June 8, 2020 Business Meeting Minutes Book 150, Page 224 Mpl the City Council of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina Convened
June 8, 2020 Business Meeting Minutes Book 150, Page 224 The City Council of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina convened for a Business Meeting on Monday, June 8, 2020, at 5:02 p.m. in Room CH-14 of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Center with Mayor Vi Lyles presiding. Councilmembers present were Dimple Ajmera, Tariq Bokhari, Ed Driggs, Larken Egleston, Julie Eiselt, Malcolm Graham, Renee Johnson, James Mitchell, Matt Newton, Victoria Watlington, and Braxton Winston II. * * * * * * * Mayor Lyles said this is the June 8, 2020, Charlotte City Council Business Meeting. We’ve got a number of very important topics to work through today. Again, I want to make sure that everyone understands that this is a virtual meeting in accordance with the electronic meeting statutes and that we’ve met all the requirements of notice, access, and minutes. The public, the media, all of our residents are able to view this meeting on the Government Channel, the City’s Facebook Page, or the City’s YouTube Page. * * * * * * * INVOCATION AND PLEDGE Councilmember Bokhari gave the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Watlington. * * * * * * * ITEM NO. 1: MAYOR AND COUNCIL CONSENT ITEM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS There were no Consent agenda Item questions. * * * * * * * ITEM NO. 3: CONSENT AGENDA Motion was made by Councilmember Egleston, seconded by Councilmember Driggs, and carried unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with exception of Item No. 52 which has been settled. The vote was taken on the motion to approve the Consent Agenda and was recorded as unanimous. The following items were approved: Item No.
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