September 27, 1968

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September 27, 1968 No Agreement on invitat ion To Speak VViilke r, Free Speech Movement Meet several members suggested the -Br PAT GUROSKY creation According to the students' account of rather than to all the students." only from accredited groups such as of ah 'open . air forum " at which students, Walker'questioned , can do no more than Penn State students Collegian Administration Reporter the meeting. President The second meeting began 20 minutes USG or fraternity groups. allow it," he said. faculty and administrators could express the status of the petitioners, suggesting wit ,at University President Eric A. Walker te\. rad assistants /am«s "It was the impression of the stu- Shear said the Free Speech Move- - their views. The movement won the im- that they did not represent the regular d5 cAhns- l^*er? Scottc . conferringM. was met yesterday with four members of the mediate' support of SDS and the citizens r>l \ v u T and Nel- dents present that Walkerin greatly ment will continue to thrive in student channels. r, Me88 concerned about his image making Walkertown, newly formed Free Speech Movement. of Walkertown, the latter recognized as a "Walker said he felt that there v<y« « T' , any and that it might' appeal to ™ M^« ^ Graduate pubuc appearances. USG for its full support. He received their invitation to speak separate organization. adequate existing channels to allow him Ichocf " Hardy said. Sunday on the "free speech platform" set Walkertown was set up on Old Main The Free Speech Movement to keep in contact with the student boay, Open Discussion Needed "From the two meetings it is clear "It's for the students, it's up to them. up Tuesday night on the Old Main lawn. lawn last week. It was intended as a especially through USG," one of the According to Hardy, he and Scott that President Walker will only make The four students told The Daily Col- They'll have to participate if they want refuge .for students without housing, but students said. ' stressed the need for " open discussions himself available if and when concerned it, legian that Walker indicated he would not evolved into a protest against the Univer- students put pressure " Shear claimed. Womer Supports Forum between „ administration, students and ., on the various ex- Vice President Charles Lewis, on the accept the invitation. They said the presi- sity's alleged ignoring of student rights. Womer stated that he supported the faculty, isting channels to show that not only 300 dent told them hhat they did not repre- Two Meetings Granted other hand, said last night that "no firm claim tot a free speech area, the students Walker replied that he could not see students supporting a Free Speech Move- resolution" was made by Walker con- sent a majority of the student body. Walker met with the free .speech peti- said. the need for by-passing the channels ment want to hear from him, not merely 'Invitation Under Advisement' tioners in two separate meetings. In the cerning the Sunday invitation because When Womer reiterated this later in already existing, rejecting the contention 20.000 students represented by USG, but "the invitation was for Sunday or any But a University .statement said that first. Walker,. Vice President for Student the meeting "Walker objected that such of Scott that "action now would be pre- that 25,000 students and the faculty Walker " would not respond immediately other time in the future. There was no Affairs Charles L. Lewis, James Womer, an arrangement would destroy rather ferable to serious disenchantment later." believe that a dialogue between president need for an immediate to their invitation but would take it under president of the Undergraduate Student response." than increase USG's strength," they said. "At this stage. "Hardy said, 'there and people should begin now," Hardy "Besides," Lewis said, "we do have advisement, wishing to discuss it with Government and Russsll Messier, presi- In response to the invitation to speak was a mutual exchange of views, if not of said, student government officials and others." other kinds of communication with stu- dent of theiGraduate Student Association, Sunday, the students reported that understanding." "Walker is not going to speak be- dents, through USG and GSA." The Free Speech Movement evolved conferred with Jeffrey Shear and Alan "President Walker replied that he would Walker claimed that it was usually cause he fears recriminations in the state out of Tuesday's meeting of the Students Krivoy, who extended the invitation to Shear concluded "Though our discus- prefer not to attend such a meeting, since possible for him to accept about half of legislature," Shear claimed. "Walker is sion was less than fruitful, at least it was for a Democratic Society, in which Walker to attend Sunday's open meeting. it would appear he was speaking to SDS the invitations he received, and these using SDS not to speak with us, but SDS a discussion." USG Amends Constitution Congr ess To Incr ease Size By DAVID NESTOR The ratio of representatives Of the members voting campus political parties are in a talk he had \yith Uni- Collegian USG Reporter to constituents has been against the proposal, three prohibited from participating versity President Eric A. changed from one to 2,000 to were the class presidents. Bob in Fall Term elections. Walker, he learned that the . It took two meetings, but one to 800. Emery, senior class president, Harv Reeder. USG treas- president would not attend The new apportionment said, that there have been er the Undergraduate Student ¦ , pointed out that in the the meeting scheduled for Old Government last night passed was passed only after debate moves to eliminate --••!? of last elections USG paid out Main lawn on Sunday. Walker a motion to reapportion its among the congress mem- the ex-officio members, in- nearly $1,000 in campaign ex- told Womer that the request congress. bers. cluding the class presidents, penses. he received sounded more The motion, in the form of In the first vote the bill and that with the increase in "We are not in that kind like a demand than a request a constitutional amendment, was defeated. 12-5. A three congressional size he was of financial shape," Reeder and that he would not attend increased the representation fourths majority was needed afraid they would be elimin- said. According to Womer it the meeting. of elected officials from 12 for passage. nated. has been done before when Along with the other busi- to 23. >. But the credentials of two Emery said he was not op- the parties were serving no ness of the night, there were An amendment to the by- of the members were chal- posed to making the congress purpose. He said that this a number of appointments. laws of the constitution was lenged by Terry Klasky, more representative, but he does not end political parties Steve Gerson was appointed necessary before reapportion- town congressman and au- felt that there was a place on campus, only for the Fall E lections Commissioner. ment could " take place. The thor of the bill. for the class presidents on the Term elections. Three people were appointed: congress. It was expressed by a few by-law change deletedv the to the President's Committee clause saying that reappor- USG elections for congress- In other action last night members of USG that politi- on the Culturally Disadvan- tionment could take place men and freshman class congress passed a new Elec- cal parties can fulfill a need- taged, they are: Ted Itzko- only in the Spring Term of president will be held Oct. 8-10. tions Code Act. This act states ed function in USG elections, witz, Judy Gould, and Dave even-numbered years. , Representatives will be elected that no student organization but that they have to change Patterson, one of the Harris- may endorse a ; : ,-*~ According to congress rules from all of the living areas. — c'>'-"^ ' their structure and become burg 10. The final appoint- a by-law change must be read campus, fraternity and down- that the congress would no more policy oriented and ment was that of Ernie Dev- at two successive meetings town. longer subsidize candidates less personality oriented. lin to fill a vacancy as East before action can be taken. Nominating petitions can be campaign expenses, and that Womer also announced that Halls Congressman. Needed Before Election picked up at the Hetzel Union Building desk after 5:00 p.m. So that reapportionment today. Petitions are dne before could take place last night, next Wednesday at 10 :00 a.m. before Fall Term congress- in 203 HUB. ional elections, the. meeting Poll Shows States Balk was adjourned and another .was made j meeting- was- called ^for—is This -challenge . * * Collegian Photo by Pierre BeliicI iTf minutes later. The by-law over the right of two repre- amendment was read for the sentatives to vote because second time. they were sitting in for two On Lower Voting Age Perhaps His Hairdresser Knows In the second meeting the ex-officio members of the by-laws were amended, and congress. CHICAGO (AP) — Only two states permit would retain the 21-year level, except for ser- UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Erie A. Walker received an invitation yesterday- from ihe congress was 'reappOTt'^'io-'. After a brief recess, USG 18-year-olds to vote, and despite presidential vicemen with at least seven months' active newly-formed Free Speech Movement lo speak on its platform, set up Tuesday on the The new congress will line President Jim Womer an- support most states are balking at lowering the duty, who would be permitted to vote at 18.
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