SHORT BIOS SHORT Shinichi Ago Shinichi [email protected] [email protected] Abi-Saab Georges [email protected] and the International Law

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SHORT BIOS SHORT Shinichi Ago Shinichi Ago-Law@Fc.Ritsumei.Ac.Jp Ago-Law@Fc.Ritsumei.Ac.Jp Abi-Saab Georges Abisaab@Bluewin.Ch and the International Law Geneva 100 15 – 17 ILO April 2019 SHORT BIOS georges abi-saab [email protected] Georges Abi-Saab is Honorary Professor of international law at the Graduate Institute of International Studies and University of Geneva. He taught at the Institute from 1963 to 2000. He is also Honorary Professor at Cairo University’s Faculty of Law and a Member of the Institute of International Law. Professor Abi-Saab is a former ad hoc Judge of the International Court of Justice, a former Judge of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR), a former Commissioner of the United Nations Compensation Commission, and former Chairman of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization. shinichi ago [email protected] Shinichi Ago is professor of international law at the Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto. He holds an LLM from Tokyo University and a PhD from University of Geneva. Professor Ago is currently a member of the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations and also serves as judge at the Asian Development Bank Administrative Tribunal. He is member of the Asian Society of International Law, the International Law Association and the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law. Philip Allott [email protected] Philip Allott is Professor Emeritus of International Public Law, Cambridge University and a barrister (Gray’s Inn). He was a Legal Adviser in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He has been a visiting professor at various university Law Schools, especially in the United States. Professor Allott specialises in in UK Constitutional Law, European Union Law, and International Public Law. The main focus of his academic work is the philosophical re-conceiving of the international system as the society of all human societies and of all human beings, and of International Law as the law of that society. He is a Fellow of the British Academy. philip alston [email protected] Philip Alston is John Norton Pomeroy Professor of law at New York University. He was co-founder of the European Society of International Law and of the Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law. He chaired the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for 8 years until 1998, and has subse- quently served as UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions (2004-10) and on extreme poverty and human rights (2014-20). josé enrique alvarez [email protected] José Enrique Alvarez is professor of international law at New York University School of law. He has been a special adviser on interna- tional law to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. He is a member of the Institut de droit international and of the Council on Foreign Relations, and former president of the American Society of International Law. His over 130 articles and book chapters and six books cover a wide range of subjects within international law, including the law-generating rules of international organizations, the challenges facing international criminal tribunals, the boundaries between ‘public’ and ‘private’ and the legitimacy issues surrounding the international investment regime. janice bellace [email protected] Janice Bellace is professor of legal studies and management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Bellace was a member of the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations from 1995 to 2010. She was appointed a judge of the World Bank Administrative Tribunal in 2018. Currently, she is the president of the International Society for Labour and Social Security Law. She is the author of numerous academic books and papers in comparative and international la- bour law. Her recent works focus on globalization and the impact of human rights and international labour standards on expectations for businesses with respect to workers’ rights in global value chains. adelle blackett, ad. e. [email protected] Adelle Blackett, Ad. E., is Professor of Law and Canada Research Chair in Transnational Labour Law and Development at the Faculty of Law, McGill University, and a 2016 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation Fellow. A former official of the International Labour Office in Geneva, Professor Blackett has been an ILO expert both on standard set- ting on decent work for domestic workers leading to the adoption of ILO Convention No. 189 and Recommendation No. 201, and in a labour law reform process in Haiti. She was a Quebec Human Rights and Youth Rights Commissioner (2009-2016) and was recently ap- pointed to the Human Rights Experts Panel of the Canadian Court Challenges program. Widely published, she has co-edited the Research Handbook on Transnational Labour Law (Elgar, 2015) with Anne Trebilcock, guest-edited four special law journal issues, and au- thored Everyday Transgressions: Domestic Workers’ Transnational Challenge to International Labor Law (Cornell University Press, 2019). giuseppe barbagallo [email protected] Giuseppe Barbagallo is currently the President of the ILO Administrative Tribunal to which he was first elected in 2006. He has been a career judge in Italy since 1967 and is the former President of Chamber of the Council of State. President Barbagallo has also taught at the University of Rome, the University of Teramo and the Libera Università degli Studi Sociali. pierre bodeau-livinec [email protected] Pierre Bodeau-Livinec is professor at the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense where he teaches public international law, the law of global and European governance and the law of internatio- nal organizations. Prior to becoming a professor, he held numerous positions including in the Legal Affairs Directorate of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs. Professor Bodeau-Livinec research focuses on legal persona- lity in international law, the law of international responsibility, the law of international organizations and international administrative law. laurence boisson de chazournes [email protected] Laurence Boisson de Chazournes is professor of international law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva. She is an Associate Member of the Institut de droit international. Her writings and practice cover various fields such as international economic law, international dispute settlement, international environmental law and the law of international organizations. Professor Boisson de Chazournes has served as consultant and member of groups of experts with various international organizations, including the World Bank, WHO, UN and ILO. In the field of dispute settle- ment she has served as arbitrator in international disputes and has pleaded before the ICJ and other dispute settlement fora. nicola bonucci [email protected] Nicola Bonucci is the director for legal affairs of the OECD. He joined the OECD in 1993 as a Legal Counsellor, served as Deputy Director from 2000 until becoming Director in 2005. He focuses on general public international law issues, participating in the negotiation of international agreements, interpreting the basic texts of the Organisation, and providing legal opinions to the senior management, the Council, and its subsidiary bodies. jean-michel bonvin [email protected] Jean-Michel Bonvin is professor of sociology and socioeconomics at the University of Geneva. He holds a PhD in sociology from the University Paris IV-Sorbonne. His main fields of expertise include comparative social policy, employment and social protection, social and employment policies, sociology of labour and enterprises and theories of justice. He participated in a number of research projects and is the author of numerous publications in these fields, including on the International Labour Organization. Professor Bonvin is also the President of the Association suisse de politique sociale. maria virginia brás gomes [email protected] Maria Virginia Brás Gomes is senior social policy advisor in the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security of Portugal. Ms Brás Gomes was a member of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and its Chairperson (2017- 2018). She has studied at the Bombay University and the University of Toulouse. She has published extensively on various aspects of economic and social rights, human rights and development, women’s issues, racism and intolerance. catherine brölmann [email protected] Catherine Brölmann is associate professor of international law at the University of Amsterdam. Professor Brölmann has wor- ked for an extensive period on secondment to the legal division of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is currently a member of the Advisory Committee for Public International Law of the Netherlands Government. She is co-editor in chief of Oxford International Organizations and an editor on the board of International Community Law Review. Her research interests include law of international organizations, rule-making processes, and international law of natural resources. steve charnovitz [email protected] Steve Charnovitz is associate professor of law at George Washington University. He writes on the International Labour Organization, the World Trade Organization, and global environmental governance. Professor Charnovitz serves on the editorial board of the World Trade Review and the Journal of Environment & Development. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the
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