US 20160373827A1 (19) United States (2) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0373827 A1 Patterson et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 22, 2016

(54) SELF-SERVICE CHANNEL MARKETPLACE H04N 21/.472 (2006.01) H04N 21/26.68 (2006.01) (71) Applicant: Google Inc., Mountain View, CA (US) H04N 21/.458 (2006.01) (52) U.S. CI. (72) Inventors: James Patterson, San Francisco, CA CPC ...... H04N 21/.4828 (2013.01); H04N 21/2668 (US); Hunter Everett Walk, San (2013.01); H04N 21/.458 (2013.01); H04N Francisco, CA (US); Kuan Loong 21/47202 (2013.01); H04N 21/812 (2013.01); Yong, San Francisco, CA (US) H04L 65/4084 (2013.01) (21) Appl. No.: 15/256,100 (57) ABSTRACT A content hosting system allows content providers to create (22) Filed: Sep. 2, 2016 channels of video content and make them available to users in a marketplace. Users can search or browse for channels of Related U.S. Application Data interest, and selectively subscribe to channels. Users can (63) Continuation of application No. 14/969,793, filed on also pay for the right to view premium videos in each Dec. 15, 2015, now Pat. No. 9,467,724, which is a channel. The system ranks channels according to the value continuation of application No. 14/145,812, filed on provided. Generally, users will seek out and subscribe to the Dec. 31, 2013, now Pat. No. 9,247,278, which is a highest ranked channels that provide the greatest value. The continuation of application No. 12/826,530, filed on ranking function allows different providers to compete for Jun. 29, 2010, now Pat. No. 8,713,592. the subscriptions of users. Providers can observe their chan nel’s reception in the market by analyzing rankings and Publication Classification usage statistics to adjust channels to maximize channel performance. The system operator can also create bundled (51) Int. Cl. channels containing videos from multiple providers, and the H04N 21/.482 (2006.01) resulting subscription revenue can be distributed to the H04N 2A/81 (2006.01) various providers of the videos in the channel.

Content Hosting System $ 10

Channel Market System Modifié Þatabase 420 430

User front end Content Provider Sër Vé" frotti end server 440 $50

Network interface # 60 Content Pºovideº ?sef Computer £omputer $80A 1808

3rowser Browser 190A 490B Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 1 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

Content Hosting System $ 10

Channel Market System Modifie Database

User front end Content Provider Sèrººf froni end server 440 $50

Network interface $60 Content Provider Üser Computer 'Computer $80A 1803

Browser *ºs Browser 190A Network 470 f{}{}B

FiG. 1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 2 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

Channel Market \{Oddle ºf 20

Channel Sèatch Channel modification rhodisie module 220 250 Subscription pmodification Content Provider evašuation nºGöttie rºodifie 240 230

Video player Channel ranking - module rhodule 260 210

FiG. 2 Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 3 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

System Database $30

User Profile pata 340

Subscriber ACCOünt Viewing Data ?ata

Channe; Systemwide ?ata i?sage Data

FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 4 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

Videos i Favorites Friends | Subscribers | Fred Figglehorn i

5. YouTube. Subscriptions ;

Usigg his mom's : §. fied tarts Jpgrade to a premium subscription now to unlock access to #..... : Cháñrºl. • Exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and out-takes #" .* ? *.. : 3Wailable,Go to a Hot AšD Topic 50 8 New exclusive videos added every week Check them out Upgrade for just $1.99/month §ºt ºw. i i Ali characters are i : Lucas Links-- : Personalhttp:#youtube.cº.ucas YouTube Channel. : Myspace: :'Cru... : w i : Facebook. - : ; Fred Sees a Therapist :; hºwlacebookcombag.: Wittºr: : :i from:- Fred |

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Fred Sees a Fred Taiks Abºut i t——| mºm. FiG, 4 Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 5 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

GEOESTsoussenow'?saeZTETT Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 6 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 7 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1


Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 8 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

Receive is: of videos of channels 810

Obtain individua: Video of channel prices 820

Obtain system-wide usage data 830

Calculate bºndle discount price based on usage data and prices 840

Add new revenue-shared channel to list of avašable cha?nels 850

FIG. 8 Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 9 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

YOU Tu be Châânel Crèation Provider Name | Signout

"IMMIEE?ºf "Y". Screencap of TIMMBEY Nº. Currently Elected Video

940 Price [T] § Tags [ ] Description

*E.”Graphic Additional ?ayout Options º 360 fºromotions


FIG. 9 Patent Application Publication Dec. 22, 2016 Sheet 10 of 10 US 2016/0373827 A1

YouTube NEC S㺠Browse upload usemametz-Isonout "NBC" results i.1% of about 95,200 Related searches: community abc riba on abe nba on nbc thergé segunda pele Chafºne Restäts for NBC *rºmoted Channels 3. SEC Network 1030 Chabrie: 3 & Charine flavor text description Video Charine; flavortex; description, w £hass. Preview Šample by Provider i : Y Videos _|_bynbc.; Y Video8; KSubscribe's X $ü?SCriters

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- š. Aš? Šlëtwork video Channel flavor text description. 1000 * by ABC ?ywideosix subscribes

º 8, TNT Netwºrk Video ?harºe flavor text description * by TNT ºxvideos x subscribers 102.0 *. 7. The CW § Video Charºe flavor text description. *P* by cºw. Yvideos |x subscribes - 8. SpikeTV Wided Çhafººd flavor text description ; 0.50 * by Spikely videos |x subscribes

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Channel flavor text description.

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if - …~ 1040 Video Channel flavor text description. Saxºpie by Prºvide? 3 Y Videos X Subscribers Fig. 40 US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016

SELF-SERVICE CHANNEL MARKETPLACE [0009] The marketplace makes available hundreds, even thousands or tens of thousands of channels from any number CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED of content providers. To encourage users to explore the APPLICATIONS channel offerings of the content providers and to assist them [0001] This application is a continuation of U.S. patent in finding content of interest in given the vast size of the application Ser. No. 14/969,793 filed on Dec. 15, 2015 marketplace, the content hosting system provides a value which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. ranking function that ranks the channels that are available to 14/145,812, filed on Dec. 31, 2013 which is a continuation users in the marketplace based on the value of the channels of U.S. Pat. No. 8,713,592 issued on Apr. 29, 2014, each of as indicated by the behavior of the subscriber community. which is incorporated by reference in its entirety. The system ranks channels based on a number of criteria, including content, price, user churn, video churn, user BACKGROUND ratings, and usage information, and similar factors indicative of subscriber interest and usage of the channels. Users [0002] 1. Field of Art browsing or searching for channels to subscribe to can select [0003] The invention generally relates to the field of to view available channels in the order of their value online video delivery and, more particularly, relates to ranking, and as corresponding to any search terms they bundling and ranking of online videos. enter. Generally, users will seek out and subscribe to the [0004] 2. Description of the Related Art highest ranked channels that provide the greatest value at the [0005] Online content hosting services such as YouTube, lowest cost. The value ranking function also gives providers , Amazon, and Hulu provide online video viewing a mechanism to identify, evaluate, and create better per experiences. Some of these services provide unlimited free viewing of both user generated content and premium content forming channels, and therefore generate more subscriptions provided by traditional content providers such as movie for their own channels. In essence, the channel value ranking studios and broadcast networks. Some of these services function allows different content providers to compete with enable users to pay for premium content at a fixed price that each other for the subscriptions of the users. allows for unlimited consumption of all available premium [0010] In other aspects, the content hosting system pro content on a monthly basis, for example satellite and cable vides content providers and users with tools by which they television packages. Others provide pricing for a la carte can create channels. In one embodiment, the content hosting purchase of individual content items, for example video on system can dynamically create a bundled channel to contain demand. videos from multiple content providers, by selecting videos [0006] None of the above schemes provides a direct, according their type, viewing history, ratings, and similar effective mechanism for users to affect pricing and avail factors. In one embodiment, the system can dynamically ability of certain content. determine a price for the channel based upon these factors. In such an instance, the subscription revenue generated by SUMMARY such a channel can be distributed to the various content providers of the videos in the channel based on factors such [0007] A content hosting system enables content providers as viewer interest, ratings, length, or the like. to create various channels of video content, where video content is delivered online from the content hosting system [0011] The present invention also provides number of to subscribers at their respective client devices. For a par different ways to define the selection and availability of ticular channel the content provider selects which videos videos in a channel. A content provider can determine how will be included in the channel, their availability in the many videos will be in the channel, how long each video will channel, and the pricing terms for a premium subscription to be available in the channel, the price of the channel, and the the channel. Generally a channel will contain premium regional availability of the channel. For example, a content content that is not otherwise freely available in the content provider can include a selected number of episodes of an hosting system. The selection of videos available for a ongoing television show, each month adding new episodes subscriber to watch in a channel can change over time, so as and removing old ones, so that subscribers maintain their to provide subscribers with an incentive to continue their subscriptions over time. A content provider can create pro subscriptions. The content provider can define a channel to motional channels to draw new subscribers in, tailor chan allow subscribers to view the available videos in any order nels to specific genres of video content (e.g., sports, music, at any time, or to schedule the videos to be available in a comedy) or interest groups. Content providers can observe fixed sequence or at fixed time periods, or some combination their channel’s reception in the market by analyzing rank of these options. Content providers may also define promo ings and usage statistics to adjust channels to maximize tional channels that are freely available to encourage users market share, subscriber base, or market-wide user reputa to subscribe. tion. [0008] The content hosting system then makes these chan [0012] The features and advantages described in the speci nels available to users in an online web-based marketplace. fication are not all inclusive and, in particular, many addi Users can search or browse the marketplace for channels of tional features and advantages will be apparent to one of interest, and selectively subscribe to channels through the ordinary skill in the art in view of the drawings, specifica marketplace. Users pay for a subscription channel on a tion, and claims. Moreover, it should be noted that the regular interval (e.g., monthly) for the right to view the language used in the specification has been principally videos contained within the channel. Users can terminate selected for readability and instructional purposes, and may their subscriptions to channels at any time, at which point not have been selected to delineate or circumscribe the the user no longer has access to the channel. disclosed subject matter. US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS [0027] User computers 180A with browsers 190A are used by users to subscribe to and watch channels provided by the [0013] FIG. 1 is a high-level diagram illustrating a net content hosting system 110. Content provider computers worked environment that includes a subscription video 180B are used by content providers to create and manage content hosting system. subscription channels hosted on the content hosting system [0014] FIG. 2 illustrates a logical view of a channel market 110. A given computer can be both a client computer 180A module used as part of a content hosting system. and content provider computer 180B, depending on its [0015] FIG. 3 illustrates a logical view of the system usage. The hosting service 110 may differentiate between database that stores data related to the content hosting content providers and users in this instance based on which system. front end server is used to connect to the content hosting [0016] FIG. 4 illustrates one screen layout of a subscriber system 110, user logon information, or other factors. interface displaying detailed information about an individual [0028] The content hosting system 110 comprises a user channel to a prospective subscriber. front end server 140 and a content provider front end server [0017|| FIG. 5 illustrates one screenshot of a subscriber 150 each of which can be implemented as one or more server interface created by the channel search module to allow class computers. The content provider front end server 150 users to find and watch channels on the content hosting is connected through the network 170 to content provider system. computers 180B. The content provider front end server 150 [0018] FIG. 6 illustrates a screenshot of one view of a provides an interface for content providers to create and subscriber account interface manage subscription channels. The user front end server 140 [0019| FIG. 7 illustrates a screen layout of part of a is connected through the network 170 to client computers subscriber account, specifically the subscriber’s premium 180A. The user front end server 140 provides an interface subscriptions transaction history, in one embodiment. for users to subscribe to and watch channels created by [0020) FIG. 8 illustrates a flow chart of the channel content providers. modification module performing price setting arbitrage in [0029] The content hosting system 110 is implemented by order to calculate the price of a bundled channel. a network of server class computers that can include one or [0021] FIG. 9 illustrates a screen layout for channel cre more high-performance CPUs and 1G or more of main ation. memory, as well as 500 Gb to 2 Tb of storage. An operating [0022] FIG. 10 illustrates a screen layout of search results system such as LINUX is typically used. The operations of displayed in ranked order. the content hosting system 110, front end 140 and back end [0023] The figures depict various embodiments of the 150 servers as described herein can be controlled through present invention for purposes of illustration only. One either hardware (e.g., dedicated computing devices or skilled in the art will readily recognize from the following daughter-boards in general purpose computers), or through discussion that alternative embodiments of the structures computer programs installed in computer storage on the and methods illustrated herein may be employed without servers of the service 110 and executed by the processors of departing from the principles of the invention described such servers to perform the functions described herein. One herein. of skill in the art of system engineering and video content hosting will readily determine from the functional and DETAILED DESCRIPTION algorithmic descriptions herein the construction and opera tion of such computer programs. Content Hosting System and System Overview [0030] The content hosting system 110 further comprises [0024] FIG. 1 is a high-level diagram illustrating a net a system database 130 that is communicatively coupled to worked environment 100 that includes a subscription video the network 170. The system database 130 stores data content hosting system 110. The content hosting system 110 related to the content hosting system 110, including the makes available subscription video channels that can be channels and videos that make up the channels, along with viewed on user and content provider computers 180 using a user subscription and system usage information. browser 190. The content hosting system 110 and computers [0031] The system database 130 can be implemented as 180 are connected by a network 170 such as a local area any device or combination of devices capable of persistently network or the Internet. storing data in computer readable storage media, such as a [0025] The network 170 is typically the Internet, but can hard disk drive, RAM, a writable compact disk (CD) or be any network, including but not limited to any combina DVD, a solid-state memory device, or other optical/mag tion of a LAN, a MAN, a WAN, a mobile, a wired or netic storage mediums. Other types of computer-readable wireless network, a private network, or a virtual private storage mediums can be used, and it is expected that as new network. The content hosting system 110 is connected to the storage mediums are developed in the future, they can be network 170 through a network interface 160. configured in accordance with the teachings here. [0026] Only a single user computer 180A is shown, but in [0032] The content hosting system 110 is further com practice there are many (e.g., millions) users 180A that can prised of a channel market module 120. The channel market communicate with and use the content hosting system 110. module 120 is implemented as part of the content hosting Similarly, only a single content provider computer 180B is system 110 in conjunction with the components listed above. shown, but in practice there are many (e.g., millions) content The channel market module 120 provides a mechanism by providers 190A that can communicate create channels for which users seeking channels to which to subscribe can the content hosting system 110. The browser 190 can include obtain content from content providers who have created a content player (e.g., FlashTM from Adobe Systems, Inc.), or channels. The channel market module 120 receives new any other player adapted for the content file formats used by subscription channels created by content providers at the the content hosting system 110. content provider front end server 150. The channel market US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016 module 120 stores subscription channels in the system coupled via a network. For example, the channel market database 130. The channel market module 120 provides the module 120 and system database 130 could be readily subscription channels to users through the user front end combined into a single module. The following sections server 140. describe the channel market module 120, the system data [0033) Additionally, the channel market module 120 ranks base 130, and their operation in the context of the content the available subscription channels contained in the system hosting system 110. database 130 in order to encourage content providers to create channels of value for subscribers and enable users to Channel Market Module identify channels that provide content that is deemed of [0036] FIG. 2 illustrates a functional view of a channel valuable by the subscriber community based on the behav market module 120 used as part of a content hosting system iors of subscribers. Channels are value ranked based several 110. The channel market module 120 brings together poten factors including, for example, channel content, subscriber tial subscribers looking for channels with content providers feedback, and monitored subscriber viewing habits. The looking for subscribers for their channels. channel market module 120 also receives search queries [0037] When a content provider is using the content from users, and returns ranked lists of matching subscription hosting system 110, the channel market module 120 is channels, where the ranking is based on the search-indepen comprised of a channel modification module 250 that is used dent channel values as well as how well the channel matches by providers to create new channels or modify existing the search query. The channel market module 120 may also channels in the provider’s channel lineup. A content pro be used to generate new bundled subscription channels vider evaluation module 230 allows providers to track the comprising videos and channels from several different pro performance of their channels based on feedback from viders. The channel market module 120 can determine a subscribers, system usage data, and the channel value rank distribution of subscription revenue from these channels ing calculated by the channel ranking module 210. The based on several factors including, for example, what pro content provider evaluation module 230 also gives providers portion of time users spend viewing content from each information about the performance of each of their channels provider who has contributed to the bundled channel. so that they can improve their channels in order to remain [0034] In this description, the term “module” refers to competitive for user subscriptions. computational logic for providing the specified functional [0038] When a potential subscriber is using the content ity. A module can be implemented in hardware, firmware, hosting system 110, the channel market module 120 is and/or software. Where the modules described herein are comprised of a subscription modification module 240 that is implemented as software, the module can be implemented as used by potential subscribers to subscribe to new channels or a standalone program, but can also be implemented through to modify their existing subscription list. A channel search other means, for example as part of a larger program, as a module 220 allows users to look for new channels to plurality of separate programs, or as one or more statically subscribe to, either through browsing or through search or dynamically linked libraries. It will be understood that the queries. A video player module 260 allows users to watch named modules described herein represent one embodiment the channels they have subscribed to, as well as to rate the of the present invention, and other embodiments may channels to provide feedback on the quality of the channel include other modules. In addition, other embodiments may to their friends and content providers. The value ranking of lack modules described herein and/or distribute the channels relies in part on this user feedback, so that content described functionality among the modules in a different providers are influenced to provide high quality channels in manner. Additionally, the functionalities attributed to more order to obtain high channel rankings. In some embodi than one module can be incorporated into a single module. ments, video player module 260 is embedded on a third In an embodiment where the modules as implemented by party web site and viewed through the subscriber’s browser. software, they are stored on a computer readable persistent In other embodiments, video player module 260 is hosted on storage device (e.g., hard disk), loaded into the memory, and the video hosting site and viewed through the subscriber’s executed by one or more processors included as part of the browser. content hosting system 110. Alternatively, hardware or soft [0039]. A channel ranking module 210 monitors the con ware modules may be stored elsewhere within the content tent hosting system 110 in order to rank the available hosting system 110. The content hosting system 110 includes subscription channels on a number of different criteria. The hardware elements necessary for the operations described channel ranking module 210 monitors the system by col here, including one or more processors, high speed memory, lecting and processing data related to the usage of the hard disk storage and backup, network interfaces and pro content hosting system 110 by subscribers. For example, the tocols, input devices for data entry, and output devices for system 110 may collect usage statistics in real time by display, printing, or other presentations of data. keeping various types of logs, including a subscriber usage [0035) Numerous variations from the system architecture log, a server access log, and/or a provider usage log, and of the illustrated content hosting system 110 are possible. then process the usage statistics asynchronously in order to The components of the system 110 and their respective determine channel rankings. The channel ranking module functionalities can be combined or redistributed. For 210 may also use sampling methods to statistically sample example, the system database 130, channel market module usages, either directly, or from the various logs. The channel 120, user front end server 140, and content provider front ranking module 210 can determine usage statistics such as end server 150 can be distributed among any number of total time spent by the subscriber per subscribed channel per storage devices. Furthermore, the functionalities ascribed subscription period, or average time spent per channel per herein to any of the channel market module 120 can be period, for example. implemented using a single computing device or using any [0040] Channel value rankings provide users and content number of distributed computing devices communicatively providers information about which subscription channels US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016

provide the best value to subscribers. Channel value rank are contained in the channel, how the channel lineup of ings provided by the channel ranking module 210 affect the videos provided will rotate over time, channel promotions, prominence of channels displayed by the channel search and the screen layout for subscribers of the channel. Channel module 220 user searching or browsing. Channels that data 340 may includes price information for the channel as provide a high value a user will appear higher in search a whole. Channel data 340 also includes a flag for each video results when users search for channels, despite a lower in the channel indicating whether that particular video is free match to a user’s query. A high ranking will also increase the for any subscriber, or restricted to premium subscribers only prominence of a channel when a user browses for channels [0048] The videos themselves are stored in video data 360. without performing a specific search (e.g., during browsing). Each video comprises video data that includes coded data [0041] The increased exposure of highly ranked channels for frames of the video, encoded using codec compatible incentivizes content providers to create high value channels with the client computer’s video player (e.g., Flash). Video in order to compete for user subscriptions. Channel rankings data 360 may also include metadata such as descriptive are included as part of the data presented by the content information (e.g., title, keywords, description, actors, rating, provider evaluation module 230, so that content providers etc.) and pricing information for each video, as well as are able to compare the ranking of their channels relative to availability information (region, time period, restrictions). the channels of other providers. Providers may also indicate that a particular video is avail [0042] The modules that make up the channel market able for inclusion in bundled channels, which allows the module 120 will be discussed in detail below, first with provider to receive a portion of the subscription fee when a respect to the provider side of the content hosting system video is used as part of a bundled channel. 110, second with respect to the subscriber side of the content [0049] With respect to users (subscribers), the user profile hosting system 110, third with respect to the channel ranking data 310 contains information collected from each user. module 210, and fourth with respect to the revenue-sharing Account data 330 includes the data entered by a user when channels created by the system host. signing up for a subscriber account with the channel hosting service 110. This includes email contact information, view System Database ing preferences for how the user interface should appear, and [0043] FIG. 3 illustrates a functional view of the system billing information. In some embodiments, account data 330 database 130 that stores data related to the content hosting can be anonymized so it is associated with a user ID and not system 110. The system database 130 may be divided based with identifying information such as user name. Account on the different types of data stored within. This data may data 330 also includes all of a user’s channel subscriptions reside in separate physical devices, or it may be collected as well as billing information for the user’s premium sub within a single physical device. scriptions. For example, account data 330 includes whether [0044) With respect to content providers, partner data 370 a channel payment is automatically renewed each subscrip comprises information regarding content providers, or part tion period, or whether the subscriber must manually renew ners, registered with the content hosting service 110 that each subscription, as well as the date on which the subscrip have permission to create content subscription channels. tion is automatically renewed or expires. Partner data 370 includes provider contact information. [0050] Account data 330 also includes all active choices [0045] For providers creating paid subscription channels, and inputs made by a user while using the content hosting partner data 370 contains billing and revenue sharing infor system 110. These choices include, for example, marking mation for the provider. Some providers (e.g., HBO, Show videos or channels as favorites, creating playlists of videos time) may create subscription channels containing pay con or channels, and making comments or rating viewed videos tent that simultaneously appears as part of a cable television or channels. Comments include statements visible to other package. These providers may have specific agreements subscribers or non-subscribers indicating a premium sub with the operator of the content hosting service 110 for how scriber’s opinion on a channel’s content or quality. subscription revenue will flow from the content hosting [0051] Subscriber viewing data 320 contains data about service 110 to the provider. These specific agreements will the user that is not explicitly entered by the user, but which be contained in the partner data 370. is tracked as the user navigates through the content hosting [0046) Alternatively, some providers (e.g., smaller content system 110. Subscriber viewing data includes, for example, providers offering highly targeted content) may wish create user viewing habits, such as the total time spent by the subscription channels containing short-form and made-for subscriber per subscribed channel per subscription period, web content. These providers may not have specific agree average time spent per channel per period, proportion of ments with the operator of the content hosting service 110 time spent per video per channel, relative to other videos in for how subscription revenue will flow from the content the channel, proportion of time spent watching subscribed hosting service 110 to the provider. For these providers, channels relative to non-subscription content, time of day partner data 370 comprises a standardized set of information distribution for the subscriber’s viewing activities, average to dictating how subscription revenue will flow from the length of time for a viewing session for the subscriber, and content hosting service 110 to the providers. For example, click-through statistics for ads and video promotions accom for a given partner, the partner data may indicate that the panying subscription content. content hosting service 110 receives 25% of the subscription [0052] System-wide usage data 350 includes data on the revenue for a channel, and the content provider receives overall usage of the content hosting system 110. Some of 75%. Of course other more complex allocations can be used this information may be aggregated or derived from the with variable factors based on features of the content, account data 330 and subscriber viewing data 320 for channel, or subscriber base, and the like. populations of subscribers. The population can be as the [0047| Channel data 340 describes all of each provider’s entire subscriber population, or any selected subset thereof, created channels, along with information about the videos such as targeted subscribers based on any combination of US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016

demographic or behavioral characteristics, or channel/video prevents subscribers from watching all of the videos on the selections. System-wide usage data 350 includes trends and channel within one subscription period and then unsubscrib patterns in channel viewing habits for any desired popula ing from the channel once they have exhausted the channel’s tion. For example, population of subscribers to a given content. In one embodiment, in order to create a premium channel, the system-wide usage data 350 can indicate what subscription channel, the provider must specify at least five other channels to which those subscribers tend to subscribe. premium videos as viewable by premium subscribers at any In one embodiment, when a user subscribes to a new given time. channel, system-wide usage data 350 is used to recommend [0059) Providers may also allow videos in a channel to be other similar channels to which the user might also be viewable indefinitely. This may be the case, for example, interested in subscribing. System-wide data usage 350 also where the video is part of the free portion of a subscription aggregates channel subscription churn information on a channel rather than premium portion, and leaving the video per-channel and per-provider basis, in order to calculate up indefinitely is beneficial. For example, in the case where channel value and channel ranking and show providers their a channel comprises episodes of a serialized television show, subscription churn rate. a preview video may be available continually which sum Provider in Interaction with the Channel Market Module marizes the show for new subscribers seeking to subscribe [0053] A content provider interface is used by a content to the show’s channel mid season. The provider may choose provider to create and manage subscription channels on the to make available only the most recent episodes, with the content hosting system 110. The content provider interface exception of a summary or promotional video which is is created by the channel market module 120, and is trans available at all times. mitted to the content provider through the content provider [0060] The provider also specifies 940 a monthly subscrip front end server 150. tion price for the channel if they wish the channel to support [0054] The content provider interface contains an over premium subscriptions. In one embodiment, providers are view interface (not shown) for providers to view when they offered a choice of price tiers for setting the price of their log into the content hosting system 110 through the content premium channels. For example, the price tiers may range provider front end server 150. The overview interface con from $0.99 to $49.99 per month. In another embodiment, tains options for creating new channels, modifying existing providers may specify their own subscription prices. channels, uploading videos, viewing system usage data 350, and viewing the rankings of channels provided by the [0061] The subscription revenue generated from premium channel marketplace. The overview interface further con subscriptions is split between the provider and the operator tains brief summaries of information about a provider’s of the content hosting system 110. The range of the share of channels including, for example, channel rankings, and revenue received by the providers varies between 30% and subscription revenue. Providers may customize which sum 70% of the subscription revenue, with the system operator maries are displayed. receiving the remainder. In other embodiments, the revenue [0055) A video upload interface (not shown) allows a share for the provider and system operator may vary depend provider to upload videos for use in a subscription channel. ing upon an agreement for fee sharing between the provider The video upload interface allows the user to configure and the system operator. options regarding the details of the uploaded video including [0062] Additional channel information entered 950 by an indication of whether the video is free or premium, the providers may include a channel title description that will be price of the video, and whether if the video can be used in available to users. Providers may also specify keywords that a revenue sharing channel. The video upload interface will not be visible to users but that will be used to match the allows the configuration and upload of multiple videos at the channel to user search queries. Providers are incentivized to same time. The upload interface can upload videos individu use keywords that accurately represent the content of the ally, or in bulk. channel. For example, keywords that do not accurately [0056] FIG. 9 illustrates a screen layout for channel cre represent the content of the channel will likely cause sub ation. Channel creation and modification is handled by the scribers to unsubscribe from the channel, rate the channel channel modification module 250. The channel modification poorly, negatively comment on the channel, and otherwise module 250 generates a user interface 900 with options for negatively influence the ranking of the channel. The result in providers to choose between when creating new subscription this case will be that because of a poor ranking, the channel channels. The provider may add 910 to a new channel any will no longer appear on search results when a potential videos which they have uploaded to the content hosting subscriber searches for a channel with the specified terms, service 110. In some embodiments, the provider may add and thus, an overall reduced subscriber base for the channel videos that have been uploaded by another. than would have otherwise occurred with the use of accurate [0057] For each video made a part of a channel, the keywords. provider must specify 920 which videos are premium videos [0063) Providers may also attach960 promotions or prizes that are available only to subscribers who pay a subscription to the channel. For example, providers may distribute tickets fee for access. Users may subscribe to a channel to view the to live events for premium subscribers. In one embodiment, free videos without paying a subscription fee. They may a chosen number of promotional prizes are distributed by then choose to upgrade their subscription to a premium randomly selecting users from the base of paid subscribers subscription to be able to watch the premium content. to a provider’s channel and emailing these users to visit the [0058] The provider must also specify 930 the dates channel’s page, where they are asked to provide additional during which each video will be available on the channel for information (e.g., mailing address) to receive their promo viewing. This way, providers can rotate videos in or out of tional prize. In another embodiment, the first users to a channel’s watchable video list, to encourage subscribers to complete a specified call-to-action receive a promotional renew their subscriptions. Rotating channels in or out also prize. Examples of call-to-action types include signing up as US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016 a paid subscriber (if the user is not one already), and writing of their current subscription period, whereas new subscrib a comment or review on the Provider’s channel page. ers after the price change pay the new price. Once the price [0064] Providers may also choose to customize 970 the has been changed, all subscribers are notified of the price channel layout that subscribers see when deciding whether change. If the price of the channel decreases, subscribers are to subscribe to a channel, and once they have subscribed not required to do anything in response to the price change. which videos of a channel to watch. A provider may wish to If, however, the price increases, subscribers set to automati display, for example, the current videos available for view cally renew their subscriptions have to re-enable automatic ing on the channel, a detailed summary of the channel, renewal in order to maintain their subscription. When a provider promotions for this and other channels created by user’s subscription period to such a channel ends, the user the same provider, channel advertisements, channel price, may choose to cancel rather than renew their subscription. and favorable comments made by subscribers. In one [0071] Notification to users upon price change is auto embodiment, some aspects of the display are not customi matic not only for the financial benefit of subscribers, but zable such as display of the channel ranking. also to increase the ability of subscribers to exert market [0065] Providers may also allow free subscribers who pressure on providers to create channels of high value at low have not yet upgraded to premium subscriptions to view cost. Being forced to accept a new higher price for a channel previews of premium content in order to convince them to is one way subscribers can “vote with their remotes” and upgrade. In one embodiment, the preview consists of the thereby affect the channel rankings. Generally, cancellations first ten seconds of each premium video currently available reflect that subscribers have decided that a channel is not on the channel. providing a good value relative to its cost. As a result, [0066] Providers may also choose to add 980 advertise cancellations will generally result in a decrease in a chan ments to their channels. Advertisements allow providers to nel’s ranking. This information is useful to the provider create paid subscription channels with a lower subscription determining channel pricing. fee than might otherwise be possible. Advertisement is also [0072] The content provider evaluation module 230 another axis on which providers can tune subscription allows a provider to obtain data about their channel offerings channels to try and improve their channel’s rankings. Some as a whole. General statistics include, for example, total users may prefer a higher subscription fee in order to avoid subscription revenue, total unique subscribers, and total advertisements, while others may prefer viewing advertise subscriber churn. Generally, low subscriber churn is desir ments in order to keep the fee of the subscription low. In one able because it means subscribers are maintaining their embodiment, providers may create a subscription channel subscriptions to the provider’s channels because they with two premium prices, one displaying premium videos believe the channels provide value. Aggregate information with advertisements and the other omitting the advertise may be useful for providers for promotional purposes, for mentS. example to target potential subscribers with future channel [0067] If a channel contains advertisements, the video offerings, or for convincing advertisers to advertise on their player module 260 displays the advertisements in the same channels. window as the video being watched. The advertisement may [0073] The content provider evaluation module 230 also be a video that replaces the viewed video for the duration of allows a provider to drill down into usage data regarding the advertisement. Alternatively, the advertisements may be individual channels. Individual channel data includes, for in other formats such as pure text advertisements, providing example, channel rank, channel churn, total subscribers over a hyperlink to an advertiser’s website, text-and-audio adver the life of the channel, current number of subscribers, tising, and still image advertising. In one embodiment, the subscribers as function of time, proportion of views or time advertisement content is stored in an advertisement database viewing videos available or previously available on the that is separate from the system database 130, and is channel, user comments regarding the channel, price infor managed by an advertising control system that is separate mation, and related channels which premium subscribers of from the content hosting system 110. In this embodiment, this channel also subscribe to. the advertising control system both manages access to the [0074] In one embodiment, providers are also able to advertising content stored in the advertisement database, and obtain channel specific information about channels provided also serves to associate advertising content with the videos by other partners. In one embodiment, providers are able to and channels of the content hosting system 110. view all channel specific information that would be available [0068] Once the channel description is completed, the to the channel owner. In another embodiment, the provider channel becomes available for subscription by users through is only able to view a subset of the information that is the channel market module 120. available to the channel owner. [0069] The channel modification module 250 allows a [0075] The content provider evaluation module 230 also provider to modify one of their existing channels. The allows providers to track the rankings of their channels channel modification module 250 uses the interface relative to the other channels in the marketplace. The described above for the creation of new channels for the subscription channels of the content hosting system are modification of existing channels. Frequently, modification ranked by the channel ranking module 210. The ranking is will involve adding or deleting videos from the channel, important to providers because the ranking affects how modifying the description or title, or modifying the price of prominently a channel will appear when a user searches or the channel. browses for channels to subscribe to. The content provider [0070] When the price of an existing premium channel is evaluation module 230 also allows providers to track the changed by a provider, there are a number of different ways performance of their channels relative to other channels in which that change can be applied. In one embodiment, the based on other metrics, such as subscription revenue. Some price is not immediately applied to all subscribers. Instead, embodiments also allow providers to drill down to view the new price will not affect current subscribers until the end channel usage data for channels created by other providers. US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016

Subscriber Interaction with the Channel Market Module the system) the subscription modification module 240 first [0076] FIG. 5 illustrates one screenshot of a subscriber collects user information to create a user profile 310 includ interface created by the channel search module 220 to allow ing account data 330, as described above. users to find and watch channels on the content hosting [0083) Once a user’s subscriber account has been created, system 110. The subscriber interface is created by the the subscription modification module 240 enables the user to channel search module 220, and is transmitted to the user complete the subscription transaction. An interface displays through the user front end server 140. channel information such as the channel to be subscribed to, [0077] The subscriber interface 500 is viewed by a user the price of a monthly subscription to the channel, informa when using the content hosting system 110 through the tion about the channel provider, and the subscription period. browser 190A of their computer 180A. The subscriber The subscriber is also given the option to choose between interface allows a user to browse categories 510 of channels automatically having the subscription renewed every month, to find channels 520 to subscribe to. Tabs 530 or listings may or manually renewing the subscription of the channel. Once be used to differentiate between categories, for example payment is confirmed, the subscriber’s account is updated to using separate tabs for videos, movies, or television shows. reflect the new subscription. The subscriber interface may also differentiate according to [0084] Generally, a user may cancel a subscription at any content type, for example using separate listings 540 for time. If the user cancels in between pay periods, they pay a comedies, sports, or news content. When a user is browsing pro rata amount of the monthly subscription fee. The pro rata for channels, the channels that are shown are selected based amount may be calculated based on when within the pay on their ranking in addition to the user’s selection criteria. period the user cancels, or it may based on the amount of Higher ranked channels will receive more exposure on the channel content the user consumes before canceling. In one subscriber interface. embodiment, there is minimum subscription period of 30 [0078] The channel search module 220 also has a search days, in order to prevent users from subscribing for only a function allowing a user to enter a search query 550 to find few days in order to watch all of the content of a channel. channels of interest. The search query is parsed and is [0085] FIG. 6 illustrates a screenshot of one view of a matched against the channel description and channel key subscriber account interface. The subscriber account 600 words to determine a list of search results comprising the may contain a listing 610 of the user’s free and premium matching channels. The channel description and channel channel subscriptions, information about videos that have keywords may also be referred to as textual metadata. The been uploaded by the user, videos or channels the user has matching channels may also be determined using derived marked as favorites, playlists created by the user, quicklists, metadata based on techniques such as machine video clas the user’s channel and video viewing history, the user’s sification and automatic speech-to-text transcription. subscription history, and purchases made by the user. [0079| FIG. 10 illustrates a screen layout of search results [0086] FIG. 7 illustrates one example of a screen layout of displayed in ranked order. In determining the list 1000 of part of a subscriber account, specifically the subscriber’s matching channels, the search function may also take into premium subscriptions transaction history 700. The history account a user’s stored viewing preferences from the user lists the premium channels 710 that the user either is profile data 310, as well as system-wide usage data 350. The currently subscribed to or has been subscribed to in the past. search result list 1010 is ordered according to the weighted The user may filter between viewing all subscriptions 711, combination of the quality of the match between the chan all active subscriptions 712, and all inactive subscriptions nels in the list and the user search query, the user and system 713. The history shows the current price 720 of each data, and channel ranking. A highly ranked channel may subscription channel, start and end dates for each channel’s appear higher in the list of matching channels relative to a subscription period 730, and the renewal type 740 for each low ranked channel that more accurately matches the search active channel. The history also displays text or controls information, depending on the value of each channel. (e.g., buttons) 750 guiding the user on actions that can be [0080] The resulting list of matching ranked channels is taken with respect to each channel. For example, if the user displayed 1000 to the user through the subscriber interface. has any expired subscriptions, the history guides the user on In addition to the list of matching ranked channels, the how the subscription may be renewed. subscriber interface may also display a short summary 1020 [0087] The channel market module 120 further comprises of the channels in the list, screen captures 1030 or title a video player module 260 that allows subscribers to watch images of the channels, channel price, channel ranking the videos contained within subscription channels. If the 1040, the description tags of the channel, or other relevant user is a premium subscriber, they can view all videos in the details of the channel (e.g., number of subscribers, number channel. If the user is a free subscriber, they can view only of videos, provider name 1050). The user may also filter the the free videos in the channel. Furthermore, the video player list to show all channels, only free channels, or only pre module 260 allows a provider to embed their channels and mium channels. videos into their own third party sites. These third party sites [0081] FIG. 4 illustrates one screen layout of a subscriber may also access subscriber information from system data interface displaying detailed information about an individual base 130. Using this information, third party sites may allow channel to a prospective subscriber. When a user selects a visitors who are also subscribers to the provider’s channels particular channel they are interested in, the subscriber to view free and premium content on the provider’s third interface 400 displays all the detailed information about the party site. channel, which may have been customized by the provider [0088] While the user is watching a video, they may also as described above. The user is also provided the opportu engage in several other activities simultaneously. The user nity to subscribe to the channel. may rate the video they are currently watching, or rate the [0082] When a user decides to subscribe to a channel, if channel as a whole. Users watching a channel may also necessary (e.g., the user does not already have an account in comment on the video or the channel and interact with other US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016 subscribers of the channel. Finally, users may request help The provider can then make changes that will hopefully from representatives of the content hosting system 110 if decrease subscriber churn in future, and as a result increase they encounter problems watching a channel, or suspect their channel’s ranking and revenue. fraud on the part of the provider. Bundled Channel Generation Channel Rankings [0093] The content hosting system 110 is configured to [0089] The channels of the content hosting system 110 are allow the system operator to generate bundled subscription ranked by the channel ranking module 210. This ranking channels comprising videos and channels from several dif represents a determination of channel value provided to a ferent providers. Bundled channels may bundle together subscriber. The ranking affects the positioning of channels videos that providers have affirmatively allowed to be when a user is browsing or searching for channels to which included in bundled channels. Alternatively, the bundled to subscribe. As users are most likely to subscribe to channel may bundle together entire channels which provid channels the appear in the first several pages of the search ers have allowed to be bundled in this manner. In one results or channel listing, providers are incentivized to create embodiment, existing channels are bundled to form a sub channels of greater value so that their channels are ranked scription package that can be promoted to users, for higher in the channel list, because greater prominence will example, as a replacement for existing cable television likely result in a greater number of subscriptions and there subscription packages. In order to generate a bundled chan fore more subscription revenue. Having a large number of nel, the system operator uses the channel modification channels of high value is also beneficial for the content module 250. The interface for creating a bundled channel is hosting system 110 as a whole as it provides a basis for similar to the interface used by a provider to create or interesting subscribers who might not have created sub modify a subscription channel. scriber accounts otherwise. More subscribers in turn incents more content providers to provide more channels, further [0094] The subscription fee from a bundled subscription increasing the competitiveness of the market in a virtuous channel can be distributed between the providers whose spiral. content makes up the channel and the system operator. The [0090] The channel ranking is based upon the monitored providers whose videos are part of the bundled channel may usage of the channel by its subscribers. Subscriber usage of receive some share of subscription revenues, for example, a channel can be broken down in three primary groups of pro rata based on the proportional number of minutes monitored data: channel content, user feedback, and moni subscribers actually spend watching their content versus tored subscriber viewing data. In one embodiment, the watching content contributed by other providers. Alterna ranking is a weighed combination based upon these three tively, the revenue may be distributed based on other factors groups of data. Channel content data comprises information such as viewer interest, ratings, length, or the like, or simply about the content as determined by the provider including, an a priori allocation based on exogenous factors (e.g., the for example, channel price, the videos available for viewing provider’s content, market share, or the like). The system as part of the channel, channel advertisements, and channel operator also receives a non pro rata portion of the total promotions. User feedback data comprises information subscription revenue for the bundled channel. actively entered by channels subscribers including, for [0095] In one embodiment, as part of the bundled channel example, user channel ratings, user comments, user help creation process, the channel modification module 250 can requests, and user fraud reports. Finally, monitored sub perform a price setting arbitrage function in order to deter scriber viewing data comprises all data not actively entered mine the price of the bundled channel. The price setting by subscribers, but derived from the subscriber’s access to arbitrage function is used to price and upsell the user to a the content hosting system and viewing of channels and personalized bundle of subscription offerings based on the videos therein. From this subscriber viewing data, the sys user’s profile data and the channels that a user is about to tem can determine the proportion of time a user spends sign up for. Depending on the user’s likely consumption watching a given video or channel relative to the other pattern, the price of the bundle may be substantially lower available videos or channel, and other metrics, as described than signing up for each subscription offering separately. above. The price setting arbitrage function takes into consideration [0091] The ranking may also be determined as a weighted the user’s viewing history (e.g., the duration spent watching combination of the quality or value of a subscription offering videos per unit time, the number of videos watched per combined with the relevance of the subscription offering to session), and uses this information to predict the average the subscriber’s interest profile. The quality of a subscription number of videos the user is likely to watch from the offering combines channel content data (e.g., content churn, combined bundle. subscriber churn) with user feedback data (e.g., user rat [0096] The bundled channel is bundled and priced such ings). The relevance of the subscription offering to the that if the user subscribes, they will spend more on the subscriber’s interests profile combines user feedback data bundled subscription than they would have otherwise, and (e.g., user ratings) with monitored subscriber viewing data receive more video content than they watch on average. In (e.g., what channels this and other users tend to view). this embodiment, the content host is paying each provider [0092] Providers can use feedback from the channel rank participating in the bundle a revenue share rate that is ing determined by the content provider evaluation module proportional to the number of their videos the user watches. 230 to determine what changes need to be made to increase If the subscriber does not watch enough videos, there will be a channel’s ranking. For example, lower subscriber churn leftover subscription revenue that the content host will not will usually result in a higher channel ranking. A provider have to distribute. The content host derives a benefit from whose channels have high subscriber churn can view this creating the bundled channel because on average the addi data through the content provider evaluation module 230. tional subscription revenue will go to the content host rather US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016

than providers because the user’s viewing habits predict they [0102] Upon reading this disclosure, those of skill in the will not watch all of the bundled content. art will appreciate still additional alternative structural and [0097] FIG. 8 is a flow chart of how the channel modifi functional designs for a system and a process for providing cation module 250 performs price setting arbitrage in order subscription video channels on a content hosting system to calculate the price of a bundled channel. The channel through the disclosed principles herein. Thus, while particu modification module receives 810 a list of videos or chan lar embodiments and applications have been illustrated and nels to be added to the bundled channel. For each video or described, it is to be understood that the disclosed embodi channel to be added to the bundled channel, the channel ments are not limited to the precise construction and com modification module obtains 820 the respective video price ponents disclosed herein. Various modifications, changes 360 or channel price 340 from the system database 130. The and variations, which will be apparent to those skilled in the channel modification module also obtains 830 subscriber art, may be made in the arrangement, operation and details viewing data 320 in order to determine what proportion of of the method and apparatus disclosed herein without time users will spend watching each video or channel within departing from the spirit and scope defined in the appended the bundled channel. The channel modification module then claims. calculates 840 a bundle discount price for the bundled 1. A computer-implemented method of providing chan channel based on the usage data and individual video and nels of videos, the method comprising: channel prices. Finally, the channel modification module receiving, by the content hosting system, a user search adds 850 the newly created bundled channel to the list of request from a client device for subscription channels, available channels on the content hosting system 110. the search request including a keyword; identifying, by a content hosting system, a plurality of Additional Considerations subscription channels of videos responsive to the user search request, each subscription channel of videos [0098] Some portions of above description describe the including a plurality of videos included in the subscrip embodiments in terms of algorithms and symbolic repre tion channel by a provider associated with the subscrip sentations of operations on information. These algorithmic tion channel; descriptions and representations are commonly used by determining a channel value for each of the plurality of those skilled in the data processing arts to convey the subscription channels; substance of their work effectively to others skilled in the ranking the plurality of subscription channels based on the art. These operations, while described functionally, compu channel value associated each subscription channel and tationally, or logically, are understood to be implemented by a degree of match of each subscription channel with the computer programs executed by a processor, equivalent keyword, wherein at least one subscription channel that electrical circuits, microcode, or the like. Furthermore, it has does not match the keyword is more highly ranked than also proven convenient at times, to refer to these arrange a subscription channel that matches the keyword; and ments of operations as modules, without loss of generality. providing the ranked plurality of subscription channels to The described operations and their associated modules may the client device. be embodied in software, firmware, hardware, or any com 2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, binations thereof. wherein identifying the plurality of subscription channels [0099] As used herein any reference to “one embodiment” comprises: or “an embodiment” means that a particular element, fea determining one or more keywords associated with each ture, structure, or characteristic described in connection with of the plurality of subscription channels; and the embodiment is included in at least one embodiment. The comparing the keywords associated with each of the appearances of the phrase “in one embodiment” in various plurality of subscription channels with the keyword places in the specification are not necessarily all referring to included in the user search request to determine match the same embodiment. ing subscription channels that match the keyword [0100] As used herein, the terms “comprises,” “compris included in the user search request and non-matching ing,” “includes,” “including,” “has,” “having” or any other subscription channels that do not match the keyword variation thereof, are intended to cover a non-exclusive included in the user search request. inclusion. For example, a process, method, article, or appa 3. The computer-implemented method of claim 2, ratus that comprises a list of elements is not necessarily wherein ranking the plurality of subscription channels com limited to only those elements but may include other ele prises: ments not expressly listed or inherent to such process, identifying a user profile of a user associated with the user method, article, or apparatus. Further, unless expressly search request, the user profile indicating interests of stated to the contrary, “or” refers to an inclusive or and not the user; to an exclusive or. For example, a condition A or B is identifying one or more non-matching subscription chan satisfied by any one of the following: A is true (or present) nels that match the interests of the user based on a and B is false (or not present), A is false (or not present) and comparison of the keywords associated with the one or B is true (or present), and both A and B are true (or present). more subscription channels and the interests of the user [0101] In addition, use of the “a” or “an” are employed to included in the user profile; and describe elements and components of the embodiments ranking at least one of the identified non-matching sub herein. This is done merely for convenience and to give a scription channels higher than the subscription channel general sense of the invention. This description should be that matches the keyword. read to include one or at least one and the singular also 4. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, includes the plural unless it is obvious that it is meant wherein ranking the plurality of subscription channels com otherwise. prises: US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016

ranking the plurality of subscription channels based on a identifying one or more non-matching subscription chan weighted combination of channel content included in nels that match the interests of the user based on a each of the plurality of subscription channels, user comparison of the keywords associated with the one or feedback on each of the plurality of subscription chan more subscription channels and the interests of the user nels, and subscriber viewing data. included in the user profile; and 5. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, ranking at least one of the identified non-matching sub wherein the subscriber viewing data comprises at least one scription channels higher than the subscription channel of a total amount of time spent by subscribers on each that matches the keyword. subscription channel, an average amount of time spent by 11. The computer program product of claim 8, wherein the subscribers on each subscription channel, a proportion of ranking the plurality of subscription channels comprises: time spent per video for each subscription channel relative ranking the plurality of subscription channels based on a to other videos in the subscription channel, and a proportion weighted combination of channel content included in of time spent by the subscribers on subscription channels each of the plurality of subscription channels, user relative to non-subscription videos. feedback on each of the plurality of subscription chan 6. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, nels, and subscriber viewing data. wherein the channel content comprises a price to subscribe 12. The computer program product of claim 8, wherein to the subscription channel, the plurality of videos available the subscriber viewing data comprises at least one of a total for viewing as part of the subscription channel, channel amount of time spent by subscribers on each subscription advertisements displayed on the subscription channel, and channel, an average amount of time spent by the subscribers channel promotions associated with the subscription chan on each subscription channel, a proportion of time spent per nel. video for each subscription channel relative to other videos 7. The computer-implemented of claim 1, wherein at least in the subscription channel, and a proportion of time spent one of the plurality of channels includes videos from a by the subscribers on subscription channels relative to plurality of different providers. non-subscription videos. 8. A computer program product comprising a non-transi 13. The computer program product of claim 8, wherein tory computer-readable storage medium storing executable the channel content comprises a price to subscribe to the code for proving channels of videos, the code when executed subscription channel, the plurality of videos available for by one or more computer processors causes the computer viewing as part of the subscription channel, channel adver processors to perform steps comprising: tisements displayed on the subscription channel, and chan receiving, by the content hosting system, a user search nel promotions associated with the subscription channel. request from a client device for subscription channels, 14. The computer program product of claim 8, wherein at the search request including a keyword; least one of the plurality of channels includes videos from a identifying, by a content hosting system, a plurality of plurality of different providers. subscription channels of videos responsive to the user 15. A computer system for providing channels of videos, search request, each subscription channel of videos the computer system comprising: including a plurality of videos included in the subscrip one or more computer processors; and tion channel by a provider associated with the subscrip a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium stor tion channel; ing executable code, the code when executed by the determining a channel value for each of the plurality of computer processors causes the computer processors to subscription channels; perform steps comprising: ranking the plurality of subscription channels based on the receiving, by the content hosting system, a user search channel value associated each subscription channel and request from a client device for subscription chan a degree of match of each subscription channel with the nels, the search request including a keyword; keyword, wherein at least one subscription channel that identifying, by a content hosting system, a plurality of does not match the keyword is more highly ranked than subscription channels of videos responsive to the a subscription channel that matches the keyword; and user search request, each subscription channel of providing the ranked plurality of subscription channels to videos including a plurality of videos included in the the client device. subscription channel by a provider associated with 9. The computer program product of claim 8, wherein the subscription channel; identifying the plurality of subscription channels comprises: determining a channel value for each of the plurality of determining one or more keywords associated with each subscription channels; of the plurality of subscription channels; and ranking the plurality of subscription channels based on comparing the keywords associated with each of the the channel value associated each subscription chan plurality of subscription channels with the keyword nel and a degree of match of each subscription included in the user search request to determine match channel with the keyword, wherein at least one ing subscription channels that match the keyword subscription channel that does not match the key included in the user search request and non-matching word is more highly ranked than a subscription subscription channels that do not match the keyword channel that matches the keyword; and included in the user search request. providing the ranked plurality of subscription channels 10. The computer program product of claim 9, wherein to the client device. ranking the plurality of subscription channels comprises: 16. The computer system of claim 15, wherein identifying identifying a user profile of a user associated with the user the plurality of subscription channels comprises: search request, the user profile indicating interests of determining one or more keywords associated with each the user; of the plurality of subscription channels; and US 2016/0373827 A1 Dec. 22, 2016

comparing the keywords associated with each of the ranking the plurality of subscription channels based on a plurality of subscription channels with the keyword weighted combination of channel content included in included in the user search request to determine match each of the plurality of subscription channels, user ing subscription channels that match the keyword feedback on each of the plurality of subscription chan included in the user search request and non-matching nels, and subscriber viewing data. subscription channels that do not match the keyword 19. The computer system of claim 15, wherein the sub included in the user search request. scriber viewing data comprises at least one of a total amount 17. The computer system of claim 16, wherein ranking the of time spent by subscribers on each subscription channel, plurality of subscription channels comprises: an average amount of time spent by the subscribers on each identifying a user profile of a user associated with the user subscription channel, a proportion of time spent per video search request, the user profile indicating interests of for each subscription channel relative to other videos in the the user; subscription channel, and a proportion of time spent by the identifying one or more non-matching subscription chan subscribers on subscription channels relative to non-sub nels that match the interests of the user based on a scription videos. comparison of the keywords associated with the one or more subscription channels and the interests of the user 20. The computer system of claim 15, wherein the channel included in the user profile; and content comprises a price to subscribe to the subscription ranking at least one of the identified non-matching sub channel, the plurality of videos available for viewing as part scription channels higher than the subscription channel of the subscription channel, channel advertisements dis that matches the keyword. played on the subscription channel, and channel promotions 18. The computer system of claim 15, wherein ranking the associated with the subscription channel. plurality of subscription channels comprises: