
( pelvic ) Sacroilliac join (large flaring bone) (landmark for injections) (sit down bone) (roughened area the receives body weight when seated) Greater sciatic notch (indentation up into the ilium from posterior surface) (receiving area for the head of the ) bone (where pubis forms) Obturator (blood vessels and go through to anterior ) Median Sacral crest

SCAPULA Acromion (where clav. Attatches) Coracoid (sticks out anteriorly) Superior angle (medial superior point) Glenoid cavity Vertebral border Inferior angle Axiallary border

UPPER APPENDAGE Head of humerous Greater tubercle (lateral) Lesser tubercle (medial) Intertubercular groove Deltoid tuberosity (intermidate diaphysis) Coronoid fossa (anterior side distal end of humerous) Medial epicondyl (medial/distal surface of humerous) Trochlea (looks like a spool on the distal end of humerus) Olecranon Fossa (depression of “” on the posterior side of distal humerus)

FOREARM Olecranon process (on proximal posterior end of ulna) Radial tuberosity (just distal to radial head) Radial head (circular area proxial end of radius) Radial Styloid process (lateral point on distal end of radius) Coronoid process (on anterior proximal end of ulna) Trochlear notch (separates the olecranon and coronid processes

FEMUR Head of femur Neck of femur Greater Lateral condyle (anterior and posterior surface distal femur) Medial condyle (posterior surface of distal femur) Intercondylar fossa

TIB/FIB TIB Lateral and medial condyle (proximal end) Tibial tuberosity (proximal/anterior between condyles) Anterior crest Medial

FIB Head (proximal end) Lateral malleolus