Bus service(s) 405 Valid from: 28 June 2021

Areas served Places on the route Doncaster Frenchgate Bentley Interchange Norton Whitley Hut Green

What’s changed Timetable changes.


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TravelSouthYorkshire @TSYalerts 01709 51 51 51 Stopping points for service 405

Doncaster,  North Bridge Road  Bentley  Bentley Road  High Street  Askern Road  Toll Bar  Doncaster Road  Owston  Sutton Road  Sutton  Instoneville  Askern  High Street  Station Road  Moss Road  Rushy Moor Lane  Norbreck Road  Eden Drive  Moss Road  Station Road  Selby Road  Campsall Road  Church Field Road  Campsall  Ryecroft Road  Norton  West End Road  High Street  Station Road  Norton Common Road  Selby Road  Walden Stubbs  A19  Selby Road  Balne  A19  Selby Road  Whitley  A19  Selby Road  Whitley Bridge  Low Eggborough Rd  Selby Road  Eggborough  Hut Green  A19  Chapel Haddlesey  Burn  A19  Common Lane  Brayton  A19  Doncaster Road  Brook Street  Gowthorpe  Road  Abbots Road  Selby, Barwic Parade

Selby, Barwic Parade  Parkin Avenue  D’arcy Road  Denison Road  Abbots Road  Bawtry Road  Station Road  Gowthorpe  Brook Street  Doncaster Road  Brayton  A19  Burn  Common Lane  A19  Chapel Haddlesey  A19  Hut Green  Selby Road  Eggborough  Whitley Bridge  Low Eggborough Rd  Selby Road  Whitley  A19  Selby Road  A19  Balne  Selby Road  Walden Stubbs  A19  Norton  Selby Road  Norton Common Road  Station Road  High Street  West End Road  Ryecroft Road  Campsall  Church Field Road  Askern  Campsall Road  Selby Road  Station Road  Moss Road  Rushy Moor Lane  Norbreck Road  Eden Drive  Moss Road  Station Road  High Street  Instoneville  Sutton Road  Sutton  Owston  Toll Bar  Askern Road  Bentley  High Street  Bentley Road  North Bridge Road  Church View  Doncaster, Frenchgate Interchange

405  Monday to Friday Selby  Hut Green  Doncaster Centre See notes: SH SD SH SD Selby, Shops ––––––0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1350 1450 Selby, Selby College ––––––0954 1054 1154 1254 1354 1354 1454 Selby, Bus Station a.––––––0959 1059 1159 1259 1359 1359 1459 Selby, Bus Station d. – 0555 0640 0807 – 0907 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1407 – Selby, War Memorial Hospital – 0600 0647 0816 – 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1416 – Hut Green, Horse and Jockey a. – 0608 0656 0826 – 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1426 – Hut Green, Horse and Jockey d. – 0613 0701 0831 – 0931 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1431 – Whitley, Blackthorn Cl – 0619 0708 0838 – 0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1438 – Norton, West End Rd/Broc-O-Bank 0530 0630 0720 0850 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1450 – Campsall, Ryecroft Rd/Campsmount Academy a.–––––––––––1458 – Campsall, Ryecroft Rd/Campsmount Academy d.–––––––––––1505 – Askern, Selby Rd/Station Rd 0537 0637 0729 0900 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1510 – Askern, Eden Dr/Coniston Rd 0541 0641 0734 0905 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1515 – Instoneville, Sutton Rd/Manor Way 0547 0647 0744 0912 0912 1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 1522 – Bentley, High St/Central Av 0600 0700 0759 0927 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1527 1537 – Doncaster, Frenchgate Interchange 0610 0710 0820 0939 0939 1039 1139 1239 1339 1439 1539 1549 – See notes: SD SH Selby, Shops – – – 1700 1805 Selby, Selby College – 1640 – 1704 1809 Selby, Bus Station a. – 1645 – 1709 1814 Selby, Bus Station d. 1522 1652 1652 – 1822 Selby, War Memorial Hospital 1533 1701 1701 – 1831 Hut Green, Horse and Jockey a. 1544 1711 1711 – 1840 Hut Green, Horse and Jockey d. 1549 1716 1716 – 1845 Whitley, Blackthorn Cl 1557 1723 1723 – 1851 Norton, West End Rd/Broc-O-Bank 1610 1735 1735 – 1900 Campsall, Ryecroft Rd/Campsmount Academy a.––––– Campsall, Ryecroft Rd/Campsmount Academy d.––––– Askern, Selby Rd/Station Rd 1620 1745 1745 – – Askern, Eden Dr/Coniston Rd 1625 1750 1750 – – Instoneville, Sutton Rd/Manor Way 1632 1757 1757 – – Bentley, High St/Central Av 1647 1812 1812 – – Doncaster, Frenchgate Interchange 1659 1824 1824 – – 405  Monday to Friday Doncaster Centre  Hut Green  Selby See notes: SH SD SD SH SD SH SD Doncaster, Frenchgate Interchange 0730 – – 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1415 – 1520 1520 Bentley, High St/Central Av 0739 – – 0925 1025 1125 1225 1325 1425 1425 – 1530 1530 Instoneville, Sutton Rd/Alfred Rd 0751 – – 0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1438 – 1543 1543 Askern, Rushy Moor Ln/Rushy Moor Av – 0802 ––––––––––– Askern, Eden Dr/Coniston Rd 0802 0808 – 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1445 1515 1550 1550 Askern, Selby Rd/Campsall Rd 0807 0813 – 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1450 1520 1555 1555 Campsall, Ryecroft Rd/Campsmount Academy – 0818 ––––––––––– Norton, West End Rd/Broc-O-Bank 0818 0823 – 0958 1058 1158 1258 1358 1458 1458 1528 1603 1603 Whitley, Silver St 0826 0832 – 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 – 1507 1537 1612 1612 Hut Green, Horse and Jockey 0833 0839 – 1014 1114 1214 1314 1414 – 1514 1544 1619 – Selby, War Memorial Hospital a. 0842 – – 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 – 1523 1553 1628 – Selby, War Memorial Hospital d. 0847 0848 0928 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 – 1528 1558 1633 – Selby, Park Street a. 0856 0857 0937 1037 1137 1237 1337 1437 – 1537 1607 1640 – Selby, Park Street d. – 0905 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 – 1545 – – – Selby, Shops – – 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 – 1550 – – – Selby, College – 0910 ––––––––––– See notes: Doncaster, Frenchgate Interchange – 1630 1740 1830 Bentley, High St/Central Av – 1645 1753 1838 Instoneville, Sutton Rd/Alfred Rd – 1658 1806 1851 Askern, Rushy Moor Ln/Rushy Moor Av –––– Askern, Eden Dr/Coniston Rd – 1705 1813 1856 Askern, Selby Rd/Campsall Rd – 1710 1818 1900 Campsall, Ryecroft Rd/Campsmount Academy –––– Norton, West End Rd/Broc-O-Bank – 1718 1825 1907 Whitley, Silver St – 1727 1834 1916 Hut Green, Horse and Jockey – 1734 1840 1922 Selby, War Memorial Hospital a. – 1743 1849 1931 Selby, War Memorial Hospital d. – 1748 1851 1933 Selby, Park Street a. – 1755 1858 1940 Selby, Park Street d. 1655 1800 – – Selby, Shops 1700 1805 – – Selby, College ––––

405  Saturday Selby  Hut Green  Doncaster Centre Selby, Shops – – – 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 Selby, Selby College – – – 0854 0954 1054 1154 1254 1354 1454 1554 1654 1754 Selby, Bus Station a. – – – 0859 0959 1059 1159 1259 1359 1459 1559 1659 1759 Selby, Bus Station d. – 0707 0807 0907 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1607 1707 1807 Selby, War Memorial Hospital – 0716 0816 0916 1016 1116 1216 1316 1416 1516 1616 1716 1816 Hut Green, Horse and Jockey a. – 0726 0826 0926 1026 1126 1226 1326 1426 1526 1626 1726 1825 Hut Green, Horse and Jockey d. – 0731 0831 0931 1031 1131 1231 1331 1431 1531 1631 1731 1830 Whitley, Blackthorn Cl – 0738 0838 0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1538 1638 1738 1836 Norton, West End Rd/Broc-O-Bank 0720 0750 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1845 Askern, Selby Rd/Station Rd 0728 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 – Askern, Eden Dr/Coniston Rd 0733 0805 0905 1005 1105 1205 1305 1405 1505 1605 1705 1805 – Instoneville, Sutton Rd/Manor Way 0740 0812 0912 1012 1112 1212 1312 1412 1512 1612 1712 1812 – Bentley, High St/Central Av 0754 0827 0927 1027 1127 1227 1327 1427 1527 1627 1727 1827 – Doncaster, Frenchgate Interchange 0805 0839 0939 1039 1139 1239 1339 1439 1539 1639 1739 1839 – 405  Saturday Doncaster Centre  Hut Green  Selby Doncaster, Frenchgate Interchange – 0815 0915 1015 1115 1215 1315 1415 1515 1615 1715 1830 Bentley, High St/Central Av – 0825 0925 1025 1125 1225 1325 1425 1525 1625 1725 1838 Instoneville, Sutton Rd/Alfred Rd – 0838 0938 1038 1138 1238 1338 1438 1538 1638 1738 1851 Askern, Eden Dr/Coniston Rd – 0845 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1545 1645 1745 1856 Askern, Selby Rd/Campsall Rd – 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 1900 Norton, West End Rd/Broc-O-Bank – 0858 0958 1058 1158 1258 1358 1458 1558 1658 1758 1907 Whitley, Silver St 0807 0907 1007 1107 1207 1307 1407 1507 1607 1707 1807 1916 Hut Green, Horse and Jockey 0814 0914 1014 1114 1214 1314 1414 1514 1614 1714 1814 1922 Selby, War Memorial Hospital a. 0823 0923 1023 1123 1223 1323 1423 1523 1623 1723 1823 1931 Selby, War Memorial Hospital d. 0828 0928 1028 1128 1228 1328 1428 1528 1628 1728 1828 1933 Selby, Park Street a. 0837 0937 1037 1137 1237 1337 1437 1537 1637 1737 1837 1940 Selby, Park Street d. 0845 0945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1445 1545 1645 1745 – – Selby, Shops 0850 0950 1050 1150 1250 1350 1450 1550 1650 1750 – –

No Service Sunday

Notes: SH - School Holidays Only, SD - Schooldays Only, a. - Arrival time, d. - Departure time

The information shown is correct at the time of production and is subject to change.

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