Legends Play Journal Entries

Stagger Lanayru79 06/30/2016 11:46 AM


Steaming offal? I'll go get my shovel. Maintaining 100% in this game is a true testament to my devotion to all things LoZ. It lacks the two things that made the original HW juice worth the squeeze: delightful visuals and meaningful challenge. I have higher hopes for this dlc than the last, and still wallow in all the series callbacks like a pig in slop, but you can't convince me a dumpster

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Stagger 06/30/2016 11:49 AM fire is pretty or beneficial no matter what you add to the blaze.

Fortunately, I'm at a nice stopping point in Ni no Kuni. Otherwise I'd put off savagely shredding another map even more than a work weekend and a few imminent errands will delay the assault. Hate away, HWL supporters. The only argument I can see that supports the existence of this hogwash is poverty or reluctance to own a Wii U.

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Sciz 06/30/2016 1:59 PM Notifications, maybe?

At least Marin's interesting. Wind Fish!

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Ed™ 06/30/2016 2:07 PM I'd take a dumpster fire over a Christmas tree, but that's probably just my Southern upbringing talking. I'll admit, the LA DLC has generated more interest for me than anything in HW thus far. Not enough to make me get the game, but enough that I wouldn't mind notifs if this turns into a log. I've always wanted to see the Koholint crew in 3D model form, Marin and the WindFish don't dissapoint.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 2:17 PM I will be detailing my HWL work here, yes fellows ... so um, WARNING: Unmarked spoilers will appear in the remainder of this post's comment section.

Actually, there'll be an update or three to the last post I made from the WiiU version, as I'm going in reverse order from my previous HWL action, and seeing the best the new character and weapon have to offer before the drudgery begins.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 2:54 PM Yeah, the Wind Fish being a party to an attack or three is pretty stellar.

It looks like a hybrid map goal. Track down Nightmare locations that are almost certainly at each dungeon, get instruments to clear the way and crack the egg. No surprise there. Bit of a Termina/Twilight map mashup functionally ... the 8-bit tune is taken from up on Koholint's late-game northern section. I approve. E Yeah! e 0 D

Zachary 06/30/2016 2:55 PM Here!

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Stagger 06/30/2016 3:01 PM I only toss in the Termina Map bit due to the counter and the need for an item from a dungeon locale. The true test of these dlc maps for me is what is added in the way of new mission types. That first one was a good concept, borrowing terms from a Boss Pack deal for . It looks like the cards will be on the table in the ideas department in a hurry here. Another screen incoming for Ed's ...

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Stagger 06/30/2016 3:04 PM benefit, to show the 8-bit rendering of the early locale, which is of course Mabe. Looks and sounds right so far ... unfortunately, the 3ds does not offer a full screen look at a completed HW rendering of these overworlds, a wonderful thing to look at on the WiiU version. TP's was sideways, but it was still beautiful. Shame it didn't get the full content ... E Yeah! e 1 D

Zachary 06/30/2016 3:24 PM So out of how far you've got how would you say the challenge is? Has to be something of the level cap went up.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 3:33 PM That makes three squares in br'er Zachary, not remotely far enough to answer that question ... we'll know something when I've cleared half the instruments. Granted, the second Skulltula here will be a breeze, and I could have finished in about five minutes, but it's far too early to tell. E Yeah! e 0 D

Zachary 06/30/2016 3:42 PM I love 's boots! She's technically Sonic now!

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Stagger 06/30/2016 4:05 PM Ah, the exciting part of this yeoman's effort - new stuff! So the level 4+ weapons are multi-elemental. Nifty. Slight name change, no appearance modification outside the rainbow background ... btw Zachary, this was my fifth, and I assumed these would be tough. Enemy durability was highly ramped up, especially for just reaching the Woods of Mystery.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 4:08 PM The real titillation will come from weapon upgrades for Marin and them there Boots, of course. This stuff is always fun, even though I haven't messed w/ MyFairy since completing the original release content in an (unsuccessful) effort to curb my own power. They're always appropriate callbacks. E Yeah! e 0 D

Zachary 06/30/2016 4:10 PM AWESOME WEAPON!

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Jayse 06/30/2016 4:19 PM I'd like notifications. You're going to spoil the DLC for me, but I'm not sure that I'll ever get around to playing it anyways.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 4:22 PM You've got it Jayse. A big part of me wishes I wouldn't bother w/ it either, heh. I've got a lot of good PS stuff to play, but old Zelda references somehow still take priority. :p

Like this! I missed this screen the first time ... call Ulrira! Anyway, after I wrangle this first costume I have to break to mow the lawn before the beating really begins. E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 06/30/2016 4:34 PM Hohoho, Zant gets the first set of duds. Hard to say what the inspiration is here ... I like them, though they won't replace my standard Phantom Zant gear on the favorites list.

So Medli appropriately has Ruto's material drops. Marin is likewise fitting, spilling Zelda's goods. I'll probably head up the Woods route a ways rather than snagging the first Instrument from the beach after the mowing.

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Naruto 06/30/2016 5:04 PM Eh, why not? Comment away.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 5:35 PM Thanks for permission, Uzomaki-san. :p That's what I do.

Ha! Again, LA(DX) aficionados, fill me in on the inspiration here. Toon Link is like a mushroom warrior or something. These merger preventions are an interesting mission mechanic. It's like a miniature Magic Stash Troop adventure battle w/ a nuclear option if you guess right. I've yet to see giant boss summonings though. Not too rough ...

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Ed™ 06/30/2016 5:51 PM ·Spoilers Mushroom warrior is about right; Toon's clothing colors match those of Tarin in LA artwork. The mushroom cap connection should be obvious.

Zant? He actually resembles ALttP Agahnim artwork with the red tunic and blue face. Of course Agahnim makes a cameo appearance in LA, though it's not his game of origin... Odd.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 6:13 PM Ah, thanks steady Ed! You'll be my source here. I've only played through LA thrice (a shame on my part, I know), and haven't seen box art since my forgotten Gameboy pea green screen copy in 1993.

So for three turns, I'll start w/ a full special meter eh? Full Moon Cello, activate! It clearly appears the path along the coast is easier, but this is definitely the way to the Bottle Grotto ...

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Stagger 06/30/2016 6:33 PM Ah, and Ed, Agahnim won't be getting an LttP dlc, so Zant's parallel role elicited such an homage here I guess. Another amendment: it's not the Enemy Merger type, but rather the Shuffling Forces I'm discussing. I've done five of the latter, but only seen the initial one of the former. Brief snack break before the Grotto and the excitement of a level 2 weapon for Marin ...

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Ed™ 06/30/2016 6:42 PM ·Spoilers Makes sense, considering he appears in LA... The guy deserves representation, that's for sure. Considering that he and Zant play similar roles, a costume for the Usurper is appropriate.

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Naruto 06/30/2016 6:52 PM How many battles are on this map? E Yeah! e 0

Stagger 06/30/2016 7:35 PM It's a 6x14 map, so 84 Naruto. Smallish ... rectangular rather than square, so they severely condensed the longitude lines of Koholint.

Generally the level 2 weapons are aesthetic upgrades, but in cases where two references of consequence for the character are available, they'd use one. They better squeeze a zoo, a gull, and a few other things onto Marin's next one. :p This is nice though.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 10:18 PM This was my goal for the day's session. If I didn't have to work all weekend, I'm confident I'd have this map 100%ed by Saturday at the latest. Anyway ... Agahnim seemed to be Wizzro's outfit's theme as well. Nothing challenging through the first three Instrument areas, and I'm a little disappointed in the lack of new Fairy Food items. It's also curious that only three types of Item Cards effect E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 06/30/2016 10:20 PM hidden rewards. I expected a Roc's Feather for navigation. Oh well. It's still mindless fun, thanks to the reference points. DW gameplay is so bland to me. I know by the volume of titles and the Gundam crossover there is quite a following.

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Stagger 06/30/2016 10:38 PM Speak of the Roc and it shall appear! We all know the Pegasus Boots are next, but they'll still be sweet. Alright, ice cream and Preacher time. I should be able to squeeze in a little progress before work manana.

E Yeah! e 2 D Brandon 06/30/2016 11:25 PM Notify me, lost traveller! I was at sea for the day and forgot this had come out. I'm just now getting to the Wind Waker portion of HWL. I'll admit, playing that campaign again wasn't really that enticing. Looks like the LA DLC will be kind of fun. I don't know why I keep getting HW DLC. I've never actually finished any of the Adventure Maps. It is nice to have a mobile HW though.

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Stagger 07/01/2016 11:17 AM Weave the Fisherman ...

These Enemy Merger missions are actually proving out to be less straightforward than the two options in the Shuffle type. That's a big Gibdo ... still just ransacking this map though. No trouble at all. I'm pondering taking Linkle's level 4 Boots prior to the level 3 ones, but I probably won't.

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Brandon 07/01/2016 11:31 AM Was that a Primus reference?

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Stagger 07/01/2016 12:05 PM Weave has no time for farmers' daughters. Well, maybe she'll get a seagull costume. :p It's pretty, but less referential than I'd hoped for. I have noticed the 4+ weapons do have a different color swap. That's something. Another traditional route taken was handling Catfish's Maw before the Face place when either route was available. About halfway through the map now, but work time approaches.

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Stagger 07/01/2016 12:13 PM Odds and ends before departure preparations ... appropriately, a lot of the callbacks in this area of the map have been to Kanalet and the Prince. Fairy clothing, Ghirahim's costume - however, you didn't have to come through for the Slime Key. :p They did a sporty job w/ the condensed vertical geography. The Graveyard is a great example. That's all for me for six hours or so. E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 07/01/2016 8:04 PM Ugh. This is a prime example of how little challenge HWL presents, especially compared to its far superior predecessor. You see this pathetic collection of Linkle's Boots? Outside the off-screen inclusion of a no-star, no-skill pair from the level 2 Roc's class, these are all I own, yet one of them is the initial level 3 get. No. Way. In. H3ll. You ever obtained a level 3 weapon in HW w/ a bare

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Stagger 07/01/2016 8:07 PM bones, weak as possible level 2 one to work with. As it was, I completely dominated the mission, at barely over half the level cap w/ the character. Just Linkle, no support. HWL is a joke. I'd have a harder time cutting through a field of pussywillows w/ a chainsaw than I do with this game.

I should be happy about it I guess. It will be over faster, and I can get back to playing something good.

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Brandon 07/01/2016 8:47 PM Stagger rants are the best rants. Yeah, I haven't even got to the Wind Waker missions in HWL and I'm already kind of sick of it. I was going to do the Master Wind Waker map but I'm thinking I might go for the LA one. I dunno I have a lot of time to do both. We'll see.

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Stagger 07/01/2016 9:52 PM From what I can tell the level cap discrepancy will only be a slight hindrance tackling this one instead br'er Brandon. Kind of a wash, tougher missions previously. If you play the regular Great Sea one, MWW is just ramped up the way the MQ map was. Special rules, new progression, etc ...

When I maintain coherence, I can scrawl a tirade w/ gusto. Alright Ed, whatcha got here? Inspired by bananas?

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Naruto 07/01/2016 10:05 PM Even though I prefer the Wii U game, I do like how Legends doesn't require you to be at level 255 with every single character to beat Adventure Mode. Getting all characters to Maximum Level on the Wii U without using the Rupee Glitch would be long, boring, and would suck the fun out of playing the game. But it looks like future DLC's are going to raise it, and there is no 3DS rupee glitch.

E Yeah! e 1 Liam tpw 07/02/2016 3:40 AM ·Spoilers This DLC pack frustrates me. I can understand them recreating the map instead of making LA style sprites for everyone, but did they have to mess up the proportions? Also, they didn't make Bow-Wow into a weapon and I can't help but feel that there was a better character choice then Marin! (The blue rooster or the photographer come to mind) Or I'm just bitter about Rosa not being put in yet.

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Zachary 07/02/2016 7:43 AM I finshed the level 3 mission for young link before I ever got to the level two.

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Ed 07/02/2016 8:33 AM Bananas or a pineapple; both are part of the trading sequence. He kinda resembles a palm tree in that getup as well, though that's a bit of a stretch...

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Stagger 07/02/2016 9:39 AM In order here ... Naruto, I never reached the current level cap w/ a single character prior to clearing the Adventure Mode maps on the U. It was fair and challenging. It emphasized weapon construction and resource management. This game, all I have to do is know where my left thumb is ... MyFairy ruined the whole thing imo. Also, I never used the max rupee glitch, and it wasn't that bad getting all

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Stagger 07/02/2016 9:41 AM of my characters except Tingle and Young Link to 200 prior to the final dlc. I never bothered to get more than a couple to 255, but there were great ways of doing so legitimately. @Liam: Meh, Marin was the best choice in my book. There won't be an Oracles dlc to see Rosa, Ralph, Onox or Veran unfortunately. Link has a Bowwow weapon, but it ought to have been an item card for sure.


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Stagger 07/02/2016 9:43 AM Tissue paper game mun. Weak sauce. :p

That was my thought Ed. There are a lot of Tarin and Agahnim color swaps so far. Wizzro, and Toon Link have my favorites at this point. Young Link got a generic red swap.

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Zachary 07/02/2016 9:55 AM Wait what? tissue paper game mun?

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Sciz 07/02/2016 10:14 AM Presumably to reference the Color Dungeon, as LA has a "young Link", and Link has that already.

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Stagger 07/02/2016 10:27 AM That's what I assumed too Deano, but who'll get the blue number? Tingle received David Jr.'s whites to round out his set. I think he deserved a true WW rendition, but that moment has passed. Any takers on Sheik's brown duds?

@Zachary: As in softer than Charmin, not you, the game ...

Six instrument types down, mainly just Tal Tal Heights to wrap up aside from a few Skulltulas I haven't gone back E Yeah! e 0 D

Stagger 07/02/2016 10:33 AM for w/out an Item Card on the squares as an impetus. I'm torn between acquiring the seventh through the Rapids Ride or Eagle's Tower, but w/out cause to use one until both are clear, I guess it doesn't matter. The rumored reappearance of the Nightmare icon on an old square finally happened btw. I'm not sure what the basis for that is, but it might have been the first time I used an Instrument to

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Ed 07/02/2016 10:55 AM Another one that's a little out there, but Sheik's costume is maybe based off the owl? Only decidedly brown color scheme that comes to mind in the game, and as with Zant, Sheik in OoT performs the same duties as our favorite bird.

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Stagger 07/02/2016 11:04 AM clear a blockage to progress but didn't immediately tackle the square I'd used it on.

Brilliant Ed! Why think when I can let you do it for me? :p Nice work, that's definitely it. Now try this abomination on for size. 'dorf has all kinds of great costumes. This isn't one of them. Eww.

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Sciz 07/02/2016 11:15 AM ·Spoilers Considering he appears in that game in the same capacity as Aghanim, it would've nice to have a DeathI costume.

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Ed 07/02/2016 11:21 AM Ganon the Seaweed Monster. =P

Urgh, half the characters and enemies in the game are predominantly green... The green hair is a trait only shared by Dr. Write, though. Maybe because 'Dorf appreciated stationery?

E Yeah! e 2 Ed 07/02/2016 11:25 AM This game also includes what I believe is the only green Moldorm in the series...

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Zachary 07/02/2016 11:34 AM Seaweed monster!!

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Stagger 07/02/2016 12:28 PM Suh-suh-suh-seaweed monster? Run!

Funny stuff ... okay, those of you who don't want to see the screen of the action at the Egg when all of the instruments have been played, you have my lunch break heads-up before I'll actually mark that one comment a spoiler despite my buried, standard WARNING comment above. I've decided to go ahead and get that out of the way before clearing the Tower and Rock.

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Stagger 07/02/2016 6:20 PM Yeesh, I had a huge lunch and crashed out for a few hours ... food comas are the best. After resumption, I snagged a decent pair of Pegasus Boots, which prompted cleaning up the level 4 version. In turn, and Item Card appeared where a second Skulltula was located, and I was sidetracked. Typical Adventure Mode stuff when clearing a map ... but forthcoming is the simultaneous result of using the 8th

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Stagger 07/02/2016 6:22 PM ·Spoilers instrument. Down on the lower screen where search stuff happens, Darunia is the lucky guy who winds up conducting the Ballad of the Windfish. At least Marin sings that in one move ... anyway, let's peek at the Egg square now.

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Stagger 07/02/2016 6:24 PM ·Spoilers Aww, nice! Ganon is covering up the classic hole that has appeared. I won't immediately launch Link and Marin at the finale, and may try to clear the entirety of the rest of the map up first.

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Stagger 07/02/2016 10:42 PM Right, I dunno ... I've been expecting Linkle's pajamas from her Legend intro to make it as a costume for awhile. Zelda got a light blue swap that I can't explain either. Back to the Aryll set for you! Forgot to even look at Lana's ...

I'm painfully close to wrapping up. A couple Skulltulas, two extra Power Bracelet redux missions, and five new squares remaining ... I might run out of steam. E Yeah! e 1 D

Stagger 07/02/2016 10:52 PM I'll try, but given that I have an open to close tomorrow, I'll probably leave the last bits for tomorrow.

This is always humorous. Done Wizzro ... it's funnier with a couple of other characters though, like wiping out before her “0% chance of beating me” comment has cleared the screen, or Impa when she boasts. Not funny? How dialogue stops HWL from event loading, like sealed keep opening.

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Stagger 07/02/2016 11:13 PM Since I have an old post where I add the completed Illustrations, here's the gist of it for y'all. Link and Lana rescue the island from Nightmares while faceless Marin sings. :p It looks like Wizzro is going to conduct a boss rush in the Rewards scenario. E Yeah! e 2 D

Stagger 07/03/2016 12:04 AM Short sleep it is ... there have been some pretty demanding Adventure Battles for level 4+ weapons in the upper third of the map, but I've managed to complete and A-rank everything on the first try so far, including the feared second Skulltulas. Boatman's was really stingy, needed the higher damage taken limit there ... three squares to go.

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Stagger 07/03/2016 1:28 AM As always, pun-tastic. I've needed a second try on two of the last three efforts. I foolishly tried to actually use Lana on the 4+ Summoning Gate mission the first try. Given a second character option, that was hubris. Brutal square, a handful of them up here ... then they moved that final Skulltula to a different location, something they just don't do in HWL. That threw me. Just an Egg away ...

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Stagger 07/03/2016 1:55 AM Pathetic difficulty on the finale there, but oh well ... fun times. I'll leave the Reward Map square for a break when I start Dark Souls next week, maybe even managing my larder and wardrobe for MyFairy and bothering to get a character to the level cap for that missing medal. Link reached level 101. Almost all of my characters are between 81 and 83.

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Ed™ 07/03/2016 5:29 AM You can't identify Zelda's light blue swap? You can't think of anyone on Koholint who wears light blue? Anyone at all?

I can't even take a guess at Linkle's pink, though. She looks like both an Ice Climber and a Diabolical Cubus Sister, neither of which make any sense at all.

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Naruto 07/03/2016 5:50 AM So they raised the maximum level, but you don't actually need it for the newest DLC map?

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Stagger 07/03/2016 3:51 PM Correct Naruto.

@Ed: I can, but if I put a screen up of her Koholint attire, it's not particularly Marin-ish ... not to mention she didn't get a Tetra skin previously. Honestly, most of the color swap laziness throughout HW and HWL is really stale. Things like Ilia's clothes for Zelda or Lana's Skull Kid costume are real bright spots.

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Naruto 07/03/2016 4:00 PM If there's one thing I've learned on the Wii U version, it's that the Dark Ruler battle is never the hardest one, mostly because you can deal a good amount of damage without taking too long.

I don't think I'd last long playing any Dark Souls game. They all look VERY difficult, and I rage at games. It's one reason why my 3DS is getting repaired. The games do seem very intriguing though.

E Yeah! e 0

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