| Contents |

Notes to the Teacher...... 4 16 Who Did What?, Ch. 8...... 29 Facts About the Author...... 5 17 Words and Meanings, Ch. 9.... 30 Facts About the Times...... 5 18 Synonyms, Ch. 9...... 31 Facts About the Characters...... 6 19 Words and Meanings, Ch. 10.. 32 Chapter Summaries...... 7 20 Remembering Details, Ch. 10. 33 Answer Key...... 9 21 Words and Meanings, Ch. 11.. 34 Literary Glossary...... 12 22 Descriptive Words, Ch. 11...... 35 23 Words and Meanings, Ch. 12.. 36 CHAPTER EXERCISES 24 Compound Words, Ch. 12...... 37 1 Words and Meanings, Ch. 1..... 14

2 Character Study, Ch. 1...... 15 END-OF-BOOK EXERCISES 3 Words and Meanings, Ch. 2..... 16 25 Book Sequence...... 38 4 Antonyms, Ch. 2...... 17 26 Final Exam, Part 1...... 39 5 Words and Meanings, Ch. 3..... 18 26 Final Exam, Part 2...... 40 6 Cause and Effect, Ch. 3...... 19 Words and Meanings, Ch. 4..... 20 7 UNIVERSAL EXERCISES 8 Comprehension Check, Ch. 4... 21 27 Beyond the Text...... 41 9 Words and Meanings, Ch. 5..... 22 28 Plot Study...... 42 10 Multiple Meaning Words, Ch. 5.... 29 Theme Analysis...... 43 23 30 Character Study...... 44 11 Words and Meanings, Ch. 6..... 24 31 Vocabulary Study...... 45 12 Personalizing the Story, Ch. 6.. 25 32 Glossary Study...... 46 13 Words and Meanings, Ch. 7..... 26 33 Book Review, Part 1...... 47 14 Sequence of Events, Ch. 7...... 27 33 Book Review, Part 2...... 48 15 Words and Meanings, Ch. 8.... 28 TIMELESS Classics NOTES TO THE TEACHER THE NOVELS Timeless Classics were expressly designed to Research shows that the most effective way help struggling readers gain access to some of to improve comprehension is to teach students the world’s greatest literature. While retaining strategies. The foundation of any comprehension the essence and stylistic “flavor” of the original, strategy requires knowledge of the skills found each novel has been expertly adapted to a in these activities including: main idea, noting reading level that never exceeds grade 4.0. details, drawing conclusions, finding the An ideal introduction to later investigations sequence, cause and effect, making inferences, of the original works, Timeless Classics and more. A two-page final exam is also included utilize a number of strategies to ensure the in every Timeless Classics Study Guide. involvement of struggling readers: airy, USING THE STUDY GUIDES uncomplicated page design; shortened sentences; easy-reading type style; elimination Before assigning any of the reproducible of archaic words and spellings; shortened total exercises, be sure your students each have a book length; and handsome illustrations. personal copy of the Glossary and the Facts About the Author and About the Times. By To further engage struggling readers, some organizing the reading process in this way, you of our Timeless Classics titles are available in a will be able to set a purpose for reading and new and exciting graphic format, which can activate prior knowledge. The Facts About the bridge literacies and build complex reading Author and About the Times lend themselves skills—a perfect opportunity for differentiation. to any number of writing or research projects THE STUDY GUIDES you may wish to assign. To further preview the novel, you may wish to review the Facts About The Timeless Classics Study Guides provide the Characters. Students will also need to be a wealth of reproducible support materials to help familiar with many of the literary terms in order students extend the learning experience. Features to complete the worksheets. include critical background notes on both the author and the times, character descriptions, The title-specific exercises may be used chapter summaries, and eight “universal” as a springboard for class discussions and exercises that may be used for any Timeless role-playing. Alternatively, you may wish to Classic or Saddleback Illustrated Classic. assign some exercises as homework and others during the closing minutes of a class period. In addition to the universal exercises, 26 title-specific activities are included to review, All exercises in this Guide are designed to test, or enrich the student’s grasp of important accommodate independent study as well as vocabulary and concepts. These reproducible group work. The occasional assignment of study worksheets are designed to be used chapter-by- partners or competitive teams often enhances chapter as the student’s reading of the novel interest and promotes creativity. Oral language proceeds. At least two exercises are provided activities, such as paraphrasing or summarizing for each book chapter. One of the two always a part of the story, provide an intervention focuses on key vocabulary. The other may be opportunity to strengthen oral language skills a simple comprehension check or present an and, in turn, strengthen reading skills. important literary concept.

4 theount c of monte cristo FACTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR

ALEXANDRE DUMAS (1802 –1870) The French novelist and dramatist works of earlier memoir writers for was born in 1802, the exciting plots. He cheerfully called son of a general in ’s army. these writing assistants his “factory” Although his plots have been criticized as and paid no attention at all to those “melodramatic” and his writing style as who criticized him for pilfering the work “careless,” readers still enjoy the colorful of others. characters and exciting action in his stories. Today, Dumas’s best-known works are Because of his tremendous literary his historical romances: The Count of output—nearly 300 volumes—Dumas Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, and was somewhat of a legend in his own The Black Tulip. In France, Dumas is still time. How was he able to produce such a noted for his plays, Henri III et sa cour and great volume of work? He hired several Napoléon Bonaparte. collaborators to search through the

FACTS ABOUT THE TIMES I n 1802, when Alexandre Dumas was In 1870, when Alexandre Dumas born . . . died . . . Thomas Jefferson was the president of John D. Rockefeller founded the Standard the United States…the population of New Oil Company…Confederate General York topped 60,000 for the first time… Robert E. Lee and English novelist Charles Napoleon became president of the Italian Dickens died…Jules Verne’s Twenty Republic. Thousand Leagues Under the Sea was published. In 1844, when The Count of Monte Cristo was published . . . The YMCA was founded in England… wood-pulp paper was invented… Elizabeth Barrett Browning published Poems…in Norway, people began to ski as a sport for the first time.

5 TeCunth o of Monte Cristo FACTS ABOUT THE CHARACTERS

NOIRTIER A young man imprisoned for years Villefort’s father and Valentine’s because of a jealous plot; later, as the Count grandfather; a supporter of Napoleon of Monte Cristo, he wreaks revenge on FATHER FARIA those who wronged him Elderly priest imprisoned with Dantes; MONSIEUR MORREL he tells Dantes about the treasure hidden Owner of the Pharaon; a faithful friend on the Isle of Monte Cristo to Edmond Dantes ALBERT DE MORCERF DANGLARS Son of Mercedes and Fernand; later, Ship’s purser on the Pharaon; co- kidnapped by Luigi Vampa and rescued by conspirator against Dantes; later, he the Count of Monte Cristo becomes Baron Danglars and steals his own FRANZ D’EPINAY bank’s money Albert’s friend who is engaged to Valentine CAPTAIN LECLERE Captain of the Pharaon who dies at sea LUIGI VAMPA Italian bandit; Albert’s kidnapper NAPOLEON Deposed Emperor of France; exiled on HAYDEE , he plots his return to power Greek orphan rescued by Edmond from slavery; the daughter of Ali Pasha, a Greek KING LOUIS XVIII leader, she is in love with the Count of King of France Monte Cristo CADEROUSSE HELOISE DE VILLEFORT Greedy second wife of Gerard de Villefort; Greedy false friend of Dantes; a coward a murderer and a murderer VALENTINE MERCEDES HERRERA Villefort’s daughter; she is in love with Dantes’ fiancée; later, married to Fernand Maximilian Morrel Mondego MAXIMILIAN MORREL FERNAND MONDEGO Son of Dantes’ friend; the owner of the Jealous conspirator against Dantes; later, Pharaon becomes Count de Morcerf and marries Mercedes BENEDETTO A young criminal who is the illegitimate GERARD DE VILLEFORT son of Villefort; later, called Andrea Ambitious young prosecutor who Cavalcanti, he murders Caderousse imprisons Dantes to protect his father; EUGENIE husband first of Renee and then of Danglars’ daughter who is engaged to Heloise Andrea Cavalcanti

6 TeCunth o of Monte Cristo CHAPTER SUMMARIES CHAPTER 1 as they join in a plan of escape. In the After the Pharaon’s captain dies at meantime, Dantes tells the priest his story, sea, the ship’s owner, Monsieur Morrel, and Father Faria tells him that Villefort, the appoints young Edmond Dantes to be son of the real secret agent, is responsible captain. Danglars, the jealous ship’s purser for his imprisonment. For the first time, who had hoped to be captain, is furious. Dantes realizes who must have sent the Then Dantes has a joyous reunion with accusing letter. His heart is filled with bitter his fiancée, Mercedes Herrera, and meets revenge. Fernand Mondego, who is secretly in love When Father Faria becomes too ill to with Mercedes. When the happy couple carry out their plan, he kindly gives Dantes announce their upcoming wedding, the information about a great treasure hidden two jealous men join Caderousse, a greedy on the Isle of Monte Cristo. Then Father neighbor of Dantes, in a plot to falsely Faria dies, and Dantes takes his place in accuse Dantes of being Napoleon’s secret the burial bag. He is thrown into the sea by agent. prison guards who think he is the old priest. CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 5 An anonymous letter of accusation causes After swimming ashore, Dantes witnesses the police to arrest Dantes at his betrothal the wreck of a fishing boat. Pretending feast. Monsieur Morrel, certain of Dantes’ to be the lone surviving fisherman, he innocence, tries to defend him. But Gerard signals a passing ship and is taken on as a de Villefort, the prosecutor, discovers that crewmember. He finds out that the captain he would have to imprison his own father, and his crew are smugglers and bides his the true secret agent, if he lets Dantes go. time until they visit the Isle of Monte Cristo. Dantes is imprisoned in the Chateau d’If. There, he feigns an injury and is left behind CHAPTER 3 to find the hidden treasure. Dantes spends many years in prison, completely cut off from the outside world. CHAPTER 6 He has no idea that Napoleon and his Disguised as a priest, Dantes visits followers regained power but then were Caderousse, the first step in his plan of defeated at Waterloo. Nor does he know revenge. Pretending that Dantes is dead, that Fernand is courting Mercedes and his Edmond gives Caderousse a diamond father has died. At last, he loses all hope to be shared among Dantes’ friends. of release. Caderousse admits the plot against Dantes, but minimizes his own involvement. He also CHAPTER 4 says that Danglars and Fernand are now A fellow prisoner, Father Faria, secretly wealthy—and that Fernand has married digs a tunnel into Dantes’ cell. The old Mercedes. Further, he says that Dantes’ priest befriends Dantes and educates him father is dead and that Monsieur Morrel,

7 TmelessCi lassics LITERARY GLOSSARY action what happens in a story; the effect in literature, an impression acts or events that take place created by the writer The war story was full of battle action. Murder mysteries often create a suspenseful, chilling effect. author the writer of a book, story, article, etc. event a specific occurrence; something Ernest Hemingway was an American author. that happens author’s purpose the author’s specific A plane crash is the first event goal or reason for writing a certain book in that adventure novel. In that novel, the author’s purpose fiction a literary work in which the was to make readers laugh. plot and characters are the products character a fictional person who plays of the author’s imagination a part in a story or novel Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a Long John Silver is an important popular work of fiction. character in Treasure Island. figurative language colorful wording classic excellent artwork, novel, not meant to be taken literally, but to painting, symphony, etc. that remains form a colorful, sharp picture in the popular over many years mind Norman Mailer’s The Naked and the Dead A “screaming” headline may be set in has become an American classic large type, but it makes no sound at all. climax the outcome of the novel’s imagery figures of speech that help main conflict the reader to visualize the characters or setting; pictures in words The capture of the criminal was the climax of the detective story. In Stephen Crane’s imagery, the color of blood suggests courage. conclusion the resolution of all plot conflicts, bringing the story to a close introduction a short reading that presents and explains a novel; That play’s conclusion was very sometimes the first part of a novel satisfying. Every conflict was resolved. that sets the scene conflict The struggle between characters The introduction to Frankenstein is or forces at the center of the story in the form of a letter. The conflict was resolved when the mood the overall feeling or atmosphere suspect confessed. the author creates in a story or novel description the parts of a story or novel The author’s skillful use of language that tell about the appearance created a dismal, hopeless mood. of the setting or characters moral the instructive point of a story His description of the Alps was breathtaking. or novel; the lesson to be drawn by the reader dialogue words spoken by the characters in a novel, story, or play The moral of the story is to choose your friends carefully. The dialogue in that comedy is very witty and amusing.

12 TeCunth o of Monte Cristo • Chapter 1 1 WORDS AND MEANINGS

name ______date ______

A. Use the clues to complete the crossword puzzle.

ACROSS 1 2 1. Captain Leclere F V had died of ___.

3 4 3. As the purser, Danglars A U kept the ship’s ___.

5. Mercedes and Edmond

had planned a ___ feast. 5 B T 6. Napoleon was the former ___ of France. 6 DOWN E 1. Edmond gave his father 200 ___. 2. The Pharaon was a three-masted sailing ___. 4. Caderousse and Danglars thought Dantes was a lucky ___.

B. You know that synonyms are words that share the same or almost the same meaning. Unscramble the synonyms of the boldfaced puzzle words. 1. PISH ______is a synonym of vessel. 2. NEGENTEAMG ______is a synonym of betrothal.

C. Write a letter to match each puzzle word with its definition. 1. _____ emperor a. records of business dealings 2. _____ francs b. elevated body temperature 3. _____ upstart c. ruler of an empire 4. _____ fever d. person who has recently become important 5. _____ accounts e. the French equivalent of dollars

14 Saddleback Educational Publishing © 2011 • www.sdlback.com TeCunth o of Monte Cristo • Chapter 1 2 CHARACTER STUDY

name ______date ______

A. Unscramble the names of the characters. NOMDED SATEND ______GALSNARD ______RISENOUM MORLER ______SOUREDACES ______DRENFAN NOMDOGE ______CREEMSED ______PAINTAC ERLEECL ______NOOPNALE ______

B. Write a character’s name to correctly complete each sentence. You will use each name only once.

1. ______rowed out to meet the Pharaon.

2. ______was now living on the Isle of Elba.

3. ______introduced Edmond to Fernand Mondego.

4. ______asked that a package be delivered to Marshal Bertrand.

5. ______took command when Captain Leclere died.

6. ______was suspicious when Dantes visited Elba.

7. ______was secretly in love with Mercedes Herrera.

8. ______demanded that Edmond’s father pay off his debt.

Saddleback Educational Publishing © 2011 • www.sdlback.com 15 TeCunth o of Monte Cristo • Chapter 2 3 WORDS AND MEANINGS

name ______date ______

A. Circle the hidden words. P E S L M O D E S T L Y N B They may go up, down, across, backward, or L R N A S I V N W D Q F G M diagonally. Check off each O P O F D N G J E K S E R T word as you find it. T U I S P N A S W R T A I H C Z T A E O U E Q P M O C Y __ plot __ agent N B C M K C O J H B G R S D __ monarch __ tavern F L E K C E U E I D A J H C __ innocent __ MODESTLY P K N A M N C T B N E W O V __ CARRIAGE __ AMBITIOUS S D N F B T I X O A G E N T C M O E I O P M N R E V A T __ ACCUSED __ PROSECUTOR W E C R U C A R R I A G E N __ ROYALISTS __ CONNECTIONS O M B S S T S I L A Y O R Y

B. Use puzzle words to complete the sentences.

1. The betrothal feast was being held in the ______.

2. Villefort, the official ______of Marseilles, was an ______young lawyer.

3. Monsieur Morrel was certain that Dantes was ______.

4. The ______at Villefort’s party raised their glasses in salute to their ______.

5. Dantes had been ______of being a secret ______for Napoleon.

6. Villefort thought that Napoleon’s supporters had made a ______to dethrone the king.

7. Danglars nodded ______when Monsieur Morrel asked him to take command of the Pharaon.

16 Saddleback Educational Publishing © 2011 • www.sdlback.com