00 to 11.00am in the Church Room, Rectory Road, Coltishall, apart from the first Sunday in the month when we are at the 10.00am Family service in Coltishall Church. Children of Primary School age are welcome to join Sunday School for fun with craft, stories, songs as we learn about Jesus. Just come along or phone Jill Blackburn 737442

28 The Church of England in the local villages welcomes Families to MESSY CHURCH on Sunday, 15 th September 3 – 5pm at The Tithe Barn, Rectory, Road, Horstead. Join us this month to hear the story of Zacchaeus, followed by a fun time of activities, crafts and worship. Enjoy sandwiches and cakes for tea! Free – donations welcome!

Further details from Margaret 01603 736411

Roman Catholic Parish

Parish Priest: Father David Bagstaff, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham T el: 01692 403258 Parish Website:

Sacred Heart Church, Kings Arms Street, North Walsham Sunday Mass 11.00 a.m. St John of the Cross Church, White Hart Street, Aylsham Sunday Mass 9.00 a.m. St Helen's Church, Horning Road West, Hoveton Saturday 5.30 p.m. (Anticipatory Mass)

Holy Day Mass Times

St John of the Cross 9.00 a.m. Sacred Heart 10.30 a.m. St Helen's 6.00 p.m.

Sponsored Floodlighting St John the Baptist Church Coltishall

Rememberance: W/C 18 th August by Alan Eades, remembering the death of Ruth Elizabeth Eades on 20/08/2011

W/C 8 th Sept. by Brian, Darren, Lee, Sally and Grandchildren Sean and Lauren remembering Sylvia Thirtle on the 9 th September W/C 15 th Sept. by Mike, Oliver and Andrew Rudd, remembering Brenda Rudd by Daphne and Bill, remembering Mum, Dad and Ted Mileham, Mum’s birthday 16 th September by David & Judy Francis remembering Joyce Meadows W/C 22 nd Sept. by Daphne and Bill, remembering Mum, Dad and Nana Riseborough , Mum’s birthday 25 th Sept.

Celebration: W/C 22 nd Sept. by Daphne and Bill, love to June on her 70 th birthday on 29 th September

Floodlighting entries and enquiries to Jill Blackburn Tel: 737 442 We would be pleased to receive entries for Births, “Big” birthdays and anniversaries as well as in memoriam remembering loved ones. Ring Jill for help with this.

29 prepping our first bed, one of them showed up with a box full of leftover seed potatoes, already chitted and ready to go into the ground. I have never tasted a On the Allotment potato other than the ones bought in the supermarket, and so I can’t wait to harvest them! by Susie Bunn Then there’s the derelict fruit cage. From what we could see, mostly nettles and bind weed. We weeded that out four times and as we thought we saw fruit coming in the over-run cage, realised that the weeds again were taking over. We hacked them down enough to get at the fruit: 8 pounds of black currants and 4 pounds of red currants. Then the vines that looked suspiciously like blackberries, started to fruit. Raspberries! “ Hhhmmm, one in the bowl and one in the mouth, and so it went. I’ve never seen them before other than in tiny containers in the supermarket. They were outrageously expensive! My husband and I have met wonderful people on the plot - friendly, but eager to get on with their allotment. I met a young mother yesterday that had two huge fistfuls of radishes. Ours had bolted, but I couldn’t help sharing her excitement. She wasn’t sure what to do with them, but was getting on the Net to find out! Are there some down sides to owning an allotment? You bet! We didn’t put ourDutch hoe away one evening and it was gone by morning. Someone else enjoyed my raspberries almost as much as I did. We’ve yet to come away from our plot without nettle stings. Every bit of preparation and maintenance is hard graft. Abundance comes in many forms. Last year we added young hens to our aging flock. One of these young ladies went broody several weeks ago. Thanks to a very generous Lottie, there are five (hopefully) fertile eggs under our little black Abundance : an extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply. hen. I’ve seen the cockerel, and he’s three feet tall and walks like John Wayne! When we took on our plot three months ago, about the only things that were We will know for sure if he lives up to his image by the time this is published. abundant were the weeds! We never dreamed that within this short time, we Lastly, and probably most importantly, the greatest gifts of abundance is the would have so many blessings come our way as a result of that daunting, peace and centeredness that the allotment gives us. We work to an entirely almost smirking, plot of dirt. different schedule there. It’s a place that invites the soul to breathe . . . . and While we laboured and swore, digging up weeds with roots half way to China, one’s muscles to complain! we took little notice of our neighbour plot owners. But within minutes of finally

Sundays between 11.30 and 12.30 . Get Neatishead them to try our new “Boot Camp” style exer- cise group. Louise, our fully qualified in- Community Gym structor, will encourage, instruct and Are you tired of your kids saying guide your child towards a more active, they’re bored, got nothing to do, healthy lifestyle. £3 for the hour gets sleeping in ‘till noon? Well, now’s your them out of the house and away from chance to get them out from under that xbox or computer. your feet and encourage them towards For more information email us on a healthier future. [email protected] or ring 01692 535342. Neatishead Community Gym has now opened its Carol Tipler, Secretary doors to all youngsters aged between 12-16 on

Coltishall Rainbows need a leader NOW , don’t think that some one else will as they may all be thinking you will please, if you can help please contact [email protected]

30 Useful Telephone Numbers

Police [non Emergency] Aylsham 101 Coltishall Pharmacy 736784 Crimestoppers 0800 111 8555 Coltishall Post Office 737277 Coltishall Primary School 737481 Coltishall Surgery 737593 Broadland High School 782715 Coltishall Community Centre 738435 Citizens Advice Bureau [North Walsham] 01692 402570 Priest in Charge, Coltishall Rector 737255 Citizens Advice Bureau [Appointments] 01692 405847 Good Neighbour Scheme (Horstead & Coltishall) 07799 277455 Citizens Advice Bureau [Norwich] 626145 Recruiting Sergeant (Defibrillator) 737077 Dial-A-Ride Community Transport 01692 500840

Horstead Tithe Barn Monday 7.00 - 10. 00pm Badminton Carl Tipple 738399 Tuesday 7.00 - 9.00pm Line Dancing Glenda/Shelia 890708 / 279294 Wednesday 7.30 - 10.30pm Jubilee Players Ros Chamberlin 736287 Wednesday (3 rd ) 10.00 - 11.30am Baby & Toddler Group Michelle 568604 Wednesday 12.30 - 2.00pm Healthy Lower Back Yoga Kerry Radley 784705 Thursday 7.30 - 10.30pm Ballroom Dancing Dave Cox 737907 Friday 7.30 - 10.30pm Short Mat Bowls Jill Bunn 737516 Saturday (2 nd ) 10.00 - 4.00pm Craft Buddies Karen Rhodes 861515 The Hayloft is available for hire for £12.50 per 3 hour session or £5.25 per hour for shorter periods. The Main Barn is available for hire for full or part day sessions on Saturday or Sunday at a full day rate of £168, 9.00am - Midnight [15hrs]. Part day sessions £11.50 per hour. Saturday evening session 6pm - Midnight £90. The Main Barn is available for hiring mornings or afternoons on weekdays at £11.50 per hour with a minimum of two hours. Bar by Request. Charge to regular [annual] hirers £19.50 per 3 hour session. £78.00 per month. £963.00 per year. For booking & enquiries: Sue Blackburn Tel: 737495

Coltishall Village Hall Monday - Friday [Term Time] Coltishall & Horstead Pre-School 8.30am - 12.30pm Monday [Twice monthly] Coltishall Parish Council 7.00 - 9.00pm Tuesday Vibes Health & Fitness 6.00 - 8.00pm Thursday Coltishall Brownies 6.00 - 7.30pm Saturday Zumba 10.30 - 11.30pm The Lounge Monday [2 nd in month] Royal British Legion 7.30 - 8.00pm Tuesday [April - September] Coltishall Jaguars Running Club 6.00 - 8.00pm Thursday [April - September] Coltishall Jaguars Running Club 6.45 - 7.45pm Thursday Coltishall & Horstead Youth Forum 7.30 - 9.30pm Sunday Coltishall Jaguars Running Club 8.30 - 9.30am

The village Hall and the Lounge are available for booking. Regular users £5.00 per hour . Casual users £10.00 per hour. Saturday £150 per day. Friday & Saturday evening 6.00pm - midnight £75. Hall and Lounge booked together £100. Bar by request. For Booking & Enquiries: Doreen Snelling Tel: 737955 Coltishall Church Room Mondays Sure Start [Term Time] 12.30 - 3.30pm 2nd Monday Create and Share Craft 2.00 - 5.00pm Tuesday Art Class [Term Time] 11.00am - 2-00pm Wednesday Community Lunch Club 12.30 - 1.45pm Wednesday 1 st Coltishall Rainbows 5.15 - 6.15pm 3rd Wednesday Coltishall and Horstead WI 7.30 - 10.00pm Thursday Sure Start Music [Term Time] 1.30 - 2.30pm The Church Room is currently available for hire at the following charges: £5 per hour or £12.50 per 3 hour session, casual users (one off’s) £8.00 per hour. For Bookings and Enquiries: Joan Milligan Tel: 737270

The Marlpit Editors Secretary (Chairman) Philippa Weightman, 1 Stanninghall Cottages, Horstead, NR12 7LY 737962 Treasurer Anne Gilbert, 12 Patricia Avenue, Horstead, NR12 7EW 737577 Compilation David Pye, 6 Frettenham Road, Horstead, NR12 7LB 738599 Sub Editor Susie Bunn, 9 Hancock Close, Coltishall, NR12 7HS 739215 Sub Editor Gemma Carter, 2 Willow Cottages, 33, High Street, Coltishall, NR12 7AA 736976 Advertising Copy Derek Allday, 13 Patricia Avenue, Horstead, NR12 7EW 738032 Distribution Mike Hewitt, 21 White Lion Road, Coltishall, NR12 7AS 738470 Hon. Ind. Accountant Alan S Mallett, The Cabinet, High Street, Coltishall, NR127AA 738577 The Marlpit E-mail: [email protected] Website: Please contact The Marlpit Editors between 10.00 am & 9.00 pm 41