BENEFICE NEWSLETTER AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2018 Your Gateway to the churches of , , Hornby, , Finghall, & Hauxwell

RECTOR Revd Chris Lawton, The Vicarage, Patrick Brompton DL8 1JN 01677 450920 [email protected]

Loving Living Learning 1 MINISTERS WITH PERMISSION TO OFFICIATE Revd. Laura Wilford 5 Cookson Way, Brough St Giles 01748 830017 [email protected] Revd. Lisle Ryder 01677 450180 Fr. Philip Carrington 01677 425 077 READERS Joyce Blundell 01748 812668 Tony Gibson 01748 830017 CHURCHWARDENS Crakehall St Gregory’s Myra Sheild 01677 427970 Gill Bartram 01677 424517 Finghall St Andrew’s Colin Thorpe 01969 622471 Hauxwell St Oswald’s Rosi Keatinge 01969 623416 Dyno Keatinge 01969 623416 Hornby St Mary’s Vacant Patrick Brompton St Patrick’s Alistair Clark 01677 450414 Spennithorne St Michael’s Margaret Crocker 01969 625479 Norma Croft 01969 624077 Please do not hesitate to contact any of the above for further information


Cornerstone is here to provide a 'listening ministry' within a safe, accepting and confidential environment. Our aim is to give emotional and spiritual support to church members and the wider community. We also offer help and information concerning practical matters such as shopping, transport, odd jobs, etc. The pastoral team includes those who have had training in 'active listening' and who collectively have experience of – Hospital and Prison Chaplaincy, the Samaritans, Counselling and Nursing. All volunteers are insured and checked by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS – formerly CRB). Please contact: 01677 937124

HOME COMMUNION If you are unable to attend church because of illness or any other difficult circumstances and you would like communion at home, please contact the clergy or one of the readers.


Saint Oswald of Northumbria Extracted from Wikipedia by Dyno Keatinge

As we celebrate St Oswald’s day on the 5th August this year here in Wensleydale, it is appropriate that we know more about him as he was a very special local Saint and several Dales churches are named in his honour amongst others throughout . In fact, he is venerated widely in the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Eastern Orthodox communions and has a pan-European reputation including, for example, the current St Oswald’s church in Bad Kleinkircheim in northern Austria. After the usual continuous internecine struggles of the dark ages, he became King of Northumbria from 634 until 641. His elevation took place after the very small army of Northumbria managed to defeat Cadwallon the King of Gwynedd and Penda of Mercia at the battle of Heavenfield near Hexham which followed Oswald’s elder brother’s attempt to negotiate peace and subsequent murder by Cadwallon. This victory was miraculously inspired as St Oswald had a vision of Saint Columba the night before the battle in which he was told: “Be strong and act manfully. I will be with thee. This coming night go out from your camp into battle for the Lord has granted me that at this time your foes shall be put to flight and Cadwallon your enemy shall be delivered into your hands and you shall return victorious after battle and reign happily”. Oswald described his vision to his Council that morning and all agreed that they then would be baptised and accept Christianity after the battle. Thus, it turned out and Cadwallon’s army was routed and he himself was killed. After the victory Oswald was nominally the most powerful king in our island and he was described as being “ordained by God as Emperor of all Britain”. He helped to promulgate the Christian faith by the request to the Irish to send a cleric to help in converting his people and subsequently Bishop Aidan of Lindisfarne was successful in this task. Oswald himself is portrayed by the Venerable Bede as being very generous to the poor and to strangers. However, his luck ran out when in 641 he was defeated by the pagan Mercians under Penda at the battle of Maserfield near Oswestry (sic. Oswald’s tree!) and his body was dismembered on the battlefield. Quite quickly after this event he became associated with local healing miracles involving relics of his body parts such as his arm when dropped by a bird endowed a local ash tree with ageless vigour. Likewise, Oswald’s head was interred in Durham cathedral and one uncorrupted arm associated with his acts of generosity to the poor is supposed to have ended up in Peterborough abbey (Oswald’s chapel exists there today) having been stolen by Abbey monks from its original home in Bamburgh. Other bones ended up in St Oswald’s Priory in Gloucester at the behest of King Alfred the Great’s daughter Aethelflaed who along with her nephew King Aethelstan became strong promulgators of the Oswaldian cult. Let us then remember a good and holy man who does not deserve to be left in relative obscurity locally. We should be proud of our forebears!



Tea and cakes Harmby Village Hall Saturday 18th August 2pm-4pm Displays of photographs. Homemade cakes. Raffle. Songs from the wars 'All profits from afternoon tea and cakes sales and all profits from raffle and collection go to Help For Heroes. Help for Heroes is a registered charity in England and Wales (1120920 and Scotland (SC044984)'

FINGHALL BARREL PUSH Many thanks to everyone who supported the Finghall Barrel Push & Village Fete on Spring Bank Holiday Monday. Excellent weather attracted a large crowd to watch the Barrel Push Competition and enjoy many other attractions on offer. Following the event, the Organising Committee have been able to donate just under £4,000 to three charities. The chief beneficiaries being Bright Red (blood cancer) and the Air Ambulance, with a smaller donation awarded to the Swaledale Mountain Rescue.

Wensleydale Filling Station Venue Change From February 2018 onwards, we are changed the Venue for Wensleydale Filling Station. We meet at Newton Le Willows Village Hall DL8 1SP 19:00 to 21:00 For more information please contact: Pauline Hirst 01969 667841 [email protected] Our next meetings are : September 14th Peter Whittington Wigan & All Saints Centre th October 12 Brian Wilson St Barnabas Teaching Centre Sheffield

DEADLINE FOR ITEMS FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER – SEPTEMBER 15 for October /November ISSUE [email protected] 4


Parish Lunch at the OLD HORN INN, SPENNITHORNE Next lunches are Wednesday 15 August and Wednesday 19 September at 12.30. £10 per head for a 2-course meal. Please ring Jeff or Diane at the Old Horn Inn on 01969 622370.

Parish Lunch at the QUEEN’S HEAD FINGHALL is on Thursday 20 September 12.30. £10 per head. Please confirm your place by ringing Myra Shield on 01677 427970 by Monday 17 September

Patrick Brompton Community Events

Patrick Brompton Village Show and BBQ Saturday 18 August, in the Old Schoolroom and on Jubilee Green. Show schedules can be obtained from 01677 450937 / 01677 451837 and from PB or N-le-W Bus Shelters and viewed from the PB website . Deadline for entries:- Thursday 16th August 5pm Entry fee for each exhibit: 50p Saturday 18 10am - 12.00 Staging of entries 2.30pm Open for viewing Teas and Coffee available.

BBQ JUBILEE GREEN All Welcome 4.00pm Bring your own meat, cutlery, plates, drinks. Some tables and chairs provided, bring your own if you can. A range of delicious salads, bread and deserts provided. Hot drinks £1.00 BBQs fired up ready for you to use from 4.30pm

St. Patrick's/Community Events Coffee Mornings continue at The Old Schoolroom, PB 10.00 - 12.00, Saturday 4 August. Saturday 1st September. Come if you can!

5 TOTALS COLLECTED £87.27 Hornby £80.00 Patrick Brompton £118.18 Crakehall £614.22

The total for and district was £2,498

Very many thanks to all who took part in Christian Aid week, especially Crakehall Guides who delivered envelopes round Crakehall and Patrick Brompton ,making it easier for the door to door collectors who do such a sterling job .Of course a big thank you to all those who donated to such a life giving cause. Myra

Crakehall Guides and Brownies We meet in the Village Hall on Tuesdays during school term-time Brownies open to girls age 7-10. Tuesday from 17:30 to 19:00 Guides open to girls age 10-14. Tuesday from 19:00 to 20.30 All are welcome. If you are interested, please call 0800 169 5901 or go to for further information.



Visitors and potential new members are always welcome. Please contact Chris on 01969 622471 for further details. Meetings are usually held on the fourth Thursday of the month at Harmby Village hall.

In August Members are asked to support the Afternoon tea for Help for Heroes on Saturday 18 August 18 In Harmby Village Hall from 2.00pm.

Thursday 27 September Revd. Chris Lawton will be talking about ''Beautiful people – Broken Lives”. Harmby Village Hall from 7pm till 9pm.

NEWTON LE WILLOWS COFFEE MORNINGS VILLAGE HALL 10 - 12 Every third Saturday of the month 18 August and 15 September . Come along and enjoy a natter, good coffee or tea and pleasant company. See you there!

Members of St. Michael’s PCC would like to thank all who supported, in any way, their Annual Summer Fair on the 20 July. Over £1,000 was raised.


HACKFORTH TABLE TENNIS RESTARTS ON MONDAY 10 SEPTEMBER from 6-30pm onwards at Hackforth Village Hall. Come and enjoy, all abilities welcome. Contact Betty Burke on 01677 422276.

LIBRARY & COFFEE MORNINGS SPENNITHORNE CHURCH 10AM TO 12 NOON Tuesdays 14 and 28 August Tuesdays 11 and 25 September Everyone is invited to come along.

After 6 ½ years in The Greyhound Inn at Hackforth, Mike the landlord is leaving at the end of July and we hope he has a long and happy retirement. The new landlord, Steve, looks forward to welcoming you. We give him a warm welcome to the village and wish him all the best for the future.

Church on Show Wensleydale Show – Saturday, 25 August 2018

Wensley Deanery and the local Methodist Circuits are again hosting Church on Show at the Wensleydale Show on the Saturday before Bank Holiday Monday.

The format follows the one adopted for the last several years. The Church About the Dale trailer, a marquee and an outdoor refreshment area will occupy the plot. This year's challenge for children and young (and older) families is centred on the truth that Jesus feeds his people and there will be related craft and play activities. We will be giving away a free story book about the Feeding of the Five Thousand and there will be the opportunity for Tweets and a prayer tree. And, of course, free teas, coffees, bottled water and cake and biscuits will be served to Show visitors, whether or not they stick to physical refreshment or seek something more substantial. Volunteers are invited to help out again this year and reimbursement of volunteer entry fees will be possible. Volunteer roles include setting up and clearing away on the Friday evening, Saturday morning and Saturday tea-time; inviting visitors into Church on Show (“Fishers”) and supporting them as they engage with the different activities (“Guides”); running the competition based on the foods in the Bible and supervising craft and play activities; preparing and serving refreshments; and welcoming and chatting to visitors as they take a rest from the exertions of the Show. A briefing for volunteer Fishers and Guides will be offered in a session on Saturday 11th August at St. Matthew’s () from 10.00am to 12 noon. As ever Church on Show depends on your generous donations of home-made cakes and biscuits so that we can offer hospitality to the 1,000 or more visitors who visit our hospitality area. Cakes 8 and biscuits can be delivered to the Show site on the Bellerby Road (just outside Leyburn) before the gates open to visitors at 10.00am or to Leyburn Vicarage (l'Anson Close, Leyburn, DL8 5LF) on the Friday evening or else they can be collected – just contact David Collingwood (email: [email protected] / telephone (01677) 426057 or 077726 910134 to sort out collection arrangements. There will be a gas-fired boiler to heat water for teas and coffee but in the interests of the health and safety of visitors and volunteers hot water is dispensed from pump action vacuum flasks. If local chapels or churches have any of these flasks which they are happy to lend to Church on Show this will be much appreciated – again, contact David Collingwood to arrange their collection and return. We do hope to see many of you and your families and friends at the Show, as visitors or volunteers or both. Michael Hepper

St Oswald's Eve, Saturday 4 August @ 7pm.

Come and celebrate the life of St Oswald, the patron saint of our church at Hauxwell. Did you know there are three other churches in the Dale dedicated to St Oswald: Thornton Steward, Castle Bolton and Askrigg? Members of these congregations have been invited to join us for this special service of Holy Communion.

CONSTABLE BURTON SUMMER FAIR Sunday 19 August 2018 From 1pm on The Green Come along for a great family afternoon * BBQ * Duck Race *Tombola * Coconut Shy * Hoopla * * Tea & Home Made Cakes * Scarecrow Trail * And More! Please come and join us!

Spennithorne Church Choir has vacancies for singers in all parts, especially Alto, Tenor and Bass. No previous experience necessary. For further information please contact John or Shelagh Hardcastle on 01969 624965, mobile 07799 367360, or email [email protected]. 9

Wensleydale Agricultural Show

SATURDAY 25 AUGUST 2018 Wensleydale Agricultural Show is a traditional Dales show, located close to Leyburn, in the heart of Wensleydale The Show features an extensive range of competitive events for livestock such as sheep, cattle, horses and poultry. There will be over 60 classes in poultry alone, ranging from large fowls to true bantams and an egg section. There are also horticultural and handicraft classes. The main arena entertainment will feature: “The West Lancs Dog Display Team” “Black Watch – London Pipes & Drums” Local Interest Dry Stone Walling Demonstration and Wensleydale Sheep competitions reflect local aspects. Lots to See & Do Ring displays continue throughout the day, many trade stands offer a wide range of products & produce and Leyburn band plays. Dogs on leads are welcome except in the marquees. Sat Nav postcode: DL8 5JG.


Chatterboxes is a group that NOW meets on the SECOND Thursday of each month in The Garden rooms at Tennant’s Auction Rooms, from 14:00 till 16:00.

The next two dates are Thursday 9 August and Thursday 13 September If you would like a chat and a cuppa, please come and join us, particularly if you don’t see many people during the week. This group is organised by Spennithorne and Harmby Mother’s Union for the benefit of the local community. If you are housebound and need a lift then that can be arranged too. For further information ring Chris on 01969 622471.

COFFEE MORNING. St. Andrew's Finghall will be holding a Coffee morning with Cake Stall and Tombola at Leyburn Methodist Hall on Friday 14 September from 10.00am to 12 noon. Any gifts for the tombola or cakes for the cake stall would be gratefully received. Please contact Colin on 01969 622471.

10 Visitors welcome at all our WI meetings

Spennithorne & Harmby WI meets first Wednesday in the month in Harmby Village Hall at 19.00hrs No Meeting in August 5th September – Mrs M Iveson will be giving a Cookery Demonstration For more information contact Secretary – email : [email protected]

Hackforth WI meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 19:30 New members always welcome. Please contact Sandra Webb on [email protected] Wednesday 12 September – Speak with I.T with James Major

Newton-Le Willows & Patrick Brompton WI meets on the first Thursday of each month at 19.30 in Newton village Hall On 6 September members are invited to bring “Cooking Ideas “

HUNTON & ARRATHORNE CP SCHOOL NEWS Writing this at the start of another warm day, we are coming to the end of the school year and, whilst we are thinking about children who will be leaving us at the end of this month, we are also welcoming our new starters into school with their transition visits, as a new cycle begins. The usual busy schedule has seen our Y5/6 children take part in the Bedale Cluster presentation of ‘The Giant slayer’ at the Hambleton Forum which was a great experience for them. Classes 2 and 3 are preparing for the end of year production of ‘Hoodwinked’ for families and friends. It is loosely based on the stories of Robin Hood and was inspired by the children’s interest in their archery lessons. Sports Day was a rather hot affair and was definitely not rained off this year. In fact it has been rather a sporty half term starting with teams of pupils from Y1 to Y6 in the Quad Kids athletics event at Catterick Garrison Stadium. We are very proud of our rounders team who performed exceptionally well in the Bedale Cluster event, coming an amazing first place out of 16 teams. We are looking to finish the year off with a tea party to which families and the community are invited in order to celebrate our School’s 140th birthday before everyone takes a well-earned break. We are currently looking for a governor from the local community and, if you are interested in finding out more about what this would entail, please contact Mrs Godlee in the school office [email protected] or telephone 01677450342. We would be particularly keen to hear from people with the following skills: Business or Management Skills; Community Interests or Human Resources.

POPPIES FOR RIPON Many thanks to all who knitted or crocheted the poppies – Hackforth WI sent over 300 of them to be used in the Ripon display.


DIOCESAN NEWS - Lay Conference Success ! Delegates from churches across the diocese came to Harrogate on Saturday 9 June, for the first ever diocesan wide lay conference, ‘Together in Faith’. The day was packed with inspirational talks and workshops with a team of national speakers travelling to Harrogate to lead around 24 different seminars. Some 40 stalls filled the vast ‘Market Place’ hall where refreshments were served and delegates could find out about the work of the diocese. Leading the main sessions were inspiring key- note speakers, Mark Russell, CEO of the Church Army, and the Bishop of Dorking, the Rt Revd Jo Bailey Wells. Many who went were not sure what to expect but by the end of a very busy day there was a feeling of overwhelming success. Churches and PCCs across our Benefice will be discussing this and implementing new ideas for a long time to come. More details can be found on the diocesan website,

I am proud to announce that this year's Barn That Rocks concert has raised a record £17,000 for Friends of The Friarage. We wish to send a huge thank-you to everyone who has contributed in any way to this INCREDIBLE result. Thankyou. Peter Fall, Patrick Brompton

Spennithorne & Harmby Villages Show Harmby Village Hall on Saturday 6th October 2018 Schedules available from email: [email protected] or tel: 01969 624077 also available in Spennithorne Church

SPENNITHORNE VC CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Everything always seems better in the sunshine. It has been great watching the pupils outside running and playing on our school field and it has been an extra bonus that many of our new starters have joined us on a regular basis throughout June and July. We welcome five new pupils; Oliver, Nina, Ella, Alice and Edward but say goodbye to Dan and Jake. New and exciting things will be on the horizon for both pupils and we hope they have been prepared for these with our help so we shouldn’t be sad at all but use the end of term to celebrate their achievements. Since the last newsletter, our children have been amazingly busy, especially all our KS2 children who enjoyed some great residential experiences with the children from Middleham. Our younger children travelled to Osmotherley to join in activities such as stream walking, canoeing, climbing, shelter building and trap making. The best

12 part ( or me) was the camp fire sing-a-long! However, being splashed with water by the opposition boat was the most memorable part! Our older pupils travelled for a week’s visit to Edinburgh with our collaboration school, Middleham where we climbed Arthur’s Seat, held a snake, saw the pandas, boarded the Queen’s old yacht and explored Edinburgh castle to name but a few activities. It was an extremely pleasurable week with the highlight being an evening rounders match in the Scottish sunshine, which is not something you can say often! Both of these trips were made possible by help and support from the local Rotary Club and each school’s Friends committee. As well as SATs, our older pupils, who have been preparing to move onto their new secondary school, have been taking part in first aid and rookie lifeguard training which they have enjoyed immensely as well as events such as Bikeability, Cluster sports and Richard III day. As we move into the summer holidays , we return to an exciting start in a new chapter in our school as we become a federation with Middleham Primary School. May I take this opportunity to wish you a pleasant summer from the staff, children and governors of Spennithorne VC CE Primary School.


Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September £8 Adults £4 Child – Under 5yrs free Steam Engines, Vintage tractors, Fire engines, Classic Cars and motorcycles, Auto Jumble, Fair

organs, Falconry, Crafts, Fairground rides. Sunday- ploughing match ……..and much more. Bar and entertainment. Refreshments Free parking.

Hunton is located just off the A684, between Bedale and Leyburn, and is signposted from all main roads. Postcode for Sat Nav users is DL8 1QF Camping costs just £60.00 for the weekend and includes the cost of admission for two adults and two children. FUN FOR ALL THE FAMILY – DO COME ALONG AND ENJOY !!

Simon & Grace's Liberia Update We arrived here on 6th July 2017, and it is great to reflect on all that God has enabled us to achieve over this past year as we have tried, through a variety of struggles, to settle in Liberia. Jonathan is recovering well; his open-heart surgery last December recedes into memory. One of our generators has now been repaired and our days of less electricity and no air conditioning are hopefully behind us. However, this was a salutary lesson for us, realising how most Liberians live without all these mod-cons ALL the time! We are thankful to God too that the nights were much cooler with heavy storms, when we had less power, so sleep was possible. We’re still trying to get our home sorted. The new floor – dug up and re-tiled 3 months ago - is level, and after 2 months the guy has just returned to re-do 4 of the new tiles that were still loose. The new kitchen units are in. That’s a whole story in itself, which started with the carpenter having to cut the corner off the pre-assembled units to get them in the front door, and is on-going as we try to get the dripping stopped in the pipe to the tap which has already been adjusted and re- 13 placed twice after water was leaking through the newly cemented wall. We spent the other weekend fitting the doors, tiling the worktops and plumbing in the sink. Our roof isn’t currently leaking and has so far survived the onslaught of the heavy rainy season ... pause for intake of breath! Plans for the new Dental Clinic continue to develop – working out the finer details is taking up some of my time. We roughly marked out the corners on-site the other day which made it feel a step closer. We hope ground will be broken by August, aiming to complete early in 2019 – but this is Africa … And in addition to all this, we have helped many patients with both large and small problems. To read their full article go to Contacts for Simon and Grace below Their personal email has changed. Please amend your address book. Delete the address and replace with [email protected]. Tel: 00 231 77816 0887 Simon email [email protected] 00 231 77816 0877 Grace email [email protected]


Saturday 22 September Village Hall Quiz Night For further information on all events and regular activities please see or visit the facebook page.

Date for your diary Ceilidh in Harmby Village Hall on Saturday 13 October. More details in next issue.

HARMBY METHODIST CHAPEL Harmby Methodist Chapel Harvest Celebrations will begin with a Concert by East Witton Male Voice Choir in Harmby Village Hall at 7.30pm on Saturday 29 September 2018 followed by light refreshments & a collection for chapel funds. Our Harvest Service will be on Sunday 30 September at 6.30pm in Harmby Methodist Chapel when Local Preacher & farmer Rowland Dent will lead our worship. Everyone will be welcome at either or both of these events

Further details may be obtained from George Tunstall, Tel: 01969-623402


First Friday Social – Fri 3 August – All welcome Villages Show – Saturday 15 September in Village Hall and Hackforth and Hornby School – lots of classes – see schedule. A great day for all the family. For more information please visit the website

14 St Mary’s Hornby

Our grateful Thanks and Congratulations go to Judith Weighell who has played our organ at St Mary’s for 25 years in September . Judith is well-known for her lively playing and willingness to join in anything we ask of her. We could not let the occasion pass without a few words of Thanks. Judith, you are most warmly appreciated by us all.

CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER: JULIAN MEETINGS All shall be well , and all shall be well , and all manner of things shall be well .

Are you interested in contemplative prayer? If so you would be most welcome to join a Julian group that's held within the deanery.

Julian of Norwich was a fourteenth century mystic who believed that the highest form of prayer is simply waiting on God. A Julian meeting is a small group of people who come together regularly for silent prayer. It is Christ centred and welcomes people of all denominations. While acknowledging the value of other ways of praying at other times, a Julian meeting remains solely for contemplative prayer as a means of making ourselves available to God. We meet at 2pm on the first Monday of most months and our next two meetings are 3rd September and 1st October.

Please contact: Penny Johnson 01677 450082 Georgie Kew 01677 423551


Yet another busy end of year! Pupils have enjoyed performing in Giant Slayer, the Cluster Music Presentation at the Northallerton Forum, and in their own challenging presentation of Macbeth. Y6 pupils joined other Y6 pupils from the Bedale Cluster for an Activity Day, kindly organised by Londonderry and Leeming and Pickhill Primary Schools. They took part in archery, fencing and street dancing workshops. Other sporting activities during this half term have included cycling skills for the whole school, culminating in Bikeability Awards for our older pupils. All pupils now work with a sports coach during two lunchtimes a week: this will be extended to three lunchtimes in September. We have continued to run our Daily Mile each day; this has had a visible impact on pupils’ skills and confidence: achievement (and enjoyment) was high during the recent Cluster Sports’ Day.

15 We prepared for our own performance of Macbeth by visiting the Rose Theatre production in York. Pupils experienced the true flavour of a Tudor performance and took ideas away for our own production on 19th July. As ever, we used an edited version of Shakespeare’s text for our memorable performance, featuring actors from Y2 to Y6; reception and Y1 sang in the choir. Pupils worked extremely hard to prepare for and perform a memorable version of the play to a packed audience in the village hall. Other trips included Thorpe Perrow (Infants) and The Great Yorkshire Show (Juniors). We enjoyed a Teddy Bears Picnic and School Sports Afternoon with our September starters; we are grateful to our PTA for organising the now traditional summer fair after the sports afternoon. Finally, congratulations and warm best wishes to our Y6 leavers. They achieved excellent SATs results but more importantly leave us as extremely pleasant young people who, we know, will embrace all the challenges of KS3 and beyond.

Thursford Christmas Spectacular

Colin and Chris Thorpe are running a trip to this wonderful show from Leyburn on Saturday 17 November and returning on Monday 19 November. There are still a few places left on this trip if anyone is interested. Those who have already booked are reminded that the final balance is due by the end of August. Many thanks, Colin and Christine. 01969 622471.

St. Gregory’s Crakehall Educational Trust

 Do you need help with funding extra educational courses, sports training or other educational activities?  Do you live in or close to Crakehall and Langthorne? Grants have been given in recent months for school trips, camp, etc. Please let us know if the trust can help YOU! The trustees meet three times a year. The next meeting is in September 2018. Application forms are in the Church lobby need to be in writing with details of the related expenses and need to be before the event takes place. Please contact Mrs Pauline Irwin, Hollis Cottage, The Green, Crakehall, Bedale, North Yorkshire DL8 1HQ or via email at [email protected]

SAVE THE DATE : Saturday 20 October Coverdale Veterans Remembered. Carlton Memorial Village Hall 10:30 to 16.00. More info next edition.

DEADLINE FOR ITEMS FOR THE NEXT NEWSLETTER – SEPTEMBER 15 for October /November ISSUE [email protected] 16


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - Morning Prayer 08:45 St Patrick’s Patrick Brompton

2nd & 4th Tuesday - Morning Prayer 09:30 St Michael’s Spennithorne Wednesday - Holy Communion 10:00 St Gregory’s Crakehall

Thursday - Evening Prayer 16:45 St Patrick’s Patrick Brompton

See back pages for special services during the week.


Henry Michael Webster

Evie Mae Fisher

May they walk with us as pilgrim people


Damian Karczmar & Evie Megan Dixon

Peter James Gordon Armstrong & Rachel Helen Gelsthorpe

Nathan George Edward Moscrocp & Victoria Charlotte Begley

Thomas James Jobling & Victoria Louise Wright

Jaqueline Mary Hay & Gary Kenneth Fullegar

May they be strong in faith and love

FUNERALS Brian Craggs Sheila Hay Les Etherington

May they rest in peace and rise in glory

17 HELP NEEDED We have booked the Church About the Dale Trailer for this year’s Hunton Steam Gathering. If you would like to help staff this church presence at the biggest event in the Benefice, please contact Revd. Chris on 01677 450920 or [email protected] Hunton Steam Gathering Saturday 8th to Sun 9th September

At St Mary’s family service in July we were joined by 9 dogs of varying shapes and sizes. After several of them performed obedience tests up and down the aisle, some more successfully than others, we thought about the various training that they needed, especially if they were dogs with a job to do; guide dogs, sniffer dogs, police dogs, sheep dogs. This led us to think about their relationship with their master, a relationship of trust, obedience and faithfulness. We concluded that God was our master, or as someone put it, Top Dog, and that because of our relationship with him, we should be faithful and obedient to him and trust him in all things. We all said how we loved our dogs and agreed that their love for us was unconditional love, as is the Father’s love for us. Faithfulness, trust and obedience to the Master were the key words of the day for both dogs and us. We then joined the residents of Hornby for their summer BBQ. Thank you to Hornby Parish Council for inviting the congregation to join them.

Leyburn & District U3A August's monthly meeting is at Leyburn Arts & Community Centre on Friday 17th August from 10am. The speaker at 10.30am is Aimée Nicholson who works for the RSPB as part of the Hen Harrier LIFE+ Project. The aim of the project is to provide the conditions in which hen harrier range and population recovery can occur and she will talk about this beautiful bird, its status in the uplands and the conservation project. Free to members, small charge for visitors. Table Top Sale Saturday 25th August from 10.30am - 2.30pm at Leyburn Arts & Community Centre. Free entry. If you would like to book a table, please contact Kay at Leyburn Arts & Community Centre, 01969 624510. SPACE IN THIS EDITION HAS NOT ALLOWED MORE INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED. FOR MANY OTHER EVENTS INCLUDING PLAYS, CINEMA, MUSIC AND ARTS – PLEASE SEE WEBSITE

18 Date Patrick Brompton Crakehall Hornby Spennithorne Finghall Hauxwell September St Patrick’s St Gregory’s St Mary’s St Michael’s St Andrew’s St Oswald’s

2nd United Healing Holy Trinity 14 ------Communion ------10:00 3rd Holy Communion St Gregory ------19:00 ------

9th Family Service Holy Communion Morning Prayer Holy Communion Evensong Trinity 15 09:15 11:00 11:00 09:30 18:30 ------

16th Holy Communion Holy Communion Harvest in the Barn Holy Communion Evensong Trinity 16 09:15 11:00 Family Service ------09:30 18:30 11:00 22nd Harvest Friday ------19:00 ------

23rd Holy Communion Harvest Holy Communion Evensong BCP Communion Trinity 17 09:15 Simply Together 11:00 18:30 ------09:30 11:00 Friday 28th Harvest Hunton Ladies Choir 19:00 Saturday 29th Holy Communion St Michael ------19:00 ------

30th Harvest Morning Prayer BCP Communion Family Service Holy Communion Trinity 18 Holy Communion 11:00 11:00 11:00 09:30 ------09:15

CHURCH SERVICES September 2018 19 Date Patrick Crakehall Hornby Spennithorne Finghall Hauxwell August Brompton St Gregory’s St Mary’s St Michael’s St Andrew’s St Oswald’s St Patrick’s Saturday 4th Holy Communion St. Oswald ------19:00 - CL Eve Sunday 5th United Healing Lammas ------Holy Communion ------10:00 Sunday 12th Family Service Baptism & Holy Morning Prayer Holy Communion Evensong Trinity 11 09:15 Communion 11:00 09:30 18:30 ------11:00 Sunday 19th Holy Holy Family Service Holy BCP Evensong Trinity 12 Communion Communion 11:00 ------Communion 18:30 09:15 11:00 – PC 09:30 Sunday 26th Holy Morning Prayer Holy Communion Evensong Open-Air Service BCP Communion Trinity 13 Communion 11:00 11:00 18:30 10:30 09:30 09:15

CHURCH SERVICES August 2018(Sept see page 19)